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Technical Translation

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5 Key elements in technical translation

Expertise, experience and attention to detail form the cornerstone of good technical translation.

Technical documentation does not need to be complex in itself but the process of technical

translation is a complex activity that requires certain key elements to be successful. Some of these

elements are outlined below.

1. Know your languages

It may be fairly obvious but the first step in ensuring that technical documentation is

translated effectively is to know the languages being used and know them well. Whether the

information being translated is one of those commonly used (English, Spanish, Chinese etc.)

familiarity with the language can reveal critical nuances that are vital to communicate in a

technical setting.

2. Be a subject matter expert

Professionals can easily pick up if a document has been translated by someone unfamiliar

with the field. Technical translation is not a simplistic task and thorough knowledge of the

field allows clear knowledge transfer to the specified audience. In-depth subject matter

expertise can link concepts and lead to better explanations.

3. Know how to write

Writers employ different styles but for technical translation it is best that writing is succinct,

simple and sensible. This is not the setting for creative prose and artistic licence. Flowery

words and descriptions are not called for but rather hard and interesting facts need to be


4. Follow the rules and check facts

A professor of ours once told us that it is almost impossible to retain all the facts about your

scientific field but that is why there are reference books. Reference works are an

indispensable resource for confirming facts and technical jargon and ensuring that accurate

and reliable information is supplied. A good thesaurus and dictionary, not to mention a

network of other experts, are also non-negotiable parts of the arsenal.

5. Think practically and logically

Technical translation must have a logical flow and progression to make technical

documentation usable and useful. A direct translation from a source language to another

language may not always be possible due to the corresponding words not being available

and once the source language has been carefully considered and understood a logical

interpretation and explanation with the available words can maintain and convey the

originally intended meaning.

It would be wonderful to have a babel fish (the fictitious little creature in the Douglas Adams' books)

that performs instant translations after being popped in your ear but until such time that science

and technology is able to come up with an equivalent we need to rely on technical translators to do

the work – make sure you are a good one.