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ECMS Science Fair PacketTracks 6-4 & 6-2 December 11, 2013

Dear Parents/Guardians,

The Science Fair is fast approaching so please take time to read this packet carefully. Guidelines, explanations, schedules and helpful hints are included. Your help and support are welcome, but please remember that the final project should reflect the problem solving and work of your child and must demonstrate their individual effort and design.

All 6th grade East Cary Middle School students will participate in the Science Fair. Your child will need a tri-fold cardboard presentation board. These can be purchased at Target, Walmart, or any office supply store. (If this is not an option for you, let your child’s science teacher know.)

Please note: If your child is doing a project that includes materials that are messy, photographs should be taken and posted on the board instead of bringing in the actual materials. Also, no materials should be brought in that will decay quickly, or would pose a possible danger to other students.

If you have questions, please feel free to contact your child’s science teacher.

Track 2: Ms. Gutscher [email protected]

Estimados padres,

La Feria de Ciencias es rápida acercarse a lo por favor tome tiempo para leer este paquete. Se incluyen directrices, explicaciones, horarios y consejos útiles. Su ayuda y apoyo son bienvenidos, pero por favor, recuerden que el proyecto final debe reflejar la solución de problemas y el trabajo de su hijo y debe demostrar su esfuerzo individual y el diseño.

Todos los estudiantes de sexto grado East Cary Middle School participará en la Feria de Ciencias y presentar un experimento de la Feria de Ciencias. Su hijo necesita un tablero de cartón presentación de triple. Estos pueden adquirirse en Target, Walmart o cualquier tienda de suministros. (Si esto no es una opción para usted, que la ciencia maestra saber.)

Nota: Si su hijo está haciendo un proyecto que incluye materiales que son desordenados, fotografías deben ser tomados y publicados en el tablero en vez de traer en los materiales reales. Además, no debería señalarse ningún material que se desvanecerán rápidamente, o plantearía un posible peligro para otros estudiantes.

Si usted tiene preguntas, no dude en contactar con el profesor de Ciencias de su hijo.

Pista 2: Sra. Gutscher [email protected]

Parent Signature _________________________________

Due DateDec 6

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Dear Student,

Below, we have outlined the steps you will take to complete this science fair project. It is important that you manage your time wisely. It will be your responsibility to work on your project along the way so that you do not have too much to do at the end!

Your Science Fair Project will showcase your understanding of the scientific method through an investigation of a problem or question. This is not an opportunity to just show how something works; it will be an opportunity for you to conduct a hands-on investigative experiment. It will be very important that you have a question or problem that is guiding your investigation. The key to a good and manageable investigation is to choose a topic of interest, then ask a “testable question.” Testable questions are those that can be answered through your hands-on investigation. The key difference between a general interest science question and a testable question is that testable questions are always about changing one thing to see what the effect is on another thing.

Please visit http://school.discoveryeducation.com/sciencefaircentral/ to learn more about the scientific method and how it applies to your Science Fair Project.

~This is not a research project~ You MUST have a testable question that leads to the creation of an experiment.

o You Must have an independent variable (something that you are manipulating/changing)o You must have a dependent variable (something that is being measured)

- Building a robot or a model is not a valid 6th grade science fair project- Just making a volcano with baking soda and vinegar is not a valid experiment

If you already know what the outcome will be, choose another experiment. All science fair projects need to follow the Scientific Method. This method is a systematic way that

scientists inquire to find answers to their scientific questions.

Make observations Ask a testable question Do research Conduct an experiment Analyze collected data Make a conclusion

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Elements to Include in Your Science Fair Project

Each project should be displayed on a tri-fold board that can be purchased at Target or any office supply store.If a student needs help purchasing a board, he or she should let their teacher know. The information shouldbe neatly printed or written neatly and should show each step of the scientific process. Do not put your name on the front of the board. Your name, grade level, track, and science teacher’s name needs to be on the back of the board.

A. Title- What is the topic?

B. Purpose/Question - What is the question you want to answer? What is the reason for doing the experiment?

C. Research What research have you done on your topic? What have you learned that pertains to your experiment? Now, summarize what the research says and how it relates to your experiment.

D. Hypothesis - What do you think will happen and WHY?

E. Materials - List everything that is needed for the experiment.

F. Procedures - List the step-by-step instructions to carry out the experiment. These are directions that someone else could follow to complete the investigation.

G. Results/Data - Graphs, charts, sketches, photographs, etc. A summary of how the experiment turned out each time. Multiple trials should be carried out and recorded. Include an interpretation and analysis of the data.

H. Conclusions - What did your project show? How did it turn out? Was your hypothesis correct?

I. Photos/Drawings/Diagrams - This is your opportunity to add creativity and individuality to your board with relevant interesting information. Do not include personal photographs or pictures of the student.

J. Display You may display relevant items on the floor in front of your board. These items may not decay or be dangerous in nature. They should be able to fit inside a shoebox.

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Basic Rules of a Fair

Abstract - The abstract should be a maximum of 250 words, with the addition of three references.

Size of Display - Maximum 48 inches wide, 48 inches high, 30 inches deep.

Tissue - No human or animal tissues can be displayed. Teeth, hair, nails, dried animal bones, histological sections and mounted slides are allowed.

Specimen - No taxidermy parts, preserved animals, or embryos can be displayed.

Photographs - No visual presentations of surgical techniques, dissections, necropsies or other lab techniques depicting vertebrate animals or humans in other that everyday conditions can be displayed.

Solid Waste - No solid waste, soil or other waste material may be displayed.

Chemicals - No chemicals of any kind can be displayed.

Sharp items - No syringes, needles, pipettes or other sharp instruments can be displayed.

Controlled Substances - Poisons, drugs, controlled substances, explosives, hazardous devices or weapons cannot be displayed.

Dry Ice - Dry ice or other solids that vaporize will not be displayed.

Fire - No open flames or highly combustible materials are allowed.

Tanks - Tanks, full or empty, used for storage of combustible gases or liquids are not to be displayed.

Machinery - No unshielded belts, chains, pulleys or other hazardous moving parts shall be displayed.

Lasers - Only class II lasers with proper warning labels displayed are allowed. Class III and IV are not allowed.

Heat Source - Materials heated above 100 degree F are not allowed without adequate insulation.

Electric Current - No unshielded high voltage equipment, large vacuum tubes, ray-generating devices, bare wires and knife switches carrying current at more than 12 v, or exposed sparks will be allowed.

Embellishments - Awards, medals, business cards, or personal information are not allowed.

Batteries - No open cell batteries may be displayed.

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Project CategoriesWhen registering for most fairs, you will need to assign your project to one of these five main categories:

Biological Science Microbiology - the study of all categories of microorganisms. Zoology - the study of the anatomy and physiology of animals, including, ichthyology, entomology,

ornithology, paleontology, herpetology Medicine and Health - the study of diseases and health of humans and animals. Behavioral Science - a study of human or animal behavior, archaeology, anthropology, opinion

surveys, psychology, social and community relationships.

Earth/Environmental Science Botany - the study of plant life, plant physiology and genetics, photosynthesis, horticulture,

hydroponics. Environmental Science - projects that include study of ecology, and air, water and land pollution. Earth Science - including geology, mineralogy, meteorology, oceanography, geography, seismology.

Physical Science Physics - the study of optics, electricity, thermodynamics, acoustics, mechanics, states of matter,

magnetism, quantum mechanics, laws of motion and energy. Chemistry - the study of the nature of matter at atomic and molecular levels; all branches of chemistry,

including organic, inorganic, physical, analytical, polymer and metallurgical.

Technology/ Engineering Space Science - including astronomy, cosmology, and planetary science. Engineering - projects that apply scientific principles to practical applications of aeronautical,

automotive, chemical, civil, electrical, environmental and mechanical engineering. Mathematics - the study and development of numerical and algebraic calculations, relationships that

apply to all fields of mathematics. Computer Science - design and development of computer software and hardware, networking,

graphics, or simulations.

