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<h1><font color="#FFFFFF">No-Intro NDS Auto Patcher by Oxyandy 2013<div class="line"></div></font></div></h1><p><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#FFFFFF">Primary function, keep a No-Intro set current as DS ROMs are moved from &quot;Main Set&quot; to back-up folder.<br

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>No need for patches (although optional - will patch offline) or other programs, just NDS ROMs which need patching in folder.<br>Run the &quot;Automatic No-Intro DS Patcher&quot; in folder with </font><font size="2" face="Comic Sans MS" color="#00FF00">EXTRACTED</font><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#FFFFFF"><font size="2"> NDS ROMs</font> in need of a patch, needs to be allowed in firewall..<br><br>Works with non / numbered ROMS. Doesn't care what name the NDS are.. <br></font><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#00FF00">&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;&gt;There is no GUI,&nbsp; it's Usage is based on 'what is in the folder / subfolders', when you run it.&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;&lt;<br>What you do with Xdelta GUI, this program does for you, but without any thought, and in BULK, truly a &quot;DS Auto-patcher&quot;</font></p><p><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#FFFFFF">This means no paths or <i>anything to set</i>, from just a 'double click', it will complete any Scenario as below, then exit itself, easy.<br>I really suggest you quickly read through the usage scenarios below, so you know exactly how to make best use of this extremely useful tool.</font></p><p><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#FFFFFF">Existing patches can be named like this: in (Rar support now dumped), Zip or 7z, or extracted, in Root or Subfolders.</font></p><p><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#FFFFCC" size="1">1431 - 4550B2E9 to 505C740B.zip&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1431_New-4550B2E9_to_Old-505C740B.zip&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4550B2E9 to 505C740B.zip&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;4550B2E9_to_Old.zip<br><br></font><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#FFFFCC" size="2">1431_patch.zip&nbsp;&nbsp;or 1431.zip&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <-- will fail (no source file 'CRC to' in name, so extract contents)&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;.xdelta or .xdelta3 inside</font></p><font face="Comic Sans MS"><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#FFFFFF"><span style="text-shadow:yellow 1px 1px 1px; color:violet; font-size:14pt" class="bbc_color"> Usage Scenario 1: </span><span style="text-shadow:yellow 1px 1px 1px; color:violet; " class="bbc_color"> <font size="2">FINDING &amp; USING PATCHES YOU ALREADY HAVE.</font></span><br><p>T<font color="#FFFFFF">o make a Roll Back ROM, to apply an English patch which wont apply on current ROM. (or make a Roll Back Set)<br>You have a subfolder full of Xdelta patches called &quot;Nintendo - DS Patches&quot;<br>You extract 1431 - Cooking Mama (Korea).nds &lt;- current CRC from No-Intro is 4550B2E9<br>Run the </font>No-Intro Auto Patcher<font color="#FFFFFF">, it will instantly find the following Xdelta patches and extract them (The original zip set will not be changed) <br></font> </font><font color="#FFFFCC" size="2">1431 - 4550B2E9 to 505C740B.zip&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1431 - 4550B2E9 to CA5232CA.zip&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;1431 - 4550B2E9 to ECACDD3F.zip</font><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#FFFFFF"

