--- The G!FT SHOP l·'RO !\TAG E rnYOCATE BUILDINGS PAPEl:S. 'BOOKS. TOYS >rA'f!ONERY; PRESE;l;TA· ;nox \'OYELTJES, TOILET . H. CHAPMAN A WEE.UY J.QURNAL DEVOjED TO THE ADVANCEMENT OF THE NORTHERN TERRITORY THE INTERESTS OF ITS PEOPLE Heg·i:;;tered at the f;eneral Post Office, Adelaide, for transmission by post as a newspaper. ". ALICE SPRINGS-. SATURDAY, .JULY 26, 19-17. TUBES VULCANISED VALVES FiTTED ONE - DAY SERVICE AT Northern Motors PRICE 4d. l l WELCOME TO MINISTER A.E.U. SOCIAL ENGLISH CAPIT_AL FOR NORTH AIJSTRALIA FOR -:o:- --· :O:-·- ) -:o:-_ · 0 - . h ·h 1 · A reeent visitor to the Northern _. 0 ._ The Club House the .·\ 1 1cc Jt 1s part!clllarly c11eermi::; new!-\ 1Jl;Jr. Calwell to shm-.; that c T .t . . M H H Bl 1 1 Springs Golf Club is Ing in--, that has decided to expend! that i1uulities, that he Dt;rr' t°ry f r .. 1 · R bb' ace m. AC.Jut .Jnn °.f Dan\:m 5 creasin_L;"ly popular as a ,_.endcz-1a- considerable amount of money rean a]M1Ye the skylfoe _of the Jre_; 0 enovia - u ,er om- rncluddrng VOU8 fur s0cial and ())l' in the "N' orthern Territory and I e-ity building's !l.!_ld place most of .IYirj .at.t, :-;ervice and 1 P:a 8 I Frida) night, 18th J uh-, '.\':ts L-,,2 j Qucensk.nd, in cultivation : the irnmkrant:.:; where the country Dn e. a ... ns .. a_ ion 3:. . and leaden; .9 tle ".cene of a gav evcnin; .sptinsoredlof such g-nods are m·rrentlv- 1 n2eds thi:-m. To that when an•:in. er.tert..ained at by th"" So('ial Comm{;:tee (Jf the!needed- in Great .... Erilain._ ,....,Thit thev a-rriYe the\" at _least have a. M · d :\I Al M Led them to _mecM A.E.U.- - lthrre is ample ex- rnof abo,·e he:i.ds, that roof. ·[]·snS! _rs.· 1ext 'c ko dere i;ter for the Intector.d 1 {i· (: n- The dutie:,; of of c0re- 1 pcrirnents is e·.·ide-rit a·nd that the is not needed to be one that costs a -. ·;: "-".ee t-en Adn ,, .. r., Cook and ?\.r. ?J<' monies were caJ'ried by Mr._; matter -of that grow-th. ·ls beyond forttine, be-fore it-leaYcS the l -dr L ° l e- ;·.'.'1u..-: .. His B:onor an - rs. r · 1 Geor_g-e Hutchfos ·and hi;;; doubt the _:'\olthern Territ01·y and tect'or hand:,;;. We _seem to have ai e .. - I. - c eo 15 on . ong L. received the guests. di_re"ctioi-t a number· of the_ also Nth. Queensland can.groV.· any arriYed at .the state -hj ,,·hich we ncre;irnn ieaved f.r-__ 0 13 t\e A.!!:!un;..; those p_resent ;younger people -enjoyed the do.11c_:· thing-, like tobarLu, ·1;ax, rice, all are drc<imers,_ we think no one· 0 Cdr. and Mr:;;, Gower,- Bng. ing_ (old time and· madern) to rhe classes of fruit and \·cgetables, -should start hfe unless _they have hi ) t sf f b h _- _ . :u:-0 j.frs._ Fullarton, Group Capt. supplied by_ the is wheat. Still an up-to-date of' u- Allee and Fyffe_,., Mr. and Mrs. A. (piano), :Messrs. Lrn_nel W lntLaker, there is that bety.;een rooms, the electric_ .of two and· a half ears. ]. Mr._ and Mrs. Shannon. Ron Key and Jack Vf ade: Sonth Australian border and a m0de1n hotel, aH the_ amemt1es Y }fr. 3 nd iHrs. J. Came-ron, Mr. ?-1:-d Refreshments wtre dispensed at Darwin that cannot be grown or that costs to supply. Mr. Norman Crawford, of Ten- Jfrs. :\foy, l\fr. and Mrs. 'II:. Harris, well regulated. intervals during manufactured. Cannot our pohtic1ans come down calf4 :Jfr.:i. G. l'i_i:;g-ott, M:s. C. K. 'Ward, the evening by l\-Ie.;srs. V. ,J. Beres.: our G(l\·crnment.s !!.'et to earth and tell the newcomers hae: :JI .. l\Irs .. I. Sinwne, Mr. and ford, Spurge Nichols and Bob A1t- a\\ay from that um\·anted <'h1ld and the )'ounger generation that the usual trip north and says he }fr: .. R -Le.J"dm, M!'. and l\lrs. A. ken. and al'! exo..:ellent supper, i<lea that has retarded the grn\\th thmgs hme to be earned, has enjoyed every minute of it. }[ 1 le:-. l\Ir. and Mrs. W. H. John- under. the .:-:.upet.,_ is10n of. !'.h. - .. N. of the Nm:th for 100 years, we Fmd the young- 'a /mckb 0 k He, hke others. is keen to get a ... Mr. and Mrs. Cashman m.d J. Tw1l!e,, Mesd,uiw::- T\\1lle\ and shall come into our o\\n and prove somethmg that lafo:r.: ca_n oe a ac copy of our Tourist Guide v.:hich \!-.. K Crooks. Beresford ''as hy alt to the \\orld what an eldorado of shed, so lon 1 g fit is weaTthher- \\Hl be a\ailable at a later date. pl'esent. all good things hme been left on proof and Penh n \\ater. ere . , . This is a.' en \\ cau ... e, and the ::;helf. ar: l\'11. G. R. Mannin2·, of Pinnar1Jo, DEPUTATIONS TO lit 1s pleasmμ;- to see the Slowly, very clm\ly, the \\nrd ar _J .as gd .. tl p South Australrn., ism town. He is M[\"ISTER FOR \\ h1eh the younger petlple are mak- df'«entralisation is !';eepmz into the h\e1t; an looking Alice Springs over care- . · . ing rn thu; . 1rnnds of the South<:rnerR and an .apprness '' 1 0 .. e rns · . fully, making all of enquir- -:o:- ThP. Social Conurnttee, headed It rf>allv \\antC'<l The man and m the far 1es about any land available and !I Dan\ln the l\i11r1<.:ter for -.:he Mr. Ge0r;!e i:.. to be or two of thnse Ja}lanese bomhR outback should rela:rat10n thinks the opening of .a daicy lrtf-'-,Jr the' Hon. H. V. John:-.nn, commended on thetr nHn8 rn tn ha\e been droppPd ln 1\.:Ielb0urnc on and the1:r.: hfe f:ree as south of Allee on the irrigated ·ri.d bJ:>} i.nne "1th I d1recti.on, anrl ?e cong 1 atu- anrl. s_..d,1cc) to make !hem realise possible. life so lucerne he sPe3 so plenti- [l and last. for the rnannei m tlwt 1111port.rnt \\orh; m the Cf'nhe th.at. th_e _._oJk. ;ill \\allt to l'>o fullj bring so•neone a small Tf& -"UbJe(t,;;; .:meieCI \\ere n.am \\lHch the e-..enmg: comiuded. nf .\11st1all<t \\t1Uld be an excellent outback themsehe ... and tak; a fortune. There is little doubt he ard \B.ned · Those present . mcluded .-}Ir. as:;;et nnd that many factories, Ill the pwneermg \\Ork .hat 1s perfectly right, and \\e told him On Tuec..:da:r' tbe ).1 d1l:-Olt•r Sa\\ I and 1\-lrs w :\Ir. and cen11.:nt \\ p1•k_:;; \lld aoa'do1n-:. m<'at I a mi.tim: of rrong, self- th·-lt it 1S me--ely a ('3Se of the lie"-"'-r-=:· Gain and Bedfn1<l, of R. (_\ 'K.a?-, Mr. and l'!Js D. c:n.n111ng-. and !"nnd1 F><l:.=:. of other I1o<han.t and' ink peop e. i I g-round being made a'ailab\e. 'Vhy iu?'l"r-- Mihmg- Co .. on cn. 1- A. lVk. .\rt.rnr_ Mr anJT Mu:, Bob lnattonal \\Ould here [ It 11' up to you, Mr. and Department \\ants. to l'PIT; nt; the=-:\fa-ranbn; nn field and I .-\1tken, :Mr. :\-Ii" '. J H safel!'L1ard &garnst na:rnnal lal- 1 ::01.1r 1t is \ 8top new ::i.rrJY:lls has_ us .'tll thmk- L v nt m;d :i\Lount Fin- fo1d. 11r. and .. J. a'rn'Lv .. -\ sea coa.st is ah\:1\S lup to you .• ne Oppo.:.1t10n. to ass1stl mg-. T11C demand 1s here, the ·"" -?iriu e l :::. 1 ' Mr and }frs. L O'C(nnell, ).fr. the fir.st: place of attack for once in the interests of Aus· Jai·d and "atcr is hPre, but as ' 1 ; 11 1 j" d \-\' d , and Mrs G. Buck, .:'th ·.:i.nd J..Irc:. 111 \,a1·. ·and \.e ha,:e onlv to look tralia. Get together and become e\er) thmrr fa tied up with t ._. lu ch f' ne 3 ?a:-l\-J:\a,., 1 J. Munday. l\Ir "nd l\-frs .. T. !'. at \\ h.<lt is happening- Ja\a to- m•d not merely 11oliti- red tape. Prob;b\y the 1ana will up v.it epurnnoP:-.. \ Wade 1 :Nlrs. M. Foster. da\. imrnf:'diatel· h"stilitie.s beg-m, \Ve. of the Centre. are' be opent:!d in time, but by that :--.t"'at and \\ erb .the j Irene "\-\ atktns. )1. D1ck'-'on. G first place under hre 1:; the I" u.trh1 11!! Dnd \•·aiting. I time the will have lrst et' hear J:tll\-Vard. 111. :VI. Pennington, Tm·- l'oastal dttes, \\hate\e1 gr,rn1 of gone together with dir;!?"usted and 1 ne P: 1 t'il fJ lC I\i. Fa1m1!0-; Judith Jude. national art> st,)red - v·"L''o l''earl'ed potential settlers. ... me 11 r 3 •' 1I::i1sie Reardon. l' E. _Sn:reH and the1e aH' .a!1d \\Cre thne no DE E p. ... .. _:\IL. ..... t · Nita H(;n·tun, lHeE="rs. N. gram. :1'Hl !!t>neral MENT LEAGUE ,. 9ff to England for a long- tnp JS ... r:i!1· n ,\a.. a._ 01 a elG R. Mathews, R.R. Wcdf'.'e. -J. parked 11"1 the baek areas 3Iiss .Mary Clarke, a daughter of . '. · p: Wade, K. E ... Wille:.:, C. ..\. Vhilip, then ·the ·country is na- -_;o:- our esteemed townspeople. l'llr . Thl-'- .\_.A.\'V.t .• by Stun Jenkins. R. F.e1g·.ate. F. Hut· til1n can fig-ht without fl'.iod or and .Mrs. Jim Clarke. Mi!is ·Mary }i_r. J. "'alkcr and I·· \\hi.te- M. \\'"jHiatns. \V. Fulip:·, muniti.ons. Ag-ah1, as. in JaYa to- On Julv 24 a ·meeting of the has for a long time been chief .. up Russ. J. :\Iukair, Dmie.s, day, the Dutch in_li:leciiatel?· a.t- Northern °Development-League was typist, etc., for Nati\·c'i' ':: ).i. -·!· 1J. W. An<lers'un. A. J .. K. •. R. tat"ked the coastal cities and rn one. held in the Court House in Alice Rra. l_1ch from Ahce to:-Darwtn and lt•!'r:·d:ahon- D. R L .. J. Brown. short swoop ·captured all the de- Spring-s, '1-t which the then back to .A.Hee. In every lead- by-laws me_ssrng- facil· \ T. H. • ..\. f'. \a;rlnr, H. E. 'fenee and foodstutf5.....,.....the defence. \vas good. ing Jine that assists Aliee Springs Adnum. stra.twn .. w.agcs R. owe. C. H. Hnd. g-e, -R: Elg-Prton,. lrattic is lost brfore. it is_ .a fe\\.· It will -be .remembered that dur- you wi_ll find this little lady doitig me?>., Government cafeteria for Rex Hewitt. Tas Rowlan<l, C'. Rossi old. Jn Ja...-a, unfortunately, in'" the last 12 months very little more than her share, but. at last for-cYaci:ie.es, A. W .. Hillier, A. i\iucka:-·, Georg-e the island is :::o narr(lw that they haS been he3-rd of this body and the· reward arrh-es. \Vhile being hostels ft1r smgle girls, H""t.it"chins. . cannot get top far away from the the general idea was that it may ve.ry pleased indeed to hear that 0f employment of abo!'1gmals, and sht1rc. but in 4..\ustraJia that is not be :Prefe.r .. ble to wind it up and she- is ha'\dng such a delightful and orgamsed market- so. Y.ie have unlimited space far start 'something more local, so to trip, we feel that her absence will lnK of pnrnarr , FA.TAL A-CCinENT TO awny from the coast and the centre test the feelings of the commun- be missed intensely when futUJe. '.llr. J. E. Chambers and ;\Jr. A. ELK.'EDRA. STOCKMAN nf all is ,A.Ike Springs, where the ity this meeting was called. assistance in local efforts are re- E. of the Amalgamated Comnwnwealth might well Messrs. Bell, Nelson, Driver, quired. We wish you the very spoke -:o:- er a for the-pro- Dodd, Gregory and Ward were in best of_ luck, a happy trip, !J-O 1.;i:_.-.;,-t10ns of an "On Tuesday·22nd Au::rnst, Don- ductwn, expcmments and 1nanu- favor of a motion that the League stormy seas, a glorious time while- methods for setthng mdus- · ald Scott, a :;;tuckman factnre llf .iroods for the be wound up. there an_d a quick and safe retum. tnal d1sputes and other matters. travefling in to ...\lice Spring-s rail- future. defence. When war starts An amendment, supported by The Dan\in Taxi o .. vners' Asso- heat!· wTth cattle· when his _horse again, and all th_e sig-J1s are in the Messrs. E. J. Connellan and representatives sa.w the apparent\):: threw him and -in doing sky that it not be as G. Brandt. opposed the motion and . K1fUSter on matters important to SQ,.._fraetured hi.s &kull. ' awa:-· as. we wou_l_d h.ke, gave their reason why they con-: hell' Ass(lciation, while-Messrs. A. He was immediat£:\y taken into we shall not hii,·e a notice, sidered the League's life should R. Eddy and F. S. Austin, of the Bond .Springs Hospital. He this wonld bt> a war horrible be- be extended. After a general dis• Chamtx>r of Corit1nerce represe_nt- r-ega4ned and d1ed ynml belief. \.: ndcr. yresent sys- cussion the motion was defeated - the case of peopJe foterested -in the followitig morning. <;ou}d be and-if decided to C8Jl a gen- \1tal questions .such as the new Mr. Scott was formerly of Theb-' blotted out m a single mght, eral •meefinA" of present a11d past t?"':J,Pla_n, Shipping, freight sub- arton, and wa5- held ·i11 very A"etlrer all foodstuff that members on Augtist 15. Joseph Hanis . and Mr. FJockart, -..vho ·are respeCtively gen- eral manager and a director of lift. Todd Gold Mines, N.L .. of .Mt. Todd, arriYed here by last Satur- day's train, and after spending Sunday in Alice ·Sptjng_s motored north.wai"d tO Kath€rine · and Mt. Todd on Monday morning. -- compensation t_o former esteem by both Mr. makes ftg-hmg- possible. The .\us- The meeting then proceeded to ')9.1lers (acquisition), assistance J. Dri\·er and his fellow stockmen. tralian p(lpuhition are aJJ on or elect a tempLorary committee of J'ust arrived f 0 rom !he North is for building of houses, -etc.· periousl)· near-the coast l\_'le and the committee elected were: ;Mr. _and a_re tour· . The -local solicitors the Federat- 1\.-\lf\KFL SHEEP Australia could be tP a J. Donnellan, Messrs. ·E .l. mg Austraha medmm: of .. o:-d_ Clerks' Union and° the RetuTned famine )!Jal_"gin in 24_ Connel Ian, J . .Driver, D. Burns, J. and say ·1_t is a Srildiers' Leagl.le were also i-epres- , -:o:- Decentralisation has ycyer be.en Xelson D. D. Smith--.and Petrick. m?st enJoyabJe. we agree ented before Minister. Messrs. 1t n1av not be generall;r known mort:• to our Australian par!1a- ' h di f £ 939 with them that this is the correct Luke and Newell, on behslf of the that gre"at preparations bJ- an up- ments than a ._name. 1:'\·erythml?.' League as a ere t 0 .. · way to enjoy an extended hoi.ida·y. P..etumed Soldiers: League, asked toJdate companY are being made has been done to encourage ·m the _bank, .and of this They are the guests of Mr. and , th.at consideration be given to south of Alice 0 f 0 r the rai_sing of people of the t<? leave will be use.d ma drive mci:eased l\frs. Gordon Simpson, who always to Teturned soldiers in this tvpe of sheep. There is much \\'Ork and congregate in the by the com- act in a way -that assist.." _guests of Cro.wn lands, home work be done, dog proof fen-c- · short hom·s, of amemt1t'-s nnttee.. - to see the A.Hee at best advantage. in Darv·:in for ex:-senicemen in..r to ei-ect and scores of impnwe- and all the g-ood go to lt to be hoped that the.coming , --'------- ;oo .matter of a &ite· in Darv:in to be made, but· we . can/ make life wo;-th "ls held out will be •O?"a new R.S.L. Hall ·and club- confidently assume that the scheme as an attract10n. !\o and a lot of gQOO -can be done by ALICE .SPRINGS llc•use. is now under operation. Later the lthat we find our farms becommg a capable such as those NOTES Editor has been to have deserted the men, !ind elected.· -:o:- ; .tac. 'EVtS d. dt°h.isg - :h?uid .-\ Flag Competition he!d . APPOI!'iTED· d d t - JI -• · l\f Jian and from as f&l'..north as New on Sunday and resulted m a mn be ,·ery pleased in ee o g1ve..a \Ve Yer:i; nluch apprecrnte .r. castle Water-sand south to Oodna- :(or_ Torn Barrett. -Bob Clough·-"""S.S . -particulars, plus .blocks, sh<?wmg -i1mnigi:-ation_ p_olicy, -.bqt- -Mr R ll Ki' h ' .. ed the class of .J!tost. sU1table wou'1d like tP hear more of JUSt datta, there nil1 probably ahtai}"s rwmer-up. - C .·. · :---1,.,rct'fr_usse - ng rece1v for Centralia .. how -he anticipates the housing, be some ptp\·ocati!e be- - - .. Sunday a Bogey ompeti- oCm the. thciusands of pounds _,..have. been problem and how many he antici- ·tween towns so far hon wdl be played a t1"9phy '.been agpp _omtedm1ssrntnh thAaBt Che spent' on -.enture. - . pates putting in the country areas win and Alice. Springs, and donated by the Darwm Golf CJub •. ix oin as . . .p ne\\s . , . . and particularly the Northern should have a. progressive -assocla· A crow expected to at., . Jnespondent Ahce Sprmg_s. , . f h CA P.astoral- Terri,tory. We can do \\;th thou- tion of its. own, Under any cir-1 tend the dance m the. Clubhouse .. llr. R. Morrison. News . o_ t. . ,eld at the sandirhere', men __ who wish to_make cumstances we are,p1eased to see on Saturdl!y, :\Ugust 26. ft be gratetul.for,·an assistance ist w11l after-: homes grow s·omething-, and be- that something progressive is m atd of the _Food for nded to Mr.- King in the per- Secretary s u 1 .. o n -- come pioneers •. It i'S· up tO' abouf to be ifone. Britam appeal. . . orgiance of official-duties. · noon, ·, a u l-:-- -- · . _ r-, -.

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Heg·i:;;tered at the f;eneral Post Office, Adelaide, for transmission by post as a newspaper. ".






Northern Motors



FOR .INTEI~IOR -:o:- --· :O:-·- ) -:o:-_ ·


• • - • • . • ~ • h · h 1 · A reeent visitor to the Northern _.0._ The Club House n~- the .·\ 11cc Jt 1s part!clllarly c11eermi::; new!-\ 1Jl;Jr. Calwell to shm-.; that c ~s T .t . . M H H Bl ~ • • • 1 1 a· Springs Golf Club is bec,1'.~i Ing in--, that En•~J-and has decided to expend! that r;taten~r..n's i1uulities, that he Dt;rr' t°ry f ~ r ..

1 · R bb' ace m.

