Texas State University_San Marcos Annual Report 2012

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  • 7/29/2019 Texas State University_San Marcos Annual Report 2012


    Texas State University-San Marcos

    Annual ReportJune 1, 2011

    May 31, 2012

    American Marketing Association




  • 7/29/2019 Texas State University_San Marcos Annual Report 2012


    Chapter Overview01

    Professional Development.02

    Bi-weekly Speaker Meetings 02

    Workshops 03

    Other Competitions 04

    Marketing Weeks 05

    Other Professional Development

    Events 06

    Community Service.07

    Boko Marketing 07

    Volunteer Service 08

    AMA Saves Lives 08


    Boko Marketing 09

    Other Fundraising events 09


    Recruitment opportunities 11Membership Incentives 12

    Social Activities 12

    Membership Statistics.13


    Traditional Media 14

    Electronic Media 14

    Non-traditional Media 15

    Chapter Operations.16

    Financial Budget..19

  • 7/29/2019 Texas State University_San Marcos Annual Report 2012


    Executive SummaryTexas State University American Marketing Association has a long standing history of achievements and success. Just as we

    have in the past, we strive for the best to ensure that we are Always Marketing, Always Learning. Our goal is to provide ourmembers with learning opportunities and new innovative ways to become better, more professionally prepared marketers.

    This year we pushed ourselves to new levels. We took a risk setting higher then average goals, many of which were met.When we submitted our Chapter Plan in August, 2011, we originally planned on hosting 35 professionaldevelopment events. We exceeded this goal and hosted 53 professional development opportunities, a new record for our chapter.Community service did exceptionally well this year. We created five additional community service events than originally planned,had a record breaking total of 18 events in community service and achieved our goal of exceeding 60% participation in at leas t oneTexas State AMA event. In support of all our activities, requires funds. AMASavesLives was another success. We have alreadyplaced in several competitive categories and registered 192 total donors. Both our fundraising and corporate sponsorship teams raisedan astonishing $12,100 in revenue. This is due to the 17 different fundraising activities implemented this year. As well as fundraisingcommunication was extremely successful this year. Strategies to communicate internally and externally were implemented to achievegoals set in the chapter plan. Cohesion was also a strong aspect of the Texas State AMA chapter. Creating sufficient organization forchapter operations was key to our success. Transition strategies, planning, controlling and managing our chapter were all aspects inmaintaining successful chapter operations.

    The success we have achieved this year has not come without learning a few lessons. The high goals set did at times

    overwhelm our chapter and causing us to not meet every goal. Our membership growth trend did not continue as it has the pastseveral years. Upon assessment, we believe the problem stemmed from a lack of emphasis on the importance of members to pay theirdues. Communicating the benefits of membership to potential members was successful however membership demand did notincrease. Another challenge faced this year was the cancellation of several of our speakers. Some canceled in advance, others 10minutes before the event. Having to deal with this has taught us the value of having well developed contingency plans. We learned toavert disaster and turn potentially negative situations into positive outcomes.


    Michael Tucker, PresidentAmanda Hepner, Vice President

    MetricsIn an attempt to make this report more reader friendly, we have provided the following metrics keys below. These symbols willappear throughout the report and are used to evaluate the overall success of different events. A number of stars will appear by certaintitles to indicate whether the specific goal for that occasion was exceeded, met, fell below, or has yet to happen.

    Always Marketing. Always Learning. Texas State AMA. l 01

    The activity exceeded goals.

    The activity met goals.

    The activity fell bellow goals. Room for improvement.

    The activity has been planned but hasnt occurred or the activity is in process.

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    Goal: Average75 attendees per meeting

    Result: Maintained an average of 76 per meeting

    Dr. Raymond Fisk- Professor and Marketing DepartmentChair, Texas State University-August 31, 2011At our first informational meeting of the semester, Dr. Fisk spokeon the benefits of becoming an AMA member and the experienceshe has received being a part of AMA. Afterwards, our Presidentspoke in more detail about the structure, purpose and benefitsrelated to Texas State AMA. We also went over upcoming events

    and goals planned for the year.Attendance: 96

    Peter Lubell - Chief Operating Officer, Austin Toros

    September 14, 2011

    Mr. Lubell spoke about his experience in the field of sports

    marketing. He explained how he utilized the limited budget

    available to him to market the Austin Toros sports team to thepublic. He educated us on his use of social media and word ofmouth to best target his niche audiences, given his limited


    Attendance: 87

    Hollyn Griffith - Recruiting Manager, Ferguson

    September 18, 2011AMA invited Ms. Griffith to come discuss the selling of industrialplumbing products. She explained the sales process her associatesuse to generate business and establish relationships. At the end,she answered various questions about the sales process and careeropportunities in her field.

    Attendance: 68

    Scriven Hoefs - Outside Sales Representative

    October 12, 2011Mr. Nugent was not able to keep his appointment with us. Instead,

    Mr. Scriven Hoefs, former AMAer and Texas State alumni,stepped in when our scheduled speaker, Mr. Nugent had to

    cancel.. Mr. Hoefs works for United Rentals, renting constructionand industrial equipment to contractors. As a former member, heprovided us with a first-hand account of what his experience inAMA has done for his professional career in sales and the

    industry he is in. He also spoke about the different career pathswith United Rentals.

    Attendance: 59

    Ryan Bearden - Marketing Director, Carinos Italian

    Restaurant - November 9, 2011

    With his background originally in advertising, Mr. Beardenspoke about the transition he made to becoming the MarketingDirector for Carinos. Using his experience he helped head the

    reinvention of the Carinos brand by repositioning the

    restaurants style in the minds of the customers.Attendance: 83

    End of the Semester Social/ Review - November 30, 2011At this meeting AMA officers and members discussed the events

    that occurred over the semester. Ideas and opinions wereexchanged so we could collectively decide what to focus on in

    the spring. This meeting was also used as a social for members.

    Attendance: 77

    Informational Meeting - Dr. Denise Smart, Dean of the

    McCoy College of Business - Michelle Vrudhula, Austin

    Professional AMA President Elect - Prabhakar Gopalan,

    Austin VP of Collegiate Relations - January 25, 2012

    As our first meeting of the spring semester we featured two

    officers from the Austin AMA professional chapter. Mrs.

    Vrudhula and Mr. Gopalan explained the benefits of joining a

    professional chapter and discussed events they planned to hostwith us. At the end of the meeting, our President and Dean Smartfurther explained the benefits of becoming an AMAer.

    Attendance: 77

    Elijah May - VP of Interactive, AGBeat - February 8, 2012

    Unfortunately Mr. May was unable to speak due to last minute

    car troubles. Instead, Professor Wayne Noll spoke about the

    importance of creating a personal brand to stand out during thejob search process. Our President also took this time to furtherdiscuss the roles of AMA officers while gathering opinions andfeedback from the audience regarding their aspirations and how

    AMA was helping them.

    Attendance: 63

    Goal: Create 35 professional development opportunities for our members to bridge the gap between what is learned in class and theprofessional world they will join.

    Result: We created 53 professional development opportunities for members to participate in. Members had opportunities to attendworkshops, field trips and speaker meetings that allowed them to advance their professional skills and development (including 9scheduled to occur).

