ia- " -- V' N BHIHHWwaLWPDBTvT nv HpPMpwMlpwt' aw Wrwwww jppiywpwfi 'r.jS..u - "nf ; , '": ,v '."MSy?'i3v j'WP Bctr'ww0dcy'-wo'''K- i .S,-- ; rtCfrr'g K .3 & :ai..j'A.i;,s. ,Jp$ ,li4 & & Jy JJy 3,Vol. XLV. No. '2502. HONOLULU, 11. J., FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 2:5, IHJJO. so otfira BUDSORIPTION ptn month THE DAILY BULLETB1 la printed and published at tho oirtce, Queen Street, Ilunolulu, II. I., every afturnooii (Sundays excepted). Subscription, SO cenh pci Month Address nil Communications Daily IJUM.ETI.N. Advertisements, to ctuuro insertion, should tiu handed in before one o'clock 1'. M. ''ALTER HILL. Witor and Proprietor Bulletin Steam Printing OCico. Newspaper, Book mid Job l'rlntlui; of nil lsluds doae on. the inott fiivurablu ll'IMb. Hull Telephone ..No. Mil Mutual Telephone. ...No. 85(1 THE DAILY BULLETIN Weekly Summary. An iiilcicstiug itud comprehensive 'publication, contains il.1 milium of rending mutter on lne.il topics, uud n complete resume of Honolulu mid Island News. It utile belt paper published ii. tlie Klugdom to semi to friends abroad. Hiibnciliillon : Island tl HO year Foieign " 00 " Commission 'Moronants. f OUN T. WATERHOOSK, V Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen at., Honolulu. 1 iiyiLDEii et'ao., TV Dealors in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Sal', and Building Materials of every kind, cor. For"!, and Queen sts., Honolulu. 1 Ulan hprockols. Wm. U. Irwin. YZT Q. IRWIN & COMPANY, TV Sugar Factors aud C.nmission Ag juts, Honolulu. 1 B. N. Castle -- J. II. Atherton-- U. 1'. Castle Si COOIiK, CASTI..U Shipping and Commission Merchants. importers and Dealera in General Merchandise, No. SO King at., Honolulu. 1 .I.uwpm, F.J. O. M. Cooke. & OOOKK, LL1WEH3 to Luwerti & DicUaou,) Importers and Dealers in Lumber und ull Kinds ot Jiuildint; Muturluls, i'ort street, Honolulu 1 HONOLULO IRON WORKS, gSwKlSieaui engines, Biitjar mills, boil-urs- , iiooleraj iron, brass und lead cast- ings j machinery of every description made to order, l'urticulur uttuution paid to ship's black smltluug. Job work exe- cuted at short notice. 1 IXA.OSvLiUCJL.O vKs Oo., Oonerixl Commission A',fcuta. lloKor.ui.u G. 77. aiACFAIllANE & Co. IMI'OHTKIW AND COMMISSION MKHOIIANTS, l)ucun street. Honolulu. II. 1. 1018 (lONALVES & CO., Whohmlo Grocers & Wine- - Merchants Heaver Block, Honolulu. UKKWIJU St OOMPAHY, Ct (Limited) QuNicitAii MimcAtmi-i- . and Commission Aukmtu. uar oir omcuiiB: l. C. Jonks, Jr l'reaideut & .Manager J. O. OAUTiiii. . . ..Treasuicr ii Secretary diu serous: Hon. 0. It. Humor. S. C. Ai-lkn- , II. Watickiiousk. u:w ly Pioneer Shirt Factory 104 FortSL, Upstairs. TI10 undcrsiguud bos to Inform the public of these Islands that he is making iSliirtH tyy MoaHiiroincnt ! DlrectiouB fortclf.measuremeut will bo given on application. White SMits, Oiersblits & Hight Gowns A fit guaranteo by making a sampla Shirt to every order. Island ordor solicited Bell Telephone 410 Mly a. n. ircKiii.is. H. G. CRABBE, DEALER 1NW and GRAIN, Ul King Street, opposite the Old Station IToubo. Mutual fAsleilono No. 4.. 87 tf rrofesaionalu. W. MUHaARHAT, J Alloiney ai Law .w Notary l'ubllc 14!) Merchant Street, Honolulu. tf J' ALWMSD MAQOON, Attorney at Law ii Notary l'ubllc 17;) 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly J. E. BROWN, Old Cnpltol HulldliiK. Agent to tako Acknowledgment to Con- tracts for Labor In the District of Honolulu, Ulaud of Onlm. Lsl) 1 m David Dayton Will practice in the lower courts of the lCim;ilom as attorney, attend to collect lug in all its branches, rmilhij: of houses and any other business enti uated to him Oillcc t'l Uing Stre;l--Up-t.iir- .i Kebfi-- W ': .w E. XXOIVISI2Sl STBAI CAEDY FACTORY AM It.VJCJltY. F. IIOHN, Practical Confectioner, I'astry Cook and Baker. 71 Ilotol St. iear5y-- , Telephone 74. California : Lands iroxi sali: : OST Apply to A. MmF5 IS3 tf 42 Moivhaut st., Honolulu. WSOTER & CO; iSuiiiifaclurlni: Ju'ffclli'rH, NO. ia A.'OJLt'X' tS'JL1 1113X31;. Constantly on hand iluru. asr.ortmeu of every dcberiptiott of Jewelry, Watches Gold ami Silver l'lated Ware, &.C. 953 ly Thomas Lindsay, Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker Kukui Jewelry a Specialty. King Street, Honolulu, 12. I. Next door to the Hawaiian Train, way Company's Otliee. tW Particular attention paid to all kinds of repairs. j.in.HI-6!- ) HusfaceMobenson, gaga DUAYMKN. LL orders for Cartage promptly at. tx. tended to. Particular attention paid to the Storing & Shipping of goods In traasit to the other Islands. Also, Black and White Sand in (juantilica to suit at lowest prices. Ollicu, next door to Jus. V. Morgan's auction room. di'i ly Mutual Telephone No. 10. JJoppiOo 74 King st. 74 King st ImportcrB of Rattan & Reed Furniture. Pianos & Furniture Moved with Care. Matting and Carpets Laid. CORHIGE POLES, Fine Upholstering & Bedding A Speciality. CHAIRS TO RENT. apr.lObS I". . Ilox . itt-Jii'- ll THo. 271. II awaiiii u A Corner Fort & Merchant Slieets, Honolulu, II. I. COMMISSION MEllCIIANTS, GENERAL AGENTS. AcvuuiilunJs - .')' Iim'Mm'.h I'OU TIIK Hawaiian Bell Tclcphono Co. Mnuarjcr of Advertisinf,' Department fOll TIIK "fikspepa Euokoa." DEPARTMENTS of BUSINESS: Collections will receive special attei: lion ami mtiriH promptly made. Heal Estate boughi, uild aud hu-w- l. Taxes Pain nnd piopuily safely insured. Houses, Cottages, Booms and Olfloct. Ieaed and reultd, and icnis (ollceied. Fire and Lite Insuranco cH'cctul in llr.n class 1 n?ur:iiii,u Companies. Convcyancinij a tpccialiy lteeord seaiched and correct Absliiict.' ot Villi: furnished. Legal Documents and Papers of every dcbciiplion earelully drai and hand-soinel- engrobcd. Copying and Translating in nil languages in e.cncinl use In this Kingdom. Custom Homo Business liatu.ictcd wltli accuracy ami dispatch. Loans 'negotiated at favorable rates. Gold, iiUor and Certificates bought und sold. Advertisements and Subscriptions cited tor publishers. Any Article purchased or Bold on favor able tenns Inter Island Orders will receive parti- cular at lent ion To Let, Furnished and Unfurnished Co- ttages in desiiable localities at leabouable rentals. Several Valuable Properties in nnd around the city now for side and lease on eaay terms. 8A11 business entrusted tn our rare will receive prompt uud faithful atten- tion at moderate oharncs Knli4-y- i BalawLii Locomo fives The undersigued having been appointed sole agents for the Hawaiian Islands For tho Colobrated Baldwin -:- - LocomotiYes From tho works of Burnham, Parry, Williams & Co., lUiiliitlolniilu, L'ciin.. Ate now prepared to give estimates nnd receive ordcis for these engines, of any size aud style. The Kai.dwin Locomotivk Woisks arc now innuufacturiug a style of Locomo. live particularly adapted For Plantation Purposes, A number of which have recently been received at these Island?, nnd we will have plca.uru in furnishing plantation ngcuU and managers with particulars of same. The superiority of these Locomotives over all ot her makes is not only known here but U, acknowledged throughout thu UiiiKd States. Win. G. IKWIN & Co., , Sulu Agents for Hawaiian Ibluuds. 4IW w.ly U2VMVA.XIA.IS GOMHBRGIAl SALESROOMS ! Cur. ltiecu A Nuitaiiii MtH. tp Onodb of all descriptions F.old on couunLsiou. MulU'ilTelephnncGai. febatlO A. II. ItASEMANN, Book-bindo- r, Papor-rulo- r & Blank-boo- k Munufacturor. No. Merchant street. Upstairs. O. BIULLEIt & CO., PRACTICAL GUN & LOCKSMITHS Helliet Street, "Damon's llloc!;," Corner store. Huiglcal & Musical Instruments neatly repaired at icasonablo rates. Hewing Machined and repairing of nil kinds a specially. All kinds of Safes & Scales rep.ihed. Household Sewing Machines for sa'e. ilect4.8t) O LUSO IIAWAIIANO. ALL persons who want to commutii with the Pottugucsc, cither for business, or for procuring workmen, servants or any other helps, will II ml it ihu most prolltablo way to ndvcrtisu iu Ilio I.H$o litiivaiiiiiw, tho now organ of the Portuguese colony, which Is pub- lished on Hotel street, and only charge? riMponahlo rates for lulverlisemcuts. Latest HoTBlis! AT N. S." Sachs, 104 Latest Novelties ! Blouse Waists, Blouse Waiais, Cool nnd cumfortiilili.'; nil t'u.v. Uiulivice(! ICid Gloves in tun nnd evening shades. ICid Gloves in all coloiy. JU.ick Kid (Moves. Dhiek it Colored Driving Glove. ji.sliiixei'e SlistAvlH &z Jlcrxri' lifi-v- l ! In mum and all colors. Surrah Sashes & Sash Ribbons, In ull widths uud euloi". Lace Flotmcings, Lace Flouncings, Iritli Giiiiuio Laeo I'louuccs, Oriental it Viiloiicicniii', in white, eieain and eeiu; Ulnek l.aco Flouneos in Spanish (liiipufe A C'lmiitilly, very lcnsonaldi'. Lace Edgcings, Lace Edgfcins, Imimmto iistortini'iit ; ull tho newest designs. Kifel it Vandyke Points, in white und cent. Embroidery Flounces, llenuuediilitcli FIoiiiicuk, latest designs und elegant work. Embroidered BOX SHER78, tubus. Pedigrees of SSSB BREEDING DEPARTMENT. The Flue Animals will stand for service the ranch, Wni.ihic: Well-bre- d Stallion Xoriuau .Stallion "CAPTAIN GROWL." Thoroughbred Stallion "MIDNIGHT." Two Xativo Stallions "PILIAOAO" "FRANK." Well-bre- d "KENTUCKY JACK." 403-1H- 0 Fort St., Honolulu. AM Horses Kept El2SS,2? SALE lOU SAI.b Stallions of various breed. Mares with without foal. Horses for any purpose. BREAKING Skilful Hreaker aud Traiiar ed 011 the ranch. CS'" giiaiauteed iu aud training hoi.-e- s. New designs in Worsted it Wash Material, ull Infant's Complete Outfits in J3oxos POPULAR - MILLINERY - HOUSE. WAIALAE BREEDING RANCH following at "MARIN.". &. A tf SnlNfnction PAUL R. BSENBERC. IclNTYRE 9 IMPOUTKKH AND DEALKHS IN Groceries, Provisions and Feed, HAST COHNKK FORT AND KINO STIlKIiTsJ. O : New Goods received by every Packet from the Kastcrn Slatej and Kurope, Fresh California Produce by every Steamer. All orders faithfully attended te. and Goods delivered touuypartof the city free of charge. Island orders toll. cited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Pnat Olllco Hox 1 IC. Telephone No. ti'J rnov.4Br) mubjiii irwi i. jijii'juiMujJi.ii.j wmin.Mi.jj.m.. iTg MTUrweMwinw Chas. Husface, King Street HAS JUST RECEIVED per "AUSTRALIA," Kits Alaska Sou Trout, Kiln Muckurul, Kits Salmon Nellieo, Kits Tongues and HoiiihIh, Cases Vienna Kaiihugo, Ham Sausugo, Salmon in 1 and 2 lb. tins, llaniH, llaeon, (Jtulfif.li, Tins Soused Mackerel, Roiled Muckeiol iu To- mato Saueo, Top O'Can Hriind Iliittur, Honed Cliieken und Tuikey, Twin Urothers' Yeast Cukes, Aunt Abbey's Rolled Oats! Ceralinu Flakes, Gurmen, llreakfiiBt Gem, White Oats, Highland Holled Oats, Diied Apiivuts, Dried Peach us, Prunes, Tnlilo Fruits, D.itc, Figs, Ridge's Food, Gelatine, Sardines, Wheat, Oats, llran, Potatoes, A a General Assortment of Gioceiies at Popular piices. OJ.eavo your onlors, or ring up No. 110. 'telephone 240.- - -- Wot5T- LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street, HONOLULU, U. I., iHFORTERG, Y1I0LK3ALE fi RETAIL DEALERS IH GROCERIES & PROVISIONS. tsr o is o 12 -- a Uy each steamer of the O. S. H. Co. from California tali Cala. Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters & Fresh Gala, Fruits, XIhIi, OJume, Vcgoi uU:n, lJtuM ICtc. A complete lino of Crosse & Clackwell's & J. T. Morton's Canned A Bottled Goods Always on hand. Also, just received a fresh line of (Jcrttmn X'utt'H Sfc t'otttid Hunts A Itottlcil 1'rcNcrvoiI Ic'rulfs, iaiwU & Co.'a Maltese Ufund Sugar Cured Hams & Uacon, New lire,ikfatt Ccreala, Cream Oat Flakes & Cream Yhcat Flakes, Ulclly Lemons & Cala. Rlversido Orauucs, Oregon liurhauk Potatoes, Ktc, Ktc, Ktc. 1 ap-'l- Gl Jsx4;iwiiictiota. DEPARTMENT. or DEPARTMENT. A is Is breatilng Onions, i -- P. 0. 15ox Ml, 87 - , BEAVERS SMMI Tho B8t Lunoh in Town, Tea and Ooffeo at 111 Houi'a The Finest Iiinnd of ClEfflfj, jUi ma (Vlwnys llmiil. II. .1. XX,TIS, K'kdiuieior. 'Villi WpMctropolitan r MeatG ompany SI KINO bTP.P.KT, G. J. WALLER, - - Manager WkoSciala & Kctiil Biitchors ANU NAVY CONTliACTOiiS. 1717 ly T 551 PLANING MILL, Alitkcu, iiuuv ucoii St. Trli'iilionn No. .1.1. Ks WALKER & ItliDWARD, CJemtvnetorH Sz XIiiIIcIovh. IJrlek, Stone and Wooden Hulldings; es- timates given. Jobbing promptly at- tended to. 7G King street. Hell Tele- phone No. 2. P. 0. liox, 423. ap GKORGK LTJUAS, and Huilder,'? 2mes& Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Jbspta uado, Honolulu. Manufactures nil kinds of Mouldings, Ilrackuts, Window Fr.uncB, Ultnds, Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood- work llnish. Turning, Scroll and Hand Sawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plin-in- Morticing and Teiiautlng. Orders promptly attuuded to and work Ctinmniecd. Onlers from tho other solicited WRIGHT BROS., THOMAS & HENRY, Fori Street, ncxl Lucas' Mill, m Carriage Builders, Ship's Blacksmiililng, Drays, Carts & Wagon Buildimj as specialty. Hvcry description of work In the above lines pel formed in a first-clas- s manner and executed ul short notice. ALL WORK GUARANTEED. Egr Onlors from the other islands solicited. Will be pleated to ull our old customers as well as new ones. Mutual Telephoso No Xy7i. apr-19-8- 9 W,W, Wright & Son, 79481 33gsg BcllTe,e- - Kinj.St.-gss3aS520- No. 381. (The Hose Premises) All orders for wheel vehicles of every description tilled with promptness Firsl.cluts mechanics employed. Fine Carriage Work a Specialty TUA3I t:,VUM, UM.MllItSNt'.H, Plantation Wagons, Mule &. Ox Carts, JIndo to order, altered or repaired. Carriage Painting, Trimming, j;rc, KTC, V.'IC, KIO. Our HORSESHOEING Department Ib under the management of II. Cay. ford, who .will collect and receipts ull bills due that brauch of our business. (Signed): W. W. WRIGHT A: SON. VOLCANO STABLES Walanuenuu Stteel, Carriages at t Minute's Notice. Also, Saddle Hortc3, Carriages, Buggies, Brakes or Carts, BAY or .VM.il IT. WILSON BROTHERS, Fropilctor.?, Illlo, Hawaii. KSi Orders leceived by Telephone "b5 uih VETJS1UNA11Y. A K. ROW AT, Veterinary Surgeon, XL, olllco anil pliarnmcy at liawaiiuu Hotel Stables, corner Hotel and Richard streets. Scleutitlc treatment In nil dls-cine- s of domestic animals. Orders for plantation aud ranch stock promptly attended to. Mutual Telephone t!.r4, p. o. liox :wu. mh.iSLsa Prussian National Insurance Comu'v KiTAiiMnnn ll.r Carital 9.000.000 Rclclismarks ''pil V. uiidcnicne !, agent of the alovc L Compaiiy lor the Hawaiian Islands, W prepared to uceei risks, against tire, on liuihllng!, Piirtiltjnc, Mcichaiidlae, I'roduee, Sugar Mills, Ktii., on thu most favorable leinu. Loiscs Promptly Adjusted and Payablo in Honolulu. jlyHT.ly C IIOUV1C. Union, Tiro & Marino Insurance Co,, L'd Of Si:v Zentniiil. Capital - $10,000,000 Fire risks taken on Dwellincs, Store, Siorelwii'ca and Contents. Aim, Sugar and ltice Mills, Machinery, F.ic , Cm; Murine liiNiirniuiO ('a Hh1!, Cargoes and Freights. Loss paid hete J. S. WALKER, Agent for llnwaliau Islands. Jin-'i-'J- CASTLE & COOKE, Liie, Fire & Marino insurance Agents ! AOr.NTJ roll: New England Mutual Life Ins. Co., ok r.osiox. Etna Firo Ins. Co. of Hattford. UNION Insurance Company, t'lro A JIailur. 01' 5VN PRANCISTU, CALlt'OUNIA. .lautlt'O NEW YORK Life Insurance COMPANY. Assets, : : $105,053,600.96 'Tacts are Stubborn Things." At ovory ago, on every premium table, and in eveiy year, the AC- TUAL RESULTS of Tontino Policies of tho Xew York Life Iiibtiraneo Co. havo been LARGER than those OF ANY OTHER COMPANY isMiing similar policies. g.X& For particulars apply to C. (. IIKICUKK, Gen'l Agent Hawaiian Ishuuls. 2S3lf FIRE, LIFE, AND MARINE INSURANCE. Hartford Fire Insurance Co. AE3cts, 5g5,28e.OOO Commercial Insurance Co. (Firo and Murine) Assets, $450,000 Anglo-Novad- n Assurance Corporation (Kite amIMaiine) Capital, paid up, $2,000,000 South British Fire aud Marine Ins. Co Capital, $10,000,000 Now York Life Insurance Co. Asset, $105 053,000 80 CO. BERG ER HONOLULU. Geiioral Agent, Haw'u Islands KJ.V3 ly CASTLE & COOKE, 1.111'OUTKIIN, Hardware, Shipping AM) Commission Merchants. DKAI.f.ltS IX General Merchandise ! Plantation Aetcuts, Life, Firo & Marino Insuranco Agents Jan.3 HONOLULU, 11. 1. fltjyo -- V" . fc'gViiviAA.' yC, :,. .'.. r4. i &i.ci4ij x, .' i4ZjS,t w ..J&iL, LS. WLii., :i,,,a&iiki&&i 4

