DOI: 10.1126/science.1235399 , 1304 (2013); 340 Science et al. Nathaniel K. Grady Anomalous Refraction Terahertz Metamaterials for Linear Polarization Conversion and This copy is for your personal, non-commercial use only. clicking here. colleagues, clients, or customers by , you can order high-quality copies for your If you wish to distribute this article to others here. following the guidelines can be obtained by Permission to republish or repurpose articles or portions of articles ): December 5, 2013 www.sciencemag.org (this information is current as of The following resources related to this article are available online at http://www.sciencemag.org/content/340/6138/1304.full.html version of this article at: including high-resolution figures, can be found in the online Updated information and services, http://www.sciencemag.org/content/suppl/2013/05/15/science.1235399.DC1.html can be found at: Supporting Online Material http://www.sciencemag.org/content/340/6138/1304.full.html#ref-list-1 , 5 of which can be accessed free: cites 32 articles This article http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/collection/physics Physics http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/collection/biochem Biochemistry subject collections: This article appears in the following registered trademark of AAAS. is a Science 2013 by the American Association for the Advancement of Science; all rights reserved. The title Copyright American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1200 New York Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20005. (print ISSN 0036-8075; online ISSN 1095-9203) is published weekly, except the last week in December, by the Science on December 5, 2013 www.sciencemag.org Downloaded from on December 5, 2013 www.sciencemag.org Downloaded from on December 5, 2013 www.sciencemag.org Downloaded from on December 5, 2013 www.sciencemag.org Downloaded from on December 5, 2013 www.sciencemag.org Downloaded from

Terahertz Metamaterials for Linear Polarization Conversion

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DOI: 10.1126/science.1235399, 1304 (2013);340 Science

et al.Nathaniel K. GradyAnomalous RefractionTerahertz Metamaterials for Linear Polarization Conversion and

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Terahertz Metamaterials for LinearPolarization Conversion andAnomalous RefractionNathaniel K. Grady,1 Jane E. Heyes,1 Dibakar Roy Chowdhury,1 Yong Zeng,2 Matthew T. Reiten,1

Abul K. Azad,1 Antoinette J. Taylor,1 Diego A. R. Dalvit,2 Hou-Tong Chen1*

Polarization is one of the basic properties of electromagnetic waves conveying valuableinformation in signal transmission and sensitive measurements. Conventional methods foradvanced polarization control impose demanding requirements on material properties andattain only limited performance. We demonstrated ultrathin, broadband, and highlyefficient metamaterial-based terahertz polarization converters that are capable of rotating alinear polarization state into its orthogonal one. On the basis of these results, we createdmetamaterial structures capable of realizing near-perfect anomalous refraction. Our work opensnew opportunities for creating high-performance photonic devices and enables emergent metamaterialfunctionalities for applications in the technologically difficult terahertz-frequency regime.

Control and manipulation of electromag-netic (EM) polarization states has greatlyaffected our daily life, from consumer

products to high-tech applications. Conventionalstate-of-the-art polarization converters use bire-fringence or total internal reflection effects (1) in

crystals and polymers, which cause phase re-tardation between the two orthogonally polarizedwave components. Expanding their typically lim-ited bandwidth requires complex designs usingmultilayered films or Fresnel rhombs. At micro-wave and millimeter-wave frequencies, narrow-band polarization converters have been constructedby using metallic structures, such as birefringent,multilayered meander-line gratings (2). Fabrica-tion challenges and high losses render these un-suitable for optical frequencies (3).

Metamaterials have enabled the realization ofmany phenomena and functionalities unavailablethrough use of naturally occurring materials (4–6).Many basicmetamaterial structures, such asmetalsplit-ring resonators (7), exhibit birefringence suit-able for polarization conversion (8–16), whichhas been mostly investigated in the microwavefrequency range. Broadband metamaterial cir-cular polarizers have been demonstrated in the


1Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies, MS K771, Los AlamosNational Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM 87545, USA. 2TheoreticalDivision,MS B213, Los AlamosNational Laboratory, Los Alamos,NM 87545, USA.

