TECHNICAL NOTE Technical Note #27 | Rev. 032012 | © 2014 HTX Technologies. Trpysin was deposited on the tissue section using the HTX TM-Sprayer with the following conditions: Flow Rate 100μl/min Spray Nozzle Velocity 1,200 mm/min Spray Nozzle Temperature 45ºC Track Spacing 3 mm Number of Passes 8 (Section E), 14 (Section D) Time per path 30 seconds Drying time between passes 30 seconds Total run time of 15 minutes, corresponding to about 15 μg of dry trypsin. RCC Tissue Sections Tissue positions on glass slide Tissue section F was masked to act as an undigested control. e slide was then incubated at 37°C for 1 hour in a humid chamber. Tissue sections were then sprayed with DHB matrix (30mg/ ml, Methanol 50%, TFA 1%) using the HTX TM-Sprayer and the following conditions: Flow Rate 200μl/min Spray Nozzle Velocity 950 mm/min Spray Nozzle Temperature 75ºC Track Spacing 3 mm Number of Passes 8, criss-cross and offset Resulting matrix density 1.68 mg/cm 2 Spectra were collected across the entire tissue area using the Ultraflex III MALDI-TOF/TOF instrument (Bruker Daltonics) with a SmartBeam laser operating at 200 Hz in reflector mode over a mass range of m/z 500 to 5000. A total of 300 laser Application Because of the inefficiency of MALDI –TOF mass spectrom- eters to resolve [1] and detect higher molecular weight compounds [2] most signals detected on tissue via MALDI Imaging Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-IMS) are below m/z 20,000. However, the localization of larger proteins may be facilitated by the use of in situ digestion proteins in a tissue section, while preserving the spatial integrity of the sample. e smaller peptide fragments generated by such enzymatic cleavage are much easier to detect and visualize by MALDI-IMS, and should still represent the abundance of the parent protein. Furthermore, the spatial positions of the parent protein can be inferred from the localization of the fragment if conditions to prevent peptide migration are observed [3,4]. e resulting peptides (if present in high abundance) can also be directly sequence identified via MALDI-TOF tandem MS directly on tissue sections. Intended use of this Technical Note e goal of this document is to illustrate possible uses of the TM-Sprayer for Research Purpose Only. HTX, the manu- facturers referenced in this note and the users that have accepted to share their data do not make any guarantees as to the performance of the illustrated workflow, and each lab should insure that replicating these experiments respects applicable health and safety regulations. Imaging Workflow Cryosections (10 microns) of snap frozen kidney tissue with areas of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) was placed on ITO coated slides. Immediately after placement slides were washed in 70% EtOH, followed by 95% EtOH (2 minutes each) and then allowed to air dry. Trypsin (20μg, Promega sequencing grade modified trypsin) was re-suspended in 2ml of 50mM ammonium bicarbonate buffer pH 8.0. Demonstration of trypsin spray deposition for in-tissue digestion. Description of experimental conditions. Localization and tandem MS sequencing of peptides in renal cell carcinoma tissue. #27 D E F

TECHNICAL NOTE Tissue MALDI Sample Preparation System · TECHNICAL NOTE Technical Note #27 | Rev. 032012 | © 2014 HTX Technologies shots were accumulated and averaged from each laser

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Page 1: TECHNICAL NOTE Tissue MALDI Sample Preparation System · TECHNICAL NOTE Technical Note #27 | Rev. 032012 | © 2014 HTX Technologies shots were accumulated and averaged from each laser


Technical Note #27 | Rev. 032012 | © 2014 HTX Technologies.

Trpysin was deposited on the tissue section using the HTX TM-Sprayer with the following conditions:

Flow Rate 100µl/min

Spray Nozzle Velocity 1,200 mm/min

Spray Nozzle Temperature 45ºC

Track Spacing 3 mm

Number of Passes 8 (Section E), 14 (Section D)

Time per path 30 seconds

Drying time between passes 30 seconds

Total run time of 15 minutes, corresponding to about 15 µg of dry trypsin.

RCC Tissue Sections

Tissue positions on glass slide

Tissue section F was masked to act as an undigested control.

� e slide was then incubated at 37°C for 1 hour in a humid chamber.