AC.Jut .Jnn °.f Dan\:m 5 e~ in~ creasin_L;"ly popular as a ,_.endcz-1a- considerable amount of money rean ~:ee a]M1Ye the skylfoe _of the Jre_; ~r 0 • enovia - u ,er om-citit:ien~, rncluddrng busm~~~ phop~, VOU8 fur s0cial gathe1~in;.TS, and ())l' in the "N' orthern Territory and ~th. I e-ity building's !l.!_ld place most of ranJ·a--~del;r~e. .IYirj B~az~~m .at.t, :-;ervice and /Pjrtrrnfn~a 1 P:a 8 I Frida) night, 18th J uh-, '.\':ts L-,,2 j Qucensk.nd, in aidin~ cultivation : the irnmkrant:.:; where the country Dn e. a ... aso~lC ns .. a_ c~ ion 3:. . and leaden; .9 tle ciu-~et,Hwere· ".cene of a gav evcnin; .sptinsoredlof such g-nods .·~:;:; are m·rrentlv- 1n2eds thi:-m. To ~ee that when an•:in. er.tert..ained at Grn·e-r.n~-1~et~~- ~f8e by th"" So('ial Comm{;:tee (Jf the!needed- in Great .... Erilain._ ,....,Thit thev a-rriYe the\" at _least have a. M · d :\I Al M Led ~oe'd.ab!e them to _mecM eJ~~n- A.E.U.- - lthrre is ample ~cope fm~-~uch ex- rnof abo,·e thei~· he:i.ds, that roof. ·[]·snS! _rs.· 1ext 'c ko dere i;ter for the Intector.d 1 {i· (: n- The dutie:,; of rnasr~r of c0re-

1 pcrirnents is e·.·ide-rit a·nd that the is not needed to be one that costs a ~h -. IC~ p~mgs ·;: "-".ee t-en Adn

,, .. r., ,-.:(·!"la~or· Cook and ?\.r. ?J<' monies were caJ'ried ·~Ut by Mr._; matter -of that grow-th. ·ls beyond forttine, be-fore it-leaYcS the archi~ l -dr \\a~ r~: L ar~~n ° l e­;·.'.'1u..-: .. His B:onor an - rs. r · 1 Geor_g-e Hutchfos ·and ·unde1~ hi;;; doubt the _:'\olthern Territ01·y and tect'or hand:,;;. We _seem to have ai e .. - I. - c eo 15 on . ong L. ~:i~·er received the guests. di_re"ctioi-t a larg-~- number· of the_ also Nth. Queensland can.groV.· any arriYed at .the state -hj ,,·hich we ncre;irnn ieaved f.r-__013 t\e Pnsom~

A.!!:!un;..; those p_resent v;~re ;younger people -enjoyed the do.11c_:· thing-, like tobarLu, ·1;ax, rice, all are drc<imers,_ we think no one· d~f~ 0:j~~u:n ~~ 194~ 0 Pri~~~

~·1tieed Cdr. and Mr:;;, Gower,- Bng. ing_ (old time and· madern) to rhe classes of fruit and \·cgetables, - should start hfe unless _they have hi ) t sf f b ~· h _- _ . :u:-0 j.frs._ Fullarton, Group Capt. np.~sic supplied by_ Mi.ss_._'Y~tkins the on~s ~oubotf1:1I is wheat. Still an up-to-date hDu~e of' u- ~any st!tio~ ~t Allee ans-:ring~ ~ and .~frs; Fyffe_,., Mr. and Mrs. A. (piano), :Messrs. Lrn_nel W lntLaker, there is li~tle eh~ that bety.;een rooms, ~11 the electric_ gadoet~ .of two and· a half ears. ]. :·~e·,,:cg, Mr._ and Mrs. Shannon. Ron Key and Jack Vf ade: ~he Sonth Australian border and a m0de1n hotel, aH the_ amemt1es Y }fr. 3 nd iHrs. J. Came-ron, Mr. ?-1:-d Refreshments wtre dispensed at Darwin that cannot be grown or that costs tho?~arids to supply. Mr. Norman Crawford, of Ten-Jfrs. :\foy, l\fr. and Mrs. 'II:. Harris, well regulated. intervals during manufactured. Cannot our pohtic1ans come down calf4 :Jfr.:i. G. l'i_i:;g-ott, M:s. C. K. 'Ward, the evening by l\-Ie.;srs. V. ,J. Beres.: Wh~n our G(l\·crnment.s !!.'et to earth and tell the newcomers !~~~d~sNUi~~ ~:~!~. WH~e~u hae: :JI .. ~nd l\Irs .. I. Sinwne, Mr. and ford, Spurge Nichols and Bob A1t- a\\ay from that um\·anted <'h1ld and the )'ounger generation that the usual trip north and says he }fr: .. R -Le.J"dm, M!'. and l\lrs. A. ken. and al'! exo..:ellent supper, i<lea that has retarded the grn\\th t~ose thmgs hme to be earned, has enjoyed every minute of it. }[

1 le:-. l\Ir. and Mrs. W. H. John- under. the .:-:.upet.,_ is10n of. !'.h. -.. N. of the Nm:th for 100 years, we Fmd the young- f~lk 'a /mckb 0k He, hke others. is keen to get a ... t~r: Mr. and Mrs. Cashman m.d J. Tw1l!e,, Mesd,uiw::- T\\1lle\ and shall come into our o\\n and prove somethmg that lafo:r.: ca_n oe a ac copy of our Tourist Guide v.:hich \!-.. K Crooks. Beresford ''as enjo~ed hy alt to the \\orld what an eldorado of shed, so lon

1g ~s fit is weaTthher- \\Hl be a\ailable at a later date.

pl'esent. all good things hme been left on proof and Penh n \\ater. ere . , . This is a.' en \\ orth~ cau ... e, and the ::;helf. ar: t.~~~sandsa~;e};~nfh~e~l~le ~~~~ l\'11. G. R. Mannin2·, of Pinnar1Jo,

DEPUTATIONS TO lit 1s pleasmµ;- to see the i·e~pnn~.e Slowly, very clm\ly, the \\nrd ar _J .as gd .. tl p South Australrn., ism town. He is M[\"ISTER FOR I~TERIOR \\ h1eh the younger petlple are mak- df'«entralisation is !';eepmz into the ~erd h\e1t; an ~~Jed 1;,~11 ~ ~tart looking Alice Springs over care-. · • • . ing rn thu; re~ard. . 1rnnds of the South<:rnerR and an .apprness '' 1 0 .. e rns · . fully, making all sort~ of enquir-

-:o:- ThP. Social Conurnttee, headed Ea~terners. It rf>allv \\antC'<l on(~ The man and \\On~an m the far 1es about any land available and !I Dan\ln the l\i11r1<.:ter for -.:he b~ Mr. Ge0r;!e Hu~chrns, i:.. to be or two of thnse Ja}lanese bomhR outback should re~e1ve rela:rat10n thinks the opening of .a daicy

lrtf-'-,Jr the' Hon. H. V. John:-.nn, commended on thetr nHn8 rn th1~ tn ha\e been droppPd ln 1\.:Ielb0urnc on ~a~:es and the1:r.: hfe f:ree as south of Allee on the irrigated ·ri.d ~- bJ:>} i.nne "1th deputation~ I d1recti.on, anrl nn1 ~t_ ?e cong1 atu- anrl. s_..d,1cc) to make !hem realise possible. ~l~k} th~1 r life so go~d lucerne he sPe3 ~ro\Ying- so plenti­

[l '1uesda~ and \Vednesda~ last. la~d for the _or~1ell~ rnannei m tlwt 1111port.rnt \\orh; m the Cf'nhe th.at. th_e cit~ _._oJk. ;ill \\allt to l'>o fullj s~ould bring so•neone a small Tf& -"UbJe(t,;;; .:meieCI \\ere n.am \\lHch the e-..enmg: \\a~ comiuded. nf .\11st1all<t \\t1Uld be an excellent outback themsehe ... and tak; a fortune. There is little doubt he ard \B.ned · Those present . mcluded .-}Ir. as:;;et nnd that many factories, h~nd, Ill the pwneermg \\Ork .hat 1s perfectly right, and \\e told him

On Tuec..:da:r' tbe ).1 d1l:-Olt•r Sa\\ I and 1\-lrs ~ 0· w hlttake~·. :\Ir. and cen11.:nt \\ p1•k_:;; \lld aoa'do1n-:. m<'at I 1:!a.ke~ a mi.tim: of rrong, self- th·-lt it 1S me--ely a ('3Se of the lie"-"'-r-=:· Gain and Bedfn1<l, of l\Ir~. R. (_\ 'K.a?-, Mr. and l'!Js D. c:n.n111ng-. and !"nnd1 F><l:.=:. of other I1o<han.t and' ink peop e. i I g-round being made a'ailab\e. 'Vhy iu?'l"r-- Mihmg- Co .. on 1~1 atters cn.1- A. lVk . .\rt.rnr_ Mr anJT Mu:, Bob lnattonal necess1t 1.P~ \\Ould here b~ [ It 11' up to you, Mr. Ca,'.v~ll and hh,~ L~mds Department \\ants. to l'PIT; nt; the=-:\fa-ranbn; nn field and I .-\1tken, :Mr. an~ :\-Ii" '. J B~rec:.- H safel!'L1ard &garnst na:rnnal lal- 1::01.1r Go\e1~1_rn1ent~ ~~~ 1t is al~o \ 8top new ::i.rrJY:lls has_ us .'tll thmk­

L v nt 1\-fa.~ 01 m;d :i\Lount Fin- fo1d. 11r. and -~hf.\\ .. J. T\\J\le~. a'rn'Lv .. -\ sea coa.st is ah\:1\S lup to you .• ne Oppo.:.1t10n. to ass1stl mg-. T11C demand 1s here, the ·"" -?iriu e l :::.

1 ' Mr and }frs. L O'C(nnell, ).fr. 11atd~alh the fir.st: place of attack for once in the interests of Aus· Jai·d and "atcr is hPre, but as

'1; •


1j" d \-\' d , and Mrs G. Buck, .:'th ·.:i.nd J..Irc:. 111 \,a1·. ·and \.e ha,:e onlv to look tralia. Get together and become u~ual e\er) thmrr fa tied up with t ._. lu ch ~.i f' ne3?a:-l\-J:\a,., 1 J. Munday. l\Ir "nd l\-frs .. T. !'. at \\ h.<lt is happening- in~ Ja\a to- state~men m•d not merely 11oliti- red tape. Prob;b\y the 1ana will

..:i.;;.~1! up v.it epurnnoP:-.. ~ e~- \ Wade1 :Nlrs. M. Foster. )ll~se"' da\. imrnf:'diatel· h"stilitie.s beg-m, ci~u1s. \Ve. of the Centre. are' be opent:!d in time, but by that '~. :--.t"'at and PykiiT~011• \\ erb .the j Irene "\-\ atktns. )1. D1ck'-'on. G th~ first place under hre 1:; the I" u.trh1 11!! Dnd \•·aiting. I time the opportumtie~ will have lrst to~ et' hear bi~e+-lr s~ J:tll\-Vard. 111. :VI. Pennington, F~ Tm·- l'oastal dttes, \\hate\e1 gr,rn1 of gone together with dir;!?"usted and (~~CET'n:t~ 1 ne P:

1t'il t·~~~ fJ lC \C~. I\i. Fa1m1!0-; Judith Jude. national J1f't'f'::::s1tif'~ art> st,)red ~ - v·"L''o l''earl'ed potential settlers. ;~E-rnr e~. ~on ... me 11r 3 •' ~{! 1I::i1sie Reardon. l' E. _Sn:reH and the1e aH' lo~t .a!1d \\Cre thne no ~ORTHER:N DE E p. ... .. p,:~ a~ri'A ~~k:rh;r_dk·~ _:\IL. ·~· ..... t · Nita H(;n·tun, lHeE="rs. N. ~O'\·abck, gram. :1'Hl rnmtu~n ~1l'Ci !!t>neral MENT LEAGUE ,. 9ff to England for a long- tnp JS

... r:i!1· n ,\a.. a._ 01• a ~.pa.a elG R. Mathews, R.R. Wcdf'.'e. -J. foodstull~ parked 11"1 the baek areas 3Iiss .Mary Clarke, a daughter of

que."~!ul~-- . '. · p: Wade, K. E ... Wille:.:, C. • ..\. Vhilip, then ·the ·country is loSC~o na- -_;o:- our esteemed townspeople. l'llr • . Thl-'- .\_.A.\'V.t .• repres~nte~. by Stun Jenkins. R. F.e1g·.ate. F. Hut· til1n can fig-ht without fl'.iod or and .Mrs. Jim Clarke. Mi!is ·Mary

}i_r. J. "'alkcr and ~~r. I·· \\hi.te- chi~on, M. \\'"jHiatns. \V. Fulip:·, muniti.ons. Ag-ah1, as. in JaYa to- On Julv 24 a ·meeting of the has for a long time been chief ~~~· .. b~:i,ugh!_, up suhJ~~t;~ ~·elat~ng Russ. Kin~, J. :\Iukair, ~· Dmie.s, day, the Dutch in_li:leciiatel?· a.t- Northern °Development-League was typist, etc., for t~e Nati\·c'i' ~ffairs ':: 'J;.11 .'k,;1 en~ corn~cm:a~,,JJt, ).i. -·!· 1J. W. An<lers'un. A. J .. K. ersl.e~- •. R. tat"ked the coastal cities and rn one. held in the Court House in Alice Rra. l_1ch from Ahce to:-Darwtn and lt•!'r:·d:ahon- Collrn11ss1on~r, Ra~l- 0:3t~. D. R VVll~nn,· L .. J. Brown. short swoop ·captured all the de- Spring-s, '1-t which the attend~nce then back to .A.Hee. In every lead­~1;ii by-laws rev!e~\-, me_ssrng- facil· \ T. H. Port~r • ..\. f'. \a;rlnr, H. E. 'fenee and foodstutf5.....,.....the defence. \vas good. ing Jine that assists Aliee Springs tu~ -.fc~r. Adnum. stra.twn .. w.agcs R. owe. C. H. Hnd. g-e, -R: Elg-Prton,. lrattic is lost brfore. it is_ .a fe\\.· It will -be .remembered that dur- you wi_ll find this little lady doitig me?>., Government cafeteria for Rex Hewitt. Tas Rowlan<l, C'. Rossi day~ old. Jn Ja...-a, unfortunately, in'" the last 12 months very little more than her share, but. at last wcrk~rs, ret~rn far~s for-cYaci:ie.es, A. W .. Hillier, A. i\iucka:-·, Georg-e the island is :::o narr(lw that they haS been he3-rd of this body and the· reward arrh-es. \Vhile being hostels ft1r smgle girls, .s~per\·1s1on H""t.it"chins. . cannot get top far away from the the general idea was that it may ve.ry pleased indeed to hear that 0f employment of abo!'1gmals, and sht1rc. but in 4..\ustraJia that is not be :Prefe.r .. ble to wind it up and she- is ha'\dng such a delightful ~he ~1lpp1y and orgamsed market- so. Y.ie have unlimited space far start 'something more local, so to trip, we feel that her absence will lnK of pnrnarr product_s~ , ~ FA.TAL A-CCinENT TO awny from the coast and the centre test the feelings of the commun- be missed intensely when futUJe.

'.llr. J. E. Chambers and ;\Jr. A. ELK.'EDRA. STOCKMAN nf all is ,A.Ike Springs, where the ity this meeting was called. assistance in local efforts are re-E. ~rahame, of the Amalgamated Comnwnwealth might well consid~ Messrs. Bell, Nelson, Driver, quired. We wish you the very ,Enb,'1~et>rs' l~nion, spoke ~n· t~e -:o:- er 1~1ak.ing- a ~entre for the-pro- Dodd, Gregory and Ward were in best of_ luck, a happy trip, !J-O 1.;i:_.-.;,-t10ns of an Appr_entt~esP.1p "On Tuesday·22nd Au::rnst, Don- ductwn, expcmments and 1nanu- favor of a motion that the League stormy seas, a glorious time while­~·. methods for setthng mdus- · ald Scott, a 1'~1kedra :;;tuckman wa~ factnre llf .iroods nece~sary for the be wound up. there an_d a quick and safe retum. tnal d1sputes and other matters. travefling in to ...\lice Spring-s rail- future. defence. When war starts An amendment, supported by

The Dan\in Taxi o .. vners' Asso- heat!· wTth cattle· when his _horse again, and all th_e sig-J1s are in the Messrs. E. J. Connellan and r~ti.on representatives sa.w the apparent\):: threw him and -in doing sky that it _rna~· not be as .fa~ G. Brandt. opposed the motion and

. K1fUSter on matters important to SQ,.._fraetured hi.s &kull. ' awa:-· as. we wou_l_d _n~turally h.ke, gave their reason why they con-: hell' Ass(lciation, while-Messrs. A. He was immediat£:\y taken into we shall not hii,·e a nunut_e~ notice, sidered the League's life should R. Eddy and F. S. Austin, of the Bond .Springs Hospital. He ne~·er this wonld bt> a war horrible be- be extended. After a general dis• Chamtx>r of Corit1nerce represe_nt- r-ega4ned "conEic_iou$ne~s and d1ed ynml belief. \.: ndcr. yresent sys- cussion the motion was defeated

- ~ the case of peopJe foterested -in the followitig morning. tt'!lll~ ~he Cl~a~tal ~ttle~ <;ou}d be and-if wa~ decided to C8Jl a gen-\1tal questions .such as the new Mr. Scott was formerly of Theb-' blotted out m a single mght, to~ eral •meefinA" of present a11d past t?"':J,Pla_n, Shipping, freight sub- arton, and wa5- held ·i11 very 'hi~h A"etlrer wit~ all th~ foodstuff that members on Augtist 15.

~Ir. Joseph Hanis . and Mr. FJockart, -..vho ·are respeCtively gen­eral manager and a director of lift. Todd Gold Mines, N.L .. of .Mt. Todd, arriYed here by last Satur­day's train, and after spending Sunday in Alice · Sptjng_s motored north.wai"d tO Kath€rine · and Mt. Todd on Monday morning.

~!~''\" -- compensation t_o former esteem by both hi~ emplo~'et\ Mr. makes ftg-hmg- possible. The • .\us- The meeting then proceeded to ')9.1lers (acquisition), assistance J. Dri\·er and his fellow stockmen. tralian p(lpuhition are aJJ on or elect a tempLorary committee of J'ust arrived f


rom !he North is for building of houses, -etc.· periousl)· near-the coast l\_'le and ~even, the committee elected were: ;Mr. _and Mr~. P~fe, wh~ a_re tour·

. The -local solicitors the Federat- 1\.-\lf\KFL SHEEP Australia could be re<l~1eed tP a '!tlr~. J. Donnellan, Messrs. ·E • .l. mg Austraha P""~ medmm: of .. ~-o:-d_ Clerks' Union and° the RetuTned famine )!Jal_"gin in 24_ hour~. Connel Ian, J . .Driver, D. Burns, J. and c~van. T~ey say ·1_t is a Srildiers' Leagl.le were also i-epres- , -:o:- Decentralisation has ycyer be.en Xelson D. D. Smith--.and Petrick. m?st enJoyabJe. hf~ ~nd we agree ented before th_~ Minister. Messrs. 1t n1av not be generall;r known mort:• to our Australian par!1a- ' h di f £939 with them that this is the correct Luke and Newell, on behslf of the that gre"at preparations bJ- an up- ments than a ._name. 1:'\·erythml?.' Th~ League as a ere t 0

.. · way to enjoy an extended hoi.ida·y. P..etumed Soldiers: League, asked toJdate companY are being made has been done to encourage tl~e 6~11 ·m the _bank, .and £fi~ of this They are the guests of Mr. and

, th.at consideration be given to south of Alice 0

f 0 r the rai_sing of people of the Cl1untr~: t<? leave t~~lI will be use.d ma drive .f~r mci:eased l\frs. Gordon Simpson, who always preferen~e to Teturned soldiers in this tvpe of sheep. There is much \\'Ork and congregate in the .~i~y, m~mbership by the temporar~ com- act in a way -that assist.." _guests :~~ l~.asmg of Cro.wn lands, home work ~to be done, dog proof fen-c- · short hom·s, hundre~s of amemt1t'-s nnttee.. - to see the A.Hee at best advantage. ~rt.es in Darv·:in for ex:-senicemen in..r to ei-ect and scores of impnwe- and all the g-ood th1~g-s_,t~at go to lt i~ to be hoped that the.coming , --'-------;oo t~e .matter of a &ite· in Darv:in m~nts to be made, but· we . can/ make life wo;-th w~1le "ls held out me~ting will be represent~tive •O?"a new R.S.L. Hall ·and club- confidently assume that the scheme as an attract10n. !\o wond~r t~en and a lot of gQOO -can be done by ALICE .SPRINGS ,GO~ llc•use. is now under operation. Later the lthat we find our farms becommg a capable coi:nmit~e such as those NOTES

Editor has been invit~ to have deserted ~d the old~r men, !ind elected.· -:o:-

; .tac. 'EVtS -cOnJ?ESPoXDE~_T !nJO~~e~t v!~1~1is\~·._f;nk isb~4~n d. ,~!Nl b:C~.~~e dt°h.isg i!'~~i1T~~-·-.~h~~~.~~(;i;~: L~~~ - :h?uid ~!i~;~~el;h~~~t;!!~· .-\ Flag Competition ~·as he!d . APPOI!'iTED· d d t - JI - • · l\f Jian and from as f&l'..north as New on Sunday and resulted m a mn

be ,·ery pleased in ee o g1ve..a \Ve Yer:i; nluch apprecrnte .r. castle Water-sand south to Oodna- :(or_ Torn Barrett. -Bob Clough·-"""S.S . -~o:- -particulars, plus .blocks, sh<?wmg Ca~~ell's -i1mnigi:-ation_ p_olicy, -.bqt-

~ -Mr R ll Ki' h ' .. ed the class of sh~ep .J!tost. sU1table wou'1d like tP hear more of JUSt datta, there nil1 probably ahtai}"s rwmer-up. - C .·. · :---1,.,rct'fr_usse - ng ~s rece1v for Centralia .. A_l~adt_ ·m~ny how -he anticipates the housing, be some ptp\·ocati!e !llea~u:res be- - -.. Ne~-t. Sunday a Bogey ompeti­'~n oCm the. ~ustral~an Bro~d- thciusands of pounds _,..have. been problem and how many he antici- ·tween towns so far apart-~ D~r-- hon wdl be played ~or a t1"9phy '.been agpp _omtedm1ssrntnh thAaBt Che J'~s. spent' on thi~ -.enture. - . pates putting in the country areas win and Alice. Springs, and -~ch donated by the Darwm Golf CJub •. ix oin as ~ . . .p ne\\s . , . . and particularly the Northern should have a. progressive -assocla· A g~d crow j~ expected to at., . Jnespondent ~t Ahce Sprmg_s. , . f h CA P.astoral- Terri,tory. We can do \\;th thou- tion of its. own, Under any cir-1 tend the dance m the. Clubhouse .. llr. R. Morrison. News ~dit-Or, . A-mee~tn!f o_ t. ~ . ,eld at the sandirhere', men __ who wish to_make cumstances we are,p1eased to see on Saturdl!y, :\Ugust 26. Pro~

ft be gratetul.for,·an assistance ist A~soc1,at1offin w11l ~el ~dav after-: homes grow s·omething-, and be- that something progressive is ce~ds.-are m atd of the _Food for nded to Mr.- King in the per- Secretary s u ~4e o~ 1 .. o n ~ -- come ~seful pioneers •. It i'S· up tO' abouf to be ifone. Britam appeal. . .

orgiance of ~s official-duties. · noon, Au~~t ·, a u P· l-:-- -- · . _ r-, ""~ -.

