We dream of inspiring 20,000 women entrepreneurs by 2020 who have the potential, ambition and opportunity to build their business and contribute to socio-economic community development. www.joinbuzz.org


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We dream of inspiring 20,000 women entrepreneurs by

2020 who have the potential, ambition and opportunity to build

their business and contribute to socio-economic community



We believe in any woman’s power to fulfill their dreams and the dreams of the community at large.

Development needs to be carried out from within through nurturing of the ‘leader’ inside every person. It cannot be handed out as a charity and has to be kindled in the heart and head of a person. Entrepreneurs can be empowered to achieve the dreams they have for their businesses and communities, to become a critical mass of change agents in the society

In developing countries high-quality education for young, promising entrepreneurs is not attainable both monetarily and distance-wise. Also, local (business) issues are harder to understand and tackle from outside a community, than from within.

Women, especially working women, face significant challenges as compared to a man when it comes to investment on themselves to take their business forward. They have to cater to the needs of the family as well as their business, both physically and monetarily. This fundamental problem of taking time out of their lives is addressed through the BUZZ, which provides training at their disposal when it is convenient for them.

With women being the epicenter of families, every woman we reach out to, her family is developed as well! BUZZ is a platform to empower rural potential and an opportunity of employment and exchange of expertise.

We capacitate women in their entrepreneurial ventures.

A woman entrepreneur has already taken the first step towards capacitating herself by starting her business. We support this by building a foundation of personal growth and business skills which she can use to take her business to the next level.

There are three building blocks to the training

Personal Growth – to develop their confidence, communication skills and self-reflection

Entrepreneurial skills – to give insights into their business, finance and marketing techniques

Opportunities and New Connections – to connect with successful entrepreneurs like for guidance and mentorship

Why How

Better Future is an exceptional enterprise. Our goal is in our name: we want to contribute to a better future. We do this through leadership development programs and innovative consultancy in the area of corporate social responsibility with an impact on personal growth and equal opportunities.

Better Future is a fast-growing and ambitious company with a focus on social and economical profit. Founded in 2003 we now work in more than twenty countries in Europe, Africa, Asia and South America and started its operations in India in January 2010.We provide our services to major companies in profit and not-for-profit The Better Future team consists of passionate professionals with extensive experience in major organisations. We all put our heart and soul into our work; making a difference in society. Quality, integrity and innovation is our signature.

A long term dream for Better Future has been to reach the bottom of the pyramid leaders and entrepreneurs through training. We got an opportunity for this through a programme for GSRD Foundation (set up by G-Star) to train the entrepreneurs that they work with. Better Future India designed and facilitated the first Buzz programme (under the name Kadam Pe Kadam or Step-by-step) for GSRD Foundation.

Given the success of the programme (for testimonials see www.joinbuzz.org) and with a world of experience in the leadership training domain, Better Future embarks on the journey of creating leadership-training specifically for rural women entrepreneurs through a not-for-profit organization registered as Buzz India Trust.

We are targeting 20,000 women entrepreneurs by 2020 that have the potential, ambition and opportunity to build their business and contribute to socio-economic community development. Currently, we are targeting the rural women entrepreneurs who are the recipients of the micro-credit facility from Grameen Koota (a prominent Micro Finance Institution in South India).

BUZZ is a mobile academy consisting of a customised, full-equipped mini-bus with two trainers. Making education mobile and localized, it will make it accessible and meaningful for community development.

A twofold impact is anticipated from the programme

For Entrepreneurs

Leadership training – Increased knowledge and skill about themselves and their business

Empowerment – Achieve the dreams they have for their businesses and communities

Business growth – Increased income and new opportunities to network and market

For society

Growth of green enterprise – Products that will help in sustainable growth

Impact of the business on the community – Increase in economic activity and availability of new and green products will help the community grow

Employment generation – Inspired leaders will employ more people from the community as they grow their business


Buzz is about creating life changing opportunities for fellow entrepreneurs. For every woman entrepreneur you raise above the poverty line, you change the destiny of her family for good.

Development of business skills, self confidence and network opportunities are crucial for existing small-scale entrepreneurs to get to the next level of doing business (where they start creating jobs).

Buzz is a mobile and online academy which offers tailor made, powerful solutions for personal and business growth to local entrepreneurs in their own environment. With our micro-finance partner Grameen Koota we target a client base of 450.000 (mostly female) entrepreneurs. Buzz will train over 100 local community business coaches who guide & coach the entrepreneurs on a weekly base.

Buzz is about sustainable entrepreneurship, not about charity. The entrepreneurs themselves will pay for courses and part of the interest paid on bigger loans (when entrepreneurs expand their business) are reinvested in Buzz.

Buzz is 100% about the true spirit of entrepreneurship. Buzz is innovative, market driven, scalable and fully self sustainable in 3 years.

5 reasons to become a Buzz fellow founder

Become a social shareholder (per company/group/individual)

Return on involvement:

+ Contribution to visible and structural impact: help bring 20.000 entrepreneurs to the next level

+ Co-ownership of Buzz: be part of a worldwide social enterprise and innovation

+ Being part of the exclusive Buzz network of likeminded people and organisations, with events and masterclasses

+ The opportunity to join the annual Buzz journey to India

Become a founding partner (per company/group/individual)

Return on involvement:

+ All benefits of social shareholders

+ Send one person to India to join the Buzz journey

+ Buzz branding: directly connect your brand to the project and see your logo on the Buzz in India. Buzz as your company’s new ISP (Inspirational Selling Point)

Buzz Ticket€ 5000

Ways to Invest

Golden Buzz Ticket€ 25000


You made us think by giving us the space and

asking the questions about ourselves

I have the confidence now to grow my business

I am so proud of my achievements till now

which you showed to me during the assets and

liabilities module

Now I know where I have lost my money in the

business and will reach my goal as set during the

financial goal module

I will be more smart in my business with your inputs