Text explorer : report The spirit of sportsmanship Read the text and underline the difficult words. Discuss the difficult words with your friends first or look them up in the dictionary before you ask your teacher. The Olympic games The Olympic games is a very popular sport event in the world. It is held every four years in different cities around the world. Those who participate in the games are usually famous for the rest of their lives. About 100.000 people have competed in the games. These athletes are all amateurs. They play sports and they get no money for their play. They must qualify or win regional and national event and they often play on their countries national teams. Athletes compete or play against each other in hopes of winning. That might mean crossing the finish line first or putting on a perfect performance. Throughout the games, the contestants are supposed to play with a spirit of sportsmanship. This means that they must play with honor. Their goal is to do their very best in their sport, and not specifically to defeat the other players. Unfortunately, some athletes and coaches have tried to cheat or use drugs. They used steroids so they could have stronger muscles and better stamina. In that way they could win the game but of course they won the game illegally. Wars between two countries or inharmonious relationship between two countries could also affect the Olympics. Sometimes athletes refuse to compete against other with different ideology. In short, nationalism has sometimes become a problem in the Olympics.

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Text explorer : report

The spirit of sportsmanship

Read the text and underline the difficult words. Discuss the difficult words with your friends first or look them up in the dictionary before you ask your teacher.

The Olympic games

The Olympic games is a very popular sport event in the world. It is held every four years in different cities around the world. Those who participate in the games are usually famous for the rest of their lives. About 100.000 people have competed in the games. These athletes are all amateurs. They play sports and they get no money for their play. They must qualify or win regional and national event and they often play on their countries national teams.

Athletes compete or play against each other in hopes of winning. That might mean crossing the finish line first or putting on a perfect performance. Throughout the games, the contestants are supposed to play with a spirit of sportsmanship. This means that they must play with honor. Their goal is to do their very best in their sport, and not specifically to defeat the other players.

Unfortunately, some athletes and coaches have tried to cheat or use drugs. They used steroids so they could have stronger muscles and better stamina. In that way they could win the game but of course they won the game illegally.

Wars between two countries or inharmonious relationship between two countries could also affect the Olympics. Sometimes athletes refuse to compete against other with different ideology. In short, nationalism has sometimes become a problem in the Olympics.

Although the Olympics have the problems of cheating and doping, and sometimes nationalism, the games are still popular. Perhaps it s because we can learn a lot of things from the games. The games show us what we are capable of. We can also learn that we can actually compete with each other but we are still friends.

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Semangat sportivitas

Membaca teks dan menggarisbawahi kata-kata sulit. Diskusikan kata-kata sulit dengan teman-teman Anda pertama atau melihat mereka di kamus sebelum Anda meminta guru Anda.

Olimpiade Permainan

Olimpiade game adalah acara olahraga yang sangat populer di dunia. Hal ini diadakan setiap empat tahun di berbagai kota di seluruh dunia. Mereka yang berpartisipasi dalam permainan biasanya terkenal dengan sisa hidup mereka. Tentang 100.000 orang telah berkompetisi dalam permainan. Atlet ini semua amatir. Mereka bermain olahraga dan mereka mendapatkan uang untuk bermain mereka. Mereka harus memenuhi syarat atau menang event regional dan nasional dan mereka sering bermain di negara mereka tim nasional.

Atlet bersaing atau bermain melawan satu sama lain dengan harapan menang. Itu mungkin berarti melintasi garis finish pertama atau meletakkan pada kinerja yang sempurna. Sepanjang permainan, para kontestan yang seharusnya bermain dengan semangat sportivitas. Ini berarti bahwa mereka harus bermain dengan kehormatan. Tujuan mereka adalah untuk melakukan yang terbaik dalam olahraga mereka, dan tidak secara khusus untuk mengalahkan pemain lain.

Sayangnya, beberapa atlet dan pelatih telah mencoba untuk menipu atau menggunakan obat-obatan. Mereka menggunakan steroid sehingga mereka bisa memiliki otot yang lebih kuat dan stamina yang lebih baik. Dengan cara itu mereka bisa memenangkan pertandingan tapi tentu saja mereka memenangkan pertandingan secara ilegal.

Perang antara dua negara atau hubungan tidak harmonis antara kedua negara juga dapat mempengaruhi Olimpiade. Kadang-kadang atlet menolak untuk bersaing dengan ideologi lain yang berbeda. Singkatnya, nasionalisme kadang-kadang menjadi masalah di Olimpiade.

Meskipun Olimpiade memiliki masalah kecurangan dan doping, dan kadang-kadang nasionalisme, permainan masih populer. Mungkin itu s karena kita bisa belajar banyak hal dari permainan. Permainan menunjukkan apa yang

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kita mampu. Kita juga bisa belajar bahwa kita benar-benar bisa bersaing satu sama lain, tapi kami masih berteman.