Technote Bam Odi Installation 132338

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    Tech Note: Oracle BAM ODI Integration Installation

    TechNote_BAM-ODI_Installation.docPage 1 of 20October 23, 09 (version version (3)Oracle confidential, All rights reserved

    Supported Version: Oracle BAM Data Integrator


    This document illustrates the steps required to install the Oracle BAM ODI integration



    Complete installed version of Oracle BAM.Understanding Oracle BAM concepts.

    ODI Installation on Linux

    To install Oracle Data Integrator:1. Download ODI software from OTN, the link is Unzip software

    3. Open a terminal and run the following commandcd / set up/ Li nux/ Di sk1/ i nst al l

    4. Enter the following command to start installationchmod 755 runI nt al l er unzi p. / runI ns tal l er

    The Welcome screen appears5. ClickNext. The Select a Product To Install screen appears.6. Select the Oracle Data Integrator to install.

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    8. Select Complete installation Type, then clickNext.9. In the Home Details screen select the Oracle home name and directory path where

    you want to install ODI

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    10. Click Next, the Summary Window appears.

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    11. ClickInstall to start installation.12. ClickExit when the installaton finishes.

    BAM ODI configuration

    Setting JAVA_HOME Environment Variable

    This step is mandatory when ODI is integrated with Oracle BAM.

    ODI by default uses JDK 1.4 shipped with the ODI release as its Java runtime. Itwill not work with Oracle BAM where the jar files are compiled in JDK 1.6. So makesure that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is pointed to a JDK1.5 or aboveversion.

    Instead of setting the JAVA_HOME environment variable, you can also editODIHome/oracledi/bin/ and set ODI_JAVA_HOME directly.

    - Find this line: if "%ODI_JAVA_HOME%" == "" setODI_JAVA_HOME=%JAVA_HOME%

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    - Add a line like this immediately above it:set ODI_JAVA_HOME=C:\jdk1.5.0_06

    Configuring Master and Work Repositories in ODI

    There are two types of repositories:

    Master Repository - Data structure containing information on the topology of thecompany's IT resources, on security and on version management of projects and datamodels.

    Work Repository - Data structure containing information on data models, projects, andtheir use.

    To configure Master and Work Repositories, please follow the steps below

    STEP 1 - Creating Repository Schemas

    Create a schema ODI_M to host the Master repository and a schema ODI_W to host the workrepository. These schemas can be created by the following SQL commands:

    SQL> create user identified by

    default tablespace temporary tablespace ;

    SQL> grant connect, resource to ;

    Where: corresponds to the name of the schema you want to create corresponds to the password you have given it the Oracle tablespace where the data will be stored temporary default tablespace

    STEP 2 - Creating the Master Repository

    Run $ODIHOME\oracledi\bin\ script in a terminal. Specify the followingDatabase connection details.

    Driver: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriverURL: jdbc:oracle:thin:@::

    eg: jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:ORCLUser: ODI_MPassword: Your passwordTechnology: Oracle[Be sure to test the connection before clicking OK.]

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    STEP 3 - Connecting to the Master Repository

    1. Run $ODIHOME\oracledi\bin\topology.sh2. Click the New button to create a new connection, then enter the following

    information.Data Integrator Connection (Login Name is really a Connection Name)

    Login Name: Oracle MasterUser: SUPERVISORPassword: SUNOPSIS

    Database Connection

    User: ODI_MPassword: Your passwordDrivers List: Oracle JDBC DriverDriver Name: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriverUrl: jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:ORCL

    Set as the default connectionAll names and passwords are case-sensitive.

    [Be sure to test the connection before clicking OK.]

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    Topology Manager can now connect to the master repository.

    STEP 4 Creating a work repository

    1. From within ODI Topology Manager, find the Repositories View. If it is notvisible, select it from the menu:Windows -> Show View -> Repositories

    2. Go to Repositories, then right-click Work Repositories>choose Insert WorkRepository. First define the connection to the work repository by clicking theDefinition tab, then enter:Name: WorkConnection1Technology: OracleInstance/dblink: User: ODI_WPassword: Your password

    In JDBC tab

    JDBC Driver: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriverJDBC Url: jdbc:oracle:thin:@hostname:port:sid

    e.g. jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:ORCL

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    Click Apply

    3. A work repository window will pop up. Specify ID, type and name as follows,ID: (any value from 1 to 998 is fine)

    Type: DevelopmentName: WORK_DEV

    4. Click Apply. This will take a few minutes as ODI creates and populates the workrepository tables. Now the Work Repository has been created. Next we will useODI Designer to connect to the new Work Repository.

    STEP 5 - Connecting to the Work repository

    1. Click the Designer button . The Data Integrator Loginwindow appears

    2. Create a new connection (Click the New button). In the Work RepositoryConnection window, specify the connection details as follows,

    Data Integrator Connection (Login Name is really a Connection Name)Login Name: Oracle Work DevUser: SUPERVISORPassword: SUNOPSIS

    Database Connection (for the Master Repository)User: ODI_MPassword: ODI_MDrivers List: Oracle JDBC DriverDriver Name: oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriverUrl: jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:ORCLWork Repository

    Repository Name Click the Repositories list button; chooseWORK_DEV from the list

    Set as the default connection[Be sure to test the connection before clicking OK]

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    3. Click OK to connect Designer to the Work Repository

    4. Now Designer should open and connect to the Work Repository. You are ready tostart using Oracle Data Integrator

    Configuring BAM ODI Using Scripts

    Use the installation script when you have Oracle Data Integrator and Oracle BAMinstalled on the same system or the same network file system.

