Alfian Noviyanto, Ph.D. 1 Teknik Penulisan Artikel Ilmiah untuk Jurnal International Workshop full day Universitas Pamulang Alfian Noviyanto, Ph.D. Director of Research and Development, Nano Center Indonesia April 16 th , 2018

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Alfian Noviyanto, Ph.D.1

Teknik Penulisan Artikel Ilmiah untukJurnal International

Workshop full day Universitas Pamulang

Alfian Noviyanto, Ph.D.Director of Research and Development, Nano Center Indonesia

April 16th, 2018

Alfian Noviyanto, Ph.D.

Track record


23 articles published, 14 in journals indexed by Thompson Reuters3 articles were published at J. Eur. Ceram. Soc. (No. 1 in Materials: Ceramic)

Alfian Noviyanto, Ph.D.

Jurnal Ilmiah:

Dipublikasikan secara periodik

Menyebarluaskan penelitian baru, temuan baru, metode baru

Melalui proses peer review

Sebuah platform untuk mendistribusikan pengetahuan (knowledge)


Alfian Noviyanto, Ph.D.4

• Filosofi dalam menulis Jurnal:

tulisan harus ringkas, padat, tetapi tetap haruslengkap dan jelas.

Artinya (1) pembaca mengerti apa yang ditulistanpa harus bertanya kepada penulisnya,

dan (2) jika pembaca ingin menguji/melakukanpenelitian yang sama, dengan membaca artikeltersebut pembaca telah dapat melakukannya(sitasi).

Berbeda dengan menulis tesis/disertasi: detail, panjang lebar dan selengkap-lengkapnya

Alfian Noviyanto, Ph.D.

Jurnal International (Dikti, 2014)

Jurnal internasional adalah jurnal yang memenuhi kriteria sebagai berikut:

a. Karya ilmiah yang diterbitkan ditulis dengan memenuhi kaidah ilmiah dan etika keilmuan

b. Memiliki ISSN

c. Ditulis dengan menggunakan bahasa resmi PBB (Arab, Inggris, Perancis, Rusia, Spanyol dan Tiongkok)

d. Memiliki terbitan versi online

e. Dewan Redaksi (Editorial Board) adalah pakar di bidangnya paling sedikit berasal dari 4 (empat) negara.

Alfian Noviyanto, Ph.D.

Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi:

• Jurnal internasional bereputasi adalah jurnal yang memenuhi kriteria jurnal internasional dengan kriteria tambahan

(1) terindek pada Web of Science dan/atau Scopus

(2) mempunyai faktor dampak (impact factor) dariISI Web of Science (Thomson Reuters) atau ScimagoJournal Rank (SJR)

• Tambahan: Tidak tergolong jurnal predator

Alfian Noviyanto, Ph.D.



Thompson Reuters



Google Scholar








Alfian Noviyanto, Ph.D.

What is research?

• research. 1.a. the systematicinvestigation into and study of materials, sources, etc, in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions. b. an endeavour to discover new or collate old facts etc by the scientific study of a subject or by a course of critical investigation. [Oxford Concise Dictionary]


Alfian Noviyanto, Ph.D.

What is research?

• Research is what we do when we have a question or a problem we want to resolve• We may already think we know the answer

to our question already• We may think the answer is obvious,

common sense even• But until we have subjected our problem to

rigorous scientific scrutiny, our 'knowledge' remains little more than guesswork or at best, intuition.


Alfian Noviyanto, Ph.D.

Good versus Bad Research Problems

• Good research problem• After the research, more people will be doing it

– you opened the door

• After the research, nobody can improve it – you closed the door

• Bad research problem• Nobody will follow the research

• Nobody really cares the research


Alfian Noviyanto, Ph.D.

More about problem

• Principle of “aim high, accept low”

• Use problem selection as example• Aim high

• Do not patch a small hole left by leading researchers

• Find a more fundamental problem which may have a long impact

• Accept low• If it is difficult to find a fundamental problem, then

we need a compromise

• Advice from professor/colleague is important


Alfian Noviyanto, Ph.D.

How does doing research feel like?

1. An endless cycle between excitement and depression…

2. An endless cycle between sense of success and failure…

3. An endless cycle between over-confidence and self-doubt…

Research needs faith in there are always interesting new things for you to discover and by doing so you can make the world a better place!


Alfian Noviyanto, Ph.D.

Writing a research article

Why we need to write a scientific paper?

Purpose of scientific paper: To communicate to the community; to contribute to the advancement of knowledge

Scientific paper is a product of research and vehicle for clarification.


Alfian Noviyanto, Ph.D.


Why we need to publish a paper?

• Internal drive• Research interest (sense of

achievement/fulfillment, curiosity)• Strong ambition (self-expectation)

• External drive• Degree and diploma• Parents, teachers, friends• Peer pressure (sense of honor and


Alfian Noviyanto, Ph.D.

Structure of research article• Title

• Author names and affiliations

• Abstract

• Keywords

• Introduction

• (Theoretical/literature review)

• Experimental methods

• Results and Discussion

• Conclusions

• Acknowledgements

• References

• Figures and Tables


Alfian Noviyanto, Ph.D.

Where do we begin?

• Create a story from all of you data. Good data without a story will end with rejection.

• Write the experimental methods, results and discussion, conclusions

• Next, start to write the introduction section and complete the references.

• Caution about research misconduct


Alfian Noviyanto, Ph.D.


Judul : menarik, berbeda dengan judul yang sudah banyakkalau perlu agak bombastis/lebay.