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    Always Marketing. Always Learning. Texas State AMA. l 03

    Chad Roesle - Solution Marketing Manager, Dell

    February 22, 2012Texas State AMA will be privileged to have Mr. Roesie,Marketing Manager of Dell. Mr. Roesle will explain how Dellcreates and implements its various marketing campaigns,specifically focusing on social media.Attendance: This meeting has not yet occurred

    Mike Litchford - Director of Stores, Dillard's and Debra

    Dumas - VP, Dillards - March 7, 2012

    Special event marketing requires a unique set of skills. Mr.Litchford and Ms. Dumas will share with us those very talents thathave made them successful event marketers for Dillards. Theywill discuss their strategies from both a store and corporate level.

    Attendance: This event has not yet occurred

    Will Franklin - CEO, Franklin Strategy Group - April 4, 2012

    Often we hear how social media has impacted the marketing of acompany. However, at this meeting, we will learn how politicalcampaign strategists use social media to market politicians andcivil servants to the public. Mr. Franklin will reference his workwith Governor Rick Perry.Attendance: This event has not yet occurred

    End of the Semester Social/Officer Elections - April 18, 2012

    During the final meeting of the semester, Texas State AMA willhost its elections for officer positions for the coming year andpresent graduates with their AMA cords. We will also enjoyrefreshments and food in celebration of our accomplishments

    throughout the year.Attendance: This meeting has not yet occurred

    WORKSHOPSGoal: Average attendance of 25 attendees

    Result: Maintained an average of 27 attendees*We held a total of 8 workshops offering both hands-on and

    instructional learning for all attendees.

    Rookie Year on the Job - Tiana Patterson, Training,

    Development & Communication Specialist, Valero Inc.

    September 20, 2011

    Ms. Patterson presented to us what expectations we should have asyoung professionals entering the workforce. From the end of theinterview to the end of the first year on the job, Ms. Pattersonoffered advice on how to get off to a good start and be successfulin a new environment.Attendance: 23

    Climbing the Corporate Ladder - Maura Guthrie, VicePresident of Investments, UBS Financial - October 18, 2011As a professional at the corporate level, with years of experienceleading companies, Ms. Guthrie spoke to Texas State AMAabout what it takes the climb the corporate ladder. We ended themeeting by practicing several exercises in handling situations w

    would face in the real world.Attendance: 35

    Graduate School - Dr. Robert Davis, Associate Dean ofGraduate Programs, Texas State University - October 25,2011As the demands of the work place continuously increase, itbecomes more necessary to have an advanced degree. Dr. Davisdiscussed the different opportunities associated with a graduatedegree. He also explained the process of applying and gettingaccepted into graduate schools.Attendance: 22

    How to Pursue Your Dream Career - Sean Wilt, DistrictSales Manager, Sapient Financial GroupNovember 11, 2011Mr. Wilt, a man passionate about his career as a financialadvisor, spoke with us about landing our dream job. During hispresentation he explained techniques to assess ourselves anddetermine whether or not a potential job is the right fit. Mr. Wiltpresented in place of Rachel Cleveland from NorthwesternMutual.Attendance: 36

    Building Your Resume - Ryanne Janca, Talent Acquisition

    Specialist, Enterprise Inc.-

    February 7, 2012

    As a talent acquisition specialist, Mrs. Janca knows thedifference between a good and bad resume. She discussed withus different strategies to write the proper resume and cover letterto fit with the position we are seeking. She also offered personalcritiquing for students who brought their resumes with them.Attendance: 23

    Mock Interviews - Nicole Porter, Buckle Inc.February 28, 2012A key skill that all students need to possess is the ability tohandle and represent themselves well in an interview. Bucklewill send several of their hiring staff to present a workshop on

    interviewing techniques. After the presentation students will theconduct mock interviews with the recruiters and be critiqued.Attendance: This workshop has not yet occurred

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    Interview Mistakes to Avoid - Shawn Morris, Manager of

    Talent Development, Cox Media - March 6, 2012To further our students understanding of proper interviewing, weinvited talent development manager, Mr. Morris from Cox Mediawho will focus specifically on negative interview habits. Mr.Morris had to change his original speaking date because ofscheduling conflicts. He will discuss the dos and donts of inter-viewing. Such valuable insight will help participates avoid costlyhabits when seeking careers.Attendance: This workshop has not yet occurred

    Interactive Social Media - Amanda McGukin-Hager, Solar

    Winds - March 20, 2012

    Ms. McGukin-Hager will instruct Texas State AMA on the properuse of different social media tools. Through her experience, shewill help us capitalize on search engine optimization and by usingsocial media sites to accomplish our targeted goals.

    Attendance: This workshop has not yet occurred

    AMA INTERNATIONAL COLLEGIATE CONFERENCETexas State AMA will be attending the Collegiate Conference inMarch. We will be or have already competed in the followingcompetitions:

    International Collegiate Chapter of the YearStudent Marketer of the YearPearson Education Case Competition (finalists)All AMA Saves Lives competitionsOutstanding Marketing WeekMembership Recruitment Campaign CompetitionCollegiate Website CompetitionSABRE Business Simulation CompetitionNorthwestern Mutual Sale CompetitionChapter T-Shirt Competition*Ineligible to compete in the Hugh G. Wales Competition

    Goal: Send 20 members/(Result: Sending 28 members)


    Google Marketing Competition

    This Google host competition exposes participants to GoogleAdwords. Competitors create an AdWords account and campaignfor a small or medium size business not currently using the

    product. The winner will be chosen based on campaign success.We are working with All Day Training as our small business.Goal: Place in the top ten (this competition is in process)

    GFK Market Research Competition

    Using both quantitative and qualitative methods, Texas StateAMA researched the topic of social media and submitted a reportbased on our findings. Although we did not receive recognition,we better understand the competition and look forward tocompeting again next year.Goal: Compete and be recognized for our submission/ We did

    not receive recognition

    Pearson Education Case Competition

    Thanks to the hard work of our AMA case team members, TexasState has been selected as a finalist for the competition. Our teamwill present during the International Conference in March.

    Goal: Compete for 1st

    place (Result: currently a national final-


    College of Business Mini Case Competition

    During this years Business Leadership Week, McCoy College ofBusiness hosted its annual mini-case competition for studentbusiness organizations. This years case featured the firstamendments as it pertained to the edgy show Beavis andButt-head. AMA was judged based on an oral presentation.Goal: Place in the top 3 (Result: Placed second and won $300)

    Austin Toros Marketing Competition

    To test our professional selling skills we competed against otherlocal college organizations to see who could sell the most Austin

    Toros tickets. We identified our target market and determined astrategy to reach this group.Goal: Sell the most tickets

    (Result: Won the competition and received San Antonio Spurs

    basketball tickets)

    FIELD TRIPSGoal: Average 12 attendees per field trip

    Result: Averaged 19 attendees per field trip

    3M Austin Headquarters - October 14, 2011

    Texas State AMA was lucky to be invited to come tour the 3Mheadquarters. The tour took us through product development labs,an interactive product design museum, and a lightning generatingtest facility. At the end of the tour our guides discussed with ushow 3M employees sell and market their products to their manydifferent markets.Attendance: 20

    Carinos Italian Restaurant - November 9, 2011

    After speaking to our members, Mr. Bearden setup a walk-throughof the local Carinos restaurant in San Marcos. Here we witnessedthe marketing strategies he just discussed in action and the effectsthey have on business.Attendance: 15

    Dell Social Media Command Center-

    March 2, 2012All of though this event has not yet occurred, 22 people haveconfirmed that they will attend a tour Dells revolutionary socialmedia command center. The tour was coordinated with theassistance of the Austins AMA professional chapters VP of Col-legiate Relations, Mr. Prabhakar Gopalan.Attendance: 22

    Valero Headquarters April 5, 2012

    We are currently determining the logistics of this field trip.

