Teaching with Technology Joe McVeigh Tamara Álvarez Carlos Gonzalez Jorge Comte Miriam Salazar

Teaching with Technology Joe McVeigh Tamara Álvarez Carlos Gonzalez Jorge Comte Miriam Salazar

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Teaching with Technology

Joe McVeigh

Tamara Álvarez

Carlos Gonzalez

Jorge Comte

Miriam Salazar

• This slide deck accompanies a talk given by Joe McVeigh at the Universidad Andres Bello in Santiago, Chile on May 27, 2009 and again in Vina del Mar, Chile on May 28, 2009.

• The presentation is structured with introductory remarks and other comments by Joe, interspersed with UNAB teachers describing their own experiences with technology.

• The focus of the talk is the use of technology in the teaching of English as a second language.

Here’s the title of the talk in Spanish:

Here is Joe during the talk

• Much of the presentation is highly visual in nature, so take a look at the pictures and imagine how they relate to language teaching and technology.

• Almost all the photos came from flickr and are used with a Creative Commons License. Photo credits are at the end of the presentation. Thanks everyone!

• First came a story about some mice who were being attacked by a cat. The mother mouse barked like a dog scaring the cat away. She then explained to her children the importance of learning a second language.

• Then came a discussion of how books have traditionally been the primary means of learning and teaching but how some people now are suggesting that books may be passé and that the future is in technology.

• Technology has been around in many forms for a long time as can be seen in these photos. Imagine how innovative tape recorders and typewriters must once have appeared to the first users.

Session overview

• Introduction

• Presentations by the guest speaker

• Presentations by colleagues from UNAB

• Questions

PowerPoint slides available


“to get your feet wet”


• What are some advantages of using technology in language teaching?

• What are some drawbacks of using technology?

• What keeps you from using technology more in your teaching?


Technology will not replace teachers, but teachers who understand technology will replace those who do not.

— Ray Clifford

Use technology in the service of pedagogy, not vice-versa.

—Siskin & Reynolds

Use technology that is appropriate for the teaching situation.

Teaching aids

• Blackboard

• Whiteboard

• Photographs

• Felt board

• Movable words

• Games

Electric but without computers

• Tape recorders

• Video players (cassette and DVD)

• Slide projectors

• Overhead projectors

• Movies

• Radio

• Television


• Language labs

• Software

• Electronic whiteboards

• Websites

• Blogs

• Content management systems (Blackboard, Moodle, Segue)


• email• VOIP telephone and video (Skype) • Simulations (Second Life)• Online distance education• Online surveys (Survey Monkey)• Online journals• Social networking sites • Blogs


• Photo-sharing web sites (Flickr)

• Video-sharing web sites (Youtube)

• Online crossword puzzle makers

• Online word montages (Wordle)

• Podcasts

• Online professional development

• Online sources of authentic materials

Using Technology in the Lab

English Phonetics

Tamara Álvarez

Here’s a photo of Tamara giving her part of the talk

Using technology in the phonetics Using technology in the phonetics lablab

• Main applications in the phonetics lab: - Class - Assessment

• Competencies involved- Student- Teacher

• Issues


- Audio (amongst other texts)

- Overview of major mistakes

- Activities


ClassClass• Songs

ClassClassTongue Twisters

Sample tongue-twisters

• They’re thirsty every Thursday

• Six thick thistle sticks (twice)

• Elizabeth’s birthday is on the third Thursday of this month.

• Thousand of thinkers were thinking how did the other three thieves go through

Practicing tongue twistersPracticing tongue twisters



• Recordings

• Feedback

Competencies involvedCompetencies involved

• Student

• Teacher


• Know how (recording timing)

• Functioning computers

• Headphones

• Lab management system

German Coast Guard example



Source of computer geek cartoon


Source of computer cat cartoon


Screenshot of Cambridge English online course


Thank you

CMS (Course Management System)

• Blackboard• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5HM0IjmIAA

• Moodle

• Segue (Middlebury College)• http://www.joemcveigh.org/• Click on “Joe’s Intro to TESOL Course”

Internet sources of authentic materials

• Newspapers– New York Times– USA Today

• Radio– National Public Radio– BBC

• Song Lyrics• Film Scripts

– Drew’s Script-o-rama• http://www.script-o-rama.com/

Internet sources of film scripts

• Drew’s Script-o-rama

• Film Scripts

• Film Transcripts

• TV Scripts

Samples of recently available filmscripts

The Curious Case Of Benjamin ButtonThe Dark KnightGran TorinoMilkRachel Getting MarriedThe ReaderSlumdog MillionaireTwilightWall-E

Electronic whiteboards

• Thermal electronic whiteboards– print in black and white

onto thermal paper. Unlike the color electronic whiteboards these thermal boards come standard with a built in printer. These copyboards (print boards) are more convenient but lack the attention of color.

Electronic whiteboards

• Color electronic whiteboards– also known as

copyboards and printboards, allow you to write, save, and print in color.