    A log file calledutility.log is created if there is a problem with the installation.

    To install the integration files:1. Start Oracle BAM Server if it is not running.

    2. On the Oracle BAM host, go to the ORACLE_HOME\bam\config directory and edit

    the bam_odi_configuration.propertiesfile. ORACLE_HOME is the directory where

    SOA/BAM is installed.

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    3. Set ODI_HOME and WL_SERVER property values

    ODI_HOME - This property identifies the path to the Oracle Data Integratorhome directory.

    WL_SERVER - This property identifies the Oracle WebLogic Server folder name

    on the Oracle BAM system. The default value is wlserver_10.3.

    4. Installation logging is INFO by default. If there are any problems with the install,the logging level can be changed in

    ORACLE_HOME\bam\bin\ file. The logs are by default written

    to ORACLE_HOME\bam\bin\utility.log file.

    5. Run ORACLE_HOME\bam\bin\

    Enter the values as prompted by the script. You must have the Oracle DataIntegrator Master and Oracle Data Integrator Work repository account credentialsto complete the script execution. Note that the prompts displayed with [value]have default values in the brackets. Press Enter to choose the default. If there is nobracketed default value displayed, an input value is required, or the script stops.

    Here is the sample eat e_eds_ i n_bam:Pl ease pr ovi de BAM cr edent i al s:I nput BAM User Name[Oracl eSystemUser ] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : webl ogi cI nput BAM User l ogi n passwor d . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :

    Cr eat i ng Ent er pr i se Data Sour ces i n BAMPl ease i nput connect i on i nf or mat i on f or ODI r eposi t or i esI nput db i nst ance host name or I P addr ess[ l ocal host] . . . . . . . : pwang02. au. or acl e. comI nput db i ns tance por t number [1521] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 1523I nput db i nst ance I D/ SI D[ ORCL] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : soa11

    Cr eat i ng ODI Mast er Ext ernal Data Sour ce:I nput Master r eposi t or y l ogi n name [ODI _M] . . . . . . . . . . . . :I nput Master r epos i tory l ogi n password. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :

    I mport i ng f r om f i l e" / opt / or acl e/ Mi ddl eware/ Or acl e_SOA1/ bam/ conf i g/ i command_t emp2580120805443955471. xml " .Ext er nal Dat a Sour ce "ODI _Mast er " i mport ed successf ul l y."1" i t ems i mpor t ed successf ul l y.

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    Click OK and the Physical Data Server window pop up automatically.

    Note: If you close the Physical Data Server window, you can reopen it byright-clicking the Data Server and Insert Physical Schema

    Physical Data Server Definition tab

    Schema (Schema): SCOTTSchema (Work Schema): SNP_TEMP

    SCOTT is an example. Choose any schema that contains data you want to

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    work with. Default installations of Oracle will have the user SCOTTalready defined with four sample tables containing data, but the accountwill be locked out. Use Oracle Enterprise Manager to enable this account.

    Context tab

    Type in the name "ORACLE_SOURCE" as the name of a new LogicalSchema. ODI will automatically create the Logical Schema.

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    Click OK and the Physical Data Server window pop up automatically.

    Note: If you close the Physical Data Server window, you can reopen it byright-clicking the Data Server and Insert Physical Schema

    Physical Schema Definition tab

    Modify the Local Object Mask to be just %OBJECTContext tab

    Type in the name "BAM_TARGET" as the name of a new LogicalSchema. ODI will automatically create the Logical Schema.

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    Create a Project

    Go to Designer and Click on Projects Tab

    Right-click Projects and insert the Project ETL BAM INTEGRATIONImport the Knowledge Modules

    Right click the Project (not the KM node) Import > Import KnowledgeModules

    Import some of the Knowledge Modules fromC:\Program Files\Oracle\oracledi\oracledi\impexp

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    Use import type DuplicationChoose these KMs:

    CKM Get Oracle BAM Metadata

    CKM Oracle

    IKM SQL to BAM (delete)

    IKM SQL to BAM (insert)IKM SQL to BAM (looksert natural)

    IKM SQL to BAM (looksert surrogate)

    IKM SQL to BAM (update)

    IKM SQL to BAM (upsert)

    IKM SQL Control Append

    LKM Get Source Metadata

    LKM Oracle BAM to SQL

    LKM SQL to Oracle

    RKM Oracle BAM

    Create Models

    Insert the Model "Oracle BAM"Definition tab

    Technology: Oracle BAM - TargetLogical Schema: BAM_TARGET

    Reverse tab

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    At this point, you can create an interface. Execute the Interface and watch the results in theOperator window.


    Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide for Oracle SOA Suite

    11g Release 1 (11.1.1)Part Number E10226-01

    Questions & Clarifications:

    If you have any comments or need additional information, please communicate through

    the Oracle BAM forum at: