TEACHER’S STRATEGIES IN TEACHING WRITINGeprints.ums.ac.id/67679/10/PUBLICATION ARTICLE-1.pdf · The students also must pay attention to the word structure, grammatical rules, etc

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Bachelor Degree of Education in English Department








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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah: (1) Untuk mengetahui strategi guru SMKN 1

Kismantoro dalam pembelajaran menulis teks naratif; (2) Untuk mengetahui

bagaimana guru menerapkan strategi; dan (3) Untuk mengetahui masalah yang

dihadapi oleh guru. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif deskriptif.

Metode yang digunakan untuk mengumpulkan data adalah observasi, wawancara,

dan dokumentasi. Penulis menggunakan model interaktif yang mencakup tiga

komponen utama, yaitu reduksi data, display data, dan penarikan kesimpulan /

verifikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa strategi guru dalam mengajar

menulis teks naratif adalah menggunakan pembelajaran kooperatif karena strategi

ini membuat siswa aktif dan dapat memecahkan masalah dalam menganalisis

struktur generik, fitur bahasa, dan fungsi sosial teks narasi sehingga mereka dapat

membuat teks narasi dengan baik. Guru menerapkan strategi dengan

menyampaikan materi, membuat beberapa kelompok dan memberi siswa teks.

Permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh guru dalam mengajar menulis teks narasi,

adalah kosa kata siswa yang terbatas, sehingga siswa masih bingung untuk

menerjemahkan dari Bahasa Indonesia ke Bahasa Inggris, penguasaan tata bahasa

siswa, dan kesulitan siswa dalam mengembangkan paragraf.

Kata kunci: strategi guru, pembelajaran menulis, teks narasi

Abstract The purpose of this research was: (1) To know the teacher strategies of SMKN 1

Kismantoro in learning writing narrative text; (2) To know how the teacher

applies the strategies; and (3) To know the problems faced by the teacher. The

type of this research is descriptive qualitative research. The methods used to

collect the data are observation, interview, and documentation. The writer used

interactive model that included three main components, namely, data reduction,

data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. Research results show that the

teacher's strategy in teaching narrative text writing is using cooperative learning

because this strategy keeps students active and can solve problems in analyzing

generic structures, language features, and social functions of the narrative text so

that they can make narrative text well. The teacher implemented the strategy by

delivering the material, creating several groups and giving the students the text.

The problems faced by teachers in teaching writing narrative text, were the

students limited vocabulary, so that the students were still confused to translate

from Indonesia to English, the students’ grammar mastery, and the students’

difficulty in developing paragraph.

Keywords: teacher strategies, learning writing, narrative text

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English is a universal language that is used by most developing countries in the

world. Therefore many students all over the world study it, so that they are

involved in the teaching and learning process of English. But as a foreign

language, English is not easy to learn because there are four language skills that

must be mastered by students. There are reading, speaking, listening and writing.

Besides those four skills, the students also have to learn grammar, spelling,

vocabulary, and pronunciation. Those are taught to support the development of

four language skills.

Based on the four language skills, writing is believed to be more difficult

than others. It can make students lazy to make it. They should open their mind to

develop the title, and then develop main idea to form the phrases, sentences and

paragraph. Students also should have enough vocabulary if they want to make

good writing. Nunan (1993:8) said that writing emerged in societies as a result of

cultural change which creates new communicative need. Writing skill is very

complex activity because it needs many aspects to be mastered, for example

vocabulary, grammar and idea.

The students also must pay attention to the word structure, grammatical

rules, etc. The students should also increase the vocabulary in order that they can

make the various genre like report text, narrative text, procedure text not only

descriptive text. Writing is a major form of communication that allows people to

interact with, and learn from, others. Instruction in writing helps students

understand how to organize ideas and construct meaning, processes similar to

those they use while reading. In fact, research indicates that writing and reading

develop together (Egawa, 2001; Cooper, 1991), and instruction in both areas leads

to improvements in both writing and reading (Tierney and Shanahan, 1991).

