PHYS 407 1 PHYS 407 Senior Laboratory in Modern Physics Techniques for recording, analyzing, and reporting data

Techniques for recording, analyzing, and reporting dataphysics.gmu.edu/~rubinp/courses/407/notes.pdfDetermine ranges and increments ... Analyzer: Electrometer (ammeter) ... Different

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  • PHYS 407 1

    PHYS 407Senior Laboratory in Modern Physics

    Techniques for recording, analyzing, and reporting data

  • PHYS 407 2


    ● Introduction● Experiments● Data Analysis● Presentations● Writing

  • PHYS 407 3


    ● Scientific

    ● Logical

    ● Quantitative

  • PHYS 407 4

    Being Scientific

    ● Acquaintance with the content of physics can be made by attending classes or studying books and journals

    ● Understanding physics comes from, among other things, doing physics━ Failures and frustrations are part of the process

    ● Good science exhausts the possibilities of a very limited problem; bad science deals superficially with broad or complicated matters

  • PHYS 407 5

    Doing Physics?

    There is no 'Scientific Method', but...

  • PHYS 407 6

    Sound Scientific Practice

    ● Record every calculation and observation

    ━ Permanently and sufficiently ═►memory-proof

    ● Justify every step

    ● Anticipate contingencies

  • PHYS 407 7

    Being Logical

    ● Formulate hypotheses

    ● Decide what constitutes evidence to gather

    ● Draw sound conclusions━ based on evidence━ incompatible with alternative conclusions

    ● Distinguish between facts and interpretations

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    Being Quantitative

    ● Estimate with numerical approximations

    ● Provide values, uncertainties, and units for every relevant quantity

    ● Display information in graphs and tables

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    Experiments I

    ● Investigate the properties of physical systems━ Aim to isolate a portion of nature, typically by

    assuring it's sufficiently self-contained● Express properties as relations between

    parameters━ First problem is to identify the relevant ones━ Those that are varied experimentally: variables

    ∘ Independent: adjusted∘ Dependent: assumes a value

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    ● Planned; based on a model━ Equipment━ Protocol

    ● Controlled● Recorded● Honest

    ━ Clear up doubtful results as questions arise

    Experiments II

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    ● Abstracts from the “real world”

    ● Includes only necessary features

    ● Exaggerates some aspects; ignores others

    ● Makes assumptions to simplify relationships

    ● Offers only limited, well-prescribed utility● May be adequate or inadequate, not right or


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    ● Identify the system and the model● Select the variables● Clarify the relationship● Determine ranges and increments

    ━ Coarse measurements over wide range, fine in regions of interest

    ● Consider the precision● Construct a measurement program

  • PHYS 407 13

    Comparing Model and Nature

    Properties of a model must be shown to correspond with the system under study before

    proceeding to make conclusions.

    Experiments answer the question:

    Is the model good enough for our purposes at our level of precision?

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    Experiments III

    ● Spectroscopy● Instrumentation

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    ● Spectrometer: source, sample, analyzer● Source particles incident on sample and

    particles escaping after the interaction are analyzed

    ● Yields information about states of source or sample

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    Nobel Prizes in Spectroscopy● Michelson 1907● von Laue 1914● Braggs 1915● Stark 1919● Siegbahn 1924● Lamb and Kusch 1955● Bloembergen and Schawlow, Siegbahn 1981● Brockhouse 1994● Hall and Hänsch 2005

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    Spectroscopy Experiments

    ● Franck-Hertz● Zeeman Effect● Nuclear Magnetic Resonance● Electron Spin Resonance● Compton Scattering● Optical Pumping

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    Instrumentation Experiments

    ● Coaxial transmission line● Waveguides● Optical fibers (??)● Laser spectra● Laser cavity modes (?)

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    Franck-Hertz I

    ● James Franck and Gustav Hertz explored atomic energy levels, 1914

    ● Nobel Prize for both Franck and Hertz, 1925● Demonstrates that atoms absorb quantized


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    Franck-Hertz II

    ● Source: Electrons● Sample: Mercury vapor● Analyzer: Electrometer (ammeter)● Independent Variable: Accelerating voltage● Dependent Variable: Current● Controlled Parameters: Emission current,

    ambient temperature, retarding voltage

  • PHYS 407 21

    Frank-Hertz III

  • PHYS 407 22

    Zeeman Effect I

    ● Pieter Zeeman discovers spectral line splitting in a strong magnetic field, 1896

    ● Nobel Prize 1902 (along with Lorentz)● Magnetic splitting of spectral lines● Fabry-Pérot technique named after Charles

