Committed to Excellence TEAM Teacher Evaluation & Achievement Model TEAM Classroom Teacher Quick Guide 2017-2018

TEAM - Imagine Schools At South Lake...The Deliberate Practice Plan for the 2017-2018 school year will include one Deliberate Practice Focus Strategy. The Deliberate Practice Plan

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Page 1: TEAM - Imagine Schools At South Lake...The Deliberate Practice Plan for the 2017-2018 school year will include one Deliberate Practice Focus Strategy. The Deliberate Practice Plan

Committed to Excellence

TEAM Teacher Evaluation

& Achievement Model

TEAM Classroom Teacher Quick Guide 2017-2018

Page 2: TEAM - Imagine Schools At South Lake...The Deliberate Practice Plan for the 2017-2018 school year will include one Deliberate Practice Focus Strategy. The Deliberate Practice Plan


Teacher Evaluation & Achievement Model – Classroom Teachers




TEAM Updates for 2017-2018 3

Observation Requirements for Classroom Teachers 4

Observation Requirements for Classroom Category 1A Teachers 5

Marzano Learning Map 2017-2018 (Classroom) 6-7

Marzano Scoring Rubric 8

Instructions on Scoring Observations 9-10

Deliberate Practice Plan 11-15

Deliberate Practice Plan Examples 16-17

TEAM Summative Evaluation Components 18

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Teacher Evaluation & Achievement Model – Classroom Teachers


TEAM Updates for 2017-2018

The Goal for 2017-2018 was DECREASE….

• Fewer Ratable Elements or Instructional Categories in Domain 1 for Observations

• Element 1

• Element 10

• Element 14

• Element 15

• Element 19

• Element 23

• No changes in Domains 2, 3, and 4

• 17 total ratable elements for 2017-18

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Teacher Evaluation & Achievement Model – Classroom Teachers


Observation Requirements Classroom Teacher

Evaluation Procedures for Classroom-Based Teachers How a teacher will be assessed will be determined by the category they are assigned based upon experience. There are three designations of teachers in LCS’ TEAM.

Category 1(A): Instructional Probationary Annual Contract Teachers who are in their first year of employment in the district (new or experienced)

Category 1(B): Annual Contract Teachers who have one (1) through three (3) years of experience

Category 2: Annual Contract, Professional Contract, or Continuing Contract Teachers who have four (4) or more years of experience

TEAM Observation Requirements For Classroom



TEAM Plan Informal








Category 1A

(1st Year or New to

the District)


1 by Dec. 31

2 by May 1


1 by Dec. 31

1 by May 1

0 5


Category 1B

(Years 2-3)


1 by Dec 31

1 by May 1


by May 1

0 3


Category 2

(4+ Years and

Advanced or

Distinguished LIFT



by Dec 31


by May 1

0 2

* Please note: Observations must be completed by the dates indicated above.

** Virtual School Teachers will be listed as Classroom Teachers but will follow the Non-Classroom Schedule.

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Teacher Evaluation & Achievement Model – Classroom Teachers


Observation Requirements for Category 1A Classroom Teachers

(Includes Teachers Hired Late in the Year)

Note: This includes teachers new to teaching AND teachers new to the district.


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Domain 1 Elements that can be Scored

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Marzano Scoring Rubric



Category 1 Developing


Category 2

Needs Improvement

Beginning Not Using

Refers to professional teaching that innovatively involves students in the learning process. Additional strategies are incorporated when some students are not reaching the desired effect, which leads to all students reaching the desired effect at this level.

Refers to successful, professional teaching that is consistently at a high level. Students are engaged and the teacher monitors the extent to which desired outcomes are produced. The majority of students reach the desired effect at this level. It would be expected that most experienced teachers would frequently perform at this level.

Refers to teaching that has the necessary knowledge and skills to be effective. Students are engaged but the monitoring of outcomes is inconsistent or lacking.

Effective teaching strategies are used incorrectly or with parts missing.

Effective strategies are called for but not exhibited.