Misc. Consumer Product Science Product Comparison

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TITLEA title is a general or descriptive heading. An example of a creative title is “Purple Petunias,” or “Bullet Trains are Levitating”


The process of understanding the Scientific Method begins with observing or wondering about something in the world. It involves wondering how, why, and/or when something occurs. Discovery of things that are “new” usually begins with observation using the five senses: Sight, Sound, Smell, Touch, and Taste.

Key WordsWho What When Where Why How Explain Describe

Observation QuestionsWhat do I wonder about it?What do I want to find out?Is it possible to research this topic?

After a topic is chosen, the students need to express their problem as a specific, open-ended question, such as:“How does temperature affect the growth of mold on white bread?”“Does the temperature during a storm cause more waves?”


After a topic has been chosen, the next step is research. Research is the process of collecting information from experience, knowledgeable sources, and experiments.

To get started, think about these questions:What do I know about my topic?What additional information would help me?How can I use different sources of information to gather the information I need?

You need to use several different sources when conducting research.Examples include: Books Magazines Professional Journals Newspapers Internet Interviews

You need to use reliable resources. Not all web sites have accurate information. Make sure the information obtained can be verified in more than one source. You need to check the relevancy of the information, how qualified the author is, and whether or not the information could be biased. You need to use .gov .edu .org and other reliable sources; search engines such as Wikipedia are not acceptable. You need a minimum of 3 sources.

Write your title here

Write your guiding question here

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A hypothesis is a prediction or simply an educated guess about the solution to a problem. It is important to conduct research and consider prior knowledge before formulating a hypothesis. You will test your hypothesis by performing an experiment.

To form a hypothesis, you should focus on the problem and make an “If then” statement about the problem. A hypothesis is a single statement about how two factors are related to each other. For example, “If the temperature in a room is changed, then mold will grow faster on white bread” OR “If the barometric pressure drops in a tropical depression, then a hurricane will form.”

Once the hypothesis is written, you need to write several facts from your research that explains why you believe your hypothesis to be correct.


A procedure is a way of doing something or getting something done. The procedures are written in complete sentences. They are listed and numbered. A procedure needs to be written clearly enough so that someone else can perform the same experiment. This is a step-by-step guide to doing the experiment. For example:

1. Fill one graduated cylinder with 75-ml of distilled water.2. Weigh out .02 grams of Copper3. Place .02 grams of Copper in one plastic cup.4. Weigh out 1 gram of Sulfide.5. Place 1 gram of chloride in the same plastic cup.6. Add 75-ml of distilled water to the plastic cup.


Materials are the substance or substances from which something is or can be made. Materials are tools or apparatus needed to perform a certain task.

Materials that are used during an experiment need to be listed. The amounts of the materials need to also be listed. Below is an example of a materials list:

12 300-ml Plastic cups at room temp 1 250-ml graduated cylinder 1 stopwatch 30 small paper plates 1 Triple Beam Balance

1 Scale 5 Grams Copper (Cu) 15 Grams Sulfide (S2) 1,000-ml distilled water


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DATA (Must include a data chart and/or graph with a written analysis of the data in paragraph form)

Data is what is observed. Data is listed in the form of a table. The data is then used to make charts or graphs, so that you can clearly see the results from the data.

The student needs to record their data collected through measurements or observations in a clearly labeled data table. The student will use the data table to construct the appropriate type of graph to provide a pictorial representation of what happened during the experiment.

The student will write and explain the variables of the experiment. A variable is anything that affects your topic and can or cannot be changed in your experiment. There are three types of variables: dependent, independent, and control. A dependent variable is the change that happens in your experiment or what you are measuring. The independent variable is the one thing that that you can change in your experiment to figure out what impact it has on the topic you are studying. The control variable is the variable that is not changed; it shows what happens when the independent variable is not applied.

An easy way to identify the variables in an experiment is to fill in the blanks of the following sentence,

The _________ depends on _________

For example, in an experiment testing the effects of temperature on the growth of bread mold would be…..

