TERM 2 WEEK 3: Tuesday 2 nd May, 2017 DATES TO REMEMBER Wednesday 3 rd May: Prep 2018 Information Session 9.15am - CANCELLED Friday 5 th May: Class Prayer Service JGO and JVC 10.00am, School Assembly JJM 2.30pm Tuesday 9 th May: Mother’s Day Breakfast – 7.30am Tuesday 9 th 11 th May: NAPLAN Assessment Activities for Year 3 and 5 Students Thursday 11 th May: Mother’s Day Stall Friday 12 th May: Multicultural Lunch More information to follow Monday 15 th May: JMA Fizzics Force and Movement Incursion Monday 15 th May: SMA Excursion to Melbourne Zoo Monday 15 th May: Second Hand Uniform Stall 2.45pm 3.15pm Thursday 18 th May: Prep 2018 Information Session 9.15am Friday 19 th May: School Assembly SJR 2.30pm Thursday 25 th May: Sacrament of Eucharist Family Night 7.00pm St. Paul’s School Friday 26 th May: School Assembly PNA 2.30pm Friday 2 nd June: School Assembly SJR 2.30pm Sunday 4 th June: Sacrament of Eucharist 10.00am St. Paul’s Church Wednesday 7 th June: Second Hand Uniform Stall - 8.45am 9.15am Friday 9 th June: School Assembly SRC 2.30pm Monday 12 th June: Queen’s Birthday Holiday – No school for students Tuesday 13 th June: MMA Camp Information Night–7.00pm St. Paul’s School. More information to follow. Friday 16 th June: Class Reconciliation SKP and SMM 11.30am, School Assembly MMD 2.30pm Monday 19 th June: Children’s Reports sent home Wednesday 21 st June: JMA attending Parish Mass 9.15am Thursday 22 nd June: Learning Conversations (Parent/Teacher Interviews) 1.30pm School finishes at 1.00pm Friday 23 rd June: Feast of the Sacred Heart Mass 9.15am Thursday 29 th June: Ss Peter and Paul Feast Day Mass 10.30am Friday 30 th June: End of Term II 1.00pm Children can wear plain clothes Friday 25 th August: Applications close for 2019 Year 7 students in Catholic Secondary Colleges our current Year 5 Students Dear Families, I ask you to keep in your prayers Ms Jude Cleve and her family as her mother passed away last week. Jude left St. Paul’s at the end of last year. We extend our deepest sympathy to Jude and her family. Congratulations to our children who received the Sacrament of Confirmation last Thursday night. The ceremony was very moving with the children participating reverently in the celebration. The children were very well prepared by Mr Mr Patrick, Miss Manolakakis, Miss Jacqui, Miss Boulton, Miss Rhiannon, Ms Kylie and Mr Marasco. Thanks also to the school choir for singing so well. I would also like to thank the St. Paul’s staff for their assistance prior to and on the day. I would like to thank Bishop Mark Edwards and Father Manuel for celebrating this Sacrament with us. We hope all the children will remember this special day and remember that the Holy Spirit is always with them. The children’s reports will be sent home on Monday 19 th June. Learning Conversations (Parent Teacher Interviews) will be held on Thursday 22 nd June between 1.30pm and 7.00pm. Children will be dismissed at 1.00pm to allow conversations to begin at 1.30pm. More information will be sent home shortly. I hope you all have a great week. Yours sincerely, Damian Casamento PRINCIPAL

TERM 2 WEEK 3: Tuesday 2nd May, 2017...TERM 2 WEEK 3: Tuesday 2nd May, 2017 DATES TO REMEMBER Wednesday 3rd May: Prep 2018 Information Session – 9.15am - CANCELLED Friday 5th May:

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Page 1: TERM 2 WEEK 3: Tuesday 2nd May, 2017...TERM 2 WEEK 3: Tuesday 2nd May, 2017 DATES TO REMEMBER Wednesday 3rd May: Prep 2018 Information Session – 9.15am - CANCELLED Friday 5th May:

TERM 2 WEEK 3: Tuesday 2nd May, 2017


Wednesday 3rd May: Prep 2018 Information Session – 9.15am - CANCELLED

Friday 5th May: Class Prayer Service JGO and JVC – 10.00am, School Assembly JJM – 2.30pm