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Classroom-Based Teachers – Scoring Observations

Domain Weightings

Domain 1 68%

Domain 2 14%

Domain 3 8%

Domain 4 10%

Calculating the Status Score

• Step 1: Rate observed elements at each of the following levels:

Innovating (4), Applying (3), Developing (2), Beginning (1), and Not Using (0)

• Step 2: Count the number of ratings at each level for each of the four domains

• Step 3: For each domain, determine the percentage of the total each level represents (% Innovating, % Applying, % Developing, % Beginning, % Not Using)

• Step 4: For each domain, apply the results from Step 3 to the description for each level on the Proficiency Scale below (based on teacher’s experience level).

• Step 5: Compute the weighted average of the 4 domain proficiency scores and find the resulting number on the scale below

Category 1 (Teacher in first 3 years of teaching) Domain Proficiency Scores:

C1 Highly Effective (3.5 – 4)

Effective (3)

Developing (2)

Unsatisfactory (1)

D1: 3.5 - 50% - 64% at Innovating (4) and 0 at Beginning (1) or Not Using (0) 4.0 – 65% - 100% at Innovating (4) and 0 at Beginning (1) or Not Using (0)

At least 65% at Applying (3) or higher

Less than 65% at Applying (3) or higher and Less than 50% at Beginning (1) or Not Using (0)

Greater than or equal to 50% at Beginning (1) or Not Using (0)




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Teacher Evaluation & Achievement Model – Classroom Teachers


Category 2 (Teachers with 4 or more years of teaching experience)

Domain Proficiency Scores:

C2 Highly Effective

(3.5 – 4)



Needs Improvement




D1: 3.5 - 50% - 74% at Innovating (4) and 0 at Beginning (1) or Not Using (0) 4.0 – 75% - 100% at

Innovating (4) and 0

at Beginning (1) or

Not Using (0)

At least 75% at Level

Applying (3) or higher

Less than 75%at Applying

(3) or higher and Less

than 50% at Beginning (1)

or Not Using (0)

Greater than or equal

to 50% at Beginning (1)

or Not Using (0) D2:



For instructional personnel in their first three years of teaching, the following ratings will be applicable: Highly

Effective, Effective, Developing or Unsatisfactory. Instructional personnel with 4 or more years of experience,

Needs Improvement will be used in place of Developing.

Highly Effective Effective Developing / Needs Improvement


3.5 – 4.0 2.5 – 3.49 1.5 – 2.49 0 – 1.49

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Teacher Evaluation & Achievement Model – Classroom Teachers


Deliberate Practice Plan

The Deliberate Practice Plan for the 2017-2018 school year will include one Deliberate

Practice Focus Strategy.

The Deliberate Practice Plan (DPP) is to be completed in Truenorthlogic\Performance


A DPP target can be a Design Question (Domain 1) or a Domain (2-4)

Deliberate Practice will be scored as 20% of the TEAM Summative Evaluation.

Deliberate Practice steps include:

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Teacher Evaluation & Achievement Model – Classroom Teachers


Instructions for Completing the Deliberate Practice Plan

Teacher selects target

Teacher designs plan for professional improvement – Plan is completed in one step in TNL

Principal Acknowledges Plan

No Reflections. Instead, teachers gather evidence of impact along the way.

Teacher Provides Evidence that Plan was Completed

o Evidence that Plan was completed – Effective

o Evidence that Plan showed impact on student achievement or impacted others –

Highly Effective

Principal Scores Deliberate Practice Plan at Year-End Meeting Based on Evidence

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Teacher Evaluation & Achievement Model – Classroom Teachers


Step 1A - Identify Focus Strategy and Develop Deliberate Practice Plan

Complete these


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Teacher Evaluation & Achievement Model – Classroom Teachers


Step 1B - Identify Focus Strategy and Develop Deliberate Practice Plan

Complete these


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Teacher Evaluation & Achievement Model – Classroom Teachers


Step 2 – Outcome, Evidence and Reflection - (To be completed at the end of the project)

Complete this after the

DPP Project has concluded

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Classroom DPP Example #1

Domain: 1

Design Question: #3 Helping Students Practice and Deepen New Knowledge OR DQ #8 Establishing and Maintaining

Effective Relationships with Students (Either one would fit here)

1. What do I want to see improve in my practice as a result of focusing on this targeted Strategy?

Currently students typically stick close to my lessons and topics given and I would like to see them branch out a create

projects based on their interest and abilities.

2. What is my expected outcome?

As a result of focusing on this element, I would like to see students' interests being reflected in my lessons and

assignments. I want to begin to build lessons and projects that focus on topics that better reflect and interest the learner.

