TEACH THEM THY SONS, AND THY SON'S SON, LEST THEY DEPART FROM THY HEART VAUGHT COMPILATION VAUGHT LINEAGE RESEARCH GROUP VOLUME THREE JOHN PAUL VAUGHT L I N E DESCENDANTS OF GEORGE VAUGHT Fourth Edition ~ September 1997 Compiled by Bill Everett Callahan 653 Matsonia Drive Foster City, California 94404 Resource Consultants Mickey Martin and the late Helen Spurlin of Diamond Springs, CA Aneta Vaught Thomas of Murfreesboro, Tennessee

TEACH THEM THY SONS, AND THY SON'S SON, LEST THEY …wvancestry.com/ReferenceMaterial/Files/Vaught_Family_Compilation_Vol_3.pdf · teach them thy sons, and thy son's son, lest they

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Fourth Edition ~ September 1997

Compiled by Bill Everett Callahan 653 Matsonia Drive

Foster City, California 94404

Resource Consultants — Mickey Martin and the late Helen Spurlin

of Diamond Springs, CA Aneta Vaught Thomas of Murfreesboro, Tennessee

THE VAUGHT FAMILY OF AMERICA The Household of Johan Paul Vogt

"I am afraid you may not consider (the household) an altogether substantial concern. It has to be seen in a certain way, under certain conditions. Some people never see it at all. You must understand, this is no dead pile of stones and unmeaning timber. It is a living thing ... When you enter it you hear a sound-a sound as of some mighty poem chanted. Listen long enough, and you will learn that it is made up of the beating of human hearts, of the nameless music of men's souls-that is, if you have ears. If you have eyes, you will presently see the (household) itself-a looming mystery of many shapes and shadows, leaping sheer from floor to dome. The work of no ordinary builders!-The pillars of it go up like the brawny trunks of heroes; the sweet human flesh of men and women is molded about its bulwarks, strong, impregnable; the faces of little children laugh out from every corner-stone: the terrible spans and arches of it are the joined hands of comrades; and up in the heights and spaces there are inscribed the numberless musings of all the dreamers of the world. It is yet abuilding-building and built upon. Sometimes the work goes forward in deep darkness: sometimes in blinding light; now beneath the burden of unutterable anguish: now to the tune of a great laughter and heroic shouting like the cry of thunder. Sometimes, in the silence of the night-time, one may hear the tiny hammerings of the comrades at work up in the dome-the comrades that have climbed ahead."

By Charles Rann Kennedy

(The above is taken from the play "The Servant in the House")



As I spent so many hours, yes, years preparing this text, I have asked; "What is the passion behind this book?" I found my answer in Helen Spurlin.

In 1995, Helen came to the Vaught reunion in the advanced stages of cancer. With her was Mickey Woodrow Martin, sister and professional geographer, responsible for bringing her disciple to Vaught research and with Helen was one of the committed and dedicated forces in the Vaught Association, Aneta Vaught Gentry Thomas. At the reunion, Helen was taken to the hospital. Helen said, "I don't want to die away from my home." Thank you Aneta for taking your passion and combining it with Helen's. Helen was loved, cared for and returned home. Helen died in California. Committed to family and history was Helen, willing to spend hundreds and hundreds of hours of time, her phone bill, her savings, her professional computer skills, her commitment to indepth and thorough research, professional accuracy over relationships, the wear and tear on her car, the discomfort of many hotel beds, and finally her health.

The compiled information contained in this and Helen's volumes only skims the veneer of the price of our forefathers' lives, more importantly, this volume skims the vision, the work, the research and dedication of linking "the hearts of fathers to the children and the hearts of the children to the fathers" which these volumes and the Association represent. Realize the effort of this work.

It is my hope as the compiler of this volume that in the future the Association will build higher quality in our histories and reach outward to every descendant of Johan Paulus Vogt with the vision of generational family. Too much has been lost without vision.

Dear Helen, I love your soul. Thank you for your love, for your wisdom and patience. Because of you, this volume is. Thank you.


In Honor of Mance Hyrum Vaught


Mance was born November 20, 1898, in MacKay, Idaho. The fifth son of Madison Scott Vaught, son of Andrew Vaught and Fannie Yates; Andrew was the son of John Vaught and Elizabeth Slemp; John was the son of George Vaught and Christiana Phillippi. Mance's mother was Matilda Rose Gill.

From his own life story we learn that as a youth he learned the value of hard work and applications of thrift and frugality. At fourteen his mother died adding responsibility to the children.

One month before his eighteenth birthday, Mance volunteered for military service, "he was off to win the war, to end all wars". He did his army tour of duty in Bordeaux, France where he spent eighteen months as a sergeant in a supply training camp. After the armistice and before he left for home he took the opportunity (actually he and some of the guys were AWOL for five days) to tour Paris. He said he saw and experienced everything worthwhile and even some that were not.

The fall of 1919 found him enrolled in high school so he could graduate while working on his father's cattle ranch as a cowboy. He met Lela Barbara Nichols. She was beautiful, strong willed and an independent young lady. Lela described Mance as fiercely handsome, with wavy dark auburn hair and long lashes that waved like a fan. Theirs was a spirited courtship. They were married in April of 1920. Together they ran his dad's lower ranch. Next they operated a restaurant working 18 hours a day seven days a week. When they saved enough for a downpayment on a Chevrolet Touring car, they sold the restaurant to Mance's brother and traveled to Hangtown, California where they established their home near a friend, investing in a newspaper, the Daily Republican. For many years Mance was the advertising manager for the Mountain Democrat. He later became an insurance broker for 20 years and founding partner of Vaught Wright & Bond. For many years Mance was an active leader of the Boy Scouts of America and the Sons of the Utah Pioneers.

Mance helped mark the route of the Mormon Battalion's trek back to Salt Lake City. He was a member of the Placerville Ward of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and one of its first branch presidents. He was the first Mormon in the area to serve a fulltime mission for the Church. He also served a second mission for the Church with his wife after his retirement as an insurance company executive.

As an active Latter-day Saint Mance began contributing to the Family History Library in Salt Lake City as early as the 1940's. His work is available for research. Mance died May 26, 1990 in Placerville, California leaving his wife Lela, a son Arthur Thomas of Reno, Nevada, and a daughter Linda Williams, of Montgomery Creek. He also has seven grandchildren.

I l l

































b bur C ca cem ch/o Co. d d/o div doc d.y. e (orE) Kimb

m mo. Mt. n (or N)

P PP R. rec s (orS) s/o vit stats Vol w (or W) yr. Zion

born buried christened circa cemetery child of County died daughter of divorced document death year east "Kimberling Church, Wythe County, Virginia: Annotated Baptismal and Cemetery Records" by Hoch, Kegley, and Smith. married month mountain north page pages river records south son of vital statistics volume west year Zion Lutheran Church baptismal records or cemetery records from Cripple Creek, Wythe County, Virginia.

Postal abbreviations for the states are used. Months of the year are appreviated.



In the context of family histories this work can barely be called a compilation of data. The information was gathered by the Vaught Association of Somerset, Pulaski Co., Kentucky over a period of years and then delivered to the compiler. Because of the volume of work no attemp was made to research original sources. Much information is readily available which can update this volume. Also, much information is missing yet to be provided by Association membership.

My objective as a compiler was to present the hundreds of pedigrees and family group sheets in a format easily accessible and understandable by the Vaught family. My intention was to prepare this work as a starting point, or workbook from which to really begin the work of compiling a polished family history. This book is not that final product. Don't expect it to be. Errors, misinformation and insufficient information are rampant throughout this volume. As is stated, the intent of this work is to provide a starting point for the Vaught Organization to begin refining and compiling a more complete and documented history.

When I first began putting the information on a 'Brother' typewriter with Aski memory I decided to change the formate pattern used by Helen Spurlin in her texts. In fact, she and I discussed the format many times. Noting the style and formate of the text there are some disclaimers that I wish to make. The data is only as accurate as the submitter provided. No attempt was made in this volume to research or verify any information. With distribution of this text and any small degree of research, information could be verified and family lines significantly extended. I highly recommend that all of the Vaught Association volumes be updated with thorough research in the future.

Over the years of preparation of the text, the author noticed several trends just in the information provided. Migration patterns, family size fluctuation, influence of wars, the development of the broader America and technical and industrial change on America. Of course, the data itself does not indicate the social and psychological influences which have shaped the patterns seen in the data.

This collection is a skeleton of the real heart-beat of the people contained herein. From generation to generation we see patterns of heros appearing in names like George Washington or Fountain Fox and we see families moving from Virginia to Kentucky to Indiana and Texas. Perhaps the biggest influence on the family patterns seen in this text would be the philosophical and educational influence upon the minds of the people contained herein. During the early history the greatest influence would be the social groups associated with the people such as the church and the government. Later the influence of the school systems upon the minds of the children and then in the last few decades the overwhelming influence of mass media. Values, principles and the tide of social influence can been seen in the data and patterns of families. But even these serve as strands of sinew on the skeleton. The real story lies deeper, the real heart beat of babies crying, of men laboring, of hearts feeling joy and pain, of decisions and behaviors which have forever changed our lives, we their offspring.

And then what of us, can we see that our choices will reach as far as these our ancestors. We too, will influence the generations ahead of us, we have the choice of leaving a knowing heritage connecting in heart and soul, "teaching them our sons' sons". (Deut. 4:9)



Alberta Kirkwood. Her volume, They Came to Kentucky, found at the library of Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, introduced me to Alberta and eventually the Vaught Assoiciation. Mance Vaught. I discovered Mance's works in the history archives in Salt Lake City at the Family History Library. Aneta Vaught Thomas. As secretary of the Vaught Association Aneta has proven a strong supporter of this book. Mickey Martin. My friend, Mickey added to my research her skills in geography and finding family relationships through plotting where families lived in proximity to one another. Helen Spurlin. Personality, persistence, excellence in research and presentation these are only a few of Helen's contributions. Helen over the last six years became a dear, dear friend and counselor. We spoke for hours about research, text and format. When Helen and Mickey came through Salt Lake I could always count on a long visit. Dorthy Ashley. Committed to endless research, Dorthy has assisted to unravel several lineage mysteries. Howard "Jim" Cunningham. Added greatly to this volume. His research is excellent and he presents his information in an excellent format. Melba White Mayall, Jere Meyers. For assisting me in the final editing of the text. James Fletcher Vaught. For his excellent hostmanship. He is a tireless researcher and compiler of family history information. Kathy Betz. A friend and former German editor for Word Perfect Corporation, Kathy spent many many hours with my computer data translating it from Aski format to Word Perfect format. Her expertise was a much needed element in reaching a polished work. Thomas Johnson. A professional genealogist by trade, gave me some important technical advice in creating the text format propelling the text from its disastrous state last year to its present format. Tom is a wizard at research and computer skills. Aaron and Keith Sickler for their deep friendship and professional assistance printing the volume. A special thanks to Tim, the owner of Towers Bindery in San Carlos California, for his enthusiasm and professional advice. Lastly, my Aunts and mother for their support: Buelah Vaught Poncey, Evelyn Vaught Meloy, Marjorie Christian Callahan (Carroll Vaught).



Johan Paulus Vogt (1680) and Maria Ca ther ina (1687)

Ca ther ine Margaret Maria Ka t r ine John Andrew John Gaspar (1715) (1717) (1721) (1725)

George John 1742-45 1747

i i i i i i i

Gaspar Christley David Andrew Henry 1749 1751-55 1757 1760-63 1764

George David Andrew Charles Abraham Elizabeth

John Peter Mary Joseph Jefferson Christiana



I have included this section mostly as incentive for the Assoication to look further into the origins of the Vogt family in Europe. I believe that if we seek we shall find the deeper roots of our family. I take from only one text some insight into the Vogt name in Germany. I have also included only a few entries of the Vogt family in the International Genealogical Index of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, noted for their work in family history. This index may serve as a guide to future research beyond Johan Paulus.

Vogt (foacht) The name is occupational in origin; in Middle High German, Vogt -guardian, trustee, custodian; derived from Medieval Latin, "advocatus", a person who pleads another man's cause. In German the word is usually used as part of a compound noun: "Burgvogt" (custodian of a castle), "Stradnvogt" (custodian of stranded ships), etc.

The Mennonite name Vogt most likely had its origin in southern Germany and Switzerland. According to Penner, a Hans Vogt, an Anabaptist, took part in a religious dispute in Bern in 1538. Later the name made its appearance in West Prussia, with the arrival of religious refugees. Six Vogt families migrated from West Prussia to Russia, five of them went to the Chortitza colony and one to Molotschna. A.A. Vogt (Steinbach, Manitoba) was a noted genealogist.

Peters, Victor and Thiessen, Jack. Mennonitische Namen (Mennonite Names). N. G. Elwert Verlag Marburg 1987. (pages 129, 130). Family History Library. Salt Lake City, Utah.

International Genealogical Index. Family History Library. Salt Lake City, Utah. (Some locations of Vogt families in 16th and 17th century Europe) Evangelisch-Lutherische, Alswede, Westfalen, Prussia (1653) Evanglische, Heiden. Lippe, Germany (1657) Reutlingen, Schwarzwaldkries, Wuerttemberg (1581) Evangelisch, Merxheim, Rheinland, Prussia (1599) Konigsberg in Neumark, Brandenburg, Prussia (1600) Breitenhain, Sachsen-Altenburg, Thuringen (1609) Katholisch, Hettingen, Johensollern, Prussia (1624) Liebe Frauen, Halle, Sachsen, Prussia (1626) Sankt Petri Evangelisch, Soest, Westfalen, Prussia (1653) Liebfrauen Katholisch Koblenz Stadt, Rheinland, Prussia (1694) Roemisch-Katholische, Bickenbach Sankt Goar, Rheinland, Prussia (1697) Kork, Offenburg, Baden (1617) Durrenzimmern, Neckarkreis, Wuerttemberg (1659) Katholisch, Maikammer, Pfalz, Bayern (1601)


JOHAN PAULUS VOGT by Helen Spurlin


Johan Paulus Vogt (1680) and Maria Catherina -- (1687) i 1

i I I I i I I I

Catherine Margaret Maria Katrine John .Andrew John Gaspar 1715 1717 1721 1725

John Paul Vogt was born circa 1680 in Frankfurt, West Germany.1 John was married to Maria Catharina (also known as Catharina Margret2) some time between 1704 and 1714. Their children were Catharina Margret, Mary Catherine, John Andrew, and John Casper.3

John Paul, his wife, and four children arrived at Philadelphia, PA in October 1733. The only German name on the ship roster that was later associated with John Paul was Burger. Spellings for the Vogt name in the old records include: Vaught, Vought, Vaut, Vot, Faut, Faught, Fought, Wacht, Wocht, Nacht, and Bellfaut.

Much of the land in the Great Fort between the Rappahannock and Rapinan Rivers in what is today Madison and Culpepper Counties was settled by Germans and their descendants. John Paul's patent for land in Orange County, VA was recorded in 1735.4 John Paul's land

•"•"The Virginia Germans" by Klaus Wust (2nd printing), page 50. "'John Bum Gardner' (no doubt Hans Baumgartner), 'native of Risenbach', took his Oath. With him John Paul Vogt of Frankfurt and Andrew Vogt of 'Carlsbad in Germany' became subjects."

2A baptismal record from a church near Harman's Mill in VA has John Caspar Vogt Jr born 5 Dec 1763 to John Casper Vogt and his wife Elizabeth nee Wilkiss. Sponsors were Jacob Arkebrecht, Peter Mueller, and Catherine Margret Vogt. This church was also called Ermentraut's (Armentraufs) Church, Peaked Mountain Church, and Stony Creek Church. It was known as St. Philip's Church, 1825-1865. Since 1865 it has been called Trinity Church.

3Adam Faught, son of Gaspar and Elizabeth (Wilkiss) Faught, was born circa 1759. He had land next to his father in the Shenandoah Valley. Adam stayed in Rockingham County, VA. Adam married a Catherine circa 1780. Children of Adam and Catherine were Margaret born circa 1782, Catherine born circa 1784, John who married Catherine Yeagley, Barbara who married Abraham Teshler, Susanna born circa 1793, Mary who married John Wise, and Elizabeth, born circa 1805 who married Jacob Cole.

41735 Orange County, VA grant to J.P. Vogt Patents-16 "Know ye that for divers and good causes and considerations but more especially for and in consideration of the importations of six persons to dwell within this our colony and dominion of Virginia, whose names are John Paul Vought, Mary Catherine Vought, John Andrew Vought, John Casper Vought, Catherine Margaret Vought, and Mary Catherine Vought as also for and in consideration of the sum of thirty five shillings . . . a parcel of


adjoined that of Christian Clements. Christian's land was on Devils' Run and was patented 21 Nov 1734, a year before John Paul go his patent.5

Christian married one of John Paul's two daughters, probably Catherine Margret, since Christian's wife is referred to as Catherine. The marriage may have taken place before John Paul moved to the Great Valley circa 1744.

John Paul and his wife Mary Catherine sold 170 acres, part of his original patent, to William Caul on 7 Jul 1744. John Paul also sold 470 acres, the rest of the patent, in 1744 to John Thomas for 5 shillings. John Paul may have moved to the Mannannuten Mt. area between July 1744 and October 1744. John purchased 400 acres of David Logan in 1744.6 He patented land on a north draft of the North River of the Shenandoah 20 Sep 1745.

Christian Clements patented land on the SE side of the South River of the Shenandoah 25 Sep 1746. In 1749 John Paul and Christian Clements had a survey run on land on South River.7

John Paul died at his home in the Shenandoah Valley in 1761. When he moved there in 1744 the county was Orange. When he died there the county was Augusta. Today the county is Rockingham. John Paul's will was dated 9 Oct 1759 and was proved 18 Aug 1761. His estate sale and appraisal was dated 10 Sep 1761.8 Besides the sons Andrew and Gaspar, only one daughter, the one who married Christian Clements, is mentioned in John's will. It is therefore

land containing 64 0 acres lying and being in the county of Orange and bounded as followeth to wit -Begin at a pine corner to Christopher Clemmon and running thence N 13 E 80 poles to 3 pines, N 75 E 90 poles to 3 pines, N 65 E 200 poles to 3 pines, N 40 W 120 poles to 3 pines, s 79 W 200 poles and 75 poles to beginning. With all woods, under woods, swamps, marshes, lowgrounds, meadows, feldings, and his due share of all veins, mines, quarries as well discovered as not discovered within the bounds aforesaid and being part of the said quantity of 640 acres of land and the rivers waters and water courses therein contained together with the privileges of hunting, hawking, fishing, fowling . . . 10 January 1735. . . . "

52l Nov 1734, 600 acres " . . . lying and being in the Great Fork of the Rappahannock River in the County of Spotsylvania and bounded as follows beginning at 3 pines on the west side of Deep Run corner to John Huffman and running NE 180 poles to a pine thence N 70 E 624 poles to 3 pines, S 35 E 105 poles to 2 pines, S 71 W 600 poles to 2 small white oaks, SW 50 poles to 2 pines and a white oak, corner to the said John Huffman on the east side of Deep Run, N 57 W 180 poles to the beginning . . . " This property was on what was then known as "Joseph Bloodworth's Road."

6Lyman Chalkley, "Chronicles of the Scotch-Irish Settlements in Virginia, Extracted from the Original County Records of Augusta County, 1745-1800", (Hereinafter referred to as Chalkley), Vol 1. p. 300 (Feb 1749 County Court Judgements, Augusta Co., VA) — John Paul Vaught, orator, vs David Logan, defendant. Chancery, Writ dated 22 Aug 1748. In 1744 orator purchased 400 acres of David Logan on North River near John Bumgardner. The land was afterward surveyed for Andrew Vaught.

7Chalkley, Vol 2, p 379 (Land Entry Book 1.) — 1749-50 John Faught, Christian dayman's survey on South River.

8Vol 3, p 94, (Will Book 3, p 448) — 10 Sep 1761 John Bellfaught estate sold at Vendue to, among others, Catrina Faught, Andrew Faught, and Casper Faught. In the settlement of the estate the balance due the legatees was divided equally between Andrew, Casper and the wife of Christina Clements. Recorded 21 May 1766.


assumed that the other daughter died without issue prior to Oct 1759, the date of John's will. Christian Clements will was dated 13 Feb 1780, and was proved 18 Mar 1783 in Augusta

County, VA.9 The will named his wife Catherine, the eldest son Gaspar, a son John, a daughter Catherine, wife of George Trout, grandson David Trout, and mentions but does not name his daughter's married to Henry Liner and Philip Burger. Burger is also Barger or Barrier. Catherine (Vogt) Clements will was date 12 Jun 1783 and was proved in 1793. It names her son John, daughter Catherine and also mentions Jacob Barrier who was probably a grandson.10

1. Gaspar Clements, son of Christian and Catherine (Vogt) Clements was born circa 1746. Gaspar left a will dated 25 May 1813 in Rockingham County, VA, and proved 27 Feb 1815.n Gaspar named his wife Mary and his children Christian, John, Nancy the wife of George Crawford, Catren, Polly, and James.

2. Mary Catherine Clements marriage George Trout. George may have been the brother of Nicholas Trout who was killed by accident in a fight in 1753. George and Catherine and a son David who marriage Susannah Whetsel 29 Sep 1787 in Rockingham County.

3. John Clements marriage an Elizabeth. John may have been in Washington Co., VA in 1800.

4. Margaret Clements marriage Philip Barrier. They had sons Casper, Jacob, and John. George Trout and Mary Catherine deeded land to Margaret Barrier 14 Feb 1761. This land was delivered to Gaspar Barrier 3 April 1769. Evidently Philip Barrier was deceased by 1761 and Margaret by 1769.

5. Elizabeth Clements, married Henry Lyner (or Liner). A list of Rockingham County tithables in 1783 was Henry Liner and his sons Christopher and Adam.

In 1743-1745 Germans moved south from the Shenandoah Valley following a natural path formed by the Buye Ridge topography and by the Indians. These immigrants passed the German settlements on the headwaters of the James River and settled on Reed Creek and Cripple Creek, tributaries to the New River. Seventy-five German families were there before the Revolution.12

John Andrew Vaught was assignee of John Parkes for 600 acres on the head of Reed Creek surveyed in 1753-54 and Andrew was to pay the interest on the land starting in 1762. Andrew sold his land in the Massannuten Mountain area during the 1760's. Andrew is mentioned on a road crew there in 1768. By 1772 the Vaught name appears on the militia lists from southwest Virginia. Most records for Andrew Vaught and his sons are from what is today the Wythe County area. In 1770 Reed Creek and Cripple Creek were in Botetourt County. From 1772-1777 the area was Fincastle County. In 1777 the area became Montgomery County. Wythe County

9Chalkley, Vol 3, p 164 (Will Book 6, p 275).

10The Ancestral File of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has Margarett demons (AFN 55GX-ZS) as married to Henry Lyner (AFN 55GX-XM) with children: Henry, Adam, Christopher, Catherine, Eve, Mary and Margarett. Note also Elizabeth Clemons (AFN 55GX-KV) is married to Phillip Burger (AFN DOKQ-BW).

^Chalkely, Vol 3, p 461, (Will Book 11, p 243).

12Klaus Wust, "The Virginia Germans," p 68, 101.


was formed in 1790.13 The records from 1772 to 1800 yield the names of Andrew Vaught, Senior, Andrew Vaught, Junior, George Vaught, John Vaught, Gaspar Vaught, Christian Vaught, David Vaught, and Henry Vaught.14 No land settlements or probate have been found for Andrew or Gaspar Vaught, sons of John Paul. Therefore to list the children of both takes some guesswork. There is no evidence that Andrew's brother, Gaspar, or any of Gaspar's family, ever moved to this southwestern part of Virginia. A German birth fraktur exists that states the parents of the babe, Andrew, are George and Christina (Phillippi) Vaught and the grandparents are Andrew and Elizabeth Vaught. John Paul's son Andrew is known to have married an Elizabeth.15 The date on the fraktur, Feb 1787, provides proof that Andrew had a son George. The other six men above are assumed also to be sons of Andrew and Elizabeth Vaught. There is so far no proof of this assumption other than land association and the lack of any other known Vaught in the area to whom the men could have belonged. No evidence of any possible daughters of Andrew has been found. Andrew could have married Elizabeth before the move from the Rapidan River to the North River of the Shenandoah. However, it appears that all of Andrew and Elizabeth's sons were married after the move to Reed Creek and Cripple Creek. Andrew was on a 1787 Wythe County, Virginia tax list.16 He probably died circa 1788.

1. George Vaught, son of Andrew and Elizabeth Vaught, was born circa 1745. He appears as teste on a document in 1763.n If he had to be at least age 18 to be a "teste" then he was born circa 1745. George married Christina Phillippi, daughter of John and Barbara (Eichelbergery18) Phillippi.19 They married circa 1781. George was in the Continental Army

13E. Kay Kirkham, "The Counties of the United States and Their Genealogical Value."

14In the Montgomery County, VA tax list 1782: David Vaught, Christian Vaught, John Vaught, Gaspar Vaught, George Vaught (with no taxable property), Andrew Vaught, and Henry Vaught.

15Vol 3, p 393 (Deed Book 11, p 107) — 12 Feb 1763 Andrew Belfaut and Elizabeth his wife to Christian Clemans for 5 pounds; 266 acres, part of 400 acres patented to John Balfaut 20 Feb 1745. Teste: George Faut.

16supra, 13.

17supra, 14.

18Deed dated 9 Oct 1823 Wythe County, VA, " . . . between Christopher Phillipy and Elizabeth his wife, George Vaught and Christina his wife, Christian Vaught and Elizabeth his wife, Frederick Copenhaver and Eva his wife, Henry Cullop and Caty his wife, Henry Baugh and Margaret his wife, Peter Wisely and Magdalena his wife, Mary Amey, John Steffey and Rosanah his wife, and Barbara Phillippi, heirs apparent of John Phillipy deceased of the one part and Christian Phillipy of the other part .

The Eichelberger genealogy is included in "The Rosenbaum-Rosenbalm Family of Southwest Virginia" by Clifford R. Canfield.

19For descendants of Christley and Elizabeth (Phillippi) Vaught see Volume 1, of the Vaught Association of the United State. "Descendants of Christley Vaught: Grandson of the Immigrant John Paul Vaught" compiled by Helen Spurlin and Mickey Martin, 1989.


and was mustered out in 1775 because he owned a mill. The will of George Vaught was dated 13 Mar 1825 and proved 11 Aug 1835, Wythe County, VA. The will names sons David, John, Andrew, George, Peter, Charles, Joseph, Jefferson and Abraham. It also names daughters Mary, Elizabeth, and Christiana. There was also a son Stephen who died young.20

2. John Vaught, son of Andrew and Elizabeth Vaught, was born circa 1747. John was the first Vaught to appear in the records of the Wythe Co. area, therefore he was probably one of the oldest sons. John was in the militia in 1772, was over 16, so was born before 1756. His wife was Esther. John's will was dated 1806 in Carter Co., TN. He names a son Joseph and two daughters, Elizabeth Heaton and Barbara Howard.

3. Gaspar Vaught, son of Andrew and Elizabeth Vaught, was born ca 1749. The 1830 Census of Pulaski Co., KY gives his age as 80/90. Therefore he was born 1740-1750. Gaspar married Elizabeth Butcher ca 1775. Their children were all born in Virginia. Catheine Vaught m Michael Creagar 16 Jun 1795 in Wythe Co., VA. She could have been a daughter of Gaspar and Elizabeth. Another possible daughter was Barbara who m George Goodman in 1798. Twins, Christy and Elizabeth born in 1782 are children of Gaspar and Elizabeth as listed in the Kimberling Church baptismal records.21 George Vaught who m Anna King in 1804 may have been a son. George was a riverboat Captain and drowned when his boat sank in Jan 1820. George's widow and children moved in Indiana. Nathan Vaught who m Sally Gleaves in 1820 in Wythe Co., VA may have been a son of Gaspar and Elizabeth. John was a son b 10 Jan 1788, according to the Kimberling Church records. Christine Vaught m John Meece 7 Oct 1811 and Mary Vaught m Edmund Newby 9 Oct 1811, both marriages were in Pulaski co., KY. Gaspar was named as father of both brides. Sarah was b 28 Mar 1800 to Gaspar and Elizabeth and the birth is in the Kimberling Church records.

4. Christley Vaught, son of Andrew and Elizabeth Vaught, was born circa 1751-1755. Christley married Elizabeth Phillippi, daughter of John and Barbara (Eichelberger) Phillippi. Christley and Elizabeth married circa 1781. Elizabeth was b 15 Nov 1764 in PA. Elizabeth was a younger sister of Christiana who married Christley's brother George. Christley's will was dated 17 Mar 1828, Wythe Co., VA and was proved 9 Aug. 1830. The will names sons George, Christopher, Henry, and John. Daughters named were Barbara, Elizabeth, Christina, Rosanna, Sally, Leah, and Catherine.22

5. David Vaught, son of Andrew and Elizabeth Vaught, was born circa 1757. David was at least 17 when he was in the militia in 1774 during the Indian wars. David bought land on the South fork of the Holston River in Aug 1779. David's wife may have been Margaret Dobler,

20Many descendant of George are in "They Came to Kentucky" by Alberta Carson Kirkwood.

21"Kimberling Church, Wythe County, Virginia: Annotated Baptismal and Cemetery Records" by Beverly Repass Hoch, Mary B. Kegley, and Timothy D. Smith.

22For descendants of Christley and Elizabeth (Phillippi) Vaught see Volume 1, of the Vaught Association of the United States. "Descendants of the Christley Vaught: Grandson of the Immigrant John Paul Vaught" compiled by Helen Spurlin and Mickey Martin, 1989.


daughter of Jacob Dobler.23 Another spelling was Tobler. Margaret was the sister of Betsy (Dobler) Vaught who was married to David's brother Andrew Jr.

6. Henry Vaught, son of Andrew and Elizabeth Vaught, was b ca 1764. He wa over 45 in the 1810 Wythe County census, therefore he was bora before 1765. Henry married first circa 1777. The name of his first wife is from a German marriage fraktur for Henry's son William. The name on the fraktur was Catharina Datteringin. The 'in' or 'en' ending on German Documents was used to show a female, i.e. Catharina Datteringin, daughter of Mr. Dattering. The baptismal records of the Zion Lutheran Church at Cripple Creek, Wythe Co., VA, in the original German, give the following spellings for Dutton Dothner, Derting, Dearding, Dollinger, Dutton. The introduction in the book by Hoch, Kegly, and Smith on the Kimberling Church Baptismal Records24 indicates that Doddinger was also used for Dutton. It is thereafter believed that Dattering is another spelling for Dutton. Children of Henry and Catherine were Jacob, William, Elizabeth, and Henry. Henry married, second Esther Baugh, 28 Jul 1795 in Wythe Co., VA. Children of Henry and Esther were Barbara, Isaac, Anna, Sarah, Jemima, Jeremiah, and Abraham.25

7. Andrew Vaught Junior, son of Andrew and Elizabeth Vaught, was b ca 1760-1763. He was the last of the seven sons to appear in the records so was one of the youngest sons but not necessarily the youngest. Andrew Jr. married Elizabeth ca 1779. She may have been Betsy Dobler daughter of Jacob Dobler.26 Known children of Andrew and Betsy were Henry and Mary.27

The Vaughts in southwestern VA were sympathetic to the Loyalists, and not to the Revolution. On 18 Apr 1779, in Wythe County, Michael Henninger claimed in court that a group of 4,000 men under John Griffith had shown Loyalist sympathies, this group included John and David Vaught and "the old Vaught who owned the mill". At the trial of these men, John and David were released on their good behavior. Andrew Vaught of Cripple Creek was included in the group with Loyalist sympathies by the testimony of Peter Kinder on 17 Aug 1780. These Germans took their Oath to King George seriously. John and David Vaught were later fined 1000 pounds each. John, David, and Andrew Vaught went to TN by 1792. It is

23Wythe County Will Book 1. Will of Jacob Dobler date 17 Sep 1817. Jacob names among others, daughters Margaret Vaut and Betsy Vaut.

24supra, 20.

25Henry Vaught, Sr. died ca 1830 in Pulaski County, KY. In 1850 a deed was signed by his living heirs. (Deed Book 14, p 281). The grantors were Henry Vaught, Jr. (He was dead by that time and was on the deed as deceased) , Chrisley and Elizabeth, (Elizabeth being Henry's daughter who married Chrisley son of Gaspar Vaught), William and Frances, Jacob and Magdalena, Abraham and Syrena, Anna and Solomon Hines, Jeremiah and Sarah, and Henry's duaghter Sarah Vaught. Henry's son Isaac signed as an heir for the same land sale, on a completely separate recording. Isaac may not have been available to sign the first deed. The Zion Lutheran Church baptismal records list a Barbara. She probably died young.

26supra, 22.

27supra, 20.


possible that John and David left the county and state rather than pay such a heavy fine. Two of Andrew's sons went to Pulaski Co., KY, Gaspar in 1809 and Henry in 1811.

Two sons remained in Wythe Co., VA and died there, Christely in 1830 and George in 1835. From Kentucky, Virginia and Tennessee, descendants spread out to Missouri, Indiana, Alabama, Arkansas, and Illinois. Now Andrew's descendants extend across the United States and use the name Vaught.

Gaspar Faught, son of John Paul and Catherine, married Elizabeth Wilkiss circa 1750. Gaspar lived near North River as did his father, John Paul. Gaspar sold his land in the 1770s. In 1780 Gaspar moved south to a German community in Botetourt County, VA, on the headwaters of the James River. Gaspar last appears on the tax lists of Botetourt County in 1787. He probably died circa 1787 to 1788. A Caspar Faught died by May 1753 in Augusta County and left orphans, Conrad and Jacob Cood. This was not Caspar the son of John Paul Vogt.

Gaspar Faught, son of John Paul, left married sons and daughters behind in Rockingham County and in Botetourt County. Some sons moved west to Greenbrier County and/or Franklin County, KY. It is surprising to note that, in general, this breach of the family spells the surname with an "F", today there are Faughts living in such states as Ohio.

Children of Gaspar were Martin, Paul, Adam, Sarah, Gaspar, Leonard, Barbara, Elizabeth and George.

1. Martin Faught, son of Gaspar and Elizabeth (Wilkiss) Faught, was born circa 1755 in Augusta County. He had a daughter Elizabeth who married George Shaeffer 30 Sep 1796. Martin was probably married by 1778 and therefore was born before 1760. He was an elder at Ermentrout's Church.28

2. Paul (or Powell) Faught, son of Gaspar and Elizabeth (Wilkiss) Faught, was born circa 1757. He was listed with Gaspar in the Botetourt tithables 1780 to 1786, therefore he was born before 1763. Paul went to Franklin County, KY by 1795. He may have had sons Josepher (Joseph?) and William, and daughters Margaret and Catherine.29

4. Adam Faught, son of Gaspar and Elizabeth (Wilkiss) Faught, was born circa 1759. He had land next to his father in the Shenandoah Valley. Adam stayed in Rockingham County, VA. Adam married a Catherine circa 1780. Children of Adam and Catherine were Margaret born circa 1782, Catherine born circa 1784, John who married Catherine Placker, Adam Faught Jr., George who married Christina Yeagley, Barbara who married Abraham Teshler, Susanna born circa 1793, Mary who married John Wise, and Elizabeth, born circa 1805 who married Jacob Cole.30

4. Sarah Faught, daughter of Gaspar and Elizabeth (Wilkiss) Faught was born 28 Nov 1761. The birth is in the Peaked Mountain Church baptismal records.31

5. Gaspar Faught, son of Gaspar and Elizabeth (Wilkiss) Faught, was born 5 Sep 1763.

28 supra, 2.

29 See marriage records of Franklin and Shelby Counties, KY.

30See Adam's will in the probate records and his estate settlement in the land deeds of Rockingham County, VA.

3 _upra, 2.


The birth is in the Peaked Mountain Church baptismal records. Gaspar Jr. died in Greenbrier County, WV, in December 1795. In 1797 Rachel Faut married Jacob Johnston there. This could have been the widow of Gaspar Jr. but is it not known at this time who Rachel really was.

6. Leonard Faught, son of Gaspar and Elizabeth (Wilkiss) Faught, was born circa 1765. Leonard's name appears near Paul's in Kentucky. Leonard is too old to be a son of Paul so is probably a brother. Leonard gave permission for his daughter Barbara to marry in 1799 in Franklin County.

7. Barbara Faught, daughter of Gaspar and Elizabeth (Wilkiss) Faught, was born circa 1767. Barbara married John Edwards 4 July 1785 in Botetourt County, Virginia. The marriage records names Gaspar as the father of the bride.

8. Elizabeth Faught, daughter of Gaspar and Elizabeth (Wilkiss) Faught, was born circa 1769. She married Thomas Jackson, 31 Aug 1786 in Botetourt County, Virginia. The marriage record names Gaspar as father of the bride.

9. George Faught, son of Gaspar and Elizabeth (Wilkiss) Faught, was born circa 1771. He married Mary Persinger 11 Sep 1789 in Botetourt County, VA.




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B. Virginia Counties—1793 (Note Augusta County #36)


A. Map of Colonial Migration Routes (Note route through Shenendoah Valley of V i rg in ia)


E. Germany (.Note the locat ion of Rhineland-Palat inate)






n >

1/2 I MILE

Map Drawn by Mickey Martin


1 1733 Philadelphia

2 1735 Creat Fork Area

3 1711 Williamsburg

1 1711 North Fork Shenandoah R

5 1770 Wythevllle

6 ca 1790 Johnson Co TN

7 ca 1790 Blount Co TN

8 1809 Somerset 1 -^Philadelphia

«5 O







by Helen Spurlin

Johan Paulus Vogt (168 0) and Maria Catherina -- (1687) i i


Andrew Vaught (1721) and Elizabeth --i 1

i i i i i l l George John Gaspar Christley David Andrew Henry

1742-45 1747 1749 1751-55 1757 1760-63 1764

Andrew Vaught, s/o John Paul Vaught and his wife Maria Catharine, was b ca 1721 in Karlsbad, Germany. His name has appeared as John Andrew (Johan Andreas Paulus Vogt?). Andrew married Elizabeth ca 1741\44, when he was about 20\23. Chalkley item (3) in chapter one indicates that Andrew's wife was named Elizabeth. They could have married in Piedmont VA or in the Shenandoah Valley, both locations were in Orange Co., Va in 1741\44.

In 1743 Germans began moving south from the Shenandoah Valley following the Indian path between the Blue Ridge and the Appalachians. These immigrants passed the German settlements on the headwaters of the James River and settled on Reed Creek and Cripple Creek, tributaries to the New River. Seventy-five German families were there before the Revolution. John Andrew Vaught was assignee of John Parkes for 600 acres on the head of Reed Creek, surveyed in 1753\54 and Andrew was to pay the interest on the land starting in 1762. Andrew sold land in the Peaked Mt. area to his brother Gaspar, in May 1, 1762, and again in Feb 1763. Andrew is mentioned on a road crew in the Shenandoah Valley in 1768. By 1772, the Vaught name appears on the militia lists from southwest VA. Most records for Andrew Vaught and his sons are from what is today the Wythe Co. area. In 1770 Reed Creek and Cripple Creek were in Botetourt Co., VA. From 1772-1777 the area was Fincastle Co., VA. In 1777 the area became Montgomery Co., VA. Wythe Co., Va was formed in 1790. These are probably sons of Andrew Vaught, Sr., who were reaching adulthood, the records from 1772 to 1792 yield the names Andrew Vaught, Sr., Andrew Vaught Jr., George Vaught, John Vaught, Gaspar Vaught, Christian Vaught, David Vaught, and Henry Vaught. No land settlements or probates have been found for Andrew Vaught or his brother Gaspar Faught, sons of Johan Paul Vogt. A German birth fraktar exists that states the parents of the babe, Andrew, were George and Christiana (Phillippi) Vaught and the grandparents were Andrew and Elizabeth Vaught. John Paul's son Andrew is known to have a wife Elizabeth. The date on the fraktur, Feb 1787, is the right time period to provide proof that Andrew had a son George. The other 6 men above are assumed to also be sons of Andrew. There is, so far, no proof of this assumption other than land association and the lack of any other known Vaught in the area at that time to whom the other 6 Vaught men could have belonged.

A tax lists of 1787 in Wythe Co., VA lists both Andrew Vaught, Sr., and Andrew Vaught, Sr. So Andrew, s/o John Paul Vaught, was still alive in 1787. In 1786, George Vaught granted 572 acres on the headwaters of Cripple Creek, to Henry Vaught and to Christley Vaught


for 20 pounds. On the same day, Henry granted 130 acres of his share to Chrisley Vaught for 10 pounds. In 1788, the old survey (1753054), was assigned to Gaspar Vaught, viz, 200 acres to Adam Dutton and 200 acres to Philip Dutton. In 1790 (Survey Book D, p 61, item 463) Gaspar Vaught resurveyed the 600 acres on Reed Creek that were in the name of Andrew Vaught. The old survey was apparently being settled.

The above land maneuvers tend to paint a picture of estate settlement, and it is possible that Andrew Vaught, Sr., died ca 1787 in Montgomery Co., VA.

No evidence of any possible daughters of Andrew has been found. It appears that all of Andrew and Elizabeth's sons were married after the move to

southwest VA ca 1770. The seven sons of Andrew and Elizabeth follow.

1. George Vaught, s/o Andrew and Elizabeth Vaught, was b ca 1742U745. He appears as teste on a document in 1763. (See Chalkley item (3) chapter one.) 12 Feb 1763 Andrew Belfaut and Elizabeth his wife to Chrisitan Clemans for 5 pounds; 266 acres, part of 400 acres patented to John Balfaut 20 Feb 1745. Teste: George Faut.) If he had to be 21 to be a 'teste' then he was b ca 1742. George married Christiana Phillippi, a daughter of John and Barbara (Eichelberger) Phillippi. They married ca 1781. A deed dated 9 Oct 1823, Wythe Co., VA has the following: " . . . between Christopher Phillipy and Elizabeth his wife, George Vaught and Chrisitiana his wife, Christian Vaught and Elizabeth his wife, Frederick Copenhaver and Eva his wife, Henry Cullop and Caty his wife, Jenry Baugh and Margaret his wife, Peter Wisely and Magdalena his wife, Mary Amey, John Steffey and Rosanah his wife, and Barbara Phillipy, heirs apparent of John Phillipy deceased of the one part and Christian Phillipy of the other part . . . " (The Eichelberger genealogy is included in the "The Rosenbaum Rosembaum Family of Southwest Virginia" by Clifford R. Canfield.) Christiana Phillippi was b 12 Dec 1763 in PA. (See "The Phillippi Family Tree by Royer and Strahley.) Christiana's age is consistent with a wife of third generation Vaughts rather than second generation There is a considerable age difference between George and Christiana.

1830 Census Wy. Co., VA Head of household Elizabeth Vaught

Males 1 1 1

Females 1 1

Age 5-10

20-30 80-90 Age 20-30 60-70

(Grandson?) (Joseph?) (George?)

(Elizabeth?) (Christiana?)

During 1774, George spend 41 days in Smith's Company. He mustered out in 1775 because he owned a mill. However, in 1781 George was in Captain Love's Company.

The will of George Vaught was dated 13 Mar 1825 and was proved 11 Aug 1835, Wythe


Co., VA. the will names sons David, John, Andrew, George, Peter, Charles, Joseph, Jefferson, and Abraham. It also names daughters Mary, Elizabeth, and Christiana. There was also a son Stephen who died young.

2. John Vaught, s/o Andrew and Elizabeth Vaught, was b ca 1747. John was the first Vaught to appear in the records of the Wythe Co. area, therefore he was probably one of the oldest sons. John was in the militia in 1772, was over 16, so was born before 1756. A commissioner's certificate (1782) for 198 acres on the N side of the South Fork of the Holston River, settled in 1769, was surveyed in 1775. To own land a man had to be 21. If John was 21 in 1769 he would have been born by 1748. (See p 100 "Vol II Montgomery Co., Va Warrents" by Mary Kegley.) John had land on the North Fork of the Holston River in 1789. John was on the 1789 Montgomery Co., VA list of tithables. John was in Captain Love's Company in 1781. John's wife was Esther. John was on the tax lists of Carter Co., TN by 1796. John's will was dated 1806 in Carter Co., TN. He names a son Joseph and two daughters, Elizabeth Heaton and Barbara Howard.

3. Gaspar Vaught, s/o Andrew and Elizabeth Vaught, was born ca 1749. He is also in records as Jasper or Casper. The 1830 Census of Pulaski Co., KY gives his age as 8090. Therefore he was born 1740-1750. Gaspar married Elizabeth Butcher ca 1775. (See the letter written by Ethel Vaught Maifeld.) Gaspar and Elizabeth lived on the headwaters of Cripple Creek in Wythe Co., VA. Gaspar was the first Vaught to move to Pulaski Co., KY. He sold the Cripple Creek, VA property in 1806 and bought land on both sides of Pitman Creek, Pulaski Co., VA in 1809. He purchased this land from Robertson Burge for $1,100. Elizabeth d 1821U822 and Gaspar d in 1830 in Pulaski Co., KY.

Their children were all b in VA. Catheine Vaught m Michael Creagar 16 Jun 1795 in Wythe Co., VA. She could have been a daughter of Gaspar and Elizabeth. Another possible daughter was Barbara who m George Goodman in 1798. Christy and Elizabeth b in 1782 (Elizabeth may have been b in 1785?), are children of Gaspar and Elizabeth as listed in the Kimberling Church baptismal records. George Vaught who m Anna King in 1804 may have been a son. George was a riverboat Captain and drowned when his boat sank in Jan 1820. George's widows and children moved in IN. Nathan Vaught who m Sally Gleaves in 1820 in Wythe Co., VA may have been a son of Gaspar and Elizabeth. John was a son b 10 Jan 1788, according to the Kimberling Church records. Christine Vaught m John Meece 7 Oct 1811 and Mary Vaught m Edmund Newby 9 Oct 1811. Both marriages were in Pulaski co., KY and Gaspar was named as father of both brides. Sarah was b 28 Mar 1800 to Gaspar and Elizabeth and the birth is in the Kimberling Church records.

4. Christley Vaught, s/o Andrew and Elizabeth Vaught, was b ca 1751-1755. In the records he appears as Christian, Christly, Christy, Chris, etc. Christley married Elizabeth Phillippi, daughter of John and Barbara (Eichelberger) Phillippi. Christley and Elizabeth married ca 1781. Elizabeth was b 15 Nov 1764 in PA. Elizabeth was a younger sister of Christiana who married Christley's brother George.

In 1774, Christley spent 68 days in Captain Doak's Company during the Shawnee Indian War. He was at least 16, so was born before 1758. Christley was in Captain Love's Company


5 Apr 1781. In 1782 he was on the Montgomery Co., VA tax list. He had a survey run on land on the North Fork of the Hoston River in 1789.

Christley's will was dated 17 Mar 1828, Wythe Co., VA and was proved 9 Aug. 1830. The will names sons George, Christopher, Henry, and John. Daughters named were Barbara, Elizabeth, Christina, Rosanna, Sally, Leah, and Catherine. (Many descendants of Christley are in Vaught Vol. 1)

5. David Vaught, s/o Andrew and Elizabeth Vaught, was b ca 1757. David was at least 17 when he was in the militia in 1774 during the Indian wars and trekked through TN. David spent 87 days in Captain Floyd's Company. He was in Captain Love's Company 5 Apr 1781. david was on the 1782 tax list of montgomery Co., VA. He had land surveyed on Reed Creed. (Survey Book D, item 470.) David bought land on the South fork of the Holston River in Aug 1779. David's wife was Margaret Dobler. Another spelling was Tobler. Margaret was the sister of Betsy (Dobler) Vaught who was married to David's brother Andrew. (See Wythe co., VA will book 1. Will of Jacob Dobler dated 17 sep 1817. Jacob names among others, daughter Margaret Vaut and Betsy Vaut.)

6. Andrew Vaught Jr., s/o Andrew and Elizabeth Vaught, was b ca 1760-1763. He was the last of the seven sons to appear in the records so was one of the youngest sons but not necessarily the youngest. Andrew Jr. married Elizabeth Dobler ca 1779. She was the daughter of Jacob Dobler. Andrew went to Blout co., TN about 1790. Known children of Andrew and Betsy were Henry and Mary. There were no doubt others.

7. Henry Vaught, s/o Andrew and Elizabeth Vaught, was b ca 1764. Henry is on the 1782 tax list, so is at least 16 in 1782 and b before 1766. He was over 45 in the 1810 Wythe Co., VA census, therefore b before 1765. Henry married first Catharine Dattering about 1786. The name of his first wife is from a German marriage fraktur for Henry's son William. The name on the fraktur was Catharina Datteringin. The 'in' or 'en' ending on German Documents was used to show a female, i.e. Catharina Datteringin, daughter of Mr. Dattering. The baptismal records of the Zion Lutheran Church at Cripple Creek, Wythe Co., VA, in the original German, give the following spellings for Dutton Dothner, Derting, Dearding, Dollinger, Dutton. The introduction in the book by Hoch, Kegly, and Smith on the Kimberling Church Baptismal Records indicates that Doddinger was also used for Dutton. It is thereafter believed that Dattering is another spelling for Dutton. Henry married, second Esther Baugh, 28 Jul 1795 in Wythe Co., VA.

Chester Vaught, a great-great-grandson of Henry, listened to stories of the "Vaughts" told to him by his grandfather William K. Vaught. One story was that Henry, with his family and others, traveled by 2 wheel oxcarts to KY. and one of the men lost his wife during the trip. Other than Henry's oldest sons Jacob, and William, no other married Vaught is known to have been with Henry on the trip. However, Christy Vaught son of Gaspar, is not in the KY 1810 census. Christy m in Oct of 1811 in KY. He may have travelled to KY with his Uncle Henry in 1811 instead of with his father in 1809. And he was old enough (29 in 1811) to have had a prior marriage and might have lost his wife on the way. (This is pure speculation.) The 1810 census Wythe Co., VA does not obviously have Christy enumberated. Henry's group of Vaught


immigrants joined Gaspar on Pitman Creek and bought land 1811-1815 next to Gaspar. Certainly it would appear that Henry is closely related to Gaspar, probably a brother. Gaspar's last child was b in 1800. If Henry, b 1765, was a son of Gaspar then Gaspar and Elizabeth had children over a time span of 35 years. This is not likely. On the otherhand, if Henry is a s/o Andrew, then Andrew and Elizabeth had children from 1745 to 1765, a span of 20 years which is reasonable.

Children of Henry and Catherine were Jacob, William, Elizabeth, and Henry. Children of Henry and Esther were Barbara, Isaac, Anna, Sarah, Jemima, Jeremiah, and Abraham.

Many of the Vaughts in southwestern VA were sympathetic to the Loyalists, and not to the Revolution. On 18 Apr 1779, in Wythe County, Michael Henninger claimed in court that a group of 4,000 men under John Griffith had shown Loyalist sympathies, this group included John and David Vaught and "the old Vaught who owned the mill". At the trial of these men, John and David were released on their good behavior. Andrew Vaught of Cripple Creek was included in the group with Loyalist sympathies by the testimony of Peter Kinder on 17 Aug 1780. (This would have been Andrew Vaught, Jr.) These Germans took their Oath to King George seriously. They nearly all named a son "George". John and David Vaught were later fined 1000 pounds each. John, David, and Andrew Vaught went to TN by 1792. It is possible that John and David left the county and state rather than pay such a heavy fine.

Two of Andrew's sons went to Pulaski Co., KY, Gaspar in 1809 and Henry in 1811. Two sons remained in Wythe Co., VA and died there, Christely in 1830 and George in 1835. Of the 7 sons of Andrew listed above, three left wills; George, Christley, and John. This helps determine their families. Henry's family can be put together from several sources, but primarily from the sale of his land ca 1850 in Pulaski Co., KY. That left, by default, only Gaspar, s/o Andrew, as the available parent of any open-ended Vaughts in the southwest part of VA during the time period 1792-1809.

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Johan Paulus Vogt (1680) and Maria Catherina -- (1687)

Andrew Vaught (1721) and Elizabeth --i


George Vaught (1742) and Christiana Phillippi (1763)


1George 3David 5Andrew 7Charles 9Abraham i:LElizabeth 2John 4Peter 6Mary 8Joseph 10Jeff erson



by Helen Spurlin

George Vaught, s/o Andrew and Elizabeth Vaught, was b ca 1742-1745. George married Christiana Phillippi, a daughter of John and Barbara (Eichelberger) Phillippi. They married ca 1781. Christiana Phillippi was b 12 Dec 1763 in PA.

George appears as teste on a document in 1763. (See Chalkley item (3) chapter one.) 12 Feb 1763 Andrew Belfaut and Elizabeth his wife to Chrisitan Clemans for 5 pounds; 266

acres, part of 400 acres patented to John Balfaut 20 Feb 1745. Teste: George Faut.) If he had to be 21 to be a 'teste' then he was b ca 1742. A deed dated 9 Oct 1823, Wythe Co., VA has the following "...between Christopher Phillipy and Elizabeth his wife, George Vaught and Chrisitiana his wife, Christian Vaught and Elizabeth his wife, Frederick Copenhaver and Eva his wife, Henry Cullop and Caty his wife, Jenry Baugh and Margaret his wife, Peter Wisely and Magdalena his wife, Mary Amey, John Steffey and Rosanah his wife, and Barbara Phillipy, heirs apparent of John Phillipy deceased of the one part and Christian Phillipy of the other part..." (The Eichelberger genealogy is included in the "The Rosenbaum/Rosembaum Family of Southwest Virginia" by Clifford R. Canfield.) Christiana Phillippi was b 12 Dec 1763 in PA. (See "The Phillippi Family Tree by Royer and Strahley.) Christiana's age is consistent with a wife of third generation Vaughts rather than second generation. There is a considerable age difference between George and Christiana.

1830 Census Wy. Co., VA Head of household Elizabeth Vaught

Males Age 1 5-10 (Grandson?) 1 20-30 (Joseph?) 1 80-90 (George?)

Females 1 1

Age 20-30 60-70

(Elizabeth?) (Christiana?)

During 1774, George spent 41 days in Smith's Company. He mustered out in 1775 because he owned a mill. However, in 1781 George was in Captain Love's Company.

The will of George Vaught was dated 13 Mar 1825 and was proved 11 Aug 1835, Wythe Co., VA. the will names sons David, John, Andrew, George, Peter, Charles, Joseph, Jefferson, and Abraham. It also names daughters Mary, Elizabeth, and Christiana. There was also a son Stephen who died young.

George Vaught was b ca 1781 in Montgomery Co., VA. Judge Edgar Vaught knew that two of his great-uncles and a great-aunt went to KY, and that the other two great-aunts went to


Indiana. He knew that great-uncle Peter's son Jefferson went to Illinois and he knew Jefferson's children were and what became of them. When he says that his great-uncle George had no issue we should assume that he did know this fact. Therefore, any George who m in Wythe Co,. VA and had no children, cannot be George, s/o George and Christina. A George Vaught m Betsy Wampler 3 Feb 1811 in Wythe Co., VA. Betsy was the d/o George and Elizabeth Wampler. George Vaught is in the 1820 Wythe Co., Census, but has no children after 9 years. Betsy was b 1 Feb 1792. The will of Betsy dated 12 Feb 1866, leaves "the George Vaught farm to H. M. Wampler." The will was proven Mar 1867. (See Wamplers in America, p.38)

John Vaught was b ca 1781-1784 in Montgomery Co., VA. John m Elizabeth Slemp 11 Jly 1809 in Wythe Co., VA. Elizabeth was b ca 1793 and d between 1850 and 1860. Elizabeth was d/o Jacob Slemp and his wife Mary Daugherty. John's will was dated 13 June 1861 and proved 16 Jly 1861. This is the John listed in the stats of Pulaski County, Kentucky, who d 30 June 1861, age 77 years, and whose father is stated as George Vaught. John and his family went to Pulaski Co., KY sometime between the birth of his daughter Mary, Jan 1812 and the birth of his son Andrew, 28 Aug 1814. John Vaught bought land from a Joseph of Indiana, 19 Aug 1813 for 50 pounds. The land was on Lick Branch, the waters of Pitman Creek. John Vaught and John Mercer bought land the same day 1814 from William Zachery. John Vaught got 75 acres.

John's will names children Mary, Andrew, Joseph, Stephen, Jane, Elizabeth, Margaret, Fountain Fox and Martha. A codicil refers to his five daughters. Therefore the first daughter Sarah must have d by the time the will was written in 1861. The youngest daughter Rhoda is not in the family bible, but is living with John in the 1850 census of Pulaski Co., KY. She may be a child of one of his daughters as she appears to still be alive when the will was written.

David Vaught was b about 1783 in Montgomery Co., VA. He m Maria Kettering, 18 Aug 1803 in Va. His probate was dated 10 June 1833 in Wythe Co., VA. David's will names children John, Darah and Phoebe. There were seven children: John, Christiana, Maria, Phillipina, Elizabeth, Sarah, and Phebe. One other son age 10 indicated in the 1820 census could have died young.

Peter Vaught was b 28 Mar 1775 in Montgomery Co., VA. He was a sergeant in the War of 1812 and drew a pension from that enlistment. His will was dated 6 Nov 1863 in Wythe Co., VA. He d 21 Dec 1863. He m Magdalena "Mollie" Wampler, 11 Sep 1810. Molly was b 11 Apr 1789 in Wythe Co., VA. She is the d/o Peter Wampler and Magdalena Wolf. Mollie d 7 Nov 1876 according to her tombstone. (Her death date is given as 2 Feb 1877 by Helen Jensen. If this is a bible record then there is a conflict of the date.) Both Peter and Molly are bur at King's Grove Church near Crockett, VA. They had ten children: Elizabeth, Sallie, Polly, Malinda, Eliza, Jefferson, Peter, Christina, Nancy, Margaret.

Andrew Vaught was b 9 Feb 1787 in Montgomery Co., VA. Andrew m Rosanna Keesling 1 Jly 1815 in Wythe Co., VA. Rosanna was the d/o of George and Catherine Keesling. Rosanna was b 29 Nov 1798 in Wythe co., VA and d 19 Nov 1854 in Pualski Co., KY. They were the parents of eleven children: Andrew Jackson, Stephen, Sarah, William,


Catherine, Isaac, George, Seralda, Mary Elizabeth, Thurzy Ann and Martha.

Mary (Polly) Vaught was b 5 Jan 1793 in Wythe Co., VA She m Wesley Carson 18 Feb 1819 in Wythe Co., VA. Mary d in Pulaski Co., KY, 28 Mar 1893. Wesley was b 13 Feb 1792 in Wythe Co., VA. He d 17 Jan 1846 in Pulaski Cop., KY. They had five children George W., Ceany Ann, Eliza Jane, William Jefferson, John Wesley.

Charles Vaught was b ca 1797 in Wythe Cop., VA. Charles m Nancy Pierce 12 June 1823. Nancy was b ca 1803. Charles lived on Cripple Creek near Cedar Springs in Wythe Co., VA. They had eleven children: George W., Martha, Sarah, Franklin, George, Mary, Julia Ann, Henderson, Cena, James and William.

Joseph Vaught was b 16 Feb 1798 in Wythe Co., VA. Joseph m Barbara Wiseley 7 Aug 1833 in Wythe co., VA. Barbara was b ca 1803. Joseph lived in a home built by his father near Cedar Springs on Cripple Creek in Wythe Co., VA. They had three children: Ephriam Atkins, Sallie and Harvey who d young.

Abraham Vaught was b 21 Sep 1801. Abraham m Mary (Polly) Swaker 24 Jly 1827. Polly was the d/o Wendel Swaker of PA. Polly was b ca 1803. Abraham lived on Cripple Creek near Cedar Springs in Wythe Co., VA. Abraham's will was dated 9 Sep 1863, Wythe co., VA. He d 17 Sep 1864. They had nine children: John, Jefferson Mitchell, Mary Ann, Matilda, Lydia, Winton, Noah Trigg, Rebecca and Margaret.

Stephen Vaught was b 10 Feb 1804 in Wythe Co., VA. He d young.

Thomas Jefferson Vaught was b 18 Apr 1806 in Wythe Co., VA. His wife may have been Barbara Phillippi the d/o C. and Mary Phillippi. She was b (1806). Jefferson d in Smyth Co., VA 23 Sep 1892. They had eight children: David B., Elizabeth, Wesley, William, Moniah, Stephen, George and Mitchell.

Elizabeth Vaught, d/o George and Christiana Phillippi Vaught, was b 22 Jan 1808, in Wythe Co., VA. In Grayson Co., VA, on 15 Feb 1834, she m Allen B. Nelson, who was b in NC. The family first lived near Wytheville, VA and later moved to Knox Co., Ind, in the period of 1835-1838. He was a farmer. She d 25 Nov 1855 in Ind. They had eight children: Jane Katrine, Nancy E., Christina Elizabeth, Mary E., Sabina (Sibbea) A., Martha E., William, and Phoebe M.

Christiana Vaught was born near Cedar Springs, VA, on 15 Jun 1812. She d near Bicknell, Ind, on 9 Dec 1881. On 25 Oct 1835, she and John Horn were m in Independence, VA, by Rev. Johanathan Thomas. John Horn was b 12 May 1813, in VA, and d 10 Mar 1884 on his farm near Bicknell, IND. John and Christiana are buried in the Ashbury Chapel Cemetery. Soon after their marriage the couple left Southwestern Virginia and came to Knox Co., Ind, to live. The Horns had four children: Louisa J., James, Emory, Willis Clifford, John T.

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Johan Paulus Vogt (1680) and Maria Catherina — (1687) i


Andrew Vaught (1721) and Elizabeth —


George Vaught (1742) and Christiana Phillippi (1763) i


John Vaught (1781) and Elizabeth Slemp (1793) i


xSarah 3Andrew 5Stephen 7Elizabeth 9Margaret 2Mary 4Joseph 6Jane 8Rhoda "Fountain



Section 1 The Controversy over John Vaught.

Section 2 John Vaught, s/o George and Elizabeth

Section 3 Mary Vaught, d/o John Vaught and Elizabeth Slemp

Section 4 Andrew Vaught, s/o John Vaught and Elizabeth Slemp

Section 5 Joseph Vaught, s/o John Vaught and Elizabeth Slemp

Section 6 Stephen Vaught, s/o John Vaught and Elizabeth Slemp

Section 7 Jane Vaught, d/o John Vaught and Elizabeth Slemp

Section 8 Margaret Vaught, d/o John Vaught and Elizabeth Slemp

Section 9 Fountain Vaught, s/o John Vaught and Elizabeth Slemp



John Vaught and Elizabeth Slemp by Helen Spurlin

Because a controversy exists on the lineage of John Vaught who married Nancy White and the John Vaught who married Elizabeth Slemp, the sources used in the following discussion on the John Vaughts are listed here.

1. "Kimberling Church, m Wythe Co., VA; Annotated Baptismal and Cemetery Records by Hoch, Kegley and Smith.

2. 1810, 1820, 1830 and 1850 censuses Pulaski Co., KY. 3. 1810 census Wythe Co., KY. 4. Marriage Records Pulaski Co., KY. 5. Marriage Records Wythe Co., KY. 6. Land Records Wythe Co., VA. 7. Land Records Pulaski Co., KY. 8. Tax Lists Pulaski Co., KY. 9. Land Grants Pulaski Co., KY. 10. Current Land Plats (air photos) Pulaski Co., KY P.V.A. Office. 11. The old letter written in 1959 by Ethel Vaught Maifeld to Daniel Vaught. 12. Probate Records Pulaski Co., KY. 13. Probate Records Wythe Co., VA. 14. Vital Statistic records Pulaski Co., KY. 15. Vital Statistic records Wythe Co., VA. 16. 1830 census Marion Co., IN. 17. Land Records Marion Co., IN. 18. Cemetery Records Pulaski Co., KY. 19. "Phillippi Family Tree by Rohan and Strahley. 20. Bible records of John and Elizabeth Vaught. 21. A German birth Fraktur for Andrew Vaught. 22. U.S. topographic maps (Bobtown and Somerset Quads.) 23. Marriage records Botetourt Co., VA.

Reasons why John Vaught (wife Elizabeth) in Pulaski co., KY is John Vaught s/o George and his wife Christina Phillippi. (1) Estill Vaught, a descendant of John And Elizabeth Vaught, is quoted as saying that his

ancestor, John, came to KY from Wythe Co., VA. Estill also said that John had a brother Andrew Vaught, who also came to Ky from Wythe Co., VA. (source Faye Stogsdill of Pulaski Co., KY.)

To support item (1) above, the following items are based on original records from VA and KY. (2) The will of Geroge Vaught names a son John. (Will written in 1825 and proven in 1835

Wythe Co., VA., Source 13 above.) (3) The Slemps were neighbors of George Vaught on Cripple Creek in Wythe Co., VA. (VA

land records, Source 6 above.)



(4) John Vaught m Elizabeth Slemp in 1809 in Wythe Co., VA. (Va marriage records, Source 5 above.)

(5) The oldest child of John and Elizabeth in KY was born ca 1810 in Va. (1850 census Pulaski Co., KY and Bible records of John and Elizabeth Vaught.) An 1809 marriage in VA is indicated. The only John Vaught married in Wythe Co., Va during the time period of interest is the one in item (4) above. (Sources 2, 3, and 20 above.)

(6) Jacob Vaught, s/o Henry, was surety for the 1809 marriage of John and Elizabeth. Jacob and Henry went to KY in the Fall of 1811. Two years later John and Elizabeth followed Jacob to KY and settled near to Jacob in Pulaski Co., KY. (Sources 2, 3, 5, 7, and 8 above.)

(7) John and Elizabeth Vaught came to Ky in 1813. The 1850 census Pulaski Co., KY shows that their children were born in VA up to 1812 and born in KY after 1813. John brought his first land in 1813 in Pulaski Co., and John is on the tax list in 1813. George, in his will written 1825 states that John was one of his sons who was "already taken care of". (Sources 2,3,7,8,9, and 13 above.)

(8) George Vaught was born 1740/1750 (See 1830 census Wythe Co., VA under Elizabeth Vaught, head of household.) Christina Phillippi, his wife, was born in Dec 1763. (See "Phillippi Family Tree" p. 26.) George and Christiana were married ca 1781 when she was about 17. Their children were bora after 1781 and were of marriage age starting in 1797. John, son of George, is the right age to be in an 1809 marriage. (Source 3 and 19 above.)

(9) John (wife Elizabeth) died in 1861. (Probate records Pulaski Co., KY.) The vital statistics for 1861 in Pulaski Co., show John dying at age 77 on 30 Jun 1861. This is consistent with a birth date of 1784. On the death record John's father is named as George Vaught. The George Vaughts were (a) George Vaught who married Barbara Mees in 1804 in Wythe Co., VA. (b) George Vaught who married Anna King in 1804 in Wythe Co., Va. (c) George Vaught who married Elizabeth Wampler in Wythe Co., VA and had no

children. (d) George Vaught who married Christina Yeagley in Rockingham Co., VA ca 1808. (e) George Vaught who married Mary Persinger in 1789 in Botecourt Co., VA. (f) George Vaught who married Christiana Phillippi in Montgomery Co., VA ca 1781.

The only George Vaught listed above that could have had a son John in 1784 was (f). There were no other George Vaughts during this time period. (Source 5, 12, and 23 above.)





The children of George Vaught and his wife Christiana Phillippi were David John

George Peter

* Andrew

The children of George Vaught and Christiana Charles

Jefferson Abraham

* Joseph

* Stephen * Mary * Elizabeth

Christiana The children of John and Elizabeth were

Sarah * Mary * Andrew * John Joseph * Stephen

Phillippi (cont.)

Jane *Elizabeth

Margaret Fountain Fox

Five of John's children were named for five of his brothers and sisters. It was a trend around 1800 among the Germans to name children for brothers and sisters instead of grandparents, great grandparents etc. (Sources 12, 13, 14, 15, and 18 above.)

(11) George and Christiana's son Andrew came to KY circa 1828. that George had a son Andrew is shown in George's will and by a German birth fraktur dated 1787. Andrew's first land purchase and his first appearance on the tax list in Pu. Co., KY was in 1828. Andrew arrive in KY 18 years after Gaspar and his son John and 15 years after John and Elizabeth. The land which Andrew purchased in 1828 was 3 miles from his brother John Vaught (wife Elizabeth Slemp), over 1 mile from his 1st cousin John Vaught (wife Nancy White), 1.5 miles from his first cousin Henry Vaught (wife Molly), 29 miles from his Uncle Henry Vaught (wife Ester), 29 miles from his 1st cousin Jacob Vaught and next to his sister Mary (Vaught) Carson. (See land map, p. xxx) (Sources 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 21, and 229 above.)



Reasons why John Vaught (wife Nancy White) was the son of Gaspar and his wife Elizabeth Butcher.

(1) Gaspar and Elizabeth had a son John born 10 Jan 1788. (Kimberling Church Baptismal Records Source 1 above.)