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><br>Instantly You will have 3 OLD versions of 1431 created in the &quot;Patched ROMs&quot; folder.<br><br><font face="Comic Sans MS"><span style="text-shadow:yellow 1px 1px 1px; color:violet; font-size:14pt" class="bbc_color">Usage Scenario 2: </span><span style="text-shadow:yellow 1px 1px 1px; color:violet; " class="bbc_color"><font size="2">USING PATCHER TO DOWNLOAD PATCHES FROM INTERNET.</font></span></font></p><p><font color="#FFFFFF">You have no Xdelta patches at all, you are missing a single ROM from your No-Intro set, so you download it from a site.<br>But it doesn't match latest dat - It has CRC ECACDD3F being 1431 - Cooking Mama (Korea).nds<br>Run the </font>&quot;No-Intro DS ROM Updater&quot;with the ROM extracted in the folder it will download the Xdelta and instantly patch ECACDD3F to 4550B2E9<br>You will find the ROM in the &quot;Patched ROMs&quot; folder.<br>Your set complete.</p><p><span style="text-shadow:yellow 1px 1px 1px; color:violet; font-size:14pt" class="bbc_color">Usage Scenario 3: </span><span style="text-shadow:yellow 1px 1px 1px; color:violet; " class="bbc_color"><font size="2">USING YOUR OWN PATCHES.</font></span></p><p><font color="#FFFFFF">Yesterday, your No-Intro NDS set was complete, today with latest dat ROMs 2569 - 2593 - 3032 - 3129 - 3593 - 3765 - 4080 - 4170<br>Are all moved into the back-up folder, you extract the ROMs and </font></font><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#0EB5EA">run the Patcher, nothing changes.</font><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#FFFFFF"><font color="#FFFFFF"> <br>(</font></font><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#0EB5EA">The patches are not yet on the server and I am sleeping</font><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#FFFFFF"><font color="#FFFFFF">)<br>You look at the &quot;No-Intro � NDS Patch Section&quot; a post has just been made and all the patches are now posted on the thread.. So you download them.<br>Now because the patcher can not make use of Xdelta patches inside archives named just 2569.zip, 2593.zip etc<br>(xdelta patch needs source 'CRC to' in file name)<br>You extract the Xdelta patches to same folder (or subfolder) as the extracted roms, now run the<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#FFFFFF">No-Intro &quot;DS Auto Patcher&quot;</font>again,<br>it will find the correct xdeltas,all 8 new roms will be in the &quot;Patched ROMs&quot; folder.</p><p><font color="#FFFFFF"><span style="text-shadow:yellow 1px 1px 1px; color:violet; font-size:14pt" class="bbc_color">Usage Scenario 4: </span><span style="text-shadow:yellow 1px 1px 1px; color:violet; " class="bbc_color">

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<font size="2">SET CONVERSION.</font></span></p></font><p><font color="#FFFFFF">You have an </font></font></font><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#6699FF">Advance Scene</font><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Comic Sans MS"><font color="#FFFFFF"> or </font></font><font color="#6699FF" face="Comic Sans MS">PocketHeaven</font><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Comic Sans MS"><font color="#FFFFFF"> NDS Set, and now know that No-Intro NDS is the best and want to convert them to No-Intro.</font></p><p><font color="#FFFFFF"><u>2 Options here:</u><br>1. If you already have a Xdelta Patch Archive, place them in a sub-folder called &quot;Xdelta patches&quot; (Can be any-name tho.) <font size="2">Or</font><br>2. Let the program download them for you !</font><font color="#8AFD8F"><i>&lt;- you MUST use CMP to sort and rename ROMs first !</i></font><br><span class="c111">IMPORTANT READ STEPS 1 to 6 before running the &quot;DS Patcher&quot; !</span><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#FFFFFF"><br>1. Rename &quot;Pocket/Advance NDS&quot; folder (with all your ROMs in it) to &quot;No-Intro NDS&quot; folder<br>2. Get current No-Intro NDS dat.<br>3. Set path in CMP to newly renamed folder.<br>4. Ensure CMP back-up folder for this set is on the same drive as main set.<br>5. Enable ALL fix options in CMP, untick ask before fixing - Then click &quot;New Scan&quot; </font><i><font color="#8AFD8F">&lt;- allow CMP to complete</font></i><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#FFFFFF"><br>6. Go to CMP Back Up Folder, extract all ROMs, delete original archives.</font></font><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#8AFD8F"><i>&lt;- these files in the back up folder are the ones needing patching</i></font><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#FFFFFF"><br><br>Around 770 files for PocketHeaven in Back Up Folder.<br>Around 625 files for Advance Scene in Back Up Folder. (if is more - see note below)<br>Note: Depending on which AdvanScene dat, you may have 124 DEMOs in the set, which belong in a No-Int dat called</font><br><a title="Grab DAT files here !" target="_blank" href="http://datomatic.no-intro.org/?page=download"><span class="yl">Nintendo - Nintendo DS (Download Play) (BETA)</span></a></font><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Comic Sans MS"> So you need to get this dat to move them out of the back-up folder too. (Will reduce time patching)</font></p><p><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#8AFD8F"><font face="Comic Sans MS"><i>Why people don't read LOL - Today (Aug 21st) I hard coded &quot;Download Play BETA&quot; &amp; &quot;DSi Decrypted&quot; dats into the &quot;NDS ROM Updater&quot;<br>Now if the patcher see these files, they will be moved to their respective folders.</i></font></font><br><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Comic Sans MS">7. Run Patcher in Back-up Folder<br>Expect </font> </font><font color="#00FF00">an hour or so</font><font color="#FFFFFF"> <font face="Comic Sans MS">to complete, if stopped will resume from last ROM, but stopping can corrupt files.</font><br>