Electronic whiteboards

• Interactive whiteboards– have a dry-erase

whiteboard writing surface which can capture writing electronically and which can be used with software programs. If you want to use the interactive function where you can display items from your computer, you must also have a digital projector connected to your computer.

Electronic whiteboards

• Portable electronic whiteboards– systems integrate into any

white board or writing surface to give you many of the same features as interactive whiteboards. Mimio interactive whiteboards can turn your dry erase board into a copyboard / printboard.

A demonstration of the Mimio portable electronic whiteboard

Carlos Gonzalez

Jorge Comte

Here’s a photo of Jorge and Carlos giving their part of the talk

• They didn’t use any PowerPoint slides, but they were very good, and quite amusing, too.

Technology Competencies

• What should a teacher know in order to be a competent user of technology?

• TESOL Technology Standards

• Checklists

• What should a student be able to do?

Here’s an example of how you can use

with a Creative Commons License to get great images to create a short culture lesson. This one is about Vermont, where Joe lives. You’ll

see beautiful landscapes, leaves, people hiking, and the process of making maple syrup.

Where are the students with technology?

Student-created websites

• www.joemcveigh.org

• Click on “Middlebury Slang Project”

A Blogging ExperienceMiriam Salazar Véjar

May, 2009

What?A Blog…

… a free Internet resource… an online personal diary… a new means of communication… a new type of (online) community

Why?Explore other ICTs tools

Image, text and audio (multimodality)Do a curricular crossoverFoster:

AutonomyGroup workCritical thinkingICT skills

Leave room for students’ creativityMotivate students

How?Provide guidelines

Learning objective(s) & tasks

Grading Rubric (if)Dos & Don’tsFollow up systemFeedback



Writing practice







Some useful links


Thank you!


English as a Second Language Podcast


Lucy Tse & Jeff McQuillan

Online professional development

TESOL Resource Center (must be a member of TESOL) www.tesol.org

IATEFL (free, but must register)


ESL Advantage (Heinle Cengage) (costs $65 per course)


Other interesting things to do online

Crossword puzzle creator http://www.crosswordpuzzlegames.com/create.html

Vocabulary analyzer http://ec.hku.hk/vocabulary/profile.htm

Wordle http://www.wordle.net/

Problems with Technology

• An early example of problems with technology: the Medieval Helpdesk



Download the PowerPoint slides

with the web site addresses at


Photo CreditsAll photos from flickr used under a Creative

Commons Attribution license 1959 tape recorder lesson Paul Downey

Metodologias poster Joe McVeigh

Joe during talk UNAB photographer

Mice painting “AB Images 2009”

Cat Bogdan Suditu

Mice Michelle Deakin

Stack of books “austinevan”

Library shelves “singsing sky”

Amazed child with book Pierre Vignau

Photo creditsAll photos from flickr used under a Creative

Commons Attribution license Print is Dead Amazon.comB&W woman writing foundphotosljHands on keyboard Hakan DahlstromStack of papers “lotyloty”Rabbit reading email Toms Baugis1959 tape recorder lesson Paul DowneyHow to get the most out of your tape recorder

Evan P. CordesRemington typewriter Rochelle Hartmanto get your feet wet Dan Foy

Photo creditsAll photos from flickr used under a Creative

Commons Attribution license Hand-drawn question mark Ethan LoftonWoman with hand out Sara PetegnaWho moved my cheese? Amazon.comMaze “shadowgate”Computer language lab “Tom in NYC”Tamara talking Andrea CasalsElectronic whiteboard photos officetronics.comJorge and Carlos talking Andrea CasalsStowe Vermont church Patrick Breen

Photo creditsAll photos from flickr used under a Creative

Commons Attribution license Dirt road “dvs”Lake with fall leaves Joe McVeighHiking in the woods “Broken Images”Hiking on top of mountain “dvs”Pitcher of syrup with pancakes “adactio”Red maple leaf “802”Buckets on trees “jsorbieus”Tap with bucket close-up “ButterflySha”Man emptying sap Reed Uhlman

Photo creditsAll photos from flickr used under a Creative

Commons Attribution license Syrup on display Jim MillesPouring syrup on pancakes Jennifer

“jspatchwork”Cow appreciation day Caitlin ReganPunk girl reading “txd”Facebook screenshot “jurvetson”American currency “borman818”Camel train in desert “bachmont”People on stepping stones Paul StevensonOlder computer “borman818”

Photo creditsAll photos from flickr used under a Creative

Commons Attribution license Kids holding ears

“WoodleyWonderworks”Miriam’s students blogs Miriam SalazarCurious woman Dan FoyHot stove burner Matthew RogersGears “Ralphbijkers”Convertible Marya “emdot”Dinosaur classroom “worldislandinfo.com”Laser-eyed cat “flikr”Puzzle “Antoanetta”

Photo credits

All photos from flickr used under a Creative Commons Attribution license

Chilis Nicolas Longchamp

Hand-drawn question markEthan Lofton

Flower and sky Joanne Quirante-Escober