Tissue sections were then sprayed with DHB matrix (30mg/ml, Methanol 50%, TFA 1%) using the HTX TM-Sprayer and the following conditions:

Flow Rate 200µl/min

Spray Nozzle Velocity 950 mm/min

Spray Nozzle Temperature 75ºC

Track Spacing 3 mm

Number of Passes 8, criss-cross and offset

Resulting matrix density 1.68 mg/cm2

Spectra were collected across the entire tissue area using the Ultra� ex III MALDI-TOF/TOF instrument (Bruker Daltonics) with a SmartBeam laser operating at 200 Hz in re� ector mode over a mass range of m/z 500 to 5000. A total of 300 laser

ApplicationBecause of the ine� ciency of MALDI –TOF mass spectrom-eters to resolve [1] and detect higher molecular weight compounds [2] most signals detected on tissue via MALDI Imaging Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-IMS) are below m/z 20,000. However, the localization of larger proteins may be facilitated by the use of in situ digestion proteins in a tissue section, while preserving the spatial integrity of the sample. � e smaller peptide fragments generated by such enzymatic cleavage are much easier to detect and visualize by MALDI-IMS, and should still represent the abundance of the parent protein. Furthermore, the spatial positions of the parent protein can be inferred from the localization of the fragment if conditions to prevent peptide migration are observed [3,4]. � e resulting peptides (if present in high abundance) can also be directly sequence identi� ed via MALDI-TOF tandem MS directly on tissue sections.

Intended use of this Technical Note� e goal of this document is to illustrate possible uses of the TM-Sprayer for Research Purpose Only. HTX, the manu-facturers referenced in this note and the users that have accepted to share their data do not make any guarantees as to the performance of the illustrated work� ow, and each lab should insure that replicating these experiments respects applicable health and safety regulations.

Imaging Workfl owCryosections (10 microns) of snap frozen kidney tissue with areas of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) was placed on ITO coated slides.

Immediately after placement slides were washed in 70% EtOH, followed by 95% EtOH (2 minutes each) and then allowed to air dry.

Trypsin (20µg, Promega sequencing grade modi� ed trypsin) was re-suspended in 2ml of 50mM ammonium bicarbonate bu� er pH 8.0.

Demonstration of trypsin spray deposition for in-tissue digestion. Description of experimental conditions. Localization and tandem MS sequencing of peptides in renal cell carcinoma tissue.



The HTX TM-Sprayer™

System is an automated

MALDI matrix deposition

system offering

high reproducibility and

superior data quality for

Mass Spectrometry Imaging

� e HTX TM-Sprayer™ is an easy-to-use, versatile spraying system that provides an automated process for Sample Preparation in Mass Spectrometry Imaging.

� e patented spray technology of the TM-Sprayer™ guar-antees a very � ne, uniform and consistent matrix coating crucial for high-resolution imaging and relative quanti� ca-tion of analytes.

� e new HTX Technologies’ spray nozzle, featured in the next generation TM-Sprayer, creates a � ne solvent mist that can be deposited in a precise and adjustable pattern over all or part of any MALDI plate.

Spray characteristics (wet or dry) are easily adjustable via the intuitive operator interface. Users can create and save methods for reproducible operation.

Key Characteristics Patented technology providing very small matrix droplets

( <10 microns) High � ow rate and fast sample prep (10 to 20 minutes

per plate )

Highly consistent matrix deposition across entire sample area (+/- 3% by weight)

Unique use of temperature and nitrogen � ow to control evaporation rate and matrix crystal formation

Validated protocols for most matrices (e.g.: SA, CHCA, DHB)

Validated protocols for Trypsin digestion

Continuous matrix coverage as needed for high-resolution imaging

Rugged operation and easy clean-up

TM-Sprayer™ Specifi cationsDeposition: Spray deposition in linear or serpentine modes with variables off setsSpray Nozzle Flow: 50 to 1000µl/minSheath Gas: Ambient to 130°C (+/- 2°C), software selectedGas Supply: Sheath gas fl ow 5-15.5 liter/minSpray Nozzle Position: Spray nozzle mounted on Cartesian stage Electrical: 24V Power SupplyDimensions/Weight: 17 x 15 x 13in (43 x 38 x 33cm),38lbs (17Kg)

HTX Technologies, LLC offersinnovative sample preparation systems for advanced analytical platforms. For more information please contact ERC GmbH or visit www.htxtechnologies.com

