Team 4619 Graphic Standds

Team 4619 Branding Guide | Graphic Standards

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Created by Kendall Nakai

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Team 4619 Graphic Standards

Team 4619 Hawkbots Branding Guide 20162

table of contents

03 Identity

04 Logo

06 Color

08 Typography

10 media

11 recognition

12 Images

13 Documents

Team 4619 Hawkbots Branding Guide 2016 3

IdentityHello Friends,

I introduce to you Team 4619 Hawkbot’s first official brand guide. This is your handbook to the graphic standards - all the rules of our team’s identity and brand.

A brand makes the team more attractive and sets a consistent, professional image and recognizable appeal.

It is important you represent our team in the best light possible by not only showing gracious professionalism and sportsmanship but also following the graphic standards provided.

In this guide, you will find important guidelines, established for using specific fonts, colors and other visual elements. These guidelines help unify our team and keep us recognizable and consistent

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please contact myself, the Team 4619 graphic design leader responsible for maintaining and enforcing branding standards.

Thank you,

Kendall Nakai [email protected]

Team Secretary 2015-16

A letter from the


A logo - our team seal is the heart of representation and team identity. It is sacred and must be treated appropriately.

Our seal is unique through the background sprocket and foreground swoop of the wings.

Don’t crowd the seal.

Rule of thumb: Take the width of the outer circle and allow that amount of space all around the logo.


Team 4619 Hawkbots Branding Guide 20164

Min. seal print size = .75 inches wide Min. seal web size = 54 pixels wide

Team 4619 Hawkbots Branding Guide 2016 5

Don’t mess with our Hawk. Removal of feathers, gear sprockets, wings, and other alterations are prohibited.

In some cases, flipping and removal is acceptable, but not recommended. Please consult the media team or an officer if you have any questions.

The following alterations and displays are not allowed:

1. Proportion distortion (do not edit constraints)

2. Partial opacity 3. Color alterations 4. Enclosures or borders 5. Recreations 6. Poor resolution 7. Cutoff 8. Tilt or rotation


2 3

4 5





Primary Color Palette Color is an important component in attracting the viewers eye, as well as the scheme in which is presented.

Please use the correct color codes when available, or choose a color that closely resembles the one on the palette provided.

All written communications should be presented with preferred primary colors only.

Written documents as a non-presentation medium should only be displayed with black and grey.

Graphics should be presented with the primary color palette preferred.

RGB scale should be displayed when possible

Team 4619 Hawkbots Branding Guide 20166

Red CMYK: 5, 86, 99, 16 RGB: 175, 0, 5 HEX: AF0005

Gold CMYK: 0, 22, 93, 1 RGB: 253, 181, 10 HEX: FDB50A

Grey CMYK: 23, 17, 15, 0 RGB: 177, 177, 177 HEX: B1B1B1

Black CMYK: 76, 71, 66, 78 RGB: 16, 16, 16 HEX: 101010

White CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0 RGB: 255, 255, 255 HEX: FFFFF

Green CMYK: 56, 2, 97, 6 RGB: 104, 173, 47 HEX: 68AD2F

Blue CMYK: 87, 56, 0, 0 RGB: 10, 80, 163 HEX: 0A50A3

Secondary Color Palette In presentation mediums, colors may be used as design elements to shift the viewer’s eyes and add additional interest.

This secondary color palette color may be selected as an accent. It shall be mainly used for fliers, banners, and presentations.

Colors outside of this spectrum should be used sparingly and approved with the graphics design team.

Team 4619 Hawkbots Branding Guide 2016 7

Steel CMYK: 55, 46, 42, 3 RGB: 102, 102, 102 HEX: 666666

Mercury CMYK: 6, 4, 3, 0 RGB: 230, 230, 230 HEX: E6E6E6

Burgundy CMYK: 11, 85, 97, 32 RGB: 128, 0, 0 HEX: 800000

Ocean CMYK: 98, 80, 5, 15 RGB: 0, 0, 128 HEX: 000080

Spring CMYK: 12, 59, 0, 0 RGB: 255, 64, 186 HEX: 000080

Summer CMYK: 0, 45, 86, 0 RGB: 255, 128, 0 HEX: FF8000

Winter CMYK: 34, 0, 10, 0 RGB: 102, 255, 255 HEX: 66FFFF

Fall CMYK: 14, 94, 22, 27 RGB: 128, 0, 64 HEX: 800040


Team 4619 Hawkbots Branding Guide 20168

Primary font family Century Gothic

Alt. primary font family Helvetica Neue Thin Secondary font family SignPainter Alt. secondary font family Bebas Neue

The primary font families should be used for body text.

The secondary font families should be used for headlines and accents.

Bebas Neue should be used for the robot font name.