Tea and Houi'a J. jUi ma - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 5. 30. · Tea and Ooffeo at 111 Houi'a The Finest Iiinnd of ClEfflfj, jUima (Vlwnys llmiil. II..1. XX,TIS, K'kdiuieior

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Page 1: Tea and Houi'a J. jUi ma - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 5. 30. · Tea and Ooffeo at 111 Houi'a The Finest Iiinnd of ClEfflfj, jUima (Vlwnys llmiil. II..1. XX,TIS, K'kdiuieior





BHIHHWwaLWPDBTvT nv HpPMpwMlpwt' aw Wrwwww jppiywpwfi'r.jS..u -

"nf ; , '": ,v '."MSy?'i3v j'WP

Bctr'ww0dcy'-wo'''K- i .S,-- ; rtCfrr'gK.3& :ai..j'A.i;,s.

,Jp$ ,li4 & & Jy JJy

3,Vol. XLV. No. '2502. HONOLULU, 11. J., FRIDAY EVENING, MAY 2:5, IHJJO. so otfiraBUDSORIPTIONptn month


la printed and published at tho oirtce,

Queen Street, Ilunolulu, II. I., every

afturnooii (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, SO cenh pci Month

Address nil Communications DailyIJUM.ETI.N.

Advertisements, to ctuuro insertion,should tiu handed in before one o'clock1'. M.

''ALTER HILL. Witor and Proprietor

Bulletin Steam Printing OCico.

Newspaper, Book mid Job l'rlntlui; ofnil lsluds doae on. the inott fiivurablu

ll'IMb.Hull Telephone ..No. MilMutual Telephone. ...No. 85(1


Weekly Summary.

An iiilcicstiug itud comprehensive'publication, contains il.1 milium of

rending mutter on lne.il topics, uud n

complete resume of Honolulu mid IslandNews. It utile belt paper publishedii. tlie Klugdom to semi to friendsabroad.

Hiibnciliillon :

Island tl HO yearFoieign " 00 "

Commission 'Moronants.

f OUN T. WATERHOOSK,V Importer and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, Queen at., Honolulu. 1

iiyiLDEii et'ao.,TV Dealors in Lumber, Paints,

Oils, Nails, Sal', and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. For"!, and Queen sts.,Honolulu. 1

Ulan hprockols. Wm. U. Irwin.YZT Q. IRWIN & COMPANY,TV Sugar Factors aud C.nmission

Ag juts, Honolulu. 1

B. N. Castle --J. II. Atherton-- U. 1'. Castle

Si COOIiK,CASTI..U Shipping and CommissionMerchants. importers and Dealera inGeneral Merchandise, No. SO King at.,Honolulu. 1

.I.uwpm, F.J. O. M. Cooke.

& OOOKK,LL1WEH3 to Luwerti & DicUaou,)Importers and Dealers in Lumber und ullKinds ot Jiuildint; Muturluls, i'ort street,Honolulu 1

HONOLULO IRON WORKS,gSwKlSieaui engines, Biitjar mills, boil-urs- ,

iiooleraj iron, brass und lead cast-

ings j machinery of every descriptionmade to order, l'urticulur uttuution paidto ship's black smltluug. Job work exe-cuted at short notice. 1


Oonerixl Commission A',fcuta.


G. 77. aiACFAIllANE & Co.


l)ucun street. Honolulu. II. 1.1018


Whohmlo Grocers & Wine- - Merchants

Heaver Block, Honolulu.

UKKWIJU St OOMPAHY,Ct (Limited)QuNicitAii MimcAtmi-i- . and

Commission Aukmtu.

uar oir omcuiiB:l. C. Jonks, Jr l'reaideut & .ManagerJ. O. OAUTiiii. . . ..Treasuicr ii Secretary

diu serous:Hon. 0. It. Humor. S. C. Ai-lkn- ,

II. Watickiiousk.u:w ly

Pioneer Shirt Factory104 FortSL, Upstairs.

TI10 undcrsiguud bos to Inform thepublic of these Islands that he is making

iSliirtH tyy MoaHiiroincnt !

DlrectiouB fortclf.measuremeut willbo given on application.

White SMits, Oiersblits & Hight Gowns

A fit guaranteo by making a samplaShirt to every order.

Island ordor solicited Bell Telephone 410

Mly a. n. ircKiii.is.



Ul King Street, opposite the Old StationIToubo.

Mutual fAsleilono No. 4..87 tf


W. MUHaARHAT,J Alloiney ai Law .w Notary l'ubllc14!) Merchant Street, Honolulu. tf

J' ALWMSD MAQOON,Attorney at Law ii Notary l'ubllc

17;) 42 Merchant street. Honolulu, ly

J. E. BROWN,Old Cnpltol HulldliiK.

Agent to tako Acknowledgment to Con-

tracts for Labor

In the District of Honolulu, Ulaud ofOnlm. Lsl) 1 m

David DaytonWill practice in the lower courts of thelCim;ilom as attorney, attend to collectlug in all its branches, rmilhij: of housesand any other business enti uated to him

Oillcc t'l Uing Stre;l--Up-t.iir- .i


W ': .wE.



AM It.VJCJltY.F. IIOHN, Practical Confectioner,

I'astry Cook and Baker.71 Ilotol St. iear5y-- , Telephone 74.

California : Landsiroxi sali: :

OST Apply to

A. MmF5IS3 tf 42 Moivhaut st., Honolulu.

WSOTER & CO;iSuiiiifaclurlni: Ju'ffclli'rH,

NO. ia A.'OJLt'X' tS'JL1 1113X31;.Constantly on hand iluru. asr.ortmeu

of every dcberiptiott of Jewelry, WatchesGold ami Silver l'lated Ware, &.C.

953 ly

Thomas Lindsay,

Manufacturing Jeweler & Watchmaker

Kukui Jewelry a Specialty.

King Street, Honolulu, 12. I.Next door to the Hawaiian Train,

way Company's Otliee.

tW Particular attention paid to allkinds of repairs. j.in.HI-6!- )



DUAYMKN.LL orders for Cartage promptly at.

tx. tended to. Particular attentionpaid to the

Storing & Shippingof goods In traasit to the other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sandin (juantilica to suit at lowest prices.

Ollicu, next door to Jus. V. Morgan'sauction room.

di'i ly Mutual Telephone No. 10.

JJoppiOo74 King st. 74 King st

ImportcrB of

Rattan & Reed Furniture.

Pianos & FurnitureMoved with Care.

Matting and Carpets Laid.


Fine Upholstering & Bedding

A Speciality.


I". . Ilox .itt-Jii'- ll THo. 271.

IIawaiiii u A

Corner Fort & Merchant Slieets,Honolulu, II. I.


GENERAL AGENTS.AcvuuiilunJs - .')' Iim'Mm'.h


Hawaiian Bell Tclcphono Co.

Mnuarjcr of Advertisinf,' DepartmentfOll TIIK

"fikspepa Euokoa."DEPARTMENTS of BUSINESS:

Collections will receive special attei:lion ami mtiriH promptly made.

Heal Estate boughi, uild aud hu-w- l.

Taxes Pain nnd piopuily safely insured.Houses, Cottages, Booms and Olfloct.

Ieaed and reultd, and icnis (ollceied.Fire and Lite Insuranco cH'cctul in llr.n

class 1 n?ur:iiii,u Companies.Convcyancinij a tpccialiy lteeord

seaiched and correct Absliiict.' ot Villi:furnished.

Legal Documents and Papers of everydcbciiplion earelully drai and hand-soinel-

engrobcd.Copying and Translating in nil languages

in e.cncinl use In this Kingdom.Custom Homo Business liatu.ictcd wltli

accuracy ami dispatch.Loans 'negotiated at favorable rates.Gold, iiUor and Certificates bought und

sold.Advertisements and Subscriptions

cited tor publishers.Any Article purchased or Bold on favor

able tennsInter Island Orders will receive parti-

cular at lent ionTo Let, Furnished and Unfurnished Co-

ttages in desiiable localities at leabouablerentals.

Several Valuable Properties in nndaround the city now for side and leaseon eaay terms.

8A11 business entrusted tn our rarewill receive prompt uud faithful atten-tion at moderate oharncs Knli4-y- i

BalawLii Locomo fives

The undersigued having been appointedsole agents for the Hawaiian


For tho Colobrated

Baldwin -:- - LocomotiYes

From tho works of

Burnham, Parry, Williams & Co.,

lUiiliitlolniilu, L'ciin..

Ate now prepared to give estimates nndreceive ordcis for these engines, of anysize aud style.

The Kai.dwin Locomotivk Woisks arcnow innuufacturiug a style of Locomo.live particularly adapted

For Plantation Purposes,

A number of which have recently beenreceived at these Island?, nnd we willhave plca.uru in furnishing plantationngcuU and managers with particularsof same.

The superiority of these Locomotivesover all ot her makes is not only knownhere but U, acknowledged throughoutthu UiiiKd States.

Win. G. IKWIN & Co.,, Sulu Agents for Hawaiian Ibluuds.

4IW w.ly



Cur. ltiecu A Nuitaiiii MtH.

tp Onodb of all descriptions F.old oncouunLsiou.

MulU'ilTelephnncGai. febatlO

A. II. ItASEMANN,Book-bindo- r, Papor-rulo- r & Blank-boo- k


No. Merchant street. Upstairs.


Helliet Street, "Damon's llloc!;,"Corner store.

Huiglcal & Musical Instruments neatlyrepaired at icasonablo rates. HewingMachined and repairing of nil kinds aspecially. All kinds of Safes & Scalesrep.ihed. Household Sewing Machinesfor sa'e. ilect4.8t)


ALL persons who want to commutiiwith the Pottugucsc, cither

for business, or for procuring workmen,servants or any other helps, will II ml itihu most prolltablo way to ndvcrtisu iuIlio I.H$o litiivaiiiiiw, tho now organ ofthe Portuguese colony, which Is pub-lished on Hotel street, and only charge?riMponahlo rates for lulverlisemcuts.

Latest HoTBlis!AT

N. S." Sachs, 104

Latest Novelties !

Blouse Waists, Blouse Waiais,Cool nnd cumfortiilili.'; nil t'u.v.

Uiulivice(! ICid Gloves in tun nnd evening shades. ICid Gloves inall coloiy. JU.ick Kid (Moves. Dhiek it

Colored Driving Glove.

ji.sliiixei'e SlistAvlH &z Jlcrxri' lifi-v- l !

In mum and all colors.

Surrah Sashes & Sash Ribbons,In ull widths uud euloi".

Lace Flotmcings, Lace Flouncings,Iritli Giiiiuio Laeo I'louuccs, Oriental it Viiloiicicniii', in white, eieain and

eeiu; Ulnek l.aco Flouneos in Spanish (liiipufe AC'lmiitilly, very lcnsonaldi'.

