tweeking Turn tweets into a readable alternative to lorem ipsum. Permalink Copy to Clipboard @ tweek! Text HTML Short Medium Long Rainywail Man. Well now, steady! Good to hear you liked it - I haven’t plucked up the nerve to see the film yet. Oxytocin for the win! link here. (via Elvis717). I think you’re confusing it with ethics. Morality is a word that means ”customs” To find out FIRST about the full Playing the Games programme CriTheatre, which I’m part of, SIGN UP to the newsletter. link here. Thank you! Most welcome x. Club tells me lots of pre-orders for our lovely new kit. Great news and here’s where you can order yours link here. NCFC. I see WEATHERMOB is in the New and Noteworthy section of the UK Apple app store. Climatic social networking. Perfect for the British :-). Today’s word is loin. Loin. That’s loin. Try and use it to the next per- son you speak to. Loin. Loin. Well, Prestofm link here. looking good on iPad and desktop. Like the friendly little messages! Splendid loin exchange :) x. Ha! Good effort ! Ha! But not crashing I hope! *tiptoes guiltily away* x. Late lunch over: back to false beard & moustache and art theft. Just wrapped. Will miss the first 10 minutes of a fierce footballing tourney. Mancunian teams meet on the field of battle. Hm. A Vidic sha- ped hole in Man U’s defence as Kompany brings off a towering header… Ooh - its all getting a bit fierce now. Alex’s nose is blazing like a fiery meteor and yellow cards are flying like confetti …. Good lord, did m’colleague and I invent Google? link here. Syphilis. A cold. A fever. My drift. On. &c. Carry On, Jeeves first. Then Very Good, Jeeves. From then Right Ho, the Code of the Woosters the Inimitable. Ring For, last. This is your reminder call. worstwordsintheworld. A pinch and a punch for the first in the

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tweekingTurn tweets into a readable alternative to lorem ipsum.Permalink Copy to Clipboard @ tweek!Text HTML Short Medium LongRainywail Man. Well now, steady! Good to hear you liked it - I haven’t plucked up the nerve to see the film yet. Oxytocin for the win! link here. (via Elvis717). I think you’re confusing it with ethics. Morality is a word that means ”customs” To find out FIRST about the full Playing the Games programme CriTheatre, which I’m part of, SIGN UP to the newsletter. link here. Thank you! Most welcome x. Club tells me lots of pre-orders for our lovely new kit. Great news and here’s where you can order yours link here. NCFC.I see WEATHERMOB is in the New and Noteworthy section of the UK Apple app store. Climatic social networking. Perfect for the British :-). Today’s word is loin. Loin. That’s loin. Try and use it to the next per-son you speak to. Loin. Loin. Well, Prestofm link here. looking good on iPad and desktop. Like the friendly little messages! Splendid loin exchange :) x. Ha! Good effort ! Ha! But not crashing I hope! *tiptoes guiltily away* x. Late lunch over: back to false beard & moustache and art theft. Just wrapped. Will miss the first 10 minutes of a fierce footballing tourney. Mancunian teams meet on the field of battle. Hm. A Vidic sha-ped hole in Man U’s defence as Kompany brings off a towering header… Ooh - its all getting a bit fierce now. Alex’s nose is blazing like a fiery meteor and yellow cards are flying like confetti ….Good lord, did m’colleague and I invent Google? link here. Syphilis. A cold. A fever. My drift. On. &c. Carry On, Jeeves first. Then Very Good, Jeeves. From then Right Ho, the Code of the Woosters the Inimitable. Ring For, last. This is your reminder call. worstwordsintheworld. A pinch and a punch for the first in the

month. White rabbits. Fell asleep in the car to work. Fell asleep in the makeup chair. Fell asleep in my trailer. Hope I stay awake in camera. Got driving scenes. Lovely to see The Space go live w so many digital delights. Shakespeare’s Globe, John Peel: more from Thespacearts at link here.Art is never pretentious. It’s almost a definition. Fear & contempt of art is pretentious however. Caliban’s fear of his reflection. Jason Pegler and Chipmunka are hosting a Mental Health Publishing and Empower-ment seminar in London,July 2012 -Visit link here. I would say ”stove enamel green” rather than beige! The moment you stop going on about God, whom you managed to drag into your last tweet ! Our word of the day today is in common use in US English. Less so elsewhere. Pantywaist. Pantywaist. Look it up: try to use it. Pantywaist. It would have helped if I’d spelt it properly. Pantywaist. Pantywaist. That’s pan-tywaist. Pantywaist. Use it. Love it. The eximious Roger Ebert has his new Top 10 movie list out: not eve-ryone will agree, but Ebertchicago is 1 of the best link here. This Amendment One in N. Carolina sounds horrific: link here. Thanks to Lxluthor for pointing it out to me. Might visit the ice planet Hoth. Might see my friends on Alderaan. Might bring down the Empire. Hard to choose. It was said by ”Miss Rosalind” in an obscure Anglia TV children’s programme called ”The Romper Room” when I was tiny.Should be ok now… I don’t know why you were blocked. Very odd. Sometimes twitter misbehaves xx. A beautiful and innovative short video from Deveducation on empowering communities through relevant education link here. 6 top chefs tells us why (sustainable) Food is GREAT Britain in this video link here. in partnership with The_SRA & GREATBritain. My pleasure. Thank YOU, for your excellent work xxx. Oh. Oh dear. That pesky Empire. Honestly. Well I’m cross now and find myself sorely tempted to join the rebel al-liance. Coruscatingly brilliant article by Stephen King: ”Tax Me For Fuck’s Sake” - link here. Glad Orange/T-Mobile & Virgin Media signed up to link here. Hope other network operators do:UK used to lead, now we

