M VOL. Vlli. NO. 1215. THE DAILY BULLETIN raurriD and pobusrbd EVERY AFTERNOON XCtrr SC1IDAT BT TBI OUlj BbIMH PitMlaj Co., L'1, at tub orrioa its 338 awekttt It. laaataJ, B. L aUBMIRIPTION-- Bll Dollar a Ybas. Delivered in Honolnln at Firrr Otirr 4 MnfiTH, In advanee. 1'HB WEEKLY BULLETIN -I- H PIIBI.1BHKD-B1VU3H- .V TUB8DAY At Foes Dollars 4 Yui to DoniMtle, And FlVR Dollars to Foreign Subscribers, nayabl In advance. UOOK AND JOB PUNTING iHiMa m noraiiu trt tie BOTH TKLKPHOMt MM P. O. BOX m. -- m V. Dailt BOLLsrria li printed alio pun- ished by the Duly Bulletin Publishing Company, Limited, at It offloe, Mar chant street, Honolulu. Hawaiian Ul-an- Daniel tagan, editor, retidea un A lake t reft Honolulu, aforesaid Address letters for the paper 'ftdltor Boi.trriK," and business letter " Manager Ually Bulletin Publishing Company." Using a personal address may cause delay In Attention. Buatueaw Card. LBWEB8 A 000 KK. Imr.tiaa tap I)bali ib Llianai ki lu ini n BmtDlhH MTamM Kurt Hlreel, Huimliilii U. HAUKrKLD OO hirnar Koit aud ttuaeu Htiwu Hiiiiuimiii. 2 NO. . MlTUIKa limviuaaitAapUaNiaA) Hntiku t.ui Mahiikuua, Kohala, Hawaii. THOB. JLIKDBAT, MAanvAirrntiNM JawiLai tat' WtniH Agaa. Knkul Jewelry arclalty. Paruouiai atlntlon paid to all klndi of repair Campbell Block, Merohant Street. aONOIiULU IBOM WOKKB, HVBAH KXHlNKK, HlllUl MlkL BolktM. Cooliaa. UoH, But. Ar l,ir Caitimu. Maiihluary of Bvery Heuortptioii Mad tu Orilar. Particular attention paid to Bhlpa MIckamithlnK. ol Work aaatod at Hhort Notice. HO YEN KEE & CO., 41 Ntmauu Htnwt Tlmuiitht, PlublBi, Etc OROOKBRY and OI.AHHWAKB. FRED. HARRISON, CONTRACTOU AXD BuiLDKR. Kstlmatea given on all kind of Brick, Iron, Btone and Wooden Buildings. Job- bing of all kind Building Material for sale. 510 and 012 King street. Residence Telephone, Bell 227; P. O. Box 11. DR. C. VV. MOORE, 1400 Van Ness Ave., B. F., Cal. Elefut ABftrtatati for PattMita. CLIOTBIOITT III MCaVUDI DISBAIBS. 2MT- - Dr. Moore oilers iuvallds all the oomforta of borne, with constant and care, f nl treatment. Refers to H. R. Maofarlane. MOU-- tf C. B. BIPLBT 4 ARTHUR BEHOLDS, AHOHITBOTS, Orriua: New Bate Deposit BuilUlii. Fort street, Honolulu H.I Plan, Bpeclflcation and Burwrluuua. noe g yen for Kvery Description of Build. Ins. Old Building sucoesslallj Remix). ailed and Knlargad. Deslgu for Interior Deooratlou. Mans or MeebnlrMil Draw-In- g, Tracing aud Blue Printing. Drawing .m uv ui newspaper iiiusiraiinn. METROPOLITAN MEAT C0 Wholesale and Retail Batcben AND - A?T CONTIACTOKti Q. J.WAU.IB, 1 1 MauaKur, wm. g. irwin co. tjLimitecl OFPIK foh BAL - I'K UTILIZERS that, cmm a ton OinWairt Hil Grade Cum laitonft. are also trnMrl to lake order ui uiar. x. QniAtieit oo oll V'tit.ntar Insulins: prompt deliver, CVThlf it a i"i1o' Faint Oil less plament tuati Llued Oil slid jiving (i tail uft b,lL'ianc U) uoioi. (laad with drle It glva a splendid floor irfan Lime, demerit. HHMDHIIAKH BAI.MOM ralrtaakCuaiaf G0.'CarMtf Beef oall n' Componnds, RooflDK A Pwn. ImI'i HUni Stun Pip Utitriai JartMiita' DtannfML Eiatartl Ber Uumsf Famt 4pe.Klly .tesiKuett fur Valium fall Wni.G.lrwiD & Co. iLlMtTKD vVtu. U. Irwin FrMldatilaua Manager OlauaUpreckeU Vlc'Prniident W M. OlBard Heoraury and Traaaurar Then n Porlet ndltor e3iijg:H.r Paotora ANH '.?4iUIIUlrtllOU AafHUtK .ttruro ir vn Oceanic StennRhlf) CeaipaBi, f HA FKANtllBOU. OA1. Htrx Til. 881. Mdtoal Tku 07. P. O. BOX 821. HONOLULU Carriage Manufactory UH 4 ISO FORT BTilKKT. Garriago Buildsr AND RRPAIHRR. Blacluunitliiig ,N ti&S?m Order from tba other Iilandi in Baualii, Trlaualai, PaUtlai, Eta., Bte., Promptly Attended to. W. VV. WRIGHT, Phop. tHnnror to Q. WmU 114 BlrTH TKI.KPHONEH 414 I ll'STACE &CO. COAL l sinde- - 'tn any quantity fnim bag to a ton CHARCOAL riiiu un bag to any naullt, FIPiJEQATOOID In lengths and bawed or Bplu rruni a nag 10 any quauuiy; also WHITE & BLACK SAND Consolidated Soda Water Co., L'd Uor. AUm k Pert Ita.. Boaolmla. HOr,I.TSTrT.K CM)., m tr t . AT THE ANCHOR Oyator OockUila I Bauer Brunnen I Frederiokaburg Bewrl 8traiht ill Mixed Drinks Of All Kinds and Beat Quality. Saathwaat noraar Klaa Maaana Ita. BEACH GROVE WAIKIKI. Batbiog and Picnic"- - Resort For Families, Indies and Children. TKRH BKASONAUkK. OBA. F. WARNEB, : . : Hiaagtr. The Enruptu Luich Rooms CHOCK BINU, Proprietor, Hotel Btreet, nearly opposite llethel blretit, First-Cli'- S Metis at Modertle Prices At all Hours. Patronage Solicited. U67-3- ui HONOLULU, H. I., TUESDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1894. PRICE 5 CENTS. pacific Mail S.S. Co. -- AMU fHf OuildMUl tod Oriental S. S. Go. rer T0I01AMA aid IONQIONQ. Staeunara ot tba above Companies will at Honolulu on their way to tba above porta on or about tba tallowing date: Stmr "CHINA" January 22, 1896 ttnr "OCEANIC"... February 1W, IKtt (time "CHINA" April '2 tww Btmr "COPTIC" April 30, 1893 Bttiir"OirYoFFKKINU' . Jttno , 1105 Btmr "COPTIC" July 10, ib'H SKiir' CITY OF PUKING" ...... AunustlU, WO Btmr "COPTIC ' ...September 10, 18WJ Btmr "CHINA' t ict-n-et 2t, 18 3 Bimr "COPTIC . ...November !W, 1801 Btuir "CITY OF PKKINu" December 2n, 1KM fat SAN riANCISCO gteatuara of the above Companies wil at Honolulu on tbetr way from Hong kong and Yokohama to the above pon ot about the following date: Stmr "CHINA" December 31, lfc February lu, lhU. Btmr'TKRU" March 29, IKKi om. "nAKLK"' . nr!IV """ B mr' CHINA" May 20, I8H1 Btiif ' COITIO" June 17, irttf htm "Uir OKI'KINd' .... Ju y 17 ItfO Btiur-UhKl- IC' AUiuntH, 1W Htmr "i 1TY OF KM nr. J kNr.llt Bepirmba' 0. lteil Btmr'CHINA" . oc ibrO, irtrt Ktitir ' OITIC" N..ven.burb, IwtJ Bimr(l0lTYOKI'KKINU'... ..... r H. liW Bonr'TO'-TIO- " January 1ft, I8 Btiiir ' CHINA". ...February 21, ib!l IITI8 Of PMSftoTlRt IS fULLOWS' fi rnau ro iiomu. HI HAMA OINM Oaoiu HUiut l 17ft Ui )abln, round trip montht On i U 00 Cabin, round trip 11 montha lib 20 taropean Bbwraire 40 II iij on PameiiKer imviiik full lart will br aIIowmI 10 pehlitOtf return fare If 'Him in within Iwwivx iMiiutbi av Kor freight and PNMKr piiy m i'2 B. HACKFELD A 00., to: tt Atjoatju Oceanic Steamship Go. e Australian Mai) Semi rerSoFraactaco. The New and FID Al Bteel Hteiiini " " ALAMEDA Ol in Ooaamo Btaamsblp UomiHiuy win b dua at Honolulu from Byduay and A urk land on or about January 10th Aud will laava for th above 1011 wtln nan ana pakneugern ou or about thai dale Per 8ytaay ajul AHCkiaatJ : rhe Nw and Fine Ai Htl bteaniAliti tut a crona a Of Uin Uomiuo 8taniblp Company will be dor at Honolulu, from Han FrariniNH. un or alMiul December 20th Auo will have prompt despa urn with Mail and Passenger for the aim v rxiru ru underaigued am now prepared to tasiie rHIOUGU TICKBIS TO ALL POINTS II THE UNITED 8TATI8 For further narticulan rewariiiin. Freight or Passage apply to WM. 0. IRWIN A CO., Lti., '" Ooatral Agaou. Oceanic Steamship Go. run Teioifc LOCAL LINK S S AUSTRALIA Arrive Homiiiili. tve Hiiiioiiiui from B. K forri F Den iO Jati 6 Jan. l Feb. "2 fHi March a Miiuh23 March .10 Aprl'WI Alirll B7 May IH Mnva Jiiue 16 Juliet July 13 Jmy'JO Aug. 10 Aug. 17 Bepl 7 Bepl 14 Oot.S )et I'J Nov 2 N.,v l THROUGH LINE Krniit Hn Fraiioiwi From Byduey fm for Byduey Han Francisco 4mvt Utmiiluln L'it IJuunlulu M KIPOHA Dru. Uiil ARAWA Deo. 13 A.KAWA Jou. 17 AI.AMKDA Jhu 111 ALAMKDA.Fnh UiMAUlP03A Kb 7 MARIPOHA Mur. II ARAWA Mar. AUAWA ...Apr 11 AhAMhOA Alir. 4 AI.AMblU Miy II MAMl'OHA May '2 Maltll'OHA .Jiiimil AUAWA M) .in ARAWA., July 4 AiiAiir. u.i junevf AI.AMKDA An I M.VItl I'OHA July il MARIPOHA, Ailg.'J;! ARAWA Aug.'.'J ARAWA ,.Bpt.Vu AI,A.Mi;i)A.H-p- t 10 lAXAMKDA..Oot.iU MAHIPOBA.Oct.17 Canadian-Australia- n lumuier ol Hit auove Line, running In connection wltli lb. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Between Vancouver. B. U., and Bydney, N. 8. W., and calling at Victoria. B. C, Honolulu and Bnva FIJIJ, A.R.HJ DXJH3 AT HONOLULU On or about the date below staled, via.: From ttydney aud Suva, for Victoria ad Vancouver, B. O.t RtmrMtOWKK".. January t Bliur"ARKIMOO" Krhlliary 1 Hlnn Hltuf'MIOAKKA".. Marrn I vhroli rickaU lanad troa flnnalala to raciuuY aho rAMiMiita aobnti. U. Mi'NICOI.L,. Montreal, Canada UOBKKr KKKK, Winnipeg, Canada M M. BTKKN, Ban Francisco, Cal. McU BROWN Vancouver B O, Wilder's Steamship Go. I'lMK TAHLK ' A Ikliaii Pl-- i O b IU ner J A kih'. I'nri hup' 6tmr. KIN At) OlJUtkE. Cunioiaadai Will leave Honolulu at 1 1. u toticlntir labalna, Maalaa Bar and Maketia the name day: Mahukoua, Kaili.M and Ijiii pahoeboe the following Iny arrivliif i I'. t midnight KalurnlUK leaves Hllo, loui'liln('i !(! pahoehoe lamedav; Kawalbae a. h., 10 a. M.; Makena l r. K., Miuilaea Bay rl r. M.i Lahalna s r. m. tin- - following day, arriving at Honolulu H a WMinek davp and Baturdavii AKItlVKh A'l IMiNOlAH.H Wednevlay .. . I)ec.2l gJW No Hrinil will i e1viH tlirr U'xiti un .lev "I illiw Stmr. CLAU DINE, OAHBHUM, (Jotcniauiioi Will ivafe Honolulu uvi'iv I'lieMln i i it., Uiucblnp at Kaliilliii llueli , Hiiua. iiaiuim imii niimiiiiiii KBlllrillllK lll arrive il Honolulu rry Hiiiidut morning gtf No Freight will i wihi ftor e. n. on aay of hulling. tloilslguee limit be at the igniting to rereive their Freight, a wr will not bold ourselves responsible after iiirli Freight ha been landed. While the Couiuy will use due dill- - genne in imniiiing Live atork, we decliue u assume any riouslblllly In nnt of the Ioi-- of same The Compauy will not lie ieix)inlble for Money or Jewelry iinlrtu pliteetf In tbe rare of Pursers. .. '1a- - ( k 1 !; v Wholesale ?v Retail. fl'l.l. l.lhM e Japanese' Goods! Silt aod Coiloo Un: Goods, KU. U). KUJ. au. Silk, m Mid Crape Shirts OF rOMPl.KTK HfOilk Made by Yainatoyaof Vnkilntni A W lieu you re in newlofanv on. ol Japanese Quods, give iu ti'i mtl' vm save goiug all sroiiud uiwu aoej 3Toxt Bt- - osuCuatun Uouim I BEAVER SALOON. Tbe Best Lunch in Town. w T ALL HOUR IHU KIN KMT IMAM) OK Cigars and Tobacco u,wva un hand H J NOLTH1, FTOID O. B DWIOHT Docs nil km. is of Work lu Ometit & stone SidnwatKs & Curbing, Hn lissiin lisiid n Urge snnnly of dil uent llruti'te Curb anil nUny. kepi Ha. i ul and luwesl prions umuieil. llelrlelepiiunu au. HUM! Steamship Line From Victoria, and Vancouver, B 0., for Suva and Bydnny; 8tmr"WABKIMOO".... .December 21 "MIOWKKA" .. . . January 24 ..February 21 Cuate, Oattad Statta U Empa. Fur Freight and Passage and all Oeneral Information, apply to Theo. H. Davles & Co., L'd. Affnlifor tht llavniian ItlntuU INDIGESTION And Liver Complaint CURED BY USINO Ayer's Sarsaparilla Mr. T. J. CLUNK, of Walkervllle, H. Aii.lralln, wrlteal "Mix ymt nuo, f Imil nil nllnrk of Itullgps-tlii- ti ami l.lnr t'nmplaliit that laMcd for vrrki ln unable to do any hard work, had mi appetite, food illsirrswl mo, and I tuftcrcd much from headache. My ikln was Haw nit .li-r- n illil tint rrtroth me, I tried levrrnl remedies ami roiKiiltrd a iloelor. wltbimt olitnlnliiK any relu-f- t lliully. one of mv eiittniiirrs reeniniiii'liilpd Ater s arsao rlllai It lieled lm from the first, In fact, afler Inking six buttles I cuinpletply cured, mid could cut uii) tiling and sleep llko a child." Ayer's Sarsaparilla Hai cured others), will cure you. Mil I7 Hr. J.O. A jer A Co., Lowell, Mu..U.H A. Hollister Drug Co., LdM Bole Agents for thu lUpubllo of Hamuli. FUAXIv GODFREY, General Business Agent Wdter, ColltUtor aud Copyist. Intelligence Offlw & Empojmsai Bareao IIOUSKS - AXI) - ROOMS leased and Rented. A Thorough Knowledge of Town, Country and People, rkOMISKH SATIS! ACTION TO IMTIt"N. fOaV Olllco with A. P. Pet rsou. Kaalut-inau- u streul. l'J07.1iu Regtn Vapor A Pacltlc Gas W iocs & Laud les J THE BEST IN THE MAftlBT. They cannot be surrassed tor motive power. HKND FOR OATAI.OUIJK JOS. TINKER, lUiVtt Hole Agent, Nuiiauil Htreet A. F. Medeiros & Co Mnrohant "11 Tiulors Hotel HI , llnlel fllnHM. Hole Latest Patterns in SuiUutjK Keoeied li Kven HieMinei FEKrfil5ir PIT OK NO &ML. LKSSONS IN Drawiiiy and Faiotiiig. 0. Howard Hitchcock I'rawiliK and Pnliilini! taught b tlm 1st eslKuroiirHli uinthixti l Inane every Wed. ueMlay and Huliinltt) lureliooii fiimi h u In I'J noon tJk. loii fur I'rivale I'iiiiIIk in spe. iiihi IniMhot mr liot!leu Tho Hludlo will be otm to victor every Friday aftenioon. City (Jauuiauk Co., Isomer Klim and llntlul bt - BOTH TBUJPaONES 113 Flue UarriagoB Ac Civil DrlvorH To be had at all hours .i. s. an7)kadk, lUHr--U Mauatfti, ioliio liuli' Kaziiiir. W. F. Reynold, : : Prop. levor XMAS that XMAS, who days XMAS. Presents for Everybody the will Oath A'waji Ta'ki and Thmlora and Caah Price are Made. HANDSOME GIFT BOOKS At Publisher' Prices J Itlblos and Prayer Hook, jino Society Note l'nirs In latest mylo, I.ntvll r..fltlln MoitlllleH. Xmas Cards, Coleiidnrs and Booklets, NOVELTIES of ell D-- 5t rlpilons ! au Paints and PnlnttuK Hooks, Uci.ultiu I X 1. Knlvo- - ii. llmors llulr Blllshes mid t limbs, VvlocleIVk niul Wiikoik, Do.MKttTIfJ Skwixo Machinks of libit tievvltii! Mn liliici n M Up, Hliilli( MliK'ni.d Brushes, Uuiursfr in il.ttl Up, ZDolls ua Tovs lu (I rent Variety; Ltuthur OikxIs in Purrrs, I uric, Pocket I look i. Ktu., Ktu , i.to., Drawing .Mnurinln. Ahd Don't rofgrt ho Iiivo uitditl a i News Department t And all BiiliKCiiptluiis will Imve I'roiupl Alt.iitiuli Oueia fur Mntio by Evory CHRISTxMaS OooiIh art in tUtniniiil just now. IVutilu wiiti famiiil (ill. rl Iiimhid i'.ii liml tilciity if ituiplu nitu'lfa ti Inij; it IJffea fiiuirn inning i uiro liriiBout. A ircltv Silk Uro bu- - com ?; n wiiiuaii nl nil tluif. I liavn miim iimi Silk UntMi Umiiln thai 1 niiirtoll nig tu rcitHoiitiblo pru'iM, also Wiutui Dioin OdoiIm of oti'iy armtj, tlny aro kuuu vnltio aud InU'hl tlunl(iis. BUT 1 tlcm't wnn'l to tiro you with too iiiituh talk, in luot dun t want to pull tho wool ovor your ojt, but would liku to iull tuo wool our your loot with uoino ot my eiuo l,loniury. ONCE n woman raid, "What mIiiiII I ot for my liltlo Kirll" A Doll, Madam. IJy all mttaiih a Doll. 1 Imvo somo lioautit'S liut'ly dronHixl and with Natural Hair, uaoh put iu a noparalo box; this will bo suro to ploaso littlo girl. For oldur pooplu wo havo a uuuutleHS array ol gooil, both use ful, oruamuutal ami uncorativo, aim with a wish that you will bo jiuli-vlou- n aud iimpecl my ntouk Iwforo buyiug uUonhoro. I winh you a Happy Now YEAR. JUL S. I-jEi-- Foiit Stuklt, 11. 1. ROBBER STAMPS 1 .PBJp0aBBa fc 'tBBBBSBBBBV -- ! XjafBBBff?BBBBBB : I BltOWN & Kl'lJEY, I I WATCH AND CLOCK DEALERS I I (!(K1 mill un WeiklyorMonllily I I Ill IIIC'lllH. I I 4 Mstonlc Templo, Alske StrstL I I HONOLULU, . H. I. I FOR SVLE! FOUR NICE LOTS Nwar KIiik titreet, 0iiun.itn Itefor-iiit- 'l try bohooi. Alto. U lilson (Jueeu street lil Afi'll l'lllioll'iiiw I unit ulnela. tar- - For PArlleuliirs, Imiulre if R W WILCOX, Corurr ul Oueen mid Nuiiiuii Hirruis, UlU-- Uititulrs,l The Current Scare. Editor Bulletin: Tho Bulletin's editorial likening the action of the Government in the conspiracy cases to that of a racing steamboat's crew in sitting on the of the safety valve is a most appropriate one. The government orgaus and oilicials are confident tho conspirators re- present a low class of white persons fattened off tho treasury in the ol thu monarchy, and that the feces at the disposition of there-p- i bile can dispose of the disaffected persons "in ajiffy." Why cannot they conduct tho several departments of government in a manner inai beat show a consciousness of strength. Tho arrest of persons having arms may not bo out of order the confiscation of arms and amuuilion decidedly in order; but why refuse the persons the right of liberty ou bailT Tho continued con-fiueme- nt of persons who have fami- lies to caro for and business inter- ests that must suffer savors of ma- chine malice and viudictiveness, both trails of fear aud cowardice. Tho writer has boon told that nearly every cili.oti has a firearm of some description among his household effects, aud if the possession of such arm is to bo taken as evidence of conspiracy to dowu thu republic, and lead to the summary arrest and forcible separation of a mau from wife aud children, thou one may be pardoned for wishing for a returu thu peaceful days ol the monarchy. The Advertiser has a remarkable editorial ou scares, based upon re- ported statements ot d royal- ists 01 au intention to load the Presi- dent with lead aud do divers other things against thu peace of "the boat uovurumunt these islands ever liwl.,p Thu fact probably Is that tho oili- cials of this "best government" tiud ho strain ot waitiug for auuuxatiou too severe, aud as a consequence uorves aro giving away aud hysteria lireateiiiug. Tho only remedy would seem to bo that tho scared otliciala should resigu their duties to new liiuti who havo sutllcieut nerve not to scaro at harmless gasconade aud then take counsel of luar. Speaking of scares thu editor of tho orgati ot tho "bust govorumeut" seems to forget that thu warfare by hcares wm Ural curried ou by thu people whom he represents. The "Uoalu uoau aim cross uoues ai-fix- to a oltUou's gale, with blood curdliug legeud added, aud the bag ol bouius louud near the Queeus place aud, tbo openly mouthed threats of assassination of thu wo- man are overlooked by tho editor of Iho Adtettisur. Ho may not have beeu iu the country when thu "boat govorumeut" supporters boaatod that thu ljuueu itad heart duuaso aud that scares might prove deadly. Tho lieiulibh policy ot thu early days of thu provisional government lias uot beeu forgotten. Thu edi tor should remember thai "curaua liku chickens comu homo to roost." Thu editor of thu orgau of the "bust govurumuut" is right wheu he says that business is suffering; but ho is nut frank enough to ascribe tho stagnation to thu scare the "bust govorumuul" is under. The writer does uot wish it thought that he has uo sympathy for thu persous who have thu bear by thu paws, un- able to hold ou aud scared to let go. Ou thu contrary hu is very, very sorry, ami abstains from tauuw aud suuuis. Thutu. FOR UAL.E CHEAP HURRY IN VKRY A OoiHt Hep4lr. Al.o a lew lliukes both New and Seo Aiiin) u V. W. WMOHT. lil7-t- f Honolulu Carnage M'l'y. aCEETlNQ NOTICE. ADJOUR.NKD HhMl-ANNUA- L AN meeting ol tue Boiird ol Trus ee of lite QirtVi. Hospital, will be hoiu at the HokpitMl Kiillu ug. ou WKDNHiDAY, tbe lUltmaj ol Deceuib r, at 10:80 u't.lvO a.m. Per Order. F. A. SOHAKFKK, bioitury Ht nohiluDec. 13, MtJ. 113 Jt NOTICE. IK HrKAMKi. U. Q HAUL WILL AM I r live luro ou Moiitla, Deu. J4 h, at loo Iik m, and will aril. e at Hono- lulu rui'.iiaj im-ri- i ng, Juii i, ibjo. ehli-pur- s are iierib. ruiUelvii to ship ill ir t viuliloiiB.i rdity, Deo. r.M. Jl. Mel KAN, JU U bet r ury 1. 1. B. V Co. Building Lots! At WmIUM on unr line ami tin Pulauia Hu nl near Feiilnsliii! Piu.it. Thee lire Vtrj i heap ui.il bold ou eusj ttirmn. iifKiuiiiiu Afru iruuis nuur tuo city und I uilier l'orlius for riale. l'.'l -tf IIIUJCK WAKIKU A CO., Dealer lu Ixilnninl laii.ds. kO hurt btnt, near King. CHRIS. GERTZ, SIS a'l'KEKr, Wnl Bell 11 s Kntire Btoek of Boots & Shoes Aland Below Cost Price, comprising RhIluQ, Oar Eurtkt Boots, Far.i's aad RbBsr Boots. Also a vurlvty of Mkn'm, Lmurs and Ciiiuimrk a SHOES 4 SLlPPElS I UlO-iO- t jansars I M i s i i' i I !b.