*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]

Fig. 1. Broadband polarization conversion in reflection. (A) Schematicand (B) optical micrograph of the metamaterial linear polarization converter.Both the gold cut-wire array and the gold ground plane are 200 nm thick, andthey are separated by a polyimide dielectric spacer with thickness ts= 33 mmanddielectric constant e = 3(1 + 0.05i). The periodicity Ax = Ay = 68 mm, cut-wirelength Lr = 82 mm, and width wr = 10 mm. The incidence angle qi = 25°, and theincident electric field E0 is linearly polarized in the x direction (s-polarized), with

an angle a = 45° with respect to the cut-wire orientation. (C) Numericallysimulated and theoretically calculated, and (D) experimentally measured co- andcross-polarized reflectance. (E) Cross- and (F) copolarized multiple reflectionstheoretically calculated at 0.76 THz, revealing the constructive and destructiveinterferences, respectively. Similar behavior occurs for other frequencies as well.The numbers j (1, 2, and 3) indicate the ( j – 1)-th roundtrip within the device.The red arrows are the converged cross- and copolarized reflected fields.

14 JUNE 2013 VOL 340 SCIENCE www.sciencemag.org1304

optical regime by using gold helix structures (17)and stacked nanorod arrays with a tailored rota-tional twist (18). Metamaterial-based polarimetricdevices are particularly attractive in the terahertzfrequency range due to the lack of suitable naturalmaterials for terahertz device applications. How-ever, the currently available designs suffer fromeithervery limited bandwidth or high losses (19–21). Inthis work, we demonstrate high-efficiency andbroadband, linear, terahertz polarization conver-sion using ultrathin planar metamaterials. Inaddition, our designs enable a dramatic improve-ment of the recently demonstrated anomalous (orgeneralized laws of ) reflection/refraction (22, 23)by eliminating the ordinary components.

Our first metamaterial linear polarizationconverter design (Fig. 1, A and B) operates inreflection and consists of a metal cut-wire arrayand a metal ground plane separated by a dielec-tric spacer. We consider an incident wave E0 lin-early polarized in the x direction. It excites a dipolaroscillation p mainly along the cut-wires, whichhas parallel ( px) and perpendicular ( py) compo-nents toE0. WhereasE0 and px determine the co-polarized scattered field, py results in cross-polarizedscattering, forming the dispersive reflection and

transmission (fig. S1) of the cut-wire array. With-out the ground plane, the polarization conversionefficiency is low, and the overall reflection andtransmission are elliptically polarized. The groundplane and the cut-wire array form a Fabry-Pérot–like cavity (24, 25); the consequent interferenceof polarization couplings in the multireflectionprocess may either enhance or reduce the overallreflected fieldswith co- and cross-polarizations (26).

We validated this concept by performing full-wave numerical simulations (Fig. 1C) (the polar-ization angle dependence is available in fig. S2).Between 0.7 and 1.9 THz, the cross-polarizedreflection carries more than 50% of the incidentpower, and the copolarized component is mostlybelow 20%. Between 0.8 and 1.36 THz, the cross-polarized reflection is higher than 80%, and thecopolarized one is below 5%, representing a broad-band and high-performance linear polarizationconverter in reflection. Further numerical simu-lations revealed that this broadband and high-efficiency performance is sustained over a wideincidence angle range (fig. S3). The broadbandoperation results from the superposition of mul-tiple polarization conversion peaks around 0.8,1.2, and 1.9 THz (Fig. 1C), at which the efficien-cy is mainly limited by dielectric loss. At other fre-quencies, the copolarized reflection also contributes.

Our fabricated devices are characterized byusing terahertz time-domain spectroscopy (THz-TDS) (fig. S4), as detailed in (26). The experi-mental co- and cross-polarized reflectance (Fig.1D) reproduces the linear polarization conversionseen in the numerical simulations. From 0.65 to1.87 THz, the cross-polarized reflection relaysmore than 50% of the incident power and over80% between 0.73 and 1.8 THz, with the highestconversion efficiency of 88% at 1.36 THz. Thecopolarized reflectance is mostly less than 14%and approaches zero at some frequencies, dem-onstrating the capability of rotating the input lin-ear polarization by 90° with high output purityover a broad bandwidth.