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    NEW - MARKETING WEEKSAs a new initiative for the year, AMA decided to host one entire

    week each semester dedicated to the profession of marketing. Theweek featured different speakers and workshops.

    Goal: Average 20 attendees per event

    Result: Averaged 21 attendees per event

    Fall Marketing Week: 9/26-9/30

    Search Engine Optimization - Matt Brutsche - CEO, Austin

    Search Marketing - September 26, 2011As a small business owner with a background in technology sales,Mr. Brutsche was eager to speak about his SEO consultingbusiness. Mr. Brutsche also took time to stress the importance offurther your individual portfolio by learning new skills so that theyou brand always remains marketable in ever changingprofessional environment.Attendance: 29

    Student Networking Seminar - Miguel Guerrero, Texas State

    Career Services - September 27, 2011

    Texas State AMA took notice of the need for students to properlyknow how to network with stranger and thus decided to hold aspecially dedicated workshop. Led by Mr. Guerrero and ourPresident, students learned how to initiate conversations withpeople they didnt know. After the presentation students practicedwhat they learned with the individuals that attended.

    Attendance: 22

    Qualitative Market Research-

    Barbara Milgram, Pomegran-ate Planning - September 29, 2011

    As an active member in the Austin AMA professional chapter,Mrs. Milgram was eager to demonstrate the techniques she uses inher market research. She demonstrated her unorthodox methods ofgathering consumers qualitative opinions regarding differentproducts.Unfortunately do to room size constraints, attendancewas very limited.Attendance: 11

    How to Get Along with Creatives - Chad Currie, Principal and

    Creative Director, Smith and Robot - September 30, 2011

    To end the week, we featured Mr. Currie, a creative director,responsible for interacting between creative teams and marketersat advertising agencies. He explained the different languages bothsides of the business speak and taught participants how to bettercommunicate with those responsible for designing theadvertisements.Attendance: 21

    Spring Multicultural Marketing Week: 2/20-2/24

    For our second marketing week, we decided to introduce amulticultural theme to appeal to and to target the great diversity

    of students on our campus.Goal: Average 20 attendees per event

    Result: Averaged 20 attendees per event

    Dress for Success Ruby Porter, Store Manager,

    Kohls - February 20, 2012

    To start the week, Ms.Porterdiscussed how to dressprofessionally in various business situations, whether national orinternational.She will also discuss how to be respectful of allcultures and open to different cultural customs as well as beingknowledgeable of their dress styles.Attendance: 20

    Cultural Strategies - Sebastian Puente, Partner, Cultural


    February 21, 2012Mr. Puente shared his insight on the various methods hiscompany uses to provide cultural insight, advice, and effectivecultural marketing concepts. He also discussed how his companyadjusts to different cultural values when consulting.Attendance: 20

    International Marketing- Veronica Bayer, Admin. Of

    Marketing and International Trade, Texas Department of

    Agriculture - February 23, 2012Working for the state, Ms. Bayer presents a unique view of themarketing community. She will highlight how she employs her

    skills when dealing with international businesses and othercountries. She will also discuss international trade and thedifferent methods to use when exchanging goods and servicesacross international borders.Attendance: This event has not yet occurred

    International Potluck- February 24, 2012

    The international potluck will conclude our MulticulturalMarketing Week. We willcelebrateall cultures and tastes bybringing our members together to experience different culturaldishes in a social environment.Attendance: This event has not yet occurred

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    Etiquette Dinner

    AMA held our 15th annual etiquette dinner on October 26, 2011.The event began with networking over appetizers while sponsorsand guests arrived. Following that, LaTonya Henry from ourCareer Services Department gave a formal presentation on

    proper business etiquette over a four course meal. We had 12sponsors attend the dinner.Goal: 90 attendees (Result: 104 attendees)

    Regional Conference

    This year we hosted our 5 th Annual Regional Conference. Weselected the theme of The Art of Marketing to represent thediverse applications of the profession. Our keynote speakersincluded: Entrepreneur of Hoovers World, the Director ofStrategic Planning from Latinworks, a Talent AcquisitionSpecialist from Enterprise Holdings, and the IntegratedMarketing & Planning Project Manager from LIVESTRONG.

    Along with our keynote speakers, during lunch, MichelleSegovia came on behalf of Donate Life. Along with Michelle, acurrent Texas State student spoke about his experiences as anorgan donor recipient. Six schools streamed our conference livewhile tweeting and making Facebook posts as they watched. Theschools included: University of Wisconsin-Whitewater (WI),Florida International University (Fl), University of Baltimore-Salisbury (Ml), Texas A&M San Antonio (TX), and SyracuseUniversity (NY). We were unable to reach our goal due to someuniversities not able to attend. We hope to increase advertising tomore local universities so that they might attend next year.Goal: 100 attendees, including participation of 4 other AMA


    (Results: 60 attendees and 6 AMA chapters streaming live)

    Alpha Mu AlphaTo recognize their achievements and dedication, the Alpha MuAlpha national marketing honor society offers induction to thetop 15% of graduating marketing students who have completed aminimum of 90 credit hours. As strong supporters of this societywe encourage our chapter members who are eligible, to join.Goal: Induct 18 inductees (Result: 37 inductees)

    Faculty & Staff Appreciation Luncheons

    To better connect with our best resource on campus, AMA held aluncheon during the fall semester for the staff. The provided anopportunity for student to network with faculty regarding AMAsupcoming events. A second luncheon has been planned for laterduring the Spring. 21 faculty members regularly attend. Goal: Host two faculty luncheons

    (Result: Hosted 1 faculty luncheon, 1 has yet to occur)

    Always Marketing. Always Learning. Texas State AMA. l 06

    Austin Professional Chapter Luncheons

    Paralleling the structure of our bi-weekly meetings, the AustinAMA provides our members with the opportunity to grow theirnetworking skills and learn from current industry professionals.Due to the scheduled time of the events and distance away,

    Texas State AMA was unable to have representation at oneluncheon.Goal: Send 2 members to the 6 luncheons

    (Result: Sent on average 3 members to 5 luncheons)

    Boko Marketing

    Boko Marketing, is Texas State AMAs consulting firm. Havingan in-house consulting firm for Texas State AMA allows us topractice using our marketing skills and engage in a professionalatmosphere. It allows members to develop professionally,working hands-on conducting marketing research anddeveloping marketing strategies, while allowing ourorganization to raise funds and reach out to the San Marcoscommunity. Boko Marketing is split into two sections:

    community service and fundraising. Market consulting is donefor non-profit organizations and philanthropies for free. Forfor-profit businesses, we provide our services in exchange of apaid contract, allowing us to raise funds. Members conductedand analyzed focus groups, held in-depth interviews, developedand administered, created promotional materials and helpedcompanies develop marketing strategies to target theircustomers. To view our client list, please refer to the fundraisingsection, page 9.Goal: Service 3 clients per semester

    (Result: Community Service - 11, Fundraising 5)

    Mentor Program

    Currently Mr. Prabhakar Gopalan, the VP of CollegiateRelations at the Austins AMA professional chapter is workingto connect professional mentors with Texas State AMA mentees.11 of our officers and ECs have registered for the program.

    AMA Professional Networking Event

    Mr. Darren Dretiz, Austin AMAs Vice President of Events, isworking on coordinating a networking event between ourchapter, the Austin Professional chapter and the University ofTexas-Austin chapter.

    *Texas State AMA members socializing at the etiquette dinner.