Because of the complex aspects in writing, it is difficult to the students to

learn English. There are many problems faced by the students when they make

texts. Sometimes, the students do not master the vocabulary, grammatical rules

and word structure. The students can increase the vocabulary by reading the

various texts and they memorizing the vocabulary. With that method, the students

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can make various texts/ genre with the various vocabulary in order to make the

text good. Writers develop their ability to write in a particular genre through

opportunities to both read and write in that genre (Egawa, 2001). Further, a

student's early explorations of print are an indication of what he or she attends to

in reading and writing (Clay, 1991).

There is a set of options at the levels of theory and practice, as well confuse

the terms approach, method, and technique. According to Richards and Rodger

(1978: 146) in Fauziati (2014: 13-14) approach as “assumptions, beliefs and

theories about the nature of language and the nature of language learning which

operate as axiomatic contrasts or reference point and provide a theoretical

foundation for what language teachers ultimately do with learners in classroom”.

Anthony (1963: 95) in Fauziati (2014: 12) defines method as “an overall plan for

the orderly presentation of language material, no part of which contradicts, and all

of which is based upon the selected approach”. Method is treated at the level of

design in which the roles of teachers, learners, and instructional materials are

specified. Method is theoretically related to an approach and is organizationally

determined by a design. According to Fauziati (2014: 13) “technique is classroom

practices done by the teacher when presenting a language program”. A technique

is implementation that which actually takes place in a classroom.

As we know that the main task of the students is learning. So, teachers

supposedly can help the student cope their problems in learning, especially in the

writing skills. Teachers must have a way or strategies to make student solve some

problems faced in learning strategies or a way who teachers use in teaching

learning process will be help students to more easy to know what the teacher

teach. Some of the students of the Ten grade in SMKN 1 Kismantorosaid, that

they are so lazy if they study English. They got tired easily when facing the

English text especially if the teacher asked to memorize the vocabulary, to read, to

open dictionary, to write and to speak. The students feel bored and lazy to study

English because they do not understand what the teacher explained. The teacher

always asked the students to look for vocabulary in each new word and write the

difficult words in the books for each meeting.

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A Learning Strategy is a person's approach to learning and using

information. Students use learning strategies’’ to help them understand

information and solve problems. Students who do not know or use good learning

strategies often learn passively and ultimately fail in school. Strategy is important

because the resources available to achieve these goals are usually limited. Strategy

generally involves setting goals, determining actions to achieve the goals, and

mobilizing resources to execute the actions. A strategy describes how the ends

(goals) will be achieved by the means (resources). This is generally tasked with

determining strategy. Strategy can be intended or can emerge as a pattern of

activity as the organization adapts to its environment or competes. It involves

activities such as strategic planning and strategic thinking. Mintzberg defined

strategy as (2011) "a pattern in a stream of decisions" to contrast with a view of

strategy as planning, while McKeown (2011) argues that "strategy is about

shaping the future" and is the human attempt to get to "desirable ends with

available means". Kvint (2011) defines strategy as "a system of finding,

formulating, and developing a doctrine that will ensure long-term success if

followed faithfully."

Strategy is important because the resources available to achieve these goals

are usually limited. Strategy generally involves setting goals, determining actions

to achieve the goals, and mobilizing resources to execute the actions. A strategy

describes how the ends (goals) will be achieved by the means (resources). This is

generally tasked with determining strategy. Strategy can be intended or can

emerge as a pattern of activity as the organization adapts to its environment or

competes. It involves activities such as strategic planning and strategic thinking.

The researcher is interested in investigating teaching strategies writing

because strategies of teacher in teach writing can facilitate the student to more

understand if the student want to make writing text and because writing are

application of the student look, listen, think, and read, so the writer think that

strategies is so important to student.

The researcher focuses on teaching writing narrative text because so far the

researcher observed many students of SMKN 1 Kismantoro were still confused to

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make narrative text about story that student like and in writing narrative text the

students will be develop and improve the students’ imagination.