The underlying reason for the enhanced po-larization conversion is the interference betweenthe multiple polarization couplings in the Fabry-Pérot–like cavity. To confirm this interpretation,we calculated the co- and cross-polarized reflectedfields caused by each roundtrip within the cavity(fig. S5). For each individual reflection, we plottedthe complex reflected field in Fig. 1, E and F. Asexpected, the superposition of these partial cross-polarized reflected fields results in a constructiveinterference and gives a near-unity overall cross-reflection (Fig. 1E, red arrow); the superpositionof these partial copolarized reflected fields resultsin a destructive interference and gives a zero over-all coreflection (Fig. 1F, red arrow). The calculatedoverall reflections (Fig. 1C) are in excellent agree-ment with both the numerical simulations andexperimental data (26).

Many applications require linear polarizationconversion in transmission mode, for which themetal ground plane must be replaced. Our solu-tion is to use a metal grating that transmits the

cross-polarizedwaveswhile still acting as a groundplane for copolarizedwaves. To retain the backward-propagating cross-polarized waves without block-ing the incident waves, we added an orthogonalmetal grating in front of the cut-wire (Fig. 2A).In addition, we added a 4-mm-thick polyimidecapping layer both before the front and behindthe back grating. This ultrathin, freestanding de-vice serves as a high-performance linear polar-ization converter in transmission with reducedco- and cross-polarized reflections. In Fig. 2B, weplotted the numerically simulated cross-polarizedtransmittance and copolarized reflectance, for nor-mal incidence with an x-polarized incident elec-tric field [this device also operates over a wideincidence angle range (fig. S6)]. Also shown inFig. 2B are the theoretical multireflection modelresults (26) and measured data for our fabricateddevice. There is excellent agreement among thenumerical, experimental, and theoretical results.The device is able to rotate the linear polarizationby 90°, with a conversion efficiency exceeding50% from 0.52 to 1.82 THz, with the highestefficiency of 80% at 1.04 THz. In both simulationand experiments, the copolarized transmission andcross-polarized reflection are practically zero be-cause of the use of gratings. The measured ratiobetween the co- and cross-polarized transmittanceis less than 0.1 between 0.2 and 2.2 THz, cover-ing thewhole frequency range in a typical THz-TDS.The device performance, limited by the dielectricloss and copolarized reflection (Fig. 2B), can befurther improved through optimizing the structuraldesign and using lower-loss dielectric materials.

Recent demonstrations of the general laws ofreflection/refraction andwavefront-shaping (22, 23)rely on creating a phase gradient in the cross-polarized scattering from anisotropicmetamaterials.However, the single-layered metamaterial onlyproduced weak anomalously reflected/refractedbeams, with most of the power remaining in theordinary beams. Our high-efficiency linear polar-ization converters allow us to accomplish broad-band, near-perfect anomalous reflection/refractionby largely eliminating the ordinary beams.We usedeight anisotropic resonatorswith various geometriesand dimensions in a super-unit-cell (Fig. 3, A andB) to create a linear phase variation of the cross-polarized transmission spanning a 2p range. Theresonator dimensions were determined throughnumerical simulations and are specified in fig. S7.Each of these resonators can be used to constructa high-performance linear polarization converterwith similar cross-polarized transmission but aphase increment of ~p/4 (Fig. 3C). Therefore, whencombined into the super-unit-cell shown in Fig.3, A and B, we expect a linear phase gradient ofthe cross-polarized transmitted wavefront, result-ing in anomalous refraction.

We characterize our fabricated free-standingsample under normal incidence (qi = 0) (26). InFig. 3D, we plotted the cross-polarized transmit-tance as a function of frequency and transmissionangle (the measured co-polarized transmission isnegligible). Over a broad bandwidth, the ordinary

Fig. 2. Broadband polarization conversion intransmission. (A) Schematic of the unit cell ofthe metamaterial linear polarization converter, inwhich a normally incident x-polarized wave is con-verted into a y-polarized one. The cut-wire array isthe same as in Fig. 1, the spacer is polyimide, andthe separation between the cut-wire array and thegratings is 33 mm. The gold grating wire width is4 mm, periodicity is 10 mm, and thickness is 200 nm.For this freestanding device, the gratings are coveredwith 4-mm-thick polyimide caps. (B) Cross-polarizedtransmittance obtained through experimental mea-surements, numerical simulations, and theoreticalcalculations. Also shown is the numerically simu-lated copolarized reflectance.