(2) in the tax lists of Pulaski Co., KY from 1815 to 1820 there are only two John Vaughts. They are referred to as John, Sr., and John, Jr. The elder was John (Wife Elizabeth) born in 1784 and the younger was John, son of Gaspar, born 10 Jan 1788. By 1820 the only Vaughts owning land in Pu. Co., KY were:

John Vaught (wife Elizabeth) William Vaught (wife Pheronica) Henry Vaught, Sr. (wife Ester) Henry Vaught, Jr. (wife Magdalena) Jacob Vaught (wife Magdalena)

The 1820 tax lists agrees with the above land owners list. The 1820 tax list also has Gaspar Vaught, Christy Vaught, and John Vaught (wife Nancy) as tax payers but not land owners. The 1820 census in Pulaski Co., KY seems to have enumerated both Jacob and Henry Jr. twice and named Henry Sr. as Henry Jr. The 1820 census, with Gaspar as head of household, has a male 1626 who would have been Gaspar's son John. John was 22 in 1820. (Sources 2, 7, 8, 9, and 10 above.)

(3) John and Elizabeth Vaught, William Vaught, Henry Vaught, Jr. and Jacob had no children old enough to marry in 1818. Henry, Sr. had no son John. John, wife Elizabeth, was already married. The only John Vaught in Pulaski Co., KY in 1818 who could have married Nancy White was John the son of Gaspar. John and Nancy had a son born 1819. Gaspar and his wife Elizabeth, Gaspar's daughter Sarah,John, Nancy, and the baby all fit the ages of the family on the 1820 census. (Source 2 above.)

(4) Ethel Vaught Maifeld, a greatgranddaughter of John and Nancy (White) Vaught has said, "There was a Gaspar in the family", in the old letter (see p. xxx) written by Ethel in 1959 to Daniel Vaught, son of Alfred Culwell Vaught, Ethel also ties John (wife Nancy White) to Gaspar by giving the name "Butcher" to the Vaught Great Grandmother and "White" to the Vaught Grandmother of Alfred Culwell Vaught. (Source 11 above.)

(5) Nancy Vaught, wife of John, first appears on the tax list of Pulaski Co., KY in 1869, entered next to her son John W. Vaught and credited with 160 acres. Therefore, her husband, John, died circa 1868-1896. His name is still on the tax lists in 1867 and 1868. John Vaught, wife Elizabeth Slemp and son of George, died in June 1861 at age 77. The 1861 death could not be that of John (wife Nancy). (Sources 4, 8, 12.)



(6) Gaspar deeded land, separately, to his sons John and Christopher "Christy" on 7 Apr 1815. John and Christy then combined their parcels and sold on 25 Apr 1817. Christy's paper for the 1815 deed is today in the possession of a direct descendant of John and Nancy (White) Vaught, Sunni Morales of California. Why would this family have handed down this deed from generation to generation, always in the family of John and Nancy? Because John (wife Nancy), Christy, and Gaspar are all the same family. (Source 7, 8, 9, and 10 above.)

(7) By 1820 all of Gaspar's land was sold. On 28 Jul 1821 (See Deed Book 4, p. 433, Land Records Pualski Co., KY) Gaspar's daughter Mary and her husband Edmund Newby bought 24 acres from John and Susannah Langdon. On the same day (see p. 434) Gaspar's son John bought 8 acres from John and Susannah Langdon. (See Land Map xxx.) These two parcels were next door to land already owned by Edmund Newby. The 24 acres was in between Edmund's old land and John Vaught's new land. In 1822 Gaspar deeded all his personal belongings to Edmund Newby. In 1824 Edmund and Mary moved to Marion co., IN. From 1822 to 1830 Gaspar is on the tax list in Pualski Co., KY but he owns no land. Gaspar is on the 1830 census, Pulaski Co., KY and is 80-90 years old. He is next door to his son John on the census. So Gaspar was living on his son-in-law Edmund Newby's land and was paying the taxes on it. In 1829 John Vaught sold a piece of the 24 acres as if it was his own even though it was still owned by Edmund Newby. This sale was to Thomas Hines. This is a strong indication that Gaspar, living on the land, Edmund Newby, owner of the land, and John Vaught next door, who sold the land in his own name, are one and the same family. By 1830 Edmund sold the entire 24 acres and John, next door, later acquired it. (See land map p. xxx.) These lands of John were later sold by the heirs of John and Nancy. In 1831 Gaspar is no longer on the tax list. He must have died after the 1830 census was taken and before the 24 acres were sold in Nov 1830. It is likely that Elizabeth, the wife of Gaspar, died ca 1821X22. Gaspar would not have deeded away his personal belongings if she were still alive. Gaspar and Elizabeth were probably the first burials at the Vaught family Cem on the 8 acres owned by John Vaught. The current topographic maps show only one cemetery on these properties. (Sources 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, and 22 above.)

(8) Nancy White was the daughter of William and Charlotte (Cundiff) White. Nancy was b. ca 1800 and d after 1873.



(9) John Vaught fathered a daughter, America Newby, whose mother was Patsy Newby. (Source Court rec, Pu. Co., KY.)

(10) The 1830 and 1850 censuses, and an 1873 deed, listing heirs of John and Nancy, help to establish the children of John and Nancy. Their children were an unknown boy b ca 1819 (Valentine Vaught?), Elizabeth Vaught, Mahalah Jane Vaught, John W. Vaught, and Sophia Vaught. The two unknown boys would have been old enough to be married and gone by the 1850 census. Valentine Vaught went to Owen Co., KY ca 1839 and was the right age to have been one of these boys. These two boys are not among the heirs on the 1873 deed. A Valentine Vaught died in the Civil War, but may have been a different Valentine. John and Nancy were skipped in the 1840 census so it is not known whether these boys died young. The 1830 census includes a girl b ca 1821. This was Charlotte Eubanks who was apprenticed to John and Nancy in 1829 when Charlotte was 8. Charlotte was a close relative (a niece?) of Nancy (White) Vaught.

Note the alternative arguement as presented in publications listed below.

Vaught, James Fletcher. Documentation for Vaught/Vogt/Voigt/Voght. Somerset, Kentucky. 1988. Family History Library. Salt Lake City, Utah. US/CAN 929.273 Al no. 5849. Vaught, James Fletcher. Knox County descendants of George Vaught, American Revolutionary Soldier, Knox County, Indiana. Somerset, Kentucky, 1968. Family History Library. Salt Lake City, Utah. US/CAN 929.273 V465vg. Vaught, James Fletcher. Vaught Family. Somerset, Kentucky. 1986. Family History Library. Salt Lake City, Utah. US/CAN 929.273 V465vf.



(1781-1861) (John s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

John Vaught b 1781, his tombstone says 1785, it is believed to be wrong. He b Wythe Co., VA. He m 11 Jly 1809, Elizabeth Slemp, d/o Jacob and Mary Daugherty Slemp. She b about 1786 Wythe Co., VA. She d before 1839. John d between June 14 and Jly 15, 1861. Both bur Gilmore /Vaught Cem Pulaski Co., KY. John m (2) Elizabeth Yates. She d before 13 June 1861 and is bur Gilmore/Vaught Cemetery. Elizabeth Slemp and John had ten children. Elizabeth Yates and John bore no children.

Sarah Vaught was b 17 Aug 1810 in Wythe Co., VA. She m Josiah Girdler, 3 Feb 1841 in Pulaski Co., KY. She d before 1861. In the 1850 Census they are listed as having four children: William, age 8; Andrew, age 6; Milford, age 4; and Joseph, age 2. Mary "Polly'* Vaught b 15 Jan 1812 Wythe Co., VA. m Christopher Phillippi, 7 Jan 1833. He d 21 Feb 1885. She d 27 Apr 1862. They bur Christly Phillippi place on the Stilesville Road. Andrew Vaught b 28 Aug 1814 Wythe Co., VA, m Fannie Yates, 11 Oct 1843. He d 24 Apr 1889. She d 11 Apr 1883. They bur Gilmore/Vaught Cemetery. Joseph Vaught b 1 Feb 1817 Pul. Co. m (1) Catherine Yates, 9 Dec 1840. Three sons Greenup, James, and Milford. She d before 1850 bur Gilmore/Vaught He m (2) Mahala Phelps, 2 Mar 1853. She b 18 May 1827 d/o Mary "Polly" Phelps, birth illegitament. Nine children: Mary Ann, John, Fountain, William, Marion, Almada, Oliver, Seralda, and Lorenzo. He d 25 Nov 1893 Pul. Co. She d 8 Nov 1897. They bur Gilmore/Vaught Cem. Stephen Vaught b 15 June 1819 Pul. Co. m Elizabeth Gibson, 11 Aug 1850. He d 5 Feb 1901 (15 Feb 1909). She d 30 Apr 1906. He is buried in the Union Church Cem. She bur Somerset Cem. Jane Vaught b 9 Nov 1822 Pul. Co. d 2 Nov 1895, bur Bradley's Chapel Church Cem. She m Richard Meece, 5 Mar, 1845. He d 22 Jun 1891. He bur with his wife Bradley's Chapel Church Cem. They had eleven children: Ann, Elizabeth, Mary, Martha, Sarah, John, Paulina, Mariah, Lucy, William and Fountain. Elizabeth Vaught b 26 Jan 1825 Pul. Co. She is thought to have lived with her brother, Andrew after the death of her parents. She never married. She bur Gil./Vaught Cem. Rhoda Vaught, was ten on the 1850 Pulaski Co., census report. She is not listed in 1860. She is thought to have d early and bur near her parents in the Gilmore/Vaught Cemetery. Margaret Vaught b 18 Feb 1827 Pul. Co. She m Henry G. Vaught, 7 Aug 1852, s/o of Christopher and Elizabeth. See Vaught History Vol. 2. p. 308, 30. Fountain Fox Vaught b 22 Jly 1829 Pulaski Co. He m Margret Ann Dungan, 2 Sep 1855. He d 16 Jan 1895. She died 29 Jan 1897. They are bur Union Church Cem.



(Mary d/o John s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

George Vaught (1742) and Christiana Phillippi (1763) i i

John Vaught (1781) and Elizabeth Slemp (1793) i i

Mary Vaught (1812) and Christley Phillippi (1810) i i

I I I i i i i I I I I I I I !

Fountain John Franklin Greenbury Stephen Elizabeth Katherine Margaret

Mary (Polly) Vaught b 15 Jan 1812 Wythe Co., VA. Mary d 27 Apr 1862 Mary m Christopher "Christley" Phillippi 15 Jan 1833 Pul. Co., KY. b ca 1808 VA. d 21 Feb 1885 Pul. Co. Bur Phillippi Cem. 8 children.

Fountain Phillippi b ca 1834 Pul. Co.. Fountain m Martha E. Hubble 31 Jly 1855 Pul. Co. Three children: Mary Martha, b ca 1856; Louisa M., b ca 1857; and William L. John Phillippi b ca 1836 Pul. Co. m Sarah Hendricks 5 Feb 1857 (or 59). B ca 1836 d/o Charles & Margaret (Dungans) Hendricks. Franklin Phillippi b ca 1838 Pul. Co. Franklin m Katherine Hendricks 5 Feb 1861 b ca 1840 the d/o Charles amd Margaret (Dungans) Hendricks. He m (2?), a Mahala C. Greenbury Phillippi was b Nov 1839 Pul. Co. m Jane Sweeney 7 Feb 1861 b Aug 1842 in KY, d/o Green L. and Elizabeth (Isaacs) Sweeney. Green d in 1901 and is bur at the Union Cem. Pulaski Co., KY. Green and Jane had nine children: Sarah E, Chrisley H., George T., Malinda C , William H., John M., Joseph R., and Love; a Lula A. Phillippi age 18 in 1892 from Pul. Co. m George W. Garland age 20 of Pul. Co. on 23 Oct 1892 Pul Co., KY, sur. G. B. Phillippi. Is this a daughter or g dau.? Stephen Phillippi b ca 1842 Pul. Co. Not on 1860 Census. Elizabeth Phillippi b ca 1844 Pul. Co. Not on 1860 Census. Katherine Phillippi b ca 1846 Pul. Co. m William Aker 14 Jan 1863 Pul Co. s/o Joseph and Margaret Aker. William b ca 1842. Margaret Phillippi b Jly 1849 Pul. Co.. Margaret m George Sweeney 14 Dec 1865 b Nov 1844 s/o Green L. and Elizabeth (Isaacs) Sweeney. They had 13 children: Mary J. b ca 1867, Isobel b ca 1868, Henry M. b ca 1870, Onie, b Jun 1877 in KY, Emery, b Aug 1882 In KY, Nena, b Jun 1884 in KY, Browdy, b Jly 1886 in KY, Ernest, b Jun 1890 in KY, Lela, b Nov 1891 in KY, Elizabeth and Chrisley. An Elizabeth B. Swinney b Feb 1873 m David A. Surber b Jul 1870, 8 Mar 1894 Pul. Co. s/o Robert & Mary C. Surber, sur. Geo. Swinney.


SECTION THREE Greenbury Phillippi

(1839-xxxx) (Greenbury s/o Mary d/o John s/o George s/o Andrew

s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

Mary Vaught (1812) and Christley Phillippi (1810)

Greenbury Phillippi (1839) and Jane Sweeney (1842) i i

i i i

I I I I i I I I

Sarah Chrisley George Malinda William John Joseph Love

Greenbury "Greenlee" Phillippi b Nov 1839. Green m Jane Sweeney 7 Feb 1861. She b Aug 1842 KY, d/o Green L. and Elizabeth (Isaacs) Sweeney. Green d 1901 bur Union Cem. Pul. Co. Nine children.

Sarah Ellen Phillippi, b ca 1862 m Levi C. Reid age 27 b. Davis Co., MO, She lived Kingman, Kansas and her daughter m Mr. Matlack. She homesteaded in Kingman, KS. Chrisley "Colonel" "Bud" Hoskins Phillippi b 28 May 1863 Somerset, Pul. Co. d 1 Aug 1953 Hutchinson, KS. M Margaret Reynolds, 8 Dec 1886 Heatville, Bourbon Co., KS. She b 29 May 1870 d 12 Jly 1943. He lived in Hutchinson. Seven children: Nina, Elsie, Florence, twins, Stella, Annabell and Edith. George Tom Phillippi b ca 1865 Pul. Co., m Mary Elizabeth Worley from Whitley City, KY 25 Oct 1903. She was b May 1887 d/o Calvin and Delphia (Davenport) Worley and m 25 Oct 1903. Two children: Raymond and Bessie. They lived in Wichita. Malinda C. Phillippi b ca 1867 m N. A. Ivens 15 Apr 1891 Pul. Co., KY b ca 1866 Pul Co. William H. Phillippi b ca 1868 Pul. Co. m Sarah S. Bishop 9 Aug 1888 Pul. Co., b ca 1870 Pul. Co. d/o Cyrenius & Elizabeth Bishop; They had about 12 children. John M. Phillippi b ca 1870 Pul Co. never married. He is buried at Kingman, KS. Joseph Roscoe Phillippi b Nov 1871 Pul Co., m Stella Jane Worley was b May 1890 from Whitley City, KY d/o Calvin and Delphia (Davenport) Worley. They lived in Wichita, KS. They had five children: Homer, Calvin, Glen, Elizabeth and Delpha. Love "Levi" Phillippi b May 1885 in KY, m Ellen Worley, 10 Apr 1904. She was b Feb 1888 from Whitley City, KY d/o Calvin and Delphia (Davenport) Worley. They had nine children: Shirley, Charley, Abe, Bertha, Hazel, George, Ruth, Nellie and Geneva. He was the first to move to Kansas. Lula A. Phillippi age 18 1892 Pul. Co. M George W. Garland age 20 Pul. Co. 23 Oct 1892 Pul Co. They had two dau. Alma who died and Bertha Garland (Easton). She had a son Mark Easton, dilled in WWII. They lived in Wichita, KS.


SECTION THREE Chrisley Phillippi

(1863-1953) (Chrisley s/o Greenbury s/o Mary d/o John s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

Greenbury Phillippi (1839) and Jane Sweeney (1842) i i


Chrisley Phillippi (1863) and Margaret Reynolds i 1

i t I I I I I I i

Nina Elsie Florence twins Stella Annabell Edith

Chrisley Hoskins Phillippi was b 28 May 1863 in Somerset, Pulaski Co., KY. He d 1 Aug 1953 in Hutchinson, KS. He m Margaret Reynolds, 8 Dec 1886 at Heatville, Bourbon Co., KS. She was b 29 May 1870 in Pulaski Co., KY and d 12 Jly 1943 in Hutchinson, KS. They had seven children.

Nina Mae Phillippi, was b 6 Feb 1889. She m Gaylad Winfieid Kincaid. She d 27 Oct 1959 and is buried in Burton, KS. Elsie Phillippi, was b 1 Jan 1891. She m Lawrence I. Lowery. She d 22 Nov 1971 and is buried in Hutchinson, KS. Florence Phillippi, was b 28 Jly 1892 in Hutchinson, KS and d Jly 1968 in Wichita, KS. She m Charles Thomas Murray, 1911 in Wichita, KS. He was b 25 Jun 1885 and d 9 Sep 1964. They had three children.

Helen Murray, was b 16 Jan 1912 in Wichita, KS. She m John Morton, 1945 in Altanta, GA. They live in Jonesbourough, GA. Kenneth Noble Murray, was b 1 Nov 1915 in Wichita, Kansas. He m Jane Meredith. They live in Wichita, KS. (1989) They had one son. Terry Lee Murray, was b 14 May 1946, Wichita, KS. He m Ann Parker, 20 Jan 1967 in Clearwater, KS. They live in Wichita. James R. Murray, was b 16 Oct 1918 in Isabel, KS. He m Wilma Jean , 1940 in Wichita. KS.

Twins Phillippi, were b and d 15 Dec 1893. Stella Phillippi, was b 25 Sep 1897. She m (1) Stewart Johnson, m (2) John Duryea. She lived in Cleveland, OH. There were no children with either marriage. She d 7 Aug 1979 in Wichita, KS. She is buried in Hutchinson. Annabell Phillippi, was b 9 June 1901. She was a school teacher, She never married. She d 1969 in Wichita, Sedgwick, KS. She is buried in Hutchinson, KS. Edith Phillippi, was b 21 Feb 1903. She m Al Vervaet. They lived in Cleveland, OH. She d 4 June 1972 in Wichita, KS and is buried in Hutchinson.


SECTION THREE Greenbury Phillippi

(1839-xxxx) (Greenbury s/o Mary d/o John s/o George s/o Andrew

s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

Mary Vaught (1812) and Christley Phillippi (1810) i

i Greenbury Phillippi (1839) and Jane Sweeney (1842)


i i

Joseph Phillippi and Stella Worley i 1

I I I i i i i

Homer Calvin Glen Elizabeth Delpha

Joseph Roscoe Phillippi, m Stella Jane Worley. They lived in Wichita, KS. They had five children.

Homer Phillippi, died in infancy. Calvin Roscoe Phillippi, call "Ross" was b 16 Sep 1908 and d about 15 years, ca. 1971. Glen Phillippi, was b 8 Sep 1910. He m Ethel. They had three children and lived in Wichita, KS.

Glen Edward Phillippi, was b 4 Feb 1935. Vernon Ray Phillippi, was b 7 Sep 1942. Charles Joseph Phillippi, was b 21 May 1949.

Elizabeth Phillippi, died about 4 or 5 years old. Delpha Jane Phillippi, died about 24 years old, ca 1937.


SECTION THREE Greenbury Phillippi

(1839-xxxx) (Levi s/o Greenbury s/o Mary d/o John s/o George s/o Andrew

s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

Mary Vaught (1812) and Christley Phillippi (1810) i


Greenbury Phillippi (1839) and Jane Sweeney (1842)

Levi Phillippi and Ellen Worley i 1

i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i

Shirley Abe Hazel Ruth Geneva Charley Bertha George Nellie

Love "Levi" Phillippi, He m Ellen Worley, 10 Apr 1904. She was b Feb 1888, the d/o Calvin Worley and Delphia Davenport. They had nine children. He was the first to move to Kansas. Ellen died when the youngest child was a baby. The four youngest children were adopted out.

Shirley Phillippi Charley Phillippi Abe Phillippi, m Bertha. They lived in Wichta, KS. Bertha Phillippi Hazel Phillippi m Lester Faulkner, They lived in Wichta, KS. George Phillippi, was adopted by a family in Oklahoma. Ruth Phillippi, was adopted by the Baird family, in Mt. Hope. She died of cancer. Nellie Phillippi, was adopted by the Bairds. She bore five children. Geneva Phillippi, was adopted by the Bairds. She m Dr. Charles Johnson's son. She d of cancer.



(1814-1889) (Andrew s/o John s/o George s/o Andrew

s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

George Vaught (1742) and Christiana Phillippi (1763)

John Vaught (1781) and Elizabeth Slemp (1793)

Andrew Vaught (1814) and Fannie Yates (1823)

i i i

i I I I

Rebecca Horace Nathan John Wi

i i i i i i

liam Elizabeth James Madison


A. John 1.



Rose a. b. c. d. e.



B. Madison

a. b. c. d. e. f. g-

a. b. c. d. e. f. g-h. i.

Lela Ethel Pearl Fannie Dorotha

Dean Helen Harriet Myrtle Beulah Raymond Merle

Walter Gladys Melvin Opal Lester Chester Verle Dessie Jessie





(1814-1889) (Andrew s/o John s/o George s/o Andrew

s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

Andrew (Andy) Vaught, was b 28 Aug 1814 in Wythe Co., VA. m 11 Oct 1843 to Fannie E. Yates, in Pulaski Co., KY, the d/o John Yates. She was b 17 Apr 1820 in Pulaski Co., KY. Her tombstone notes that she was b in 1823. She d 11 Apr 1883 in Somerset, Pulaski Co., KY. Andrew d 21 Apr 1889 in Somerset. They are both buried in Somerset, Pulaski Co., KY. They had eight children.

Rebecca Annie Vaught, was b 18 Aug 1844 in Somerset. She m Jaspar Barker about 1880. Horace "Harris" W. Vaught, was b 17 Jul 1846 in Somerset. He never married. He died on 24 Feb 1864 in the Civil War. He is buried in the Gilmore/Vaught Cemetery. Nathan Vaught, was b about 1850 in Somerset. John Brent Vaught, was born 22 Apr 1853 in Somerset, He m 25 Dec 1879 Harriet S. Newby, widowed. She was b 2 Sep 1859 and d 31 Jan 1896 in Kentucky. He d 4 Oct 1922 and is buried in the Union Cem. in Pulaski Co., KY. They had six children: Rosa, Charles Oscar, Eliza E., Jennie, Willie B. and an infant, b and d 1880. William Alfred Vaught, was b 8 Jan 1857 in Somerset. He never married. Elizabeth "Betsy" Ellen Vaught, was b 15 Jul 1859 in Somerset. She never married. She d 24 Nov 1877 and is buried in the Gilmore/Vaught Cem. James Charles H. Vaught, was b 2 Jun 1862 in Somerset. He d in 1918. He never married. Madison Scott Vaught, was b 17 Sep 1865 in Somerset. He m Matilda Rose Gill, 23 May 1889. Matilda was b 3 Oct 1871 and d 9 Jly 1913. He d 20 Nov 1955 in Idaho. He is buried in Idaho. They had nine children: Clarence, Walter, Mance, Florence, Louis, Alta, Milford, Charles, Marie.




(John s/o Andrew s/o John s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

John Vaught (1781) and Elizabeth Slemp (1793) i i

Andrew Vaught (1814) and Fannie Yates (182 3) i i

John Brent Vaught (1853) and Harriet Newby i 1

I I I I I I I I i

Rose Charles Annie Lizzie Jennie Willie

John Brent Vaught, was born 22 Apr 1853 in Somerset, He m 25 Dec 1879 Harriet S. Newby, widowed. She was b 2 Sep 1859 and d 31 Jan 1896 in Kentucky. He d 4 Oct 1922 and is buried in the Union Cem. in Pulaski Co., KY. They had six children. An infant was born and d in 1880, b at Phillippi Cem., Pul Co., KY.

Rose Lela Vaught, was b 28 Oct 1880 at Somerset, KY. She M John Walter Sowder, 8 Jan 1902. He was b 10 Oct 1868 and d 7 Mar 1950 at Benson, Swift Co., MN. She d 7 Mar 1951 and is buried Benson, MN. They had five children: Lela, Ethel, Pearl, Fannie and Dorotha. Charles Oscar Vaught, was b 10 Jul 1883 in Somerset, Pulaski Co., KY. and d 6 Jun 1961 He m (1) Bessie Brady, at Ida Grove, IA. She was b 3 May 1885, (2) Katherine Jones at Brazil, IN. Bessie d 17 Jan 1924 at Somerset, KY. They lived in Iowa and KY. Charles and Bessie bore eight children: Dean, Helen, Shirley, Carolyn, Harriet, Myrtle, Beulah, Raymond and Merle. Annie Vaught, was b 18 May 1886 and d 23 Jan 1887. Lizzie Fannie Vaught, was b 25 Apr 1889 at Somerset, KY. She m (1) Thomas Edward Hughes, 21 Jun 1905 at Somerset, KY., divorced; (2) John Earl Watkins, Mar 1923 at Elk Point, Union County, South Dakota. Thomas was b 25 Jan 1886 at Somerset, KY. He d 21 Sep 1969 at Seattle, WA. Lizzie and Tom had seven children: Walter, Gladys, Melvin, Opal, Oral, Lester and Chester. John was b 20 Aug 1875 at Ames, Story Co., IA. He d 20 May 1936 at Sioux City, Woodbury Co., IA. He is buried in Moville, Woodbury Co., IA. They had three children: Verle, Dessie and Jessie. Lizzie d 1 Jun 1925 Smithland, Woodbury Co., IA bur Oto, Woodbury Co., IA. Jennie H Vaught, was b 6 Sep 1890 at Somerset, KY. She m Henry H Whittaker. Henry was b in 1882 and d in 1963 in KY. He is buried in Barnesbury Cemetery in Pulaski Co., KY. She d in KY. They had two children: Irene and Stanley. William Brent Vaught b 30 Dec 1895. He m (1) Ida, (2) Bessie. William and Ida had one daughter Ruth.


Section FOUR Al Rose Vaught (1880-1951)

(Rose d/o John s/o Andrew s/o John s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

Andrew Vaught (1814) and Fannie Yates (1823) i i

John Brent Vaught (1853) and Harriet Newby

Rose Vaught (1880) and Walter Sowder (1868)

i i i i i i i i i i

Lela Ethel Pearl Fannie Dorotha

Rose Lela Vaught, was b 28 Oct 1880 at Somerset, KY. She M John Walter Sowder, 8 Jan 1902. He was b 10 Oct 1868 and d 7 Mar 1950 at Benson, Swift Co., MN. She d 7 Mar 1951 and is buried Benson, MN. They had five children.

Lela Marie Sowder, was b 10 May 1903 at Ida Grove, Ida Co., IA. She m Bert Stensby, 12 Aug 1926 at Morris, Stevens Co., MN. He d 24 Jan 1961 at Morris,. MN. She d 6 Jan 1985 at Morris, MN. They are buried in Morris. They had four children: Deloris, LeRoy, Donald and Robert. Ethel Mae Sowder, was b 12 Sep 1905 at Ida Grove, Ida Co., IA. He m Louis Vaught. They were divorced. She remarried to Cy Fagerstrom, 21 Sep 1946. She d 8 Aug 1985 at Morris, Stevens Co., MN. She is buried at Benson, Swift Co., MN. Louis and Ethel had one son, Russell. Pearl I Sowder, was b 11 Jly 1914 at Ida Grove, Ida Co., IA. She m Arthur Sylvester Hopman, 8 Aug 1933 at Graceville, MN. He was b 2 Jly 1907 and d 3 Jun 1986. They were divorced. She is living in Redwood Falls, MN. They had one child.

Dorthy Marie Hopman, was b Apr 1938 in Ceville, NE. She m Daniel Harejsi. They had three children: Steven, b 24 Dec 1961; Jim Scott b 5 Jan 1968 and Sonna Marie b 10 Feb 1969.

Fannie Olga Sowder, was b 6 Feb 1916 at Benson, Swift Co., MN. She m Michael McGee, 1949 at Benson, Swift Co., MN. Michael d 30 Sep 1970. She live in Benson.

annie and Michael bore one son Joe McGee. Joe bore a son Shawn Patrick McGee. Dorotha A Sowder, was b 27 Oct 1917 and d 29 Mar 1933 at Benson, Swift Co., MN. She is buried in Benson, Swift Co., MN.


SECTION FOUR Al Lela Sowder (1903-1985)

(Lela d/o Rose d/o John s/o Andrew s/o John s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

John Brent Vaught (1853) and Harriet Newby i


Rose Vaught and Walter Sowder

Lela Sowder (1903) and Bert Stensby

i I I I

i I I I

Deloris LeRoy Donald Robert

Lela Marie Sowder, was b 10 May 1903 at Ida Grove, Ida Co., IA. She m Bert Stensby, 12 Aug 1926 at Morris, Stevens Co., MN. He d 24 Jan 1961 at Morris,. MN. She d 6 Jan 1985 at Morris, MN. They are buried in Morris. They had four children.

Deloris Mae Stensby, was b 28 May 1930 at Morris, Stevens Co., MN. She m Wallace Smith Solseth, 14 Oct 1950. He was b 17 Jan 1925 at Morris, Stevens Co., MN. They are living in Shakopee, MN. They bore four children: Beth, Gary, Lori and Todd. LeRoy Stensby, was b 12 Mar 1927 at Morris, Stevens Co., MN. He m Agnes Marie Jost, 18 Feb 1950 at Morris MN. Donald Ebert Stensby, m Bevery Gust. They have two children Michael and Daniel. Michael Frederick Stensby, was b 7 Apr 1952. He m Ginny. They have three children:

Jill Renee Stensby b 10 Oct 1983. Lissa Marie Stensby. Catherine Stensby.

Daniel Lee Stensby, was b 28 Aug 1955. He m Roxann Patricia McCarthy. They are living in Rosemount, MN (1986). They have three children:

Charlotte Michelle Stensby b 8 Mar 1972 Minneapolis, MN. Adam Lee Stensby b 24 Sep 1979 at Bloomington, MN. Luke Donald Stensby b 6 Feb 1980 at Shakopee, MN. Robert Stensby, d 21 Aug 1975 at Morris, Stevens Co., MN.


Section FOUR Al Deloris Stensby

(1930- ) (Deloris d/o Lela d/o Rose d/o John s/o Andrew s/o John

s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

Rose Vaught and Walter Sowder i i

Lela Sowder (1903) and Bert Stensby

Deloris Stensby (1930) and Wallace Solseth (1925) i

T 1 ' 1 r i i i i

Beth Gary Lori Todd

Deloris Mae Stensby, was b 28 May 1930 at Morris, Stevens Co., MN. She m Wallace Smith Solseth, 14 Oct 1950. He was b 17 Jan 1925 at Morris, Stevens Co., MN. They are living in Shakopee, MN. They bore four children.

Beth Roxanne Solseth, was b 9 Apr 1951 at Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN. She m Robert Stanley Van Bergen, 15 Jun 1974. They are living in Shakkopee, MN. They have three children.

Jason Robert Van Bergen, was b 13 Aug 1976 at New Richmond, WL Brandon Ryan Van Bergen, was b 18 Mar 1978 at Minneapolis, MN. Amy Beth Van Bergen, was b 7 Aug 1981 at Shakopee, MN.

Gary Wade Solseth, was b 22 Jly 1954 at ShaRajue, Scott Co., MN. He m 20 Dec 1974 to Gwen Marie Ann Mather. They live at Shakopee, MN. They have two children.

Sonya Lee Solseth, was b 1 Apr 1980 at Robbinsdale, MN. Erik Steven Solseth, was b 14 Nov 1984 at Minneapolis, MN.

Lori Jene Solseth, was b 30 Jly 1955 at Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN. She m Daniel Paul Burford, 29 Oct 1977. They live at Fairbault, MN. They have four children.

Grant Charles Burford, was b 1 Apr 1979 at Waconia, MN. Bryan Wallace Burford, was b 24 Oct 1980 at Shakopee, MN. Bradley Scott Burford, was b 25 Mar 1892 at Waconia, MN. Eric Paul Burford, was b 21 May 1984 at Fairbault, MN.

Todd Wallace Solseth, was b 7 Feb 1960. He is single and lives at Shakopee, MN. (1986).


Section FOUR Al Ethel Sowder (1905-1985)

(Ethel d/o Rose d/o John s/o Andrew s/o John s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

Rose Vaught and Walter Sowder i

i Ethel Sowder (1905) and Louis Vaught


Russell Vaught (1922) and Helen Whiles (1922)

Jacquelene Mae Vaught (1953) and Kenneth Haglund i

I i i i i

Christine Tanya Milissa

Ethel Mae Sowder, was b 12 Sep 1905 at Ida Grove, Ida Co., IA. She m Louis Vaught. They were divorced. She remarried to Cy Fagerstrom, 21 Sep 1946. She d 8 Aug 1985 at Morris, Stevens Co., MN. She is buried at Benson, Swift Co., MN. Louis and Ethel had one son.

Russell Vaught, was b 4 Oct 1922 at Benson, Swift Co., MN. He m Helen Whiles, 8 Dec 1945 at Walnut Creek, CA. Helen was b 27 Oct 1922 at Science Hill, Pulaski Co., KY. She d 25 Jly 1986. She is buried at Ft. Snelling Cemetery in Minneapolis. He lives in Bloomington, MN. They had a daughter, Jacquelene.

Jacquelene Mae Vaught b 1 Mar 1953 Cincinnati, Hamilton Co., OH. She m Kenneth Haglund, 1 Mar 1971 Minneapolis, MN. She d 11 Dec 1985. She bur Ft. Snelling Cem, Minneapolis. Kenneth b Minneapolis. He d 1 Jan 1986 bur Ft. Snelling Cem. They had three children: Christine, Tanya and Milissa.


SECTION FOUR A2 Charles Vaught

(1883-xxxx) (Charles d/o John s/o Andrew s/o John s/o George

s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

Andrew Vaught (1814) and Fannie Yates (182 3) i

i i

John Brent Vaught (18 53) and Harriet Newby i


Charles Vaught and Bessie Brady i 1

I I I I I I I I I I I I i

Dean Helen Harriet Myrtle Beulah Raymond Earle

Charles Oscar Vaught b 13 Jul 1883, d 6 Jun 1961. He m (1) Bessie Edna Brady at Ida Grove, IA. She b 3 May 1885, d 15 Jan 1924. They lived in Iowa and KY. They had seven children.

Dean William Vaught was b 2 Jul 1909 in Ida Grove, Ida, IA. He m Goldie Keller, 22 Jul 1934 at Brazil, IN. She was b 17 Apr 1914. They had a son, William. They live in Lizton, IND.

William Glenn Vaught b 5 Sep 1935 Cloverdale, IN. He m Christine Hiland. They live in Liston, IN. They had a daughter, Julia.

Julia Kay Vaught b 3 Apr 1960 in Lebanon, IN. She m Michael William, 16 May 1985 Jacksonville, FL. They live in Orlando.

Helen Mable Vaught b 1 May 1912 in Galva, IA. She m Ralph B. Morlan, 24 Feb 1932 in Carbon, IN. They live in Brazil, IN. They had three children: Marilyn Joan Morlan, Shirley Jean Morlan, Carolyn Sue Morlan. Harriett Vaught, m Mr. Koch. They live in Gary, IN. Myrtle Vaught, M Lester Parker. They live in Cloverdale, IN. Beulah Vaught, m Mr. Murphy. Raymond Vaught. Merle Vaught, is living in Miami, FL. (1986).


SECTION FOUR A2 Helen Vaught (1912-xxxx)

(Helen d/o Charles d/o John s/o Andrew s/o John s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

John Brent Vaught (1853) and Harriet Newby

i Charles Vaught and Bessie Brady


! Helen Vaught (1912) and Ralph Morian

i i I I I

Marilyn Shirley Carolyn

Helen Mable Vaught b 1 May 1912 in Galva, IA. She m Ralph B. Morlan, 24 Feb 1932 in Carbon, IN. They live in Brazil, IN. They had three children.

Marilyn Joan Morlan b 13 Mar 1933 Brazil, IN. She m John Richard James.They had three children. They live in Brazil, IN. Ricky Jo James, was b 27 Apr in Greencastle, IN. He m Debra Sue Goshen. She was b 17 Jly.

Jeffery R. James, was b 27 Sep in Greencastle, IN. John Richard James II b 28 Nov in Brazil, IN. He m Anita Chamberlain. The had two children:

Heather Suzanne James, b 7 Jan 1976. Jason James, b 13 Jly 1978.

Shirley Jean Morlan b 15 Nov 1935 Carbon, IN. She m William Urwin Vanes. They had three children. They live in Brazil, IN.

William Ralph Vanes, was b 15 Feb in Brazil, IN. John Robert Vanes b 12 Apr, Brazil, IN. He m Donna Gass. Gregory Dean Vanes, was b 20 Nov in Brazil, IN. He m Jackie McCulIaugh. They had a son Gregory John Vanes, b 16 Sep 1978.

Carolyn Sue Morlan, was b 23 May 1940 in Brazil, IN. She m William Alvin Houch. He b 14 Aug in CA. They had three children. They live Brazil, IN.

Karen Yvonne Houch, was b 5 Aug 1959 in Greencastle, IN. She m William Osborn. William Alvin Houch, was b 31 Mar in Brazil, IN. Kevin Lee Houch, was b 1 Aug in Brazil, IN.


SECTION FOUR A3 Lizzie Vaught (1889-1925)

(Lizzie d/o John s/o Andrew s/o John s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

Andrew Vaught (1814) and Fannie Yates (1823) i i

John Brent Vaught (1853) and Harriet Newby i i

Lizzie Vaught (1889) (1) (2) Thomas John

Hughes Watkins i __. i i I I I

i i I I !

Walter Gladys Melvin Opal Oral Lester Chester


Verle Dessie Jessie

Lizzie Fannie Vaught b 25 Apr 1889 at Somerset, KY. She m (1) Thomas Edward Hughes, 21 Jun 1905 at Somerset, KY., div; (2) John Earl Watkins, Mar 1923 at Elk Point, Union Co., South Dakota. Thomas was b 25 Jan 1886 at Somerset, KY. He d 21 Sep 1969 at Seattle, WA. and is bur in Crest Cemetery, Seattle, WA. Lizzie and Tom had seven children: Walter, Gladys, Melvin, Opal, Oral, Lester and Chester. John was b 20 Aug 1875 at Ames, Story Co., IA. He d 20 May 1936 at Sioux City, Woodbury, Co., IA. He is b in Moville, Woodbury, Co., IA. They had three children: Verle, Dessie and Jessie. Lizzie d 1 Jun 1925 at Smithland, Woodbury Co., IA. and is buried at Oto, IA. Children of Lizzie Vaught and husband Thomas Hughes.

Walter Bryon Hughes b 30 Jlu 1907 at Ida Grove, Ida, IA. He b 25 Feb 1908 at Ida Grove, bur City Cem. Gladys Irene Hughes b 7 Sep 1909 at Ida Grove, Ida, IA. She m Howard Allen Cunningham, 1 Jly 1929 at Elk Point, Union Co., South Dakota. Howard was b 12 Jly 1908 at Bloomfield, Know Co., NE. They have two children: Lois and Howard. They live in Fremont, NE. Melvin Lloyd Hughes b 4 Jan 1913 Ida Grove, Ida, IA. He m Lela Mae Shriner, 3 Jly 1937 at Sioux, City, IA. She b 8 Oct 1919 Estherville, Emmit Co., IA. They have four children Geraldine, Gary, Karilyn and Jeannette. They live in Phoenix, AZ. Opal B. Hughes, was b 8 Aug 1915 at Moville, Woodbury Co., IA. She m (1) Harvey Clark, 1933 at Elk Point, Union Co., S.D., (2) Leonard Rodemaker, 1938 at Elk Point, S.D., (3) Joe Driscoll, 1948 at Spirit Lake, IA, (4) Donald Ray Thompson, 10 Apr 1954 at Spencer, Clay Co., IA. Donald was b 20 Oct 1926 at Sioux City, IA. He m (1) Shirley A. Ecker, divorced, m (2) Opal. He d 4 Aug 1985 in Illinois and is buried in Ida Grove. Oral T. Hughes, was b 8 Aug 1915 at Moville, Woodbury Co., IA. He d the same day bur Ida Grove Cem.


0216252 S A L T ^ ^ C , 7 Y ' U T A H 8 4 1 5 0


SECTION FOUR A3 Lizzie Vaught

Lester Leo Ray Hughes, was b 4 Mar 1921 at Sioux City, Woodbury Co,. IA. He m Christine Elizabeth Reich, 13 Nov 1939 at Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN. Christine was b 25 Jun and is living in Alexandria, MN. (1986). He d 25 Dec 1986 at Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN. He is b at Fort Shelling Natl. Cemetery. They had three children: David, De Maris and Daniel. Chester Faye Hughes, was b 4 Mar 1921 in Sioux City, Woodbury Co., IA. He d Apr 1922 of Pneumonia. He is buried in Ida Grove, Ida. IA.

Children of Lizzie Vaught and husband John Earl Watkins.

Verle Carroll Watkins b 11 Mar 1924 Moville, Woodbury Co., IA. He m (1) , (2) Carna Leiota Gaines, 19 Nov 1943 in Sioux City, Woodbury Co., IA. Carna b 12 May 1922 in Zalma Bollinger Co., MO. They had three children: John, Randall and Richard. They live in Cape Cirardeau, MO. Dessie Pearl Watkins, (twin) was b 31 May 1925 in Oto, Woodbury Co., IA. She was adopted by Claude and Alice Renneker 4 Aug 1925. She m Paul Wesley Patterson 7 Mar 1954. Paul was b 30 Mar 1916 in Tekamah, Burt Co., NE. He d 1 Jan 1981 in Omaha, Douglas Co., NE. They had three children. Dessie d 29 Jun 1986 at Onowa, Monona Co., IA. And is buried in Oto, IA.

John Wesley Patterson, was b 4 Sep 1954. He m (1) Leanna Christine Bond, (2) Sylvia Anne Quigley, 23 May 1982 in Sioux City, IA. Leanna had one son Allen Neal Patterson, b 13 Sep 1979 in IA. John and Sylvia live in Fort Ord, CA.(1986). Janet Rae Patterson, (twin) was b 30 Dec 1963 in Sioux City, IA. Janice Kay Patterson, (twin) was b 30 Dec 1963 in Sioux City, IA.

Jessie Earl Watkins, (twin) was b 31 May 1925 in Oto, Woodbury Co., IA. He was adopted by Milo and Iva Baldwin Jan 19 1926. He d 13 Feb 1935 in Sioux City, Woodbury Co., IA. He is buried in Oto, Woodbury Co., IA.


SECTION FOUR A3 Gladys Hughes

(1909-xxxx) (Gladys d/o Lizzie d/o John s/o Andrew s/o John s/o George

s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

Lizzie Vaught (1889) and Thomas Hughes (1886) i

i Gladys Hughes (1909) and Howard Cunningham (1908)


J_ i i i

Lois Howard

Gladys Irene Hughes, was b 7 Sep 1909 at Ida Grove, Ida, IA. She m Howard Allen Cunningham, 1 Jly 1929 at Elk Point, Union Co., South Dakota. Howard was b 12 Jly 1908 at Bloomfield, Knox Co., NE. They have two children. They live in Fremont, NE.

Lois Jean Cunningham, was b 16 Dec 1930 in Sioux City, Woodbury Co., IA. She m James Robert Callaway 27 May 1951 in Fremont, Dodge Co., NE. James is the s/o James Fremont Callaway and Florence Helen Wittemyer. They had three children: Jeanne, Kathleen and James. They live in Eugene, OR. Howard James Cunningham, was b 13 Jan 1936 in Sioux City, Woodbury Co., IA. He m Barbara Jeanne Wagner 2 Sep 1961 in Fremont, Dodge Co., NE. Barbara was b 5 Oct 1939 in Wahoo, Saunders Co., NE. They had one child, Michelle. They live in Omaha, NE. (1986).

Michelle Jeanne Lee Cunningham was b 29 Dec 1974 in Omaha, Douglas, NE. She is living in Omaha, NE. (1986).


SECTION FOUR A3 Lois Cunningham

(1930-xxxx) (Lois d/o Gladys d/o Lizzie d/o John s/o Andrew s/o John

s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

Gladys Hughes (1909) and Howard Cunningham (1908) i


Lois Cunningham and James Callaway

i i i i i i

Jeanne Kathleen James

Lois Jean Cunningham b 16 Dec 1930 Sioux City, Woodbury Co., IA. m James Robert Callaway 27 May 1951 Fremont, Dodge Co., NE. James b 10 Jly 1928 Kimball, Kimball Co., NE. s/o James Fremont Callaway and Florence Helen Wittemeyer. He has been employed as a school adm. Lois was a teacher and librarian. They had three children. They live Eugene, OR.

Jeanne Christine Callaway b 17 Jun 1952 Fremont, Dodge Co., NE. She m (1) James Barr La Vine, 15 Dec 1973 Eugene, Lane Co., OR. s/o Harry LaVine and Daisy Kaye. Jeanne m (2) Steve Neilson, 21 Feb 1987. Jeanne and James had two children. They live with Steve in Sacramento, CA. (1989).

Dashiell Callaway LaVine b 26 Jly 1977 Eugene Lane Co., OR. Jesse James LaVine b 7 May 1980 Hanalei, Kaui Co., Hawaii.

Kathleen Suzanne Callaway, was b 14 Jan 1955 in Omaha, Douglas, Co., NE. She m (1) Norman Clark Erp, 7 Oct 1972 in Eugene, Lane Co., OR. m (2) Steven Alma Tanner, 27 May 1978 at Manti, Snapete Co., UT. s/o Delos Tanner and Alene. Kathleen and Norman had one daughter, Michele Erp. Kathleen and Steven have four children. The family lives in Nephi, UT. (1989).

Child of Kathleen Callaway and Norman Erp. Michele Susann Erp Tanner, was b 1 May 1973 in Hawthore, NV. She m 12 Mar 1993 Lance Gibson in Ogden, UT. He b 26 May 1972 Ogden, UT. The bore Flint Darrell Gibson 25 Apr, 1995 in Mephi, Juab Co., UT. Children of Kathleen Callaway and Steven Tanner. Joseph James Tanner b 10 Jly 1979 Payson, UT Co.,UT. Melissa Lynn Tanner b 7 Jun 1981 Payson, UT Co., UT. Mollie Jean Tanner b 21 Jun 1983 Payson, Utah, UT. Marcie Ann Tanner b 12 Mar 1987 Nephi, Juab Co., UT.

James Allen Callaway "Bo" b 9 Jly 1957 Wakefield, Dixon, Co., NE. He m Lisa Marie Koscinski 10 Sep 1994 Long Grove, McHenry Co., IL. d/o Terrence Thomas Koscinski and Christine Urnezas.


SECTION FOUR A3 Melvin Hughes

(1913-xxxx) (Melvin s/o Lizzie d/o John s/o Andrew s/o John s/o George

s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

John Brent Vaught (1853) and Harriet Newby i i


Lizzie Vaught (1889) and Walter Hughes

Melvin Hughes and Lela Shriner

! i i !

i I I I

Geraldine Gary Karilyn Jeannette

Melvin Lloyd Hughes b 4 Jan 1913 at Ida Grove, Ida, IA. He m Lela Mae Shriner, 3 Jly 1937 at Sioux, City, IA. She was b 8 Oct 1919 at Estherville, Emmit Co., IA. They have four children. They live in Phoenix, AZ.

Geraldine Kay Hughes b 30 Aug 1938 in Hartley, O'Brien Co., IA. She m Richard Elton Anderson, 9 Jun 1957 in Spencer, Clay Co., IA. He was b 3 Sep 1935 in Dickinson Co., IA. They had three children. They live in Tulare, CA. (1986).

Kristy Kaye Anderson b 13 Aug 1958, Waterloo, Blackhawk Co., IA. She m Antony Bravo, 6 Mar 1958 in Tulare, Tulare Co., CA. He was b 15 May 1955 in Hanford, Kings Co., CA. They had one dau., Shannon Michelle Bravo, b 8 Apr 1989 in Tulare, CA. They live in Tulare, CA. Sally Jo Anderson b 2 Nov 1959 Hampton, Franklin Co., IA. Paul Richard Anderson b 2 Sep 1962 at Cedar Falls, Blackhawk Co., IA. He m Sandra Lynne Smith, 19 Jly 1986 at Tulare, CA.

Gary Melvin Hughes b 25 Apr 1942 Hartley, O'Brien Co., I A. He m Francis Lorraine Gloss, 6 Aug 1967 Chicago Heights, Cook Co., IL. Three children. They are living in Brookfield, WL

Kelly Elizabeth Hughes b 3 Apr Chicago Heights, IL. Steven Antony Hughes b 23 Feb 1971 Cincinnati, OH. Susan Lynn Hughes b 11 Mar 1973 Cincinnati, OH.

Karilyn Ann Hughes b 9 Sep 1944 Hartley, O'Brien, IA. M David Loren Christenson, 16 Jun 1968 in Spirit Lake, Dickinson Co., IA. They had two children. They live in Onekama, MI. (1986).

Derek Leif Christenson b 25 May 1971 in Libertyville, Lake Co., IL. Sara Ann Christenson b 20 Dec 1977 in Traverse City, Grand Traverse Co., MI.

Jeannette Mae Hughes b 4 Nov 1945, Hartley, O'Brien Co., IA. She m (1) Joseph H. Dailey, 14 Jan 1967, So. Pasadena, CA. (2) Donald J. Meyer, 22 Nov 1975, Lake Tahoe, NV. She and Joseph had one dau. Kathleen Erin Dailey. She and Donald live in Diamond Bar, CA.

Kathleen Erin Dailey b 29 Mar 1970, CA., lives in Diamond Bar.


SECTION FOUR A3 Lester Hughes (1921-xxxx)

(Lester s/o Lizzie d/o John s/o Andrew s/o John s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

John Brent Vaught (1853) and Harriet Newby i i


Lizzie Vaught (1889) and Walter Hughes i i i

Lester Hughes (1921) and Christine Reich (1919)9V|

1 ! i i i i

David DeMaris Daniel

Lester Leo Ray Hughes, was b 4 Mar 1921 at Sioux City, Woodbury Co,. IA. He m Christine Elizabeth Reich, 13 Nov 1939 at Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN. Christine was b 25 Jun and is living in Alexandria, MN. (1986). He d 25 Dec 1986 at Minneapolis, Hennepin Co., MN. He is b at Fort Shelling Natl. Cemetery. They had three children. David Lester Hughes, b 24 May 1940. He m Gayle Jensen She was b 2 Nov 1940. They had two children. They live in New Brighton, MN.

Darsee Lynn Hughes, b 1 Nov 1962 m Lee Erwin Shores, 2 May 1981 in Findley., MN. Stacee Rene Hughes, b 29 Jun 1966 in New Brighton, MN. De Maris Christine Hughes, was b 27 Dec 1942 in Minneapolis, MN She m (1) , (2) Lyle W. Turner Jr. Lyle was b 11 Dec 1933 in Buffalo, NY. They had one son. They live in Tulsa, OK.

Jason Turner, was b 4 Dec 1968 in Minneapolis, MN. Daniel Bruce Hughes, was b 8 Apr 1949 in Minneapolis, MN. He m Bonnie, 20 Jun 1970 in Fridley, MN. Bonnie was b 4 Apr 1949 in Montevideo, MN. They had two children. They live in Anoka, MN.

Scott Hughes, was b 16 Aug 1972 in Des Moines, IA. Rebbecca Hughes, was b 14 Dec 1974 in Staples, MN


SECTION FOUR A3 Verle Watkins (1924-xxxx)

(Verle s/o Lizzie d/o John s/o Andrew s/o John s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

John Brent Vaught (1853) and Harriet Newby i

i i

Lizzie Vaught (1889) and John Watkins i ! I

Verle Watkins and Carna Gaines i 1

I ! I I I

John Randall Richard

Verle Carroll Watkins b 11 Mar 1924 in Moville, Woodbury Co., IA. He m (1) , (2) Carna Leiota Gaines, 19 Nov 1943 in Sioux City, Woodbury Co., IA. Carna b 12 May 1922 in Zalma Bollinger Co., MO. They had three children. They live in Cape Girardeau, MO.

John Ivan Watkins, was b 2 Jun 1946 in Sioux City, IA. He m Carolyn Leigh Cook, 29 Jan 1966 in Cape Girardeau, Cape Co., MO. Carolyn was b 13 Jun 1948 in Cape Girardeau, MO. They had two daughters Rochelle Dee Watkins, b 11 Jun 1970 in Cape Girardeau; and Renee Dawn Watkins, b 2 Feb 1974 in Cape Girardeau, MO. They live in Cape Girardeau, MO. Randall Lee Watkins, was b 23 Feb 1949 in Sioux City, Woodbury Co., IA. He m Cheryl Sue Haynie, 22 Jun 1969 in Cape Girardeau, Cape Co., MO. She was b 15 Sep 1950 in Oppelossis, MS. They had two daughters Lori Ann Watkins, b 27 May 1971 in Cape Girardeau, Cape Co., MO. Angella Kay Watkins, b 24 Oct 1977 in Memphis, TN. They live in Cape Girardeau, Cape Co., MO. Richard Lynn Watkins, was b 14 Feb 1955 in Cape Girardeau, Cape Co., MO. He m Isabella Roderiguz, 1 Apr 1979 in Cape Girardeau, Cape Co., MO. She was b 10 Mar 1950 in TX. She m (1) Vince Molino. They have one son, Richard Cody Watkins, was b 20 Dec 1979 in Cape Girardeau Cape Co., MO. They live in Cape Girardeau, Cape Co., MO.


SECTION FOUR B Madison Vaught

(1865-1955) (Madison s/o Andrew s/o John s/o George

s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

Andrew Vaught (1814) and Fannie Yates (1823) i i

Madison Vaught (1865) and Matilda Gill (1889) i 1

I I i i i i i I I I I I i I I

Clarence Alta Walter Milford Mance Charles Florence Marie Louise

Madison Scott Vaught b 17 Sep 1865 Somerset, KY. M Matilda Rose Gill, 23 May 1889. She b 23 Oct 1871 d Jly 1913. He d 20 Nov 1955. He bur Idaho. They had nine children.

Clarence William Vaught, was b Feb 1890 in Houston, now MacKay, Custer Co., ID. He m (1) Buelah Bretiler abt Jly 1919. He m (2) Myna May Boxgardner, 10 Oct 1938. He d 17 May 1964. Alta Belle Vaught b 1 Nov 1891 in Houston, now MacKay, Custer Co., ID. She m (1) Ira Flay Deal, 29 Dec 1908. She m (2) George A. Zee, 10 Feb 1922. She d 20 Oct 1972. Walter Scott Vaught, was b 27 Jan 1895 in MacKay, Custer Co., ID. He m (1) Elsie Stempson, Dec 1919. He m (2) Viola Leciatte Hopkins (Seleridge). They had two boys Robert and Philip.

Robert W. Vaught was b 27 Sep 1920. He m Winifred Kennedy, 12 Sep 1944. She was b 19 Aug 1923 in England. They had two children: Thomas, b 6 Sep 1951, m Rhonda; and Teresa, b 2 Jun 1956. They live in El Dorado, CA. Philip Vaught was b 10 Aug 1932. He m Jackie, 1955. They had two children: Chris, b Nov 1955 and Guy. They live in Los Angeles, CA.

Milford Jasper Vaught b 20 Nov 1896 in MacKay, Custer Co., ID. He m (1) Lulu Clohard abt 1922. He m (2) Agnes Brainsteitter 22 Dec 1929. He m (3). He d 11 Nov 1981. They had a son Clarence S. of San Diego. Milford is bur. at Mt. McCaleb Cem in MacKay, ID. Mance Hyrum Vaught b 20 Nov 1898 in MacKay, Custer Co., ID. He m Lela Wilson Nichols, 12 Apr 1910. They farmed in Custer Co., In 1924 they moved to Placerville, CA where Mance invested his money in a newspaper. They adopted two children in 1947: Linda Gail Vaught and Arthur Thomas Vaught. Mance changed to real est./ins. He d 26 May 1990 in Placerville, CA. He bur at Westwood Hills Mem Park in Placerville. Charles Nathan Vaught, was b 21 Jan 1901 in MacKay, Custer Co., ID. He m Pearl Alpha Wells, 25 Dec 1920. He d 7 Jly 1979. Florence Irene Vaught, was b 13 Apr 1904 in MacKay, Custer Co., ID. She m (1) Harold Bailey, 14 Jan 1928. She m (2) Jay Holden Beckwith abt June 1933. She m (3) Mr. Grasmoen. Marie Gertrude Vaught, was b 25 Aug 1906 in MacKay, Custer Co., ID. She m (1) Egdar William McMurphy, 8 Apr 1926. She m (2) Elmer Peterson, 6 Oct 1942. Louis Alton Vaught b 19 Nov 1908 in MacKay, Custer Co., ID. He d 24 Oct 1916.





(1817-1893) (Joseph s/o John s/o George s/o Andrew

s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

George Vaught (1742) and Christiana Phillippi (1763)

John Vaught (1781) and Elizabeth Slemp (1793;

Joseph Vaught (1817) (1) Catherine Yates and (2) Mahala Phelps (1827)

Greenup James i


i i i i

i i i i

i i i i

1Mary Ann 3Fountain 5Marion P. 2John T. "William 6Seralda

i i i i

7Emalda 9Lorenzo 8Oliver S



Section 5A Children of Joseph and Catherine Yates 1. Greenup 2. James 3. Milford Section 5B Children of Joseph and Mahala Phelps 1. Mary Ann 2. John T. 3. Fountain 4. William 5. Marion P. 6. Seralda 7. Emalda 8. Oliver S. 9. Lorenzo



(1817-1893) (Joseph s/o John s/o George s/o Andrew

s/o Johan Paul Vogt) Joseph Vaught, was b 1 Feb 1817 in Pualski Co., KY. He m (1) Catherine Yates, 9 Dec 1840, the d/o John Yates. They bore three sons. She d before 1860 and is buried in the Gilmore/ Vaught Cemetery in Pulaski Co., KY. Joseph m (2) Mahala Phelps, 2 Mar 1853. She was b 18 May 1827, d/o of Mary "Polly" Phelps, illegitatment birth. They bore nine children. He d 25 Nov 1893 in Pulaski Co., KY at the home of his son Harvey. She d 8 Nov 1897. They are buried in the Gilmore/Vaught Cemetery. He does not have a grave marker. She is buried near her children and mother. Children of Catherine Yates

Greenup Vaught, was b 1841 in Pulaski Co., KY. He may have settled in Indiana and d before 1894 as he is not mentioned in his father's will. Two children were Mary Bell Vaught and Joseph Vaught. James S. Vaught, was b 1843 in Pulaski Co., KY. Milford E. Vaught, was b 1846 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Agnes Duncan of Woodford Co., KY., 31 Oct 1972 in Lincoln Co., KY. She was born in 1850. They had three children: Lena, b 1874, Lewis A., b 1876 and Pearl, b 4 Aug 1878 in Lincoln Co., KY. They may have settled in Indiana.

Children of Mahala Phelps Mary Ann Vaught b 9 Dec 1853 in Pulaski Co., KY. She d Jun 1873 and is buried in the Gilmore/Vaught Cemetery in Pulaski Co., KY. John Tolbert (Tot) Vaught b 22 Sep 1856 in Pul. Co., KY, and d 18 Feb 1915 in Pul. Co., KY. On 30 Jly 1884 he m Eliza Evelyn Canter. She was b 6 Apr 1859 in Lee Co., VA to William and Elizabeth (Cantrell) Canter. She d 9 Mar 1936 in Pul. Co., KY. They are both buried in the Union Church Cem. in Pul. Co., KY. They were the parents of five children: Floyd, Wallace, Archie, Ruby, Claude. Fountain Curry Vaught, was b 16 Jan 1857 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Minerva A. Canter, 19 Jan 1881 in Pulaski Co. KY. She was the d/o William and Elizabeth Cantrell Canter. She was b Jly 1855. He d 20 Feb 1883 and is buried in the Gilmore/Vaught Cemetery. She remarried Andrew J. Langdon, 28 Feb 1892. Fountain and Minerva had a son James Edward b Jly 1883 in Pulaski. William Harvey Vaught, was b 18 Sep 1858 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Sarah Elizabeth Langdon, 15 May 1891 at Science Hill, Pulaski Co., KY. She was b 19 Sep 1870 and d 10 Jly 1949, the d/o William Hays and Martha Taylor Langdon. He d 24 Feb 1935 and is buried in Union Church Cemetery. They had at six children: William, Stella, John, Delia, Ella and Florence.



Marion Perkins Vaught, was b 20 Jan 1861 in Pulaski co., KY. He m Dora Fugate. He d 24 Mar 1914. He is buried in Union Cemetery. Seralda (Zerilda) J. Vaught, was b 1862. She was a nurse. Emalda H. Vaught, was b 9 Oct 1863 in Pulaski Co., KY. She d 29 Jan 1890. She is buried in Gilmore/Vaught Cemetery. Oliver Sherman Vaught, was b 15 May 1865 in Pulaski co., KY. He d 20 Jly 1905. He is buried in Gilmore/ Vaught Cemetery. Lorenzo Roscoe Vaught was b 12 Feb 1872 in Pulaski Co., KY. He married Hallie Verda West 23 Feb 1915 in Jeffersonville, IND. He d 9 Aug 1945 in Pulaski Co., KY. Hallie was b 1 Nov 1886 in Warren Co., KY the d/o James McDonald West and Camilia Pleasant Borders. She d 30 May 1978 in Somerset, Pulaski Co., KY. He is buried in Union Cemetery, Pulaski Co., KY. They had three children: Kermit, Mahala and Nicholas.


SECTION FIVE B2 John T. Vaught

(John T. s/o Joseph s/o John s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

John Vaught (1781) and Elizabeth Slemp (1793) i i

Joseph Vaught (1817) and Mahala Phelps (1827) i i

John Toliver Vaught (1855) and Elizabeth Canter (1859)

i i i i i i i i

Floyd J. Wallace Archie Ruby M. Claud B.

John Tolbert (Tot) Vaught was the oldest son of Joseph and Mahala Phelps. He was b 22 Sep 1856 in Pulaski Co., KY, and d 18 Feb 1915 in Pulaski Co., KY. On 30 Jly 1884 he m Eliza Evelyn Canter. She was b 6 Apr 1859 in Lee Co., VA to William and Elizabeth (Cantrell) Canter. She d 9 Mar 1936 in Pulaski Co., KY. They are both buried in the Union Church Cemetery in Pulaski Co., KY. They were the parents of five children.

Floyd Joseph Vaught b 6 Jun 1883, Pul. Co., KY. He m Cassie Louise Moore, 23 Sep 1916 in Somerset, Pul. Co., KY. She was the d/o George Ransom Moore and Augusta R. Tarter. They moved in a pattern of many of their cousins to the area of Souix City, IA. After an unsuccessful farming in MN they moved to Ida Grove, IA. The Great Depression and Joe's presumed hyperactivity resulted in a div 1932. The children were assigned to an orphanage in Toledo, IA. In some documents Cassie is known as Cassie Zentz, w/o of Cy Zentz. This is a confusing reference however since no marriage seems to have been preformed in Ida County, Iowa for Cassie. Cassie m (2) Lynn Joiner, 25 Aug 1950, Ida Grove, IA. She d 4 Apr 1963 in Ida Grove, IA. She is buried in Ida Grove. He d 13 Mar 1977 in Long Beach, L.A. Co., CA. He is bur in Forest Lawn Cemetery L.A. Joe and Cassie had five children: Beulah Mae, Kenneth George, Virginia Cecile, Evelyn Agnes, Carroll, and Joseph Junior. Wallace Porter Vaught b Feb 1887 in Pul. Co., KY. He moved to Riverton, WY. He was a bachelor. He d 27 Oct 1956 in Riverton, WY. He is bur in Riverton, WY. A note; Wallace's cousin, Lillie Vaught McKinney and her husband, Will lived in Riverton, Lillie was the youngest daughter of Fountain, Wallace's uncle. Archie Law Vaught b May 1889 in Pul. Co., KY. He m Lottie Phelps. She was b 4 Jly 1900, the d/o Andrew and Mary Phelps. She d 25 Dec 1968 and is b in the Phelps Fam. Cem. They had three children: Merle, Clarence, and Evelyn. Ruby Mae Vaught, was b Aug 1894 in Pulaski Co., KY. She m John Cundiff. She died in Johnson City, Tenn. Claude B. Vaught, was b 11 Jan 1896 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Bobby. They had two children: John Christian and Richard C. He died Jul 1976 in Clinton, IA. He is buried in Clinton.


SECTION FIVE B2 Floyd Joseph Vaught

(Floyd s/o John T. s/o Joseph s/o John s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

Joseph Vaught (1817) and Mahala Phelps (1827) i i

John Toliver Vaught (1855) and Elizabeth Canter (1859) i i

Floyd Joseph Vaught (1883) and Cassie Louise Moore (1898) i 1

I I ! I l l I I I I I

Beulah Kenneth Virginia Evelyn Carroll Joseph

Floyd Joseph Vaught, was b 6 Jun 1883 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Cassie Louise Moore, 23 Sep 1916 in Somerset, Pulaski Co., KY. She was the d/o George Ransom Moore and Augusta R. Tarter. They were divorced in 1932. She d 4 Apr 1963 in Ida Grove, IA. She is buried in Ida Grove. He d 13 Mar 1977 in Long Beach, L.A. Co., CA. He is buried in Forest Lawn Cemetery L.A. They had five children.

Beulah Mae Vaught, was b 16 Sep 1917 in Union Co.,SD. Although a birth records was submitted to the Iowa State Department of Health when Beulah was an adult, an original birth records exists in So. Dakota consistent with the testimony of Floyd Vaught. She m Earl Lyle Poncey 31 Jan 1958 in Santa Barbara, CA. Earl was b 25 Dec 1909 in Colegrove, L.A.. CA. He was the son of Concepcion J. and Maire (Randa) Poncey. Earl was previously m Patricia Elvira Foulke and had two daughters Helen Ruth Poncey, b 3 Aug 1932 Long Beach, CA. Patricia Ailene Poncey b 6 Aug 1934 Long Beach, CA. He d 19 May 1971 in Long Beach, CA. Billie d 7 Mar 1989 in National City, CA. She is buried with her husband in Forest Lawn Cemetery, L.A., CA. They bore no children. Kenneth George Vaught, was b 5 June 1920 in Slayton, MN. He m Barbara Bacon, 14 Jan 1946 in Omaha, NE. She was d/o Charles James and Ann Belle (Hirschmann) Bacon. Ken and Barbara had five children: Darrell, Jeannette, Kathleen, Barbara and Mike. They are divorced, (1978). Virginia Cecile Vaught, b 22 Feb 1921, Slayton Township, Murray Co., MN; Fostered to C V Canine in Indianola, Iowa. M Robert Benjamin Brisco 16 Sep 1939 at Dubuque, Iowa. Robert was b 26 Dec 1917 at Waterloo, IA. d 9 May 1994 Long Beach, CA. His parents were Benjamin H. Brisco and Lois Di Witt. They moved to Long Beach California in the 40's. They have four children: Robert, Darlene, Ron, and Don. Evelyn Agnes Vaught, was b 6 Aug 1922 at Hadley, Murray Co., MN; She was sent to the Toledo Orphanage in 1931; She was fostered to the Canine family in Indianola, IA; m James Mason Meloy Jr. 1 Nov 1943 in Kansas City, MO. He was b 9 Mar 1915. She moved to Long Beach, CA will Jim ended his turn in the Navy during the war. They have lived in L.A. She d 9 Feb 1995 in CA. They had one son, James Mason Meloy, III.


SECTION FIVE B2 Floyd Joseph Vaught

Carroll Vaught, was b 21 Dec 1926 in Ida Co., IA. She was adopted in 1936 by William Frederick and Anna Elizabeth (Ewald) Christian, who changed her name to Marjorie Jean Christian. Marjorie m Mark Allen Callahan 1 Sept 1946 in Dysart, Tama Co., IA. He was b 9 June 1926 in Benton Co., IA, s/o John Everett and Beatrice Johnson Mason Callahan. They live in Foster City, CA (1991). They have three sons Thomas Jay, John Allen, and Bill Everett. Joseph Junior Vaught, was b 19 Feb 1929 in Corwin Township, Ida Co., IA. Joseph m Shona Kay Powell 4 July 1961 in Salt Lake City, UT. She was born 16 Jul 1940 in Salt Lake City, UT, the d/o Roland Wayne Powell and Aulene Jackson. They live in Meadow Vista, CA (1991). They have three children: Bruce Alan, Denice Lynn, and Sheila Jean.


SECTION FIVE B2 Kenneth G. Vaught

(Kenneth s/o Floyd s/o John T. s/o Joseph s/o John s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

John Toliver Vaught (1855) and Elizabeth Canter (1859) i i

Floyd Joseph Vaught (1883) and Cassie Louise Moore (1898) i i

Kenneth George Vaught (1919) and Barbara E. Bacon i _.