The growth of mold depends on the temperature of a room.

The growth of mold is the dependent variable and the temperature is the independent variable. You will be changing the temperature of the room so the growth of the mold will be affected. A control would be a room that is always at the same constant set temperature with no changes.


The conclusion is the full explanation of what your project was and what it showed you. The conclusion is written in paragraph form. A conclusion will answer your problem and your hypothesis, based on the data collected during your experiment. It must state whether or not the data supports or rejects the original hypothesis.

In addition, you will explain any problems you had conducting the experiment and how you would correct them in the future. You will need to explain what you would do differently if you did the experiment again. If your results are different then you expected you need to discuss this. You also need to discuss any other questions you have now after doing the experiment.


The abstract is a simply a brief summary of the experiment, written in paragraph form. It should summarize the purpose of the experiment, the procedures used, the results, and conclusions. It should not exceed 250 words.

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Science Fair Testable Questions~This is not a research project~

Suzy approached her teacher excited to share her Science Fair topic. Her question was, “How does an airplane fly?”

While a great question, it is not a testable question but can easily be turned into one. Suzy needs to add a manipulated and responding variable to make it work:

“Does changing the wing span (manipulated) of a plane affect its flight (responding)?” or

“Does the length of an airplane’s wing (manipulated), affect how far it will fly (responding)?”

Below you will find a list of science fair type questions. They are only a guide to help create testable questions. Again, almost any question can be a testable question with a little creativity.

1. Which type of bread turns moldy first: store bought or bakery bread?

2. How does talking on a cell phone or listening to music affect reaction time?

3. How does a light bulb’s wattage affect the amount of heat detected above a light?

4. Which can support more weight: paper or plastic grocery bags?

5. What brand of paper towel is most absorbent?

6. Does a no name stain remover work just as well as a brand name?

7. Does the color of a shirt affect the amount of heat it absorbs?

8. How does temperature affect the growth of mold?

9. Do different brands of batteries last longer than others?

10. Which stays fresher longer: organic or non-organic fruit?

11. Can people use their sense of hearing alone to tell apart a penny, nickel, dime, and quarter?

12. Can blindfolded people tell the difference between bottled water and tap water?

13. Does the type of liquid affect how fast an ice cube melts?

14. Does changing the temperature of water affect the buoyancy of an egg?

15. Does the type of wood affect how long it burns?

16. Does the flavor of ice cream affect how fast the ice cream melts?

17. Does changing the wingtip direction affect an airplane’s flight?

18. Does the type liquid given to a plant affect its growth?

19. Does they type of liquid affect how quickly a tooth decays (forms a cavity)?

20. Does the type of shoe worn during a 20 yard dash affect the speed in which you can run?

21. Does changing the size of a paper airplane affect how far it flies?

22. How does the type of liquid affect how much a penny will corrode in 5 minutes?

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23. Does the type of peanut affect how much energy it produces?

24. Does the type (brand – Granny Smith vs. Red Delicious) of apple affect how many apples a horse will eat?

25. Does changing the type of liquid affect how quickly a nail will corrode (rust)?

26. Does the brand of detergent affect how thoroughly it gets a grass stain out?

27. How does the type of light affect how quickly a plant will grow?

28. How does the type of light affect how quickly a plant will grow?

29. Does surface temperature of a glass affect fingerprints?

30. Do artificial sugars attract ants? 31. Does the type of insulation on the wire

affect the strength of an electromagnet? 32. What effect does temperature have on the

strength of different types of magnets? 33. On which surface can a snail move the

fastest-dirt, cement, or grass? 34. What is the effect of light on rate of seed

germination? 35. Do mint leaves repel ants, worms, or

isopods? 36. What is the effect of increased or decreased

oxygen on plant growth? 37. Does the direction seeds are planted affect

plant growth? 38. Is there an effect on evaporation rates

when forming crystals from sugar and sugar substitutes?