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<font face="Comic Sans MS">8. Delete all just CRC for filename ROMs - Keep files</font> <font color="#9900CC" face="Comic Sans MS"><u><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Comic Sans MS">with NDS</font></u></font><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Comic Sans MS"> extension and full name (Some maybe waiting for Xdeltas = fresh redumps)<br> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; OR xdeltas are too large to host here. Can be found elsewhere.<br>9. Point CMP to Patched subfolder, Rebuild to main set, Remove matched ticked<br>10. Done</font></p><div class="line"></div></p></font>

<p><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#FF0000">Monday Jan 13th 2014.</font><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#00FF00"> DUE TO REPEATED HACK ATTEMPTS ON MY SERVER - downloads of the DEMO patcher have been stopped.<br>Also</font><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#FFFF00">existing DEMO program will no longer function</font><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#00FF00">. <br>Yes, I know exactly who has been doing it too. But no idea why.<br>If they needed files patched all they needed to do - was run the DEMO program with ROMs needing patches in same folder.<br>Program would have downloaded </font><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#FF0000">only the NEEDED</font><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#00FF00"> patches & applied them to the ROMs.<br>But NO, they had to try and fake the program to <i>try</i> download </font><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#FF0000"> <b>ALL</b></font><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#00FF00"> the patches in the library.<br><br></font><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#FF0000">Wednesday 22nd Jan.</font><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#FFFFFF"> Ok, I think I've had enough.. I have a few users making use of the program to put full sets together<br>- once they are done I think I'll pull the plug.. <br>Actually I have decided, the server will remain operational for anyone sent a 'custom' version.<br>These users have never caused me any problems - so why should they suffer - it's always been the DEMO users.<br><br>As I have said, the DEMO was really only meant to put an end to the dumb arse questions I received. (cause people wouldn't read) <br>Well, it worked - the questions stopped. Everything was answered with those damn prompts !<br>I then expected people to find those 'prompts' (Clicking Ok - again &amp; again) rather annoying and request the &quot;Prompt Free Version&quot;<p><img border="0" src="oh_but_i_did_not_know.png" width="508" height="193"><br>It's actually <strike>quite</strike> hysterically funny to me - how many users were very happy to continue to use the DEMO as their primary patching program,<br>&quot;They became the Majority&quot; when all they needed to do was shoot me off a quick email..<br>Remember this ???<br><br><img border="1" src="times_up.png" width="1013" height="114" style="border: 2px solid #FFFFFF"><p><img border="3" src="100_unicode.gif" width="589" height="557" style="border-style: solid; border-color: #800000"><br>&nbsp;</p>

<p></p><p><u><font color="#00FF00" face="Comic Sans MS">Some 'other notes': wip</font><

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/u></p><p><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Comic Sans MS">Now if it does not connect sometimes, is usually cause either me or the Mrs is trashing the ADSL, so the ISP dumps us..<br>Just give it a minute or 2, the DDNS will update, then will work again&nbsp; Not common, but does happen :)<br><br>OH ! if you have 'local' Xdeltas, well even if we have trashed our ADSL, it will still work applying patches, <br>just wont be able to retrieve them. </font></font><font color="#8AFD8F" face="Comic Sans MS"><i>Sorry latest versions MUST connect to server (at present, this may change)</i></font></p>


