FACULTY PICKS If you find one of these topics interesting, approach the faculty member to discuss it further and to request his or her sponsorship. Mr. Alexander 1. Choose three of the following: Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain; Willpower: Rediscovering the Greatest Human Strength by Roy F. Baumeister and John Tierney; Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life by Martin Seligan; Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell; Mindset by Carol Dweck 2. Inequality in education: “Multiplication Is for White People”: Raising Expectations for Other People’s Children by Lisa Delpit; How Children Succeed: Grit Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character by Paul Tough; Whistling Vivaldi: How Stereotypes Affect Us and What We Can Do by Claude Steele 3. The Contemporary Marginalized Experience: Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates; Forty Million Dollar Slaves: The Rise, Fall, and Redemption of the Black Athlete by William C. Rhoden; plus one Mr. Arbor 4. Contemporary Multi-Cultural Short Stories (choose at least three of the following): The Dew Breaker by Edwidge Danticat, Hunger by Lan Samantha Chan, Unaccustomed Earth by Jhumpa Lahiri, Whiteman by Tony D'Souza, Sightseeing by Rattawut Lapcharoensap; The Elephant Vanishes by Haruki Murakami; The Thing Around Your Neck by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, I Am an Executioner by Rajesh Parameswaran 5. Lev Grossman: The Magicians Trilogy; plus one 6. Foundational Epics (choose three): The Ramayana translated by R.K. Narayan, Sundiata: An Epic of Old Mali translated by D.T. Niane, The Iliad by Homer (translation TBD); The Aeneid by Virgil; Morte d’Arthur by Thomas Malory 7. Cross Examination (choose three of the following): The Language of God by Francis Collins, Decoding the Language of God by George C. Cunningham, The Reason for God by Timothy Keller, The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins, Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis, Letter to a Christian Nation by Sam Harris, God and The New Atheists by John F. Haught

that Can’t Stop Talking Expectations for Other People’s ...goblues.org/faculty/seniordemo/files/2016/11/2016-2017-demo... · Book by Tom Meyer; Billy the Kid by Jack ... The Omni-Americans

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Page 1: that Can’t Stop Talking Expectations for Other People’s ...goblues.org/faculty/seniordemo/files/2016/11/2016-2017-demo... · Book by Tom Meyer; Billy the Kid by Jack ... The Omni-Americans


If you find one of these topics interesting, approach the faculty member to discuss it

further and to request his or her sponsorship.

Mr. Alexander

1. Choose three of the following: Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World

that Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain; Willpower: Rediscovering the

Greatest Human Strength by Roy F. Baumeister and John Tierney;

Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life by Martin

Seligan; Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell; Mindset by Carol Dweck

2. Inequality in education: “Multiplication Is for White People”: Raising

Expectations for Other People’s Children by Lisa Delpit; How Children

Succeed: Grit Curiosity, and the Hidden Power of Character by Paul

Tough; Whistling Vivaldi: How Stereotypes Affect Us and What We Can

Do by Claude Steele

3. The Contemporary Marginalized Experience: Between the World and Me

by Ta-Nehisi Coates; Forty Million Dollar Slaves: The Rise, Fall, and

Redemption of the Black Athlete by William C. Rhoden; plus one

Mr. Arbor

4. Contemporary Multi-Cultural Short Stories (choose at least three of the

following): The Dew Breaker by Edwidge Danticat, Hunger by Lan

Samantha Chan, Unaccustomed Earth by Jhumpa Lahiri, Whiteman by

Tony D'Souza, Sightseeing by Rattawut Lapcharoensap; The Elephant

Vanishes by Haruki Murakami; The Thing Around Your Neck by

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, I Am an Executioner by Rajesh


5. Lev Grossman: The Magicians Trilogy; plus one

6. Foundational Epics (choose three): The Ramayana translated by

R.K. Narayan, Sundiata: An Epic of Old Mali translated by D.T. Niane, The Iliad by Homer (translation TBD); The Aeneid by Virgil;

Morte d’Arthur by Thomas Malory

7. Cross Examination (choose three of the following): The Language of

God by Francis Collins, Decoding the Language of God by George

C. Cunningham, The Reason for God by Timothy Keller, The God

Delusion by Richard Dawkins, Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis, Letter to a Christian Nation by Sam Harris, God and The New

Atheists by John F. Haught

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8. Transgender Identity: Trans Warriors by Leslie Feinberg, My

Gender Workbook by Kate Bornstein, Transgender History by Susan


Ms. Arbor

9. Selected Works of Jose Saramago: Choose Three: The Double; The

Gospel According to Jesus Christ; The Stone Raft; The Lives of Things

(compilation of short stories); Blindness; Seeing (sequel); The Cave; All

the Names, Death With Interruptions

Mr. Becker

10. Peter Hessler’s China: Country Driving: A Journey Through China from

Farm to Factory; River Town: Two Years on the Yangtze; Oracle Bones: A

Journey Through Time in China

11. Mao Zedong A Life by Jonathan Spence; Mao: A Biography: Revised and

Expanded Edition by Ross Terrill; The Private Life of Chairman Mao by

Li Zhi-Sui

12. Factory Girls by Leslie Chang; Mr. China: A Memoir by Tim Clissold;

China Inside Out: 10 Irreversible Trends Reshaping China and Its

Relationship with the World by Bill Dodson

13. With Liberty and Justice for Some: How the Law Is Used to Destroy

Equality and Protect the Powerful by Glenn Greenwald; The Republican

Noise Machine: Right-Wing Media and How it Corrupts Democracy by

David Brock; The End of Loser Liberalism: Making Markets Progressive

by Dean Baker

14. War: War is a Force the Gives Us Meaning, by Chris Hedges, Pay Any

Price: Greed, Power, and Endless War, by James Risen, and Addicted to

War: Why the US Can’t Kick Militarism, by Joel Andreas

15. Selected works of Chris Hedges (any three): Unspeakable, Empire of

Illusion: The End of Literacy and the Triumph of Spectacle, Wages of

Rebellion: The Moral Imperative of Revolt, Days of Destruction Days of

Revolt, The World As It Is: Dispatches on the Myth of Human

Progress, What Every Person Should Know About War, War is a Force

the Gives Us Meaning

Mr. Bonner

16. Home by Toni Morrison; Salvage the Bones by Jesmyn Ward, plus one

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17. The Family Fang by Kevin Wilson; Swamplandia by Karen Russell, plus


18. Latin American Fiction: selected works from Garcia Marquez, Fuentes,

Cortazar, Rulfo, Valenzuela, Lispector, and/or Donoso

19. Selected works of William Faulkner

20. Selected works of Henry David Thoreau and Walt Whitman

21. Maxine Hong Kingston: Chinamen and Woman Warrior, plus one

22. Selected works of Allan Gurganus

23. Selected works of John Hawkes

24. Selected works of Leo Tolstoy

25. Stories of Anton Chekhov

26. Selected works of Joan Didion

27. Selected works of Robert Coover

28. Selected works of John Cheever

29. Selected stories of Alice Munro

30. Selected works of Mona Simpson

31. Poetry of Rilke

32. Memoir: Out of Africa by Dinesen; Stop-Time by Conroy; Liar’s Club by

Karr; My Father and Myself by Ackerley; Running in the Family by


33. Selected works of Mary Caponegro

34. Selected works of Joanna Scott

35. Poetry of C. D. Wright

36. Poetry of Thomas Meyer

37. Poetry and essays of Jonathan Williams

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38. Selected works of Richard Ford

39. Selected works of Ann Patchett

40. Poetry of James Longenbach

41. Poetry of Louise Gluck

42. Poetry of Lorinne Niedecker

43. Poetry of Mina Loy

44. Novels of Desire: choose three from among the following: Anna

Karenina by Tolstoy; Madame Bovary by Flaubert; Swann in Love by

Proust; The Lover by Duras; The Unbearable Lightness of Being by

Kundera; Cheri and/or The Last of Cheri by Collette; Travesty and/or

Virginie by John Hawkes

45. Studies in the Short Story: Chekhov; Hemingway; Anderson; Babel

46. Studies in the Contemporary Short Story: Grace Paley; Ray Carver; John

Cheever; William Gass; Stanley Elkin; T. C. Boyle; Elizabeth McCracken;

Alice Munro

47. Contemporary short stories: Work of George Saunders; The Emerald

Light in the Air by David Antrim; American Innovations by Rivka

Galchen; Tunneling to the Center of the Earth by Kevin Wilson

48. Gertrude Stein: Three Lives; The Making of Americans; The

Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas

49. Poetry of Jack Gilbert

50. Rock ‘n Roll Novels: Ten Thousand Saints by Eleanor Henderson; The

Goon Squad by Jennifer Egan; You Don't Love Me Yet by Jonathan


51. Selected works of Vladimir Nabokov

52. Hotels of North America by Rick Moody; Pale Fire by Vladimir

Nabokov; Edwin Mullhouse by Steven Millhauser

53. Selected works of Stephen Milhauser

54. Slipstream fiction: works by Julia Elliott, George Saunders, and others

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55. Feminism: Germaine Greer, The Female Eunuch by Germaine Greer;

The Morning After by Katie Roiphe, Meat Market by Laurie Penny;

Unspeakable Things by Laurie Penny

56. Apocalyptic novels: Zone One by Colson Whitehead; Find Me by Lara

Van de Berg; The Road by Cormac McCarthy

57. The American Dream: Edwin Mullhouse by Steven Millhauser; Martin

Dressler by Steven Millhauser; Dodsworth or Main Street or Babbit by

Sinclair Lewis

58. Doctors in Fiction: The Tiger’s Wife by Tea Obrecht; Constellation of

Vital Phenomena by Anthony Marra; Decoy by Allan Gurganus; The

Doctor Stories by William Carlos Williams

59. AIDS: Plays Well With Others by Allan Gurganus; AIDS and its

Metaphors by Susan Sontag; And the Band Played On by Randy Shilts

60. The Sixties in Literature: Bullet Park by John Cheever; The Girls by

Emma Cline; Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test by Tom Wolfe; Slouching

Towards Bethlehem by Joan Didion

61. Families and Mental Health in Fiction: Imagine Me Gone by Adam

Haslett; Guests on Earth by Lee Smith; plus one

62. Images of Billy the Kid: Billy the Kid by Michael Ondaatje; The Bang

Book by Tom Meyer; Billy the Kid by Jack Spicer

63. Images of Jazz: But Beautiful by Geoff Dyer; Coming Through Slaughter

by Michael Ondaatje; Jazz by Gary Giddins

64. Visions of the West: Mornings in Mexico by D. H. Lawrence; The

Plumed Serpent by D. H. Lawrence; Blood Meridian or All the Pretty

Horses by Cormac McCarthy

65. Reflections on Slavery and the Civil War in Fiction: Oldest Living

Confederate Widow Tells All by Allan Gurganus; Underground Railroad

by Colson Whitehead; Underground Airlines by Ben Winters

66. Reflections on Race: The Fire This Time by Jesmyn Ward; Men We

Reaped by Jesmyn Ward; The Omni-Americans by Albert Murray;

Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison

Mr. Buddy

67. Italo Calvino: Baron in the Trees; If On a Winter's Night a Traveler;

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Invisible Cities

68. Don DeLillo: Mao II; Great Jones Street; White Noise

69. Naguib Mahfouz: Cairo Trilogy: Palace Walk; Palace of Desire; Sugar


70. Jail House Philosophy 1 (criminals): You Can't Win by Jack Black; Ballad

of Reading Gaol by Oscar Wilde; The Thief's Journal by Jean Genet;

Papillon by Henri Charrière

71. Linguistics: The Power of Babel: a Natural History of Language by John

McWhorter; The Unfolding of Language: An Evolutionary Tour of

Mankind's Greatest Invention by Guy Deutscher; and Through the

Language Glass: Why the World Looks Different in Other Languages

by Guy Deutscher

72. Modern Skepticism: Why People Believe Weird Things by Michael

Shermer; Fads and Fallacies in the Name of Science by Martin Gardner;

and The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins

73. Selected works of Emile Zola

74. John Coltrane: Coltrane on Coltrane: The John Coltrane

Interviews edited by Chris DeVito; A Love Supreme: The Story of John

Coltrane's Signature Album by Ashley Kahn; Freedom Is, Freedom Ain't:

Jazz and the Making of the Sixties by Scott Saul

75. Medical Ethics and Race: The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by

Rebecca Skloot; Examining Tuskegee: The Infamous Syphilis Study and

Its Legacy by Suasn M. Reverby; plus one

76. Selected works of Haruki Murakami

77. Native American Boarding Schools: Kill the Indian, Save the Man: The

Genocidal Impact of American Indian Residential Schools by Ward

Churchill; Pipestone: My Life in an Indian Boarding School by Adam

Fortunate Eagle and Laurence M. Hauptman; plus one

Ms. Cianciulli

78. David Guterson: Snow Falling on Cedars; East of the Mountains; Our

Lady of the Forest; The Other.

79. The Civil Rights Movement: The Southern Mystique by Howard Zinn;

Mississippi: An American Journey by Anthony Walton; Blood Done Sign

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My Name by Timothy B. Tyson (APUSH students would select a different

third book); The Warmth of Other Suns by Isabel Wilkerson

80. Selected works of Wallace Stegner

Dr. Concannon

81. Exercise, motivation, and nature versus nurture: Once a Runner by John L.

Parker, Jr., The Sports Gene by David Epstein, and Spark: The

Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by John J. Ratey

82. Behavioral Economics (pick three of the following): Thinking Fast and

Slow by Daniel Kahneman, Predictably Irrational by Dan Ariely, The

Signal and the Noise by Nate Silver, Freakonomics: A Rogue Economist

Explores the Hidden Side of Everything by Steven D. Levitt

83. Interesting stories with ties to neuroscience: Read either Awakenings or

The Man who Mistook his Wife for a Hat by Oliver Sacks; The Tell-Tale

Brain: A Neuroscientist's Quest for What Makes Us Human by V. S.

Ramachandran, and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson

84. The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell; The Life of Pi by Yann Martel; plus


85. Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett, The Lions of Al-Rassan by Guy

Gavriel Kay, and Cathedral, Forge, and Waterwheel: Technology and

Invention in the Middle Ages by Joseph Gies

86. Living and coping with physical or mental differences: (pick 3 of the

following) Autobiography of a Face by Lucy Grealy, Thinking in

Pictures: My Life with Autism by Temple Grandin, Hands of my Father: A

Hearing Boy, His Deaf Parents, and the Language of Love by Myron

Uhlberg, The Diving Bell and the Butterfly: A Memoir of Life in Death by

Jean-Dominque Bauby, and Still Alice by Lisa Genova.

Ms. Connors

87. Postcolonial Africa: God’s Bits of Wood by Sembene Ousmane; Anthills

of the Savannah by Chinua Achebe; A Grain of Wheat by Ngugi wa


88. Zadie Smith: White Teeth; On Beauty; NW

Mr. Crawley

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89. To Serve Them All Our Days by R. Delderfield; Goodbye Mr. Chips by

James Hilton; The Rector of Justin by Louis Auchincloss

90. Ken Follett: Pillars of the Earth and World Without End

91. World War I Novels: Testament of Youth by Vera Brittain; Storm of Steel

by Ernst Junger; Under Fire by Henri Barbusse

Ms. Crotts

92. Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice; Emma; Sense and Sensibility

93. The Bronte sisters: Wuthering Heights; Villette; Jane Eyre

94. Haruki Murakami: Kafka on the Shore; Norwegian Wood; either After the

Quake or The Elephant Vanishes

Mr. Gordon

95. Nelson Mandela: Mandela by Anthony Sampson; Long Walk to Freedom

by Nelson Mandela; Country of My Skull by Antjie Krog

96. Dropping of the Atomic Bomb: Shockwave: Countdown to Hiroshima by

Stephen Walker; Hiroshima by John Hersey; Hiroshima in America: A

Half Century of Denial by Robert Jay Lifton and Greg Mitchell

97. The Triumph and Tragedy of Lyndon Johnson by Joseph A. Califano;

Flawed Giant by Robert Dallek; The Tragedy of Lyndon Johnson by Eric


98. Flags of our Fathers by James Bradley; Iwo Jima by Bill Ross; Iwo Jima

by Richard Newcomb

99. A Rumor of War by Philip Caputo; The Things They Carried by Tim

O’Brien; 365 Days by Ronald Glasser; plus one

Mr. Gregory

100. Dante: The Divine Comedy (Inferno, Purgatorio, Paradiso)

101. Selected works of F. Scott Fitzgerald

102. Moby Dick by Herman Melville; In the Heart of the Sea by Nathaniel


103. Selected works of Cormac McCarthy

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104. Michel de Montaigne’s complete essays

105. Augustine’s City of God

106. Marcel Proust’s In Search of Lost Time (Swann's Way; Within a Budding

Grove; Time Regained)