Based on the above background, in this study aims: (1) To know the teacher

strategies of SMKN 1 Kismantoro in learning writing narrative text; (2) To know

how the teacher applies the strategies; and (3) To know the problems faced by the

teacher. There are two kinds of benefits in this research; they’re practical and

theoretical benefits. The expected results of the study are: (1) Practical Benefit, (a)

The writer gets large knowledge about teacher’s strategies especially process of

teaching writing narrative text at SMKN 1 Kismantoro; (b) The result of the study

will help the students to increase their writing narrative text skill; (2) Theoretical

Benefit, (a) The result of the research can be used as input in English learning

process, especially in writing narrative text skill, (b) The result of the research can

be used the reference for those who conduct a research in English teaching-

learning process, and (c) The result of this study can be useful for English teacher

in teaching English, especially when teaching writing to the students.


The researcher uses the qualitative research because the researcher will observe

and describe the teacher strategies in teaching writing descriptive texts at SMKN

1 Kismantoro in 2016/2017 academic year. In this research the subject of the

study is limited to the teacher of eight grade students and 2 classes of the tenth

grade students namely class XTKJ1 and XTKJ2 of SMKN 1 Kismantoro.

The objects of the study are the problems faced by the tenth grade students

when they write narrative text and the teacher’s strategies to cope with the

problems faced by the tenth grade students when they write narrative text.

The data of the research are the information of the activities of the students

and the teacher of the writer takes field notes from observation to answer the

problems faced by the students in writing narrative text, application of the

teacher’s strategies, and how the teacher applies the strategies and there are three

sources of the data: event, informant, and document. The method of collecting

data used to collect the data is observation, interview, and documentation.

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Technique for analyzing data is done by some techniques, as suggested by

Miles and Huberman (1984) in Sugiono (2010: 337), the writer uses interactive

model that includes three main components, namely data reduction, data display,

conclusion drawing/verification.


3.1 Findings

In this research, the researcher interviewed and observed Mr.AN and

seventy four students of X.TKJ1 and X.TKJ2 at SMKN 1 Kismantoro to know the

teacher strategies in teaching writing narrative text, how to apply the strategies,

and the problem faced by the teacher. The researcher takes X.TKJ1 and X.TKJ2

class as the subject.

1) Teacher Strategies in Teaching Writing Narrative Text

The strategies that teachers use in teaching writing Narrative text are make

lessons visual and cooperative learning which the first teacher give some story

text and then teacher divided into some group to discussion and ask to mark where

are orientation, event, and conclusion. And then the teacher ask the students to

translated the text.

From the interview with the teacher, the researcher obtains the information

as follow:

“Strategi yang digunakan oleh saya adalah pembelajaran kooperatif,

strategi yang mana murid-murid diberi teks yang berbeda tiap

kelompok dan siswa dapat mengungkapkan makna teks naratif,siswa

dapat menentukan bagian-bagian dari teks naratif tersebut kemudian

dapat mengartikanya ke dalam bahasa Indonesia.”

“The strategies used by the teacher is cooperative learning, the

strategy where the students given the different texts each groups and

the students can express the meaning of the Narrative text, then they

can translated it into Indonesian language.” (Mr. Andi Nugroho S.Pd,

February 4th


Mr. AN also gave additional statement about his strategy as


"Untuk menulis teks narratif, kami menggunakan strategi

pembelajaran kooperatif. Sebelum kita memberikan tugas bagi siswa,

kami memberikan penjelasan dan fungsi tentang teks naratif.

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Kemudian, kami bekerja sama dengan siswa membahas teks naratif

dan siswa juga bekerja sama dengan teman-teman mereka untuk

menganalisis teks naratif, materi seperti struktur generik, fitur dan

fungsi sosial. Bila guru meminta mereka untuk membuat teks naratif,

mereka dapat membuat baik."

“To write the narrative text, we use cooperative learning strategy.

Before we give the assignment for the students, we give explanation

and function about the narrative text. Then, we cooperate with the

students to discuss the narrative text and the students also cooperate

with their friends to analyze the narrative text material like generic

structure, language features, and social function. When the teacher

asks them to make the narrative text, they can make it well.” (Mr.

Andi Nugroho, S.Pd, February 4th


Based on the interview with the teacher, cooperative learning can make the

students solve the problems and they can analyze the generic structure, language

features, and social function of the Narrative text so that they can make the

Narrative text well. With cooperative learning the teacher hope the students to

understand the characteristics of narrative text.