Lace Edgcings, Lace Edgfcins,Imimmto iistortini'iit ; ull tho newest designs. Kifel it Vandyke Points,

in white und cent.

Embroidery Flounces,llenuuediilitcli FIoiiiicuk, latest designs und elegant work.

Embroidered BOX SHER78,tubus.


The Flue Animals willstand for service the ranch, Wni.ihic:

Well-bre- d Stallion

Xoriuau .Stallion

"CAPTAIN GROWL."Thoroughbred Stallion

"MIDNIGHT."Two Xativo Stallions

"PILIAOAO" "FRANK."Well-bre- d


403-1H- 0

Fort St., Honolulu.

AM Horses KeptEl2SS,2?



Stallions of various breed.Mares with without foal.Horses for any purpose.


Skilful Hreaker aud Traiiar ed

011 the ranch.CS'" giiaiauteed iu

aud training hoi.-e-s.

New designs in Worsted it Wash Material, ull

Infant's Complete Outfits in J3oxos












Groceries, Provisions and Feed,HAST COHNKK FORT AND KINO STIlKIiTsJ.

O :

New Goods received by every Packet from the Kastcrn Slatej and Kurope,Fresh California Produce by every Steamer. All orders faithfully attended te.and Goods delivered touuypartof the city free of charge. Island orders toll.cited. Satisfaction guaranteed. Pnat Olllco Hox 1 IC. Telephone No. ti'J rnov.4Br)

mubjiii irwi i. jijii'juiMujJi.ii.j wmin.Mi.jj.m.. iTg MTUrweMwinw

Chas. Husface, King StreetHAS JUST RECEIVED per "AUSTRALIA,"

Kits Alaska Sou Trout, Kiln Muckurul, Kits Salmon Nellieo, Kits Tonguesand HoiiihIh, Cases Vienna Kaiihugo, Ham Sausugo, Salmon in 1 and 2 lb.tins, llaniH, llaeon, (Jtulfif.li, Tins Soused Mackerel, Roiled Muckeiol iu To-mato Saueo, Top O'Can Hriind Iliittur, Honed Cliieken und Tuikey, Twin

Urothers' Yeast Cukes,

Aunt Abbey's Rolled Oats!Ceralinu Flakes, Gurmen, llreakfiiBt Gem, White Oats, Highland Holled Oats,Diied Apiivuts, Dried Peach us, Prunes, Tnlilo Fruits, D.itc, Figs, Ridge'sFood, Gelatine, Sardines, Wheat, Oats, llran, Potatoes, A a

General Assortment of Gioceiies at Popular piices.

OJ.eavo your onlors, or ring up No. 110.

'telephone 240.- - -- Wot5T-

LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street,HONOLULU, U. I.,


tsr o is o 12 -- aUy each steamer of the O. S. H. Co. from California

tali Cala. Roll Butter, Frozen Oysters & Fresh Gala, Fruits,XIhIi, OJume, Vcgoi uU:n, lJtuM ICtc.

A complete lino of Crosse & Clackwell's & J. T. Morton's Canned A Bottled Goods

Always on hand. Also, just received a fresh line of(Jcrttmn X'utt'H Sfc t'otttid Hunts A Itottlcil 1'rcNcrvoiI Ic'rulfs,iaiwU & Co.'a Maltese Ufund Sugar Cured Hams & Uacon,

New lire,ikfatt Ccreala, Cream Oat Flakes & Cream Yhcat Flakes,Ulclly Lemons & Cala. Rlversido Orauucs,

Oregon liurhauk Potatoes, Ktc, Ktc, Ktc.1 ap-'l- Gl Jsx4;iwiiictiota.




A is




-- P. 0. 15ox Ml,




Tho B8t Lunoh in Town,

Tea and Ooffeo at 111 Houi'a

The Finest Iiinnd of

ClEfflfj, jUi ma(Vlwnys llmiil.

II. .1. XX,TIS, K'kdiuieior.

'VilliWpMctropolitan r

MeatGompanySI KINO bTP.P.KT,

G. J. WALLER, - - Manager

WkoSciala & Kctiil Biitchors


NAVY CONTliACTOiiS.1717 ly


Alitkcu, iiuuv ucoii St.Trli'iilionn No. .1.1. Ks


CJemtvnetorH Sz XIiiIIcIovh.

IJrlek, Stone and Wooden Hulldings; es-

timates given. Jobbing promptly at-

tended to. 7G King street. Hell Tele-phone No. 2. P. 0. liox, 423. ap


and Huilder,'? 2mes&Honolulu Steam Planing Mills, Jbspta

uado, Honolulu.Manufactures nil kinds of Mouldings,

Ilrackuts, Window Fr.uncB, Ultnds,Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood-work llnish. Turning, Scroll and HandSawing. All kinds of Sawing and Plin-in-

Morticing and Teiiautlng.Orders promptly attuuded to and work

Ctinmniecd. Onlers from tho othersolicited

WRIGHT BROS.,THOMAS & HENRY,Fori Street, ncxl Lucas' Mill,

mCarriage Builders,

Ship's Blacksmiililng, Drays, Carts &

Wagon Buildimj as specialty.

Hvcry description of work In theabove lines pel formed in a first-clas- s

manner and executed ul short notice.ALL WORK GUARANTEED.Egr Onlors from the other islands

solicited. Will be pleated to ullour old customers as well as new ones.Mutual Telephoso No Xy7i.

apr-19-8- 9

W,W, Wright & Son,79481 33gsg BcllTe,e- -

Kinj.St.-gss3aS520- No. 381.

(The Hose Premises)

All orders for wheel vehicles of everydescription tilled with promptness

Firsl.cluts mechanics employed.

Fine Carriage Work a Specialty

TUA3I t:,VUM, UM.MllItSNt'.H,Plantation Wagons, Mule &. Ox Carts,

JIndo to order, altered or repaired.

Carriage Painting, Trimming,j;rc, KTC, V.'IC, KIO.

Our HORSESHOEING DepartmentIb under the management of II. Cay.ford, who .will collect and receipts ullbills due that brauch of our business.

(Signed):W. W. WRIGHT A: SON.

VOLCANO STABLESWalanuenuu Stteel,

Carriages at t Minute's Notice.

Also, Saddle Hortc3,

Carriages, Buggies, Brakes or Carts,

BAY or .VM.il IT.

WILSON BROTHERS,Fropilctor.?, Illlo, Hawaii.

KSi Orders leceived by Telephone "b5uih


A K. ROW AT, Veterinary Surgeon,XL, olllco anil pliarnmcy at liawaiiuuHotel Stables, corner Hotel and Richardstreets. Scleutitlc treatment In nil dls-cine- s

of domestic animals. Orders forplantation aud ranch stock promptlyattended to. Mutual Telephone t!.r4,p. o. liox :wu. mh.iSLsa

Prussian National

Insurance Comu'vKiTAiiMnnn ll.r

Carital 9.000.000 Rclclismarks

''pil V. uiidcnicne !, agent of the alovcL Compaiiy lor the Hawaiian Islands,

W prepared to uceei risks, against tire,on liuihllng!, Piirtiltjnc, Mcichaiidlae,I'roduee, Sugar Mills, Ktii., on thu mostfavorable leinu.

Loiscs Promptly Adjusted and Payabloin Honolulu.

jlyHT.ly C IIOUV1C.

Union, Tiro & Marino

Insurance Co,, L'dOf Si:v Zentniiil.

Capital - $10,000,000

Fire risks taken on Dwellincs, Store,Siorelwii'ca and Contents. Aim, Sugarand ltice Mills, Machinery, F.ic , Cm;

Murine liiNiirniuiO('a Hh1!, Cargoes and Freights. Losspaid hete

J. S. WALKER,Agent for llnwaliau Islands.



Liie, Fire & Marino

insurance Agents !

AOr.NTJ roll:New England Mutual Life Ins. Co.,

ok r.osiox.

Etna Firo Ins. Co. of Hattford.


Insurance Company,t'lro A JIailur.

01' 5VN PRANCISTU, CALlt'OUNIA..lautlt'O


Life InsuranceCOMPANY.

Assets, : : $105,053,600.96

'Tacts are Stubborn Things."

At ovory ago, on every premiumtable, and in eveiy year, the AC-

TUAL RESULTS of Tontino Policiesof tho Xew York Life Iiibtiraneo Co.havo been LARGER than those OFANY OTHER COMPANY isMiingsimilar policies.

g.X& For particulars apply to

C. (. IIKICUKK,Gen'l Agent Hawaiian Ishuuls.



MARINEINSURANCE.Hartford Fire Insurance Co.

AE3cts, 5g5,28e.OOO

Commercial Insurance Co.

(Firo and Murine)

Assets, $450,000Anglo-Novad- n Assurance Corporation

(Kite amIMaiine)Capital, paid up, $2,000,000

South British Fire aud Marine Ins. Co

Capital, $10,000,000Now York Life Insurance Co.

Asset, $105 053,000 80


Geiioral Agent, Haw'u Islands

KJ.V3 ly


Hardware, ShippingAM)

Commission Merchants.DKAI.f.ltS IX

General Merchandise !

Plantation Aetcuts,Life, Firo & Marino

Insuranco Agents

Jan.3 HONOLULU, 11. 1. fltjyo

--V" .

fc'gViiviAA.' yC, :,. .'.. r4. i &i.ci4ij x, .' i4ZjS,t w ..J&iL, LS. WLii.,:i,,,a&iiki&&i


Page 2: Tea and Houi'a J. jUi ma - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 5. 30. · Tea and Ooffeo at 111 Houi'a The Finest Iiinnd of ClEfflfj, jUima (Vlwnys llmiil. II..1. XX,TIS, K'kdiuieior


'.r it is

Pltdftd to nrttlicr Srct nor Parly,Hut titabliOicd for thr btntfit of all,

FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1890.

Minister Thurston, in diseuts'jlng

the disposition nf Mie AppropriationBill, said Hint if n certain coursei9 pursued, "we won't get nweyfrom here till September I mean

the House won't." lie is not cer-

tain, tben, that he will utav by theHouse.

It is the usual custom for theparty in the majority in the Legis-

lature to be the more prominent inthe permanent committees of theHouse. The National party havingestablished its numerical superiorityby the election of its nominee to thePresidency, certainly has not takenfull advnntage of its position, buthas shown a degree of conimnndablemoderation.

The Finance Committee, which

for some reason or other lm cometo be regarded as the most import-

ant of all the permanent committees,consists of thiee National Kcform

cis, one Independent, aud one wholias been claimed as a llefoimer.At least two Messrs, Macfarlaneand Midler if not more, of thecommittee have had training andexperience which specially ouaiifyihem to investigate accounts.

A trouble with our public serviceis, that it w too much mixed up withpolities ; that is, too many otlicialsare perpetually dabbling in politics,instead of attending to the dutieswhich they are paid to perfoim. Aslong as this lasts the service will

sutler. The Legislature would actwisely by "sitting upon" this kindof thing. Civil servants who can-

not or will not abstain from politicare not the proper persons for tiewervice.

The Adei User's reason is not ap-

parent for saying that "making .Mr.

Widcinanu thu chairman of theCommittee on Public

Lnnde, is about equivalent to rele-

gating that committee's importantfunctions to the waste basket." Asa matter of fact, the "Public Landsand Internal Improvements" com-

mittee is one whose functions Mr.Widemann'.s long residence andpractical experience especially quali-

ty iiim to discharge.



The Attornoy-fienernl- 's biennialreport to the Legislature, withwhich is incorporated the Marshal'sreport to the Attorney-Genera- l, is

replete with interesting matter. Itcontains the information that thekingdom has 1!)1 paid police and21 deputy shenffs, distributed asfollow-,- : The Island of Hawaii, 1G

police and l deputy sheriffs ; Maui,Alolokai, and Lanai,4.'i police and .1

deputy sliciilfs; Kauai and Niiliau,17 police and 5 deputy sheriffs; andOahu, 85 police and 5 deputy hher-itf- s.

A table shows the number ofariesls and convictions for theperiod on each island, with their sexand nationality. The grand totalsLr the kingdom are: mrests, 13,-K7- 0;

uii lotions, 10,597. Thecriminal history of the country forthe period is detailed in readablen'lape, and suggestions are offeredin regard to the opium law, inde-

pendence of the .Judiciary, corpora-tions, and other matters.



The Finance Miniilci'.s publishedrepoit to the Legislature is lengthyami elaborate. With appendices itoccupies over one hundred octavopages. In an append!? it containsa i ibulaled statement of the rove-niie- s

and expenditures of the king-

dom fiom 1850 to 1890.

The leceipts for the biennialpoiiod ending March .'51, lfi'JO, aregiven in detail. They are summar-ised thus: Balance in TreasuryMarch 31, 188S, S109,4G5.(50, com-

prising the Loan Fund balance,(84.1,352.31), and the Current Ac-

count balance (803,913.29); fromthe sale of bonds, $31,500.00; fromthe Postal Savings Bank, $780,525.-9- 8

; from taxes, duties, licenses,I cuts, storage, realizations, etc.,82,817,170.87; the giaud total ofleceipts being 83,741,002.45.

The details of expenditure arcalio specified, aud thus summarised :

Payment of national debt, 837,000;Postal Savings Bank withdrawals,40,000 ; for puljlic Improvements,

m. iTtrpm?myn'i0 r nwv

from tliu loan fund, as nutliorimlby the Appropriation Hill of 18S8,

$o02,081 .211 ; for salaries, depart-

mental expenses, Hoard of Health,Hoard of Education, interest, andthe entire conduct of the Govern-

ment, 82,071,129.11!; making a

grand total of S0,250,.r10..'i0.At the close of the peilod the

Loan Fund balance was S281.I97.0C,and the Current Account balance,e209.C:.:.0 1, making a total In thetreasury of 431,102.10. Tue ac-

tual surplus of current receipts overcurrent expenditure' is put down at8Hii,741.73.

The estimated current receipts for

the next biennial period amount to82,802,505.01, and the estimatedexpenditures to 34,391,363.47.

The foregoing generalities aregiven at the llrst opportunity as we

deem them of the greatest genet al

interest, but the report teems withfigures and other matters not evenhinted at here, which concern andshould interest the public, to whichwc intend directing attention an



Editok Bn.i.i.ns :Allow me a few lines of your

valuable space, to express ui satis-faction with the couiso outlined inthe "Notice of Intention" given byNoble McCerthy in the LegislativeHall ytisterdiiy'. Why should thesalaries of Government employeesbe exempt lroin garnishee. Whyshould they not lie subject to thecommon law fo: the collection ofdebt equally with any other citizenof the country It tho.ie i nnygood reason 1 fail to sec it, andwould like to be enlightened uponthe subject. Mr. McCarthy was thecandidate of the retail business menof the town, and 1 congratulatethem, aud him, that he has thusearly shown that the confidence re-

posed in him hns not been mis-

placed.A Foist Si. Itrsi.NM Man.



Editou Rn.i.r.iis:Now, Mr. liush, let me talk to

you a a friend that knows .you onlyby your writiiuis, in which you seemto infer that only "white skins" aremissionaries, and they all belong tothe Reform Party. Vo acceptyour in-

ference as being conect for the purpobc of argument, although we havepood missionaries in our party whoare not "while .skins." Hut youalso chatge the Kefoini Party as be-

ing thieves, robbeis, etc., becausethey have robbed thu native. Thiswo denv. .