39. Does the length of the wire affect the power of the circuit?

40. Can you make an electromagnet stronger by adding more electric cells to the circuit?

41. Which antacid is the most effective in neutralizing an acid?

42. What materials provide the best insulation? 43. Which electromagnet design is the


44. Through what material does sound travel the best?

45. What material is the best to keep heat in? 46. Does temperature affect the life of a

battery? 47. What material filters oily water the best? 48. Does the thickness of the wire affect the

power of the circuit? 49. Does the length of the wire affect the

strength of an electromagnet?50. Does an earthworm react to light, partial

shade, or darkness?51. What type of soil filters polluted water the

best? 52. Does surrounding color affect an insect’s

eating habits? 53. What is the effect of different amounts of

chlorine on plant growth- large amount, small amount, or no chlorine?

54. What is the effect of different amounts of air movement on plant growth?

55. Do ants prefer artificial sweeteners, natural sugar, or hard candy?

56. What is the effect of a magnetic field on plant growth?

57. Can mealworms or other invertebrates be taught to go through a maze?

58. How does the temperature of a tennis ball affect the height of its bounce?

59. How does the air pressure of a soccer ball affect how far it travels when kicked?

60. Which increases your heart rate more: walking up and down real stairs or using a stair-master?

61. How does the temperature of water affect the time its takes to freeze into ice cubes?

62. How will adding different flavors of Kool-Aid to water affect the water's boiling point?

63. Which brand of popcorn leaves the fewest unpopped kernels?

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64. Does the flavor of gelatin affect the amount of time it takes to set?

65. Given the same amount of water, how does pot size affect the amount of time it takes to boil?

66. How does caffeine affect people’s heart rate?

67. Which kind of gum keeps its flavor longer: sugar free or regular?

68. Does having worms in soil help plants grow faster?

69. What is the effect of salt on the boiling temperature of water?

70. How does the weight of a bowling ball affect how many pins the ball knocks down?

71. How does the length of time that a soda bottle is open affect its fizziness?

72. How will the time spent chewing bubble gum affect its bubbles' maximum size?

73. How does playing video games affect hand eye coordination?

74. What is the effect of toothpaste brand on teeth cleaning power?

75. How does a shampoo's brand affect the strength of hair?

76. How does the type of material affect how long a shirt takes to dry?

77. How does humidity affect the curliness of hair?

78. Which nail polish best resists chipping?

79. In a blind taste test, can you tell the difference between nonfat, low fat, and whole milk?

80. When your pour soda out of a newly opened soda bottle, which produces more fizz: regular or diet soda?

81. Does the type of animal in a pet store window affect the number of people who are attracted to the window?

82. What brand of trash bag can withstand the most weight before ripping?

83. How does a light bulb’s wattage affect the amount of heat detected above a light?

84. Where is the best place to store home baked cookies to keep them fresh longest?

85. How does the type of music that a person listens to while exercising affect how hard he or she works out?

86. How does the size of a bicycle’s tires affect how far it travels given a specific amount of pedaling?

87. How does the amount of air in a bicycle’s tires affect how long it takes the bike to break?

88. Does playing Sudoku puzzles improve your performance on other types of puzzles?

89. How does the time of day affect your body’s temperature?

90. How does the tension in a violin’s strings affect its pitch?

91. Does one type of food fill you up faster than another?

92. How does a person’s age affect his or her flexibility?

93. How does hair’s curliness affect its strength?

94. Does the brand of kitty litter affect clumping?

95. How does the size of a drum affect its pitch?96. Which grows faster: fingernails or toenails?97. Does the time of day affect your flexibility?98. How does color affect a person’s mood?99. How does the time of day affect your body’s temperature?100.How does the tension in a violin’s strings affect its pitch?101.Does one type of food fill you up faster than another?102.How does a person’s age affect his or her flexibility?103.How does hair’s curliness affect its strength?104.Does the brand of kitty litter affect clumping?105.How does the size of a drum affect its pitch?106.Which grows faster: fingernails or toenails?107.Does the time of day affect your flexibility?108.How does color affect a person’s mood?109. How does the material of a bandage affect its ability to stick after getting wet?110. Do “triple roll” toilet paper rolls really last three times as long as regular rolls?