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    Always Marketing. Always Learning. Texas State AMA. l 07

    We advertised the philanthropy at our meetings, passed out fly-ers, and set up a booth in LBJ. A Facebook and Twitter accountwere also set up for Cuddles for Claire. Goal $50 (Raised $64)

    Heart WalkThe San Marcos Heart walk is a community-wide event dedicat-ed to raising funds for heart disease research. Our chapter hasteamed up with the Heart Walk Association of Hays County asthe Texas State University representative. As ambassadors to theprogram, we created strategies to target different organizationsand students at large. We set up a booth on campus, created fly-ers and also formed a Texas State AMA Heart Walk team.Goal: Get 5 other organizations signed up, raise $200(Raised $150 so far, event has yet to occur)

    San Marcos Recreational Center CarnivalTexas State AMA volunteered to be ambassadors for the SanMarcos Recreational Center. The organization is putting on aspring carnival for the San Marcos community. We have starteddeveloping and implementing promotional strategies, specifical-ly targeting Texas State University students.Goal: Pass out 1,000 flyers (Result: Event has yet to occur)

    Rotary Club of Greater San MarcosThe Rotary Club is an organization of business and professionalleaders united worldwide that provides humanitarian services,encourages high ethical standards and helps build goodwill andpeace in the world. The Rotary Club hosts several different

    events. We will be working with them in order to market andraise event participation.Goal: Involve 10 AMA Volunteers (Has yet to occur)

    NEW - San Marcos Child Care Center (Shelter)San Marcos Child Care Center is a children's shelter in San Mar-cos, Texas. We created two marketing events for them to pro-mote awareness for their organization and raise money. The firstevent was a Valentines Day flower sale. We passed out flyersincluding information on purchasing a flower bouquet. Part ofthe funds raised were donated to the San Marcos Child CareCenter. The second event, a benefit dinner, will be in late spring.We have started designing a flyer and contacting sponsors.Goal: Create and execute 2 marketing events (1 event has

    yet to occur)

    Mosaic Children's TheatreThe non-profit Mosaic theatre operates on a low budget. Wewill help them promote their events and sell tickets as a way toincrease funding and awareness for this non-profit. This eventwas scheduled for December but was moved to the spring toplan for the Mosaics prime marketing season.Goal: 10 AMA volunteers/Increase ticket sales by 45%Result: (Has yet to occur)

    Goal: To execute professional marketing skills that will aid in the success of local organizations within the community by having60% of AMA members participate in at least one community service event.

    Result: 72% of AMA members participated in at least one community service event, while 30% participated in more then one.

    BOKO MARKETINGThe community service branch of Boko Marketing is

    intended to provide local and national philanthropic non-profitorganizations with our marketing consulting services, allowing

    us to better serve our community.

    Lone Star Circle of Life Bike TourAMA teamed up with Donate for Life to help raise awarenessfor the Lone Start Circle of Life Bike Tour. A meet-and-greetwas held by AMA for participants in the LBJ student center.Members of AMA used marketing tactics like flyers, WOM,electronic media and the AMA Webpage. Over 40 people at-tended the event, not including the many participants in the Bike

    Tour.Goal: 10 AMA volunteers (Result: 10 AMA volunteers)

    Bobcats Leaving Out Violence 5K RunFounders of the BLOV organization approached the AmericanMarketing Association in need of help raising awareness andparticipation for their upcoming 5K run. We created professionalflyers that we distributed throughout the San Marcos communi-ty. With our marketing efforts, almost 100 people signed up forthe 5K run.Goal: 35 Participants (Result: 98 participants)

    Turkeys Tackling HungerThe Hays County Food Bank partnered with AMA in organizing

    the Turkey Box Program which provided struggling familieswith food for the holidays. Using our creative marketing tech-niques, we distributed decorated turkey boxes across campus.We were able to raise awareness for the cause and increase do-nations by 40%.Goal: Increase donations 30% (Result: increased by 40%)(Raised $144.11, 148 lbs. of food)

    NEW - Building 4 ChildrenBuildin 4 Children was an event held to raise money for a PeaceCorp project,. It was sponsored by Andrew Duffy, a formerAMAer, to improve a community in El Salvador and rebuild aschool. We set up a booth on campus, in the quad, along with atri-fold, flyers and a money jar. We had 12 AMA volunteers

    and Raised $357

    San Marcos Christmas ExtravaganzaAMA desired to help the San Marcos Housing Authority in-crease awareness of the need for volunteers but due to circum-stances out of our control, this event did not occur.Goal: 15 volunteers (replaced with Cuddles for Claire)

    NEW - Cuddles for ClaireIn replacement of the Christmas Extravaganza, AMA was ap-proached by Cuddles for Claire, an organization dedicated toraising awareness and funds for a young girl with liver disease.

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    Supply the KidsTexas State AMA organized a school supply drive for studentsand teachers in the San Marcos area in need. Using causerelated marketing techniques, we teamed up with Supply theKids to target McCoy Students to raise donations.Goal: 150 items valued at $200

    (Result: Collected 163 items valued over $200)

    VOLUNTEER SERVICEAMA Ambassador Chapter ProgramOur chapters previous success has allowed us to mentor sev-eral AMA chapters throughout the year (University of Texas-Austin, Salisbury University- Maryland, Texas A&M SanAntonio, and Syracuse University- New York). Members ofthe University of Texas attended one of our member meetingsand received advice on how to program a successful scheduleof events. Salisbury, Syracuse, and Texas A&M participated inour Regional Conference and learned how to coordinate suchan event. Salisbury University has been in constant contact

    throughout the year learning chapter building and memberretention strategies suggested by Texas State University. Goal: Mentor 4 universities/ Mentored 4 universities

    NEW - DECA JudgingDECA prepares emerging leaders and entrepreneurs inmarketing, finance, hospitality and management in highschools and colleges around the globe. Our chaptervolunteered to judge for the District DECA competition heldin Copperas Cove, Texas.Result: 8 members participated

    Bobcat BuildBobcat Build is an event held by Texas State University

    Organizations where students help incapable andunderprivileged San Marcos Residents. AMA will providemarketing advice in addition to forming a volunteer team forthe event.Goal: 25 AMA members (has yet to occur)

    Fall and Spring Job and Internship FairsEach semester AMA volunteers to assist Career Services inhosting the Spring and Fall Job Internship Fairs. For the Fall,we assisted in helping recruiters setup booths to promote andrecruit to students for their company. We also had the privilegeof networking with many of the recruiters.Goal: 5 volunteers (Result: 8 volunteers)*The Spring Job and Internship fair will be in March.

    NEW- P.A.L.S Pet DriveWe volunteered to help P.A.L.S., a corporation dedicated toending pet homelessness, collect items for the animals theyshelter. We set up boxes in the McCoy College of Businesstelling people about PALS and how they can help a pet inneed. Goal: 50 items (Result: 97 items & $23)

    Always Marketing. Always Learning. Texas State AMA. l 08

    AMASAVESLIVESAMASavesLives is the initiative created by the Collegiate

    American Marketing Association as a catalyst for increasingthe awareness of the need for organ donations. Our AMA

    chapter used our marketing capabilities to design and execute

    different marketing events.

    AMASavesLives Week (Fall and Spring)AMA members setup a booth in the student center to raiseawareness about the importance of becoming an organ donor,and to disable myths associated with organ donations. We alsoassisted in registering students to be organ donors. With ourefforts, we were able to make direct contact with a largeamount of the student body, gaining an average of 20 organdonors a day.