3lr. hush, have jour race to-da- y

got anything worth possessing, ex-

cept ihelr physical existence andtheir kindly ailurrs, which they didnot get, under God, through the"while skins." Their leligiou,their written langnugc, their prop-erly rights, their light to life andlibeity, their clothing, their horse-- ,

and how to use them as slaves fortheir comfort, their knowledge olhow to incici.ae their wealth midcomforts by labor, their schools thatenable them to put their thoughtson paper or engrave them upon therock and enjoy sweet communionwith lriends a't a distance yea,iheir history about all that isknown of Hid native iace has beengatticred up and preserved by thewhite skiui, and our half civilizedl!ov eminent, bad as it is, that weare enjoying to-da- in the whiteman's woik. In all of these tilingsaud many otheis, the white "mis-sionary" has proved himself thefoster father of the native race, byleading, instructing and correctingthem; and if you will scrutinizeclosely, Mr. Hush, you will discoverthat a large part of the bcht andmost influential of the "white rtkius"hnc striven nud are now striving,with money and brains to raise thenative to n hgher plane of civiliza-tion and political enjoyment.

Please look at the tallowing pio-niisin- g

picture: Visit any of the po-

pular gatherings ,in this city andyou wjll sec the white skins and thedaik mixed promiscuously thioughthe hall,, like huckleberries andmilk, all clothed and in their rightminds, mothers and fathers, menand maidens. The whites do notjostle the dark, nor tint datk thewhite, they meet us friends andneighbors, brothers and sisters. Oneclass does not feel itself socially orintellectually above their neighbor.--.They nieetns equals m the churches,in the social halls and on the hallgrounds; they inter-mair- lido inthe same cars, and listen to thesame teachers. Mr. Hush, is it.

right to even, try to stir up badblood between races thus happilyliving? Would you have all of the i

advauccd blessings your t ace nowenjoy taken from them, and restoreto them the good old days of a cen-

tury ago, when men and maidenswere, clothed only with the, "malo,"and superstitious ignoranco filledtheir mind3? This is about as likelyas It is that I should wish my racelestored to what it wa-- a thousandyears ago.

No, Mr. Hush, you may write it,but wu have a better opinion of youthan that. Think of what your owncondition would be if the fates de-

creed n return. Your fine clothesexchnnged for the "malo," yourcultivated Intellect exchanged or ft

. p

,"S'Wii' r"Km-'rwM!m ., um!mg' "tr'Tfr - T"l,5!''plfr" l'ff" ,ulllr"'pjWWWJWr V'1'




The undersigned calls the attention of the honieHCcklng and purchas-ing public to his place on JS'uuanu Aienue, known n the "Magnin Place,"which he intend to sell at a Very how Figure with nil the improvementthereon, to wit:


A 7-ro- oin 2-st- ory

'With Bathroom, Kitchen, Water A.

Ontbuildinc. u Kliitili! for two hoi Cani,oU3e & Extensive Chiekcnyard, Wnterpipes all oer the grounds TheProperty contnius

2.7 of the Finest Garden Land !

And is planted almost cntitely in Grapevines (0,000 pieces), Peaches,Apiicots, PI inn , Figs and other Choice Fruit", all of which sun growingremnikably well in the cool nlley air. Chinese Tea now thrives on theland. An of Hoses of the choicest kind and a variety of otherFlowers adoin the place the year around. Theie is no Piopertythan tbii in llio maiket considering the


The only losmon of sale is, that I am going to leave the Islunds to returnto tlie Coast, The eventual purchaser of the can, If lie wants to,buy the

Household Furniture, Range & Kitchen Utensils, Garden Tools,Hoisos h Harnessed, Eto., lite , at :i Vtry BratonaMt 1'ncM I

Qf For terms of sale and all particulars apply at the premises,Xutinnu Vallev.

02 In

few tiadilional ideas, all pcibapsfalse. No advantage from book,no Klele, nor pen to gratify a niotb-i- d

dhpo.Unin to falsify politicalwho oti v,i?Jl know to be

better than vourH-lf- ; and shouldyou be restored and yet be pennit-ie- d

to retain powei to pen aud printsuch slanderous article- - as onic-time- s

appear in youi paper. Youwould only do it oiuc, as soon youinoble cartas wniild be given to theants. AVu don't believe you wantau tiling rcsloieil but your noblesoft to tlic power aud emolument,you a few jiars ago. Letme say to you, Mi. huh, that thede-ir- e of jour heart for restorationmay yet lie gratilicd if ou willqualify ouisolt and joursell'worthy. Speak the truth, wntethctruth, be politically as well a-- ; Ihrui-ciall- y

honest : get' nd of that bitterthat seems to po-se- ss you.

Cea-- u speaking against good menand good principles; don't lie likethe nog on the jump that can I re-

member when he was a tadpole, but ',

other men can. Ask the tlieut Onefor wisdom, quit woiking against I

your own race by Stirling up bad I

blood, it - dangcroii-- . Voik foour own race by woiking with the

white race. They know better thanyou do, whit is good for you andvour people, and thev are hnncbt i

woikers for your race as well as fortheir own. Iy looking closely, Mr.Hush, jou will observe that thosewho work and associate with thew Idle race for tlic good of all willri-i- and those who woik against '

them will go down. '

Watch this a few ycat Mr. i

Bush; it may be a levelalioii loyou. Tin tide of emliyation in tillili glory is lising ovei these islands, .

nothing can turn it back; it is im-

pelled forward by thu foiee of des-ti-

It ou tioat with it, it will bewill with you. Sometimes you willbe lidiug on the ciest of the waw,rejoicing in high populai faor; butit ou lontiuue to light against themi lent of corning ceuts you willbe montly under tow, and eventu-ally thtowu upon the shore as adead slick.

'1 here is one mote thought, Mr.liiisli, respecting jou, J must d.

It is this: if you continue tooppose the skins" ami .stirup had blood among your people,the lime will come, and uoouer than '

it will be welcomed by you, thatyour people will discover that tho"white skins" are their best friendsand ou their wor.--t enemy. Theywill sec it; they will feel it as I donow and they will demand justice,follow their old custom by handingyou over to the kahunas as n mannot ill to live; let all lake wanting,this i- - from your best friend.




On THURSDAY, Iffay 20th,AT 'A O'CLOCK .OO.V,

1 will sell at Public Auction, at Mr. P.Oullen's, Waiuhole, Koolau. O.1I111,

20 Horses and Colts,Moie or less; and

2 Pair of WORKING OXEN,Hi'longlng to the Instate of J. (ileu- -

soii. deectibcd.

J.T. WATERHOUSE.JR.,fiC'.'.ll Admlni-ti.itoi- '.


.1. i:. Hi own, Manager.

hJalurday Evoninjy, May i.

TE BIJOUlA.nn,lrT It lin.l.,.1 '

VUllltUJ Vlf lIUlU(llli v't',

Un which will be pro-duced

(I Blaok-eye- d Susan M

-- A.NU-

"The Rough Djamoncl"

IW Hox plan nt .1. E. IliownM. 1'ar-(inet- to

and Drees Clicle SI; JialeMiy75e.; Oalle ry 5Ue. SCO It

Dwelling House 1

Clothe Closets attached, alaoeq &; Feud Short. Chicken- -





opponent-.- ,




Auction Sales by James F. Morgan.

Regular Cash Sale !

Mjiy Hli,AT IO O'CMK'll ,. II..

At ui side-rnn- (Jui'i'ii "tit't't, I willsell at Public .Miction. ,

DKY GOODS!Ciool.eiy & ,

II.iiiIwmii', u lm nl

Household-- : FurnitureV.M- -

I Phaeton, 1 Family Carriage,

And at 12 o'clock noon. at Hi ewer'sWlmif.

i 1 jojijlx' Oo:--t I

J AS. V. MOlltiAN',..;:-i-t Auctioned.


REAL ESTATE!T'j dlu'ctlon of fi:riL HTtOWX. the

Kxecutornf tlulnt will ami testament ofPhilip Milton, deeea-ieil- , I inn directedto -- ell at Public Auction, at niv Saleroom in Honolulu,

On SATL'KDAY, MnyAT It O'4I0'!& XOO.

The Lite ITome-lea- d of the "aid PhilipMilton, being tlrii eeii.iln piopoity situ-ate on the matika iilt of King Street, Insaid Honolulu, belweeti I lie picmNcr.otM.llun.iu, K-- and Alex. Young.K-- q.

The :iboo I'inpcit' Is planted withfruit tlic and gupe vim- -, and has ansotc-la- w II fiom which theie is nowan income of jL'M pel annum. Tit'iperfect Also, al the s.uue time andpl.ou, and by the -- ame dlieellou I .hall

that ce t.iiu

Piece of Farcil of M !

Mtu.itc al Kiilioil.,ibu.i. Ilonu'iilti. ad-

joining the pieini-e- H of ( Innles Mllilnit,J'm.. and containing .ill .11 e.i if 'O

acies. Mutable lor a homo-hu- d. Titlepcrfet.

fcfcay" llecds at the expense of Hie pur- -lll.l-C- l.

JAS. F aroiuiAX,r.t'.i td Am tlonecr.

GEORGE GRAY,(I.ale of thu Ot.itoiu-- )

Hogs leave 10 Inform the public, mer-chants and olhci-- , th.it he Is picpsncdto undeitaUe ibe collection of bill- -,

woik. and making Inventoriesof bankrupt and oilier Mocks. TypeMilting done with ne.ilni?s and li

and at moderate lain.J Bell Telcpliono 401: P. 0. Box 333.; r.iL'jjo! HEWETT & JACOBSEN,

Atcoiiaeaatt, C'ollfOtoN, OojJiois.loa .A;oat nndUuutOU U0CE0 Ucoktri.

Are i.l all time's piepnrtd to per.fin in any ill -- eriplion of lleiieul Woik

as Audilinj.; Ai nuts, I'oiliii;upTiadL'siiieii'H lloolvj), Miiklii(r Inventoties

t of lUuuk, hngroniii'; l.upd Dncuuiuit.i,Ku. Umiipeieut and Sellable FreightC'leiks loi lhu dvllveiy and tallying of(iirK.'cs.

tir'Oliice at Huhr.vci: i; Houi.iitsos'h,Qmeasuei;l Post Olllen l!o 18!), Mil

I ti.urrohiil.mil) P.": Ib-l- l 'lelephouo 111.rir.i it


'I -- I IP lil,i.,r.' l,!,,.,,!. C.O.l,. m4... IHIIIIIf,.!) I.. II VI Ul H IJ l.ll,hold Its annual meeting on MOX-DA-

M.iy'Jillli, at it o'clock l. vi., attho residence of tins Hon. Charles .

p. All iateu'hleil aic conlhtllyInvited to attend, (ieiitleiiien aic In-

vited for the evening. fidl td


,w ANIOK-I.OOKI.(;,New-ly

Oottii'm on lleiu- -PVSS taililt Htl CCt. llClW Cell Klllt 1111(1

, bediooniR, bathiooin and patent closet,illlllll-iuu- ni alio i.tiuiiuii, ,'uiivt'iiiuiuian aiied. Item moderate. Apply to

.r. ii. iutUNs,SCI tf No. :t:t Ilerolanla slicet.


''PHAT desirable PremisesA on Koit MH'i't, In lie

".Melnurny Hloek.' recuntlvoccupied by J. X. H. Vllliiiiins, hultahlufor ollko or toie. l'or luforiiiallonapply to ollice Union Iron Works,

01 tosail lm .1. N. S, WILLIAMS,

Cash Assets,


5'.Zl!JIAttS A. MctTKUY, IJTiit!itt.teUr full pnrtlculnts apply to

Dee-21.s- u Gcneial Agent for the Hawaiian Islands.

nrcidVEKKI) of to any

Fresh Cakes, Pies5

Ornhani Ilread,llyc

riench 111 end,I'aniily' Ilread,


ll 11

eer And will he

roll'io, Ton, ( horolute ,v Milk,


IMpo & Ciivarolio Tobaoco,

&&r Open fiom J ..10 ,. vi. until.viuiuiii Telephone 211. l'osi Ollice.,.,rrn nrnn uimtn nnnni tr n r irumi iiiim ....i. Miai

aafis ara Si' s

fl:i0 l',Itov: 17S.



Giier Aio, Hop Ale, liieral Waters.


toHUUtl Saia Q S u i


tay- - All cmmiiuuiPKilons

Hi) 1 ai

PfVt'rniff Iffrfff rflfaafl!1 fcaiaMIUMB-S35sr5'- a




1 am iiiMiiielcd Dn. TKOt'SMJAI'to sell al Public Auction,


(Unless pievloiwly disposed (ifntpil-- v

ate . lie) following Valll.lhle P10-pcil- y,

(Hie onlj Miiisou foi scl'lti is thew.iut of time to use ISoats).

1 30-- n mait&B iLnncb

With Mini-- . Sails. Anchor. Oh.iln-- ,Etc . Klc. siciiiliilly lined out andic.uh for use;

Cillon. of Xaptha foi Fuel.1 ol Xaptha I.aiuicli, open hoal,

with AwnliiKwml (mis;1 with Ours, M.iit anil

S.ill; a veij jnetty boat;

Probably Iatesl Snll Hout inhaihor, Cutter Jtleil;

1 llaiue,'iit Sneakbov, with MiiMuiiiIMill, and KnidhiK Center-IWuui- l,

llnNhed in rancy Woodi;1 ot Life Itoal with Copper Tanks

1 Canvas Folding Boat1 Coracle,1 Coppcieil fc'cow.Sails. Spars Hloeka ami rutin1?, of all

1 Toot I.atlin it Tools Ironami JtincH,

1 PowerShlpman Engine, readyto pin in a boat with piopellershall;

I'.uojs, Anchois it Mooilii;;s; alo, the


Of the best ilesuilptiou.The pioxbnlty of maiket

iniike this lioat house a very ValuablePiopeity, them Is every convenience toslow a ami llftllht and heavv bo.its,and Is snltahlu font boat yacht ilub,pilot Ihhim; or life Having station.

Cioiind lent Is 8.10 per annum, I10111Misi4, Lylo it.SoiTcuson.

iSf'l'liu floats are lendy lid atany time applying at 1I10 boat house.,and eveiy Uo.it Is In perfect older.

LEWIS J. LEVEY,td Auctioneer.

Guaranteed BondsBY THE

mmmiOF IYE3W




Buns3 Rusks, Doughnuts, Picnic


Hi end,


JUirI of FAHEiSoused I'ijt'a l'efl, fold Ham.

A I.ADfir. Ol'

lipcs, Cigar &

rnntin mm


Soda Ci ackers,Uiillcr Cracker?,

liofton Cmekers,Water Ci acker.,

CIialiHin Cr.ickoif",SliDolIytCrnclcera,


Spiced Tongue, ftpieed ltecf, K(e,

fatunlay open



Solo &

Enll'-l- i



and ordors should bo addressed to


KB-I- 3;Mb8JH "XV.W






CaRGS, E!c Elc.

pail tho city.





Proprietors WATSE,

Eamflc, SarsaiiariHa, Etc.


B uu








ICatapi "illatross"the



tint new





ol J

n !




S p d


Holdoiw. I'ohl DriitUn, Ett:nil night. Hell Telephone i?S?.

4bi (!niWMataLBbtoLBattin&a rM3fkr..omagra.



& FOUT HTKIiiTH.--o ..




Dry Fancy Goods !

Which aie now oponed out for inspection.