Darrell Jeannette Kathleen Barbara Mike Kenneth George Vaught, b 5 June 1920 in Slayton, MN. He m Barbara Bacon, 14 Jan 1946 in Omaha, NE. She is d/o Charles James and Ann Belle (Hirschmann) Bacon. Ken and Barbara had five children. They are divorced, (1978)

Darrell Wesley Vaught, b 20 Oct 1946, Omaha, Nebr. M (1) Carol Nolan, 1967 in San Francisco while serving in the Navy during the Viet Nam era. They had two children. M (2) Sue Jackson Arnold, 1973 in Omaha, Nebr. They had three children. They lived in Kansas before settling in Omaha.

Children of Darrell and Carol Teri Lynn Vaught, b 19 May 1969, in Omaha, Nebr. Darrell James Vaught, b 28 Aug 1970 in Omaha, Nebr.

Children of Darrell and Sue Tonya Marie Vaught, was b 23 Jun 1975 in Omaha, Nebr. David James Vaught, was b 24 Jun 1976 in Omaha, Nebr. Jennifer Ann Vaught, was b 10 Jan 1978 in Omaha, Nebr.

Jeannette Kay Vaught, b 26 Aug 1949 in Omaha, Nebr. M (1) Brian Romick 1967, Omaha Nebr. They had one son. M (2) Curtis Paul Johnson in Vermillion, SD. They lived in Casper, WY. M (3) Randy Roy Surbeck 1975 at Yankton, SD. M (4) Randy Eugene Cooper 17 Nov 1984 in Omaha, Nebr. They drove truck for seven years together. They are divorced. M (5) Mr. Hoarstick. Jeannette lives in Washinton State (1991).

A son, b 10 Oct 1967 in Omaha, Nebr, adopted at birth. Kathleen Gay Vaught, b 5 Jan 1955 in Omaha, Nebr. M Stanley L. Hawley, 23 Aug 1972 in Omaha. He is the son of Stan B and Beverly A Saxton Hawley. They lived in Casper, Wyoming for a time and settled in Denver. They have two sons.

Christopher Hawley, b 14 Nov 1972, Denver, CO. John David Hawley, b 8 Apr 1981, Denver, CO.

Michale Kent Vaught, b 6 Apr 1960 in Omaha, NE. He fathered a daughter with Sue Arnold Vaught.

Jessica Vaught, b 8 Aug 1983, Omaha, NE.


SECTION FIVE B2 Virginia Cecile Vaught

(1921-xxxx) (Virginia d/o Floyd s/o John T. s/o Joseph s/o John

s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

John Toliver Vaught (1855) and Elizabeth Canter (1859) i i

Floyd Joseph Vaught (1883) and Cassie Louise Moore (1898)

Virginia Cecile Vaught (1921) and Robert Benjamin Brisco _i_


Robert Darlene Ronald Donald

Virginia Cecil Vaught, b 22 Feb 1921, Slayton Township, Murray Co., MN; Fostered to CV Canine in Indianola, Iowa. M Robert Benjamin Brisco 16 Sep 1939 at Dubuque, Iowa. Robert was b 26 Dec 1917 at Waterloo, IA. His parents were Bemjamine H. Brisco and Lois Di Witt. They moved to Long Beach California in the 40's. He died May 16 1994 in Long Beach Community Hospital, Long Beach, CA. They have four children.

Robert Gene Brisco, b 27 Mar 1940 Waterloo, IA; m Darrel Nadine Williams b 19 Apr 1944, Orange, CA, m 19 Mar 1965, Long Beach. CA. s/o Ray Henry Williams and Margaret Caroline Hanna. He works for Hughes Aircraft in L.A. They have two children.

Sandra Kay Brisco, b 21 Apr 1968, Santa Anna, CA. m Ronald Jones, b 12 Sep 1964 s/o Robert and Nancy Jones, m 29 May 1993.

Blake Owen Jones, 31 Aug 1995, Mission Viejo, CA. David Allen Brisco, b 8 Aug 1970, Santa Anna, CA.

Darlene Carol Brisco, b 14 Apr 1941, Long Beach, CA; m William March, who works in electronics. They had two children. They live in Utah.

Debbie March, Nov 1966, Orange Co., CA; m Tim Sturdavant 1988. Live in No. Ogden, UT. Dennis March, b 23 Aug 1968, Orange Co., CA. Married.

Donald Lee Brisco, b 23 Aug 1942 in L.A., CA (twin); m Angie 31 Aug 1968 CA. Angie b 8 Oct 1947. They have two daughters.

Pauline Annette Brisco, b 18 Mar 1969, Long Beach, CA. m 1994. Artie --. Michelle Lynn Brisco, b 23 May 1971, Long Beach, CA.

Ronald Loren Brisco, b 23 Aug 1942 in L.A., CA (twin); m Darlene ; 24 Dec 1964 (div). They bore two girls. M (2) Sandy 12 May 1985. Sandy was born Sep 1942, died.

Trudy Brisco, b 8 Oct 1965, Long Beach, CA. m Has two children: Dana Brisco, b 22 Sep 1968, Long Beach, CA. m Al Martino. Living in Dana Point, CA. She has three girls, twins.


SECTION FIVE B2 Evelyn A. Vaught

(Evelyn d/o Floyd s/o John T. s/o Joseph s/o John s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

John Toliver Vaught (1855) and Elizabeth Canter (1859) i i

Floyd Joseph Vaught (1883) and Cassie Louise Moore (1898) i i

Evelyn Agnes Vaught (1922) and James Mason Meloy Jr. (1915) i i

James Mason Meloy III (1953)

Evelyn Agnes Vaught, was b 6 Aug 1922 at Hadley, Murray Co., MN; She was sent to the Toledo Orphanage in 1931; She was fostered to the Canine family in Indianola, IA; m James Mason Meloy Jr. 1 Nov 1943 in Kansas City, MO. He was b 9 Mar 1915 Des Moines, IA. She moved to Long Beach, CA will Jim ended his turn in the Navy during the war. They have lived in L.A. since that time. Evelyn died Feb. 9, 1995 in Lake Elsinore, California. They had one son.

James Mason Meloy III, was b 21 Jun 1953 in Long Beach, L.A. Co., CA. He m Teresa Annett Jewell, 21 Mar 1981 in Taft, CA. She was b 15 Jun 1961, the d/o of William C. Jewell and his wife Jean. They have one daughter.

Kelsey Lannett Meloy, b. April 15, 1991 Colleyville, TX


SECTION FIVE B2 Carroll Vaught

(Carroll d/o Floyd s/o John T. s/o Joseph s/o John s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

John Toliver Vaught (1855) and Elizabeth Canter (1859) i i

Floyd Joseph Vaught (1883) and Cassie Louise Moore (1898) i i

Carroll Vaught (1926) and Mark Callahan (1926) i i i i i

Thomas John Bill Carroll Vaught, was b 21 Dec 1926 in Ida Co., IA. She was adopted in 1936 by William Frederick and Anna Elizabeth (Ewald) Christian, who changed her name to Marjorie Jean Christian. Marjorie m Mark Allen Callahan 1 Sept 1946 in Dysart, Tama Co., IA. He was b 9 June 1926 in Benton Co., IA, s/o John Everett and Beatrice Johnson Mason Callahan. Mark d 6 October, 1995, Peninsula, San Mateo, California. His ashes are skattered. Marjorie lives in Foster City, CA (1991). They have three sons.

Thomas Jay Callahan, was b 14 Feb 1949 in Denver, CO. He m Lynette Dee Walker 3 Aug 1974 in Lafayette, LA. Lynette was b 22 Oct 1948 in Louisiana d/o William Walker of Texas and Carolyn Ducote of Lafayette, LA. Tom and Lynette are divorced. They both live in Lafayette, LA (1991). They had one son.

Christian Thomas Callahan b 4 Feb 1978 in Lafayette, LA. He lives with his mother in Lafayette, LA. (1991).

John Allen Callahan, was b 14 Feb 1951 in Denver, CO. He m Karen Stewart 27 Dec 1975 in Steinhatchee, Dixon Co., FL. Karen was b 14 Oct 1948 in Fort Myers, FL d/o Nevin Merrit Stewart and Sylvia Mae Applewhite. They live in Luling, LA (1991). They have two daughters.

Heather Joy Callahan b 8 May 1977 in Gainsville, Alachua Co., FL. Heidi Janella Callahan, b 13 Feb 1980 in Serukum, Borneo, Indonesia.

Bill Everett Callahan, was b 22 July 1952 in Denver, CO. He lives in Salt Lake City, UT. He is not married (1995).


SECTION FIVE B2 Joseph Junior Vaught

(Joseph s/o Floyd s/o John T. s/o Joseph s/o John s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

John Toliver Vaught (1855) and Elizabeth Canter (1859) i i

Floyd Joseph Vaught (1883) and Cassie Louise Moore (1898) i i

Joseph Junior Vaught (1929) and Shona Kay Powell (1940) i

i i i i i i

Bruce Denice Sheila

Joseph Junior Vaught was b 19 Feb 1929 in Corwin Township, Ida Co., IA. Joseph m Shona Kay Powell 4 July 1961 in Salt Lake City, UT. She was b 16 Jly 1940 in Salt Lake City, UT, the d/o Roland Wayne Powell of Duchesne,UT and Aulene Jackson of Randolf, UT. Joe and Shona live in Meadow Vista, CA (1991). They have three children.

Bruce Allen Vaught, b 1 June 1962 in Salt Lake City, UT. He m Melanie Ann Allred 20 June 1987. She is the d/o Mr. & Mrs. Fred D. Allred. Denice Lynn Vaught, b 11 Apr 1964 in Roseville, CA. Shiela Lynn Vaught, b 8 Aug 1965 in Roseville, CA. She m James Redd Rudy 6 June 1987 in Corona, CA. He was b 25 Mar 1964 in Salt Lake City, UT to Robert Reed and Vonda Lee His. James m (1) Mindi Turpin. They were divorced Nov 21, 1986, SLC, UT. Jim had two children by this marriage. Jim and Shiela are divorced. She lives in Los Angeles (1989).


SECTION FIVE B2 Claude B. Vaught

(Claude s/o John T. s/o Joseph s/o John s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

Joseph Vaught (1817) and Mahala Phelps (1827)

John Toliver Vaught (18 55)

Claud B. Vaught (18 96)

and Elizabeth Canter (1859)

and Mamie Nelson (1901)

John Richard

Claud Borum Vaught, was b 11 Jan 1896, in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Mamie Nelson, 27 May 1901 in Chicago, IL. "Bud" d 27 Jly 1976. Mamie d 8 Aug 1986. They had two sons.

John Christian Vaught, was b 16 May 1930, Franklin Park, IL. He m Bonny Bean 21 Nov 1952 in Clinton, IA. They live in Malverne, N.Y. Richard C. Vaught, was b May 1932 in Savannah, IL. He m (1) Nancy Thompson, m (2) Judy. He lives in Eldridge, IA.


SECTION FIVE B4 William Harvey Vaught

(1858-1935) (William s/o Joseph s/o John s/o George s/o Andrew

s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

John Vaught (1781) and Elizabeth Slemp (1793) i i

Joseph Vaught (1817) and Mahala Phelps (1827) i i

William Harvey Vaught (1858) and Sarah Elizabeth Langdon (1870) i

i i i i i i i I I I

William Stella John Delia Ella Florence

William Harvey Vaught, was b 18 Sep 1858 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Sarah Elizabeth Langdon, 15 May 1891 at Science Hill, Pulaski Co., KY. She was b 19 Sep 1870 and d 10 Jly 1949, the d/o William Hays and Martha Taylor Langdon. He d 24 Feb 1935 and is buried in Union Church Cemetery. They had at six children.

William Carl Vaught, was b 7 Jan 1891 and d 15 Jly 1932. He m Ophia Chaney, 3 Sep 1914 in Pulaski Co., KY. She was b 18 Nov 1892 and d 14 Jly 1964. They lived in KY and Montana. They had three children: Charles, Evelyn, and William. Stella Lou Vaught, was b 18 Oct 1895, and d 2 May 1963. She bur Science Hill Cem. She m Leighton Crawford. He was b 17 Dec. They lived in KY. They had at least one daughter.

Zella Crawford b 12 Jly 1925 Science Hill, KY. She m Orville Lindy Sears. They live at Somerset, KY.

John Vaught b 22 Feb 1898. He lived near Livingston, Montanta. He m Violet Tate. Delia Vaught, was b 2 Jly 1900. She m Burlin Thruman. She lived near Science Hill, Pulaski Co., KY (1976). Hazel Thruman, m Russell L. Dick. They had at least one son;

Jomer Russell Dick, was b Mar 1966. Ella Vaught, was b 1903. She d Apr 1961 in Hal, KY. She m Lee Golden. She is buried in Iowa. Florence Vaught, was b 11 Feb 1909. She m Alvis Dungan, who is deceased. She was living near Science Hill, Ky in 1979.


SECTION FIVE B4 William Carl Vaught

(1891-1932) (William s/o William s/o Joseph s/o John s/o George

s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

Joseph Vaught (1817) and Mahala Phelps (1827) i i

William Vaught (1858) and Sarah Langdon (1870) i i

William Vaught (18 91) and Ophia Chaney (18 92) i

I i ! i i

Charles Evelyn William

William Carl Vaught, was b 7 Jan 1891 and d 15 Jly 1932 both in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Ophia Chaney, 3 Sep 1914 in Science Hill, Pulaski Co., KY. She was b 18 Nov 1892 and d 14 Jly 1964. They lived in KY and Montana. They are bur. in Union Cem. Pulaski Co., KY. They had three children.

Charles Delton Vaught, was b 24 Jun 1915 and d 24 Jun 1954. He married Monnie A. Cox, 20 Apr 1933 at Science Hill, Pulaski Co., KY. She b 8 Oct 1914. They had four children.

Wilma Lee Vaught, b 12 Nov 1933 at Science Hill, KY. She m William Edwin VanHook, 28 Mar, 1953 in Science Hill, KY. They have no children. They live in Indianapolis, Indiana (1987). Donald Carrol Vaught, was b 14 Oct 1934 in Science Hill, KY. He m Glenice Dick, 1954 in Science Hill, KY. Donald d 3 Jan 1974 bur Science Hill, KY. Sue Ann Vaught b 6 May 1943 at Indianapolis, IN. She m D.B. Hall 1961 Science Hill. They live Somerset, KY.Steven Vaught, was b 28 May 1944 at Indianapolis, IN. He m Marilyn Gill at Somerset, KY. They live at Science Hill, KY.

Evelyn Edith Vaught b 9 Jun 1920 in Livingston, Montana. She m Kenneth Edward Bastin, 20 Nov 1938. He was b 26 Apr 1918 and d 19 Nov 1967. Evelyn lives in Somerset, KY. They had at least two children.

Joseph Bradley Bastin, was b 27 Aug 1942 at Science Hill, Ky. He m Pamela Brotherton. They live at Nancy, KY (1986). Gary Edward Bastin, was b 17 Jan 1946 at Danville, Boyle Co., KY. He m Beverly Ann Phelps. They live in Everett, WA (1987).

William Kenneth Vaught b 18 Jan 1924 at Science Hill, KY. He m Shirley Rae Woodall, 12 Jly 1947, Somerset. She b 27 Feb 1928. They had two children. They live, Florence, KY.

Donna Jean Vaught, was b 10 Dec 1952 at Somerset, KY. She m Robert W. Edwards. They live in Burlington, KY. Kenneth Karl Vaught, was b 10 May 1955 at Somerset, KY. He m Barbara Carrie Jane Rankin. They live Alexandria,KY.


SECTION FIVE B9 Lorenzo Roscoe Vaught

(1872-1945) (Lorenzo s/o Joseph s/o John s/o George s/o Andrew

s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

John Vaught (1781) and Elizabeth Slemp (1793) i i

Joseph Vaught (1817) and Mahala Phelps (1827) i i

Lorenzo Roscoe Vaught (1872) and Hallie West (1886) i 1

i i i i

Kermit Mahala Nicholas

Lorenzo Roscoe Vaught, was b 12 Feb 1872 in Pulaski co., KY. He married Hallie Verda West 23 Feb 1915 in Jeffersonville, IND. He d 9 Aug 1945 in Pulaski Co., KY. Halie was b 1 Nov 1886 in Warren Co., KY the d/o James McDonald West and Camilia Pleasant Borders. She d 30 May 1978 in Somerset, Pulaski Co., KY. He is buried in Union Cemetery, Pulaski Co., KY. They had three children.

Kermit Roscoe Vaught, was b 25 Dec 1915 at Somerset, KY. He m Deane Denney nee Watson, 23 Nov 1946 in Somerset, KY. They lived in Ohio. They had a daughter.

Janice K. Vaught, was b 10 Nov 1952 at Somerset, KY. She lives in Walton, KY (1986).

Mahala Pleasant Vaught, was b 14 Sep 1917 at Somerset, KY. She m Gordon Gillis, 17 June 1949, Chicago, IL. Gordon was b 12 Jun 1910 in Superior, WIS. They had two children. Mahala and Gordon live in Fort Myers, FL. (1990)

Mary Ann Gillis, was b 27 Feb 1954 in Highland Park, MI. She m James Watts 11 May 1974. James was b 5 May 1954. They are divorced. Donald Ray Gillis, was b 10 Jun 1955 in Highland Park, MI. He m Catherine Jane Freese 7 May 1977. They live in Sterling Heights, MI.

Nicholas "Nick" Marrow Vaught, was b 8 Sep 1920. He is not married.



(1819-1909) (Stephen s/o John s/o George s/o Andrew

s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

George Vaught (1742) and Christiana Phillippi (1763) i i

John Vaught (1781) and Elizabeth Slemp (1793) i i

Stephen Vaught (1819) and Sarah Gibson (1819) i i

Andrew Vaught (1721) and Elizabeth --i 1

II II II i II II II II i •••Mary 3John 5Alfred 7Louise 'James 2Franklin 4Elizabeth 6William "Robert




A. Mary B. Alfred C. William D. James

First child of Stephen and Sarah Fifth child of Stephen and Sarah Sixth child of Stephen and Sarah Ninth child of Stephen and Sarah


SECTION SIX Stephen Vaught

(1819-1909) Stephen Vaught was b 15 June 1819 in Pulaski Co., KY. Stephen d 15 Feb 1909. Stephen m Sarah Elizabeth Gibson 10 Aug 1850. They had nine children.

Mary Catherine Vaught was b 17 Oct 1851 in Pulaski Co., KY. Mary d 2 Mar 1924 in Pulaski Co., KY. Mary m James Beaty Gilmore 2 Mar 1892 in Pulaski Co., KY. James was b 31 May 1842 and d 2 Mar 1892 in Pulaski Co., KY. He first m Matilda Byron Wright, 2 Jan 1862. Mary and James had three children: Grace, Eva and Ruth. Franklin Pierce Vaught was b 17 Oct 1853 in Pulaski Co., KY. Franklin m Mendia Massey 26 Dec 1876 in Pulaski Co., KY. She was b 1853 in Pulaski Co. and d bet. 188-85. Franklin m (2) Sarah Sophronia Peters 22 Mar 1885. Franklin and Mendia had two children: Hugh William and Allena. Franklin and Sarah had four children: Canie, Andrew, John Franklin and Ed. John Kendrick Vaught was b 9 May 1856. John d Feb 1880 and is bur at the Andrew Vaught Cem. Pulaski Co., KY. John m Sarah Reynolds 10 Jan 1878. Elizabeth Perkins Vaught was b 8 Jun 1858. Elizabeth d 9 Nov 1924. Elizabeth m William Anderson Meece 30 Jly 1899 in Pulaski Co., KY. It was William's second marriage. Alfred Alcorn Vaught was b 17 Jly 1861 in Pulaski Co., KY. Alfred d 25 Dec 1897 in Pulaski Co., KY. He is bur at Eden Cem, Pulaski Co., KY. Alfred m M. Turley Yaden ca 1880. She was b 23 Mar 1860 and d 24 Dec 1919. They had two children: Orville and George C. They lived in KY and KS. William Preston Vaught was b 23 Mar 1864 in Pulaski Co., KY. William d 31 May 1934 in Pulaski Co., KY and is bur at Union Cem, Pulaski Co., KY. William m Margaret Elizabeth Aker 6 Feb 1890 in Somerset. She was b 3 Sep 1872 and d 11 Aug 1940. They had five children: Malinda E, Ethel, Fannie Lou, Florida and Mary Belle. They lived in KY and Montanta. Louisa Frances Vaught was b 10 Apr 1868. She d 26 May 1950 and is bur at Union Cem., Pulaski Co., KY. She did not marry. Robert E. Lee Vaught was b 18 Oct 1868. He d 18 Jan 1946 and is bur at Union Cem., Pulaski Co., KY. He did not marry. James Madison Adams Vaught was b 16 Aug 1871 in Pulaski Co., KY. James d 7 Apr 1939 and is bur at Union Cem, Pulaski Co., KY. James m Sarah (Sallie) Gastineau 14 Feb 1893 Huntsville, Scott Co., TN. Sarah was b 4 Apr 1877 and d 6 Jun 1911. She is bur with James. Sarah is the d/o Joel Gastineau and Frances Ann Vaught. Frances is the d/o Sylvester Vaught and Matilda Hays; s/o Wm s/o Henry and Catherine Vaught. They had nine children: Zula Scott, Laura Gertrude, Herbert Lee, Mittie Pearl, twins Jewell Ann and Rual Beckham, Homer Stephen, Lou Beatrice and Opal Elizabeth.


SECTION SIX A Stephen Vaught Mary Vaught (1851-1924)

(Mary d/o Stephen s/o John s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

John Vaught (1781) and Elizabeth Slemp (1793) i i

Stephen Vaught (1819) and Sarah Gibson (1819) i i

Mary Vaught (1851) and James Gilmore (1892) i

Grace Eva Ruth

Mary Catherine Vaught was b 17 Oct 1851 in Pulaski Co., KY. Mary d 2 Mar 1924 in Pulaski Co., KY. Mary m James Beaty Gilmore 2 Mar 1892 in Pulaski Co., KY. James was b 31 May 1842 and d 2 Mar 1892 in Pulaski Co., KY. He first m Matilda Byron Wright, 2 Jan 1862. They had three children.

Grace Gilmore was b 4 Jly 1893 in Somerset. She d 2 Dec 1976. She was never married. Eva B. Gilmore, was b 19 Aug 1895 in Pulaski Co., KY. She m Robert Harlan Vaught 25 Mar 1917 in Pulaski Co., KY. She d 19 Jan 1974 in Somerset, Pulaski Co., KY. Robert was b 9 Feb 1886 in Pulaski Co., KY. Robert was the s/o John Wm Fletcher Vaught and Margaret E. Campbell. John was the s/o Geo s/o John Vaught and Nancy White. Robert d 19 Sep 1981. They had seven children:

Evelyn Vaught was b 31 Mar 1918 in Somerset. She m Norbet "Buck" Keeney, 26 Jun 1943 in Pulaski Co., KY. Norbert was b 13 Mar 1923 in Pulaski Co., KY. He was the s/o Edwin Wesley Keeney and Nettie Whitaker. They had two children: Cheryl Ray Keeney and Norbert S. Keeney, II. Mary Elizabeth Vaught b 28 Feb 1924 in Somerset. She m Leo Wild, 31 Jan 1947. Joe Robert Vaught b 8 Aug 1927 in Somerset. He m JoAnn Broyles, 30 Dec 1949. William Maurice Vaught was b 13 Oct 1929 in Somerset. He m Margie Martin, 15 Sep 1953. He d 21 Jan 1971. Dorothy Louise Vaught b 25 Mar 1934 Somerset, m Joseph Pat Hall, 5 Jun 1954. Frank Gilmore Vaught b 17 May 1936 Somerset, m Merna Sharpe, 15 Oct 195 Virginia Ann Vaught b 29 Sep 1939 Somerset, James Allen Lanier, 19 Aug 1962.

Ruth Beattie Gilmore was b 11 Jan 1908 in Somerset. She was never married.


SECTION SIX A Stephen Vaught Franklin Vaught

(1853-1914) (Franklin s/o Mary d/o Stephen s/o John s/o George s/o Andrew

s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

John Vaught (1781) and Elizabeth Slemp (1793) i i

Stephen Vaught (1819) and Sarah Gibson (1819) i i

Mary Vaught (1851) and Jame Gilmore (1892) i i

Franklin Gilmore (1853) (1)Mendia Massey (1853) (2)Sarah Peters

i _ i . i 1 r i 1 —

i .i I I I

Hugh William Allena Canie Andrew John Ed

Franklin Pierce Gilmore was b 17 Oct 1853 in Pulaski Co., KY. He d 2 May 1914 in Pulaski Co., KY. He is bur in the Somerset City Cem. Franklin m Mendia Massey 26 Dec 1876 in Pulaski Co., KY. She was b 1853 in Pulaski Co. and d bet. 1880/85. Franklin m (2) Sarah Sophronia Peters 22 Mar 1885. Franklin and Mendia had two children: Hugh William and Allena. Franklin and Sarah had four children: Canie, Andrew, John Franklin and Ed. Children of Franklin and Mendia

Hugh William Gilmore, was b 23 Jun 1878 in Pulaski Co., KY. He d 8 Aug 1952 and is buried in the Somerset Cem. Allena Gilmore, was b Apr 1880.

Children of Franklin and Sarah Canie Gilmore, was b Dec 1888 in Pualski Co., KY. Andrew Gilmore, was b Dec 1890 in Pualski Co., KY. John Franklin Gilmore, was b Mar 1893 in Pulaski Co., KY. He d 11 Aug 1864 and is bur in the Somerset Cem. Ed Gilmore, was b Aug 1895 in Pulaski Co., KY.


SECTION SIX B Stephen Vaught Alfred Vaught (1861-1897)

(Alfred s/o Stephen s/o John s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

John Vaught (1781) and Elizabeth Slemp (1793) i i

Stephen Vaught (1819) and Sarah Gibson (1819) i i

Alfred Vaught (1861) and Turley Yaden (1860)

i | i i

Orville George

Alfred Alcorn Vaught was b 17 Jly 1861 in Pulaski Co., KY. Alfred d 25 Dec 1897 in Pulaski Co., KY. He is bur at Eden Cem, Pulaski Co., KY. Alfred m M. Turley Yaden ca 1880. She was b 23 Mar 1860 and d 24 Dec 1919. They had two children. They lived in KY and KS.

Orville Vaught, was b 11 Apr 1895 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Lottie Sears, 15 Nov 1912 in Winfieid, TN. Lottie was b 5 Jan 1897 and d 24 Jan 1977. He d 20 Jun 1982. They had three children.

Nellie Ethel Vaught was b 26 Sep 1920 in Dabney Pulaski Co., KY. She m Virgil Audes and living in Somerset, KY. Faye Willine Vaught, was b 8 Aug 1925 in Shopeville, Pulaski Co., KY. She m Virgil Williams and lives in Southgate, KY. Mildred Irene Vaught was b 17 Jan 1932 in Shopville, Pulaski Co., KY. She m Carlis Smiley, dec. She lives in Dayton, OH. (1987)

George Cris Vaught, was b 19 May 1885 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Cora Ellen Whittaker She was b 13 Nov 1892 in Pulaski Co., KY, the d/o Jos and Amanda Whitaker. George C. d 9 Jly 1934 in Montgomery Co., Ohio and is bur with his wife in Eden Church Cem. Pulaski Co., KY. Cora d 9 June 1990 of Pneumonia in Montgomery Co., OH and bur. in Memorial Park Cem. Dayton, OH. They had seven children: George, Manford, Walter, Estelle, Alfred, Doretha, and Thressa.


SECTION SIX B Alfred Vaught George Vaught

(George s/o Alfred s/o Stephen s/o John s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

Alfred Vaught (1861) and Turley Yaden (186 0) i

George Vaught (1885) and Cora Whittaker (1892) i 1

I I I I i i i i i I I

George Manford Walter Estelle Alfred Doretha Thressa

George Cris Vaught, b 19 May 1885 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Cora Ellen Whittaker She b 13 Nov 1892 in Pulaski Co., KY, the d/o Jos and Amanda Whitaker. George C. d 9 Jly 1934 in Montgomery Co., Ohio bur with his wife in Eden Church Cem. Pulaski Co., KY. Cora d 9 June 1990 of Pneumonia in Montgomery Co., OH bur Memorial Park Cem. Dayton, OH. They had seven children:

George Vaught, b & d 12 May 1909 bur in Eden Cem., Pulaski Co., KY Manford Vaught "Pete", b 25 May 1911 Pulaski Co., KY., d 10 Jly 1985 Pulaski Co., bur Woodland Cem Montgomery Co., OH; m Vera Marguerite Kircher, 2 Jun 1934. She b 18 Jly 1916 in Montgomery Co., OH. Walter Lowell Vaught, b 4 Jan 1914 in Pulaski Co., KY and d 15 Oct 1914 bur in Eden Church Cem. Estelle Marie Vaught, b 17 Feb 1916 Pulaski Co., KY, d 23 Jun 1980 Montgomery Co., OH, bur Dayton Memorial Park Cem of Aplastic Anemia. Headstone reads Marei E. Evans. Estelle m (1) 6 Apr 1935 Cythiana, KY to Tully Robb Pollards, s/o William and Sueller Pollard, b 6 Apr 1913 Montgomery Co., d 7 Mar 1986 Montgomery Co. bur Vet. Adm. Cem. They had three children: Janet, Randy and Stephen. They were div Montgomery Co. Estelle m (2) 6 Sep 1958 Montgomery Co. to Virgil "Doe" Madison Evans s/o Harley Jackson and Ethel Sarah (Smith) Evans, b 31 Aug 1925 Fayette Co., OH, d 8 May 1994, bur Memorial Park Cem Dayton, Montgomery Co., OH. Alfred Perching Vaught "Hossie or Pooch", b 22 Dec 1918 in Pulaski Co., KY. m (1) 22 Aug 1939 Montgomery Co., OH to Melvina June (Hock) Vaught Fearing, d/o Bryan Jennings and Minnie (Williamson) Hock, b 27 Mar 1922 Montgomery Co., div and m (2) Dorthy. Alfred m (3) 20 Sep 1969 to Melvina June Hock Vaught Fearing. Alfred had a daughter: Beverly. Doretha Blanch Vaught b 25 Jan 1922 Pulaksi Co., KY. She m Russell Warren Zent, 28 Jun 1941 Sidney, OH. Russell was b 12 Nov 1918 Montgomery Co., d 14 Aug 1994, bur Arlington Cemetery in Brookville, OH in Montgomery Co. They had two children: Janice and James. Thressa Maxine Vaught "Maxine", b 18 Feb 1925 Pulaski Co., KY. She m Virgil Lee Bayless, 14 Dec 1946 in Montgomery Co., OH. Virgil b 22 Sep 1925 to Dallas Edward and Irene Frances (Buehler) Bayless in Montgomery Co., KY. They had a daughter Susan.


SECTION SIX B Alfred Vaught George Vaught

(Estelle d/o George s/o Alfred s/o Stephen s/o John s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

Alfred Vaught (1861) and Turley Yaden (1860) i

George Vaught (1885) and Cora Whittaker (1892) i i

Estelle Vaught (1916) Tully Pollard (1913) i i

! i ! i i i

Janet Randy Steven

Estelle Marie Vaught, b 17 Feb 1916 in Pulaski Co., KY, d 23 Jun 1980 in Montgomery Co., OH, bur in Dayton Memorial Park Cem of Aplastic Anemia. Headstone reads Marei E. Evans. Estelle m (1) 6 Apr 1935 in Cythiana, KY to Tully Robb Pollards, s/o William And Sueller Pollard, b 6 Apr 1913 in Montfomery Co., KY, d 7 Mar 1986 in Montgomery Co., OH, bur in Vet. Adm. Cem. He d of stomach cancer and also had a pacemaker. They were div in Montgomery Co., OH Estelle m (2) 6 Sep 1958 in Montgomery Co., OH to Virgil "Doe" Madison Evans, son of Harley Jackson and Ethel Sarah (Smith) Evans, b 31 Aug 1925 in Fayette Co., OH, d 8 May 1994, bur in Memorial Park Cem in Dayton, OH in Montgomery Co.

Janet Lee (Pollard) Vaught, b 15 Feb 1936 in Montgomery Co., OH; m 9 Mary 1956 in Montgomery Co., OH to Samuel Junior Vaught, son of Samuel "Sam" Perkins and Helen Foxie (Doolin) Vaught, b 17 May 1933 in McLean Co., Arrowsmith, IL Randy Lee Vaught, b 7 Mar 1959 in Montgomery Co., OH, m 6 May 1995 in West Carrollton, Montgomery Co., OH to Carole Sue (Pottenger) Baker, daughter of Edward William and Marcella Pauline (Deeter) Pottenger, b 20 Oct 1958 in Mont. Co., OH. She has two children by previous m.

Brian Michael Baker b 15 Jan 1980 Montgomery Co., OH. Rebecca Mae Baker, b 15 Apr 1983 in Montgomery Co., OH

Steven Michael Vaught, b 24 Mar 1962 in Motgomery Co., OH.,m Jennifer Sue (Turner) Bazell, 19 Nov 1962. She was born 24 Nov 1953 in Granite City, IL. They have no children.


SECTION SIX B Alfred Vaught George Vaught

(Alfred s/o George s/o Alfred s/o Stephen s/o John s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

Alfred Vaught (1861) and Turley Yaden (1860) i

George Vaught (1885) and Cora Whittaker (1892) i i

Alfred Vaught (1918) and Melvina Hock (1922) i i


Alfred Perching Vaught "Hossie or Pooch", b 22 Dec 1918 in Pulaski Co., KY. m (1) 22 Aug 1939 in Montgomery Co., OH to Melvina June (Hock) Vaught Fearing, daughter of Bryan Jennings and Minnie (Williamson) Hock, b 27 Mar 1922 in Montgomery Co., OH, Divorced and m (2) Dorthy. Alfred m (3) 20 Sep 1969 to Melvina June Hock Vaught Fearing. Widow. Alfred had a daughter

Beverly Jean Vaught, b 10 Jly 1940 in Montgomery Co., OH., M 9 Mary 1962 in Galveston Co., TX to John Miller Jr., b 18 Aug 1942 in Cameron, Parrish, La. D. 19 Aug 1985 in Montgomery Co., OH.. Beverly remarried 30 Apr 1988 in Motgomery Co., OH to Charles Melvin Luepke, b 26 Nov 1941 in Cincinnati, OH. Beverly and John had two children: John and Scott.

John Alfred Miller III, b 21 Jun 1963 in Montgomery Co., OH Scott Adam Miller, b 7 May 1969 in Montgomery Co., OH. M 8 May 1993 to Amy (Cox) Griffith in Montgomery Co., OH. She is the d/o John and Patti (DeLong) Cox. She was b 30 May 1970. Amy has one duaghter by a previous marriage. Krysten Leigh Griffith, b 2 Jun 1989.

Ashley Nichole Leonard, d/o of Scott Miller and Nicole Leonard, b 12 Sep 1988 in Motgomery Co., OH Christopher Lee Miller, s/o Scott and Amy, b 31 May 1995 in Montgomery Co., OH.


SECTION SIX B Alfred Vaught George Vaught

(Dorothy d/o George s/o Alfred s/o Stephen s/o John s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

Alfred Vaught (1861) and Turley Yaden (1860) i

George Vaught (1885) and Cora Whittaker (1892) i i

Dorothy Vaught (1922) and Russell Zent (1918) i 1

Jan ice James

Doretha Blanch Vaught, born 25 Jan 1922 in Pualksi Co., KY. She m Russell Warren Zent, 28 Jun 1941 in Sidney, OH. Russell was b 12 Nov 1918 in Montgomery Co., OH, d 14 Aug 1994, bur in Arlington Cemetery in Brookville, OH in Montgomery Co. They had two children: Janice and James.

Janice "Jan" Elaine Zent, b 14 Jan 1943 in Montgomery Co., OH; m 14 Jly 1962 in Montgomery Co. Danny "Dan" Lee Bester, s/o Carl and Doris (Patrie) Bester, b 13 Jun 1941 in Montgomery Co., OH. They had three children:

Constance "Connie" Lynn Bester, b 29 Jan 1964 in Montgomery Co., OH. M 24 Mary 1984 to Ralph Christopher Barlow s/o Donald Wayne and Sandra Lee (Arnold) Barlow, b 7 Feb 1963.

Andrew David Barlow, b 22 Dec 1985 Oxford, OH. Bradley Wayne Barlow, b 14 Mary 1989 Oxford, OH.

Cathleen "Cathy" Lynn Bester, b 18 Apr 1967 in Montgomery Co. OH. Michael "Mike" Danny Bester, b 31 Mar 1970 in Montgomery Co., OH, m 24 Jun 1995 in Raleigh, NC to Chelsea McMillen. They had two children:

Ian Bester, b 16 Aug 1991. Jasie Lee Bester, b 23 Apr 1995 in Raleigh, NC.

James "Jim" Russell Zent, b 28 Apr 1947 in Montgomery Co., OH, m Tomala Jo Ryan 31 Dec 1966 in Montgomery Co., OH. She d/o Thomas B. and Mararet J. Ryan. Tomala was b 13 Aug 1947 in Troy, OH.

Wendy Jo Zent, b 28 Dec 1971, Greenville, OH. Brad Allen Zent, b 19 Mar 1973, Greenville, OH.


SECTION SIX B Alfred Vaught George Vaught

(Thressa d/o George s/o Alfred s/o Stephen s/o John s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

Alfred Vaught (1861) and Turley Yaden (1860) i

George Vaught (1885) and Cora Whittaker (1892) i i

Therssa Vaught (1925) and Virgil Bayless (1925) i i

Susan Vaught (195 0)

Thressa Maxine Vaught "Maxine", born 18 Feb 1925 in Pulaski Co., KY. She m Virgil Lee Bayless, 14 Dec 1946 in Montgomery Co., OH. Virgil was b 22 Sep 1925 to Dallas Edward and Irene Frances (Buehler) Bayless in Montgomery Co., KY. They had a daughter Susan.

Susan Kaye Bayless, b 16 Aug 1950 in Montgomery Co., OH m Stephen Kerr Wilson 12 Apr 1975 in Motngomery Co. He was b 20 Jly 1947 in Montgomery Co., the son of J. Edwin and Versie Elizabeth (Ellison) Wilson. They have two children.

Justin Mathew Wilson b 5 Oct 1983 Montgomery Co., OH. Aaron Jacob Wilson b 4 Apr 1986 Motngomery Co., OH.



William Vaught (1819-1909)

(William s/o Stephen s/o John s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

John Vaught (1781) and Elizabeth Slemp (1793) i i

Stephen Vaught (1819) and Sarah Gibson (1819)

William Vaught (1864) and Margaret Aker (1872)

i I i i i

Malinda Ethel Fannie Florida Mary

William Preston Vaught was b 23 Mar 1864 in Pulaski Co., KY. William d 31 May 1934 in Pulaski Co., KY and is bur at Union Cem, Pulaski Co., KY. William m Margaret Elizabeth Aker 6 Feb 1890 in Somerset. She was b 3 Sep 1872 and d 11 Aug 1940. They had five children. They lived in KY and Montana.

Malinda E. Vaught was b Sep 1890. Ethel Vaught was b Jan 1893. Fannie Lou Vaught was b 24 Mar 1895. She m Roger E. Spring, 18 Nov 1915. She d 18 Oct 1966. Roger was b 18 Dec 1891 and d 3 Sep 1962. They had three children: Ella Mae, Margaret and George Carl. Florida Vaught was b 26 May 1898 in Somerset, Pulaski Co., KY. She m James Perry Hamilton, 24 Jan 1928 in Pulaski Co., KY. She d in Somerset. He d Dec 1969 in Pulaski Co., KY. They had three children.

Mary Elizabeth Hamilton b 22 Aug 1922 in Casper, WY. She d 23 Aug 1922. Peggy Maxine Hamilton was b 8 Jly 1926 in Somerset, KY. She m Hugh Morrison, 18 Nov 1950. He d 25 Sep 1983. Patsy Pauline Hamilton b 8 Jly 1926 in Somerset, KY.

Mary Belle Vaught was b 9 Aug 1900. She m Ora Richard Phillippi 20 Mar 1918 in Nashville, Tn. He was b 6 Jun 1898. He d 29 Mar 1944. She d 6 Aug 1980. They had two children: Neal Richard Phillippi and Buelah Catherine Phillippi.



Fannie Vaught (1895-1966)

(Fannie d/o William s/o Stephen s/o Johns/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

Stephen Vaught (1819) and Sarah Gibson (1819) i i

William Vaught (1864) and Margaret Aker (1872) i i

Fannie Vaught (18 95) and Roger Spring (18 91) i

i 1 r i i i

Ella Mae Margaret George

Fannie Lou Vaught was b 24 Mar 1895. She m Roger E. Spring, 18 Nov 1915. She d 18 Oct 1966. Roger was b 18 Dec 1891 and d 3 Sep 1962. They had three children.

Ella Mae Spring was b 19 Mar 1917 in Bozeman, MT. She m Clyde H. Border, 1 Jly 1937 in Boseman, MT. He was b 24 Jan 1916. They live in Boseman. They have two children.

Barbara Ann Border was b 17 Jun 1938 in Bozeman, MT. She m Richard L. Ettinger. They live in Alburquerque, NM. They have three children:

Deborah Ann Ettinger was b 22 Jly 1955. Vickie Dianne Ettinger was b 8 Jun 1958, m McClure. Martin Lee Ettinger was b 11 Jan 1962, m Welch.

C. Robert Border was b 31 Mar 1940 in Bozeman, MT. He m Marion McCleave, 30 Jun 1960 and div 5 Feb 1985. They live in Bozeman, MT. They had four children:

Timothy Lee Border, b 20 Aug 1962 in Bozeman, MT. Robert Allen Border, b 27 Sep 1967 in Bozeman, MT. Terrel Ray Border, b 8 Jun 1970 in Bozeman, MT. Jo Ellen Border, b 22 Jan 1972 in Bozeman, MT.

Margaret Spring was b 25 Apr 1933 in Belgrade, MT. She m Robert D. Fellerhoff. They live in Albuquerque, NM. They had two children.

Randall Dean Fellerhoff was b 2 Aug 1954 in Kodiak, Alaska. He m Susan Flora, 7 Aug 1976 in Bozeman, MT. They had two children:

Whitney Anne Fellerhoff b 19 Jan 1981 Peoria, IL. Robin Lynn Fellerhoff b 13 Oct 1983 Peoria, IL.

John Richard Fellerhoff b 26 Sep 1958 in Bozeman, MT. George Carl Spring b 5 Jun 1928 in Belgrade, Montana. He m Lee Brookshier. They live in Boseman, MT.


SECTION SIX C Stephen Vaught Mary Vaught (1900-1980)

(Mary d/o William s/o Stephen s/o John s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

Stephen Vaught (1819) and Sarah Gibson (1819) i i

William Vaught (1864) and Margaret Aker (1872) i i

Mary Vaught (1900) and Ora Phillipi (1898) i 1

i i i i

Neal Buelah

Mary Belle Vaught was b 9 Aug 1900. She m Ora Richard Phillippi 20 Mar 1918 in Nashville, Tn. He was b 6 Jun 1898. He d 29 Mar 1944. She d 6 Aug 1980. They lived in KY, WY and Tn. They had two children.

Neal Richard Phillippi was b 27 Aug 1920 in Mobile, IA. He m Madaline Mildred Manos, 1942 in Harrison, NE. He d 23 Nov 1963 in Casper, WY. Madeline was b 25 May 1924 in Crosby, WY. the d/o Mike Emanuel Manos and Marie Brown. They had three children.

Dennis Richard Phillippi was b 24 Aug 1943 in Casper, Watrona Co., WY. He m Ruth Marie MacKay, 19 Jun 1964 in Casper. She was b 1 Apr 1947 in Stillwater, Minn, the d/o Harold E. MacKey and Dorthy E. Newville. They had three children:

Tamira Lynn Phillippi b 13 Jan 1965 Casper, WYO. Matthew Richard Phillippi b 30 Nov 1968 Cheyenne. Mark Richard Phillippi b 31 Oct 1970 Cheyenne, WYO.

Linda Mae Phillippi was b 22 Apr 1945 in Casper, WY. She m Douglas Milender, 2 Jan 1965. Rita Mary Phillippi was b 17 Mar 1958 in Casper, WY.

Beulah Catherine Phillippi was b 7 Jan 1923 in Somerset, KY. She m George Roy Welch, 9 Oct 1940 in Douglas, WY. He was b 14 Jun 1922. They had two children. They live in Salem, OR.

Georgia Ann Welch b 6 Sep 1941 Casper, WY. She m (1) Jerry L. Nelson, 1959 in Casper, WY. (2) Thomas J Schreiner, 1964 in Utah. They live in Las Vegas, NV. Gary Leonard Welch was b 7 Jan 1949 in Casper, WY. He m Loraine Jackman, 7 Sep 1971 in Manti, UT. They live in Green River, WY.



James Vaught (1871-1939) (James s/o Stephen s/o John s/o George s/o Andrew

s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

John Vaught (1781) and Elizabeth Slemp (1793) i i

Stephen Vaught (1819) and Sarah Gibson (1819) i i

James Vaught (1871) and Sarah Gastineau (1877)

I I I i i i i i i I I I i i i i i

Zula Laura Herbert Mittie Jewell Rual Homer Lou Opal

James Madison Adams Vaught b 16 Aug 1871 in Pul Co., KY. James d 7 Apr 1939, bur at Union Cem, Pul Co., KY. James m Sarah (Sallie) Gastineau 14 Feb 1893 Huntsville, Scott Co., TN. Sarah was b 4 Apr 1877 and d 6 Jun 1911. She bur with James. Sarah is d/o Joel Gastineau and Frances Ann Vaught. Frances is d/o Sylvester Vaught and Matilda Hays; s/o Wm s/o Henry and Catherine Vaught. They had nine children.

Zula Scott Vaught b 23 Jun 1895 Science Hill, Pulaski Co., KY, m William Clark Wilson. Laura Gertrude Vaught b 1 Oct 1896 Science Hill, Pul Co., KY. She m Lewis Walter Casada, 15 Jan 1921 in Somerset, Pul Co., KY. Lewis was b 23 May 1893 in Keno, KY. He d 20 Jly 1977 s/o Rev. Wm Casada and Sarah Elizabeth Davis. Laura d 18 Feb 1987 in Science Hill, KY. They had four children: Carroll, Edgar, Harold and James. Herbert Lee Vaught, was b 30 Jan 1898 Science Hill. He m Susie Hargis. Mittie Pearl Vaught b 1 Jun 1899 Science Hill. Jewell Ann Vaught, twin b 8 Aug 1904 Science Hill. Rual Beckham Vaught, twin, b 8 Aug 1904 Science Hill, Pulaski Co., KY. He m Marie Catherine Young, 19 May 1934 Science Hill He d 7 Jun 1971 bur Science Hill Cem. Marie b 27 June 1912 and d 23 Nov 1980. They had three children: Rex Vernon, Betty Lou and Fonda June. Homer Stephen Vaught b 24 Mar 1906 Science Hill, Pulaski Co., KY. He had two children:

Helen Beatrice Vaught Homer Victor Vaught, b 14 Oct 1939, d 28 Dec 1956 dying accidently. He is bur in Freedom Cem. Pul. Co., KY.

Lou Beatrice Vaught b 1 Nov 1908 Science Hill. She m Homer Estes. Opal Elizabeth Vaught b 1914 Science Hill, Pulaski Co., KY.



Laura Vaught (1896-1987)

(Laura d/o James s/o Steven s/o John s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

John Vaught (1781) and Elizabeth Slemp (1793) i i

Stephen Vaught (1819) and Sarah Gibson (1819) i i

James Vaught (1871) and Sarah Gastineau (1877) i i

Laura Vaught (1896) and Lewis Casada (1893)

I I I I i I I I

Carroll Edgar Harold James

Laura Gertrude Vaught, was b 1 Oct 1896 Science Hill, Pulaski Co., KY. She m Lewis Walter Casada, 15 Jan 1921 in Somerset, Pulaski Co., KY. Lewis was b 23 May 1893 in Keno, KY. He d 20 Jly 1977. He is the s/o Rev. Wm Casada and Sarah Elizabeth Davis. Laura d 18 Feb 1987 in Science Hill, Pulaski Co., KY. They had four children.

Carroll Casada was b & d Nov 1921 in Pulaski co., KY. Edgar Lewis Casada was b 8 Aug 1923 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Dorothy Louise Ekvall, 18 Aug 1945 in Oshkosh, Wis. They live in Highland, IND. They had two children.

Louise Jean Casada was b 1 Aug 1946 in KY. She m W. Rex Hillery, 1 Jan 1967. They live in Higland, Ind. Lawrence Lewis Casada was b 20 Mar 1949 in Wics. He lives in Georgia.

Harold Vernon Casada was b 12 May 1926 In Pulaski Co., KY. He d 25 Jly 1944 in Pulaski Co., KY. James Hubert Casada was b 24 Sep 1931 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Emma Jean Simpson, 18 Sep 1955 in KY. They live in KY.


SECTION SIX D Stephen Vaught Rural Vaught (1904-1971)

(Rural s/o James s/o Stephen s/o John s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

John Vaught (1781) and Elizabeth Slemp (1793) i i

Stephen Vaught (1819) and Sarah Gibson (1819) i i

James Vaught (18 71) and Sarah Gastineau (18 77) i i

Rural Vaught (1904) and Marie Young (1912) i i

i i i i i

Rex Betty Fonda

Rual Beckham Vaught, twin, was b 8 Aug 1904 Science Hill, Pulaski Co., KY. He m Marie Catherine Young, 19 May 1934 Science Hill, Pulaski Co., KY. He d 7 Jun 1971 and is bur Science Hill Cem. Marie was b 27 June 1912 and d 23 Nov 1980. They had three children.

Rex Vernon Vaught was b 7 Oct 1935 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Vickie Whittaker, 13 Mar 1959 in Science Hill, Pulaski co., KY. They live in Cincinnati, OH. Betty Lou Vaught b 5 Sep 1938 Pulaski Co., KY, m Howard L. Inabnitt, 3 Oct 1959 at Science Hill, Pulaski Co., KY. They live in Brownsburg, OH. They have a daughter.

Katherine Elizabeth Inabnitt b 28 Oct 1969 Des Moines, IA. Fonda June Vaught was b 6 Apr 1944 in Pulaski Co., KY. She m Robert VanHook, 4 Mar 1961 in Somerset, Pulaski Co., KY. They live in Somerset. They had two children.

Robert Gregory VanHook b 1 Feb 1965 in Pulaski Co., KY. Jeffery Scott VanHook b 10 Dec 1968 in Pulaski Co., KY.



(1822-1895) (Jane d/o John s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

George Vaught (1742) and Christiana Phillippi (1763) i i

John Vaught (1781) and E l i z a b e t h Slemp (1793)

J a n e Vaught (1822) and R i c h a r d Meece


1Ann L. 3Mary 5 Sarah P a u l i n a 9Lucy " F o u n t a i n L. 2 E l i z a b e t h "Martha 6John 8 Mariah B. 1 0Will iam E.

Jane Vaught, was b 9 Nov 1822 in Pulaski Co., KY, d 2 Nov 1895. she is buried in Bradley's Chapel Church Cemetery. She m Richard Meece, 5 Mar, 1845. Richard was b 22 Feb 1819 in KY the son of Christopher Meece and Henritta Barrier. He first m Betsy East ham. He d 22 June 1891. He is buried with his wife in Bradley Chapel Cem. Pulaski Co., KY. They had eleven children.

Ann Louisa Meece, was b Dec 1846 in Pulaski Co., KY. Ann m Greenbury Bobbit, 8 Feb 1866. Greenbury was b 5 Jan 1846. Ann d in 1939. Greenbury d 16 Oct 1917. Both are buried at Pine Hill Cem. Pulaski Co., KY. They had six children: Almira, Lora, Sally, William Charlie and Pearle. Elizabeth J. Meece, was b ca 1846 in Pulaski Co., KY. She was living with her sister Ann in 1870. She d 22 Mar 1875 of consumption. Mary H. Meece, was b ca 1848 in Pulaski Co., KY. Nothing more is known of her. Martha E. Meece, was b ca 1849 in Pulaski Co., KY. Nothing more is known. Sarah C. Meece b ca 1851 in Pulaski Co., KY. She died of consumption 21 Dec 1876. John C. Meece, was 1 Dec 1852 (21 Nov 1851 cem.) in Pulaski Co., KY. John m Celia A. Hays 1 Nov 1880. She was b Jun 1863 in Pualski Co., KY. John d 13 Jan 1923 and is b at Pine Hill Cem. Pulaski Co., KY. They had six children; five are.

Crawford Meece, was b Jan 1882 in Pulaski Co., KY. Rosy L. Meece, was b Oct 1885 in Pulaski Co., KY. Fountain B. Meece, was b 15 Apr 1887 in Pulaski Co., KY. He d 6 Aug 1910 bur Pine Hill Cem. Pulaski Co., KY. Rector Meece, was b Sep 1892 in Pulaski Co., KY. Maggie L. Meece, was b Jly 1897 in Pulaski Co., KY.



Paulina Meece, was b 1 Mar 1854 in Pulaski Co., KY. She was single in 1880. Nothing more is known of her. Mariah Bell Meece, was b 1 Aug 1856 in Pulaski Co., KY. She m William M. Brown, 12 Mar 1874. They had two children.

Mariah Brown, was b ca 1875 in Pulaski Co., KY. Mary Brown, was b ca 1879 in Pulaski Co., KY.

Lucy Meece, was b 21 Jul 1858 in Pulaski Co., KY. She m Wesley Sylvester Vaught, 18 Nov 1875. Wesley Sylvester was the s/o Sylvester Vaught and his wife Matilda Hays. William Ellice Meece b 22 Dec 1859 Pulaski Co. d 17 Apr 1876 of consumption. Nothing more is known of him. Fountain L. Meece, was 22 Jan 1862 in Pulaski Co., KY. He d 18 Apr 1952 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Matilda A. Waddle, 16 Oct 1887. She was b 24 Feb 1868 in Pulaski Co., KY. She d 11 Oct 1955 in Pulaski Co., KY. They are b in Brown Cem. Pulaski Co., KY. They had four children.

Burnard Meece, was Oct 1888 in Pulaski Co., KY. Oma Meece, was Dec 1890 in Pulaski Co., KY. Evertt Meece, was Mar 1893 in Pulaski Co., KY.

Lela Meece, was Aug 1896 in Pulaski Co., KY.



(Ann d/o Jane d/o John s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

Jane Vaught (1822) and Richard Meece i

i Ann Meece (1846) and Green Bobbit (1846)

i i

i I i i i i I I I I

Almira Lora Sally William Charlie Pearle

Ann Louisa Meece, was b Dec 1846 in Pulaski Co., KY. Ann m Greenbury Bobbit, 8 Feb 1866. Greenbury was b 5 Jan 1846. Ann d in 1939. Greenbury d 16 Oct 1917. Both are buried at Pine Hill Cem. Pulaski Co., KY. They had six children.

Almira Bobbit, was b Oct 1856 in Pulaski Co., KY. She m Milton D. Gilliland, 11 Oct 1891 in Pulaski Co., KY. Lora Helen Bobbit, was b 13 Mar 1870 in Pulaski Co., KY. She d 24 Aug 1872 and is bur in Rock Lick Cem. Pulaski Co., KY. Sally Bobbit b Mar 1876. She was living at home in 1900. William R. Bobbit, was b 14 Jly 1878 in Pulaski Co., KY. He d 28 Jly 1964 and in buried at Pine Hill Cem. Charlie E. Bobbit, was b 18 Dec 1880 in Pulaski Co., KY. He d 30 Jan 1889 and is buried in Rock Lick Cem. Pearle Bobbit b Nov 1894. She may be the daughter of Sally.



(1827-1907) (Margaret d/o John s/o George s/o Andrew

s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

George Vaught (1742) and Christiana Phillippi (1763) i i

John Vaught (1781) and Elizabeth Slemp (1793) i i

Margaret Vaught (182 7) and Henry G. Vaught (1822) i i

I I I I I i i i i

Milford Mary Jane Martha Samuel McKinder Virgil

Margaret Vaught b 18 Feb 1827 in Pul Co., KY, d 26 May 1907. She m a distant cousin Henry G. Vaught 8 Aug 1852 in Somerset. He was b 14 Apr 1822 in Pul Co., KY, and d 5 Jun 1904 in Casey Co., KY. They had six children. His pedigree is as follows. (See Vaught Family History, Vol. 2 "There was a Gaspar in the Family." P. 15, 30, 68.)

John Paul Vaught (1680) and Catharine (1687) Andrew Vaught (1721) and Elizabeth

Gaspar Vaught (1749) and Elizabeth Butcher (1750-55) Christopher Vaught (1782) and Elizabeth Vaught (1791)

Henry G Vaught (1822)

Milford J. Vaught b 7 May 1853 in Pul Co., KY Milford m 1st Melissa Young 11 Feb 1877 in Pul Co., KY He m (2) Nira Young 1 Jan 1884 in Pul Co., KY. They had twins William (Harvey B.) and Lucretia. Mary "Nancy" Jane Vaught b 24 Oct 1854 in Pul Co., KY. Nancy m 1st George A. Hines 23 Sep 1880. George the s/o of Stephen and Sarah Hines. George b 13 Oct 1854 and d 1 Nov 1887, bur at Mt. Zion Cem. Pul Co. Nancy m 2nd Jim Higgens 21 Jly 1891. Jim b 1851 and d 1941. Jim the s/o of William Robert, Pernetta (Taylor) Higgens. Jim is bur at Freedom Cem., Pul Co. Nancy had no children. Martha A. Vaught b 19 Sep 1858 in Pul Co. She m George Garner, Jr. Martha bur at Poplar Grove Cem. Casey Co., KY No children. Samuel Kelly Vaught b 7 Mar 1863 in Pul Co. He m Mary Irene McQueary 12 Oct 1889 Casey Co., KY. Mary b ca 1874 and d Dec 1923. Samuel d 8 Jly 1931. They are bur at Poplar Hill Cem. Casey Co., They had 12 children: Albert, Bertha, Edward, Orvis, Walter, Grace, Irene, Nellie, Ethel, Home, Reid, unnamed child, b 5 Oct 1904. McKinder N. Vaught b ca 1867 in Pulaski co., KY. He d young sometime before 1880. Virgil P. "Perk" Vaught, was b 17 Aug 1870 in Pulaski Co., KY. He d 11 May 1893 and is bur at the Freedom Cem. Pulaski Co., KY



(1863-1931) (Samuel s/o Margaret d/o John s/o George s/o Andrew

s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

John Vaught (1781) and Elizabeth Slemp (1793) i i I i

Margaret Vaught (1827) and Henry G. Vaught (1822) ! i

Samuel Vaught (186 3) and Mary McQuerry (18 74) i i


xAlbert 3Edward 5Walter ' I r ene 9Ethel "Homer 2Bertha 4 0rvis 6Grace "Nell ie 10unnamed 12Reid

Samuel Kelly Vaught, was b 7 Mar 1863 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Mary Irene McQueary 12 Oct 1889 in Casey Co., KY. Mary was b ca 1874 and d in Dec 1923. Samuel d 8 Jly 1931. They are both bur at Poplar Hill Cem. Casey Co., KY. They had twelve children.

Albert Vaught, was b 5 Oct 1890 in Bethelridge, Casey Co., Ky. He d 16 May 1928, being crushed to death by a load of gravel. He did not marry. He is bur at Popular Hill Cem. Casey Co., KY. Bertha Vaught, was b 23 Jan 1892 in Bethelridge, Ky. She m Segal Foster. She d 15 Aug 1967. They had three children.

Vernie Foster, was b ca 1913 in Casey Co., Ky. Ruel Foster, was b ca 1915 in Casey Co., KY. Bernie Foster, was b ca 1918 in Casey Co., KY.

Edward Perkins Vaught b 10 Oct 1894 casey Co., KY. Edward m Lora J. McAninch, 26 Sep 1915 in Casey Co., KY. Lora was b 31 May 1897 and d 27 Jan 1976. Edward d 18 Jun 1978 in OH. Edward resided in Cincinatti, OH. They had two children.

Hoy Lee Vaught b 23 Jly 1917 Bethelridge, KY. Hoy m June C. They lived in Milford, OH. Hoy d 8 Oct 1989. Cornell Vaught, was b ca 1919 at Bethelridge, KY.

Orvis Vaught, was b ca 1895 in Casey co., KY. He d young ca 1909 enroute to the hospital with a ruptured appendix. Walter Green Vaught, was b 22 Apr 1896 in Bethelridge, Casey Co., KY. Walter m Louisa Ann Stanberry, 29 Jan 1918. She was the d/o Alexander and Margaret (Thomas) Stanberry. They div ca 1938. Walter remarried but had no more children. He d 14 Jun 1966 in Louisville, KY and is bur at Resthaven Cem. Louisa was b 28 Dec and d 17 Sep 1977. Louisa is bur at Middleburg Cem. Casey Co., KY. Walter and Louisa had three children: Inez Mary, Julius Howard and Margaret Juanita.



Grace Vaught, was b 8 Apr 1898 in Casey Co., KY She m Ulis Lee Ross. Ulis was the s/o William Daniel and Melissa (McAninch) Ross. There children were.

William Kelly Ross, was b ca 1919. Nora Lee Ross, was b ca 1921.

Irene Vaught b 17 Feb 1900 Casey Co., KY, m Olia Watson ca 1920. They had a dau. Winfrey Watson, was b ca 1921.

Nellie Vaught, was b 14 Apr 1902 in Bethleridge, Casey Co., KY. She m Ravon Ross, 16 May 1925. Ravon was the s/o William Daniel and Melissa (McAninch) Ross. Ravon was b 17 Mar 1903 and d 14 May 1986. Nellie d 6 Jun 1980. She is bur at Poplar Hill Cem. Casey Co., KY. There were two sons Kenneth Russell Ross was one.

Kenneth Russell Ross, was b 18 Oct 1929. Kenneth m June Collene Hatter, 31 Jan 1957 at Lawrence, IN. June was b 10 Aug 1932. They had a dau.

Connie Renee Ross b ca 20 Sep 1957 Cincinnati, OH. She lives in San Antonia, TX, (1986).

Ethel Vaught, was b 13 May 1904 in Bethelridge, Casey Co., KY. She m John Cecil Adams. Ethel d 8 Dec 1981. They had five boys John Adams was one.

John Adams was b in the 1920's. He m Mary Lois Tanner. Unnamed Vaught, was b and d 5 Oct 1904 in Casey Co., KY. Homer Vaught, was b 30 Oct 1906 in Casey Co. KY. He m Florence Hatter. They had no children. Homer d 26 Dec 1961. He is bur at Poplar Hill cem. Casey Co., KY. Florence d 17 Oct 1977. Reid Kelly Vaught b 24 Mar 1918 Bethelridge, Casey Co., KY. He m Mary Faustine Wesley, 18 Aug 1940 in Campbell Co., KY. Mary was the d/o Ocla and Nannie Bell (Vest) Wesley: Reid d 22 Sep 1983. Mary was b 25 Oct 1921 in Casey Co., KY. They had two children.

Sandra Kay Vaught, was b 29 Mar 1943 in Cincinatti, OH. She m (1) James E. Townsend. They div. She m (2) Raymond Layman. In 1985 they resided at West Chester, OH. James and Sandra had two sons.

James Stephen Townsend b 8 Aug 1966 Cincinnati. John David Townsend b 1 Jly 1969 Cincinnati.

Stephen Kelly Vaught, was b 7 Feb 1947 in Danville, Boyle Co., KY. He m Judith Ann Thibo. They live Elizabethtown, KY, (1985). They have 2 sons.

Brian Kelly Vaught b 27 Nov 1972 Lexington, KY. Todd David Vaught b 26 Nov 1974 Lexington, KY.



(1896-1966) (Walter s/o Samuel s/o Margaret d/o John s/o George

s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

Margaret Vaught (182 7) and Henry G. Vaught (1822) i


Samuel Vaught (1863) and Mary McQuerry (1874)

Walter Vaught (1896) and Louisa Stanberry (1898)

i i i i i

Inez Julius Margaret

Walter Green Vaught, was b 22 Apr 1896 in Bethelridge, Casey Co., KY. Walter m Louisa Ann Stanberry, 29 Jan 1918. She was the d/o Alexander and Margaret (Thomas) Stanberry. She worked as a legal secy. They div ca 1938. He served in WWI and worked as a postal clerk. Walter remarried but had no more children. He d 14 Jun 1966 in Louisville, KY and is bur there at Resthaven Cem. Louisa was b 28 Dec and d 17 Sep 1977. Louisa is bur at Middleburg Cem. Casey Co., KY. Walter and Louisa had three children.

Inez Mary Vaught b 9 Dec 1918 KY. She did not marry. She lived in Jeffersonville, IN. Julius Howard Vaught, was b 11 Apr 1921 in KY. He m Bessie Henson. He served in the Navy 21 yrs. Julius d 21 Jly 1967. He is bur at Resthaven Cem., Louisville, KY. They had no children. Margaret Juanita Vau •••:. .s b 22.Oct 1923 in KY. Margaret m William E. Embry Jr., 10 Nov 1954. She taugiit school. They div 10 Nov 1961. They had no children. Margaret d 12 Feb 1978. and is bur at Middleburg Cem., Casey Co., KY.



(1829-1895) (Fountain s/o John s/o George s/o Andrew

s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

George Vaught (1742) and Christiana Phillippi (1763) i i

John Vaught (1781) and Elizabeth Slemp (1793) I

Fountain Vaught (1829) and Margaret Dungan (1837) i

Ti I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I

1Emily 3 J o s e p h 5James 7John 9.Ansel ^ M a r t i n 2Bowen "Sophron ia 6baby 8 Margare t 1 0Greenup 1 2 L i l l i e

Fountain Fox Vaught b Pul. Co., KY 22 Jly 1829, d 16 Jan 1895. He m Margaret Ann Dungan 31 Aug (2 Sep) 1855, d/o Elisha and Mahala Hendricks Dungan. She b 20 Oct 1837 and d 29 Jan 1897. They bur Union Church Cem on the Stilesville Rd. The Fountain Vaught home burned in 1906. The property remained in the family until 1942. They had twelve children.

Emily "Emma" Jane Vaught b 18 Jun 1856, d 10 Feb 1902. She never married. She is bur in Union Cem. Her will mentions her brother G.E. (Greenup Estil) and her sister Lillie Lou. The will was dated 1 Oct 1901. Bowen Goggin Vaught b 16 Nov 1857, d Dec 30 1940. He m Sarah "Sally" Louise McKinney, 11 Dec 1879. He bur Somerset City Cem. Sarah b 18 Jan 1860, d 15 Dec 1942. Eight children: Victor Garrett, Fannie Belle, Cyrenius Arthur, Allie A., Neatie Ellis, Fauna Ellen, Beatty Jewel and Mocella. Joseph Elisha Vaught b 21 May 1859 and d 21 Dec 1935. He m Ella Smith, 2 Sep 1888. She b ca 1867. He bur Rockville, IL. They had a son Ramon Vaught. Sophronia "Fronia" Belle Vaught b 28 Oct 1860, d 31 Dec 1893. She m James McKinney. She bur Kansas. James "Colonel" Garrett Vaught b 24 Jly 1863(2), d 29 Dec 1879, never m, bur Union Church Cem. Baby Boy Vaught b 16 Nov 1864, d 27 Nov 1864, bur near Vaught home Godby Cem. John Frederick "Fed" Vaught b 29 Feb 1866, d 24 Sep 1897. He never married. He bur Union Church Cem. Margaret "Nannie" Alice Vaught b 17 Apr 1868, d 30 Jly 1886. (29 Dec 1879) She never married. She bur Union Church Cem. Ansel McGarvey Vaught, b 23 Jan 1872 Pul Co., KY. Nothing more is known. Greenup Estill Vaught b 19 Jun 1874, d 30 Jan 1955. He m Ida Cora McGahan, 1 Jan 1903 Somerset. She b 22 Jly 1887 and d 14 Oct 1942. He bur Union Church Cem. She bur Somerset City Cem. They had five children: Thelma Estelle, Monte Fae, Arnold Elden, and twins Elsie and Elgie. Martin Batie Vaught, b 2 Aug 1876, d 6 Feb 1890, never m. bur Union Church Cem. Lillie Lou Vaught b Nov 24 1878, she lived over 100 years of age. She m Will McKinney. She bur near Riverton, WY.



(1857-1940) (Bowen s/o Fountain s/o John s/o George

s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

John Vaught (1781) and Elizabeth Slemp (1793) i i

Fountain Vaught (182 9) and Margaret Dungan (183 7)

Bowen Vaught (1857) and Sarah McKinney (I860)

I I I I I I I I i i i i

Victor Fannie Cyrenius Allie Neatie Fauna Beatie Macella

Bowen Goggin Vaught b 8 Nov 1857, d Dec 30 1940. He m Sarah "Sally" Louise McKinney, 11 Dec 1879. She b 18 Jan 1860 and d 15 Dec 1942. She was d/o William Washington and Lora Ann Reid McKinney. He bur Somerset City Cem. They had nine children.

