Teaching Effective Activities in Phys. Ed Class Ryan Pavlik Elementary & Middle School

Teaching Effective Activities in Phys. Ed Class

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Teaching Effective Activities in Phys. Ed Class . Ryan Pavlik Elementary & Middle School . Before we get started…. Before jumping into physical activity in class students need to get warmed up Get your students stretched out and ready to play! What type of stretches should you use? - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Teaching Effective Activities in Phys. Ed Class

Teaching Effective Activities in Phys. Ed Class

Ryan PavlikElementary & Middle School

Page 2: Teaching Effective Activities in Phys. Ed Class

Before we get started… Before jumping into physical activity in class

students need to get warmed up Get your students stretched out and ready to play! What type of stretches should you use? Two types of stretching

Static Dynamic

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Dynamic Stretching Slow controlled movements through

the full range of motion Three easy dynamic stretches to get

your students warmed up But kicks

High knees

Lunge with a twist

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Static Stretching Stretching a muscle to its

furthest point and holding its position

Stretching the upper body can include:

Arm across the chest Arm behind the head

• Feet together, hands straight down

• Butter fly

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Key pointsI. Choose games that include ALL

STUDENTSI. It’s the teachers job to make sure everyone

participatesII. Do not play favorites with studentsIII. Choose some games that do not always involve

winning and losing but require teamworkIV. Make game adjustments or modifications if you

notice disadvantages or less athletic students struggling

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Elbow tagStudents start the game off

like this connecting


1) There is a student who is “it” and the runner

2) The person who is “it” is trying to catch the person whose the runner

3) Everyone else whose not “it” or the runner is linked elbows

4) If the runner is caught, he is now “it”

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Elbow Tag Cont.5) The runner can link elbows

with any pair when he/she wants to

6) When the runner links elbow, the outside person is now the runner!

7) There is no winner or loser in this game, it continues until the teacher stops

8) Game modification:1) If you notice someone is not

catching anyone, switch it up and make them the runner

This person would now be the runner

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Knockout BasketballRequires

participation from all students

Game modifications:I. Have an all girls

game then all boysII. Make boys shoot

farther back than the girls

1. Students all start at foul line

2. First two students in line always start with the ball

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Knockout Rules Cont.3. First person shoots

If they make it, pass the ball to next in line and go to back of the line

If they miss, continue until they do make it

4. After the first person shoots, second person can go

If the first person misses and the second person makes it before the first person does, they are eliminated

The game continues until there is one person left

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Mine Field Mine field requires, trust,

communication, and teamwork

Two people per team

A. Each team has items in the MINE FIELD that one person has to collect

B. There will be a communicator and the collector

C. The communicator will not enter the MINE FIELD, only the COLLECTOR

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Mine Field D. The collector will be blindfolded

receiving instructions from the communicator

E. The collector must pick up one item at a time and drop it in a hula-hoop

F. If the collector runs into a mine, they must restart

G. The game is over when one team collects all items

There will be mines in the minefield!

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Mine Field Game ModificationsIf you notice this it too hard for some

students:Have students pick up more than one item at a

timeHave teams of three, and have two collectors

rather than 1 Limit the amount of items in the minefield

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Scooter race is another game that requires all students and team work!

The object is to get your team through the obstacle in the fastest time

Scooter Race

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Scooter Race Cont. • Each team should be equal• One person must go in and out

of each cone and return• When the first person comes

back the next person goes!• First team to have all students

go and come back wins!

Game Modifications:

1. Make students perform this with a blindfold

2. If going through cones is too hard, take some cones out or eliminate all

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SurvivalStudents will make a

circle about twenty-twenty five feet

Depending on class size, students will go in the middle

Students on the outside will kick exercise ball with the bottom of their feet

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Survival Rules Cont.Students on in the inside of the circle

must dodge the balls being kicked

If one is hit with the ball• Must join the outside of the circle

When one person is left, game is over and picks new people to go in the middle

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Why these activities?Activities like this get EVERYONE


Everyone is active

Includes team work

Nobody sits Aroun

d !

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Games that are not affectiveDo no use games that one person can take


Games such as DodgeballBasketballFootball

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Always Remember..Keep students active and involved

Games do not require winning and losing

Make modifications to the game in case certain students struggle

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