Iittdteb 4iy^jlgv| Circle Ga^« 'library. *""&• M3ies£f ; Imgiovement Circle of jffff met at ; the home of Mrs. ^f^a^^an^fSiiepard last week Thursday, ^gfif* jgl^&sant time was enjoyed by .^|^|-. iiifiner' was served to forty- *.-. lAxnong those present were Rev. and : -|fe. Charles Shuihway of Gienfield, \Mfes Alniira Carpenter of Constab'le- ~ ville, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ingersoll of, •Boonville, Harry Phillips of House «mght.Cap >o^|'-'-¥as;a ,¥e^'lfirii-" liant Snceeks^-bpicr Interesting 'News. - Grange Hall was the scene of ; a pleasant gathering Thursday^ eveAnfe, when more than one hundred As- sembled at "the Night Cap' Social. The following program was nicely presented: Instrumental duet,. Miss Edythe Norton and Florence Bratf- fsfc; Recitation, "'Parcel Post," Celia Seymour; "Recitation, "How Sally Helped," Eva Miller; Instrumental Duet, .Misses Edith and Ethel Brown; Recitation, "Now is the Time," Mar- ... ,, . , . „. , _ .. | ion Seymour; Song, "Down by the W Ie, ^ r ; T an i MrS - ?, dWar l D a muth , 01d Mni gt ., unian Smith ; Rec- Mr. an<l Mrs Grover Damuth Mr. and ;tati M , Esther Lonas _ Mrs. E H. Millard, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- , Tll8n foHoWed a bean t cont t tbur. Dickinson David Evans Clinton ; ,- n xMch ten ladies wUh M * A ^ A^fo, Arthur Shepaa-d Robert Radley, j Bl;! . dick ag captain took the side Mrs. Card, Loren White and Llewel- lyn Roberts, all of Turin. v Library Additions. The following books have recently been added to the library of the Pres- byterian Sunday school: ^Beautiful Joe, Ben Hur, Captain "Warren's Wards, The Chapercnc, A Daughter of the Manse, The Doctor, Doctor Latimer, For Conscience Sake, Mrs. Wiggs, of the Cabbage Patch, Our Little Brown Cousin, Our Little Mexican Cousin, Pussy Meow, captain, : against, ten gentlemen with Carl , Brown as Captain. The judges, I Charles McConnel and F. E. Warm- wood decided in favor of the gentle- men who were treated to popcorn balls which they generously shared with their lady opponents. A grocery contest foiiowed in which Miss Gertrude Budd was the winner of the first prize, and Col. Jacob Van Woert the consolation prize. In the corn guessing contest Arthur Burdick was the successful ?.#h« r alM I d ^ai •artwi rr Bar- er bl I d j tif4ftd[da fc vac I ii ira * h| 1 clock •he i J # h i fc^qscvr r'-at MKsV the sday t at '^^Pori. Ley- /'•• —6thei>T<>wtt#ew8.. Liast Thursday,; at "the liofee of tee bride's -pareMs, Sir. ataa" Bifr3. C. %.. Peebles, occurred., the. marriage, of their daughter, MarJy 13. "P'eeble's to Clair Smfth, of Spring Mill's, Alle- ghany County. At 12 o'clock, in the presence of the immediate family, they were made husband ana wife, Rev. W. A. Garden- er pastor of the Methodist Church, performing the ceremony. After the usual congratulations dinner . was served. Miss Peebles has always lived here and bas many friends in this locality. Mr Smith came here from Spring \ ^ ^ if "•Sart^^ ! 5E5Ser 8 7"rad"a Mills nearly two years ago, and has I granddaughter, Mr*, 'idward Oldfield, won many friends since he came here.! nf <h\* , v ifldo, * v ,U - V- Mr. .and Mrs. Smith left Gienfield!" P * .' J/ / fcr their wedding trip in the southern I A VmaSky Fatty. part cf the state. j Last Wedrlesda-y' : evejning Miss Mu'r Tite WaVufogton Social. * i iel Nevin celebrated per 13th birth- j h ,«, , . | day by entertaining a [company of her j 'friends. A most mjeWblc time was j berP^ \ d vititda} Md^a; .Pories' arterij,„ Mr. Barbejjff-. den m AfgKJMf .•of. this. i|rl'ae# wife, Wbicat^t m ago wheja ^<ef went tb live:-" •Ida Evans 'of,' ft ||Vf!0rhers. H was a veter'an:|)|'j^p.Si i vfI War, hav- ing served 5ri"%h#|jl|»%ar. He leaves 'QfleX.B&^SjrV/Parry Bar- ber of Greig, tfiSefl^jEteftter. Mr*. Ida jgjpiga. resident S^atii;of -'bis d IgiHtjtwo years 'Sbgsjdehce and qjglgaler, Mrs. Seven Oaks, Shaggy Coat, Strawberry gr.esser and consolation prizes '••' ffy-i^i Acres, Seventeen Little Bears, The Secret Garden, The Second Genera- tion, The Testing Fire, Three Little Cotton Tails. The Victory of Allen Rutledge, Via Crucis, With Custer in the Black Hills. Underwent Operation. Clarence W. Strong is at Fasten Hospital, Utica, where he was operat- ed upon .last Saturday for a rupture. Mr. Strong has been spending the winter in Florida, and returned ac far as Utica, where he will receive treat- ment. The latest reports from hir-i are favorable and his many friends hope he will be seen again in Turin soon. Presbyterian Oinrch ^"otcs. The men scored another vic'ory in the attendance contest at the Presby- terian Sunday school last Sunday, the count being 62 to 39 per. cent, mak- ing the standing for the two weeks 122 to 92. The annual meeting of the Presby- terian Church will be held on Mon- day, March 3, beginning at 1:^0 p. m. Two trustees and two elders will be elected and the annual reports will be read. After the meeting the usual supper will be served in the chapel. Women's Home -Missions. The Woman's Home Missionary So- ciety of the M. E. Church will hold their regular meeting at the home of Miss Grace Shepard next Friday af- ternoon at 2 o'clock. The mite boxes will be opened at this meeting. Brief Town >'ews. The Turin Grange will meet next Saturday afternoon at 1:30 o'clec' ' The first and second degrees wiK conferred and a program rendered. s Jggpguad. -Mrsi Charles Hoffman en- -^^^^^^'iar dinner last Thursday. '£$. Albert W. Kidder of i!and Mrs. George Aim and tw© children of Constableville. The regular meeting of the Men's Guild will be held at the home of P. B. Oaster, on Tuesday evening, March i. Mrs. Helen Marham is teaching in District No. ", Turin. Her school commenced last Monday. Personal Mention. Miss Cecil Roberts o spending some time friends. Miss Clara Markham her school in Collinsvi: ^ day. Communion will b" observed in the M. E. Church next Sunday morning. Miss S. Mabel Miller returned from a pleasant visit with friends in Roch- ester, last Saturday. Mrs. ('. M. Smith has an alalia which has 37 iarge white blossoms. Miss Anna Mae Millard o;' I'tica, is visiting friends in Turin. .Miss Carrie K. Sattes commen^d her school in the town of Martins- burg last Monday. v Mrs. John Oaster. who has been in Sll. Luke's Hospital for several weeks for -treatment returned last woe'; Thursday. Her many !' pleased to see her much i A. T. Jones, Cor. awarded to Mrs. Ella Brown and Miss Katie Beals. After these exercises each gentleman purchased and don- Thc Washington Social Friday evening was largely attended. One hundred and twenty guests wore present. The house was prettily decorated with national colors and hatchets. Orchestra music was furnis'hpd and games were played. A good time is reported by ail. Entertained Kind's Daughters. The King's Daughters Circle, and the class of intermediates of the spent in plaiyng gan,ps, after which dainty refreshments') were served. ned his cap, which without exception ; Presbyterian Sunday school were in- were most becoming, then sought and vited to the 'home of Mrs. Thatcher . found his partner for supper and all : on Saturday afternoon to meet her did justice to the well tilled tables. I sister, Miss Harriet E. Sheldon, re-i The neat sum of $25.55 was realized I cently of Beulah .Mission, Natal, South : and the M. E. Society wish to thank ' Africa. all who in any way contributed to the Miss Shelden gave a vivid and high- ' evening's success. j ly interesting account of the li"e'of : .Snrnrised Mrs. Brown. i the Zulus, illustrating the same by , many curios and photographs brought Brief ^>wii Stf*s. Miss Eefta €!; "iSEraimoh-, commenced her Spring term of school Motfday in the Snecker district. , All welcome mte Grari&on %aM" aagin. School, has •reopfned at Sperryvills, after a ifour weeks' vacation with Miss Lillian Pritchard of Houscville, as teacher. The Ghost Social held at Studdrs was a success in every way. All bad a good time. M3ss Ahim Peckham has returned from Geneva; where she has been some time with her sister Mrs. Wil- liam Black. She commenced her school in the town of New Bremen Monday.