Where font compatibility may be an issue, the following font families may be substituted (Google):

• Primary: Cantrell • Primary: Raleway • Secondary: Fjalla One • Secondary: Lobster

The following set of fonts shall be used in all written communication.


ry fon


The team name in all typographical faces is practical and is to stand out, but not take over.

It should be presented at 0*, but may at 90* and 270* where visually acceptable.

Letters may be italicized, but the word body as a whole should never be slanted or upside down.

Give the name at least half a finger width’s space apart from anything else.

Body text should always be black on a white background, however; accents colors may be used to emphasize certain phrases.

Vertical lettering should be avoided wherever possible.

Serif fonts shall not be used unless it is in Helvetica Neue Thin or Times New Roman for team private documents only.

Team 4619 Hawkbots Branding Guide 2016 9







TEAM 4619

A serif font has little wings at the ends of the letters. Times New Roman is a serif font. Century Gothic is not.

Red CMYK: 5, 86, 99, 16 RGB: 175, 0, 5 HEX: AF0005

Grey CMYK: 23, 17, 15, 0 RGB: 177, 177, 177 HEX: B1B1B1





Robotics Team 4619 • Month Year12

The team’s social media presence should be updated frequently.

The profile picture should be kept consistently as the team logo.

Facebook albums should be kept updated with event photos. They shall be uploaded in highest resolution possible.

Twitter and Facebook should be used to post pictures as well as tweet and hashtag updates during regionals.

Youtube update videos should be posted frequently during Build Season. Event recaps may also be made and uploaded. A season recap should also be made and posted no later than 1 month after the last competition.

The cover may be updated as a team group picture (Facebook, Twitter, Google +, Youtube)

Instagram updates should be sparing, with pictures.

Head shots should be taken of each of the official members. To follow team standards, members shall be wearing the current year’s team apparel.


Cover 851x315

Profile 360x360

Photo 940-1200


Header 1500x500

Profile 500x500

Photo 840x440

Google +

Cover 1080x608

Profile 250x250

Photo 800x600


Profile 180x180

Photo 1080x1080


Channel Art 2560x1440

Video Thumbnail 640x360

Channel Icon 800x800


Team 4619 Hawkbots Branding Guide 2016 11

For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology

The three organizations are those we associate with require the same level of standard as our own logo. Let the logos breathe and no alterations may be made.

To properly recognize and thank our generous sponsors for what they have provided us with, they must be recognized whenever possible.

.png files of sponsor’s logos in color and black or white color scheme shall be kept on file and placed on the following:

• Website • T-Shirt • Robot • Newsletters

Our main benefactor is Boeing. The Boeing symbol shall be placed in larger ratio and ahead of others, unless sponsors are listed in alphabetical order.

Sponsors should be given shoutouts on media platforms as well as sent the the official team picture and digital newsletters.

Orange County Robotics Alliance

Ocean View High School


Team 4619 Hawkbots Branding Guide 201612

The following are the image file formats to be used:

JPG (Joint Photographic Experts Group)

WHAT: High quality, nontransparent, low file size images (non-transparent). USED FOR: Websites, social media, email, and pretty much any platform it is accepted on.

PNG (Portable Network Graphic)

WHAT: (lossless) transparent low-resolution. This is one of my favorites due to the usability and transparency. USED FOR: websites and other social medias.

EPS (Encapsulated Post Script)

WHAT: A vector files which mean they can be at any scale without pixelation so they always are sharp no matter what the size. USED FOR: Good for high quality print jobs for t-shirts or banner.


Adobe InDesign x x

Adobe Illustrator x

QuarkXPress x x

Desktop/Printer Use

Microsoft Publisher x x x

Microsoft Word x x

Microsoft PowerPoint

x x

Microsoft Ecelt x x

Web/Online Use

Adobe Dreamweaver

x x

Other Program x x

For instance, the FIRST logo is a .png file but was created as

a .eps file because it is blown up on large banners.


All information should be shared as the following file types:

PDF (portable document format)

All files shared online with the general public and team should be converted to a PDF file so they cannot be accidentally altered.

WORD (A Microsoft word document file)

Files shared within the team that are being edited shall be edited as Word documents.

GOOGLE (A Google document cloud file. May also be downloaded as a Word document).

Files shared within the team that are being edited over the Google Drive services shall be edited over the team’s drive and no team documents should be kept in one’s personal drive.

Team 4619 Hawkbots Branding Guide 2016 13

email: [email protected]

Secretary Kendall Nakai

(714) 905-6264 [email protected]

Thanks for reading!

team4619.com @team4619@team4619Team 4619

Mentor Andy Weddle (240) 315-3219

[email protected]

President Christopher Lee

(714) 721-5913 [email protected]