tL,h ' , i i,v,M i nT ,rp- - ?- --- - i"- - - i m ffy Wfoi Patty 4jp 'Bulletin. . v -- -1 i . . Urn- jj - i W"". y MP&i 3P "- -' r iJr'U - A. -- '4 rot- - & Vol. XL No. 1651. THE DAILY BULLETIN . I Is printed and published at the office, Queen Street, Honolulu, U. I., every afternoon (Sundays excepted). Subscription, SO ctnts psr Manth. Address nil Communications Daily Bulletin. Advertisements, tc ensuro insertion, should bo handed in before one o'clock r. m. WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor W.A.S.Bealt Shipping Roporter & Collector JAS. 0. CLEVIOR, Manager. Bulletin Steam Printing Office. Newspaper, Book and Job Printing of all kinds dono on the most favorable terms. Bell Tolepkone No. 288 Mutual Telephone No. 256 Commission Merunants. Q. W. MA07ABLABS ft Co. IMPORTERS AND COMMISSION .MERCHANTS, .Oueen street. Honolulu. H. I. 1048 BBBWEB & COMPANY, C lUHUlhvuj general mkbcxntrlk and Commission Agents. . ubtof oKVirBiia: P. 0. Jones, Jr. . . .President & Manager J. O. Oabtkb. .. ..Treasurer & Secretary dibectobs: Hon. 0. K. Bishop. S. C. Allen, H, WATEBUOUSE. aaaiy T. WATBBHOUBB, JOHN Importer and Dealer in General Merchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1 S.Xt.CMtle. J.B.Atherton. ft OOOKB, CABTLB Shipping and Commission Merchants. Importers and Dealers in General Merchandise, No. 80 King St., Honolulu. I Clans Bpreekeli. Wm. O. Irwin. irwin Sb company, WO. Factors and Commission Agents, Honolulu. I GBINBAUM U CO., MS. Importers of General Mer chandise and Commission Merchants, Honolulu, and 124 Callfoinlt street, 1 San FranoUco, Cal. A CO., WILJDEB Dealers in Lumber, Paints, Oils, Nails, Sal, and Building Materials of every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts., Honolulu. i JR. Lowers, V. J. Lowrey, 0. M. Coke. EWERS et OOOKE, 1 (successors to Lowers & Dickson.) .Importers and Dealers in Lumber and all kinds ot Building Materials, Fort street, .Honolulu I jTS O. BEBOBB, 24 HXBOHIHT STBBBT, General Agent lor The N. Y. Life Insurance Company, The City of London Fire In. Co(llmit'd riouth British and National Fire & Ma- rine Insurance Co. Macneale & Urban Safes, The Celebrated Springfield Gas Machine Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co. The Hartford Fire Insurance Co. The Commercial Fire & Marine Insur- ance Co. 238 G-onsaly- Sc Co., Wholesale Grocer & Wine Xerohanta 380 Beavor Block, Honolulu. GEBTZ, - CHB. No. 80 Fort street, Honolul, J Importer and Dealer in Gent's, Ladles' and Children's boots, shoes and slippers. WILLIAM MILLER Cabinetmaker lSST And Upholsterer, No. 68 Hotel streot, ' Opposite International Hotel, Canes and talking Sticks, Mado of every kind of NATIVE WOODS rackets, Cornices, Curtain Poles, &o., made of tho latest designs. The Daily Bulletin AND DAILY BULLETIN SUMMARY Can bo had from J.n. Sopeu, ; : i Mei chant Street, A. M.Hewktt, i s " J. W. Hinolev, i : Hotel Street Hewkv Wiuxuib, t Hawaiian Hotel ""- - !&- - "TE A-- . ATTlUfiTTVF. STOflTT QiELS", I"''nc ' I JUl JL1 W W AA AVAdbV I JI l da, w WdLA j tiii,.- - daSHn ' CLARENCE WtLUEB I VOLHET VAILLAM0OUIIT ASIironU. I ASHFOKU. ASHFORD & ASHFORD, Law, Chancery, Conveyancing, Admiralty, Bankruptcy, Probate, Ktc, Etc., Ktc Office: Old Capitol Building, adjoin. Ing General Post-Ottlc- 83 JM. MONBARBAT, ATTORNEY AT LA"W and Noi.iry Public. Real Estate in any part of Uio Kingdom bought, sold and leased, on commission. Loans nogotlfc ted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 2? Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu. Hawaiian Islands 100 BROWN, Attornor and Counsellor at Law- - Notary Public, and Agent lor taking ao knowlcdginents of Instruments for the Island of Oahu. Merchant street, Hono-'ul- u. 1 JAlfbed maqoon, ATrORNEY AT LAW. 173 42 Merchant street, Honolulu, ly JOHN T. DABB. Attorney and CoanseUor-at-Iiaw- . Office: No. 12 Sprcckels' Block, Honolulu. 03 M. THOMPSON, Attornoy-at-La- w. Office In Campbell's Block, Cor. Fort & Merchant Six., Honolulu, II. I. PRACTICES IN THE COURTS. EST When desirtd, will give the law in a written opinion, as to the prolublo re- sult of the contention upon the facts stated. 16881y A. HASSINQER, JOHN Agent to take Acknowledgments to Contracts for Labor. Interior Office, Honolulu. rR. IWAI. Physician and Surgeon. RESIDENCE AND OFFICE : 40 EMMA BT Offlco Hours: from 0 to 12 a. h. Bell Telephone No. 423. 271y GRAY. M. D., PP. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office, first door west of Library Build- ing. Hours, from 0 to 11 a.m., and 2 to 4 and 7 to 8 p.m. Sundays, 0 to 11 a.m. tar Residence, No. 40 Alakea, near Hotel Street. DR. EMEBSON, PHYtflCIAN & SURGEON. Beiidence and Office, 196 Fort St ( 8 to 10 A.M., Office Hocks-- ! 1 to 8 r.u., ( 7 to 8 Evening. Telephone (Bell and Mutual), No. 140. 177 tf JAMES BRODIE. Veterinary Surgeon and residence, 100 King St., opposite Kawulahao Church. Mu- tual Telephone. 354. Office hours from 7 to 0 a. u., and 1 to 2 . . m. Orders left at the Pantheon Stables will bo prompt- ly attended to. P.O. Box 80. 848 tf H. If. BENSOH. O. W. SMITH. BENSON, SMITH & CO., Manufacturing and Dispensing Pharmacists, 118 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu. Depot for Boerlcko & Sccchlk's HOMCEPATHIC MEDICINES, icksecker's Perfumes and Toilet Requisites, i2y H0LUSTER & CO. Druggists & Tobacconists, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, 109 Fort Street, William's Block, Hono-21- 6 Honolulu, H. I. A. M. HEWETT, Stationer & Newsdealer, erchant Street, Honolulu, H. Mutual Tel. 871. Bell Tel. SO. Law Books & Lawyers' Stationery a Specialty. Orders taken for Newspapers, Periodi- cals, Books, Music, etc., from any part of tho world, having mado all arrange, ments theiefor whilst in San FrancUco. Red Bobber Stamp to Order. 71 O LUSO HAWAIIANO. persons who want to communi ALL with tho Poitugucso, either for business, or for procuring workmen, servants or any other helps, will And it tho most prontnhlo wuy to advortise In tho Luso Hawaiian), tho now organ of the Portumioso colony, which is pub. lished on Merchant streot, Gaxcltt Build, ing, i?ost.O.Ilc0 Letter Box E.), and only charges reasonable rates for adver- tisements. TF YOU LOOSE ANYTHING, X advertise it in tho Daut Bulletin, . HONOLULU, H. L, WEDNESDAY EVENING, JUNE I, 1887. .M SlfUVSWmt H NEW ' Haw'an. GarriapHTc Go. - ehJ-m,,- . equitable i sited) Importers & Dealers In Iron, Cumberland Coal, Hard Wood Lumber, : And all kinds of : Carriage and Wagon Materials. 82 0m CALLATMUHOYT'S CORNER OF ALAKEA & KINO STREET and sco (ho Cutaway Carriages Phaetons, &c, He has for sale cheap, before purebns-7- 4 ing elsewhere. ALVINU. RASEMANN, Book-Bind- er PAPER-RULE- and BLANK-BOO- K Manufacturer. Book Binding of nil description neatly and promptly executed. Campbell Block, Rooms 10 and 11,Mcr. 722 chant street. ly Thos. Lindsay, MANUFACTURING JEWELER. 108 No.TS0Nuuanu (street. ly WENNER & CO. Blannfactnrlos; Jewellers, NO. OS FORT ST11.I3ET. Constantly on hand a largo assortment of every description of Jewelry, Watches, Gold and Silver Plated Ware, Ac. 958 ly PIONEER STEAM CANDY FiGTOM A.JSX BAKERY. F. HORN, Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook and Baker. 