-. Personals, Mrs. William Provorce and daugh- ter, Delia visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chase, Saturday. Mrs. Emmett Rennie and son, Leon, are sick at this writing. Mr. William Howard continues to be very sick. The family of Henry Chase are all sick at this writing. 1 John Maxwell was Sunday guest of ; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gazin. I Mrs. Louis Saunders has returned I from Clinton, where she has been the 1 past week. Mrs. Marceilus Hartley and son, '• Merrells, spent Wednesday with Mr. -and Mrs. Solomon Rennie. i Samuel, the little son of Mr. and ; Mrs. Leo Vanatta, is recovering from 1 a hard cold. , Herman Fenton continues very i i:oor!y. Vernon Brown visited friends at Lyons Falls last week. Mrs. Walker Saunders is very ill at this writing. Mrs. Nettie L. Brov.n of New York Ja^St, 'tetimm of AH Winter G<>ods is what We demand. y Lev. with con e, la vi le Ti mien st J! is riii c-cd on- Mrs. Ella Brown was the recipient of a pleasant surprise last Tuesday evening. Mrs. Brown has been in- vited to take tea with a friend and upon returning home in the early evening found the house filled with friends who had entered unbidden during her absence. The hours were pleasantly passed with music and conversation :'iul de- delicious refreshments were served. Much Credit is due Miss Mae Claffey fcr the evening's enjoyment. Mrs. Brown, who has gone to Boon- ville to make her future home, has many friends here, who while they regret her departure, wish her much happiness in her new home. GreJK Grange Meeting. The regular meeting of Greig Grange will be held Saturday even- ing,, March 1st. and the first and sec- ond degrees conferred on a c!a--s of sixteen. One of the iaides of this class is reported to have reached the advanced age cf 97 years but is still very active and will make a valued addition to our membership. A large attendance is desired. Brief Town News. Harry Barber on Monday received the news of his father's death, Adel- bert Barber, which occurred at the heme of his granddaughter, .Mrs. Old- field of Lyons Falls, where he was visiting, Mr. Barber was a veteran of the Civil War. Mr. and Mrs. Blade have purchased of l-invrence Beck. Jr., his house in Greig and will take immedia'.i pos- session. Greig Personals. C. O. Brown of Talcottville, was in town Sunday. .Mrs. Maurice Buckley and daug:;- t'-r, Hilda, returned home last week 1'iori a visit with friends in Carthage. Ernest Harrison and ''Mac" jfc- Kcown o'' Lowville, spent Sunday with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Harrison. William l.ouas of Lowville, sp^nf Sunday wiih his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lcnas. U'v. Fred E. Hartley will speak in the M. I-;. Church Sunday at 11 a. m., and 7 p. m. All are cordially invited. land. She also and sang in the from that far-away read the Scripture Zulu tongue. \ Hat JSocinl. The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist Church will give a "Hat Social" at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pitch- er. Friday evening, February 28. (Ouch lady is requested to bring a hat, trim- ming fcr the same, thread, needle and thimble to be used by the gentlemen in a millinery contest. Tickets 10 cents. Come ar.d seo the Easter dis- play at thf close of the social. Uriel' Mens Notes. The correspondent will be glad to recel'. e any news items for publica- tion at her home, not later than Mon- day nccn. Twenty-fiv" or more books on Farming and Home Economies, loaned hy the State Library at Al- bany, are expected at the Library in about two weeks. Mrs. Sarah Phillips spent a few days at West Martinsburg last week. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Peebles and family of Lowville attended the Smith Peebles wedding here Thurs- day.—.'liss .Lydi;! 10vans, Vc.v, HIGH MARKET COKMERT were The following were. Miss Kevin's guests: Misses Emma and /llary K ittredge, Julia Dolan, Veronlgi Helmar, Flor- ence Hoskins, LauiJP Campbell, Elsie Williams, Louise.', Manning, Gladys Wilson, Helen Hitygas, Marjory Flan- ders, Eudora Wa'loVron, Elizabeth Fair- child, Hilda Gilljen and Charlotte Hess. j Town Ne'ws ~tfotc?. Mr. Carl Kidder of Constableville, died suddenly en Sunday morning, at the Harris house in this village. The S. C. Circle of King's Daugh- ters will meet with Mrs. Harry Bur- . City, is spending a._ few days with_hcr dick, Friday afternoon at 2:30. The Red Ringers will meet the Tur- in High School basket ball team at Turin Saturday evening. Mrs. Hunt, mother cf Mrs. C. F. and Mrs. Robert Kittredgs, celebrated her 84th birthday Monday, February 24. Mrs. Hunt is in fine health and re- ceived many callers Manday. PersoK.il Mention. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Fairchild spent Sunday with Mrs. Fairchild's parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Wilcox of Port Leydcn. Miss Grace Dunn of Lowville has been visiting friends and relatives,ffr this place. Kathleen Ryan will commence' the Spring term, Monday at her school in the Jones district. Miss Florence Egan spent last Fri- day and Saturday with friends in Uti- ca. Mr. G. Ward Arnold and Mr. James Lyman were home for over Sunday from ilion, where they are employed. Miss Elmina Dominick of Westfield, Mass, is spending a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. I. Dom- inick. Miss Marion Fairchild of Lowville, spent Sunday with her cousin, Miss Elizabeth Fairchild. Mr. N. J. Parker and daughter, Vel- ma, spent Sunday with Mr. .Edward Ready and Custom Made Suits and Overcoats. CLEANING AND REPAIRING Lewis Clothin LOWVILLE CROGHAN Adds whoksomeness to the food. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Ron- nie. '< Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ward spent j Mast week with Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wimmett. j ; Mrs. Emma Oarr, cf Lowville, visit- ' cd friends at Sperryville last week. : : The Misses Mary and Winifred Vcr Snyder entertained the Misses Pernal and Ruth Burke, Wednesday.—Mrs. Solomon Iteiinie, Cor. FOREST CITY ITEMS Parker in Carthage'. Death of Mrs. Pfiiliand, Mrs. Joseph Pachand passed away at her home Monday evening at \'l o'clock. She has been in ill health for the past four or live years. Her maiden name was Josephine I.argot. She was an aged an drespected resi- dent of this place. Mrs. Pachand is survived by her husband, two sons, George of West Carthage, and William o'.' this place, also two daughters of V.'atertown, be- sides her two brothers, Joseph and James Larget of this place, and also a number of grandchildren. Her funeral was held Thursday from St. Stephens Church at Croghan. Interment at St. Stephens' cemetery. })ied After Operation. Mr. John N. Sa'uer of this place, A plain cake, made with Cleveland's Baking Powder, is better than a pound cake costing twice as much made with an alum powder. Cleveland's clean an trouble and concern makes the caKe lighter, sweeter, purer, more appetiz- ing and beautiful and assuredly whole- some. Take every precaution to avoid alum baking powders, as alum in food is deleterious. They may be known by their lower price. aKing r owder is pure, wholesome anc with less i Fri path;, M r. Mr. Ellis Claffey Lowville.—.Vrs. sneiil 31.' ¥. Thursday Kills, (or. lends are nproved.— mm NOTES Xeivs Notes. .Mrs. Jacob Plaff Mr. f'.i- MOXTAGrE. Mr. ami .Mrs. Jacob Plaff and and Mrs. A. L. Zaun attended the ncral of Mrs. Henry Wisncr at Car- thage Thursday. The next regular meeting will be held on Saturday evening. March L Regular order of business, program in charge of the unmarried men, Joshua Tooker, leader. Personals. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schcrge and son Imbert, passed Sunday with Mrs. Elizabeth Mathys and family. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sauer of Corset City, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sauer. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lusty were the guests Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schorge. Miss Lillian Weir is spending some time with friends in Carthage. Miss Anna Schantz and Augustus Schantz of Deer River, spent Wednes- day with Anna Reis. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meeker were in Carthage Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs.- Joseph Bachman and daughter, Alice, and son, Frederick, and Miss Esther Bachman, spent Roy Williams of Copenhagen spent the week-end with his parents in this place. Mrs. Janet Mattl pleasantly enter- tained on Thursday, Mrs. Charles Dening and daughter, Mary, and Mrs. Kent Dening and son. Charies. Mrs. Emcgene Townsend of Cop- enhagen, and Mrs. Harry Boutwell and son, Gordon, of Hooker, were the guests of Mrs. Frank Matty, Thurs- day. Charles Lynch was in Lowville, Fri- day. Glen Post made a business trip to Copenhagen, Tuesday. A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. fred Kilburn, February 14. "Mildred Burns of New Boston, was a recent guest of her uncle, Ladette Goutremont and family. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Murphy vis- ited relatives at Rector's Corners, Friday. . . Miss .ifancy Failing is visiting at i Thursday with relatives in New Bre- the rhciie' of Mr. and Mrs. Ladette ,' men - Sympathy is Extended. ids in this, place extend syni- to Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Kiilcy of Boonville. in the death of their little son, Lcrnard Eugene. Anions- lite Hick, Miss Clevcra Pike and Leo O'Brien are confined in the house by illness. Dr. 15. L. Rockwell in the attending phy;-,ic ; an. The many friends of Mi.;c Mary E. Walsh will regret to learn that she "dees not improve from her recent ill- ness. Attended Funeral. Mr. and Mrs. John (laughen, and Mr:. Howard Klosner and and Mrs. Philip Mcilovern attended the funeral of Bernard Kirley, which was held at Constableville, Thursday. Persons! Mention. Frank Aiken et' Talcottville, spent ii few days recently with his brother. Edward Ankeu. John Walsh of Whiiosboro, is the guest et his brother. Michael J. Walsh. Mrs. Charles Kreager and daugh- ters. Xora and Katherine, spent Thursday with Mrs. Kreager's par- ents, Mr. and .Mrs. Joseph Seelman at Mohawk Hill. Mrs. William Murphy of Boonville, is spending a few days with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Klosner. Mrs. E. O. Anken and Mrs. M. V. Conway spent Thursday in Boonville. Mr. and Mrs. William Walsh were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kafory at Fish Crack.—3Irs. 51. F, Comvay, Cor. Mrs. John Miller is spending some was time with her mother, Mrs.'Nicholas Shaver, of Gienfield.—L. P. M. Gay- lord, Cor. FIXE GROVE. Town Xevvs ?Votes. Xo chur'-h service was held Sunday evening, owing to stormy weather. At a meeting cf Cedar Spring Cheese Factory Patrons Albert Mar- ceilus and Fred Sturer were appoint- ed to consider plans for a limburger cheese factory and will report at a meeting to be called later. G. B. Wilder recently had the mis- fortune to Ijse a cow. Personals. Mrs. Edivard Baldwin, who was ill last week, is now better. A'bert Bliss and daughter, Anna, were Sunday callers at Mrs. Emogcne Fen ton's. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Beach spent several days of last week in Antwerp. John Burke is spending a few days in Syracuse. Edna Beach expects to go to Her- kimer this week. Mis. Frank VerSnyder visited her sister, Mrs. Murtaiigh. in Greig. one day last week.—Mrs. George IS. Wild- er, for. called to Watertown Friday to | see his father at the City Hospital., ; who was not expected to recover from ! and operation, and who passed away • Saturday evening at (J:20 p. m. Brief >'ews Notes. The farmers of this place have their , ice "houses well filled up. . Mr. Nicholas Lewis has purchased a house and lot at Castorland, con- sideration SS00. ; Mr. Maurice Pate has purchased , seventeen head of cattle of John ; Golden at Indian River. i PfrsonaK | Mrs. Fred Groner visited Mr. and j Mrs. Sebastian Martin Tuesday. : Mrs. Julius F. Meyer called on Mr. and Mrs. John P. Pate, Monday. Mr. Perrigo has removed his fam- , ily on the Swiss Road. \ Mrs. Sebastian Martin called on , Mrs. Charles Meyer, Thursday. [ Misses Rilia and Clara I. Martin vis- ! ited their cousin. Miss Luella H. Dc- ! Lawyer. Thursday. .Mrs. Julius F. Meyer called on Mrs. • John N. Sauer, Friday afternoon. j Misses Luclia H. DeLawyer vis- ; ited Rilla and Clara Martin Wednes- day afternoon—Clara I. Martin, Cor. *UR KAYO DRIVING LAMP is the most compact and efficient lighting device for all kinds of vehicles. Will not blow out or jar out. Equipped with thumb screws, so that it is easily attached or detached. Throws a clear light 200 feet ahead. Extra large red danger signal in back. It is equipped with handle, and when detached makes a good hand lantern. Strong. Durable. Will last for years. At Dealers Everywhere STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF NEW YORK Boston New York H'OOKtfR. '5 SSirtremont. ,-'te\ and Mrs. Adelbert Bradbury, Mrs. Herman Grau and Mms Kate : Gran passed a day recently with Mr. and Mrs." Peter Ballear. Grunge News. The next regular meeting of Kivor Bank Grange will be held Saturday evening, Xvlarch 1st. Programme in chargg of the unmarried men; Josh- ua Tc'oker, leader. On the Sick List, Those at present on the sick list, at River Bank . are as follows: Mrs. Charles Snyder, Miss AKretta Meis- ter, Master Lewis 'Walsman. Personals. Mr. and Mrs. .Taddb Kohr visited friends Til Lowville,' Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. JohnRphr spent Wed- nesday in Croghan. _ " Mr. and Mi's. Jess yfrkler : snd son, Mrs. Orin Lacy is on "the sick list, i Mrs. D. J. Butts, who has been hav- I ing grippe, is better. j School opened Monday, with Miss I Myrtle Burnes of Barnes Corners as ' teacher. I Gaylord Church, of Lowville, is vis- | iting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. ; John Church. Mrs. Harry Bqutwepl and son, Gor- t don, also' Mrs. Brnogehe. Townsend, visited Mrs.'"Frank Matty, at the "Lib- erty" Thursday. .'..'• Mr. and Mrs> Thomas Murphy spfent Friday at "Rector With Mi\ Murphy's sister, who. is ill' at 'that place. K. M. "McNeil. rHiade-a .business trip- to Copenhagen jast%eels:.-; Mr. and Slriv ••£. .jT. ^ r f d h u r y , who h av e been \ jiffii^ ^^fws*. at' Deeir - River a-ad - ' T y f e r i r i l e g m v e '""rethirned," home.—3to.'J«BB^^£lWi&^iinsr, Cor. ?/ .wiio have been visiting relatives in, . - . - - , , «~~. . ~. ~w., •iBarthage; Deer River and South Rut-j Mr. and JVTrs. William Virkler of, Paul, and^daugMer; Helena, were re- fesadV have returned home. | New Bremen were Sunday guests of | cent -guests cf WBHa'm Ba'chftuta and *$3ft\- and Mrs. Harvey ^airman who; Mr. and_ Mrs. Henry Einbeek, J family. ' Jsa^e: been visiting their daughter, 'Slr-fi.' A, Bradbury, and family, have re- titrhed to "their home at Barnes Cor- 3e$l.—&s. F. 9. Matty, Cor. * 3fo Backache or Kidney Fains. JiJC ybh SaVe iiaiiis in the back, uri- Wlh- Madder or kidney trouble,; diz- #!r|ig£ Stele m WStgy, iry. Mother etbj*medy. .^s a tonfe-teafive U XMMMieitBXB, the pleas- res*.The" Mother ! .'¥. were Mr. and Mrs. Frank' Fredenburg of j Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Pfaff Beaver Falls, were .recent guests, of .called to. Deer Rlyier 'Wednesday, on Mrs. J. J. Nuspfiger and family. account oi.'the -deafS' bf'.Mr.'.Pfaffs Rev. C. H. Hess of BeaVer ..Falls,. sisfef, Mfs. Benrjf,-WiBnfer:' ' -' : > was a caller in town Thursday.. ' miss" ^gnB Utea' s^ent- Satnr'day Mrs. William B'eyer and wn.'Cbes- 'and Sunday in-Wiafertowii. ""* ' ter, spent Friday wfth her ^randpa-r-' Mr. attfd Sirs. I f . H ''Baconian have ents. MY. and Mrs. John MeFa'H j been vMthxg -. M." and' Mi's. John WatteT F. Nu^Iige'r passefl Thurs-iLasi l sc'^l>e6r" : '!Bi*er.. day in Cjirthage. . ~ L j S>Ve^^nrSe*e'at^aiaed"th-e' , fu-J,'^7 Mra Jacob Rohr spent Wednesday enxal t&l&f&JqfSi&y...Walter ;f>t Deer.jtiiH nonjury SOWS Adv. vme, CTflfo. witn Jier daughter, Hrs. P. P. Schantz. 7 Mr*. jStiphia t a n AknbeV has bfe^i' syeirdtBg a few days 'with Mr. rfasrt Morris CafetreH.—Slss BMft ; ltelievRWiW Ge6rgeJ'*'W to'' r e-M4r"^h s Jutge'-l$g "wore%l H I r Tit utr> I 11 t k I T MpB Tfqr;!^^ -n JUBQ e bi d "fundainlnt'il principles upon;, • :al^i#lcdn nation s ba^»*j«ffl II aue* t tbo jQh {(liXttt plaA tot* I litlcAl Or* MWBBB^M[^WMpBSi^iaga^S^MSbL^ypJK^'>g^»;^^a^£^^^ ffi^a ~i$^ai&l^^^j&§$it&L-&K4Z&£K'£~?* ^aj.-^v: .,T,,;L-:' ~^££^£-,- L - i •- r""*V'*'II'" I i r •^tfirW'^m'iW«*i^'i<rV w ffMr^ *.