Choice Selection of French Sateencs !' K.iat Colors about UiO 1'iccen at 0 centu a yard ;

SCOTCH .Kl'MYILS, tho Latest Xovelties;A New Line of TOYAL BATISTE;

PEKS1AN MULLS, in the Lilest Designs;

Llueii LuwuM ! JL.iiiou Lji-tv-ii- m :

I wish to call the attention that I have this seaeon impoited'tlie l'ineat .unlBefit Selected Slock of

WHITE GOODSOf Eveiy Description. ISO pes to wleet fiom. I have bought

1,500 Pieces of Embroifleries is Boii liw lie EastAn ItiimiMiso Ab.soitmont.

g)B Ladieii in want of EiniuoideiicM cm save SO pi,- - cent on nvoiypiirchiiHi'.

S. EHRLICH,Keb Corner Hotel & Fori. Strrots.



Chas. J. FISHEL'S,Lending Millinery House, Coiner I'oit it Hotel hIp.

fjr No. 2 Patterns alilte. Kahhionidilo Dressmaking upuliiirn fiV

'CLIMAX'' BAKINOWithout a Kival in Priuc & Quallij !

Oncthird tho Price of the Royal !

Every HouBokeeper Should Uao It !

SJtT A Saving of Xi Per Cent in Cost nnd Quality tho Very Boat. &SPECIAL RATES TO JOBBERS.

, HENRY DAVIS & CO.,"'l ' Exclusive Agnnts for the Hawaiian Mauds,

u.. . Cr van,. Jmt06uiKMf jtf&tk (' "SiWSsfcA

..- -4

r-- 'l


Page 3: Tea and Houi'a J. jUi ma - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 5. 30. · Tea and Ooffeo at 111 Houi'a The Finest Iiinnd of ClEfflfj, jUima (Vlwnys llmiil. II..1. XX,TIS, K'kdiuieior

v tv- -

W- -.

DAILY BUIiLKTIN: HONOLULU, JL L, MAY UB, 181)0.fcyyBajtyiOMwesiijitvn HWw"JiH . w vr.

'Jl'IJ 1J


Fill DAY, MAY 2i), 18'JO.



11KOUI.AU Il.UNS.A. M. i'. .11.

Leave Honolulu . UJL'O 2 :uiAirlve Mamma . '.IMS !?:1SLeave Mariana ...11 I'll) I :W)Arrive Honolulu ...II: IS Ji4S

MJXDA n:i.ss.A. M. M. r. .m.

Leave Honolulu ...'! ::io :;iu :i:ioAriivoMiinaua ...10:13 il.S nilLeave Manana.... 11:00 : CI I :'Arrive Honolulu...! I sis ;;)i I :r:i



Stun- - Kllnnr:t Hull fiom HiimakliaSinn- - I't'li' from IIhiiiiiI.iiuMini .ins Makcu (nun KauaiHolir Halctikala irom Hiwtll ''Schr Luku from Kohuln

GErWwllRtS.May 2:i

fc'lmr Klium tor Hilo and way ports nl'i p m

SI mr U K UMiop for Walanao, Wakilmimid Koolaii nl ! !i in

Sehi- - Llholllio for WahtnaeHchr K:mlihi;i for Kahtiku


Stmr Iwnlanl for Lahalua iiml Hatua-l.tt- a

at 10 n in


Tor Maui and Haw-all- , per stmr Ki-iia-

May 'Ja For the Voli-ano-: II 1)

Ketehtiui and II C Hutu. I 'or w im-

ports: Mrs J H Holt, MisO Klddciatidchild, 0 Gada, II Akuna. V. Lacy, BroBertram, W 11 DanleD, Mr iJailey,WongKwal. T W RvpipU.

Ktipn.ii, pprsttur damp Makce,Mav 'JS-- M's II I'l'iibei-p- , G E l'alr-chll- d,

'.vim,, Wee. Dr MFiainura and S

deck.From San Frnncleco, per hk Andrew

Welch, May -ear (iadi-- , Wm Clap-per, wife aiid son, Mis 1! Halley, It BBate, J Huberts, ami It C Ketchum.

For Koolau, per stinr C R Blahop.May?3-KHIlalst- cad.


(J S & Xipsic, McCurlcy, from SamoaUSS Adams. J G Greene, fiom SamoaIII- - ship Bortowdalo, Gutlirlo, fiom

LiverpoolItkt I'lantcr, Dow, from Pan FranciscoAm bkt Irmgard, A II Paul, from .San

Francisco.Ilk Alex McNeil, Prils, from San Pr.in- -

clfpoAm bkt C O Funk, A C Glaser, from

NewcastleAm bkt Klikltat, 11 T Cutllcr, from Port

TowneudAm bk Colusa. Backus, from NoweaMlc,

X S WAm schr K K W.ood, N C Lars-en-

, fiom Newcastle. N tf WAm ipiii Eva, .1 O Wlkniati, from r.u-rck-

CalAm inic- - packet Morning Star. O F

Garland, from South Sea Islandsllr bk Omega, A V Brown, from Hong-

kongAm seln- - Golden Shore. Header,

con, from Newcastle, N S W


I h F Charleston, Commodore Brown,from San Kiancisco due May 22

Bkt J A Falkenbiirg. from lVru, (forKahu'iilj duo May 7

Br ship Blpuglleld sailed fiom Liverpool Apr if, uue iug 'i

Schr Alealde, fiom Port Ludlow, dueMay is

Bk Atalanta, Irotn Pugct rfound. dueMay 10

Gur bk Adonis from Brenirn(Jer bk Faint, from New YorkBk Uncle dohii, from Newcastle, due

May 10Bkt Discovery, McN'cll, from Sail Krau- -

clsco, duu May HBkt Mary Wlnkeliuan. from miii Fian- -

ctaco, due May 17

II B M S Acorn, from lquimult, B C,duo May :il

Br bk Blrkt--r from London, sailed Apr13, due Auk 23

Schr J G North from San Fianelco. fpnroute for Mahukona) due .In no 1

Am lugt Lui'llnc. MaU'on, from SanFraneNco, due Juno ii

I! M S S Zealandla, from San FranpKcoen route to tlm Colonics due June 7

II M S S Alameda from tlm Colonic! enroute to San Francisco duo May 31

Haw S S Australia from Sail Franciscoduo May !J0


The fteamer Kllauea Hun hi oughtfiU uiorning from llanmkua OuO bagsnjg&r and 4U head cattle.

The Mcuiuur Hawaii brought0200 bng- Hiigur and (!0 head cattle

from Hamakim.J'lio steamer C K BUhop brought 1.103

bags sugar, 'JO bajts lice, and 34 bagsturo fiom Koolau,

'Ibu EchooucM Hal'-akab- i and I.ukabrought ll'OO and 1875 bags Miirar fromHawaii y.

The steainer .Tame Makco broughtUlOObiig sugar fiom ICapaa, and thesteamer Pcle 'J7U! bags sugar ami til)

bands molasses from ilam.iUua.


Hawaiian Council, A. L. of II.,at 7 :!J0.

Pnoiflo Degree Lodge No. 1 1). of11., at 7:1)0.

Services .'it St. Andrew'sat 7.

Special Services at Central UnionChurch, at 7:30.

The Mikado tit Opera House, at8- -


will bo Queen Vic-

toria's birthday. There will lie

boat races in the morning Myrtlestit ! o'clock and IlenlanU at DillO

nnil baseball in the afternoon attttbU The band will play at theresidence-- of the Uritibli Commis-

sioner from 12 to a o'clock, p. in.,and at the baseball grounds, by re-

quest of Major Wotleliousc, at !J :M.The Bijou Comedy Company willplay Ulack-eye- d Susau in tlio OperaHouse at 8 o'clock in the evening.God Snve thoQnoeii!

'"Skctii '.. ..'11'T' .f


A CON UN I' AlKiS nf till' tllllldcrtrial itppcalrf nn the fourth pao.

An nran for tho foicigu cliuirli nlMiikawiio ciinio bv tho AndrewWolcli.

Tin: band is playing thi nftenioonat Kawitiahuu Soininary, ficuii two tolive o'clock.

Mai-.vakk- cliect i licing repaiii'don u plan fteijiiently Miggcutcil bytiio Bt'l.t.r.Ti.v.

Tin: Bortovwlalu brouttlit materialfor the new market to ho oioclctl mitho ophttiiulo.

Tin: band conceit on ilic grouudoof (Jnei'ii I'.iiuiiii Mall waft enjoyedbv ii large coiieoun--- o of poojiln latuiglil.

Tin: MimcuI Association, conduct-ed by Mr. Ynruilloy, has its ineeliiigpostponed tillThuisday evening, 20thhist.,, ut Dr. Met row'.-- .

An iidmiuiidralor's sale of hof-i-

and coll belonging to the estate ofthe In to .). GU'ason, will lm held illWiiialiolc, the nther side of ibin il-an-

ou the JOtli iustiinl.

will be the lnM opportu.nity to wilnc.'s tho Mikado pi rlortn-.nic-

at lh Cper.u Hoiim', by thelocal company. Tho proceeds willbo for the merited N

benefit, of Mi.Sauvlot.

At 12 o'clock noon atliiM salesroom, Mr. .las. P. Morganwill will at auction leal oilatn belong-ing to tho estate of the late P. Mi-lton. The pioperty is described intho auctioneer's advciiircmeut.

Ui'iii.Vfi the receii in the baud crui-ce- rt

al Queen ISninci Hall giauiulH,last iiijilil. Mr. Mc(',i dolivocd nvciy .i.i'iblo .iiIiIu'Sm on teiiipoiuneoIn a lau'c eiowd, Imm Ilic balcimy nfthe bull, llmi. W. If. ltiec iiiicrp'iut-iiij,'-.

Ma. M'iii;iiti,8 rciilar cash salewill commence at 10 o'clock

inoi'iiinc. Dry gomU, ctockery,household furniture, futility carriage,etc., will bo offered. At 12 noon, atBrewer' wharl, a long boat will bes.dtl.

Mn. A V. Gear, t,

ptcsided at the meeting f tho Stein-i- t7. Clie.'.p Club la:U night, in tho ab-

sence of Mi. Bruce Carlwtight, presi-dent. Mr. C. M. Cool: ii icsigned theoilice of trciiHiner on account of in-

tended departure fiom the kingdom,and i.Ir. Kmest Thrum wim unaiii-motiU- y

eleelcd in liis place.

Di'Uiso tb!? aftetnonn nfbeginning at one o'clock, Mr. 11.

Bamfield will hold a sale of localview.--, in oils and water color?, at bis"tudio in Spreckol's block. The viewsfor sale aie- - niniked down at lowprices. This is an unfrpqiient oppor-tunity for people of limited meansto procure high clans pictuies.


The steamer Kinau takes y.12

Japanese laborers this afternoon forvarious plantations ou Hawaii. Tholiboiers are assigned as follows:

mkn wojin.s- -

Onomca Sugar Co UU '26

IHIoStiearCo ftfi III.atipiihoehou .Sugar Co SI 8Walakea Mill Co 10 JCFHnrt 8IUI Hind S I

Dillon .Mill CoBancroft Plantation. . . . 7 1

W Y Horner 20 I

Hatpakua Mill Co 17 I

W WGoodalo 1



Mr. S. M. Sayford held forth asusual in the Central Union Churchto a large audience, and very elo-

quently dUponsed the Gospel ofChrist to all who would receive it.His subject was "Practical sugges-tions for Christian work." Hestated that the fjreat needs of y

for elllcicnt wotk were consecration,concentration of effort, faith inGod, mora! courage and prayer,and that ail and every interestshould bo sub3crvient to the one ofsoul salvation.

He will preach again this eveningin the church, and even-ing the service will take the form ofa "confidential talk" in the Y. M.C. A. hall, to men only, who can re-

ceive tickets of admission, free ofcharge, at the rooms.


iicroitn uicKi'.ii-roN-, J.

Imiidav, May 23.In re eUato of I).. Mauakti, de-

ceased, intestate. Petition of llosinaK. Manaku, the widow, Hint AY. O.Smith be appointed executor. Or-

dered that letters of administrationbe issued lo V. O. Smith underS.IOO bond. W. O. Smith for peti-tioner, petitioner in person.

II. II. Gibson vs. Isaac Waihoio-aht- i,

foreclosure of mortgage. He-tur- n

by Marshal upon sale. Or-

dered that sale be confirmed andthat the Marshal execute a deed.Also that plaintiff have judgmentfor Sl'Jfi.GO, balance duo overamount realized. Xf. A. Whitingfor plaintiff j no appearance of orfor defendant.

A Canadian Methodist Missionarytho ilev. T. A. Dargo was brutallymurdered by two burglars armedwith swords on April fall, in defend-ing himself from their unprovokedattack. His wife was badly wound-ed and mutilated in endeavoring toassist her husband. The murderershave since been caught,




Kisidav, May 'ii.MOUNIMI

The Legislative Assembly wasopened at 10 o'clock with prayer byllev. J. Yniamati. Minutes' werelead by the Secretary.

Minister ThurMoii called utteri-lln- n

to tho minutes having beenpartly tead from house papers, andsaid there should be a complete io-eo-

in one language.The President had observed the

same thing, and instructed the Secre-tary accordingly.

Ministers Austin and Damon, andHep. llosa also made corrections,and nn motion of Hep. llosa ap-

proval nf tho minutes was postponedtill next day's ses'-iun-.

I'lvrrnoNN.Hep. Jlice presented n petition

from Sli Portuguese icsideutsot Ko-lo- a,

that the Government setapatlmore holidays for thcrrfr Ileferredto committee on public lands, etc.

Xoble J. M. Horner presented apetition fiom 102 native and 1 10 for-eiii- n

residents of llamakua, in favorof the Hilo and IlainaUua Railway.He said a bill would be introducedin accordance with the petition. d

to committee on public lands,etc.

Hep. ICainai presented a petitionfiom liana with ';l! signatures, torestore Hie Governois. Laid on ta-

ble to be considered with the bill onthat subject. The same memberpresented a petition that the law

lo the assessment and collec-tion of taxes be abolished, and thatthose functions be placed in thehands of governors of the islands.To be cotibidered with the bill,

Hep. Kapaelmole presented a po-

tion from 715 residents of Molokai,that an artesian well be dug at Ka-tnal- o,

and that ."000 be appropriat-ed for tliul purpose. Rolerred tocommittee on public lauds.

Hep. Ciimmiiigs presented a peti-tion for S'iOOO to lie appropriated toextend the road from Smith's bridgeto School street.

Minister Thurston said proceed-ings under the law had already beentaken for the work, and an item ap-peared in the Appropriation Hill forits cost.

Hep. Ivuniai presented a petitionfrom Ilonuula for $8000 to imptovcthe landing at Makcna. Heferredto committee on public lands, etc.

itr.soi.fTioxs.Minister Ashford introduced his

bill to transfer care and custody ofprisoners from Interior to Attorney-General- 's

department. Head a firstlime by title and referred to print-ing committee.

Minister Thurston nave notice of(l)anacl to transfer the postalbureau front the Interior Depart-ment to the Department of Finance,(2) an act to transfer the bureauof immigration from the InteriorDepartment to the Department ofForeign Affairs, (.J) an act to amendchap. 21 session lawn 1882, entitled,"An Act lo admit fertilizers free ofduty."

Hep. Ivapaehnolo read a first timehis bil to repeal chap. (59, laws of188S, and ct clfap. .r0 of thePenal Code.

Noble J. M. Homer read a firsttime hi3 bill to further promote theconstruction of railways on the Isl-

and of Oahti. It extends the timefor constructing railways under thefranchise of 1888 to fivo ycais, andIhe time of the exclusive franchiseto fitly years. Interest not to ev-eec- d

six per cent, per annum on thecompany') bonds is to be guaran-teed by the Hawaiian Governmentupon any loads constructed aftercompletion of Pearl River Division,provided the bonds shall not exceed818,000 for each mile. A subsidyof f.'iOO a iiulo for live years fromdale of construction is to be paidby Ihe Government for the wholeline.