107. American Gospel: God, the Founding Fathers, and the Making of a

Nation by Jon Meacham; Founding Faith: Providence, Politics, and the

Birth of Religious Freedom in America by Steven Waldman; plus one

108. Tale of Genji by Murasaki

109. What is Religion?: An Introduction by John Haught; The Varieties of

Religious Experience by William James; plus one

110. The Bible (complete Old Testament; complete New Testament)

111. Holocaust Books: The Painted Bird, Jerzy Kosiński; Survival In


Primo Levi; Fatelessness, Imre Kertész; Man’s Search for

Meaning,Viktor Frankl

112. Paradise Lost, John Milton

113. The Thousand and One Nights

114. To the Lighthouse; Mrs. Dalloway; The Voyage Out; A Room of One’s

Own, Virginia Woolf

115. Absalom, Absalom, The Sound and the Fury, As I Lay Dying, William


116. Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales

117. The Language of God, Francis Collins; The God Delusion, Richard

Dawkins; Science & Religion: From Conflict to Conversation, John


118. Fyodor Dostoyevsky: The Brothers Karamazov and Crime and


119. Leo Tolstoy: War and Peace

120. Band of Brothers, Stephen Ambrose; Flags of Our Fathers, James

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Bradley; With the Old Breed At Peleliu and Okinawa, E.B. Sledge

121. Plato, Complete Dialogues

Ms. Gruber

122. Medical Ethics: three selected works from Abraham Verghese, Atul

Gawande, Rebecca Skloot, Daniel Kahneman, Jodi Picoult, and Jerome


123. Selected works of Atul Gawande

Ms. Hampton

124. The Caribbean Diaspora (choose three): She's Mad Real: Popular Culture

and West Indian Girls in Brooklyn by Oneka LaBennett; Radical Moves:

Caribbean Migrant and the Politics of Race in the Jazz Age by Lara

Putnam; The Diaspora Strikes Back: Caribeño Tales of Learning and

Turning by Juan Flores; The Other Black Bostonians: West Indians in

Boston 1900-1950 by Violet Showers Johnson; Black Cuban, Black

American: A Memoir by Evelio Grillo; Raising Brooklyn: Nannies,

Childcare, and Caribbeans Creating Community by Tamara Mose Brown

Dr. Hill

125. Flow by Cziskszentmihalyi; In Praise of Athletic Beauty by Gumbrecht;

Playing in the Zone by Cooper

126. The Happiness Hypothesis by Haidt; Zorba the Greek by Kazantzakis;

Flow by Cziskszentmihalyi

127. Nature Writers (Choose 3): Desert Solitaire by Edward Abbey; The

Unforeseen Wilderness by Wendell Berry; Wandering Home by

McKibben; Walden by Henry David Thoreau; The Sense of Wonder by

Rachel Carson; selected works of John Muir

128. Into the Wild by John Krakauer; Deliverance by James Dickey; The

Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger

129. The French Broad by Wilma Dykeman; Silent Spring by Rachel

Carson; The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History by Elizabeth Kolbert

130. Feral: Rewilding the Land, the Sea, and Human Life by George

Monbiot; Keeping the Wild: Against the Domestication of

Earth by George Wuerthner (Editor); Where the Wild Things Were: Life,

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Death, and Ecological Wreckage in a Land of Vanishing Predators by

William Stolzenburg

131. E.O. Wilson: The Social Conquest of the Earth; The Meaning of Human

Existence; On Human Nature

Ms. Jones

132. The Selected Works of Margaret Atwood

133. Choose three of the following: Saints at the River by Ron Rash; The

French Broad by Wilma Dykeman; The Education of Little Tree by Asa

Earl Carter; Cold Mountain by Charles Frazier

Mr. Kegg

134. Contemporary American Perspectives on Mexico City: Down and

Delirious in Mexico City: The Aztec Metropolis in the 21st Century by

David Hernandez; Several Ways to Die en Mexico City: An Autobiography

by Kurt Hollander; First Stop in the New World: Mexico City, The Capital

of the 21st Century by David Lida

135. Selected works of Junot Diaz

Mr. Kollath

136. Birder Demo: John James Audubon: The Making of an American by

Richard Rhodes; Roger Tory Peterson: A Biography by Douglas Carlson;

The Life of the Skies: Birding at the End of Nature by Jonathan Rosen

137. For the number lover: Genius at Play: The Curious Mind of John Horton

Conway by Siobhan Roberts; The Book of Numbers by John H. Conway

and Richard Guy; Surreal Numbers by Donald Knuth

138. Ecopsychology: Spell of the Sensuous by David Abram; The Practice of

the Wild by Gary Snyder; Teaching a Stone to Talk by Annie Dillard

139. Selected works of Herman Hesse

Mr. Lambert

140. The Wonderful Wizard of Oz by L. Frank Baum; Wicked: The Life and

Times of the Wicked Witch of the West by Gregory Maguire; and one of

the following: A Lion Among Men: Volume Three in the Wicked Years by

Gregory Maguire; Out of Oz: The Final Volume in the Wicked Years by

Gregory Maguire

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Ms. Lambert

141. Selected works of William Faulkner

Ms. A. Lawrence

142. Disability in Speculative Fiction (choose three): The Ship Who

Sang/Partnership by Anne McCaffrey; The Girl With All The Gifts by M.