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refraction (qt = 0) is practically zero, and only theanomalous beam is transmitted at a frequency-dependent refraction angle qt following thegeneralized law of refraction (22): n2sin(qt) –n1sin(qi) = dF/dx, where n1 = n2 = 1 for thesurrounding air, dF/dx = l0/D1 is the phase gra-dient imposed by the sample, l0 is the free spacewavelength, and D1 = 560 mm is the periodicityof the super-unit-cell along the phase gradient(x direction). The calculated frequency-dependentanomalous refraction angle is plotted as the dashedcurve in Fig. 3D, revealing excellent agreementwith the experimental results. At 1.4 THz (l0 =214 mm), the angle-dependent transmittance (Fig.3E) shows a maximum output power of 61%at qt = 24° and reveals minimal transmission atnegative angles (0.6%at –24°).Also, the anomalousrefraction intensity drops to zero as l0 approachesthe periodicity D1 corresponding to 0.54 THz, atwhich qt approaches 90° (Fig. 3D). This indicatesthat the incident wave is either totally reflected orconverted to surface waves (27).

Our devices are ultrathin and operate withinthe technologically relevant terahertz frequencyrange, in whichmany important functionalities—

including polarization conversion, beam steering,andwavefront shaping—have been extremely chal-lenging to accomplish. Our results have shownthat we can achieve broadband, high-performancelinear polarization conversion and near-perfectanomalous refraction. Additional numerical sim-ulations show that near-perfect anomalous re-flection can also be accomplished by using thesame concept (fig. S8). No particular optimiza-tion was undertaken to increase the conversionefficiency and bandwidth. Our demonstrationscan be extended to other relevant frequencies.However, fabrication challenges and metal lossescan become issues when approaching visible fre-quencies that substantially degrade the deviceperformance. Our results form the foundation formore advanced applications; for instance, an ap-propriately constructed device can serve as a high-performance spatial light modulator. Thewavefrontshaping can result in a helical phase dependenceforming Laguerre-Gauss modes carrying an or-bital angular momentum that can acquire anyinteger value (28), which is useful in quantumentanglement (29) and enables opportunities intelecommunications (30).

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Fig. 3. Broadband and near-perfect anomalous refraction. (A) Reso-nator array super-unit-cell within the (B) anomalous refraction design (not toscale). A normally incident x-polarized wave is converted to a y-polarized trans-mission beam, which bends in the x-z plane to an angle qt with respect to the zaxis. (C) The simulated cross-polarized transmittance and corresponding phase

shift when each individual resonator is used in the linear polarization con-verter. (D) Experimentally measured cross-polarized transmittance as a func-tion of frequency and angle. The dashed curve is the theoretically calculatedfrequency-dependent bending angle. (E) Cross-polarized transmittance at1.4 THz under normal incidence as a function of angle.

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Acknowledgments: We acknowledge partial support fromthe Los Alamos National Laboratory Laboratory-DirectedResearch and Development program. This work was performedin part at the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies, aU.S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciencesuser facility. Los Alamos National Laboratory, an affirmativeaction equal opportunity employer, is operated by Los AlamosNational Security for the National Nuclear Security

Administration of the U.S. Department of Energy undercontract DE-AC52-06NA25396.

Supplementary Materialswww.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/full/science.1235399/DC1Materials and MethodsFigs. S1 to S8References (31–35)

21 January 2013; accepted 1 May 2013Published online 16 May 2013;10.1126/science.1235399

Short-Range Quantum Magnetismof Ultracold Fermions in anOptical LatticeDaniel Greif,1 Thomas Uehlinger,1 Gregor Jotzu,1 Leticia Tarruell,1,2* Tilman Esslinger1†

Quantum magnetism originates from the exchange coupling between quantum mechanical spins.Here, we report on the observation of nearest-neighbor magnetic correlations emerging in themany-body state of a thermalized Fermi gas in an optical lattice. The key to obtaining short-rangemagnetic order is a local redistribution of entropy, which allows temperatures below the exchangeenergy for a subset of lattice bonds. When loading a repulsively interacting gas into eitherdimerized or anisotropic simple cubic configurations of a tunable-geometry lattice, we observean excess of singlets as compared with triplets consisting of two opposite spins. For the anisotropiclattice, the transverse spin correlator reveals antiferromagnetic correlations along one spatialaxis. Our work facilitates addressing open problems in quantum magnetism through the use ofquantum simulation.