Victor Garrett Vaught b 23 Dec 1880 Dabney, Pulaski Co. d 16 Apr 1944. He m Matilda Christensen, 16 Dec 1915. Fannie Belle Vaught b 28 Feb 1884 Dabney, KY, d 9 Aug 1954. She m Edgar Yates, 17 Dec 1914. She bur Somerset City Cem. Cyrenius Arthur Vaught b 9 Oct 1885 Dabney, KY, d 10 Mar 1955. He never married. Allie A. Vaught b 4 Oct 1887 Dabney, KY, d 17 Jly 1975. She was a school teacher. Neatie Ellis Vaught b 4 Oct Dabney, KY, d 20 Mar 1986. She m William Elias Cundiff, 25 Dec 1907 Chattanooga, Tenn. William b 23 Nov 1878 Pulaski Co. He d 1 Jly 1958, bur with wife Somerset City Cem. She d 20 Mar 1986. They had three children: Evelyn, William and Sarah.

Evelyn Vaught Cundiff b 16 Oct 1908 Meridian, Miss., d 30 Jun 1977. M Frank Keisewetter, 10 Oct 1970 Somerset. William Bowen Cundiff b 31 Jan 1914 Meridian, Miss. M Julia Joan Smetka, 11 Jun 1938 Aruba, N.W.I. Live Somerset. Sarah Louise Cundiff b 6 Jun 1916 Meridian, Miss. She m Robert S. Merrill, 9 Feb. 1943 Somerset. He b 20 Jun 1919, d 9 Nov 1944. Live Louisville, KY. One dau.

Barbara Sheldon Merrill b 3 Nov 1943 Ft. Benning, GA. She never m. Fauna Ellen Vaught b 18 Jan 1892 Dabney, KY, and 16 Aug 1980. She m Hugh Huffman, 12 Sep 1917. She d 16 Aug 1980. They were div. Beatie Jewell Vaught b 4 Oct 1895 Dabney, KY, d 19 Jan 1968. He m (1) Georgia Waddle 1922, Georgia b 25 Oct 1905, d 4 Jly 1927, (2) Rushia Ping Hempstead, (3) Mildred McKinney, (4) Pauline Edwards. Beatie and George had one son Jack. She d 19 Jan 1968 and bur Lakeside Cem.

Jack Austin Vaught was b 29 Oct 1923 in Pulaski Co. He m Elizabeth Stout. They live in Louisville, TN (1986).

Macella C. Vaught b 26 Mar 1900 Dabney, KY, m Harold C. Kennedy, 18 May 1924.



(Greenup s/o Fountain s/o John s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

John Vaught (1781) and Elizabeth Slemp (1793) i i

Fountain Vaught (182 9) and Margaret Dungan (183 7) i I

Greenup Vaught (1874) and Ida Cora McGahan (1887) i i

I I I I i i i i i

Thelma Bernice Monte Arnold Allie Melvin Elgie Elsie Greenup Estill Vaught b 19 Jun 1874 Somerset, KY, d 30 Jan 1955 Somerset, KY, m Ida Cora McGahan, 1 Jan 1903 Somerset. She b 22 Jly 1887 Pul. Co. d 14 Oct 1942 Somerset, d/o George A and Emily Beshearer McGahan. He bur Union Church Cem. She bur Somerset Cem.

Thelma Estelle Vaught b 15 Jly 1904 Somerset, m Robert Leonard Meece, 3 Mar 1924 Chattanooga, Tenn. He b 2 May 1900 d 17 Aug 1981. They had a daughter Laura.

Laura Opal Meece b 21 Dec 1925 at Somerset. She m Ira Eugene Baker, 30 Mar 1946 in Somerset. He b 24 Aug 1922 in Drum, Pul Co., KY. They live in Somerset. They have two children.

Kenneth Eugene Baker b 15 Mar 1953 in Somerset. He m Connie Sue Bradley 24 Feb 1973. William Edwin Baker b 5 Sep 1959 Somerset, m Janet Black 10 Jan 1986.

Bernice Hazel Vaught b 18 May 1906 Somerset, m Ennis Eubanks. She d 24 Jly 1978 bur Somerset Cem. Monte Fae Vaught b 3 Dec 1908 Somerset, m Herman Stogsdill 6 Nov 1948. He d 8 Feb 1985. Arnold Elden Vaught b 30 May 1911, Somerset. He m (1) Louise Barnes, div. He m(2) Geneva Baker 5 Sep 1949, Somerset. He d 16 Feb 1968, bur Somerset Cem. Geneva b 22 Jan 1928. Two children.

Nancy Lee Vaught b 4 Aug 1954 Somerset, m Orwin A. Kuhnapfel. They live in Bronston, KY. Donna Vaught b 28 May 1959 in Somerset. Lives in Somerset.

Allie Mildred Vaught, was b 27 Mar 1914 in Somerset. She m Wayman Stewart. She d 27 Jun 1978, bur in the Woodstock Cem in Pul Co. Melvin Leslie Vaught, was b 17 May 1917 Somerset, m Winifred Hansford 23 Dec 1939. Elgie Ray Vaught b 5 Dec 1920 a twin Somerset, d 5 Dec 1920. Elsie May Vaught b 5 Dec 1920 a twin Somerset, d 6 Dec 1920.



Johan Paulus Vogt (1680) and Maria Catherina -- (1687)

Andrew Vaught (1721) and Elizabeth --

George Vaught (1742) and Christiana Phillippi (1763)

David Vaught (1783) and Maria Kettering

I I I I i I I I

I I I I i I I I

John Christiana Maria Phillipina Elizabeth Sarah Phebe Son



(1783-????) (David s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

David Vaught was b about 1783 in Montgomery Co., VA. He m Maria Kettering 18 Aug 1803 in VA. His probate was dated 10 June 1833 in Wythe Co., VA. David's will names children John, Sarah and Phoebe. He and his wife had eight children: A is son listed under age 10 in the 1820 census.

John Vaught b 6 Jly 1804 Wythe Co., VA. He m Elizabeth Fuller, 15 Feb 1833. John is mentioned in his father's will. They may have lived in TN.

Christiana Vaught was b 12 Jan 1806 in Wythe Co., VA.

Maria Vaught was b 26 Jan 1808 in Wythe Co., VA.

Phillipina Vaught was b 5 Mar 1810 in Wythe Co., VA.

Elizabeth Vaught was b 2 Oct 1812 in Wythe Co., VA. She m William Sheets. Elizabeth d 12 Mar 1890 in VA.

Sarah Vaught was b 1813 in Wythe Co., VA. She is mentioned in her father's will.

Phebe Vaught was b 1816 in Wythe Co., VA. A Phebe Vaught m John Phillips, 20 Feb 1846 in Johnson Co., VA.



Johan Paulus Vogt (1680) and Maria Catherina -- (1687) i

i Andrew Vaught (1721) and Elizabeth —


i i

George Vaught (1742) and Christiana Phillippi (1763) i

i Peter Vaught (1785) and Magdelina Wampler (1789)



Elizabeth 3Polly 5Eliza 7Peter 9Nancy 2Sallie 4Malinda 6Jefferson 8Christina "Margaret



Section One

Section Two

Section Three

Section Four

Section Five

Section Six

Section Seven

Section Eight

Peter Vaught

Sallie Vaught, d/o Peter Vaught and Mary Wampler

Polly Vaught, d/o Peter Vaught and Mary Wampler

Malinda Vaught, d/o Peter Vaught and Mary Wampler

Eliza Vaught, d/o Peter Vaught and Mary Wampler

Jefferson Vaught, s/o Peter Vaught and Mary Wampler

1 James Madison Vaught s/o Jefferson 2 Peter Josiah Vaught s/o Jefferson 3 Andrew Vaught s/o Jefferson 4 Elmira Vaught d/o Jefferson

Peter Vaught, s/o Peter Vaught and Mary Wampler

Margaret Vaught, d/o Peter Vaught and Mary Wampler



(1785-1863) (Peter s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Peter Vaught b 28 Mar 1785 in Montgomery Co., VA. His will was dated 6 Nov 1863 in Wythe Co., VA. He d 21 Dec 1863. He m Magdalena "Mollie" Wampler, 11 Sep 1810. Molly b 11 Apr 1789 in Wythe Co., VA. She is the d/o Peter Wampler and Magdalena Wolf. Mollie d 7 Nov 1876 according to her tombstone. (Her d date is given as 2 Feb 1877 by Helen Jensen. If this is a bible record then there is a conflict of the date.) Peter and Molly are bur at King's Grove Church near Crockett, VA. They had ten children.

Elizabeth Vaught b 11 Sep 1811 Wythe Co., VA. m Philip Harper Pendleton in 1829 in Wythe Co., VA. Three children are known: Eliza, Hiram and Joseph.

Sallie Vaught b 1814 in Wythe Co., VA. She m Andrew Fisher 21 Mar 1837 in Wythe Co., VA. Sally d at age 71 and Andrew d at age 74. They had 13 children: Mary Jane, Lucinda, Elvira, Lavaina, Ann, James Watson, John Ganaway, William Hicks, Stanley Olin, Nancy Elizabeth and Charles Crockett. Two children died at birth.

Polly Vaught was b 1815 in Wythe Co., VA. She m John King, Jr. 21 Dec 1841 in Wythe Co., VA. They had a daughter Nannie C. King.

Malinda (Matilda) Vaught was b 15 Jan 1817 in Wythe Co., VA. She m Felix Wampler 2 Oct 1837 in Wythe Co., VA. Felix was b 26 Nov 1816 the s/o Geroge and Elizabeth (Steffy) Wampler. Felix d 22 Jly 1904. Malinda d in 1902. Both are bur at St. Paul Cem., Lawrence Co., IL. They had five children: Clare, Rebecca, John, Mary and Firman.

Jefferson Vaught was b 15 May 1819 in Wythe Co., VA. He m Barbara Wayne, 11 Dec 1843 in Wythe Co., VA. He d Oct 1889 in Lawrence Co., IL. He moved to IL in Mar 1845. The children were all b in Wythe Co., VA. They had nine children: twins James Madison and Barbara, Peter, Nancy Jane, David Wynn, Andrew Jackson, Elmira Francis, Hezekiah Martin and John Washington.

Christina Vaught was b 1821 in Wythe Co., VA. She m Mr. Wood in (Smythe Co.?).

Peter Vaught was b 22 Mar 1824 in Wythe Co., VA. He m Elizabeth Burkhart. She was the d/o George and Polly (Vaught) Burkhart. Peter d 1 Jly 1908. They had four children: Mary Jane, John M. Sarah Alice and Nancy C.




Nancy Vaught was b 1825 in Wythe Co., VA. She m Jacob (Carson) Catron. Nancy is mentioned in her father's will.

(Mary) Eliza Vaught was b 1827\32 in Wythe Co., VA. She m John Stranger 7 Oct 1852 in Wythe Co., VA. John was a minister. She d 1887. They had four children: John, James, Laura and Sally.

Malvina Vaught was b 1830 in Wythe Co., VA. She m Joel Littz/Letz, 23 Apr 1853 in Wythe Co., VA. He was b 1832.

Margaret Vaught was b 24 Nov 1832 in Rural Retreat, Wythe Co., VA. She m Madison Howell in Wythe Co., VA, 14 May 1854. He was b 15 May 1832 in Ohio. She d 18 Mar 1916 in Good Luck, KY. In 1854 they moved to TN and later to Edmonton, KY. She d 25 Sep 1928 in Good Luck, KY. They had nine children: Aaron, James, William Jefferson, Mollie Caroline, John Mitchell, Emma Rintha Jane, Melinda Ellen, Isaac Cullen and Margaret.


SECTION TWO Sallie Vaught (1814-1885)

(Sallie d/o Peter s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

George Vaught (1742) and Christiana Phillippi (1763) i i

Peter Vaught (178 5) and Magdelina Wampler (178 9) i i

Sallie Vaught (1814) and Andrew Fisher i


Mary Jane 3Elvira 5Ann 7John 9Stanley ^Charles 2Lucinda "Lavaina 6James 8William 10Nancy 12Child

Sallie Vaught was b 1814 in Wythe Co., VA. She m Andrew Fisher 21 Mar 1837 in Wythe Co., VA. Sally d at age 71 and Andrew d at age 74. They had thirteen children.

Mary Jane Fisher, d at age 22. Lucinda Fisher, d at age 13. Elvira Fisher was b ca 1842.

Lavaina Fisher, m Henry Neff. She d within a year of her marriage. Henry m (2) Margaret Vaught d/o Abraham s/o Geo.

Ann Fisher was b ca 1845. James Watson Fisher, was b about 1846.

John Ganaway Fisher was b ca 1848. John d in 1923. John m Sally Ann Pierce.

Sally Ann was b in 1868 and she d in 1952. They had a son, Gilbert Sullins Fisher.

William Hicks Fisher was b ca 1849.

Stanley Olin Fisher b ca 1851. He taught and d at age 88.

Nancy Elizabeth Fisher was b ca 1853. Charles Crockett Fisher was b ca 1855. Charles was a minster. He lived to be over 95 years of age. He resided in Bristol, VA.

Child Fisher, d in infancy. Child Fisher, d in infancy.


SECTION TWO John Fisher (1848-1923)

(John s/o Sallie d/o Peter s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Peter Vaught (1785) and Magdelina Wampler (1789) i i

Sallie Vaught (1814) and Andrew Fisher i i

John Fisher (1848) and Sally Pierce (1868) i i

Gilbert Fisher (1896) and Ruth Wilcox (1911)

John Ganaway Fisher was b ca 1848. John d in 1923. John m Sally Ann Pierce. Sally Ann was b in 1868 and she d in 1952. They had a son.

Gilbert Sullins Fisher, b 6 Jan 1896 and m Ruth Ada Wilcox, 22 Apr 1927 in Findlay, OH. She was b 26 May 1911. They lived in VA. They had a daughter.

Virginia Lee Fisher, was b 3 Nov 1929 in Rural Retreat, Wythe Co., VA. She m Carl Brown Vaught, 23 Jun 1945. Carl s/o Raymond, s/o Jas M. s/o David B. s/o Jeff s/o Geo. Carl was b 12 Jly 1923 in Rural Retreat. They had a son.

Curtis Paul Vaught was b 4 Mar 1952 in Rural Retreat, Wythe Co., KY. He m Linda Lindsey. They had two children:

Chadwick Paul Vaught was b 12 Aug 1972. Cameron Price Vaught was b 19 Jly 1979.


SECTION THREE Polly Vaught (1815-xxxx)

(Polly d/o Peter s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Peter Vaught (1785) and Magdelina Wampler (1789) i i

Polly Vaught (1815) and John King i i

Nannie King

Polly Vaught was b 1815 in Wythe Co., VA. She m John King, Jr. 21 Dec 1841 in Wythe Co., VA. They had a daughter.

Nannie C. King, was b 23 Feb 1857 in Wythe Co., VA. She m James L. Wampler, 20 Nov 1875. He was b 5 Jly 1850 in Wythe Co. to Rufus M. Wampler and Theresa S. Earhart. He d 4 Mar or May 1883 in Wythe Co. She d 6 Jan 1898. They are buried in Kings' Grove Cem. Wythe Co., VA. They had a daughter Ada Wampler.

Polly Vaught (1815) and John King i i

Nannie King (1857) and James Wampler (1850) i i

Ada Wampler (1878) and Wythe Porter (1872)

Nannie C. King, was b 23 Feb 1857 in Wythe Co., VA. She m James L. Wampler, 20 Nov 1875. They had a daughter.

Ada Crockett Wampler, was b 1878 in Wythe Co., VA. She m Wythe G. Porter, 1 Sep 1897 in Wythe Co. He was the son of John M. and Posie V. Earhart Porter. He was b 1872.


SECTION FOUR Malinda Vaught

(1817-1902) (Malinda d/o Peter s/o George s/o Andrew

s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Peter Vaught (1785) and Magdelina Wampler (1789) i i

Malinda Vaught (1817) and Felix Wampler (1816) i 1

I I I I i i i

Clare Rebecca John Mary Firman

Malinda (Matilda) Vaught was b 15 Jan 1817 in Wythe Co., VA. She m Felix Wampler 2 Oct 1837 in Wythe Co., VA. Felix was b 26 Nov 1816 the s/o Geroge and Elizabeth (Steffy) Wampler. Felix d 22 Jly 1904. Mlainda d in 1902. Both are bur at St. Paul Cem., Lawrence Co., IL. They had five children.

Clare Wampler, nothing more is known of her.

Rebecca Wampler, was b 8 Jan 1850 in Lawrence Co., IL. She m (1) John Stevenson, b 29 Sep 1843 and d 9 Aug 1902. They had ten children: Wayne, John, Mary, Milton, Firman, Felix, Clarence, Cora, Abbie and Bessie. (2) G. Seitzinger. She d 11 Feb 1928 in Russelltown, Lawrence Co., IL. She is buried in St. Paul Cem. Lawrence Co., IL.

John Wampler, was b 27 Sep 1851 in Russell Twp., Lawrence Co., IL. He m Lucinda Montgomery, 5 Oct 1871 in Crawford Co., IL. He d 24 Oct 1933 in Birds, Lawrence Co., IL. He stepped in front of a freight train. He bur Lawrenceville Cem. Mousoleum. They had five children: Samuel, Andrew, Bertha, an infant dau. and John.

Mary Wampler b 17 Apr 1853 Lawrence Co., IL. She m Jasper Pinkstaff. He b 23 Mar 1847 IL. d 30 May 1924. the s/o Andrew and Mary Pinkstaff. She d 20 Dec 1939 Lawrence Co., IL. They bur St. Paul's Cem. They had six children: Felix, Rebecca, Jennie, Wheeler, Morris and Frank.

Firman Wampler, was b 25 Dec 1861 in Lawrence Co., IL. He m Amanda E. Allison, 17 Aug 1879 in Russell Twp. Lawrence Co., IL. She was b 1 May 1862 in Lawrence Co., IL, the d/o William Allison and Mary Ann Pinkstaff. He d 18 Sep 1950 in Palestine, Crawford Co., II. She d 14 Jun 1844 in Crawford Co. They are buried in Robinson Cem. Crawford Co., IL. They had six children: Dora, Charles, Iona, Infant dau., Guy and Oscar.


SECTION FOUR Rebecca Wampler

(1850-1928) (Rebecca d/o Malinda d/o Peter s/o George s/o Andrew

s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Peter Vaught (1785) and Magdelina Wampler (1789) i i

Malinda Vaught (1817) and Felix Wampler (1816) i i

Rebecca Wampler (1850) and John Steveneson (1843; i


1Wayne 3Mary 5Firman 7Clarence 9Abbie 2John "Milton 6Felix 8Cora9 "Bessie

Rebecca Wampler, was b 8 Jan 1850 in Lawrence Co., IL. She m (1) John Stevenson, b 29 Sep 1843 and d 9 Aug 1902. They had ten children. (2) G. Seitzinger. She d 11 Feb 1928 in Russelltown, Lawrence Co., IL. She is bur in St. Paul Cem. Lawrence Co., IL.

Wayne F. Stevenson b 1867 Lawrence Co., IL, m Cora C. Pinkstaff (1872-1958). He d 1934 bur Lawrenceville Cem. They had three sons and two daughters.

John Stevenson, was b 4 Jan 1869 in Lawrence Co., IL. He m (1) Ruth Mattox, b 1970, m (2) Alice Sechrest (1869-1953). He d 15 Dec 1948 and is buried in Lawrenceville Cem. Ruth had four sons and one daughter. Alice had a daughter.

Mary Malinda Stevenson, was b 1871 in Lawrence Co., IL. She m George W. Sechrest (1872-1944). She d 1942 and they are bur Lawrenceville Cem. They had at least two children.

Milton Stevenson b 22 Dec 1873 Lawrence Co., IL. He m Dorothea Pinkstaff. She b Oct 1878 d Apr 1951. He d 7 Sep 1941. They bur Lawrenceville Cem. They had one dau.

Firman E. Stevenson b 3 Oct 1877 in Lawrence Co., IL. He m Mary Ethel. She was b 30 Aug 1877 and d 7 Mar 1961. He d 28 June 1956 and is buried in St. Paul Cem.

Felix William Stevenson b 25 Dec 1879 Lawrence Co., m (1) Bonnie Fay Montgomery, b Jly 1882 d Dec 1924. She had four children. Felix m (2) Emily Catherine Ransford b 1888 d 1970. She had one daughter. He d 16 Mar 1972 and is bur St. Paul Cem.

Clarence S. Stevenson b 28 Feb 1882 in Lawrence Co., IL. He m Julia May Miller. She b Nov 1881, d May 1972. He d 25 Aug 1948 and is buried in Lawrenceville Cem. They had several children.




SECTION FOUR Rebecca Wampler


Cora M. Stevenson, was b 9 Mar 1884 in Lawrence Co., IL. She m John Crow. He was b 15 Dec 1881 and d 1 May 1948. She d 22 Apr 1950 and is buried in Lawrenceville Cem.

Abbie Stevenson, was b 23 Feb 1886 in Lawrence Co., IL. She m Merton Montgomery. He was b Oct 1885 and d Feb 1961. She d 4 Jly 1944 and they are buried in Lawrenceville Cem. They had one son and one daughter.

Bessie L. Stevenson, was b 31 Jan 1889 in Lawrence Co., IL. She m Gilbert Seitginger. He was b 12 Mar 1885 and d 20 May 1943. She d 9 Dec 1974 and is buried in Lawrenceville Cem. They had two daughters and three sons.


SECTION FOUR John Wampler (1851-1933)

(John s/o Malinda d/o Peter s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Peter Vaught (178 5) and Magdelina Wampler (1789) i i

Malinda Vaught (1817) and Felix Wampler (1816) i i

John Wampler (1851) and Lucinda Montgomery (1854)

I i I i

I i I i Samuel Andrew Bertha infant dau. John

John Wampler, was b 27 Sep 1851 in Russell Twp., Lawrence Co., IL. He m Lucinda Montgomery, 5 Oct 1871 in Crawford Co., IL. He d 24 Oct 1933 in Birds, Lawrence Co., IL. He stepped in front of a freight train. He is buried in Lawrenceville Cem. Mausoleum. They had five children.

Samuel Firman Wampler, was b 16 June 1872 in Lawrence Co., IL. He m (1) Julia Nancy Zehner, m (2) Emma Lofton.

Andrew Felix Wampler, was b 2 Dec 1874 in Lawrence Co., IL. He m Mary Susan Pinkstaff.

Bertha V. Wampler, was b 24 Jan 1880 in Lawrence Co., IL. She m Jesse Snyder, 15 Dec 1898. He was b 14 Jan 1878 and d 15 Jun 1957. She d 26 dec 1905 in Robinson, Crawford Co., IL. They had one stillborn child.

Infant dau. Wampler b, d 25 Apr 1887 in Lawrence Co., IL. She bur St. Pauls Cem. Lawrence Co., IL.

John Palmer Wampler, was b 26 Jan 1891 in Lawrence Co., IL. He m Bessie Mae Brookhart.



(1853-1939) (Mary d/o Malinda d/o Peter s/o George s/o Andrew

s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Peter Vaught (1785) and Magdelina Wampler (1789) i i

Malinda Vaught (1817) and Felix Wampler (1816)

Mary Wampler (1853) and Jasper Pinkstaff (1847)


Felix Rebecca Jennie Wheeler Morris Frank

Mary Wampler, was b 17 Apr 1853 in Lawrence Co., IL. She m Jasper Pinkstaff. He was b 23 Mar 1847 in IL. and d 30 May 1924. He was the s/o Andrew and Mary Pinkstaff. She d 20 Dec 1939 in Lawrence Co., IL. They are buried in St. Paul's Cem. They had six children.

Felix Pinkstaff, was b 24 Jun 1873 in Lawrence Co., IL. He m (1) Bell, she was b 7 Jly 1875 and d 14 Dec 1904, m (2) Floy Rich, she was b 3 Jun 1883 and d Apr 1977. She bore one daughter. He d 16 Feb 1950 in Lawrence Co., IL. They are buried in Lawrenceville Cem.

Rebecca Pinkstaff, was b 1876 in Lawrence Co., IL. He m George Snider. He was b 1870 and d 1914. He is buried in Lawrenceville Cem. They had three sons.

Jennie Alberta Pinkstaff, was b 25 Mar 1878 in Lawrence Co., IL. She m Harlie Otis Seitginger. He was b 25 Jly 1879 and d 23 Jan 1979. She d 4 Mar 1950 in Lawrence Co., IL. They are buried in Lawrenceville Cem. They had five sons.

Wheeler Pinkstaff, was b 28 Jan 1885 in Lawrence Co., IL. He m Bernice Lackey, d/o Anderson Lackey. She was b Jly 1886 and d Nov 1935. He d 9 Oct 1965 in Lawrence Co., IL. He was buried in Lawrenceville Cem. They had two daughters.

Morris W. Pinkstaff, was b 15 Oct 1886 in Lawrence Co., IL. He m Maggie A. Carlyle. She was b 30 Jan 1886 and d 11 Oct 1975. He d 27 Sep 1970 in Lawrence Co., IL. They are buried in St. Paul's Cem. Lawrence Co., IL. They had two daughters.

Frank Pinkstaff, was b 27 Feb 1890 in Lawrence Co., IL. He m Elsie York. She was b 23 Jan 1890 and d 12 Apr 1951. He d 3 Apr 1979 in Lawrence Co., IL. They had several children.


SECTION FOUR Firman Wampler

(1861-1950) (Firman s/o Malinda d/o Peter s/o George s/o Andrew

s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Peter Vaught (1785) and Magdelina Wampler (1789) i i

Malinda Vaught (1817) and Felix Wampler (1816) i i

Firman Wampler (1861) and Amanda Allison (1862) i 1


Dora Charles Iona Infant dau. Guy Oscar

Firman Wampler, was b 25 Dec 1861 in Lawrence Co., IL. He m Amanda E. Allison, 17 Aug 1879 in Russell Twp. Lawrence Co., IL. She was b 1 May 1862 in Lawrence Co., II, the d/o William Allison and Mary Ann Pinkstaff. He d 18 Sep 1950 in Palestin, Crawford Co., IL. She d 14 Jun 1844 in Crawford Co. They are buried in Robinson Cem. Crawford Co., IL. They had six children.

Dora A. Wampler, was b 27 Jly 1880 in Lawrence Co., IL. She m (1) Dennis Hull, 26 Oct 1905, he was b Dec 1861 and d Jly 1911. She m (2) Charles Walker. She d 11 Aug in Palestine, Lawrence Co., IL. She is buried in Robinson Cem. Lawrence Co., IL. She had one son with Mr. Walker.

Charles Bryl Wampler, was b 30 Jly 1885 in Lawrence Co., IL. He m Gretrna Pennington.

Iona Myrtle Wampler, was b 7 Nov 1888 in Lawrence Co., IL. She d 13 Sep 1891 in Lawrence Co., IL. She is buried in St. Paul's Cem. Lawrence Co., IL.

Infant dau. Wampler, was b in Lawrence Co., IL. She d 7 Feb 1895 in Lawrence Co., IL. She is buried in St. Paul's Cem. Lawrence Co., IL.

Guy M. Wampler, was b 18 Oct 1891 in Lawrence Co., IL. He m Laura Burris. He d 19 Aug 1962 in Vincennes, Knox Co., IN. He is buried in Robinson Cem. Crawford Co., IL. They had on son and adopted a child.

Oscar Wampler, was b 30 Mar 1894 in Lawrence Co., IL. He m Lena Mullins, 19 Feb 1919 in Knox, In. She was b 29 Nov 1896. He d 17 Dec 1939 in Flat Rock, IL. He is buried in Robinson Cem. Lawrence Co., IL.


SECTION FIVE (Mary) Eliza Vaught

(1826-1887) (Eliza d/o Peter s/o George s/o Andrew

s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

George Vaught(1742) and Christiana Phillippi (1763) i i

Peter Vaught (1785) and Magdelina Wampler (1789) i i

Eliza Vaught (1827) and John Stanger

! i i i i i i

John James Laura Sally

(Mary) Eliza Vaught was b 1827-32 in Wythe Co., VA. She m John Earlhart Stranger 7 Oct 1852 in Wythe Co., VA. John was a minister, the son of John Stanger, Jr and Catherine Brounlow. She d 1887. They had four children.

John Nathan Stanger, was b 1856. He m Emma Mariah Bennett, 1913. He d 1932.

James Brounlow Stanger b 1860. He did not marry. He d 1936.

Laura E. Stanger, did not marry.

Sally Ann Stanger b 1852. She m Jeff Byers. He b 1849 and d 1938. Sally d 1930. They had four children.

Nora Byers b 1876. She did not marry. She d 1938. George H. Byers b 1877. He m Grace Ranard. He d 1946. They had three children: Dorthy, Nola (m Glenn Burch) and Olma (m Ralph Smith). Omer Claude Byers, was b 1882. He m Lennie Noel. They had a daughter Martha Jean Byers who m Paul Hanna. John David Byers, no futher information.


SECTION SIX Jefferson Vaught

(1819-1889) (Jefferson d/o Peter s/o George s/o Andrew

s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

George Vaught (1742) and Christiana Phillippi (1763; i i

Peter Vaught (1785) and Magdelina Wampler (1789)

Jefferson Vaught (1819) and Barbara Wayne


1James Madison 3Peter 5David W. 7Elmira F. 9John W. 2Barbara 4Nancy Jane 6Andrew J. "Hezekiah M.

Jefferson Vaught was b 15 May 1819 in Wythe Co., VA. He m Barbara Wayne, 11 Dec 1843 in Wythe Co., VA. He d 30 Oct 1889 in Lawrence Co., IL. He moved to IL in Mar 1845. They had nine children.

James Madison Vaught (twin) was b 18 Dec 1844 in Wythe Co., VA. He m Celina (or Cinna) Irwin in IL. She was b 1 Oct 1846 in Senecaville, Guesey Co., OH and d 16 Nov 1928 in Perry, Noble Co., OK. James d 18 Jly 1924 in Bourbon Co., KA. They had four children: Charles, Marshall, Bertha and Harlan.

Barbara Vaught (twin) b and d 18 Dec 1844 in Wythe Co., VA.

Peter Josiah Vaught was b 20 Mar 1846 in Lawrence Co., IL. Peter m Mary DeLong 1 Nov 1866 in Lawrence Co., IL. Peter d 8 Oct 1925 in IL. Mary was b 26 Aug 1846 and d 5 Jan 1888. They had ten children: Melinda Ann, John W., David Jackson, Christine C , Harlan Jefferson, Jacob J., Charles T., Atchinson L., Julia May, Anna Elizabeth.

Nancy Jane Vaught was b 21 Nov 1847 in Lawrence Co., IL. She m Alexander Stewart. Nancy d 21 June 1917. They had no children.

David Wynn Vaught b 20 Apr 1849 Lawrence Co. m Mary Rider. David d 3 Jly 1916.

Andrew Jackson Vaught was b 28 June 1851 in Lawrence Co., IL. Andrew m Dora A. Lackey (nee Allsion) 5 Mar 1877. Andrew d 28 Jan 1929. They had five children: Gifford, Rollie, James, Kelly and Leslie.

Elmira Francis Vaught was b 16 Jly 1853 Lawrence Co. m William Henry Phillippi 18 May 1876. William was b 7 Nov 1853 and d 28 Feb 1930. Elmira d 4 Feb 1929 in IL. They had eight children: Ira, Delta, John, Grace, Thomas, Martin A. Gladys, Dewey.


SECTION SIX Jefferson Vaught

Dr. Hezekiah Martin Vaught was b 2 Apr 1857 in Lawrence Co., IL. He m first, Minnie E. Parsons, 18 May 1879 in Indianapolis. She d in 1892. He m second, Linnie Beatrice Arnold, 26 Dec 1893 in Indianapolis. Hezekiah d 15 Feb 1929 in Los Angeles, CA. He was bur in Greenville, IL. Linnie was b 3 Jan 1867 in Carroll Co., KY and d 5 Sep 1939 in Sherman, TX. She is bur in Greenville, IL. There were three children: Dr. P.T. Vaught, Clara Vaught (She m Chas D. Carte) and Joseph Martin Vaught.

John Washington Vaught was b 10 Mar 1860 in Lawrence Co., IL. He d 22 Feb 1865 in Lawrence Co., IL.


SECTION SIX James Madison Vaught

(1844-1924) (James s/o Jefferson d/o Peter s/o George

s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Peter Vaught (1785) and Magdelina Wampler (1789) i i

Jefferson Vaught (1819) and Barbara Wayne i i

James Madison Vaught (1844) and Celina Irwin (1846) i J_


Charles Marshall Bertha Harlan James Madison Vaught was b 18 Dec 1844 in Wythe Co., VA. He m Celina (or Cinna) Irwin in IL. She was b 1 Oct 1846 in Senecaville, Guesey Co., OH and d 16 Nov 1928 in Perry, Noble Co., OK. James d 18 Jly 1924 in Bourbon Co., KA. They had four children.

Charles Vaught, nothing more is known of Charles.

Marshall David Vaught, was b 15 May 1869 in Lawrence Co., IL. He m Maude Routh. He d 21 Nov 1957.

Bertha Estell Vaught, was b 10 Oct 1871 in Lawrence Co., IL. She m Silas Hamilton Moore. She d 12 Oct 1958. They lived in Covington, OK.

Harlan Milburn Vaught, was b 3 Sep 1875 in Lawrence Co., IL. He m Jessie Josephine McWhinney, 15 Jan 1899. He d 9 Nov 1960. They had one daughter, Opal Marie Vaught. Opal m Mr. Gillins.


SECTION SIX Peter Josiah Vaught

(1866-1925) (Peter s/o Jefferson d/o Peter s/o George

s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Peter Vaught (178 5) and Magdelina Wampler (178 9) i i

Jefferson Vaught (1819) and Barbara Wayne i i

Peter Vaught (1846) and Mary DeLong (1846) i 1


Belinda 3David 5Harlan 7Charles 9Julia 2John "Christine 6Jacob "Atchinson 10.Anna

Peter Josiah Vaught was b 20 Mar 1846 in Lawrence Co., IL. Peter m Mary DeLong 1 Nov 1866 in Lawrence Co., IL. Peter d 8 Oct 1925 in IL. Mary was b 26 Aug 1846 and d 5 Jan 1888. They had ten children.

Melinda Ann Vaught, was b 12 Mar 1868 in Lawrence Co., IL. She m (1) Adam Pinkstaff (2) John Carl. She d 21 Jun 1924.

John W. Vaught, was b 28 Dec 1869 in Lawrence Co., IL. He d 3 Jan 1879.

David Jackson Vaught, was b 1 Jan 1871 in Lawrence Co. ,IL. He d 27 Nov 1957 in Ark. He m Margaret Catherine Tuel 16 Sep 1894 at Crawford Co., IL. She was b 1 Mar 1871 in IL. and d 6 Oct 1944 in Arkansas. They had six children: Flossie May, Mary Pearl, Lee Henry, Leonard Milton, Laura Amelia and Edythe Victoria.

Christine C. Vaught, was b 9 Dec 1872 in Lawrence Co., IL. She m Redman Mathus,

6 Jan 1892. She is deceased.

Harlan Jefferson Vaught, was b 26 Aug 1875 in Lawrence Co., II. He d 2 Sep 1910.

Jacob J. Vaught b 16 Dec 1877 Lawrence Co. m Brittie Shinkle. He d 7 Apr 1901.

Charles T. Vaught b 22 Feb 1879 Lawrence Co. m Carrie Shaffer. He d 14 Feb 1956. Atchinson Lawrence Vaught b 10 Jan 1881 d 3 Oct 1968. He m (1) Rosa Jones, 1908 at Lawrence Co., IL. She was b 16 Sep 1885 and d 29 Mar 1919. They had six children: Marie, Leo, Raymond, Everett, Vern and Charles. He m (2) Victoria Jones.


SECTION SIX Jefferson Vaught

Julia May Vaught, was b 29 Sep 1884 at Lawrence Co., IL. She m (1) Roy Christins, m (2) Obediah Rich, at Lawrenceville, IL. He d in the winter of 1972/73. She d 4 Jan 1978. They had a son.

Francis Leon Rich b 18 May 1920 at Lawrenceville, IL.

Anna Elizabeth Vaught, was b 4 Jly 1886 at Lawrence Co., IL. She m William Henry Allee, 1907 at Lawrenceville, IL. He was b 24 Dec 1884 and d 20 Aug 1954. Anna d 27 Oct 1959 in Lawrence Co., IL. They had two children: Lela Mae and Alva Gail. She m (2) Charles Franklin Longnecker, 5 Oct 1912 in Lawrence Co., IL. Charles was b 14 Sep 1871 and d 31 Jan 1936. They had seven children: Atchinson, Mary, Katherene, Harold, Robert, Oterbein and Paul.


SECTION SIX Jefferson Vaught

Anna Vaught (1886-1959)

(Anna d/o Peter s/o Jefferson d/o Peter s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Jefferson Vaught (1819) and Barbara Wayne i i

Peter Vaught (1846) and Mary DeLong (1846) i

i Anna Vaught (1886) and William Allee (1884)

i 1

i i l l i i I I i l l i

Alva Atchinson Mary Katherene Harold Robert Oterbein Paul

Anna Elizabeth Vaught, was b 4 Jly 1886 at Lawrence Co., IL. She m William Henry Allee, 1907 at Lawrenceville, IL. He was b 24 Dec 1884 and d 20 Aug 1954. Anna d 27 Oct 1959 in Lawrence Co., IL. They had two children. She m (2) Charles Franklin Longnecker, 5 Oct 1912 in Lawrence Co., IL. Charles was b 14 Sep 1871 and d 31 Jan 1936. They had seven children.

Children of Anna and William

Lela Mae Allee was b 18 May in Lawrenceville, II. She M Flenn Albert Miles, 7 Jly 1926 at Crown Point, IN. They had four children.

Donald Atchinson Miles, was b 26 Mar 1927 in Whiting, IN. He m Betty Louise Cassabaum, 27 Jun 1951 in Greenville, Mississippi. They live in Springfield, IL. Margarett Ann Miles, was b 5 Nov 1928 in Whiting, IN. She m Charles Newkirk, 3 Jly 1986 in Las Vegas, NV. They live in Ft. Lauderdale, FL. Albert Leroy Miles, was b 25 Jan 1932 in Lawrence Co., IL. He m Hilda Broous. They live in Winnsboro. Eudolia Mae Miles, was b 14 May 1934 in Lawrence Co., IL. She d 8 Oct 1958.

Alva Gail Allee b 19 Sep 1911 Lawrence Co. m Pauline Boyd. He d 23 Oct 1939.

Children of Anna and Charles

Atchinson Lowell Longnecker was b 18 Jun 1914 in Lawrence Co., IL. He m Eva Harvey, 24 Apr 1943 in Lawrence Co., IL.

Mary Josephine Longnecker was b 26 Oct 1917 in Lawrence Co., II. She m Wilbur Martin, 11 Jan 1936 in Lawrence Co., II.


SECTION SIX Jefferson Vaught

Katherene Longnecker was b 11 Mar 1920 in Lawrence Co., II. She d 15 Mar 1920.

Harold D. Franklin Longnecker was b 7 Jun 1921 in Lawrence Co., II. He m Geneva Baker, 2 Mar 1946 in Lawrence Co., II.

Robert Josiah Longnecker was b 7 Jun 1923 in Lawrence Co., IL. He m Dorthy Ayers, 1 Dec 1945 in Lawrence Co., II.

Oterbein Dale Longnecker was b 25 Jly 1925 in Lawrence Co., II. He m Maxine Leib, 16 Sep 1947 in Lawrence Co., II.

Paul Devere Longnecker was b 14 Mar 1927 in Lawrence, IL. He m Norma Jean Updike, 4 Apr 1951 in Lawrence, IL. They live in Lawrenceville (1987).


SECTION SIX Jefferson Vaught

David Jackson Vaught (1817-1957)

(David s/o Peter s/o Jefferson d/o Peter s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Jefferson Vaught (1819) and Barbara Wayne i i

Peter Vaught (1846) and Mary DeLong (1846) i

i David Jackson Vaught and Margaret Tuel

i i

i i i i i I I I I

Flossie Mary Lee Leonard Laura Edythe

David Jackson Vaught, was b 1 Jan 1871 in Lawrence Co. ,IL. He d 27 Nov 1957 in Ark. He m Margaret Catherine Tuel 16 Sep 1894 at Crawford Co., IL. She was b 1 Mar 1871 in IL. and d 6 Oct 1944 in Ark. They had six children.

Flossie May Vaught, was b 28 Feb 1896 in Wynne Co. Ark. She m Sam Martin.

Mary Pearl Vaught, was b 26 Sep 1898 in Wynne Co., Ark. She d 10 Jan 1934. She never married.

Lee Henry Vaught, was b 25 Jly 1901 in Wynne Co., Ark. He m Edna Mae Mitchell, 15 Dec 1928 at McCrory, Woodruff, AR. She was b 31 Dec 1906. He d 22 Jan 1982 in LA., CA. They had a son Charles Lloyd Vaught.

Leonard Milton Vaught b 15 Nov 1905. He m Nora Childress.

Laura Amelia Vaught, was b 22 Sep 1909 in Wynne Co., Ark. She m Jeff Wright, 11 Nov 1939. She d 1986.

Edythe Victoria Vaught, was b 27 Nov 1911 in Wynne Co., Ark. She m Bill Russell. She d 7 Sep 1979.


SECTION SIX Jefferson Vaught

Atchinson L. Vaught (1881-1968)

(Atchinson s/o Peter s/o Jefferson d/o Peter s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Jefferson Vaught (1819) and Barbara Wayne i i

Peter Vaught (1846) and Mary DeLong (1846

Atchinson L. Vaught (1881) and Rosa Jones (1885) i 1

I I I i I I I I I i I I

Marie Leo Raymond Everett Vern Charles

Atchinson L. Vaught, was b 10 Jan 1881 in Lawrence Co., IL. He d 3 Oct 1968 in Lawrence Co., IL. He married Rosa Jones, 1908 at Lawrence Co., IL. She was b 16 Sep 1885 and d 29 Mar 1919. They had six children.

Marie Vaught, was b 26 Jly 1908 at Lawrence Co., II. She m Delmes Ivan Shaffer. She d Jly 1974 at Lawrence Co., IL.

Leo Vaught, was b 2 Oct 1909 in Lawrence Co., IL. He m Lela Ellen Fitch 7 May 1938 at Lawrenceville, IL. She was b 18 Oct 1909. They had three children.

Carol Sue Vaught was b 19 Feb 1939 at Vincennes, Ind. James Keith Vaught was b 29 Oct 1941 at Vincennes, Ind. He m Pat Patterson at Mattoon, IL. Rita Ellen Vaught was b 7 Jan 1949 at Vincennes, Ind.

Raymond Maurice Vaught, was b 12 Oct 1911 at Lawrence Co., IL. He m Irene Childress 1938. He d 28 Nov 1966.

Everett Eugene Vaught, was b 29 Oct 1913 at Lawrence Co., IL. He m Marquerite Lenear.

Vern W. Vaught, was b 8 Dec 1917 at Lawrence Co., IL. He m Ruby Jordan.

Charles Marcus Vaught, was b 10 Mar 1919 at Lawrence Co., IL. He m Alice Phegley. He d 19 Sep 1986.


SECTION SIX Jefferson Vaught

Andrew Jackson Vaught (1851-1929)

(Andrew s/o Jefferson d/o Peter s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Peter Vaught (1785) and Magdelina Wampler (1789) i i

Jefferson Vaught (1819) and Barbara Wayne i i

Andrew Jackson Vaught (1851) and Dora A. Allsion

i i i i i

Gifford Rollie James Kelly Leslie

Andrew Jackson Vaught was b 28 June 1851 in Lawrence Co., IL. Andrew m Dora A. Lackey (nee Allsion) 5 Mar 1877. Andrew d 28 Jan 1929. They had five children.

Gifford Vaught was b in Lawrence Co., IL. Lived in Kansas City, MO. He m Akta DeJohn, in 1903. They had a son:

Earl Martin Vaught. Earl m Fern Lorena Plantz, 5 Sep 1937 in Kansas City, MO. They had a son:

Dennis Lee Vaught b 25 Jly 1942 Wyondotee, KS. m Judith Faye Bell.

Rollie Vaught b Lawrence Co., IL. Lived in IN.

James Vaught b Lawrence Co., IL.

Kelly Vaught b Lawrence Co., IL. Became a Dentist.

Leslie Vaught b Lawrence Co., IL. Moved to New York City.


SECTION SIX Jefferson Vaught

Elmira Francis Vaught (1853-1929)

(Elmira d/o Jefferson d/o Peter s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Peter Vaught (1785) and Magdelina Wampler (1789) i i

Jefferson Vaught (1819) and Barbara Wayne i i

Elmira Vaught (1853) and William Phillippe (1853) i 1

i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i

Ira Delta John Grace Thomas Martin Gladys Dewey

Elmira Francis Vaught, was b 16 Jly 1853 in Lawrence Co., IL. Elmira m William Henry Phillippe 18 May 1876. William was b 7 Nov 1853 and d 28 Feb 1930. Elmira d 4 Feb 1929 in IL. They had eight children.

Ira Phillippe b 1877 in Lawrence Co., IL. He m Amelia Lewis, Dec 1900. He d in 1961.

Delta Phillippe, was b in Lawrence Co., IL. She m Clay Stephens.

John Phillippe b 1881 in Lawrence Co., IL. He m Naonne Horner. He d in Jun 1968.

Grace Phillippe b in Lawrence Co., IL. She m T. T. Johnson.

Thomas Phillippe, was b 9 Feb 1885 in Lawrence Co., IL. He m Netus Kittle.

Martin A. Phillippe, was b 29 Oct 1888 in Lawrence Co., IL. He m Garnett McCarty 28 Jan 1912 in Lawrence Co., IL. She was b 19 Jly 1891 and d 30 Apr 1975. He d 28 Sep 1969. They had seven children: Norvin, Carl, Edith, Charles, Glenn, Robert and Forrest.

Gladys Phillippe, was b 1874 in Lawrence Co., IL. She m Page Cochran. She d in 1985.

Dewey Phillippe, was b 8 Jun 1898 in Lawrence Co., IL. He m Ethel Zentmyer, 11 Nov 1944. He d Jun 1986.


SECTION SIX Jefferson Vaught Martin Phillippe

(1888-1969) (Martin s/o Elmira d/o Jefferson d/o Peter s/o George

s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Jefferson Vaught (1819) and Barbara Wayne i i

Elmira Vaught (1853) and William Phillippe (1853) i i

Martin Phillippe (1888) and Garnett McCarty (18 91) i 1

i I I I i i i i I I

Norvin Carl Edith Charles Glenn Robert Forrest

Martin A. Phillippe, was b 29 Oct 1888 in Lawrence Co., IL. He m Garnett McCarty, 28 Jan 1912 in Lawrence Co., IL. She was b 19 Jly 1891 and d 30 Apr 1975 in Lawrence Co., IL. He d 28 Sep 1969 in Lawrence Co., IL. They had seven children.

Norvin Phillippe, was b 11 Nov 1912 in Lawrence Co., IL. He m Opal Stallardy, 21 Oct 1937 in Vincennes, Ind. The d 16 Nov 1970.

Carl L. Phillippe, was b 2 Sep 1914 at Pinkstaff, Illinois. He m Mary Frances Lindsay. They had three children.

Carl Richard Phillippe, was b 8 Aug 1939 in Evansville, Ind. He m Ruthann Johnson, 19 Aug 1967, Durango, CO. They live in Littleton, CO. James Edward Phillippe, was b 13 Aug 1947 in Vincennes, Ind. He m Linda Gosnell, 6 Sep 1975, Lawrence Co., IL. They live near Lawrenceville, IL. Martin Lindsay Phillippe, was b 5 Aug 1850 in Vincennes, IL. He m Janet Sue Boyle, 3 Oct 1976 in Lawrence Co., II. They live in Auburn, N.Y.

Edith Phillippe, was b 20 Aug 1916 in Lawrence Co., IL. She m Ralph G. Cook, 28 Feb 1939 in Flora, IL. They live in San Antonio, TX (1986).

Charles Phillippe, was b 30 Oct 1918 in Lawrence Co., IL. He m Frances Ford, 7 Jun 1940 in Lawrence Co., IL. They live in Indianapolis, Ind (1986).

Glenn Phillippe b 4 Dec 1920 in Lawrence Co., IL. He m Laura Carie, 19 Dec 1945, in Denver, CO. They live in Big Spring, TX (1986).

Robert Phillippe b 19 Oct 1925 in Lawrence Co., IL. He m Mary Strate, 13 Jun 1947 Peoria, IL. They live Chillicothe, IL (1986).

Forrest Phillippe, died in infancy.


SECTION SIX Jefferson Vaught

Hezekiah Vaught (1857-1929)

(Hezekiah s/o Jefferson d/o Peter s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Peter Vaught (1785) and Magdelina Wampler (1789) i i

Jefferson Vaught (1819) and Barbara Wayne i i

Hezekiah Vaught (1857) and Linnie Arnold (1867) i

i i

Paul Clara Joseph

Hezekiah Martin Vaught, M.D., was b 2 Apr 1857 in Lawtence Co., IL. He m (1), Minnie E. Parsons, 18 May 1879 in Indianapolis. She d in 1892. He m (2), Linnie Beatrice Arnold, 26 Dec 1893 in Indianapolis. Hezekiah d 15 Feb 1929 in Los Angeles, CA. He was bur in Greenville, IL. Linnie was b 3 Jan 1867 in Carroll Co., KY and d 5 Sep 1939 in Sherman, TX. She is bur in Greenville, IL. There were three children:

Paul Titas Vaught, Dr., was b 15 Aug 1901 in Pinkstaff, IL. He m Lucille Hardin Mathis, 13 Jun 1931. They had three children:

Elizabeth Jean Vaught, b 13 Oct 1932 in Sherman, TX, m Nicholas P. Sollene, 12 Sep 1953 (?). Mary Lynn Vaught, b 28 Feb 1938 in Sherman TX. She m Byron C. Harrison, 13 Jun 1956. Paul Titus Vaught Jr., b 25 Sep 1944.

Clara Onieta Vaught, was b 25 Nov 1881. She m Charles D. Carter. He was b 11 Oct 1881 in Mineral, IL. She d 20 Apr 1953. They had three children:

Devere Vaught Carter, b 23 Dec 1901, in Pinkstaff, IL. Marion Carter m Herbert Strange, lived in Montrose, CO. Barbara Cornelia Carter, b 20 Aug 1911, in Lawrenceville, IL

Joseph Martin Vaught, was b 28 Jan 1903 in Pinksstaff, IL. He d 27 Apr 1908.



(Peter d/o Peter s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

George Vaught (1742) and Christiana Phillippi (1763) I i

Peter Vaught (1785) and Magdelina Wampler (1789) i i

Peter Vaught (1824) and Elizabeth Burkett (1823) i

i i i i i I I I i

Mary Jane John Sarah Alice Nancy

Peter Vaught was b 22 Mar 1824 in Wythe Co., VA. He m Elizabeth Burkhart, 22 Oct 1851 in Smythe Co., VA. She was b June 1823, the d/o George and Polly (Vaught) Burkhart. Peter d 1 Jly 1908. They had four children.

Mary Jane Vaught was b 24 Apr 1854. She m Austin Alexander Wampler. She d 1925.

John M. Vaught, was b 6 Sep 1856.

Sarah Alice Vaught, was b 20 Aug 1859 in Wythe Co., Va. She m Isaac Texas Wampler. She d 1954 in Wythe Co., VA.

Nancy C. Vaught, was b 23 Oct 1861. She m Emory Blackard.


SECTION EIGHT Margaret Vaught

(Margaret d/o Peter s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

George Vaught (1742) and Christiana Phillippi (1763) i i

Peter Vaught (1785) and Magdelina Wampler (1789) i i

Margaret Vaught (1832) and Madison Howell (1832) i i

I I I i i i i i I I i i i i I I

Aaron James William Mollie John Emma Melinda Isaac Margaret

Margaret Vaught was b 24 Nov 1832 in Rural Retreat, Wythe Co., VA. She m Madison Howell in Wythe Co., VA, 14 May 1854. He was b 15 May 1832 in Ohio. She d 18 Mar 1916 in Good Luck, KY. In 1854 they moved to TN and later to Edmonton, KY. She d 25 Sep 1928 in Good Luck ,KY. They had nine children.

Aaron Howell, was b 1855 and d in 1860.

James "Jimmy" Howell, was b 1857 and d in 1875. He is buried in the Missionary Mound Church Cem. in Good Luck, Metcalfe Co., KY.

William Jefferson Howell, was b 1858 and d 1942 He m (1) ? (2) Nannie Smith. They resided in Edmonton, KY.

Mollie Catherine Howell, was b 1862 and d 1938. She m Rev. Henry Perkins.

John Mitchell Howell, was b 1865 and d 7 Jun 1916. He m Eugenia Smith.

Emma Rintha Jane Howell was b 2 Feb 1867 in Pulaski Co. ,KY. She m John Martin, Jr. 26 Nov 1891. She d 20 May 1941. They have a child Joseph.

Melinda Ellen Howell b 19 Apr 1869 in KY. m A. E. Walker. She d 2 Mar 1947.

Isaac Cullen Howell was b 15 Jan 1872 in KY. He resided in Sumner, OK. He m Cardelia Smith. He d 11 Apr 1947.

Margaret Howell, was b 10 Aug 1874. She m George Word. She d 8 Aug 1893.



Johan Paulus Vogt (1680) and Maria Catherina -- (1687)

Andrew Vaught (1721) and Elizabeth

George Vaught (1742) and Christiana Phillippi (1763!

Andrew Vaught and Rosanna Keesling

i i i i

i i i

i I I I I i I I I I

•••Andrew 3 Sarah 5 C a t h e r i n e 7George 9Mary 2 Stephen 4 Wil l iam 6 I s a a c 8 S e r a l d a 1 0Thurzy



Section 1 Andrew Vaught, s/o George and Elizabeth

Section 2 Stephen Vaught, d/o Andrew Vaught and Rosanna Keesling

Section 3 Sarah Vaught, d/o Andrew Vaught and Rosanna Keesling

Section 4 William Vaught, s/o Andrew Vaught and Rosanna Keesling

Section 5 Catherine Vaught, d/o Andrew Vaught and Rosanna Keesling

Section 6 Isaac Vaught, s/o Andrew Vaught and Rosanna Keesling

Section 7 George Vaught, s/o Andrew Vaught and Rosanna Keesling

Section 8 Thurzy Vaught, d/o Andrew Vaught and Rosanna Keesling

Addendum The Lovett Family



(1787-1878) (Andrew s/o George, s/o Andrew, s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Andrew Vaught was b 9 Feb 1787 in Wythe Co., VA. On 1 Jly 1815 in Wytheville, Virginia he married Rosanna Keesling, the d/o George Keesling and Catherine Gose. Rosanna was b 29 Nov 1788 in Wythe Co. She d 19 Nov 1854 in Pulaski Co., KY. After moving to Pulaski Co., KY, they had ten children. Andrew d in Pulaski Co., Ky on 15 Apr 1879. They are buried in the Vaught Cem.

Andrew Jackson Vaught, was b 20 Nov 1815 in Pulaski Co., KY, m Elizabeth Wolsey 23 Oct 1839. She was b 1814 the d/o James and Jane Wolsey. They had a daughter.

Rosanna Vaught b ca 1841 in Pul. Co., KY. Rosanna m Martin Lovett. They had five children: Andrew J., William, Mary, Rose and Sarah.

Stephen Keesling Vaught, was b 27 Sep 1817 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Mary C. "Nannie" Miller. Stephen was a Methodist minister, organizing several congregations in Mason Co., WV. He d 8 Jly 1880 in Mason Co., WV. He is bur. on the old Vaught farm three miles from Henderson, Route 35, on the outside of the road in a high meadow overlooking the Kanasha River. They had at least four children Anna Elizabeth, Robert L., Andrew Carr and William Henderson.

Sarah "Sally" Vaught, was b 13 Oct 1819 in Pulaski Co., KY, m Josiah Girdler 3 Feb 1841 in Pulaski Co., KY. He was b 13 Apr 1818 s/o Joseph and Patsy (Cundiff) Girdler. He d 14 Sep 1874 in Pulaski Co., KY. They had ten children: William King, Andrew, Milford Perry, Joseph, Stephen, Martha J., unnamed infant (b and d 28 Dec 1854), Mary Francis, and George B.

William F. Vaught, was b 7 Dec 1821 in Pulaski Co., KY, m Ann Lousia Gragg on 19 Feb 1845. She was b 1827, the d/o Elisa Gragg. They had seven children: James O., Lawrence, Elisha P. John, Amy, Milford J., Laura (or Laurain; listed at birth as Sarah).

Catherine K. Vaught, was b 22 Feb 1824 in Pulaski Co., KY. She m William S. Johns on 2 Jan 1849. Catherine d Mar 1886. William G. Johns was said to have been a missionary in China. They had two children: Emery Bascom and Termuthus who d young.




Isaac Tevis Vaught b 6 Mar 1826 in Pulaski Co., KY, m Emily Elizabeth Dungan, b 1838. He d in Pulaski Co., KY on 16 Feb 1878. Emily b 30 Dec 1838, d 17 Jly 1884 in KY. They are both bur at the Dugan Cem. in Pul. Co., KY. An unnamed child was b 20 June 1875, d same day. They had seven children: Beriah Perkins, Brent H., John B., William B., Lorenzo, Mathilda M. and Nannie.

George Washington Vaught, was b 23 Jan 1829 in Pualski Co., KY. He m Martha Francis Taylor on 17 Sep 1850. She was the d/o John Taylor. He d 1 June 1868 in Pulaski Co., KY. Martha m second Silas Vaught. They had five children: Sophia, Isaac Tolbert, Stephen K., Lucy Ann and Josiah.

Seralda Vaught, was b 13 Jly 1831 in Pulaski Co., KY. She d in 1832.

Mary Elizabeth Vaught, was b 13 Oct 1833 in Pualski Co., KY. She m Mark McDonald, 6 Dec 1874. Mark was b in Dundee, Scotland. She d 24 Dec 1906.

Thurzy Ann Vaught, was b 23 Nov 1838 in Pualski Co., KY. She m Franklin Neikrik, on 19 Jan 1864 in Pulaski Co., KY. He was b 11 Dec 1830 and d 15 Aug 1885. She don 7 Feb 1907 in Pulaski Co., KY. They are bur at Camp Ground Cem. Granklin m first, Elizabeth Easfham 12 Apr 1858. They had nine children: John A. Rosanna E. Mariah E. Margaret L., Mary A. George, Sally E. Jessie Franklin and Lulu S.

Martha Vaught was b about 1841 in Pualski Co., KY. She may not have m. She is not in the Pulaski Co., Ky marriage books or in the cem rec.


SECTION TWO Stephen Vaught

(1817-1880) (Stephen s/o Andrew s/o George s/o Andrew

s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

George Vaught and Christiana Phillippi i i

Andrew Vaught and Rosanna Keesling

Stephen Vaught (1817) and Mary Miller

I I i i i i i

Anna Robert Andrew William

Stephen Keesling Vaught, was b 27 Sep 1817 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Mary C. "Nannie" Miller. Stephen was a methodist minister, organizing several congregations in Mason Co., WV. One congregation is the Vaught Memorial United Methodist Church, two miles above Henderson on the Coast Guard Base Road, formerly Lock Eleven. He d 8 Jly 1880 in Mason Co., WV. He is bur. on the old Vaught farm three miles from Henderson, Route 35, on the outside of the road in a high meadow overlooking the Kanasha River. They had at least four children.

Anna Elizabeth Vaught was b 9 Mar 1855 and d 20 Sep 1860. She is bur in the old Vaught Cemetery.

Andrew Carr Vaught was b 19 May 1859 and d 19 Dec 1862.

Robert L. Vaught was b 24 May 1863 and d 24 Aug 1884.

William Henderson Vaught 27 Jun 1868 in Arbuckle District, Mason Co., WV. He d 1960. He m Ora Hogg (18681950), 27 Dec 1895. She was the d/o Walter Harden Hogg (18381917) and Elizabeth McGuffin (1844-1929). William was County Commissioner and Justice of the Peace. They had three children.

Walter Vaught, (1900-1948). William Henderson Vaught (1902-1937). He had a daughter, Carolyn Cockrell and a son. Stephen Kesling Vaught (1905-1943). He was an attorney in Mason Co. He had two daughters.

Nancy Leandria (Nevling) Tryon, b 1932. Martha Roberta Walterson, b 1934.



(Sarah d/o Andrew s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

George Vaught and Christiana Phillippi i i

Andrew Vaught and Rosanna Keesling

Sarah Vaught and Josiah Girdler i

i I I I I I i i i i i i

William Andrew Milford Joseph Stephen Martha Mary George

Sarah "Sally" Vaught, was b 13 Oct 1819 in Pulaski Co., KY, m Josiah Girdler 3 Feb 1841 in Pulaski Co., KY. He was b 13 Apr 1818 s/o Joseph and Patsy (Cundiff) Girdler. He d 14 Sep 1874 in Pulaski Co., KY. They had ten children.

William King Girdler was b 12 Jan 1842 in Pulaski Co., KY. He d 24 Mar 1912. William m (1) Amanda Cormany Vaught, 20 Sep 1865 in Pulaski Co., KY. Amanada was b 10 Jan 1843 and d 8 Jly 1893. He m (2) Julia A Cox, 27 Oct 1895. They had four children James A., Sarah J., Rosetta Elizabeth, and Flora C.

Andrew J. Girdler was b ca 1844 in Pulaski Co., KY. He d 1 May 1863 at Port Gibson, Mississippi in the Civil War.

Milford Perry Girdler was b 9 Nov 1845 in Pulaski Co., KY. Milford m (1) Henla Carolyn West, 7 Dec 1869 in Pulaski Co., KY. Henla was the d/o John West and his wife Ellen Randall. Henla was b 23 Nov 1852. She d 24 Jly 1886. Milford m (2) Hettie Godby, 22 Aug 1888 in Pulaski Co., KY. She was b 30 Sep 1867 the d/o William Harry Godby and Susan Jane Hall. She d 9 aug 1929. Milford d 4 Mar 1926. Milford and Henla had four children Jerry Green, James Marion, Emory Francis and Telitha Cafhren. Milford and Hettie had seven children Martha J., Lizia Edith, Mary Ann, Ezra Jerone, infant, Jeannette, and Naomi.

Joseph Franklin Girdler was b 7 Oct 1847 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Lucy M. Lay, 30 Sep 1866. She was b 15 May 1845 in Pulaski Co., Ky the d/o William Lay. She d 10 May 1923. He d 16 Dec 1914 in Pulaski Co., KY and is buried in Bishop Cemetery with his wife. They had eight children Anna, Lucy, a son, William, James, Nannie, Levi and Linnie.

Stephen K. Girdler was b ca 1849 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Sallie Rhoda Sadler in 1872. Sallie was b 1856, the d/o Abby Sadler. He d in 1894. They had two children Lucretia and David. Stephen m (2) Sarah Sadler Nov 1879.



Martha J. Girdler was b 1 Nov 1852 in Pul. Co., KY. She m Stephen Ashley, 1867.

Infant dau. Girdler (b and d 28 Dec 1854) in Pulaski Co.

Mary Francis Girdler b Jan 1856 in Pul. Co., KY., m James G. Hines, 22 Mar 1873.

George B. Girdler was b 21 Nov 1859 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Sue Stone, 1889. He d 1 Aug 1897.


SECTION THREE William Girdler

(1842-1912) (William s/o Sarah d/o Andrew s/o George s/o Andrew

s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

.Andrew Vaught and Rosanna K e e s l i n g i i

Sarah Vaught and Josiah Girdler

William Girdler (1842) and Amanada Vaught

i i i i i i

James Sarah Rosetta Flora

William King Girdler was b 12 Jan 1842 in Pulaski Co., KY. He d 24 Mar 1912. William m (1) Amanda Cormany Vaught, 20 Sep 1865 in Pulaski Co., KY. Amanada was b 10 Jan 1843 and d 8 Jly 1893. He m (2) Julia A Cox, 27 Oct 1895. They had four children:

James A. Girdler, b 1867.

Sarah J. Girdler, b 1869. She m Wm A. Hall 29 Dec 1897.

Rosetta Elizabeth Girdler was b 26 Aug 1871 in Pulaski Co., KY. She m Thomas P. Ashley, 2 Oct 1887 in Somerset. Thomas was b 29 May 1867 in Pulaski Co., KY. the s/o Thomas Perkins Ashley and Elizabeth Vaught (d/o Christley Vaught Jr. and Charity Rosenbaum) Tom d 29 Nov 1927 in Pulaski Co., KY. Rosetta d 2 Mar 1891 in Pulaski Co., KY. They had a son: William Anderson Ashley.

Flora C. Girdler, was b 1876. She m Henry G. Nelson, 30 Oct 1895.



William Ashley (1891-1978)

(William s/o Rosetta d/o William s/o Sarah d/o Andrew s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Sarah Vaught and Josiah Girdler i i

William Girdler (1842) and Amanada Vaught i i

Rosetta Girdler (18 71) and Thomas P. Ashley (1887) i i

William Ashley (1891) and Ruth Phelps (1892) i i

i i i i

Thomas Dorthy

William Anderson Ashley was b 27 Feb 1891 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Ruth Cleveland Phelps, 24 Aug 1912 in Pulaski Co., KY. He d 2 Apr 1978 in Covington, KY. Ruth was b 8 Oct 1892 in Pulaski Co. the d/o James Madison Phelps and Pemelia Alice Akerson. Ruth d 24 Mar 1983 at Science Hill, KY. They had two children.

Thomas Earl Ashley, Sr. was b 21 Jun 1916 in Ludlow, KY. He m Hazel Lou Jones, 4 Sep 1940. She was b 22 Aug 1923 in Cincinnati, OH the d/o Joseph Claude Jones and Maude Lucille Stamey. They had six children.

Thomas Earl Ashley Jr. was b 8 Feb 1942. and m Barbara Perry, Jly 1962 Diane Louise Ashley was b 29 Jly 1943. and m Roger McElfresh, Jan 1962. William Joseph Ashley was b 17 Aug 1947. and m Elaine Beagle, 27 Jly 1966. Linda Carol Ashley was b 4 Mar 1950. and m Ray Marley, Jun 1970. John Kevin Ashley was b 7 Jan 1960. and m Emma Colson, Jly 9 1983. Lisa Gale Ashely was b 4 Mar 1963.

Dorthy Juanita Ashley b 10 Dec 1920 Ludlow, KY. She lives in Science Hill, KY. (1992)



Joseph Girdler (1847-????)

(Joseph s/o Sarah d/o Andrew s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Andrew Vaught and Rosanna Keesling i i

Sarah Vaught and Josiah Girdler i i

Joseph Girdler (1847) and Lucy Lay (1845) i 1

i i i i I I I I I I I I I

Anna Lucy Son William James Nannie Levi Linnie

Joseph Franklin Girdler was b 7 Oct 1847 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Lucy M. Lay, 30 Sep 1866. She was b 15 May 1845 in Pulaski Co., Ky the d/o William Lay. She d 10 May 1923. He d 16 Dec 1914 in Pulaski Co., KY and is buried in Bishop Cemetery with his wife. They had eight children.

Anna B. P. Girdler, was b 1868 in Pulaski Co., KY. She m Reuben H. Shadoan, 25

Dec 1883. He was b 1858.

Lucy L. Girdler, was b 15 Dec 1876 in Pulaski Co., KY.

Boy Girdler, was b 13 Jun 1878 in Pulaski Co., KY. William Girdler, was b Oct 1870 in Pulaski Co., KY. She m Sophia Lay, 21 Dec 1893.

James H. Girdler, was b Jan 1879 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Dora F. Sutherland, 18

Jan 1900. He d in 1933 and is buried in the Tanner Cem.

Nannie Girdler, was b 1880 in Pulaski Co., KY. She m Andrew Hood, 7 Jun 1899.

Levi Girdler, was b 3 Jly 1873 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Mollie Padgett, 14 Nov 1895. He d 25 Nov 1903. They had three children Maud, b Nov 1892; Nora, b Dec 1896, and Chester, b Jly 1898. Linnie E. Girdler, was b 1877 in Pulaski Co., KY. She m Marion B. Stone, 27 Jun 1895.


SECTION THREE Milford Girdler

(1845-1926) (Milford s/o Sarah d/o Andrew s/o George s/o Andrew

s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Andrew Vaught and Rosanna Keesling i i

Sarah Vaught and Josiah Girdler i i

Milford Girdler (1845) (1)Henla West (1852) (2)Hettie Godby (1867)

i i - i _

i l l i i i i i i i

I I I i i i i i i i

Jerry James Emory T. Cathren Martha Lizia Mary Ezra infant Jeannette Naomi

Milford Perry Girdler was b 9 Nov 1845 in Pulaski Co., KY. Milford m (1) Henla Carolyn West, 7 Dec 1869 in Pulaski Co., KY. Henla was the d/o John West and his wife Ellen Randall. Henla was b 23 Nov 1852. She d 24 Jly 1886. Milford m (2) Hettie Godby, 22 Aug 1888 in Pulaski Co., KY. She was b 30 Sep 1867 the d/o William Harry Godby and Susan Jane Hall. She d 9 Aug 1929. Milford d 4 Mar 1926. Milford and Henla had four children. Milford and Hettie had seven children.

