The Tec times By Mauricio cervantes Eduardo Medrano Jhonatan campos and Poncho acosta


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Our final proyect of english 5

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The Tec times By Mauricio cervantes

Eduardo Medrano Jhonatan campos and

Poncho acosta


Your best experience In school• My best experience in school was my semester as an exchange student

because I had fun and learned at the same time, also I improve my language and learning new skills and I became more open mind and star with new friendships with people from all around the world I also became a little bet more independent and I have learned from other cultures and life styles.

• Other big experience that I have had with the school was the close up in Washington one of the reasons is because I love to travel whit my friend provide that we have a lot of fun together, we learn and take care of each other when we travel, we love to know new places and new people, the only part that I hate about trips is that they always have an end but they always stay on our memories.

• The things that make people friends is the memories and past experiences that they have made together, I hope you enjoy my report and I would like to recommend you to enjoy your stay in the TEC because is something that you will remember always and I hope you remember as a great experience thanks.


My first day at Tec. 

I remember my first day like if it was yesterday, I couldn't sleep because I was very nervous because i did not knew where was my first class, I also was nervous because it was time to make new friends. When I woke up I was not nervous anymore I just wanted to get to school to get this over with, so I got in my brand new car and drove to school. When I was in the parking lot the nerves took over my body and I was so freaked out because I did not know who to ask about where it was my classroom located. When I got off my car and started to walk to the offices and that was when I met in the hallways with one of my oldest friends Sandy. I was so glad to see her again, so I asked her millions of questions and she gently gave me a tour around school and showed me were was my classroom, by this time I saw many familiar faces so I was not nervous anymore. When my English class began I was excited actually because I was going to begin a new cycle of my life.

 When my first class was over I searched my friends, but I did not saw any of them, later on I had to get to my second class;

math. The first level of math was the most complicated level for me, because the way of learning was very difficult for me, at the beginning, but later on you adapt and everything is not that bad anymore. During the math class I met a bunch of nice people that I have never seen on my entire life, by this moment I was so glad of that I had already made new friends. When finally math class was over It was already time to have lunch and that is when I found each of my friends, at the beginning we laugh about everything, then we shared our experiences , I also remember that the first day we were so obsessed that we had the chance to eat pizza.



My first day at Tec.

15 minutes later we had to had to go to class again, this time my Spanish class was conformed by people that I had already knew for a long while, I was so happy because of this. I remember that in my Spanish class I had this teacher that was obsessed with discipline, but in the end of the class it all turned out that she was a nice lady.


By the end of the day I ran to my car and drove home, I was extremely exhausted and I just wanted to watch TV, but I remembered that I had a lot of homework to do, so in that moment I realized that this school was going to be a heavy load but I knew in the very inside of me that I had made the right decision in choosing this school.


When I finished my entire homework my father asked me how was my first day of school, I told him that I was great and I also shared with him my experiences and the new people that I met, my dad was so glad to hear that from me, by the time I went to sleep my father said to me: you have to enjoy each second of your high school, because this is when you meet you friends that are going to stay with you the rest of your life. I really think that what he said is true and I also hope so.


Riddles • I’m your uncle’s brother,

But I’m not your uncle.What am I?

• Your father• -----• My hands are black,

My face is pale.My head is hanging on a nail.What am I?

• A clock



• It is on your head,And under your hat.What is it?

• Your hair

• -----

• It is round and yellow,It is like a ball of fire.It rises in the east,It sets in the west.What is it?

• The sun



• I can fly but I haven’t got wings.What am I?

• Time

• -----

• I always come down,But never go up.What am I?

• The rain


TEC party’s


• In the Tec due to stress that one handles in the pupils it is necessary to create a way in order that they liberate the whole stress and are on Monday giving his maximum effort. Because of it is that every weekend there are party’s in order that the pupils by means of dance and social conviviality extract the whole stress and relax to be ready for the following week of classes.

• It can have from small meetings between friends' certain quantity up to parties of big dimensions where there goes great quantity of the prepa tec and some other schools. Generally with a few big horns with good sound, refreshments glasses and good music and a house with good space organize these parties.


TEC party’s• The most popular party’s known in the tec have been an ace two parties in Toño Márquez's

alone house where in one Moni Pozuelos's birthday was celebrated and in other one that of Poncho Acosta, Those of Analau's house her of "multi", 3 parties of Succar's house, or those of Marisa Santos's house " the one that sells cookies ".

• This semester the season of party’s began with one in Marisa's house where there joined the people that she I invite and those of the first semester since his brother already entered the tec and also I organize it, was a good holiday where they all coexisted as friends and some looked after themselves to others, the most graceful were uniting to them of new generation and to the most beautiful women of the holiday. Also it was the general welcome in the HART where people of university joined and prepa to spend a good moment dancing and with good musical and like that to finish at high hours of the night already with 5 senses in doubt.