Tovs - University of Hawaiʻi

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VOL. Vlli. NO. 1215.


raurriD and pobusrbd



OUlj BbIMH PitMlaj Co., L'1,

at tub orrioa

its 338 awekttt It. laaataJ, B. L

aUBMIRIPTION-- Bll Dollar a Ybas.Delivered in Honolnln at Firrr Otirr 4MnfiTH, In advanee.



TUB8DAYAt Foes Dollars 4 Yui to DoniMtle,And FlVR Dollars to Foreign Subscribers,nayabl In advance.

UOOK AND JOB PUNTINGiHiMa m noraiiu trt


P. O. BOX m. --m

V. Dailt BOLLsrria li printed alio pun-ished by the Duly Bulletin Publishing

Company, Limited, at It offloe, Marchant street, Honolulu. Hawaiian Ul-an-

Daniel tagan, editor, retidea unA lake t reft Honolulu, aforesaid

Address letters for the paper 'ftdltorBoi.trriK," and business letter " ManagerUally Bulletin Publishing Company."Using a personal address may cause delayIn Attention.

Buatueaw Card.

LBWEB8 A 000 KK.

Imr.tiaa tap I)bali ib Llianai kilu ini n BmtDlhH MTamM

Kurt Hlreel, Huimliilii


hirnar Koit aud ttuaeu Htiwu Hiiiiuimiii.

2 NO. . MlTUIKa

limviuaaitAapUaNiaA) Hntiku t.ui

Mahiikuua, Kohala, Hawaii.


MAanvAirrntiNM JawiLai tat' WtniHAgaa.

Knkul Jewelry arclalty. Paruouiaiatlntlon paid to all klndi of repair

Campbell Block, Merohant Street.


HVBAH KXHlNKK, HlllUl MlkL BolktM.Cooliaa. UoH, But. Ar l,ir


Maiihluary of Bvery Heuortptioii Mad tuOrilar. Particular attention paid to BhlpaMIckamithlnK. ol Work aaatod atHhort Notice.

HO YEN KEE & CO.,41 Ntmauu Htnwt

Tlmuiitht, PlublBi, EtcOROOKBRY and OI.AHHWAKB.


Kstlmatea given on all kind of Brick,Iron, Btone and Wooden Buildings. Job-bing of all kind Building Material forsale. 510 and 012 King street. ResidenceTelephone, Bell 227; P. O. Box 11.

DR. C. VV. MOORE,1400 Van Ness Ave., B. F., Cal.


2MT-- Dr. Moore oilers iuvallds all theoomforta of borne, with constant and care,f nl treatment. Refers to H. R. Maofarlane.

MOU-- tf


AHOHITBOTS,Orriua: New Bate Deposit BuilUlii.

Fort street, Honolulu H.IPlan, Bpeclflcation and Burwrluuua.

noe g yen for Kvery Description of Build.Ins. Old Building sucoesslallj Remix).ailed and Knlargad. Deslgu for InteriorDeooratlou. Mans or MeebnlrMil Draw-In- g,

Tracing aud Blue Printing. Drawing.m uv ui newspaper iiiusiraiinn.


Wholesale and Retail BatcbenAND -


Q. J.WAU.IB, 1 1 MauaKur,

wm. g. irwin co.tjLimitecl


I'K UTILIZERSthat, cmm a ton

OinWairt Hil Grade Cum laitonft.

are also trnMrl to lake order ui

uiar. x. QniAtieit oo ollV'tit.ntar

Insulins: prompt deliver,

CVThlf it a i"i1o' Faint Oilless plament tuati Llued Oil slid

jiving (i tail uft b,lL'ianc U) uoioi.(laad with drle It glva a splendid floorirfan

Lime, demerit.HHMDHIIAKH


ralrtaakCuaiaf G0.'CarMtf Beef oall


Componnds, RooflDK A Pwn.ImI'i HUni Stun Pip Utitriai

JartMiita' DtannfML Eiatartl BerUumsf Famt

4pe.Klly .tesiKuett fur Valium fall

Wni.G.lrwiD & Co.iLlMtTKD

vVtu. U. Irwin FrMldatilaua ManagerOlauaUpreckeU Vlc'PrniidentW M. OlBard Heoraury and TraaaurarThen n Porlet ndltor

e3iijg:H.r PaotoraANH

'.?4iUIIUlrtllOU AafHUtK

.ttruro ir vn

Oceanic StennRhlf) CeaipaBi,f HA FKANtllBOU. OA1.

Htrx Til. 881. Mdtoal Tku 07.P. O. BOX 821.

HONOLULUCarriage Manufactory


Garriago BuildsrAND RRPAIHRR.

Blacluunitliiig ,N ti&S?mOrder from tba other Iilandi in

Baualii, Trlaualai, PaUtlai, Eta., Bte.,

Promptly Attended to.

W. VV. WRIGHT, Phop.tHnnror to Q. WmU



COALl sinde- - 'tn any quantity fnim

bag to a ton

CHARCOALriiiu un bag to any naullt,

FIPiJEQATOOIDIn lengths and bawed or Bplu

rruni a nag 10 any quauuiy; also


Consolidated Soda Water Co., L'd

Uor. AUm k Pert Ita.. Boaolmla.

HOr,I.TSTrT.K CM).,m tr t .

AT THE ANCHOROyator OockUila I

Bauer Brunnen I

Frederiokaburg Bewrl

8traiht ill Mixed DrinksOf All Kinds and Beat Quality.

Saathwaat noraar Klaa Maaana Ita.


Batbiog and Picnic"- - ResortFor Families, Indies and Children.


OBA. F. WARNEB, : . : Hiaagtr.

The Enruptu Luich RoomsCHOCK BINU, Proprietor,

Hotel Btreet, nearly opposite llethelblretit,

First-Cli'- S Metis at Modertle Prices

At all Hours. Patronage Solicited.U67-3- ui


pacific Mail S.S. Co.

-- AMU fHf

OuildMUl tod Oriental S. S. Go.

rer T0I01AMA aid IONQIONQ.

Staeunara ot tba above Companies willat Honolulu on their way to tba above

porta on or about tba tallowing date:Stmr "CHINA" January 22, 1896

ttnr "OCEANIC"... February 1W, IKtt(time "CHINA" April '2 twwBtmr "COPTIC" April 30, 1893Bttiir"OirYoFFKKINU' .

Jttno , 1105Btmr "COPTIC" July 10, ib'HSKiir' CITY OF PUKING" ......

AunustlU, WOBtmr "COPTIC ' ...September 10, 18WJ

Btmr "CHINA' t ict-n-et 2t, 18 3Bimr "COPTIC . ...November !W, 1801Btuir "CITY OF PKKINu"

December 2n, 1KM

fat SAN riANCISCOgteatuara of the above Companies wil

at Honolulu on tbetr way from Hongkong and Yokohama to the above pon ot

about the following date:Stmr "CHINA" December 31, lfc

February lu, lhU.Btmr'TKRU" March 29, IKKiom. "nAKLK"' . nr!IV """B mr' CHINA" May 20, I8H1Btiif ' COITIO" June 17, irttfhtm "Uir OKI'KINd' ....

Ju y 17 ItfOBtiur-UhKl- IC' AUiuntH, 1WHtmr "i 1TY OF KM nr. J kNr.llt

Bepirmba' 0. lteilBtmr'CHINA" . oc ibrO, irtrtKtitir ' OITIC" N..ven.burb, IwtJBimr(l0lTYOKI'KKINU'... .....

r H. liWBonr'TO'-TIO- " January 1ft, I8Btiiir ' CHINA". ...February 21, ib!l


fi rnau ro iiomu. HIHAMA OINM

Oaoiu HUiut l 17ft Ui)abln, round tripmontht On i U 00

Cabin, round trip 11

montha lib 20taropean Bbwraire 40 II iij on

PameiiKer imviiik full lart will braIIowmI 10 pehlitOtf return fare If 'Himin within Iwwivx iMiiutbi

av Kor freight and PNMKr piiy m i'2

B. HACKFELD A 00.,to: tt Atjoatju

Oceanic Steamship Go. e

Australian Mai) Semi

rerSoFraactaco.The New and FID Al Bteel Hteiiini

" "ALAMEDAOl in Ooaamo Btaamsblp UomiHiuy winb dua at Honolulu from Byduay and A urkland on or about

January 10thAud will laava for th above 1011 wtlnnan ana pakneugern ou or about thai dale

Per 8ytaay ajul AHCkiaatJ :

rhe Nw and Fine Ai Htl bteaniAliti

tut a crona a

Of Uin Uomiuo 8taniblp Company willbe dor at Honolulu, from Han FrariniNH.un or alMiul

December 20thAuo will have prompt despa urn withMail and Passenger for the aim v rxiruru underaigued am now prepared to tasiie



For further narticulan rewariiiin.Freight or Passage apply to

WM. 0. IRWIN A CO., Lti.,

'" Ooatral Agaou.

Oceanic Steamship Go.

run TeioifcLOCAL LINK


Arrive Homiiiili. tve Hiiiioiiiuifrom B. K forri F

Den iO Jati 6Jan. l Feb. "2

fHi March aMiiuh23 March .10Aprl'WI Alirll B7May IH MnvaJiiue 16 JulietJuly 13 Jmy'JOAug. 10 Aug. 17Bepl 7 Bepl 14Oot.S )et I'JNov 2 N.,v l

THROUGH LINEKrniit Hn Fraiioiwi From Byduey fm

for Byduey Han Francisco

4mvt Utmiiluln L'it IJuunluluM KIPOHA Dru. Uiil ARAWA Deo. 13A.KAWA Jou. 17 AI.AMKDA Jhu 111


Maltll'OHA .Jiiimil AUAWA M) .inARAWA., July 4 AiiAiir. u.i junevfAI.AMKDA An I M.VItl I'OHA July ilMARIPOHA, Ailg.'J;! ARAWA Aug.'.'JARAWA ,.Bpt.Vu AI,A.Mi;i)A.H-p- t 10


Canadian-Australia- n

lumuier ol Hit auove Line, running In connection wltli lb.

CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAYBetween Vancouver. B. U., and Bydney, N. 8. W., and calling at Victoria. B. C,

Honolulu and Bnva FIJIJ,

A.R.HJ DXJH3 AT HONOLULUOn or about the date below staled, via.:

From ttydney aud Suva, for Victoriaad Vancouver, B. O.t

RtmrMtOWKK".. January tBliur"ARKIMOO" Krhlliary 1 HlnnHltuf'MIOAKKA".. Marrn I

vhroli rickaU lanad troa flnnalala to

raciuuY aho rAMiMiita aobnti.

U. Mi'NICOI.L,. Montreal, CanadaUOBKKr KKKK, Winnipeg, CanadaM M. BTKKN, Ban Francisco, Cal.

McU BROWN Vancouver B O,

Wilder's Steamship Go.

I'lMK TAHLK' A Ikliaii Pl-- i O b IUner J A kih'. I'nri hup'

6tmr. KIN At)OlJUtkE. Cunioiaadai

Will leave Honolulu at 1 1. u toticlntirlabalna, Maalaa Bar and Maketia thename day: Mahukoua, Kaili.M and Ijiiipahoeboe the following Iny arrivliif i

I'. t midnight

KalurnlUK leaves Hllo, loui'liln('i !(!pahoehoe lamedav; Kawalbae a. h.,

10 a. M.; Makena l r. K., MiuilaeaBay rl r. M.i Lahalna s r. m. tin- - followingday, arriving at Honolulu H a WMinekdavp and Baturdavii


Wednevlay .. . I)ec.2l

gJW No Hrinil will i e1viH tlirrU'xiti un .lev "I illiw

Stmr. CLAU DINE,OAHBHUM, (Jotcniauiioi

Will ivafe Honolulu uvi'iv I'lieMln i i

it., Uiucblnp at Kaliilliii llueli , Hiiua.iiaiuim imii niimiiiiiii

KBlllrillllK lll arrive il Honolulu rryHiiiidut morning

gtf No Freight will i wihi ftore. n. on aay of hulling.

tloilslguee limit be at the igniting torereive their Freight, a wr will not boldourselves responsible after iiirli Freightha been landed.

While the Couiuy will use due dill- -genne in imniiiing Live atork, we decliueu assume any riouslblllly In nnt of theIoi-- of same

The Compauy will not lie ieix)inlble forMoney or Jewelry iinlrtu pliteetf In tbe rareof Pursers.

.. '1a- - ( k1 !; v

Wholesale ?v Retail.

fl'l.l. l.lhM e

Japanese' Goods!

Silt aod Coiloo Un: Goods,

KU. U). KUJ. au.

Silk, m Mid Crape Shirts


Made by Yainatoyaof Vnkilntni

A W lieu you re in newlofanv on.ol Japanese Quods, give iu ti'i mtl' vmsave goiug all sroiiud uiwu

aoej 3Toxt Bt-- osuCuatun Uouim I


Tbe Best Lunch in Town.




Cigars and Tobaccou,wva un hand


O. B DWIOHTDocs nil km. is of Work lu

Ometit & stone SidnwatKs & Curbing,

Hn lissiin lisiid n Urge snnnly of diluent llruti'te Curb anil nUny. kepi Ha.

i uland luwesl prions umuieil. llelrlelepiiunuau. HUM!

Steamship Line

From Victoria, and Vancouver, B 0.,for Suva and Bydnny;

8tmr"WABKIMOO".... .December 21"MIOWKKA" .. . . January 24

..February 21

Cuate, Oattad Statta U Empa.Fur Freight and Passage and all

Oeneral Information, apply to

Theo. H. Davles & Co., L'd.Affnlifor tht llavniian ItlntuU

INDIGESTIONAnd Liver Complaint


Ayer's SarsaparillaMr. T. J. CLUNK,

of Walkervllle, H. Aii.lralln, wrlteal"Mix ymt nuo, f Imil nil nllnrk of Itullgps-tlii- ti

ami l.lnr t'nmplaliit that laMcd forvrrki ln unable to do any hard work,had mi appetite, food illsirrswl mo, and Ituftcrcd much from headache. My ikln was

Haw nit .li-r- n illil tint rrtroth me, I triedlevrrnl remedies ami roiKiiltrd a iloelor.wltbimt olitnlnliiK any relu-f- t lliully. one ofmv eiittniiirrs reeniniiii'liilpd Ater s arsaorlllai It lieled lm from the first, In fact,afler Inking six buttles I cuinpletplycured, mid could cut uii) tiling and sleep llkoa child."

Ayer's SarsaparillaHai cured others), will cure you.Mil I7 Hr. J.O. A jer A Co., Lowell, Mu..U.H A.

Hollister Drug Co., LdMBole Agents for thu lUpubllo of Hamuli.


General Business Agent

Wdter, ColltUtor aud Copyist.

Intelligence Offlw & Empojmsai Bareao


leased and Rented.

A Thorough Knowledge of Town, Countryand People,


fOaV Olllco with A. P. Pet rsou. Kaalut-inau- u

streul. l'J07.1iu

Regtn Vapor A Pacltlc Gas

Wiocs & LaudlesJ

THE BEST IN THE MAftlBT.They cannot be surrassed tor motive



JOS. TINKER,lUiVtt Hole Agent, Nuiiauil Htreet

A. F. Medeiros & Co

Mnrohant "11 Tiulors

Hotel HI , llnlel fllnHM. Hole

Latest Patterns in SuiUutjK

Keoeied li Kven HieMinei

FEKrfil5ir PIT OK NO &ML.


Drawiiiy and Faiotiiig.

0. Howard HitchcockI'rawiliK and Pnliilini! taught b tlm 1st

eslKuroiirHli uinthixti l Inane every Wed.ueMlay and Huliinltt) lureliooii fiimi h uIn I'J noon

tJk. loii fur I'rivale I'iiiiIIk in spe.iiihi IniMhot mr liot!leu

Tho Hludlo will be otm to victorevery Friday aftenioon.

City (Jauuiauk Co.,Isomer Klim and llntlul bt


Flue UarriagoB Ac Civil DrlvorHTo be had at all hours

.i. s. an7)kadk,lUHr--U Mauatfti,

ioliio liuli' Kaziiiir.

W. F. Reynold, : : Prop.levor

XMAS that

XMAS, whodays


Presents for Everybody thewill

Oath A'waji Ta'ki and Thmlora andCaah Price are Made.


At Publisher' Prices J

Itlblos and Prayer Hook,jino Society Note l'nirs In latest

mylo,I.ntvll r..fltlln MoitlllleH.Xmas Cards, Coleiidnrs and Booklets,

NOVELTIES of ell D-- 5t rlpilons !au

Paints and PnlnttuK Hooks,Uci.ultiu I X 1. Knlvo- - ii. llmors

llulr Blllshes mid t limbs,VvlocleIVk niul Wiikoik,

Do.MKttTIfJ Skwixo Machinksoflibit tievvltii! Mn liliici n M Up,

Hliilli( MliK'ni.d Brushes,Uuiursfr in il.ttl Up,

ZDolls ua Tovslu (I rent Variety;

Ltuthur OikxIs in Purrrs, I uric,Pocket I look i. Ktu., Ktu , i.to.,

Drawing .Mnurinln.

Ahd Don't rofgrt ho Iiivo uitditl a i

News Departmentt

And all BiiliKCiiptluiis will ImveI'roiupl Alt.iitiuli

Oueia fur Mntio by Evory

CHRISTxMaSOooiIh art in tUtniniiil just now.IVutilu wiiti famiiil (ill. rl Iiimhidi'.ii liml tilciity if ituiplu nitu'lfa tiInij; it IJffea fiiuirn inning i uiroliriiBout. A ircltv Silk Uro bu- -

com ?;

n wiiiuaii nl nil tluif. I liavn miimiimi Silk UntMi Umiiln thai 1 niiirtollnig tu rcitHoiitiblo pru'iM, also WiutuiDioin OdoiIm of oti'iy armtj, tlnyaro kuuu vnltio aud InU'hl tlunl(iis.

BUT1 tlcm't wnn'l to tiro you with tooiiiituh talk, in luot dun t want to pulltho wool ovor your ojt, but wouldliku to iull tuo wool our your lootwith uoino ot my eiuo l,loniury.

ONCEn woman raid, "What mIiiiII I ot formy liltlo Kirll" A Doll, Madam.IJy all mttaiih a Doll. 1 Imvo somolioautit'S liut'ly dronHixl and withNatural Hair, uaoh put iu a noparalobox; this will bo suro to ploaso

littlo girl. For oldur pooplu wo havoa uuuutleHS array ol gooil, both useful, oruamuutal ami uncorativo, aimwith a wish that you will bo jiuli-vlou- n

aud iimpecl my ntouk Iwforobuyiug uUonhoro. I winh you aHappy Now


JUL S. I-jEi--

Foiit Stuklt, 11. 1.



fc 'tBBBBSBBBBV -- !


: I BltOWN & Kl'lJEY, II WATCH AND CLOCK DEALERS II (!(K1 mill un WeiklyorMonllily II Ill IIIC'lllH. II 4 Mstonlc Templo, Alske StrstL II HONOLULU, . H. I. I


Nwar KIiik titreet, 0iiun.itn Itefor-iiit- 'l

try bohooi.

Alto. U lilson (Jueeu street lil Afi'lll'lllioll'iiiw I unit ulnela.

tar-- For PArlleuliirs, Imiulre i f

R W WILCOX,Corurr ul Oueen mid Nuiiiuii Hirruis,

UlU-- Uititulrs,l

The Current Scare.

Editor Bulletin:Tho Bulletin's editorial likening

the action of the Government in theconspiracy cases to that of a racingsteamboat's crew in sitting on the

of the safety valve is a mostappropriate one. The governmentorgaus and oilicials are confident

tho conspirators re-

present a low class of white personsfattened off tho treasury in theol thu monarchy, and that the

feces at the disposition of there-p-ibile can dispose of the disaffected

persons "in ajiffy." Why cannot theyconduct tho several departments of

government in a manner inaibeat show a consciousness of

strength. Tho arrest of personshaving arms may not bo out of order

the confiscation of arms andamuuilion decidedly in order; butwhy refuse the persons the right ofliberty ou bailT Tho continued con-fiueme- nt

of persons who have fami-lies to caro for and business inter-ests that must suffer savors of ma-

chine malice and viudictiveness,both trails of fear aud cowardice.Tho writer has boon told that nearlyevery cili.oti has a firearm of somedescription among his householdeffects, aud if the possession of such

arm is to bo taken as evidence ofconspiracy to dowu thu republic,and lead to the summary arrest andforcible separation of a mau fromwife aud children, thou one may bepardoned for wishing for a returu

thu peaceful days ol the monarchy.The Advertiser has a remarkable

editorial ou scares, based upon re-

ported statements ot d royal-ists 01 au intention to load the Presi-dent with lead aud do divers otherthings against thu peace of "theboat uovurumunt these islands everliwl.,p

Thu fact probably Is that tho oili-

cials of this "best government" tiudho strain ot waitiug for auuuxatiou

too severe, aud as a consequenceuorves aro giving away aud hysterialireateiiiug. Tho only remedy would

seem to bo that tho scared otlicialashould resigu their duties to newliiuti who havo sutllcieut nerve not toscaro at harmless gasconade audthen take counsel of luar.

Speaking of scares thu editor oftho orgati ot tho "bust govorumeut"seems to forget that thu warfare byhcares wm Ural curried ou by thupeople whom he represents. The"Uoalu uoau aim cross uoues ai-fix-

to a oltUou's gale, with bloodcurdliug legeud added, aud the bagol bouius louud near the Queeusplace aud, tbo openly mouthedthreats of assassination of thu wo-

man are overlooked by tho editor ofIho Adtettisur. Ho may not havebeeu iu the country when thu "boatgovorumeut" supporters boaatodthat thu ljuueu itad heart duuasoaud that scares might prove deadly.Tho lieiulibh policy ot thu earlydays of thu provisional governmentlias uot beeu forgotten. Thu editor should remember thai "curaualiku chickens comu homo to roost."

Thu editor of thu orgau of the"bust govurumuut" is right wheu hesays that business is suffering; butho is nut frank enough to ascribetho stagnation to thu scare the "bustgovorumuul" is under. The writerdoes uot wish it thought that hehas uo sympathy for thu persouswho have thu bear by thu paws, un-

able to hold ou aud scared to let go.Ou thu contrary hu is very, verysorry, ami abstains from tauuw audsuuuis. Thutu.


HURRY IN VKRYA OoiHt Hep4lr. Al.oa lew lliukes both Newand Seo Aiiin) u

V. W. WMOHT.lil7-t- f Honolulu Carnage M'l'y.


ADJOUR.NKD HhMl-ANNUA- LANmeeting ol tue Boiird ol Trus ee oflite QirtVi. Hospital, will be hoiu at theHokpitMl Kiillu ug. ou WKDNHiDAY, tbelUltmaj ol Deceuib r, at 10:80 u't.lvO a.m.Per Order.

F. A. SOHAKFKK,bioitury

Ht nohiluDec. 13, MtJ. 113 Jt


IK HrKAMKi. U. Q HAUL WILLAMI rlive luro ou Moiitla, Deu. J4 h, at

loo Iik m, and will aril. e at Hono-lulu rui'.iiaj im-ri- i ng, Juii i, ibjo. ehli-pur- s

are iierib. ruiUelvii to ship ill irt viuliloiiB.i rdity, Deo. r.M.

Jl. Mel KAN,JU U bet r ury 1. 1. B. V Co.


At WmIUM on unr line ami tin PulauiaHu nl near Feiilnsliii! Piu.it. Theelire Vtrj i heap ui.il bold ou eusj ttirmn.iifKiuiiiiu Afru iruuis nuur tuo city und

I uilier l'orlius for riale.

l'.'l -tf

IIIUJCK WAKIKU A CO.,Dealer lu Ixilnninl laii.ds.

kO hurt btnt, near King.


Wnl Bell 11 s Kntire Btoek of

Boots & ShoesAland Below Cost Price, comprising

RhIluQ, Oar Eurtkt Boots,

Far.i's aad RbBsr Boots.

Also a vurlvty of

Mkn'm, Lmurs and Ciiiuimrk a



IM i






F381vflJMffHHHfl0HHMHflMHflHHHNMll'"''v fwrF&' "V"- - wsj?' i

W IK'l-- i .HWHWyp--Sfjsmrimm



Holders of water vrlvllegoi, or thoupaying water rates, nro hereby notlfldlthai the hours (or Irrigation purposes arefrom 7 to 8 o'clock a. m., and o to G

o'clock p.m. A. ltUOWN,Superintendent Honolulu Water Works.

Approved i

J. A. Kino,Minister of the Interior.

Honolulu, May IB, 18'Jl. 1183-t- t

ftegniljj giUUHn.

hedged to neither Nrrt tn fi'tBui BitablUhsd for thr hmrtit ol AH.


In this issuo will bo found anInteresting nrticlu ou tlio

PaciGc cablo question, which hns ap-

peared as correspondnuco in theMontreal Witnoss. There is verylittle doubt that the Canadian-Australia- n

cable will be laid very soon,and a Hawaiian connection, althoughdesirable to tho promoters, will notbe considered as essential by them.When Hawaii will hare cable com-

munication with tho American mainland, unless tho American Govern-

ment or American capitalists movequickly in tho matter, seems to bo aTery remote event.


He Tells About tbe Conspirac)

to Upset tbe Republic,

Wlness Helped Bh to Ron Ka IoOnly to Betray Him.

Tho District courtroom vacrowded to tho door at t o'clock t hi.--

morning with spectators eager tohear the treason and conspiracy ex-

aminations. So stilling was tint at-

mosphere that a largo iiiiiiiImt,principally natives, wore ordered outof the room. T. K. Walker, BritishVico-Cousu- l, was present in Court.

Attorney - Ueneral . u. hinitliand his deputy, A. U. M. Itobortsou,appeared for the prosecution; C. V.

Ashford and A. 1. Peterson for thedefeuse.

The charge was agniu read. Mi.Aibford refused to outer a plea, butwould file objections to tho proceed-ings, ou tho ground that tho Repub-lic of Hawaii had not been In exis-tence six months. Magistrate IVrryoverruled tho objections ami thoprosocutiou opened its case.

J. 11. Vau Uiesou, sworn, stated:Am resident of Honolulu; am a po-lice ollicer in the service of tho Ha-

waiian Government; boon such mncoNovember, 181)3; employed by thoMarshal; havo made reports to theMarshal duriug this porio I, veryfrequently; din acquainted with Na-wah- i,

Crick, UuhIi, not especiallywlth Wood; Hush has Im-o-ii ougageilin priuting business, publishing thepaper Ka Leo, printed in .'miter'sLane; Crick has been assistiug Hushin publishing the paper; Nuwaln alsoassisted Mr. flush by writing articles;one press is in au adjoining buildingto his private dwelling, other in low-

er Uoor of the dwelling; havo assist-ed iu setting typo aim writing arti-cles; have been extremely intimatewith these gentlemen; am very eorryto see them iu their present position;have had mauy conversations withdefendants ou dilforout matters; onAugust 22 Crick informed uio thatblood would yet havo to bo shed tosettle this question; replied that 1

thought the question would boquietly settled, that tho nativeswould see the question and settle itpeacefully; Crick said Konert Wilcoxbad 300 uatives, aud all ho lackedwas ammunition; the uatives wouldfollow him anywhere; ho also saidthere were some white men: therewere Tom Walker, J as. Mereebergand others quite a crowd; askedhim when ho expected an uprising;he said that the attack would bo

that promiueut peoplewould bo guarded so that they couldnot congregate at any one place; heaid they were to take the Govern-

ment buildings, also tho StatiouHouse; witness said it would be hardto take the latter; Crick thou saidthat they would havo to blow opentho windows with explosives; thisconversation was hold on tho veranda of my residence ou Lilihit street;none other present.