R. Carey; My Real Children by Jo Walton; The Memory Garden by Mary

Rickert; The Moon is a Harsh Mistress by Robert Heinlein

Ms. L. Lawrence

143. Make It Stick by Brown, Roediger, and McDaniel; How We Learn by

Benedict Carey; Brain Rules by John Medina

144. Choose Three: How Children Succeed by Paul Tough; The Social Animal

by David Brooks; Mindset by Carol Dweck; The Marshmallow Test by

Walter Mischel; Learned Optimism by Martin Seligman

145. Choose Three: The Leadership Challenge by Kouzes and Posner; Switch

by Heath and Heath; The Servant: A Simple Story about the True Essence

of Leadership by James Hunter; Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek;

Learned Optimism by Martin Seligman

146. Building a Better Teacher by Elizabeth Green; Out of Our Minds by Ken

Robinson; The Smartest Kids in The World by Amanda Ripley; “The

Child and the Curriculum” (Article) by John Dewey

147. Thinking Fast and Slow by Kahneman; The Righteous Mind by Jonathan

Haidt; The Tipping Point by Gladwell

Ms. Martin

148. A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini; I am Malala by Malala

Yousafzai; Persepolis I and II by Marjane Satrapi

149. Memoirs in the Wild: Wild by Cheryl Strayed; Into the Wild by John

Krakauer; Becoming Odyssa by Jennifer Pharr Davis

Dr. Miller

150. Margaret Atwood (Dystopian novels): The Handmaid’s Tale, Oryx and

Crake, The Heart Goes Last

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151. Memoirs about Bipolar Disorder; An Unquiet Mind by Kay Redfield

Jamison; Madness by Marya Hornbacker; Electroboy by Andy Behrman

Mr. Ortiz

152. Selected works of Kurt Vonnegut

Mr. Pharr

153. Marilynne Robinson: Gilead; Home; Lila

154. Friday Night Lights by H.G. Bissinger; Why Football Matters: My

Education in the Game by Mark Edmundson; and The Blind

Side: Evolution of a Game by Michael Lewis

155. Ordinary Men by Christopher Browning; Homage to Catalonia by George

Orwell; and Germinal by Emile Zola

Mr. Plaehn

156. Winesburg, Ohio by Sherwood Anderson; The Complete Stories of Ernest

Hemingway; Where I'm Calling From by Raymond Carver

157. Selected works of Flannery O'Connor

158. Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison; Black Boy by Richard Wright; Their Eyes

Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston

159. The Moviegoer by Walker Percy; The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger;

We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves by Karen Joy Fowler

160. Invisible Man by Ralph Ellison; Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi

Coates; Collected Essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson by Ralph Waldo


161. William Shakespeare: The Henriad (Richard II, King Henry IV, Part One,

King Henry IV, Part Two, King Henry V)

Ms. Plaehn

162. John Steinbeck: The Grapes of Wrath; East of Eden; Of Mice and Men

163. Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston; Beloved by Toni

Morrison; The Color Purple by Alice Walker

164. Founding Brothers by Joseph Ellis; American Creation by Joseph Ellis;

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plus one

165. The West: (choose three): Lonesome Dove by Larry McMurtry; All the

Pretty Horses by Cormack McCarthy; Angle of Repose by Wallace

Stegner; The Son by Phillip Meyer

166. Tennessee Williams: The Glass Menagerie, A Streetcar Named Desire,

Cat on a Hot Tin Roof

167. Willa Cather (choose three): O Pioneers!; My Antonia; Death Comes for

the Archbishop; The Song of the Lark

168. 1960s Women: (choose three): Play It As It Lays by Joan Didion; The Bell

Jar by Sylvia Plath; Revolutionary Road by Richard Yates; Cassandra at

the Wedding by Dorothy Baker

169. William Shakespeare: The Henriad (Richard II, King Henry IV, Part One,

King Henry IV, Part Two, King Henry V)

170. American Superheroes: The Secret History of Wonder Woman by Jill

Lepore; The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael

Chabon; plus one

171. Selected Works of Sherman Alexie

172. Race in America: Black Boy by Richard Wright; Between the World and

Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates; Men We Reaped by Jesmyn Ward

173. Reflections on Slavery in Literature: The Underground Railroad by

Colson Whitehead; Underground Airlines by Ben Winters; Beloved by

Toni Morrison

174. Alexander Hamilton: Alexander Hamilton by Ron Chernow; Hamilton,

the Musical lyrics by Lin-Manuel Miranda

Ms. Roberson

175. Bad boys: Clockwork Orange by Anthony Burgess; Deliverance by James

Dickey; The Sailor Who Fell from Grace with the Sea by Yukio Mishima

176. Artists in the musical movement “Nueva Canción Chilena” in Chile in the

1960s and 1970s. Works and songs of Violeta Parra and Victor Jara

(Note: music is in Spanish)

177. Selected works of Gabriel Garcia Marquez

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178. Selected works of Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

179. Selected works of Jhumpa Lahiri

Dr. Rogers

180. John Brown & The Onset of Civil War: Midnight Rising by Tony

Horwitz; John Brown, Abolitionist by David Reynolds; To Purge This

Land with Blood by Stephen Oates; Cloudsplitter by Russell Banks

181. The Secession Crisis & The Onset of Civil War: (Choose three) 1861:

Civil War Awakening by Adam Goodheart; We Have the War Upon Us by

William J. Cooper; And the War Came: The North and the Secession

Crisis by Kenneth Stampp; Lincoln and the Decision for War by Russell


182. The Causes of the Civil War by Kenneth Stampp; The Coming of the

American Civil War by Michael Perman; The Impending Crisis by David


183. Lincoln on Democracy ed. by Mario Cuomo; Lincoln by David Herbert

Donald; A. Lincoln by Ronald White

184. Narrative of the Life of An American Slave by Frederick Douglass;

Against Slavery: An Abolitionist Reader (Penguin Classics); The Radical

and the Republic: Frederick Douglass, Abraham Lincoln, and the

Triumph of Antislavery Politics by James Oakes; plus one

185. David Halberstam: (Choose three) The Coldest Winter; The Fifties; The

Best and the Brightest; The Children

186. The Hemlock Cup: Socrates, Athens, and the Search for the Good Life by

Bettany Hughes; The Trial of Socrates by I.F. Stone; The Last Days of

Socrates by Plato

187. The Iliad by Homer; The War that Killed Achilles by Caroline Alexander;

The Trojan War: A New History by Barry Strauss

188. Greek Comedy: Selected Works of Aristophanes (Greek Comedy)

189. Greek Tragedy: Selected Works of Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides

190. Presidential Campaign Books (choose three): The Making of the President

by T. H. White (1960); The Selling of the President by T. H. White

(1968); Fear and Loathing on the Campaign Trail by Hunter S. Thompson

(1972); Losers by Michael Lewis (1996)