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TEC party’s

• Still more parties are absent for this semester like that it organizes Luis Torres and Poncho Acosta, that of September 15, or in those that they fence to organizing them of "multi" but therefore already this semester began the season of party´s so to enjoying them.

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Special events

As a member of this great institution I would like to introduce you to some of the special events that each semester changes and allows you to experience many new adventures.

We can start with first semester, is there where everything begins and is a new adventure for you, for your parents and your friends.

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Here all third semester students are invited to participate in a seminary this consist in a six day work, all participants must live together and learn how to be a good kind of man and woman.These event makes students learn how to work with persons they didn’t even know they exists, and also make them think what they can do to get better grades.

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Trip to WashingtonOur school is worried about our development, therefore it give the chance that any that would like to go to another country and study there, he can do it, but for third semester students there is a special event in which you can go to Washington in order to understand better different situations. Here we can see one of our partners having a great time at the capital of United States, which is Washington D.C.

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Last year

New York • For the last year students we have

trip to New York City, one of the most important cities, and this one has many activities in which students understand better the global situation, because we visit the U.N. headquarters and there we know how they work and everything they do.

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Your experience as an Exchange student

• Rafael Leon: which place did you go? I went to England

-and were exact on England? I went to Cambridge - did you improve your English level? Yes of curse I did I learn a lot of new things also I have a good time.

• .

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Your experience as an Exchange student

Sebastian Ruiz: hey sebas can you tell me what was your favorite activity as an exchange student? Yes, my favorite activity was travel because in Europe everything is wonderful it’s a completely new world I love it – sebas and what about the girls? Mm oh I like

European girls a lot but telling the true I think the Mexicans are the best.

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Your experience as an Exchange student

Eduardo Medrano: Edu how was your experience as an exchange

student so far? Oh it was grate I love it, I improve my English and also y meet a lot of people from all around the world – oh really give me some examples? Yea well I meet people from Canada, Germany, Poland,

Jamaica, Brazil and it was amazing.

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Your experience as an Exchange student

Andrea marmolejo: how was your experience as an exchange student? It was really fun because you

are always learning new things also you improve your English level a lot It really helps me on my English and my French-

and which places do you went? Well I went to a lot of places but my favorite

was Paris because I love the Eifel tower.

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Your experience as an Exchange student

Jorge Ramirez: hey Jorge where do you stay during your time as an exchange student ? Well Mauricio I

stayed on Sweden and on France – which one do you like better? Well I

don’t know both were really good and saying the true I loved Europe it was a

wonderful adventure and I’m really happy.

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Best class

During this five semesters the class that has helped me the most is Spanish three, because you are able to develop your oral skills and it also helps you to improve your movements in front of a big audience. This particular course is the one that I like the most because it has helped me to improve the way I talk with people, it has also helped me to control my nerves in front of a big audience.

Spanish three gave me a wide perspective of what is an essay and how it is done correctly, even that my teacher gave my essays back several times in order to correct it, I do not regret doing each essay more than 3 or 4 times because the only thing that I wanted is to come out with a better essay.

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Best class

The activity that I enjoyed the most was to present in front of my classmates and teacher because that was the time when the adrenaline, fears and nerves where all over you and the only way that you could get rid of them was facing them by presenting your essay in front of everybody. One of the greatest sensation that I´ve ever experienced was when I overcame my fears of presenting in front of a bunch people, it is a really unique sensation because in that moment is when you decide to put all the judgment of other people a side and become yourself during the performance.

When you finally finish and hear all the applauses you feel great because you have been listened by other people. At the beginning of the course I really felt frightened because my oral skills where rely poor and I didn´t like to talk in front of people because a felt like they where laughing at me or judging me but when I gave my first speech I did not care what other people thought of me any more. This particular course helped me in consolidating my auto esteem and this is the reason that Spanish three is the class that I´ve liked the most

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The NY trip • A trip like this no everyone in the world have the opportunity to make it so if you have the

chance y recommend you to take it because I’m 100 sure that in the near future you are gone remember it say my dad when I tell him about this trip and he was right.

• I just can say it was amazing and it was one of the best trips I have ever done say our friend rafa , now I notice that it was our last trip in hig-school and I will miss my friends but this kind of trips are the ones that Im sure I will remember wen I grow up because this memories stand forever.