    AMASavesLives Social MediaIn efforts to promote AMA Saves Lives and have a betteroutlet to provide more information on events and facts, we

    created AMA Saves Lives Facebook and Twitter accounts.Our goal was to gain website traffic through these social mediasites, allowing us to market to individuals aboutAMASavesLives.

    Community Events & Donate LifeThis year we worked with Donate Life to put on severalevents. Michelle Segovia came to our regional conference onbehalf of the Texas Organ sharing alliance to speak about whatshe does for the TOSA and the importance of Organ donations.Texas State AMA also attended the Donate Life volunteerappreciate luncheon. At the luncheon, we received an awardfor our volunteer and marketing efforts.

    AMASavesLives CompetitionsWe competed in 6 AMASavesLives competitions. For the Fallof 2011, we placed in the following categories:

    Most Views - 2nd PlaceMost Videos - 3rd Place

    Most Facebook Posts - 4th PlaceMost Impactful/Creative Event - AMASavesLives Booth

    AMASavesLives Results for Texas State AMATexas State AMA set goals for AMASavesLives. Our goals

    and results so far are listed below:

    Registered Donors

    Goal: 80-

    Result: 192

    Video SubmissionsGoal: 80 - Result: 47

    Campus and Community EventsGoal: 2 - Result: 7Facebook Posts

    Goal: 350 - Result: 223Public Relation Publications

    Goal: 2 - Result: 3Video Views

    Goal: 2,000 - Result: 4,856

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    BOKO MARKETINGBoko Marketing is Texas State AMAs marketing consulting

    team. The revenue they make from their various projectsdirectly benefits our fundraising efforts. They offer such

    services as: advertising, promotions development, primarymarket research, and website creation.

    Overall Goal: $700 (Result: currently $650)* We will continue to increase revenue in upcoming months

    All Day Training - San Marcos, Texas

    Taylor Mayers, owner and operator of All Day Training, waslooking for new ways to market his company. Boko Marketing

    provided new social media strategies for the company,inexpensive marketing strategies, and assisted in implementingsome of the ideas. Texas State AMA is also in the process ofsetting up a focus group for All Day Training to understandcurrent customer perceptions.

    Results: Raised $120

    Mow Town Landscaping - San Marcos, Texas

    Mow Town Landscaping contacted Boko Marketing asking forassistance in making a flyer for their business. Not only did wedesign a flyer for Mow Town Landscaping, we assisted increating business cards and provided the company with severalother marketing strategies to gain a competitive advantage. Welook forward to working with them more in the future.Results: Raised $25

    IBeach Tan - San Marcos, Texas

    IBeach Tan wanted to market themselves more effectively tocollege students. With the help of Boko Marketing, discountflyers were created and passed out on campus. This promotioncreated buzz about IBeach and increased brand awareness.Results: Raised $160

    Great Locations - San Marcos, Texas

    Great Locations is a free apartment locating service. JasonTarr, CEO, has requested marketing research be performed tomeasure students knowledge and opinions of their services

    offered. In-depth interviews are being conducted to assess their

    current market position. This project is still taking place.Result: Raised $200

    Sunset Bowling Lanes - San Marcos, Texas

    Sunset Bowling Lanes hired Boko Marketing to help themcome up with a marketing strategy to target college students.The company will host college night on Monday nights withhalf price bowling. We created a flyer and used our marketingskills to spread the word about college night.Results: Raised $25

    (CCA) Coastal Conservation Association

    A survey was created and distributed via survey monkey toresearch the market for boat owners interested in rentingdocks. The intention of the marketing research was to help aentrepreneur decide whether or not he should enter into themarket. Results of the research encourage him to pursue thebusiness.Results: Raised $120

    *Boko Marketing has allowed students to use their marketing

    skills with specific companies. Every year this is a learning

    experience. We hope that working with these companies, will

    increase recommendations and business revenue in the future.

    *Some examples of the flyers used for Boko Marketing.

    14th Annual Etiquette Dinner

    Continued from our professional development section, theAnnual Etiquette dinner was not only used to increasemembers awareness of dinner etiquette in a businessenvironment but was also used to raise funds.Goal: $1,500 (Raised: $1,880)

    Corporate SponsorshipAfter sending out information regarding the benefits ofbecoming a sponsor of the Texas State AMA chapter, wereceived many responses. Thanks to our many contacts in San

    Marcos, Austin, and San Antonio we were able to raise a largeamount of money. Texas States Student Organization Councilalso awarded us $500 dollars to be used towards our trip to the34th Annual Collegiate Conference. Food items and beverageswere also donated by several sponsors for our regionalconference and meeting.Goal: Raise $4,500 (Result: $10,540 in cash; $1,254 in other


    Always Marketing. Always Learning. Texas State AMA. l 09

    Goal: To raise $10,200 in revenue to support ongoing operations, community service initiatives, and special projects of the TexasState AMA chapter. Remaining funds will be used to defer International Collegiate Conference expenses, allowing members to at-tend.

    Result: As a result of our fundraising efforts and 17 fundraising activities, we raised $12,100 in revenue.

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    T-Shirt Sales

    T-shirt sales have been a success for AMA for many years.This annual fundraising event involved weekly t-shirt sales ofour new dub step t-shirt. Our strategy was to create a neworiginal design, maintain cost leadership and increase sales.

    t-Shirt sales has a t

    -Shirt sales will continue every Monday

    until the last meeting.Goal: $2,000 (Result: $2,230 total sales)*Including Homecoming T-Shirt Sales

    Homecoming Tailgate T-Shirt Sale

    To market to a larger group of students, we sold this yearst-shirt at the Homecoming Football Tailgate. To create buzz,we walked Bodie, a members dog, around the tailgate dressedin a T-Shirt. This attracted a lot of attention to our shirt,helping us surpass our goal.

    Goal: $300 (Result: $510)

    Campus Food Sales

    In addition to our t-shirt sales this year, Texas State AMAadded food sales. Items sold include: cupcakes, sausage wrapsand bottled water. With a lot of competition on campus, ourfirst attempts at food sales were not as successful as we wouldhave liked. Differentiation techniques needed to beimplemented to achieve success. We recently found thatkolaches sell good on campus. We plan to continue campusfood sales for the remaining of the year.

    Goal: $100 (Result: $60)

    Mini Case Competition

    During business leadership, Texas State AMA competed in themini case competition put on by the advising center. More

    information can be found in the professional developmentsection.Result: $300

    NEW - Student Organizational Council PitchIn order to try and raise funds for AMA, we presented ourprofessional development events, workshops, field trips,speaker meetings, and how they benefit students to the StudentOrganizations Council. The funds would assist us in sendingmembers to the Collegiate Conference.Raised: $500

    Warrior Dash

    Do to circumstances out of our control this fundraisingopportunity was unable to occur. Instead we will be hosting abowling tournament for all of the McCoy College of Businessstudent organizations.Goal: $1,000 (Result: Recruited 25 Volunteers, $0)

    *This event will be replaced with the Bowling Competition

    NEW - Thanksgiving Turkey Dinner Benefit

    This year, the week before Thanksgiving, Texas State AMAput on the first ever Turkey Dinner Benefit. Bushs Chicken ofAustin, Texas generously donated several food items and tea.Our organization invited students, friends and family to attend

    this event. We charged $5 a plate and after expenses, managedto raise $80 profit.Raised: $280/ 56 Participates

    Benefit Nights

    AMA worked with local restaurants to set up profit sharenights and raise money for our chapter. Restaurants donatedfrom 10 to 20% of profits. We appreciate the businesses thathave allowed us to host benefit nights and/or profit shares withthem. The following restaurants is where the benefit nights


    Pluckers September 21, 2011

    Taco Cabana October 19, 2011

    Texas Road House January 24, 2011

    The Railyard February 15, 2012

    Bowling Benefit (Has yet to occur) April 11, 2012

    Goal: Raise $200/ Host 2 benefit nights each semester

    Result: Raised $204/Hosted 2-3 benefit nights a semester

    NEW - Business Organizations Bowling Competition

    Texas State AMA will host the first ever student organizationbowling tournament. Lanes will be sold to raise money forAMA and prizes will be awarded to the winner. We have 3organizations signed up for the competition and 4 others haveshown interest. The event will occur on April 12, 2012.