    Fabry and Alfred Pérot

  • PHYS 407 23

    Zeeman Effect II

    ● Source and Sample: Light from excited mercury atoms

    ● Analyzer: Fabry-Perot optical resonator (etalon)● Independent Variable: Magnetic field● Dependent Variable: Bright line (energy level)

    separation● Controlled Parameters: Spectrometer

    configuration, meteorological conditions

  • PHYS 407 24

    Zeeman Effect III

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    Nuclear Magnetic Resonance I

    ● Molecular beam NMR described and measured by Isidor Rabi in 1938; solids and liquids by Felix Bloch and Edward Purcell in 1946

    ● Nobel prize for Rabi in 1944; for Bloch and Purcell in 1952

    ● Characterize non-zero spin nuclei in a magnetic field by their absorption and re-emission of electromagnetic radiation

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    Nuclear Magnetic Resonance II

    ● Source: Radio waves● Sample: Any material with nuclear spin● Analyzer: Resonance detector (wire coil, eg.)● Independent Variable: Radio wave frequency or

    time between source pulses● Dependent Variable: A characteristic of the

    response (magnitude; time between peaks, etc.)● Controlled Parameters: Magnetic field,

    temperature, etc.

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    Nuclear Magnetic Resonance III

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    Electron Spin Resonance I

    ● First observed (independently) by Yevgeny Zavoiski and Brebis Bleany in 1944

    ● Identify and characterize materials with unpaired valence electrons

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    Electron Spin Resonance II● Source: Microwaves● Sample: Any paramagnetic material (small,

    positive susceptibility to magnetic fields—atomic spins align with field)

    ● Analyzer: Microwave detector● Independent Variable: Magnetic field strength● Dependent Variable: Microwave signal strength● Controlled Parameters: Microwave frequency,

    static magnetic field, temperature, etc.

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    Electron Spin Resonance III

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    Compton Scattering I

    ● Predicted and observed by Arthur Compton in 1923

    ● Nobel Prize 1927● Demonstrates the particulate nature of light by

    showing it (inelastically) scatters off charged particles

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    Compton Scattering II● Source: Gamma rays● Sample: Quasi-free electrons in aluminum● Analyzer: Scintillator-photomultiplier● Independent Variable: Angle between detector

    and source-sample line● Dependent Variable: Photon (gamma ray)

    energy or intensity● Controlled Parameters: Activity/flux of source,

    photomultiplier voltage/gain

  • PHYS 407 33

    Compton Scattering III

  • PHYS 407 34

    Optical Pumping I

    ● Developed by Alfred Kestler, 1950s● Nobel Prize 1966● Light raises ("pumps") atomic or molecular

    electron energy level

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    Optical Pumping II

    ● Source: Radio frequency electromagnetic radiation

    ● Sample: Materials with single valence electron● Analyzer: Intensity detector● Independent Variable: Radiation frequency● Dependent Variable: Magnetic field strength● Controlled Parameters: Radiation polarization,

    temperature, static field

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    Optical Pumping III

  • PHYS 407 37

    Data Analysis

    ● Describing the data

    ● Making inferences from the data

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    Describing the Data

    ● Words (qualitative, descriptive)● Tables● Graphs● Numbers (measures of central tendency and

    spread)● Trend lines and fits

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    ● Say only what evidence supports

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    ● Informative title● Column and row labels including units● Typically (but not always) independent variable

    on left, dependent variable along the top, with totals and averages to right and bottom.

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    Graphs● Descriptive title● Independent variable on horizontal axis

    (abscissa)● Dependent variable on vertical axis (ordinate)● Axes labeled, with units● Data points: small shapes, error bars preferred● Trend line must not obscure points● Theoretical line should be smooth, no points

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    Trends and Trend Lines

    ● Say no more, nor less, about a graph than the graph shows (don't call a trend exponential unless it is).

    ● Unless stating that trend line is a “guide for the eye”, show both equation and fit quality (R2)

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    Only Straight Lines Can Be Identified

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    ● Provide visual representations of distributions● Estimate probability distributions of continuous

    variables● Height of bin = frequency

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    Bin Number (n) and Width (w)

    ● No single standard

    ● Different binning can exhibit different features

  • PHYS 407 47

    Binning Suggestions

    For N measurements of x with SD s

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    Descriptive Statistics

    ● Frequency Distributions● Measures of central tendency● Measures of dispersion or spread● Shape

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    ● Chance, expressed quantitatively● Assume an event is either a success or a

    failure, the number of each is p and q● Probability of success:

    ● Probability of failure:

    ● P + Q = 1

  • PHYS 407 50

    Alternative Definition

    Imagine repeating the situation leading to an

    event (infinitely) many times. Then P is the

    fraction of successful events, and Q is the fraction

    of failures.

