8/14/2019 The 23rd Phoenix_Chapter 1 http://slidepdf.com/reader/full/the-23rd-phoenixchapter-1 1/25 A/N: The title is provisional. I’ll chisel one out later once a good one scurries past on my way to the end of this novel…Also to note: this is a work in progress, and chapter update times may vary. I’ll do my best to stay on top of this, but life gets busy from time to time… And on that note read and enjoy! The 23 rd Phoenix Just another day of being held captive, and my mind wanders yet again to times that seem like years ago. I can hear the waging war just beyond the compound walls. I can almost see the soldiers engaged in combat. Their guns blazing as each member of the opposing teams duck and weave in and out of safe keeping. I see my allies fighting to gain control so they can free everyone inside this hellish prison. I can hear their shouts of comfort and inspiration. I can feel the determination to succeed. But it isn’t meant to be. I smile sadly knowing that these are just images of my imagination. The combat is real, not as playful as it used to be. War was just a game we played when we were young. This, this was Hell on Earth; and I, I am just another lost soul stranded in Purgatory. I’ve never enjoyed fighting, but it’s the only way I’m able to utilize my ‘abilities’ as a friend once called them. Even from a very young age I knew I was special. From hearing others thoughts to seeing the future, there was little I couldn’t do if I thought about it long enough. And once I figured out how to do something I honed the ability until it was like second nature. I was lucky in the sense that I didn’t have the overbearing parents telling me to stop when they caught me doing weird things like most people have. But in the same aspect I was unlucky because of it. I grew up shy and awkward always skittish with fear of the other kids knowing how different I really was. It only takes one good out lashing from kids your age to give you an exact definition of what NOT to say in a crowded room.

The 23rd Phoenix_Chapter 1

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A/N: The title is provisional. I’ll chisel one out later once a good one scurries past on my

way to the end of this novel…Also to note: this is a work in progress, and chapter update

times may vary. I’ll do my best to stay on top of this, but life gets busy from time to time…

And on that note read and enjoy!

The 23rd Phoenix

Just another day of being held captive, and my mind wanders yet again to times that seem

like years ago. I can hear the waging war just beyond the compound walls. I can almost see the

soldiers engaged in combat. Their guns blazing as each member of the opposing teams duck and

weave in and out of safe keeping. I see my allies fighting to gain control so they can free

everyone inside this hellish prison. I can hear their shouts of comfort and inspiration. I can feel

the determination to succeed. But it isn’t meant to be. I smile sadly knowing that these are just

images of my imagination. The combat is real, not as playful as it used to be. War was just a

game we played when we were young.

This, this was Hell on Earth; and I, I am just another lost soul stranded in Purgatory.

I’ve never enjoyed fighting, but it’s the only way I’m able to utilize my ‘abilities’ as a

friend once called them. Even from a very young age I knew I was special. From hearing others

thoughts to seeing the future, there was little I couldn’t do if I thought about it long enough. And

once I figured out how to do something I honed the ability until it was like second nature. I was

lucky in the sense that I didn’t have the overbearing parents telling me to stop when they caught

me doing weird things like most people have. But in the same aspect I was unlucky because of it.

I grew up shy and awkward always skittish with fear of the other kids knowing how different I

really was. It only takes one good out lashing from kids your age to give you an exact definition

of what NOT to say in a crowded room.

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Looking back my unnatural desire to be away from other people was actually one of the

good things that happened to me. It isolated me from the madness caused by society and allowed

an untold amount of free time to be spent being myself instead of fighting to fit in. I also met the

only person willing to accept me as-is. Trust me; it isn’t every day you find out that someone can

do half the things you can. The knowledge that you are not alone usually forges a bond tougher 

than distance or time. Together we have fought every battle life could throw at us face on: never 

turning away, never backing down, and never giving up. Over the years, our fierce determination

has gotten us in even more trouble than could ever be imagined and has once again dumped me

in the hands of our enemies.

It’s been a few weeks since I was captured, but what has bothered me most isn’t the

separation. It’s the sudden loss of power. With great power comes the undeniable importance of 

knowing your weaknesses. One of my predominate vulnerabilities is binding spells, particularly

ancient ones. The idiots who helped build this facility so many years ago were ‘old school’

fearful. They spent as many hours designing the facility as they did carving sacred symbols and

restraints on the walls. I have to hand it to the builders for the effort used to protect against

attacks. They left no stone unturned. From 4th century Gaelic to Romanized Greek, the most

notable civilizations were covered in extensive detail as to have everything translated properly.

My out lashing when first captured set a spark of terror into the soldiers. And although

the dim wits holding me now are far less schooled than their ancestors, the rightful fear is still

evident when they handle me.

