Teme Licenta Engleza Si Franceza

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  • 7/29/2019 Teme Licenta Engleza Si Franceza


    LICENTA 2014

    Ioan Lucian Popa

    1. Modulation in Translation

    2. Compensation in Translation3. Reduction and Expansion in Translation

    4. Explicitation in Translation

    5. Dynamic Modality

    Ioan Sava

    1. Interpreting as a Complex Cognitive and Linguistic Activity;

    2. Some Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Interpreting

    Bonta Elena

    1. The phraseology of food/tourism/human condition

    2. Stereotyping with phraseology3. Social themes in phraseology

    Ioana Boghian

    1. Translating the Conventions Governing

    Commercial/Legal/Technical/Biological/Medical Texts

    2. Aspects of Translating Literary texts. Translating Novels/Translating

    Poetry/Translating Drama

    3. Translating the Conventions Governing

    Commercial/Legal/Technical/Biological/Medical Texts

    4. Aspects of Translating Literary texts. Translating Novels/Translating

    Poetry/Translating Drama

    5. The use and role of illustrations in Victorian novels

    6. Time, space and character in Charles Dickenss / Thomas Hardys novels

    7. Illness in Wuthering Heights/Jane Eyre

    Mariana Dinulescu (in cotutela)

    1. Applied translation in technical literature (economics) (a 30-page translation of a

    source-text done by the student + a 50-page analysis of the translation techniques used by the

    student)2. Applied translation in technical literature (public administration) (a 30-page

    translation of a source-text done by the student + a 50-page analysis of the translation

    techniques used by the student)

    3. Applied translation in technical literature (medicine) (a 30-page translation of a source-

    text done by the student + a 50-page analysis of the translation techniques used by the student

    Mircea Horubet

    1. Approaching the English Phrase through Rules and Digrams

    2. The Semantics of Dependency in the English Complex Sentence

    3. The Pragmatics of the English Sentence. Sentence Structure and Message Organisation

    4. The Semantics of Complementation in the English Phrase and Clause5. The Semantics of the Clausal Adjuncts

  • 7/29/2019 Teme Licenta Engleza Si Franceza


    Raluca Galita

    1.The Article in English

    2.The Zero Article in English

    3.The Grammatical Category of Case in English4.The Genitive Case in English

    5.Means of expressing future time in English

    6. Temporal and aspectual properties of the English past tenses

    7. Temporal and aspectual properties of the English present tense

    Nadia Morarasu

    1. Exploring grammar in the language of children: a comparative


    2. Exploring the syntax of computer-mediated communication

    3. The function and usage of adverbials in English fairytales

    4. Exploring sentence variety in translation5. Sentence types and functions in argumentative writing

    Doina Cmeciu

    1. Allegory as a mode of representing the Victorian society in Alices Adventures in


    2. A thematic approach to The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde

    3. A narratological approach (to any of the novels you have enjoyed reading)

    4. A thematic approach to D.H. Lawrences/ Virginia Woolfs/ David Lodges novel(s)

    (to any other novel)

    5. Figurative ways of representing the Victorian world/the English/Irish modernist/

    postmodernist world

    Ioan Sava

    1. The Aesthetics of Romanticism;

    2. Realism and The English Novel: Jane Austen;

    3. American Experimentalism, American Expressionism, and Eugene ONeill;

    4. William Faulkners Experimental Narrative Complexity;

    5. A Narratological Approach toMoby Dick, by Herman Melville.

    Elena Ciobanu

    1.Metaphor and metaphorization in postmodernist poetry

    2.Representations of the poetic self in Walt Whitmans poetry

    3.Techniques of depersonalization in T. S. Eliots poetry

    4.Experimental poetry in the 20th century

    5. A thematic approach to Ted Hughess poetry

    Mihaela Culea1. The construction of feminine political power: Queen Elizabeth Is agency

  • 7/29/2019 Teme Licenta Engleza Si Franceza


    2. Marginality and marginal groups in the eighteenth-century English literature

    3. Eighteenth-century English pleasure gardens: entertainment and cultural activities

    4. The eighteenth-century English periodical essay and social satire

    5. Literary popular entertainment and instruction in the eighteenth-century English culture

    Andreia Suciu1. Amis vs Amis a narrative confrontation

    2. Kazuo Ishiguro the English vs the Japanese artistic consciousness

    3. Narrative strategies in Ian McEwans novels

    4. George Orwells dystopian world

    5. Maxine Hong Kingstons creative non-fiction

    Catalina Balinisteanu

    1. A Psychoanalytic Approach to Wuthering Heights

    2. Gender and Power in The Tragedy of Macbeth

    Diana Corban (in cotutela)

    1. Representations of feminity in John Fowles's The Collectorand The French Lieutenant's


    2. From representation(s) of sexuality to representation(s) of textuality in John Fowles's


    3. Religion, Art and Identity in James Joyce'sA Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

    4. (Ele)Mental becoming in D.H. Lawrence's The Rainbow.

    Adriana Romedea

    1. Les procds denrichir le vocabulaire franais. Analyse du romanZazie dans le

    mtro de Raymond Queneau

    2. Les changements de sens : le mcanisme des tropes. Analyse du romanLe

    Pre GoriotdHonor deBalzac

    3. La nominalisation. Analyse du romanMadame Bovary de Gustave Flaubert

    4. La suffixation sans changement de catgorie. Analyse du romanEugnie

    GrandetdHonor de Balzac

    5. La versification dans les posies dArthur Rimbaud

    Emilia Munteanu

    1.Combat du rcit et de la description dans le roman raliste du XIX-me sicle

    2.Le roman flaubertien entre morale et esthtique

    3. Le thtre ionescien mise en question du langage et du personnage

    4. Paradigmes du personnage romanesque au XIX-me sicle

    5. Histoire et criture dans la littrature du XIX-me sicle

    Simina Mastacan

    1. Lexpression du temps et de la dure dans la subordination en franais.

    2. Lemploi du subjonctif dans la phrase subordonne.3. La cause et la consquence. Formes et significations en franais.

  • 7/29/2019 Teme Licenta Engleza Si Franceza


    4. Linterrogation : type de phrase et modalit dnonciation.

    5. Procds indirects dans lacte de traduction.

    6. Le traducteur, un ambassadeur culturel.

    Raluca Balaita

    1. Lanaphore pronominale, forme de reprise dans le discours2. La dtermination complte

    3. Les pronoms de dialogue

    4. La caractrisation du nom : ladjectif qualificatif pithte

    5. La prsentation du procs : laspectualisation

    Maricela Strungariu

    1. Lart et lamour dans Un amour de Swann de Marcel Proust

    2. Les ruses de la confession :La Chute dAlbert Camus, de la culpabilit au rquisitoire

    3. Voyage au bout de la nuitde L.-F. Celine : roman du refus et de la contestation4. La nause de Jean-Paul Sartre ou le salut par lcriture

    5. Guillaume Apollinaire et le Cubisme : un dialogue fcond et crateur laube du XXe


    Veronica Grecu

    1. Cest lhabit qui fait le moine . Dguisements et illusions dans le roman de Tristan

    et Iseut

    2. De la fe la dame. Le personnage fminin dans les lais de Marie de France.

    3. Dune Phdre lautre. La rcriture dun modle littraire.

    4. Le franais au Canada. Lhistoire dun combat.

    5. Le franais au XVIIIe sicle ou de luniversalit de la langue franaise