Page 2: The - territorystories.nt.gov.auterritorystories.nt.gov.au/jspui/bitstream/10070/265645/1/CAD... · 1j" d \-\' d , and Mrs G. Buck, .:'th ·.:i.nd J..Irc:. 111 \,a1·. ·and \.e ha,:e





11IR. Rlj;G VERRAN Teacher of Piano and Sin"in" Agent for·Cawthornes Pi;~nr,:

Banjos, i\'fandolins, etc. Pianos Tuned

·church of England Hostel

After !°ea-Ying "Darwin and the same and in the past he· was. al_­unsatisfactory com·ersation with ways conspicuous by his absence the lo.cal police, and those gentle- on that particular date, but now men's suggestion .that it might be the--nmv-1eaf is being ttuned over, good for the Wendei-er's health if \Vhi1e the new suit remains un­he left the district; local police blemished, so will \Vandel'er, and were apparently not in favor of the meanwhile he may make a for- You'll Conte Out ·Lookin.!! game of two-up, possibiy they had tune, under exoert advice he ad-_ in bygone time~ lost a bit that vertised !or a in·inting press with SMAR1, way themselves. This would make all the trimmings~_ .. .;i.]10~· nQ ob­them a trifle embittered, but that ject-must ha\·e the best.


after you sec

B~rt Coucbe · 'sl

Todd Street, Alice Si'tdgs

nR::;ty look in · their eyes \Vhen Latei, back came the answers­their gaze / loitered .on the Wan- linotype machines, when .available, dere1·'s handsome profile made it would cost £3,000, and the c..>::tra quite clear to the same ·wanderer trimmings a further :£2,000. The that th~ time had ar!'ivcd to try Comptrollei· General is .reluctant new pasture£. Accordingly \ve see I to- give Wanderer permission to him in some nic~ comparatively :;tart, ~sk~ _\\;hat amount. of paper new clothes (won by two-up on is reqmred. Further advice -starts the way do"\\'11) in the city of Alice Wanderer looking for a common THE

HAIRDRESSER _ Springs, a place where so many\ garden- variety ·of press more in- LEADING · .. churches abound that there is no' keeping with his pocket, which al- CIVILITY AND SATISFAC'TIO'i

tifrie for the Wanderer's numerous tf;iough well filled, is not that ASSURED games, all of which until people good, can he get out, no, a promi~e get suspicious is most remu·neraa is a promise. His newly ecquired ti\'e to the- Wanderer's bank bat- dignity resents any retreat, there ance, which same had now thanks is also the lure of the white hula to his ability to play an honest girls, and perhaps a sugar daddy game of cards and other interesta may be inclined .to' make good the ing ventures, became quite bulky \•isioned arre~rs, so he . go~s on,

J aea:r.anda FROCK SHOP

and the pass book was to hin: the head~ch~s daily, ~~t still !'~me. Todd Street, Alice Springs most interesting of all times. Apphca~10ns pour m ~or pos1tion.s, Someone sarca.stically said he ~·as suggestions .for special p~ges . ln so versatile that ·he should start a such a special pa.per, suggestion ne\vspaper run a book at the local that a page of scandal receives races, als~ a kindergarten to in- the . Wanderer's app~ovaI, he struct the young fraternity in the kn.ows of a !ot . of th1:; sort of ways of easy living and the manu- thmg and· c~n i~nprov1se a lot facturing of rare coinage. more, a matrimonial column looks

Specialising in a vm·iety .,f WOMEN'S FROCKS and

SPORTSWEAR Always in Stock



NoW the Wanderer has no great g<?od, he himself may ge~ a rich sense of humor., and in his hiccups widow, one ·who only reqmres lots of that same night was born the of love for a lot of 11.?-oney? this great idea. Yes, he just would run seems a_ further financial wmner, a ne\\'Spaper. He above all others Wanderer has lo~s of I.ave to knew how gullible the public were, spare and soon .will regmre lots he would, in this city, giv~ birth of money·.. Cook1n~ recipes, yes, to such a paper as was never that also is good, give the recipes known before (there would be no .from a cookery book and person- Mail Orders will b~ promptly doubt about that, like his musical all::' call to see if !he cooking is dealt with ability on the violin nothing like satisfactorl?. that \V1ll save meals. it has ever been heard before). As he progresses. his .brain-wave

BOX 94 Wanderer could see before him a gets better. Social hfe means

Phone 32 vista of wealthy Sugar Daddies s9cial climbe1·s and a bit. c;m the asking for his influence in getting side co~ld ~e mad~ by \Vrthhg_ up beautiful little lady tynists a bevy some misguided fright and for the of them could be held~ so~ewhere, tir:ie makin!Ji her a glan;or gi.rl, available on the shortest notice price for this should rapidly rise








All best cuts in beef and mutton.

All smallgoods made on • premises



Northern Territory


FRANK JOHNSON and it would be very bad manage- as time goes by,.":~ are all vain TODD STR., ALICE SPRl~(;~ ment on his part if he could not whethe~ we . admit 1t or. not, a:id spend an evening or so \\ith fhe even men \\~th figures. hke a dis­same Caddies and im.•eigle them torted toad l~e to _be hk;ened ~o an into an innocent games _of cards or Apolla, ~specially 1f. their busmess even an interlude of tv;o~up, and [~cu.men is also mentw~ed. Say for by these honorable means lessen instance Mr. ;;nd l\.i~s. Du-Bal!Y their bank roll that had become I and daught~r is leavmg for Ahce so burdensome to them. The Wan- from,., Darwin, a paragraph such Clerer justly reasoned that he was as . that great sportsman and just as much entitled to it as the leadmg so an~ so o~ the gr~at

ff.WONG_ (Formeri.r F. W. Sing)

shy and protective Tax Commis- N?rthern Territo~:' his charmu:1g ~ sioners, who as all know, just hate wife and her ~eautiful. da~ghter1s, to draw on you for a single shil- I. hea~, now on. their way, per TAILORING, DRAPERY ling that they in .their equally Iu:nousme, to Ahce, where they honest way think should not be will be the gl;lests of . Mr. and paid. It has even been heard of Mrs. Spoopend1ke. It 1s to be the same department after ·SOllolt!· Ji~ that. they will p_rolong their

. . one has willingly overpaid, ref us~ _ ~ tn Ahce, wh!ch is not ?ften

ling to refund and ha. s given it to graced by suc:h witty entertamers the Crmvn, a body that wants it and rarely mdeed has :;uch .a so urgently. Wa.nderer~s senti· glamor _g!?-'l' ~en seen m this ments are just t~e same, if he area, etc. Now, Mr. and Mrs. thinks you have too much, well he Du-Barrys are as rough as the is there to relieve you and the ~ood Lord can make them. Father same system ·s4its both depart· 18 a ~ough guy, Mrs. Du-~arry at ments, and their slogan is GET IT one time was a po?r specimen .of no matter how-GET IT. a .cook at a wayside tiub, ~h1le

So to business, a small shed Miss D~· Barry ~as a _face l!ke a was rented os office and the glad b~rnt ri~e pudding, talk~ ~~th a tidings was sent forth-Alice was tv;a~g hke a bullock dnver, and





BOX 19


to have a newspaper. It was to be at tunes can use languarge ~hat a large issue, not. a daily at first, makes ~he ~~m~ bulloc~ ~river but that later, possibly then two green vath envy: ·.·But w1.U _i_t go issues a day, . Yes, Wanderer do~n, Wanderer is definitely on could find the news, invent it, make for extra ca~h a.n~ all the liquor it .. The editorial to be written by ~e ~ant contain~. wht'WM~ DuBarry Newly Established and just a' men in all stages of life, say a h 1~y·llown. . es, than


1says Ambitious as this, Newspapl'.r

station owner on the necessity of e 1 carry on e as amp itself: importing better scrub bulls and por· . . . improvement and taste of ,,..;tch- 9 ng In e the Kmg. etty grubs, and their relation to the working capacity of the abos. The follo"ing week an editorial THE HON. H. V; JOHNSON



~~~: !0~~vG~ffi~f:i ~f~hes~b~h d~r_ -,:o:- Expert Service Given Thronghuut partment demanding a working The various deputations which the Nort~em .Territory- in:) week for the abos.of 12 hours per called on the Minister for the ~neral En.gmeermg, Blacksm.1th· week, with more grubs and the Interior on his recent visit .went mg, Electric and . Oxy \Veld.in~. use of the boss' pants ,..,·hen on quite t~orouf?hly into wa.Ys and Repairs to. ~II Classes. of Machin· holiday in the Alice. Again could me~ns -m their applications for ery Requiring Tecb~c.al Kn~w­come a welcome change wri~en vanous matters, and in most cases ledge and Workmanship of High· by a.n old friend of the Wander· the Minister seemed \\illing to est Class ers (this really by Wanderer him~ favourably consider the questions self) on how it feels when suffer- put before him. ·ing a relapse after an issue of It was indeed a pleasure tg think DARWIN GIRL GUIDES D.T's., and how in a free country that the previous rowdy demon- -:o:-beer should also be free, make strations that ended nowhere and At the meeting held at the Inter this a State monopoly and let the put .the clock back twelve months Ch11rch Club on Satui-i!ay~July 12, rich man pay ·by"increase, making 'has;at last-been·Temedied,:- We are the_Girl Guide troop of Darwin met his tax.21/· in the £. Yes, \Van- tookitig forward-to See results. for-~ the .first time. Many pfus­derer could see m!J.m,- ways of This paper ioeS to the Canberra pective members attended but it making himself popular and_ g-et~ Library and Territory news, \Ve was decided ·to limit membership ting the best out 9f life. hear, is taking a new outlook in to ten to expedite the thorough

- Wanderer unfortunateb' did not that part of Australia. ·training of the guides. As soon SOCIETY OF ARTS instt:uctive a_ddress on the art of know the first thing ·ahout a paper On reading Mr. Blain's speeches as possible a Brownie troop .Lo to

. public sp~k:ing so ably de}fv-ered. of this sort. During ,his life tht:! in Parliament we do think he has started, Mi:ss Cobbin, the ace -:_o.- pie evemng concluded with an one generally perused is one hand- done. all he possibly could in refer- Guider., fr.om England, was :pleased l

Mrs. 9-reenwood, daughter. of unp~01nptu debate and general dis- ed to him by the police which -says enc~ to. municipal affair~, with to know there was a live troop a~ t4e President, Mrs. M. L. D:rn:er, cuss10n. T,.hose present included something about appearing at, however no re-ult We 1 the -Methodist Half-caste Mission . ~as_the spea'!:=er at the la~ meeting_ .Mesdaz;!eS ].{. L. ~nrl; John Driver, certain court on .a certain day t' hope foi: the. b~st. · can on Y at Crocker Island; Some of ~t:;_ mg of-the Northern Territory So~ the Misses Tonkin 3.nd M. Edie answer foi- soll).e-as he says al- In the Hon. Mr. McEwin the members met her here. · ciety _of Arts held on Monday at and Mr. _G. Young. !edged misdeam~ano~,- he r~ally Territory has also a g.ood advocate Darwin at the home of ru;rs. J. p. · ~ says this in le$S words, and. all bot and he is always willing to do FOR YOUR NEXT PRINTii\f;

) . Walsh. Those present enJoyed the This Office for Job Printing. · and luritl, but the ~meaning is, the what he can for this area.. ORDER - TR¥ THIS OFFICE


s_·A_f-:U!J_D_A_Y-::,::-:J-U:L::-:Y~:6_,_1:94:7:-' -----r----:-"C_E_N_T_R_A'"'.L_IAN ___ ·.:.:'l\:D~V-=O..:C.::A::T.:E~"-=:.:A:;:LICE SPRiNGs .• p. AG11;. ,:j.

LILY HESE & CO. TO T~0:~DITOR OIDt LQC~~;~OSJ'1-TAL 1· _:~ ~rnit~l~0~!',, TITREE WELL ERRONEOUS I.MPRESSIO~ In .Alice Springs we have prob· · SCHOOL sHOP

;>bly a hospital as well equipped ?oul!-rf __ - Rabbits - Paotie8











. _Sir~-May t correct the erron-~ .as any town outside tbe capitals ~ndwiches eous impression that some reade1'f3: ii!- .Aust.ral~a. The )?uildings are Agent for: . have tlurt·· -1~ am ."Sile." The,, divided mto a. nwnl,ler·of separate. WhyaHa Dry .CJeane- L'J. Women's- Column, signed '•Sue wards th 11 tafi'ed II Tb T.-- .. u .,,, • meets with my approval the s b ' ey are we . s ' we e ~ng Dry Cleaners <i tbe jects are topical, and I h~pe "S~e'~ managed and have all the neces· North . is able. to contln"e w1·th th1·s i· Sities to do a· full time; job and Gua..,.j,teed Weekly Se .

M m- further they do that job efficiently fYW! poi:t;ant section of ·the paper. How- aS will be shown presently. ' ever, I would like, through your The Editor, who has had a holi· GEO. E. DEAN ~~ui;;~: .~~u:.~blicly state that I day of a few days there ,recently SADDLER

OLIVE M. DONNELL.'N·. with pneumonia, ha<! ample oppor· ALIC"' SPRIN(;S ~ tunity to observe the capable work- .,.

~~~t~f J~!n~~- staff, from the Repairs a Speci;llty THE EDITOR'S. THANKS

The Editor wishes to thank "Cleopatra," Alice Springs, and S. G. Carrum, Victoria, for their letters. The contents are very much appreciated and the Editor regrets that they cannot now be published as correspondeiice ciii-the subject. they discuss is closed.

BOYS Ai'\.O GIRLS Vlho would like an English pen

friend. Hazel Kew whose ad­dres~ is 5 \V.O. Quarters, R.M.A.S. Camoerley, Surrey1 England wants a boy or girl friend about i4. She m~es s~:i~g music~ reading, s\\im­mmg-, riding and sports.

We can definitely say that he Apply Goldlib h was impressed by the way in which . roug • Mort . & Cq, ~e~~i:dn p~:~:a\h~~1:!'r t~~ for information

the various nurses, who all seemed For Best Results En~-t on the alert to see that the needs u"" .of the :Patients. ~ceived every con· sideration, even through the night very pleasant little £hosts walked the floor and saw_ that each patient was assured of sufficient blankets and was comfortable.

Just before coming away from hospital, the Editor asked to be shown around and this was allow~ ed. With the matron (Sister Y1oolmington), the various operat­Ing rooms were visited the X-ray plan~,· the surgical and operating tables, consulting_ rooms. Every­

DALGETY & Co.Ltd. with the Sale of your


.I. COUZENS, Manager ' DISCOVERY OF ROPER RffER where cleanliness was most appar· -------------------------=-- ent, and the large supply of <!rugs Sir.-In your issue of 7th July j in the dispensary showed that they

PHONE 89 throughout Australia Branches at Adelaide. _and F.·8.,C.HEENAN&CO



commenting on the discovery of ,,,-ere prepared for all eventualities. the Roper River, Mrs. J. Litchfi~ld I Next, the Aboriginal Ward ·was men_tions that this riVer \\~as dl~- visited Here for his inspection --co~·ered · and named by Ludw1g was a smaH piccaninny that had Le1chhaTdt who crossed it in 1843 b bo "th 1 ed • L when on his way to Port Essirigton. a'::'.Jn wh~ ';:0u1Jgb'a~~rn bee~n~a~~~ ocal Agent - - - - J . .N.e!Son It might be of interest to have the formity on life was by skill of -- · extract from Luffi\;g Leichhardt's Doctor de Vidas. becoming to be ------------­


journal of a.n exploration in Aus- made natural, The little legs tralia from Morton" Bay to Po~ were cased in some form of band­

ICECREAM Essinj?ton whieh was published 1Il age that gradually made them re-1847. Under the date of October turn to their natural shape, The I WISH TO ADVISE that

~ORKSBOP is now located ·:::f. .ia<;ent to old Pl'eDlises, ex-l~b- Fltil Wirulle's old garage.

SMALLGOODS 19th, 1845 he states :-" . . , . I treatment evidently caused no dis­found myself on the banks of a tress, the small chap was as happy large fresh water ri\·er 500 to 800 a ·bl d f t Yards broad ... It was the river c~u~~:i; b~ .,'.:.dah!7J'f~; ~r. Roper had s~n two da)'S pre- recovery. v1ously, and I named it after him The next case was a youn2' Jad as I had promised to do." of about 16, who had had the mis- To<id Street, Alice ·SPJiligs

H. E. THONEMANK fortune to be caught bv the arm in ' - ' National Mutual Building, some machinery on one of the Sta· WhetL y:

395 Collins St., Melbourne, C.1 1 tions in the north. A cog wheel ner OU Want Wocid- . had grabbed him and his arm To Cook Th Da. ·

N. ·o SECRET was drawn into the works, and the e Ily Meals.....







SEARCH FOR OIL -- a n:ost terrible manner, When he Tomkins stamped angrily into arnv~d at the hospital his arm Whether You Want -Wood

~ -·o·- the office and glared at his part- \Vas Just a mangled mass of flesh I the flesh was torn and crushed in or

-:o:- _ Dr." Reeves, Mr. Condit and Mi- ner. a:r:id it looked as if he would never to Mr .. w. Bi:aitling_ is Oll his way Hart arrived by plane at th~ "Lo_ok here, was it you that said regain the u.se of.·it again. How- Ward OJf The eonu·ng w'· •te•

to A.lice Spnngs with 1,080 cattle Granites on a trip to the north in I was an infernal rascal ?" he ever, the doctor got .to work on it ID r ~oog the new track. This is the search for oil. Stopping the night asked. · the mangled flesh was cleaned arid Chills i]l'St of .a large mob to venture at the Granites they zoomed west "Me~" exdaimed the other. "Of set to heal, as_ it beCcame better (It Depends on the "WhetL~." '.) 1~ .this centre. We wish Mr. and mean to circle and la"'nd at course not !" a portion of skin was -taken. ·we u~:r: ~lhg dthe best of luck on the Halls Creek. Tomkins simmered down a bit. understand, from this ·thigh 'and SEE • • ••• r • e eserves it. _ The T~rritory is getting to be so "Who could it have been then '!" graf~ O\'"Cr the destroyed part, J

. well known that next season "ill he asked. and 1.s now as seen .by the Editor im Clark Send your · .. subscription (17/4 see . thousands from all. part> . "Reali;.\ old man," replied his groWUlg perfectly. It appears

IJ~ year or £1 posted) to this fiockmg !J.orth any m~y will stay p~rtner, calmly, "I'm not the only th.at in c_our~e of time the arm "ffice. fo~ all time. :r:lan who knows ·you." I wlll regam its natural size. and HARTLEY STREET

J. NELSON , thank~ to most skilful work, the Alice Spring's Specialigt . .

Satisfactory Wood Supplies :m.

·and I lad will never know t~e differen~e. - Next case was a senous burnirig one, which c~me from out beyond Ernabella, this man was working on a borin!Z' plant and when at the General Carrier. top of the derrick, ·ailing part pf H the Chev. wheel bearings, his eavy Cartaire by Semi T.railer a hand wal!! caught between wheel Feature and rope and he might easily have ro;o JOB TOO SlllA lost an arm. No sooner bad he hL OR 11'00 returned from the hospital than BlG

W • h d another accident befell him. He Rin 107. ,, IS . es to .. exten dree-t1• ng's to was pouring some petrol from a g •Or Prompt Sertice l:St can into the top of the carburettor --· • ,

Old .and ne·w. C:r1·ends .. · and section, with apparently the en- Qua!; . tO gine running, when up went the ity Groceries Wanted ? lot. He was horribly burned Quality Groceries Wanted ?

adv1• se th-em. t' hat stocks of :~~ufn~!lr~~~:·t£!~"s:~~o~: Quality Groceries Wanted? was with him, so that being well

W · · wrapped up he was able to ~reach

,,: ater Pipe,. Bore Casing, Pump ~~~!;:\\y m~an':"d.;&.t~~t~~ DON'T GO BEYOND

0 E · ag8ln the skill at hospital saved

1ng quipment and ·Pastora) re- ~~.:a£;~~~v.':~h:0:iifiIJ~a!'a:! l:LA8s & m?iA · have a box over the legs to prevent GLASS & ltENNA

quirements are constant),,- ex- ,tlt~g~!,,.:,f a~~n'::"n/~~11 t¥~c~~l]j GLASS & KENNA wrapped in bandages, He is GLASS & KENN4

I pand1• n , d • th . ~ t . che~rful, ~nd)ike the goo<I chap GLASS & KENNA . g an in.. . e near I. u ure he IS, do~S lots Of Sm.a]] things.for '-· . the '!1-u!1nng staff to show his ap-al l of their needs can be su·p- r~:"h~~~n for what has been done Comer Todd and Hartley Streets

. - A further serious · case was a

P. ·····ed· from Al1"ce· Spr· 1·.ng's . man . .from the railway. He had .ALICE SPRINGS

badly damaged a leg caused f:Tom on a Portion of some roilling material The Retail Merclmnts Who Lead ovLE DISTRIBUTORS FOR : · . falling on. him from a truck He

STEW ARTS and LLOYDS (Aust.) Pty. Ltd. . · also ~vas in a bad way, but i~ now INTERC0LONIAL· BORING COMPANY:. hobbhng along and is confident THE BEST



N elson~---A~i~e . Springs J.