ERC GmbHOtto-Hahn-Str. 28-3085521 RiemerlingGERMANY

Tel. +49 89 66055696Fax +49 89 [email protected]

TM-Sprayer™ Tissue MALDI Sample Preparation System

TechNote27_ERC.indd 1-2 12/30/14 10:07 AM

Page 2: TECHNICAL NOTE Tissue MALDI Sample Preparation System · TECHNICAL NOTE Technical Note #27 | Rev. 032012 | © 2014 HTX Technologies shots were accumulated and averaged from each laser


Technical Note #27 | Rev. 032012 | © 2014 HTX Technologies

shots were accumulated and averaged from each laser spot, using a laser spot diameter of 100 µm and a raster width of 200 µm. Calibration was performed externally using a pep-tide standard in the mass range of m/z 700 to 4,500.

Experimental SummaryTissue type Kidney: Renal Cell Carcinoma Cryogenic storageTissue cut 10µm thicknessMALDI Plate ITO Coated Glass SlidesPre-treatment 70% EtOH, 95% EtOH (2 min each)Trypsin digestion 10ng/µl, 50mM NH4HCO3

bu� er pH 8.0Matrix deposition DHB 30mg/ml, 1% TFA in

50:50 Methanol/H20MALDI Laser Smartbeam 1-200HzAcquisition mode Re� ector mode

Instrumentation and Supplies Microtome Microm 505EMALDI plate ITO coated slidesMatrix Sigma-AldrichMatrix Sprayer HTX TM-Sprayer™MALDI MS BRUKER Ultra� ex™ Imaging software BRUKER � exImaging

Results and MALDI MS ImagesData was imported into � exImaging and normalized to total ion current. Peptides peaks were selected and visualized in the trypsinized and undigested control tissue. Selected peptides were further analyzed in tandem MS/LIFT mode for sequence identi� cation directly from the same tissue section.

Figure 1. A) Hemotoxylin and Eosin stained section of kidney tissue with renal cell carcinoma (RCC) showing area of spectra collection (red). B) View of serial tissue section mounted on ITO coated slide, after trypsin and DHB application.

Figure 2. Representative spectra from identical tissue locations in the trypsinized (top) and undigested (bottom) control. Many peptide peaks are visible in spectra after in-situ trypsinization.

Figure 3. In situ trypsin digestion of RCC tissue. A) Examples of three peptide peaks imaged to display their spatial expres-sion within the RCC tissue section after in-situ digestion. One section was sprayed with trypsin (top), and one was used as an undigested control (bottom). B) Example of a peptide peak m/z 1529.989 present only in the trypsin treated tissue and selected for in situ MS/MS C) The fragmentation spectrum was identifi ed as corresponding to a peptide of hemoglobin subunit alpha with a MASCOT ion score of 72.

Figure 3-A Figure 3-B

Figure 3-C

Acknowledgements� e tissue images and MS data presented in this note were provided by Dr. Lisa Cazares, Leroy T. Canoles Jr. Cancer Research Center at Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, Virginia, USA.

References1. Bahr, U., et al., Delayed extraction time-of-� ight MALDI mass spec-trometry of proteins above 25,000 Da. J Mass Spectrom, 1997. 32(10): p. 1111-6.

2. Westmacott, G., et al., Investigating ion-surface collisions with a nio-bium superconducting tunnel junction detector in a time-of-� ight mass spectrometer. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom, 2000. 14(7): p. 600-7.

3. Groseclose, M.R., et al., Identi� cation of proteins directly from tis-sue: in situ tryptic digestions coupled with imaging mass spectrometry. J Mass Spectrom, 2007. 42(2): p. 254-62.

4. Lemaire, R., et al., Direct Analysis and MALDI Imaging of Formalin-Fixed, Para� n-Embedded Tissue Sections. J Proteome Res, 2007. 6(4): p. 1295-1305.

TechNote27_ERC.indd 3-4 12/30/14 10:07 AM

Page 3: TECHNICAL NOTE Tissue MALDI Sample Preparation System · TECHNICAL NOTE Technical Note #27 | Rev. 032012 | © 2014 HTX Technologies shots were accumulated and averaged from each laser


Technical Note #27 | Rev. 032012 | © 2014 HTX Technologies

shots were accumulated and averaged from each laser spot, using a laser spot diameter of 100 µm and a raster width of 200 µm. Calibration was performed externally using a pep-tide standard in the mass range of m/z 700 to 4,500.