tetimm - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031842/1913-02-27/ed-1/seq-4.pdfIittdteb 4iy^jlgv| Circle Ga^« 'library. *""&• M3ies£f; Imgiovement Circle

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Page 1: tetimm - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031842/1913-02-27/ed-1/seq-4.pdfIittdteb 4iy^jlgv| Circle Ga^« 'library. *""&• M3ies£f; Imgiovement Circle

Iittdteb 4iy^jlgv| Circle Ga^«

' l i b r a r y .

*""&• M3ies£f; I m g i o v e m e n t Circle of jffff m e t a t ; the home of Mrs .

^ f ^ a ^ ^ a n ^ f S i i e p a r d l a s t week Thursday , ^ g f i f * jgl^&sant t i m e was enjoyed by . ^ | ^ | - . i i i f i ne r ' w a s served to forty-

*.-. lAxnong those p resen t were Rev. and : - | f e . Cha r l e s Shuihway of Gienfield, \Mfes Alni i ra Ca rpen t e r of Constab'le-

~ ville, Mr. and Mrs. G r a n t Ingersol l of, •Boonville, H a r r y Phi l l ips of House

«mght.Cap > o ^ | ' - ' - ¥ a s ; a ,¥e^ ' l f i r i i - " l i an t Sn ceek s ^ -b p i c r • I n t e r e s t i n g

'News. - G r a n g e H a l l w a s t he scene of ; a

p l easan t g a t h e r i n g Thursday^ eveAnfe, w h e n m o r e t h a n one h u n d r e d As­sembled a t " t h e Night Cap ' Social. The fol lowing p r o g r a m was nicely p r e s e n t e d : I n s t r u m e n t a l due t , . Miss Edy the Nor ton and F l o r en ce Bratf-fsfc; Rec i ta t ion , " 'Parcel Post ," Celia Seymour ; "Reci ta t ion, "How Sal ly Helped," Eva Miller; I n s t r u m e n t a l Duet, .Misses Edi th and E the l B r o w n ; Reci ta t ion, "Now is the Time," Mar-

... , , . , . „ . , _ .. | ion Seymour ; Song, "Down by the W I e , ^ r ; T

a n i M r S - ? , d W a r l D a m u t h , 0 1 d M n i g t ., u n i a n S m i t h ; Rec-Mr. an<l Mrs Grover Damuth Mr. and ; t a t i M , E s t h e r L o n a s _ M r s . E H. Millard, Mr. and Mrs. Ar- , T l l 8 n f o H o W e d a b e a n t c o n t t

tbur . Dickinson David Evans Clinton ; ,-n xMch t e n l a d i e s w U h M * A ^ A^fo, A r t h u r Shepaa-d Rober t Radley, j B l ; ! . d i c k a g c a p t a i n t o o k t h e s i d e

Mrs. Card, Loren White and Llewel-lyn Rober t s , all of Tur in .

v L i b r a r y Addi t ions . The following books have recent ly

been added to the l ib ra ry of the P r e s ­by te r ian Sunday school :

^Beautiful Joe , Ben Hur , Captain "Warren's Wards , The Chapercnc , A D a u g h t e r of the Manse, The Doctor, Doctor Lat imer , For Conscience Sake , Mrs. Wiggs, of the Cabbage Pa tch , Our Li t t le Brown Cousin, Our Li t t le Mexican Cousin, Pussy Meow,

captain, : aga ins t , ten gent lemen with Carl , Brown as Captain. The judges , I Char le s McConnel and F . E. W a r m -

wood decided in favor of the gent le ­men who were t rea ted to popcorn balls which they generous ly shared with the i r lady opponents .

