Ten Ways to Achieve Best-in-Class VMS Use · Every Vendor Management System (VMS) buyer is unique and has different goals for their flexible workforce program. The SAP Fieldglass

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Page 1: Ten Ways to Achieve Best-in-Class VMS Use · Every Vendor Management System (VMS) buyer is unique and has different goals for their flexible workforce program. The SAP Fieldglass


Page 2: Ten Ways to Achieve Best-in-Class VMS Use · Every Vendor Management System (VMS) buyer is unique and has different goals for their flexible workforce program. The SAP Fieldglass


© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

IntroductionEvery Vendor Management System (VMS) buyer is unique and has different goals for their flexible workforce program. The SAP Fieldglass VMS provides the necessary knowledge and functionality to ensure your program is best-in-class year after year.

You can expect intuitive administrative and upload tools, a seamless user experience, timely product updates and enhancements, prompt support and efficient mobile access.

Whether you are a current SAP Fieldglass customer interested in learning how your peers leverage our system or simply want to know how a VMS automates flexible workforce management, this eBook will outline features designed exclusively to help you achieve visibility, cost savings, efficiency, compliance and quality within your external workforce program.

Read on to learn about some of the innovative functionality available in SAP Fieldglass and discover 10 features that can make your job easier and your program better.

Page 3: Ten Ways to Achieve Best-in-Class VMS Use · Every Vendor Management System (VMS) buyer is unique and has different goals for their flexible workforce program. The SAP Fieldglass


© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

Challenge: Logging In and Out of Your VMS All Day to Take Action on To-Do’s

What everyday task takes up the bulk of your time? It’s likely reading and responding to email. Given that, SAP Fieldglass developed the email approval feature so that you can complete your SAP Fieldglass action items where you spend your time most. With this functionality, an HTML-based email is generated from the VMS and sent to the appropriate user’s inbox to instantly approve or reject items such as timesheets, job postings, expense sheets or work orders. Users can take action from their laptops or even mobile devices without having to leave their inbox. Nearly half of our customers have enabled this feature to significantly reduce approval cycle times.

Solution: Email Approvals 

Page 4: Ten Ways to Achieve Best-in-Class VMS Use · Every Vendor Management System (VMS) buyer is unique and has different goals for their flexible workforce program. The SAP Fieldglass


© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

Challenge: Inefficient Approval Process for a Program Office's (PMO) Daily Tasks

Nearly 95 percent of SAP Fieldglass users leverage the bulk approval functionality to save time and effort. Let’s face it, it’s much easier to look at 10 timesheets and approve them at once, rather than go through 10 separate approval processes.

When enabled, bulk approvals provide greater visibility in a summarized format to:

• Approve multiple timesheets simultaneously

• Manage credit/debit memos and invoices faster

Solution: Bulk Approval

"Nearly 95 percent of SAP Fieldglass users leverage the bulk approval functionality to save time and effort."

Page 5: Ten Ways to Achieve Best-in-Class VMS Use · Every Vendor Management System (VMS) buyer is unique and has different goals for their flexible workforce program. The SAP Fieldglass


© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

Challenge: Extra Work and Delays from Incorrect Timesheets

Unfortunately, workers make timesheet mistakes more often than we’d like, resulting in a lot of additional manual work and unnecessary delays. The revised timesheet feature within the application intelligently corrects timesheets, thereby eliminating the manual “fixes” that were previously performed by the PMO. If a worker submits a timesheet with incorrect hours or other issues, the system will automatically re-route it back so that he or she can fix and re-submit it. Once it’s re-submitted, SAP Fieldglass completes the remaining steps in the process — it’s that easy! Your AP team no longer has to spend time reconciling and fixing timesheets submitted erroneously since the VMS automates the entire process.

Solution: Revised Timesheets

Page 6: Ten Ways to Achieve Best-in-Class VMS Use · Every Vendor Management System (VMS) buyer is unique and has different goals for their flexible workforce program. The SAP Fieldglass


© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

Challenge: Workflow Delays When You’re Out of the Office

You can’t always be available. You travel, get sick or have lengthy meetings. It’s important that you have the option to allow someone else to perform important tasks while you are away so that processes continue without interruption. Delegate functionality allows your proxy to complete work items and perform additional tasks from approvals to reviewing and hiring candidates, managing interviews and revising workers.

Solution: Delegate

Page 7: Ten Ways to Achieve Best-in-Class VMS Use · Every Vendor Management System (VMS) buyer is unique and has different goals for their flexible workforce program. The SAP Fieldglass


© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

Challenge: Constant Worker Changes Limit Your Total Workforce Transparency

It is crucial to know who is working for your organization at all times, but frequent turnover or even name changes make accurate tracking difficult. SAP Fieldglass offers a secure ID comprised of a unique combination of information that allows buyers to identify job seekers and workers instantly. With this feature enabled, you can positively identify all workers managed in the VMS regardless of the supplier or engagement type. Suppliers must complete a security ID field for both job seekers and Statement of Work (SOW) workers.

The secure ID helps the PMO track worker tenure, create better system security and enhance compliance requirements. Hiring managers can also view a worker’s history within the organization more easily.

Solution: Secure ID

Page 8: Ten Ways to Achieve Best-in-Class VMS Use · Every Vendor Management System (VMS) buyer is unique and has different goals for their flexible workforce program. The SAP Fieldglass


© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

Challenge: Difficulty Making Sense of Program Data

SAP Fieldglass stores critical data that, if analyzed efficiently, can indicate trends, anomalies, successes and areas of concern for your flexible workforce. The Data Views and Charts reporting option allows you to create sets of data that can be extracted into list views and then examined in various interactive layouts, including line charts, pie charts and bar charts. Each chart offers drill-down capabilities to view the information in greater detail, helping to detect emerging trends or patterns that require your immediate attention. Data Views and Charts is available directly on a user’s home page so that you can easily and quickly get a real-time view of data at any time.