3. Action Steps

Allow opportunities for students in the I.T. Directed Study course to create web development projects based on

their interests. I would also like to see them create a portfolio of projects that they have created that they could

showcase to a potential employer.

I am going to provide students with a student interest survey to get to know their individual likes/dislikes and

interests and provide them with some goal setting opportunities.

I will begin to provide multiple, varied opportunities for my students to perform in ways that develops and

demonstrates their own understanding of the standards that coincide with my lessons.

I will begin to build more focused lessons and projects around topics that are of interest to my students and their


I want to build in time to do weekly or monthly data and personal chats with my students to build a strong rapport

and understanding of each student.

4. How will I determine positive impact?

Assignment completions (compared to prior years)

Assignment grades (compared to prior years)

Student Feedback on assignments (letting them tell me what worked for them and what didn't)

Data chats about assignments and how their choices impacted them

5. Outcome, Evidence and Reflection

Outcome - Through this project, I learned that by understanding student likes and interests and allowing them voice and

choice on certain assignments allows the students to take an active interest in completing the assignment above the norm.

Evidence – Assignment completions and assignment grades have improved as compared to the last two years. Allowing

them to choose from a choice of assignment topics or letting them choose their topic has proven successful in terms of the

quality of work students are creating, as evidenced by completed projects. For example, in my web design classes,

allowing the students to pick the type of website they want to design based on their interests has proven to produce high

quality work and motivation to really make the design standards their very best work. Feedback from students indicated

that they enjoyed the work much more when assignments were relevant and interesting to them.

Reflection – Based on the success of this year, I will continue to structure assignments around my group of students and

individual student interests to gain motivation, active participation, and the student(s) going above and beyond because

they enjoy the assignment. The classroom is much more conducive to learning when students are motivated and engaged

fully in their learning.

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Teacher Evaluation & Achievement Model – Classroom Teachers


Classroom DPP Example #2

Domain: 2 - Planning and Preparing

1. What do I want to see improve in my practice as a result of focusing on this targeted Strategy?

I would like to improve my skills in guiding ELL students through the thought process of outlining their main

ideas and pieces of text evidence, which can then transfer into paragraph form for an essay.

2. What is my expected outcome?

With a concrete method of planning from Thinking Maps and from Core Connections, ELL students will be

able to express their ideas orally and record them in written form. After working with a small group of ELL

students on a regular basis, I expect to see improvement in their writing samples throughout the year.

3. Action Steps 1. Attend the “Thinking Maps for ELL Students” PD session. 2. Utilize strategies including Thinking Maps and the boxed planning methods employed by Core Connections to

help ELL students record and organize thoughts. 3. Develop a planning sheet to assist ELL students with planning a written piece. 4. Work with small group of ELL students, guiding them through the writing process. We will take a paragraph at a

time, check it off on the planning sheet, and make sure we have a beginning, middle, and end. All parts will focus on the writing prompt.

5. Utilize the “Write Score” program to provide benchmark data and areas of need for ELL students. 6. Provide data to classroom teachers so they can also support ELL students in their classrooms.

4. How will I determine positive impact?

Students will be tracked through three Write Score samples, as well as grades from DBQs done in class.

5. Outcome, Evidence and Reflection

Outcome: I have learned that ELL students have many obstacles to face when putting their thoughts into

writing in English. These obstacles can be cultural (tendency to work in circles rather than getting to the point)

as well as conventions (especially with capitalization and punctuation.) I found that I need to really guide them

through the thought process of outlining their main ideas and pieces of text evidence. Only then were we able to

transfer a written plan into paragraph form for an essay.

Evidence: From the writing essays scored through the Write Score program, all students improved their writing

skills. Some improved more significantly than others, but all showed improvement.

Reflection: While writing samples clearly improved during the year, I found that I needed to help students find

evidence in the text after determining their main ideas, as well as help them elaborate on this evidence in their

own words. Some were tempted to copy from the text. I am hopeful that I can move students to the next level,

which will involve more independent work on their part, without my step-by-step guidance. We all eagerly

await the FSA evaluation on these students' performance on the state writing exam. ELL students who will

continue with us next year as fifth graders will have a starting point as we progress to the next level.

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TEAM Summative Evaluation Components