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  • 7/29/2019 Techkriti2013


    Techkriti 2013

    Cosmology Presentation

    Rahul, Saurabh, Rama Prasad, Pranjul

    16 March, 2013

    1 Overview of Presentation

    1. What is cosmology? Human is a curious creature, he wants to understand and make sense of the




    a) Etymology: (Cosmo + Logos) study of cosmos, the universe we are in its existence time evolu-

    tion etc.

    b) History of development

    i. Geocentric approach: maintained by ancient Greek philosophers like Aristotle, later given

    as a working model by Ptolemy in the form of epicycles, but because of some observations

    like retrograde motion of planets like mars etc. a more simple model was soughtii. Heliocentric approach: it has been said that that Copercinus was the first person to start

    this paradigm but history shows that this ideas was prevailing before him too

    c) Galileo Galili: Observations and not dialects must be the basis of science, he observed the

    moons of Jupiter Ganimide, Europa etc. orbitting Jupiter but not Earth, so according to him

    it proves the Heliocentric model.

    2. Modern viewpoint: Cosmological principle was put forward, so that GTR equations




    c4T (1.1)

    could be solved[1], which is the assumption that universe when the length scales like megaparsecs

    are considered is

    a) Isotropic: it looks the same in all directions

    b) Homogeneous: it looks the same at every place

    If it was only isotropy then the center of the universe would have made sense, but because of

    homegeneity considered there can be no center of the universe. In case of isotropy there could have

    been only one center, but because of homogeneity this cant be possible. So accoriding to modern

    theories universe doesnt have a center at all.

    3. An observation can be made that all motion is relative due to which one cant tell for example the

    real path of the ball dropped from a train for an observer in the train it would be a straight line


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    but for an observer outside it would be a parabola, but both of them given the initial conditions will

    lead to the same conclusions as to what point the ball will hit the ground. Its not the case that the

    observations of the trains observer are more real than the one on the platform for example. How to

    decide what is a good theory or model1, these are the criterions[2]

    4. Vedic model also has these capabilities (somewhat)!! Before that here are some of the salient features

    of the model

    2 Summary Study


    1. Mahmud a muslim king emplyed Alberuni who completed a book on Hindus in A.D. 1000, almost

    half of his book is concerned with the information related to Hindu astronomy and cosmology

    2. Sources of Indian astronomy: mainly concerned with the calculation of planets at any desired time

    a) Puran. as such as Matsya,Vayu or Bhagavat

    b) Jyotis.a sastra, one of their important division is siddhantas which include the work of Indian

    mathematicians like Aryabhat.a, Brahmagupta etc. They have the enormous information related

    to distances, sizes etc. but have little information about their origin and the cause of their


    3. Because of his incomprehensibility of the scriptures he criticize them claimin the superiority of his

    own Muslim tradition

    4. One probles deals with that of the relation between the sizes ofBhu-Man. d. ala and that of the Earth

    5. The apparent contradictions between the empirical findings and the Vedic model can be reconciledby developing a proper understanding of space, time and matter and by following a different sort of

    appraoch to describe and thinking about reality.

    6. Both things the siddantas and the Puranas are an integral part for studying the cosmology, nothing

    cant be left; because the siddhantas are a part of Puranic literature, to reject them means that we

    are claiming that siddhantas are products of Greek genius from whom Indian priests borrowed the


    7. Vedic cosmology presents the description of the universe in which not everything isnt describable

    but only that part is present which is comprehensible by a human

    8. Quantum theory says about the wave and particle aspects of matter both of which cant be reconciled

    together in classical physics, to unite them together one must go to a higher dimensional level of

    mathematical abstraction

    9. May be the universe is beyond our 3-D world and is itself of higher dimensions.

    10. Arya and Siddhanta siromani were the names of the works by Aryabhata and Bhaskaracarya

    11. Some of the topics covered in Surya Siddhanta are as follows:

    a) computation of mean and true positions of the planets in the sky

    b) determination of the latitude and the longitudes

    1This term needs some explanation, realism must be explained!!


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    c) prediction of partial and full solar and lunar eclipsed

    d) prediction of conjunction of stars and other planets

    e) calculation of rising and setting times of planets and stars

    f) calcualtion of moons phases etc.....