Based on the observation in class, before teaching learning process or giving

material start, the teacher prepares lesson plan as the strategy for teaching

students. The strategy is used by teacher is cooperative learning which the strategy

is used to cope the students’s problems in order they can receive the materials

well. The strategies used by the teacher must be appropriate with the materials and

with the students’s problems. Therefore the teacher applies cooperative learning

through some steps: making a group, and telling a little story to each other by


2) Applying the Strategies

The teacher applies the strategy using cooperative learning. After making a

lesson plan and determine the strategy, the teacher applies it when he conveys the

material. The strategy when teaching should be appropriate with the syllabus and

lesson plan.

Here is the interview with the teacher:

"Sebelum saya memulai pembelajaran, saya membahas materi

terakhir tentang teks naratif setelah itu saya membagi menjadi

beberapa kelompok, dan masing-masing kelompok meminta untuk

mendiskusikan teks yang berbeda, contoh kelompok pertama

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membahas tentang teks cerita fabel, kelompok kedua membahas teks

legenda, kelompok ketiga membahas tentang teks fairy tales, dan

kemudian setelah mereka membahas guru meminta presentasi di

depan kelas, guru berpikir bahwa cara ini dapat membantu siswa

menjadi aktif di kelas."

“Before the teacher start teaching learning process the teacher retell

the last material about narrative text after that the teacher devided into

some groups, and each group ask to discuss the different material,

example first group discuss about Fables, second group discuss about

Legends, third group discuss about fairy tales and then after they

discuss about it the teacher asks to presentation in front of class, the

teacher think that this way can help students be active in class.” (Mr.

Andi Nugroho, S.Pd, February 4th


Based on the interview with the teacher, cooperative learning is a strategy

chosen by the teacher. The reason why it is chosen because the teacher thinks that

the strategy can make the students active in class. The teacher can ask the students

cooped to explore the materials, answer the questions and problems in the

narrative text. The problems can be solved by discussion in the class. The teacher

also said that in writing narrative text lesson for the tenth grade class, he should

emphasize on the vocabulary development, such as nouns ( article a and an),

adjective ( big, large, color,…etc.), and simple present tense (such as go, goes,

eat, eats, fly, flies, etc.), the use of linking verb (is, am, are, have, has).

Based on the observation, the researcher describes the teacher’s strategy

which is applied in the teaching learning process. First, the teacher began opening

in the class by greeting and asking the previous material and simulated the new

material. For example, the teacher asked the students: “Good morning students,

before we continue to the next material, I want to ask you again about the last

material, do you still remember it?” Then, the teacher began to enter the new

material. The teacher starts the learning activity uses some steps, like making a

group and gives the students some texts. Then, each group analyzes the text and

can rewrite it. Next, the teacher explained social function of a narrative text in

specific ways. The generic structure identification and description. In the language

feature of narrative text, simple past tense is very needed. After that, he gave the

example of nouns, adjectives, adverbs and verbs which are correlated with

narrative text.

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3) The Problems Faced by The Teacher

There are some problems faced by teacher in teaching writing narrative text.

Mr. Andi as the teacher said that from his experience before, the students still

have difficulties in writing lesson in general. In X.TKJ1 and X.TKJ2 classes,

almost half number of the students have problem in writing narrative text. It can

be seen from the interview in 4 February 2017 with the teacher as follows:

"Ada banyak masalah yang dihadapi oleh siswa, seperti: kurang dari

kosa kata dan struktur kalimat, sehingga siswa tidak dapat membuat

teks naratif dengan kata lain, mereka hanya menggunakan kata umum

dan tidak sesuai dengan struktur kalimat."

“There are many problems faced by the students, like: the less of

vocabulary and structure sentence, so the students cannot make the

Narrative text with the other words they only use the general word and

it is not appropriate with the structure of the sentence.” (Mr. Andi

Nugroho, S.Pd, February 4th


Based on the interview with the teacher, there are problems as


a) Vocabulary Problem

From the teacher’s opinion, vocabulary student’s becomes the first problem

faced by the teacher in teaching writing Narrative in interview the teacher said:

"Masalah pertama adalah tentang kosa kata, karena banyak murid

hanya memiliki kosakata sedikit sehingga tidak bisa mengembangkan

kalimat mereka."