• Well in the trip we practically visit all NY city and as almost everyone knows is one of the best cities in the world so we walk a lot and we meet a lot of museums, stores, parks it was amazing, but the most important thing it was that we have a good time with our friends we also learn a little beat from other cultures and we make new friends during the trip

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• The ny trip

• We all have a god time together and I have the opportunity to get in touch with my class mates, this trip makes me think about the future because when we all became older this will be the memories and the moments that we will remember I'm really tankful with my dad because he make this this trip come true to me

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Cheesy Quinoa Black Bean Stuffed Bell Peppers Recipe

• Ingredients• 1 cup uncooked quinoa (white or red or both)• Salt• 6 large bell peppers, any color• 1 15-ounce can black beans, drained• 4 cups grated sharp cheddar cheese, 2 cups for stuffing, 2 cups for topping• 3 to 4 green onions, finely sliced• 1 teaspoon ground cumin• 1/2 cup loosely packed chopped fresh cilantro You need a cup of quinoa, 2 cups of water, and 1/2 teaspoon of salt in a medium saucepan. Boil, cover, reduce to a simmer and cook for 15

minutes. Remove it from the heat and let sit for 10 minutes, covered. Boil 4 quarts of water. Add 2 spoons of salt to the water. Cut the top 1/2 all the bell peppers and remove the core and seeds inside.In a large bowl mix the cooked quinoa, black beans and also grated cheddar cheese, also green onion.Once everything is ready you have to fill the papers with the quinoa salad, the advantage of this dish is that is complete meat free and also good

for your health.

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(Chocolate Cookies) Directions

• Heat the oven to 350 degrees F Grease cookie sheets.

• In a large bowl, put together the cake mix, eggs and oil until it is well blended. Add the chocolate chips. Place the cookies 6 inches separated one form another.

• Bake for 15 minutes in the oven. Allow cookies to cool on 5 minutes period time before removing them.

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Fudgy Brownies.

• Heat the oven 175 degrees .

• In a small bowl, melt butter. Remove from heat and stir in the chocolate until it becomes smooth and well blended. Mix in the sugar and eggs then stir in the flour until just blended. Spread evenly into the prepared pan.

• Bake for around 20 minutes in the preheated oven, until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Make sure to cool down the plate after cutting the brownies into squares.

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Cereal Bar

• Grease a 10x11 pan. In a large saucepan over medium heat, mix some honey and sugar. After boiling, then remove it from heat and stir in the peanut butter until well blended. Stir in the cereal, you also have to add stir salted peanuts. Allow to cool until firm, then cut into bars.

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Beautiful girls • Women along the history formed a part fundamentally of the company, but that was of

them in the preparatory one?

• It is because of it that I gave to myself to the task of looking for the nicest girls of the preparatory one, it was not easy to select to only two for generation between so many beautiful girls. The way that comes to the chosen ones was by means of surveys between several groups of men and not only was it qualified to be nice but also to have a good attitude and a funny personality.

• It is important to know that they like and how to do that they are interested in you because of it realize an interview to know a bit more of them, in this one he was asking them that they liked to do, to where they liked to go out, if they had boyfriend and being useful his number extracts them and snapchat for personal use.

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Beautiful girls • In them we find the point of balance of all the men, every man needs a woman

who controls it, orientate, rest or anything that serves for his complement. It is said that the person whom you should marry already is known by you from the preparatory one is because of it that is very important that you know well and know those who are the girls of your preparatory.

• To inspire love in a woman do not have to be a gallant, being able to speak to them it is mas that sufficient to do that they fall in love with you, for it it is necessary to know a bit of them to be able to be able to speak to them like and that topics of conversation to support with them, that they like and that not in order that this way there is mas easily the task of doing that they are interested in you

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• Andrea Marmolejo• How old are you? 17• Do you have a boyfriend? Yes• What time you walk out the bread? At the time do you want daddy• What are your hobbies? Dance and air dance • Where do you like to go? Coffees, movies, bubbas, wings, party

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• Natalia Mendez• How old are you? 17• Do you have a boyfriend? Yes• What time you walk out the bread? I don’t go out for the bread • What are your hobbies? Dance and paint • Where do you like to go? To parties and movies

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•  • Marissa Santos• How old are you? 16• Do you have a boyfriend? No • What time you walk out the bread? I do not go for the bread they bring me• What are your hobbies? Rappelling, make cookies, draw and watch series. • Where do you like to go? Coffees, movies

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• Erika Valdez • How old are you? 17• Do you have a boyfriend? No • What time you walk out the bread? I am on a diet • What are your hobbies? Read, play soccer and watch series. • Where do you like to go? Coffees, movies, parties and to the

downtown to take photos

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•  • Andrea Vargas• How old are you? 16• Do you have a boyfriend? No • What time you walk out the bread? I do not go for the bread they bring me• What are your hobbies? Sing, play the piano and play volleyball• Where do you like to go? Go to Guanajuato city or movies•