· that ·he will soon be out and about THE BEST once more. ~

-It' ~eems a big job to ask one THE BEST doctor to run on his -0wn, especially as he ~ay be called: out· any day GET IT AT GLASS & KENNA'S l ?n '\ flying doctor trip. But .there lS l!tt]e doubt that the Work . is

·being' done and done 1vell. It is- a hospital that Alice Springs should be pround of, and with -- a staff that is ajl efficiency: · ·


Page 3: The - territorystories.nt.gov.auterritorystories.nt.gov.au/jspui/bitstream/10070/265645/1/CAD... · 1j" d \-\' d , and Mrs G. Buck, .:'th ·.:i.nd J..Irc:. 111 \,a1·. ·and \.e ha,:e


':N O 'l' 1' C .E I CALLING ALL CITIZENS ! --...._.*_.....-:::-. I . AIR SERVtC!S -.-- · t 1-" · th· · !fare Rt'~:ular Airmail ~erncC'.s to Perth "'OTJf:'.' -.~ 1,_.,_w,by ;,.iYcn ~hat pcr-

1.'\rc yoU lO eres t_"U m e \'>~ "

~~~n~ Ti~~~:~~\'t~S!NG~;l' suOoTlNG of Y<~Ur To\v;i? If. so,. don't for- Ex I\.::ith!~~l~:;~.~l~~ll~~~Au. Tuc~-(~n Yamhnh 8.tatinn without \Vrit- ~et lhc I ubhc Meetm.g on Aug-ust 9 ··-en AuthoriiY of Lessee~ \VILL 7, at S p.m. m the J.;x [~::·::102._~1.~o 1~.!~· e~·e'ryet~\·ed-im PROSEC\;TJm. ' !'IO:.iEER PICTURE 'PHE.ATRE nesday.

B~' Or<ler of Special Item~ fOr DiscURNion Anson f'i-l'assenger Aircraft aYail-GOREY. BRO~. aa C!HtlIU'.\'ITY CLFB .. RECREA· tble from Darwin for Charter al

NORTHER!\ TEllRITORY . OF TIO\ R~i~lf~'fio~~iLDRE'.\''S 1L\CJl(ifi~1l~~O~~,iILLER



Agents for: Operatic Wireless and Vacuum Product>

COliH:fE~tJS .ATTENTION ALWAYS ., ,~,-CLldon &~ La\..-t'anCt_> Huilding~, G 't -,.- u('ENTR 'LI• N" H E T d At.::4TRALIA 1 ··\t\d Oil'' other matter of. public \ nATIOC\ ('0. LTD .

INSPECTION --c:lFMACHJ:.iERY interest Dc\RWI'.\ ,e , our • ,. ,,.! ·. ere., 'very ues :t)'


The HIT With ALL The HITS '.


'" oRi;:tINANCE 1941 (lfT~he ~r;b·~ a:c~i'~~al~t 8~:; or rn,.i ~~~~rge':-; Te;f.~~:48 · Prop. S . ._.JON~S, ex-ILA.A.F' .. XOTJCE TO OWl>."ERS A!\ll J will be presented. . . · ~·· ...... " ... ,.,,,,....._.. . ·······•·· ...... _ ... e.·.:w.•.cc.·N.:·oc:'1.'"''''"· ,.

·USER~ '{)f' ~!ACHll\'ERY I If you have any sugges\J?ns for. CO)DJO'.\'WE.\J;TH OF DARWIN TENANCIES F 001' BALL ' __ the ~rood of the Town now is your _\C:STRALIA I

_ Owners and user's of boilcfs and I chance to help U8 to_ help sou. ..·· . . . -:o:- · _-:o:- -cy;. machinery who hav~ not completed Book the Date--Thlirsday, ,Aug., TE1\P.ER$ are, re'-called. retur1~- Information receiYed bv the The football match last Sur,11u\. and l?<if!ed with the Inspector .of G. A.-'-Je.flann-Sen·Go~vener

1ab_le a!. 2 ~ p.111. ~n }-'UESDAY, N.T.' Administration indicates that C?mbincd , .. ~own, res1:1lted i.ri ·::

Machinery .the Fo!111s of Not!ce THE ALICE ~OMMUNITTE fitl1 Alf.-U~'T, ~941, \\1,th the_pe- a certain ·amo"unt of buying a11dlwm for Combined h¥ mne 11;1'.r:t:-:. of Ownerslup of B01ler or M_':l'chm- CLUB ea2 parta~ent of Works -~ l~ou~m~, [selling of Ildng- quarters is taking The .final ~c?res being Com~!~"(·d ery are.requested to do ~~1\\tth~utl . Ik'.!·wm, for the fvllov.mg .- place in Darwin. - 8 ~oals 20 pomts; Town S. g-uac3 Ii delay. IJ.l order to fac1htate m- . · Com·el'sion of Former Laad~ It is desired to warn the public I pomts. spect_1on of plant.. . . . DU D LEY Otlice, Alice Springs, into Quar--1 I that all land and the· majority of . The ~ame g-enerally was k':"'"'0i:.·

This req1;llrement is obhgator: ll•rs for ~Harried Police Officer~. impro,·ernents ''."ithin the Darwin n~t:~re~tmg-. and. som~. \.·er~ fin,~ l!.-

unde! Section lG. (1) of t~e I.n . I·LANS SPECIFIC'\'l'IOXS and Town Area are under the control dn1dual play \\as ;\1tncRse<L """"'t ~o!' of Machmery Or~nance STUDIOS Tl"NOER'FonMs ar~ aYailable at of the Northern Territory Admin- players for the w1!1ners \.,.·,~r~· :-w'hi~h is quoted hereunder.- I th~._ offices of the Department c•f I istration and cai:mot be transfe_rred I C?x, M~Cab.e, ~enkms and o_.,,·?'.

"Any person who b.ecomes the \V I & H .· .A.l" S · bv a tenant without the written l:hll Co.x al;-;n \\C>l1 the trouh> -f,,r ow~er of any nlachiner)· Subject LEADI~G ';{~ ~ .· ousmg-, 1ce pririgs c~nsent of the Commc1nw~alth. best player nn ihe ground. ·Th:~ to the oroYisions of this Ordin· arT dan\ m. t b 1 • · 1 Attention of all interested par- I \\'as g-enerously donatf·d by :\Ir. ance shall, wit~in orie month CITY PHOTOGRAPHERS (>:d~ c~n~;fo~~eL~s a~d~!~~s0~dG. ~~~ s~h; tids i"s' particularly directed·, tn '1 D. ~itt:i· and was .valued ~:t. s~._ ~


-. after he becomes Emch O\\."ner, . I····,. v• • f w ·l ~ n ~ t t f Clause (d) oi the Acknowleag-e- 1ne mo~t pro. mment pb~ f't:-- ''ll'

d t th ch· f I ct lJl ( to1 0 nt c., epar men 0 f T h" h t t 'the Town lCDl'l wer· ·-C· + ."1r sen. ? e .. ie. nspe or a are operating at j Wnd::" & Housing, Dan\ in, mark- i11ent o enanq .. · w !C s a es:- 1' (c·1nt ) Rawso11.3.nd R~1;ian ~ ;-..• ·'. n~tice m wr1tmg ~n accorda?ce cd \nth tne 11 ~1ne of the "\\erk, and "That I/We will not assign or I ' · '. ' . ' - . · ·. , with the Form m the First BUFFALO HALL ALICE . ·r d . b I t h , v 1 bY The g-ame \\as capaol:v ump1w0. Schedule statin the narne of - pla~ed rn the en _er. B?x. su - e t_.e occupanc. 112:re .· i by Mr. Blakeway, and the ~ip· th . ' tl gl ·h . th SPRINGS :"Jl te•1de1 neces:<n tly accepted. cre_ate<l \\ 1thout the consent i~ I pointment ·0 f other grOund offkial:-1n:Chi~~:;' is1ee~e:£:d.'~ k:~~. o~ I . ~ELSOX LEfi'IMOK, . \~:riting. of the Commonwe~ltl:.' 1 also.the prr!Yisicln of a score b11ard: intended to be used. the kind of PROOFS KEXT DAY c Mm1ster for ·wnrks & Housmg-.. A. ckr..o\\ le?gen1Ent of Tenancies l:wa~. apprec~ated by ~l.w sp.et't.atnr~. machinery and the motive · l;a,·e beei:i m many cases granted It is pleasing. to see thµt :·::"~~·-r power." · · ALICE SPRI:S-GS CO:\il\"Il::"\iTY no persons \\·ho ~rn~:e purcbasE'd atlendant'CS are if;ercasin'..r. Th~

=> • n ,. · ··J S'PECIAL. Sl:\GI:\G C!..VB ,hu~s.and othE:r s~1~11Jar r:.~pes of pl'escnt and r.;rowlHI~ I ~mlltJ , .(~t c_,.._ce~u1g £_,O f9r I j bmldmg"s. Tenancies of this cate- by the public ad<ls. g-r.c~1tl;: ~

. breach of .. t.h1s ~e~~1on. ,c_ _ . ,_Statement of ~-\eccipts and P~~:- go1:y refer nnly ~o. th.e ~~r. ! p_layers' <:!forl.s. t? pu\ 1.lw !..:::, .. ' For~1s ale ob_au~able .J..1.0!!1 the ments for pertod a!-' from 19th which the hut or uuildmg IS SiLUa .. - on a sound basis Ill Alice

.Inwc~o~ 0/ \~Ia~hmer~ i/- _De· ., LARGE PHOTOS £1/7 /6 [ De.ccmber, 1946 tc.30th June, 1947. ed. and ean b.e terminated by the Or SuudaY annthP.r. n12.tch »' na l~<·nt o

1 o.t :_'.,an .. o~s:ng. __ . · -~-, Cornmonw_ealth b~· tI~e 1:d':'i~1g ~f held' Let\\·e,E;.,l the Coml<;ii:~d

~~~~n, 10:,, ~he ·.~c~r.g Dnec .. 01 o.f . I REC~IP1S. I fourteen days nnt1ce rn wntmiz .. o and th~ To\Yl1 Team. Th1.s - Jn~f,:. ~-lt~c Spi.i105· H:; popubr request Dudley Studios I To }LdYance by Messrs. j the tcti.a:1t to vacate and yield ui; be a v€·cy inler~sting g·any

C. R. STAHL. are extcEdin.:; tt.eir d~it in Alice Ke!1na, \\'alton, Joha1~A.- 1th; said _]and or an~: .. ?ai:t th~re~'~ last Sunday's n~atch, :-::o co 1nr_· Acting. Di:!:ector of Mines. Springs until 'Weduef.iday next, sen and Thoma;;, ,t:ld

40 0 'Ji <5 l;;u~~ 1 ::~. of the Ac·-:JiH le·do-uer". i and <>~e a g-ood .~ame.

THE ';ni<THER:> TERR!T;~2~ ~:l;~'t 30,~1iss this oppo~tt<nity of 1

t;·%,'~fa:~~~:~~,~~~~;~~~ . ! ::t~;~;~~\i:~i~ t:~;~az£,d .by' : ~~;;a['f\;,,;;~~;~ f~~d~,~~;";~~:: OF ~"..FSTRALfA securing £ome of these excellent in~ on p1~:1c ·-· ............. (i:2 !! 111~~ fo1~0\\S. Th~, ~e.ian, 0,\

1:· . ! lnle11cL11~'. lJUr(_'hJ..,eJ"., o~ _1.

:.H:-IJ>:(; OIWI~AXCE !'.>:)~ :o~traits.~ .~ ·.-- ' I! t~~~,i~~: .;';l{~n~:~t:~;~ 111 ! ~~~'f<l~~:~t~f.~i~1li:'~~,;:~~d' frE ! ~~~'.~;.~r.:~!:~o~~~ccf~~~i~~ff\;~:} ~OTiCE OJ' APPl .... lC}.TIOX FO!~ J)[DLEl ~)l CDIOS kn·e photo- Xrn:i;:; Tre~ Apt)e2.l ............ 10 1;: (J ! tcP::-lnc_,. oYo=T tlle lc:.11d ,_., : fore e11·~eri1~.i i~1to 2.ny t'ru',: . .i ·

A :'iIE~F.P..:\L LEA::-;E g-raphed such n:otable as Mr. V\"'". IKinderg-c::.rterl Appeal:····· 12 1G ~J J c.:tcd .. Therefore tlw on];.· .~n: ~~reeme·l~ to. purc~::::.sc ii::r :\kKeli, Sir Earle Page, and manv J P_roc;::eds of cor.Jmurn_~~- , I 0~1J:~~o1~?" _tenar:-t _can i:.i::-ke _ ttc I mcnts wbieh ill\ffilve ~ cb::.w:.. ·

Np! M/J., J :5'.2H. · - - I Flrcg-mg 8" 14 2 I sale 0.1. his huiidmg and c0ntenl:;::, I ten~ncY. · NOTICE i'. liercb:; p-•:en that Ya!- stag-e and screen stars. Easter cf:";!."-,-Jafflc of / Y·:hich slwul<l be \·a!ued nn ci. rc.o- I 'j];_i's· warning:· is offered :" entino St3· uon1 .. Amedc'O Grirnba1·- HOTELS FOR SALE : n"atch ...... :····-. ..... : ...... ...... ...... l(I i; r uo;.·al ~~_sis_ . . r J !J:.,bl'.c fo!' its pruteclion: and_ :_..:. H•t otto, and ~·Udo Fort;_i·w.:-o, of Hart~ ; Food for Britain Appeal 140 1:-: 11 I The J'..T. Ad1r·ll1l?tr3.don ha;:; al- i :n(;nd('d lo har.1per ~·e~~~1 L, Rang:e, the under;:.ig-ne<l, )Ja;;e rnade I ChildrenS Hospital ap- so pµrehase<l many 1:.utr..;ents and i ~rand er of irnprovem.ents, b;__ 1: applicatiar. this day for a Miner·a:I OFF:ERS are imited ;;rnd will be peal, ~_de!ai~e ...... ..... : 12 1fi 10 tenants ''"h_o oc-cupy thE:se in:pruy~.:.1·-p.i-eve.nt cxp.Joir~tion bv .un.:'"'-·: n Lease .un<lE'!" th.e prnyis.·inns of t!·1·<' received by the undersi·gn. ed up to I Colle.ctions Piano Funr 1 1(1 DI ments. wh1.ch belong to the Coll!- ·ul~\Is persons m th_e tr&'l"'J.'"'r ' Mininf~ Or<lir:a.

1,cc l!l~'I. of ~rount.i, noon on THl:RSDAY, the 7th day Easte1· eg-g-, further do- PJOr:i\1 ccl'"h (th;se unpro\:crnertslhvmg quarte1·s _at mfloterl -. p ..

to be. ~n'l'"r: ~:• "La ,t. Chance," I r)f ACGUST. 1~)4-}, for t~e~ Licen.sed na;io.~s ···-· ...... :···-· .1. ......... :·· :; 4 ti


mc.'Udr- all b~ildtnvf" purchased~ un- '\ hei~~ .':o ~:e< urit'~ of. tL~nu"t~ 1

contamrn;! :!II ac·:"cs -:-tU.ir~ted a1. I Hotel propert) and premises /WalllE Fogart:., . .rhe1- de1 t:lw Dai\\ 'n Au1ms1bo1J .-..ct) be offo"'d b. the \endoi. ·Harts Ran·,.~ Loea\il': a:id c0 rii-: lrnown ·as "The Goldfields Hotel" tiscr -···· ...... -···· ............ 2.:Z 2, ~J ~Jla\e-2'absolutelY no cqmt) Ill the I mencing- at' Daturn Petr (Ju K.E.1 Teni:ant Creek in th.e :Korthern ~ock . C_.~urt, Co:nmun- """ ,.... ~rQperty .. and if they are .. vacating-. Try. th. i,.;.· Office for Job Prinrine· come~ of land appli('d for. be!ng- T.~ .. rr1tory nf. _Auf?traha toge~her ,it:<, S;?g:in~ ...... .._,_ ...... ...... ri 1~1 ~

1. ·, .'Ti.r;"":".-:'.. , ::.':~~--::::~-'..' .. '..:..'>.,· .. ~·· ··-··.-.:.:.•::::.:.'::-,·:·,

i:J mile~~ nortl't~ead of Harilwg I \\Ith the furniture plant fittmgsl Bo:-, Scout 6.PrCal :..... 9 .., Springs J"'c!i<l about 7 1.,1 iJe:·, ~outh of 1 an~ fixture~ in the said ~otel. Sundry cnllecti(rfis ....... :.... 9 1 91 old Huckitt~ 8tatirlf1 Hnmcstead. I This Hotel IS erected vn Busmess f

-thence ~( 1 chaim~ sou~h-,ea~;t, 10 ~Areas 9E containi!"lg;.; acre situat-· 422 11 ·1·

chains south-west, '.W chains north-1 ed_ on the west side of Patterson , west, JO chaim; north-east :o .daturn Street, Tenna'.1t. Cr~ek To:,·nship _PA Yl\1ENTS I p~g. Forme:·ly !\-1.i'.A .. 11· .. :f!. for.- I and lU.f: conta~nmg ~ ~ere s~uated By.· Piano purchased as felted.

1 ,?n the east side of "No~I~ Stree~, per contra ....... ···-· ...... ...... 77 10

Dated at Harts Ra.nge thi:; 17th J fennant Creek. ~mrnsh1p and is Repayment of Joan to da·,· of .hdv, Hl--17. ! held by :Mmrng; Tenements M'essrs. Kenna, Walton,

Signature n: Annlicu..nts ) (ay~horisPd. Holdings) under the .Johannsen and Thomas 40 Agents: _!.,nied~o G::ii:<bc~i·otto, ! l\f1'.'mg Or~lmance 19~~fl ~nd re:tu- Repa~·ment to ?\fr. Don . Fort. unar;o, Valentino Stt...·ntwyo. 1 l~t10ns (!:',orth_en\ Teiyitory) by I Thomas ...... ······ ···:·· ........... , 60 (J

Objections to the aoplication nrtue of a Miners Right. \Food for Britain appeal above r~frTi·ed to must be Jc;d~ed I .The successful tenderer will be Mr:~. Kenna ··-·· ................ :. lGO O u at, th~ \V3.rden's Office on or be- requ!1·ed to purchase the stock in Childremo Hospital, Ade:. fore the 21st day of August. 1947,' trade contained in the said. Hotel laide _ .... -··· ...... ...... ...... ...... Hi O O and the hearing" of the ap'[Jlication at a valuation to be made in the Easter egg, Prizes ...... 2 8 O ~ilJ ta.ke place on the 25th da v uf

11 usual manner of such transactions. Prize Monevs ...... ...... ...... 5 16 O

August next. · • All rentals, licence, fees, health Xmas Tree: CWA ...... ...... 8 14 U

Starring· Phii REAGAN, Gale STORM, Cnnnie BOSWELL Louis JORDON and his Tympany Five and WiJI. OSBOW'iF. and his Orchestra. _For Gen. Ex.

LEO L .. PRUNSTER ' ~r=~ho~~s~~~~~t l:b!u~djus~~~ i~~~er~~;:rn ...... ~.:..~e~-~:. 12 Hi Mining Registrar... to date of possession. lfire of hall, Mr. J.

Arunta Gold-field. · Possession to be given and taken Rice .... _ ............. -·· .... _ ------------- within one calendar month of the Boy Scouts appeal

:l 0 5 8 4

!J() 16 10




422 1 11

receipt cf all necessary consents Bank balance c Id ........... . of the Federal Treasurer and, any At Coinmonwealth Bank

I other officer or authority under of Australia, Alice any Act Ordinance or Resrulation Branch, N .T. for the time being in force ·in- the ----said Northern Territory of _Aus-tralia. ·

No tender necessarily accepted. Food for Britain Appeal-Collec .. For forms of tender _and all pat- tions .at. Community Singing ticulars apply to the undersigned. :\ights

1:4 8 0

Supported by : ...

"FLAME OF THE WEST'' \\~ith .]'ohnny !\'.lack BROWN, Raymond HATTON, .!'kn WOODBURY, Douglass DUMBRILLE, Pee Wee King and his Golden West Cowboys. _For Gen. Ex.




Xoi"\\icli Lnion Building, ----\\" aymouth Street, 64 8 0 ".





r?fr!~eF~~~~1:ede~~a:d ~~~at:ori: j~~~c!~rs.fo~· :a~~~~ a-~-~. 16 O 0 with Broderick Crawford, Frank McHugh, George C!He· land, Nana Bryant and Joan Fulton. _Not for gen. ex. ard Mah·ern Francis dL:o.ceaSed. jOwen J.B., fees. etc ..... _ -1 11 6

· ej26 I Bank charges, Cheque _____ c ________ B9ok and _S1l;mp· ·-··· .•... · 2 7 S t d ,_

pleafe.' · ; \At English.. Scottish. & • ~u:·nL . ulea~e:· I Australian Bank Lim- ''PENT HOUSE . RHYTHM" . i "Put me tr ·oug-h to my wife, B<ink balance c~d- .-···· 46 13 11 uppor e _uy · · · ·

'\~· b01 ·: I ha,·e only one \ited Ailee Sp6ngs, NT. · · . Registered Ta" Agent '' u . 648() with Kirby GRA'.'\T, Lois COLLIER, Judy CLll..RK. "~d

plBo ·----· - -- l A scientist ass~rti that life bee. --·-- ed N.ORR!S. _For gen, ex.


ian ·in hot water. It seems to be Audited and found -correCt by. J. x PRINTING OF. ALL. DESCRI!'· holding ·its oITTt: - Abberton, .Public Aecountant,. · · TION NEATl.Y EXECUTED AT . . 1417/47. ; . SEATS 1VJAY BE RESERVED fl.T THE (;APITOL CAFE THIS OFFICE-·fRICES RIGHT t This Otfice· for .Jeb Printiog G. 4.-· ·Johannse~, Ste\var~~ e

- ""' . '






P.O .. Ilo" 5i f·

Factory Tele11hone No. %

Cooi Drinks Ice Cream

COXFECTIONERY-oniy !he he.<.t bra!td~ '.<:tocked

<l!~DEF>'.S· TAKE)[ FOR IlO~Ii>:\L-\Di·: CAKE;.;

.\r!('" l'ich~rc · I'atrons especially catered for : Tea, l'offei:'.

with Sandwiches ur Toast







--.:o: __

Additional to the numerous lines previoush· advertised




GEN'I'.S' and CHTLDHEN'S SANDSHOES We have a Wide and E"tensive Han·ge to

suit your requirements

If its N01' 'on Display _ ASK FOR IT !

__ :o: __

Agents for :_



__ :6;_•_·_



=:·:~:·===~·= . :·:....: .:·:===~=-:-::=:-: . :-:--:·:-:·: :-:



Suppoi;t Yom: Own Weekly Newspaper


Fill ih the Form below and Post it to the office of the ''Centraliau Advocate", ~ai1way Terrace, Alice Sp:ring's.- .

Subscri.p_tion~ lJ I 4 -per annum. £1 Posted.

Pl~ag:2 enrol. me a-s a' 8.abscribcr to the ueentra_l~an AdY~catC'' .for Period of :~onths fur whic~1 p~y~~ht i~ enclosed.

Name ..... ,,., ... ___ ., ____ H~••oOHHO• .. H•N-•N-O•H•O-H<•_,.,_ .. , ...... - ....... , ........ ~ ••

Address .. ----·----'···•-----····--··---·-···-·-·--·-····-··---·--·--····: .. : •...•..



-:o:- I Strong Dema.-.d And· Firm I

Values · ' ·

Catlly were l~ss plentiful at the 1'. Abatto1;·s sales_ o!1 .fylonday, but ther~ was. a big- Improvement in I qual.1ty with several well-finished ~tat10n drafts, althou2h Store to JUSt useful sorts were still plenti­ful.