“The first problem is about vocabulary, because many students just

have a little vocab so the can’nt developed their sentence.” (Mr. Andi

Nugroho, S.Pd, February 4th


There are some evidences from the interview with the students.

The first interview was with “AN” as follows:

"Dalam bahasa Inggris, ucapan dan bentuk tertulis yang berbeda.

Ketika saya membuat teks Naratif, saya tidak bisa mengembangkan

kalimat. Saya punya kesulitan dalam menggunakan kata keterangan

dan kata benda yang saya gunakan."

“In English, the utterance and written form is different. When I make

Narrative text, I cannot develop the sentence. I have difficulties in

using adverb and noun that I used.” (February 4th


The second interview from initial “AP” as follow:

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"Dalam teks naratif, saya bingung untuk mengembangkan kosa kata,

saya tidak mengerti untuk membedakan kata kerja lampau dan


“In narrative text, I confused to develop vocabulary, I do not

understand to differentiate past verbs and not past verbs.” (February



After the teacher gave a task for the students to make a short narrative text,

the researcher took some samples of the students worksheet and found some lack

of elements in their narrative text.

Based on the interview and observation the students always find difficulties

to develop their vocabulary. They can think in Indonesian, but in English they

cannot develop it. It is because of the lack of their vocabulary. Some vocabularies

below are some examples of the students’s work: (1) A student wrote “ones”

instead of the word “once”, and (2) Another student wrote “eat” instead of the

word “ate”.

b) Structure Problem

The second problem faced by the teacher is structure. Some students found

difficulties in structure to make the sentences. The followings are statements from

the students:

The third is with “ES” the interview as follow:

"Masalah-masalah yang dihadapi dalam pelajaran menulis adalah

membosankan, jenuh, tidak bisa mengembangkan kalimat dan

paragraf, dan struktur tidak sesuai."

“The problems faced in writing lesson is bore, surfeited, cannot

develop the sentence and paragraph, and the structure is not

appropriate” (February 4th


The fourth interview is with “M” as follow:

"Saya bingung membedakan antara laporan dan naratif. Saya

memiliki kosakata kurang dan memiliki struktur yang buruk. Saya

bingung untuk menerjemahkan ide-ide saya Indonesia ke bahasa


“I am confused to distinguish between recount and narrative. I have

less vocabulary and have bad structure. I confuse to translate my

Indonesian ideas to English.” (February 4th


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The students find the problems again in structure sentence. When the

teacher asks the students to write the narrative text, they do not pay attention with

the structure of the sentence. For example the use of the word “she” instead of the

word “her” in the position of possesive adjective pronoun in the sentence “she

body is slim”. The other example is the use of the word “came” instead of “come”

in the sentence “she come from Sidomulyo”. The last is found in a sentence: “ I

have a friend is so beautiful” instead of: “I have a friend, she is so beautiful”.

c) Generic Structure Problem

The last, the teacher gives task for the students to make a narrative text as

student’s exercises but the students cannot distinguish between recount and


The sixth interview is with “M” as follows:

"Aku tidak mengerti bagaimana cara untuk menuliskan teks naratif

dengan benar, karena harus menggunakan banyak kata kerja lampau


“I do not understand how to write a well narrative text, because I must

use many verb3 for past tense.” (February 4th


The students are still confused to distinguish between identification and

description in narrative text.

3.2 Discussion

From the finding of interview and observation, the researcher compares the

findings of this research to those of previous research. The present findings are

different from the findings of research conducted by Megawati and Anugerahwati,

Fadila, Nurhasanah, Indriani Etik, and last Agusferani, Rahmah, Sutrisna.

They found that the strategies used in teaching writing Narrative Text.

There are improving writing narrative text skill through comic strips, movies,

roundtable strategy, combination of story sequencing cards, write pair share

strategy. While strategies founds in this research were cooperative and make the

lessons visual. In cooperative Teachers ask the students to create groups and work

together to learn a Narrative Text, and in making the lessons visual, the teacher

gave a narrative text to the student and asked the student to retell the narrative text

in front of the class.