Solution: Actionable Dashboards

Data Data


33557 — Research & Development

93566 — IT Infrastructure

1001 — Human Resources

00165 — Accounting

210622 — Database Monitoring

11211— Sales

212494 — Marketing

167626— Web ServicesBusiness Analyst

.net Application Analyst

Administrative Assistant Level I

Audit Manager

Mid Level Java Developer

Web Designer

Design Engineer

57372 — Administrative Support

00021 — Facilities

5M 10M 15M 20M

View ViewChart Chart

Forecasted Spend by Cost CenterClick the Chart elements to drill down

Headcount Exceeding Tenure PolicyClick the Chart elements to drill down


t Cen


Forecasted Amount (sum)

Call Center

Project Manager Level II

Page 9: Ten Ways to Achieve Best-in-Class VMS Use · Every Vendor Management System (VMS) buyer is unique and has different goals for their flexible workforce program. The SAP Fieldglass


© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

"The dashboard allows users to tackle daily transactions easily and focus on higher-value activities such as hiring manager needs analysis, supplier performance management, compliance, etc."

Challenge: Overwhelming Your PMO with Unorganized Tasks and Information

The PMO Dashboard increases efficiency for the staff that plays such an important role in external workforce management on a daily basis. It offers a snapshot of current activities and identifies critical items requiring attention. The PMO can also use the dashboard to re-assign work items to others. The dashboard allows users to tackle daily transactions easily and focus on higher-value activities such as hiring manager needs analysis, supplier performance management, compliance, etc.

It sets acceptable thresholds to avoid missed deadlines, stores relevant notes and sends automatic reminder emails to applicable users.

Solution: PMO Dashboard

Page 10: Ten Ways to Achieve Best-in-Class VMS Use · Every Vendor Management System (VMS) buyer is unique and has different goals for their flexible workforce program. The SAP Fieldglass


© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

Challenge: Poor Collaboration With Resources Throughout the Supply Chain

An enterprise-wide application like SAP Fieldglass connects the entire supply chain including suppliers, the PMO, hiring managers and program sponsors. SAP Fieldglass’ social enterprise functionality will help you effectively execute your flexible workforce management tasks with greater, faster collaboration.

The Ask an Expert feature allows you to type a question that’s automatically routed to a pre-determined resource who can either respond directly, or forward the question to additional resources in your system. Or you can leverage the Chat feature for instant connection and collaboration between buyers, buyer to supplier, or buyer to all suppliers. Chats only involve those with correct user permission roles and can be saved or shared with others.

"The Ask an Expert feature allows you to type a question that’s automatically routed to a pre-determined resource who can either respond directly, or forward the question to additional resources in your system.

Solution: Social Enterprise

Page 11: Ten Ways to Achieve Best-in-Class VMS Use · Every Vendor Management System (VMS) buyer is unique and has different goals for their flexible workforce program. The SAP Fieldglass


© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

Challenge: Unstandardized Job Titles Create Costly and Risky Inconsistencies

SAP Fieldglass offers a standard list of job titles and skills/functionalities that are easily accessible for your organization. This database, containing information on hundreds of standardized and occupation-specific descriptors, allows your PMO to quickly search, create and compare data in your industry while providing a consistent job classification system. It also offers better benchmarking capabilities and ensures accurate rates.

In addition, the catalog also contains a list of standard qualifications to inform buyers which skills are most important — and most utilized — in their companies.

Solution: Mapping Job Titles to a Standard Catalog

Page 12: Ten Ways to Achieve Best-in-Class VMS Use · Every Vendor Management System (VMS) buyer is unique and has different goals for their flexible workforce program. The SAP Fieldglass


© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.

Challenge: Non-Compliant Timesheets

The rules around entering time differ by region, industry or even company. As such there are many laws and regulations in place around timekeeping that must be adhered to in order to remain compliant. SAP Fieldglass allows you to enter all business or legislative rules into the system and provides active guidance for workers entering time. This not only reduces timesheet errors, but also ensures compliance to policies and laws.

Solution: Timesheet Rules

Page 13: Ten Ways to Achieve Best-in-Class VMS Use · Every Vendor Management System (VMS) buyer is unique and has different goals for their flexible workforce program. The SAP Fieldglass


© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.


SAP Fieldglass’ VMS offers innovative features to help you successfully manage your external workforce and services procurement programs. Maximizing the use of key functionality will allow you to achieve the total workforce visibility needed to reach your program cost, compliance, quality and efficiency goals.

We are always looking for ways to continuously improve and advance our VMS to ensure your program is best-in-class year after year. As we introduce new functionality, additional best practices are created. In fact, by the time you read this, there will be new best practices to share. Contact us to learn more.

Related Resources

• Datasheet: Active Guidance

• eBook: Improving the Hiring Manager Experience

• Datasheet: PMO Dashboard


To learn more about SAP Fieldglass and how it can help achieve your flexible workforce program goals, please contact us at [email protected] or visit www.fieldglass.com.

About SAP FieldglassSAP Fieldglass provides the industry’s leading cloud technology for services procurement and external workforce management. More than 400 global businesses leverage SAP Fieldglass’ intuitive Vendor Management System (VMS) to gain visibility into its external labor, project-based services including Statements of Work (SOWs), independent contractors and additional flexible talent pools.

Page 14: Ten Ways to Achieve Best-in-Class VMS Use · Every Vendor Management System (VMS) buyer is unique and has different goals for their flexible workforce program. The SAP Fieldglass

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