While Mr. Ashford was arguing npoint ou the law of evidence, witness took out his diary and wanordered to shut it by the coiiiimi).

Witness, continuing: Have hadconversations with JJiihIi, Crick audNawahi several times iu regard totbe overthrow of the republic audthe restoration of the monarch;have had conversation with two olthese men on this same subject;about Sept. H had conversation withHush and Nawahi; this conversationwas not exactly with me, but wasbetweeu natives and half-cant- o

who had congregated iu tho olllce;each of those present wus to preparehimself, in case of au uprising; sothat they would bo ready, Hindi,Nawahi aud Crick made these staletnents; among tho mass of evidencewhich I'vo got iu my diary, il wouldbe Impossible to locate any Hiiecial

date; but ou Sept. 21, a map of Ho-

nolulu was obtained by Crick; strain-gi- e

points wore discovered; a list ofthe names of sympathizers with thogovernment was shown; also theirresidences; witness obtained a copyof tho list (list exhibited); havo notthe original; saw it last in tho handsof Crick; the strategic points to bo

guarded by armed men to preventassistance being given to those iutho Government buildings wore:corner Punchbowl aud Boretaniastreets; corner Punchbowl andQueen; King aud lolaui; King andLiliha; Xuuaiiu and School; Emmaand ilorotauia; Kiug and Smith:Pilkoi and Boretania; Nuuanu audCommercial Saloon. Punchbowl audKiui;: rear Onera House. Kinir andAlakea; Hotel and Alapai; Boretaniaaud Alaiiai; Printer's lauo audPunchbowl; attack Statiou House,old Palace; tho Govornmeut House,jail, Electric Light Station, two tele-phone olliccs, residences of thosewho wore to bo taken prisoners: W.O. Smith, E. U. Hall, Emmoluth,Hatch, S. B. Dole, A. Young, W. F.Allen, Wilder, King, Deputy MarshalBrowu, Marshal Hitchcock, AudrowBrown, Serouo Bishop, Mendonca,J. B. Castle, Tonuey, Klommo, S.M. Damon, Chief Justice A. F. Judd,Cnpt. Andrews, J. M. Oat, C. Bolte,H. Waterhotise, J. F. Morgan, J.Nott, Goo. C. Potter, W. D. Alex-ander, W.E. JJowoll. J. A. Hassingor,W. 11. Cutumiugs, Jos. Marsdon, W.It. Castle, Jonathan Shaw, Goo. E.Stratemeyor, L. L. LaPiorro, J. W.Jones; lirms to bo raided for arms:Castle A: Cooke, E. O. Hall & Sou,Wilder & Co.. J. A. Mokoou. T. B.Murray, Lowers & Cooke, Hobrou A:

Nowuiau; Oct. 25, remember anotherconversation with Crick about rillesaud ammunition being iu our house;there wore three rifles aud 18(5

rounds of cartridges; Springfield,Winchester aud a Sharp; they weregiven to wi'ness to take care of; atthat time more definite plans worediscussed to make preparations, sothat when tho day came everybodywould bo ready; the Insurgents woreto bo divided into four squads, un-der dilforout captains; the firstsquad were to intrench themselvesunder the stone wall surroundingtho palace, aud pick otf tho soldiers;other places to bo taken wero: Central Union Church, Hawaiian Hotel,Opera House, Kawaiahao Church;that would prevent any attack iuthe rear to those around tho wall;tho natives would then assemble atthe street corners, and PU"iit thoCitizens' Guard from gunrStafe thopalace; smaller squads would sur-round the resiliences of those men-

tioned; electric light aud telephonewires would bo cut to prevent com-munication; Crick informed him howould bo captain of tho npiad atKiug and Lniha streets; from con-

versation Crick was almost certainthe native police force would turnover to them; tho Schuoteii Clubhad divided then; although theywould not render assistance theywould not object; tho AmericanLeague was looked on with moresuspicion; annexation being theirobject they would like to see thorestoration of tho monarchy.

Witness at this point was asked toidentify the three rilles mentioned.Alter much fumbling, ho did so. OuNov. 7 a fourth rillo was brought towitness; Crick told witness thatthere wero three more rilles atBush's, and four at Mr. Cummins';tho mum trouble ho said was to getenough to buy them from the Portu-guese and tho Chinese; Crick seem-ed to be tho agent to miko tlit'M)puichasm; some .?II wero still owinglor anus puichaned; Nawahi andBush during that mouth (November)said that the Women's Hul AlohaAiua had 5175 iu their treasurywhich they did not wish expendedfor this thing, they wauling il forsoiiiulhiug they wero going to doalter restoration; Nawahi ut thistime Boomed sorely vexed at this re-

fund; was told by NVvnlu thatthere wero IKK) arms scatteredthrough the city iu tho possessionof their party, known as the royalistparty; they wore principally at thopoints to ho guarded iu tho posse-sion of natives; after tho arms wereleft with witness they wore put iutho bedroom; one livening after thatho cauio homo terribly excited; hesaid that ho had it straight that awarrant had beeu issued for thosearching of houses for arms, andthat tho place whore they wero thouwas not a secure place; ho advisedtiieiu buried, aud they wero; beforebeing buried the, arms wore well-oile- d

aud serviceable, not as theyare at present, rusty; frequent allu-sions havo beeu mudo by Crick audthe other two defendants to the useof explosives; was told by Crickhow easy it would be to throw uitro-glceriu- u

iuto tho crowd whichwould assemble at tho wharf ou thoreturn of the President from Ha-waii; a bottle of this, if placed care-fully, would bo sulllcieut to blow uptho Government building; saw armsat Bush's house; a rillo aud twolargo revolvers; they wero iu thopossession of Bush; Bush said hokept these for tho purpose of de-fending himself; tho revolvers wero(Jo Up; Crick told witness thatmortar had beeu sont for to thoCoast to throw a 2flb. shot ; havo in-

quired later of Bush aud Nawahi andwas told that It had not yet arrived;many times matter about tho HuiAloha Aina cainu up, to bo firm forthings to happen in tho future; lu-

st ructions were tdvou to branches ofthe hui io obtain anus and sell theirlauds to got money to buy guns;saw Nawahi writing these iustruelions; witness advised Isawnhi towrite the instructions ou tho mimeo-graph, but advice was not followed;(luring one conversation with Crickin November ho told him that in-

structions had been soul to nativesat Irwin's place at Kahukii ami atI'lwn to lire theso places; waited sev-

eral days but no news came; came totint conclusion that tho natives werotoo cowardly to do it.

At this juncture Attorney General.Smith requested that a recess of liveiiiiuuten be allowed, counsel ou bothsides wishing to relirn for that time.

Kesiiiuing, witness was showntwo revolvers. Identify iIiumi re-

volvers; they were at tho witness'houno and wore uiveii him to becleaned by Click; they wero kept Ina bureau where tho clothes were;one was placed nightly ou a chair;recollect conversation when threedefendants were present; il was outheme to overthrow the ProvisionalGovernment and restore tho mon-archy; tho theme was to secure thatend by peaceful means; after I lie re-

turn of thucoiumissioiinrsthoy foundthat I hoy hud to depend on their

own efforts, that tho United Stateswould not interfere; thou the themowas dropped; rotnombor a con versaHon botwoon John Colburu andBush; conversation was during thepast six months; am not sure whetherit was during regimo of Republic.

Cross - examination: Been herosiuco 1879; been employed as

loacher; Governmenthealth agout ami secret service; em-

ployed by the Board of Educationiu 1881; was also employed at Lahaina; began leaching aiolo school,Kauai, was thoro two years; at Kala-kaua'- s

coronation was omployed bytho Board of Health; was teach-ing last at Waiolo; change iu the ad-

ministration caused my leaving theBoard of Health; was at the receiv-ing statiou and Molokai; then tookUalawa school at Molokai; loftschool for professional reasons (wit-ness objected to makiug further ex-

planations); up to tho present day Ihove nothing but surmises why Iwas let out: no chaws wore madeagainst mo; suspect tho rpasou wasbecause of tho chango of tho mon-archy to I ho Provisional Govern-ment ; took Halawa school iu 1888 orISS'.t; was dismissed by W.Jas.Smithiu July, 1S93; think tho rcasou why Ilost my school billot at Halawa wasbecause I had a child by oue of mypupils; am married; wifo was on Liliha street; applied to tho Marshalfor auy position under tho Govern-ment fu NovemlMjr, 1SD3; lived at Ha-

lawa from time Inst school positionuntil coming to Honolulu and join-ing tho secret service; was iu thocustoms service watching two nights;appliod first to customs departmentfor employment; was out of tho cus-toms service about a weok whou wit-

ness roceived commission as a mem-ber of tho secret service; the uaturo ofmy employment was to get acquaintod with people of bad character, gaintheir confidence and watch them,Crick was one of tho men to bowatched; was introduced to Bushand duriug a period of acquaintancegot Iuto his employ; was visiling iuJanuary or February whfii Crickwas introduced; duty wos to preventcrime, not to detect : trained Bush'sacquaintance by profesioual meaus;commissioners from Washington re-

turned the latter end of September,during tho tou months previous wit-

ness made frequent reports to theMarshal at Ills House, not at tho Police Station; drew .?KX) a month assalary; never beeu suspended; alltho game is not yet bagued; havebrought iu three, tho crime hasboon prevented, not detected.

Keccss was taken at noon.NOTKS.

Duriug tho course of tho examin-ation Counsel Ashford raised sev-

eral objections ou points in tho lawof evidence. Those wore over-rule- d

by Judge Perry, and the counselstated thai he would not raise anymore objections.

Tho witness's credibility was at-

tacked by the defendant's counsel.The latter dated (hat he would undertake to prove the witness to bemo ol tho biggest scoundrels iu the



tO (,m".sWV.(I..? IJ.(V li .-

3'r'- - "vr

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k k kw o 5 rss a tfi "12 0

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TS cv. C 04-- ,U

O oo w $- U

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523 For l. St roetBilliard Table For Sale

UK. MAUI) TAlll.i:,OMCHTA.S'IIAIII) Oiii'N nml iUrlc,U'W- - ,,',,y,.. J...KVKY,

l'.VJ-l- Corimr Kurt i Queuit t.

Jimely Jopie5

Decembers, 1894.

Every silver lining has itscloud. The rain is worth many

thousands of dollars to the

sugar producers but it has a

depressing effect upon the bicy-

cle trade. We are not hand

ling riding wheels but we have

the finest lubricating and lamp-o- il

for bicycles ever brought to

this country. The containershave wee spouts to tnem so

that the lamps may be tilled

direct from the cans and with-

out spilling. This oil may be

used in carriage side lights at

a much less cost than peanutoil. It's in pint cans and sells

at 50 cents. We have also a

large stock of sewing machineoil suitable for all kinds of fine

machinery including Type-


Our famous Dietz Oil Stoves

with ovens and cooking utensils have arrived and are offered

to you at low prices.These stoves

are arranged so that there is

not the slightest odor from thelamps, and they may be used at

an expense of about two cents a

meal. People in Honolulu whoare using this make of stove

pronounce it perfect in everyrespect. One customer told ushe would not accept any otherkind of stove as a gift. If youprefer an iron stove our stockof Pansy Stoves all sizes is

now complete.

Painters will be interested in

our stock of Shellac, Copaland all sorts of varnishes aswell as lead and oils which hasbeen largely augmented by re-

cent arrivals.In addition to the celebrated

Belding Refrigerators we carrythe new Alaskan, constructedon entirely different principlesfrom any other and made ofhard wood and parts liable torust fully protected. This isthe same make of refrigeratorused in the California Hotel inSun Francisco.

We have some CommonSense pot cleaners that areneeded in every kitchen in thecountry. Every lady who oc-

casionally does kitchen workappreciates the value of a goodpot cleaner.

Road Scrapers will be need-ed after these big rain storms.We have some in stock, suit-

able for the work.We are now selling the

"Dandy" anti-rattl- er for car-

riages where the shafts keepup a continual shaking. If youwant to enjoy your ride do soby using an anti-rattl- er andridding yourself of annoyanceon that score.

The sugar grinding seasonis at hand and engineers willhave use for oils for the millmachinery. The "Colorado"brands are known as the Stand-ard in this country and can berelied upon for. their purity andgeneral good qualities. Wenave tins brand ol oil 111 useon almost every plantation onthe islands and wherever it isused satisfaction is the result.We have always in stock Dy-

namo, Cylinder, Machine, En-

gine and Car Box oil in"Colorado" brand. It is thebest manufactured and the bestused.

Our stock of holiday goodsis complete in every particularwhen it comes to useful arti-

cles, rich in quality and low inprice.

TU Bwallu Birdnrt C. Ui

By Iiowla J. Levey.



Bynr.erofTHKO H. DAVIF8 CO., Iwill hold sUnnrral as eo( Merclmndlie


At my Salesrooms, a Variety of Uboli e

Household -:- - FurnitureAimlftter, Persian A velftt Rogs,

Dinner 8ns, Crockery. Glusswnrs,Cufrm ware, Kio , Ktc. Etc

1214-S- t



Thiiry Efentnl, M 20ib


A FINBDisplay of New Goods!

Just nrrlveil er Iwrk l'nul fgenl)crf.

Ull-7- 1

LltWlB J. Lovey,AttOTIOVKKU.


an u'ectrto lino in Hono-lulu? It would ct'ittiinlybu ti . big improvementover borne ouro. I figurethat UO percent more peo-ple from Wnikiki, Ueie-tan- in

Htreet :ml Niuisuiavenue would visit FortHtreet d illy f courseut thifl time of tho yearthey would be mostly


bent on nhopping expeditioiiH iu order to be pre-pared for Chrirttm s ; thatiinuuiil holiday in nowclose ut hand, and mo-- tpeople are ntill undecidedwhat will make a suitablepresent.


never come umir-- s uh aprenent to u lady. I haveIho largest htock i Hono-lulu to select from IrishLinen Handkerchiefs,hand worked; from 1 to$15. AnGloves iu all the

colois and nhades.


of successful experiencein supplying tho ladicttof Honolulu with grace-ful, serviceuble nnu sty-lish Dress Patterns, isproof that 1 lead the tradein this direct ion


Goods are in dem nd justnow and to supply thetrade 1 havo placed onmy hhelves an a sortmentof Fancy Articles thatcannot be mrpaf-se-

Everything in the shapeof Presents for Ladiesand Gentlemen at mode-rate prices.

That Tireless Toil r,J. J. EGAN,

511 Fort Sttraut.




For Sale

H. W. Schmidt & Sons.l!!M-l- w

Mutual Telephone Go.


a Mi:Knv(HrriiK nixKniousAt of tlio iVinimiy lii'lil ttiN ilny li uhrt'ilvpil tliatoi nml ii trr tlm llr ilny nfJiuuiiiry iH'iS, the ruU'H fur tlio iimuf ti-l-

UIC llltltrilllllllllH will I") IIH fllll' w i

I'rlvntH itualiluni'oii, lr immlli .f'AMlHimlni-h- Hoiimin mill (i UlcusCountry Htiitloim , . . . .

I'nynblK ijimrtrrly In oilvmicn.

J. r.Honolulu, Deo. Vi, 1WI.

I Ml7.W




. v Vlr

milVto lNv ' iw...




OU should bring yourto us, as we

makers of Shaftwhich, as an anti-ra-t

tler, is only sure thing in world.


frTo 70 Queen Street.

A Wonderful Remedy--A.N

Invaluable Remedy




RheumatismSore ThrodStiff Joints


I had suffered seven yearswith rheuma-tism; tried every known re-

medy und got no permanentrelief until I need Vita Oil.The and lamencHs utnuce began to disappear, audiu a short tune 1 was restoredto health. I gladly recom-mend Vita Oil as a safe ef-

fective homo remedy and thebest I ever used.

Mns. L. It. Maouktji.V


Oil hasy it will cure



the exclusivethe Carlson

'Spring,tho the




Vita helped



Beware of Bacteriated Water!

Drinking water should be boiled and filtered.

Tho Oxly Rbuaiilk Watku Firrun is the Slack It

BrowalOW. They arc mido on scientific principles. They

are accessible in all parts and can bo readily clemed.


4r 'vWKi) wlP

u 11 Kerr

h the only

man in Ho-

nolulu who

hoIIm these

Machines !



KS The Automatic Pkahl Fkwxiu Maoiiin'k withthe Latest Modern Attachments suitable for Light andlleuvy Work. To I'mchasers: Instructions in Arisene,Tinsel, Schnello and Fancy Kinbroidory Work will be given.



rV nvHI lit A

; Big JP; Shoe nlW

1 V AipviucuAm Im J jzm " ' J" 1W M






HtRB's TMe Pomr,



?pirawr-r''3- " r? -C j- - - r ',


J. T. St.iA

Crockery Department.Haviland China, plain and decorated, Glassware,

cut and engraved, Flower Globes, Baskots, Vases,and u great variety of other useful and ornamentalarticles. Expected to arrivo shortly from Eng-

land, four new patterns of finest Limoges China,consisting of Dinner Ware, Tea Sots, Fish Sots, BonBon Plates, Olive Trays, Sidad k Ice Cream Sots,etc. Beautiful lino of Semi - Porcelain Ware,plain aud decorated. By Australia: Small lot ofCrown Milauo Ware, somothing new for Honolulu.This department is under tho management of Mr.Dimond, who will always bo found ready to showgoods and quote prices.






Manufacturers' Shoe Co.

Waterhouse, Queen Store.