Tuesday 9th May: Mother’s Day Breakfast – 7.30am

Tuesday 9th – 11th May: NAPLAN Assessment Activities for Year 3 and 5 Students

Thursday 11th May: Mother’s Day Stall

Friday 12th May: Multicultural Lunch – More information to follow

Monday 15th May: JMA Fizzics Force and Movement Incursion

Monday 15th May: SMA Excursion to Melbourne Zoo

Monday 15th May: Second Hand Uniform Stall – 2.45pm – 3.15pm

Thursday 18th May: Prep 2018 Information Session – 9.15am

Friday 19th May: School Assembly SJR – 2.30pm

Thursday 25th May: Sacrament of Eucharist Family Night 7.00pm St. Paul’s School

Friday 26th May: School Assembly PNA – 2.30pm

Friday 2nd June: School Assembly SJR – 2.30pm

Sunday 4th June: Sacrament of Eucharist –10.00am St. Paul’s Church

Wednesday 7th June: Second Hand Uniform Stall - 8.45am – 9.15am

Friday 9th June: School Assembly SRC – 2.30pm

Monday 12th June: Queen’s Birthday Holiday – No school for students

Tuesday 13th June: MMA Camp Information Night–7.00pm St. Paul’s School. More information to follow.

Friday 16th June: Class Reconciliation SKP and SMM – 11.30am, School Assembly MMD – 2.30pm

Monday 19th June: Children’s Reports sent home

Wednesday 21st June: JMA attending Parish Mass – 9.15am

Thursday 22nd June: Learning Conversations (Parent/Teacher Interviews) 1.30pm School finishes at 1.00pm

Friday 23rd June: Feast of the Sacred Heart Mass – 9.15am

Thursday 29th June: Ss Peter and Paul Feast Day Mass – 10.30am

Friday 30th June: End of Term II – 1.00pm Children can wear plain clothes Friday 25th August: Applications close for 2019 Year 7 students in Catholic Secondary Colleges – our current

Year 5 Students

Dear Families,

I ask you to keep in your prayers Ms Jude Cleve and her family as her mother passed away last week. Jude left

St. Paul’s at the end of last year. We extend our deepest sympathy to Jude and her family.

Congratulations to our children who received the Sacrament of Confirmation last Thursday night. The ceremony was

very moving with the children participating reverently in the celebration. The children were very well prepared by

Mr Mr Patrick, Miss Manolakakis, Miss Jacqui, Miss Boulton, Miss Rhiannon, Ms Kylie and Mr Marasco. Thanks

also to the school choir for singing so well. I would also like to thank the St. Paul’s staff for their assistance prior to

and on the day. I would like to thank Bishop Mark Edwards and Father Manuel for celebrating this Sacrament with

us. We hope all the children will remember this special day and remember that the Holy Spirit is always with them.

The children’s reports will be sent home on Monday 19th June. Learning Conversations (Parent Teacher Interviews)

will be held on Thursday 22nd June between 1.30pm and 7.00pm. Children will be dismissed at 1.00pm to allow

conversations to begin at 1.30pm. More information will be sent home shortly.

I hope you all have a great week.

Yours sincerely,

Damian Casamento


Page 2: TERM 2 WEEK 3: Tuesday 2nd May, 2017...TERM 2 WEEK 3: Tuesday 2nd May, 2017 DATES TO REMEMBER Wednesday 3rd May: Prep 2018 Information Session – 9.15am - CANCELLED Friday 5th May:


Volunteers are urgently needed to assist in the canteen on Fridays. We would be very grateful to have your assistance

even if it can be for only a couple of hours per week. Please see Rita in the canteen or let the Office know if you can



The Second Hand Uniform Shop will be open on Monday 15th May from 2.45pm – 3.15pm and Wednesday 7th June

from 8.45am – 9.15am. Thanks to Effie Ross for all her assistance with coordinating the second hand uniform shop.

You are asked to continue to donate clean items to the shop by dropping them off at the office.


There will be a Mothers’ Day Breakfast on Tuesday 9th May, commencing at 7.30am. More information will follow

shortly – please keep this morning free.

