Textbook Check-in By Textbook ID Using the Zangle System By Heather Gruenthal, Western High School Make sure you have Zangle Front Office And IRIS Scanner Installed

Textbook Check-in By Textbook ID Using the Zangle System By Heather Gruenthal, Western High School Make sure you have Zangle Front Office And IRIS Scanner

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Textbook Check-inBy Textbook ID

Using the Zangle System

By Heather Gruenthal,

Western High School

Make sure you have Zangle Front OfficeAnd IRIS Scanner Installed

Make sure you have Zangle Front OfficeAnd IRIS Scanner Installed

1. Double Click to Open IRIS

1. Double Click to Open IRIS

3. Double C

lick to Open

3. Double C

lick to Open

2. Plug in Pen and Click Retry

2. Plug in Pen and Click Retry

Log on to network using District log on (same as e-mail):

This dialog box will appear:

Click on Run

Log in to Front Office using District Log In (same as e-mail)

Select Track, Make sure to select current school year.

Click on LoginClick on Login

Click on Select TrackClick on Select Track

Click on Inventory Module

Choose Check In/Out

Module opens up to Textbooks Check Out

Choose Check In Tab:

Choose Check In Tab:

Check in by


ID = Barcode Number

not student


Place Cursor in BoxType in

or Scan Barcode

Place Cursor in BoxType in

or Scan Barcode


Check InCheck In

Be Sure to click on the check In Box!

Verify Student NameVerify Student Name

Click on Done when finished

Click on Done when finished