• Korenman, Sanders, and David Neumark. "Does marriage really make men more productive?." Journal of Human Resources (1991): 282-307.

• A. Noviyanto, B.-K. Min, H.-W. Yu, D.-H. Yoon. " Highly dense and fine-grained SiC with a Sc-nitrate sintering additive" Journal of European Ceramic Society 34 (2014) 825-830.

• A. Noviyanto, T. Nishimura, M. Kitaano, N. Ohashi. “Pulverization of oxide powders utilizing thermal treatment in ammonia-based atmosphere” Journal of European Ceramic Society 36 (2016) 4083-4088.

Alfian Noviyanto, Ph.D.


• ‘versi’ pendek dari artikel; hendaknya berisi semua informasiyang diperlukan pembaca untuk mengetahui:• (1) Tujuan penelitian;• (2) Cara melakukan penelitian (methodology)/data• (3) Hasil yang diperoleh

• tanpa paragraf

• tanpa referensi

• Ditulis terakhir

• Usually 150-400 words (according to journal)

Alfian Noviyanto, Ph.D.


• This paper examines the inequality in education in Indonesia measured by Gini coefficients across different urban-rural, provinces, districts and gender . The main data used in this study is the 2010 Population Census, comparing with the two previous censuses in 1990 and 2000. Using 2SLSregression, this paper also checks whether inequality in education across 494 districts in Indonesia are related in any systematic ways to some indicator of economic development, such as per capita income and poverty level. The analysis finds that education inequality in Indonesia has been declining during three decades. The gender gaps on inequality have become diminished. Finally, the educational inequality is negatively related with per capita GDP and positively related with poverty at district levels.

Alfian Noviyanto, Ph.D.

Li4Ti5O12 was synthesized by a solid-state reaction between Li2CO3 and TiO2 for applications in lithium ion batteries. The effects of the TiO2 phase and mechanochemical activation on the Li4Ti5O12 particles as well as the corresponding electrochemical properties were investigated. Rutile TiO2 was more desirable in acquiring high purity Li4Ti5O12 than anatase due to the anatase to rutile phase transformation, which was found to be more rigid in the solid-state reaction than the intact rutile phase. Mechanochemical activation of the starting materials was effective in decreasing the reaction temperature and particle size as well as increasing the Li4Ti5O12 content. The specific capacity depended significantly on the Li4Ti5O12 content, whereas the rate capability improved with decreasing particle size due to the enhanced contact area and reduced diffusion path. Overall, a 200 nm-sized Li4Ti5O12 powder with a specific capacity of 165 mAh/g could be synthesized by optimizing the milling method and starting materials.

Alfian Noviyanto, Ph.D.


create reader interest (background information); mengantarkan pembaca untuk masuk ke fokuspenelitian; kalau pembaca sudah tertarik pada bagian depan akan memutuskan untuk melanjutkan membaca bagian belakangnya (penulis pun demikian)

focus on an issue, a problem or a question relevant to the study (tidak lari kemana-mana); tips: general to specific akhirnya mengarah ke objective of this study (Tujuan penelitian)

Alfian Noviyanto, Ph.D.

Yang ada di Introduction(1):

• Selain latar belakang:

• review beberapa previous research (dan teori)penting; (dari sini research GAP itu muncul)

• discuss deficiencies in previous research on the topic; Berani untuk menjelaskan kelemahan previous study

• how it differ from previous study

propose a new/different way of investigating the same topic/aspect of the topic: It’s your contribution

Alfian Noviyanto, Ph.D.

Yang ada di Introduction (2)

• Sebutkan tujuan penelitian dengan jelas di bagian ini.

• To the best of the authors’ knowledge, there are no reports on the effect of mechanochemical activation for the starting materials on the formation of Li4Ti5O12

powder. With this background, this study compared the effects of milling methods (ball milling and high energy milling) on the properties of Li4Ti5O12 powder and the corresponding electrochemical properties. In addition, the effects of two different starting TiO2 phases, i.e., anatase- and rutile-phased TiO2, were also examined.

Alfian Noviyanto, Ph.D.

Kelemahan Penulis: Introduction

• Tidak secara eksplisit menjelaskan kontribusinya/research gap nya: biasanya karena kurang membaca

• Penulisan tidak “general to specific”, sehingga jadi lari kemana-mana

Alfian Noviyanto, Ph.D.

Kelemahan Penulis Indonesia:

a. References di dalam teks tidak sama dengan di daftar references.

b. Kurang relevan/keterbaruan/tidak mengikuti perkembangan

c. Tidak dapat dilacak

d. Menggunakan references yang tidak seharusnya(diktat kuliah, pustaka dalam artikel penulis lain, wikipedia)

Alfian Noviyanto, Ph.D.

Penggunaan Bahasa Inggris Menulis Jurnal/Publikasi Ilmiah dalam Bahasa Inggris

adalah sebuah SKILL, yang harus/dapat dilatih

A good paper does not come out perfect first time for anyone, so do not feel bad, and do not skimp on revisions!

Syarat utama: Sediakan waktu yang cukup (terkadang harus sediakan waktu ekstra) dan juga kemuan yang keras untuk berlatih

Ingat: The quality of the writing reflects the quality of the research

Alfian Noviyanto, Ph.D.

Research misconduct


•Falsification (misrepresentation)



Alfian Noviyanto, Ph.D.

Example of self-plagiarism

• http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1567173912000405

• http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S156717391200315X


Alfian Noviyanto, Ph.D.30