A grocery contes t foiiowed in which Miss Ger t rude Budd was the winner of the first prize, and Col. Jacob Van Woer t the consolat ion prize. In the corn guess ing contes t A r t h u r Burdick was t he successful

?.#h« r a l M I d ^ a i


r r Bar­

er bl I d j

tif4ftd[da fc vac I i i

ira * h| 1 clock


i J # h i


r'-at MKsV

t h e sday t a t

'^^Pori. Ley-

/'•• —6the i>T<>wtt#ew8. .

Liast Thursday , ; a t "the l iofee of t e e br ide ' s -pareMs, Sir. ataa" Bifr3. C. %. . Peebles , occu r r ed . , t h e . m a r r i a g e , of their daugh te r , MarJy 13. "P'eeble's t o Clair Smfth, of S p r i n g Mill's, Alle­ghany County.

At 12 o'clock, in t he p resence of the immedia te family, they were made husband a n a wife, Rev. W. A. Garden ­er pas to r of the Methodist Church , pe r fo rming the ceremony. After t he usua l congra tu la t ions d inner . was served.

Miss Peebles has a lways lived he re a n d b a s many fr iends in th i s locality. Mr Smith came he re from Spr ing \ ^ ^ i f " • S a r t ^ ^ ! 5 E 5 S e r 8 7 " r a d " a Mills nea r ly two y e a r s ago, and h a s I g r a n d d a u g h t e r , Mr*, ' i d w a r d Oldfield, won many friends s ince he came h e r e . ! nf <h\* ,vifldo, *v ,U - V-

Mr. .and Mrs . Smith left G i e n f i e l d ! " P * .' J / / fcr the i r wedding t r ip in the southern I A VmaSky F a t t y . p a r t cf the s ta te . j Las t Wedrlesda-y' :evejning Miss Mu'r

Tite WaVufogton Social. * i i e l Nevin ce lebra ted p e r 13th b i r th - j h ,«, , . | day by en te r t a in ing a [company of he r j

' f r iends . A m o s t m j e W b l c t ime was j

b e r P ^ \ d v i t i t d a }

Md^a; .Pories' a r t e r i j , „

Mr. Barbejjff-. den m AfgKJMf .•of. this . i|rl'ae# wife, Wbicat^t m ago wheja ^<ef went tb live:-" •Ida E v a n s 'of, ' ft | | V f ! 0 r h e r s . H was a veter 'an: | ) | ' j^p.Si ivfI War , hav­ing served 5 r i " % h # | j l | » % a r .

He leaves 'QfleX.B&^SjrV/Parry Bar­be r of Greig, tfiSefl^jEteftter. Mr*. Ida

jgjpiga. res ident S ^ a t i i ; o f -'bis

d I g i H t j t w o yea r s 'Sbgsjdehce and

qjglgaler , Mrs.

Seven Oaks, Shaggy Coat, S t r a w b e r r y gr.esser and consolat ion prizes

'••' ffy-i^i

Acres , Seventeen Li t t le Bears , The Secre t Garden, The Second Genera­t ion, The Tes t ing Fi re , Th ree Li t t le Cotton Tai l s . The Victory of Allen Rut ledge , Via Crucis , Wi th Cus ter in the Black Hil ls .

Underwent Operat ion. Clarence W. St rong is at F a s t e n

Hospi ta l , Utica, where he was opera t ­ed upon .last Sa tu rday for a rup tu re . Mr. S t rong has been spending the win te r in Flor ida , and re tu rned ac far as Utica, where he will receive t rea t ­ment . The latest r epor t s from hir-i a r e favorable and his many friends hope he will be seen again in Tur in soon.

P re sby t e r i an O i n r c h ^"otcs. The men scored ano ther vic 'ory in

the a t t endance con tes t at the Presby­ter ian Sunday school las t Sunday, the coun t being 62 to 39 per. c e n t , mak­ing the s tanding for the two weeks 122 to 92.

The annua l mee t ing of the Presby­t e r i an Church will be held on Mon­day, March 3, beginning at 1:^0 p. m. Two t rus t ees and two e lders will be elected and the annua l repor t s will be read. After the mee t ing t he usua l suppe r will be served in the chapel .

Women's Home -Missions.

The Woman ' s Home Missionary So­ciety of the M. E. Church will hold the i r r egu la r meet ing a t the home of Miss Grace Shepard next F r iday af­te rnoon at 2 o'clock. The mite boxes will be opened a t th is meet ing.

Brief Town >'ews. The Tur in Grange will meet next

Sa tu rday af ternoon a t 1:30 o'clec ' ' The first and second degrees wiK confer red and a p r o g r a m rendered. s Jggpguad. -Mrsi Char les Hoffman en-

-^^^^^^'iar d i n n e r las t Thu r sday . '£$. Alber t W. Kidder of

i ! a n d Mrs. George Aim and tw© ch i ld ren of Constablevi l le .

T h e r e g u l a r meet ing of the Men's Guild will be held at the home of P. B. Oaster , on Tuesday evening, March i.

Mrs. Helen Marham is teaching in Dis t r ic t No. ", Tur in . H e r school commenced las t Monday.

Persona l Mention. Miss Cecil Rober t s o

spending some time fr iends.

Miss Clara Markham h e r school in Collinsvi:

^ day. Communion will b " observed in the

M. E. Church next Sunday morning. Miss S. Mabel Miller r e tu rned from

a p leasan t visit with friends in Roch­es te r , last Sa turday .

Mrs. ('. M. Smith has an a la l i a which has 37 ia rge white blossoms.

Miss Anna Mae Millard o;' I 'tica, is visi t ing fr iends in Tur in .

.Miss Carr ie K. Sat tes c o m m e n ^ d her school in the town of Mar t ins -burg las t Monday.

— v Mrs. John Oaster . who h a s been in Sll. Luke ' s Hospital for several weeks for - t rea tment r e tu rned las t woe'; Thu r sday . Her many !' p leased to see her much i A. T. J o n e s , Cor.

awarded to Mrs. El la Brown and Miss Kat ie Beals . After these exerc ises each gen t l eman purchased and don-

Thc Washing ton Social F r iday evening was largely a t tended. One hundred and twenty gues t s wore present .

The house was pret t i ly decorated with nat ional colors and ha tche ts . Orches t ra music was furnis'hpd and games w e r e played. A good time is repor ted by ail .