Demand was strong- and a good

I clcm·ance resulted at pric(!s fullv . ec!ual to last \\·eek's best rateS, I with a firmer tcndencv at times I Cc·tmtry butchers, smallgoodsme~ J and graziers _bought :wu head. 1

The yarding tot.alled 1 .• 725, corn- : pared with 2,lGfi a. week ag-o .. Cr,n- 'I

tral Australia contribut€d 880 ~e-,•: South Wales 2:10. FaT North i ~7(), Xorth 100, South and Lakes! i~O, __ ::rnd loc3.l yaddoc'.::::; fiiJ. : j

(Jood to _!rime b-,.1l!ocks ' and

i~~~~jt~{Jii1~~~~~\ bEt varie<l con::iderablv ·in condi~ i tier~ .. The 1.ops .,,·ere:· ~:·;>Jl finit:hed 1

o.:nd E~cluded some r110ice heifer 11 ~~ei', .buL s.:;m.? n_f th~ _c(:ws we:;·e '!' -ol~ ~nd pl<!rn. ) earlrng-s '':ere in fan· :;:upp.Jy. but cah-es 11·ere some- 1 what scarce._ SujJl.cier.l bulls a:1d \ · stags were a Yailuble. I

Hepresentatbc Sal.;-s .lG Shorthorn cows f:rnnl Yan-

PERSONAL SERVICE The person~!_ ·touch is an inte~Tal. !J".rt of the E.S. & A. Bank's service to its customers: Its officer.:; are _fully equipped alld eve~· rerrd•T to rri\·"' fhe !Jest· possi1;1~ banking service and to ~n1ain~ail~ a personal and confidential ·reJ3.tionship ""l.vith their cHstomers. '

L-pon such foundations are built the mos.t success-ful and lasting bu.siness associations. ·


cannia,'. New. South . Wales, short -to medium Hames. lei:rgY useful j -con~ition, estimafed weight' 475 lb., I TJIE PIONEER BA.NK IN TJIE TERRITO/IT at .£10/ 4 '--r.r 42 111 a 100 lb _

. 7 Sh~1thorn steers from Ya~can~ I · gia~ ,flir length'.)'°"d depth_ and 6i5 lb., at £!7/.1&3-53/-. I MACROBERTSON-MILLEH ~~J~~ 1 , prime. <L.n lb .. at :£1 j/O;S 39 Hereford steers from Wei- J. ----

~ ·~h ·tl ·. , . bourne Hill, medium to fair length, AVIATION CO. · 01 , 101•11 SLCers from \an-1 some leggy, good condition, some I . . · ·

canma. sno_1 t. .~0 r::rl. ri.epth and prime :550 lb. at £14/1'"' /9--54 ,...) -.o.-~.~~~~l~'. 1 ~l"lllll"}., GUO lb., at n4 I . 1~ ·Shorthor~-Herefor~ ~ross i1~


l- This \\·eF knov:n a~·iatio;1 corn-0 Shorth~rn hu'lock f 11.r t j locks· from Yancannia, hlT"'e to ex.: pany has run a serdce from Dar-

Ri~lnch, C~rit~a'! \ust~:'i1l;~11n~'eU~~1 1 tr~"'lar~:~-f~ames.· ~;ep .a~d thick, I ~;-in to,, Perth .. Their plane ~a~ ro· lrir::.-~ frames. f:."f'ntl denlh - ~l'ld pn •. ,e, ··-u 1b., at _ ... 3-4~/9. J :.l:o be ... n chartered to t~e Admm- ·-

, h1·i:ad~h. p1:i::1t.'. 0()'.J lb., at i~O '11>'J ... 9 Aberde~n ~..\.ngu~ b~ll~cks from J1s-:<:tc-:r, who _has by this method,

. ~vl D. · L>·-:1pbell 1\1rk. :\1em!"lgfc, large earne~ out trt}JS ove1· most of the 21 Hcr~ford-crnss gtc-crs frC'rn I ~~~:r"e~, Ge\'? <;nd ~.hick •. prime,! ~rom.e~ of t~e }errito!:>-". \vi~h the

;..\Jcl,,ta. C~·r,.~ral _..\ ustr:J.lia. bou~ht ~,in lb .. at l:::'.2 '.J./ 4-,~0/ 4. ~ ~-~<;ept10n . or .1.rom Katherme to o;.c gra~:ETS at £1!l/13 :~). - , 1 Lxal and countrv butchers I Auce· Sprmgs, There :is lit~le

, :22 Sl~ort110rn. bull0ck:.;; from smallg0od~me:1 and g·:!-aziers \Yf'l'~


1 <l?ubt_ that TIO\.\" ~he. Territory. is ~ount R1ddoch. fair .J~ng"th. go.od alJ ac-ti"~a-nd a satisfactory sale a1r-mmd_ed, the av1at10:1 companies u0pth ~11d b:-ead'!:h. nrime, 7:25 lb. resulted. are r;mkmz our long chstances- feel

I at .. ~lti 17 :P!7=""·52/.~. - . ' Quotatin"ns {estimated .price a relahvely small. Su~h is progress. }'-~ ~horc;io1_'11• he 1 1en~ from :\fount lfl{J lb., not allowin~· for Abattoirs

R1ddoch. ;:.oung-. short, £"0od ·depth charges to butchers.) :~Prjme prime young cows, 50/- to 53/-: ~n.1 'c ~.rc~~t,h. prime, 450 lb., at hand:y-wcio-ht ox beef, 541-·tO 5~V:; heavy1 46/- to 49/-; choppers, 40/--L .... 9:-Db/4. medium, 52:- to 55 1-; hea\·)~, 49/- to 45/-.

11 HnP/nrd_bullocl~s from \Vell-,to 52/-: fair tO go.od, 471- tc,.5!11-; '---------­hqurne Hi:I. na Oodnad·::tta. g-ood nrime heife...-s, 53/- _to- 56/-; -odd, 1

le!1gth, snn~e lf".l.!."9.."Y· good t_o prime, j higher; good trade, 48/- to 52/-·; Thfs Office for Job Printing.


i'ANION FOR YOUR LEISURE. En·ry inch of m·erall dt•sign i~ gil-.-eJ~-- a

, gract_•ful ~a~ly h.Y Uf'W HS~nmliue" ~Q-Jing. r.ht~ Coup~, WJlh roominess for 3 big }Jt~plP~

. ha~ cn•rJ· comforl fealure from draughtfoss ven­hlat1on to steering column gear shift. The .rein-

~or<"ed .1o_ad:space for 10 C"MP't. has a~4S-"inf'h ltide

1 tailgate .011cu~ng and steel !"kid_ strips for easJ·, ~r­

.c,·el loachng. Sepal'-.'lte .flue:h-with-hody locking recesses. ho]d spare wheel and tools~ krrhside petrol filler is deftly concea]ed and tonnt•au cover h fraiiled and cun•cd.


·Sol~ ·Proprietor A. E. MUIRHEAD

:Alice Motors Alice Springs

Page 4: The - territorystories.nt.gov.auterritorystories.nt.gov.au/jspui/bitstream/10070/265645/1/CAD... · 1j" d \-\' d , and Mrs G. Buck, .:'th ·.:i.nd J..Irc:. 111 \,a1·. ·and \.e ha,:e

... ~







in he Ma<'Donncll R.ang-P~ through an area of ('Xists 110\~.diere else in

-·o.-_ I Further tlrn road could HA VE WE ANY CIVIC HC'J eundcr is a copy of a Jetter quite a ui11que tourist

fir•m Mr. A. l\f Blani, M.P. to I I mention all thIB to ~ ou PRIDE ? the Minister for the Interior, l\fr. of the proposals to a<::s1st -:o:-. H. V Johnson, M.J>. companies hr \\ay. of ld. PE'' to 11

We had a po.ser put up a_g-aim~t ->4th June 194'"' nHie transit from l-ort Augu..-..ta to ... • ~· Alice Sprmg-s and also the prmi-

us the other morning. A visitor The Hunorahie H. V. Johnson, M.l. sion of Stutable roads and t came along quite early and calmly ~1~i.ster for tb~-I.Htefior~ lat. the . Granite~~ Per'-ona~~~ e~ seated himself on 'our best chair. l a1 hame11t House, thmk this should be a •rood ide

"Well what can we do for you" CANBERRA, A.C.T. it \\ill i~duce big capifal to in~e:" 1Ye ask~d. The Yisit~r said th~t Dear Mi. Johnson, in mineral areas that haH' hr;1~ he had come in for a chat on pr01 ed by wortln~ g-eolog1sb 'tn<l soi::c·~hing that interests· all tour- I cnclo~e a lettei· fi nm one' of 1 I-feel that you ·will a,(!;ree \Yi th 'ine ;st8 and should interest you as my. c.on.s:i~u.ents. Mr.-, 11?"' km- that the Queenslahd- s:ystPm of \·:c:I as ap other Alice Springs poril;i. 1.e;-;tdrng. m ~ueens!and. . 1 protecting the original lr,.;.~ee~ re"~d~nts. We, the tourists like I hme kno\\ll Ins: as a ~attlei I when any companv that is 1'V,. l AL:c Springs district very much, tirospector for nrn.n~· rears 111 _the is a s-ourid one. · . rmer so. much, indeed, that many of us T~rnt~?' and ~~ has re<1ues.t~d I feel that Mr,-\Yould bP would like to spend in future alJ that acces~ be gn ei; to the Jeno1s 1

1 squeezed out if some Jndit·ation

our v.-inters here. We realise the Rang:e Mmeral :F'1eld. I have 1 were not g:iYen to him throu<r}i wonderful climate, the inexhaust- neYer actually been to the Jervois I the elected Member,' (in .(~,:"~~~ ible supply Of pure water that un- Range alt~ough I h~ve been . \·ei:y, ment policY. I would be pleased

D Ii S 1 .1

1 • A . . D · S <loubtedly will grow anything, we dose ~o ~t. ! understand it JS I if you would confer with llH:> 011 . eparts A Ce nnuay 9 a.m. rnves anvm p.m. realise that vineyards, orchards very rich m silver lead and other these matters as r feel that we

Tuesday ... ·and all classes of '"egetabies can metals and ~evelopn·1.ent is only have an asset out there ·(wo-lfram, Departs Da1·win 6 a.m. Wednesday. Arrives Alice .9 p.m. be grown without trouble. You hel? up b,· "ant of transport. irold, mka, silver ·lead, and ""'-

Friday. do not appear to be short of a .I• rom reports that I , have re- pected radio active minerals) that · paradise all but one thing, and eel\"ed and the fact tha~ the late, has been scorned too lon!!. hr

EXCELLENT ~tEALS AND ACCOMMODATION that which is probably the most Randolph Bedford, one-time Mem-1 southern critics. · PROVIDED in~p~rtant to .anr g~owing town is ber for Maranoa in the Queens- Kindest reg~rds,

0 •ght Sto t T t C k d Dal W t 1mssmg. By this tune the Editor land Assembly, wrote many ar- I Yours Yerv sincerely

verm ps a ennan ree an y a ers w~~ ge~ting worked up, !1e could ticlcs pointing o_ut the possibilitv I A. Macalister Illa•n SCENIC TOURS ARRANGED CAR FOR HIRE I still think of a lot of things, but of developing this area by a rail-

PHONE ALICE 53 P.O. BOX 58 , the question was asked: "What I think Mr.- letter should be con- .\ man told me that the not this most mysterious one, so wa) linking up \dth Queensland, I

Offi~, Buffalo Hall is 1t ?'' s1dered seriousl} and arrange- part of being- deaf v. as that "This to\\ n ;3 short of cn ic ments made for the im·estigation couldn't hear mvitations to t:pme




These you will find at .• ,





CfNTRAL MOTOR SfRVICI D. R. Baldock and J. C. J\IcConville Proprietors


BOX 62 P!JONE 127

Authorised General J\lotors Dealers




Reboring, Line Boring, Oxy and Arc Welding, Turning

and ·General Machining




Todd Street._ ___ __,e\lil!e Springs


Personal Call Outside Ph~me Hours


BOX 40. {>HONE 118 between hours .9-1 .l).nd ·2_::.5


pride/' said the \!isitor. of this field developmentally, along to the bar.

We could see ~he poi_nt. at_ ~~~e ~~~heJni~:~~~g~/htiw~~~hrt~h:ntD~~ I That .he is sad who cannot hear and made a candid adm1ss10n. \\e rt t f S 1 . d Sh' . Plarn speed1 no one can doubt· think you are right." P~ men ° ~~P) an lppii;g, But \Vorse the. plight .of hirh 1 fpar·

First, said our \·isito.r, when .a ~) ·the geoph) sici~t? and .geolig- Who misses everv shout. ' · - · \isitor arrives here, his wish ·IS ical staff. ~he OTIJ!;mal o\\ ~er ~f ·

RE. Mac Pherson to walk 'around and view the citv that field 1s nm,- dead and 1t from all angles: Quite a lot o'f would a~peaF. that oth~r P;ospe~­us arc not as young as we wOuld tors are now 111terested. Tnere is like to be, and eventually \\.'e \\ ish no need to 111form J"'OU of what to sit down and rest, but there happens ''hen a new field (1f ~old I are no comfortable seats under I or other metal rn brought to light DAR~TIK the larg-e shady trees, the only by a p1ospee_tor. ~oth.ing h.ap- __

are two big gttm~ in Todd and and then corporate effort steps m AGENT FOR _ place is to sit on the kerb. There pPns until he is broke and rehr?-s I Parson streets as \\"ell as the and scoops the frmt of the pros- · · many b1g ceda;s in Hartley "street pector's ..Pioneering endeavours. Derby & Co}. (.\ust.) Pty. l.!d. and elsewhere, you Jiave a nice Would ~ ou be goc!d enough to I small park around Stuart Monu- have a co:nplete. mrneral surye~· 1 T ,

ment with a g-rass lawn, b.ut Fitill ma..rie of tlus area, and also n. road BC Y ERS OF :-never the si).{ht of a seat near the su~vey, fhroug-h the. Department. st.rcets. Your private Q_"Urdens, a::; I feel. that there !Fi a Ya~t n.eld I TAX1'ALITE, \YOLFR.'l~I. sponsored by Vf. R. Chalmers & of <l€ve!opment out there passing- . Co. garden competition, show what. thrnu~1 not only I?astoral country I ..'IIOLYBDE::\ITE~ BIS)H.TH

g~bliie r:;~~d:'n ~-ut w~~:r~1o~c; h~~~ ~face in Australia to :;~~-~ ~:~=-t~: ~ GR_.\PHlTE gardens -along the river bank, some \\inter months. and all of her :\II::\ E!L:\L:'


around the la1\ ns and at the park Yes, please tm\ n and countr)· near the ~ospital. a fe\\ say around all do your bit, sho\\ that \\e ca~ the Wilkinson Monu_ment, m ~act do things rn a big 1\ay, pay up v. hy not at the ra1hi;. a;r station. what you can spare. s.o that our Derby & Coy. are an English :iirrn One man, said. the visitor, could I children may be proud of \\hat who have been established ~Iner keep the lot m order and \\ 1th has been done. Mone) forwarded seats at each ~lace, a ~ood book to this office n·i!J be pJaced in a 1797 to read, how time woutd fl) -~A -•'.1\ JC fun<l account at a local bank. I · · l ed h w. ~ nqu1ries are invited for qaotatjon.; m,_,sai0tor~ 3ccould sfionmde'o'"uetrethe s.tr e·t."" ~ · LA.'TER.-• " ' W I d h for purchase of all :\Jine·rafs wlth .most interest to themselves e ar~ Pease to not~ t at MJ:;

. and how tlJ get there. Why not a .Johai;n<>cn has conv~~ed a- publf: I small lib.ra'.ry where it might be meetI.f!C: for Auguf:.t '·_We trust

po·ssible to rest and with it the al! \\ tll turn ~1 P. _and ~~t thmgs P~ne 61 literature .that tells us of the start~d . ..\ pnbhc hbrary is already 1'

great North that we hear so' much af'sllre<l.

P.O. Rox 66


abo\lt these days and some so far --------------------------

~~ u::· ,i:~i~~!~·d:e~~~t~h:l~it~:~~ FOR EXPERT TAILORING..:.. of Alice Springs Tealise that i swimming- pool, bowling g-reen, and croquet lawn· are essential matters.

The unfortunate Editor, wrig­gling" under· another wrong;, had he not many times suggested these things and nothing' had been done about them, sat impatiently wait-


F. K. SING Todd Street, Alice Springs


ing his chance to exnlain. I What is wanted here badlv is

civic pride, the wish and the· will to do things. Alice Sorings has the goods and the wish, but the \\ill is not there. V./ e, like other small towns, wait for a ·leader and when that leader starts things, we

Drop in at SING'S CAFE for the Supreme' Drink of Cen­tralia : )ced Lemon Squash. Pure Fruit Used

come down ()n them and criticise. Still, we submit that is not cor­rect. Alice has held more than her own in the war loans; has the honor of being the first town. to treble its qUota in the first, and we think, the second loan, has two first grade pennants, is. going strong \dth the food for Britain appeal, and if the very same team were to turn to taki.n4!" over the civic pride idea, all the visitors' suggestions 1\·ould soon be realised. · The "Centralian Advocate" will: start the Ml! rolling by giving , a donation of £20 to the first progress association or ·society to advance the beauty of our town. We will be. pleased to publish names of any donors as soon as we ·See that many more \\ill fall into line will call a meeting of those donors ahd start a" IJrogress association. There should· ,be lit­tle. trouble in getting .the G~ern­ment to subsidise a S\\imming pool, also . parks. and other beauty sp~ts. Let us show· peoole · we have that civic pride. and mem­bers Qf t4e public , who .. are pt-e: pa:re.d some <?'f their time in~ malqng­Alic'e Springs 'th-e .. ~st Oesfrous .c-


Enjoy ''Moore" and

Better Health

By Eating the Bread We Knead

· Pay Your Good Dough For Good Bread



J. w. lf!IOORE.

Alice Spring1s Bakery Todd Street. Alice Sprmgs




'·'·' .-,.,:;·.Oftw.»•rn:;.c;~.°'37s"7.·."'·;~'?;;-c-""1==i-=~:,.,,,~.~.:."'cc~;-, c"'' "'cc~"· >"''"-'"''""c."°ca"'~-'°"cc•'.c:c"'·"=c:..,,=··:~cc..o.~51.=7=2==~==*· ~.,,,,,=~·=7-: I MAT ARAl\!KA 'HOMESTEAD TOURIST RESORT (Reg,)


with unmJtched

.10 ,.,,,.ance rer1• 'I-' econ.om ana

The G M.C. Supcr-duty.cngil'lc tc ... tur~s .1 4-bc.Jring cr.ink:.h.:ift, hdl-prcS"sure lubr1c.1t1on, full lcl'lgth water jackets Jnd "01l·bath" .:iir cleaner, ~

I.----* G-M....---C---1 '· TRUCKS · arti·in· I l to· 4Y~

~ - p•odu~t,it;1n .


~ . -.-:0:---~~ 1t migJ1 t come us a surprise to bag--e_ tree" pali-ns in· their natura( tJ the puOhc to •know that Mataranka rhajestic growth amongst the flow~ a ~01~1es~~ad Tou:i;-i~t ResOrt .. ~Re.~.) ering creepei"l;l; the massive paper-

~~ 1s the only tourist· resort rri the barks; the clw3iter figs; Leichhardt

Northern. Territon~. The one pine; the Myrtle.; the screw pa1m, (, ·place that really specializes 'in and bi:e~d fruit, are all with many- 1

~ looking a.fter tourists:. arid shm\.·- others to be ~een around, ·the ~~ ing them the real Northern Terri- lagoons and homestead. There' ~ tory-not bitument roads. But .are ·TIO slinging nettles on trees

~·~ let us tell you a little 'about the of any description at Mataranka.

place, and why we might even The fisherman can be sure of '.;cl find you along as one of our good sport for bronze bream up a guests. If you are passing this to four and five pound and June~ ~ way you shou~d drop in. You will fish abound in the waters of the ~ find a real welcome~· lagoons, while an occasional bar:ra~ ~ Mataranka Homestead Tourist mundi gh-es an added zest to tlie

g !~~~~ ;!,~1;t) l~~s s~~::n~d ~~~te~ s:i~~·live ~~e th:~~-e:~fe~s c::~: ~ we had seen all it had to offer we be seen of a morning sunning­

- m felt it was the place that southern themselves on the banks ~ tourists had been looking for for The big attraction is· the hvt

! .SJ yea~s - the ideal in climate, m~neral ·springs and natural B\\.irn­~ scenery, surroundings a.nd everr- ining pool 1dth a never varying ~I th~g that goes to make a real temperature of 99.5 degrees. lt '..: I hohd~y. Ever since the Northern is neeessary to enjoy the \Yaters >" Territory 1vas .created people have }\ere to realise how beautiful and :2 passed within a few miles of the beneficial they really are.


· homes~ead with all its beauty and We have opened up numerous never knew it. existed or that it places on the properly doWD the. was even possible for there to be Roper Rh er to which we conduct

. such a place in the Northern Ter- J parties. Stich places as The Rocks ~ ritory. Tourist services travelled Rapids and Water Lillies, Th~ t~ within a few T!1iles but their pas- Mata_ranka Falls, The Jungle, The

To meet the urying requirements. of the m:1n on the land, the tradesman) the light carrier and aU ··c,thc-r-uscrs of utility '¥Chicles. {:

The. G.M.C. 15 cwt. Coupe Utility is ready now to give· you .ill the service you need. The coupe, with passcngcr­car .ippointmcnts, is roomy and comfort:tblc, the side Windows and "V" -type windscreen arc o~ s.!lfety glass .and "No-Draught" ventilation is featured. The rcCirculating baU-bc<lring steering halves driving sfrain - double­.:uticUlate4 brake shoes on all ~heels spell safety -flashing o:iccclcration means manoeuvrabi!!ty in traffic:. Economical to operate, the G.M.C. 15' cwt. Utility is unsurpassed in its price cl.Jss, as a monc'( earner and business builder. Your de.:rtcr will discuss expected delivery dates.



Hear This Little Giant Price £26:10:0

seng€rs didff't hear a·bout 1\Iataran-1 Jm~1p O\·er-all within a few miles ka Homestead and often went of the homestead and on Matar:. scuth disappointed in their trip. anka property.

; The management attracted the On our personally conducted attention of the Tourist Services 11 tours we also take our guests to with the result. that two services Elsey Falls and further points of now call here weekly and spend interest. All tours 3.re personally a couple of days enjoying the place.~ conducted and we run specia.l trips Almost every ~uest passes· the 1 as required. To. put it briefly \V.e

S opinio•i that Mataranka Homestead .1 sho1\ the tourist the real country, z Tourist Resort is the gem of the 11 not bitument r-0ads. ::: Northern Territory. The remarks Full aecommodation is available ~ in our 'isitors' book make compli- in twe-person cabins situated near ~ mentary and interesting readinp;- the swimming pool for 40 guests. ~ . and without being egotistical \\e The cabins are not 41Hotel Austra­$: feel proud to haYe made it possible Ilia," the) are not meant to be, but ~ for our southern Yisitors to enjoy they are comfortable and are built t: the beauties of the place. to blend with the scenery. For a ~ l\iataranka Homestead Resort is real hohday away from the co14.