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111. How does temperature affect the growth of mold?112. Which brand of potato chips has the least grease?113. How does meditation affect your heart rate?114. Do mood rings accurately predict a person’s emotions?115. Do different brands of batteries last longer than others?116. Which uses more water: a shower or a bath?117. Do you wake up feeling more alert when you awaken to an alarm clock that buzzes,

plays music, or plays nature sounds?118. Which holds hair in place for a longer period of time: gel or hair spray?119. Which stays fresher longer: organic or non-organic fruit?120. Which stains dentures more: coffee, soda,

or grape juice?121. Do best friends have the same favorite color?122. Can you judge depth as well using just one

eye than using two?123. Can you skate faster with in line skates or roller skates?124. Do taller people take longer strides than shorter people?

125. When mixing an acid and base, how do their pH values affect the amount of each needed for a neutralization reaction?126. Does squinting improve your vision?

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Science Fair Grading for Ms. Gutscher’s ClassA Choose a testable question

Identify the independent variable (manipulated variable) Identify the dependent variable (what is being measured) List several essential constants Describe the control group used for comparison

B Write a scientific hypothesis- Written as “If_______, then_______ because________”

C Create a data chartD Write a conclusionE Have a display board

Part A: Identify VariablesWhat is your testable question?

Identify the independent variable

Identify the dependent variable

What are the constants in your experiment?1)2)3)4)Describe the control group used for comparison

Rubric Not CompletedOr incorrect

0 pts

Correctly Identified


Correctly identified with detailed

support information

2-3ptsCorrectly identify the independent variable. Provide an explanation of why it is the manipulated variable.

Correctly identify the dependent variable. Provide an explanation of how this variable will be measured.

List a minimum of 2 constants. Provide an explanation of why each constant is important to the “fairness” of the experiment.

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Provide a detailed description of the control group and how it will be used for comparison in this experiment. Part B: Hypothesis

Write your hypothesis

Rubric Not Completed0 pts

Below Expectations1 pt

Moderate2 pts


3 ptsProblem statement is in the form of a question

Problem statement clearly states purpose of experimentWritten using complete sentences with correct spelling, punctuation, etc.

Part C: Data AnalysisYour analysis of the data is a detailed explanation of what the results of the experiment were and why you think that your experiment had those specific results. This section has two parts: 1) the data chart/table and 2) a written analysis of the data explaining what the data means.

Rubric Not Completed0 pts

Below Expectations1 pt

Moderate2 pts


3 ptsData recorded using charts, graphs, tables, photos, etc.Charts, graphs, tables, etc. are organized and easy to readIndependent variable is listed on the x-axis and the dependent (measurable) variable is listed on the y-axis.Data analysis includes an interpretation of data (what was found, and why)Written using complete sentences with correct spelling, punctuation, etc.

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Part D: ConclusionThis is a detailed paragraph including 4 parts: 1) You need to declare if your hypothesis should be supported or rejected. 2) You need a detailed explanation of your reasons to support or reject. 3) Analyze your experiment and conclude what you could do differently to improve your experiement.4) How would those changes made affect the outcome of your experiment?

Rubric Not Completed0 pts

Below Expectations1 pt

Moderate2 pts


3 ptsConclusion states if hypothesis was correct/incorrect with explanationConclusion includes limitations (problems) of experiment Conclusion includes recommendations for future experiments and improvementsWritten using complete sentences with correct spelling, punctuation, etc.

Part E: Science Fair Board

Nothing but paper and pictures should be on boards. It is preferred to use pictures of objects/materials instead of attaching object/materials to the boards.

Any photos must be credited (e.g. photo taken by……) and copyrighted pictures are not permitted without permission.

Rubric Not Completed0 pts

Below Expectations1 pt

Moderate2 pts

Strong3 pts

Board is the appropriate size and is set up as instructed (using the proper format)Data section is neat, clear and well organized (includes tables, graphs, etc.)

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