The only reprieve I have found from my lack of powers is when I’m dragged from my

cell to be questioned yet again. In a way, I’m grateful that the interrogation rooms are part of the

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‘new’ area constructed after an especially devastating attack a few years ago. The lack of scripts

allowing me time to heal and rejuvenate after the stints of total lock down.

‘Lady Luck loves me…’ I think to myself 

“On your feet!”

As the door to my cramped stone cell is ripped open, my sad smile fades. The hall is dark 

 but that is nothing amazing. My captives moved me two stories underground, the lowest level in

their cramped military bunkered styled base. I know it’s just a devious ploy. The only reason to

hide someone deep within the earth is to make annihilation simple. A few well-placed bombs and

none of the hard earned efforts are worth the sweat shed in the attempt. The guard advances but

I’m beyond resistance. For now I bide my time planning and plotting my escape. The worst that

can happen is they kill me, but truthfully I figure that’s what’s going to happen any ways so I

might as well go out with a fight.

“I said on your feet!” He grabs my hair and yanks my head back so he can look me in the

eyes. “Are you going to cooperate today or do we get to have more fun?”

I just smile and hold my tongue. They’ve never even heard me scream. Even on the few

occasions when the interrogators actually inflicted pain I never even whimpered. I love the

 power I hold in my actions; the simple pleasures I gain through their aggravated frustration; it

empowers me more than they will ever know.

“Fun it is.” He growls grabbing the collar of my shabby uniform and hoisting me to my


I was amazed that they didn’t strip me of my outfit when I was captured. I half expected

it. The action would have been to their advantage. Personally I prefer to remain in my own

clothes; I’ve seen the hideous excuse for cloths the other inmates wear.

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“All you have to do is answer a few questions.” His face is next to mine as he whispers in

my ear. “I know you can talk, think of the ones you could save.”

And I do. Every day I think of the ones I could save who are fighting beyond the walls,

 but then I think of the ones they are looking for and my urgent need to remain silent grows

strong again. I love them too much to talk. And even if this cat and mouse game ends in my

death, the only thing I’ll regret is not being able to tell them how hard I fought to keep

everything a secret.

“This silence will be your demise.” He hisses as he drags me to my feet and leads me

towards the door. “Your little antics are causing my commanders great grievances. What could

you possible gain by this? Why can’t you just accept defeat and move on like all the rest who

have come before you?”

He continues to rant but I stop listening. In my own little world I’m checking every

crevasse for a link to the outside. A single ray of sunlight would be enough to fuel my get-a-way.

The soldier in me that never rests has memorized every corridor that I have been led down since

my capture nearly a month ago. One opened door and I can gain access to higher levels and from

there the real world. But so far they’ve been thorough and my ways have been sealed. I have

faith that they will slip up. No one’s perfect – especially the enemy.

“Come back to us you stupid brat.” He says letting his hand fall heavily across my cheek.

“I’ll figure out where you go one of these days. You can’t keep everything locked inside.”

I glare at him as the sting starts to fades. We crossed into the newer portions a while back 

and if I weren’t so weak I would have seriously contemplated making a break for it. Glancing

away as he pulls me to a stop and opens the door before us, I realize exactly where we are.

This room is a familiar one. They usually drag me here in hopes of beating the

information from me, but this time I’m not alone. There is another soldier strapped to a chair in

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the center of the room surrounded on three sides by guards. His intense silvery- gray eyes scream

of liberation and resistance. Immediately I’ve found a kindred spirit and I have to suppress an

urge to straighten my gig line.

I know I look a mess. The bones within my five foot six frame have become more

 prominent do to the constant malnourishment. My once radiant deep tanned skin has taken on a

chalky hue from the lack of sun and my rich dark chocolate red hair is pulled back in a

disheveled braid that falls just shy of my knees. But my eyes are the most changed. I know that

the fire that used to burn like the violent red flames of hell have all but been extinguished. I smile

and nod because the answer to the unasked question is yes – this will be the end of us if we don’t


I’m dragged to a chair adjacent to the second soldier and forced to sit by a fourth guard

within the room. I know why we’re here. I know he hasn’t spoken a word since capture and this

is nothing more than a ploy to make us talk.

“One of you will say something before you leave this room.” The guard says addressing

 both of us and answering my suspicion. “Or so help me one or both of you will leave this place

in a body bag.”

The other soldier smiles at me, the nod of his head is so minute that everyone but me

misses it. His skills are as honed as mine and together they will never be able to hold us. This

will be the beginning.

“You’re slipping away my pretty.” Harvey, the guard who escorted me says clutching my

hair in his hand. “Shall we start with you?” he adds in a vicious snarl.

“What is the location of the 23rd Flight Squadron?”

Silence fills the room as neither of us speaks.

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“Where is the 23rd Flight Squadron located?” He asks yanking my head back again.

“Speak or else.”