@ ;ft~a~~~~~n s;~hw~~e~~~:~nRi~;:, 1 ~,:1nrf~~yn~~~~·rrir:~:e~'}fyer!·~~~! E approx~rnately ·five miles off the 1-:-there is on I>: one place "in ~e ~ main bitumen road. To get to the·• Northern Territory and that is

I~--------.;... ______________________ ,_ ________ .:':! hom~stead you cross t~e com-1 Mataranka. Homestead Tourist Re~

~ mencement of the Roper River near sort. ~ ~ where it rises from the earth at The l\Iarnranka Homestead Tour· 1 ~ Bitter SprinJ.?:s. The \llaterhouse 1 ist Reso11 is a b~rd a_nd. animal " EXiDE HY CAP BATTERIES ., Rirni· is a series nf lagoons. each I sanctuar~-. The bird life around ~ ~ joined bv fast running streams. the cabins awakens our guests and

GHE\-•. FLEXIBLE FUEL LINES ~ The ban°ks of .the lagoons and then a morning Cuppa, a dip in

MAP•·.E LEAF HYDRAULIC BR.'KE HOSES ~ streams are covered in a con.tinuity the warm mineral swimming pool.. ., ,.. .~ of tropical scenery with its ever before break~ast - · What "more

• · ~ changing color and interest. Cab- could one desire.

:~~:~N:~ p ~~~~.:~ CLAMPS ~ C.W.A. FOO~ ~O~B~;-~I~ i E-~!?i;==~ =~~:~L~~:::ENTER'S PLANES. . ~ A~~o~~L - Ne~0~~:t~u w~i~~0fs ~he5~~~ ~~~'.

~ Annual Report-IULY. 19-!i pectiYe town of Elliott. It is not

§ ' ~~~f~o~~}fa~ 1~:~IaJdl!to~es;.\~~ni~,;_ ~ In May, 1946, at .. thf. monthly t!te futur.~ it may run a pOpu)a-~ meeting it was decided that mem- tlon of .... ,o_oo. J':8t .how that.


BELT DRESSING K.L.G. AN·D CHAMPION SPARK PLUGS. ~ hers contribute 1/- ewry month population 1s to e""!t lS not yet

le----------------------------------------.~ to enable the • .\ssociation .to se.ndlmade clear. but. qwte a J~t of - · · ' food parcels to Women's lnstitu- trouble and possibly- some_ ~1t of

Don't . Forget Our One-Day Vulcanising Service ~ tioM in Britairi. A tin for the cash had to. be ~pen~ so that t~e at subsequent meetinl!'s, and up to s ou e. ~

~ pUrpose was Placed on the table tohwn1d pblanmng ~ JUSt what i,t

__ :o:-- date 41 parcels to' the value of :\- c~rres-pondent from 'thei-E:>

V l L" d T be ~ .22/4 or £1 have been d.espatched thmk~ 1t .will. pan out well and Metal and Rubber .. a ves [' 1Ue - to . u s-. ~ by "Griffiths Bros., Adelaide. A that the !Ime i~ not ~ar off when

-S number of replies expressing the name of Elhott w~ll be kno\\-U. - ~ grat~ful thanks have been re· 1~11 o_ve.r the :err1t~ry. • The

~ ceived by the •ecretary. Centrahan Advocate \\'I.sh~

M OTOH S~ caf1~dJ~te:Mr~~.4&1a:·s·m~~r.~~.~c:v~~ i~~~1 \l!r~h~i:)ia~; dfea~~\:!

, all ·the past9ralists _of the Ter>i- · 1Jnder a new U.S. legal ruling .. tory appealing for funds for par- You can whistle while you work~ I

Ute.rested persons in thi.s scheme true. · ~""B.nd it was decided to circularise

eels. · As a result. over" £60 .. was but · not a "wolf" _whistle-that realised and these p~n:;els ,~·ere takes· a girl's mind off ,\·bat she is

..ALP JCE -s-. PR·I N.GS ~' ~~iai~oinp~~f~beri~o~iv.~~:1;~e~~~ ~~~!th~~; ~~~es her want'tO do

NORTHfRN ~ arrivin~ there in time.JOi' Christ-- . ? ~ mas. The members of the C.WoA. to whom parcels were sent~ :Mariy

, . . . ~ a1:.i__d other towni;p€ople supplied grateful replies have been re-WvS :xlhSffiM-\~n:Ss:n.,__._~;u:>:::;::;:...__Ll~~~ man¥ Dames of .friends in Britain C'eived. •15itriYh5

Page 5: The - territorystories.nt.gov.auterritorystories.nt.gov.au/jspui/bitstream/10070/265645/1/CAD... · 1j" d \-\' d , and Mrs G. Buck, .:'th ·.:i.nd J..Irc:. 111 \,a1·. ·and \.e ha,:e




I Women~s Column I . ('UP OF__:_~;;-\ CHAT


-:o:­)londay, July 21-

27 vans cattle from Territory BY SGE Trading Compahy to Coldsbrough,

Good afternoon all ! 'N'hat" \\·ith Mort & Co., Dry Creek.· (REG}.

MATARANKA. N.T. CALLS YOU-To spend the Cold l\Ionths in- Perfect Sunny · Days and Mild_ Nights ·

Situated on the Waterhouse River with its Colorful Lagoons and Tropical Scenery

one thing and another this has '27 Yans cattle from E. J. Hayes been an unusually busy week for to Dalgety & Co., Dr:y Creek. everyg,ne. Deputations" right and Tuesday, July 22..,.-left waiting on the Minister or 28 vans cattle from Kidman,­the Administrator, more and more Alice Springs to 'Kidffl:M!, Ilbunga. , tourists, and a fe\'.· special picnics 6 vans cattle from Hamilto~1 and gatherings have all contri- Downs to Bennett & Fisher, Dry buted _to the hustle and bustle. Creek. \• ou my friends seem to have en- \Yedne~day, July_ 23-joyed meeti~g and heari~g _lH_rs. I: 10 \·ans cattle froni. Kidnrn.n,

HOT MINERAL SPRINGS and NATURAL SWIMMING terests ~n common with - us, not - 8 vans cattle from Kidman, Alice I John M~~\nn; she ha~ man) lll- ·A._lice Springs to Kidman Ilbunga.

least bemg- C.-W.A. act1v~t1es. Spring-s to Kidman, William r

~OOL ; Have you \\"alked or dnYf'n Uw Creelc·. .. 1 racecour.se way laj:;ely ? I l'xas out ~ vans cattle fn;rn1 Hamiltcin never Yarring ten1perature of DIJ.S degrees .


1 last ·week and was pleasea to see Bo\\ ns to Dennett & Fisher, Dry

I the growth of the grass p, l, anted .'Cr k some months ago. \Ve should .ee ·· •

I come home fr.om the Au.::rus::. race , .,,., , T- ,., ' X· .. ,.,...... :'I.: meeting with less dust th1~1 u.:;ual, SC R~ENINu· .'...ORTi:-1.i<~:!L'

. because by then._ the stand ~rec~ TERRITORY SCENEFY

Aecomrnorlation in ~-person Cabins ne::ir Swimm.ing, Pool .'·The Lawns." ·· · ~:o:- ..


will almost qualny tu be cl.as:oed ,

MiFs Dash came in· with her O 11 Jfonday evening a series of

Personally conducted Tours to all points of Interest, includ­ing The Rocks, Hapids and Water Liilies, l\Tatarnnka Falls,

The Jungle, The Jump-Over and Elsey Falls

usual ~lourish yester~,ay and :Y~\·ed I intere~Ling films ni .a: frip _through a cuttrng from the Ad\·ocau"' at the l\ orthern Territory by road

j me a.s she talked ex~itedly a?out 2nd uir \':ere sho\v.n at ·the public

TARIFF £4/4/0 Week Per I learnrng- to do s~imethrn~ the nc:-ht ·school at Alice Sprrngs. -yray. I am \vonderinti: if any of The films were generously lent you~m· member? of )'our families anrl sho¥.·n by l\ir. D. D. Smith, l:" the Chi'Jdren

I-have observed the notice by the wh_o is. a Rrorninent member of 1 Of Acting G0vernment Secretary to the Scho61 Board. To add further H. VICTOR SMITH. Manager -:a:-i t1_1e effect that. resid:nts of th: 1 interest, films were shown of the

Local Agents : TUITS, 'Phone 53, Alice Springs. ~orthern Ternory may aYall


1 Duke and Duchess of Gloucester llY JuLIA ,1:--;;-,;1-: s:2/ thernse!Yes 0f correspondence ~es- to the Tep·itory,.and an aerial ~rip THE FROG

\7.i'i'Sl'Q"'Z"z.:;"'<"'"<·"'":".::.-: .. ·:-:::.-;·.:.-.":.:.,..- -..:....__"G~:;:.".',-,-.::-_.y.:_·;:;."'ZS'-:."..v,_7 .. - .. ,_ .. .,. sons from the S .. -\.. Techmcal from Alice Spring::; to Adelaide, - School. The notice was in again and a. scenic trip through New Once upon a time there lived in

A COSMOPOLITON TOWN I ROAD FROM ALICE TO last week and it is probably in this Zealand. a pond, a Frog. He was big and

-:o:~ QUEENSLAND ~:~~ :is~~c~ni~·~f ed1~ecaW~~re;:~i1: ceJ;;t P:~~J0f~af~~h'ni~~f~~ \~~~\,:-~ ~-~~ .. en~1!:~-s ve~as~i~~ei~e~~uf0rh~~ Darn·in is \\·hat ~afely be -:o:- . ities in the. Territory is "regrett-· thai the Northern Terri'tory for clever he was at tricking his enem-

cail~ a . cosmopoliton town. .At The openin of a road throurrh / abl':, but h~re is an opportunity scenic beauty js equal to anythirig ies, and ho\y he could tell \\·hen one time it had the name of bemg th J . Rg Q "d I until -such tune as they are pto- in Australia. The schoolro"<?m was danger \Vas near. ~he second 1Tiixed fraternity of . e er:-?1s aRges .t~ ueensla_n vided. The courses mentioned in fil~ed to capacity and we thank Mr. He was not really clever, the world--<mly beaten by Singa- ls .a '\Ital necessitj. f?r Alice! the notice are those most likely to Smith for his interest in local luc~y, and it was usually pore. Befo;-e the war one could ~~~thgs\v~~t;~~t thu~e~~~~~edts 0Jl'attract the .menfolk, ~ut there_~re affairs. This sort of thing should· other animal or bird that ~ Japane~e, .JaYanes~, Malay, the Nort]i~V•.'~st ~rf' Ne\',· So~l~h cours~s which may 111terest g~rls


. a:id is _immensely popular .and ~s- him of coming- danger. Chinese, Hmdoos, Italians, andl'y· 1 ~· . ~ - . . and \\omen.· Grad~ I Dressmakmg srsts our :i.·oung people to. realise No"· on this pond there also most of all cpu.ntries, as well as va.e~ ma_~ ,come d,~ec:. rns~e-:d. of "intended f~r all .thosecinterest~d the Yalue of the Territory in which a big drake, who loved our own abongrnals, halfe-castes, the man~ ilU.I'.dr:_dL, df m_ile~. of lin ·ctresimiakinp. from the dome.she their Jives are cast.. frogs. One day he l~eard the

. ~nd many other in be!we':n mix- ~o~nd3:bou: t 1° geL .~here. LeaY:_ng point.nf »ie\"": or intendin~ to ~ake 1 I boasting aI'.d it mad~ hin; very tures. However, America 1s made ·1- .hce _it \\ ou,d tra' el. t~rough L_he up dressrnakmg- as a profession" I . . . . I angry, because many tIJnes ne had. up" with th.e_same _mixtur~ and it Je1To.is. Rang~s arrd ~o~n up 'n-~h is ready, 2.1:d the otb?r }!rad~s ofjrela~'.~m: of cne bu:~me~';,~\_-ith an- tried to catch the froµ-, __ but-th"' makes a Y1r1le nation. othe_r ma~? .o.t ~edou:?le; a tO\, n j the course nre to be m·a1lable I otho:i 1 , of. one countr) ,\ 1~h an- frog had alwa~·s hem·d nt· see·:

<;m the \\ills Rrver, Queensland, sbort!Y. The fee is r::. Two


other, t() 1mpr0Ye the ~·~!atw:n.::; of


him ir.t -time.

11~ then could .diver~ eit~:r a~ross II ot-her.' courf.es n?w a~·ailab!;:- ~u-e tl:.ose ::;upplyin?" .. t~ .. e ra\\- l~~a~er_ia1s ~ow the drai.-:.e .,,.aF cu.ni1in;.;, S'I

THE WHITE CLIFFS OF t~ Lon8'reach n?:th-ea~L o, to Inter10r Decoratw11 £:~. or H1"Jme '\\1th those _tm nin..., ;mt t.h~ ;.msh-1 he went to the rrog and- offered tt°' C11arlenlle so,uth-east. I Management £3·.· Or if you \\·ant to l.ed g-oods: in short its aim JS the· make friends.

DARWIN !t would be a popul~~ road a-:-id take up the very lat~st ~>ciellce, j !mprovernent of human rel~ti0ns "Dear Eroggy," said he, "let u~ -:o:- j b:1_m~'. al~nf;' t~an~· v1s1tors: .. and there. is the comprhen~I,·e Pu~lic 11n .~Yer~· f~here." A mo~t .1nterL be friel'.lds fQr there .is ·no point ill

. _ gn e ; scenic : ie:r,. of rang-e,, i..hat·1 P.e!atwns_ course for t'J, "takmi:r :st~ng- ~our_::e "~ sh~~ld t~nnk, an~ j:mr ~h,·ays q_uarrellmg." . One o~ tl~e most be~ut1f!-1l n~,,.·s ~re ..L.U!! of 'ar10us r..1etals andjabout ei.~d:.teen .months to twolif lt~ mm i .. _. '_he_1Ji1p:o;~ment, o.i. "Well/' said. the froi:;; -doubt-1.TI Darv.·m ls the _snoh white cilffs interest. 1·years _of mtensive study on a human relation~ rn e-.:e1~ sp_?ere, fully, "we can try, but how do l as one comes· into the. harbo:r- · I i_;;otind literarY basis. ,You may ask I I'm sui:e YOlJ. will agree_ the stwry know that this is not· a trick." f:om the oI)en_sea. It is like a - "_You C2.t ~ 'Vhat d.o )."O'J. ki.ww •·\\'hat is Pllblic Rela.tions ?~' I'_ll ?~d world,. needs._many n:ien and "F.rog-g:y, I_ thought you_ woul~ wonderf?.1. settmg or gateway to about my past?" quote - "The best concept10n 1s ~\~JTI~n \,ho ~me. studied the I be able xo tell true .from false, a magmficer:t .harbor, and we can '"That there'.'.> :it 1::.-a;;t fiit': vem·s that it is a sci-ence a•id art based I pr11}cip~es of this science. " - 1 sai,d the drake. assure you it IS a really fine har- of it !" · · I on the foundations nf human as- 1 F ?r ~~ose ·who. ha\·e. a yen for)' Thi:- hurt the frog's pride. and bor with .its three arms, each of sociation, and E'<"eks to imp~m'·e a _J)_~- Jn ...the _b1~ bus.mess. worl<l 1 sn he Raid "of course I can, I knew ~·hich ha~ something individual ?,f . _ I the relations of human beln,,.: (~~~ ai:e the Secret.aru;1.l Diploma you were a friend all the time." its own m the way of scenery. _may happeP.. if '.•:c arc ever caught with one another, not ~ing1y but co.urses, and the Account~ncy The drake chuckled to himself. Lots of real clean sandy beaches, I unprepared again. The white I in groups; to impron:- the rela- Diploma courses, so there is a but the frog did not hear. as he with strong_ rolling waves,_ t~e rich cliffs ~ymbolises. home',· a ·1d we! tions of ~ndu~try with its c1;1s- ~air cl19i<~~· ' The ~-~.dre~s is ~iYen went. to boast .about himself. , green of the trees, ~he ':1s10ns of hope, al wars· S<;tfety. I tnmers, with ,rts .employees. with if Y?U \ush to \'_Ute !or furt~er As the frog talked, the drake the bomb-wrecked ships with masts the g-overnments in the countries parb~ulars. Seekmg information drew nearer and nearer till at abm·e the water, a \.\·arning of what This Office for Job Printing:. where it operates; to improve the· an~ a~;.·ice places you under no last he was -by his side. The frog-

obh!!ation to take a co~rse. was just saying"....:.....no one can foo!

Ken Milnes And here's _my favorite supper me, I am lhe only frog in thii'

for: a. cold mgh~-t~asted cheese pool,. or jn the world that is so sand'\nches. Do it this way. Toast clever that he can sense dang-er bf)th rounds of bread on one _side before it str-" I only, the!1 butter the toasted sides. .He got no further for the simpl.;.· 1 Place nnld or mature cheese be- reason that the drake harl ! tween, then .PU~ t~: sandwich in stretched out and ·snapped him int<•

I the griller to hOlQ it firmly, and his inouth. ~oast the outers sl.owl.Y over ~low· "Very tasty," said the drake a:-


Todd St~eet, Alice Springs~---Phone 39


mg coals. A \ery hght sr.rmkle he walked away. "Ve.ry tastv. ?f cayenne pepper _..on the cheese indeed." · · is a change yqu'll probably lib~.·

Cheerios for no\~·, SYE. Thi~ Office fc · Job Printing.

DON THOMAS, ·Is 'Kot Here Today and Gone Tomv·:·1w

. BUT IS HERE TO STAY After many years of personal contact with Station People, Mining a:id Motor Transport, I can Supply all your






;\o. 9:l Code "ChiefrPtotf"


Animal lndustry Division f'.O. Box 8. ALIC~; SPRINGS.

17 July, 1947

Annual Stock Returri For Yea} 19-16

Dear Si1·. Hf'.!!Ulation No. a2 of th~ Northern T~rritqry .Brands Ordinance

requires Stoekn~\·ners to submit ~ Returr~ of all stock O\~·~ed by thei:i1 ~as at Deeernber-:n~t of the year rn question. Hereunder lS a consoh­

dated Return of this data for the. year 1946.


Victor~tl. Jliycr :1552m! Darwin and Gulf 14674H Barklv Tablelands :l00629 Alice ·fipring-s 170316