Children of Milford and Henla

Jeremiah "Jerry" Green Girdler b 18 Sep 1871 Pulaski Co. He m Mary Rosetta "Mollie" West. She b 7 Jun 1873 Pulaski Co. She d 20 Oct 1944 and bur West Family Cem. Jerry d 19 Oct 1947 and is bur West Family Cem. They had eight children Carl Chester, b Mar 1891, Lucy, b Apr 1893, Maude, b May 1895, Sally, b Jly 1898, Alonzo, Goldie, Ethel and Edna, 15 Nov 1— and d 22 Nov 1 -

James Marion Girdler b 8 Jun 1873. He m Mary Frances Cook, 10 Apr 1897 in Casey Co., KY. Mary was b 21 May 1877 and d 30 Sep 1958. James d 28 May 1953. They lived in II, In and KY. They had twelve children James, Mattie, Daisy, Nora, Farrie, Richard, Cleaver, Milford, Addie, Estel and two others.

Emory Francis Girdler was b 11 Mar 1875 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Louis Francis Estep, 21 26 Sep 1898. He d 21 Nov 1953 and bur West Family Cem.

Telitha Cathren Girdler was b 3 May 1879 in Pulaski Co., KY. She m Samuel H. Hall, 6 Dec 1894. She d 7 Jly 1932.


SECTION THREE Milford Girdler

Children of Milford and Hettie

Martha J. Girdler was b 22 Oct 1889 in Pulaski Co., KY. She m John Lewis Roysdon, 1 Jly 1912.

Lizia Edith Girdler b 11 Mar 1895 Pulaski Co., KY. She m Harvey H. Hall, 20 Mar 1914. Shed 19 Jun 1931.

Mary Ann Girdler was b 16 May 1891 in Pulaski co., KY. She m Wm Sturgill, 4 Jly 1909. She d 22 Oct 1980.

Ezra Jerome Girdler was b Apr 1897 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Ethel Lue Hall, 25

Sep 1920. He d Oct 1980.

Infant Girdler was b and d 10 Nov 1908. It is bur in the West Family Cem.

Jeannette Girdler was b 6 Jun 1901. She m Henry Johnson. She d 2 Apr 1984.

Naomi Girdler was b 9 Jly 1910 in Pulaski Co., KY. She m Arthur Henry Stringer. She d 14 Apr 1984.


SECTION THREE James Girdler (1873-1953)

(James s/o Milford s/o Sarah d/o Andrew s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Sarah Vaught and Josiah Girdler

Milford Girdler (1845) and Henla West (1852)

James Girdler (1873! and Mary Cook (1877)

II II II II II II II II II II II II 1 James 3Daisy 5Farrie 7Cleaver 9Addie "Child 2Mattie "Nora 6Richard 8Milford 10Estel 12Child

James Marion Girdler was b 8 Jun 1873 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Mary Frances Cook, 10 Apr 1897 in Casey Co., KY. Mary was b 21 May 1877 in Black Lick, Casey Co., KY the d/o Samuel David Cook and Nancy Hane Couder. She d 30 Sep 1958 at Gravel Switch, Casey Co., KY. James d 28 May 1953 and is bur with his wife at Cook Cem. Casey Co., KY. They lived in II, In and KY. They had twelve children.

Mattie Zena Girdler b 22 Apr 1898 Black Lick, Casey Co., KY. She m Eli Harrison Baugh 7 May 1914. She d 14 Aug 1980.

James Dilbert Girdler was b 11 Nov 1899 at Black Lick, Casey Co., KY, d 25 Dec 1972 in KY. He m Daisy Pearl Baugh, 8 May 1919 in Jellico, Campbell Co., TN. She was b 9 Jly 1901 and d 11 Apr 1957. They had a daughter.

Margaret K. Girdler was b 16 May 1924 at Casey Co., KY. She m Cecil Lee Belcher, 8 Jly 1946 at Boyle Co., KY. He was b 18 Feb 1929. They live at Shepherdsville, KY. They had three boys:

Larry Lee Belcher was b 4 Apr 1947 in Taylor Co., KY. He m Linda L. Howlett. They live in Shepherdsville, KY. Ronald Clay Blecher b 19 Jly 1948 Taylor Co., m Susan Jane Pelegrina. Dennis Wayne Belcher b 2 Jly 1950 Bullitt Co., KY. m Nancy Cassell Spencer.

Daisy Catherine Girdler b 16 Feb 1902 Black Lick, Casey Co., KY. She m Edgar Shannon, 15 Aug 1919. She d 27 Jun 1971.

Nora Bell Girdler was b 1 May 1904 at Pulaski Co., KY. She m Norman Wallace Crowe, 4 Apr 1920. She d 14 May 1985.

Farrie Lou Girdler b 1 Mar 1906 Black Lick, m Henry Garfield Baugh, 13 Dec 1924. She d 14 Dec 1984.

Richard Samuel Girdler b 5 May 1908 Black Lick, Casey Co., KY. He d 24 Jan 1931.


SECTION THREE James Girdler (1873-1953)

Cleaver Andrew Girdler was b 6 Jly at Medlock Br., Casey Co., KY. He m Frances Elizabeth Raysden, 20 Feb 1940. He d 19 Jly 1973.

Milford Perry Girdler was b 20 Jan 1913 at Medlock Br., Casey Co., KY. He m Emma D. Coyle, 23 Sep 1939.

Addie Lee Girdler was b 10 Jan 1915 at Medlock Br., Casey Co., KY. She m Willie Albert Raley, 1929.

Estel Bee Girdler was b 20 Aug 1917 at Medlock Br., Casey Co., KY. He m Myrtle Catherine Cook, 7 Dec 1939.

Boy child Girdler, b 20 Jan 1919 at Medlock Br., Casey Co., KY. He m Mannie Lee Tabscott, 29 Nov 1939.

Child Girdler, b 14 Apr 1922 at Medlock Br., Casey Co., KY. d 10 Apr 1926.


SECTION FOUR William Vaught

(William s/o Andrew s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

George Vaught and Christiana Phillippi i i

Andrew Vaught and Rosanna Keesling i

William Vaught and Louisa Gragg i _.

I I i i i i I I I I I i

James Lawrence Elisha John Amy Milford Laura

William F. Vaught, was b 7 Dec 1821 in Pulaski Co., KY, m Ann Lousia Gragg on 19 Nov

1845. She was b 1827, the d/o Elisa Gragg. They had seven children.

James O. Vaught was b ca 1847 in Pulaski Co., KY.

Lawrence Vaught was b ca 1848 in Pulaski Co., KY. He may have d before 1860.

Elisha P. Vaught was b ca 1849 in Pulaski Co., KY.

John Vaught was b ca 1853 in Pulaski Co., KY. Amy Vaught was b ca 185455 in Pulaski Co., KY. Ce Rec of Pulaski Co. list Amy's death as 20 Nov 1858 (or Oct 1857).

Milford J. Vaught b ca 1857 in Pulaski Co., KY. Milford m Melissa Young 11 Feb 1877, and m (2), Nira Young 1 Jan 1884.

Laura Vaught was b ca 1859 in Pulaski Co., KY. Her name is Sarah Wilnast in the birth rec, but subsequent records call her Laura or Laurain.


SECTION FIVE Catherine Vaught

(Catherine s/o Andrew s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

George Vaught and Christiana Phillippi i i

Andrew Vaught and Rosanna Keesling i i

Catherine Vaught and William Johns i 1

! ! Emery Termuthus

Catherine K. Vaught, was b 22 Feb 1824 in Pulaski Co., KY. She m William G. Johns on 2 Jan 1849. Catherine d Mar 1886. William was b 1824 and d before 1867. William G. Johns was said to have been a missionary in China. They had two children.

Emery Bascom Johns was b 10 Aug 1852 in Pulaski Co., KY. Emery m Elizabeth Lee Foley 23 Aug 1890 in Woodford, KY. Emery d 6 Apr 1911. Elizabeth was b 14 Jan 1863 and d 12 Jan 1943. They had a child.

Mary Elizabeth Johns was b 21 Oct 1895. She m Jewell Wilburn Mann, 10 Oct 1917 in Lexington, KY. Jewell was b 15 Dec 1895 and d 17 Oct 1975. Mary d 18 May 1975. They had three children: Johns Wilburn Mann, Mary Lee Mann, Martha Bell Mann.

Termuthus Johns died young.


SECTION SIX Isaac Vaught

(Isaac s/o Andrew s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

George Vaught and Christiana Phillippi i i

Andrew Vaught and Rosanna Keesling i i

Isaac Vaught and Emily Dungan i

i i i i i i i


Beriah Brent John William Lorenzo Mathilda Nannie

Isaac Tevis Vaught, was b 6 Mar 1826 in Pualski Co., KY, m Emily Elizabeth Dungan, b 1838. He d in Pulaski Co., KY on 16 Feb 1879. Emily was b 30 Dec 1838 and d 17 Jly 1884 in KY. They are both bur at the Dugan Cem. in Pulaski Co., KY. An unnamed child was b 20 June 1875 and d the same day. They had seven children.

Beriah Perkins Vaught was b 12 Jan 1859 in Pulaski Co., KY.

Brent H. Vaught b 22 Apr 1861 Pulaski Co. Brent d 14 Aug 1886 bur Dungan Cem. Pualski Co.

John B. Vaught b Jun 1863 Pulaski Co. John m Anna B. Barber 10 Mar 1887 in Pulaski Co., KY. They had five children twins (Gertrude and Edgar), Wilmet, Hiram and Winfred.

William B. Vaught b 15 Jly 1865 in Pulaski Co. William m Mary E. Aker 12 Jan

1886. William d 17 Jly 1887 Pulaski Co.

Lorenzo D. Vaught was b ca 1867 in Pulaski Co., KY.

Mathilda M. Vaught was b ca 1869 in Pulaski Co., KY.

Nannie Vaught was b ca 1873 in Pulaski Co., KY. Nannie m John C. Atkerson 11 May 1893.


SECTION SIX Isaac Vaught John Vaught (1863-????)

(John s/o Isaac s/o Andrew s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Andrew Vaught and Rosanna Keesling i i

Isaac Vaught and Emily Dungan i i

John Vaught (1863) and Anna Barber (18 71) i i

i i i i i i

Gertrude Edgar Wilmet Hiram Winfred

John B. Vaught was b Jun 1863 in Pulaski Co., KY. John m Anna B. Barber 10 Mar 1887 in Pulaski Co., KY. They had five children.

Gertrude Vaught was b 5 May 1888 in Pulaski Co., KY.

Edgar Vaught was b 5 May 1888 in Pulaski Co., KY. He d 16 Nov 1888 and is bur in Carson Cem. Pul. Co., KY.

Wilmet Vaught was b Oct 1889 in Pulaski Co., KY.

Hiram Vaught was b 26 Apr 1892 in Pulaski Co., KY. He d 25 Feb 1896 and is bur in Science Hill Cem. Pul Co., KY.

Winfred Vaught was b Feb 1897 in Pulaski Co., KY.



(1829-1868) (George s/o Andrew s/o George s/o Andrew

s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

George Vaught and Christiana Phillippi i i

Andrew Vaught and Rosanna Keesling i

George W. Vaught and Martha Taylor i

! i i i i Sophia Isaac Stephen Lucy Ann Josiah John Fanny

George Washington Vaught, was b 23 Jan 1829 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Martha Francis Taylor on 17 Sep 1850, She was b ca 1829 in VA. She is the d/o John and Lucy Taylor. He d 1 June 1868 in Pulaski Co., KY. Martha m (2) Silas Vaught, age 50, 10 Nov 1874 at her home in Pulaski Co., KY. Geo. and Martha had seven children.

Sophia Vaught, was b Nov 1853 in Pulaski Co., KY. She m Johnnie Marshall, 17 Sep 1880. They moved to Ohio and had six children: William Marshall was b Apr 1881 in Ohio.

Flora Marshall was b Jan 1882 in Ohio. Murray Marshall was b Jly 1884 in Ohio. Hugh Marshall was b Aug 1886 in Ohio. Fred Marshall was b Oct 1881 in Ohio. Mattie Marshall was b Dec 1894 in Ohio.

Isaac Tolbert Vaught was b 16 Dec 1855 in Pulaski Co., KY. Isaac m Ida Belle Sandifer 21 Feb 1884 in Pulaski Co., KY. Ida was the d/o John F. B. Dungan and his wife Mary Bryant. Isaac d 28 Aug 1947 in Pulaski Co., KY. They had eleven children: William Edward Vaught, Mary M. Vaught, Nellie Harrison Vaught, Lucy Vaught, Alonzo Vaught, Robert B. Vaught, Charles M. Vaught, Flora M. Vaught, Florence Vaught, Arthur Lewis Vaught, and Russell Vaught.

Stephen K. Vaught was b ca 1858 in Pualski Co., KY. Stephen m Etta Lovett, 1887 probably in Kansas. Stephen d in 1942 in KS. They had five children: Charles and four others.

Charles Leslie Vaught, b 29 Aug 1888 in KS. He m Esther Harvey, Apr 1914. Charles d in 1965 in California. They had four children; George, Orville, Lytle, Mary, m George DuBois.




Lucy Ann "Louisa" Vaught was b Aug 1860 in Pulaski Co., KY. She m Samuel Huddle. They moved to Indiana and had three children:

Edd Huddle b Jan 1883 in Indiana. George Huddle b Sep 1887 in Indiana. Artie Huddle b Oct 1909 in Indiana.

Josiah S. Vaught was b Aug 1863 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Mattie B Vanarsdsdell. They moved to Harrodsburg, KY. They had two children

Margaret Frances Vaught was b Jun 26 1892 in Harrodsburg, KY. She m E.M. Brunemett. They had on child. She d 17 Dec 1970 in Harrodsburg. Josiah S. Vaught Jr. was b in 1901 in Harrodsburg, KY. He m Elizabeth Barnette. They did not have any children.

John Vaught was b ca 1871 in Pulaski Co., KY.

Fanny K. Vaught was b 10 Aug 1873 in Pulaski Co., KY.


SECTION SEVEN George Vaught Isaac Vaught (1855-1847)

(Isaac s/o George s/o Andrew s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Andrew Vaught and Rosanna Keesling i i

George W. Vaught and Martha Taylor i i

Isaac Vaught (1855) and Ida Sandifer i 1

I I I I I I i i I I i I I I I I I I I i

1 Wil l i am 3 N e l l i e 5Alonzo ' C h a r l e s ' F l o r e n c e " R u s s e l l 2Mary "Lucy 6 Rober t 8 F l o r a 1 0 Arthur

Isaac Tolbert Vaught was b 16 Dec 1855 in Pulaski Co., KY. Isaac m Ida Belle Sandifer 21 Feb 1884 in Pulaski co., KY. Ida was the d/o John F. B. Dungan and his wife Mary Bryant. Isaac d 28 Aug 1947 in Pulaski Co., KY. They had eleven children.

William Edward Vaught was b 23 Apr 1885 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Allie Spears, 21 Feb 1884 in Pulaski Co., KY. She was b 26 Apr 1885 in Pulaski Co., KY. She d 23 Nov 1947. They had twelve children: Hollis Vaught, Otis Vaught, Gertrude Vaught, Jewel Vaught, Margaret Vaught, Orville Vaught, William Edd Vaught, Flora Vaught, Helena Vaught, Clifford Vaught, Ronald Eugene Vaught and Wayne Vaught.

Mary "Mattie" Vaught was b 10 Jun 1887 in Pulaski Co., KY. She d 10 Feb 1892 and bur Freedom Cem in Pulaski Co., KY

Nellie Harrison Vaught was b 29 Sep 1888 in Pulaski Co., KY. She d 1 Jly 1890 and bur Freedom Cem. in Pulaski Co., KY.

Lucy Jane Vaught was b 22 Nov 1889 in Pulaski Co., KY. She d 25 Oct 1895.

Alonzo Dungan Vaught was b 4 Mar 1892 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Laura Mae Vanhook, 16 Nov 1912. She was the d/o John Martin Vanhook and Nancy Jane Ballou. Alonzo d 20 Jun 1985 in St. Helena, CA. They had four children: Ruby Belle, Edna Ruth, Helen Louise and Frederick Gordon.

Robert Vanhook Vaught b 23 Sep 1893 Pulaski Co., d 28 Sep 1916. Never m.

Charles McKinley Vaught b 18 Sep 1896 Pulaski Co., m (1) Rosella McEIroy, 18 Sep 1896. Rosella d 27 Apr 1932. Charles d 20 Dec 1981 Cincinnati, OH. Rosella bore one son

George Hubert Vaught, 19 Feb 1921. Charles m (2) Eva Mae Sipple. They had five children:




SECTION SEVEN George Vaught Isaac Vaught (1855-1847)

Charles M. Vaught Jr. b 17 Apr 1934 Cincinnati. OH. Thelma Emmaline Vaught b 18 Jun 1936 Pulaski Co., KY. She m (1) Cecil Reynolds, (2) Fred Manamaker and (2) Tom Miller. Nathan Jerome Vaught b 5 Apr 1938 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Janet Lampe. Rosemary Vaught was b 2 Dec 1939 in Pulaski Co., KY. She m William Compton, 29 Dec 1959. Florence Irene Vaught was b 7 Dec 1941 in Cincinnati. She m Ronald Davis.

Flora McClure Vaught was b 27 Feb 1899 in Pulaski Co., KY. She m John Hamm in 1914. They had one daughter.

Mildred Hamm was b 11 Jan 1914 in Pulaski Co., KY. She m Charles Abner. Flora m (2) Ballard McEIroy. They had one son.

Alonzo Niklas McEIroy was b 2 Nov 1915. He m Elsie in 1962 in Cincinnati. OH. Flora m (3) Albert Peetz. They had one son.

Albert Peetz was b 2 Mar 1919. He m Sue, 25 Oct 1940. Flora m (4) Glen Abner. They did not have children. Flora m (5) Harry Marhoffer. They had no children.

Florence Vaught was b 27 Nov 1901 in Pulaski Co., KY. She m Oral Langdon, 17 Dec 1916. They had four children:

Charles Langdon b 26 Aug 1917 Science Hill, Pulaski Co., KY. He m Edith Smeeks. They had four children.

Joan F. Langdon was b 6 Oct in Cincinnati. Charles A. Langdon was b 2 Jly in Cincinnati. Edith A. Langdon was b 23 Aug 1942 in Cincinnati. William O. Langdon b 30 Aug 1947 in Cincinnati.

Homer Langdon was b 27 Jan 1920 in Science Hill, Pulaski Co., KY. He m Vada Asher, 14 Sep 1941. They had a son.

Ronald Langdon was b 21 Sep 1942 in Cincinnati. Orville Langdon b 19 Sep 1919 Science Hill. He d 19 Oct 1919. Wilford Langdon was b 11 Jun 1923 in Science Hill, KY. He m Deloris Wilson, 1944. They had one son.

Robert Langdon was b 18 Apr 1946 in Cincinnati.


SECTION SEVEN George Vaught Isaac Vaught

Arthur Lewis Vaught was b 15 Nov 1904 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m (1) Effie Jane New, 1 Nov 1924. Effie was b 14 Dec 1908, the d/o James Joe New and Myrtle Elizabeth Jones. Effie d 23 Oct 1977. He m (2) Ila Davis. Arthur and Effie had nine children; Clarence, Trula, Glen, DeSota, Joe, Lucille, Paul, Elmo, Carlos.

John Russell Vaught was b 2 Jly 1909 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Thelma Rowe, 19 Nov 1927. He d 19 Aug 1982 in Cincinnati, OH. They had two children:

Helen Louise Vaught was b 8 Jun 1930 in Cincinnati. She m Edward Foster in the 1950s, she d 6 Sep 1972 in Cincinnati. Joyce Ruth Vaught was b 11 Jly 1933 in Cincinatti. She m James S. Harris in the 1950s.


SECTION SEVEN George Vaught William Vaught

(1885-1936) (William s/o Isaac s/o George s/o Andrew

s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

George W. Vaught and Martha Taylor i i

Isaac Vaught (1855) and Ida Sandifer i i

William Vaught (1885) and Alice Spears (1885) i 1


'•Hollis 3Gertrude 5Margaret 7William 9Helena "Ronald 2 0 t i s 4Jewel 6 0 r v i l l e "Flora " C l i f f o r d 12Wayne

William Edward Vaught was b 23 Apr 1885 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Allie Spears in Pulaski Co., KY. She was b 26 Apr 1885 in Pulaski Co., KY. She d 23 Nov 1947. He d 10 Mar 1936. They had twelve children

Hollis Vaught was b 8 Nov 1906 in Eubank, KY. He m Geneva Jones, 13 Oct 1924. She is the d/o Lewis and Lula Jones. They had four children

Shirley Vaught, b 2 Feb 1927 in Cincinnati, OH Glenna Vaught, b 13 Aug 1929 in Cincinnati. Donna Vaught, b 7 Jly 1935 in Cincinnati. Norma Vaught, b 8 Jun 1945 in Cincinatti.

Otis Vaught was b 13 Aug 1908 in Eubank, KY. He m Margaretta Stone, 16 Jun 1927. She is the d/o Charles Stone and Anna Louisa Sulzer. They had three children.

Audrey Vaught was b 19 Jan 1929 in Cincinnati. Ronald Vaught was b 6 Aug 1931 in Cincinnati. Rita Vaught was b 25 Jan 1935 in Cincinnati.

Gertrude Vaught b 2 Mar 1911 Pulaski Co., m Ollie Bishop, 27 Jun 1927 in Somerset. She d 20 Aug 1984 in Henry Co., IND. Ollie was b 23 Jun 1900 and d 19 Aug 1983. He was the s/o Samuel Bishop and Rebecca Surber. They had two daughters.

Geneve Bishop, was b 27 Mar 1928 in Pulaski Co., KY. She m Robert Fulton. They live in New Castle, IND. Janet Bishop, b 17 Mar 1932 in Straughn, IND.

Jewel Vaught b Mar 1913 Eubank, KY. She m (1) Urey Hargiss, 1929, the s/o Elmer Hargiss. They had one daughter. Jewel m (2) Lowell Parks 7 Dec 1940.

Phyllis Whitaker Hargiss was b 22 Jly 1930 in Indiana.


SECTION SEVEN William Vaught


Margaret Vaught was b 9 Aug 1915 in Eubank, KY. She m Wilbur Davis, 31 Mar 1931, the s/o William Osaac and Anna M. Davis. They had two children

Gary Lee Davis, b 6 Jun 1933 in New Castle, IND. Carol Sue Davis, b 19 Aug 1940 in New Castle, IND.

Orville Vaught was b 14 Jun 1918 in Eubank, KY. He m Opal McClurg, the d/o Luther McClurg and Elizabeth Choat. Orville d 31 Dec 1965. They had two children.

Sharon Joyce Vaught, b 28 Jly 1940 in New Castle, IND. Beverly Kay Vaught, b 2 Nov 1945 in New Castle, IND.

William Edd Vaught Jr. was b 24 Oct 1925 in Eubank, KY. He m Ruth McClurg, 1946, the d/o Luther McClurg and Elizabeth Choat. He d Mar 1981 suicide. They had four children.

Connie Sue Vaught was b 8 Nov 1947 in New Castle, IND. Darrel Vaught b 1949 New Castle, IND. He was killed in an auto accident as a teenager. Misty Vaught was b 1951 in New Castle, IND. David Vaught was b 1961 in New Castle, IND.

Flora Vaught was b 21 Jly 1922 in Eubank, KY. She m Elisha McQueen, 23 May 1942, the s/o Thomas McQueen and Fanny Moppin. They had three children.

Philip McQueen, was b 4 Feb 1945 in New Castle, IND. Jeneffer McQueen, b 23 Aug 1953 in New Castle, IND. Gregory McQueen, b 22 Jly 1949 in New Castle, IND.

Helen Vaught was b 13 Aug 1920 in Eubank, KY. She m Dale Sweigart, 26 Feb 1939, the s/o William Francis Sweigart and Elizabeth Hickman. They had two children.

Michael Sweigart, b 8 Nov 1940 in New Castle, IND. Steven Sweigart was b 13 Jun 1946 in New Castle, IND.

Clifford Vaught was b 24 May 1927 in Eubank, KY. He m Erma Sullivan, 28 Sep 1951, the d/o John L. Sullivan and Ethel Raines. They had two children.

Leah Vaught was b 2 Jan 1953 in Santa Anna, CA. Holly Vaught was b 4 Dec 1957 in Santa Anna, CA.

Ronald Eugene Vaught was b 29 Jun 1930 in Hamilton, OH. He m Wanda Pierce, 18 May 1953, the d/o Fred and Mary Pierce. They had one child.

Kelly Vaught was b 6 Aug 1962 in Muncie, IND.

Wayne Vaught was b 29 Mar 1932 New Castle, IND. He died in 1938 at six years old.


SECTION SEVEN George Vaught Alonzo Vaught

(1892-1985) (Alonzo s/o Isaac s/o George s/o Andrew

s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

George W. Vaught and Martha Taylor i i

Isaac Vaught (1855) and Ida Sandifer i i

Alonzo Vaught (18 92) and Laura Vanhook i

__ I I I i I I I i

Ruby Edna Helen Fredrick

Alonzo Dungan Vaught was b 4 Mar 1892 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Laura Mae Vanhook, 16 Nov 1912. She was the d/o John Martin Vanhook and Nancy Jane Ballou. Alonzo d 20 Jun 1985 in St. Helena, CA. They had four children:

Ruby Belle Vaught was b 19 Feb 1913 in Pulaski Co., KY. She m Jourdan G. Myers, 19 Mar 1949. He is the son of Jourdan Myers and Ida Willmore. They do not have any children.

Edna Ruth Vaught was b 22 Aug 1917 in Bradford, OH. She m (2) Howard Earl William (1908-1980), 1937. He is the son of Wilker Williams and Katherine J. Doudy. They had a daughter before their divorce in 1938.

Carole Joy Williams was b 19 Oct 1937 in Columbus, OH. She goes by Carole Joy Brunner, living in Houston, TX as a real estate broker. She is not married.

Edna m (2) Robert Joseph Brunner 9 May 1942 in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. He is the s/o Henry Clinton Brunner and Margaret Cull. They had a son.

Todd Allen Brunner, b 25 Dec 1956 in Santa Moica, CA. He m Laurel Boden-Caryannis, 12 Jly 1984 in Eastbourne, Eng. She is the d/o Colen Albert Edward Boden and Judith Evelyn Moss. They had a daughter.

Hannah Wilde Brunner b 10 Nov 1989, Eastboune, Eng.

Helen Louise Vaught was b 2 Sep 1912 in Bradford, OH. She d 12 Apr 1923.

Frederick Gordon Vaught was b 15 Oct 1923 in Bradford, OH. He d 28 Feb 1924



Isaac Vaught Arthur Lewis Vaught

(1904-1924) (Arthur s/o Isaac s/o George s/o Andrew

s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

George W. Vaught and Martha Taylor I i

Isaac Vaught (1855) and Ida Sandifer i i

Arthur Vaught (1904) and Effie New (1908) i 1

i i I I I i i i i i i i i

Clarence Trula Glen DeSota Joe Lucille Paul Elmo Carlos

Arthur Lewis Vaught b 15 Nov 1904 in Pulaski Co. m (1) Effie Jane New, 1 Nov 1924. Effie b 14 Dec 1908, d/o James Joe New and Myrtle Elizabeth Jones. Effie d 23 Oct 1977. He m (2) Ila Davis. Arthur and Effie had nine children.

Clarence Vaught was b 6 Sep 1926 in Science Hill, Pulaski Co., KY. He m (1) Margaret Louise Reese, 21 Nov 1947, m (2) Elizabeth Ann Morris Purcell. Clarence and Margaret had two children.

Sandra Vaught b 2 Jly 1950 in Somerset. Deborah Vaught b 22 Mar 1954 in Somerset.

Trula Alfreda Vaught was b 3 Apr 1928 in Science Hill, KY. She m Eugene Calvin Pilcher, 5 Aug 1952. They had two children

Teddy Pilcher, b 30 May 1959 in Frankfort, KY. Larry Pilcher, b 30 Oct 1962 in Frankfort, KY.

Glen Arthur Vaught was b 1 Mar 1930 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Frances Dyer, 6 Mar 1954. They had six children:

Sharon Vaught, b 27 Dec 1954 in Somerset, KY. Sheila Vaught, b 27 May 1959 in Somerset, KY. Gina Vaught, b 12 Aug 1974 in Danville, KY. Vanda Vaught, b 29 Sep 1976 in Danville, KY. Lacey Vaught, b 2 Jan 1979 in Danville, KY. Monica Vaught, 7 Jan 1980 in Danville, KY.

DeSoto Vaught was b 6 May 1932 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Genova Dean Meece before 1955. They had three children

Rickie Vaught, b 1955 and d in infancy. Barry Vaught, b 12 May 1956 Cincinnati. M & D TN. Ginger Renee Vaught, b 10 May 1967 at Science Hill, KY.


SECTION SEVEN Arthur Lewis Vaught

Joe Caroll Vaught was b 27 Jun 1934 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Norma Fields, 12 Sep 1955. They had three children

Danny Vaught b in Somerset, KY. Jeffery Vaught b in Somerset, KY. Donna Gail Vaught b 16 Apr 1968 in Somerset, KY.

Lucille Vaught was b 2 May 1937 in Pulaski Co., KY. She m Hobert Dean Todd, 18 May 1954. They had two children

Roger Dean Todd, b 3 Aug 1961 in Lexington, KY Deanna Rae Todd, b 15 Dec 1975 in Lexington, KY.

Paul Albert Vaught was b 7 Mar 1939 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Marcia Le Sanders, Jly 1961. He d 30 Jan 1974. They had three children

Paul David Vaught, b 6 Jun 1963 in Somerset, KY. Paulette Jane Vaught, b 5 Oct 1965 in Somerset. Cindy Rochelle Vaught, b 26 Oct 1971 in Somerset.

Robert Elmo Vaught was b 4 Nov 1941 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Patricia Carlton, 11 Feb 1973. They had four children

Jeff Vaught b Jun 1966 in KY. Mark Vaught b Jly 1966 in KY. Robert Elmo Vaught Jr., b 15 May 1973 in Richmond, KY. Jeremiah Vaught, b 3 Apr 1987 in KY.

Carlos Lee Vaught was b 16 Apr 1944 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Alverine Wesley, 18 Sep 1965. They had three children

Sherri Lynn Vaught, b 9 Mar 1969 in Pulaski Co., KY. Melissa Rae Vaught, b 22 May 1972 in Pulaski Co., KY. Michael Lee Vaught, b 17 Apr 1977 in Pulaski Co., KY.


SECTION SEVEN George Vaught Sophie Vaught (1853xxxxx)

(Sophie d/o George s/o Andrew s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Andrew Vaught and Rosanna Keesling i i

George W. Vaught and Martha Taylor i i

Sophia Vaught and Johnnie Marshall i

i I I I I I

i i i i i

William Flora Murray Hugh Fred Mattie

Sophia Vaught, was b Nov 1853 in Pulaski Co., KY. She m Johnnie Marshall, 17 Sep 1880. They moved to Ohio and had six children.

William Marshall, was b Apr 1881 in Ohio.

Flora Marshall, was b Jan 1882 in Ohio.

Murray Marshall, was b Jly 1884 in Ohio.

Hugh Marshall, was b Aug 1886 in Ohio.

Fred Marshall, was b Oct 1881 in Ohio.

Mattie Marshall, was b Dec 1894 in Ohio.



Stephen Vaught (1858-1942)

(Stephen s/o George s/o Andrew s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Andrew Vaught and Rosanna Keesling i i

George W. Vaught and Martha Taylor i i

Stephen Vaught (1858) and Etta Lovett

i I I I I

i I I I I

Charles George Orville Lytle Mary

Stephen K. Vaught, was b ca 1858 in Pulaski Co., KY. Stephen m Etta Lovett, probably in KA. Stephen d in 1942 in KA. They had five children.

Charles Leslie Vaught was b 29 Aug 1888. He m Ester Harvey, Apr 1914 in Neodasha, Kansas. She was b 9 Aug 1892 in Eveter, MO, the d/o Albert Harvey. They moved to Gardena, CA in 1918. Charles d 1965 and is bur in Compton, CA. They had four children: Leslie Tolbert, Royce Albert, Ted Harvey and C. Donald. C. Donald had a son Stephen who lives in Salem, OR.

George Vaught Orville Vaught Lytle Vaught

Mary Vaught, m George DuBois. They live in Estacada, CA.


SECTION SEVEN Stephen Vaught Charles Vaught

(1888-1965) (Charles s/o Stephen s/o Andrew s/o George s/o Andrew

s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Andrew Vaught and Rosanna Keesling i i

George W. Vaught and Martha Taylor

Stephen Vaught (1858) and Etta Lovett i i

Charles Vaught(1888) and Ester Harvey (1892) i 1 i I I i i I I i

Leslie Ted Royce C Donald

Charles Leslie Vaught was b 29 Aug 1888. He m Ester Harvey, Apr 1914 in Neodasha, Kansas. She was b 9 Aug 1892 in Eveter, MO, the d/o Albert Harvey. They moved to Gardena, CA in 1918. Charles d 1965 and is bur in Compton, CA. They had four children.

Leslie Tolbert Vaught was b 17 Nov 1914 in Neodash, Kansas. He m Alice ...

Ted Harvey Vaught was b 11 May 1917 in Neodash, KS.

Royce Albert Vaught was b 8 Sep 1919 in Gardena, CA. He m Lucille Crawford in Coupeville, WA.

C. Donald Vaught was b 1 Mar 1924 in Gardena, CA. He m Wanda Lee Clover, 5 Dec 1947. Wanda was b 9 Jan 1929 in Gardena, CA, the d/o Norris Josephus Clover and Alice Bosse. They had a son Stephen Bruce Vaught, b 25 Aug 1953 in Compton, CA. He lives in Salem, OR.



(Thruzy s/o Andrew s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

George Vaught and Christiana Phillippi i i

Andrew Vaught and Rosanna Keesling i

i Thruzy Vaught and Franklin Neikrik

i 1

I I I i i i i I I I I i i i i i

John Rosanna Mariah Margaret Mary George Sally Jessie Lulu

Thurzy Ann Vaught, was b 23 Nov 1838 in Pulaski Co., KY. She m Franklin Neikirk, on 19 Jan 1864 in Pulaski Co., KY. He was b 11 Dec 1830 and d 7 Feb 1907. She d on 15 Aug 1885 in Pulaski Co., KY. They are bur at Camp Ground Cem. Franklin m first, Elizabeth Eastham 12 Apr 1858. They had nine children.

John A. Neikirk was b Jan 1865 in Pulaski Co., KY. John m Etta Barnes 19 Sep 1895. etta was b May 1867 and d in 1943. John d 1923. They had two children: Paul G., and Sally E.

Rosanna E. Neikirk b Sep 1866. She may not have married.

Mariah Elliot Neikirk b Feb 1868. Mariah m Levi G. Cundiff 19 Oct 1885. Levi b Feb 1856. They had six children: Ed, John B., Lulu, Samuel, Wallace and China.

Margaret L. Neikirk b Sep 1869. Margaret m Henry W. Gilmore 30 Dec 1896. Henry b June 1863. They had a child Smith G. Gilmore.

Mary A. Neikirk was b 3 Apr 1971 in Pulaski co., KY. May d 7 Nov 1887. She is bur at Camp Ground Cem. Pulaski Co., KY.

George Neikirk was b 9 Oct 1876. George m Lola B. Rayborn 27 July 1900.

Sally E. Neikirk was b Mar 1880. She may not have m.

Jessie Franklin Neikirk b June 1885 Pualski Co., m Cora Tucker 21 Feb 1910 Somerset. Cora b 1891. Jessie d 4 Feb 1955 bur Somerset City Cem. They had three children.

Wanda N. Neikirk b 19 Nov 1911 Somerset. She m Harry J. Korte. They live in Somerset. Jessie Marie Neikirk b 16 Feb 1914 Somerset. She m Marvin L. Wood. She lives in Nancey, KY. Lyle M. Neikirk b 25 Jan 1916 Somerset, lives in Somerset.

Lulu S. Neikirk b Jly 1882 Pul. Co. She was living at home in 1900 and not yet m.



Mr. Lovett and Courtney Creemore

Jonathan Lovett

I Charles Green Lovett

McE roy Etta Stephen Vaught

Martin Lovett Rosanna Vaught

I 1 ' 1 1 Andrew Mary Rose Sarah


, ! __ , ! Charles Geo. Mary Orville Lytle

Note Stephen and Rosanna were cousins through Andrew Vaught. (See below.)

Andrew Vaught and Rosanna Keesling

Andrew Vaught Elizabeth Wolsey

Rosanna Vaught Martin Lovett

George W. Vaught Martha Taylor

Stephen Vaught Etta Lovett



Johan Paulus Vogt (1680) and Maria Catherina -- (1687] i

i Andrew Vaught (1721) and Elizabeth --


i George Vaught (1742) and Christiana Phillippi (1763)


i Mary (Polly) Vaught (1793) and Wesley Carson (1792)


i 1


George Ceany Eliza William John



Section 1 Mary Vaught, d/o George and Elizabeth

Section 2 George Carson, s/o Mary Vaught and Wesley Carson

Section 3 Ceany Carson, d/o Mary Vaught and Wesley Carson

Section 4 Eliza Carson, d/o Mary Vaught and Wesley Carson

Section 5 William Carson, s/o Mary Vaught and Wesley Carson

Section 6 John Carson, s/o Mary Vaught and Wesley Carson



(1793-1893) (Mary d/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Mary Polly Vaught b 5 Jan 1793 in Wythe Co., VA. Mary m Wesley Carson 18 Feb 1819 in Wythe Co., VA. Mary d in Pul Co., 28 Mar 1893. Wesley b 13 Feb 1792 in Wythe Co., KY. Wesley d 17 Jan 1846 in Pul Co., KY. They had five children.

George W. Carson b 23 Sep 1823 in VA. He m Mary (Polly) Gridler 8 Sep 1845. She b 8 Oct 1828. Mary was the d/o Joseph Girdler. George d about 1911. Mary d 1 Feb 1905. They had twelve children: Mary Jane Carson, Scynthia Ann Carson (twin), Martha Francis Carson (twin), Elizabeth E. Carson, Cortha Carson, Sciotha M. Carson, Laura Belle Carson, John B. Carson, William F. D. Carson, Marion F. Carson, James M. Carson, and Sena Catherine Carson.

Ceany Ann Carson was b ca 1824 in VA. She m Charles C. Carter 24 Jan 1847 in KY. They had two children: John Carter and Sarah Carter.

Eliza Jane Carson b 6 Mar 1826 VA. She m Green L. Sweeney, 20 Jan 1858. Eliza d 4 Jan 1894 bur Freedom Cem Pulaski Co., KY. They had at least four children: Green P. Sweeney, Malinda C. Sweeney, Ceania Ann Sweeney, and Hardin N. Sweeney.

William J. Carson was b 27 Apr 1829 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Amanda Fox Reid 29 Sep 1852 in Pulaski Co., KY. Will d 16 Feb 1899 in Hustonville, KY. Amanda was b 12 Aug 1836 and d 1902 in Hustonville. Amanda was the d/o George Thomas Reid and his wife Elizabeth Bishop. They had eleven children: George Thomas Carson, John William Carson, James Clark Carson, Sarah Jane Carson, Joseph O. Kelly Carson, Martha Ann Carson, Sophia Helen Carson, Andrew Perkins Carson, Milford Perkins Carson, and Nettie Carson.

John Wesley Carson was b 17 Nov 1831 in Pulaski Co., KY. John m Mary Ann Bishop 14 Apr 1859. John d 22 Oct 1917 in Pulaski Co. bur Stanford Cem. Mary b 7 Feb 1842, d in 1870, bur Union Cem., Pulaski Co.. Mary was the d/o John Thomas Bishop and his wife Sarah Vaught, d/o Jacob Vaught and Molly Cormany. John m second, Nancy E. Ballou, 1871. John and Mary bore four children: William Parker, Samantha Jane, James Thomas and Elizabeth Frances. John and Nancy bore five children: Mary Ellen, Amanda Evelyn, Martha Susan, Eudora Alice and Minnie.




Section Two A A-l A-2

A-3 A-4



George Carson

Charles Alice

Maude A-2al Frank A-2a2 Bert A-2a3 Alice


Carrie Albert

Gerald A-4al Sharon




(George s/o Mary d/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

George Vaught (1742) and Christiana Phillippi (1763) i i

Mary Vaught (1793) and Wesley Carson (1792) i i

George Carson (1823) and Mary Girdler (1828) I 1

II II II II II II II II II II II II LMary Jane 3Martha 5 El izabe th 7Sciotha 9William nJaraes

2Scynthia "John 6Cortha 8Laura 10Marion 12Sena

George W. Carson was b 23 Sep 1823 in VA. He m Mary (Polly) Girdler 8 Sep 1845. She was b 8 Oct 1828. Mary was the d/o Joseph Girdler. George d about 1911. Mary d 1 Feb 1905. They had twelve children.

Mary Jane Carson b ca 1847 m Buford Lee Ashley 26 Dec 1869.

Scynthia Ann Carson, a twin, b ca 1850 m Jacob S. Surber 2 Sep 1875. Jacob s/o Martin and Sarah Surber.

Martha Francis Carson, a twin, b ca 1850. Martha m John P. Bishop 3 Mar 1870. John was the s/o William and Mary E. Bishop. John b ca 1847. They had five children: Sophia, b ca. 1871; Stella, b ca. 18723; Mary, b 1874; Jennetta, b 1878 and Charles, b Feb, 1880. There may be more.

John Brent Carson was b 7 Mar 1853 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Keziah Catherine Baugh, 28 Feb 1877 in Pulaski Co. She was b 15 Sep 1855 to Hezekiah and Amanda Baugh. She d 19 Jly 1944 in Denver, CO. John d 27 Jly 1933. They had five children Charles, Alice, Carrie, Albert, and Fred.

Elizabeth E. Carson was b ca 1856.

Cortha Carson was b ca 1858.

Sciotha M. Carson was b ca 1859. She m Shelton Hines 29 Dec 1883. Shelton was b ca 1846.



Laura Belle Carson was b 4 May 1860. Laura m Josiah Tarter 15 May 1881. Josiah was b 30 Dec 1854. They had a child Ettie Estelle Tarter, b 15 Feb 1882.

William F. D. Carson was b ca 1864.

Marion F. Carson was b ca 1865. Marion d in Harlan, KY. He resided in Westbourne, TN.

James M. Carson was b ca 1869.

Sena Catherine Carson was b ca 1872. Sena m William R. Good. William was b 1856 and d 1943. Sena d 1953 and is bur in Lincoln Co., KY. They had two children: Minnie Lee Good, b 1886, d 1948; and Woody Good, lived in McKinney, KY.



John Carson (1853-1933)

(John s/o George s/o Mary d/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Mary Vaught (1793) and Wesley Carson (1792) i i

George Carson (1823) and Mary Girdler (1828) i i

John Carson (1853) and Keziah Baugh (1855) i i

i i i i i i i i

Charles Alice Carrie Albert Fred

John Brent Carson was b 7 Mar 1853 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Keziah Catherine Baugh, 28 Feb 1877 in Pulaski Co. She was b 15 Sep 1855 to Hezekiah and Amanda Baugh. She d 19 Jly 1944 in Denver, CO. John d 27 Jly 1933. They had five children.

Charles Carson, was b 26 Aug 1877. He m Mayme Friday. He d 28 Feb 1944. They had three children.

Charles Carson, was b ca 1898. LaVon Carson b ca 1900, m Chester Wheeler; They had a daughter: Virginia Belle Wheeler, b ca 1921. Bernice Carson, was b ca 1902.

Alice Carson, was b 30 Sep 1879. She m Charles Hazel Adams, 11 Jun 1898. Charles was b 15 Oct 1876 and d 26 Jun 1952. She d 22 Aug 1966. They had two children:

Maude Bernice Adams, was b 4 Feb 1900. She m Frank H. Deis, 23 Nov 1919. She d 4 Feb 1986. They had a Three children: Frank, Bert and Alice. Edna O'Willow Adams, was b 25 Sep 1909. She m Harry Haskett, 1936. She d 24 Dec 1986. They had one son Harry, he d 14 Sep 1981.

Carrie Carson, was b 7 Sep 1881. She m George Lillie. They had; Allyne Lillie. She m Charles Logan. They had a son Charles Easton Logan. Albert Carson, was b 2 Aug 1886. He m Estelle Lee Mann, 9 Oct 1912. Estelle was b 1 May 1887 and d 1 Feb 1968. He d 2 Jly 1952. They had a son Gerald. Fred Carson, was b 27 Sep 1889. He d ca 1891.



Alice Carson

Maude Adams (1900-1986)

(Maude d/o Alice d/o John s/o George s/o Mary d/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

John Carson (1853) and Keziah Baugh (1855) i i

Alice Carson (1879) and Charles Adams (1876)

Maude Adams (1900) and Frank Deis

i i i i

Frank Bert Alice

Maude Bernice Adams, was b 4 Feb 1900. She m Frank H. Deis, 23 Nov 1919. He d 11 Jun 1926. She d 4 Feb 1986. They had three children.

Frank Robert Deis, was b 25 Apr 1920. He m Clarabell Beamann, 24 Sep 1941. She was b 1 Oct 1921. They had three children.

Frank Robert Deis Jr. b 17 Dec 1942. He m Donna Barnes. Donna b 14 Mar 1943. They had two children:

Robert Frank, b 10 Mar 1971. Kenneth Allen, b 3 Sep 1974.

Bryan Raymond Deis b 15 Aug 1945. He m Kay Virkus. They had two children: Kelly Jo, b 24 Nov 1975 Stephanie, b 1 Nov 1977.

Gary Alan Deis b 29 Sep 1955 m Nancy, 15 Oct 1977. They had two children: Robin, b 18 May 1982. Shelly, b 22 Apr 1984.

Bert Charles Deis, was b 30 Jly 1921. He m Marie Annetta Hulcher, 17 Jly 1987. Marie was b 23 Dec 1922. Bert d 17 Jly 1987. They had two children.

Frank Henry Deis b 20 Dec 1944 m Louise Maria Frey, 8 Aug 1970. She was b 19 Jun 1947. They had a son:

Thomas Frank b 21 Jly 1981. He teaches at Rutgers University. Elizabeth Jane Deis, was b 27 May 1951. She m Lowell Thomas Frey. Lowell was b 6 Feb 1953.

Alice Julia Deis, was b 16 Oct 1925. She m Dale Leland Harvey, 12 Oct 1946. He was b 18 May 1921. They had two children.

Julia Alice Harvey b 13 May 1948, m William E. Wright. Thomas Leland Harvey, was b 4 Sep 1951.



John Carson

Albert Carson (1886-1952)

(Albert d/o John s/o George s/o Mary d/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

John Carson (1853) and Keziah Baugh (1855) i i

Albert Carson (1886) and Estelle Mann (1887) i i

Gerald Carson (1920) and Phyllis Schmidt (1940) i J-1 ' !

i i i

Gerald Donna Sharon

Albert Carson, was b 2 Aug 1886. He m Estelle Lee Mann, 9 Oct 1912. Estelle was b 1 May 1887 and d 1 Feb 1968. He d 2 Jly 1952. They had a son.

Gerald Rhae Carson, was b 14 Nov 1920. He m Phyllis Marie Schmidt, 14 Feb 1940. Phyllis was b 26 Nov 1919. They had three children.

Gerald George Carson b 15 Sep 1940. He m Chris Ann Alfred, 5 Sep 1961. Donna Lorraine Carson b 30 Mar 1943. She m John Cecil Cape, 1 Feb 1964. Sharon Rhae Carson, was b 16 Dec 1945. She m Alan Jame Folkman, 2 Feb 1968. Alan was b 9 Mar 1942. They had six children.

Daren Folkman, was b 5 Mar 1969. Trina Folkman, was b 24 Mar 1970. Julie Folkman, was b 13 Sep 1972. Ryan Folkman, was b 19 May 1975. Kevin Folkman, was b 6 Apr 1979. Todd Folkman, was b 14 Nov 1983.



(1823-1911) (Ceany d/o Mary d/o George s/o Andrew

s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

George Vaught (1742) and Christiana Phillippi (1763) i i

Mary Vaught (1793) and Wesley Carson (1792) i i

Ceany Carson (1824) and Charles Carter i i i i

John Sarah

Ceany Ann Carson was b ca 1824 in VA. She m (1) Charles C. Carter 24 Jan 1847 in KY. Charles is not listed in the 1800 Census. Ceany (Sena) is running a boarding house. She m (2) William F. Dobbs, 17 Oct 1861. He was 40 years old and this was his second marriage. M.J. Carson witnessed the marriage. Charles and Ceany had two children.

John T. F. Carter b ca 1848 Pualski Co. m Sarah Jane Collins 5 Aug 1875 in Pulaski Co., KY. Sarah was b ca 1859. Sarah d/o Nancy Vaught Collins Newell.

Sarah Carter was b ca 1850 in Pulaski Co., KY.



(1831-1894) (Eliza d/o Mary d/o George s/o Andrew

s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

George Vaught (1742) and Christiana Phillippi (17631 i i

Mary Vaught (1793) and Wesley Carson (1792) i

Eliza Carson (1831) and Green Sweeney i

I I i I I

I I i I I

Green Malinda Ceania Ann Hardin

Eliza Jane Carson was b 6 Mar 1831 in VA. She m Green L. Sweeney, 20 Jan 1858. Green was b 1815. He m (1) Elizabeth Isaacs 26 Feb 1839 in Pul. Co. Green served in the Civil War, Co. C, 32nd KY. Inf. Eliza d 4 Jan 1894 bur with her husband whose stone has no dates in Freedom Cem in Pulaski Co., KY. They had at least four children.

Green Perkins Sweeney b 11 Oct 1858 d 25 Dec 1937. He m (1) Susan J. Williams 21 Nov 1876 Pul. Co. M (2) Mary Ellen Brown b 16 Jan 1870, d 8 June 1957. Green and Susan bore five children: William P. b ca 1878, John R. b 2 Nov 1879, d 4 Dec 1880, Nettie M. b Jan 1882, Fred b Mary 1884, Belle b Mar 1886, Green and Mary bore seven children: Delia Mae b 3 May 1892, d 5 Oct 1896, Flora b Feb 1894, Lee b Nov 1895, Harden b Mar 1898, Cenia b 4 Jan 1898 and d 7 Jan 1898, Sally b Apr 1900, Greenie P. was b 28 Mar 1904 and d 5 Apr 1904.

Malinda C. Sweeney was b ca 1866. She m Col. Ed Byrant.

Ceania Ann Sweeney was b June 1866. Cenia m Willis Craig Perkins 9 Feb 1886 at the Popplewell House in Pulaski Co. Willis was b Dec 1861 in Lincoln Co., KY. Willis d in 1945. Ceania d in 1943. They had two children: Maude E. Perkins and one other child that d young.

Hardin N. Sweeney b July 1869, M m Lavinia Cundiff 9 Oct 1895 Pul. Co. Lavinia b 1870 d/o Captain William Henry and Lucy Saline Cundiff. Lavinia d 1944. Hardin d 1940. They had two sons.

Willis P. Sweeney b Nov 25, 1897 d Sep 25, 1918, Vol. US Navy. Jamie Hurt Sweeney b 1899 d 1939.




Section Five William Carson A James B Sarah C Joseph CI Joseph C2 Florence C3 Charles C4 Elizabeth C5 Helen C6 John C7 Alberta C8 Mayhew C9 James CIO Jane



(1819-1899) (William s/o Mary d/o George s/o Andrew

s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

George Vaught (1742) and Christiana Phillippi (1763) i i

Mary Vaught (1793) and Wesley Carson (1792) i i

William Carson (1819) and Amanda Reid (1836) i 1

i ! i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i

George John James Sarah Joseph Martha Sophia Andrew Melford Nettie

William Jefferson Carson was b 27 Apr 1829 in Pulaski Co., KY. He m Amanda Fox Reid 29 Sep 1852 in Pulaski Co., KY. Will d 16 Feb 1899 in Hustonville, KY. Amanda was b 12 Aug 1836 and d 1902 in Hustonville. Amanda was the d/o George Thomas Reid and his wife Elizabeth Bishop. They are bur in the Hustonville Cem. They had ten children.

George Thomas Carson b 11 Sep 1853 Pulaski Co. He d young.

John William Carson b 2 Jan 1856 Pulaski Co. He d young.

James Clark Carson was b 18 Apr 1857 in Pulaski Co., KY. James m Levina White 27 Mar 1879 in Pulaski Co., KY. James d 11 May 1895. Levina was b 21 Dec 1861 and d 22 Jly 1925. They had four children: Everet Virgil Carson, Nytro G. Carson, Ada D. Carson, and Mittie B. Carson.

Sarah Jane Carson was b 15 Feb 1860 in Eubank, KY. Sarah m John L. Dayton in 1878. Sarah d 25 Mar 1934 in McKinney, KY. She is bur. at Hustonville, KY Cem. John was the sjo Mr. Dayton and Miss Gleming. He was b in Dublin, Ireland, and d in McKinney, KY. They had five children: Alice Dayton, Anna Dayton, John Dayton, William Dayton, and James R. Dayton.

Joseph O. Kelly Carson b 4 May 1864 Somerset, m Sallie Elizabeth Adeline Johnson 8 Jan 1891 Kings Mountain, KY. Sallie b 8 Jan 1868 Hamilton, Boone Co., KY, d/o Julius Lucian Johnson and Martha Jane Miller. She d 27 Jly 1932 Hood River, OR. Joseph d 12 Feb 1942 Hood River, OR. They had twelve children: Joseph Kirtley Carson, Florence Isabel Carson, William Lucian Carson, Charles Hendricks Carson, Elizabeth Huey Carson, Helen Virginia Carson, John Thomas Carson, Alberta Maybelle Carson, Alice Kathryn Carson, Mayhew Watt Carson, and twins, James Edward Carson and Jane Eleanor Carson.



Martha Ann Carson was b 2 Aug 1868. Martha d 1 Mar 1881.

Sophia Helen Carson was b 28 Sep 1868. She m Calloway Nance. Sophie d 10 Jan 1888. They had a child Maggie Nance, who d young. After Maggie was born, Helen went into a stream after a calf. She saved the calf, but caught a cold, which eventually led to tuberculosis. Helen died in 1888 and her baby shortly thereafter.

Andrew Perkins Carson was b 3 Apr 1870. He d 5 Jly 1878.

Milford Perkins Carson was b 21 Feb 1873. He d 15 Jly 1881 in Hustonville, KY.

Nettie Carson was b 10 May 1876 and d 10 May 1891 in Hustonville, KY, age 15.



James Carson (1857-1895)

(James s/o William s/o Mary d/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Mary Vaught (1793) and Wesley Carson (1792) i i

William Carson (1819) and Amanda Reid (1836) i i

James Carson (1857) and Levina White (1861) i

i i I i

Everet Nytro Ada Mittie

James Clark Carson, b 18 Apr 1857 in Pulaski Co., KY. James m Levina White 27 Mar 1879 in Pul. Co. James d 11 May 1895. Levina b 21 Dec 1861, d 22 Jly 1925. They had four children.

Everet Virgil Carson, was b 24 Feb, 1880. He d Jun 1944. He m Georgia Nunnelley, 28 Feb 1904 in Jellico, TN. She was b 6 Dec 1886 and d in Sarasota, FL in 1968. She was the d/o Thomas Nunnelley and Mattie Riffe. They had a daughter.

Flonnie Estelle Carson. Flonnie was b 9 Feb 1905. She m Claiborne Cook Walton, 26 Jan 1929. He was the s/o Ed Walton and Belle Caliborne Walton. Clairborne, deceased was the editor of the Stanford Interior Journal. Flonnie Walton has worked in the newspaper office. They had a daughter.

Georgiabelle Walton. She b 23 Jly 1930 in Stanford, KY. She m John Burnette Davis, 15 Jly 1950 in Harrodsburg, KY. He is the s/o Perry Davis and Nancy Burnett. Georgiagelle Davis is now a society reporter in Vero Beach, FL. They had three children.

John Burnett, Jr. b 30 Oct 1951 in Danville, KY. Bary Lynn was b 1 Feb 1954 in Danville, KY; Nancy Claire was b 11 Feb 1959.

Nytro G. Carson, was b 30 Jly 1881. She never married, she was a lifelong invalid, dying in 1948. She is b in Hustonville, KY.

Ada D. Carson, was b 9 Jun 1883. She m Sam Peavyhouse, 2 Jan 1916. She d in 1963 and is bur in the Hustonville Cem. Ada and Sam had a daughter.

Teressa B. Peavyhouse She b 8 Jan 1917. She m Mr. Jacobs. Tressa lives in Somerset and owns a hearing-aid business.



James Carson

Mittie B. Carson, was b 2 Sep 1886, and d 1962 in Hustonville, KY. He m Edna Gertrude Bell, 6 Sep 1906. She was b 1892. The couple had two daughters.

Geneva Carson b 6 Jly 1907 Hustonville, KY. She m Marcus Hocher Helm, b 24 Jan 1906, s/o of James Helm and Alice Buchanan. Marcus Helm d 22 Jan 1955 in Lexington. Marjorie Carson b 22 Oct 1915 in Hustonville, KY. She m James Edwin Weddle in Independence MO. He was the son of Dr. Achilles Weddle and Molly Tilford.



Sarah Carson (1860-1934)

(Sarah d/o William s/o Mary d/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Mary Vaught (1793) and Wesley Carson (1792) i i

William Carson (1819) and Amanda Reid (1836) i i

Sarah Carson (186 0) and John Dayton i

[ i i i i I I I i

Alice Anna John William James

Sarah Jane Carson b 15 Feb 1860 Eubank, KY. Sarah m John L. Dayton in 1878. Sarah d 25 Mar 1934 McKinney, KY. She bur. at Hustonville, KY Cem. John was s/o Mr. Dayton and Miss Fleming. He b Dublin, Ireland, d McKinney, KY. They had five children.

Alice Amanda Dayton b 15 Jly 1882 Eubank, KY. m William Adams b 11 Nov 1880, s/o John J. Adams and Margaret J. She d 3 Dec 1929 Somerset, KY. He m (2) Julia Wilson. He d Oct 1954 Lima, OH. Alice and William had: W. Carrollton Adams and Virginia Adams.

Anna Dayton b 8 Nov 1880 in Eubank, KY. m Jame Tee Butler 1 Mar 1910 in Stanford, KY. He b 12 Oct 1888 in Hustonville, KY, d 4 May 1970 Imlay City, MI. s/o John Butler and Sue Munsey. They had no children. They raised Ruth Dayton, dau. of James Dayton. Ruth d at age 12.

John Dayton, Jr. b 28 Jly 1884. He m Carrie Butler, sister of J. T. Butler. Carrie b 4 Aug 1882 in Hustonville, KY. He d 28 Jly 1962. They had two daughters Agnes and Alice.

William Dayton b 27 Jly 1886 m Pauline Parsons in Bancroft, Michigan. He d 23 Mar 1958 in Royal Oak, MI. Pauline b 23 Feb 1882 and d 12 Jun 1959 in Royal Oaks. They had no children, but raised Edith Dayton, daughter of James.

James R. Dayton, was b 29 Nov 1890 in Eubank, KY. and d in Ionia, MI. He m Effie Reid in Hustonville, KY. They had two daughters Ruth and Edith. The parents died before the girls matured, they were raised by their relatives.

Ruth Dayton, d at age 12. Orphaned at a young age, she was raised by her aunt Alice and Uncle James Butler who had no children of their own. Edith Dayton, m Robert Gordon. Edith was raised by her Uncle Bill and Aunt Pauline. Edith had three children: John, Sheila and William. The Gordons live in Greenville, So. Carolina.



Sarah Carson

John Dayton (1884-1962)

(John s/o Sarah d/o William s/o Mary d/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

William Carson (1819) and Amanda Reid (1836) i i

Sarah Carson (1860) and John Dayton i i

John Dayton (18 84) and Carrie Butler i

i i

Agnes Alice

John Dayton, Jr., was b 28 Jly 1884. He m Carrie Butler, sister of J. T. Butler. Carrie was b 4 Aug 1882 in Hustonville, KY. He d 28 Jly 1962. They had two daughters.

Agnes Vivian Butler, was b 25 Sep 1913 in Somerset, KY. She m Raymond Warner, 16 Dec 1944 in Lapeer, MI. He is the son of Ross Warner and Ina Calkins. They had two children: Deanna and John Rodney.

Deanna Butler, was b 7 Nov 1927. Deanna was m Robert Snoddy, 15 Oct 1958 in Flin, MI. He was b 5 Oct 1916 in Lapeer, MI. He was the son of William Snoddy/ Ada Wilde. Children of Deanna and Robert Snoddy are

Robin Sue, b 20 Aug 1959 in Almont, MI; Tammy Diann, b 1 Oct 1960 in Almont, MI; Kelly Lynn, b 29 Dec 1961 in Almont; Betsy Ann, b 3 Aug 1963 in Almont, MI Richard Duane, b 28 Nov 1964.

John Rodney Butler, was b 19 Jan 1948. He m Linda. They have one son Joshua Lee who was b 16 Jly 1972.

Alice Helen Butler, was b 31 Jly 1915 in Somerset, KY. She m Wellington R. McCary an engineer. He was b 17 Jly 1904 in Reese, MI, the s/o Patrick Robert McCary and Rose McGeachy. They had two children.

Patrick W. McCary, was b 17 Jly 1940 in Almont, MI. He m Diane Sovey, d/o Ben Sovey and Grace Leonard. They have a daughter, Kristen Dawn, b 11 Aug 1969 in Lansing, MI. and a son Michael Patrick b 21 Apr 1971 in Greeley, CO. Kathleen McCary, was b 27 Apr 1943 in Detroit, MI. She d in 1967 while in college.



Joseph Carson (1864-1942)

(William s/o Mary d/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Mary Vaught (1793) and Wesley Carson (1792) i i

William Carson (1819) and Amanda Reid (1836) i i

Joseph Carson (1864) and Sallie Johnson (1868) I 1

I I I I i i I I I I i i I I I I I I I I I I I I

_oseph 3William 5 El izabe th 7John 9Alice uJames 2Florence "Charles 6Helen "Alberta 10Mayhew "Jane

Joseph O. Kelly Carson, was b 4 May 1864 in Somerset, Pulaski Co., KY. Joseph m Sallie Elizabeth Adeline Johnson 8 Jan 1891 in Kings Mountain, Pulaski, KY. Sallie was b 8 Jan 1868 in Hamilton, Boone Co., KY, the d/o Julius Lucian Johnson and Martha Jane Miller. They moved to Oregon in 1903. She d 27 Jly 1932 in Hood River, OR. Joseph d 12 Feb 1942 in Hood River, OR. He is bur in Idlewild Cem. in Hood River, OR. They had twelve children.

Joseph Kirtley Carson, was b 19 Dec 1891 in McKinney, Pulaski Co., KY. He m (1) Hazel Irene Jenkins, 26 Mar 1926 in Vancouver, Wash. She was the d/o Samuel Jenkins of Pendleton, OR. She d 4 May 1928 in Portland of tuberculosis. There were no children. He m (2) Myrtle Cradick, 19 June 1931 in Portland, OR. She was b 23 Jan 1908 to John Wesley Cradick and Minnie B. Warren of Heppner, OR. He d 20 Dec 1956 in Portland, OR. Myrtle and Joseph bore two children: Joan and Lucian.

Florence Isabel Carson, was b 4 Feb 1893 in McKinney, Pulaski Co., KY. She m Harry England, 3 Sep 1927 in Portland, OR. She d 3 Feb 1972 in Portland, OR. Harry d 6 Nov 1956 in Denver, CO. They had one son, Richard Kirtley England.

William Lucian Carson, was b 5 Aug 1894 in McKinney, Pulaski Co., KY. An electrician by trade, he enlisted in the Aviation Corps in 1917. Assigned to an instructorship as a 2nd lieutenant, he was killed on a training flight in Wichita Falls, Texas, on 2 Aug 1918.



Joseph Carson

Charles Hendricks Carson, was b 18 Mar 1896 in McKinney, Pulaski Co., KY. He m (1) Maybelle Williams. There were no children. He m (2) Ellen Josephine Larson in Stevenson, Wash. She was b 22 Sep 1915 in Pequot, Minnesota to Nels August Larson and Amanda Caroline Lundberg. She d of a heart attack on 3 Sep 1963 in McMinnville, OR. He d 26 Jly 1977 in Portland, OR. They are buried in Idlewild Cem. They had five children: Charles, Sallie, Joseph, Jerry and James.

Elizabeth Huey Carson, was b 21 Dec 1897 in King's Mountain, Pulaski Co., KY. She m Walter Edwin Nichol, M.D., 6 Feb 1920 in Portland, OR. They had one daughter; Betty Jean Nichols. She m (2) George R. Sailor, 28 Dec 1936.

Helen Virginia Carson, was b 6 Aug 1899 in Casey Co., KY. She m Herbert Lansing Plumb, 5 Jun 1926 in Hood River, OR. He was b 31 Mar 1889 in North Bangor, New York and d in Olympia, Wash, in 1974. He was the s/o William Wallace Plumb and Abigail Donaldson. She d 19 Dec 1970. They had three children: Marjorie, Elizabeth and James.

John Thomas Carson, was b 9 Jly 1901 in Hustonville, Lincoln Co., KY. He m (1) Rhoda Anderson. She was b 18 Jan 1903, the d/o Charles Magnes Anderson and Jenny Augusta Oren. She d 11 May 1932. They had one son. He m (2) Katherine Peters, 16 Jun 1934 in Vancouver, Wash. She was b 11 Feb 1907 in Wheatland, WY., the d/o William Lawrence Peters and Josephine Krunski. They had three children.

Alberta Maybelle Carson b 21 Jun 1903 in Hustonville, KY. She m Robert Hoyt Kirkwood, 17 Jun 1926 in Hood River, OR. He was b 27 Feb 1903 the son of Dr. Joseph Edward Kirtwood and Ella Belinda Hoyt. He d 30 Dec 1971 in Portland, OR. They adopted three children: Joyce, Joseph and Robert.

Alice Kathryn Carson, was b 9 Oct 1905 in Hood River, OR. m (1) Elwyn Vande Walker, now deceased. She m (2) Theodore Farrington, also deceased. She had no children. She lives in Portland and works as a fulltime nurse. There were no children from either marriage.

Mayhew Watt Carson, was b 1 Nov 1907. He m (1) Edna Marguerite Green, 13 Jun 1929. She was b 2 Jan 1909 the d/o Edward Homer Breen and Rose Emma Miller. They had two sons Edwin and Richard. Edna later m Charles D. Johnson. Myhew m (2) Madeline Hold, 13 Sep 1946. They had a daughter Charlotte. He d 2 Nov 1956.



Joseph Carson

James Edward Carson, twin, was b 16 Apr 1910 in Hood River, OR. He m (1) Betty Jane Singleton. They had a daughter, Sharon. He m (2) Coriene Chapman (Downer) 12 Oct 1946. She was b 11 Aug 1928 in Portland, OR., the d/o Chester B. Chapman and Ethel C. Newton. They had a daughter, Carol and adopted a son Michael.

Jane Eleanor Carson,twin, was b 16 Apr 1910 in Hood River, OR. She m Avery Duane Cummings, Jr., 20 Jun 1936. He was b 8 May 1940 at Fort Benjamine Harrison, Indiana, the s/o Avery Duance Cummings and Mildred Green. She d 4 Oct 1984. They had four children: Jane, Molly, Jennifer and Avery.



Joseph Carson

Joseph Carson Jr. (1891-????)

(Joseph s/o Joseph s/o William s/o Mary d/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

William Carson (1819) and Amanda Reid (1836) i i

Joseph Carson (1864) and Sallie Johnson (1868) i i

Joseph Carson (1)Hazel Jenkins (2)Myrtle Cradick

i i i i

Joan Lucian

Joseph Kirtley Carson, was b 19 Dec 1891 in McKinney, Pulaski Co., KY. He m (1) Hazel Irene Jenkins, 26 Mar 1926 in Vancouver, Wash. She was the d/o Samuel Jenkins of Pendleton, OR. She d 4 May 1928 in Portland of tuberculosis. There were no children. He m (2) Myrtle Cradick, 19 June 1931 in Portland, OR. She was b 23 Jan 1908 to John Wesley Cradick and Minnie B. Warren of Heppner, OR. He d 20 Dec 1956 in Portland, OR. Myrtle and Joseph bore two children.

Joan Cradick Carson, was b 18 May 1938 in Portland, OR. She m Richard Staley, 6 Oct 1956 in Vancouver, Washington. Richard was b 18 Apr 1939 in Portland, the s/o Robert Joseph Staley and Edith Marie Leek. They had five children: Richard Joseph, b 5 Apr 1958 in Oceanside, CA., d 1 Sep 1959 in Portland after surgery; Michael Joseph, b 15 Jan 1960 in Portland, OR.; Steven Joseph, b 25 Dec 1964 in Portland, OR.; Erin Jo, b 16 Apr 1968 in Portland, OR.; William Joseph, b 20 Oct 1970 in Oregon City, OR.

Lucian Joseph Carson, was b 10 Aug, 1939 in Portland, OR. He m Sally Lindsey Hunt, 17 May 1969 in Salem, OR. She is the d/o Benjamine Franklin Hunt. They had two children: Edward Lucian, b 29 Dec 1971; Joseph Andrew, b 27 Sep 1973.