Again silence fills the room only to be broken by the sound of his hand across my cheek.

“You’ll speak or we will torture the other.” He hissed glancing at the both of us.

“I know you served with her.” He growls at the boy across from me. “Your uniforms

identify that knowledge. You cannot deny it!” he pauses to take a breath before continuing.

“Speak or else.” After a second he growls and shoves my head forward releasing my hair in the

same movement.

“So it begins.” He snapped stepping back from me. “Have fun boys.” He adds with a

smile. “I’ll be back in an hour to check on progress. Try to have something new for me please.”

With that he turned and left the room, locking it from the outside once he was clear.

I knew the hour would pass slowly, and with no way of telling the actual time my guess

would lie in an extended session. But at least I wouldn’t be alone for the pain that I knew was

coming. My violent-eyed comrade would wait it out with me to the end. And like every other 

time we would miraculously seek and find freedom no matter the odds.

I cast a glance around the room at the four remaining guards noting each name in

succession. The two who stand next to me are familiar. Stewart is about my height with lean

muscles and short-cropped sandy blond hair and blue eyes. Jackson is a little taller with a more

 prominent muscle build. His short brown hair falls roughly around his hard lined face perfectly

framing his almost black eyes. They accompany me in this room on an average of at least three

times a week. Usually the time spent is uneventful. They yell, while I sit quiet. They scream, I

smile and keep quiet. Before it’s over they’re arguing amongst themselves about the severity

level of physical abuse that should be used or playing a game of cards. I don’t think they really

like harming me. That’s more power for me in the long run, and a lot less pain.

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The other two are new; they were probably assigned to the second soldier. Preston and

Mathews have an air of malice to them, which makes me wonder what kind of wounds my

fellow comrade has endured. Preston strikes me as the ‘leader’ of the bunch. He stands easily six

foot four probably weighs about two hundred pounds and with the way his uniforms fits I’m

guessing most of it is muscle. His auburn brown hair falls just short of his collar and his hazel

eyes have flecks of red within the iris. Mathews on the other hand stands about six inches shorter 

 but if the muscles on his arms are any indication, then he is just as powerful. The anger that

 burns in his almost crystal blue eyes erases any charm from his sculpted face framed with dark 

 blond hair.

The confined soldier is another being altogether. Alex is the fighter you want by your 

side every time. He lives the idea of no soldier left behind and has risked his hide more times

than I can count to up hold that belief. His fierce eyes can burn the truth out of anyone and the

few times that he has been captured ended in most of the compound being demolished from the

inside out. As I look him over assessing the damage I fight a growing smile. Lean, hard muscle

wonderfully sculpts the tan skin that surrounds his six-foot frame giving him the honest

appearance of a trained warrior. His face shows the sharp characteristics of the Cherokee blood

that runs deep within his veins. The only major change I can ascertain is the length of dark 

chestnut hair that is now all but extinct as it falls gently around his face barely touching his

shoulders. The last time I saw him it was half way down his back. I wonder what kind of fight he

 put up when they cut it.

“Come back to us pretty.” Stewart hisses in my ear.

I cut my eyes in his direction and he straightens and turns toward the others. I notice the

goose bumps rise on his arm and smile. He has never been able to look me in the eyes for more

than a few seconds.

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“Damn Stewart, are you afraid of the girl?” Preston asks crossing his arms. “Must be look 

at the goose bumps. What the hell did she say to scare you that bad?”

“She hasn’t said anything.” He grumbles looking down at me for a moment. “She’s never 

even screamed.”

“It’s ‘cause you’re doing it wrong.” Mathews says with a grin as he stalks toward me.

“Bet I can make her scream.”

I lock eyes with him as he caressed my cheek and jaw. Drawing a finger across my lower 

lip he pauses for just a second and I strike. His smile fades into anger as Jackson starts laughing.

He must not like Mathews, especially since he knows first-hand what was going to happen and

didn’t say anything.

“She bites.” He says after a second. “Guess I could have said something huh.”

“Fucking bitch…” Mathews growls hitting me with the back of his hand across my

cheek. “I’ll teach you to bite.”

I raise my cuffed hands and draw the back of one across my mouth leaving a line of 

 blood down the side. I can hear Alex growling in the other chair so I turn my attention to him.

His eyes narrow and I can see the urgent need to protect building with in him. But he can’t help

it, he’s honor bound and more loyal than anyone I’ve ever know.

From the moment we met when we were small he took a big brother attitude towards me.

As the years past the level of his protection grew as well. We spent every moment together that

we could and I still believe that if it wasn’t for him I wouldn’t have turned out any better than the

other ruffians and street rats our orphanage spit out.