7855 8204 5241 128 8713 27877


:J081 1i:15 5865

510 180 274

2a 125 a 712

:154 99 13


47 2i8

972990 30019 28005 _11!114 20s 1621 5rn 296

A. L. ROSE, Chief-veterinary Officer.




m!~1;;m~~ c~f A~~~~tPo'::'u?~r c~h~ ·_.· - CALL AT -2__

~~~.h~~~ltenli·:i~r~i tt~~~· thede~~~~f~wi;~ ~ r SCOTT'S-maters. in ·connection with Income Tax and Social Services Contribu­

.. ELLIOTT tion. (a) Returns of income derived dur­ing the year ended :;mth-cJ-une, 1947. Form S-Safary and wages return (including- interest from Savings Banks and Commonwealth Loan Interest) due for lodgment 31st July, 1947. Form A-Persona I return-For. use by persons deriYing property or Composite Incomes-due for ,loldgment 31st July, 1947.

~ed Cross Hut ·



Groceries _ Cool.Drinks _ Plume Petrol Mobiloil

MOTOR REPAIRS etc Form B-Business return-For use by persons in business, pri- LONELY SOLDIERS WANT CABARET BALL AND

CINE SHOW mary production or professions­due ·for lodgment 31st ~Augµ_st, 1947. Form C-.Companies-due for lodg­

PEN FRIENDS -:o:-;;- -:o:-

''"-ent :nst August, 1947. Mr. R. S. Leydin, Acting Gov­(b) Employers are reminded th·at ernment Sec]'.'etary, Darw:Ln, for-

1 · the new scale of instalment de- warded the iollowing lette:r for

SOLDIER ACQUITTED OF bed, whence it was stolen. ductions came into operation as publication:-

On· Thursday, 17th July. Darv.·in Hotel was . the delightful setting for the photographic Societ:,.Js cabaret ball and cine show. The function commenced at s.:fo p.m. with the showing- of four short films b)'~ .Mr. Y. Tarhanoff, entitled · '.'Pre-Blitz Darwin," "Daphne," "Wild Life" and the ''Barrier Reef." The first named :filrri de­picted scenes in Darwin ill 1940-U and is of historical impOrtance, be­ing worthy of a place in the Mitchell Librar)-~. The film of the Barrier Reef ·was excellent and ha:;; previously been \\;dely proclaimed' by geagraphical societies. The still photography was of a high

COURT MARTIAL Mr. Derham Green, uf the Legal from the Jst July, 1947,- and the 14498321 Pte J. Beverlei· 8en·ice Bureau, appeared for the set-up of the scale represents a "S" Coy. Carrier Pln.

-:o:~ soldier _and submitted that the variation of the scale preYiously. 1st Battalion At Court Martial held at Larra- pro~ecution sho~ld prove that not in oper3;tion. In it.s new _form t~e I Argyll & Sutherland Hig-h-

h~~·ah Barracks, Friday 18th, SX onh was the rifle lost .and fha,t ~ca]e w~~l p~oYe to be simpler ~n , . landers. ;Wo_BB l't w Weling \\·as found there was.·neg.lect on i.he part of 1ts appllcabon. by employers mj .Jerusalem. "

1 t ilt\:· of iosing his Arms by the accused, b_ut that the l<?ss was cases of employees with an unusual · .:\-1,E.L.F. . . ' no lg~ ·The case fb1r the prose- actually· occas10ned by the negl~ct .. c~mbination of dependants. In •)Sth J . 194 ..... ~e~:~ 'was that he had lent his He pointed· out that, as the .r~fle su~h. cases the s~-l!~in operation I - . une, '-

ri~e to .,1

fellm\" soldier to go had been stolen fron'. a pos~t10n I prrnr t? the 1st Jl!-ly, 194,_'i involved Dear Sir, ,_·h~foirr ::;.t H-oward Springs, an<l ~_!;p~·o"'_·ed for the,_kee~mp _pf .~1~.~' I a spec~al calcu.lahon requiring the We are four very lonely soldiers· befrire it \\'aR returned to V/eling- Ii.. did n?t matter wbo had ~he. rifle deductwn of the total separate al-1 in Palestfoe, and beiJ;g lon~ly ·we

.,, . ~· ·lei by some person ·un- at the bme of the loss, as It \\ oul_d lowances for deptndants from wonld be much obhged if you ~lH~~\~~. · l1\c\Veling gnYe e\-idence 1 h1

aYe pro?ably bee1: stolen even If the instalment pr~scribed for 1 could put us. in ouch with four fe­•'ll oath in his defence and stated 11- te. We.hng ha.d it, .back. :_'he an emplo~-e~ without de-1 male pen friends as we are Yery th.at wheJi he lent his rifie to his I C.ourt agree~ w1tl~ tms c~ntenllon 1 pend.ants. L'no:er the new sc.a!e interesed in AustraEa:i people. The friend he instructed him to take 1 and the sold.er \\as acqmtted. : the mstalments to be dedu.eted .rn i only persons ·we 1u1e to at the

standard. · _-\fter the films dancing- was en­

joyed by the :-mo people present. The masked dancer (l\fr.s. Tarha.n­off) skillfully _danced the Strnilss Waltz and- the Caucasjan Sword Dance. The two dresses worn for these numbers were n1ade and de­signed b)'-.. ·her and were donated for 3. haffle in aid of the British Flood Relief fun'ds. As a result a substantial sum was added to the fund. The fortuna"te winners of the frocks were M:rS. L. Assim and l\Irs. Pamela Sn.vieri An exhibi­tion of ballroom danCing was given b;: Lemar and Renee.

·:i.re of it and to clean it thorough- I - . · I such cases ma;..· be ascertamed by I present moment are our parents.

and the rifle had been place-d Send :ii_?ll! Subscrrptwn . I (c} It is desired. that employees that we are sta.t10ned m.Jerusalem, c, after he had used it. This ,~·asl : , - . (l7141 direct 1 r~feren:-e ~o tl).e scale. _-\s you can se~ by _tE.e address,

usual position for ~eeping· per ·year or £1 _oosted) to this .1 ~~ remind~d that a fresh deelara· and t~e people_ h_e~e w~l~ not have

.,.,t the head of his friend's office. ·


LIOn form m respect of dependants! anythmg to do·w1tn British troops. "· _ ·-·· -.-.- ... =···=··.:..____· .. =•• maintained by then1 rnus'.: be com- I Life behind bared wire is Yery un­

,:::=:·:==:·:_:-:-:·:===:•.==:=.·.=.·.==:=.·.=···=···=···=·.._ as soon after the 1st July, 19471 rlleasant with, nothing tn do ex-

plo-NEfR P·IC-TUR( THf A"f Rf I J:~e~eissi~1!~. r'ff,'~cJecf~ra~~~i,l{~~~~I ~~~;,1~\;;~~e:~1din"~a~~~- \e~)~~~ -1 for the _pe~·1cu cornYne_-~:.cmp: 1st l tl? wrlte t~ would n_1an:e a lot of

. I July, lH-;t 1 JS set 0Ut ll1 such a·\ difference ~o our existence. 1 n~nner thc.t the ~c>taiis supplied.I We will be en:•r s? gratef~1l if will the al!C\\'~!nc:e or re-1 YOl~ >•;ould g-rant u.:::, h1s request.

· Supner was proYided by l\Iess!"S.

Thi,. poµul<er Picture-Theatre _which stars l!IJly the be~t in Films, again has its usual -lmght programme for tomght. It has ·such crowded houses that the Management wants the public to know th:J,t a11y reservations made !llust be claimed and paid for oefore 7.15 p.m. ·qr othennse they will be sold. ·


L8 Star~ plul-' a gTeat Joye ~tory ! Sol Lesser presents'


I batf' tax . on the ~nereasei:f l Yours truly. . a_1:.10unts apphcab1e after' ;:t)th i - BEv~-RLE-· A_"· •) ) I ·Tu'.i_e. 10~7. , ! J. t.. L l. ~e -1

1 ~;~~~~\·t~~n~~1d af~oi~Y~i/t~~s/~bffi; lJ~()~~~/ Jo~e. J~ ¥i~gr~;~~h ( ~ge 21)

Ices n; the :::\ orthern Terino1 \ l 1st A.S.H. (d) Particular attent:!.on lS a'ra\\ n I Jerusalem. i to the procedure to be folJm, cd b) j M.E.L.F.

I emplo~ees \~hen lodgmg mc::nue j 1 ... ,,., ,.. c.: ._..., C , 1 'f , ) tax r~tu1ns in order~ that cred1t 1..,. .ine>S~ ...,pr. ~- · :::;"1Jt l ( '."\. e :..o


may be allm\ ed in respect of in-! C ~-stalment deduct10ns prior to the, _J_.P.0. 1 issue of notices of assessment. It I Erusa eni. is desired to stress the ad\anta::;.es ).I.E.L.F.

Paspali and La·xrence. Seated at the official table were )lrs .. 1\1. L: Dr~\·er, Mr. a1!d .J.lr.s. John DT'iver (.:\lice Springs). 3-Irs. Greenwood

_and her daughter . .\.pri1, Cdr. and it-frs. Gower, Group Capt. and Mrs. Fyffe. Mr. and Mrs. V. Tarhanoff. .Mrs. M. Cabot, Lts. P. ~ewby and Cool?e-r, Mr. F. D .. Cr.een. Dr. Mc­Kenzie and the Misses D. Bairy, J. Burnett and E. Post.

CHl.RCH OF ESGLASD ! to employees \\ho correctly folio\-..: ! 14:'"~51.518 Spr. J. lJ. ,1 aldson (20). I this procedure. One adYantage is 1 C 0 • h • Ba

Plus SIX :\AME BAl'\DS. I

that under tht ·new procedure an I A.P.0. ~~:~~~}: Alfce tS;ri;;;~,e~hj~nSun~~ employee .is not required to retain I Jerusalen". morning services as usual, ,.7.:30

_For gen. ex. fnstalment tokens for a ·long per- 1 JLE.L.F. and 9~ 0 () Holy Communion; thence-

1 iod with the oossibilitv of loss of !j forward devotions will be conduct-

1 tokens, ~uch !Os~ Jnvol·~;in~ ar. em- FOR' ;;;,_\LE ed at t]1e usual Sunday seniri'

Amazing _ Authentic __ Different

FRA~K (bring 'em back alfre} BUCK presents I

ploJ ee m consrnerable . rncm11 en- I -.. ., --.. • 1 times, with no celebratiOn of ~ ience befoi·e cred.t ma) oe a:lu\\ ed j C011PL.i:;TE :'.IIN1~G l L_-\i\. T Eucharist un.til Sunday. 27th July for lost toke_ns. Furthermore, the Portable ~?pipre.ssor, one Jack- at Usual times. The Rector ~ill ~rocedure \\ill enable the Depa;·t-1 har.imer, Wmch, R::i-11s, Trnck and\ be absent" from the Parish at · E'' 1 ment to li:::sue a refund rheaue \\1th numerous Accessor1es. IS d

''JACA.~ a notice of asse""srnent m cases Apply- ;..no · H. E. EVERS, R·ector.

Killer· of the Anlazon ! ~~k~~~~ tf~~\~~;~:d 0~;~~e a!~-~\~1~~e~} j-P2_.1_6.;.: __ T.,.h_is_o_ffi_c_e_f_"_"..:P_a_r_ti_cu_1_a_rs_._1 ____________ _

James'\!'. DANNALDSON and Miguel ROJll'\SKY \~~~111~v!~:ic:e~te tfi:oi\\~~il~t1~e!ct~ ! '.'IIOUNT ISA RACE CLUB -.,.---------'"''-· ___ -__ .. _._ .. _··_--_·~_-____ F_o_i·_g_e_n_. _e_x_. :~: ;:I~:n°fh~o~~~isc:0~[':~!es~i~~;1~ j A




l:::;citiug i\Ielodrama ! :\LG.M. presents


"THE HOODLUM SAINT" with Angela Lansbu.ry, James Glea;;oll, •Lewis'Stone, "Rags" R~and, Frank McHagh, Slim Summei"ville.

· · Not for Gen. Ex.

Supported by .•.

Danger at Nightfall Romance at Dayj:ireak !

FINGERS at the WiNDOW ··with Lew AYRES, Laraine DAY, Basil RATHBONE.

· Not for Gen. Ex.


GARY COOPER as. Clint__ the Rough, the Crude, the M;ig­nilicent, INGRID BERGMAN as his Clio of New Orleans. in_

after allowance of credit in respect wilt set out the baiance payable I' :lrd and -!th OCTOBER. 1947 of tokens. £500 PROGRAl\1ME


-:o:-. On MOnday the 14th Jul~- Wor­

shipful Brother H~mmond was i~· stalled as Master of the Darwm Lodge by the Grand Master of South Australia, Mr. Justice Litert· wood. Also present were the Deputy Grand l\laster of South Australia, Mr. J~ Phillips and several others from the south. It was an unique occasion in the history. of the lodge in Australia as the Darwin Lodge was closed because of the "Blitz" -and this was the official re-opening.

On the Sunday the \risitors, local masons and their familie·s gather­ed at Betti Springs· where tlie one hundre.d present had an _enjGyable outing. The catering was carried otit b):. Mr. Rawlings, proprietor of Berri Springs.


3rd OCTOBER, 1947 4th OCTOBER, 1947

1. JIAIDEX HACK HDCP. -£j; 1~ :ILUDES HACK HDCP., £6 ·Four furlongs. First horse £5: Five furlongs. Fi!St horse £5~

second horse £1 from prize. second horse .£1 from ·prize

2. OPE~' HASDICAP, £5;\ 2. OPEX 'H.-i.SDICAP, £75 Seven furlongs First horse £40; Four furlongs. First horse :£60; .,.

second horse £10; third horse £5 second horse no: third horse £5 from prize from prize

3. HACK HA:SDICAP, £6 3. HACK HA SDI CAP, -£6'-Four furlongs. First horse £5: Five furlongs. First horse t'.5:

second- horse £1 ·from prize second horse £1 from prize For all hoJ"ses that have not won For horses that have not won a

a prize exceeding .£.5 at time of prize exceeding- .£5.at time of start--startiµQ"._ ing-.

4. F'.LYISG HAXDICAP. £12L J. 3IOi'ST !::'A CliP, £'.121 FiYe :furlongs. First horse £100; Nine :furlengs. First horse £100;

second horse 15; ~hird horse £6 second horse £15; third horse £0 from prize

DON'T FORGET ,, ·~ ·Edna Ferbers Story· of Stodes


Monday and Tuesday the ,y~sitors were flown over the buffalo country and had an outing On the_ b'ay ..

5. HACK HANDICAP, £20 :5. HACK aASDICAP. £20 Fi~e furlongs, First horse £15.; Five furlong:::. "First horse .:£15;

secend horse £5 from prize second .horse £5 from prize .. Fo~ horses that ·ha..-e not won a For horses that have not wOwn a


Buys & ~ells Everything 1>ith Flora· R-0bson.

Supported by •••


-1.~ot for geli. ex'.


"l\.Iv 1\ife savs that. if I die she will remain a ,\idow." . .- . . ·•Evidently· she thinks there's not another man like you."

"No, she's afraid there is.''

This Office for Job ~rinti"ng'

prize exceeding £15 at. time of prize exceeding-_ -£15' at' tim~ of starting · · · ·starting

6. LEICHHARDT HDCP., £30 s; FAREWELL HAXDICAP, £30 Five ftirlongs, First horse .. _£-25; Six furlonQ"S-:. First horse' £2~;

second hors~- £5 from pi_:ize second horse .£5 from prize.

Page 6: The - territorystories.nt.gov.auterritorystories.nt.gov.au/jspui/bitstream/10070/265645/1/CAD... · 1j" d \-\' d , and Mrs G. Buck, .:'th ·.:i.nd J..Irc:. 111 \,a1·. ·and \.e ha,:e



The World's finest Broadcast Receive1-, the symbol of all that is best in Radio

The one Radfo whieh does full justice to the great Music Broadcasts by the . Greatest Artists and giving ~xtreme Sl!nsitivity for long· range reception pf Australian and , · , Overseas Stations.;'·· >

Console and Table Models are now available



Just as long as time is and ju~t as long as . there are men and wpmen so the Eternal Triangle will continue (said the Wanderer). To show tha.t color and place do not matter let me take you to the far red centre of Central Austra­lia away back in the year 1920.

Here, on one fine frosty morn· ing just after the big rains had set 'the Territory blossoming, the

Connellan Airways Fortnightly Air

Services Schedules t.im­

mence: · W yndbam Service

Joly 2, 16, 30 Aug. 13, 27

Boroloola Service July 11, 25 Aui1;. 8, 22

Radio Repairs and Electrical Service attended to experienced Technicians

by spirit of adventure caught up with John Stanley, a big strapping speciment of.'""'the Australian gold prospector, colloquially kno\\t-n as a "gouger." Gold was in his blood and he was going far to hunt it.

A large stock of Electrical an(! Radio Equipment on band

Mt. ' Irwin Service July 8, -22 Aug .. 5, 19

Huckitta Service July 9, 23 Aug.· 6, 20

Timetables, .Jares

· and within the next weeks

· Electrie Jugs, Stoves, Cookers and Refrigerators

will also be available



your next FLOUR order


Most stdtable for it's ST AND ARD QUALITY


Most suitable for the Northern Tenitory climate

Milled from SELECTED Northern Hard Wheats

Laura Milling .Company Limited

· · · · ·From. his camp along a· section of the great Overland Telegraph line he was setting out yet again in search of the elusive metal. With him was ari ·aboriginal, two large cattle dogs, and one ' 1yappa" (barking dog). In the area wher~ Stanley was bound for the Myal!s, reaf bush blackfellows resentful of the white man's intrusion, '";ere kno'"'TI. to be hostile.

Youth is the time for challange and Stanley laughed lightly ·as Old Timers spoke in foreboding. He knew well enough without the grim looks on their lined,' desert­dried faces that where he planned. to wander he \Vas deliberately taking his life in his hands. Still, with a shrewd native to act as in­terpreter, two dogs that could tear a man to pieces, the yappa to bark warning, a double-barrelled shot­gun to hurry up but not kill, and a rifle plus plenty of ammunition he was unafraid.

Then there were his two camels for reliable desert transport, one to- ride, one to carry the pack. Stanley felt quite able to take care of himself in the tightest corner. This, he was fully aware, might be any old time as he traversed deeper and deeper . into tht back country_ far from the ~white civil­isation's influence. As a day's camel trek is only about 15 miles he progressed slowly. The abo, of course, was walking, but such a day's walk mant nothing to his sinev.-y frame inured fz:om time immemorial in his ancestry to long distances of hard travel. Be-sides, such easy mOving allowed him time to gather game as he \Vent along, to seize_ the lizards, captllre the goannas, and Gig out the buckaroos that made such fine eating. · Even Stanley himself agreed "him betta fella" than chicken. Even though the trek might sometimes be .hard the native preferred walking to the pack camel. . The boy did not like


: Mt. ·1 Doreen

: Hermonn~b(jrg

: /l.~ers R,,.ck. , ~

"!_-~~!:';."!'!<it._ SOUTH Mt Irwin

ind Freights as published in ·Gor­

don's Air Guide Alice Springs Book­ing Office, same office as. Guinea Afr­ways, opposite Mc­

~ Mahon's Hotel. All ~ freight to be deliv­.._ ~red to the "above t! Jffi.ce before 12 noon & on the day prior to

commencemerit of the service on Y1rhich

AUSTRAL!~ it is to 2'0.








.O. BOX 34 Phone LAURA 9. (continuous) .that snarling, big, slobbery l)lO\jtJj,. an<l wicked eye. ""

and the weeks into months, John EVERY ~~J AT ALTIML ES Stanley came aCross·. many tribes of wandering natives. Most were unfriendl~, and some were openly. [ SERVICE

LAURA--~South Aust. Many times in his wanderings, @

as the days lengthened into weeks, ~

LACKMAN ·=========== threatening. But judicious gifts black's. fingers itched to throw.

AG. EN· C·I E·· s of plug tobacco for the warriors, But the prospector's patience saved . and beads and trinkets-for the lu- him. Instead of the-quick thrust bras, assured at least their tolera- of the rifle that at one stage he tion. thought must be his next move he

Stanley remembered the advice ·spoke soothingly of tobacco and of the Old Timers to leave the present and he reached slowly to­native women alone, and he was wards his pockets. The atmos­careful to ignore any approaches, phere at once changed. In ex­especially frpm lubras made lonely change for his·welcome gifts water by the absence of their _warriors and food were provided for "'bim-

Railway Terrace (Opposite Railway Station)

Alice Springs P.O. BOX 42 . TELEPHONE No. 4







Fruit and Cool Drinks

out hunting. Black women or self and his camels. · white, they are sisters under the Refreshed by the mtich needed skin when qut -to capture the in- drink and rest - .,hn Stanley re­terest of a prepossessing male. clinell by the can · fire and watj:ll­Stanley was handsome in a rough, ed the dancing c( ·tinue. He "had uncouth way and his easy friendly seen su -::h cerem01 ·.es· many times smile had many a young lubra and his mood was responsive to sparking. the flowing hythm of the dancers.

. As it happens ali _the world over, His mind ran back to the civilisa­so it was with Stanley when, after tion he had left and the dilnces of a day. of bitter disappointment and the white pec·>le wherein he hsd hard going in a far west aurifer- found so mucl· t>leasure in 1nore ous belt, he suddenly found- him- convivial inome· -:::. Presently he self stumbling into a blackfellows' became aware of -'1 exceptionally camp about a creek waterhole. attractive Qu-eye c-..,ung-girl) who Kp.ocked up hims~Jf, · his camels covertly ~appeared -, · try tO gain weary~ l!afions--shOrt, and ·with none the prospector's attc1tion. From, of' the gold for :whiCh he had her Place' among the women oc-searched so'l0ng, he was homesick .;!upying their .customary station for the good things that go \Yith at the r~ar of the corraboree even our outback civilisation. To group she glanced at him from find himself the centre of a big tiine to time. There \Vas·no mis­corr~~oree surrounded b;r ~n ag- taking "in John Stanley's niind thP gressive crowd -of natives was a meaning of those glances. (He trial 'for his tatterid nerves. told the''Wanderer so when nex:

With the noise and shouting, the they met and yarned.) .abo-. dogs snarling and barking, No ,eyes. are sharper than a Ms own yappa doing likewise it black:fellow's ·whert lt .comes fo was hard for Stanley's interpreter watching his women anl:i, as Stan­to make, any headway telling the 'ley's .interpreter mentioned later story of their wanderings to fhe that evening when the corroboree douQti_pg_ blacks. Spears and ended, this dark foung charmer -hoomeia.ngs were held ready_ for had -less Chance. than most for n.

_ _-iYl;St~mt actiop and· mqre than one ~ CC::ontinued...pn Page 11) ,.


",LACE-~ JL.\N-'S RETRIBUTION did nclt at once retfoat and ,allow 1l the· camels passage the ·white

(Continued from Pag~ 10) man's thunder \Vould be loosed. h The.re was brief wavering, but

Jlir1 3.ti.on. Snc was the-c osen ~ne urged on by the bolder spirits, the 0£ the .Tu::;P,-amurra· ai~d no Olu painted natives · resumed their

- 1f a. Tribe.:.Jik~s a.nythn;i:g but ab- snaky progress forward.' With ~olute .. fidelity. The mterpret~r gun· loaded With cartridges of. added that. the youthful Qu-eye heavy shot and plenty more handy nad just been taken by the Tu~ga- on his camel, Stanley held his murra as one of a nu.mber: of wives fi.rc until the leading warrior was

d she hated her situatrnn. Her at spear throWing range 60 yards .~l~nces to"·ards John Stan!ey ~·et·~ away. The crack of the gun fairly but a forlorn hope that thrn nught .shook the quiet dawn and the be a way out: reverberation rang along the val-

