Teaching Strategies Essay Marisol 8

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  • 7/29/2019 Teaching Strategies Essay Marisol 8


    Universidad Alfonso ReyesUnidad Constituyentes de Nuevo Len

    Licenciatura en Enseanza del Idioma Ingls

    Teaching Strategies

    Author: Marisol Leal Prado8 Registration Tag: L-9938

    Tutor: Lic. Daniel Reyes

    Monterrey, Nuevo Len July 1st


  • 7/29/2019 Teaching Strategies Essay Marisol 8




    Introduction ........................................................................................................1

    Motivational Strategies .......................................................................................2

    Principles in motivation and teaching....................................................2


    Teachers Task..........................................................................................2

    Cooperative or Collaborative Strategies..............................................................3

    Cooperation or Collaboration...................................................................3


    Focus groups............................................................................................3

    Teaching Strategies for a Significant Learning....................................................3

    Strategies to gather old information with the new information................3

    Guided Discussions ...............................................................................4

    Evaluation Strategies...........................................................................................4

    Diagnostic evaluation...............................................................................5

    Formative evaluation................................................................................5

    Summative evaluation..............................................................................5



  • 7/29/2019 Teaching Strategies Essay Marisol 8




    In this essay I will talk about the different kinds of strategies teachers use when

    they work in a classroom. Also I will mention how you can apply those

    strategies and how they can be of use to teachers.

    For me to be able to talk about the kinds of strategies first I have to give a little

    explanation about it for you to have a better idea about the topic of this essay

    and to create a wide view of it.

    The teachers strategies that I will be mentioning are the following ones:

    Motivational strategies, Cooperative or collaborative strategies, teaching

    strategies and evaluation strategies.

    All of these strategies would be explained through this essay, many of them

    with my own words and others by quotations of authors that certainly know

    more about this topic than I do.

  • 7/29/2019 Teaching Strategies Essay Marisol 8



    Teaching Strategies

    Every day teachers find themselves with all kinds of students, every single

    student has a unique way of learning and behaving and because of that the

    teacher need to develop or learn strategies to be able to have a better

    management of their classrooms.

    The strategies according to Monereo (1994) are defined as A planned joint of

    techniques and actions that lead to the execution of predetermined goals during

    the educational process. This means that the strategies are like a set of things

    or activities that help the class to get the general objectives of the learning


    This are used for the students to have a better learning, for them to form a

    major and increased way of learning and a good organization of their new with

    the already learn information.

    In addition, I will explain briefly 4 types of strategies that the teacher uses in the

    classroom, these are the motivational strategies, the cooperative or

    collaborative strategies, the teaching strategies and the evaluation strategies.

    The motivational strategies are those that the teacher uses to encourage the

    intrinsic motivation on their students, this motivation can be developed through

    the way the teacher manages the topics or the content that it is going to be

    seen in class.

    This kind of motivation can happen if the teacher makes the information a lot

    more interesting for the student, making the student feel challenged with the

    exercises the teacher uses, also by mixing the types of tasks in each lesson.

    This makes the students autonomous in the way of doing their homework by

    themselves and researching for it.

  • 7/29/2019 Teaching Strategies Essay Marisol 8



    The way of how they are distributed in the classroom, you can put them in pairs,

    or in groups of 5 depending on how many students do you have and so on; is

    also very important because the teacher needs to see which students get along

    better, for in this way they can work together in a nicer atmosphere and with

    that acquiring more motivation to participate in class.

    The teachers job is to transmit a good message to their students giving them

    information about their progress, and, also being the most fair possible for them

    to feel that they are being evaluated as their classmates.

    To promote a cooperative or a collaborative work is very important in a

    classroom. According to this strategy the students get involved not only in an

    educational way, but also, in a social way, they get independent, autonomous,

    and they learn to work with different kinds of groups.

    The cooperative and collaborative work is very important because they can

    develop ways of dealing with different kinds of people, and it helps them to

    enrich their patience towards others and interact with them.

    Theres a slight difference between cooperative and collaborative work, actually

    it is not a very big difference, in collaborative work the students have all the

    control of what they learn unlike in the cooperative work in which the teacher

    has the control of everything they learn .

    There are several strategies in cooperative and collaborative work and I will

    mention a couple:

    Brainstorming: This strategy focuses on generate a lot of ideas that the students

    give to the teacher in order to solve a problem or situation, in which the class

    gets together and starts giving a lot of options or ideas until they find an answer

    to the problem.

  • 7/29/2019 Teaching Strategies Essay Marisol 8



    Focus groups: This is very similar to the brainstorming only the difference is that

    they get videotaped, to be able to see the process of how they were generating

    all the ideas and how they got an answer to a certain problem.

    The teaching strategies for a significant learning are used to promote the

    (significant learning) on students, like using old knowledge to generate new

    expectation on them; these can be accomplished by guiding discussions by the


    According to Ausubel (1978) we now that old knowledge of students is very

    important to build new knowledge (Ausubel, 2002; Miras, 1993). This strategies

    need to be applied in the start of every class or before the students begin any


    The strategies that teachers use are: Guided Discussions: Is an interactive

    procedure in which the teacher and the students talk about a specific topic of

    interest. In this strategy the students since the beginning of the activity they

    activate their old thoughts and thanks to the exchanges of information the y can

    develop and share their new knowledge that they didnt have in the past.

    Also the use of concept maps, flow diagrams, synoptic maps, timelines and so

    on are very used by teachers for the students to really create and learn how to

    be able to develop a significant learning.

    Another kind of strategies that teachers must acquire or already have are the

    evaluation strategies, these are very important for every teacher, evaluation is

    a very complex activity and at the same time is necessary and essential for the


    There are 3 types of evaluation, diagnostic, formative and summative

    evaluation, these have to be in that exact order for the evaluation to be

    confident and reliable.

  • 7/29/2019 Teaching Strategies Essay Marisol 8



    Also the evaluation needs to be global and objective and with these 3 types of

    evaluation the teacher will be able to accomplish that. Next there are the

    definition of each of the types of evaluation the first one is Diagnostic

    evaluation this evaluation is the one that is made before the development of an

    educational process; it is also called prediction evaluation.

    The diagnostic evaluation can be of 2 kinds: initial and punctual, the initial: is

    only applied before any educational process or activity. The punctual: Unlike the

    initial evaluation this one can be applied in different moments of the educational

    process, before or after.

    Formative evaluation this evaluation is strictly pedagogical it regulates the

    educational process to adapt or adjust the pedagogical conditions. It is

    interested in how the progress of the students is developed and accomplished.

    Summative evaluation this evaluation is always applied at the end of an

    educational process or educational course. This part of evaluation is focused on

    if the educational goals were accomplished by the students.

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    Every teacher uses different strategies in their classrooms and they use them

    differently than other teachers, and is up to each teacher to use what strategy

    and how there is no right or set strategy for them o use.

    We as future teachers to be need to know these different kinds of strategies and

    the ones that I did not mentioned for us to have a better way of working with our


    There are a lot of different strategies in the educational world that not all

    teachers know and it is very important for them to know at least some of them,

    otherwise they wont be able to have a good class.

  • 7/29/2019 Teaching Strategies Essay Marisol 8




    Daz Barriga Arceo F. y Hernndez Rojas G. (2010). Estrategias

    Docentes para un aprendizaje significativo.

    Ahumada, P.(2003). La evaluacin de una concepcin del aprendizaje


    Echeita, G. (1995). El aprendizaje cooperativo. Un anlisis psicosocial

    de sus ventajas respecto a otras estructuras de aprendizaje

    Dweck, C. y Elliot, E. (1983). Achievement Motivation.