Groceries and Bottled Goods.This department is filled to tho coiling with fresh, now goods,

such as Hams aud Bacon (Cedar Rapids), Teas, Coffees, Sugar,Spices, Soaps, Pearl Oil, etc. Bottled Goods in great variety, Eng-lish Pio Fruits, Leo k Porrin's gouuino Worcester Sauco, Olives,Catsups, sour and sweet Pickles, etc., otc. CANNED GOODSfor Soups, Tablo Fruits, Tomatoes, Corn, Peas, Asparagus, Chicken,Turkey, Curried Oysters, Ox Tongue, Lunch Tonguo. This de-

partment is under the supervision of that genial aud well knownsalesman, S. J. Salter.

General Merchandise,This heading covers a multitude of articles, and means overything

from a knitting needlo to a plow, but wo have thorn all in stock, youdon't havo to wait a month for tho goods to como from tho Coast.If you don't believe it, call and seo for yourself. Mr. Henry or J.T. Watcrhouso, Jr., will always bo found at tho Queen St. Store,and will give you tho attention your patronage deserves.


No 10 Store,on Fort Street is keopt open solely for tho accom-modation of qui customers who do not wish to comeas far down town as Queen St. A great variety ofgoods "ih constantly kept in stock, such as dressedaud undressed Kid Gloves, Gauntlets, Mitts, otc.Figured Silks and Satins, India aud Surah Silks, allshades, Ileal Laco, Hdkfs., Lace Curtains, White& Ecru, Down Pillows, all sizes, Leather Goods ofNow Designs, and Toys from a Jumping Jack to aVelocipede. No. 10 Store is under tho manage-ment of Messrs. .Ionian and Murphy, who under-stand their business thoroughly.

ITW mr



J. T. Waterhouse, No. 10 Store

Continued from'Sd Page,)

to 778,250, or. more than twice thecost of the two cables laid fromSingapore to Port Darwin. TheEastern Extension Telegraph Company, which now connects the dif-ferent Australian colonies with Asia,has a watered capital upon which itpajs seven percent dividends, itsstock selling at 1(30, and its fourpercent debenture stock at 110, TboGreat Northorn . Telegraph Com

I pauy, operating in tho same terriI tory. pays ovor eight porceut divi-dends, aud its stock is selling at 200.

i This demonstrates that there ali ready exists a large and profitablebusiness In this territory.

The laying of a Pacific cable on asound business basis should result in

, securing the same success on thePacific Ocean that has been attainedby the Eastern aud Great NorthernCompanies, aud also by such Atlan-tic companies as are managed and

, financed on sound commercial prin-ciples. A heavy tratliu already ex-- .ists, and tho completion of the cable

, between Australia aud Dritish Co-lumbia would immediately divert to

j this missing liuk an immense busi-ness, which is capable of the great-est possible expansion. Vancouveris now in close telegraph communi

I cation with tho leading laud linesI aud existing cable systems through-out the world, the establishing ofwhich has taken millions of moneyanil years of experience to perfect,aud this makes the Pacific cable amuch simpler aud saferthan it would be, were

problemthis vast

svstem of feeders vet to bo created) Through government subsidies,exclusive rights, auu oilier auvautagos, Sir John controls, through hiseastern compauies.tliooxistiug routes

I to tho far east, aud it is to the Pacific cablo that the various countriesInterested must look for relief.

Sir John aud his associates fullyrealize that when once attention isdirected to the Pacific Ocean as aGeld for cablo enterprise, the Vancouver and Australian cablo will bebut the commencement of extensionsthat will connect Vancouver withSouth Africa, aud even India isamong the possibilities. Japan istoday dependent noon Ohiua andltussfa for her telegraph outlet.Four million dollars, the cost of afirst-clas- s ironclad, would give her acable of her own between Japan andVancouver, aud five hundred thous

! and dollars tnoro would continue thecable to Vladivostok, Russia, giving

' Vancouver a connection with theKiiRiiau laud system in Asia aud

j Kuropo.I Within a few years Montreal will' bo one of tho loading telegraph con! lers of tho world. It will. In fact, bothe telegraph 'hub' of the universe.

Paciho Caiii.e.Montreal, Nov. 21, 181)1.


Two SuspocU Discuss tho SingularSituation.

Smith Tho Government has gotWery sharp looking for royalistarum and ammunition.

Stiickt Yes, and it couldn't dowithout a Tiuker since Kiimielulhhas retired from tho cares of state.

I Smith They say tho Marshal isI tired of looking out on the bare pad

uoek iu front 01 tin fetation, auuwants to start a garden there byplanting something, if it's only abush and a Weed, iu tho lot.

Sthukt And Parker is going toKluuimo reward for diggiug themUP.

SiiiTit llo'll get a Crick iu theback if ho doesn't let up on suchhard work.

Sekkkt They say Nawahi hastakeu tho Irishman a choice iu auticipatiou.

Smith What's IhatTStmkkt To baug on a Uur.li and

wail till it grows.Smith Nal w'y. he'd live longer

if ho selected .a Wood.Sthect We'd tatter look out or

we'll bo arrested for conspiracy ifwe staud hero talking. There's thesenior captaiu coming and he'llWaipa'B iuto tue cooler.

Bulging Noises

fn the ears, sometimes a roaring,buzzing sound, aro caused by cat-arrh, that exceedingly disagreeableand very common disease. Loss ofsmell or hearing also result fromcatarrh. Hood's Ssrsaparilla, thegreat blood puriu'or, is a peculiarlysuccessful remedy for this disease,which it cures ly purifying theblood.

Hood's Pills are tho best afterdinuer pills, assist digestion, prevent constipation.

Preparing for Christmas.

Mrs. Boardman's "Ka Maile" stockis nearly all sold aud anticipating ahea7y demand for Christmas goodsshe ordered a fine lino of FaucyArticles, etc., they will arrive onthe next Australia. Her largeaud commodious lauai will be fittedup as a bhow room. All her oldcustomers and the Houolulu peopleiu general aro invited to iuspect thismaguiliceut stock of ChristmasGoods.

What Wan tho Matter r

When bIio had got out of the chan-nel yesterday ovouiug. tho steamerLehua bound for Muloiuit was uotiued to wear ship under sail alone.She turned round to a point neartho bell buoy, then after a pauseheaded out to mui under steam.What the cause of the evolution waswill remain a nivMery until the Lo- -

uiia'ii return. "Man overboard" isone of tho water front theories.

ttiulnturo Art.

Al Williams' Studio are to bo seenPortraits on Watuh Dials, which heis making a specialty of, Lantern

' Slides for lecture by the set ordozen.

11, G. iiiurt, who was for ton yearsthe prnntical Jeweler for WeiiuorCo,, has opened a new place at IIIKing street, corner Alaken street.Watchmaking, Hoinenlr spoons, andjewelry of every description madooii

I short uotlco,

H. Hackfeld & Co.,

Ofl'or to tho trade on the most liberal terms their largo

ami varied stock of Dry and Fancy Goods, Boots and

Shoes, Hats, Shawls, Clothing, Saddler', etc., etc.,

Furniture and Hardware, Bags, Bagging, Building.

Material, Crockery and Glassware, Groceries, Wines,

Liquors, etc., etc.

Sole Agentsfor Golden Gate Flour,

Flour, Merchant Flour


Fort and Queen Streets.

Henry May & Co.Wo make a specialty of the following brands of TEA:

Ceylon, Flowery Orange, Pekoe, iu 5 lb. boxes.Attain Primrose, in 2ft lb. boxes.

English Breakfast 5 lb. boxes.Shilling's Blossom, I lb. canisters.

Comet Oolong, 15 and HO lb. boxes.Silver Stuto Oolong, 18 and ,'JG lb. boxes.

Formosa Oolong, ft lb. boxes.Japan, uucolorcd, 5 lb. boxes.

China, different grades in Chests.


Fine Old Selected, in bags of 100 lbs.- -

Fine Selected, one year old, bags of 100 lbs.K&. Cofl'eo roasted and ground daily.

rOJL Sfl3L'00't;.

M. MMMY inform histho

generally,that he has the entire stock of shoes out of tho cornerstore, aud has placed an entire now stock of the following "roodson tho shelves: A new line throughout of the celebrated StetsonHats, all sizes and of tho very latest block; Wilson Bros.'Neckwear; .Faeger's sanitary Underwear, etc., iu fact a com-

plete lino of Gouts' Furnishings of tho best quality and tholatest styles. Trunks, Hand Bags, etc.

f hum e" suits. Fort and Merchant Sts.



odor entire stock,

Men's Seamless Socks, 10 k if. per pair." Heavy Undershirts, or ft 1.

Gaiter Shoes, fine finish, per pair.

Silk Handkerchiefs, sizes, 1ft to ftOe.

Good Huck Towels, !l 2fto.

Men's Blue Serge Suits, reduced from $7.ft0to 80.00.

Men's Black Suits, reduced from11.00 to $8.00.

Ladies' Kid 7ftc Worth Sl.'Jft.Ladies' Button Shoes, in great variety, from

8 1.

Urown Cotton, 21 yards 1.00.

Flour, Diamond


begs topatrons andpublic


Steamer Valises,

Christmas Gifts.




The undersigned has just receiveddirect from manufacturers in Ire-

land a fine assortment of new goods,ofLadies' Embroidered Hand-kerchie- fs,

Tea Cloths, Sideboard Cloths,Linen Damask Sets of Celebrated

Shamrock Linens, Etc., Etc., all of which

are suitable Christmas Presents.

Desiring to reduce large stock

W. C. Sproull.

wo for one month, beginning December 1st, our at thefollowing prices :


2ftc. forl.ftO





SO up.





Brown Cotton, heavy, JIG inches wide, 13

yards .?1.00.Bleached 10-- 4 Sheeting, 2ftc. per yard.Blue Deniine, 7 yards 1.00.White Cotton, soft finish, tffi inches wide, 13

yards 1.00.Farwell White Cotton, 'M inches wido, 9c.

per yard.Ladies' Fast Black Stainless Hose, 20c. pel

pair, 2.00 per do.en pairs.Men's Fast Black Stainless Socks, 20c. per

pair, 2.00 per dozen pairs.Men's White Uulauiulered Shirts, Linen

Bosom, ftOc.

Como early and avoid the rush, and remember: these prices hold good for one month only,

YEE CHAN,Nunna Strtet, tie Otgr Hiikt if Kii Itml

4U.. Jt



MBcflBCSrj i 'iVc

rjoB' ' a n.fccf

."Tr 'A

Mr. John A. Scott, Miuingcr of llio Hilo Sugar Company, gives the follow-ing wonderful record of tho working of the NATIONAL CANE SllKKD- -

DKR, which was erected hy their work tit the commencement of the cropjust harvested:

"During the past week tho Hilo Sugar Comp toy's mill exceeded nny ofits former record hy cloning the 125 hours grinding with an output of HOOJ

tons. This is fully 10 percent more than the host work of former ye.irs."The three roller mill being 20 in. hy Til in. ami the two roller mill :U) in.

hy CO in. 1 he first mill doing this amount of work in mi elllcient muunerand with great ease, compared with work on whole cane, owing to thoroughpreparation of tho cane hy tho National Unite Shredder, iccenlly erected bytho Company.

"And by its tuo tho extraction has been increased from H percent to B per-cent on all kinds of cane, and hi Home caxes 80 percent has been reached ;

tho average being 75 to 78 percent, according to quality."I continue to llnd tho megass from shredded cane better fuel than from

whole cane."Tho shredder has been working day

given mo entire satlsiaction, having Hhrcihlctl during that lime about seventythousand tons of cane, and a largo part of it being hard raloons.

"The shredder and engine rciiuirc very little care or attention."riaiiH and specillcatious of these

WM. Q.


Offer for the Holiday Trade a FnU Assortment of

Gcnrrul Grocer leu. Families who whit to buy

wholesale (by the cane or orlyinnl package) can

sarc money hy calling on vs. He especially call

yonr attention to our large stock of Extra Fine

Granulated Sugars iu liarrcls, Half Jlarrcls and

liags. Also a full asfortmcul of Cutting's Extra

Fine Table Fruits at low prices.

Queen. Street.Ed. Holfschlaeger & Co.

"Homebold" Sewing Midlines,

Hind Si wing Hacblaes, with ill tbe latest ImproTemenls.Wtsierrniyer's Cottage Pianos.

Parlor Organs, Guitars, and otter Instruments.


Mutual Telephone Go.


THK ADJOUItNKI) ANNUALAT Meeting of tlilit Coin puny hfld Nov.lUtb, Ib'Jt, tUo followhiK Ullloern uernelected for the emulng eart

Wiu. O. Irwin I'ri'iildvntCecil Urown Vice- - I'rfhldf nt


James Ciii)Ih'II, Uodfruy llrown, II. A.Wldeiimnii, J. K. llrown und V. K.Allen.

At UlrecUira' niPethiK of Nov. 'JO, 18!)l,under tbo lly-la- w of tliu Coin puny, fur-ther elections were Hindu u folio whs

J. P. Urown tifamtnryUodfrey llrown TrciisnrrrCO. llrruur Auditor

J. K. IlltOWN,UfKMui Becretury Mutual. Tul. Co.


or THE

New Patented Poi Strainer

If All Order or CoiiiiniinlcHtlnmadd reused to K. O. JIhII & Hod, 1,'d.,

have them ou sale), or to M. T.onuell. will receive iironiiit attention.

1HO tl

People's Baggage ExpressCALL, ANY 1'AHT OK THEWILL for HAUOAtlK. All JiaUKe

reoelved liy ua will be bundled with curend dlHptttoli. Waugonb will be on tbe

Wharf to meet ull ForelKii und Inter-Islan- d

Btesmere. Moving 1'iiinos undFurniture a specialty. Olllue UnitedCarriage Co. and I.ivery Htulilea, corner olKing and Fort btreets, next to K U. HullAiBon. Uoth'ielenboneii'J'iU.

1100 3w M. T. MAitSHAI.h.

THE ARLINGTONA Vazxilly Hotel.

Per Day $ iFerWeek i

SfECIAU MONTHLY RTkH.The Best of Attendance, tbe Ilett Mituailon

nd tbe Fluent Meals iu tbe City.

T. ER0U8E, .... Proprletar.


1ST. F. BXjiROElSSla again preiisred to repair (lirden Hou,Hpnuklera, Water 'J'uim, etr, huw FUIiikaud all kind of Toolu blmrjencd, iiioliin-lo- g

Carrlng Knives ami bclorn; l.awnMowers a ktieclaittt also Bulling tlumij infact ah kinds of Jobbing. Worn united lor

nd returned, hiug u i Kii .MutuITh-Vhon- u

any time before U a. m. II7IHI

ATAnfTPM Mauufueturerof 1'iinryWrouglil Iron IVmia

fur llnrlal Ixjtn, Iteaiilunvvii, (lurdeim, Hal- -

conlea, cto. Union klriui, ueariy opiioidiitUsll Toner. U70-- tl

3- -.-"i3ov"',r

VN&iMP. r-- s . .3rsi .a







!'and night for seven months and has

Shicddcrs may bo seen at tho olllcc of'.

IRWIN & CO., L'd .


& SONS ;



and Bethel Streets,


Frozen Turkeys

For ChriBtmas and Now Year !


Live Taikeys, Gtese & GbckensRDM


Kalitii Poultry Ranchtfv AH I'nultrv from tho nltovc Hnncli

art' Knl and Hrm. Fed ou Uruluund FrmhMeat.

tW 8i d orders for nny description ofI'ouury Alle, or Killed and Drtim-d-.

(alifornia Fruit Market,Corner King and Alnkea Hi a.

Mutual Tki.kimioxk 'MS.I I'JJ-- t I



Wholesale Dealera In

Lipors ai Manila CigarsAUD

General Chinese Merchandise8DUU AB -

Mil ulU, Klce, Matting,Clilnebe Bilks, Teas, Kte.

Engliib and Aaerioan QrocariMUy Kvery Coaat Hteamei.



Kauageinent and Sale o! Propori)


Collecting In All Its Branches.Orrii'i No. 4'J Merctmut Htref t

Cemont Sidewalks & Gra-nit- o

Curbing Laid.KhiIiiiuU'H given ou all kind of


tlfV 10MRITS A trit'lALTT "


Everjtliing 1

rF lUu Viifv tfiimuf,9 ... ':

!' Quality put into our ,;


I Ladies'"(I

li a a II a bKl hin i 1 1 ii11 Li m Vf"

Kid Patent

Tip Oxford


That you will do wlion ,:

von hoc thoni. !

" --

MclnernvS "

r i"

Store,105 Port Street

Hawaiian --r

Christmas Cards !




Water Color Cards of

i t : ALSO : t I

Beautifully Colored


Bond Something Huwailnn to YourFrlonda Abroad.


Hotel Streetl. h. kkrr j




Kino SuitingH,

Elugunt Patterns,and Latest Sty Ioh.



100 Yards Down to Enough

to Make a Single Salt!

- AND AT -

Hard Times Prices!L. B. KERIt, - Impoktku,



Merchant Tailor,333 XTuvilxx Strt.


tta&llsu, Scoicb and americao Goods.

Htyle and Fit Onarauted

loaning & Kepairinglutuil Tale. 668. P. 0. Box Mi

KMU-J.- m


Flno CaHHimoroB Sotkos,Wluto Linens, Etc.

Suits JMailo to OrderON HHOKT NOTIOK.


C. A KIM A, 111 Niiiiiiiiii Street,liiW-C-

$lu g)Uj) gtUdin.

TUESDAY, DEO 18. 184


Tho Pacific Cable Will Go and WillBenefit Montreal.