When the tm_1e. came for sle~p, Iey with a fearsome sound new to Stanley made his cai~1P a safe dis.:: the tribesmen. Scattering of the tance from the natives and wa;s shot put- a pellet or twp in a dozen himself dose to slumber when his hides of the leading bunch and yappa ,.,.ro\ded and barked. In- the number was multiplied when stantlY ~h:!rt. he waited ready ~or the second barrel went off. This any em~rgency, when from out of was too much for -the }Varriors the gloom along the. creek ba~k who ran far into the desert for ~me the girl. She sign_alled him safety. By the time they had for silence and he quieted the taken council, the camels were dogs In sign language that legging it towards the Overland need~ci no words .she told him that Telegraph and sanctuary.

c me would go with him and forsake This story, -said the Wanderer, the Tuggam~rra. Stanley .studied should ·end there. But it doesn't. her keenly m ·the fitful hght of Blacks never forgive those who the campfire. He knew ·he could steal their women and there \Vill trust her. Soon their acceptance still be murders even in these later of each other was complete. years of grace because of it. John

Dawn brought clamor in the .Stanley talked. with me once or native camp. The sun had scarce- twice after that coming and going ly risen before the. ~hole place in his prospecting excursions. But, was stirred to actrvity by the wherever he went, the· blacks of cries of lubras that the Qu-eye that tribe always -sought to catch was mjssing. Fleet f~oted mes- up with him. All they waited. for sengers sped to the site of the was the day when he could be prospector's camp. There was caught unawares in some lonely sign aplenty of camels being bur- spot or- when he \Yas stricken by riedly prepared fo.r a journey and illness or accident. But the lubra, tracks indicated the getaway at a like the faithful ways of her race; smart- pace. The Qu-eye's stealthy stood by him through many a night excursion was traced by the threat ready and .willing to give trackers,. but of any return to the her life for his if such were neces-native camp was there none. sary.

Definitely this was treachery. Then one day in 1932, concluded The \Yhite man must be kill~ for the Wandered, .John Stanley set this. Death was .for ·the lubra, out. on a prospecting trip from too. All the warri_ors were roared which there was no return. Still into action by an ~outraged and in- a confirmed "gouger~" still chas­sWted Tuggamurra, demanding 'ing the elusive gold~ and still tow­'re~lnagtf:~sce~-e;;e 0~~::~s ~~n~v.~~~ ing along his black. mate, known

to the world now as a Combo by their tribal tote~s that come (white black.fella") he was ~tting what might the white interloper careless and over confident, not would die as \\ell as the false "\\'1fe. fully recognising the long memory 'fhe ch_ase was on. . of the natives. It must have. been

Makmg more than the 15. nules that because the only further word ~day t.~ey ~sually mana~e.d, Joh~ ever heard 6f him was the report ~tanley s camel!' ste~dil:Y dre\\ of another old :rou er coming in away fr?m t~e u~unedi~~e danger from a far distan1: r:nge. H€ had zone. Like his faithful mterpreter j o e across the skeletons - of a Stanley knew only too well the c 1:1 b peril in which. this act. of lubra- \vh1te man and what _had once e~n tle lin I d · t th II He a lubra, who rem.ams were still ~a: a~·ai: 3.1~~ tha~~h! further clad in a fad_ed spear·torn dress. he placed himself a wa~~ from. that .I ~ mbe's country the better, chance I DEAD KANGAROOS he would have of escape, for no -·o·-

' tribe cros~es . anoth_er:s hunting Mr. Gori-y is h~~ng some trouble grounds \Y1th impumt). . Never- with kangaroo shooters. -He says theless,. Stanler to.ok i:io risks when that they are being shot then the, tr10 ~nally pitched cat;1P laced in· a truck or by some· ot'her later that mg ht sorel~ worn \\"1th ~ethod brought adjacent to ·the heat'. hunger and tra,el. =--- road skinned there and left to rot.

With wat;erba.gs f?ll, ther could The 'result is most unpleasant for afford to mIBs.. cah1pmg ?e.sidc any anyone passin_g the road and cer-soak .. A_n open. space ~\as chosen tainl)· very unhealthy. . from v;hich it "_as possible to pre- Now. vou kangaroo shootmg vent any surprIBe attack. Stanley bovs. just' use that noddle of yours felt ~h~ camels were safe. "Fo the an"d be fair to the public and skin abor1g~nes they were the Ev:1l Ey_e, them· at least 4-00 yards from. the and so commanded respect. _ .~e road This is a bad-advertisement knew, too, that the pursuers did for 3.n entrance to our~ t6\\""Il and not like the big, sil~nt cattle dogs, you as well as others, cannot feel 'The yappa was nothmg. They had too 'comfortable about a thing of scores of these !l1emselve~. But this·-·~ort. We are getting from th.ere was one thmg of which ~hese the travelling public a good name tribesmen really knew m:~thing-:-1 for a progressive town and I am the fireanns .. Stanley~ certam sure ~o.u .. ar~ .. Tiot out_to _spoil it. t?at a good many of tnbe, pos- So please cut the practice ·out. s1bly .most of them, had never · · eren heard·of.a gun or rifle.

MICA It was in the early hours of the ne>..i; morning that the yappa, -:o:_:· sniffing down wind, started his A reC.enf article .signed by Mr. warning barks. Stanley instantly· Turnbutl a:nd referred to Dy a re­

, -'Prang for his gun. Alarmed and cent letter fiom hjm, was handed sensing dire peril the Qu-eye be- into th.i-&- office by a mica miner, :;an shivering and making queer date "Of letter was given 28/10/46. whining sounds. $he guessed her Mr .. Turnbull \'rTit:ing ·states' that fate if caught. But she still had the mlita• miners Will have, the op· faith in the white man ·who had poHunity of substantiating their befti._~nded hei;, While Stanley opinions at a general meeting of kept ,.lookout the abo packed the miners called for Sunday; 3rd camels, tied the dogs so that August, at the Hartz Range Depot,

·they could be easily unleased and at 10.30 a.m. It must be remem­made ready for: the flight that bered, however, that prices J?aY-.chance might afford: For they able for mica are not determmed were cornered. by the Northern Territory Mine

On the edge of the c!~ring dimly Department or. the Department of etched against the black curtain Sunply & Shipping, but are !lxed ·Preceding da"'ri the shadowy under ·National Security ( Pnces) iigures of swres 0£ warriors flit- Regulations. It is to be hoped ·too about seeking '-antage points that all will get to...,ther and set­from which they might throw tie this matter. ·The "Centralian heir spears in safety. ItlStictive-- Advocate" has done its best to

ly they realised the white man assist both sides in this dispute and · ·d not. face desert perils without it is time something definite was "Some' protection. Just what that done to put the matter on a satis-

.t~~io~u~as tt~::~~~ l~h; factory b_as_is_. ---~· -~ .. dawn. The shadows lifted and the lacks appeared 1ri !ull war paint; GRANITES'JWAD,. oming slowly on behind bushes -:o:-

"nifex. clumps and an:Y 01'.}ter The new road past the Granites ·cover they coul~ utilise. Boomer- into Western AustrAli:J.n~is al!eadv,

gs were shaken· and spears Wav- attracting c"ars and truck~ It ;ed menacingly. ·- cuts- off hundreds of miJ..es in' .a

CCS '"STE'RLIN.G VALUE"· 'is ·~~ill the keynote of our

poli.~y _

Centralian Cash Stores

Forwarding and Receiving· Agents_

Groceries Hardware


Phillips Radios Phillips~Accessories

Ve&,ta Batteries

Lucy Secor Frocks

Berlei Foundations Kayser Lingerie

We Call For and Deliver Twice Weekly




Head Branch:

Ali Ce Sp:r:ings PHONE29 BOX39 - John Stanley raised his gU.n h_igh -long Juut..Iley. H.owever, it is ad­

nd shouted to the tribesmen to viSable to say that. the road. past · halt. To the interpreter he gave the Granites is as yet unfinished ;the message that if the -Y.~arriors and is very rough i~deed,. , - '--.,...--------------....,.-:-----~-------'-----------=

Page 7: The - territorystories.nt.gov.auterritorystories.nt.gov.au/jspui/bitstream/10070/265645/1/CAD... · 1j" d \-\' d , and Mrs G. Buck, .:'th ·.:i.nd J..Irc:. 111 \,a1·. ·and \.e ha,:e

PAGE. 12 •. ""~~-..... ~i~~; "CEN11'RALIAN ,ADVOCATE'' ALICE SPRINGS SATURP~Y, JULY 26, 19H

A•tDon Thon\as; ~·ou can buy two Lotmg:o Suites Cheap~ c


Mr. C . .-\ .• Johannsen i:; to be ·•cENTRALlAN Ad\·o<:ate" ha~ a Dn!w for the FfrBt Hmmrl- which highly enc1mwnded for his action .[lin. Lathe, a shed to put it ~n __ filld must. be complPte-d , . by Sundciy in c(mYening- a meeting of all wants an i.iperafor wiltinr.:; to work I afternoon, ;~rd August, i:-> as fol'- citi:>:ens for Thursday, Auµ;ust 7.

Saturday's Racing · P_rogramme ·

jt on shares for wood - work and lmYs :- 1J t is to bC' hoped that he collects other lines. I _,IE:\"'S DOPBLf.S a bumpel' house. Ever~·one has


or should· have the welfare of his CLOTHIN(; CLOTH I.KG. ,All O\\'en-.Ca\der \". Whelan-Lnn.!..!.·- home tmn1 at heart, and 'it is only sorts of Drl'.s~e~. 'frnuser.s, Shirts, I "·o.rth. · . . . b.~· mass rn<:>eting_s. of this sort that Overcoats, and ::\Ien'1' ·Sui~s. Don ~.·t.~uee-Do.nne!lan ,._ \\·c!l111.l.!.·tnJ1- 1 the progye::;s of. a town depe1~ds.


1.10-_Tl!L\L 'Hl'RDLES .12.4.>-DERRBIPT

Thomas. etc. S1mps~~!. ·-. . From this rnee~mg should sprmg l\<~~rr).f.:Gox , .. :)luldoon-Chrn. a Pro,R"ress Sonety or a resurrec-

t\\'·o milCs ana·,·:i4~!io>;~rcfs iti~e~jH1:~~n f)

HA.\DiCAP 6 furlo1w"

·7AngJian 7 5 DOMESTIC HELl' WAXTED b)' yQunp: married couple. ~dh one child. Apply Phone 8. Al!ce. p

_:Pi·e\\'-ett-Say \". Ledrich-l\IcCabe. tion of the .Northern Tenitory

. LADIES' DOlTHLES ,~:a~~~~~~~l~~ ~:1 e~~:a~~ 111~;1d V~~j: l\Jetrupolis 10 2Seag;rim 9 1 Lone Wind 8 Stillwater 9 l!By Goom O Greensbor-

G"Besfol'd 5 CarnbridLre

2Doci!e 2l?irs-';

Fillibeg 9 8Harley ough S

. Ah~erton-Srnith \·. Cheadle- point cannOt be st.resse,d too . FoR SALE-One Lady's Bicycle, Watkms. . . ·. strongly is. that under whatever

Spiritus 9 7· Street 9 Prattle Joy 8 Leahmond 9 3Service ·Lad H Couiitable 9 Thought

9Ladv" Lvn pump attached, can be seen at .Tudc-_HE'ard~m Y. h_i,:.~e1!-Dou 3t. i name it arrives, that. we do some-Prince Virgin Macread~

MisS Lo'tlie · 7 6Pirnpernel t­

Tamerla1w 6Victo·n·

~"AdvC>cae'' {_«ffi<'e. Pri<'e ti. x Rennte-l'.kCabe \· . .J.Iwahan-Mc- thin!?: for Alice Spring:; that will Tarzan 2 Bronze H O Double

-----------,---~- Cartlly. . : make this the central city of Aus-Glenharold !) 11\olal'collat !) o . Storm

FOR ~ALE.-On. e Che\". th1-CP--ton Dodd-partner '"· I'earson-.Pitt~: ... tralia, that \\"e m~ke sure; that in Truck, nearly ne\\. Appl)· this )-IIXED DOUBLES future we have gard~ns m e_very

Stillwater, Spirit1:-1s, Metropolis. ReE'~~~r.

office. I Calder-Calder '"· Watkins-Owen. spare conrnr of Alrc_e. Sprmgs, ------------. .,..-._ Sav-Reardon , .. Simpson-Doust. con~fortable ~eats for v151tors, co_n-FO_R ~ALE.-Large ~al:-.Tamsed \~rhelaH-Jude '"· :i\iicCabe-Smith. veme1~ces ad3ac£..'nt ~o. ~;1: streets


Ei::d1t and a half. furl011gs Pied Pipel'" 8 7Hernstone 2

7' 0 0

Yarrakin. Lone \Vind,

7 6 Liglit 7 5 Greensbornu.o:h, Hiver


Boilers rn perfec_t nr<lef, 211- each; :Minahan-Pre,\·ptt -Y. Miller-Ab- and _i_n general e\e1~t.11ng con-Apply this officf'. ' x bertmi. structn-e should be . carefully

FOR SALE -- 5 lengths Steel Q~iee-McR:~e Bye. ~~~~i~fttte~u\h~d asl~~m~tl;~~ld\0 b! Shafting in approximately 20 ft. l'IE:\'S .SI.KGLE:-; carefullv selected of both men and lengths. Price gin. £4; 2in. £5 l-'rcwett v. Jenkins: women ;\·ho really ha\·e the itJt;er-per length. "Centralian Advo- Donnellan r. l\fcCab!.:'. ests of Alice Springs at ht:-art and cate" Office. .... L.edrich '"· Calder. not those who merely take a posi-

Martin \". Long\\.-'Orth tion so that they may see their FOR SALE.-One Steel Trailer Miller , .. Say names in print Spring, with all attachments, Mcinnes \·. Chin. We congratulate you, Mr. ready to connect, 301-. "Centra- Quee Y. Q\ven. Johannsen, and trust that out of

~ . Ladies doubles and nuxed thi.ngs. ' -GALVANI~ED Uprights for Tents, doubles e~·ents ha\e been made We respectfully suggest that a.

St. Don 8 .5 Bay Lad Brandy Blue Nile

Crust('r :{King-McKeuiie 8 Comedv

1.lo-Br:.u:s,swicK· HF]{J>LE Two 1mles 1 furlong­

First Aid 11 4Sir Francis D

Prince Miss con-Charrner 7 Rpirator

Minanalaes 9 12Mar SpPUr Metro Stm· fJ 11 Windpar

n Calawind 9 9 Ait Bag !1 o 0 ~~J~~~l~~~x 9 ~~:~~ourint; ~) u Blue Radar 60bsen·c

Last Salute 6Prince Sleepy Sakao O

Legend 5Sunfire 0 Baleeta 7 ~-i.Tangoette 'i 0 SL Don, Bt;aucly Cn1ster, McKenzie


Nicety 4 Serang: Reynard 4In Action Bronze Mautrim

Laddie 2My David Last Port 9 2Shoubra !l

]fir.st Aid, Nicety, :Metro Star lian Advocate"• Office. I Whelan , .. Muldoon. this meeting- comes heapR of g-:1od

welded spike on top threa4ed non-handicap. Prop:ressive As:;ociation be formed

holes bored to fit spikes, ~ pipe Hand1cap-s tor 3-Ien s Doubles veloprnent League for the country. wo miles ane and a ha,lf furlongs stand on bottom, 12 ft. pole with I . _ , for the town and a Centralian De- T

size, suitable for 12 x 10 tents at are :- One bodr to interest intself solely Kinbaz 10 lOGoldful · 9 5 Sd. per foot. "Centralian AdYo- Q\\en-Calder <rne 4fJ. -..\ith the adYancement of the town, Artful Gold 10 6l\'Iagna cate'' Office. I're\\ett-Sav oi\e 4<I. ) \\ith its tourist attractions and The. · Craig . I Q D wll .1 /90 outlet... to local scener~ and any- Hyphen 10 2Defendant

9 1 9 () 9 0

t..15-COO-EE llA.\DIC.\1' One mile

Cyclades Leros Vantage Sweet

8 5 ful 7 8 OSir Marconi 7 8 OEarl King

Astorette lOChevalier

:.:olindiner SG1oiwyn


IN STOCK. ~ctric Irons, wh:1~n~L~~:..,~\:~r~h-~,~-~ 1 · 3u0ii5 . thing appertaining to develop Springhead ~ 6Surefoot Apollo de luxe, 3:3/6 each, without Ledrich-l\IcCabe owe :J0/15. Alice Springs, The second body "Emotion 9 5

Magne Aiming

Point Gallant flex and plug; Kriesler Radios, Wellington-Sinlp.son owe 30/l5. to advise about ·abattoirs, a can- Artful Gold. Goldful, Kirigbaz

dual wa\.·e~·electrk maritel models, .Niuldoo'n-Chin owe :m/t5. ning industry, cattle dips, and land £18/19/-, table models £82/10/-; Martin-Cox scratch. matters. The two combined could, Hand Grinders, complete with fi-in. Pla•.'ers ma'-' arranO"e their own dworfrkilngh_in unisodn, do many won-emery wheels, 5Ci/-. Just an-ived "' ~ e u t mgs an put this area on Vesta Car and Radio \Vet Batter- time and Place for playing of the map in a. \\·ay t[lat will hold ies. F. w. Kirtg & Co., Otpitol matches whicli must be completed intei:est for all time. ·~uilding, Alice Springs, ~t ~~: !d~~:fg-~~g. re~~:r: !~~nd~~ ==--c:=-=,~-·-·-.;:..::...=..:_ __ =------=-::..=-= NO need to sleep cold Don Thomas Sll'pplied free ,,f cnst on reque$t. ad.-antage ~~t.1\--lcCABE has large stocks of secohdhand Matches to consist of tine 9-game Hon. Secretar)·. Blankets.

SEE the New Gift Articles at Rose I Chapman's Shop, Railway Terrace. I


'cONNELLAN AIRWAYS, Alice ·Springs, have vacancies for male and female office staff. Excellent 'opportunities 'for advancement, but --qualifications ·essential. Board available. Apply with full details of education, training, experience, references .. age, marital state, etc., direct to C~nnellan Airways, Alice Springs. e

100 Ne\\· Sanitary Gal. Cans, suit~ able Stations- keep' sugar, bread or other goodR from mice. etc. White Gal 10/-, Black Gal 6/6. All with tight fitting' lids. "Centralian Ad­vocate" Office.


Nine furlongs and 60 ~rards Crown Gem 9 OKing- Wil-Dauntless 8 6 Ham Kidston Lad 9 5Rosarian Oriental Chatham's

llrinces:; 8 2 Sear Fan Go 8 1 Pmvderhall 'i Kyby Lass 8 OMacon Ma8ter '8andra's-

Fiorian 12 Pride Fleche d'Or llSelectus

9 Wind 7 7Terra Firma 'i

7 7fhistle 7Traddles

Scout Anchor Fiddle Fresh. Boy My Be~uti-

6 Fiddle, Cyclades, Leros


"4 Two miles 3~ furlongs· 0 Tente_ - 11 7 Square !} 9·

0 Victory Ration "9

Chievel}- 8Toress Cool Toi 7 7 I

f'.o. lebrook 11. 5Parentena 9 9

0 March 10 12Kindervale 9 7~ O Krallis 10 11 Securities 9

~~lvo _, lf4. OGerieral De fan 'Co, Ki~ston Lad, Crown Gem Biblical 9 12 · Gaulle ~

3.33--'\\:[}IBLED.0:\ IIlumin.!;!.tion .9 11R0ckingham 9 HA.'iDICAP Ifigh Flash 9 Hl~old Reign· 9

One mile three furlongs and :{5 yds. The Monk 9 1Kentish

Don Gypsy 9 9Aussigg 9 (1

Leicester Tente, Salvo, Biblica.J ,

Silvall 9 5 Boy · 5 Robbie 8 1 Wingate 7 2 Lµshj_g. 7 12N oeleigh 7 0 .t:d;!tendan 7 lOSalmint 7 0

2.5o-DERRIMUT HA.'iOICAI' 2~d Di:;sion Six furlongs

iif"a:ll; The Monk, St. Brendan Kmd Lmk 9 0 Balkanville 7 5 Mah ram 8 _4Bush · Q1,1een 7 · 5


Five furlongs Ducal • 9 8Astropie Peilstol 9 Oilluenita Comedy Fur de

Prince 8 13 Luxe Limondale 8 13 Heroban Grand Mydale

Naval Dan Fox 7 ~ Revue ~ 2Bncircler ·5

Felstar ·s OGay Papa 7 T.lenhoti 7 9MeadoW Lea 7

o Wonder Peace Dance 7 o Bird 7 7Remahd 7

Kinerlass 7 6Trysull o Ran Joaness 7 6Waiwilta O Amber Ea•! 7 5 O Mahtam, Kind Link, Felstar

WANTED.-Messenger Boy, with ow11 bicycle. . Anply Connellan ~.\irways, Alice _Springs: · e

WANTED TO RENT by Returned Se-rvicetnan-and wife, Hous~, Room, ""!'ommodation any kind. Apply this . office. p

Legend 8 lNighean Princess Dhonn 7 o 3.3.0-GLEN· ORLA HANDICAP

Wolta & . lJ'en.olius 7 O One mile five furlongs

YOUNG MAN, 19, experienced ~ttte ·work and horses, wants iob stockman N.T. cattle station. Write C. R. Tremlett, 65 Myrtle R...,ad, Sea cliff, S.A. ea2 :.·~/\


Overland Transport Martin Bros. (Ex A.I.F.)






Saint Chat- Royal Dash· 7 O Ellipsis 8 13Durtee 7 5 ham 7 8So Regal 7 0 Stenelaus 8 9Faiz Effendi 7 5

Some Peach 7 !Young Peter Blank 8 2Glenriven 5 Tewkes 7 1 Baccha 7 O Real Guy 8 Olrate Ii Comedy Prince, Pellstol,. Ducal" Bannerette 7 13Repeater 'i fi

Neutral 7 13Royal Na\·v 7 5 4.4;;-PORTLA!\'D HIGHWEIGHT Cotham 7 lOSea Legend 7 5

Temple Welfare Seven and a half furlonp;s Chief 7Wyn Gale

Boondale 7 5Field FoX' 7 g 9 ( Bannerette, Ellipsis, Cotham

Lincoln 9 6Fighting Medar!in 9 5 Colors Harith · 9 3Gold Point which won the Kambula Handicap

of six and half furlongs at Port Adelaide last Saturday. He is tipped this week to win the Queenstown Handicap of five fur-longs. -



Remote , Barnsda!e Control 9 2Gold Web

Friotis 8 12Matchem Prosody 8 12My Bill Merab's Queen o'

Hope· 8 10 Scots Sugar Cane 8 lOShakuni Brov."11 .- Pride

Magic S 9Val Devon Praise~ Vasta

worthy 8 9 ,

8 8 8 7 8 7 8 7 8 7

8 7 8 7 8 7

Lincoln, MedarJin, Remote Control Res~lts' of matches Pl.eyed ··on Thursday, Jul;,- 24 in connection with the House Competition were :

Football-St~art' House-2 goals ·i\-~z_a<; HilLRee.rei:l.tioh ._~ese1;ve on 'ihurs'day afterfioon. August 24.

;0fu~~~ts; To~~a~ck:;-...:.S1~:~~ Th~re will be championship events George Smith, Reg Harris·, Todd._ for boys and girls, and cups will be

presented to the champion boy and Jim. Turner, Kevin.Patterson. Be~t girl, senior and junior divisions. pl~}ers-:--Stu~rt--Ma': ~laugh, Vic Relay races, and organised teams' Wilson! Eddie Wells, To.dd-Reg -games are incltided on the pro­~~' Jim Turner, Ben ·Smith. gramme, and hockey 'and :football

Hockey-Stuart House-1 goal; matches, will be played. ·The 'fodd House-1 goal. Best play- afternoon promises to be very in­et·s--Stuart-Helen Wesley, Joye.' teresting and it is hoped· that a Palmer, Ruth Plant, Barbara good crowd will attend. Muirhead; Todd-Sheila. Peckham, Kath Williams, Berna Hunter, Printed .and published by C. H. Jean White. ~ . · Chapman,. at the "Centralian Ad-

1'.he annuaf athletics d.aY fo( the vo~e'' office; Railway Terrace, semor sch9ol is ·to be held on thj!· Ali~ ·Springs. •


4.5-SUX~:r- WELTER One ·iJe ·'

William Tell 9 2: · ·1 Frolic 7 11 Millais 8 llf !well 1 JO High Fliglit 8 7Singlescript 7 io League 8 5Greek Myth 7 9 Canada- 8 4Air Sir Locket 8 3 Marshall 7 Sunrocks 8 2Colombine 7 St. Buzz 8 1 Liberty Law 7 A oorove 8 0 '1uezon · 7 Tudor ··rra

Prin_ce . 7 13 : ; ymph 7 Lunar Lynx 7 12 • _ . St .. Buzz, High Fligh:. Sir Locket



The followii>g HOLIDAY will be observed in the Northern Territory under the Bank Holidays Ordin­a_nce, the Northern Tenitory Pub­hc 'Service Ordinance. and the Cc:>mmonwealth -Publi~ Service Act:

PICKIC DAY~ :ummA Y, 4\.h AUGUST, 194i

R. S. LEYDIN, Acting .. G~~.emment Secretary.



's: r




ie ti ti ti it c ir c

:L . \' ~

" 'k

r; ,,