The Secretary read a communica-tion from Geo. Ros, Auditor-General- ,

submitting his report. NobleWideinann moved it be printed.Carried.

Rep. Hush gave notice of a bill toregnlatu the election of Noblea andto repeal chap. 7G, laws of 1888.

Hep. White gave notice of. (1) anact lo regulate the importation anilMile of keroseno, gasoline, napthn,benzine, and other explosivu oils;(2) an act to repeal an act entitled,"An Act relating to the militaryforces of the Kingdom;" (it) anact to amend chap, (ill, session lawsJ888, entitled, "An Act to amendsec. 2 of chap, oil of the PeualCode," and tepeal sees. .'I, !, and 5of said chapter with all amendmentsthereto.

Minister Damon read a first timeby title the Appropriation Hill, andmoved for a suspension of rules tohave it read a second time by title.

Noble Widemaiin moved the billbe referred to the Finance Commit-tee.

Hep. Brown said that the practice,was to have the Appropriation Hillconsidered by committee of Hiewnoio. tie intended to uiovu aresolution fixing certain days forthis purpose. ,

Noble Widemanii had never be-

fore seen the Appropriation Hill in-

troduced tho third day of tho ses-

sion, with a proposition to discuss ittho next Monday. Tho bill shouldbo kept to the very last, as it gavethis house the only hold it had onthe Executive

'&9Lj( ..ft.. '..

Minlstei Thurston ngrtcd that itwas tin first time tho bill wv; readyul the opening of the session. Ithad usually been delayed four orlive weeks, and members pickint: atthe Ministers about it. Tills wasalso the first time when a Ministerof Finance had submitted a fullstatement of the evpendllurcs forthe past two years ami estimates forthe nevt two years. He agreed withthe lion. Noble that the bill shouldbe retained to the end, but thai didnot prevent its byitPin, and all that need he delayedwas third rwudtng' It was oniifelycontrary to precedent for the bill tobe referred to any butthat of the whole.

Noble Wideiiiauu ittitl he hadseen all the Ministers' icports beforonow on the table the fir&l day of thesession.

The motion for second reading bytitle carried.

Minister Thurstou moved that theAppropriation Hill be made theorder of the day on Mondays. Wed-nesday!!, arid Fridays, beginningwith .Monday, Juno 2d.

Hep. Hush moved an amendmentthat the bill bo taken up the firstMonday after the report of thefinance committee is presented.

Minister Thurston said the financecommittee could not get throughwith the bill in four weeks. Hespoke of the time it took and witholid work for the house to dispose

of the Appropriation 13111 last ses-sion.

Rep. Hush did not believe in hur-rying up the finance, committee, noryet in hiirryiue the AppiopriatiouHill. Hy dividing the woik thecommittee should do it in two weeks.They were sent here for such woik,and he was willing lo stay a year ifnecessary.

Rep. Hiekard considered the ideaof delaying the bill indefinitely asabsuid. It would be to their advan-tage to fully consider the statementsof the Minister of Finance, but thediscussion of the bill should not bedelayed loo long. He moved anamendment that ihe bill be taken upMonday Iwo weeks hence.

Noble J. M. llornoi said businesswas business, and the Committee ofFinance could also be considering itindividually or collectively, but.should not take it way from theHouse. He regarded it'ns the mostimportant matter before them.

Noble Macfarlane held that thereport of the Minister of Interiorhad an important bearing on theAppropriation Hill, and wanted toknow when ir would be before theHouse.

Minister Thurston said the Interioritems were away down in the bill.He had been camping with theprinter and hoped the report wouldbe ready Tuesday or Wednesday.

The House took recess fiom 12:00till 2 o'clock.

frlART&CO.jRAN DIES of all kinds

(lav titthe "Kllte.' :S lw

MEETING NOTICE.Council No. n;, Ame-

rican J.cglon of Honor, meetsTHIS (Friday) EVENING, at 7:30o'clock, at Harmony Hall. KItijr street.

.1. KCKAUDT,Mi! It Seeretaiv.

CHALLENGEthe drivers of the HawaiianWF.,Hotel Stables, do- - hereby chal-

lenge the drivers of the United CarriageCo. to plava friendly game of Baseball,on WEDNESDAY, Mav' 23th, at 2o'clock I', st. 2t


DKA FT drawn by Gay A-- Uobbi-o- n

J. T. Waterhoii'-- for 6131.58lu favor of Akauiiira and eiidor-e- d byAkamiira and Ahko. Not certain aboutthe number of cents. Payment Isstopped. .'i.'ti uw


pilE Pcopln'rt-Ip- o & HefilgeraihigI. Co. will sell Ice from and after

dale. In quantities to stilt at factorypi lee. at the groeerv store of

HHNKY DAVISHonolulu, May 22, l.S'JO. fiiw lOt

NOTICE of S ALE.IJOBHBT BAKNFIELI) willMR.hold a private sale, at his studio,

.Spreckel's Block, during ihe afternoonsof .Saturday and Monday next. AVhetihe will offer a selection' of local viewslu both oils and watercolors, at verymuch i educed rates for cash. .',",:) til

IIAILUOAD HOUSE."VTO, u King street, near the Bridge,1 Open day and night. Meals at allhotir. Oider for California producereceived. E. T. GILZY,M2 2m Proprietor.


The ,11 HteitmHlil

"Yamashiro Maru"YOUNG, CcmmanJer.

Will have Hotioltilu for the above pottsou or about


C?f" For freight or jnssiige, havlugniporlor c.iblu and tttceiage uccouniio.dutiotiH, Apply to

Wra. 0. IRWIH & Co.,

CM Ul AgutiiB,

Ml lliUiVlAo,Jill - I

Contractor ?XktS k flnilder.

Evlimatcs Given on Drlcl,. Pan, Stunt! .WouJcn Buildings, Jobbing

Attendee! fo.- kw.t's rot: sai.i:

Brick, Lime, Cciiisnl, Waster or Pails,

Maible liiit, Wlie Lath,

California liorlli touch & Sada Cruz

WAND,Qmnry Tlle Oxii red, while and blue,Mliitou, PlatlC4aud Kncnustlc 'llb-- s Invailous patltiitti:, all kinds of DitduageWare.

teif Ort'ioi: Southeast comer Alu-Ke- .i

and Queen sttcets.Mutual -- 'artLCPIIONESKaV-Bjll 351


uiipr liiciiiiiory For Sale1 Putnam Kiiglue l.'xtltf.1 Three Holler Mill.

1 5 feet Vacuum Pan,VViih 20 Inch Belt A I'lltiiigs,

complete;I l'.'xinv.ixjs Combined Vacuum

I'miip,1 12x12x7x18 Combined Vacuum

Pumps flake."tif All In j;nod order and condition,

and ready for dellveiy at the cud of thepresent grinding sea-o- n. May be In-

spected al llamakua Mill, P.iaullo. Ha-

waii. Applv to5 it; lm Thco. H. Davics fit Co.

Government Coupons Lost !

March 23nl, Coupons 580, Itond No. 221j?:io, 2J7

. . .1 iV,o, 220i;) Siij

. .. .. r,( i. yi7" " " Sl.'i. ' 128

' " Ol.l, 12:1

" - " st:.. ' i an


Honolulu, .March 2. ly.io. Ml tl


A COMPLBTi: oiittlt for iiiikhifr andrx dispensing eiiiboualed bewrays,all lu Hood older. Address

O. MHINECIO:,rM tlm Waiohlnu, Hawaii.

LADIES' NUKSE.T4,TKS. MON'KOE, ludieb' nurec, h.--

XI I. recioM'il lo No II, Kukui lone.Ken M--

NOTICE.account of 111 health Dr. J. M.ON Whitney has appointed Dr. E. I..

Hutchinson to take charge of his uflk--until Ids letitru. .'.17 if


",rit.S. OSBORNE is now prepared toJlYJL give instructions; lu fancy Workat "The Arlington," Kooin . ClassI.cs-ou- s: Mondays, Wednc-daj- s andI'tldays. Private lemons" by specialarrangement. Stamping and orderspromptly attended to. feb2l-l- y


It. Din Id D.ivton will act for moM under a full power of atturneduring hiv absence f i om the Kingdom.

.1A.M1 DODD.

MR. I.. C. Abies holds special powetnf attorney from .lames Doibl to

attend lo any hits'lnc" matters connectedwith the Criteilon Saloon.

JAMES DODD.By DaId Dayton. Aitoruc.v-Iii-lac-

Honolulu, May 12, Ip'jO. Mis lw


HAVING bought out Mr. 11.in the "Honolulu Curlngc

M.iiuiifnctory," at 12S fort street, 1 amprepared to continue the above businix.under tho old name of Honolulu Car.rl.ige Manufactory, and being un oldexperienced carriagu builder I solicitthe '.itii)iKi;(! of my old ftiends uinl I liepublic in general, mid with my thoroughknowledge ol the business and with ex.perlenccd workmen and using only thebest material I guarantee general path:,faction. Please call and see rue hefotegoing elsewhere.

(Signed): OIDKON WEST.Honolulu. Opt. S. ISKfl. Mill it

lMiriilshod Hoii.si) To Let: AT Waiklkl, a two hlory

Sr.iiTs Hoihc, cotititining tixiifesj looms nicely funiislied, wlihkiicheii, liiiuii, bath mid sirv.uii's rooniH.stable, etc , to let for. a few months at areasonable rale. Or rooms will be lituincly with good table biwrd.


VuliKihlu J't'oiuTty Eor .Stile

i. A 'N Niiuanu Avenue, a

MifffHK newly furiililiclTrMr'1 Houeo containing a rooins,kltcJieu, bathroom, chisijis, carrlugehout-e,- . stible, hcuciy, etc, Oroiiudscontain 2 !M0 acre', well laid out Inlitwns, and fruit irce., llowert.,etc. Will be told low, with or withoutfurniture, liortca, cairlnes, livestock,and all the niipointnients uccded in allrsl.elr.es lesldenre, as the owner intends leasing thci-c-. tslntids.



rpiIK best lemedy forX wounds, ulcers,

galls, proud llesh and4BSIL (.ores of liven-- tlccerlii- -til tii.i'ftiinc or mil.

ninls. Adopted by leading hote rail- -rmul i.lnli mill livprv st.'ilili.u. i.l... . ttitlio United Slates and clhcwherc. Woaro prepared to piowi lids statPiiietit byicstliiionhiKaud references to plantoMmid liverymen lu this Kingdom.Apply t'


IhIuiuI YiowH.

AI.AHG R assortment of PhotographsStereoseoplo Vlows of the

most attractive s eenery, buildings, etc ,in these, Islands, for tale at reasonableprices.

HAWAIIAN BUSINESS AGKNCY.Corner Fort and Merchant Htn-U- .

WIW tf

'KsfiC w. mlmkmM, imd-iJ-



Equitable Ufa AssuranceSociety of the United States,

Are now their Honds, and upon easy terms. Thu additional fei-lur- e

of Insurance goes with every Bond.

The following arc a few of the many attractive forras offered by thlaoriginal and progiessive Company:


The Company Is equitable, its payments prompt and certain, and itspopularity utilionnded.

(From the Xrw .Vir:Sut, April Ifi, 1S90.)

Tho Liirgorfl Jtiislnt'tw Ever TrunsnoU'ri by i LU'o AK.snr- -IIIKJU COJUDHIiy.

The new business of the Krpiitiblu Life Assurance Society of NewYork for the first natter of the present year is teported to exceed FimMtLLio:,- - Doi.i.aus. This is at the rate of ten hundred mif lions of aMuranrfitr the yenr, and is unprecedented in the annals of life assurance.

cheerfully furnished to any who will write to or callupon the undersigned at his olllcc.

ALEX. J. OARTWRICHT,General Atent for the Hawaiian I'dands, Kqiiitablc Life Assuranco Society

of the u. S."


Jan'-1-O- 0

I) RUGS & C I--I E M I C ALS !

Toilet Article.., Pine Perfume it Soaps, Patent Medi-cines, Homeopathic Huiiiedics,

"i.:Jioo,i,sxpli.ic tj3oc5.s.Of Hvery DcFctiptioii.



Hoiilster's Oingsr A!a I Soda WatersUSING EXCLUSIVELY THE


HMJ rOIIT STaWS-nP- . : : : : '. : lU7in.Ul,V.

. WISH. C3-- . "F,XJ$CJJFa.l33E.",SSiFamous Grand Active it Golden Anvil

Wrought Steel CookingRangesWith Broiler & Hot "Water Attachments !

Vvyj"&My&Jr "' . .iv'LT' .. fttt -

Consuming One-thir- d Loss Fuel, eithir weed or coal, than any olner Slova

in existence 1

tcS- - Ho Brick Wcrfc About It ! Just a Cleaa Cut Stovo I -- a

Whcae Baking- - Qwaiitics are Unsurpassed I

Hoverwiblo GrntoH.This Grate is of a triangular forni havi'ig thice hiufncrt. which are

so that a eeparate top surface can be used on. alternate days; or iftho one surface in course of tito shows any wear then tho other can be turnedup, and ho on the other, making it equal in durability to three distinct Urate.


HAWAIIAN HARDWARE Co.,".'IS It Fort street, oppo. Spreckels' Hank, Honolulu, 1J. I.

E. K. Hi'.NDitV, President ic Manager. .loti.v E.va, Vic-Prpslde- nt

Goumnv Itnow:.', Koemtury .t Tieastuer. Cr.cu. liuow.v, Auditor.


Opjxi. Wii-ccUi'I- ItuiiL, : 1'itrt Wti-rot- , ilonolulu.lMI'OHTEKS and HEALERS IN

Oen'l Hardware, Glassware, Crockery,Geiioiuo Haviland Ckinn, plain nad dcjoratod; r.nd Wedgowocd

Wftro,Piano, Library t Stand Lamps, Chandeliers it Electoliers,Lamp Fixtures of all kinds, A complete assortm't of Drills it Files,


Tho "Gnzollo" wheeled Hiding Plow it Equalizer,Bluebeard Rico Plow, Planters' Steel it Goo.-oneck- Hoes,


P.mtU, Varnished & llrmdips, Manila '. Sisal P.opo,HANDLES OF ALL KINDS,

15 owe, .S lose. Hose,RUWUKU, WIHF-HOUNI- ) of superior quality, &. STKAM,

Again Iron Ware, Silver Plated Ware, 'Pablo it Pocket Cutlery,Powder, Shot it Caps, Tho Celebrated "Club" Machine-loade- d Cartridges,

AG1CNTH FORHart's Patent "Duplex" Die Stook for Pipe t Holt Tin catling,

JIartnitm's Steel Wire 1'enco .t Steel Wire Mau,Wm. G. Fishcr'a Wrought. Steel JUngf

Gato City Stono Filters,"New Vroncss" Twist Drills,

H0V-29-S- 9 Ncnl'a Caniage TaiiUs,




Page 4: Tea and Houi'a J. jUi ma - University of Hawaiʻi · 2015. 5. 30. · Tea and Ooffeo at 111 Houi'a The Finest Iiinnd of ClEfflfj, jUima (Vlwnys llmiil. II..1. XX,TIS, K'kdiuieior









Jr ,t .; JDAUjV JJUJJiflKKil: 110H0U1LU, iU L, MA.V




May Term of Third Circuit,


Mosiiav, May 12lh.The Court opened at 0 o'clock.The prosecution called John

Richmond.Mr. Davidson 1 object to the

swearing of this vitne39, on thefjround of his being unworthy of belief, bee. l'J, page iio, UoinplloilLaws.