Quantum magnetism describes quantummany-body states of spins coupled byexchange interactions and lies at the heart

of many fundamental phenomena in condensedmatter physics (1, 2). Spin systems often tend toshow long-range order at low temperatures; how-ever, the interplay of exchange interactions withgeometry and quantum fluctuations can lead toquantum states characterized by their short-rangemagnetic order. Examples include valence-bondcrystals, spin-liquids, and possibly high-temperaturesuperconductors (1–5). Interestingly, the underlyingmany-body physics gives rise to computation-ally and theoretically intractable regimes, evenin the phase diagrams of simple models such asthe Fermi-Hubbard model. Moreover, the directmeasurement of local spin correlations in solidsremains a major challenge.

The controlled setting of ultracold fermionicatoms in optical lattices is regarded as a promis-ing route to gain new insights into phases drivenby quantum magnetism (6–8). This approach of-fers experimental access to a clean and highly

flexible Fermi-Hubbard model with a distinctset of observables (9). For repulsively interactingfermions, density ordering in the metal–Mottinsulator transition has been explored exper-imentally (10, 11). Yet, progress toward enter-ing the regime of quantum magnetism has beenhindered by the ultralow temperatures and en-tropies required to observe exchange-driven spinordering in optical lattices. For bosonic systems,promising progress has been reported: By map-ping the spin onto the site occupation or the localphase of a Bose-Einstein condensate, the phys-ics of one-dimensional (1D) decoupled Isingspin chains (12) and classical magnetism on a

triangular lattice could be simulated (13). Fur-thermore, arrays of isolated double wells andplaquettes were used to study the exchange dy-namics of artificially prepared few-boson sys-tems (14, 15).

To enable the study of quantum magneticphenomena in thermalized many-body Hubbardsystems, cooling schemes based on the redis-tribution of entropy between different regionsof the trap have been suggested (16, 17). In thiswork, we propose and implement a local entropy-redistribution scheme within the lattice structureto reach the regime of quantum magnetism. Theatoms are either prepared in a dimerized or ananisotropic simple cubic lattice (Fig. 1). In bothgeometries, a subset of links of the underlyingsimple cubic lattice is set to a larger exchangeenergy as compared with the other links. As aresult, the entropy is predominantly stored inconfigurations involving the weak links. For fixedtotal entropy in the trapped system, this allows usto reach temperatures between the two exchange-energy scales.

The experiment is performed with a har-monically confined, balanced two-componentmixture of a quantum degenerate Fermi gas of40K. The atoms are prepared in two magneticsublevels, mF = −9/2 and −7/2, of the F = 9/2hyperfine manifold, denoted by ↑ and ↓, at tem-peratures below 10% of the Fermi temperature.We load 50,000 to 100,000 repulsively inter-acting atoms at an s-wave scattering length of106(1)a0 into the 3D optical lattice, where a0denotes the Bohr radius. The lattice is createdby a combination of interfering laser beams

1Institute for Quantum Electronics, ETH Zurich, 8093 Zurich,Switzerland. 2LP2N UMR 5298, UniversitéBordeaux 1, Institutd’Optique and CNRS, 351 Cours de la Libération, 33405 Talence,France.

*Present address: Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques, Mediterra-nean Technology Park, 08860 Castelldefels, Barcelona, Spain.†Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]

Fig. 1. Magnetic spin corre-lations. Schematic view of thenearest-neighbor spin correlationsobserved in the experiment. Atwo-component mixture of fer-mionic atoms (red and blue) isprepared close to half-filling ina cubic lattice with two differenttunnel-coupling configurations.(A) Dimerized lattice with thestrong dimer links td and weakerlinks t. Low temperatures lead toan excess number of singlets over triplets. (B) Anisotropic lattice with strong and weak tunneling ts andt along different spatial axes. Antiferromagnetic spin correlations in the transverse direction are formedalong the strong-link direction. In both panels, exemplary thermal excitations in the form of spin ex-citations, or holes, are shown.


Dimerized cubic lattice Anisotropic cubic lattice




t t

td ts ts


Singlet TripletAntiferromagneticspin correlation

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