(Prom the Montreal Wltm-M.- )

Sin: I note your editorial of Nov.19, with roforeneo to Sir John Pen-der and the Pacific cable, and feelthat you do not fairly ostimate thatgentleman's position in the cableworld. While it is truo, as you state,that Sir John and his associates weropioneers in the Atlantic cable busi-ness, and took great risk in that en-

terprise, nevertheless they were notthere as philanthropists, and did notneglect to seize and rotain every ad-

vantage they could secure in connec-tion with this undertaking. Thereare still in Montreal, and elsewherethroughout Canada, shareholders inthe first Atlantic Cable Company,who fool that if the original investoris to be classed as a philanthropist,then they aro most certainly ontitlodto this distinction, for they have hadvery light dividends, and did notparticipate in tho handsome profitthat was divided up among the in-

siders at tho time the NewfoundlandCompany was absorbed by tho

cured in Newfoundland for a greatmany years, it being thought at thattimo that tlio utmost leugth that asubmarine cable could be worked wasfrom Ireland to Newfoundland, andthose gentlemen thought they had

I DtTUitni U UIUUUI'IMJ ua viiu uuoiuudo i :,for a lifetime. "The history of SirJohn Ponders connection with At-- ,lantic telegraphy, wheuover ho hasmot comnetitlon. has been that of a

4 t it i 'i . fc fc i

atl ll. t rTJt1iirMttl axi1nuiii in liiu vjiuiaj AuirMiuuu niiuTrim!, nmntinnr. which, with n shnm: z ' 'n.d1 nt JTITAlilin. tiunihMiia thn"- " W- - nV,WWVUVV,shnros of various cahlo coiupatiios.

5BS"w iteiS.a;5iS?ffii......I


view of tuaintaiuintr or forcing harmony of action. IhrotiKh this andkind rod combinations Sir John Poudor and his associates havo boon abloto forro nearly orory compolitivoAtlantic cahlo company that hasovor boon started, into his Atlanticcahlo 'pool.' Tho first was tho DirectCable Company, which, through awar of rates, was forced into the'pool In 187r. Then camo theFrench Cable Company, which,tbrotiKh similar pressure, was knock I

od under iu 1880. Iu 1881 Mr. JayQould loomed up, but Sir John did '

not darn fiuht him, fearing not onlyMr. Gould s (Treatability and wealth,uui bisu iiiu tvoaiuiu UUIUII IVIVL'rapu uompany, wiiosh lanu lines .

lie controlled, and such terms weromade with Mr. Gould as permitted ;I

his turuiuir over to 'the WesternUnion Company, on a basis of Sll000.000. two Atlantic cables that hadcost less than half that sum. Thonext man who appeared on the sceneivaN Mr. John Macknr. who. with.....VI. iiniiiguuiuuuinui.yi.1I....... finr.l. !t........t ................ '

plorod by Sir John not to wastemoney iu such a foolhardy outer ,

prise, as It would bo itnpoiblo forilium im ainalvurs, to m'oiuul p lieuat;aiust such pioneers In the business ,

as hu and his associates, bir Johnis appealing now, in a similar strain,to the tlifTereul k'ovorntnonts whopritpono layltiK in lac I no cftDio,with tho prautiunl ro5orvntion, how-ovo- r,

thnt if tlioy nro bouutl tnHuiininhir tholr inonov. ho ia tho manto outrust with it. In this connection tho President of tho OttawaColonial ronforonco nums up hisposition: 'Sir John l'oiulor mnkosthree distinct Btatomuutn. first, thatthe cable cnuiiol bo built; fiocond,that if built it cntiuot pay; third,that if it is tn bo built, ho want tobuild it.' Mr. Mnckity aud his as-sociates wore, however, not to bo

and tho two cables of thoCotnuioroial Company wero laid inDecember, 1881, atua tnrilT of fortycents per word was adopted, asairainst the previous rato of fiftycents. Sir John mid tho cable poolirotostml against this reduction, audhroatouou that unless tho rates

wero raised, aud tho CommercialCompany accepted its pro rata pro-portion of a 'pool,' such a war ofrates would ensue as would ruin allconcerned. The Commercial Com-pany, however, was obdurato, withtho result that tho rates wero reduced to twelve cents pur word aud !

Messrs. Mackay aud IJonnott fouud .

arrayed airaiust themselves ono oftho most iii;antiu combinations of j

capital orirauizod to crush out l,..J,r.,..iia competitor, t... twouty-sove- n

mouths tho twelve-ceu- t rato prevaileel, aud the Aumo Company s re-

ceipts, which had beeu XUUD.OXM) iuIHi 1, when it had the entire tralllc,aud X in 1,000 iu IKS I, when it had to'pool' with the Direct, French andQould companies, dropped in 1887,uuder this interiieciuu war, to 188,.000. Thin ended iu tho 'pool' com-paui-

suiut? for peace, aud tho Com-mercial Company preserving its

which it still retains.Tiiis company's stock, owing to itslow capital aud sound business me- -tlirwla In urtti twt-ivi- t WiajI fiu u ft ratclass investment, paying a regulardividend of seven percuut, aud earning considerably more, whilo tueother Atlantic cable companies, withwhich Sir ilohu !h conuected, aro ina bad way, ou account of their over-capitalization, It is to these con-cerns that hu no doubt points whenhe says to the public that Atlauticcable iu vestments havo beeu so un-profitable that even governmentswould not be warranted iu riskiugtheir money in tho l'aciliu Ocean.Tho impression was at lirst industri-ously circulated that it would boimpossible to lav and maintain acable iu the Pacific Ocean. Never-theles-

a construction company,which Sir John's friends control,has sent in a tender, along with theother leading cable manufacturersof the world, ottering not only tolay this cable but also to maintain it.

The Australian and Now ZealandGovernments hno contributed, andaro under contract to contribute toSir JoIid'h companies, a sum eipiai

Vontinuril on ith I'uye.)

rV$&$Tmz- - $rlf'r&

XDE30. 19

Founder's - Day

Will be Celebrated at KAMl'.HAMRHASCHOOL by the Opon'nR of tho



Bishop Museum

Will be bcld in the lUSltOi' It A I.I. (The

Msnnsl School) at 2 t m ,, Dp.'. 10.

Addre5s by Mrs. Hnnlrlc snd others.

Sl'OHTS in charge of the Hoys wilt tkplace nt 3:30 r. M.

of ItnUdlng at (llltl 8BOiOOli from 3 to 4 r. x. Ti.o Rencralpublic sre Invlteil. l'JI0-t-d

Real Estate and Loans

The cnl.int'mcnt of the IX) AN Markrtso as. to covr .the wants. .

nndi norol'k".. of I

' ' V.SraTSS ,

K.ute wnsonof the mo't ncooisry Inno- -

vatlont of. rwynt jcar. Totiiany lilian i

"". reiiei.irom i.rt-su- .u c n nn ni incry nine wnen ntosi tM(niiai t 1111

troirlv and lionoralily condnrtcd tblihu'lncn In of ruunllv irrrat ItniMirttn--nnl Vluo to the cotiinututty ns ilnlldlliKna ihi amocimkmm nw iiifiiintlfatM lit tu

The Hawaiian Investnie.it Co.

Makei a (ccUlly of NproIIhIIiih snd I'ro- - 'curing Imnifrir IWirrowers who tire tin ;nlilo to dlciuiit tbt'lr Noix nt the Itatikannd who do not cure to ohllitnto tliciurulvcsto -- oino friend or nciiiinlnlntico bynKing inn rnunn-ciiipn- to uieir .oie.

Till Coinnny will mnko l)Anit uKinjiimrriioiu riinimiru, namn, urunui, i

lhiifoi". Miilc, nuoni, t.nrrlni;cK nnd ;

l'rri(innl I'ruti-rl- y wilbout rviuovliiK dieI'rojxTty from the llorrowcr'n toeialon,nnd nil tmidtii'M will li condiiuii'd onaritioTi.Y c)l'lllK'rlAl. iiAhis.

Tho HtWdiiaB luvxitment Co., '

Gkncral Kcau Estate Aoknts,

13 nnd IS Ksnhttn nnn Hirieti, i

(N.S'l'uttOiUce)Notary Public. Mutual Tt'rpbona C39.

tn Tin: cmtJUiT :ouiit ok thkiX Hrit tlroult. llftwnlliin lulnndii. K.Auunni iiiiiik vo. uAi.inrii nwi. iTl.- - If...iil.ll.f ....II....II. ...I'..ll... Mr.L.I I...t- - ..r. iiiiimii nn... .hit kiiiphhiof the Jlnuftllan Itlitndi, or lili Dcpu y,UrretlliKt

Yi'tinrrcoiiimnndrd toHiimtnon llnlblnlHock, defenunnt. In cum Ii bull Hie

bcreof, to bo nnd niiirour before tliu Clri.ultt'ou t nt tliu NuvuihIht term tlftt'Of. to 1)0l..,,,!,.,, -- . niiliiln. I.lnn.l i.t lli.lnl ..I.moNIIAV. tl.efithdAy of November nuxt,nt ten n'olock a m., toKbownuiu wb ihuclaim ' ' Annum Hock, ilnliinir. kIhmiI I

"" lx wnnltli to Mill MltMlllllt to tllu. . .t .....m.,.,! .miiIiIuiiAnd have you tlicii tneri tlil writ wllh

ful rumrnof) our tirovreditiu ili'Ti'imWitnrsH Hon. V. A. WHITINd, ,

Flot J lid m of tbe Circuitl i:I.J Court of tbe Firm Clroult ut

Hounlulu, tbU Hull day of i

Octolx-r- , llt'JI.UKOIKIK. I.UCA8, Clerk.

lecilKylho forogolinr to bo a truuropyof tin original NUiiiuinnH in nui viium.and that nald Court ordered puMlentloii oftliu name and contlnttauco of Mild vnuiiountil the next February term of llila

OKOUlii: l.UUAB Clerk.Honolulu, Nov. 'M, 1BUI. llirMil

Vachtoery Fur Sale!

I KNOINK. Double Cylinder. HlmtirCylinder, r.'Horo I'.iwnr.

IVF.ItriOAhTUlUH.AKIlOll.KH.AfeetioiiKi 40 Ino' ei diaineU-r- , oonta u nlUO'J-ino- tuhe: wi I mi)ily uteaiu for10 Home i'ower Kiik lie.

1 FKKO PUMP with all connection.

Tbt above aro all in good order and canlie bd a a bargain oy apiiylni; to the

niBim UbIoi Twi Co., IM.


IB HKitKIIY OIVKN THATNOTIOK BKalimt the Criterion tin-lo-

will be be tiled by Mr Ja. F. Mor--anu an ouutanaini; aceouuiit u.ie meSin, Hnloou and tbo Jobbliu bousn of

b. H. l)e up u tbo aUive dau are ntyabletoMr.l H. Dee. All bills oKHlimi U H.lee pleanH preseut Immediately for imy.wentT L. H. J)KK.

Honolnlu. Oct. 3. 1R!M llftv!-3n- i


I7UUNIHIIKI) HOLHK i muI1 In let nt LrriiiliiUH (if mov .

truuiL-ar-, Wuiklki. liKflVMOVIHAnnlv tou r.. mi ivw unn,

1200-t- f 3TT KltiR street.


ItOOMB AND DO.VItl)i for u few iierxouv can be .

bud at Iluniunl, ou tbo Wabklkl mESzsm,

W. H. IIAUTI.Krr,1 175-- 1 f Proprietor



Two Hound, on the Htrcut-cu- rline, will be old low.

1'urt of tbo iimuoy limy remain ou uiort- -1,'UKu Apply at tbU Oillue. tV0l-- tf j


rpilltKK N10K I.OT8AT1 MuMll ut u UarKiln.


MxIMJeueb. Will Mill either "!us n whole or NeimrulelyApply lo

WII.I.IAM KAVIDOK.OuiiitiiiiiN llluck, Merchant ritrect.

IJ' ll


?OU TWO OK TIIKKKI Yeara, a Cotliiiin Ifuu- -nilly located I of hour imItnoiiia wltli Pautrv nnd

KIii'Iiiiu utuiolii'd, lliillirconi, hervuni'vand t.'itrrinite-riHiiii- mid riliihlut on the

' rrumUea. Tliu lloilxu im pinny uii'ii II i. iioiuekeuiiiiiu. mid lliu lot will budivided oH'Iroiii the miilli yard liv it femii,iiihhi reHlillliilu leiiama urn wniui'ii injulru ut tliu JIUI.L.K1IN Olllce. IJ)l-l- f


FANCY FURNITURE,Carpets, Rugs, Linoleums,

Fine Crockery, Glassware, Etc.

Fine EuhoIh, Piano Lamps,Koci g Cliaiw, Fuiicy Tnblcs

Umbrella Stands, Mub'c Racks.

Royal "Worcester, Crown Derby,Satsuma, Ilaviland, Cloisuiiun,

Crcwcnt Cbina, Etc., Etc.

Fancy Vases,





T 1IK 80 I.I) OK IN






Uichel" "C. I).

to ui pur

Glaus Decanters,Roho Tumblers,

Wino GlasKes, Etc

Velvet Pile Centre Rngn,

Door Mats

andBINOl.Y 8KTS.



lurojust been,

per "11.


Hryant," and mnro

rive "Trail-nil.- "


Japnncso Ruga,Large Variety,


Fanr.y Plates, Plaques, Caps Saucers

Solid Silver and Plnted Ware



Wicker Work!



HCojDp 8o Co.,N"o. 74 King Street.

Benson, Smith & Co.,Corner F'ort cfe Hotel St.

From Recent Direct Imptrtatlom



P. O. 1IOX 181- -



ir iioilio (tiiano, l'utuHh,of Ainiiudii i,

Ktc, Klu ,

.- -. .. otw Kii'M'lal Htlentlon ulvn lo AiiiiIvkIh ofAll IIioiU are KUiirAiueut In every ru

Kor further purtluiilar

I lUJU-li- u I)


Sofa Mats,


!1 ,.

Every variety, stylo

and price in tho

Furniture line. Tho

best nnd most va

lied in Honolulu.

Call and inspect our


-- MU1UAI. TKI.E. til

& CO.


. Auditor.Keorrtnry at d Treabitrer.

being completed, wo aro now readyall kinds of

Nitruto of Sodu,CalciiiL'd Fertilizer Salts,

Klc, Kto.

bulla by our Agricultural CliemUt.- i'tlapply to

Gnano It Co.,It. W. AYKKHAM, Manauer.

The Only Perfect Toothbrush.


Perfumes & !













lii I



i ;









'' 'nmmfmwwwr-- .









V i

$!w gnilg til f in.

TUESDAY, DEO, 18, 1894.

Arrivals.Tumoay, Deo. 18.

Am bktne W H Dlmond, Nllton, 21 daysfrom Ban Franclico

Am bk Maltha Davis from Ban Francttco

Departure.Tuesday, Dec. 18.

Am bktuq Planter, Underwood, for HanFrancisco

Am bk Clon, Calhoun, for Ban Francisco


AUtTAtt.'rora Ban Francisco, per bktne W H Dl-i- d,

Deo li Qnlnby, Harryiby, Mrs ED Tracy, Theodore Tracy.

DirARTOIta..'or Elcele, Kannl, jper stmr I'ele, Dec 18August Dreler and Chnrles Gay.''or San Francisco, ir bkltio Planter.

ms 180 T Ulesen and the second mate ofbark Hespcror Maul and Hawaii, ner stmr Klnati,

18 voicain: Airs a Barnes, way',! Miss Bond. Miss H Kycrott, Miss Htln. MIh N Porter. Miss Method. It U

ercromhle, A N Crockett, Miss Austin,s M J Garrison, Mrs 0 U Wight, MissU Wilder.jf'or Mnul, per stmr Claudlne, Deo IStss Ella WIkiiI. Miss Wight, Mrs

"sc, Miss llcckwi li. Mits Aziell, Mistrawer, Miss Bears, Mis Alexander, Mr- - J

Wodcho i, Jr, mid child, C Farden, HI Datdwiu, Miss I.ucy ''iiciett, O UnuaMrs Heury Vlda, Major MoDonnoll.

Shipping Note.'I lie bnrkntlne Planter received sugar

from the steamer Mlkahala.Tlio strainer Pelo left for MaknMell via

Elerle this afternoon with 135 tons of coatand 30,000 feet of lumbar.

The barkenitne Plxnter Capt Dow, sail-ed for Bill l''rnni.co today wllh 10.011bans suiar mid 1' 0 bags shipped byH Hnckleld & Co. Domestic Vnlue, $01,'35H.2M.

The bark Oylon, Ci. Calhoun, Mt forBan Frnclooti-il- y lth IiUMOIukb sugarshipped by O llruworit Co, nnd IH7 okno. by F A Scli-el- iV to. I) urn stlo value,



Major MoDonoll will go to Mnulon tlio Claiidine this uvuulng.

A lost chuck is advertised for, !)inont ou wliioh has been stopped.Mrs. A. Bnrncs left on tlio stum-

or Kinau this afternoon for the Vol-

cano.A cottage and lot may bu bought

on application at the Arliugtou bar-ber shop.

A kodak is introduced as a suitable holiday present by the Hollis-te- r

Drug Co.August Dreior aud Chas. Gay loft

on the steamer Pole at 8 o'clock thisafternoon for Eleole, Kauai.

w afternoon the Govern-ment band will plar at the dedica-tion exercises ol the Bishop Museum.

Ladios aro referred to in J. J.3gan's now advertisement, aud theyvill not fail to see what is the rea--

son.Steven L. Quinby, at ono time bar-

tender at the Hotel, arrived on theW. H. Dimond to day. He is ac-companied by his ton-ye- old sou.

If the woather permit, the Gov-ernment baud will play the programat Emma Square this evening whichwas arraugod for yesterday evening.

After his tove saleJas. F. Morgan will sell troid andsilver watches, trunks, clothing, etc.,belonging to tho estates of threedeceased persons.

Captain Nilsou of tho W. H. Dimonu renorts that passed theMartha Davis ou the passage eleventimes. Tho Martha Davis was hIknailed at 1:20 this afternoon.

In search handkerchiefs! Whyto Sachs' store, tho SI doz. white

ommedstitch handkerchief is a bigbargain, the cent embroideredhandkerchief is a record breaker.