A year ago – at the ripe old age of fifteen – we enlisted in the service as an honest attempt

to make something of ourselves. The needed documents were easily created, especially since the

orphanage records were as accessible as they were. Before we left we had everything from birth

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certificates to medical records. Only the ages on the school histories needed to be forged. We had

sought perfection from the start and graduated with near perfect marks in every subject by the

time we were fourteen. With nothing else to do in an orphanage, why not further your 

intelligence. Once we were in boot camp we held ourselves with a more mature nature than most

of the other recruits so no one seemed to care how young we looked. And we have fought next to

one another through thick and thin every step of the way.

“I asked you a question!” Preston snarled wrapping his hand around my throat ripping my

thoughts back to the present and the unheard question. “Answer me.”

I smile and lock eyes with him. He wasn’t going to terrorize me any more than the others.

This isn’t the first time my air has been cut off.

“Fine!” he hisses releasing my neck and walking around behind me so he could wrap his

arm around me, and grabbing my jaw so I can’t turn my head. “Mathews.” He barks nodding

towards the other chair.

I watch in horror as Mathews knife glistens in the pale light before he embeds it hilt deep

in Alex’s shoulder. I fight urge to cry out as Alex hisses in pain. This wasn’t going to be easy on

any of us.

God save them if they do that to me, Alex will have them filleted the instance the knife

enters. The only thing keeping us in our chains in this room is the off chance that we’ll be busted

using our powers and become an instant lab experiment.

“We can do this the whole time.” Preston whispers almost lovingly into my ear. “At some

 point he will either speak or die.”

I lock my jaw earning a growl from my current capture.

“Fine.” He says releasing me. “Let the torture begin.

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Time passes slowly when you have four brutes screaming and being violent. My lungs

are on fire as I gasp aimlessly for breath under the cellophane sheet being held over my face as

one of the other guards drenches me with water. I’m losing ground despite all my struggles. I

know they are just pushing the both of us, but for an instance I wonder if this might be the end.

Through the noise of the rushing water and all the screaming in my head I hear a voice as

clear as my past ring out into the cell.

“Let her go.”

Instantly I’m free of the suffocating water assault.

“I’ll be damned he can talk.” Preston says with a triumphant smile.

“Now to get this one…” Mathews says grabbing my jaw tightly in his hand.

“Leave her alone.” His voice is calm but everyone can hear the obvious demand within it.

“She’s more stubborn than I am, you won’t gain anything from this.”

“That’s a matter of opinion.” Stewart adds from beside me. “I bet she has a wonderful

voice hidden in all her silence.”

I fight to even my breathing as I glare at him. The glint in his eyes leads me to believe

this is only the beginning; it’s only going to spiral downward from here.

Sometime after the start of this adventure my personal attendants turned into the

monsters I’d feared they would be at the beginning. They closed ranks with the other two

showering Alex and myself in both physical and verbal abuse.

Turning all attention from me, the four guard’s assault intensifies as they lay the brutality

on my comrade.

Alex growls as Preston slams his fist into his stomach. “Your stubborn stupidity will be

the end of both of you.”

“Fuck off.” He curses from between clenched teeth only to be assaulted again.

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Try as I might there is no way of explaining the gruesome honesty of torture. There is no

worse feeling in the world than that of sitting across from your best friend knowing that without

 betraying everything you have ever fought to achieve you’re helpless to stop the pain. All the

strength that you have fought to hold on to through the excruciatingly long nights will vanish in

an instance. A cold wave of nausea rushes over you as you fight not to abandon every

determined decision you have made since the beginning.

“You will say something or so help me I will slit his throat.” Jackson growls yanking

Alex’s head back and pressing his knife against the exposed skin.

I lock eyes with Alex willing him to give me assistance. For the past twenty minutes he

has done nothing but defend his comrades from them. I can see it in his eyes that he doesn’t want

me to speak. We both know that by doing so will allow them to win this round. But I can’t hold

my tongue. My reserve is failing and I can’t hold on.

“I said…” His voice trails as he presses harder in to the skin. “Speak.”

I bow my head as a trickle of blood escapes from beneath the weapon. I feel the tears

welling up in my eyes and do the only thing that is right.

“Stop it.” I snarl throwing my head up and locking eyes on Jackson. He flinches before

forcing a smile across his face, but I saw it. In his moment of weakness, I saw the fear pulse in

his eyes. No matter the act, he was still rightfully terrified of me and I was not going to let him

forget it.

“Well, well.” Stewart comments from beside me as Jackson releases Alex. “The little

fiend can talk.”

I smile at the demon implication wondering if now would be the time to fight back but

my actions are cut short as Alex speaks again.

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“You’ve proven we can both talk, now what?” He glances around the room. “Do you

think that we’ll just start betraying everything? Give you what you want?”

“No.” Preston says with a smile. “But at least now we know what to do to get a reaction

from the both of you.”