Joseph Carson

Florence Carson (1893-1972)

(Florence d/o Joseph s/o William s/o Mary d/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

William Carson (1819) and Amanda Reid (1836) i i

Joseph Carson (1864) and Sallie Johnson (1868) i i

Florence Carson (1893) and Harry England (1891) i i

Richard Kirtley England (1932)

Florence Isabel Carson, was b 4 Feb 1893 in McKinney, Pulaski Co., KY. She m Harry England, 3 Sep 1927 in Portland, OR. She d 3 Feb 1972 in Portland, OR. Harry d 6 Nov 1956 in Denver, CO. They had one son.

Richard Kirtley England, was b 26 Dec 1932 in Portland, OR. He m Patricia Ann Robertson, 26 Oct 1957 in Charleston, So. Carolina. She is the d/o Alexander Carrere and Mamie Robertson. They live on Mercer Island, WA. They have three children:

Jennifer Cerrere England, b 22 Apr 1960 in Seattle. Linda Carson England, b 10 Aug 1962 in Seattle. Sally Ann England, b 2 Oct 1965 in Seattle.



Joseph Carson

Charles Carson (1896-1972)

(Charles s/o Joseph s/o William s/o Mary d/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

William Carson (1819) and Amanda Reid (1836) i i

Joseph Carson (1864) and Sallie Johnson (1868) i i

Charles Carson (1896) (1)Maybelle Williams (2)Ellen Larson (1915)

i 1

i i i i i i i i i i

Charles Sallie Joseph Jerry James

Charles Hendricks Carson, was b 18 Mar 1896 in McKinney, Pulaski Co., KY. He m (1) Maybelle Williams. There were no children. He m (2) Ellen Josephine Larson in Stevenson, Wash. She was b 22 Sep 1915 in Pequot, Minnesota to Nels August Larson and Amanda Caroline Lundberg. She d of a heart attack on 3 Sep 1963 in McMinnville, OR. He d 26 Jly 1977 in Portland, OR. They are buried in Idlewild Cem. They had five children.

Charles William Carson, b 13 Apr 1929 and d in 1940.

Sallie Adeline Carson, was b 15 Dec 1935 in Portland. She m Leonard Hogan, 22 Sep 1956 in Grants. Pass, OR. He was b 25 Aug 1932 in Yreka, CA., the s/o Owen Leonard Hogan and Alice Sedros. They have four children:

Michael Owen, b 13 Jun 1957 in Eugene, OR.; Kathryn Ann, b 19 Jun 1958 in Grants Pass, OR.; Susan Marie, b 25 Aug 1962 in Portland, OR. James Allen, b 27 Jun 1964 in Portland, OR.

Joseph Kelly Carson III, was b 25 Feb 1937 in McMinnville, OR. He is a dentist having served in the U.S. Army Dental Corps. He m Nancy Ann Cotta, 13 Jly 1939 in Visalia, Ca. She is the d/o Ezekiel Cuehlo Cotta and Delphina Silva. They have no children. She has a daughter from a previous marriage. They live in Portland.



Joseph Carson

Charles Carson

Jerry Allen Carson, was b 23 Jun 1940 in McMinnville, OR. He m Marie Antionette (Anderson) Hickey, 16 Dec 1961 in Eugene, OR. She is the d/o Michael Hickey and Dolores Nogales. Her stepfather was Mr. Anderson. They had two children:

Gregory Allen, b 13 Apr 1964 in Eugen, OR.; Kelly Ann, b 2 Mar 1966 in Eugene, OR.

James Mayhew Carson, was b 18 Jan 1944 in Hood River, OR. He m Dorothy Jean Hixon, 13 June 1964 in Grants Pass, OR. She is the d/o Boyd George Hizon and Helen Leinen, she was b 22 Apr 1946. They had three children:

David Michael Carson, b 26 Jun 1966 in Eugene, OR. Douglas Charles Carson, b 13 Sep in Grants Pass, OR. Sandra Ellen Carson, b 27 Mar 1970 in Roseburg, OR.



Joseph Carson

Elizabeth Carson (1897-xxxx)

(Elizabeth d/o Joseph s/o William s/o Mary d/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

William Carson (1819) and Amanda Reid (1836) i i

Joseph Carson (1864) and Sallie Johnson (1868) i i

Elizabeth Carson (1897) and Walter Nichol i i

Elizabeth Nichol and George Sailor i i

Betty Sailor and Jack Glen i i

Pam Glen and Edward Sehl

Elizabeth Huey Carson, was b 21 Dec 1897 in King's Mountain, Pulaski Co., KY. She m (1) Walter Edwin Nichol, M.D., 6 Feb 1920 in Portland, OR. They had one daughter. Elizabeth m (2) George R. Sailor, 28 Dec 1936. George was b 14 Nov 1883 and d 2 Oct 1960.

Betty Jean (Nichol) Sailor, was b 18 Mar 1925. She m Jack Glen. They bore a daughter.

Pam Glen, b 25 Oct 1948 Houston, TX. She m Edward John Sehl, 25 Oct 1968 in Houston, TX. Ed b 20 Apr 1940 in Milville, New Jersey, the s/o Edward John Sehl and Jennie Copare. Pam was reared by Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Alderson of Houston, TX.



Joseph Carson

Helen Carson (1899-1970)

(Helen d/o Joseph s/o William s/o Mary d/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

William Carson (1819) and Amanda Reid (1836) i i

Joseph Carson (1864) and Sallie Johnson (1868) i i

Helen Carson (1899) and Herbert Plumb (1889) i j

I i i Marjorie Elizabeth James

Helen Virginia Carson, was b 6 Aug 1899 in Casey Co., KY. She m Herbert Lansing Plumb, 5 Jun 1926 in Hood River, OR. He was b 31 Mar 1889 in North Bangor, New York and d in Olympia, Wash, in 1974. He was the s/o William Wallace Plumb and Abigail Donaldson. She d 19 Dec 1970. They had three children.

Marjorie Helen Plumb, was b 28 May 1927 in Portland, OR. She m Sefton Robert Welling, 15 Jun 1951. He is the son of Donald James Wellings and Norah Atkins. He was b Oct 1927. They live in Davis, CA. where Sefton serves as the head pathologist at the University of Davis. They have five children:

Ann Katherine, b 19 Aug 1952 in Seattle, WA. Elizabeth Norah, b 22 Sep 1954 at Berkeley, CA. Julie Virginia, b 26 Aug 1957 at San Francisco, Ca. Mary Martha, b 2 Jun 1961 in San Francisco. James Sefton, b 14 Apr 1965 in Portland, OR.

Elizabeth Ann Plumb b 29 Jan 1931 Olympia, WA. m John Thomas Piper, 28 Aug 1953, b*3 Sep 1930 s/o Paul A. Piper and Bernice Coyle. They have three sons:

Christopher Paul, b 16 Aug 1955 in Seattle. James Robert, b 28 Dec 1962 in Seattle. Thomas Lansing, b 25 Apr 1964 in Seattle.

James Wallace Plumb, was b 12 Oct 1934 in Olympia, WA. He m Anna Darris Hillman, 22 Apr 1962 in Arlington, VA. She was b 17 Jan 1938 in Nickelsville, VA, the d/o Barnett Lee Hillman and Nell Nuckles. They have two daughters:

Janet Lee, b 15 Oct 1962 in tacoma, WA. Luann Virginia, b 23 Nov 1964 in Tacoma.



Joseph Carson

John Carson (1901-xxxx)

(John s/o Joseph s/o William s/o Mary d/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

William Carson (1819) and Amanda Reid (1836) i i

Joseph Carson (1864) and Sallie Johnson (1868)

John Carson (1901) (1)Rhoda Anderson (2)Katherine Peters

I i ! i i John Sallie Mary Peter

John Thomas Carson, was b 9 Jly 1901 in Hustonville, Lincoln Co., KY. He m (1) Rhoda Anderson. She was b 18 Jan 1903, the d/o Charles Magnes Anderson and Jenny Augusta Oren. She d 11 May 1932. They had one son. He m (2) Katherine Peters, 16 Jun 1934 in Vancouver, Wash. She was b 11 Feb 1907 in Wheatland, WY., the d/o William Lawrence Peters and Josephine Krunski. They had three children.

John Armand Carson, was b 11 May in Portland, OR. He m (1) Mary Mercedes Hoff, 16 Jun 1951. She is the d/o Henry Hoff and Medora Rice. John m (2) Marlis Claussen (Woodbury), 18 Nov 1970. She is the d/o George H.J. Claussen and Evelyn Viola Holberg. John works for Carson Oil Company. John and Mary had two children:

Jennifer Ann, b 2 Apr 1952: Eloise Mary, b 2 Mar 1955.

Children of John and Katherine

Sallie Jo Carson, was b 25 Mar (1945?), in Walla, WA. She m Gabriel Jerry Sugarman, 9 Jan 1965 in Reno, NV. They have two children:

Peter Josef Sugarman, b 4 Dec 1965; Gabriella Jonna Sugarman, b 20 Feb 1969.

They live in Portland, OR.



Mary Michael Carson, was b 14 Apr 1940. She m Philip Richard James, s/o Carlton H. James and Lestina Beers. They had five daughters:

Mary Ursula James, b 28 Jly 1964 in Portland, OR. Josephine Mary James, twin, b 27 Aug, 1968 Wisconsin; Katharine Mary James, twin, b 27 Aug, 1968 Wisconsin; Sara Jane Carson James, b 4 Nov 1969 in Wisconsin; Susanna Marie James, b 29 Jun 1971 in Wisconsin.

Peter John Carson, was b 13 May 1946 in Portland, OR. He m Betty Ann Langus, 7 Jly 1967. She was b 25 Mar 1946 in Portland, the d/o George James Langus and Doris Jean Wright. They have two children:

John Thomas Carson, b 2 Aug 1969 in Portland; Kristin Ryan Carson, b 6 Feb 1972 in Spokane, WA.



Joseph Carson

Alberta Carson (1903-xxxx)

(Alberta d/o Joseph s/o William s/o Mary d/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

William Carson (1819) and Amanda Reid (1836) i i

Joseph Carson (1864) and Sallie Johnson (1868) i i

Alberta Carson (1903) and Robert Kirkwood (1903;

I I I Joyce Joseph Robert

Alberta Maybelle Carson b 21 Jun 1903 Hustonville, KY. m Robert Hoyt Kirkwood, 17 Jun 1926 Hood River, OR. He was b 27 Feb 1903 the son of Dr. Joseph Edward Kirtwood and Ella Belinda Hoyt. He d 30 Dec 1971 in Portland, OR. They adopted three children

Joyce Burnet Kirkwood, b 1 Mar 1931 in Washinton, DC. She m (1) Emery Johnson Woodall, s/o Emery J. Woodall and Therza. They had three children: Emery Johnson Woodall III, b 2 May 1959; Thea Woodall, b 8 Jun 1960 and Benjamine Franklin Woodall, b 17 Oct 1961, d 17 Oct 1965 in a jeep accident in Londonderry, VT. Joyce m (2) Francois Tonetti Hyde, 30 Jun 1968. He s/o Robert McKee Hude and Lydia Tonetti. They bore a daughter Lydia Lawrence Hyde, 2 Jun 1970 in Whitehall, N.Y.

Joseph Edward Kirkwood, was b 19 Dec 1932 in Washington, D.C. He m Sally Joan Sheppard, 30 Aug 1953 in Hood River, OR. She is the d/o William Orville Sheppard and Ruth Margaret Jordan. They have two children:

David Keith Kirkwood, b 16 Oct 1958 in Los Angeles, Ca. Daniel Mark Kirkwood, b 15 Sep 1961 in Los Angeles, CA.

Robert Hoyt Kirkwood, was b 17 Aug 1934 in Omaha, NE. He m Judith Rae Castell, 6 Feb 1955. She was b 25 Feb 1938 the d/o Ray Castell and Cladys Seavey. They have three daughters:

Sally Jo Kirkwood, b 21 Jan 1957 in San Antonio, TX. She m Ralph Duddles, 19 Apr. 1975. Karen Sue Kirkwood, b 31 Oct 1958 in Hood River, OR; Deborah Lee Kirkwood, b 27 Nov 1959 in Hood River, OR.



Joseph Carson

Mayhew Carson (1907-1956)

(Mayhew s/o Joseph s/o William s/o Mary d/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

William Carson (1819) and Amanda Reid (1836) i i

Joseph Carson (1864) and Sallie Johnson (1868)

Meyhew Carson (1907) (l)Edna Green (2)Madeline Holt

1 i I i i

Edwin Richard Charlotte

Mayhew Watt Carson, was b 1 Nov 1907. He m (1) Edna Marguerite Green, 13 Jun 1929. She was b 2 Jan 1909 the d/o Edward Homer Breen and Rose Emma Miller. They had two sons Edwin and Richard. Edna later m Charles D. Johnson. Mayhew m (2) Madeline Hold. They had a daughter Charlotte. He d 2 Nov 1956.

Edwin Lucien Carson b 13 May 1957. He m Barbara Worell. She was b 24 Feb 1934. They had two sons David Richard Carson, b 14 Dec 1953 and Philip James Carson, b 13 May 1957. Edwin m (2) Diane Joy (Mapes) Redding. She has two daughters from a previous marriage; Vickie and Ann Marie.

Richard Stewart Carson b 11 Feb 1932 Hood River, OR. m (1) Shirley DeMars, b 5 Sep 1932 d/o Jack De Mars. She d 22 Jan 1965 in Portland of a brain rumor. They had two sons.

Stuart Jon Carson, b 19 Jun 1959, d 25 Aug 1964 of a hemorrhage; Brian Alan Carson, 17 Dec 1961. He m (2) Karen Ann Nickell, d/o Allen Nickell. They had a son

Blake Carson, 22 Sep 1966. He is now marriage to Marlene Eichler. She has three boys by a previous marriage Douglas, Jeffry and David.

Charlotte Ann Carson was b 24 Jun 1948 in Portland, OR. She m Rodney K. Henry. They lived in Mountain View, CA.



Joseph Carson

James Carson (1910-xxxx)

(James s/o Joseph s/o William s/o Mary d/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

William Carson (1819) and Amanda Reid (1836) i i

Joseph Carson (1864) and Sallie Johnson (1868) i i

James Carson (1910) (1)Betty Singleton (2)Coriene Chapman

i i i i

i i i i

Sharon Carol Michael

James Edward Carson, twin, was b 16 Apr 1910 in Hood River, OR. He m (1) Betty Jaen Singleton. They had a daughter, Sharon. He m (2) Coriene Chapman (Downer) 12 Oct 1946. She was b 11 Aug 1928 in Portland, OR., the d/o Chester B. Chapman and Ethel C. Newton. They had a daughter, Carol and adopted a son Michael.

Sharon Lee Carson, was b 25 Jly 1940 in Portland.

Carol Jane Carson, was b 16 Aug 1948 in Portland.

Michael Stephen (Downer) Carson, was b 29 Aug 1941, son of Coriene by a previous marriage. He m Beverly Gail Augur, 17 Nov 1965 in Portland. She is the d/o Clarence Augur. They have a son Christopher Eric Carson, b 16 Jly 1970 in Fort Rucker, Dothan, Alabama.



Joseph Carson

Jane Carson (1910-xxxx)

(Jane d/o William s/o Mary d/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

William Carson (1819) and Amanda Reid (1836) i i

Joseph Carson (1864) and Sallie Johnson (1868) i i

Jane Carson (1920) and Avery Cummings i

_ i _ I I I i I I I i

Jane Molly Jennifer Avery

Jane Eleanor Carson, twin, was b 16 Apr 1910 in Hood River, OR. She m Avery Duane Cummings, Jr., 20 Jun 1936. He was b 8 May 1910 at Fort Benjamine Harrison, Indiana, the s/o Avery Duance Cummings and Mildred Green. They had four children.

Jane Katherine Cummings, was b 24 Aug 1936 in Seattle, WA. She m Donald R. Bruno, 2 Sep 1961 in Coeur d' Alene, Idaho. Donald was b 18 Dec 1935 in Seattle. He was the s/o Frank Bruno and Annie G Russo. His stepfather was Louis Reid. They had two children. Jane m (2) John McCoy Dooley, 25 Nov 1983.

Darci Leigh Bruno, was b 11 Feb 1962 in Olympia, WA. Darren Gavin Bruno, was b 29 Apr 1965 in Plympia, WA.

Molly Melinda Cummings, was b 21 Jan 1942 in Seattle, WA. She m James McCarthy. He was b 25 May 1941 in Olympia, WA., the s/o Clarence McCarthy and Beatrice Cavanaugh. They had three children.

James Daniel McCarthy b 14 Sep 1961 in Seattle, WA. Linda Maurine McCarthy b 18 Aug 1962 in Seattle, WA. Nancy Colleen McCarthy b 8 Mar 1964 in Olympia, WA.

Jennifer Sue Cummings b 3 Sep 1945 Seattle, WA. m Robert J. Williams, 16 Apr 1966 in Olympia, WA. Bob b 10 Jly 1939 in Hoquiam, WA., the s/o Harold G. Williams and Alice Joy Henry. They make puppets and entertain in Portland.

Avery Duane Cummings III, was b 10 Oct 1947 in Seattle. He enlisted in the U.S.Coast Guard in 1966. Currently he works for Jordan's Refrigeration an Appliance Olympia, WA. (1984)



(1831-1917) (John s/o Mary d/o George s/o Andrew

s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Mary (Polly) Vaught (1793) and Wesley Carson (1792) i i

John Carson (1831) (l)Mary Bishop (1842) (2)Nancy Ballou

i I i I I

i i

William Samantha James Elizabeth I I i i i I I i i i

Mary Amanda Martha Eudora Minnie

John Wesley Carson was b 17 Nov 1831 in Pulaski Co., KY. John m Mary Ann Bishop 14 Apr 1859. John d 22 Oct 1917 in Pulaski Co., KY and is bur in the Stanford Cem. Mary was b 7 Feb 1842, d in 1870, and is bur in the Union Cem., Pulaski Co., KY. Mary was the d/o John Thomas Bishop and his wife Sarah Vaught, d/o Jacob Vaught and Molly Cormany. John m second, Nancy E. Ballou, 1871. John and Mary bore four children. John and Nancy bore five children.

William Parker Carson was b 3 May 1860. He m Eudora Delhi White in 1882. They both died in Cozadale, Ohio. She d in 1934 and he in 1928. They are buried in the buffalo Springs Cemetery in Stanford, KY. They had two children: Fred Grant Carson and Walter Carson.

Samantha Jane Carson was b 21 Jly 1863. Samantha m Billy Campbell. They had a child Betty Campbell.

James Thomas Carson was b 20 May 1866. He m Susie Belle Carter in 1895. Susie was b 4 Nov 1876 and d 20 Jan 1950. She is the d/o James Martin Carter and Lucy Ann Williams (Bradshaw). She was b 4 Nov 1876 and d on 20 Jan 1950. James d 9 Feb 1957. He is bur at Stanford, KY. They had five children: Lucy Carson, Ruth Alice Carson, Leonard Carson, Mary Carson, and Catherine Carson.

Elizabeth Frances Carson was b 12 Jan 1869. She m Buck Terhune. There were no children. She is the last child before her mother died.



Children of John and Nancy

Mary Ellen Carson was b 25 Dec 1973. She was the second wife to John Baughman. John was b 26 Jly 1852 and d 17 Jan 1921, in Black Pike, Moreland Co., KY. His first wife was Nancy E. Ballou. Mary d 4 June 1950 in Wilmore, KY. She is bur in Buffalo Cem. at Stanford, KY.

Amanda Evelyn Carson was b 1874. She d in 1918 in Louisville, KY. She was bur at the Buffalo Cem in Stanford, KY. She never married.

Martha Susan Carson was b 17 Jly 1876.

Eudora Alice Carson was b 30 Sep 1878. She d 1894 in Wilmore, KY. She never m.

Minnie Carson was b 30 Jly 1880. She m D. Walter Williams at Burnside, KY. There were no children.



James Carson (1866-1957)

(James s/o John s/o Mary d/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Mary Vaught (1793) and Wesley Carson (1792) i i

John Carson (1831) and Mary Bishop (1842)

James Carson (1866) and Susie Carter (1876)

i I I I


Lucy Ruth Leonard Mary Catherine

James Thomas Carson, was b 20 May 1866 in KY. He m Susie Belle Carter in 1895 in KY. Susie was b 4 Nov 1876 in KY and d 20 Jan 1950. She is the d/o James Martin Carter and Lucy Ann Williams (Bradshaw). She was b 4 Nov 1876 and d on 20 Jan 1950. James d Feb 1957 in Danville, KY. He is bur at Stanford, KY. They had five children.

Lucy Carson, 12 Jly 1896 in Moreland, KY. She m William M. Harman, 5 Aug 1914 in Jeffersonville, Ind.

Ruth Alice Carson b 4 Sep 1898 in Moreland, KY. She m Charles Fretwell Hinds, 3 Jly 1922 in Boone Co., KY. He was b 6 Aug 1890 in Boone Co., KY. the s/o of James Hinds and Nancy Fretwell. He d 27 May 1968 in Danville, Boone Co., KY. He is bur in Buffalo Cem. Stanford, Boone Co., KY. They had two children.

Charles Franklin Hinds was b 31 Oct 1923 in Henderson KY. He m Doris Rooney, 1 May 1924 in Louisville, KY. James Hinds.

Leonard Carson, was b 4 Jly 1900 in Moreland, KY. He m Effie W. McCIary, 1 Feb 1926 in Stanford, KY. He d 9 Feb 1972 in Stanford, KY.

Mary Carson, was b 25 May 1905 in Turnerspike, KY. She m Henry Baughman, 27 Jun 1936 in Georgestown, WY.

Catherine Jewel Carson, was b 22 Apr 1909 in Lebanon, KY. She m Loren Elmer Gloyd, Jr., 27 Aug 1942 in Knoxville, TN.



Johan P a u l u s Vogt (1680) and Mar ia C a t h e r i n a — (1687;

i Andrew Vaught (1721) and Elizabeth

i George Vaught and Christiana Phillippi

i i i

Charles Vaught )1797) and Nancy Pierce (1803)

T T I I i n r

i n i •"George 3 Sarah 5Mary 7 Hendersen ' James 2Martha " F r a n k l i n 6 J u l i a 8Cena


CHARLES VAUGHT (1797-????)

(Charles s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Charles Vaught, b 1797, m 12 June 1823 Nancy Pierce, b 1803. They had twelve children.

George W. Vaught, b 29 May 1824 in Wythe Co., VA. He m Judith W. Keesling 30 May 1850 in Wythe Co., VA. She was b 13 Sep 1833 in Wythe Co., VA, d/o David B. Keesling and Harriet Butler. They lived near Zion Church, Wythe Co., VA. She d 23 Oct 1895 in Wythe Co., VA. George d 11 Apr 1912. They had at least nine children: Charles, Nancy, Adila, Mary, Sara, James, Elizabeth and Joseph. They are bur in King's Grove Methodist Cem, Crockett, Wythe Co., VA.

Martha Vaught, b 1827 in Wythe Co., VA, m Mr. Vaughan.

Sarah Vaught, b 1829 in Wythe Co., VA, m Mr. Gray.

Franklin Vaught, b 1830.

Mary Vaught, b 1831 in Wythe Co., VA, m Mr. Gray. They may have moved to TN.

Julia Ann Vaught, b 1833.

Henderson Vaught, b 1834 in Wythe Co., VA, died in Texas.

Cena Vaught, b 1837 Wythe Co. m Mr. Whetsel; removed to Tennessee about 1878.

James Vaught b 1839 in Wythe Co., VA, died in Tennessee.

William Vaught b 1848 in Wythe Co., VA, was a railroad engineer; d at Knoxsville, Tenn.; m Miss Orr. He may be a grandchild of Charles and Nancy.

George Vaught, b 1849. He may be a grandchild of Charles and Nancy.


George Vaught (1824-1912)

(George s/o Charles s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Charles Vaught and Nancy Pierce i i

George W. Vaught (1824) and Judith Keesling 1

i i i i i i i i i i i i i i

Charles Nancy Adila Mary Sara James Elizabeth Joseph

George W. Vaught, b 29 May 1824 in Wythe Co., VA. He m Judith W. Keesling 30 May 1850 in Wythe Co., VA. She was b 13 Sep 1833 in Wythe Co., VA, the d/o David B. Keesling and Harriet Butler. They lived near Zion Church, Wythe Co., VA. She d 23 Oct 1895 in Wythe Co., VA. George d 11 Apr 1912. They had at least nine children. They are buried in King's Grove Methodist Cemetery, Crockett, Wythe Co., VA.

Charles C. Vaught, was b 21 Mar 1851 in Wythe Co., VA. He d 25 Dec 1929 in Bristol, VA.

Nancy H. Vaught, was b 8 Feb 1854. She m Emory Phillippi. She d 1908.

Adila A. Vaught, was b 3 Jan 1856. She d 2 Oct 1861.

Mary J. Vaught, was b 6 Dec 1857. She d 4 Mar 1875.

Sara C. Vaught, was b 2 June 1860. She m Welsy De Vault, who later married her sister Elizabeth. Sara d 10 May 1889.

James W. Vaught, was b 19 Apr 1863. He d 25 Dec 1863.

Elizabeth C. Vaught, was b 27 Mar 1966. She m Wesley DeVault, his second wife.

Emory G. Vaught, was b 11 Oct 1868. He m Ella Nye, d/o Adam Brown Nye and Ann Hedrick. He is buried in Crockett, Zion Lutheran Cemetery.

Joseph Henderson Vaught, was b 27 June 1871 in Wythe Co., VA. Joseph m Ida Francis Nye 17 Feb 1897. Ida was b 3 Oct 1878 in Noble, Wythe Co, VA., d/o Adam Brown Nye and Ann Hedrick. She d 22 Sep 1934 in Rural Retreat, Wythe Co., VA. She is buried in Crockett, Zion Lutheran Cemetery. Joseph d 30 Aug 1955 in Wythe Co., VA. He was buried 1 Sep 1955 in Crockett, Zion Lutheran Cemetery. They had five children: Ray Brown Vaught, Anna Ruth Vaught, Hazel Price Vaught, Greek Fox Vaught, Levi Nye Vaught.


Hazel Vaught (Hazel d/o Joseph s/o George s/o Charles

s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

George W. Vaught (1824) and Judith Keesling i i

Joseph Vaught (1871) and Ida Nye (1878) i i

Hazel Vaught and William King I 1 i I I I

I I i i i i i i Mary Charles Josephine Frances Harold Donald Kahle Son

Hazel Price Vaught b 11 May 1905 Crockett, Wythe Co., VA. She was christened 3 Aug 1913 Crockett Zion Lutheran Church, M Kahle William King, 26 Jly 1926 Crockett, Wythe Co.. Kable b 6 Sep 1903 Crockett, s/o Harlow Paden King and Isabella Matilda Johnson. They had eight children. She d 20 Sep 1983 in the Wythe Co. Community Hosp., bur 22 Sep 1983 Crockett, King's Grove Cem. Kable d 25 Apr 1985 Roanoke Memorial Hosp. He bur next to his wife 27 Apr 1985.

Mary Helen King, b 13 Jun 1927 Crockett, Wythe Co. m William Curtis Epperly, 12 Apr 1952 in Crockett, Wythe Co. b 1 May 1916 Riner, Montgomery Co., VA, s/o William Jacob Epperly and Alma Texas Martin. They have one daughter: Sherri Helen Epperly, was b 2 Apr 1968 Wytheville, Wythe Co., VA.

Charles Conaway King, was b 26 Dec 1929 in Crockett, Wythe Co., VA. He m Betty Anne Sigmore, 22 Nov 1959 in Siler City, Tyson Creek Baptist Church, N.C. They have a daughter Dorlisa King.

Josephine Nye King b 9 June 1931 Crockett, Wythe Co., VA. M Emer Alexander Bralley, 9 Dec 1955 Wytheville. They have a dau., Rebecca.

Frances Anne King, was b 6 May 1933 in Crockett, Wythe Co. m Rhea Kirby Clark, 20 Dec 1958 Radford First Street Church. Three children: Whitney, Charlotte and Philip.

Harold Landon King b 28 Oct 1937 Crockett, Wythe Co., m Doris Jane DeWeese, 18 June 1960 Charlotte, M.C., Central Ave. Methodist Church. Two children: Kerry and DeAnna.

Donald Ray King b 20 Jan 1942 in Crockett, Wythe Co., VA.

Kahle William King Jr., b 17 Apr 1944 Crockett, Wythe Co., VA. He m Barbara Ann Buckley, 14 June 1964 at King's Grove Church in Crockett. Two children: Christopher and Bryan.

Son King b and d 15 Oct 1939 Crockett, Wythe Co. bur Zion Lutheran Cemetery in Wythe, VA.



J o h a n P a u l u s V o g t (1680) a n d M a r i a C a t h e r i n a - - (1687) i i i i

Andrew Vaught (1721) and Elizabeth --

George Vaught (1742) and Christiana Phillippi (1763) i

i Joseph Vaught (1798) and Barbara Wiseley (1803)


i 1 r i i i

Ephriam Sarah Harvey


JOSEPH VAUGHT (1798- xxxx)

(Joseph s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Joseph Vaught, b 1798 in Wythe Co., VA. He m Barbara Wisely, 7 Aug 1832/33. She was b 1803. They had three children.

Ephriam Atkins Vaught was b 25 Jly 1828 in Wythe Co., VA. Ephriam m (1) Nancy Atkins, m (2) Elizabeth Francis "Fannie" Dutton 24 Mar 1868. Ephriam d 8 Feb 1887 in Wythe Co., VA. Fannie was b 22 Jun 1834 in Wythe Co., VA. the d/o Henry Dutton and Catherine Tobler. Elizabeth d 3 Mar 1910. Ephriam and Nancy bore three children: Elizabeth Vaught, Granville Vaught, Ellen Vaught.

Ephriam and Fannie bore one daughter: Ordelia Vaught, was b 10 Jun 1869 in Rural Retreat, Wythe Co., VA. She m William E. Waldrop, 29 Jly 1903. She d 2 May 1922. They had three children.

Nellie Elizabeth Waldrop, b 14 Sep 1904. William Ervin Waldrop, b 6 Dec 1906. He d from burns, 23 Nov 1911.

George Martin Waldrop, b 10 Oct 1908.

Sarah "Sallie" Vaught, b 1838, m James J. Phillippi.

Harvey Vaught, d young before 1840.



J o h a n P a u l u s V o g t (1680) a n d M a r i a C a t h e r i n a — (1687) i i

Adam Dutton (1791) and Elizabeth Huddle (1794) i i

Henry Dutton (1820) and Catherine Tobler (1819) i 1

i i i i i i I I I I i i i i

Elizabeth Mary Sarah Elijah .Amanda Lucinda Laura Adam Martin

Elizabeth Dutton Ephriam Vaught

i i


Sarah Dutton Wm J. Vaught

i i i Henry Sidney Ida

.Ammanda Dutton John W. Vaught


George Vaught and Christiana Phillippi

Joseph Vaught T. Jefferson Vaught



Ephriam Vaught

Elizabeth Dutton

Wm J. Vaught

Sarah Dutton

John W,






J o h a n P a u l u s V o g t (1680) a n d M a r i a C a t h e r i n a - - (1687) i

i i

Andrew Vaught (1721) and Elizabeth --i

i George Vaught (1742) and Christiana Phillippi (1763)


i Abraham Vaught (1801) and Mary Swaker (18 03)


1 I I I I i i i i I I I I I I I

John Jefferson MaryAnn Matilda Lydia Winton Noah Rebecca Margaret



Section 1 Abraham Vaught, s/o George and Elizabeth Vaught

Section 2 John Vaught, s/o Abraham and Mary (Swaker) Vaught

Section 3 Jefferson, s/o Abraham and Mary (Swaker) Vaught

Section 4 Noah, s/o Abraham and Mary (Swaker) Vaught

Section 5 Margaret Vaught, d/o Abraham and Mary (Swaker) Vaught



(1801-1864) (Abraham s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Abraham Vaught b 21 Sep 1801, m Mary (Polly) Swaker 24 Jly 1827. d/o Wendel Swaker of PA. Polly b ca 1803. They lived on Cripple Creek, Cedar Springs, Wythe Co., VA. His will dated 9 Sep 1863, Wythe Co. d 17 Sep 1864. Nine children: John, Jefferson Mitchell, Mary Ann, Matilda, Lydia, Winton, Noah Trigg, Rebecca, Margaret.

John T. Vaught b 1829-30 Wythe Co., VA. He m (1) Martha Young, 8 Feb 1854. M (2) Mollie E. Housman from Scott Co., 11 Jan 1872, d/o Peter and Elizabeth Burris Housman. Martha bore Laura and Elbert. Mollie had five children: Margaret, Robert, Lula Belle, Walter, Orella and Sallie.

Jefferson Mitchell Vaught b 5 Feb 1830 Wythe Co., VA. He m Emaline Chatwell, 8 Jun 1858 Wythe Co, VA. She b 1834 the d/o Strother Chatwell and Catherine Gore. He was a soldier in the Civil War in the Confederate Army in Co., B., 29th VA. Infantry and was held prisoner for four months. They were believed to have moved to Nebraska. He d 20 Mar 1904 Pilger, Stanton Co., NE. They had ten children: Catherine, Charles, Letitia, Abbie, Strother, Thomas, Josephine, Walter (lived FayetteviHe, AK.), Ollie and Ray.

Mary Ann Vaught b 1832 Wythe Co., VA. She m Mr. Barber. They had three children: Joe (b ca 1854) and two daughters.

Matilda Vaught b 1834 Wythe Co., d 6 Aug 1853 consumption. Lydia Vaught b 1836 Wythe Co. She d young. Winton Vaught b 1837 Wythe Co. He d age 12.

Noah Trigg Vaught b 3 Dec 1839 Wythe Co. Noah enlisted in Co., B., 29th VA. Inf., 4 Aug 1861, serving as 2d 1st Sergeant, 3d and 2d Lieutant. m (1) Minerva Jane Atkins 30 Apr 1862, d/o David and Elizabeth (Moore) Atkins of Grayson Co., VA. She b 5 Jan 1840 Grayson Co., VA., d 17 Jly 1901 Danridge, TN. m (2) Sarah M. Moyers 1910. He d TN, 13 Jly 1916. They moved to Jefferson Co., TN 1888. Minerva had ten children: Mary Emma, Elbert, Sidney, James, Edgar, Susan, Herbert, William, Ernest, Katherine.

Rebecca Cecil Vaught b 1841 Wythe Co. She m William Wesley Musser, two children: Katherine b (1843), Lena (b 1845).

Margaret Vaught b May 1946 Wythe Co. d 1928, m Henry Neff, 7 Jun 1970 Wythe Co. Eight children: Emmet, Bertie, Hampton, Wiley, Audubon, Lillie, Carrie, Greek.



(1829-????) (John s/o Abraham s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

George Vaught (1742) and Christiana Phillippi (1763) i i

Abraham Vaught (18 01) and Mary Swaker (18 03) i i

John Vaught (182 9) (1)Martha Young (2)Mollie Houseman

J- i_ i i i i i i i i i i i i i i

Laura Margaret Robert Belle Walter Orella Sallie

John T. Vaught b 1829-30 Wythe Co., VA. He m (1) Martha Young, 8 Feb 1854. He m (2) Mollie E. Housman from Scott Co., 11 Jan 1872, the d/o Peter and Elizabeth Burris Housman. Martha bore a dau. Laura. Mollie had six children: Margaret, Robert, Belle, Walter, Orella and Sallie.

Laura Matilda Vaught b 24 Jly 1856 Smyth Co., VA. She m Samuel F. Wright 4 Jan 1877 Wythe Co., Va. They had three children.

Clinton Wright b Apr 1878 in VA. Claud Wright b Apr 1882 in VA. Mattie Wright b Oct 1885 in VA.

Elbert (Albert) Trigg Vaught b 4 Jan 1858. He d 15 Apr 1862, age 4, Smyth Co., VA.

Margaret Vaught b in Wythe Co., VA.

Robert L. Vaught b 22 Sep 1872 in Smyth Co., VA.

Lula Belle Vaught b 24 Mar 1874 Wythe Co., VA. She m Frank Brown Heldreth, 11 May 1893. They had ten children: Lee Ray, Fred Taylor, Ruth Perry, Mable Brown, Ralph Omega, Paul Sursface, Helen, Virginia, Madge Elizabeth, Sidney Jackson an Patsei Marie.

Walter F. Vaught b Jan 1878 Wythe Co. He m Elizabeth Harvers, 19 Sep 1906.

Orella C. Vaught b 1880 in VA.

Sallie V. Vaught b Jly 1882 Wythe Co., VA.



(1830-1904) (Jefferson s/o Abraham s/o George s/o Andrew

s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

George Vaught (1742) and Christiana Phillippi (1763) i i

Abraham Vaught (18 01) and Mary Swaker (18 03) i i

Jefferson Vaught (1830) and Emaline Chatwell (1834) i 1


C a t h e r i n e 3 L e t i t i a 5 S t r o t h e r ' J o s e p h i n e 9 011 ie 2 C h a r l e s "Abbie GThomas "Wal ter 10Ray

Jefferson Mitchell Vaught b 5 Feb 1830 Wythe Co., VA. He m Emaline Chatwell, 8 Jun 1858 Wythe Co. She b 1834 d/o Strother Chatwell and Catherine Gore. He was a soldier in the Civil War Confederate Army Co., B., 29th VA. Inf. and held prisoner four months. It is believed they moved to Nebraska. He d 20 Mar 1904 in Pilger, Stanton Co., NE. They had ten children.

Catherine Markham Vaught b 27 Feb 1860 Wythe Co., VA, d 8 Jun 1862. She is bur in Zion Cem Wythe Co.

Charles Miller Vaught b 15 Mar 1862 Wythe Co., VA. d before 1884.

Letitia Margaret Vaught b Sep 1866 Smyth Co., VA. d before 1884.

Abbie Jewett Vaught b 7 Oct 1868 Cripple Creek, Smyth Co., VA. She m Rufus Harvey Carson, 14 Feb 1889 Marion, Smyth Co. He b 22 Apr 1864 Grayson Co., VA, s\o Edwin and Sena (Edwards) Carson. Rufus d 11 Jan 1933 Pilger, Stanton Co., NE. Abbie d 10 Dec 1942 Pilger. One dau, Iris Loretta.

Strother Chatwell Vaught b 12 Dec 1870. Thomas Jefferson Vaught b 27 Jly 1872. He d before 1884. Josephine Rebecca Vaught b 7 Nov 1874. Walter Waldo Vaught b 31 Oct 1876. m Elsa. They lived in AK.

Ollie Gay Vaught b 15 Jun 1891. She m Herman Moore Heldrith, 4 Jly 1911 Grosclose, VA. They lived in West Virginia. They had nine Children: Ray Cherter Heldrith Harold Preston Heldrith, Virginia Louise Heldrith, Margaret Irene Heldrith Herman M. Heldrith, Charles Alvin Heldrith, Charlotte Marie Heldrith, Thomas Edward Heldrith and Robert Leon Heldrith.

Ray Vaught b in Wythe Co., VA.


SECTION THREE Jefferson Vaught

Abbie Vaught (1868-1942)

(Abbie d/o Jefferson s/o Abraham s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Abraham Vaught (1801) and Mary Swaker (1803) i i

Jefferson Vaught (1830) and Emaline Chatwell (1834) i i

Abbie Vaught (1868) and Rufus Carson (1864) i i

Iris Carson (1895) and Ned Burnham (1892) i i

Lowell Burnham and Ida Foley i i

Brian Burnham

Abbie Jewett Vaught b 7 Oct 1868 Cripple Creek, Smyth Co., VA. She m Rufus Harvey Carson, 14 Feb 1889 Marion, Smyth Co. He was b 22 Apr 1864 Grayson Co., VA, s\o Edwin and Sena (Edwards) Carson. Rufus d 11 Jan 1933 Pilger, Stanton Co., NE. Abbie d 10 Dec 1942 Pilger, NE. They had a daughter.

Iris Loretta Carson b 14 Aug 1895 Pilger, Stanton, NE. She m Ned Leo Burnham 20 Jun 1917 Stanton, Stanton Co., NE. He b 18 Jly 1892 Pilger, Stanton Co., NE. s/o Hiram Ellisworth and Martha Ellen (Rogers) Burnham. Ned d 27 Jun 1966 Nimrod, Wadena Co., MN. Iris d 3 Oct 1953 Norfold, Madison Co., NE. They had a son.

Lowell Royce Burnham, m Ida Norrine Foley d/o Theodore Loyd and Alma Doris (Moore) Foley. They had a son, Brian.


SECTION FOUR Noah Vaught (1839-1916)

(Noah s\o Abraham s\o George s\o Andrew s\o Johan Paulus Vogt)

George Vaught (1742) and Christiana Phillippi (1763) i i

Abraham Vaught (1801) and Mary Swaker (18 03) i i

Noah Vaught (1839) and Minerva Atkins (1840) i 1

i i i i i i i i i i i i i I I

Mary Elbert Sidney James Edgar Susan Herbert William Ernest Katherine

Noah Trigg Vaught b 3 Dec 1839 Wythe Co., VA. Noah enlisted Co., B., 29th VA. Infantry, 4 Aug 1861, serving as 2d 1st Sergeant and 3d and 2d Lieutant. He served with his brother Jefferson. He m (1) Minerva Jane Atkins 30 Apr 1862 d/o David and Elizabeth (Moore) Atkins of Grayson Co., VA. She b 5 Jan 1840 Grayson Co. d 17 Jly 1901 Danridge, TN. He m (2) Sarah M. Moyers 1910. He d in TN, 13 Jly 1916. The family moved Jefferson Co., TN 1888. Noah and Minerva had ten children.

Mary Emma Vaught b 28 Jly 1863 Wythe Co., VA. M James E. James 20 Sep 1884. Mary d 26 Apr 1943 KY. James d 22 Nov 1938. They lived in Cedar Springs, Wythe Co., VA until 1920 moved Somerset. She bur Cedar Springs Wythe Co., VA. They had seven children: Cleo, Ernest, Karl, Louis, Myrtle, Emma and David.

Elbert Lee Vaught b 24 Mar 1863. He d 5 Dec 1880. He is bur. in Ashbury Church Cem., Wythe Co., VA.

Sidney Bays Vaught b 16 Feb 1868. He d 9 Aug 1935 Bristol, VA. Sidney m Sallie Peery, 29 Aug 1894 at Tazewell, VA. They had two children: Marie and Garnet.

James Edward Vaught b 16 Oct 1870 Wythe Co., VA. He d 3 Aug 1939 Danridge, TN. James m Josie North 3 Aug 1901 Danridge, TN. They had five children.

Frank Patton Vaught b 13 Aug 1903. William Trigg Vaught b 14 Jly 1905. Sidney Dale Vaught b 16 Nov 1908. Gertrude May Vaught b 14 Aor 1911. James Samuel Vaught b 10 Dec 1913.

Edgar Sullins Vaught b 7 Jan 1873 Wythe Co., VA. He moved to TN in 1888 and to Oklahoma City in 1901 and d 1959 in OK. Edgar m Mary Hotsinger 1 Nov 1899, Dandridge, TN. Mary d 13 Sep 1948. They had three Chidlren: Mary Eleanor Vaught, Edgar Sullins Vaught Jr. , and Ruth Loretta Vaught.



Susan Ida Vaught b 30 Sep 1875. She m Thomas B Moody Dandridge, TN. 18 Sep 1907. Susan d 11 Jly 1912. She had no children.

Herbert Brown Vaught b 25 Jun 1878 Wythe Co., VA. He d 23 Jly 1946 Little Rock, AR. Herbert m Beatrice Harrison 2 Jun 1909 Spiro, OK. They had two children.

Alice Vaught m Raymond Gicerd in Dewitt AR. Mark French Vaught, m Helen Smith. They had two children: Betty Carol Vaught and John Mark Vaught.

William Cameron Vaught b 2 Jan 1881 VA, d 11 Mar 1906 TN.

Ernest Atkins Vaught b 2 Sep 1883 Wythe Co., VA. He moved to Jefferson Co., TN in 1888 and to Oklahoma City in 1908. Ernest m Grace Abernathy 8 Feb 1911 in Oklahoma City. They had one son.

James D. Vaught m Alice Bruner with a son James D. Jr.

Katherine Neal Vaught b 24 Mar 1886 Wythe Co., VA. She m W. C. Ayers 9 Sep 1915. They had five children: William, Jack, Stanley, Janell and Helen.


SECTION FOUR Noah Vaught Mary Vaught

(Mary d/o Noah s/o Abraham s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Abraham Vaught (1801) and Mary Swaker (1803) i i

Noah Vaught (1839) and Minerva Atkins (1840) i

i Mary Vaught (1863) and James James

i 1

i i i i I I I I I

Cleo Ernest Earl Louis Myrtle Emma David

Mary Emma Vaught b 28 Jly 1863 Wythe Co., VA. M James E. James 20 Sep 1884. Mary d 26 Apr 1943 in KY. James d 22 Nov 1938. They lived in Cedar Springs, Wythe Co., VA until 1920 and moved to Somerset, KY. She is bur in Cedar Springs Wythe Co., VA. They had seven children.

Cleo James m Earl Conley Andis. They had three children: Mary Elizabeth Andis who m James Ramsey and James Conley Andis. They live in Somerset.

Ernest James m & div. Lottie Loanis Brown. They had three children: Mary James, David James and John James. They live in Somerset.

Earl James m Barbara Weaver in Oklahoma City, OK. They live in Culpepper, VA. They had two children: Willima James and Barbara James.

Louis James m Bertha Sears in Somerset, KY. They live in Culpepper, VA. They had two children: Sammy James and Margaret James.

Myrtle James m Elmer Sears in Somerset, KY. They live in Helena AK. They had a daughter Betty J. Sears who m Virgil McCart.

Emma James m Clyde B. Douthat. She d 15 Aug 1927. They had a daughter Emma James Doutchat. They lived in Washington.

David Trigg James m Mary Etta Troy. They had three children: David T. James. Mary Louise James and Kathryn Ann James.



Edgar Sullins Vaught (Edgar s\o Noah s\o Abraham s\o George s\o Andrew

s\o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Abraham Vaught (18 01) and Mary Swaker (18 03) i i

Noah Vaught (183 9) and Minerva Arkins (184 0) i i

Edgar Vaught (1873) and Mary Hotsinger

i i i i i i

Mary Edgar Ruth

Edgar Sullins Vaught b 7 Jan 1873 Wythe Co., VA. He moved to TN in 1888 and to Oklahoma City in 1901 and d 1959 in OK. Edgar m Mary Hotsinger 1 Nov 1899, Dandridge, TN. Mary d 13 Sep 1948. They had three children.

Mary Eleanor Vaught b 9 Apr 1901 in TN. She m Marcus Stone Morris 27 Sep 1927. They had a daughter.

Mary Elizabeth Morris b 12 Nov 1930.

Edgar Sullins Vaught Jr. b Apr 1907 in Oklahoma City, OK.

Ruth Loretta Vaught b 5 May 1908 Oklahoma City, OK. She m Dr. Wayman J. Thompson 9 Nov 1932. They live in Oklahoma City. They had two children.

Wayman Thomason Jr. b 14 Nov 1934. Mary Ann Thompson b 25 Oct 1935.



(1846-????) (Margaret d/o Abraham s/o George s/o Andrew

s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

George Vaught (1742) and Christiana Phillippi (1763) i i

Abraham Vaught (18 01) and Mary Swaker (18 03) i i

Margaret Vaught (1846) and Henry Neff i 1

I I i l l i i i I I i I I i i i

Emmet Roberta Rebecca Carrie Hampton Abraham Audubon Greek

Margaret Vaught b May 1846 Wythe Co., VA. She M Henry Neff, 7 Jun 1870 in Wythe Co., VA. They had eight Children.

Emmet H. Neff b Mar 1971 Wythe Co., VA. He m Ollie C. b 18 Mar 1877.

Roberta (Bertie) C. Neff b Oct 1872 Wythe Co., VA

Rebecca Lillie Neff b Jan 1875 Wythe Co., Va. She m Charles E. Kinder. They had a son.

Carr L. Kinder b Jun 1899 in VA.

Carrie P. Neff b Jan 1977 Wythe Co., VA.

Hampton K. Neff b Oct 1878 Wythe Co., VA.

Abraham Wiley Neff b Sep 1880 Wythe Co., VA.

Audubon H. Neff b Mar 1882 Wythe Co., Va.

Greek Neff b 1885 Wythe Co., VA.



John Paul Vaught (1680) and Maria Christina (1687) i i i

Andrew Vaught (1721) and Elizabeth (1726?) i i i i

George Vaught (1742) and Christiana Phillippi (1763) i


T. Jefferson Vaught (1806) and Barbara Phillippi (1806) i


xDavid 3James 5Stephen 7George 9Mitchell 2Elizabeth "William 6Anna 8Moniah



Section 1 T. Jefferson Vaught, d/o George and Elizabeth

Section 2 David Vaught, s/o T. Jefferson and Barbara Phillippi Vaught

Section 3 William Vaught, s/o T. Jefferson and Barbara Phillippi Vaught

Section 4 Jefferson Vaught, s/o T. Jefferson and Barbara Phillippi Vaught



(1806-1892) (Jefferson s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Thomas Jefferson Vaught b 18 Apr 1806 Wythe Co., VA. Zion Church records indicate "Jeffery" bap 27 Jun 1806. M Barbara Anne Phillippi b (1806) d/o C. and Mary Phillippi. Jefferson lived Price Glade d of dropsy Smyth Co., VA 23 Sep 1892. She d 18 Feb 1894 of pneumonia. They reared eight children Smythe Co., VA. He bur unmarked grave Old Painter Cem near Cedar Springs, Wythe Co.

David "Davie" B. Vaught b 14 Dec 1833 Wythe Co. M Catherine Burkett 4 Feb 1856 Smyth Co., VA. David d 2 Oct 1918. Catherine b 11 May 1831, d 13 Dec 1912, d/o George and Mary Burkett. Six children: James Mitchell, John, George, Stephen, Muncie, Margaret (Peggy). They are bur Fairview Cem. Wythe Co. Elizabeth "Betty" Vaught, b 1836 in Wythe Co., VA. Buried at Wassum Cem in lot with William Vaught. John Wesley Vaught, b 13 Jun 1838 Wythe Co. d 14 Sep 1913 in Smyth Co., VA. M Amanda Jane Dutton, (18 Mar) or 15 Apr 1866, d/o Henry and Catherine (Tobler) Dutton. b 8 Aug 1847. They raised Tatna Atkins, a foster child, m Robert L Poore. James William (Johnson) Vaught, was b 10 Jly 1840 in Wythe Co., VA., m Sarah Caroline Dutton 28 Jan 1869. She was b Oct 1843 and d 10 Feb 1901. She was the d/o Henry Dutton and Catherine Tobler. They had three children: Henry, Sidney and Ida. Stephen T. Vaught, b 1842 in Wythe Co., VA., He was killed at Cloyds Mill in Pulaski Co. in the Civil War at age 23. Anna C. Vaught, b 1844 in Wythe Co., VA.. George Christopher Vaught, b 8 Jly 1850 in Wythe Co., VA., and d 1 Jan 1920. He m Lucinda Jane Wetzel, 11 Aug 1872. She was b 11 Mar 1852 and d 22 Jan 1933. They had eight children: Alice Catherine, Charles Edgar, Tabitha Ann, Minie Caroline, Ollie Belle, Cora Lee, Cordelia Jane, Lula Constance Moriah Vaught, b 1852, m Mr. Charles Spangler, 14 Dec 1892. She was his 2nd wife. bur. Please Hill Cem.,Pul.Co., KY. Jefferson Mitchell Vaught, b 3 Jun 1854, m Sarah Lou Aker, 25 Dec 1883, b 13 June 1852, d Nov 8 1917 d/o Joseph Aker. Jefferson d 17 Nov 1907. Six children Wiley Joseph, Sarah C , William Noah, Thomas Oscar, Ollie Gay and Roy B.



(David s/o Jefferson s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

George Vaught (1742) and Christiana Phillippi (1763)

T. Jefferson Vaught (1806)

David Vaught (1833) and

and Barbara Phillippi (1806)

Catherine Burkett (1831)

I I I i i i I I I i i i

Jame John George Stephen Muncie Margaret

David "Davie" B. Vaught was b 14 Dec 1833 in Wythe Co., VA. He m Catherine Burkett 14 Feb 1855 in Smyth Co., VA. David d 2 Sep 1918. Catherine was b 11 May 1831, and d 13 Dec 1912, the d/o George and Mary Burkett. They had six children. They are buried in Fairview Cem. Wythe Co., VA.

James Mitchell Vaught was b 15 May 1856 in wythe Co., VA. He d 3 Jly 1926. He m Corena Melvina Westmoreland, 27 Sep 1881. She was b 20 Feb 1866 and d 27 May 1930. They had three children. He was buried in Fairview Cem.

Frank F. Vaught was b 10 Sep 1885 and d 10 Jan .... He is bur in the Fairview Cem. Raymond Ray Vaught was b 17 Apr 1892 and d 11 Sep 1980. He m Lessie Mae Sage 3 Sep 1914 at Bristol, VA. She was b 12 Nov 1891 and d 9 Aug 1981. They had a son Carl Brown Vaught. Ray is bur in the Fairview Cem. Ernest Elmer Vaught b 26 May 1896. M Mary Jo James, 11 Aug 1928 Johnson City, TN. She b 10 Oct 1903. He d 13 Sep 1959. Ernest bur Fairview Cem. They had a son.

Charles Francis Vaught, was b 16 Nov 1932. He m Gloria Basham in Roanoke, VA. They bore a son.

James Michael Vaught was b 12 Nov 1958. He m Elizabeth Crocal. They live in Texas.

John W. Vaught b in VA in 1861 and d in Bicknell, Ind in 1949. M Loue E. Button (1868-1936) of Wythe Co., VA. The family moved to Knox CO., IND in 1897. There were three children:

Child buried in Wythe CO., VA. Clarence F. Vaught b 24 May 1888 Wythe Co. d 13 Jan 1961 Bicknell, IN. m Elsie Stites 13 May 1912. They had three children: Rex, Virginia, and Mary Katherine. Stella Vaught, m Elmer Ramsey. They had no children. George Vaught.

Stephen Vaught. Muncie Vaught. Margaret (Peggy) Vaught.


SECTION TWO James Vaught

Raymond Vaught (1892-1980)

(Raymond s/o James s/o David s/o Jefferson s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

David Vaught and Catherine Burkett

James Mitchell Vaught

Raymond Vaught (18 92)

and Corena Westmoreland

and Lessie Sage (1891)

Carl Vaught and Virginia Fisher

Raymond Ray Vaught was b 17 Apr 1892 and d 11 Sep 1980. He m Lessie Mae Sage 3 Sep 1914 at Bristol, VA. She was b 12 Nov 1891 and d 9 Aug 1981. They had a son.

Carl Brown Vaught was b 12 Jly 1923 in Rural Retreat, Wythe Co., VA. He m Virginia Lee Fisher, 23 Jun 1945 in Wythe Co., VA. She was b 3 Nov 1929 the d/o Gilbert Fisher and Ruth Wilcox. Gilbert was the s/o John s/o Sallie Vaught d/o Peter Vaught s/o Geo. They had two sons.

Carlin Vaught was b 24 Sep 1949 in Rural Retreat. She m Edwin S Nicholls. They are living in Roanoke, VA. They have a daughter:

Barbara Michelle Nicholls was b 20 Apr 1968 in VA. Curtis Paul Vaught was b 4 Mar 1952 in Rural Retreat, Wythe Co., VA. He m Linda Lindsey. They had two sons:

Chadwick Paul Vaught, b 12 Aug 1972 Cameron Price Vaught b 19 Jly 1979 in Rural Retreat, Wythe Co., VA.


SECTION THREE William Vaught

(1840-xxxx) (William s/o Jefferson d/o George s/o Andrew

s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

George Vaught (1742) and Christiana Phillippi (1763) i i

T. Jefferson Vaught (1806) and Barbara Phillippi (1806) i

i William Vaught (1840) and Sarah Dutton (1843)

i i i i i i

Henry Sidney Ida

William Johnson Vaught, b 10 Jly 1840 in Wythe Co., VA, m Sarah Caroline Dutton 28 Jan 1869. She was b Oct 1843 and d 10 Feb 1901. She was the d/o Henry Hothouse Dutton and Catherine Tobler, (See Dutton lineage at end of chapter). William was a Confederate soldier in the Civil War. They had three children.

Henry Thomas Vaught, was b 25 Oct 1869 in Rural Retreat, Wythe Co., VA. He m Serena Umbarger, 24 Apr 1893. He d 6 Dec 1900. They had four children.

Pinkie May Vaught was b 29 May 1894. Gilbert Gray Vaught was b 1 Dec 1895. He m Sarah Elizabeth Woodard. They had two sons.

Gilbert Gray Vaught Jr. was b 16 Feb 1920 Richard Harmon Vaught was b 17 May 1922

Mary Ellen Vaught was b 14 Aug 1898. Frank Everett Vaught was b 7 May 1900. He served in the Navy four years. He was an invalid.

Sidney N. Vaught, was b 10 Sep 1871 in Rural Retreat, Wythe Co., VA. He m Odella Frances Johnson, 4 May 1892. She was b 16 Aug 1870. They had four children.

Harry Sidney Vaught was b 24 May 1894. He m Mary Bell Owen, 2 Oct 1915. They had one son.

Harry Clay Vaught, b 3 Jan 1917. William Scherer Vaught b 5 Jun 1897, m Nellie May Owens, 27 Mar 1916. Daisy May Vaught was b 12 Nov 1899. She m (1) H.J. Buchanan, deceased, m (2) A.O. Stafford, 10 May 1925. H.J. and Daisy had one daughter.

Janey Frances Buchanan, b 12 Apr 1919. Earnest Dickey Vaught b 23 Dec 1901 and d 8 Dec 1902.

Ida Delilah Vaught, was b 23 Sep 1873 in Rural Retreat, Wythe Co., VA. She m David Clinton Snyder, 23 Jan 1895. They had seven children.


SECTION THREE William Vaught

Children of Ida D. Vaught and David Snyder:

Thomas Raymond Snyder was b 18 Dec 1895. Enlisted in World War I, 1917, served 15 months in France. He m Ocie Marie Shupe, 21 Jun 1922. She was b 5 Mar 1899. Maggie Belle Snyder was b 5 Nov 1897. She m Roy Harmon Calhoun, 26 Sep 1917. They had three children.

Gilbert Franklin Calhoun was b 3 Jan 1917. Mae Marie Calhoun was b 12 Jly 1918. Catherine Calhoun was b 14 Jan 1920.

Bessie Caroline Snyder was b 17 Sep 1899. She m William Elbert Warden, 10 Sep 1923. He was b 1 Sep 1895 and served in the army five months. Mattie Moree Snyder was b 11 Mar 1902. Galard Clinton Snyder was b 24 Oct 1903. He m Winnie Neola Newland, 27 Dec 1924. She was b 3 Jun 1905. They had one son.

Richard Gayle Snyder, b 24 Nov 1925. Franklin Vance Snyder was b 20 Jun 1907. Paul Snyder was b 22 Jly 1909. Edna Ruth Snyder was b 12 Jly 1911.


SECTION FOUR George Vaught

(1850-1920) (George s/o Jefferson s/o George s/o Andrew

s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

T. Jefferson Vaught (1806) and Barbara Phillippi (1806) i i

George Vaught (1850) and Lucinda Wetzel i i

i i i i i i I I i i i i

Alice Charles Tabitha Minie Ollie Cora Cordelia Lula Constance

George Christopher Vaught, b 8 Jly 1850 in Wythe Co., VA., and d 1 Jan 1920. He m Lucinda Jane Wetzel, 11 Aug 1872. She was b 11 Mar 1852 and d 22 Jan 1933. They had eight children.

Alice Catherine Vaught, was b 13 May 1873 and d 21 May 1967. She m Jacob Alexander Brown Leddy, 22 Jun 1894. They had three children: Charles Phipps, Clara Mae, and Delia Gae. Charles Edgar Vaught, was b 2 Jun 1875 and d 24 May 1937. He was unmarried. Tabitha Ann Vaught, was b 29 Oct 1877 (78), and d 4 Dec 1903 (04). She m John Everett Grubb, 3 Apr 1896. He was b 22 Apr 1876 and d 9 Dec 1965. They had three children: Robert C , M. Franklin, and Nora Ethel. Minie Caroline Vaught, was b 6 May 1883 and d 18 Feb 1964. She m Larsen I. Buck, 23 Dec 1905 in Bristol, Sullivan Co., TN. He was b 17 Sep 1884 and d 7 Feb 1956. They had three children: Fred, Raymond, and Eugene. Ollie Belle Vaught, was b 7 Jly 1880 and d 3 Jan 1944. She m William S. Hurt, 21 Aug 1903. He was b 20 Jun 1882 and d 20 Dec 1937. They had a son Clarence Everett Hurt. Cora Lee Vaught, was b 6 Sep 1886 and d 4 Mar 1920. She was unmarried. Cora died of pneumonia following the flu. Cordelia (Delia) Jane Vaught b 26 Feb 1890 d 24 Dec 1952. M Luther Gleaves Waddell (Waddle), 9 Mar 1914, b 4 Dec 1891 d 6 Mar 1920. They had four children: Marvin Luther, James William, Ruth Mozelle and Howard McNeal (b 11 Apr 1915, d 26 May 1915, bur Pleasant Hill Cem.) Lula Constance Vaught, was b 17 May 1893 and d 22 Dec 1980. She m Joseph A. Tarter, 27 May 1915. He was b 13 Sep 1885 and d 13 Feb 1921. They had two children: Verna Lee, Janie Gravelle. She is buried at Mr. View Cemetery at Rural Retreat, Wythe Co., VA.


SECTION FIVE Jefferson Vaught

(Jefferson s/o Jefferson s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

T. Jefferson Vaught (1806) and Barbara Phillippi (1806) i i

J e f f e r s o n Vaught (1854) and S a r a h .Aker (1852) i 1

I I I i I I I I I i

Wiley Sarah William Thomas Ollie Roy

Jefferson Mitchell Vaught, b 3 Jun 1854. He m Sarah Lou Aker, 25 Dec 1883. She was b 13 June 1852 and d Nov 8 1917, the d/o Joseph Aker. Jefferson d 17 Nov 1907. They had six children.

Wiley Joseph Vaught, was b 10 Oct 1889. He m Sarah Pickle. She was b 15 Jan 1891 and d 5 Jun 1967. Wiley d 7 Aug 1958 and is buried at Pleasant Hill. They had five children: Bruce, Hood, Wade, Kate and Ada.

Sarah C. Vaught.

William Noah Vaught, was b 20 Apr 1885 in Rural Retreat, Smyth Co., VA. He lived in Bluefield, West Virginia and worked on the railroad. He m Rosa Pearl Brown. She was b 22 Dec 1889 in Cedar Bluff, VA. They had a son Raymond. William d in 1954. Rosa d in 1971.

Thomas Oscar Vaught, m Annie McClintock. They had eight children Lucille, Bonnie (Mrs. Allen Crigger of Wytheville), Annie (Mrs. James E. Dunkey of Cripple Creek, VA), May (Mrs. John W. Earl of Pulaski Co., KY), Loretta (Mrs. Regneld Fuller of Kingsport, VA), Tom, George and Mack. Tom is buried in the East End Cem. Wytheville, Wythe Co., VA.

Ollie Gay Vaught.

Roy B. Vaught.


SECTION FIVE Jefferson Vaught

William Vaught (1885-1954)

(William s/o Jefferson s/o Jefferson s/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

T. Jefferson Vaught (1806) and Barbara Phillippi (1806) i i

Je f fe r son Vaught (1854) and Sarah .Aker (1852) i i

William Vaught (1885) and Rosa Brown (1889) i i

Raymond Vaught (1927)

William Noah Vaught, was b 20 Apr 1885 in Rural Retreat, Smyth Co., VA. He lived in Bluefield, West Virginia and worked on the railroad. He m Rosa Pearl Brown. She was b 22 Dec 1889 in Cedar Bluff, VA. They had a son Raymond. William d in 1954. Rosa d in 1971.

Raymond Randolph Vaught b 1 Nov 1927 Springville, Tazwell Co., VA. He m Martha Ann Harris. She b 14 Jun 1939 Bowling Green, Warren Co., KY. They had a son William.

William Buren Vaught b 9 Oct 1951 Louisville, Jefferson, KY. m Donna Carole Willoughby, 21 Nov 1972 Bowling Green, Warren Co., KY. b 1 Feb 1951 Bowling Green d/o Louie Graves Willoughby and Mary Elizabeth Johan. They live in Rowletts, KY where William serves as a pastor of the Baptist faith. They have a son William Stephen Vaught, born 1 Feb 1976 Bowling Green.



Johan Paulus Vogt (1680) and Maria Catherina — (1687) i

Adam Dutton (1791) and Elizabeth Huddle (1794) i i

Henry Dutton (1820) and Catherine Tobler (1819) i 1

i i i i i i i i i i i I I

Elizabeth Mary Sarah Elijah .Amanda Lucinda Laura Adam Martin

Elizabeth Dutton Ephriam Vaught

i i


Sarah Dutton Wm J. Vaught

i i i Henry Sidney Ida

Ammanda Dutton John W. Vaught


George Vaught and Christiana Phillippi



Joseph Vaught

Ephriam Vaught

Elizabeth Dutton

T. Jefferson Vaught

Wm J. Vaught

Sarah Dutton

i I

John W.




Johan Paulus Vogt (1680) and Maria Catherina — (1687) i i


Andrew Vaught (1721) and Elizabeth — i

i i

George Vaught (1742) and Christiana Phillippi (1763)

Elizabeth Vaught (1808) and Allen Nelson i

i I I I I I i i i I I I I I i i i

Jane Nancy Christine Mary Sabina Martha William Phoebe



Section 1 Elizabeth Vaught, d/o George and Elizabeth

Section 2 Jane Nelson, d/o Elizabeth Vaught and Allen Nelson

Section 3 Nancy Nelson, d/o Elizabeth Vaught and Allen Nelson

Section 4 Christine Nelson, d/o Elizabeth Vaught and Allen Nelson

A Lara Huntington, d/o of Elizabeth B Abraham Huntington, s/o of Elizabeth

C Asachar Huntington, s/o of Elizabeth

Section 5 Mary Nelson, d/o Elizabeth Vaught and Allen Nelson

Section 6 Sabina Nelson, d/o Elizabeth Vaught and Allen Nelson

A Anamile Bicknell, d/o Sabina

B Enoch Johnson, s/o Sabina

Section 7 Martha Nelson, d/o Elizabeth Vaught and Allen Nelson

Section 8 William Nelson, s/o Elizabeth Vaught and Allen Nelson

Section 9 Phoebe Nelson, d/o Elizabeth Vaught and Allen Nelson



(1808-1855) (Elizabeth d/o George, s/o Andrew, s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Elizabeth Vaught, b 22 Jan, 1808, in Wythe Co., VA. In Grayson Co., VA, on 15 Feb, 1834, she m Allen B. Nelson, b in NC. The family lived near Wytheville, VA and later Knox Co., IND, 1835-1838. He was a farmer. They had eight children.

Jane Katrine Nelson was b in VA. She m (1) Mr. Arney. Then m William Seirp. William and Jane had two children.

Martha Ellen Seirp m Theodore Wampler, 20 Dec, 1883. George Seirp was b 23 Sep, 1873 and d 6 Dec, 1965. He m Mary Unverth on 6 May, 1900.

Nancy E. Nelson b in VA about 1835. She m W.N. Benedict, 12 Jul, 1857. They had three sons: Allen, Milton, and West.

Christine Elizabeth Nelson b VA 24 Jan 1836, d 1916-17, m Samuel L. Huntington 24 Jan, 1860 Knox Co., IND. He b 19 Sep, 1819 Knox Co., d 21 Mar, 1877 in TX. Samuel m(l) Emma Kimberland. They had three children; George, Mary, Martha. Samuel and Christina had four children: Lara, Abraham, Asachar, and Beckie, In 1875 the families of Samuel and George Huntington moved to TX. After Samuel's d 1877, Christina m George E. Houck. Samuel and dau Beckie are bur Lamar Co., TX, and Christina is bur in a Pioneer Cem. in Eastland Co., TX.

Mary E. Nelson, b about 1838 IND. She m a Mr. Myers. They probably lived near Flat Rock, IL and had four children; Mary, Elizabeth, a daughter, and a son.

Sabina (Sibbea) A. Nelson b in IND in 1841, d in Knox Co. in 1877. On 20 Sep, 1860, she m. Stokes Bicknell (1835-1868), bro of Samuel Bicknell. He is buried in the Bicknell I.O.O.F. Cem. M. Stokes and "Sibbea" Bicknell had four children: Anamile, Simpson, Belle, Jenny. After the d/o M. Stikes Bicknell in 1868, "Sibbea" m John S. Johnson of Bicknell, IND, on 7 Sep, 1871. The Johnsons had one son Enoch Johnson.