    Goal: Have 5 Organizations Participate, 2 Teams per

    Organization/ Raise $600

    (Result: Has yet to occur)

    *Photo taken by Minh Tran during t-shirt sales

    Always Marketing. Always Learning. Texas State AMA. l 10

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    Goal: Recruit 75 members and renew 25 memberships while maintaining 70% member involvement in at least one Texas StateAMA event.

    Result: Recruited 52 new members and 27 renewing members with 85% percent of Texas State AMA member involvement.

    RECRUITMENT OPPORTUNITIESTexas State AMA was able to recruit throughout campus usingour many marketing channels.

    EXPOSURE CHANNELSBobcat DaysBobcat Days are hosted to recruit potential freshmen intoTexas State University and the McCoy College of Business.AMA members informed freshman and transfer students aboutthe benefits of majoring in marketing and joining AMA. Therewas a total of two Bobcat Days per semester.Result: 3 students volunteered each Bobcat Day


    New Student Orientation Block Party

    In efforts of finding a more effective way for organizations tomarket to incoming freshmen during Orientation, the NewStudent Orientation Block Party was created. AMA membersworked the event, passing out flyers, informing students aboutthe benefits of AMA and encouraging them to join.Result: Over 500 1/4 page flyers were distributed

    University Student Organization FairsThe Student Organization Fair is held each semester allowingstudents to recruit directly to the entire student body. Usingour marketing skills, creating a Texas AMA tri-fold, flyers anda AMA Fact Sheet, we were able to directly market toapproximately 2000 students each day.

    McCoy College of Business Student Organization FairAs a new initiative this year we participated in the firstbusiness school specific organization fair. As part of theColleges Business Leadership Week, we focused our effortson our primary and secondary markets. Approximately 1,500students majoring in business were exposed to our booth.

    Membership Booth Outside of McCoy College of BusinessUsing our American Marketing Association tent, our chaptersetup in front of the McCoy College of Business to promoteour meetings and discuss with students the benefits of joiningAMA. Using our tent with the AMA logo allowed us to createbrand awareness.

    Member BenefitsWord of mouth advertising is used by our members to recruitfellow students. Students who have had positive experiencesbeing a part of Texas State AMA tell other students andencourage them to attend our events.

    Always Marketing. Always Learning. Texas State AMA. l 11

    Class Presentations

    Officers, ECs and members are encouraged to presentupcoming AMA events and speaker meetings at the beginningof their classes. This allows our members to practice theirpublic speaking skills and increase awareness about our eventsto students who arent exposed to flyers or other recruitingoutlets.

    Presentations during Freshmen Business OrientationTexas State AMA members spoke to incoming McCoyCollege of Business Administration freshmen about AMA,student organizations, getting involved, and how to besuccessful in college. We answered any questions they had andenjoyed giving friendly advice.

    Informational Meetings

    Dean Smart, Dean of the McCoy College of Business and Dr.Raymond Fisk, Department of Marketing Chair came andspoke on the behalf of Texas State AMA. Preceding thepresentation from the McCoy faculty, our chapter presidentprecedes with a PowerPoint followed by Q&A. Thesemeetings are used for students who are interested in becomingmembers of AMA.

    E-RecruitmentTexas State AMA actively uses our social media andprofessional online accounts to update members andprospective members on events and anything Texas StateAMA related. Our Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+

    accounts provide online promotion of events and endorsementof the value of AMA membership.

    Faculty AnnouncementsFlyers regarding our meetings were placed in all of the McCoyCollege of Business faculty boxes asking professors to presentto their classes about the speaker meetings and events put onby AMA. Many professors support AMA because of thesuccess and effective professional development events ourchapter hosts.

    AMA MEMORABILIAWe encourage brand recognition through the following

    different promotional items:

    1- Officer Name TagsOfficers wear name tags with the AMA logo at all of ourmeetings, workshops and other various events. This creates amore professional image for AMA and increases brandrecognition.

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    2 AMA Logo Lapel PinsEvery student is given an AMA logo lapel pin upon becominga member. The lapel pins are typically worn on the outside ofmembers blazers/suits.

    3 Membership t-Shirts

    Also mentioned in the communications section, membershipt-Shirts are given upon becoming a member. Members are

    encouraged to wear their t-Shirts on campus, typically the daybefore a meeting, to increase brand recognition.

    4- Professional Membership FoldersOne initiative from the previous year was the creation of themembership folder. This custom designed folder includesinformation regarding membership, accomplishments, AMAfacts, the membership application and increases brandrecognition. The promotional product is directed to increasemembership and Texas State AMAs professional image.

    5 Officer Graduation Cords

    At the end of the semester social we present graduatingofficers with AMA cords in recognition for all of their hardwork.

    *Note, these promotional products are also incentives ofbecoming a Texas State AMA member


    Award ProgramOur award program allows us to recognize the AMA Officers,ECs and general members who work extremely hard eachmonth. The awards given out include: Marketer of the Month,EC of the Month and Officer of the Month. Special Awards arealso given out at the end of each semester to reward those who

    went above and beyond for the Spring and Fall.

    Complementary Food at MeetingsOur meetings take place in the evenings, so to entice studentsto come, we offer complementary food. Through surveys, wecollect information regarding the food we provide. Someexamples of food provided include: Chic-Fil-A, pizza,sandwich trays and as well as fruit trays.

    Executive Committee (EC)Students interested in becoming more involved with AMAhave the opportunity to increase their involvement bybecoming an Executive Committee member. Executivemembers assist officers in performing their every day duties.

    ECs have the opportunity to actively get to know their officersand the roles they play. Member who are interested inbecoming officers are encouraged to become ECs first.

    Professional Development EventsStudents who are members of AMA have the opportunity tocome to speaker meetings, attend workshops and field trips, aswell as gain hands on experience in marketing. Theprofessional development section includes more details on theopportunities that students have as members of AMA toincrease personal professionalism.

    Always Marketing. Always Learning. Texas State AMA. l 12

    Point System and NOLAThe Texas State AMA point systems is designed to keep trackof the involvement of officers, ECs and general members.Points are awarded for various community service events,fundraising events, workshops, speaker meetings etc. Thepoints were used to select members who earned financial

    support for the International Collegiate Conference in NewOrleans, Louisiana.

    SOCIAL ACTIVITIESPool PartyA pool part was held at the Vallagio, San Marcos as a way fornew and old members to get to know each other and socialize.We used the clubhouse next to the pool to host a potluckduring the pool party. New friendships were formed andoverall the event was a success.

    Football TailgatesTailgates are a popular social event for Texas State AMA.During football season we set up the AMA tent in the parking

    lot to socialize before each game. Burgers, beverages and hotdogs were a popular treat during tailgating.

    AMA Dinner at Pluckers/Benefit Night SocialsA dinner was organized for all AMA members at the localPluckers. We enjoyed wings and good food, while getting tosocialize about upcoming events. All of our benefit nightswere also considered social events.