“If you kill either of us every chance you have at what you want is gone. I promise.” I say


“Maybe,” Mathews says walking towards me. “But at least then we can focus all of our 

attention on a single person relentlessly.”

“I’m terrified of your heavenly high morals.” The line is saturated in sarcasm and it gets

the frustrated response I knew it would.

“And you think you have a sense of humor?” He asks backhanding me.

“Sucks huh…what did you expect an innocent female?” I pause for a moment and smile.

“I didn’t get this far batting my eyes at the gentlemen.”

“What was that Heavenly sound?” Harvey asks opening the door and interrupting the


“Got ‘em to talk” Stewart says grinning like a child.

“We haven’t said anything significant though.”

“That’s a helpful comment.” Harvey adds addressing Alex. “I’ll remember that.” He

 pauses glancing at each of the guards before continuing. “Boy’s a word?”

He motions towards the door and the four guards nod, before filing out. After they are

fully out he shuts the door and walks back to the middle where we waited strapped to the chairs.

“I commend the dedication that the two of you share for each other. You sit idly by as the

other is beaten but the moment the chance of finality is presented you crumble.”

“It’s not crumbling.” I say with a shrug.

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“It’s doing what’s right at the right time.” Alex finishes with a motto we have stuck to

since we were young.

“How well do the two of you know each other?” Harvey’s voice was refined, like he was

merely thinking aloud. “How far can we push you before we get what we want?”

“I know.” I sit up a little in my chair suppressing the sudden pain that washes through

me. “Let us go, and we’ll go get the 23rd, bring them back...” I grinned glancing at Alex. “…And

kick your ass.”

“You do have a little mouth on you.” He says turning his full attention to me. “Grew up a

little ruffian didn’t you?”

“Actually I was a teacher’s pet…had to share top marks though.”

“You think you are so tough.” He says turning to stand in front of me blocking my view

of Alex. “I don’t think you have any idea how helpless you really are.” He whispers maliciously

grabbing my jaw roughly and jerking my face to the side.

“I think you’re more scared of me than you let on.” The calmness that surrounds my

voice is the polar opposite of the fire that burns within me.

“Nice try chameleon. But your parlor tricks won’t get the same response from me. I’ve

fought worse beings than you.”

“Have you?” I ask with a sweet smile feigning innocence. “You’ve fought children from

orphanages; teenagers so hungry that they’ll kill you for your food and not think twice about the

assault. You’ve fought them?”

“You’d be dead if it wasn’t for me, and yet you speak as though you have a pull in what

will happen to you.”

“I didn’t get where I am by batting my eyes at the gentlemen.” I repeat.

He growls low in his chest before turning to face Alex.

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“And you, you willingly encouraged this behavior from the moment you met her didn’t


“I helped get it to what it is today.” He says with a smile that mirrors a proud brother 

after witnessing his little sister beat a bully to the ground. “I’m quite proud of her actually.”

“Well then.” He answers with a deep breath as he straightens himself and turns for the

door. “This is going to be more fun than I thought it was going to be. I thank you.”

As he opened the door and stepped out I heard him comment to the guards and inform

them to move us to a new location. The four brutes promptly marched in and disengaged us from

the contraptions holding us.

We glanced at each other and shared a knowing smile before the guards hauled us down a

new corridor into a more civilized holding area located on the west end of the facility, right in to

the heart of the older buildings. Shoving both of us into a shared cramped cell the door was

slammed shut and all but ignored.

The next few weeks were spent in near solitude within the darkened cell. It became an

everyday occurrence as they tried to beat us to death in hopes of getting information or locations.

Chained to the walls with our hands bound high enough to keep us on our toes and our legs

weary we were forced to undergo violent rage filled out lashes that usually ended in severe

 beatings. Partially starved I began to grow leery of the next onslaught as we waited.

“How you hanging in?” Alex asks one night long after the rest of the hall had grown


“By my wrists.” I answer with a halfhearted smile.

A thin sliver of moonlight, barely bright enough to illuminate anything shines into the

room, not that there is anything else in here besides the two of us.

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“At lease your humor is still intact.” He lets his head drop to rest on his chest as he

speaks. “What in the hell did they do?” he asks a few moments later.

I sigh knowing that he’s referring to my latest excursion from our cell. “Nothing Alex.” I

keep my voice soft as I try to convey sincerity…tried to at least.

“ Nothing doesn’t make you cry Ravyn,” he snaps looking back up.

“Damn it Alex, come on.” I sigh as he grumbles something under his breath. “Don’t get

like this.”

“I can’t read you in here and you know I can’t stand to see you in pain.”

“Please Alex, just drop it.”

“Tell me what happened.”

I was quiet for a while as I contemplated whether or not to answer.

“Ray please,” His voice is soft and I can hear the anguish resonating in his words.