En t e r t a ined Kind's D a u g h t e r s . The King 's Daugh te r s Circle, and

the c lass of in t e rmed ia t e s of the

spen t in p la iyng gan ,ps , af ter which dainty refreshments') were served.

ned his cap, which wi thou t exception ; P resby te r i an Sunday school were in-were most becoming, then sought and vited to the 'home of Mrs. Tha t che r . found his p a r t n e r for supper and al l : on Sa tu rday af ternoon to mee t her did jus t ice to the well tilled tables . I s is ter , Miss H a r r i e t E. Sheldon, r e - i

The nea t sum of $25.55 was realized I cent ly of Beulah .Mission, Natal , South :

and the M. E . Society wish to t hank ' Africa. all who in a n y way contr ibuted to the • Miss Shelden gave a vivid and high- ' evening 's success . j ly in te res t ing account of the l i " e ' o f :

.Snrnrised Mrs. Brown. i t h e Zulus , i l l u s t r a t ing the same by , many cur ios and pho tographs b rough t

Brief ^>wii Stf*s. Miss Eefta €!; "iSEraimoh-, commenced

h e r Sp r ing t e r m of school Motfday i n t h e Snecke r d is t r ic t . , All welcome mte Grari&on %aM" aagin .

School , h a s •reopfned a t Spe r ryv i l l s , a f ter a ifour weeks ' vacat ion wi th Miss Li l l ian P r i t c h a r d of Houscvi l le , a s teacher .

T h e Ghost Social held a t S tuddrs was a success in every way. All bad a good t ime.

M3ss Ahim Peckham has r e t u r n e d from Geneva; whe re she h a s been some t ime wi th h e r s i s te r Mrs. Wil­l i am Black. She commenced h e r school in the town of New Bremen Monday.-.

P e r s o n a l s , Mrs. Wil l iam Provorce and daugh­

ter , Delia visited a t the home of Mr. and Mrs. H e n r y Chase, Sa turday .

Mrs. E m m e t t Rennie and son, Leon, a r e sick a t this wri t ing.

Mr. William Howard cont inues to be very sick.

The family of H e n r y Chase are all sick a t this wri t ing.

1 John Maxwell was Sunday gues t of ; Mr. and Mrs. Louis Gazin. I Mrs. Louis Saunde r s has r e tu rned I from Clinton, where she has been the 1 pas t week.

Mrs. Marcei lus Har t l ey and son, '• Merrel ls , spent Wednesday with Mr. -and Mrs. Solomon Rennie . i Samuel , the l i t t le son of Mr. and ; Mrs. Leo Vanat ta , is recover ing from 1 a hard cold. , H e r m a n Fen ton cont inues very i i:oor!y.

Vernon Brown visited friends a t Lyons Fa l l s last week.

Mrs. Walker Saunder s is very ill a t this wri t ing.

Mrs. Nett ie L. Brov.n of New York



of AH Winter G<>ods

is what We demand. y

Lev. with

con e, la

vi le Ti

mien s t J!

is ri i i

c-cd on-

Mrs. Ella Brown was the recipient of a p leasan t su rp r i se las t Tuesday evening. Mrs. Brown has been in­vited to take tea with a friend and upon r e t u r n i n g home in the ear ly evening found the house filled with friends who had entered unbidden dur ing her absence.

The hours were p leasant ly passed with music and conversa t ion :'iul de-delicious re f reshments were served. Much Credit is due Miss Mae Claffey fcr the evening 's enjoyment.

Mrs. Brown, who has gone to Boon­ville to make her future home, has many fr iends here , who while they regre t her depa r tu re , wish her much happ iness in her new home.

GreJK Grange Meeting. The r e g u l a r meet ing of Greig

Grange will be held Sa tu rday even­ing,, March 1st. and the first and sec­ond degrees conferred on a c!a--s of sixteen. One of the iaides of this c lass is repor ted to have reached the advanced age cf 97 years but is still very act ive and will make a valued addition to our membersh ip . A large a t t endance is desired.

Brief Town News. H a r r y Barbe r on Monday received

the news of his fa ther ' s death, Adel-be r t Barber , which occurred a t the heme of his g randdaugh te r , .Mrs. Old-field of Lyons Fa l l s , where he was visiting, Mr. Barber was a veteran of the Civil War.

Mr. and Mrs. Blade have purchased of l-invrence Beck. Jr . , his house in Greig and will take immedia'.i pos­session.

Greig Pe r sona l s . C. O. Brown of Talcot tvi l le , was in

town Sunday. .Mrs. Maurice Buckley and daug:;-

t'-r, Hilda, r e tu rned home last week 1'iori a visit with friends in Car thage .

E rnes t Har r i son and ' 'Mac" jfc-Kcown o'' Lowville, spent Sunday with the former 's pa ren t s , Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Harr i son .

William l.ouas of Lowville, sp^nf Sunday wiih his pa ren t s , Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lcnas .

U 'v . Fred E. Har t l ey will speak in the M. I-;. Church Sunday at 11 a. m., and 7 p. m. All a r e cordial ly invited.

land. She also and sang in the

from tha t far-away read the Sc r ip tu re Zulu tongue.

\ Ha t JSocinl. The Ladies ' Aid of the Methodist

Church will give a "Hat Social" at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pi tch­er. F r iday evening, F e b r u a r y 28. (Ouch lady is requested to br ing a hat, t r im­ming fcr the same, thread, needle and th imble to be used by the gent lemen in a mil l inery contest . Tickets 10 cents . Come ar.d seo the Eas t e r dis­play at thf close of the social.

Uriel' Mens Notes.

The co r responden t will be glad to recel'. e any news i tems for publica­tion a t her home, not la ter than Mon­day nccn .

Twenty-fiv" or more books on F a r m i n g and Home Economies, loaned hy the Sta te Library at Al­bany, a r e expected a t the L ib ra ry in about two weeks.

Mrs. S a r a h Phi l l ips spent a few days at West Mar t in sbu rg last week.

Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Peebles and family of Lowville a t tended the Smith Peebles wedding he re T h u r s ­day.—.'liss .Lydi;! 10vans, Vc.v,


were The following were . Miss Kevin's g u e s t s :

Misses E m m a a n d / l la ry K i t t redge, Ju l i a Dolan, V e r o n l g i He lmar , F l o r ­ence Hosk ins , Lau i JP Campbel l , Els ie Wil l iams, Louise.', Manning , Gladys Wilson, He len H i t y g a s , Marjory F l a n ­ders , Eudo ra Wa'loVron, El izabeth F a i r -child, H i lda Gilljen and Char lo t te Hess . j

Town Ne'ws ~tfotc?. Mr. Carl K idde r of Constablevi l le ,

died suddenly en Sunday morning , at the H a r r i s house in th i s village.

The S. C. Circ le of King 's Daugh­t e r s will meet w i th Mrs. H a r r y Bur- . City, is spending a._ few days with_hcr dick, F r iday af te rnoon a t 2:30.

The Red R inge r s will mee t the T u r ­in High School baske t ball team at Tur in S a t u r d a y evening.

Mrs. Hun t , mo the r cf Mrs. C. F. and Mrs. R o b e r t K i t t r edgs , ce lebra ted her 84th b i r thday Monday, F e b r u a r y 24. Mrs. H u n t is in fine hea l th and re ­ceived many ca l l e r s Manday.

PersoK.il Mention. Mr. and Mrs . C. H. Fa i r ch i ld spent

Sunday with Mrs. Fa i r ch i l d ' s pa ren t s , Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Wilcox of Por t Leydcn.

Miss Grace Dunn of Lowville has been visiting friends and re la t ives , f f r this place.

Kath leen Ryan will commence ' the Spr ing t e rm, Monday a t he r school in the Jones distr ict .

Miss F lo r ence Egan spent las t F r i ­day and Saturday with friends in Uti­ca.

Mr. G. Ward Arnold and Mr. J a m e s Lyman were home for over Sunday from ilion, where they a r e employed.