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From theoretical perspectives, two strategies found in these researches are

appropriate with the theory proposed by Shih (in Brown, 2001: 335). According to

Shih (in Brown, 2001: 335), there are some strategies that can be used, namely,

Make lessons visual, Link new information to prior knowledge, Determine key

concept for the unit and define language and content object for each lesson,

Modify vocabulary instruction for ELLs, Use cooperative learning strategies,

Modify testing and homework for ELLs.

The researcher only found two strategies, because the observation is limited

(only three times). The teacher applied the strategy; make the lessons visual, by

giving a narrative text to the student and asking the student to retell the narrative

text in front of the class. In using Cooperative learning strategies, the teacher

asked the students to create groups and work together to learn a Narrative Text.

The problem faced by the teacher when applying the strategies, first was the

student’s limited vocabulary. The students always found difficulties to develop

their vocabulary. They know how to write in Indonesian, but they could not

develop it in English. It was because of the lack of vocabulary. For example, when

the teacher gave them some assignment, they could make the narrative text but

they made it in general words, so the vocabulary could not be developed. The

second is the problem of making narrative text, especially in the language feature.

As we know, the narrative text has social function, generic structure and language

feature but the students yet full of knowledge in the language feature like the use

of tenses (structure). The students found the problems again in the structure of the

sentence. When the teacher asked the students to write the narrative text, they did

not pay attention to the structure of the sentence. From the interview and the

observation, the researcher made discussion that the problems faced by the teacher

are the less of lack students of their vocabulary and their structure. It was usually

faced by the students if they were asked to make the narrative text.

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4.1 Conclusion

From the finding of interview and observation, the researcher draws

some conclusions as follows:

a. Teacher’s Strategies in Teaching Writing Narrative Text

Cooperative learning is a strategy chosen by the teacher. The

reason why it is chosen because this strategy can make the students active

in class and cooperative learning can make the students solve the problems

and they can analyze the generic structure, language features, and social

function of the narrative text so that they can make the narrative text well.

The teacher can ask the students to cooperate to explore the materials,

answer the questions and problems in narrative text. The problems can be

solved by discussion in class.

b. The Procedures for Applying the Strategies

Based on interview and observation the teacher applies the strategy

using cooperative learning. After making a lesson plan and determine the

strategy, the teacher applies it when he conveys the material. The teacher

makes some groups and gives the students the text. Then, each group read

each text. Next, the teacher explained social function is to amuse,

entertain, and to deal with an actual or vicarious experience in different

ways. The generic structure identification. In the language feature of

narrative text, using past tense is very needed. After that, he gave the

example of nouns, adjectives, adverbs and verbs which are correlated with

narrative text. The strategy when teaching should be appropriate with the

syllabus and lesson plan.

c. The Problems Faced by The Teacher

There are two problems faced by teacher in teaching writing

narrative text in SMKN 1 Kismantoro. First, is about student’s vocabulary.

Many students just have a little vocab and the students always find

difficulties to develop vocabulary. They can think in Indonesian, but in

English they cannot develop it. It is because of lack the less of their

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vocabulary. The second is about structure. The students find the problems

in structure and the students are still confused to translate from Indonesia

language to English. When the teacher asks the students to write the

narrative text, they do not pay attention to the structure of the sentence.

The third, is in narrative text. The students are still confused to differ

identification description. It makes the students can not develop their


4.2 Suggestion

From the result of the observation, the researcher gives suggestion as


a. Suggestion to the English Teacher

1) The teacher should teach narrative text in accordance with the syllabus

and lesson plan.

2) The teacher should use the strategy in accordance with the student’s

ability and needs.

3) The teacher should also have alternative strategy as anticipation if the

first strategy is not appropriate.

4) The strategy should be delivered with various techniques, such as

game, illustration or picture and using some medias like using LCD in

the class.

b. Suggestion to the students of SMKN 1 Kismantoro

1) The students should add their vocabulary.

2) The students should try their ability to write in English.

3) The students should be active in process learning.

4) The students should practice their writing and attention the structure


c. Suggestion to the researchers

The researcher realizes that this research paper is far from being

perfect. The researcher hopes that researchers conduct the research about

English teaching from different perspectives.

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