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191. College Basketball Books by John Feinstein (choose three): A Season on

the Brink; A March to Madness; A Season Inside; The Last Amateurs; The

Legends Club (available March 1, 2016)

192. Baseball Books by John Feinstein: Living on the Black; Where Nobody

Knows Your Name: Life in Minor League Baseball; Play Ball: The Life

and Troubled Times of Major League Baseball

193. Hillbilly Elegy by Vance; Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi

Coates; plus one

Ms. Ruch

194. War Literature (choose three): A Farewell to Arms by Ernest Hemingway,

All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Remarque Maria, Johnny Got His

Gun by Dalton Trumbo, Catch-22 by Joseph Heller, Slaughterhouse Five

by Kurt Vonnegut, If I Die in a Combat Zone by Tim O’Brien

195. American Modernism - Novels (choose three): Manhattan Transfer by

John Dos Passos, This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Winesburg,

Ohio by Sherwood Anderson, The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway

196. Women in American Literature: The Awakening by Kate Chopin, The

Song of the Lark by Willa Cather, The House of Mirth (and/or) Age of

Innocence by Edith Wharton

197. Geoffrey Chaucer’s Troilous and Criseyde or The Canterbury Tales

198. Selected play by William Shakespeare

199. Selected works by Jane Austen

200. Poetry of W.B. Yeats

201. Poetry of Eavan Boland

202. Poetry of Langston Hughes

Ms. Sanderson

169. John Adams: John Adams by David McCullough; Founding Brothers by

Joseph Ellis; First Family: John & Abigail Adams by Joseph Ellis

170. Abigail Adams: Abigail Adams by Woody Holton; Women of the

Republic: Intellect and ideology in Revolutionary America by Linda

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Kerber; First Family: John & Abigail Adams by Joseph Ellis


Keep in mind, you are picking a set of BOOKS, not a topic.

171. Malory, La Morte D'Arthur and White, The Once and Future King

172. The sonnet: Sir Philip Sydney, William Shakespeare, and others

173. Shakespeare, selected plays

174. John Donne, selected poetry

175. John Milton, Paradise Lost

176. Wordsworth, selected poetry

177. Emily Bronte, Wuthering Heights and Charlotte Bronte, Jane Eyre and Villette

178. Jane Austen, Sense and Sensibility, Emma, and Pride and Prejudice

179. Selected works by Charles Dickens

180. Darwin, The Origin of Species and The Voyage of the Beagle or The

Descent of Man

181. George Eliot, Middlemarch and Adam Bede

182. Hugo, Les Miserables and Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities

183. Stendhal, The Red and the Black and La Chartreuse De Parme

184. D. H. Lawrence, Sons and Lovers, The Rainbow, and Women in Love

185. Greene, The Heart of the Matter and The Power and the Glory

186. Joyce, Dubliners and Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

187. Joyce, Ulysses and Homer, The Odyssey

188. T.S. Eliot, selected poetry

189. Forster, A Passage to India and Howard's End

190. Beckett, Waiting for Godot and Endgame and Stoppard, Rosencrantz and

Guildenstern Are Dead

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191. Einstein, selected writings; Clark, Einstein: The Life and Times; and

Schilpp, Albert Einstein: Philosopher - Scientist

192. Miller, Death of a Salesman, All My Sons, The Crucible, and A View From

the Bridge

193. Capote, Breakfast at Tiffany's, The Grass Harp, Other Voices, Other

Rooms, plus a couple of Short Stories

194. Poetry of Baudelaire, Verlaine, Rimbaud, Apollinaire, and Morrison

195. Paton, Cry, the Beloved Country and Lessing, The Grass Is Singing

196. Márquez, One Hundred Years of Solitude and Allende, House of Spirits

197. Neruda, Twenty Poems of Love and additional poetry

198. Tyler, Celestial Navigation, Earthly Possessions, Accidental Tourist, and

Breathing Lessons

199. Plato, The Republic and St. Augustine, Confessions

200. Vonnegut, Breakfast of Champions, Cat's Cradle, Hocus Pocus

201. Heller, Catch-22 and Vonnegut, Slaughter House Five

202. Goodall, In the Shadow of Man and Dawkins, The Selfish Gene

203. Hemingway, A Farewell to Arms; Remarque, All Quiet on the Western

Front, and selected poetry from World War I

204. Poe, Selected works

205. Cormac McCarthy, selected novels

206. Allan Gurganus, selected novels

207. Sinclair, The Jungle; Dreiser, Sister Carrie; and Crane, A Girl of the


208. Carson McCullers, The Heart Is a Lonely Hunter, A Member of the

Wedding, and two stories ("Sucker" and "The Haunted Boy" or two


209. Ken Kesey, One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest and Joseph Heller, Catch


210. J.M. Coetzee, selected novels

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211. Faulkner, selected novels

212. Thomas Wolfe, selected works

213. Remarque, All Quiet on the Western Front, Hemingway, A Farewell to

Arms and The Sun Also Rises

214. Pirsig, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Lao Tsu, Tao Te

Ching, Hoff, The Tao of Pooh and The Te of Piglet

215. Mahatma Ghandi: autobiography, biography, etc.

216. Deloria, Custer Died for Your Sins; Neihardt, Black Elk Speaks; plus one

more (maybe Smoke Signals)