The Mother’s Day Stall will be held on Thursday 11th May. The price of gifts will range from $3 - $10. Please

support the Mother’s Day Stall. Please return the tear off slip below to indicate how many gifts you would like to



Enrolments for Prep 2018 are now open. I encourage any parents/carers who have not enrolled their child for Prep in

2018 to do so. Contact the school office for an enrolment form. There will be one more information sessions for

2018 Prep Parents/Carers on Thursday 18th May, commencing at 9.15am. Please contact the office to advise if you

will be attending the session.



There are many benefits your child will gain from arriving at school

on time.

Makes sure that your child doesn’t miss out on the important learning

activities that happen early in the day when they are most alert.

Early morning learning activity is often reading or writing your child

can lose so many opportunities to learn these critical life skills.

Helps your child to learn about routines and commitment.

Gives your child time to greet their friends before class and this can

reduce the possibility of disruptions in the classroom.

Class disruption can make your child feel uncomfortable and can upset

other children.

Arriving on time every day makes children feel good about themselves.


Children always seem to be catching

something, especially at this time of

year. Some basic health and hygiene

tips at home can help keep children


Wash children’s hands.

Immunise children.

Have a smoke-free home.

Get to know a local GP.

ST. PAUL’S MULTICULTURAL DAY – Friday, 12th May 2017

Please note that our school’s Multicultural Day will be held on Friday, 12th May. More details will be sent home

shortly. Please save this date as we will be having lots of fun activities on this day.

SPORTS NEWS – Sunshine District Cross Country rescheduled to this Friday, May 5th

Unfortunately, our Sunshine District Cross Country last Friday had to be again be cancelled due to the muddy

condition of the track. It has been rescheduled to this Friday 5th May at More Park commencing at approximately

12.15 p.m.

Mr Chris is looking for parent/carer volunteers to help with marshalling the event. You would be required to attend a

checkpoint to help the competitors move around the track. Any volunteers would need to be at the track at 12.00,

with the event finishing by 1.30. Mr Chris would be very grateful for any helpers. Please see him or contact the



The following dates are very important for ALL students who will be attending Catholic Secondary school in 2019 –

our current year 5 students. If applications for Catholic Secondary school are not in by Friday 25th August, 2017

your child will not be enrolled in your Catholic school of choice in 2019. Please note this is earlier than usual.

25th August 2017: Applications close for 2019 Year 7 students in Catholic Secondary Colleges

13th October 2017: Offers of places to prospective 2019 Year 7 students are posted

27th October 2017: Final date for acceptance by parents of offers made

Page 3: TERM 2 WEEK 3: Tuesday 2nd May, 2017...TERM 2 WEEK 3: Tuesday 2nd May, 2017 DATES TO REMEMBER Wednesday 3rd May: Prep 2018 Information Session – 9.15am - CANCELLED Friday 5th May:



STUDENT’S NAME: ________________________ CLASS: ______ TEACHER:_______________ Họ Tên Học Sinh Lớp Giáo Viên

Yes I would like to purchase a Mother’s Gift - No. of Gifts: _________ Vâng, Tôi muốn mua quà cho Ngày Lễ Mẹ - Số lượng quà:

The cost of each gift ranges between $3.00 and $10.00.

Giá mỗi món quà từ $3 đến $10

I am able to assist with the Mother’s Day Stall on Thursday 11th May (Please tick the box if you can help) Tôi có thể phụ giúp Gian hàng Mừng Ngày Lễ Mẹ ngày thứ Năm, 11 tháng 05 – Xin đánh vào ô vuông nếu quý vị có thể giúp.

Helper’s Name (Tên người phụ giúp): ______________________________ Phone (Điện thoại)_________________

Hari Indonesia 2017 On Friday April 21st St Paul’s celebrated Indonesian Day, we were lucky to spend a whole day celebrating

Indonesian culture. Prep students loved the puppet show. JMA students enjoyed watching the dances and the

shadow puppet show. MMA students loved the badminton class and dressing up for the dances and play. SMA

students loved riding the becaks and learning to play gamelan. It was great to see the students dressed in red

and white, the colours of the Indonesian flag. Terima kasih anak-anak !!

Indonesian dancing

SMA learning gamelan

Learning to play badminton which is

Indonesia’s Olympic sport

Becak rides

Indonesian dancing and role play

The Wayang kulit show

(shadow puppets)