Experimental SummaryTissue type Kidney: Renal Cell Carcinoma Cryogenic storageTissue cut 10µm thicknessMALDI Plate ITO Coated Glass SlidesPre-treatment 70% EtOH, 95% EtOH (2 min each)Trypsin digestion 10ng/µl, 50mM NH4HCO3

bu� er pH 8.0Matrix deposition DHB 30mg/ml, 1% TFA in

50:50 Methanol/H20MALDI Laser Smartbeam 1-200HzAcquisition mode Re� ector mode

Instrumentation and Supplies Microtome Microm 505EMALDI plate ITO coated slidesMatrix Sigma-AldrichMatrix Sprayer HTX TM-Sprayer™MALDI MS BRUKER Ultra� ex™ Imaging software BRUKER � exImaging

Results and MALDI MS ImagesData was imported into � exImaging and normalized to total ion current. Peptides peaks were selected and visualized in the trypsinized and undigested control tissue. Selected peptides were further analyzed in tandem MS/LIFT mode for sequence identi� cation directly from the same tissue section.

Figure 1. A) Hemotoxylin and Eosin stained section of kidney tissue with renal cell carcinoma (RCC) showing area of spectra collection (red). B) View of serial tissue section mounted on ITO coated slide, after trypsin and DHB application.

Figure 2. Representative spectra from identical tissue locations in the trypsinized (top) and undigested (bottom) control. Many peptide peaks are visible in spectra after in-situ trypsinization.

Figure 3. In situ trypsin digestion of RCC tissue. A) Examples of three peptide peaks imaged to display their spatial expres-sion within the RCC tissue section after in-situ digestion. One section was sprayed with trypsin (top), and one was used as an undigested control (bottom). B) Example of a peptide peak m/z 1529.989 present only in the trypsin treated tissue and selected for in situ MS/MS C) The fragmentation spectrum was identifi ed as corresponding to a peptide of hemoglobin subunit alpha with a MASCOT ion score of 72.

Figure 3-A Figure 3-B

Figure 3-C

Acknowledgements� e tissue images and MS data presented in this note were provided by Dr. Lisa Cazares, Leroy T. Canoles Jr. Cancer Research Center at Eastern Virginia Medical School, Norfolk, Virginia, USA.

References1. Bahr, U., et al., Delayed extraction time-of-� ight MALDI mass spec-trometry of proteins above 25,000 Da. J Mass Spectrom, 1997. 32(10): p. 1111-6.

2. Westmacott, G., et al., Investigating ion-surface collisions with a nio-bium superconducting tunnel junction detector in a time-of-� ight mass spectrometer. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom, 2000. 14(7): p. 600-7.

3. Groseclose, M.R., et al., Identi� cation of proteins directly from tis-sue: in situ tryptic digestions coupled with imaging mass spectrometry. J Mass Spectrom, 2007. 42(2): p. 254-62.

4. Lemaire, R., et al., Direct Analysis and MALDI Imaging of Formalin-Fixed, Para� n-Embedded Tissue Sections. J Proteome Res, 2007. 6(4): p. 1295-1305.

TechNote27_ERC.indd 3-4 12/30/14 10:07 AM

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Technical Note #27 | Rev. 032012 | © 2014 HTX Technologies.

Trpysin was deposited on the tissue section using the HTX TM-Sprayer with the following conditions:

Flow Rate 100µl/min

Spray Nozzle Velocity 1,200 mm/min

Spray Nozzle Temperature 45ºC

Track Spacing 3 mm

Number of Passes 8 (Section E), 14 (Section D)

Time per path 30 seconds

Drying time between passes 30 seconds

Total run time of 15 minutes, corresponding to about 15 µg of dry trypsin.

RCC Tissue Sections

Tissue positions on glass slide

Tissue section F was masked to act as an undigested control.

� e slide was then incubated at 37°C for 1 hour in a humid chamber.