    Potluck SocialsTexas State AMA held several potluck socials in the Fall of2011; including the pool party and turkey dinner. For thespring, we have a multi cultural potluck planned for the lastday of multicultural marketing week. Members are encouraged

    to bring different dishes, drinks and food items.

    Tubing on the RiverEach semester, typically the beginning of the fall and end ofthe spring, we plan a trip to float the river. This year weplanned a trip to float the local Rio Vista river that runsthrough campus. This is a very popular water activity thatTexas State students like to enjoy during the hot weather. Thespring river trip will occur in April.

    Main Event EntertainmentSomething that many members enjoyed last year was thesocial put on at Main Event, in Austin, Texas. All attendees areable to enjoy pool, bowling, arcade games, mini-golf and laser

    tag. We plan to have this event on March 2, 2012.

    End of Semester Social Meeting(s)It is a tradition for the last meeting of the semester to be asocial to say farewell to those who are graduating and tocelebrate a successful semester. This is typically our mostsuccessful social and occurs on a regular meeting time.Graduates offer advice, are recognized for their achievementsand receive their AMA graduation cords. At this meeting, wealso present the awards for the members, officers and ECswho went above and beyond.

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    Always Marketing. Always Learning. Texas State AMA. l 13










    Collegiate Membership by Year








    2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012

    Professional Members







    Member Classification











    Majors of Members

    Acc/ Fin








    14% 6%

    Member Ethnicity

    African American







    Membership Breakdown

    New Members



    Membership did not continue to grow this year. Thefeedback we get from students is that our dues are too highand they work making it difficult to attend meetings. We

    will try to find ways to add value.

    Our professional membership parallels our overallmembership trend.

    53% of our members are juniors or below, allowing forcontinuous growth and membership renewal.

    17% of AMA members are non-marketing majors. Non


    marketing majors are one of our target markets but becausemajority of our member's are marketing majors, efforts

    should be made to maintain marketing major membership.

    Diversity is key to organization success and competitive-ness. We continually strive to be a diverse chapter. Ournewest growing demographic are African Americans.

    The greatest percentage of membership applicationssubmitted were from new members.

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    The ConnectionThe Connection is Texas State AMAs bi-weekly newsletter. The newsletter is distributed at every speaker meetingand contains useful information regarding that days speakerbio, upcoming event dates and times, future meetinginformation, and anything else pertaining to AMA. We alsouploaded this document to the website and placed them on ourbulletin board in the college. This allows us to keep ourinternal members constantly updated with information. Officerinformation can also be found in The Connection.

    CalendarAlong with The Connection, a calendar is distributed at

    bi-weekly meetings for a more organized view of upcomingevents. The calendars include dates, times and specificinformation pertaining to each event. We also utilized theTexas State website, universities public event calendar, careerservices connection, business student connection, and theAMA cubicle calendar. By utilizing all of these calendars wewere able to constantly remind current members about events,increasing attendance and outreached to external members.

    FlyersFull-page flyers regarding AMAs bi-weekly meetings, events,fundraisers, fieldtrips, the regional conference and the etiquette

    dinner are posted around campus in high traffic areas andplaced in faculty boxes. Quarter page flyers were also createdfor members to pass out amongst their friends, classmates andassociates. We set a goal to pass out flyers at least a week inadvance for each event and were successful.

    Bulletin BoardLocated in the McCoy College of Business, near the computerlabs, our bulletin board serves as a resource for all informationretaining to Texas State AMA. Here, external constituents canfind membership folders including an application, informationon upcoming events, and AMA facts. The chapter plan is alsodisplayed on the bulletin board. We were able to keep thebulletin board frequently updated and looking organized,

    which was our goal.

    Letters to FacultyLike stated before, flyers are placed in McCoy college ofBusiness faculty boxes before each meeting. Our chapter goalwas to keep up with these flyers, making sure to thank eachfaculty member for supporting Texas State AMA, and informthem about our upcoming meeting. In response, many facultymembers displayed the flyer on their overhead projectorduring lecture.

    Press Releases

    Our goal for Press Releases was to be recognized through ourmarketing department, the Marketing Memos, the UniversityStar and the University Bobcat Weekly. We also sent a PressRelease to the San Marcos, Daily Record to be published. Weachieved our goal by getting articles and announcementsposted about our accomplishments, awards and otherinformation pertaining to AMA.


    Marketing Memos/Bobcat Weekly

    Every month Marketing Memos, a marketing departmente-newsletter, and Bobcat Weekly, the university electronicnewsletter, are sent out to students across campus. Theseinclude important dates and events for both students andfaculty. Our presence on these newsletters was extremelyimportant to our organization in reaching external constituents.

    McCoy Hall Monitors

    All AMA events were submitted to be displayed on the TVhall monitors throughout the McCoy College of Business.

    Social MediaThis year we used our social media outlets very actively. Not

    only did we add a Google+ account but we created a officerFacebook group for better officer communication. We hadgreat successful regularly updating our Twitter, Facebook,LinkedIn and Google+ accounts with information onupcoming events and news, making it better accessible toprospective members.


    TRACS, a collaborative intranet site through Texas StateUniversity allows us to create a private site where memberscan access various documents, the chapter plan, the annualreport, announcements, take polls, as well as complete manyother communication tasks. TRACS has made it very conven-

    ient to send out emails to all members and post resources forother members to use.

    Google DocAlso noted in the Operations section, Google Docs has allowedus to communicate efficiently. A lot of data and information isshared between officers. Google Docs acts as a live agendaofficers can regularly check and update.

    Always Marketing. Always Learning. Texas State AMA. l 14

    Goal: Reach 75% of our target markets every week through our internal and external communication channels, increasing targetmarkets awareness of what is going on in Texas State AMA events.

    Result: 85% of our target markets were reached through external and internal communications

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    Texas State AMA Website

    Our chapter website is a reservoir of resources, events, and all

    information AMA for current members as well as potentialmembers. Students who aren't already a part of AMA can useour website to gain a better understanding of what AMA is andthe benefits of joining. The chapter website contains anorganization mission statement, all the documents necessary inbecoming a member, a schedule of events, videos, officerinformation, career resources and photos. Our website is aoutlet for everything Texas State AMA.(www.business.txstate.edu/ama)


    WOMMembers are encouraged to talk to friends, classmates and

    professors about their positive experiences in AMA. Memberswho experience the benefits of joining AMA often tell theirassociates about it, causing WOM to be one of our strongestcommunication tools.

    Use of the AMA TaglineThe AMA tagline Take Charge, Get Involved, Join AMA,was used on all promotional material to act as a slogan to cre-ate brand awareness.

    Member T-ShirtsWhen members wear there member t-shirts around campus,it creates brand awareness and tends to pique the interest ofother students.

    Texas State AMA Polo'sTo improve brand awareness in the business school and aroundcampus we designed custom polo's to showcase ourinvolvement in AMA. These black polo's featured ouruniversity stack as well as American Marketing Association,embroidered in gold. We wore these polo's to coincide withour officer meeting days and marketing week events.

    Always Marketing. Always Learning. Texas State AMA. l 15

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    Officer Retreat

    Goal: Hold one retreat before the fall semester to emphasize onthe importance of team work and collaboratively plan initiativesfor the coming year.Strategy: Set a date, send invitations and be productive.Result: Held a retreat before the fall semester in which officersplanned initiatives for each officer department of Texas StateAMA.