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    Combination of Events

    The probability that a combination of events

    occurs is the product of the probabilities of the

    separate events, provided the events are


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    ● Permutations

    ● Combinations

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    Frequency Function

    ● Given a random variable x, f(x) is a frequency function when it gives the probably f(x0) that x=x0

    ● x discrete━ distribution function

    ● x continuous

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    Probability of Measurement, z

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    Single-Variable Frequency Functions

    ● A few parameters of a population frequency function can describe the entire population

    ● Moments of a histogram (with i bins)

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    ● First moment about the origin

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    ● Second moment about the mean

    ● Standard deviation

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    ● Root mean square deviation a minimum around average:

    ● Universal mean not sample average: rms not minimum; standard deviation better estimate

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    Standard Deviation of the Standard Deviation

    ● Dispersion of sample standard deviation distribution

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    Average Absolute Deviation

    ● Easier to calculate but less meaningful than s

    ● Fractional (Relative) Standard/Average Deviation

    ● Fractional deviations unitless, but not significant

    unless relative to a physically relevant zero

  • PHYS 407 61

    Binomial (Bernoulli) Frequency Function

    ● Two possible outcomes━ p probability of one of the outcomes (A)━ q = 1 - p probability of the other outcome (B)

    ● In N trials, the probability of getting A x times:

  • PHYS 407 62

    Poisson Frequency Function

    ● When N is large and p, the probability of a certain outcome, is small━ define y≡Np, which stays finite as N→∞, p→0━ the probability of finding x outcomes

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    Gaussian (Normal) Distribution

    h is the precision index

    Total area under the curve is unity.

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    Probable Error, PE

    Value of Z such that

  • PHYS 407 65

    Standard Deviation

  • PHYS 407 66

    Average Absolute Deviation


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    ● A location parameter: the middle value in (linearly) ordered data

    ● Use with skewed data and with outliers

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    Dispersion Around a Median

    ● Range● Interquartile Range● Average Absolute Deviation● Median Absolute Deviation

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    ● Most common value in a frequency distribution● Not necessarily unique (as is the mean and

    usually the median)● Useful for nominal data

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    Dispersion from a Mode

    ● Variation ratio, VR

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    ● Measure of a frequency distributions asymmetry

    ● The sign indicates the direction of the tail

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    Some Definitions● Error

    ━ Difference between measured and “true” value━ Estimated uncertainty in a result

    ● Discrepancy━ Difference between two measured values

    ● Statistical (Random, Experimental) Errors━ Judgment━ Fluctuations (in conditions)━ (Small) Disturbances━ Definition

  • PHYS 407 73

    ● Systematic (constant) Errors━ Mis-calibration━ Habits━ Conditions━ Technique

    ● Illegitimate Errors━ Blunders━ Computation━ Chaos (disturbances overwhelm random errors)

    ● Determinate (Indeterminate) Errors━ May be evaluated by some logical procedure

  • PHYS 407 74

    ● Corrections━ Compensation of determinate systematic or random

    errors● Precision

    ━ Small random errors● Accuracy

    ━ Small systematic errors● Data Adjustment

    ━ Determining the most probable value from the data● Residuals (Deviations), δ

    ━ Differences between measured and most probable values

  • PHYS 407 75

    Statistical Uncertainties● The arithmetic average of deviations from the

    most probable value is zero● For directly measured quantities, we assume

    the most probable value is the arithmetic average

    ● The sum of squared deviations about the average value is a minimum

    ● While plots of deviations give a qualitative sense of uncertainty, a characteristic quantity is preferable.

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    Rejecting Data

    ● To first approximation: DON'T DO IT

    ● If data collection was disturbed, reject the data

    —even if they seem reasonable.

    ● If P(|z| > Z) « 1/N, then measurement might be

    questionable, but with small samples, the

    Gaussian parameters are not very well known.