217. Selected Works of Walker Percy

218. Weisel, Night; Potok, The Chosen; Uris, Exodus

219. Amy Tan, The Joy Luck Club and Hundred Secret Senses plus one

220. Toni Morrison, Beloved, Sula, and Alice Walker, The Color Purple

221. Dawkins, The Blind Watchmaker, The Selfish Gene, and The Extended


222. Literature of the Progressive Era: London, Drieser, Sinclair, Steffens

223. Irving, Owen Meany, Widow for One Year, and Cider House Rules

224. Selected Works by Mark Helprin

225. Welty, Delta Wedding, The Optimists’ Daughter, plus selected Short


226. Selected works by Norman Mailer

227. Sagan, Contact and The Demon Haunted World

228. Hawking, The Illustrated Brief History of Time; Overbye, Lonely Hearts

of the Cosmos; Smoot and Davidson, Wrinkles in Time

229. Rhodes, The Making of the Atomic Bomb and Dark Sun: The Making of

the Hydrogen Bomb

230. McConnel, Challenger: A Major Malfunction and Chaisson, The Hubble


231. Wharton, Age of Innocence, House of Mirth, Ethan Frome

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232. Kozol, Savage Inequalities; Kotlowitz, There are No Children Here, plus


233. Orenstein, School Girls; Pipher, Reviving Ophelia, plus one

234. Selected novels of F. Scott Fitzgerald



236. Verghese’s MY OWN COUNTRY and Sontag’s ILLNESS AS






239. Thompson, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Fear and Loathing on the

Campaign Trail, Hell’s Angels; Ventura, Letters at Three a.m.

240. Wolfe, Bonfire of the Vanities and A Man in Full

241. Agee, A Death in the Family, Welty, The Optimist’s Daughter, plus one

242. Selected works of C.S. Lewis.

243. Selected works of John Steinbeck

244. e.e. cummings, Complete Poems

245. On the Road, Jack Kerouac; Naked Lunch, William Burroughs; Howl,

Allen Ginsberg

246. Mein Kampf, Adolf Hitler; The Rise And Fall of the Third Reich, William


247. Robert E. Lee, A Biography, Emory M. Thomas; Virginia’s General,

Albert Marrin; Lee the Last Years, Charles Flood

248. Plays by Eugene O’Neill: (Long Day’s Journey into Night and The Iceman

Cometh); No Exit, Jean Paul Sartre; The Glass Menagerie, Tennessee


249. The World’s Religions, Huston Smith; Bagavad Gita; Tao Te Ching, Lao

Tzu; Book Of Job

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250. A Rumor of War, Philip Caputo; The Things They Carried, Tim O’Brien;

365 Days, Ronald Glasser.

251. Let the Trumpet Sound, Stephen B. Oates; The Autobiography of

Martin Luther King, Jr.,Edited by Clayborne Carson; Why We Can’t

Wait, Martin Luther King, Jr.

252. The Iliad, Homer; The Odyssey, Homer; The Aeneid, Virgil

253. Queen Victoria, Elizabeth Longford; Queen Victoria in her Letters and

Journal (Selections), Christopher Hibbert; Queen Victoria (Selections),

Christopher Hibbert; History of the English Speaking Peoples (Selections),

Winston Churchill

254. Knight’s Cross: A Life of Field Marshall Erwin Rommel, David Fraser The

Rommel Papers, Erwin Rommel

255. Flawed Giant, Robert Dalleck; Triumph and Tragedy of Lyndon Johnson,

Joseph Califano, Jr.

256. Puzo, The Godfather, The Sicillian, and Omerta

257. Flags of Our Fathers, James Bradley; Iwo Jima/Legacy of Valor, Bill

Ross; Iwo Jima ,Richard F. Newcomb

258. Peter the Great, Robert Massie; Russia in the Age of Peter the Great, E.L.


259. Confessions, St. Augustine; The Screwtape Letters, C.S. Lewis; The Myth

of Sisyphus; Albert Camus; The Plague, Albert Camus

260. Conroy, The Great Santini, Lords of Discipline, My Losing Season

261. Stegner, Angle of Repose, The Big Rock Candy Mountain

262. King of the World, David Remnick; The Muhammad Ali Reader, Gerald

Early; Muhammad Ali: His Life and Times, Thomas Hauser

263. The Koreans: Who They Are, What They Want, Where Their Future Lies,

Michael Breen; Avoiding the Apocalypse: The Future of the Two Koreas

Marcus Noland; North Korea Through the Looking Glass, Kong Dan Oh,

Ralph C. Hassing

264. Anthony Beevor, Stalingrad, Berlin

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265. The Varieties of Religious Experience, William James; Lost in the Cosmos,

Walker Percy; Mere Christianity, C.S. Lewis; The Plague, Albert Camus;

The Myth of Sisyphus, Albert Camus

266. War As I Knew It, General George S. Patton Jr.,; General Patton: A

Soldiers Life, Stanley P. Hirshson; Patton: The Man Behind The Legend

1885-1945, Martin Blumenson

267. Wright, Native Son, Black Boy, and Ellison, Invisible Man

268. Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad; Things Fall Apart, Chinua Achebe

King Leopold’s Ghost, Adam Hochschild; The Troubled Heart of Africa,

Robert B. Edgerton

269. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Robert Louis Stevenson; The Last Sherlock