Ono of thesteamer Olaudine




apprentices on thehas boon arrested

ou suspicion that he was (he onewho robbed the Japnuoso of f150 onine steamer s last trip from Maui.

The bicycle meet of the HonoluluOycle Race Meet Association willtake place on Christmas day. Theboys are still in training. Entrieswill closo this evening at tho Hono-lulu Gyclery

Before the Supreme Court to-da- v

the fullowiug cases were argued auusubmitted: Republic of Hawaii vs.Kauiku, assault with a dangerousweapou; Republic vs. Kilikina, adul-tery; petition to revoke probate ofAkahi's will

Thoso in search of holiday goodsshould not fail to visit the store ofN. S. Sachs, the display there issimply immense, an eudless varietyof seasonable goods, suitable foryouug aud old, for lady or goutle-ma- n,

handsome paiutod aud em-broidered silk drapes, silk shawly,fancy table covers, lace bed spreadswith shams to match, etc. Judgingfrom the crowd at the handkerchiefcounter the assortment aud pricesmust be just right.

A Strong Horseis tub BEscrvr or dsinuOOOD FKED


Hay and GrainJiinl Arrived er 8.0. WlliW."



Onniirljueeii A Ntitintii) Hu

Hotii Tki-ki'Honk-h 121.


Wrongly Placed Lamps.

L. H. Dee drove into a water pipeexcavation on Beretania street lastnight, on account of the beaconlights being stupidly placed on theouter instead of the inner side ofthe ditch. His hone's forelegswere planted squarely in the bot-tom of the ditch, and the animalstood thore stock still while Mr.Dee made a few remarks. Mr.Parmelee the druggist came out ofhis house and shoveled earth intothn nxcavation. until he raised thebottom high enough to enable thehorse to stop out. Mr. Dee had anarrow escape, as, if the wheels ofone side had gone into the ditch, hewould almost certainly have beenthrown out on his head.

The theme at the Gospel tent to-

night will be: "The nature and valueof the Divine and Human Copart-nership, into which we are invitedby the Gospel. Can we comply withthe terms! If totally depravedshould we be held responsible!"

MM 7 ftwMwl I

M 1 CheuwtULeonard, Me.

In Agony15 Years With Salt RheumHood's araaparltta Oav Porfoct

Curo.-- a I. Hood Co., Lowell, Mut.t

" Hood's Harssparllla Is an eieetlent raedlclna.I had eetema In my left leg for fifteen years.1'stt of the time my te was one mats of scabs,and about every week corruption would gatherunder Uie tklu and the scabs would slough oO.

Th Itching and BurningtentaUon made me suiter Indescribable agonic.I spent a great deal ot money for different rtavedict but did not get relief. About a. year ago.IrailliiK phyilrlant adtltrd. me to take Hood'sBamparllU. I did so and have taken fire tot--

HoodV;sCuresties. Now all the sores, scabs and pain havevanished and I am enjoying perfect health. Ithink Hood's Sartsparllla It second to none. and

recommend it to nil suffering humanity."fUdlyCitr.t'vmi.NT, Leonard, Mluonrl.

"Mood's Pills act eatlly, yet promptly andetttileiiUy.ou the liver and bowels. !Oc.

Hobron Drug Co., L'd.,Hole Agents for the Kepnbllo of Hawaii.

MVmm m m J


Wo wimt to help you outon your hiiMtmua purchafii 8,nnd intend to do it by savingyou money on every piirchtiNuinude of uu during the lloli-day- n.

Wo have no end ofuseful 'hinirH, thut are in ov;ryday demand, that would loHe

none of their value by beinggiven as Christinas Presents.

We might give away apiano or something else as aninducement to purchasers, butinstead of that everytiling willbe marked so low, that everypurchaser receives a benefitinstead of it'sa'l going to oneperson.

We will have a couple ofcounters in the htore devotedto Spi'ciul liargains that areSpecial Bargains in the fullestsense of ho word. You couldnot find a gre iter variety in aGrab Bag.

Wo have received manynew goods by tho "Oceanic"that rati for Special notice, ailof them go at our reducedprices, Puiisks, biucs, Cu- -TAINS, UmUHKIXAS, SATINS,Cottoxs, LrxtKS, and noend of goods will be sold atprices that will make Bargainhunters happy, and be mohtaccept'iblo as Christmas Presents.

Itememher we are opennights, have new electriclights in I he store, sn thatguods can be examined ns wellas in the day tiim.

all your checksfor tho Volcano trip, and sendthem to thn store before 12o'clock Dec. 20th, whin aHound Trip Ticket will hiissued to the one having thelargest numbir of SalesTickets

R P MHIiKKS ft C!()


ACOTTAflr-- AND LOT kuryIniiulru at Mr "Ts itliu ArliliK'oii Hurlier HhopHi.'t-- I Htruet. 12IMW liist


lull, IHHUM) MY 1'AIAri.titntlon, Maul, H- -. wiil.-- r l, lkl)l,

on IIUIiUi it In fuvtir ol Kolm'iil hallroad (Nuiian, l.lmltitl. I'avuiiiiil onauiB Iihh Iwxn ktuiiil, All nru

Jure by warned nuulnl uukoiUUiik miik,lilHw

By Jaa. V. Morgan.


"Ihu's the Us ot a Turkey Without

a Sto?6?"


Stoves and Agateware I





And Immediately after the above,

Gold and Silvir WatchesTrunks, Clothing, Etc , Etc.

Belonging to the of Btrahlmsnn,muerjicei anu a. v. inpaz, oeceaseu.

1214 'itJa.3. V, TiLOTfSBLXi.,


GREAT JYENTS!SaYt Your Money For This 1

Evening Auction Sales


Friday, Dec. 21t,AND

Saturday, Dec. 22d,AT 7 O'Ol OCK P. M.

1214 ot

Mortgagee's Notlco of IntentionForeclose


AOrOHDANOK WITH THKIN a ovrialn nn,rtrK miita l)utiarUa II. WUon ol Honolulu. Oaliu, mQora 1. Towiisfnn. ( iold ll'tioln u,.atd Auiitist Uth. A. 1). 1801. nnd rcco d-- dtn the OIUco ol Koiimrar ( Conv-yanro- ,

In II ok 147. 1'iROS 478. 47 and 48", tiotli ela bttfby glvrn that tbn aald Uroriti 1.rownarnd, tuor KK. intouni in (orvcloK-th- e

ald tnnrt.aKU fc condition brt.ken, towilt id prlne'pal hn IU).

Notlco U alio ho. ebv given that thocureml by laid morti(Ke IM be

old at fubllo Auctltn. at tli Aitct'otiItoom ot Jaa. K. Morgan, In aald Hutio'tilu,

On SATURDAY, December 22, 1801,


The Piowr y rovced bv ald moIs described hi 'olhiwit All tliatiurniKv t pa oi of land Miniate at Ku uuku-bu- .

In tatd Honolulu, hounded and dcrribed a (o iwa, v t t Comtiiptcimr nllli a'ika corner of Youiik and l'llkoistreets kiiu runnlcK In auai-rl- y

Yuttng street 2li-- s f,et, ti'eiiexIn a nortlitriv dlrrcilnu IMi tvn, tlieim-- tiawestoih direction to 1' ikol si eei 210.0feet, tbrti' e In a d rerti'-- al hkfilk- -l street lfO.3 feet to place nf comDtenreuinnt coutainlttt an area of 711-- OU

of an acre.OKOUOK P. TOWNSKNI)

llUVlm MortncP

Too High !

Su Say i th- - Uninitintrtl

Do Not Be Deceived I

Do Not receive Yourself I

Muk honnt comparionnotb'twren St. Frterxburg and Hono-

lulu, but bftwtfn our ricm andjtricn prevailing in other ntahliih-men-

HERE. We are ntllimjSolid Silver

Tea Spoonsa low at $12 per dozen. Thinkof it! fljora Solid Tea Spoon

of good weight and site; heavierpattern at the same, low rate perouncn. We further engrave ini-

tials free of charge on all our Sil-

ver Ware; thus saving you tunnytiioir dollars, and still further re

ducing the cost of our silver to youover fifteen patterns to choose

from.We are selling Sterling Silvir

Cuff Links for 7fio. and fl pet stt;und yet have never bragged aboutit; while the uuallly of our goods

has steadily CIOXE UP, ourprices have, constantly GONEVOWX.

Tit volume tf business done

dully in our Store, is proof of the

appreciation held by the generalpublic of our immense tlock; of the

newness of i verylhing in Hi of the

tuse with which your wants can be j

supplied, There is tin need callingyour attention to THE Ul'AlJTVof our Silver people know a good

thing when they see it, and youknow tie buy only the best.


To Plantation Managers.

The following letters received from Mr. Jno. A. Scott, Akna-ag- er

Hilo Sugar Co., refer to the AVERY FERTILIZER DISTRIBU-

TORS and Stubble Diggers, for which the Hawaiian Hard-

ware Co. are sole agents. Mr. Scott first saw these implementsat the Columbia Exhibition in Chicago, and was so favorablyimpressed with their appearance that he immediately orderedsamples shipped to the Hilo Sugar Co. Ar. H. Deacon, Mana-

ger for Pepeekeo Sugar Co., secured one each of these impl-ements from Ar. Scott and expressed his satisfaction with themin the letter published herewith:

Pepeekeo, Aug. 8, 1891.J. A. Scott,

Dear Sir: In reply to yours in relation to the "Avery" Stubble Diggersaud Fertilizer Distributors.

I would say that I have been using the Diggers almost constantly sinceI recoived;lhem, and am highly pleased with them. As the name signiGes,I find them specially adapted to the work of loosening the soil about rat--toon stools, and they may bu used to great advantage either before orafter the Fertilizer Distributors, thereby putting the rattoon fieldsvery best condition for a rapid growth. They are a light draftauu t wouiu recommend inetn to any plantation owner.



The Fertilizer Distributor is a Croat labor savini? machine, and I findthat I shall need ono more to 611 our requirements here.

1 remain, yours respectfully,(Signed) H. Deacon,Manager for Pepeekeo Sugar Co.

oWaixaku, Hilo, Aug. 9, 1894.

Mr. E. It. Hendry, Honolulu.Dfixr Sir: lu reply to your enquiries regarding the working of the

"Avery" Stubble Diggors aud Fertilizer Distributors. I would say that Inave won using tno Diggers lor some montns auu nave dug somo eighthundred acres of stools with them, thoroughly looseniuir tho soil in andabout tho roots, thus giving them an excellent opportunity for many morehoots to come forth titan usually do. Aud I Dud that thore is a thicker

stand of cane where it has been stubble dug. The machine works in for- -tilizors on rattoon stools without any further hand labor, mixing themthoroughly with the soil and allowing them to get to tho roots of theplaut.

The Fertilizer Distributors I have had at work for some time and 1

have fertilized ttb"ut four hundred acres with them thus far aud ihoy aredoing all the makers claim for them, distributing the fertilizers in nn evenmntiunr on ench side of the cane aud in whatever quantity deir'd. Theyare a good labor saving machine aud are doing the work of hevoral men.These machines are of light draft and strongly made biul there is nothingliable to get out of order. I can fully lecumiuoud tliene to iianlaliuiiowners. 1 remain, yours trulv,

(Signed) John A. Scott,Manager Hilo huj-n- r Co.

We received by the Alameda a carload of Avery & Sons' Implements which include Fertilizer Distributors, Stubble Diggersand Improved Sugar Land Cultivators. The latter has soliddiscs and shovel attachments. They are admirably adapted foruse in the soil here and will be found necessary on every plantation.

The Fertilizer Distributor is arranged to work on land wherethe furrows are irregular with the same facility as where theyrun even.

Any information regarding these machines will be furnishedon application to


iiM.ii.1 $07 Fort Street, Honolulu.


from all Lrtedlit the Unltetl

htatta ....Pipes and




Havana, Manila, Mexican and American Cigars.

KCOLLieTEIK. SacCor. Fort and Merohant Streets.

r.til-l- m

Jf yon arc in need of HAT and

GKAIN yonr Jw. n,1(l

J35 King up Teleph- - neB

175. Wo deliver to all parts of

city. -- : - -- : - -- : -


610 FortOn 1, 18!) I, we will begin our

Tliu Halft will ilnr iik the ENTIRE MONTH OF DKUKM- -

lllJt. 'I lilt HlMMlH IO llH lllltjiOIHtl Of, COIItUt III


BootH, Shoort und Oont'H Goods.. An Iii.iik-ii- Aurimtinl ol TOYS f()K mJ

Fort Street. I JbL, Or, SILiVA.,



tliHVFact-rlc- H





Union Feed Co.,Queen Street.

Temple of FashionStreet.



Dry Fancy Goods, Dress Goods, Etc.Furnishing




-. GOODS !

Tlut Meet All Demands and Satisfy All Wants


S. iSJMlliki520 Fort St

o$- Honoliol'U..

Come and s'-- e Our Immense Variety of FancyXoveltics suitable for

Xmas and New Year's Presents



Silk Drap.s, Lace Tab'e Runners, Lece Scarfs,AT EXCEPTIONALLY LOW P1UCE8.

Hand Bags Purses and Card CasesIN GllEAT VARIETY.

Laco Bod Spreads, PuihIi Scarfs, Fancy Table Covers,Useful and Acceptable Presents.

Lad es' Urn Ul Vests, Mies' Si Hose,

Lallo' Openwork Bilk Hose In White, Ulack and Bha-t-e of Tan.

Novelties in Siivar Warn I Ladies' Fine Para oil I

. DON'T I'lliUVr THE ilTH.E KOI.KHI -- B

CMldien's Dresses, Capes and Cloaks!l.nai ami Htlk llnnnrts, I'lillilrfn'i Fni, l'araaolg, Etc., Eto , Etc.

A most Compline Htock and L Dc i'nm, and prk'tn that will Mtonlth you.

Ladkk' Finn White Hrmmnl t't-l- i Handkerchief $ rditen.Lullia' Wh l KmhmMori'd llniul nvhle's Itw farh or $ WS a rloien.

LmIIch Hilk llaitdkriuhlct't, emliMiMcd; for l&c a d upward f.

Gtnthmdii's Si k Umbrellas, Si'k NigUge Shirts and Prjamas!(Icmluiiinti'a Fln Kick Wtar, it rl-- l hnrsaln.(lontldiinn'x H Ik, !. vii nn ' (! ml llordir Handkerchief.(iriiMcinaii'a riilk llntidk enoli or $3.0 a doteti.Gentleman's Fine Lint"! Hniulku ulilelt, fancy border i at $3.78 per doteu.

Silks ! Silfcs ! Silks !bl'KUIAL HAUO A IX I .4N

Wo hato Just It i'elvc'1 pe 8.

Solid Col In nil the and I'r-tt- y

oirtr the Kutlr Lot

TT IriJ-- It ir




8 Oconla" a Larue Invoice of

Solid Colors andFancy Striped Silks!

r Hlindex Htrlpoa.


Drink Everywhere

And at All Times

., u . tfJTHHVBlJVH VHriH I



A IIO.MBMADK AND HO.MEMAKINU UKVEUAOE.very tu.Mly in. Mi iri'il, mitl if tlio iiluin directioiia are

iiillonvil, it will itlw iy bo koimI. Kvory member of tlio family,frnui Uu liahy u tin riiinlf'iiliur, can uiijuy HuiKri' Root Dekh,unit nvi'iy niio nf tluuu Mill luiM) liottur liuultli for eiicli bwullowlimy taku. It iiujirovt'e the uiijiutito, iiuritloH tlio blooil, andttintix tlio wltiilo iyti'iu Cliihlrun ipccially ilulight in HiitKa'Hoot Hkhu lU iriipur.itioii interuptH Ilium, uiiil iu uho ilooatlll'lll Udoil. In llmileiimli. nf liouifn, "HlllKs' HuOT IlKKU tlluttmitlinr muilf," will lu- - itinmig tlio liuppiunt rocolli-otioii- ofcliilillioi.d li t'lcuiiitio tin- - ryhiiiin nf tlio piMMinons liiimord thattlovolop in kiilnoy ami iiiiii.uy iIIhuuci'm, ami in fact, in any cuhotli.it ariri'H from an impure ntuit of tlio blood.

llMtillOlly UlllldlPllUI.I lllUr.n' KlIOl' IlKKU 1h willlillll UllllltO- -

ration nr nuy olmniii'iil or itrtilloi.tl luliuixluro wu jtrovo it it ismiiilo in our iiiion l.alioiutoiy. Nn hierut proeesH. Wo tnko tliobotit ilerlm ami Uooi, Imil tluun itiiwn, bottlo tliom und aoniltlii'tii In you. iVrliiipK tliero imi't utiotlior Hoot Door Labora-lor- y

in tlio rniintry npun to public cyo. known Hiuks'lloor IIkkii oIihiiiIi'iiIh ran't approach imturo. Will you tibOmutual R ot lleer ami nilUfy your thint and otrenntlion yomboily, or will you iiw urtilii'i.il Root Uet-- r to uvo it fow ponnioHund nun your health? Tlnio in ton liinei' an iniuili IIikkh' HootHkku Mild than all uiher Root llcer uxtraotu combined.


Uknson', Smith & CompanyIlm.MhTKit Dhikj Company, Jyrn.. .,Lkwis S: Company

. . WboleH'de Drnggiatst

ft.J HjtillliMli



rr!imrjaimmMmwipmmtfr'-mmammmmmmMBmmmmaMiia- r 1 1 in lawMfpfWmNMBrVf f '.wv ' - i? ?7- - j.'' rrrw. ?.( , .

s .

raw - i

it- - Artistic Furniture!

New Goods of Every DesjJp tion

and of the Very Latest Deoigns

just arrived from the Coast perbark "Bryant," at prices to suiteveryone's purse.

ORDWAY & PORTER,Hotel Street, "Kobinson Block."