Mr. Neumann I desire to askMr. Davidson whether hu makestliis motion on the ground that tinsman has been guilty of perjury orsubornation of perjury.

Mr. Davidson do.The court overrules objection and

counsel fordofonsc notes exceptions.THE CHIEF WITNESS.

John Richmond, sworn Live atIlonokaa, am stable man for Mr.Ovcrcnd; was there in Oclobor,l:nowthese defendants ; my house is rightto the west of the stable3 : stablesarc 000 or 100 feet from Overend'shouse ; on the night of Oct. 28 Steelecame to mo some time after I was inbed, and woke me up, and askednic to go to the Japanese quartersand watch for Japanese on a whitehorse, and let him know where hewent; I was to carry the informationto the schoolhouse. (Witness pointsout houses, loads, etc., on the map.Points out location of a woodpilewhere lie watched at Japanese quar-ters for the Japanese (Goto) tocome out;) do not know what timeof the evening it was ; I had beenasleep, Steele woke nic up, nobodywas with him; was not watchingvery long for the Japanese, prob-ably in the neighborhood of half anhour; did not personally know theman for whom 1 was watching ; Isaw the Japanese come out and oton his horse, and he started cast onthe lower road to go up towards thebig Japanese quarters, and then Iwent to the Government road and tothe schoolhouse; met Steele there;I went on foot, walked as fast as Icould go up the hill, took me prob-ably ten minutes; I told him thatthe Jap had started and had gonetowards the big Japanese quarters ;

1 supposed the Jap was cowing andJ told Steele I believed I would gohome, and he said, "No, you willstay here,I may need you ;'' as soonas 1 saw the Jap mount his hor3e 1

went to the place; I stayed withSteele when he told me he mightwant me ; went up to the cemeterytoucc and he left me standing there;told mc to stay there till he called fornic ; I sat down and kind of lay there,the grass is sK or eight inches hightlicre ; sat down a very few minutes,s.iw the Japanese coming upon horse-back ; the horse was walking up thelull, not fast, about as fast as a horsecan pull up a hill ; I was at thewest side of the road, he was nearthe west side, the side that theschoolhouse is on, towards Kukuiha-cl- e

; saw a man named Lala, andHlabon and Steele rush' out to thehorse ; Lala grabbed the horse bythe bridle, and Steelo and Blabonpulled the man off the horse. Steelegrabbed the man by the head andthe mouth, and Blabon by the body,and they jerked him off right to theground ; the Japanese did not comedown standing, he came down kindof on his knees ; he was then takeninto that open lot right inside of thee jinetcry fence and laid on his facethere ; could not tell how long hewould be lying there, it was but afew minutes; afterward he washung ; it was all done, from the pull-ing off to the hanging, iii3ido ofan hour; Steele, Blabon, Watson,and Mills carried the man up to theGovernment road running cast andwest ; after they carried him in thefirst place, they laid him on his face,and Steele tied his hands behind hisback, then Steele and Blabon tiedhis feet, he was lying on his facevet, when they first pulled the Japoff his horse I heard him say, "Pan,pau," that is all I ever heard thenun speak ; did not hear 11113 n,oroinisc out of him, was close enoughto hear him ; did not hear n groan.After the' tied his hands and feet hewai carried up to the Governmentroad, the maukii road runningthrough Ilonokaa; he was carriedto the makai side of the road andleft right alongside of that trail, inthe grass, not more than a couple ofhundred feet from the tclephone.polcwhere he was hung; Mr. Mills re-

quested mc to go to the telephonepole and get the rope for him ; I didso and brought it buck to where thebody was lying ; it was a new rope,probably three-quarte- rs of an inchthick ; I found it at the foot of thetelephone pole ; it was coiled up ;

it had a noose made at the cud of it,said to be a regular hangman'sknot; the other end was unwove,and one of the strands was cut oil'(witness identifies the rope shown) ;

l gave the rope to Watson. Thebo;Iy was taken up ; somebody saidihcre, "My God, 1 believe the manis dead," or "The Jap is dead,"and I stooped down and put 1113

hand on his breast and I could notfeel a movement, or pulse, or any-

thing of that kind, aud then wepicked him up and carried him overto the telephone pole; I help-ed to carry him there; Blabon,Watson, Mills and mynelf carriedhim over there; not Mr. Watson,Mr. Steele; Watson had the rope,ho walked over; could not feel anymovement on the part of tlio Jup,uuy

trUHKllilgorAnyluli)g clsc the ropewas ca3t over the cros arm, andMills raised the body up. That isthe rope Mills sent mc for, aud thatwas found at the foot of the tele-phone pole; that is where some-body said, "My God, tho man isdead ;" Mills, and Steele, and Bla-

bon, and I carried the body over tothe telephone pole; Watson carriedthe rope and walked over; Millsthrew the rone over the telephonepole bar, and all live of us pulledhim up; Mills put the noose roundthe Jap's neck ; Lala took the Jap'shorse over to the Lyceum and tiedhim lo a hitching rack there;Steele's horse was tied to a gatepost nearer the toad ; the Jap's feetwere probably seven or eight feetfrom the ground ; the oilier end ofthe rope was fastened to the foot ofthe telephone pole; during thoseproceedings Mills made a remarkthat lie would ask the Jap some ques-tions, and when he was told he wasdead, Mills said, "Well, he'll sellno more goods." Steele caught theJap by the chin, witli his hand overthe mouth, and back of the head(this way), and Blabon caught himabout the body, when they firstseized him on the horse; the Japwas a slim-bui- lt man ; Steele was onsame side 01 road as I was; hereached Iiiin easily when he wasleaning over; we stayed round afew minutes and Mills told me wewere to say nothing about it; I hadthe Jap round the feet when we car-

ried him. (Witness identifies pants,sa3'8 the shirt was something likethat shown, docs not know how liewas shod,) Mills had on a cap withtwo peaks, and a cloak (that's thecap and that's the cloak); hadknown Mills eighteen months, Steeleand Watson ever since 1 had beenon Overend's plantation, knew Bla-

bon some time; nobody called Lalabefore he took hold of the horse ;

after the hanging Mills spoke loLala in native, when lie took theJap's horse and Steele's horse away ;

nobody else than Mills told me tosay nothing, all assented to tuc caution; 1 came home and went tobed ; it is about 25 feet between myroom and the stables ; I fell asleepand was woke up, I don't knowwhat time, by hearing people talk-ing ; looked out and saw Steele andWatson talking; could not hearwhat they wcrcsaying ; it was tenminutes past eight when I was firstcalled up and told to come along.(Witue&s describes his work, takingcare of horses, etc.) The horseswere groomed that evening; theyhad saddle marks on them in themorning, Mr. Overend's black horseSultan and Steele's; that wouldshow that they were used the previ-ous night.

Cross-examine- d by Mr. DavidsonHave been on plantation 1.1

mouths; usually finished work athalf-pa- st seven; supper at half-pa- st

five, eat nothing later, generally goto bed a little after eight ; had noconversation with .Steele that da1about anything unusual to be donethat night ; Steele woke mc by reach-ing in through the V.ndow andtouching mc ; he told mc he wantedme to go out and watch for a Japa-nese riding n while horse ; I wasthere to obey orders, generally obeyorders. Q. Even to assist in hang-ing n nian? A. Yes, I did nssist inhanging him. I did not testify inprevious examination that it waseight o'clock, or that it was beforeten ; I didn't know Goto, was neverin his store ; as soon as I saw whichway the Jap went I started for theschoolhouse; am quite positive Ididn't say on previous

that Steele gave me the des-

cription of the Jap's horse ; had nolight when I was wakened, dressedmyself inthcdaik; when I readiedschoolhouse and told Steele the Japhad started, I said I giiesiedl wouldgo home, but Steele said, "No, Imay want you." Saw Steele first,then the Jap coming, then Mills andWatson aud Blabon rushing out;Lala seized the horse by the bridle ;

Steele and Blabon took the Jap offthe horse, he fell off the horse onhis knees ; he was taken into the lot ;

Mills and Watson came up at thetime and helped to carry him in,andlay him on his face on the grass;they called mc in and I saw Steeletying his hands behind his back ; itwas then that Mills spoke to Lala innative; Mills, Watson, Steele andBlabon carried the Jap to the Gov-

ernment road ; Mills ordered mc logo to the telephone pole to get therope; don't remember having saidbefore that Mills gave the order toLala when the Jap was laid downthe second time ; if I said so it wouldhave been false ; it was at the Gov-

ernment road that Mills gave mc theorder to get the rope ; I did not actwillingly, I, obeyed orders; Millshad charge of that affair, and I wasin his employ for the occasion ; wasnot promised any pay, acted underfear and intimidation ; had not seenany guns or pistols; Mills said I wasas deep in the affair as any of them ;

I did not swear at the preliminaryexamination that Mills put the roperound the Jap's neck when the Japwas laid down; if 'I said so it wouldhave been false; the rope was putround his neck by Mills, at the telephone pole ; the last word I heardfrom the Jap was "pau" when howas seized on horseback; Watsonthrew the rope over the arm of thepole ; I said at former examinationthat the rope was put round theJap's neck before the end wasthrown over the arm ; you and Mr.Hitchcock put the quostions to mcin that way and I answered llicm;you asked me if tho rope was putround the Jap's neck at the pole,aud then how the cud of the rope

wno pul over tho tuln 1 thcto Waa noaoiltid fioin the Jnp when lie washung ; did not say positively beforethat it was half-pa- st one o'clockwhen I got home, 1 said it was inthe neighborhood of between 1 and2 o'clock; J did not say I went"right to sleep," I sold 1 went tosleep ; Watson ami Steele were talk-ing in ordinary tones, not whispers;I feel asleep again and woke up atit o'clock, always rise then nt Over-end'- s,

am by an alarmclock; met a Portuguese boy in themorning, who tolfl me a Japanesewas make ; saw the body hanging inthe same position; went over toMills' store, whcie I saw Mills,Blabon, and Tommy Hart; I toldMills there was a Japanese hung upthere, he said it was an efllgy ; thiswas between 0 and 7 o'clock in themorning; in reply to Mills' remark1 said, "It may be, sir, but I thinkit looks like a Jap." I did notcommunicate the mailer to olllcersof the law, or talk with defendantsor Lala; 1 was examined by SheriffHitchcock before 1 was arrested;was arrosted 10 or 18 days after theevent; have been under guard eversince; at first interview I made nostatement accusing these defendants;second interview was in the Sheriff'sollicc in tliis building; then madestatement of same substance asmade to-da- Lala was under arrestand brought here before I came ;

have for a week past been in sameroom with Lala, previously had beenallowed no communication with him ;

first saw Blabon in May, 1888, atHorner's plantation ; have nevermade any throats against Steele,Blabon, and Mills; never said toMr. Miller (before the homicide)that Mills was a damned Irish sonof a bitch ; didn't say I would rathertrade with the American Jew thanwith Mills; dindn't say I would geteven with Mills ; know Geo. Hardy ofIlonokaa; I was convicted in Ilono-kaa of the larceny of a watch, wassentenced to J0 days impiisoninent ;

served my time under restraint;don't recollect talking with GeorgeHardy about my conviction.

Mr. Neumann objects on theground that the larceny has nothingto do with this case.

Q. Do you recollect saying loHardy that you would get even withSteele, Blabon, and Mills using anexpletive the worst that could lieapplied to any man for their partin securing your conviction. A.No, sir ; Steelo did not give evidenceagainst 1110. Have been in islandssince 1S77 ; am a native of the Stateof Ohio, my age is 51 ; the principalpart of my life has been spent inmy native place ; have been at seain" bark Forest Queen; enlisted onthe U. S. S. Adams at Honolulu in18S7, made a voyage in her to Sa-

moa, was blacksmith on her ; enlistedfor remainder of cruise, whichwould end in November, I left inMarch, 1888. (Mr. Neumann ob-

jects and the Court gives witnessprivilege of not making any answersthat would criminate himself). Thewitness declines to answer a ques-tion as to whether he had descriedfrom the Adams. Have been in thejail the past month, have not been aluna on the road, have been a watch-man on the Volcano road under Mr.Staples, was promised i'oO a month,have not seen any salary yet, en-

gagement terminated on the Gtli ofMarch, never have been out of jailsince unless there uasauolllccr withme, have roomed with Lala since thelast Kinau, could not converse withhim because he docs not under-stand English. (Witness shows onmap where he sat when Steele wentinto the lot.) 1 did not give noticewhen I saw the Jap coming; Steeleand Blabon aud Lala 1 said cameout together, the order was Lala,Steele, and Blabon together, andMills and Watson together; it wasat the Government road that the re-

mark was made, "My God, the manis dead;" there was no particularviolence used on the Jap in takinghim off his horse, except that hewas in the grasp of two strong men ;

saw no blow struck.Mr. Davidson desires a few min-

utes' consultation with his colleague,aud the Court takes five minutes'recess.

Witness It took mc about 10minutes to walk home from scene ofhanging ; did not say formerly thatit took mc 15 or 20 minutes ; haveno idea how long it look me to go tosleep, it would not he over half anhour; could not say how long a impI had before I wakened. When thefour defendants carried the bod', 1did not escape becauso Steele hadordered me to stay ; I was the llrsito leave the pole, left tho four de-

fendants there; didn't notice thatthe Jap's clothes were torn or soiledas if the result of struggle; havenever testified that Mills raised theJap's head, at the place where hewas laid down near the Governmentroad, and put the noose round hisneck.

Be-dire- (to Mr. Neumann) Q.In answer to Mr. Davidson you

said you were standing tlicre all thetime, whereas you testified beforethat you weie sitting on a littleknoll. What explanation can youHive of these different statements?A. 1 must have misunderstood hisquestion, as I was Hitting there usstated. Have never had any trou-ble with any of defendants ; whenon the Volcano road 1 was underbonds of S3000 to appear ns a wit-

ness ; M Staples was under ordersto not let ma get away. 1 did notlook ut a watch the night of themurder; Steelo told me from hiswatch, at the schoolhouse, that itwas 20 minutes to twelve. To JurorSherman I didn't know, when sent

up lo watch lliu Jnp, what It meant,.by Mr.

Davidson I thought when sent forthe rope that it meant the hang-ing of the Jap ; Watson and Blabonwere witnesfes against me for lnr-ccn- y

; I have no feeling against thembecause they did not say nuythii'to harm me. To Jurror IIcycHiunnn

It was after tho rope was broughtthat someono said, "My God, theJap Is dead." To Jurror ShermanI never heard a sound f.'om the Japafter Steele caught his head be-

tween his two lianils ; Steele hung onto him till he was down on his knees.To Mr. Davidson That was all of aminute, from the time they tookhold of him lill they pulled him tothe ground ; it was when on hisknees that the men picked him up.

At 12:15 the Court look recesstill 1 I'M.


r.viDr.xci: ok a l'Aiincii'.vioit.