Martha E. Nelson b IND 1843, d 1898. On 24 Nov, 1870, m George W. Hill (1848-1908). They had four children:

William Hill. Mary Hill m Charles Wise. Pina Hill m Alvis Watkins. Samuel P. Hill (1880-1955) m Margaret E. Pinnick (1880-1951) They had six children: Harold, Norman, Martha Ellen m Lee Brand, James, Logan, Wayne.



William Nelson b IND c. 1845; m C. B. Rader 6 Jul, 1871, Knox Co., IND and on 28 Oct, 1885, a William Nelson m E. J. Webb Knox Co. These are presumed marriages. William had three children: two daughters and a son, Edward B. Nelson, b June 12, 1878 m Martha (1889-1958). He lived near Flat Rock, IL.

Phoebe M. Nelson b c. 1848 IND, m Andrew Barr 29 Sep, 1870, m (2) James Hill on 24 Nov, 1878.



(1835-????) (Nancy d/o Elizabeth d/o George, s/o Andrew,

s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

George Vaught (1742) and Christiana Phillippi (1763) i i

Elizabeth Vaught (1808) and Allen Nelson

Nancy Nelson (1835) (1) W.N.Benedict (2) S. Bicknell

i i i i i

Allen Milton West Hugh

Nancy E. Nelson was b in VA about 1835. She m W.N. Benedict, 12 Jul, 1857. They had three sons.

Allen Benedict. Milton Benedict. West Benedict.

After W. N. Benedict's death, Nancy E. Nelson Benedict married Samuel Bicknell on 9 Jul, 1874. Samuel was the son of Mumford Bicknell (1796-1853) who was justice of the peace in the Bicknell area for a number of years. Samuel and Nancy E. Bicknell had one son.

Hugh Bicknell was b 30 Sep, 1875, near Bicknell, IND, and d 27 Mar, 1963. He m Emma Loy Foreman on 21 Dec, 1899. They had seven children: Dallas m Sella Phillips, Effie (d in 1934), Helen m Thomas Butler, Lucille m Virgil Warren, Lois m Hugh Gillespie, June m Frank Thomson, Harry (killed in WWII)



(1836-1916/17) (Christina d/o Elizabeth d/o George, s/o Andrew, s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

George Vaught (1742) and Christiana Phillippi (1763) i i

Elizabeth Vaught (1808) and Allen Nelson i i

Christine Nelson (1936) and Sam Huntington (1819) i i i i

I I i i Lara Abraham Asachar Beckie

Christine Elizabeth Nelson b 24 Jan 1936 VA, d 1916/17. She m Samuel L. Huntington 24 Jan, 1860 Knox Co., IND. He b 19 Sep, 1819 Knox Co., IND. He d 21 Mar, 1877 TX. Samuel's first wife was Emma Kimberland and they had three children; George, Mary, and Martha. Samuel and Christina Nelson Huntington had four children, all born in the Vincennes, IND area Laura, Abraham, Asachar, and Rebecca. In 1875 the families of Samuel and George Huntington moved to TX. After Samuel's death in 1877, Christine m George E. Houck. Samuel and daughter Beckie are buried in Lamar Co., TX, and Christine bur Pioneer Cem in Eastland Co., TX.

Laura Ellen Huntington, was b 19 Jan, 1861 in Knox Co., IND and d 12 Aug, 1911. She m (1) Wesley Webb on 28 Aug, 1878 in Lamar Co. TX. They had three children. She m (2) George Washington White on 26 Jul, 1885 in Eastland Co., TX. He was born about 1850 in Germany. His family died on board ship and he was adopted. They had six children.

Abraham Lincoln Huntington, was b 6 Apr, 1862 in Knox Co., IND., and d 30 Aug, 1931. He is buried in Dothan Cemetery east of Putnam, Callahan Co., TX. He m (1) Emma Head, 18 Dec, 1889 in Eastland Co., TX. They had three children: Bisbee, Esther, and Trupe. She d 23 Jan, 1893 at child b and bur Salt Tank Cem northwest of Rising Star, Eastland Co., TX. He m (2) Lulu Leona Wiswell, 18 Oct, 1894 in Sabanno, TX. She b 22 Sep, 1876. They had eleven children: Ethel, Iona, Alma, Albertie, Audie, Verdie, Tempa, Otis, Notra, Loretta, Nadine.

Asachar Allen Huntington, was b 9 Apr 1869 in Vincennes, IND and d 30 Jul, 1956. He m Effie Lou Armour 14 Jan, 1894. She was b 4 Apr, 1877 in Brownwood, TX and d 27 Jan, 1935. They bur Pioneer Cem, Eastland Co., TX. They had nine children: Bonnie, Vance, Joseph, Jake, Hubert, Zilla, Harold, Earl, Leland.

Rebecca Huntington, ascribed age 5 in the 1870 census, 13 in the 1880 and died at age 14 in Lamar Co. TX.



(1861-1911) (Laura d/o Christina d/o Elizabeth

d/o George, s/o Andrew, s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

George Vaught (1742) and Christiana Phillippi (1763) i i

Elizabeth Vaught (1808) and Allen Nelson i i

Christina Nelson (1936) and Sam Huntington (1819) i i

Laura Ellen Huntington (1861) (1) Wesley Webb (2) George Washington White (1850)

i i

-I u I I I i i i i i i i i i i i i i i

Wesley Willie Dau. Joseph Esker Benny Tennie Dennie Samuel

Laura Ellen Huntington b 19 Jan, 1861 Knox Co., IND d 12 Aug, 1911. She m (1) Wesley Webb 28 Aug, 1878 Lamar Co. TX. They had three children. She m (b) George Washington White 26 Jul, 1885 Eastland Co., TX. He b about 1850, he guessed from Germany. His family died on board ship, he was adopted. They had six children.

Children of Laura and Wesley Webb. Wesley Bluford Webb, was b 26 Feb, 1879 and d 3 Feb, 1953 in Burkett, TX. He m a Marrie. Willie Mae Webb (Victoria?) m Jim Powell. Daughter Webb, who d in infancy.

Children of Lara and George White. Joseph Lincoln White, b 26 Jun, 1886 in Sabanno, Eastland Co., TX, d in Nov 1950 in Muleshoe, TX, m Zorah Coggin, 18 Dec 1911 in Eastland Co., TX. Zorah b 8 Sep 1886 Pontotoc, Macon Co., TX., d/o Levi Barker Scroggin/Coggin and Eliza Anna Bush. She d 24 Aug 1964 in Torrance, CA. bur Ros Hill Cem. Whittier, CA. They had three children: Randal Barker White, Esker White, Benny White.

Tennie White (twin), b 18 Jan, 1895 Sabanno, Eastland Co., TX, d 23 Feb 1981 Rising Star, TX, m (1) James Ballard Shewmaker 23 Aug 1912 Eastland Co., TX. They had one son, George Gipson "Gip" Shewmaker. Tennie m (2) Claude Crutchfield in 1916 in Rising Star, TX. They had seven children born in Eastland County: Horace, Henry, Mattie, Harvey, Travis, Jessie, Tom.



Children of Laura Huntington and George White.

Dennie White (twin), b 18 Jan, 1895 Sabanno, Eastland Co., TX, d 29 Oct 1976 in Rising Star, m Tom Harvey Bush 19 Dec 1911. They had nine children born in Eastland Co., TX. Dolphus Eskar, Bryan H., Tangie E., P.J., Jr., Oratius G., Grady A. B, Dorcus F., Ola Ellen, Tennie May.

Samuel Dewey "Jack" White, b 15 June 1898 at Sabanno, TX, d 29 Oct 1990 at Stillwater, Payne Co., OK. where he is also bur.; m Vera Gladys Albin, 19 Aug 1920 in Foss, Washita Co., OK. She was b 18 Jun 1903 in Comanche, TX, d/o Wade Alexander and Martha Ann (Leventon) Albin, she d 16 Oct 1992 in Perry, OK. She is bur in Stillwater. He farmed, then worked in butane distribution, finally managed rental property. They had four children: Melba Maurine White, Wendell VanQue White, Dona Wynell White, and Joe Wade White.



(1886-1950) (Joseph s/o Laura d/o Christina d/o Elizabeth

d/o George, s/o Andrew, s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Christina Nelson (1936) and Sam Huntington (1819) i i

Laura Ellen Huntington (1861) and George Washington White (1850) i i

Joseph White (1886) and Zorah Coggins (1886)

i i I i i

R a n d a l l Alda Anna

Joseph Lincoln White, b 26 Jun, 1886 in Sabanno, Eastland Co., TX, d in Nov 1950 in Muleshoe, TX, m Zorah Coggin, 18 Dec 1911 in Eastland Co., TX. Zorah b 8 Sep 1886 Pontotoc, Macon Co., TX., d/o Levi Barker Scroggin/Coggin and Eliza Anna Bush. She d 24 Aug 1964 in Torrance, CA. bur Ros Hill Cem. Whittier, CA. They had three children.

Randal Barker White b 21 Feb 1908 Seymour, Eastland Co., TX. d 24 Jun 1993 Long Beach, L.A., CA. bur Rose Hill Cem. Whittier, CA. m (1) Norma Squires Cummings d 1958/59 Lynwood, CA. bur Rose Hill Cem. Whittier, CA. They had three children: John (Jack), Ray and Louise. Randal m (2) Edna Alda White b 31 Jly 1910. Seymour, TX. d 1 Jan 1990 Bell. CA. m Wayne Shreve. Both bur Forest Lawn Cem. Cerritos, CA. Anna Oleta White b 16 May 1912, Roscoe Co. TX m George Johnson Scott 26 Jly 1928 Farwell, TX.. They had two children.

Jo Anne Scott b 30 Apr 1934, Boise City, TX, m Alfred Wesley Waner 5 Aug 1955 Compton, CA. b 25 Sep 1934 Oklahoma City, OK. They had two children: Scott and Neal. George Gregory Scott b 3 Sep 1953 Compton, CA m Gail Burke 9 Jun 1984 Paramount, CA. b 7 Sep 1957 Los Angeles, CA.



(Anna d/o Joseph s/o Laura d/o Christina d/o Elizabeth d/o George, s/o Andrew, s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Christina Nelson (1936) and Sam Huntington (1819) i i

Laura Ellen Huntington (1861) and George Washington White (1850) i i

Joseph White (1886) and Zorah Coggins (1886) i i

Anna White (1912) and George Scott i

Jo Anne George

Anna Oleta White b 16 May 1912, Roscoe Co. TX m George Johnson Scott 26 Jly 1928 Farwell, TX.. They had two children.

Jo Anne Scott b 30 Apr 1934, Boise City, TX, m Alfred Wesley Waner 5 Aug 1955 Compton, CA. b 25 Sep 1934 Oklahoma City, OK. They had two children:

Scott Wesley Waner b 17 Feb 1960 Indianapolis, IND. m Lisa Marie Bundy 12 Jan 1985 Pasadena, CA. They had two children.

Drew Wesley Waner b 10 Sep 1991 Apple Valley, CA. Tory Elizabeth Waner b 15 Sep 1994 Redlands, CA.

Neal Alfred Waner b 30 Sep 1962 Inglewood, CA m Joyce Yiyeko Tani 11 May 1991 Redlands, CA. They bore two children.

Jocelyn Rimiyo Waner b 15 May 1993 Redlands, CA. Tyler Waner b 11 Jly 1996.

George Gregory Scott b 3 Sep 1953 Compton, CA m Gail Burke 9 Jun 1984 Paramount, CA. b 7 Sep 1957 Los Angeles, CA.



(1895-1981) (Tennie d/o Laura d/o Christina d/o Elizabeth

d/o George, s/o Andrew, s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Elizabeth Vaught (1808) and Allen Nelson i i

Christina Nelson (1936) and Sam Huntington (1819) i i

Laura Ellen Huntington (1861) and George Washington White (1850) i i

Tennie White (1895) (1)James Shewmaker (2)Claude Crutchfield

i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i

George Horace Henry Mattie Harvey Tracis Jessie Tom

Tennie White (twin), b 18 Jan, 1895 Sabanno, Eastland Co., TX, d 23 Feb 1981 Rising Star, TX, m (1) James Ballard Shewmaker 23 Aug 1912 Eastland Co., TX. One son.

George Gipson "Gip" Shewmaker b in 1913, Eastland Co., TX. He m Jedi. They had two children.

Patsy Ann Shewmaker, m Stan Thompson. They bore no children. Michael Shewmaker m Jodi. They bore one son.

Michael Junior Shewmaker. Tennie m (2) Claude Crutchfield in 1916 in Rising Star, TX. They had seven children born in Eastland County.

Horace Crutchfield, be 1917, m Corena -. One child. Henry Crutchfield, be. 1919 m Frances --. One child. Mattie Laura Crutchfield, b c. 1921 m George Spalding. Harvey Crutchfield, b c. 1924. Travis Laverne "Cotton" Crutchfield, b c. 1927, d 1993 Cisco, TX, m Dorcus "Doris" F. Bush, b 15 Apr 1927 Eastland, Tx. They had three children. Travis Crutchfield. Stanley D. Crutchfield. Karen Sue Crutchfield, m — Cotten. Jessie Marie Crutchfield, be. 1931, m Chick Harvey. They had two children. Tom Ira Crutchfield be. 1933, m Betty Lou --.



(1895-1981) (Dennie d/o Laura d/o Christina d/o Elizabeth

d/o George, s/o Andrew, s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Elizabeth Vaught (18 08) and Allen Nelson i i

Christina Nelson (1936) and Sam Huntington (1819) i i

Laura Ellen Huntington (1861) and George Washington White (1850) i i

Dennie White (18 95) and Tom Bush i i

i I I I I I I I I i i i i i I I i

Dolphus Bryan Tangie P.J. Oratius Grady Dorcus Ola Tennie

Dennie White (twin), b 18 Jan, 1895 Sabanno, Eastland Co., TX, d 29 Oct 1976 in Rising Star, m Tom Harvey Bush 19 Dec 1911. They had nine children born in Eastland Co., TX.

Dolphus Eskar "Buck" Bush b 17 Oct 1912, m Louise --. They had four children: Kay Darlene, Marnita, Paul Allen and Mack. Bryan H. Bush b 15 Jun 1914, m Lorene —. They had three children: Samuel, Philip and Randal. Tangie E. "Veda" Bush b 7 Mar 1917, m Lawrence Thompson. They had six children: Thomas Edward, William Henry, Bobby Joe, Virginia, Gene and Shirley. P.J., Jr. "Jack" Bush b 12 Jly 1919. Oratius G. "Jake" Bush b 5 Jly 1922. Grady A. Bush b 31 Oct 1924, m Kathryn --. They had four children: Junior, Billy Jack, Mickey Dan and Thomas. Dorcus (Doris) F. Bush b 15 Apr 1927, m her cousin Travis Crutchfield. They had three children: T.L., Stanley and Karen Sue. Ola Ellen "Olie" Bush b 24 Jly 1929, m Floyd Killough. They had two children: Linda Sue, and Steve Wendell. Tennie May "Hootsie" Bush b Feb 1923, m Tommy Simpson. They had two children: Tommy Hanson "Tinker", and Melissa LaGuyn.



(1898-1990) (Samuel s/o Laura d/o Christina d/o Elizabeth

d/o George, s/o Andrew, s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Elizabeth Vaught (1808) and Allen Nelson i i

Christina Nelson (1936) and Sam Huntington (1819) i i

Laura Ellen Huntington (1861) and George Washington White (1850) i i

Samuel White (1898) and Vera Albin (1903) i I I I I


Melba Wendal Donna Joe Samuel Dewey "Jack" White, b 15 June 1898 at Sabanno, TX, d 29 Oct 1990 at Stillwater, Payne Co., OK. where he is also bur.; m Vera Gladys Albin, 19 Aug 1920 in Foss, Washita Co., OK. She was b 18 Jun 1903 in Comanche, TX, d/o Wade Alexander and Martha Ann (Leventon) Albin, she d 16 Oct 1992 in Perry, OK. She is bur in Stillwater. He farmed, then worked in butane distribution, finally managed rental property. They had four children.

Melba Maurine White, b 11 Jun 1921 in Foss, Wahita Co., OK. She m Broun H. Mayall, 15 Apr 1945 in Uvalde, Uvalde Co., TX. Three children: Nancy Sue, Elizabeth Ann, Sally Lou. Wendell VanQue White, b 12 Nov 1926 in Foss, Washita Co., OK; m Gladys Hobbs, 5 May 1951 in Stillwater, OK. He is a retired school superintendent. He graduated from Oklahoma State Univ., BA and MA. They are living in Perry, OK. They have two children:

Donald White b 30 Nov 1958. Sherry Kay White b 9 Jly 1958, m Mark Winter, 20 May 1978 OK. They had three children:

Erin Kay Winter 4 Jly 1980 OK. Andrea Lanae Winter 7 Oct 1982 Dallas, TX. Grant Alexander Winter 17 May 1990 Dallas TX.

Dona Wynell White, b 5 Jun 1933 Dill City, Washita Co., OK; m Melvin Leon Lowe 23 Aug 1952 Stillwater, OK. He b 17 Feb 1930 Chickasha, Grad Co., OK. They were living Collinsville, OK. She attended Oklahoma State Univ. They have three children: Debora Jean Lowe, William Bruce Lowe, Scott Melvin Lowe. Joe Wade White b 22 Aug 1940 Dill City, Washita Co., OK. M Martha Moore 8 Sep 1961 in Stillwater, Payne Co., OK. They had two children:

Karyn White 19 Aug 1966 m Michael Hansen. Leah White b 7 May 1969.



(1921-xxxx) (Melba d/o Samuel s/o Laura d/o Christina d/o Elizabeth

d/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Laura Ellen Huntington (1861) and George Washington White (1850) i i

Samuel White (1898) and Vera Albin (1903)

Melba White (1921) and Braun Mayall (1908)

i i ! i i

Nancy Elizabeth Sally

Melba Maurine White, b 11 Jun 1921 in Foss, OK; m Braun Hunt Mayall, 15 Apr 1945 in Uvalde, Uvalde Co., TX. He was b 21 Jan 1908 in Oklahoma City, OK. He had been married previously to Geneva Holmes, by whom he has two sons, Donald Holmes Mayall, born in 1932 and Russell Hunt Mayall, born in 1942. Melba graduated from Oklahoma College for Women, Chichasha, BS, did graduate work at Oklahoma State Univ., is a retired dietitian. Her husband is a retired U.S. Air Force Colonel and retired bank officer. In 1986, they were living in Colorado Springs, CO, he was the News Bureau Director for the Olympic Training Center. They had three daughters.

Nancy Sue Mayall, b 1 Oct 1948 in Dallas, TX; m (1) Arthur Hans Hardy, 1970 in Colorado Springs, CO. He was a Lieutenant, USAF, who was killed in Vietnam, 14 Mar 1972, Laos; by whom she had a daughter:

Anneliese Marie (Hardy) May b 19 Feb 1972, USAF Academy, Colorado Springs, CO.

Nancy m, (2) Major William Lee May, 26 Dec 1978 in Colorado Springs, CO. William b 27 Oct 1940 in Columbus Junction, Iowa the s/o Warren May and Jean. Nancy and William had a daughter.

Alexandria "Lexa" Elizabeth May, b 12 Jan 1979, Alamagordo, New Mexico. Nancy graduated from Univ. of Colorado, BA and MA. They were living in Colorado Springs in 1985. Elizabeth Ann Mayall b 26 Apr 1956 in Ft. Carson, Colorado Springs, El Paso Co., CO; m Christopher Straka, 9 June 1977 in Colorado Springs. He was b 5 Apr 1962 in Trenton, Mercer Co., New Jersey. They have two children:

Emilie Lauren Straka b 28 Apr 1986 Colorado Springs. Samuel Joseph Straka b 12 Jly 1990 Colorado Springs.

Elizabeth graduated from Univ. of Colorado, BA and Phillips Univ., Enid, OK MA (speech pathology). They were living in Colorado Springs in 1985.



Sally Lou Mayall, b 24 Mar 1961 in USAF A Hospital, Colorado Springs, El Paso Co., Colorado; m Charles Nielsen Brasher, 29 May 1973 in Colorado Springs. He was b 19 October 1959 in Kentucky. She graduated from Univ. of Colorado, BA and Maukato State Univ., MA. They live in Hagerstown, MD (1996). They have two children:

Kelsey Ann Brasher b 21 Jun 1988, Alexandria, Virginia. Charles Hunt Brasher b 25 Mar 1991, Alexandria, Virginia.



(1933-xxxx) (Dona d/o Samuel s/o Laura d/o Christina d/o Elizabeth

d/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Laura Ellen Huntington (1861) and George Washington White (1850) i i

Samuel White (1898) and Vera Albin (1903)

Dona White (1933) and Melvin Lowe (1930) i 1

i i i i

Debra William Scott

Dona Wynell White, b 5 Jun 1933 in Dill City, Washita Co., OK; m Melvin Leon Lowe 23 Aug 1952 in Stillwater, OK. He was b 17 Feb 1930 in Chickasha, Grad Co., Oklahoma. They were living Collinsville, OK. She attended Oklahoma State Univ. They have three children:

Debora Lowe b 6 Feb 1954, Camp Polk, Louisiana, m Lindsey Van "To" Moore, 9 Aug 1975 in Tulsa, Tulsa Co., OK. They had two children:

Jared Lindsey Moore b 20 Apr 1981 Tulsa, OK. Travia Taylor Moore b 27 Jly 1985 Tulsa, OK.

William Bruce Lowe b 26 Sep 1957, Nowata, Nowata Co., OK, m Patsy Lyons 9 Aug 1981 (div). He m (2) Linda, 2 Jun 1990. She b 14 Oct. She had a son from a former marriage.

Rory Lowe. Children of William and Linda.

Zachary Spencer Lowe b 9 Apr 1992, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Lenae Alezandra Lowe b 2 Aug 1993.

Scott Melvin Lowe b 13 June 1963, Tulsa Tulsa Co., OK. m Donita Louise Hadley, 25 May 1985 in Collinsville, Tulsa Co., OK. She b 1 Sep 1992 in Owassa, OK. They had one son.

Tyler Scott Lowe b 1 Sep 1992 in Owassa, OK.



(1862-1931) (Abraham s/o Christina d/o Elizabeth d/o George

s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Elizabeth Vaught and Allen Nelson i i

Christina Nelson and Sam Huntington i i

Abraham H u n t i n g t o n (l)Emma Head (2 )Lu lu Wiswel l


i i i i i i i I I I I I I i i I I I I i I I I I I I

B i s b e e E s t h e r Trupe _ t h e l 3Alma 5Audie 7Tempa 9 Nor t a " N a d i n e 2 Iona 4 A l b e r t i e 6 Verd ie 3 0 t i s 1 0 L o r e t t a

Abraham Lincoln Huntington b 6 Apr, 1862 Knox Co., IND., d 30 Aug, 1931, bur Dothan Cemetery east of Putnam, Callahan Co., TX. M (1) Emma Head, 18 Dec, 1889 Eastland Co., TX. They had three children: Bisbee, Esther, and Trupe. She d 23 Jan, 1893 at child birth, bur Salt Tank Cemetery northwest of Rising Star, Eastland Co., TX. He m (2) Lulu Leona Wiswell, 18 Oct, 1894 Dabanno, TX. She b 22 Sep, 1876. They had eleven children: Ethel, Iona, Alma, Alberttie, Audie, Verdie, Tempa, Otis, Notra, Loretta, Nadine.

Children of Abraham and Emma. Bisbee Huntington, b 25 Sep 1890, d 11 Aug 1924, bur Dothan Cemetery near Putnam, TX. She m E. E. Booth, by whom she had four sons and two daughters. Esther Huntington, b 2 Dec 1891, d 11 May 1960, bur Hamlin, TX, She m Ray Carmichael, they had three sons and a daughter. Trupe Huntington, b 23 Jan 1893, d 5 Mar 1893, bur Salt Tank Cem near Rising Star, TX.

Children of Abraham and Lulu. Ethel Huntington, b 7 May 1896. She m (1) Claude Davenport, (2) George Johnson, (3) J. W. Davenport. She had three sons and one daughter. Iona Huntington, b 7 Apr 1898; d 5 Jly 1899, bur Salt Tank Cem. Alma Huntington, b 16 Jan 1900, d 27 Sep 1932, bur Dothan Cem. She m a Simkins; had a son and four daughters.



Albertie Huntington, b 21 Jun 1902, m Charlie Burkett; had a son.

Audie Huntington, b 3 Aug 1904; m L. H. Lem, did not have children.

Verdie Huntington, b 25 Dec 1906; m Audie Gossett; had a son.

Tempa Huntington, b 31 May 1909; d 28 Jly 1921, bur Dothan Cem.

Otis Gray Huntington, b 14 Jly 1913, d 7 Jun 1962, bur Hamilton, MO. He m, (1) Christine Walters by whom he had a dau; m (2) Doris Ellis, by whom he had two sons.

Norta Dame "Polly" Huntington, b 5 Aug 1915, m Homar Latham, by whom she had two sons and two daughters.

Loretta Huntington, b 27 Oct 1917, m Wesley Lathan, by whom she had three daughters.

Nadine Huntington, b 27 May 1920, m (1) L.B. Carlisle, by whom she had a daughter, m (2) Chester Hogan, by whom she had a son.



(1869-1956) (Asachar s/o Christina d/o Elizabeth d/o George,

s/o Andrew, s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Elizabeth Vaught and Allen Nelson

Christina Nelson

Asachar Huntington

and Sam Huntington

and Effie Lou Armour


I I I I i Bonnie Vance Joseph Jake Hubert Zilla Harold Earl Leland

Asachar Allen Huntington b 9 Apr, 1869 in Vincennes, IND and d 30 Jul, 1956. M Effie Lou Armour 14 Jan, 1894. She b 4 Apr, 1877 in Brownwood, TX, d 27 Jan, 1935. They are bur Pioneer Cem, Eastland Co., TX. They had nine children.

Bonnie Bartley Huntington, b 20 Jan 1895 Eastland Co., TX.

Vance Vernon Huntington, b 9 Apr 1896, in TX, d 22 Sep 1944, m (1) Grace Westerman 4 Apr 1920 Div. m (2) Myrtle Mae Sipe. She b 11 Mar 1900 Arkansas. They had one son.

Tommy Ray Huntington b 8 May 1937 in Dallas, TX, m Martha Maxine Holley, 1 Jun 1957 in Dallas. She was b 4 Nov 1937 in Dallas, d/o Alfred James and Josephine Brunett (Pace) Holley. They were living in Dallas in 1986. They have two children.

Tommy Ray Huntington, Jr., b 19 June 1958. Cynthia Denise Huntington, b 23 Apr. 1961.

Joseph Clarence Huntington, b 7 Nov 1897 at Sabanno, Eastland Co., TX.

Jake Basil Huntington, b 1 May 1899 Sabanno, TX, d 4 Jun 1975 Brownwood, TX; m. Estelle Fore, 27 Apr 1923 Eastland, TX. She b 27 Sep 1901 Rising Star, TX, d/o A.C. and Susie (Pittman) Fore. She was living in Brady, TX 1986. Two children: Paul and Norma.

Hubert Cecil Huntington, b 25 Aug 1903 Sabanno.

Zilla Helen Huntington, b 4 Feb 1905 Sabanno, d 12 Aug 1993 in Mineral Wells, Tx, bur in Pioneer Cem.



Harold Hermon Huntington, b 10 Jly 1906 Sabanno, TX, d 11 Mar 1953 Temple, TX, bur Cisco, TX; m Clara Ethel Ellis, 16 Sep 1931 Lovington, NM. She b 27 Sep 1898 Pisgah. AL, d/o John Clair and Sarah Catherine (Fike) Ellis. She M (2) Mr. Frye d 14 Sep 1980.

Harold Dean Huntington, b 4 June 1932 Pioneer, TX, d 25 Jun 1967 Lima, OK, shot; bur Cisco, TX.

Earl Leslie "Tude" Huntington, b 17 Aug 1910 Nimrod, Eastland Co., TX. d 15 Aug 1984 in Wildeado, TX.

Leland Wayne Huntington, b 14 Jly 1914 at Cross Plains, TX. d c. 1992.



(1895-1955) (Bonnie s/o Asacher s/o Christina d/o Elizabeth d/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Christina Nelson and Sam Huntington i i

Asacher Huntington and Lou Effie Armour

Bonnie Huntington (l)Lura Marshall (2)Ethel Barron

i I I I

I I i i Dessie Willard Bonnie Alona James

Bonnie Bartley Huntington, b 20 Jan 1895 in Eastland Co., TX; m, (1) Lura Dean Marshall who d 29 Mar 1922 in Sabanno, TX. He m (2) Ethel May Barron who d 9 May in Sder Tx. He d 28 Dec 1955 in Cross Plains, TX, is buried at Abilene, TX.

Dessie Lucile Huntington, b 7 Dec 1919 in Eastland Co., TX, m (1) John Rankin Blackburn 5 Sep 1942 in El Paso, TX. He was b 4 Aug 1916 in Cisco, Tx; d 4 Jan 1970 s/o Ralston Fletcher and Dora (McFall) Blackburn. She m (2) Joe Lee Dupuy 22 Jan 1972 in Brownfield, TX. He was b 27 Nov 1926 in Eastland Co., TX. They were living in Sder, TX in 1986. They had two children.

Deanna Lucille Blackburn, b 11 Mar 1945 in Coleman, TX. John Vernon Blackburn, b 31 Jan 1948 Mineral Wells, TX.

Willard Vernon Huntington, b 25 Oct 1921 in Sabanno, TX, m Wilma Earleene Tyler, 7 Dec 1945 in Cross Plaines, TX. She was b 26 Oct 1927 in Rising Star, TX, d/o Samuel Berry and Vernice (Montgomery) Tyler. He served in the U.S. Navy 1940 to 1951 as Chief Storekeeper. They were living Jal, NM 1986.

Verna Jean Huntington, b 11 Aug 1948 in Helena, MT. Michael Alan Huntington, b 1 June 1953 in Kermit, TX.

Bonnie Loy Huntington.

Alona Helen Huntington, b 24 Jan 1932 in Cross Plains, TX, m Grover C. Gilbert, 8 Jly 1951 in Cross Plains, TX. He was b 5 Jly 1930 in McKinney,TX, s/o Noah and Mary Lousie Gilbert. They were living in Austin, TX in 1978. They had three children.

Linda Ann Gilbert, b 24 Jun 1953 in Abilene, TX. Grover Eugene Gilbert, b 5 Jly 1955 in Abilene, TX. Gerald Lee Gilbert, b 7 Mar 1963 in Sder, TX

James Huntington.



(1897-1946) (Joseph s/o Asacher s/o Christina d/o Elizabeth d/o George

s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Christina Nelson and Sam Huntington i i

Asacher Huntington and Lou Effie Armour i i

Joseph Huntington and Eva Ellis i L I I


Basil Morris Lindsey Patty

Joseph Clarence Huntington, b 7 Nov 1897 in Sabanno, TX, d 25 Dec 1946; m 28 Apr 1918 Eva Maude Ellis in Sabanno, TX. She was b 4 May 1901 in Pisgah, AL, d/o John Blair Ellis. They had four children.

Basil William Huntington, b 11 Jan 1920 in Pioneer, TX, m Jane Miller, 2 Nov 1945 in Bishop, TX. She was b 8 Feb 1925 in Kingsville, TX, d/o Ernest Leaford and Nova Susan (Taylor) Miller. He attended Univ. of Texas and graduated from Texas A & M, BS in Chemistry. They were living in Maytown, TX in 1976. They had three children.

Joy Huntington, b 12 Jly 1949 in Kingsville, TX. Donald William Huntington, b 26 Jun 1951 in Kingston. John Scott Huntington, b 28 Dec 1956 in Houston, TX.

Morris Wayne Huntington, b 23 Mar 1922, d 10 Feb 1953 with wife and children in automobile accident.

Lindsey JoeDell Huntington, b 5 Nov 1926, d 7 Oct 1931.

Patty Sue Huntington, b 17 Jan 1932. Michael Wayne Watkins, b 10 Oct 1953; graduated from Texas Technolical Univ. 1976, BS in respiratory therapy. Cynthia Jo Watkins, b 31 Dec 1956; capped Registered Nurse 1978 at Methodist Hospital, Lubbock, TX. Judith Ann Watkins, b 29 Oct 1959; was attending Texas Tech., Univ. in 1978. Gregory Lewis Watkins, b 15 Jan 196-.



(1899-1975) (Jake s/o Asacher s/o Christina d/o Elizabeth

d/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Christina Nelson and Sam Huntington

Asacher Huntington

Jake Huntington

and Lou Effie Armour

and Estelle Fore

i i i

Paul Norma

Jake Basil Huntington, b 1 May 1899 at Sabanno, Eastland Co., TX, d 4 Jun 1975 in Brownwood, TX; m. Estelle Fore, 27 Apr 1923 in Eastland, TX. She was b 27 Sep 1901 at Rising Star, TX, d/o A.C. and Susie (Pittman) Fore. She was living in Brady, TX in 1986. They had two children.

Paul Huntington, b 18 Dec 1923 in Pioneer, TX, m 23 Nov 1950 in Brady, TX, Francis Jean Davee. She was b 28 May, 1929 in Brady, d/o Aubrey and Zola Ann (Spiller) Davee. He has BS from Howard Payne College and Med from Hardin Simmons Univ; served in U.S. Navy, 194346. In 1986, he was Principal of the Brady Junior High School. They have three children.

Susan Ann Huntington, b 1 Nov 1951 in Rising Star, TX Holly Jean Huntington, b 20 1956 in Floydada, TX Mary Frances Huntington, b 19 May 1965 in Brady, TX.

Norma Jean Huntington, b 22 Feb 1928 at Pioneer, m Howard Mitchell Iabnet, 25 Aug 1946. He was born 11 Jan 1924 in Alexander, TX, d 12 Apr 1986 in San Antonio, TX.



(1903-1950) (Hubert s/o Asacher s/o Christina d/o Elizabeth d/o George

s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Christina Nelson and Sam Huntington

Asacher Huntington

Hubert Huntington

and Lou Effie Armour

and Nettie Harris

I i i

Ralph Zilla

Hubert Cecil Huntington, b 25 Aug 1903 at Sabanno, TX, d 21 Aug 1950; m in 1923 Nettie Mae Harris, d/o Daniel Graves and Rosa E. (Hanks) Harris, she was b 20 Aug 1903 in Pioneer, TX; d 30 Aug 1960. They are buried in Pioneer Cemetery in Eastland Co., TX They had two children.

Ralph Lindley Huntington, b 11 Mar 1924, in Pioneer, TX, m, Mary Louise Tzouanakis, 14 Jun 1946, d/o of John and Virginia Maw (Reynolds) Tzouanakis. She was b 28 Oct. 1922 in Greencastle, IND. They were living Caon, TX in 1986. They had five children.

Jerald Lindley Huntington, b 4 Sep 1947 Abilene, TX. Mary Kathleen Huntington, b 22 Apr 1950 Hale Center, TX. John Stephen Huntington, b 21 Feb 1952 El Paso, TX. Nancy Ann Huntington, b 7 Mar 1953 El Paso. Ginette Elizabeth Huntington, b 1 May 1955 Slaton, TX.

Zilla Helen Huntington, b 4 Feb 1905 in Sabanno, TX, m Roy Blackburn, 20 Apr 1927 in Plainview, TX. He was b 28 Dec 1902 in Stephens Co., TX, d 1964, s/o Robert Fletcher and Frances Larie (Ballard) Blackburn. Zilla was living in Cisco, TX in 1986. They had one son.

Harold Clifton Blackburn, b 31 Dec 1930 in Cisco, TX. He had two daughters. Diana Leigh Blackburn, b 7 Oct 1952 San Diego, TX. Carol Denise Blackburn, b 14 June 1955 El Paso, TX.



(1910-xxxx) (Earl s/o Asacher s/o Christina d/o Elizabeth

d/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Christina Nelson and Sam Huntington i i

Asacher Huntington and Lou Effie Armour i i

Earl Huntington and Ruby Henry

i I I i i I I i Amelia Eva Sandra Leslie

Earl Leslie Huntington, b 17 Aug. 1910 in Nimrod, Eastland Co., TX, d in 1984; m Ruby Jewell Henry, 19 Dec 1937 in Plainview, TX. She was b 18 Aug 1914 in Dobdon, TX. She was living in Bushland, TX in 1986. They had four children.

Amelia Carthill Huntington, b 28 Sep 1938 Plainview, TX, m Artie Eldon Davis, 30 Apr 1960. They had seven children.

Anna Catherine Davis, b 13 Sep 1960. Debra Elaine Davis, b 28 Dec 1968. Susan Davis, b 25 Jan 1962, died same day. Amelia Louise Davis, b 18 Jun 1964. Leonard Earl Davis, b 15 Nov 1965; d 28 Nov 1969. Pattie Sue Davis, b 13 Aug. 1968. Lee Huntington Davis, b 10 Jun 1970.

Eva Jewell Huntington, b 9 Jan 1940 in Plainview, TX, m (1) Decatur Thackson, Jan 1958, div. 1960. They had one child. She m (2) Charles Myers, 1964.

Leslie Bryan Thackson, b 13 Nov 1974.

Sandra Kay Huntington, b 28 Nov 1945(?) in Boger, TX.

Leslie Allen Huntington, b 3 Aug 1945 in Borger, TX, m Ellen Schultz, 2 Apr 1971 Leslie Bryan Huntington, b 13 Nov 1974.



(1914-xxxx) (Leland s/o Asacher s/o Christina d/o Elizabeth d/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Christina Nelson and Sam Huntington i i

Asacher Huntington and Lou Effie Armour i i

Leland Huntington and Eva Ellis

Teddy Bobbie Janie

Leland Wayne Huntington, b 14 Jun 1914 in Cross Plains, TX, m. Eva Lee Ellis, 30 Aug 1937 in Plainview, TX. She was b 17 Jly 1919 in Lockney, TX, d/o Sidney James and Icey (Seay) Ellis. They were living in Plainview in 1986.

Teddy Wayne Huntington, b 20 Feb 1939; d 7 Jan 1974 at Plainview.

Bobbie Neil Huntington, b 2 Jun 1941 in Plainview, TX, m 19 May 1964 Barbara Ivey in Dallas, TX. She was born Nov 1940 in Dallas, TX, d/o Clifford and Nera (Lewis) Ivey. He is a career U.S. Army man, reached rank of Major before 1974. They have four children.

Terri Lynn Huntington, b 14 Jan 1961, in Bryan, TX. Allen Wayne Huntington, b 20 Jan 1967 in Austin, TX. RoxAnn Lee Huntington, b 14 Aug 1969 in San Antonio, TX. Elaina Danielle Huntington, b 17 Dec 1973 in Heidelberg, Germa.

Jane Elaine Huntington, b 29 Jun 1945 in Plainview, TX, m Thomas Arnel Aday, 29 Aug 1964. He was b 24 Aug 1942 at Tulia TX, s/o Arnel and Opal Aday. Both are pharmacists, graduates of the Pharmacy School at Weatherford, OK. In 1973, they were living in Plainview, she employed at Central Plains Hosptial, he in a pharmacy.

Kristi Aday, b 29 Jly 1967 in San Angelo, TX. Jeffery Aday, b 23 Aug 1971 in Plainview, TX.



(1838-????) (Mary d/o Elizabeth d/o George s/o Andrew

s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

George Vaught and Christiana Phillippi i i

Elizabeth Vaught and Allen Nelson i i

Mary E. Nelson and Mr. Myers i i

i i i i i

Mary Elizabeth Daughter Son

Mary E. Nelson was b about 1838 in IND. She m a Mr. Myers. They probably lived near Flat Rock, IL and had four children 3 girls and one boy.

Mary Myers m a Mr. Mickey probably Mary E. Myers Mickey (1868-1949). Her husband was William O. Mickey (1866-1945). They had one daughter.

Grace Mickey m Clyde Ford. They lived in Flat Rock, IL.

Elizabeth E. Myers (1879-1943) m William H. Fleming (1868-1947). They are in the Flat Rock Cemetery in IL. They had three children.

Harvey Fleming (Vincennes, IND). Earl Fleming (died in 1963 in Richland, Washington). He m Marietta Hedges of Flat Rock, IL. Ora Fleming m a Mr. Price. They lived in Oblong, IL.



(1841-1877) (Sabina d/o Elizabeth d/o George

s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

George Vaught and Christiana Phillippi i i

Elizabeth Vaught and Allen Nelson i i

Sabina A. Nelson (1) M. Stokes Bicknell (2)Johnson


__ I i i I i i Anamile Simpson Belle Jen Enoch

Sabina (Sibbea) A. Nelson was born in Indiana in 1841 and died in Knox County in 1877. On Sept. 20, 1860, she married M. Stokes Bicknell (1835-1868), brother of Samuel Bicknell. buried in Bicknell I.O.O.F. Cemetery. M. Stokes and "Sibbea" Bicknell had four children: Anamile, Simpson, Belle, and Jen. After the death of M. Stikes Bicknell in 1868, "Sibbea" m John S. Johnson of Bicknell, IND, on 7 Sep, 1871. The Johnsons had one son Enoch.

Anamile Bicknell (1863-1927) m Willard Fox (1865-1924). They are buried in Asbury Chapel Cemetery. They had two sons, one died at birth, the other was Hugh, and a daughter, Ida.

Hugh Fox (1887-1937) m Oressa Coleman (1890-1924). They had two children: Darel, (Ivenell?) Fox. She m a Powell. Ida Cecil Fox (1891-1942) m Joe (Ionham?).

Simpson A. Bicknell (1865-1911) both Anamile and Simpson Bicknell lived in the John Horn home after the death of their father and mother. Simpson, who never married, also worked for Ellis Clofford Horn until sometime after 1900.

Belle B. Bicknell (1867-1945) m a Mr. McLain, bur Pennsylvania. Belle and her brother Simpson bur same lot in Bicknell I.O.O.F. Cemetery.

Jen Bicknell (1868-1927) m Dennis Porter McClure. They had six children: O'Connel, Ray, Edgar, Don, Roy, Nellie m a Mr. Leffler.

Enoch Johnson (c. 18751964) m Emma Patton. They had one daughter. Mildred Johnson b 1899 d 1964, m Hugh F. Sexton, Sr. on 26 Jan, 1918.



Johan Paulus Vogt (1680) and Maria Catherina -- (1687)

i /Andrew Vaught (1721) and Elizabeth

George Vaught (1742) and Christiana Phillippi (1763) i i i

Christiana Vaught (1812) and John Horn (1869) i

1 i i i i i i I I I i

Louisa James Emory Willis Clifford John T



Section 1 Christiana Vaught, d/o George and Elizabeth

Section 2 Louisa J. Horn, d/o Christiana Vaught and John Horn

Section 3 James Emory Horn, s/o Christiana Vaught and John Horn

Section 4 Willis Clifford Horn, s/o Christiana Vaught and John Horn




(Christiana d/o George, s/o Andrew, s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

Christiana Phillippi Vaught, was born near Cedar Springs, VA, on 15 Jun 1812. She d near Bicknell, IND, on 9 Dec 1881. On 25 Oct 1835, she and John Horn were m in Independence, Grayson Co., VA, by Rev. Johanathan Thomas. John Horn was b 12 May 1813, in VA, and d 10 Mar 1884 on his farm near Bicknell, IND. John and Christiana are buried in the Ashbury Chapel Cemetery.

Soon after their marriage the couple left Southwerstern Virginia and came to Knox Co., IN, to live. Accompanied by one of the Phillippes and his wife probably William Phillippi, Sr., and his family they came by covered wagon in the Old Boone Trail and Wilderness Road to Louisville with a side trip to Pulaski Co., KY to visit Christiana's sister Mary Vaught Carson and family. After crossing the Ohio, the families evidently followed the first stage coach route to Vincennes via Washington, Indiana, where Christiana lost her shoe in one of the notorious mud holes on the main street of that town.

Presumably before 20 Jan 1836, John and "Tena" along with their Virginia fox hounds were in Knox Co., where they stayed in the home of John T. and Christena Arney Boyd, who had come to Indiana from Wythe Co., VA in 1832. (Christena Arney Boyd was Christiana's first cousin on the Phillippi side of the family.)

Later John Horn bought land about three miles southwest of the present town of Bicknell trading one of his horses in on the deal. Gradually by teaching school several years as well as farming, he added to the first hundred acres of land until his holdings extended form near the old American One mine to Bicknell, and he had a private road through his farm to Bicknell, coming in on what is now Alton Street.

Then in Dec 1847, John and Christiana deeded two acres of the second one hundred acres of land they had bought to the Methodist Church. On this plot of ground stand the Asbury Chapel Methodist Church. The Horns had four children.

Louisa J. Horn, b in Knox County, IN, 22 Sep 1843, and d in Apr 1930. On 12 Oct 1865 she m (1) Isaiah Martin Ruble (1839-1876) They had two children before his death: Emma and John. Louise m (2) Joseph J. Clemmons (1839-1884), 15 Jly 1879. Joseph and Louisa had two sons Joseph and James. Joseph and Louisa buried Asbury Chapel Cem, Knox Co., IND.



James Emory Horn, b in Knox Co., IN, on 17 Nov 1846, and d 3 Aug 1928. He m Susan E. Collins (1851-1924) on 8 Sep 1869. She was the d/o Owen and Nancy Johnson Collins. James and Susan bur Ashbury Chapel Cem. They were the parents of sixteen children: Nora, Hugh, Wilson, John, Ulysses, George, Joseph, James, Anna, Mary, Lilbert, Agnes, Willie Albert, Sarah, and Nellie.

John T. Horn, was b 23 Aug 1853 in Knox Co., IN. and d 14 June 1859. He bur Asbury Chapel Cem Knox Co., IN.

Ellis Clifford Horn, was b 2 Jly 1849, d 11 Mar 1908. His first m was to Elizabeth Anna Scott on 6 Feb 1873. Anna b 11 Jly 1852, and d 7 Apr 1876. Her parents were William Thornton and Elizabeth Huntington Scott. Ellis and Anna Scott Horn had no children. "Cliff" Horn then m Mary Elizabeth Mason on 24 May 1877. Mary E. was b 3 Nov 1853, and d 20 Dec 1937. She was the oldest d/o Alexander Mason (1829-1910) and Martha A. Pickel Mason (1834-1899) of Near Bicknell, IN. Ellis Clifford and Mary E. Horn bur Asbury Chapel Cem. They had nine children: Edward, Dora, Nellie, Martha, Roy, Chester, Ray, Pearl, Hugh.



(1843-1930) (Louisa d/o Christiana d/o George s/o Andrew

s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

George Vaught (1742) and Christiana Phillippi (1763) i i

Christiana Vaught (1812) and John Horn (1869) i i

Louisa J. Horn (1)Isaiah Ruble (2)Joseph Clemmons

J L i i I I

I I i ! Emma John Joseph James

Louisa J. Horn, was b in Knox County, IN, 22 Sep 1843, and d in Apr 1930. On 12 Oct 1865 she m Isaiah Martin Ruble (1839-1876) a native of Palmyra Township, Knox Co. and s/o Jacob Ruble. Isaiah and Louisa had two children. Louise m (2) Joseph J. Clemmons (1839-1884), 15 Jly 1879. Joseph and Louisa had two sons. Joseph and Louisa are b the Asbury Chapel Cem, Knox Co., IN. Children of Louisa and Isaiah.

Emma Ruble, b 19 Jun 1875, d 12 Jun 1920; m John Mack (1870-1945) on 25 Sep 1892. Bur Asbury Chapel Cem, Knox Co., IN. They had seven children:

Nella K. Mack (1893-1897); Edna M. Mack; Elsie L. Mack (1898-1934) m. Edwin Kirchoff. James F. Mack m Mary Ray; Maurice M. Mack; J. Donald Mack, (1906-1924), drowned. Opal C. Mack, (1910-1951) m William Naugle.

John Martin Ruble, b 7 Sep 1876, d 5 May 1948; m Catherine Ann Dant (1873-1965) on 19 Nov 1898. He bur Edwardsport I.O.O.F. Cem. They had two sons:

Henry M. Ruble, (1899-1912). Charles B. Ruble, (1900-1954) m Helen A. Finn.

Children of Louisa and Joseph.

Joseph Clemmons, d in 1880 at age of 2 months. James M. Clemmons (1882-1953) m. Lenna M. Pickel (1883-1954). They bur Asbury Chapel Cem. They had four children:

Charles M. Clemmons, m Lillian Evans. Louise Clemmons, m Charles Petraits. Robert Clemmons, m Olive Jones. Martha Jane Clemmons, m Everett DeCoursey.



(1846-1928) (James s/o Christiana d/o George s/o Andrew

s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

George Vaught (1742) and Christiana Phillippi (1763) i i

Christiana Vaught (1812) and John Horn (1869) i i

James Horn (1846) and Susan Collins (1851) i 1 .


xNora 3Wilson 5 U l y s . ' J o s e p h 9Anna " L i l b e r t 1 3 W i l l i e 1 5Sarah 2Hugh "John 6George 8James 10Mary 12Agnes 1 4 Albe r t 1 6 N e l l i e

James Emory Horn, was b in Knox co., IN, on 17 Nov 1846, and d 3 Aug 1928. He m Susan E. Collins (1851-1924) on 8 Sep 1869. She was the d/o Owen and Nancy Johnson Collins. James and Susan are buried in the Asbury Chapel Cemetery. They were the parents of sixteen children.

Nora Alice Horn, (1870-1920) m. 26 May 1894 A. Comodore Phillippe (1850-1928). They are buried at the Asbury Chapel Cemetery. They had three sons:

James Phillippe killed in a mine. Clifford Phillippe m Elva Farley. John Noble Phillippe killed in a mine.

Hugh Horn, b. 1871, d 1955; m Delia McLin (1877-1938) on 19 Nov, 1896. They are bur Bicknell I.O.O.F. Cem. They had four children:

Charles M. Horn, (1897-1965) m. Velma Pirtle (1900-1953) on 12 Jly 1924. Ruby Horn, m (1) O. Rosser; m (2) ; m (3) Charles Hauri. Mabel Horn, m Aud Land. Helen Horn, (deceased) m. Charles Thompson.

Wilson H. Horn, b. 1872, d 1955; m Emily Davis (1871-1904) 12 Aug 1903. They bur Asbury Chapel Cem. They had no children.

John O. Horn, b 12 Jly 1874, and d 1 Jly 1957. m 24 Aug 1909 to Lynne Threlkeld, b 27 Feb 1887, d 6 May 1967. They bur Asbury Chapel Cem. They had three children:

Paul E. Horn, m Bertha Barrett. Marjorie Horn, m Matthew N. Walker. Kathleen Horn, m Daniel Wininger, Jr.



Ulysses G. Horn, (1876 - 17 May 1958) m Edna G. Whitaker (1879-1962) 24 Jly 1901. They bur Asbury Chapel Cem. They had four children:

Ada Horn, (deceased) m Roy Klinger. Kenneth C. Horn, Sr., m Ruby Fox. Ruth Horn, m (1) Roger Rish; m (2) Robert Starr. Rex U. Horn, m (1) Betty Schofield; m (2) ; m (3) Frances Edwards.

George Horn, b 9 Jan 1878 and d 3 Aug 1878. He is buried at Asbury Chapel Cemetery. Joseph Roll Horn, (1879-1947) bur Asbury Chapel Cem. M Cynthia Ellen Carnahan, 18 May 1909 Knox Co., IN. She b 1883. They had three children:

Waldo Horn (1910-1960) m Edith Neal. Candace Horn. Mary Ellen Horn.

James Horn, Jr. b 12 Aug 1881 and d 11 May 1949. M Louise "Lou" Fox, 23 Oct 1901. She was b 17 Jly 1882 and d 25 Nov 1955. They bur Asbury Chapel Cem. They had four children:

Albert "Bill" Horn, (c. 1902-1966) m Marion. Edith Horn, m Ragon Naney. Dorthy Horn, m Munsie Murray. Virgil Carol (Pete) Horn m Betty Hathaway.

Anna A. Horn, (1883-1893) Bur Asbury Chapel Cem. Mary (Mayme E.) Edith Horn, (1885-1954) m J. Frank Carnahan (1860; 1949), 7 Jly 1903. They bur Asbury Chapel Cem. They had four children:

Martha Carnahan, m Carl Simpson. Elwood Carnahan, m Dorothy Meinburg. Frankie Carnahan. Helen Carnahan, m (1) Ed Herold; m (2) Arthur Pflum.

Lilbert Horn, (1887-1960), m Oscar Bennett (d 1929) 27 Dec 1910. They bur Asbury Chapel Cemetery. They had two dau:

Mildred Bennett, m Paul Williams. Norva Bennett, m Paul Snider.

Agnes Iva Horn, b 27 Dec 1889, d 24 Aug 1963, m William H. Robinson, 9 Apr 1912. They bur Asbury Chapel Cem. They had no children. Willie Horn b 17 Apr 1891 d 3 Dec 1891, bur Asbury Chapel Cem.



Albert Horn, b 20 Sep 1892, d 3 Jly 1957. He m Jewel E. Williams, 7 Mar 1914. She b 16 Jly 1896. They bur Asbury Chapel Cem. They had two daughters:

Mary Elizabeth Horn, m Rev. Wm. Burton. Thelma Horn, m Charles Robert French.

Sarah Horn, b 25 May 1896. M. 1914, Marshall A. Frazier (deceased). They had two children:

Arnold Frazier, m Doris Koenig. Lois Frazier, m Gary Price.

Nellie Horn, b 3 Jly 1897. M (1) Clarence Harrington, 27 Aug 1914. They had two children. Nellie m (2) Scott Yates, m (3) Lawrence R. Taylor.

Marvin Horn Harrington, m Elizabeth Hood. Josephine Harrington, m (1) Doyle Cofer; m (2) Charles Eanes.



(Ellis s/o Christiana d/o George s/o Andrew s/o Johan Paulus Vogt)

George Vaught (1742) and Christiana Phillippi (1763) i i

Christiana Vaught (1812) and John Horn (1869) i i

E l l i s Horn and Mary Mason i i

i I I i I I I I I i I I i I I I I I

Edward Dora Nellie Martha Roy Chester Ray Pearl Hugh

Ellis Clifford Horn, was b 2 Jly 1849, d 11 Mar 1908. His first marriage was to Elizabeth Anna Scott on 6 Feb 1873. Anna was b 11 Jly 1852, and d 7 Apr 1876. Her parents were William Thornton and Elizabeth Huntington Scott. E. C. and Anna Scott Horn had no children. "Cliff" Horn then m Mary Elizabeth Mason on 24 May 1877. Mary E. was b 3 Nov 1853, and d 20 Dec 1937. She was the oldest daughter of Alexander Mason (1829-1910) and Martha A. Pickel Mason (1834-1899) of Near Bicknell, IND. Ellis Clifford and Mary E. Horn bur Asbury Chapel Cem. They had nine children.

Edward Blaine Horn, b 14 Oct 1878, d 1937; m 1900 Blance V. Wampler (1880-1924). They bur Asbury Chapel Cem. They had ten children:

Carl Horn, m Opal Powell Lunsford. Mason Alexander Horn, b 6 Dec 1902, d 21 Apr 1904. Susie Horn, m Samuel W. James. Elsie Louisa Horn, m William Riley Reynolds. Clifford John Horn, b. 15 Feb 1908, d 24 Jly 1934; m Pauline Cecile Katherine Horn, m Bert E. Cargel. Edward Horn, Lewellen m Flossie Mae Mitchell. George Farrell Horn, m Mildred Irene Boyer. Mary Lorene Horn, b. 8 Sep 1921, d 17 Oct 1951. m Arthur Grewe. Edith Pauline Horn, m Gerald Wilson Lassen.



Dora Mae Horn b 30 May 1880 on grandfather Horn's farm near Asbury Chapel Church, M 4 Aug 1902, Charles Edward Wittenmyer, s/o Joseph W. (1841-1924) Mary Ann Pheneger Wittenmyer (1844-1900) of near Emison, IND. Ed b 17 Apr 1880 d 10 Mar 1955, bur Asbury Chapel Cem. Three children:

Bernice Marie Wittenmyer m Cecil McCormick 5 Jun 1949. Charles Donald Wittenmyer, m Wilma Dunn 3 Jun 1937. They had one daughter.

Janet Wittenmyer, m Paul D. Earley. Pearl Mildred Wittnemyer, m Thomas S. Haper, 11 Oct 1936. They had two children:

Rita Mae Haper, m Gene E. Bontius. Gary Paul Haper.

Nellie Ann Horn b 26 Nov 1881 d 22 Feb 1965 bur Asbury Chapel Cem m Lewis Welton, 29 Apr 1903 he b 18 May 1878. Five children.

Hugh Clifford Welton, b 22 Jan. 1904, d Sep 1904. Bryon Raymond Welton, m Lois Larick. Howard Chester Welton, b 1910, d 1962, m Lucille Sampson. Dorothy Marguerite Welton, m Clyde Conrad. Mary Elizabeth Welton, m Irvin Albrecht.

Martha "Mattie" Inas Horn, b 10 Nov 1883, m William Harland Robinson (1882-1945), 23 May 1906. Two children:

Mary Martha Horn, m Seward Lewis Kinaman. Harland Leroy Horn, m Bertha Viola Fry.

Roy Ellis Horn, b 11 Feb 1886, d 16 Feb 1959. Bur Asbury Chapel Cem. M Jessie N. Cox, 11 Nov 1909. She b 17 Mar 1890. They had two sons:

Myles Cox Horn, m Mary Urma Long. Robert Maurice Horn, m Jeraline Hooton.

Chester Arthur Horn, b 21 Jan 1888, d 7 Oct 1961. M Winifred Wildman, 1 Jun 1911. He bur Bicknell I.O.O.F. Cem. They had one son.

Charles Myron Horn, b 1924, d 1953. Ray Martin Horn, b 2 Sep 1889, d 15 Sep 1955. He is bur at Effingham, IL. M Eula Bennett, 25 Nov 1919. She b 24 Sep 1896. They had three children:

Ray Martin Horn, Jr., b 15 Sep 1920, d car 2 Aug 1964. Mary "Betty" Elizabeth Horn, m Richard P. Mueller. Charlotte Jean Horn, m Eugene A. Ebert.

Pearl Bernice Horn 8 May 1891 d Dec 1906 Asbury Chapel Cem. Hugh Horn, b 25 Sep 1893, d 15 Nov 1914. M 1 May 1913, Ruth Robinson. He bur Asbury Chapel Cem. They had no children.




Abner Grace

Charles Glen





Charles Hazel Edna O'Willow John John Cecil John J. Maude Bernice Virginia W. Carrollton William

Arnel Jeffery Kristi Thomas

Margaret Sarah William

Vera Wade





Chris Ann

Alva Henry Lela William



Amanda Amanda E. William

Fred Melanie



157 157

175 175 98 98

185 175, 176

185 185 185

259 259 259 259

78, 87 225, 231


241, 246 241, 246



124, 125 125

124, 125 124

118 112 118

71 71

Dora Anderson

Kristy Paul Rhoda Richard Sally Jo

Andis James Mary

Armour Effie Lou

Arney Mr.

Arnold Arnold Linnie Sue

Asher Vada

Ashley Buford Lee

Atkins Minerva Nancy Tatna

Audes Virgil

Augur Beverly

Ayers Dorthy Helen Jack Janell Stanley W.C. William

Bacon Barbara Charles

Ballou Nancy

120, 129

55 55

188, 196 55 55

220 220

239, 252


121 121, 132




214, 218 210 225



126 219 219 219 219 219 219

65, 67 65



Bailey Harold

Baker Brian Geneva Ira Kenneth Rebecca William

Baldwin Milo

Ballard Frances

Ballou Nancy Nancy E.

Barber Joe Mr.

Barker Jaspar

Barlow Andrew Bradley Ralph

Barnes Donna Etta Louise

Barnette Elizabeth

Barr Andrew

Barrett Bertha

Barrier Casper Gaspar Henritta Jacob John Margaret Philip

Barron Ethel

Basham Gloria


83 102, 126

102 102 83




161 171

214 214


85 85 85

176 167 102




3 3

93 3 3 3 3



Bastin Gary Joseph Kenneth

Baugh Esther Hezekiah Keziah Catherine

Baughman Henry John

Bayless Susan Virgil

Beamann Clarabell

Bean Bonny

Beckwith Jay

Bell Edna Gertrude Judith Miss

Benedict Allen Milton W.N. West

Bennett Emma Eula Mildred Norva Oscar

Bester Cathleen Constance "Connie" Danny Ian Jasie Michael

Bicknell Anamile Belle Dallas Effie

74 74 74

6, 18 175

173, 175

204 203

86 82, 86




184 129 117

236, 238 236, 238 236, 238 236, 238

119 271 268 268 268

85 85 85 85 85 85

236, 261 236, 261

238 238

Harry Helen Hugh Jenny June Lois Lucille M. Stokes Mumford Samuel Simpson Stokes

Bishop Charles Elizabeth Geneve Janet Jennetta John P. John Thomas Mary Mary Ann Ollie Samuel Sarah Sophia Stella

Black Janet

Blackard Emory

Blackburn Carol Deanna Diana Harold John Robert Roy

Bobbit Almira Charlie Greenbury Lora Pearle Sally William

238 238 238

236, 261 238 238 238 261 238

236, 238 236, 261


173 181 159 159 173 173 171 173

171, 202 159 159 37

173 173



257 254 257 257 254 257 257

93, 95 93, 95 93, 95 93, 95 93, 95 93, 95 93, 95


Boden Colen

Boden-Caryannis Laurel

Bond Leanna

Bontius Gene

Booth E.E.

Border Barbara C. Robert Clyde Jo Ellen Robert Terrel Timothy

Borders Camilia

Bosse Alice

Boxgardner Myna

Boyd Christena John T. Pauline

Boyer Mildred

Boyle Janet

Bradley Connie

Brady Bessie

Brainsteitter Agnes

Bralley Emer Rebecca

Brand Lee

Brasher Charles Kelsey







88 88 88 88 88 88 88




264 264 125




44, 49


208 208


248 248


Antony Shannon

Bretiler Buelah

Brisco Benjamin Dana Darlene David Don Donald Michelle Pauline Robert Robert Gene Ron Ronald Sandra Trudy

Brookhart Bessie Mae

Brookshier Lee

Broous Hilda

Brotherton Pamela

Brown Lottie Mariah Marie Mary Mary Ellen Rose William

Broyles JoAnn

Brunemett E.M.

Bruner Alice

Brunner Carole Hannah Henry Robert Todd

55 55


65 68

65, 68 68 65 68 68 68

65, 68 68 65 68 68 68





220 94 89 94

179 231, 232





161 161 161 161 161

Bruno Donald

Bryant Mary

Buchanan Alice H.J. Janey Frances

Buck Eugene Fred Larsen Raymond

Buckley Barbara

Bundy Lisa

Burch Glenn

Burford Bradley Bryan Daniel Eric Grant

Burger Philip

Burke Gail

Burkett Catherine Charlie George

Burkhart Elizabeth George Polly Vaught

Burnett Perry Davis

Burnham Brian Lowell Ned

Burris Laura

Burton William




228 228

230 230 230 230




47 47 47 47 47

242, 243

225, 226 251

225, 226

107, 133 107, 133



217 217 217




Bush Billy Bobby Bryan Dolphus Dorcus Gene Grady Junior Kay Mack Marnita Mickey Ola Oratius P.J. Jr. Paul Philip Randal Shirley Tangie Tennie Thomas Tom Virginia William

Butcher Elizabeth

Butler Agnes Vivian Alice Helen Carrie Deanna Harriet Jame Tee James John John Rodney Joshua Lee Thomas

Button Loue

Byers Dorthy George Jeff John

241 241, 244


241, 241, 241,

241, 241,


245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245 245

5, 17, 32, 96


186 186 186 186 207 185 185 185 186 186 238


119 119 119 119

Martha Jean Nola Nora Olma Omer

Byrant Col. Ed

Calhoun Catherine Gilbert Mae Roy

Caliborne Belle

Calkins Ina

Callahan Bill Heather Heidi John John Everett Mark Thomas

Callaway James Jeanne Kathleen

Campbell Billy Margaret

Canter Eliza Minerva William

Cantrell Elizabeth

Cape John Cecil

Cargel Bert

Carie Laura

Carl John

Carlisle L.B.

119 119 119 119 119


229 229 229 229



66, 70 70 70

66, 70 70

66, 70 66, 70

53, 54 53, 54 53, 54

202 79

62, 64 62 64








Carlton Patricia

Carlyle Maggie

Carmichael Ray

Carnahan Cynthia Elwood Frankie Helen J. Frank Martha

Carson AdaD. Albert Alberta Maybelle Alice Alice Kathryn Amanda Evelyn Andrew Perkins Ann Marie Bernice Blake Brian Carrie Carol Catherine Ceany Ann Charles Charles (1898) Charles Hendricks Charles William Charlotte Christopher Cortha David Michael David Richard Donna Lorraine Douglas Edward Edwin Eliza Ann Eliza Jane Elizabeth E. Elizabeth Frances Elizabeth Huey

173, 181, 173,

24, 173,



181, 175, 188, 175,

171, 171,

173, 189, 202, 171, 175,





171, 171, 171,




268 268 268 268 268 268

183 177 198 188 181 203 182 199 175 199 199 175 200 204 178 188 175 192 192 199 200 173 193 199 177 193 190 199 24

179 173 202

, 188 194

Eloise Eudora Alice Everet Virgil Flonnie Estelle Florence Florence Isabel Fred Geneva George Thomas George W. Gerald Gerald George Gerald Rhae Gregory Helen Helen Virginia Iris James James Clark James Edward James M. James Mayhew James Thomas James Wesley Jane Eleanor Jennifer Jerry Jerry Allen Joan John Armand John Brent John Thomas John Wesley John William Joseph Joseph Andrew Joseph Kelly III Joseph Kirtley Joseph O. Joseph O. Kelly Kelly Ann Kristin Laura Belle LaVon Leonard Lucian Lucy



171, 181, ,



171, 181, 188,


196 171, 203 181, 183

183 187, 191

181 175, 202

184 171, 181 171, 173

175 177 177 193 188

181, 195 216, 217

188 181, 183 189, 200 171, 174

193 202, 204

202 189, 201

196 188 193

187, 190 196

173, 175 196, 197 24, 171

171, 181 188 190 192

187 , 190 187

171, 181 193 197

171, 174 175

202, 204 187, 190 202, 204



Marion F. Marjorie Martha Ann Martha Francis Martha Susan Mary Mary Ellen Mary Jane Mary Michael Mayhew Mayhew Watt Michael Michael Stephen Milford Perkins Minnie Mittie B. Nettie Nytro G. Peter John Philip Richard Rufus Ruth Ruth Alice Sallie Samantha Jane Sandra Sarah Jane Sciotha M. Scynthia Ann Sena Catherine Sharon Sharon Rhae Sophia Helen Stuart Vickie Walter Wesley Wesley (1819) William William F. D. William J. William Jefferson William Lucian William Parker



171, 171,

174 184 182 173

171,202 202, 171, 171,


171, 171, 181, 171, 181,

188, 216,

188, 192, 171,

171, 181, 171, 171, 171,





204 203 173 197 188 199 189 200 182 203 184 182 183 197 199 199 217 202 204 196 202 193 185 173 173 174 200 177 182 199 199 202 171 24

187 174 171 181 181 202


Carter Barbara Charles Charles C. Devere John John T. F. Marion Sarah

Carter Susie

Casada Carroll Edgar Harold James Lawrence Lewis Louise William

Cassabaum Betty

Castell Judith

Catron Jacob (Carson)

Caul William

Chamberlain Anita

Chaney Ophia

Chapman Coriene

Chatwell Emaline

Childress Irene Nora

Choat Elizabeth

Christensen Matilda

Christenson David Derek Sara

132 132

171, 178 132 171 178 132

171, 178

202, 204

90, 91 90, 91 90, 91 90, 91

91 90, 91

91 91






73, 74

189, 200

214, 216

128 127



55 55 55


Christian Marjorie

Christins Roy

Cinna Celina

Clark Charlotte Harvey Philip Rhea Kirby Whitney

Claussen Marlis

Clements Catherine Catren Christian Elizabeth Gaspar James John Margaret Mary Catherine Nancy Polly

Clemmons Charles James Joseph Joseph,Jr. Louise Martha Robert

Clohard Lulu

Clover Norris Wanda

Cochran Page

Cofer Dyle

Coggin Zorah

Cole Jacob

66, 70



208 51

208 208 208


2 3

2 ,3 3 2 3

2 ,3 3 3 3 3

266 264, 266 264, 266

264 266 266 266


166 166



240, 242


Coleman Oressa

Collins Owen Sarah Jane Susan

Compton William

Conrad Clyde

Cood Conrad Jacob

Cook Carolyn Ralph

Cooper Randy

Cormany Molly

Cotta Nancy

Cox Amy Jessie Monnie

Cradick Myrtle

Crawford Crawford George Leighton Zella

Creagar Catheine Vaught Michael

Creemore Courtney

Crigger Allen

Crocal Elizabeth

Crow John

Crutchfield Claude Harvey


265, 267 178

265, 267



7 7

57 131




84 271


187, 190

166 3

73 73

5, 17 5, 17





240, 244 240, 244


Henry Horace Karen Mattie Stanley T.L. Tom Travis

Crutchfiled Jessie

Cull Margaret

Cummings Avery III Avery, Jr. Jane Jennifer John Louise Molly Norma Ray

Cundiff Charlotte China Ed Evelyn John JohnB. Lavinia Levi Lulu Samuel Sarah Wallace William William Bowen William Elias William H.