    Officer MeetingsGoal: Hold, at minimum, bi-weekly officer meetings to provideupdates on future chapter events, as well as results on previousevents.Strategy: Secure a set location, date and time for

    officer meetings. Officers will be provided with an agendabefore each meeting. The President will meet with our advisoron a weekly basis to ensure efficiency within the chapter.Result: Successfully addressed officers in advance about officermeetings, resulting in a great turnout. Having an agenda helpedto run meetings smoothly. Chapter president maintained goodcommunication with the advisor.

    Organizational Structure

    Our organization is divided into three categories:General Members, Executive Committee Members an


    Officers, set the overall goals for theorganization that are used in the chapter plan. Officersare in charge of making sure that the chapter functionsand operations are adequately planned. They are also icharge of making sure goals are successfully achieved

    Executive Committee Members, help officers meetchapter plan goals by executing the planned chapter

    functions and operations.

    General Members, help Executive CommitteeMembers and Officers meet chapter plan goals byparticipating in the planned chapter functions andevents.

    Our officers are divided into two subgroups:communications team and activities team. Each team responsible for setting overall goals for managingcommunications effectively as well as executingchapter activities.


    Always Marketing. Always Learning. Texas State AMA. l 16

    BiWeekly Member MeetingsGoal: Hold bi-weekly, beneficial meetings for general members alyear.Strategy: Secure dates, times, and locations formeetings before the year starts as well as securing speakers and plaother details to make sure meetings run effectively.Result: Secured dates and room numbers in advance as well assecured speakers for every meeting in advance. In the case where aspeaker withdrew, we successfully found replacement speakersimmediately. Meetings ran very smooth.

    Executive CommitteeGoal: Develop a committee of AMA members to assist the officer

    with planning, implementing and executing all tasks associated wittheir positions.Strategy: Choose applicants based on strengths suitable to positiondesired and previous involvement in AMA.Result: Selected ECs based on involvement in AMA and interestThis years ECs have gone above and beyond in assisting officers,resulting in a successful year.

    Goal: To create a professional environment that allows all officers, executive committee members and general members to work togethefficiently and effectively. Having this organization within our chapter allows for members to participate in events in an organized andefficient environment, ensuring effective execution, and giving us the opportunity to succeed as a chapter.

    Result: Executed 14 techniques that contributed to the successful management operations. Work was performed efficiently and effectiv

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    Develop a BudgetA budget is essential in chapter planning for the year.Goal: Ensure the financial viability of our organization.Strategy: For the VP of Finance, with the help of other officers,to construct a budget to serve as a guideline for our organization

    to follow when making financial decisions. We will also trackfinancial performance throughout the year.Result: Completed a budget for the year.

    Transition BindersTransition binders contain information on each officer position. Itincludes what the position entails, specific duties and past events.Goal: Utilize the experience of past officers and their projectsthrough the use of binders to make the transition process easierfor new officers and learn from our past successes and mistakes.Strategy: Make this process successful by holding meetingsbetween former and new officers to briefly explain the positionand guide new officers through the resources available to them inthe binder.Result: Transition to this years officer positions ran smoothly.We plan to have the officers update their binders more efficientlybefore handing them over to next years officers.

    Chapter PlanThe Texas State University Chapter Plan is a detailed report ofinitiatives that we intend to accomplish for the upcomingacademic year. The plan includes goals set by members andstrategies on how the chapter plans to achieve these goals.Goal: To create a detailed plan for the year and strategize ways toexecute our established goals.Strategy: To hold a officer retreat for brainstorming events to beheld throughout the year. Results of events will be monitored andrecorded in the annual report. The chapter plan is to be used as areference for achieving our goals. The plan is intended to be usedas a guide for the 2011-2012 academic year.Result: The officer retreat was held in order to set goals for theacademic year and create the chapter plan. The chapter plan wasused as a guide for achieving set goals and using strategies toachieve them. Each officer worked hard to achieve chapter plangoals and results of each activity were recorded in the annualreport.

    Chapter Operations EvaluationsEvaluations aid in the improvement of our chapter operations and

    are essential in determining if we reach our target markets.

    Goal: To create a survey that collects information concerning

    members opinions on speakers, food available, previous events,

    and ideas for future events within the chapter.

    Strategy: To develop a survey with a consistent

    framework to gather data about members attitudes and

    opinions towards the current speaker, the food provided and

    current events going on within the chapter.

    Result: A consistent survey was distributed at every speakermeeting pertaining to members enjoyment and opinion of thespeaker, the food provided and current events.

    Officer EvaluationsGoal: To spot and correct any inefficiencies officers might have

    when performing their duties.

    Strategy: For the President and advisor to collaborate and

    formulate evolutions that will assess officers performance and

    offer feedback on how to improve in the coming months.

    Result: Any inefficiencies with officer positions were addressed

    Point SystemGoal: Design a system to recognize and reward members.Strategy: Points are to be assigned to any members whoparticipates in an AMA event. There should be detailedguidelines on what events earn what points. Members withhigher totals are recognized at meetings and have a higherchance of being selected for a full paid trip to NOLA.Result: A point system was designed, updated and made publicVice President of Internal Affairs was in charge of keeping thepoint system up-to-date.

    NEW - Google DocsTo easily transfer documents, data and various other files, wecreated a Google Doc specifically for Texas State AMA officersGoogle Docs allows us to create and share our work onlineallowing for efficient, up-to-date, accurate information. Forexample, we used Google Docs to coordinate our programmingschedule. The schedule was uploaded on Google Docs, allowingour Vice President of Programming to easily update thedocument and share with fellow officers.Result: Made the process and exchange of information efficienand effective.

    Meetings with Academic AdvisorGoal: Meet with academic advisor once a week in order to

    evaluate previous successes and failures.Strategy: Plan times that the president and faculty advisor canmeet.Result: AMA advisor and president met each week throughoutthe year.

    Annual ReportGoal: Create a report analyzing chapter performance for the2011-2012 Texas State AMA academic year Submit forcompetition.Strategy: Design a chapter plan, as a reference for the annual

    report in measuring the success and performance of our chapterand how well we achieved the goals set at the beginning of theyear.Result: Created a chapter plan with goals for each branch ofTexas State AMA. Measured the goals accurately, reflecting inthe annual report how successful we were at achieving our goalsThe annual report is reflective of success factors from the workof every officer in AMA.

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    Always Marketing. Always Learning. Texas State AMA. l 19

    Beginning Balance $23,412.49


    Membership Local Dues (77 members x $47) $3,619

    National Dues (77 members x $46) $3,542

    Professional Dues (75 members x $5) $375

    Fundraising Boko Marketing $650

    Student Organizations Council $500

    Mini-case Competition $300

    McCoy College of Business Grant $5,000

    Campus Food Sales $60

    Benefit Night $224.64

    Etiquette Dinner Sponsors $3,260

    Ticket Sales $1,880

    Regional Conference



    Ticket Sales $560

    Food Donations H.E.B $40

    Total Revenue $20,910.60


    Membership National Dues (77 members x $46) $3,542

    Professional Dues (75 members x $5) $375

    Application Mailing Expense $20

    Operations Food for Member Meetings $1,800


    Gifts for Speakers


    Faculty Luncheons $478

    Communications Expenses $210.74

    Community Service AMA Saves Lives Promotions $38.85

    Special Projects Etiquette Dinner $4,284.49

    Regional Conference $806.08

    Fundraising T-shirts $1,415.00

    International Collegiate Conference (Hotel and Registration) ~$7,000.00

    Total Expenses ($20,650.16)

    Net Profit


    Ending Balance $23,672.93