Tissue sections were then sprayed with DHB matrix (30mg/ml, Methanol 50%, TFA 1%) using the HTX TM-Sprayer and the following conditions:

Flow Rate 200µl/min

Spray Nozzle Velocity 950 mm/min

Spray Nozzle Temperature 75ºC

Track Spacing 3 mm

Number of Passes 8, criss-cross and offset

Resulting matrix density 1.68 mg/cm2

Spectra were collected across the entire tissue area using the Ultra� ex III MALDI-TOF/TOF instrument (Bruker Daltonics) with a SmartBeam laser operating at 200 Hz in re� ector mode over a mass range of m/z 500 to 5000. A total of 300 laser

ApplicationBecause of the ine� ciency of MALDI –TOF mass spectrom-eters to resolve [1] and detect higher molecular weight compounds [2] most signals detected on tissue via MALDI Imaging Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-IMS) are below m/z 20,000. However, the localization of larger proteins may be facilitated by the use of in situ digestion proteins in a tissue section, while preserving the spatial integrity of the sample. � e smaller peptide fragments generated by such enzymatic cleavage are much easier to detect and visualize by MALDI-IMS, and should still represent the abundance of the parent protein. Furthermore, the spatial positions of the parent protein can be inferred from the localization of the fragment if conditions to prevent peptide migration are observed [3,4]. � e resulting peptides (if present in high abundance) can also be directly sequence identi� ed via MALDI-TOF tandem MS directly on tissue sections.

Intended use of this Technical Note� e goal of this document is to illustrate possible uses of the TM-Sprayer for Research Purpose Only. HTX, the manu-facturers referenced in this note and the users that have accepted to share their data do not make any guarantees as to the performance of the illustrated work� ow, and each lab should insure that replicating these experiments respects applicable health and safety regulations.

Imaging Workfl owCryosections (10 microns) of snap frozen kidney tissue with areas of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) was placed on ITO coated slides.

Immediately after placement slides were washed in 70% EtOH, followed by 95% EtOH (2 minutes each) and then allowed to air dry.

Trypsin (20µg, Promega sequencing grade modi� ed trypsin) was re-suspended in 2ml of 50mM ammonium bicarbonate bu� er pH 8.0.

Demonstration of trypsin spray deposition for in-tissue digestion. Description of experimental conditions. Localization and tandem MS sequencing of peptides in renal cell carcinoma tissue.



The HTX TM-Sprayer™

System is an automated

MALDI matrix deposition

system offering

high reproducibility and

superior data quality for

Mass Spectrometry Imaging

� e HTX TM-Sprayer™ is an easy-to-use, versatile spraying system that provides an automated process for Sample Preparation in Mass Spectrometry Imaging.

� e patented spray technology of the TM-Sprayer™ guar-antees a very � ne, uniform and consistent matrix coating crucial for high-resolution imaging and relative quanti� ca-tion of analytes.

� e new HTX Technologies’ spray nozzle, featured in the next generation TM-Sprayer, creates a � ne solvent mist that can be deposited in a precise and adjustable pattern over all or part of any MALDI plate.

Spray characteristics (wet or dry) are easily adjustable via the intuitive operator interface. Users can create and save methods for reproducible operation.

Key Characteristics Patented technology providing very small matrix droplets

( <10 microns) High � ow rate and fast sample prep (10 to 20 minutes

per plate )

Highly consistent matrix deposition across entire sample area (+/- 3% by weight)

Unique use of temperature and nitrogen � ow to control evaporation rate and matrix crystal formation

Validated protocols for most matrices (e.g.: SA, CHCA, DHB)

Validated protocols for Trypsin digestion

Continuous matrix coverage as needed for high-resolution imaging

Rugged operation and easy clean-up

TM-Sprayer™ Specifi cationsDeposition: Spray deposition in linear or serpentine modes with variables off setsSpray Nozzle Flow: 50 to 1000µl/minSheath Gas: Ambient to 130°C (+/- 2°C), software selectedGas Supply: Sheath gas fl ow 5-15.5 liter/minSpray Nozzle Position: Spray nozzle mounted on Cartesian stage Electrical: 24V Power SupplyDimensions/Weight: 17 x 15 x 13in (43 x 38 x 33cm),38lbs (17Kg)

HTX Technologies, LLC offersinnovative sample preparation systems for advanced analytical platforms. For more information please contact ERC GmbH or visit www.htxtechnologies.com

ERC GmbHOtto-Hahn-Str. 28-3085521 RiemerlingGERMANY

Tel. +49 89 66055696Fax +49 89 [email protected]

TM-Sprayer™ Tissue MALDI Sample Preparation System

TechNote27_ERC.indd 1-2 12/30/14 10:07 AM