lag 4GBritain.Incredibly touching memorial to the disaster of 1881… link here. The Berwickshire coast is so beautiful… link here. You have to read the plaque on the picture… This is the plaque that explains the 1881 disaster, in case you can’t zoom in on the original picture link here. The wives and children look out to sea despe-rate to know - link here. Please follow and register for WalkforLife2012 a fabulous event, which is raising money for people living with HIV in poverty walkforlife. Good lord! Think you’re right ! Continuing with fine US English words, today’s is milquetoast. Milquetoast. Try it in conversation with the next person you see. Milquetoast. Been caching up with your brilliant series Wmarybeard You’re a lot better looking than me, & I’ve been getting away with it for 30 years x.I know. Weird isn’t it. We don’t use the good old English word ”furlough” either. Mind you, the Ger-mans don’t say dachshund! Sorry!! xxx. . JimbolaMangle A 600 year old tradition cruelly ended. Poor St Andrew’s students… you’ll have to find somewhere else. The R & A perhaps? Aaaaand that’s a wrap…. Let’s hear it for opsimathy …. How pleasant to be filming in the refined and genteel purlieu of Morningsi-de. Lovely offer, but I’m a) busy b) miles away and c) spoken for. But how very flattering. Be assured it’s my character’s temporary disguise. I only wear it for the robbery in the story x.Why does this exist? Created by Nathan Ford of Art=Work. Comments, questions, concerns? Bother me on Twitter: @nathan_ford

We will look into this though! Email sent! A nice UX read: UI: Proper Indicators for Hidden Elements - link here. An inter-esting small case-study, Jeremy. On SmashingMag, the size of fonts turned out to be disappointing in terms of perfor-mance. We redesigned almost 5 months ago :). Well, we can make it even with a couple of articles. ;-) Deal? A fantastic UX read by our editor Iamfinch: Simplicity Isn’t Simple - link here. Thank you for the fantastic article, Francisco. Thank you for your kind feedback, Josh! / cc: Stephenhay Aral Aar-ron Elliotjaystocks. How did you try that? Looks fine over here…A very useful, comprehensive article: Scalable Navigation Patterns in Responsive Web Design - link here. “Native applications are catching up to Web applications”: a short review by Andmag of the new Smashing Book 3 - link here. I know how it feels… I assume that family members aren’t quite happy about that… :). A nice technique: CSS3 Family Tree - link here. Thanks for the fantastic resource, Christian! A very interesting piece on Coding Style and Guidelines - link here. - What style do you use? smstyle. Looks interest-ing: Innovation by Design Awards for inspiring tools and life-changing-devices - link here. - Love the type, too!Thanks Rob! A quick tip: Easily checking in JavaScript if a CSS media query has been executed - link here. Looks interesting: Pointer Lock API provides input methods based on the movement of the mouse over time - link here. CSS pointer-events and a CSS3 animating tooltip - link here. New on SmashingMag: Applying Macrotypography For A More Readable Web Page - link here. Rickshaw: a JavaScript toolkit for creating interactive time series graphs - link here. Feel free to download and use the OPML file: link here. Say hello to the first 100% confirmed speakers for Smashing-conf - LeaVerou Rachelandrew Jbrewer Adactio Codepo8 and Aarron. Not yet. But please stay tuned! Always great to see how other designers work: The Ultimate Web De-sign Workspace for Photoshop by Jacob Cass - link here. A curated collection of nice typeface combinations - link here. link here. useful.Thanks for the fantastic resource! Hjortur, you are coming to mobilism! That’s fantastic, let’s grab a beer or two ;-). Jörn, looking forward to meeting you in Amstrerdam :). Looking forward to the upcoming mobil-ism conf. Can’t wait to finally meet Lyzadanger Grigs Igorskee Brad_frost and Scottjenson. And of course good ol’ Nonken Rem Seb_ly and Vasilis. ;-). Definitely! :). Yes, sounds fantastic! Let’s grab a beer… or two! :).Well, actually it’s the first Smashing conference… But next sounds just as good :). I think you’ll be just fine ;-). Looks promising: BugHeard: a fast issue reporting software for Web developers and designers - link here. Thank you, dear Katrin. Would love to see you in Freiburg! :). It’s about time, Sir! :). Did we?.. Oh, my mistake then! I won’t miss my chance this time for sure! Sorry Lyza! :). Mmmm, why? :). Sure, please DM us your suggestions. All speakers are thoroughly reviewed though. Thank you for your help! We met last time, and I found your talk very useful, Nikolai! :). Well, ”finally meet” doesn’t refer to you ;-) We’ve met already! Doesn’t mean that I don’t appreciate meeting you though! :). Looking forward to meeting you as well, and we’ll grab a couple of beers for sure ;-) If you’ll be so kind :).You are a mischevious, mischevious man ;-) / cc: Rem. You’ve got to come to Freiburg, you know that, Marko, right? ;). You aren’t that old ;-) But I’ve been following your work for years now, and it makes you

quite… old indeed :). If you haven’t pre-ordered your copy of the Smashing Book 3 yet, please do it now - link here. - Few days left for the discount! Thank you for your feedback, we’ve heard you. That’s fantastic! Can’t wait to meet you again! :). Please see the update at the top. Mailette: a tool to showcase and track design approvals and mockups - link here. AKismet might have removed it for some reason? Perhaps because of the links? Let me look it up…Approved! Sorry for the hiccup! Well, you don’t have to travel too far to get to the Smashing Conference ;-). We’re waiting for you, Sir ;-). A nice and simple technique: Automatic line breaks in narrow columns with CSS 3 hyphens and word-wrap - link here. css. The site will be launched very soon, so please stay tuned!