Miss E lmina Dominick of Westfield, Mass, is spending a few days with her pa ren t s , Mr. and Mrs. F . I. Dom­inick.

Miss Marion Fai rchi ld of Lowville, spent Sunday with her cousin, Miss El izabeth Fai rchi ld .

Mr. N. J. P a r k e r and daughte r , Vel-ma , spen t Sunday wi th Mr. . E d w a r d

Ready and Custom Made Suits and Overcoats.


Lewis Clothin LOWVILLE C R O G H A N

Adds whoksomeness to the food.

paren t s , Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Ron­nie.

'< Mr. and Mrs. Martin Ward spent j Mast week with Mr. and Mrs. Char le s Wimmett . j

; Mrs. E m m a Oarr , cf Lowville, visit- ' cd friends a t Sperryvi l le las t week. :

: The Misses Mary and Winifred Vcr • Snyder en te r ta ined the Misses Perna l and Ruth Burke , Wednesday.—Mrs. Solomon Iteiinie, Cor.


P a r k e r in Carthage' .

Death of Mrs. Pfiiliand, Mrs. Joseph Pachand passed away

a t her home Monday evening at \'l o'clock. She has been in ill health for the past four or live yea r s . Her maiden name was Joseph ine I.argot. She was an aged an drespected resi­dent of this place.

Mrs. Pachand is survived by her husband, two sons , George of West Car thage , and William o'.' this place, also two daugh te r s of V.'atertown, be­sides her two bro the rs , Joseph and J a m e s Larget of this place, and also a number of g randch i ld ren .

H e r funeral was held T h u r s d a y from St. S tephens Church at Croghan. I n t e r m e n t a t St. S tephens ' cemetery .

})ied After Operat ion. Mr. J o h n N. Sa'uer of this place,

A plain cake, made with Cleveland's Baking Powder, is better than a pound cake costing twice as much made with an alum powder.

Cleveland's clean an trouble and concern makes the caKe lighter, sweeter, purer, more appetiz­ing and beautiful and assuredly whole­some.

T a k e every precaution to avoid alum baking powders, as alum in food is deleterious. T h e y may b e known by their lower price.

aKing r owder is pure, wholesome anc with less


Fr i path;,

M r. Mr.

Ell is Claffey Lowville.—.Vrs.

sneiil 31.' ¥ .

Thu r sday Kil ls , ( o r .

lends a r e nproved.—

mm NOTES Xeivs Notes.

.Mrs. J acob Plaff Mr. f'.i-

M O X T A G r E .

Mr. ami .Mrs. J acob Plaff and and Mrs. A. L. Zaun a t tended the ncral of Mrs. H e n r y Wisncr a t Car­thage Thursday .

The nex t r e g u l a r meet ing will be held on Sa tu rday evening. March L Regula r order of bus iness , p rogram in charge of the unmar r i ed men, Joshua Tooker, leader.

P e r s o n a l s . Mr. and Mrs. F red Schcrge and

son Imber t , passed Sunday with Mrs. Elizabeth Mathys and family.

Mr. and Mrs. Pe ter Saue r of Corse t City, spent Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sauer .

Mr. and Mrs. Rober t Lus ty were the gues t s Wednesday of Mr. and Mrs. F red Schorge.

Miss Lil l ian Weir is spend ing some t ime with fr iends in Car thage .

Miss A n n a Schantz and Augus tu s Schantz of Deer River, spent Wednes­day with Anna Reis .

Mr. and Mrs. Char les Meeker were in Ca r thage Tuesday .

Mr. and Mrs.- Joseph Bachman and daugh te r , Alice, and son, F r ede r i ck , and Miss E s t h e r Bachman , spent

Roy Wil l iams of Copenhagen spent t he week-end with his pa r en t s in this p lace .

Mrs. J a n e t Mattl p leasan t ly enter ­ta ined on Thur sday , Mrs. Char les Dening and daughter , Mary, and Mrs. K e n t Den ing and son. Char ies .

Mrs. Emcgene Townsend of Cop­enhagen , and Mrs. H a r r y Boutwel l and son, Gordon, of Hooker , were the g u e s t s of Mrs . F r a n k Matty, T h u r s ­day.

Char les Lynch was in Lowville, F r i ­day.

Glen Pos t made a bus iness t r ip to Copenhagen, Tuesday.

A gir l w a s born to Mr. and Mrs. f r e d Ki lburn , F e b r u a r y 14.

"Mildred B u r n s of New Boston, was a r e c e n t gues t of her uncle, Lade t te Gou t r emon t and family.

Mr. and Mrs . Thomas Murphy vis­i t e d re la t ives a t Rec to r ' s Corners , F r iday . . . Miss .ifancy F a i l i n g is v is i t ing a t i T h u r s d a y wi th re la t ives in New Bre -

the r hc i i e ' of Mr. and Mrs . Lade t t e , ' m e n -

Sympathy is Extended . ids in this, place extend syni-to Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Kii lcy of

Boonville. in the dea th of their li t t le son, Lcrna rd Eugene.

Anions- lite Hick, Miss Clevcra Pike and Leo O'Brien

a r e confined in the house by i l lness. Dr. 15. L. Rockwell in the a t tending phy;-,ic;an.

The many friends of Mi.;c Mary E. Walsh will regre t to learn that she "dees not improve from her recent ill­ness.

Attended Fune ra l . Mr. and Mrs. John ( laughen,

and Mr: . Howard Klosner and and Mrs. Philip Mcilovern a t tended the funeral of Bernard Kirley, which was held at Constablevil le , Thursday .

P e r s o n s ! Mention. F r a n k A i k e n et' Talcot tvi l le , spent

ii few days recently with his bro ther . Edward Ankeu.

John Walsh of Whiiosboro, is the guest e t his bro ther . Michael J. Walsh.

Mrs. Char les Kreager and daugh­ters . Xora and Ka the r ine , spent Thur sday with Mrs. Kreage r ' s par ­ents , Mr. and .Mrs. Joseph Seelman at Mohawk Hill.

Mrs. Will iam Murphy of Boonville, is spending a few days with her pa r ­ents, Mr. and Mrs. F r e d Klosner .

Mrs. E. O. Anken and Mrs. M. V. Conway spent T h u r s d a y in Boonville.

Mr. and Mrs. Wil l iam Walsh were the Sunday gues t s of Mr. and Mrs. F r a n k Kafory a t F i s h Crack.—3Irs . 51. F , Comvay, Cor.

Mrs. J o h n Mil ler is spend ing some • w a s

t ime with her mother , Mrs . 'N icho la s Shaver , of Gienfield.—L. P . M. Gay-lord, Cor.


Town Xevvs ?Votes. Xo chur'-h service was held Sunday

evening, owing to s to rmy weather . At a meet ing cf Cedar Spr ing

Cheese F a c t o r y P a t r o n s Alber t Mar­cei lus and Fred S t u r e r were appoint ­ed to consider p l ans for a l imburger cheese factory and will r epor t a t a meet ing to be cal led la ter .

G. B. Wilder recent ly had the mis­for tune to I j se a cow.

P e r s o n a l s . Mrs. Edivard Baldwin, who was ill

last week, is now bet ter . A 'be r t Bliss and daughte r , Anna,

were Sunday ca l le r s a t Mrs. Emogcne Fen ton 's .

Mr. and Mrs. John L. Beach spent several days of las t week in Antwerp .

John B u r k e is spending a few days in Syracuse .