I take a deep breath and exhaled before I speak again. “They strapped me to a lab table

and hooked me up to all sorts of machines.” I pause long enough to laugh once. Sterile

laboratories have always haunted me. But then again, spending a couple of months strapped to

cold metal tables in a lab usually does that to people. “It sounds absurd, but that was it Lex. They

did a few MRI and brain scans and that was it.”

His sigh of relief confirms his fear that it had been something violent or degrading that

had shaken me up this bad.

“I’m sorry.” He whispers after a minute. “Do you think they found anything?”

I shake my head and smile again. “No. The labs are in the original construction. The

scripts ran chair rail high the whole way.”

“I wish they wouldn’t separate us.”

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“You and me both. It *would* have been a little better if you’d been strapped to one of 

those damn things too. It was cold.”

“Did you show any fear?” he asked ignoring my attempt at humor.

“No.” I answer quietly. I know he isn’t being cruel, the simple act would have shown

them a weakness that would have been exploited to its fullest. “Can’t afford it, knowing them

they would never let me up.”

He laughed. “Bet your boyfriend wouldn’t mind to strap you down.”

“He’s wasn’t my boyfriend and he wouldn’t have done that Alex you know it.” I smile

and cast my attention to the crack in the wall and the only sight of the outside world we have.

“Wouldn’t have?” he asks after a moment, confusion playing in his voice.

I remain quiet in an attempt to gather my thoughts.

“Ray?” He asks quietly waiting a few seconds before continuing. “What happened?”

How I wish he could read my thoughts to keep me from voicing the horrible memories. I

didn’t answer right away as I try to reign in my emotions.

I can’t blame him for asking. Devon was one of the only other guys I have ever let get

close to me. He spent the first week accidentally running into me at the wrong times and places.

When we first transferred to his platoon our length of stay had not been determined so the last

thing I wanted to do was make nice with, or actually try to make friends. Of course most of my

 previous attempts elsewhere had left me more than agitated that some guys were as heartless as

they were. Yeah I’ll play nice until you tell me no, it’s not like I want anything else anyways…

sometimes I wish I was less of a tomboy. Girly girls get on my nerves and even though most of 

the girls I dealt with were in the service, not very many were willing to hang out with me,

leaving me with the boys.

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For eight days I brushed him off in hopes of him giving up and starting to see me as a

‘little sister’ but alas the fates had other plans. On the ninth morning I suppressed the aggravation

and finally decided to be nice and talk to him. He was a sweetheart. I’m not naive enough to call

it anything that it wasn’t despite what Alex had to say. At the top of my list-of-things-to-believe

are my visions. I had seen in Devon his fate the first time I shook his hand. With a smile I had

introduced myself to a future best friend and not looked back. The vision had chilled me, but it

had seemed detached like all the rest, which usually meant I was nowhere around them when it

all ended. He had seemed so much older; just more tired I learned later. The General had split the

group up in hopes of gaining more ground, leaving us with different partners.

“After a couple of nights in a foxhole so tight a single person would have complained,

 both of us seemed aged far beyond our years. Stiff with fatigue and anxious of our surroundings

we spent most of our time tangled together to save heat. So much for keeping distance between

us…” I began my narrative…

“Early one morning incoming soldiers startled us awake. We extricated ourselves from

each other’s grasp as quietly as possible and took guard with our weapons drawn. The patrols

were constant but never this close. As we watched from our cramped shelter my heart raced.

Another couple of feet and they would spot us for sure.

“We had been in our hole for about a week before we were captured.” My voice was

 barely above a whisper as I looked at the floor. “He was shot in front of me execution style as

soon as we were out of the hole.”

“I’m sorry.” The tenderness in his voice caused my heart to ache.

“I’m such an ass.” My voice cracks as the anger bubbles up within me. “I can’t even let

anyone close.”

“What do you mean?”

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“Have you ever noticed that any time anyone gets near me they end up dead?”

“Ray that’s not true.”

“Really.” I snapped looking up at him. “You mind telling me an instance that it didn’t

end with someone dead and me left to mourn?”

A fierce growl escaped his chest. “Don’t even go there Ravyn...you are not the only one

who has suffered through this.”

“Never going to let me forget about your girlfriend are you?” I look away instantly

knowing I crossed the line as pain flashes across his face.

“That wasn’t you’re fault.” He answers after a moment.

I don’t respond and he knows why. Despite what he says every death that has occurred

around me has been my fault. Every time I’m the one in charge and given the choice of action

I’ve jumped for the safest mission in hopes of not being too involved it has turned into the most

treacherous situation that puts people in danger and it has always ended with at least one fatality.

“Ravyn.” His voice is soft as he continues. “Look at me.”

“Why?” I whisper as my voice cracks betraying the fact that I’m crying again.