    Solar System According to Surya Siddhanta

    This helps one to calculate the positions of sun, moon, mars, mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn

    given their positions at any particular time

    In the surya siddhanta the information is given in terms of divya-yuga which is equal to 4,320,000

    years and is same as the time the earth takes to revolve around the sun according to the geocentric


    According to Surya Siddhanta ther eare 1,577,917,828 solar days2 per divya-yuga

    Ascending node of the moon is the point of intersection of the line and motion of the moon when it

    moves from southern to northern hemisphere

    Surya Siddhanta says that Rahu lies in the direction of moons ascending node

    Opinion of Western Scholars

    The siddhantas do not acknowledge any foreign influence due to which Western scholars accuse

    them of chauvinism

    We may claim that genuine traditions of astronmy exited both in India and eastern mediterranean

    and that the charge of unacknowledged cultural borrowing are unwarranted

    Vedic Calender and Astrology

    Siddhantas contain the procedures of calculating the sterrial positions but if it is true that the Vedas

    are quite older than them and if the Siddhantas have been derived from them then Vedas must also

    have this sort of information

    The Starting Date of Kali-Yuga

    At the start of the Kali-Yuga the seven planets were all aligned with the star piscium, this is called

    as Revati and is used as zero point in measuring celestial longitudes, at that time Rahus positionwas 180 from this star

    According to this the Kali Yuga started on 18 Feb 3102 BCE.

    Where as some refer to this date as 3101 BCE.

    For observing the heavens Indians also had some elaborate machinary for example in Banaras we

    had a structure about which two Englishmen claimed to be 200 years old in 1772

    2solar day is the time from sun rise to sunrise


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    Distances and Sizes of the Planets

    The procedure for calculating the sizes of the planets was encoded in a verse of the seventh chapter

    of the surya siddhanta

    Method similar to that of Eratosthenes was used by Indian astronomers to calculate the radius of theEarth

    Theyve also measured the sizes of different planets but there is quite devaition from the modern

    measured values

    The Size of the Universe

    Srimad Bhagavatam says 500,000,000 yojanas to be the diameter of the universe which is same as

    4,000,000,000 miles

    Surya Siddhanta (SS) 12.90 says that circumference of the universe in which suns rays spread is

    18,712,080,864,000,000 yojanas

    2.1 Vedic Physics the Nature of Space, Time and Matter

    The thesis of this chapter is that the realm of modern physics is too limited to accomodate many phe-

    nomenon that occur with in this universe.

    Extending our physical world view

    The sloka 3.26.34 is a potential candidate of great scientific research work

    The sum of atomic numbers of Cu and Sn leads to the atomic number of Au

    The Position of Krsna

    Descartes and Newton held the position that space is 3D something absolute in which all the materil

    events take place

    Notion of higher dimensional space may be used to bridge the gaps between modern thinking and

    Vedic literature

    Because God has access to many points simultaneously therefore the space in which He resides must

    be of higher dimension such that this kind of simultaneous access is possible

    There is a hierarchy of dimensional levels with in the universe and beings on one particular level

    can operate with in a larger continuum than beings on lower levels

    Does that mean that whatever is not visible to us lies in some hidden dimension, as some of the

    dimensions of the string theory are hidden?

    2.2 Vedic Cosmography

    Material cosmos are an unlimited ocean situated with in a small part of the unlimited spiritual world

    Bhu Mandala or the eartly planetary system is a flat disc with a diameter of 4109 miles

    Bhagavatam describes the topography of earths surface by depicting the mountains, rivers etc. that

    on the cosmic scale

    Detailed sketches of the structure of the Bhu-Mandala and that of inner most dvipa the Jambudvipa.


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    2.3 Origins Magazine

    Scientists attempt to udnerstand the origin of the universe in physical terms is based on three


    all phenomenon can be completely explained in terms of the natural laws expressed in thelanguage of mathematics

    physical laws apply everywhere and at all times

    fundamental natural laws are simple

    The dreaded singularity cant be explained

    3 Some of the obvious questions

    1. What is the classification of Vedic literature that deals with astronomy, cosmology etc?

    2. What does switching in the interpretation of the cycles 1 and 2 imply in case of table 3 and table 4

    of the book

    3. Is it possible that they had taken precession of earth into account for their pancangas.

    4. How were the measurements done? Many a times it has been seen that they are measuring the

    circumference, how can you measure this thing directly, and why would you even do so?

    4 Way of Reasoning the stuff

    Indologists claimed that Vedic literature is a total fraud by say invoking the Aryan Invasion theory


    [1] Cosmology, Coles, Lucchin, John Wiley & Sons, pp. 3

    [2] The Grand Design, Stephen Hawking, L. Mlodinow, Bantam Books Publications pp. 68-69