Bell 526 TELEPHONES -- Mutual 646

Pioneer Furniture HouseESTABLISHED 1859.

New Goods I Latest Designs ! Largest Stock 1



Special Feature No. 1 White Seamless MattingPer Roll of 40 Yard, 112.00.

And a Fine Quality for $9 per Roll.

Headquarters for Baby Carriages!Pianos for Rent I Chairs for Rent !

Bell 179. TELEPHONES Mutoal 76.

WILLIAMS BROS.Successors to 0. K. Wllllami.



(mporter anil Healer in Europe Dry and Fancy GooHs

Ladles' Warna of every description. Alio, fresh line nf Chinese Uuodi.

Pongee Sc "Wliit Sillc FajeixxiasNo. 1 White and Colored Mattings 1

Best Black and Green Chinese Tea. Grepo Shawls, Etc.

MERCHANT TAILORING.IV Fit Guaranteed. Price Moderate. "VS

war iMXitAaeLl Telephone 5421fSLSPHONB 11B



Frith California Roll Batter and Island Butter

tT ALWAYS ON HAND .flei Goods Htcelied by Every Steamer from Sao Francisco

mtf All Orders faithfully attend to. Satisfaction guaranteed Island urdarieoItoTUd and packed with care.

Lwoolm Block, Kino Struct. Rkt. Kobt and Alaska Stairr.



Importers, Wholesale k Retail tonProfision Dealers Naval Supplies

tnta Oeodi Bray Calitorala SImmm.ICE HOUSE GOODS SPECIALTY.

Ulamm Obdui Solicited. jgM t0T Satihmotion Qdibantkbd.




-- P. 0 BOX 140

ukalcw (n



A- - - -

H. E. McINTYUE & KKO.,iMrmrncas

Groceries, Provisions - and - Feed.New Hoods Kaoelved by Every Packet from tlia Easiern BUUts ami RumM


all Oman faltbfully altondod to Ooodi IMltTHrmi u anPart of tli. City KKttK.

n.avn Oaoui Bouoitbd. SATuraorioN ttuaiiMraao,AIT OOKJIBK JTOKT AMI) KINO 1TUSJITM,




. jiW - ,rrv""-fS- y -!,

Dai Nippon.

Hotel Street.

War Rumors.Tho war botwoon China and

Japan is still on. Ho far thoJapanoso havo all tho best ofit. Hnw long this will last,timo alone can toll.

Flushed by their numerousvictories, tho Japanese arepushing their armies into Chi-nes- o

territory. Tho captureof Fing Yaug with its fortsand treasure was their firstgroat success.

Tho naval battle at thomouth of tho Yaltt lliver andtho total destruction of throoChinese men-of-w- ar followedthis quickly. Tho final expul-sion of tho Chinese from Coreaand tho capture of Kiew LionChang left tho road open totho Japs to both Moukdonand Peking.

To carry on this warfareJapan has (so far) onlistod onohundred thousand mon asidofrom hor regular standingarmy, aud hundrods of thobono and sinow of tho land oftho chrysanthemum aro crowd-

ing tho rourulting o Dices daily.This has caused tho price oflabor to increaso 100. Inconsequonco Japanoso mato-ri- al

and products of ovorydescription have noarly dou-

bled in price.However, as wo had our

largo Christmas order in seve-

ral months ago, wo will not1)0 affected.

Why trade with firms whocarry an assortment of goodsthat are of inferior quality ormade by the cheapest labor,when you can get the best forthe same price? Wo guaran-tee every article in our storeto bo the very best that theJapaneso market can produceand at prices that were invogue before war was de-


For LadiesWo have an assortment ofArticles both Useful ami Orna-

mental that must ploaso thomost Fastidious. Every ladyis particular about the Hand-kerchiefs she uses. Wo haveall kinds-Pl- ain, HoautifullyEmbroidered, Drawn audOpen Work all Colors audSir.es.

Doilies, hand-painte- d andembroidered, Crepe SilkSashes, Silk and Crepe Shawls,aud a variety of Scarfs. Wealso received a largo varietyof Silk Dress Goods.

For GentsWo have Silk Shirts whiteaud colored either plain orembroiderod; Cravats, Nock-tie- s

of every variety, shadeaud shape, Smocking Jacketsand Caps, that aro a pleasureto wear, and Silk and CottonPajamas that aro comfortableaud well made; also the twoextremes Straws Hat audSlippers.

Nothing in Honolulu canapproach tho small order ofBoots that wo have. Theywere made by the best Japa-nese Mouhauies, aud we guar-antee the quality, style, fitand finish Calf, PatentLeather aud Tan.

MiscellaneousArticles, such an Tea Cosiesfor covering Tea Services, etc.Fine Table and Bed Covers,aud pretty Chair Backs wohave in profusion.

Also some Menu Cards forThanksgiving, Christina andNew Year's that aro prettyaud tasty.

ChildrenEnjoy Christmas princi-pally because they receive loreoireriugH from parents andfrieuds, A good present togive a boy is one of our Hut-torll- y

Pins, aud a nice presentfor your girl can be had bygetting one of our Books ofFairy TaloH, they are made oflino Crepe paper profuselyIllustrated and tho Stories aretranslated from Old JapaneseLogaudn.


Satisfactory Condition of Its AffairsThe New Officers.

At an adjouned annual meeting oftho Volcano House Company, yes-terday, the following officers wereolecteu for the ensuing year: Presi-dent, W. R. Castle; Vice-Preside-

John Ena; Auditor, C. L. Wight;Secretary, S. B. Rose; Treasurer, E.G. Macfarlaue.

Treasurer Macfarlano read anelaborate report, showing that thegain for fifteen mouths had been$31)97 30, or equal to a dividend ofnearly nine percent on a capitalstock of $55,000. Under an autho-rization at a previous mooting, forthe issue of $10,000 of bonds to dis--.1 .. i.i..i.i...i.... cm r.iyn u7bonds to the amount of $6900 hadboon taken up. They are payablein five years, and bear interest at therate of eight percent per annum.

Tho treasurer reported the pastthree months as tho most profitablesince the inception of the company.He commonded tho management ofPetor Leo as being in all rospectasatisfactory. Tourist travel for 1895promised to show a large increase.Two Cook excursions are alreadyarranged.

Xoro Ammunition.

Tho house of a Frenchman namedWory, at Palama, was soarched yes-terday aftornoon, and a belt con-taining cartridges was found con-cealed in a box. About forty roundsof ammunition wore got in all, be-

sides a small can of powder. OfficerDavid Kaana and another mado thosearch. There was a largo box intho house which tho officors didn'topen, owing to tho absence of Wory.iNo arrests were mado.




Four grunt requisites of

Men's Wearing Apparel to

be found in all the SuitH

made by Johnston & Sto-

rey. Mr. Storey was for

some years one of the bestknown cutters on the Coast,

consequently the best dress-

ed men in town wear clothes

mude by

Johnaton It Storey.4 13 Fort Straat

In These Chilly Horniogs

tho thoughts of tho householderaro directed towards fuol as amoaus of keoping warm. Toget the right quality at thoright price is tho matter to boconsidered. Thero'n lots andlots of wood for sale, but to getwhat is best for tho money istho questiou.

Wo contend and we bollovowo aro right in our judgment,that the wood wo delivor to ourpatrons is tho best ever offeredfor sale in Honolulu. Ouralgoroba is full growth audhas more body to it than thatgrown anywhoro on tho Islands.Our wood choppers know agood thing when they boo it,and In cutting thoy select onlywhat they know to be good touse. We uovor deliver any ex-

cept what is good. You takeno chances whatevor when youtolephoue us au order for wood.You get just as good as if youcame to tho ranch and selectedit yourself.


Jewelry !

Our stock of HolidayGoods are now ready forinspection at our NowStore (Wennei's oldstund) on Fort Street.A earef ully selected stockof Jewelry bought withan eye on tho UolidayTrade and will be sold atreasonable prices.

JACOBSEN & PFEIFFER.1. O. Itox 287. 1214 tf


rpjlK HllHT TRIIM nl,' k'AMIMIA.JL ni:iiA CJiiilh' School tip.'Ub WKDNKS- -DAl. IhrL'. llllh. Aimlirfllliitia fur ailinl..kiou my ba acMremt-- J to Mitm foi-- elihtrt Kuniiliauilia Maliohl, or at tun Ha-

waiian Kindergarten lloom, Querni KiuiuuHall, HuinnUy luurnliiKH lioni U to 12win re alio will tm pie.Bfd to innt apnll.CAiitH l'h tutlon U Kilty tfMJl Dollars a

ear No applicant ruvuiveil nudurtwelvtiyear of an. lltM.tf


Coiltc:or and Real Estate Ageot

llonxfi Uunlii 1, Hunt t'olltfulril.

Olllcei Uuiumliu' lllook, Wcrcliant Btreet.UW-l-

Santa Claus

is gathering together theusual choice array of Holi-day Supplies at Thrum'sFort-stre- et Store, whichfor variety in carefully se-lect- ed

goods from Paris,New York, Philadelphiaand San Francisco rendersthis long established storethe recognized


of Holiday Novelties in allthe lines of Dolls and DollSundries, Toys and Games,"Wagons, Carriages, "Hock-

ing Horses, Shoollies, Velo-cipedes, Tool Chests, Cro-

quet Sets, Blocks, Juvenileand Toy Books, Etc., Etc.

The Attractionsof ChristmasNovelties, Sty-lish Stationery, with a flueassortment of LeatherGoods in Purses, MagazineCovers, Card Cases, AVrit-in- ir

and Traveling Cases,Albums, Etc., give oppor-tunity for choice selectionsat moderate prices.

Yet to ArriveMarble Statuary, Presenta-tion and Mis ellaueousBook, more Dolls, latestdesigns in Indian Workand Bon-Bo- n Baskets, alsoa large sloek of Jrepc Tis-

sue Papers in choicc--t co-

lors and tint edgrs.

THOS. G. T8RUM,UOi-l- f loi 1'o't Sirrrt.



Will bo made to keepexcellent time if leftfor time days withFarrkr Ss Co., theWell-know- n and Reli-

able Watch Makci s.If satisfaction is notgiven your money wi'lbe refunded in full.


BIB Fort Street.


THE ADJOURNED ANNUM,AT meeting of tho Kaiiumii IUii.uoadComi'ANY, Limited, held at their Olllrn, Inthli City, on the '.tit h lust., tho followltiKOlllvero worti elected to irvo during theouxuiiiK year:

(1. 1. Wilder 1'rfMdent,S. (1. Wilder. VIccl'reMdent,S. II. ltne Secretary,O. U. WUht Treasurer,0. J. Kalk Auditor.

S. II. UOSK,Secretary.

Honolulu, Not. 20, 1891. UlM-l- m


AT THE ADJOUUNED ANNUALmeeting of Wii.iimi'h Htkauhiiu'Com-panv- ,I.IiuIUhI. held at their (Jlllcu. In thU

City, on thu2ilth lust., tho followliiKOIUrerawere elected to serve during the oiisulnj;year;

0. 1. Wlelit President,J. K. 1 luck fold8. II Kosh Secretary,S U. Hose Tieaauror.W.K.Allen Auditor.

S. U. ItOSK,Bfcrtitary.

Honolulu, Nov. 20, 181)1. UlU-l- ni



Stkamsiiii' Company, Limited,hold at their Ollleo, In this Cltv, Duceinlr4. IHU1, the following (Juntlemeu wereelected a Director of the Company forthe tusuliiK year;

WM. 0. IltWIN,WM. K. ALLKN,WM. 0. WILDER.(lfc.0. 0. UKUKLEY.

The almvo imuied (loutlumeu toii'iherwith the President, Vine Preident, midSecrctury unci Trciiiurer of tliu Company,constlutto the llourd of Directors.

1201-l- iu 8. 11. ROSE, Secretary.


ALL PEKBONS INTENDING TOltussaKO on the Htxamers "Kl-nau- "

uud "Ui.auhini'." from Jlonolitlii arehereby reipiestud to puriihaso tickets utthu Cdinpuny'H Ollloo Itefore tiinlmrklni;;aud any passeUKer faUlnj,' to do so will bebilbjvct to pay twenty-liv- e percent of theregular fare In addition thereto. This ruluwill he strictly enforced from and afterJanuary 1, 1'J5. l'or the couvenleiiuu nfimsseiiKera thu Wliurf Ollli-- will he open(or the sule of tickets on thu nfteriKHiusofthudiiyof silllniiof thesteuiners 'Kinau"and "Oi.AiuuMC."

WILDKR'H STEAMSHIP CO.Honulultl, Den. U, Ih'JI. lkVlut


rpilKKTEAMEIl KINAU WII.LLILVVEX llllo. Saturday, Dec, 2.M, ill 7 o'clockp. M., and urtlvn at Honolulu, Monday,Deo. L'ltli. at II o'clock a. m,

WILDKIt'S STKAMSHlP CO.Honolulu, Dec. 0, 1WI. l.Ml-t-


Express Co.

will conduct a General For-warding and Express Busi-

ness between the entire groupof Islands. Wo make our-

selves responsible for all Pack-ages and Goods sent by i."We have responsible Agentsat all ports touched by Steam-ship Companies.

Our Express Wagons willcall for and deliver to anypart of the city.

Baggago Cheoked direct todestination from hotel or resi-


Packages and money sentby our Expro-- s .System areguaranteed for their full va-


Our Agents board all incoming steamers.

Baggage and Goods storedthree days free of charge

f3P Place of Business:Hotel and Union street.Both Telephones 470.

20 lbs. W Tour doctorMvf will tell you

of o It la theafcat diet

Nestles J, for baby


HOLLISTER DRUG CO., L'D,Agents for the Hawaiian Island.

The Milejtoiid Race



ALFRED GRIFFITHSWlni First Time Price.

LOUIS MAKSIIA.LLSecond Place Price.

Ilcth Elder Mounted on "Cleveland"lllcyclea.

Vnfc. A. L U, Atkinson, who practicallywon tlrst place, rode a machine fitted with''Cleveland" Tiros.

"O'evetand" Illovcles and Tire arefact, ennMderliiir thorn wer only three"Clev lands" in the Race.


Criterion SaloonFort, near Hotel Sts.

Ciiah. J. MuUahtiiv, Mannger.

Popular Braids of Straight GoodiALWAYS ON HANI).

Try th Oreut Apnetlrer Tub HdownibCocktail a speclulty lih this retort.

dkpot or TIIK

Famous Wieland Lager Boer.

Merchants' ExohangeS. I. SHAW, Proprietor.

Choice Liquors

and Fine Beer


Cor. King and Nuuauu Street, Honolulu.

Dishes and (1 lass ware Wanted I

Clocks, Watches aud Jewelry Wanted '

Old Gold and Silver Wanted I

W Hlohusl Prleaa Pall I Mi'114 Klntr Htrot, Oornnr nf AUknn

Atlas Awnrance Go.OV X.OXT330ST


II. W. SCHMIDT & SONS,Agents for Hawaiian Islands,


t8 THE


Bsve Half tho Amount of Your OilBUI Tbrough Saving in Pigment.

Every painter should ubo Lucol in-stead of Linseed Oil, bccaimo :

1. Ltrcot, la more durable than UnwedUll.

2. LtJcot, Is more tcoiwmUal than Lineed Oil.


Six years of actual uso in cxtoriorhottso painting in Oatiforuia (thomost trying climato for pain Is), intho burning heat of tho Arixona Des-ert, tho Arctic cold of Alaska, and ontho Atlantic coast, havo fully andpractically shown that Lucoi. alwaysoutwearri Linseed Oil under tho samoconditions. All the acid works inHan Francisco havo discarded Lin-seed Oil for Lucol.ILLUSTRATE THIS YOURSELF.

Tut strong ammonia on Linseed audLucol paints. Tho Linseed paintsaro destroyed in a fow minutes; thoLucol paints aro practically uiihuocI-c- d.


Break up 1J lbs. pasto white IphiIin ono pint of Lticoi,, and tho samequantity in ono pint of Linseed Oil.Spread tho paints on similar darksurfaces for comparison. Tliti Lucolpaint spreads as far as and ctiviTsmuch better than tho Linneed palm.To get equally good covering with thoLinseed imlnl you liavu to uso '2 Urn.u( white lead to one pint of Linn-c-Oil. This means a saving of j lb. ofpasto lead to eueh pint of Lucoi. ummI,or 0 lbs. to every gallon, equivalentto your saving moro than half thotlrst cost of the Lucul.

Lucol is not in competition withcheap Linseed Oil substitutes.

1ii.G. tRWIK d GUi


mu fur Uic Hmmn Islnmu

FittJB.LXFL ni.


INSURANCE.HarttoH Kn Utoraace Ul,

iMOta, t7.lM.B25.4y.

Luidfia a Uuciialre Fire laa. Ce.,Aatata, H317.0S2.

Taanitft and MurM j Hariae laa. Ce.,(Limited)

aaaeta. 18.124.057.

Nb Turk Liio laa. Co.,AiiMta, S137.499.1WI.U9.

G. 0. BERGER,(hwiMral 4gaat for Bawaliaa laliafa.


Grocery y Store322 NUUANU HTRKKT,

lletween Hotel nud Klnc Street, next toShooting Uallury.

GEO. MCINTYREHas ojiencd a Pirst-clus- s Urorory Sloraas ahove. Ho will keep alwus on handthe Rest and Freshest

American and English Groceries

Provisions, Spices,Canned Goods, Etc.,

And do his best to please allCustomers.

Purchases delivered to all nartsoi the City.

XtxtvLcxl Talopli.on.o 257.

Wire -:- - Nails-XjXj sizes.



WILDER "&" CO., L'i).Illi7-Cl- m


Fino Harness, Saddles

Carriage Topi, Cmhlons,Keuders, Dashes, Storm Aprom, Lie, Klc.

210 Ui St. P. 0. Box 496.ISLAND ORDERS SOL1U1TUD,