“Ray please,” He pauses as I look back to him. “It is not your fault. We can’t help the fact

that the ones close to us die, but it doesn’t make it either of our faults.”

“Why can’t we just be normal?” I ask lowering my head again.

“I don’t know sweets.” He laughed a little causing me to look up again. “Maybe one of 

these days we’ll find someone immortal who can’t die on us.”

“I don’t want ‘em to be immortal.” I countered with a small smile. “I just want them to

last more than a couple of months.”

“Think of it though.” He says egging on our timeless argument. “They’ll have the cure to

our heartache and they’ll know how to turn us immortal too.”

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“Forever isn’t too long.” I pause wiping my face against my shoulder. “But at the rate

we’re eluding death I’m starting to think we’re already immortal.”

“Guess we’ll see one of these days.” He says as we both laugh lightly.

Sobering, we fall silent, as the large door at the end of the hall swings open protesting

loudly causing everyone in the surrounding cells to start murmuring.

“I wonder who they’re after this time?” I ask a second before our door is unlocked.

“My bets are on me.” His smile is sincere as he holds my full attention. “If I’m not back 

 by morning beat the hell out of someone for me.”

I swallow knowing that unless they take him to the remodeled areas he may vary well not

make it once he gets back. One of the main constants since our move has been the lack of time

spent in the newer regions. Our powers are spent and our bodies haven’t had a chance to heal any

at all.

“Having a nice chat?” Preston asks coming into the room. “Sorry to interrupt. But we

have a few questions that only you can answer.” He paused as he glanced over his should at me

“Unless you want us to take her again.” He smiled illuminating the evil glint in his eyes. “We

could have so much fun with her.” he looked back at Alex. “If you would rather…”

“When has your threats ever scared me?” Alex hisses glaring at him.

Preston turned from him and stalked to my side of the cell. “You are so loved by him.”

As he spoke he gently caressed my face.

“Get your hands off her!” The animalistic nature of Alex’s growl caused Preston to


“He’ll rip your throat out if you ever think of doing that to me.” I whisper causing the

fear to escalate in his eyes. I don’t need my powers to know what he was thinking.

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“Look lover boy.” Preston barks spinning and closing the gap between him and Alex in

two strides. “I don’t care what kind of sick relationship the two of you have. You need to know

that I hold your fate in my hands. If I want to shoot you in the skull by god I can!” Preston pulled

his gun from its holster and pressed it against Alex’s right temple.

“You don’t hold shit.” Alex growls letting his signature ask-me-if-I-give-a-shit-that-you-

have-a-gun-to-my-head smile spread across his face.

Preston growls low in his throat trying to intimidate.

“Now, now.” Alex keeps his voice unnaturally calm as he speaks. “Will you really pull

the trigger?”

“Do you always taunt your jailers?”

“What the hell do you think?”

Preston pulls the hammer back letting it click loudly in to place

“Do it!” Alex’s says with a laugh as he raises his head defiantly.

“Damn it boy. You need to have some fear put in you.”

“Do it.” He repeats never letting his gaze fall from the guard.

“Alex, remember the wolves…” My voice rings out in the moment of silence as the two

 boys glared at each other.

The request holds a silent oath that we have carried for years. We decided that if either of 

us were ever thrown into a position that risked everything we had, the other one would remind

the first that they were not alone. It was an ever-evolving idea that grew and changed over time.

As we learned about nature one thing stood out above all the rest: the wolf by nature runs in a

 pact and even though they can live alone, they worked better together. The knowledge gave us a

natural beauty to compare ourselves against. Alone we were nothing but rouge wolves running

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after pray that couldn’t always be caught. But together we could take down anything we set our 

eyes on.

Alex was instantly calm again remembering exactly what needed to be done. “You going

to drag me from here or do you plan to beat me in front of her again?”

“You’d like that wouldn’t you?” Preston smiled again.

“Like what?” the question was just formality, we both knew he would answer it without

needing to be provoked.

“To keep her safe and as uninjured as possible.”

“Preston,” Alex said shifting further onto his tiptoes to loosen the chains on his wrist.

“Just unlock me. I’m too tried to play these games.”

“But of course.” He smiled letting his hand drop as if to replace the gun in its holster.

“But why should I?” An instance later a shot fired.

Looking to Alex in complete fear that he was dead I saw the terror and anger burst into

his eyes.

“You son of a bitch!” He yelled yanking at the chains.

My heart raced as Preston chuckled before turning to walk out the door.

“I’ll have your head!” His threat was answered with the door being sealed shut leaving us


“Damn it.” He cursed pulling at his chains in an attempt to get free.

“Alex, stop it you’re going to hurt yourself more.” I pleaded from my side of the cell.

“Just be still.”

“Like hell.” He growled hissing again as he tried to pull his hands through the cuffs.

“Stop it!” I yell as I catch the site of blood running down his arms from the new wounds

he was causing on his hands and wrists.

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“I have to stop the bleeding.”

I look him once over as the panic starts to rises within me. Taking a deep breath I start to

look down. With my adrenaline pumping from the fear of Preston hurting Alex all pain had

vanished. The realization that I was the one shot slowly started to sink in.

“No!” he says sharply causing me to look back at him. “Just watch me. Okay.” I nodded

slowly as a burning pain started to erupt in my left side.

“Guess we’ll find out about immortality sooner than later huh?” I fought the inevitable

with my humor as always. “I’m sorry.” I say a moment later sobering instantly.

“Ravyn, stop it.”

“At least I won’t cause death everywhere I go.”


I look at him stunned as he stands before me. “You got out.” I whisper.

“Look at me Ray.” He lays his left hand on my cheek as he dipped his head so he can

look me in the eyes. “Watch me Ray.” He stands up fully, drawing my attention up as he gently

tilted my head back.

“I forgot how tall you are.” I smile sheepishly as the memory of the both of us short and

scrawny rushes into my mind. “Maybe we’re fighting to find some place special for nothing.”

“Ray this is not the time or the place for this argument. This is going to hurt. Do you hear 


I nodded as he reaches behind me to put his hand where – hopefully – the bullet exited.

“I’m going to have to put pressure on both sides to help stop the bleeding okay.”

I hiss as his hand presses gently against the back of the wound “Why do we even bother 

trying to fit in?” I mumble trying to take my mind off of the pain.

Placing his other hand on the entry point and pressing he ignores me.

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The instant excruciating pain causes me to scream and brings tears to my eyes.

“Alex?” He glances at me knowing the unasked question.

“One of these days your luck is going to run out. You’ve got to be out of extra chances.”

I laugh a little and regret the action instantly.

“And no Ray it is not a waste to try and find a special place where we can fit in.”

I fight a laugh opting to smile instead. “I’m just saying we’re always ending up in more

trouble than it’s worth most of the time.”

“ Besides, it wouldn’t work; not looking I mean; we’d go nuts and end up going

vigilantly over something.” He pauses for just a moment. “Besides we have to keep looking for 

others like ourselves.”

“I know.” I mumble

“I don’t know why this was shoved upon us but I’m sure we’ll kick who’s ever ass is

responsible in the end.”

“I’m sure we will.”

“It’ll be a fight for all time to remember…” his voice trails off a little as the thought


“Sometimes...” I began slowly, “I wonder if we’re going at this all wrong?”

“I know.” He whispers.

He rolled his eyes and took a step back never releasing his hands from me. “Why, do you

only ask this when you think you’re mortally wounded?”

“How much blood have I lost?” I ask changing the subject.

“Not so much. I should be able to close the wound fully.” The relief in his eyes is


“I’m so glad your healing powers aren’t restricted.”

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“Me too.” His response was so low I almost missed it.

This gratefully accepted tid-bit of knowledge was literally an accidental find our second

night in this cell thanks to Preston embedding his knife in my leg in hopes of cracking Alex. ‘ I 

have to try’ he had frantically whispered after we were alone, pulling his wrist free as he had


“I love you too big brother.”

After a few minutes he smiled and gave me a kiss on the cheek. “Try not to get shot


I smile then catch sight of his wrists again. “What about your wrists?”

He brings his hands up and examines them in the dim light. “I’m sure I’ll get worse the

next time they pull me from here.”

“I’m sorry my healing abilities are useless in here, or I would heal them.”

“Don’t worry about it; they’re really not that bad…I wish I could heal my own wounds

like you.”

“That would be convenient huh?” I pause as a thought hits me, “My side? What if they

check my side next time?” The panic returns…

“Shh. It’ll be okay.” He says calming my panic by placing his hands on either side of my

face. “The blood wasn’t cleaned off so it’ll look like a horrible sore. Just thrash around and make

them think it still hurts if they start poking around.”

I nod. “God I’m so tired.”

“Try and rest.” He says releasing me and eyeing the chains on his side of the cell “Ever 

known what you’re about to do is the dumbest thing in the world?”

“Almost every day.” I laugh trying to lighten the mood. “Thinking about not lacing up

again?” I ask nodding towards the chains.

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With a sigh he shook his head as he reached up to grasp the chains and relock them

around his wrist. “Part of me wants to lower these damn things so we can sit on the floor.”

“Leave ‘em be, besides look at what happened when you tried to cooperate.”

“Good point.” He flashes a smile that doesn’t quit reach his eyes as the second cuff clicks

shut. “Wish I was in a comfortable bed with a gorgeous lady above me.”

“Way too much info bro.” I laugh shaking my head.

“It’s true.”

“I wish we could just flash out of here.”

“Me too.”