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    Uncertainty Propagation● V = V(x, y), x and y measured with uncertainties

    dx and dy, which may or may not be independent or correlated

    ● Nonindependent uncertainties: externally caused; incalculable with deviations

    ● Correlated uncertainties: associated with individual measurements in which independent and nonindependent parts are inseparable; calculable with correlation coefficient

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    Correlation Coefficient

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    Combining Independent and Correlated Uncertainties

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    Combining Nonindependent Uncertainties

    Completely correlated uncertainties reduce to this

    Nonindependent and correlated uncertainties are independent of one another and combine in


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    Estimating Systematic Uncertainties

    ● Determinate━ Apply suitable correction to data━ Additional random uncertainty

    ● Indeterminate━ Guess or estimate magnitudes of all possible

    sources━ Combine quadratically━ At least give the sign and the effect on the sign of

    computed quantities

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    Designing an Experiment

    ● Instruments and techniques the leave the uncertainty on V less than a certain value

    ● If K independent, nearly equally uncertain quantities contribute to V, then each must have

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    ● Typically, no more than 2 uncertainties dominate, and these are seldom equal:

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    Weighted Averages

    ● Quantities with different uncertainties should not be simply averaged, but should be weighted by factors inversely proportional to the respective uncertainties squared:

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    Counting Experiments● When the time to count N events is subject to

    statistical fluctuations (e.g., radioactive decay)━ Counting rate:

    ━ Probability distribution, Poisson:

    ━ Average and standard deviation:

    ━ Counting rate standard deviation:

    ━ Fractional deviation:

  • PHYS 407 86

    Counting with Backgrounds

    ● For t + tB fixed, the optimal time ratio with and

    without the source (signal + background vs

    background only):

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    Determining the Frequency Function with Data

    ● Maximum Likelihood

    ● Least Squares

    ● χ2

  • PHYS 407 88

    Maximum Likelihood: Determining a Parameter of a Frequency Function● Assuming

    ● Likelihood

    ● Log-likelihood

  • PHYS 407 89

    Least -Squares: Determining the Relationship between Two Variables● y is related to x by a function with parameters


    ● Assume yi belong to a Gaussian population with standard deviation σi

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    Again, Maximize Log-Likelihood

  • PHYS 407 91

    χ2 Distribution

    ν degrees of freedom

  • PHYS 407 92

    χ2 Frequency Function

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    Goodness of Fit

    ● Functional relations

    ● Classes of occurrences

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    ● Values agree if their absolute difference is within the limits of uncertainty; otherwise they disagree

    ● For individual values, the central value(s) from experiment compared with reference to experimental (and theoretical) uncertainty

    ● For distributions, goodness of fit is given by a χ2

  • PHYS 407 95


    ● Prepare adequately● Simplify and unclutter slides● No more than one point per slide● Graph and illustrate as in papers● Minimize mathematics; never derive equations● Define terms; never use jargon or acronyms● Progressively elevate sophistication

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    Writing● Important points distinct from details● Fact separated from opinion and speculation; state

    assumptions and approximations● Figures and tables numbered and captioned;

    included only if referenced● Equations numbered; derivations in appendices● Consistent tense and person● No colloquialisms● Specific and quantitative (not vague and

    qualitative); simple (not ornate or jargon-filled)

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  • PHYS 407 98


    ● Brief summary of entire paper● Contains main points

    ━ Motivation━ Technique━ Results

    ● Contains no information not found in paper● References nothing outside of abstract

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    ● Sectioned with headings● Pages numbered● Tables and graphs summarize data; axes and

    column labels include units; labeled, captioned, and referenced in text

    ● Footnotes● Appendices● Bibliography

    Slide 1Slide 2Slide 3Slide 4Slide 5Slide 6Slide 7Slide 8Slide 9Slide 10Slide 11Slide 12Slide 13Slide 14Slide 15Slide 16Slide 17Slide 18Slide 19Slide 20Slide 21Slide 22Slide 23Slide 24Slide 25Slide 26Slide 27Slide 28Slide 29Slide 30Slide 31Slide 32Slide 33Slide 34Slide 35Slide 36Slide 37Slide 38Slide 39Slide 40Slide 41Slide 42Slide 43Slide 44Slide 45Slide 46Slide 47Slide 48Slide 49Slide 50Slide 51Slide 52Slide 53Slide 54Slide 55Slide 56Slide 57Slide 58Slide 59Slide 60Slide 61Slide 62Slide 63Slide 64Slide 65Slide 66Slide 67Slide 68Slide 69Slide 70Slide 71Slide 72Slide 73Slide 74Slide 75Slide 76Slide 77Slide 78Slide 79Slide 80Slide 81Slide 82Slide 83Slide 84Slide 85Slide 86Slide 87Slide 88Slide 89Slide 90Slide 91Slide 92Slide 93Slide 94Slide 95Slide 96Slide 97Slide 98Slide 99