Tender for recruitment and public notice advertising Briefing session for newspapers Wednesday 7 June

Tender for recruitment and public notice advertising Briefing session for newspapers Wednesday 7 June

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Tender for recruitment and public notice advertising

Briefing session for newspapers

Wednesday 7 June

Programme•Background – Colm Shannon, Deputy Director of Communications

•Procurement Strategy – Roy Bell, Deputy Director, Central Procurement Service



• Advertising Review

• Changing market

• Value for money

• Added value

Proposed arrangements

• One tender – two packages– Recruitment– Public Notices

• Value – estimated at £3m

• The contracted media supplier will treat all government advertising as one account, with discounts maximised and delivered uniformly across all departments

Proposed arrangements (continued)

• Government questions the historical practice of charging Recruitment and Public Notice rates at a premium

• Placement will be handled by a mixture of the DRD Graphics Unit and an advertising agency

• Government will not pay additional costs for transmission of copy

Proposed arrangements (continued)

• Agency remuneration will be handled separately by government

• Government will benefit from all discounts and rebates. There should be no other volume related rebates or discounts paid to any agency

• Tenderers should provide their absolute net scc

Proposed arrangements (continued)

• Over the life of this framework other parts of the public sector may wish to be part of the contract

• We retain the right to advertise in other publications or media

• Quarterly management reports

Price evaluation

• Price evaluation will be based on rates for individual Daily titles

• Daily titles that wish to come together as a consortium will be considered

• We cannot accept bids from a combination of Daily and Weekly or a combination of Daily and Sunday titles

Price evaluation

• However under added value additional readership delivered by a weekly title can be considered but at no extra charge

• The same will apply to a Daily/Sunday combination

Procurement strategy

Roy Bell

Procurement strategy• Overall objective

• Development of a procurement strategy

• Evaluation model

• Audience delivery framework

• Proposed timetable

Objective:Undertake an open and transparent procurement process which minimises the costs of “recruitment and public notice advertisements” against set criteria, and equality requirements while promoting value added services.

Procurement strategy

• Develop output based performance specifications

• Two stage evaluation model

Stage one – track record/price/ added value

Stage two - audience delivery framework

Key outputs

•Minimise costs

•Promote value added services

•Meet equality requirements

Evaluation model - stage one

Criterion Recruitment Public Notices

Track record N/A


Added value

100% 100%

% Weightings per criterion

Track record (Recruitment only)

(1 January to 30th April 2006 - Total single column centimetres)

Total advertisement space:

• Recruitment

• Professional, technical & administration

The tender with the highest total advertising space set period = max weighting score

Price performance

Single column centimetre rate

Audited circulation figures (ABC)

= cost per 1,000 (Lowest cost = maximum weighted score)

Examples: -

•Proposals to increase readership

•Editorial support


•Web access

•Colour premium offers

•Access to other forms of media

•Related promotions

•Special supplements

Value added services

Summary stage one evaluationCategory: Recruitment =

Track record + price performance + added value



(Tenderers will be ranked in score order for this category)

Summary stage one evaluationCategory: Public notice =

Price performance + added value



(Tenderers will be ranked in score order for this category)

Stage two - audience delivery framework

Based on Target Group Index (TGINI) 2006

Criteria - % reach




•Adults ABC1

•Adults C2DE

•Greater Belfast

•Rest of NI


• EU open procedure

Proposed timetable:

• Tenders issued early July 2006

• Tender return September 2006

• Evaluation and contract award September/October 2006

Please e-mail any questions regarding the tender to:

[email protected]

Please note that answers to any submitted questions will be issued to all tenderers

This presentation and other documentation relating to the Review of Government Advertising is available online at:


Any questions?