Lala, sworn: I live in Hamakua,at Kamoeli ; was at Ilonokaa lastOctober; employed by Lumahcihci,a butcher; the butcher's shop Is notfar from Mills' premises;. I wassleeping in one of the rooms in thebutcher's shop; recollect the 1I113'

the body of a Japanese was foundhanging, it was a Monday in themonth of October, the 28lii day ;

know Mr. Mills, saw him that Mon-

day in his store, had a conversationwith him ; Monday noon I look somebeef there for his dog, that was thotime I met Mills in his store ; JoeMills told mc to go to the billiardroom, that there would be a theatrethere that night, and when the Chi-

naman goes up tlicre for you, youwill come down and we will all gotogether; Lumahcihci told mc I waslo j'o to Waimea with him nextmorning; 1 went lo Mills' store amisaw three men there Edward(Capt. Brick wood), Joe Mills, andBill Bickard; stayed there a whileand went to my house ; saw twowomen there ; got ready to go tosleep, don't know what time it was,it was after dark ; took clothes off,lighted my lamp, and went lo bed ;

in 1113' sleep heard someone knockingat door and calling "Lala, Lala,Lata!" looked out and saw a man;put a counterpane over 1113' headand shoulders and went out, mansaid, "Come out here, Joe Millswants you ;" it was Joe Mills' driver(identifies Blabon as the man ;)went out with him and saw a whiteman by side of Joe Mills' store; theman with the while horse was Over-end'- s

luna (identifies Steele) ; thisman spoke to that other man ; hehad a gun in Ids hand. (Steele,Watson, and Blabon smile broadlyat the witness's description of rela-tive positions of Steele and Blabon.)Steele had a rope on the saddle, anew Manilla rope; he rode awaytowaids Hilo, ami we two followedhim ; we went along till we got toschoolhouse fence ; went to school-hous- e

not by tho road; heard awhistle and jumped over a fencealongside gravc3'ard ; saw Overend'soverseer, Overend's driver (identi-fies Watson), and one man whosename I did not know; he had a hat thatconcealed his face, and a long cloakon him ; it was a cap witli two piecescoming down back and front, andpieces coming down over the cars ;

couldn't distinguish his C3'cs or hisnose plain, the way the cap camedown. (Witness shown cloak.)That is about length of it; (shownhat) yes, a hat like that. When Igot there I found these men siltingdown outside the grave3'ard, theywere talking to themselves ; the man1 did not recognize told me lo goahead and hold the Japanese'shorse ; when he spoke to me I firstrecognized that it was Jos. Mills;then we alt went close to the roadand saw the Japanese coming, hewas on a while horse ; we all satdown and when horse was Hearingwe all jumped up on the road; Ijumped in front ot the horse andheld him ; two white men Over-end- 's

luna and Mills' teamster; theJapanese saug out, "No, no!" audfell down ; these men all jumped 011

Japanese, Overend's overseer heldhim by mouth and head ; while hold-

ing the horse I heard the Japanesegive a groan; after that Joe Millscalled mc and told me to take Jap-anese's horse and overseer's horseto Lyceum yard and leave themthere aud listen to what he said ;

when Mills told mc tliis the Japan-ese was there where these men werestanding ; Japanese was not doinganything, his hands were lied up,lie was lying on his face on theground, his hands were lied behindhim ; when Mills told me to gethorses I first got Overend's over-seer's ; 1 brought the horse to whereJapanese's horso were statiding,and got on Japanese's horse androde to Lyceum yard ; when I gotto yard I looked back and saw thomen makai of the Government road ;

they were further niauka than thoplace where I left them ; loft Jap-anese's horse on Koliala side ofyard, hitched the horse by puttingthe reins over a hitching post; leftthe overseer's horse inside the Ly-ceum gate, by putting reins overthe gate ; after fastening the Jap-anese's horse I made for the cane-fiel- d

and didn't sec the men after-wards; ran through the caue-flcl- d

to the slaughter house, from fieldgot into a road used for haulingwood ; stopped to listen and nothearing anybody coming I went tothe slaughter house, got into 1113'

room and blew out tho light, wasfrightened and sat up till the cockcrowed ; saw tho Japanese next dayunder the telephone post, in themorning; it is a long distance fromtelephone polo to where I saw theao

men last lime night before', cahnoltell the distance from Lyceum to thotelephone pole. Saw Milts again oilWednesday afternoon, in his store 5

had conversation with him) wentthere lo get soma money from him,asked him for money ; lie asked mohow much money I wanted, I toldhim fifteen dollars, ho counted itout aud gave it to mc ; I asked himwhat 1 would have to pay on it andreturn it, he said lie wouldn't chargeme anything for it, I could take Itfor myself; I never borrowed anyfrom him before ; Mills would notgive mi! credit for goods, but hisclerk sometimes did for smallthings; I brought money backThursday and gave it to Mrs. Mills;when I received the money therewas another man in Ids ollicc ; sawMills the afternoon I returned thomoney, told him I had brought bucktho money; Joe Mills says: "Allright, I'll pay you SI, and if youwaut any money I'll pay you all youwant for two weeks. Don't you re-

member that place we met tho Jnp-uesc- ?

Don't say anything about it.We did that to play a joke on thoJudge, Ajluene" (Edwin .Thomas) ;

lie paid me the four dollars. Therope I saw 011 Steele's saddle thatnight was medium size; (shownrope) yes, saw rope like that atMills' store, saw it there till Mon-

day, never saw It after that, it wasn coil I saw there, some of it wassold.

Cross-examine- d by Mr. DavidsonLived in Ilonokaa three months ;

previously in Kamoeli where ourhome is; am a mawied man, 1113'

family live there, sometimes I livethere, sometimes go elsewhere; haveno proper' lo live on without work-ing ; besides Lumahcihci have work-ed for Kaunamano one year, thenfor Sam Parker at Paauilo, afterleaving him worked for Mr. Homer,cannot remember when I left him,after leaving him 1 did nothing,don t remember how long I wasidle, cannot tell if it was n year;was not arrested for the murder ofGoto, was arrested as a wit-

ness for the killing of Goto,was arrested first at Ilonokaaon a Monday, about a week afterthe death of Goto ; was let off thesame da3 ; was taken before SheriffHitchcock aud made a statement;have been under restraint till thisday; was arrested again in themouth of November, it was nextdu3' after being released ; did notmake another statement next day,made it day after being pul in jail ;

was examined by the Sheriff andnobody else ; was sent over to Hilo1 think after being in Ilonokaa jailtwo weeks; knew John Richmond,Overend's stableman, was not muchacquainted with him ; met him sev-

eral times but not to converse withhim, that man doesn't understandthe native language; he came tothe shop after meal but did not buyit, tlicre were two of 113 in thebutcher shop at the time ; 1 havenot beuu much witli John Richmond ;

lately the prison was full and I hadto sleep in same room with him ;

never saw him at Ilonokaa after myarrest ; heard tlicre were some whitemen brought into the courtroom butdid not sec them ; didn't sec JohnRichmond there; Richmond was ar-rested before I was sent to Hilo, hewas confined in the same jail but ina different cell ; prisoners were onlybrought together at meal limes;my companions in the jail were twoChinamen; one of them 'couldn'ttalk native, I didn't know if 11103-talke-d

English, T don't know English ;

don't know what Richmond was ar-rested for; don't know if it was onaccount of anything I said to theSheriff; saw The Sheriff writingwhen lie was asking mc questions;told tho Sheriff just what I havebeen saying now; did not tell theSheriff that when 1 was coming fromPaauilo I saw two men in the ceino-ter- y

with a bundle; did not tell theSheriff that I saw. thesu two men,aud that one pointed a pistol at meand told mc lo help them ; when Iwent to Mills' store with dog's meatI don't remember anybody else thatwas there; Joe Mills told me thento go lo the billiard house; I said itwas on a Monda3'.

tj. Didn't 3'ou say before it wason Saturday ? A. No, 1 went loPaauilo on Saturday. It was onTuesday morning that Goto's bodywas found.

Q. Why did you state twice thatit was on Monday?'The Court I did not so under-

stand him.Witness Mr. Mills knew I was

going to Paauilo on Saturday andasked mc lo bring a bundle for him ;

I camo from Paauilo to our place atKamoeli on Saturday night, and re-

turned to Ilonokaa on Sunday;Monday I went to Mills' store, sawMills,dld'nt see Judge Thomas there,saw Mr. Uickard there that night,not at that time; came back toMills' after dark, saw the Judge,two natives, Mr. ltickard, and JoeMills; did not talk with them, noth-ing was said to me; at noon Millstold me to go to the billiard housethat night, tlicre was going to be atheatre or circus, there would betwo white men there ; after leavingMills' at night I went back lo theslaughter house to sleep, can't tellthe time, liavo no regular hours.(Witness repeals the story of beingcalled out the same as in his directexamination.) Overend's teamster(Watson) picked up the gun, it wasBtanding against Mills' gate, andthen Overend's luna (Steele) rodeaway ; I followed Blabon, with ashawl over me, a kind of

; wo passed Miller's saloon,but I didn't think of going hi to scothe circus, thought it was so late it

wbtild be nil over ; Ulaboli sllll carlied the gun; the horse stood stillwhen I caught him ; I didn't knowwhat they were going to do with theJapanese, nobody had told me ; amnot sure what part of the Jap's bodystruck tho ground first when pulledoff his horse; when he was beingpulled down the horse gave a movebut did not jump; I saw tho Japwhen he was lying fiat on theground, Ins face upward ; it waswhen they were pulling the Jap offthat I heaid him groan; when Iwent up, at Mills' call, to where theycariicd the Jup, he was lying 011 hisface. To the Court Witness imi-

tates the groan of the Japanese ahoarse guttural breathing.

Mr. Peterson promised that theprosecution would be through by 10or 11 o'clock

At 12:10 the Court adjourned till9 o'clock morning.


or Tin:

Maui Hating Association

J U LY 4, 1 890.iMiouitAimt:- -

1st STAKE8."

RUNNING. )i Mile Dash. 1'roefur all Hawaiian bled homes.

2nd ruHSE."

RUNNING. 1 Mile Dash. Freeto all.

3rd Rao:-"HA- KA0E."

TROTTING and PACING. ToHarness. 1 Mllo Hcats,"best a in 5.

4th PUKSE."

RUNNING. !.,' Mile Dash. ForMaui bred horses.

5th ruaOE."

RUNNING. '.J Mile andFree for all Hawaiian bred horso.s.

0th naca-"KI- PLATE."

TROTTING. 1 Mile Heats, best 1!

hi S, to lmrnc-is- . For all horseswithout a record of 3 : 10 or better.

7th F0R8E."

RUNNING. V. Mile Dash. Freeto all.

0th Rac- e-' HOVELTY RACE."

RUNNING. 1 Mile Dasli, 1st, 2nd,:ird and 4tli quarter. For Hawaiianbred hoives.

9th F.aco-"K- PUItBE."

l'ONYRAGK. i Mile Dash. ForPonies 14 Inimls or under, to curry100 pouuds and up.

10th HEE PURSE."

TROTTING and PAGING. 1 MileHeats, best 2 in 3, to harness. Freeto all.


RUNNING. lMUeDasli. Owncisto ride; welterweights. Free to all.


TROTTING and PACING. ToHarness. 1 Mile Heats, bust 'i in It.Free for all Hawaiian bred hoi'bcs.

13lh Race 'MANA CUP."

RUNNING. 1 Mile Dash. Freefor all Hawaiian bred horses.

14th Raco-"MAI- DEN RACE."

RUNNING. V, Mile Dash. Freeto all Hawaiian bled horses thatnever ran a public race.

15th Race DERBY."

RUNNING, )i Mile Dash. Freefor till Ilawallaii bml 2 year olds.

1Gth Race "MULE RACE."

RUNNING. )i Mile Dash. Freeto all; catch weights.


Pitt & Scott's

JraxvceH5 ExpressChtof Office, 23 C.wnou Btrcot, Loudon, England.

Package!, booked to most parts of theworld. Packages obtained Ironi abroad.Through ciders ls3tiud to destination.

J. E. BUOWN & CO.,Agents tor Hawaiian Islands, Old Ca-

pitol Itiilldlngs. CMS lin



Imported Dbcet from Havana.

C. O. BERCER.517 'Jiu

Hawaiian Lime I

50 im:k iiAititi:i.PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., L'D,Ml Solo Agents. u


IIRISWOOD 'for Bido M HawaiianSalesrooms, corner of

Queen and ffuunnu streets. 1C8 tf



Hawaiian Joe Key GIud

Weflnesaay, Jib 11, 1890

oPi'iuiAi. iMUHmi.Tmr.:

Races to Commence nt 10 O'clock Simp.

1st Race "QUEEN'S PLATE." $100.

RUNNING RACE. X Mile Dash.Flee for all.

2nd RITY STAKES." Swoop-stako- s


RUNNING RACE. ?. Mile Dafrli.Hawaiian bied 2 vcar old". Eutiiesdosed iliino 1, lH'JO.

3rd Race "KING'S PLATE." $75.

TROTTING RAUF.. Hawaiian bredhordes, best 2 in II. lo 1i;uih."-s- .

4lh Racc-"WAI- CHALLENGE CUP."$50 addoc.

RUNNING RACK, 'f Mile Dash.Fico for all. Winner to beat therecord of Hancock, 1:10.

BIN DERBY." Swoop-stako- s

$50 with Jockey Club Cup


RUNNING RACE. 1 Mllo Dash.Hawaiian bred II yuarohK Kntiicriclosed June 1, lb'JU.

Clh Race "WAIMANALO PLATE." $50added.

TROTTING RACK. II nilniileclass. Rett 2 in !). Free for all toharness. Plate to become piopuityof one winning It twice.



RUNNING RACK. y. Mllo Heats.Rest 2 inlt. Hawaiian bled.

Oih Race "R0SITA CHALLENGE CUP."$100 addod.

RUNNING RACE. 1 Mllo Daxli.Fiee for all. Winner lo beat thulecord of "Angle A.," 1 ::).



TROTTING RACE. Fiee for all.Rest 3 in 5, to harness.

10th Race "cUP."


RUNNING RACK. )i Mile Dash.Free for all.


NOVELTY RACE. 1 Mile D.ihIi.Hawaiian bred. 1st, 2nd and HidQuarter, 25 each; Last Quarter,

50 and Cup added.

12th Race "HIS MAJESTY'S CUP." $100added,

RUNNING RACE. Mile D.'Hi.Hawaiian bred.

13lh Race POST MATCH.

TROTTING and PACING. 820Each. Free for all. To bo drheitby members of the Hawaiian Joc-key Club.

14lh PLATE." $125SUNNING RACE. y. Mile Dash.Hawaiian bred.

15th Raoc "PONY RACE." $75 with Rac-

ing Saddle from Hon. H. A. Wlde-man- n


RUNNING RACK. For all PoniesM hands and under. Hawaiian bled.

All entries to close at 12 o'clock noon,on Wednesday. June 1, 1SU0, at theofllco of the Secretary, and all I'litnmcofeus to be 10 per cent, unless otherwisespecified. fJAll races to bo run or trotted under -- --

Uic rules of the Hawaiian Jockey Club.All horses arc expected to Marl unless

drawn by 12 o'clock noon, on June 10,18'JO.

All horses are expected to appear onthe track at the tap of tho bell fioin thoJudge's Stand, otherwise will be lined.

Admission f0 elsTo Grand Stand, extra, .no cts & 1

Carriages, insido of course.. ..6i2.ri)Quarter Stretch Itadges 5.00

C. O. BEllGEIt,SCO td Secretaiy II. J. C.

Gustav A. SchumanCarriage Trimmer.

No. 79 & 81 : : King Stroot.

At W. Wrijjht & Son's.

Having received a full assortment ofCarrlago Trimming Matnials from thoEast, 1 am prepared to execute nil orderswith neatness and despatch nt very lo

rates.G. A. 8011 UM AN.

npr 7.!)0-l- y

JUST LANDEDEx Late Arrivals fioin Auckland

a Choice Lot of

New Zealand OatsBultablo For Itaolnn Btook.



Goo. Guthrie, tho ship"Rorrowdalo," will not bo respon-

sible for any debts contracted by hisciew during the vessel's May thll'ort. C5!)

tt&afe , iti k U i 4,'t kfMkW;.

r v