Holmes Story, Michael Dibdin; Portrait of a Killer, Patricia Cornwell; In

Cold Blood, Truman Capote

270. Complete Works of Edgar Allan Poe; Edgar A. Poe: Mournful and Never-

ending Remembrance, Kenneth Silverman

271. Going After Cacciato, Tim O'Brien; The Things They Carried, Tim

O'Brien Meditations in Green, Steven Wright; Dispatches, Michael Herr

272. Wilde, An Ideal Husband, The Importance of Being Earnest, Lady

Windermere’s Fan; A Woman of No Importance, Selected short stories

273. The Corrections, Jonathan Franzen; How to Be Alone, Jonathan Franzen;

White Noise, Don DeLillo

274. Moby Dick, Herman Melville; In the Heart of the Sea, Nathaniel Philbrick

275. Complete Sonnets, William Shakespeare; The Art of Shakespeare’s

Sonnets, Helen Vendler

276. On Human Nature, by Edward O. Wilson; The Moral Animal, by Robert

Wright The Triumph of Sociobiology, by John Alcock

277. The Search for Modern China, Jonathan Spence; Wild Grass, Ian Johnson;

Wild Swans, Jung Chang

278. The Tennis Partner, Abraham Verghese; My Own Country, Abraham

Verghese Tell Me a Riddle, Tillie Olsen; A Leg to Stand On, Oliver Sacks

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279. Autobiography of a Face, Lucy Grealy; Truth and Beauty, Ann Patchett

“The Yellow Wallpaper,” Charlotte Gilman; A Leg to Stand On, Oliver


280. Leaves of Grass, Walt Whitman

281. Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson and The Life of Emily Dickinson,

Richard B. Sewell

282. Taboo: Why Black Athletes Dominate Sports and Why We are Afraid to

Talk About It, John Entine; Glory Band: Black Athletes in a White

America, David K.Wiggins; Darwin’s Athletes: How Sport Has Damaged

Black America, John Hoberman

283. The Splendid Century, W.H. Lewis; Louis XIV, John B. Wolf; Louis XIV

and Absolutism, William Beik

284. Paul The Apostle, Robert Boyd; The Apostle A Life of Paul, John Pollock;

What St. Paul Really Said, N.T. Wright; the fourteen books of The New

Testament written by Paul

285. Hiroshima, John Hersey; The Crazy Iris, Kenzaburo Oe; Black Rain, Ibuse


286. The Great Santini; Lords of Discipline; My Losing Season, Pat Conroy

287. Mules and Men; Dust Tracks on a Road; Tell My Horse, Zora Neale


288. Stephen Ambrose, Band of Brothers; D-Day; Pegasus Bridge

289. Black Boy, Richard Wright; A Raisin in the Sun, Lorraine Hansberry;

Fences, August Wilson

290. The Blitzkrieg Myth, John Mosier; Codebreakers' Victory, Hervie Haufler;

The Manhattan Project, Daniel Cohen

291. Nicholas and Alexandra, Robert K. Massie; The Romanovs: the Final

Chapter, Robert K. Massie; The Fate of the Romanovs, Greg King and

Penny Wilson

292. Shake Hands with the Devil, Romeo Dalliare; A People Betrayed: The

Role of the West In Rwanda’s Genocide, Linda Melvern; The Rwanda

Crisis, Gerard Prunier; Left to Tell, Immaculee Ilibagiza; We Wish to

Inform You That Tomorrow We Will be Killed with our Families, Phillip


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293. The Feminine Mystique, Betty Friedan; Outrageous Acts and Everyday

Rebellions, Gloria Steinem; Where The Girls Are by Susan J. Douglas

294. Helter Skelter: The True Story of the Manson Murders by Vincent

Bugliosi with Curt Gentry; In Cold Blood by Truman Capote; The

Executioner’s Song by Norman Mailer

295. The Original Australians, Josephine Flood; The Great White Flood:

Racism In Australia, Anne Pattel-Gray; Rabbit-Proof Fence, Doris


296. Wise Blood, Flannery O'Connor; The Violent Bear It Away, Flannery

O'Connor; The Complete Stories, Flannery O'Connor

297. Women in the Middle East: Choose three of the following: A Thousand

Splendid Suns, Khaled Hosseini;; Three Cups of Tea, Greg Mortenson and

David Relin; Reading Lolita in Tehran, Azav Nafisi; Nine Parts of Desire,

Geraldine Brooks.

298. Hip Hop America by Nelson George; Can’t Stop Won’t Stop: A History of

the Hip Hop Generation by Jeff Chang; Know What I Mean? Reflections

on Hip Hop by Michael Eric Dyson

299. New Journalism: Slouching Towards Bethlehem by Joan Didion; The

Armies of the Night by Norman Mailer; Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas

by Hunter S. Thompson

300. Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown: Anna Karenina by Leo

Tolstoy, The Awakening by Kate Chopin, Madame Bovary by Gustav


301. Native vs. Stranger: The Sheltering Sky by Paul Bowles; A Passage to

India by EM Forester; The English Patient by Michael Ondaajte

302. The Collected Works of Zadie Smith: On Beauty, White Teeth; NW

303. Feminism: The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan, Of Woman Born:

Motherhood as Experience and Institution by Adrienne Rich, and The

Female Eunuch by Germaine Greer OR Men Explain Things to Me by

Rebecca Solnit

304. The Ethics of Medicine (choose three): The Spirit Catches You and You

Fall Down: A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, and the Collision of

Two Cultures by Anne Fadiman; The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by

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Rebecca Skloot; Complications: A Surgeon's Notes on an Imperfect

Science by Atul Gawande; My Own Country by Abraham Verghese

305. Selected Works of Michael Eric Dyson

306. Andrew Jackson: American Lion by Jon Meacham; Andrew Jackson and

His Indian Wars by Robert Remini; Andrew Jackson: His Life and Times

by H. W. Brands

307. For Cause and Comrades: Why Men Fought in the Civil War by James M.

McPherson; Seeing the Elephant: Raw recruits at the Battle of Shiloh by

Joseph Allen Frank and George A. Reaves; Embattled Courage: The

Experience of Combat in the American Civil War by Gerald F. Linderman

308. Colm McCann: Let the Great World Spin; TransAtlantic; Thirteen Ways

of Looking

309. Jesmyn Ward: Salvage the Bones; Men We Reaped; Where the Line