E d n a Beach expec ts to go to Her ­k imer this week.

Mis . F r a n k VerSnyder visited her s is ter , Mrs. Murtai igh. in Greig. one day l a s t week.—Mrs. George IS. Wild­er, f o r .

called to Wate r town Fr iday to | see his father a t the City Hospi tal . , ;

who was not expected to recover from ! and opera t ion , and who passed away • Sa tu rday evening a t (J:20 p. m.

Brief >'ews Notes . The fa rmers of this place have their ,

ice "houses well filled up. . Mr. Nicholas Lewis has purchased

a house and lot a t Cas tor land, con­s iderat ion SS00. ;

Mr. Maurice Pate has purchased , seventeen head of ca t t le of John ;

Golden at Indian River. i

P f r s o n a K | Mrs. F red Groner visited Mr. and j

Mrs. Sebast ian Mart in Tuesday. :

Mrs. J u l i u s F . Meyer called on Mr. and Mrs. J o h n P. Pate , Monday.

Mr. Pe r r i go has removed his fam- , ily on the Swiss Road. \

Mrs. Sebas t ian Mart in called on , Mrs. Char les Meyer, Thur sday . [

Misses Ri l ia and Cla ra I. Mart in vis- ! ited their cousin. Miss Luel la H. Dc- ! Lawyer. Thu r sday .

.Mrs. Ju l ius F . Meyer called on Mrs. • John N. Sauer , F r iday af ternoon. j

Misses Lucl ia H. DeLawyer vis- ; ited Ri l la and C la ra Mart in W e d n e s ­day a f te rnoon—Clara I . Mar t in , Cor.

*UR KAYO D R I V I N G L A M P is the most compact and efficient

lighting device for all kinds of vehicles. Will not blow out or jar out. Equipped with thumb screws, so that it is easily attached or detached. Throws a clear light 200 feet ahead. Extra large red danger signal in back. I t i s e q u i p p e d w i t h h a n d l e , a n d w h e n d e t a c h e d m a k e s a g o o d h a n d l a n t e r n . S t r o n g . D u r a b l e . W i l l l a s t for y e a r s .

At Dealers Everywhere


New York



SSir t remont . , - ' t e \ and Mrs . Adelber t Bradbury ,

Mrs . H e r m a n Grau and Mms K a t e : Gran passed a day recen t ly wi th Mr. and Mrs." Pe t e r Bal lear .

Grunge News. The next r e g u l a r mee t ing of Kivor

Bank Grange will be held Sa tu rday evening, Xvlarch 1st. P r o g r a m m e in chargg of the u n m a r r i e d m e n ; Josh­ua Tc'oker, leader .

On the Sick List , Those a t p resen t on the sick list, a t

River Bank . a r e as fol lows: Mrs. Char les Snyder , Miss AKre t ta Meis-ter , Mas te r Lewi s 'Walsman.

P e r s o n a l s . Mr. and Mrs . .Taddb K o h r visited

friends Til Lowville, ' Sa tu rday . Mr. and Mrs . J o h n R p h r spen t Wed­

nesday in Croghan . _ " Mr. and Mi's. J e s s y f rk l e r : snd son,

Mrs. Orin Lacy is on "the sick list, i Mrs. D. J . Bu t t s , who h a s been hav-I ing gr ippe, is be t ter . j School opened Monday, wi th Miss I Myrt le Burnes of Ba rnes Corners a s ' t eacher . I Gaylord Church , of Lowvil le, is vis-| i t ing his g r a n d p a r e n t s , Mr. and Mrs . ; John Church .

Mrs. H a r r y Bqutwepl and son, Gor-t don, a l so ' Mrs. Brnogehe. Townsend , visi ted Mrs . ' "Frank Matty, a t t h e "L ib ­e r t y " Thu r sday . . ' . . ' •

Mr. and Mrs> T h o m a s Murphy spfent F r i d a y a t "Rector With Mi\ Murphy ' s s i s ter , who. i s ill' a t ' that p lace .

K. M. "McNeil. rHiade-a .business trip-to Copenhagen j a s t % e e l s : . - ;

Mr. a n d Slriv••£. .jT. ^ r f d h u r y , who h av e been \ j i f f i i ^ ^ ^ f w s * . a t ' Deeir -R iver a-ad - ' T y f e r i r i l e g m v e '""rethirned," home.—3to. 'J«BB^^£lWi&^iinsr , Cor. ? /

.wiio have been vis i t ing re la t ives i n , . - . - - , , «~~. . ~. ~w., •iBarthage; Deer R ive r a n d South R u t - j Mr. and JVTrs. Wil l iam Virkler of, Paul , and^daugMer ; He lena , were r e -fesadV h a v e r e t u r n e d home. | N e w B r e m e n w e r e Sunday gues t s of | cent -guests cf WBHa'm Ba'chftuta and *$3ft\- a n d Mrs . H a r v e y ^ a i r m a n w h o ; Mr. and_ Mrs . H e n r y Einbeek, J family. '

J s a ^ e : b e e n v is i t ing t h e i r daugh te r , 'Slr-fi.' A, Bradbury , a n d family, have r e -t i t rhed t o "their h o m e a t B a r n e s Cor-3 e $ l . — & s . F . 9. Matty, Cor.

* 3fo B a c k a c h e o r Kidney F a i n s . JiJC ybh SaVe i iai i is in t h e back , u r i -Wlh- M a d d e r o r k idney trouble, ; diz-

# ! r | i g £ Stele m WStgy, i r y . Mothe r e t b j * m e d y . . ^ s a t o n f e - t e a f i v e U XMMMieitBXB, t h e p l e a s -

re s* .The" Mothe r ! . ' ¥ .

w e r e Mr. a n d Mrs . Frank ' F r e d e n b u r g of j Mr. a n d Mrs . S a m u e l Pfaff Beaver Fa l l s , we re . recent gues t s , of .ca l led to . Deer Rlyier 'Wednesday, on Mrs . J . J . Nuspfiger a n d family . a c c o u n t o i . ' t h e -deafS' b f ' .Mr . ' .P fa f f s

Rev. C. H . H e s s of BeaVer . .Fa l l s , . sisfef, Mfs . Benrjf,-WiBnfer:' ' -' : > w a s a ca l l e r in town T h u r s d a y . . ' miss" ^gnB U t e a ' s ^ e n t - Satnr 'day

Mrs. Wil l iam B'eyer a n d w n . ' C b e s - ' a n d Sunday in-Wiafertowii. ""* ' t e r , s p e n t F r i d a y wfth h e r ^ r a n d p a - r - ' Mr. attfd S i r s . I f . H ' 'Baconian h a v e en t s . MY. and Mrs. J o h n MeFa'H j been vMthxg -. M . " and ' Mi's. J o h n

WatteT F . N u ^ I i g e ' r passefl Thu r s - iLas i l sc ' ^ l>e6 r " : ' !B i*e r . . day in Cjir thage. . ~ L j S > V e ^ ^ n r S e * e ' a t ^ a i a e d " t h - e ' , f u - J , ' ^ 7

M r a J a c o b R o h r s p e n t Wednesday enxal t&l&f&JqfSi&y...Walter ;f>t Deer . j t i iH nonjury

SOWS Adv. vme, CTflfo.

witn Jier daughter, Hrs. P. P. Schantz. 7 Mr*. jStiphia t a n AknbeV has bfe^i' syeirdtBg a few days 'with Mr. rfasrt

Morris CafetreH.—Slss BMft


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