Cunningham Howard Howard Allen Lois Michelle

Dailey Joseph Kathleen

240, 244 240, 244 244, 245 240, 244 244, 245

245 240, 244

, 244, 245

240, 244


189, 201 189, 201 189, 201 189, 201

242 242

189, 201 242 242

33 167 167 101 64

167 179 167 167 167 101 167 101 101 101 179

51, 53 51

51, 53, 54 53

55 55

Dant Catherine

Dattering Catharine

Datteringin Catharina


Davee Mary

Aubrey Francis




Claude J.W.

Nancy Claire

Amelia Anna Artie Bary Lynn Carol Debra Emily Gary Ha John Burnett Jr. John Burnette Lee Leonard Pattie Ronald Sarah Susan Wilbur

Dayton Agnes Alice Alice Amanda Anna Edith James R. John John Jr. John L. Ruth William


6, 18



256 256

250 250


258 258 258 183 160 258 267 160

158, 162 183 183 258 258 258 157 91 258 160 185 185

181, 185 185

181, 185 185

181, 185 181

185, 186 181, 185

185 181, 185


Deal Ira

DeCoursey Everett

Deis Alice Alice Julia Bert Bert Charles Bryan Raymond Elizabeth Jane Frank Frank H. Frank Henry Frank Robert Frank Robert Jr. Gary Alan Kelly Jo Kenneth Allen Robert Frank Robin Shelly Stephanie Thomas Frank

DeJohn Akta

DeLong Mary

DeMars Shirley

DeVault Wesley

DeWeese Doris

Di Witt Lois

Dick Glenice Jomer Russell

Dobbs William F.

Dobler Betsy Elizabeth Jacob Margaret



175 176 175 176 176 176 175

175, 176 176 176 176 176 176 176 176 176 176 176 176


120, 123





74 73 73


5 6, 18

5 5, 18

Dooley Darci Darreb John

Doudy Katherine

Douthat Clyde Emma

Driscoll Joe

DuBois George

Ducote Carolyn

Duddles Ralph

Duncan Agnes

Dungan Alvis Elisha John Margaret Margret Ann

Dunkey James

Dunn Wilma

Dupuy Joe

Duryea John

Dutton Adam Amanda Caroline Elijah Elizabeth Henry Laura Lucinda Martin Mary Sarah

Dyer Frances


211, 211, 225,

211, 211,

211, 225, 228, 211, 211, 211, 211,

211, 225,

201 201 201


220 220






73 100 153 100 35





233 233 228 233 233 233 233 233 233 233 233



Eanes Charles

Earhart Posie V. Theresa S.

Earl John

Earley Paul

Eastham Betsy

Easton Bertha Mark

Ebert Eugene

Ecker Shirley

Edwards Frances John Pauline Robert

Eichler David Douglas Jeffry Marlene

Eichelberger Barbara



Dorothy Ellis

Clara Doris Eva John Sidney

Embry William

England Harry Henry Jennifer Linda Richard Sally

E., Jr.


111 111




37 37



268 8

101 74

199 199 199 199

4, 16


253 251

255, 259 253, 255



191 187 191 191

187, 191 191





Sherri William



Mary er

Deborah Martin Richard Vickie


Evans Ennis

Lilliam Virgil




Cy r

Elva gton Theodore

Faught Adam Adam, Jr. Barbara Catherine Elizabeth Gaspar George John Joseph Leonard Margaret Martin Mary Paul Rachel Sarah William

Faulkner Lester

Fellerhoff John

208 208




88 88 88 88



82, 83

45, 48


188 7 7

7, 8 7

7, 8 7

7, 8 7 7 8 7 7 7 7 7 7 7








Randall Robert Robin Whitney




Andrew Ann Charles Crockett Elvira Gilbert Gilbert Sullins Infant James Watson John John Ganaway Lavaina Lucinda Mary Jane Nancy Elizabeth Stanley Olin Virginia Lee Vriginia William Hicks

Fitch Lela

Fleming Earl Harvey Ora William

Flora Susan

Foley Ida

Folkman Alan Jame Daren Julie Kevin Ryan Todd

88 88 88 88



266 109

107, 109 107, 109 107, 109 107, 109

227 109, 110

107 107, 109

227 107, 109, 110

107, 109 107, 109 107, 109 107, 109 107, 109

110 227

107, 109


260 260 260 260



Trina Ford

Clyde Frances

Fore A.C. Estelle

Foreman Emma

Foster Bernie Buel Edward Segal Vernie






Darel Hugh Ida Ivenell Louise Ruby Willard

Arnold Lois Marshall

Catherine i


Louise Maria Lowell Thomas






Dora Fuller

177 177 177 177 177 177

Fuller Regneld

Fulton Robert

Gaines Carna


260 131

252 252, 256


97 97

158 97 97

261 261 261 261 268 268 261

269 269 269



176 176




104 231


52, 57

Garland Alma Bertha George

Garner George

Gass Donna

Gastineau Joel Sarah

Gibson Elizabeth Flint Sarah Sarah Elizabeth

Gicerd Raymond

Gilbert Gerald Grover Linda Noah

Gill Marilyn Matilda Matilda Rose

Gillespie Hugh

Gilliland Milton

Gillins Mr.

Gillis Donald Gordon Mary Ann

Gilmore Allena Andrew Canie Ed Eva Franklin Grace Henry Hugh

37 37

36, 37



78, 90 78, 90

35 54 78 78


254 254 254 254

74 58 ii




75 75 75

80 80 80 80

78, 79 80

78, 79 167 80


James John Franklin Ruth Smith

Girdler Josiah Mary "Polly"

Gleaves John Nathan Sally

Glen Jack Pam

Gloss Francis

Gloyd Loren Jr.

Golden Lee

Good Minnie Lee William R. Woody

Goodman Barbara Vaught George

Gordon John Robert Sheila William

Goshen Debra

Gosnell Linda

Gossett Audie

Gray Mr.

Green Edna

Grewe Arthur

Gridler Mary "Polly"

78, 79 80

78, 79 167

35 173

5 5

5, 17

194 194




174 174 174

5, 17 5, 17

185 185 185 185





188, 199




Griffith Krysten

Grubb John

Gust Bevery

Hadley Donita

Haglund Christine Kenneth Milissa Tanya

Hall D.B. Joseph

Hamilton James Mary Patsy Peggy

Hamm John Mildred

Hanks Rosa

Hanna Paul

Hansen Michael

Hansford Winifred

Haper Gary Rita Thomas

Hardy Anneliese Arthur

Harejsi Daniel Jim Sonna Steven

Hargis Susie






48 48 48 48

74 79

87 87 87 87

157 157





271 271 271

247 247

45 45 45 45


Elmer Phyllis Urey

Harman William

Harrington Clarence Josephine Marvin

Harris Daniel James Martha Nettie

Harrison Beatrice Byron

Harvey Albert Chick Dale Leland Ester Esther Eva Julia Alice Thomas Leland

Haskett Harry Harry Jr.

Hathaway Betty

Hatter Florence June

Hauri Charles

Hawley Christopher John Stan Stanley

Haynie Cheryl

Hays Celia Matilda


159 159 159


269 269 269

257 158 232 257

219 132

165, 166 244 176

165, 166 153 125 176 176

175 175


98 98


67 67 67 67


93 78, 90, 94

Emma Heaton

Barbara Elizabeth

Hedges Marietta

Hedrick Ann

Heldrith Charles Charlotte Harold Herman Herman, Jr. Margaret Ray Robert Thomas Virginia

Helm James Marcus Hocher

Hempstead Rushia

Hendricks Katherine Mahala Sarah

Henry Rodney Ruby

Henson Bessie

Herold Ed

Hickey Marie

Hickman Elizabeth

Higgens Jim William Robert

Hiland Christine

Hill George Harold

239, 250

5 5, 17



216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216 216

184 184


36 100 36

199 258





96 96


236 236


James Logan Martha Mary Norman Pina Samuel Wayne William

Hillery W. Rex

Hillman Anna

Hinds Charles


Charles Franklin James

Hines George Shelton

Hirschmann Ann Belle

Hixon Dorothy

Hobbs Gladys

Hock Melvina

Hoff Mary

Hogan Chester James Kathryn Leonard Michael Susan

Hold Madeline

Holley Alfred Myrtle

Holmes Geneva

Hood Elizabeth


236, 237 236 236 236 236 236 236 236 236



204 204 204

96 173




82, 84


251 192 192 192 192 192

188, 199

252 252




Jeraline Hopkins

Viola Hopman

Arthur Dorthy

Horn Ada Agnes Albert Anna Candace Carl Cecile Charles Charlotte Chester Clifford Dora Dorthy Edith Edward Ellis Elsie Emory George Harland Helen Hugh James James Emory John John (1813) JohnO. John T. Joseph Kathleen Kenneth Lilbert Louisa Louisa J. Mabel Marjorie Martha Mary Mary Edith Mary Elizabeth



45 45

268 265, 268

265, 268, 269 265, 268

268 270 270

267, 271 271

265, 271 270

265, 271 268

268, 270 265, 270

270 270

24 265, 268, 270

271 267

265, 267, 271 24, 265, 268

265, 267 264, 265

24 267

24, 265 265, 268

267 268

265, 268 264, 266

24 267 267

265, 271 265 268

269, 271

Mary Ellen Mary Lorene Mary Martha Mason Nellie Nora Nyles Paul Pearl Ray Ray, Jr. Rex Robert Roy Ruby Ruth Sarah Susie Thelma Ulysses Virgil Waldo Willie Willis Clifford Wilson

Horner Naonne

Hotsinger Mary

Houch Karen Kevin William

Houck George

Housman Mollie

Howard Barbara

Howell Aaron Cullen Emma Emma Rintha Isaac Isaac Cullen James

268 270 271 270

265, 269, 271 265, 267

271 267

265, 271 265, 271

271 268 271

265, 271 267 268

265, 269 270 269

265, 268 268 268

265, 268 24

265, 267


218, 221

50 50 50

236, 239

214, 215

5, 17

108, 134 108 134 108 134 108

108, 134


Jane John John Mitchell Madison Margaret Melinda Melinda Ellen Mollie Mollie Caroline William William Jefferson

Hubble Martha E.

Huddle Artie Edd Elizabeth George Samuel

Huffman Hugh

Hughes Chester Daniel Darsee David De Maris Gary Geraldine Gladys Jeannette Karilyn Kelly Lester Melvin Opal Oral Rebbecca Scott Stacee Steven Susan Thomas Thomas Edward Walter

Hulcher Marie Annetta

108, 108,


44 52

52 52 51 51

44, 51 51 51

44, 52 44, 51

44 44


108 134 108 134 134 134 108 134 108 134 108


154 154 233 154 154


,52 , 56

56 , 56 , 56 , 55 , 55 ,53 , 55 , 55

55 , 56 , 55 ,51 ,51

56 56 56 55 55 51 44



Hull Dennis

Hunt Sally

Huntington Abraham Alberttie Allen Alma Alona Amelia Asachar Audie Basil Beckie Bisbee Bobbie Bonnie Bartley Bonnie Loy Cynthia Dessie Donald Earl Elaina Elizabeth Esther Ethel Eva George Ginette Harold Holly Hubert Iona Jake James Jane Jerald John Joseph Joy Lara Leland Leslie Lindsey Loretta Martha








236, 239,



239, 250 239, 251

259 239, 250

254 258

239, 252 239, 251

255 236

239, 250 259

252, 254 254 252 254 255

253, 258 259 270

239, 250 239, 250

258 236 257

239, 253 256

252, 257 239, 250 252, 256

254 259 257

255, 257 252, 255

255 239, 240 253, 259

258 255

239, 251 236


Mary Michale Morris Nadine Nancy Norma Norta Otis Patty Paul Ralph Rebecca RozAnn Samuel Sandra Silla Susan Teddy Tempa Terri Tommy Ray Tommy Ray Jr. Trupe Vance Verdie Verna Willard Zilla

Hurt Clarence William

Hyde Francois Lydia

Iabnet Howard

Inabnitt Howard Katherine

Irwin Celina

Ivens N. A.

Ivey Barbara Clifford


236, 256, 257 254 255

239, 251 257

252, 256 239, 251 239, 251

255 252, 256

257 239 259

236, 239 258 239 256 259

239, 251 259 252 252

239, 250 239, 252 239, 251

254 254

252, 257

230 230

198 198


92 92



259 259

Loraine Jackson



Aulene Thomas


Barbara Cleo David Earl Emma Ernest Heather James E. Jason Jeffery John John, II Josephine Karl Katharine Kathryn Louis Margaret Mary Mary Louise Myrtle Philip Ricky Sammy Samuel Sara Susanna William

Jenkins Hazel




Gayle 1

Teresa William

Mary Johnson

Charles Curtis


66 8


220 218, 220 218, 220

220 218, 220 218, 220

50 218, 220

50 50

50, 220 50

197 218 197 220

218, 220 220

197, 220, 226 220

218, 220 197 50

220 270 197 197 220

187, 190


69 69


40, 188, 199 67


Elizabeth Adeline Enoch George John JohnS. Julius Lucian Mildred Nancy Odella Ruthann Sallie E. A. Stewart T.T.

Johnston Jacob

Joiner Lynn

Jones Blake Geneva Katherine Lewis Myrtle Olive Ronald Rosa Victoria

Jordan Ruby

Jost Agnes

Keeney Cheryl Edwin Norbet "Buck" Norbet, II

Keesling David Judith Rosanna

Keisewetter Frank

Keller Goldie

Kennedy Harold Winifred





206 23

187 261 250 261 236 181 261 267 228 131 181 38




68 159 44

159 162 266

68 128 123



79 79 79 79

207 207 168



101 58

Kettering Maria

Killough Floyd Linda Steve

Kimberland Emma

Kinaman Seward

Kincaid Gaylad Winfieid

Kinder Can-Charles

King Anna Bryan Charles Christopher DeAnna Donald Dorlisa Frances Harold John, Jr. Josephine Kahle William Kahle William, Jr. Kerry Mary Nannie C. Son

Kircher Vera

Kirchoff Edwin

Kirkwood Daniel David Deborah Joseph Joyce Karen Robert Sally Jo


23, 104

245 245 245




222 222

5, 17, 30 208 208 208 208 208 208 208 208

107, 111 208 208 208 208 208

107, 111 208



198 198 198

188,198 188 198

188,198 198


Netus Klinger

Roy Koenig

Doris Korte

Harry Koscinski

Lisa Marie Kuhnapfel

Orwin Lackey

Bernice Dora

Lampe Janet

Land Aud

Langdon Andrew Charles Edith Elizabeth Homer Joan Oral Orville Robert Ronald Sarah Wilford William

Langus Betty

Lanier James

Larick Lois

Larson Ellen

Lassen Gerald

Latham Homar

Lathan Wesley








117 120, 129



62 157 157 62

157 157 157 157 157 157 73

157 62, 157




188, 192




Dashiell James Jesse

Layman Raymond

Leddy Charles Clara Delia Jacob

Leffler Mr.

Leib Maxine

Lem L.H.

Lenear Marquerite

Leonard Ashley Grace

Leventon Martha

Lewis Amelia Nera

Lillie Allyne George

Lindsay Mary

Lindsey Linda

Liner Henry

Littz/Letz Joel

Lofton Emma

Logan Charles Charles Easton David

Long Mary

Longnecker Atchinson

54 54 54


230 230 230 230





84 186

241, 246

130 259

175 175


110, 227




175 175



124, 125


Charles Harold Katherene Mary Oterbein Paul Robert

Lovett Andrew Charles Clyde Etta Jonathan Martin Mary McEIroy Mr. Rose Sarah William

Lowe Debora Lenae Melvin Rory Scott Tyler William Zachary

Lowery Lawrence

Lunsford Opal

Lyner Adam Christopher Henry

Lyons Patsy

Mack Edna Elsie J. Donald James John Maurice Nella

124, 124, 124, 124, 124, 124, 124,

153, 165,





125 126 126 125 126 126 126

168 168 168 168 168 168 168 168 168 168 168 168

249 249 249 249 249 249 249 249



3 3 3


266 266 266 266 266 266 266

Opal MacKay

Ruth MacKey

Harold Maifeld

Ethel Vaught Manamaker

Fred Mann

Estelle Lee Manos

Madaline Mike

March Debbie Dennis William

Marhoffer Harry

Marshall Flora Fred Hugh Johnnie Lura Mattie Murray William

Martin John, Jr. Margie Sam Wilbur

Martino Al

Mason Alexander Beatrice Mary Elizabeth

Massey Mendia

Mather Gwen

Mathis Lucille



153, 153, 153, 153,

153, 153, 153,








89 89

68 68 68


164 164 164 164 254 164 164 164

134 79

127 125


270 70






Redman Mattox

Ruth May

Alexandris William

Mayall Braun Broun Donald Elizabeth Nancy Russell Sally Sally Lou

McAninch Lora J. Melissa

McCart Virgil

McCarthy James James Daniel Linda Nancy Roxann

McCarty Garnett

McCary Kathleen Kristen Dawn Michael Patrick Patrick W. Wellington R.

McClary Effre

McCleave Marion

McClintock Annie

McClure Dennis Don Edgar Nellie O'Connel Ray



247 247

247 246 247

246, 247 246, 247

247 246 248

97 98


201 201 201 201 46

130, 131

186 186 186 186 186




261 261 261 261 261 261

Roy McClurg

Luther Opal Ruth

McCormick Cecil

McCullaugh Jackie

McEIroy Alonzo Ballard Rosella

McGahan Ida

McGee Joe Michael Shawn

McKinney James Mildred Sarah Will

McLain Mr.

McLin Delia

McMurphy Edgar

McQueary Mary Irene

McQueen Elisha Gregory Jeneffer Philip

McWhinney Jessie

Meece Ann Ann Louisa Ann Louise Burnard Christine Vaught Christopher Crawford


160 160 160



157 157 155

100, 102

45 45 45

100 101

100, 101 64, 100




96, 97

160 160 160 160


35 93 95 94

5, 17 93 93


Elizabeth Everett Fountain Genova John Laura Lela Lucy Maggie Mariah Mariah Bell Martha Mary Oma Paula Paulina Rector Richard Robert Rosy Sarah William William Ellice

Mees Barbara

Meinburg Dorothy

Meloy James, III James, Jr. Kelsey

Meredith Jane

Merrill Barbara Robert

Meyer Donald

Mickey Grace Mr. William

Milender Douglas

Miles Albert Donald

35, 93 94

35, 93, 94 162

5, 17, 35, 93 102 94

35, 94 93 35 94

35, 93 35, 93

94 94 35 93

35, 93 102 93

35, 93 35, 78




65, 69 65, 69



101 101


260 260 260


125 125

Eudolia Flenn Margarett

Miller Christopher Ernest Jane John III John Jr. Julia May Martha Jane Tom

Mitchell Edna Flossie

Molino Vince

Montgomery Bonnie Fay Lucinda Merton Vernice

Moody Thomas

Moore Cassie Jared Lindsey Martha Silas Travia

Morlan Carolyn Marilyn Ralph Shirley

Morris Marcus Mary

Morrison Hugh

Moss Judith

Moyers Sarah

Mueller Richard

125 125 125

84 255 255

84 84

113 181 157

127 270


113 112, 116

115 254


64, 65 249 249 246 122 249

49, 50 49, 50 49, 50 49, 50

221 221



214, 218



Mullins Lena

Munsey Sue





Charles Thomas Helen James R. Kenneth Noble Munsie Terry Lee Wilma Jean

r Katherine Lena William

Charles Elizabeth Jourdan Mary Mr.

Calloway Maggie





Ragon a



Audubon Bertie Carrie Emmet Greek Hampton Henry Lillie Wiley

Neikirk Franklin George Jessie John Lulu



38 38 38 38

268 38

Lyle Margaret Mariah Mary Paul Rosanna Sally Wanda

Neilson Steve

167 167 167 167 167 167 167 167

54 Nelson


214 214 214

258 236, 260

161 236, 260 236, 260

182 182 182




214, 222 214, 222 214, 222 214, 222 214, 222 214, 222

109, 214, 222 214, 222 214, 222

167 167 167 167 167

Allen Christina Christina Elizabeth Edward Jane Jane Katrine Jerry Mamie Martha Martha E. Mary Mary E. Nancy Nancy E. Nelson B. Phoebe Phoebe M. Sabina Sabina A. William

New Effie James

Newby America Edmund Harriet S. Mary Vaught Patsy

Newkirk Charles

Newland Winnie

Newville Dorthy


236 236, 239

24 237 236

24 89 72

236 24

236, 260 24

236, 238 24 24

237 24

236, 261 24

24, 237

158, 162 158, 162

43 34

5, 17 43, 44

5, 17 34




Betty Walter

Nicholls Barbara Edwin

Nichols Lela

Nickell Karen

Noel Lennie

Nolan Carol

North Josie

Nunnelley Georgia Thomas

Nye Adam Ella Ida

Orr Miss

Osborn William

Owens Mary Nellie

Pace Josephine

Parker Ann Lester

Parkes John

Parks Lowell

Parsons Minnie Pauline

Patterson Allen Janet Janice John Pat

188 188,194

227 227






183 183

207 207 207



228 228


38 49



121, 132 185

52 52 52 52



Paul Patton

Emma Peavyhouse

Sam Teressa B.

Peery Sallie

Peetz Albert Albert, Jr.

Pendleton Eliza Harper Hiram Joseph

Pennington Gretrna

Perkins Henry Maude E. Willis Craig

Persinger George Mary

Peters Katherine Sarah

Peterson Elmer

Petraits Charles

Pflum Arthur

Phegley Alice

Phelps Andrew Beverly Lottie Mahala Mary "Polly"

Pheneger Mary Ann

Phillippe Carl Carl Richard




183 183


157 157

107 107 107 107


134 179 179

30 8

188,196 78, 80





64 74 64

35, 62




131 131


Charles Clenn Clifford Comodre Delta Dewey Edith Forrest Gladys Glenn Grace Ira James John John Noble Martin Norvin Robert Thomas William

Phillippi Abe Annabell Barbara Barbara (1806) Bertha Bessie Buelah C. Calvin Roscoe Charles Joseph Charley Chrisley H Chrisley Hoskins Christiana Christiana (1763) Christina Christley H Christopher Delpha Jane Delta Dennis Dewey Edith Elizabeth Elsie Emory

130, 131 131 267 267 130 130

130, 131 130, 131

130 130 130 130

131, 267 130 267

130, 131 130, 131 130, 131

130 130

37, 40 37, 38

225 24

37, 40 37

87, 89 225

39 39

37, 40 36 38

16, 30, 211, 233 22

4 37

35, 36 39

120 89

120 37, 38

5, 17, 36, 39 37, 38


Florence Fountian Franklin Geneva George George T. Gladys Glen Glen Edward Grace Greenbury Hazel Homer Ira James J. John John M. Joseph R. Joseph Roscoe Katherine Lina Louisa M. Love Lula Malinda Malinda C. Margaret Mark Martin Mary Martha Matthew Neal Nellie Nina Ora Richard Raymond Rita Ruth Sarah Sarah E Shirley Stella Stephen Tamira Thomas Twins Vernon Ray

37, 38 36 36

37, 40 37, 40 36, 37

120 39 39

120 36, 37 37, 40

39 120 210

4, 16, 36, 120 36, 37 36, 37

39 36 89 36

36, 37, 40 36, 37

37 36, 37

36 89

120 36 89

87, 89 37, 40 37, 38 87, 89

37 89

37, 40 37 36

37, 40 37, 38

36 89

120 37, 38


William William H. William L.




John Sella

Lenna Martha

Sarah Pierce

Nancy Sally Ann Wanda

Pilcher Eugene Larry Teddy

Pinkstaff Adam Cora C. Dorothea Felix Frank Jasper Jennie Mary Ann Mary Susan Morris Rebecca Wheeler

Pinnick Margaret

Piper Christopher James John Thomas

Pirtle Velma

Pittman Susie

Placker Catherine

Plantz Fern

120 36, 37


104 238




24, 206 109, 110

160 162 162 162

123 113 113

112, 117 112, 117 112, 117 112, 117

118 116

112, 117 112, 117 112, 117


195 195 195 195






Plumb Elizabeth Herbert James Janet Luann Marjorie

Pollard Janet Lee

Pollards Tully

Poncey Concepcion Earl Helen Patricia

Poore Robert

Porter John M. Wythe G.

Pottenger Carole

Powell Jim Mr. Roland Shona

Price Gary Mr.

Purcell Elizabeth

Quigley Sylvia

Rader C.B.

Ramsey Elmer James

Ranard Grace

Randa Maria

Rankin Carrie


188,195 188,195 188,195

195 195



82, 83

65 65 65 65






261 66

66, 71 269 260




226 220





Ray Emily Catherine

Mary Rayborn

Lola Redding







Amanda Fox Effie George Thomas Levi






Cecil Margaret Sarah Virginia William

Floy Francis Obediah



Roger Robertson

Patricia Robinson

Ruth William

Rodemaker Leonard

Roderiguz Isabella

Romick Brain


Ross Doris







52, 56

171, 181 185 181 37

157 38 78

257 270

117 124 124





271 268, 271






Kenneth Nora Lee Ravon Ulis William William Kelly

Rosser O.

Routh Maude

Rowe Thelma

Ruble Charles Emma Henry Isaiah Jacob Johm John Martin

Rudy James Robert

Russell Bill

Ryan Tomala

Sailor George

Sage Lessie

Sampson Lucille

Sanders Marcia

Sandifer Ida

Saxton Beverly

Schmidt Phyllis Marie

Schofield Betty

Schreiner Thomas

Schultz Ellen

98 98 98 98 98 98




266 264, 266

266 264, 266

266 264 266

71 71




226, 227



153, 155






Scott Elizabeth George Jo Anne William

Sears Bertha Betty Lottie Orville

Seay Icey

Sechrest Alice George W.

Seirp George Martha William

Seitginger Gilbert Harlie

Seitzinger G.

Sexton Hugh

Shaeffer George

Shaffer Carrie Delmes

Sharpe Merna

Sheets William

Shewmaker George James Michael Michael Junior Patsy

Shinkle Brittie

Shores Erwin

Shreve Wayne

265, 242, 242,


240 240

270 243 243 270

220 220

81 73


113 113

236 236 236

115 117




123 128



244 244 244 244 244





Shriner Lela

Shupe Ocie

Sigmore Betty

Simkins Mr.

Simpson Carl Emma Melissa Tommy Tommy Jr.

Singleton Betty

Sipe Myrtle

Sipple Eva

Slemp Elizabeth Jacob Mary Daughtery

Smeeks Edith

Smetka Julia

Smiley Carlis

Smith Cardelia Ella Eugenia Helen Nannie Ralph Sandra

Snider George Paul

Snoddy Betsy Ann Kelly Lynn Richard Duane Robert Robin Sue

51, 55




268 91

245 245 245

189, 200



23, 29, 35 35 35




134 100 134 219 134 119 55

117 268

186 186 186 186 186


Tammy Diann William

Snyder Bessie David Edna Franklin Galard Jesse Maggie Mattie Paul Richard Thomas

Sollene Nicholas

Solseth Beth Erik Gary Lori Sonya Todd Wallace

Sovey Ben Diane

Sowder Dorotha Ethel Fannie John Walter Lela Pearl

Spalding George

Spangler Charles

Spears Allie

Spiller Zola

Spring Ella George Margaret Roger

186 186

229 228 229 229 229 116 229 229 229 229 229


46, 47 47

46, 47 46, 47

47 46, 47 46, 47

186 186

44, 45 44, 45, 48

44, 45 44, 45 44-46

44, 45



155, 159


87, 88 87, 88 87, 88 87, 88


Staley A.O.

Erin Joseph Michael Richard Steven William

Stallard Opal

Stanberry Alexander Louisa Louisa Ann




James John Nathan Laura Sally


Erin Joseph Michael Richard Steven William

Stempson Elsie

Stensby Adam Bert Catherine Charlotte Daniel Deloris Donald Jill LeRoy Lissa Luke Michael Robert


190 190 190 190 190 190


97, 99 99 97

119 119 119 119


190 190 190 190 190 190


46 45, 46

46 46 46

45-47 45, 46

46 45, 46

46 46 46

45, 46


Stephens Clay

Stevenson Abbie Bessie Clarence Cora Felix Firman John Mary Milton Wayne

Stewart Alexander Karen Wayman

Stites Elsie

Stogsdill Herman

Stone Charles Margaretta

Stout Elizabeth

Straka Christopher Emilie Samuel

Strange Herbert

Stranger James John John, Jr. Laura

Sturdavant Tim

Sugarman Gabriel Gabriella Peter

Sullivan Erma

Sulzer Anna

112, 112, 112, 112, 112, 112, 112, 112, 112, 112,



115 115 113 115 113 113 113 113 113 113

120 70




159 159


247 247 247

132 108 108 119 108 108


196 196 196



Surbeck Randy

Surber David Martin Rebecca Surber

Swaker Mary Mary (Polly)

Sweeney Belle Browdy Ceania Ceania Ann Cenia Chrisley Delia Mae Elizabeth Emery Ernest Flora Fred George George P. Green L. Green P. Greenie P. Hardin Hardin N. Henry M. Isobel Jamie Jane JohnR. Lee Lela Malinda C. Mary J. Nena Nettie M. Onie Sally William P. Willis

Sweigart Dale


36 173 159 173

214 24, 214

179 36

171 179 179 36

179 36 36 36

179 179 36

179 171, 179

171 179 179 171 36 36

179 36, 37

179 179 36

171, 179 36 36

179 36

179 179 179



Michael Steven William

Tani Joyce

Tanner Joseph Marcie Mary Lois Melissa Michele Mollie Steven

Tarter Ettie Estelle Janie Joseph Josiah Verna

Tate Violet

Taylor John Lawrence Martha Nova Pernetta

Terhune Buck

Teshler Abraham

Thackson Decatur Leslie

Thibo Judith Ann

Thomas Margaret

Thomason Wayman Jr.

Thompson Charles Donald Lawrence Mary Ann Nancy Stan

160 160 160


54 54 98 54 54 54 54

174 230 230 174 230


153 269

62, 153 255




258 258


97, 99


267 51

245 221

72 244

Wayman Thomson

Frank Threlkeld

Lynne Thruman

Burlin Hazel

Tilford Molly

Tobler Catherine

Todd Deanna Hobert Roger

Townsend James James Stephen John

Trout David George Nicholas

Troy Mary

Tucker Cora

Tuel Margaret

Turner Jason Jennifer Lyle

Tyler Samuel Wilma

Tzouanakis John Mary

Ught Catherine Leah

Umbarger Serena

Unverth Mary




73 73


211, 225, 228, 233

163 163 163

98 98 98

3 3 3



123, 127

56 83 56

254 254

257 257

5 5




Updike Norma 126

Van Bergen Amy Beth 47 Brandon 47 Jason 47 Robert 47

Vanarsdsdell Mattie 154

Vanes Gregory 50 Gregory John 50 John 50 William 50

VanHook Jeffery 92 John 161 Laura 155, 161 Robert 92 William 74

Vaughan Mr. 206

Vaught Abbie 214, 216, 217 Abraham 6, 16, 19, 22, 214 Abraham (1801) 24 Ada 231 Adila 207 Albert 96, 97 Alfred 78, 81, 82, 84 Alice 101, 219, 225, 230 Allena 78 Allie 100, 102 Almada 35 Alonzo 153, 155, 161 Alta 43, 58 Andrew ii, 4, 15, 16, 22, 23, 29,

35, 78, 168 Andrew (1787) 23 Andrew (1814) 43 Andrew Jackson 107, 120, 129 Andrew Jr. 6, 18 Andrew s/o Andrew 23 Andrew, Junior 4, 6 Andrew, Senior 4 Ann 24 Anna 6, 19, 120, 124, 125

Anna C. Anna Elizabeth Anna Ruth Annie Ansel Archie Arnold Arthur Arthur Thomas Atchinson Audrey

58, 153,


225 120 207

44, 231 100

62, 64 100, 102 158, 162

iii 123, 128

159 Barbara 5, 6, 17-19, 65, 107, 120 Barbara Howard 5, 17 Barry 162 Beatie 101 Beatty 100 Belle 215 Bernice 102 Bertha 96, 97, 120, 122 Betty 90, 92, 219 Beulah 44, 49, 64 Beverly 160 Beverly Jean 84 Bonnie 231 Bowen 100, 101 Brian Kelly 98 Bruce 66, 71, 231 Buelah 65 C. Donald 165, 166 Cameron 227 Cameron Price 110 Canie 78 Carl 226, 227 Carl Brown 110 Carlin 227 Carlos 158, 163 Carol Sue 128 Carolyn 44 Carroll 64, 66, 70 Catheine 5, 17 Catherine 5, 18, 23, 214, 216 Cena 24, 206 Chadwick 227 ChadwickPaul 110 Charles 4, 16, 22, 43, 49, 58, 73,

74, 120, 122, 123, 153, 206, 214, 216


Charles (1797) Charles C. Charles Edgar Charles Francis Charles Leslie Charles Lloyd Charles M. Charles M., Jr. Charles Marcus Charles McKinley Charles Oscar Charles T. Chester Chris Christian Christiana 4, 16 Christiana (1812) Christiana d/o David Christina Christina (1821) Christine 5 Christley Christopher Cindy Clara Clarence 43, 58, 64, Claud Claude Clifford Connie Cora Cordelia Cornell Curtis Curtis Paul Cyrenius Daisy Danny Darrel Darrell Darrell James David 4, 5, 16, 18

David (1783) David B. David Jackson David s/o David




, 22 120,


24 207

225, 230 226

165, 166 127 153 157 128 155

43, 44 120

18 58 4

104, 264 24 23

5, 18, 23 107

120, 123 5, 17

5, 18, 96 163

121, 132 162, 226

72 62, 64

155, 160 160

225, 230 225, 230

97 227 110

100, 101 228 163 160

65, 67 67

, 67, 104, 160, 225

23 24, 226

123, 127 23

David Wynn Dean Deborah Delia Denice Dennis DeSota Donald Donna Doretha Dorthy Earl Earnest Ed Edgar Edgar Jr. Edna Edward Edward Perkins Edythe Elbert Elgie Eliza d/o Peter Eliza E. Elizabeth 4-6, 16,

34, 35, 104, 207 Elizabeth (1808) Elizabeth (1811) Elizabeth d/o John Elizabeth d/o Peter Elizabeth Ellen Elizabeth Heaton Elizabeth Jean Elizabeth Perkins Ella Ellen Elmira Elmira Francis Elmo Elsie Emalda Emily Emory Ephriam Ephriam Atkins Ernest Estelle

107, 120 44, 49

162 62, 73 66, 71

129 158, 162

74 102, 159, 163

82, 85 79

129 228 78

214, 218, 221 218, 221 155, 161

96 97

123, 127 214, 218 100, 102

23 43

18, 19, 22, 24, , 210, 225, 236

24 107 23 23 43

5, 17 132 78

62, 73 210

120, 130 107 158

100, 102 63

100 207

211, 233 24, 210

214, 219, 226 82, 83


Ethel Evelyn Everett Fannie Fannie Lou Fanny Fauna Faye Flora

64, 65, 78, 69,

87, 88

153, 155

87, 96, 98 73, 74, 79

123, 128 , 100, 101

78 154

100, 101 81

, 157, 160 Florence 43, 58, 62, 73, 153, 157 Florida 78, 87 Flossie 123, 127 Floyd 62, 64, 65 Fonda 90, 92 Fountain 35, 64 Fountain C. 62 Fountain Fox 23, 35, 100 Frances Ann 78 Francis 90 Frank 218, 226, 228 Frank Gilmore 79 Frankin 24 Franklin 78, 206 Frederick 155, 161 Garnet 218 Gaspar 4, 5, 17, 32, 96 George 4, 5, 16-18, 24, 29, 30,

78, 81, 82, 153, 165, 206, 225-227, 231

George (1742) 22 George (1781) 22 George (1849) 206 George C. 78,81,82 George Christopher 225, 230 George Hubert 155 George s/o Andrew 23 George W. 24, 168, 207 George Washington 153 Geroge 211, 233 Gertrude 155, 159, 218 Gifford 120, 129 Gilbert 228 Gilbert, Jr. 228 Gina 162 Ginger 162 Glen 158, 162 Glenna 159

Grace Granville Greek Greenup Guy Harlan Harriet Harriett Harrison Harry Harry Clay Harvey Hazel

96, 98 210 207

35, 62, 100, 102 58

120, 122, 123 44 49

153 228 228

24, 210 207, 208

Helen44, 49, 50, 90, 155, 158, 161 Helena 155, 160 Henderson 24, 206 Henry 4-6, 18, 19, 30, 90, 211,

225, 228, 233 Henry G. 35, 96 Herbert 78, 90, 214, 219 Hezekiah 107, 121, 132 Hollis 155, 159 Holly 160 Home 96 Homer 78, 90, 98 Homer Victor 90 Hood 231 Horace W. 43 Hoy Lee 97 Hugh 78 Ida 211, 225, 228, 233 Inez Mary 97 Inez May 99 infant 43 Irene 96, 98 Isaac 6, 19, 23, 153, 155 Jackson 23 Jacob 6, 19, 30, 120, 123, 171 Jacquelene 48 James 24, 35, 100, 120, 122,

128, 129, 206, 207, 214, 225 James Charles 43 James D. 219 James D. Jr. 219 James Edward 62, 218 James Madison 78, 90, 107, 120 James Michael 226


James Mitchell James S. James Samuel Jane Janice Jeannette Jeff Jefferson 4, 16,

Jefferson (1819) Jefferson Mitchell Jefferson s/o Peter Jeffery Jemima Jennie Jennie H. Jennifer Jeremiah Jessica Jewel Jewell Joe Joe Carroll Joe Robert

225, 226 62

218 23



75 65, 67

163 120, 214, 216, 225

107 24, 231

23 163

6, 19 43 44 67

5, 19, 163 67

155, 159 78, 90

158 163 79

John 4, 5, 16-18, 22, 24, 29, 32, 35, 62, 73

John (1781) John andrew John Brent John Christian John Franklin John Frederick John Kendrick John M. 107, John Mark John Russell John s/o David John Tolbert John W. 34, John Washington John Wesley John William John Wm Fletcher JohnTolbert Joseph 4, 5, 16,


79, 214



104, 154, 215, 225

23 3

43, 44 64, 72

78 100 78

211, 233 219 158 23 62

123, 226 107, 121

225 79 79 64

17, 22, 24, 35, 1,64 211, 233

Joseph (1798) Joseph Elisha Joseph Henderson Joseph Junior Joseph Martin Joseph s/o John Josephine Josiah Josiah, Jr. Joyce Julia 49, Julia Ann Julius Kate Katherine Kathleen Kathrine Kelly Kenneth Kermit Lacey Laur28, 90, 91, 123, Leah Lee Lee Henry Lena Leo Leonard Leslie 120, Letitia Levi Lewis Lillie Linda Linda Williams Lizzie Lizzie Fannie Lorenzo Lorenzo Roscoe Loretta Lou Lou Beatrice Louis Louisa Frances Lucille Lucretia Lucy



210 100 207

66, 71 121, 132

23 214, 216

154 154 158

124, 206 24

97, 99 231 214

65, 67 219

129, 160 64, 65, 67, 74

127, <


63, 75 162

214, 215 >, 18, 160

127 123 62

123, 128 123, 127 165, 166 214, 216

207 62

64, 100 58 iii 51 44 35

63, 75 231

90 78

43, 45, 48, 58

158 78

163, 231 96



Lula Lydia Lytle M. Franklin Macella Mack Madison Madison Scott Mahala Mahalah Jane Malinda Malinda (1817) Malinda (Matilda) Malvina Mance Manford

214, 225, 230 24, 214

153, 165 230 101 231

58 ii, 43

63, 75 34

23, 78, 87 107 112 108

ii, 43, 58 81, 82

Margaret 24, 35, 96, 97, 99, 134, 155, 160, 214, 215, 222, 225, 226

Margaret (1832) 108 Margaret Alice 100 Margaret d/o Abraham 109 Margaret d/o John 23 Margaret d/o Peter 23 Margaret Frances 154 Maria 23, 104 Marie 43, 58, 123, 128, 218 Marion 35, 63 Mark 163, 219 Marshall 120, 122 Martha 24, 206 Martha A. 96 Martha d/o Andrew 23 Martha d/o John 23 Martin 100 Mary 4-6, 16-18, 22, 24, 153,

165, 214 Mary "Mattie" 155 Mary "Polly" (1812) 35, 36 Mary (1793) 24 Mary (1831) 206 Mary Ann 35, 62 Mary Bell 62 Mary Belle 78, 87, 89 Mary Catherine 78, 79 Mary d/o Andrew 23 Mary d/o John 23 Mary Eleanor 218, 221

Mary Eliza (1827\32) 108, 119 Mary Elizabeth 79 Mary Ellen 228 Mary Emma 214, 218, 220 Mary J. 207 Mary Jane 96, 107, 133 Mary Katherine 226 Mary Lynn 132 Mary M. 153 Mary Pearl 123, 127 Mary Polly (1792) 171 Matilda 24, 214 May 231 McKinder 96 Melinda 120, 123 Melissa 163 Melvin 102 Merle 44, 49, 64 Michael 163 Michale 67 Mike 65 Mildred 81 Milford 35, 43, 58, 62 Milford J. 96 Minie 225, 230 Misty 160 Mitchell 24 Mittie 78, 90 Mocella 100 Moniah 24 Monica 162 Monte 100, 102 Moriah 225 Munice 225, 226 Myrtle 44, 49 Nancy 102, 120, 207 Nancy (1825) 108 Nancy C. 107, 133 Nancy d/o Peter 23 Nancy Jane 107, 120 Nathan 5, 17, 43, 157 Neatie 100, 101 Nellie 81, 96, 98, 153, 155 Nicholas 75 Nicolas 63 Noah 214, 218 Noah Trigg 24, 214


Nora Norma Oliver Ollie 214, Opal Opal Marie Ordelia Ordelia Orella Orville 78, 81, Orvis Otis P.T. Paul Paul Titus, Jr. Paulette Pearl Peter 4, 16 Peter (1775) Peter Josiah Peter s/o Peter Phebe Philip Phillipina Pinkie Polly Polly (1815) Ramon Randy Lee Ray Ray Brown Raymond 44,

Rebecca Rebecca Annie Reid Reid Kelly Rex Rhoda Richard Rickie Rita Robert 58,

Robert E. Lee Robert Elmo Robert Elmo, Jr



,22 ,







123, 227,

230 159

35, 63 230, 231

78, 90 122 210

211, 233 214

160, 165 96, 97

155, 159 121

158, 163 132 163 62

133, 227 23

120, 123 23

23, 104 58

23, 104 228

23, 111 107 100 83

214, 216 207

128, 226, 231, 232

24, 214 43 96 98

90, 23, 35

64, 72, 228


162 128, 159

155, 214, 215, 230

78 163 163

Robert Harlan Rollie Ronald Rosa Rosanna Rose Rosemary Roy Royce Rual Ruby 62 Rural Russell Ruth Sallie 23, 24, Sallie (1814) Sally Samuel Samuel Kelly Sandra Sara Sarah 5, 6, 17, 19,

Sarah "Sallie" Sarah Alice Sarah C. Sarah d/o Andrew Sarah d/o Charles Sarah d/o David Sarah d/o John Seralda Sharon Sheila Sherri Shiela Shirley Sidney211, 214, 218, Silas Sonna Sophia Sophie Sophronia Stella

79 120, 129

155, 159, 160 43

5, 18, 168 44, 45

157 225, 231 165, 166

90, 92 , 64, 155, 161

78 45, 48, 153

44, 218, 221 214, 215, 227

107, 109 5, 18

83 96, 97

98, 162 207

35, 104, 133, 171, 206

210 107

225, 231 23 24 23 23

23, 35, 63 160, 162 66, 162

163 71

44, 159 225, 228, 233

153 74

34, 164 153 100

62, 73, 226 Stephen 5, 16, 24, 35, 78, 165,

Stephen (1804) Stephen K.

168, 225, 226 24

153, 165


Stephen Kelly Stephen s/o Andrew Stephen s/o John Stephen T. Steven Strother Sue Ann Susan Sylvester Tabitha Ted Teresa Teri Thelma Thomas 58, 214 Thomas Jefferson

98 23 23

225 74, 83

214, 216 74

214, 219 78, 90, 94

225, 230 165, 166

58 67

100, 102, 157 , 216, 225, 231

211, 225, 233 Thomas Jefferson (1806) 24 Thressa Thurzy Thurzy Ann Todd David Tom Tonya Trula Valentine Vanda Vern Victor Virgil P. Virginia 64, Virginia Ann Wade Wallace WaWelr, 58, 81, 82, Walter Green Wayne Wesley Wiley William 6, 19,

74, 153, 155,

William Alfred William Brent William Buren William Edd William Edd, Jr. William Glenn

82, 86 167 23 98

231 67

158, 162 34

162 123, 128 100, 101

96 65, 68, 79, 226

79 231

62, 64 96, 99, 214-216

97 155, 160

24, 94 225, 231

24, 35, 62, 73, 159, 206, 214, 218, 219, 228

43 44

232 155 160 49

William Harvey William Harvey B. William J. William Maurice William Noah William Preston William s/o Andrew William Stephen Willie B. Wilma Winston Zula

Vervaet Al

Virkus Kay

Vogt Catharina Margret John Andrew John Casper John Paul Maria Catharina Mary Catherine

Waddell Howard James Luther Marvin Ruth

Waddle Georgia Matilda

Wagner Barbara

Waldrop George Martin Nellie Elizabeth William E. William Ervin

Walker A.E. Charles Lynette Matthew William

Walters Christine

62 96

211, 233 79

225, 231, 232 78, 87

23 232 43 74 24

78, 90



230 230 230 230 230

101 94


210 210 210 210

134 118 70

267 70



Walton Claiborne Cook Georgiabelle Walton

Wampler Ada Andrew Austin Bertha Betsy Blance Charles Clare Dora Elizabeth Felix Firman Guy Infant dau. Iona Isaac James L. John John Palmer Magdalena "Mollie" Mary Oscar Rebecca Rufus M. Samuel Thomas

Waner Alfred Drew Jocelyn Neal Scott Tyler

Warden William

Warner Raymond Ross

Warren Virgil

Watkins Alvis






183 183 183

111 112, 116

133 112, 116

23 270

112, 118 107, 112 112, 118

30 107, 112 112, 118 112, 118 116, 118 112, 118

133 111

112, 116 116

23, 107 112, 117 112, 118 112, 113

111 112, 116


242, 243 243 243 243 243 243


186 186



Angella Cynthia Dessie Gregory Jessie John John Earl Judith Lori Michael Randall Renee Richard Rochelle Verle



Deane Olia Winfrey

James Wayne

Barbara Weaver

Webb Barbara

E.J. Wesley Willie Mae

Weddle Achilles James Edwin



Gary George Georgie

Pearl Welton

Bryon Dorothy Howard Hugh Lewis Mary

Wesley Alverine

57 255

44, 52 255

44, 52 51, 52, 57

44 255

57 255

52, 57 57

52, 57 57

44, 52, 57

75 98 98


107, 120


237 239, 240


184 184

89 89 89


271 271 271 271 271 271



Mary Faustine West

Hallie James

Westerman Grace

Westmoreland Corena

Wetzel Lucinda

Wheeler Chester Virginia Belle

Whetsel Mr. Susannah

Whiles Helen

Whitaker Edna Nettie

White Alda Anna Oleta Benny Charlotte Cundiff Dennie Dona Donald Esker George Joe Joseph Karyn Leah Levina Melba Nancy Randal Samuel Sherry Tennie Wendell William

Whittaker Cora Henry H.


63, 75 63



225, 230

175 175

206 3


268 79

242 242, 243

240 33

241, 245 241, 246, 249

246 240

239, 240 241

240, 242 246 246

181, 183 241, 246, 247 29, 32, 33, 79

240, 242 241, 246

246 240, 244 241, 246


81, 82 44

Irene Stanley Vickie

Wilcox Ruth Ruth Ada

Wild Leo

Wilde Ada

Wildman Winifred

Walker Elwyn

Wilkiss Elizabeth

William Michael

Williams Carole Darrel Howard Jewel Maybelle Paul Susan J. Virgil Wilker

Willmore Ida

Willoughby Donna Louie

Wilson Aaron Deloris Julia Justin Stephen William

Wininger Daniel

Winter Andrea Erin Grant Mark

44 44 92

227 110








68 161 269

188, 192 268 179 81 161


232 232

86 157 185 86 86 90


246 246 246 246


Wise Charles John

Wiseley Barbara

Wisely Barbara

Wiswell Lulu

Wittenmyer Bernice Charles Janet Joseph

Wittnemyer Pearl

Wood Marvin Mr.

Woodall Shirley

Woodard Sarah

Word George

Worley Ellen Mary Elizabeth Stella Stella Jane

Wright Jeff Matilda William E.

Yaden Turley

Yates Catherine Edgar Elizabeth Fannie Fannie E. John Scott

Yeagley Christina


236 7



239, 250

271 271 271 271


167 107




40 37 37 39

127 78


78, 81

35, 62 101 35

ii, 35 43 62


7, 30

Elsie Young

Marie Martha Melissa Nira

Zee George

Zehner Julia Nancy

Zent Brad James Janice Russell Wendy

Zentmyer Ethel


90, 92 214, 215

96 96



85 85 85

82, 85 85



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Hebron Luthern Church. Madison County, Virginia

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Kegley Library. Wytheville Comm. Call Cem. File Drawer XIII.

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Names of Foreigners who took the Oath of Alelgiance to the Province and State of Pennsylvania. 1727-1775. (Penn. Arch. 2nd Serv. V. XVII, 1890) William Henry Egle, ed. Baltimore, Genealogical Publishing Company. 1967.

Pulaski County Historical Society. Pulaski County Marriage Records. 1799-1850. Book I. Pulaski County Marriage Records, 1851-1863, Book IL May 1974. Bicentennial Edition. Pulaski County Marriage Records. 1864-1886. Book III. 1979. Pulaski County Marriage Records. 1887-1900. Book IV. Pulaski County Cemetery Records. Volume I. January 1976.



Pulaski County Historical Society. Pulaski County Cemetery Records. Volume II. June 1977. Pulaski County 1850 Census. November 1976. Pulaski County 1860 Census. November 1988. Pulaski County 1870 Census. Pulaski County 1900 Census. Vol I. II. 1987. Pulaski County Public Library. North Main Street. Somerset, Kentucky. 42501.

Records of the late Fae Stodesgill, Somerset, Kentucky.

Family Bible of John Vaught. Printed and published by M. Carey, Philadelphia. 1815.

Spurlin, Helen and Martin, Mickey. Descendants of Christley Vaught, Vol. 1. Diamond Springs, CA. 1989.

Spurlin, Helen and Martin, Mickey. There Was A Gaspar in the Familv. Vol.2. Diamond Springs, CA. 1991.

Swecker, Kathleen. History of the Swecker Family, p. 82.

Vaught, Edgar S. "The Partial History of the Vaught Family."

Vaught, James Fletcher. Documentation for Vaught/Vogt/Voigt/ Voght. Somerset, Kentucky. 1988. Family History Library. Salt Lake City, Utah. US/CAN 929.273 Al no. 5849.

Vaught, James Fletcher. Knox County descendants of George Vaught. American Revolutionary Soldier, Knox County, Indiana. Somerset, Kentucky, 1968. Family History Library. Salt Lake City, Utah. US/CAN 929.273 V465vg.

Vaught, James Fletcher. Vaught Family. Somerset, Kentucky. 1986. Family History Library. Salt Lake City, Utah. US/CAN 929.273 V465vf.

Vaught, Jeannette Kay. The Michael Henry Hirshmann Familv. from Germany to the United States of America: Michael Henry Hirschmann, Sr.. Barbara Vitzum. Veradale, Washington. 1988. Family History Library. Salt Lake City, Utah. US/CAN 929.273 Al no. 7394.

Will of George Vaught, Wythe Co. Courthouse. Book 4 page 172.

Wust, Klaus. The Virginia Germans. Charlottesville, Virginia. The University of Virginia. 1969.

Zion Luthern Church. Wuthe County, Virginia.



My list must begin with fellow genealogically minded cousins:

The late Spurlin Helen of Diamond Springs, California. Mickey Martin of Diamond Springs, California. Aneta Vaught Gentry Thomas of Murfreesburo, Tennessee. Jim Cunningham of Omaha, Nebraska. Jere Myers of Deer Park, California. James F. Vaught of Somerset, Kentucky.

And the many cousins listed below:

Ashley, Dorthy Juanita of Science Hill, Kentucky Audas, Virgil of Somerset, KY Baker, Laura Opal Meece of Somerset, KY Bastin, Evelyn Edith Vaught of Somerset, KY Bastin, Pamela Brotherton of Nancy, KY Belcher, Margaret G. of Shepherdsville, Kentucky Border, Clyde H. of Bozeman, MT Brookshier, Lee of Bozeman, MT Brown, Harold of Somerset, KY Burnham, Brian of Minneapolis, Minnesota Callaway, Lois Cunningham of Eugene, OR Casada, Edgar Lewis of Highland, IN Cooper, Jeannette Vaught of Spokane, Washington Cundiff, William Bowen of Somerset, KY Cunningham, Jim of Omaha, NE

Dooley, Jane Katherine Cummings of Washington Edwards, Robt W. of Burlington, KY Epperly, Mary Helen of Wythe Co., Virginia Ettinger, Richard L. of Albuquerque, N.M. Fellerhoff, Robert D. of Albuqueque,N.M. Fulton, Geneve of New Castle, Indiana Gillind, Opal V. of San Dimas, California Gillis, Gordon H. of LaBelle, FL Gillis, Mahala Vaught of Fort Myers, FL Girdler, Margaret of Shepherdsville, Kentucky Greathouse family of Jeffersontown, Kentucky

Hamilton, James P. of Somerset, KY Henringer, Pearl B. of Logan Utah Henry, Charlotte Ann Carson of Mountain View, California



Hinds, Cahrles Franklin of Frankfort, Kentucky Horn, Candace of Bicknell, Indiana Huntington, M. Parke of Tulsa, Oklahoma Huntington, Mary Louise Inabnitt, Betty Lou Vaught Inabnitt of Brownsburg, IN Jensen, Helen Jean Vaught of Memphis, Tennessee. Kirkwood, The late Albert Carson of Hood River, Oregon Kirte, Wanda of Somerset, Kentucky Kuhnapfel, Nancy Lee Vaught of Bronston, KY Layman, Sandra Kay Vaught Townsend of West Chester, OH Longnecker, Payl Devere of Lawrenceville, Illinois Lovett, Clyde of Neodeska, Kansas Mackey, Ruth of Bozeman, Montana Mayall, Melba White of Colorado Springs, Colorado. McCleave, Marion of Bozeman, MT McCormick, Marie W. of Knox County, Indiana Meloy, James Mason of Colleyville, TX Merrill, Barbara Sheldon of Waltham, MASS Merrill, Sara Cundiff of Lousiville, KY McCurry, Barbara Ann Vaught of Corpus Christi, TX Murray, Jane of Wichita, Kansas

Neikirk, Lyle of Somerset, Kentucky Nucholls, Carlin Vaught of Roanoke, Virginia Phelps, Beverly Ann of Everett, WA Phillippe, Carl of Lawrenceville, Illinois Rankin, Barbara Carrie Jane of Alexandria, KY Rich, Frances Leon of Hammond, Indiana Ross, Connie Renee of San Antonio, TX Schmitt, Mary Elizabeth of Louisville, Kentucky Schreiner, Thomas J. of Las Vegas, Nev Sears, Orville Lindy of Someset, KY Smiley, Carlis of Dayton, OH Stogsdill, the late Fae V. of Somerset, KY Van Hook, Robert E. of Somerset, KY Van Hook, William Edwin of Indianapolis, IND

Vaught, Carl Brown of Rural Retreat, Virginia Vaught, Carol Sue of Lawrenceville, Illinois Vaught, Charles Lloyd of Collierville, Tennessee Vaught, Clarence of Science Hill, Kentucky



Vaught Vaught Vaught Vaught Vaught Vaught Vaught Vaught Vaught Vaught Vaught Vaught Vaught Vaught Vaught

Vaught Vaught Vaught Vaught Vaught Vaught Vaught Vaught

Curtis Paul of Rural Retreat, Virginia Dennis Lee of Kansas City, Kansas Donna Jean of Somerset, KY Deane Watson of Reading, Ohio Evah L. of Belgrade, Montana Hoy Lee of Milford, OH Inez of Jeffersonville, Ind. Jack Austin of Louisville, TN James F. of Somerset, Kentucky James Stuart of Rural Retreat, Virginia Janet Lee Pollard of Springsboro, Ohio Janice K. of Walton, KY John Christian of Malverne, NY Lee Henry of Memphis, Tennessee. Leo of Lawrenceville, Indiana

Manford of Burnside, KY Mary Faustine of Bethelridge, KY Michael Kent of Corpus Christi, TX Rex Vernon of Cincinnati, OH Stephen K. of Elizabethtown, KY Steve of Salem, Oregon Virginia Fisher of Rural Retreat, Virginia. William of Rowletts, Kentucky

Welch, George Ray of Salem, Oregon Williams, Virgil of Southgate, KY Wood, Jessie Marie of Nancy, Kentucky Woodall, Shirley Rae of Florence, KY Zimmerman, Mary Lee of Louisville, Kentucky



New-mown hay on a July morn, Grandkids running through the knee-high corn.

Sunburnt nose and a scabbed-up knee From a rope on the white oak tree,

Just another summer's day on Grandpa's farm With Grandma's bucket handing off my arm.

You know the old pump's rusty but it works fine, Primed with water from another time.

It don't take much, but you gotta have some, The old ways help the new ways come,

Just leave a little extra for the next in line, They're gonna need a little water from another time.

Tattered quilt on the goose-down bed "Every stitch tells a story," my Grandma said. Her mama's nightgown, her grandpa's pants

And the dress she wore to her high school dance. Now wrapped at night in its patchwork scenes

I waltz with Grandma in my dreams. My arms, my heart, my life entwined

With water from another time.

It don't take much, but you gotta have some, The old ways help the new ways come,

Just leave a little extra for the next in line, They're gonna need a little water from another time.

New born cry in the morning air The past and future are wedded there.

This wellspring of my sons and daughters: The bone and blood of living waters.

And though Grandpa's hands have gone to dust, Like Grandma's pump: reduce to rust,

Their stories quench my soul and mind Like water from another time.



It don't take much, but you gotta have some, The old ways help the new ways come,

Just leave a little extra for the next in line, They're gonna need a little water from another time.32

32 My friend Dillon Bustin, produced a film a number of years back about an Indiana primitive painter named Lois Doane. The phrase "water from another time..." was part of a poem Lois wrote on the canvas of one of her works. The little line stuck with me for years and surfaced in this son, part of a suite of songs I'm composing or my children, on the day my youngest son, Peter, was born. By the author of this song, John McCutcheon.



In this section I plan to share my own journey into the study of family history in hopes that you the reader will find out how simple it is to begin and build on resources around you as well as the many, many resources available outside your home. To prepare this section I am deeply indebted to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, which dedicates much of its resources to the understanding of family history, the roll it plays in our lives as well as the role we play in the shaping of our future families history. I will begin then, sharing my learning experiences and the share some of the resources available to you.

1. Getting Started.

I was a Senior in high school when I first became interested in who my ancestors were. My first question was related to I directed to my parents. "What do you know about our relatives," I asked. My dad had a family group sheet on his aunts and uncles and mom didn't know much beyond her step-parents. The next step was to look around the house for old letters, old pictures, old birth records, old scrapbooks, old bibles, old hope chests, anything that might offer a hint as to who my kin were. You would be amazed at the number of things that you probably have around your home or your parents' home that are great clues to who your relatives are. The family group sheets I have included in the back of the book are for the purpose of starting your journey. The pedigree sheets, too will assist you in the journey.

The next step was to call aunts and uncles, grandparents and cousins. Now, depending on your ties with cousins you may have contact with second or third cousins. In the case of my mom who was adopted from the Vaught family into the Christian family I was lucky to have contact mom's blood brothers and sisters. However, they knew little more about my Vaught ancestors than mom did.

2. Local sources.

Right near your home are sources that can help you further your search. Those sources may include the library, the church, the cemetery, the newspaper or the courthouse. Many counties have excellent historical societies. When I first walked into the Pulaski County Kentucky Historical Library, I discovered that I was related to every full time worker there. They were very helpful in their assistance in my Kentucky lines. In my search I have included all of these sources. You may refer to your local library for "how to" books for research.



3. Spreading your wings.

I really got hooked and took classes first in the Chicago area where I went to high school and then in college. I also began taking trips to visit distant relatives and libraries. I have been at and used some of the best libraries including the Library of Congress, the Library of the Daughters of the American Revolution, several universities, the Family History Library in Salt Lake City, and the Newberry Library in Chicago.

4. Some sources you might find useful.

A. Family History Branch Libraries. B. BYU Homestudy Courses. C. Software programs for use on PCs.

A. Family History Branch Libraries.

In 1964 a system of family history centers was established by the Family History Library in Salt Lake City to give more people access to the library's resources. More than 2,400 family history centers now operate in 62 countries and territories.

A list of center locations and phone numbers is available from the Family History Library, contact the center about hours before you visit. The Family History Library phone number is 801-240-2331. Research consultation is provided for US/CAN at 801-240-2364.

The location of Family History centers can be located by calling 1-800-346-6044. Research centers in Kentucky include: Corbin, Hopkinsville, Lexington, Louisville, Martin, Morgantown, Owingsville and Paducah.

At the Family History Libraries is a computer collection titled the Family Search Program. This includes:

Ancestral Files International Genealogical Index

Family Histories Social Security Index

Familv History Library Catalog



B. Brigham Young University at Provo, Utah offers home study courses in family history research. The information below will provide access to that resource.

Home Study Course from Brigham Young University

Brigham Young University Department of Independent Study

206 Harmon Building P.O. Box 21514

Provo, Utah 84602-1514 801-378-2868

$64 - $216

Courses Offered through Home Study at BYU Eight Convenient Steps to Finding Your Roots

Writing Family Histories American Family History

Paleography North American Family History Northeastern States and Canada

Southern States Midwestern States

British Family History England and Wales from 1700

Scotland and Ireland Germanic/Slavic History

Germanic Sources: an Introduction Oral History Interviewing and Processing

C. Software programs for use on PCs.

I am sure that if you go to a software store you can discover several genealogy software packages for use on your computer, if you own a PC. Thanks to shared information from Jim Cunningham we have come up with several software packages that we are familiar with. I have listed them below.

Personal Ancestral File Family for Windows

Family Roots Family Connections

Tree Charts



Jim wrote the following regarding the programs he is familiar with.

The genealogy programs that I use is called FAAMILY ROOTS. It is sold by Quinsept, Inc. at P.O. Box 216 Lexington, MA 02173. Within the programs is a feature called FAAMILY LINKS. This program allows yo to transfer FAAMILY ROOTS to GEDCOM format and back to FAAMILY


FAAMILY ROOTS user with a different configuration or files in AANCESTRAAL FILE, PAF, IGI, EFT, ROOTS III, and other genealogy programs. The FAAMILY LINKS has other features also.

These are DOS programs which I am running in Windows 95. Mouse capability can be turned on or off.

Other programs that Quinsept offers that I don't have are FAAMILY CONNECTIONS and TREE CHAARTS.

The cost of these programs are: FAAMILY ROOTS $240 FAAMILY CONNECTION $125 TREE CHARTS $60 Phone numbers are: To order programs 1-800-63 7- 7668 For information or problem solving 1-617-641-2930 I also have a data base set up that I add basic information, such as name, birth/marriage/death year, source of the records, etc. When I find a record but don't have any connection, I add it to my data base do that I can find the source document later if I need to. I can sort by any of the fields I records and can print a report for each surname.

The two sources that I have are PAF and FAMILY FOR WINDOWS.

PAF is available through the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints for about $35. The address and phone number are:

Family History Department ATTN: Family History Support

50 East North Temple Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84150

(800) 346-6044



My FAMILY FOR WINDOWS program allows for scanning of photographs into the pedigree and family group sheet format. The address is:

Able Soft 4824 George Washington HWY. Ste. 103

Yorktown, VA 23692 (800) 545-9009

I bought it on sale and paid about $40.

5. In Conclusion.

Basically just get started and after twenty-five years (that is how long I have been researching) I will expect to see several family histories that you have written. Its fun, its fascinating, its motivating and as Alex Haley noted, family history fills an emptiness in the soul that nothing else can. You begin to see who you are through the eyes of your own flesh and blood.





William Vaught (1819-1909)

(William s/o Stephen s/o John s/o George s/o Mdrew s/o Johan Paul Vogt)

John Vaught (1781) and Elizabeth Slemp (1793) i i

Stephen Vaught (1819) and Sarah Gibson (1819)

William Vaught (1864) and Margaret Aker (1872)

t I I I I I > l l i i I I I I I i l l

Malinda Ethel Fannie Florida Mary William Rosa Bessie Margaret Milford

William Preston Vaught was b 23 Mar 1864 in Pulaski Co., KY. William d 31 May 1934 in Pulaski Co., KY and is bur at Union Cem, Pulaski Co., KY. William m Margaret Elizabeth Aker 6 Feb 1890 in Somerset. She was b 3 Sep 1872 in Somerset. KY and d 11 Aug 1940 in Montana. They had five children. They lived in KY and Montana.

Malinda E. Vaught was b Sep 1890. Ethel Vaught was b Jan 1893. Fannie Lou Vaught was b 24 Mar 1895. She m Roger E. Spring, 18 Nov 1915. She d 18 Oct 1966. Roger was b 18 Dec 1891 and d 3 Sep 1962. They had three children: Ella Mae, Margaret and George Carl. Florida Vaught was b 26 May 1898 in Somerset, Pulaski Co., KY. She m James Perry Hamilton, 24 Jan 1928 in Pulaski Co., KY. She d in Somerset. He d Dec 1969 in Pulaski Co., KY. They had three children.

Mary Elizabeth Hamilton b 22 Aug 1922 in Casper, WY. She d 23 Aug 1922. Peggy Maxine Hamilton was b 8 Jly 1926 in Somerset, KY. She m Hugh Morrison, 18 Nov 1950. He d 25 Sep 1983. Patsy Pauline Hamilton b 8 Jly 1926 in Somerset, KY.

Mary Belle Vaught was b 9 Aug 1900. She m Ora Richard Phillippi 20 Mar 1918 in Nashville, Tn. He was b 6 Jun 1898. He d 29 Mar 1944. She d 6 Aug 1980. They had two children: Neal Richard Phillippi and Buelah Catherine Phillippi.

William Thomas Vaught b 1902. No further reference.

Rosa Lena Vaught b 1905. No further reference.

Bessie M Vaught b 1909. No further reference.

Margaret Catherine Vaught b 24 Sept 1911 in Somerset. KY. She d 12 Jun 1971 In Poison. MT. M (1) Willis "Averv" Ferguson b 1909. Thev had three children: Antonette Louise Ferguson. Beverly June Ferguson. Neal Averv Ferguson. Margaret m (2) Robert Jenkins. Thev had two children: Geroge Robert Jenkins. Carrie Ann Jenkins.

Children of Margaret and Willis Ferguson. Antonette Louise Ferguson b 1937. She m (1) Flovd La Brant. Thev had two children: Karen Lvnn La Brant, m John Benediktson. Thev bore Anna Beth Benediktson 1994. Jennie Kav La Brant, m Jeff Borer: thev bore three children Sara Borer 1989. Aidan Hadlev Borer 1991. Marisa Kathrvn Borer 1993. Antonette M (2) James Kinnenburgh.

Beverly June Ferguson and William Albert Hoffman, b 1938. Thev bore two sons: Arthur Averv Andrew Hoffman b 1965. m Dana Marie Brown, b 1967. Thev bore two children: Piper Marie Hoffman b 1991 and Gregg Parker Lee Hoffman 1997. The second son to Beverly and William was Earl Michael Hoffman.

Neal Averv Ferguson b 1948 m Cheryl Marie Hansen b 1950. Thev had two children: Bradley Joseph Ferguson b 1978 and Kimberly Michelle Ferguson b 1983.

Children of Margaret and Robert Jenkins George Robert Jenkins b 1930 m Betty Jean Kinnenburgh. Thev had three children: Timothy Allen Jenkins. Julie Ann Jenkins m Mr. Allen. Shelly Jean Jenkins m Steve Luce.

Carrie Ann Jenkins h 1932 m Paul "slim" Stemen. Thev had five children: Elizabeth Ann "Beth" Stemen. Janet Stemen. Vicktoria "Vicky" Stemen. .Arthur Paul Stemen. and Kathv Stemen.

Milford A Vaught b. 1914. No further reference

Note all underlined information was provided by Beverly Hoffman of Sacramento, California in April of 1997. The underlined information is new and not included in the name index.