<font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#FF0000"><p>1. Added a check to ensure server is online when program is first run, will retry every 5 seconds until it is.</font><br><br><img border="0" src="offline_.png" width="572" height="458"></font></p><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#FFFFFF"><p>(These ROMs maybe from CURRENT dat OR ROMs awaiting xdelta patches to be released, OR ROMs which the patch is over 4 Mb)<br>Go find a different copy of the file - the server has no patches over 4Mb.<br>Added a duplicate file checker, duplicate source files will be automatically removed. <br>Added a feature which adds &quot;#_CURRENT_IN_DAT.nds&quot; if on the &quot;Second Pass&quot; files are found which in fact are current.<br>Added loads of server scripts to detail CRCs &amp; ROMs much better, custom logs of each session are now created. <br>The important log being one of 404 requests - indicating either rare ROMs - or maybe patches, I should have.<br>To Do &amp; Maybe To Do:<br>Adding a Local Report in html on files left in the folder which have not changed (not been patched).<br>Add back-up routine to grab patches from alternate site.<br>Add routine to get PSP Patches from remote server.<br>A couple of extra ERROR messages, most of you hopefully never see.<br>I had a user try to patch over 6300 roms, 5700 which were CURRENT... lol<br>So I added a routine to check &amp; count the number of CURRENT roms, aborts after 80 are found, produces a message, awaits a key press and aborts.. <br><br>Under 30 seconds Vs. 4 hours of wasted rom processing ! :)


<i><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#8AFD8F">(Latest builds have a limit of 800 files - makes this check even faster)</font></i></p><p><img border="3" src="folder_b_a.png" width="406" height="370" style="border-style: solid; border-color: #800000"></p><p><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Comic Sans MS">Example of what the folder will look like. Source files renamed to &quot;Just CRC&quot; have been &quot;Used&quot; to make the new

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files in Patched folder.<br>These CRC for filename files can be deleted. I leave this up to the user, not the program. I know some people 'like' to keep them.<br>Remember though, the patcher can always just make a RollBack set or ROM if you really ever need OLD files.<br>Any files with .nds extension have not been Patched and should be kept, maybe current, maybe RARE <br>(I may ask you about them), they maybe awaiting xdelta patch release etc.</font></p><p><font color="#FFFFFF" face="Comic Sans MS"><br></font><i><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#8AFD8F">Wed 4th Sept - xdelta error msgs will now be displayed&nbsp; (A rare event indeed - but an important one)</font></i></p><p><i><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#8AFD8F">Previous it 'may' have been possible to rename a source file to 'crc for filename' without producing a New file.</font></i></p><p><img border="0" src="xdelta_err_3.PNG" width="365" height="107"><img border="0" src="xdelta_err_1.PNG" width="221" height="107"> </p><p><i><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#8AFD8F">Any found corrupt xdelta patch is then moved to CORRUPT XDELTA PATCHES.zip (Source archive will be deleted if found)<br>This prevents the &quot;NDS ROM AutoUpdater&quot; from trying to ever use them again, then - if available - a new patch will be downloaded from server.<br>Any partial file (or what seems complete) created will be deleted from Patched ROMs folder.Original ROM filename will be restored.<br>Possible causes;</font></i></p><!-- Start of StatCounter Code for Default Guide --><script type="text/javascript">var sc_project=8906994; var sc_invisible=1; var sc_security="5cceb59f"; var scJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ?"https://secure." : "http://www.");document.write("<sc"+"ript type='text/javascript' src='" +scJsHost+"statcounter.com/counter/counter.js'></"+"script>");</script><noscript><div class="statcounter"><a title="websitestatistics" href="http://statcounter.com/"target="_blank"><img class="statcounter"src="http://c.statcounter.com/8906994/0/5cceb59f/1/"alt="website statistics"></a></div></noscript><!-- End of StatCounter Code for Default Guide --><p><i><font face="Comic Sans MS" color="#8AFD8F">1. A network failure resulted in incomplete download of patch from server.<br>2. Xdelta patch is incorrectly named (a common cause) in your local xdelta patch archive.</font></i></p></body></html>