71 Hotel St. "tttOT Telephone 74 LAINE & CO. Have a Large Stock of the VERY B EST HAY. O-rain- , Etc., Which is offered at Lowest Market Prices AND Delivered Free to any part of the City AGENTS FOR THE Paciflo Mutual life Insurance Co. OF CALIFORNIA. Agents for tho Hoover Telephone. GommistionerofDeedefor California Telephone No. 147. 700 Wolfe & Company, Grocery and Feed Store, 67and 69 Hotel street, Fresh Groceries and Provisions received by every Steamer. P. O. Box 180, Bell Telephone No. 319 Mutual Telephone No. 194. 561 m Beaver Saloon The Best Lunoh in Town, Tea and Coffee at 111 Hours Tho Inest Biand ot Cigars & Tobacco always on band. H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor. Metropolitan Market, KING STREET, G. J. "WA.IJT-,131- 1, Proprietor. Choloest Mmts from Finest Herds. Families and Shipping SUPPLIED ON SHORT NOTICE v and at tho Lowont Mnrlcot Prices. All meats delivered from this Market arc thoroughly chilled Immediately after kllllnc by means of a n Fa-le- nt Dry Air Refrlgeratoi. &icat so treated retains all Its Juicy properties, and is GtUllANTKKD to Kkki'Lonokh Arrxn DKUvfiuridAN Fbksiily-ki-u so M&w. 74 ly The Popular Millinery House ' 104 Fort Street, Honolulu, TV. S. OACHS, - ? - Proprietor The Latest Novelties for Coming Events ! We are now showing an elegant and a most complete assortment of Oriental Laco and Embroidery Flo nces Especially selected for this market, In While, Crram, Ecru, and Black, which we nto tillering at ucu uock I'Mcca. New Dress Patterns, Parasols and Jerseys, Newest and Latest Designs in Jerseys in all colors, including Fawn and Tan Co!or Ladies' Bilk and Embroidered Gloves and Mitts In all the New Shades, at prlco3 lower than heretofore. Dressed and Undressed Kid Gloves Tn all the shades of Tan, with stitched backs. -- aThe Latest- - -- Chemisette and Shirt-Fro- nt Collar,- - In While and Percale,. THE HOSIERY DEPARTMENT. In this department we offer a most complete- lino of Hose for Ladies, Gents, and Children at special low rates. THE DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT. We prido ourselves with havini; the largest variety of Wash Dross materials in tho Kingdom, nil the new materials in snipes and plaids, and guarantee pi ices lower than elscuhrrc, and invite tho ladle to examine our ttjcks before purchasing elsewhere. Sirs. Sfellln' Dressmaking- - Establishment on tho premises. HAY i i's O JjL A X - AND-GR&- IN GRAIN. Largest Stocks. Choicest Quality, Lowest Prices. UNION PEED CO Telephones 175. Corner MHOWOP00t0t00S0MOOO000000 Fred'ricksburg Brewing Go. 8AN JOSE, CAL. g If 3 a V a The Lager Beer of 9 li Was Awarded At the Expositions 1 . 00 W, U..J?EAUUi;Ji. SC JU., 206m HONOLULU, AGENTS. 'oSOMMtMIMMtO0MIM0HMMMH0SSI0HM0SO A. MORGAN, Blacksmith Work; ttSfib Carriage Building, Painting and 3y Trimming, 79 & 81 EiM Street, - - OlOoso. Praises, JSntranccm from Kliifr and merchant Sim. Geo. G. to or PLANING MILLS tf nf & Queen Streets. & the above Brewery the First f 1885 and If !! fi M. N. SANDERS eaaSBBBBSL Iluvlng bought out A lluslnrso, liegt tn inform tho that will promptly tiansfer or deliver burgage entrusted to his care, will lo givo satisfaction to all his patrons at times, Stand, at same place King Stccet. HTBotU Telephones, No. 80, lm Every description of work in tho above lines performed in a flrsUslass manner. Also, Horse Specialty. HT Bell Telephone, 107. -- Wi (337 ly) OT Bell Telephone, 107. - H. E. MclNTYRE & BRO., IMrORTERB AND DEALERS IN aroceries, Provisions Feed, EAST CORNER FORT AND KINO STREETS. , New Goods by every Packet from the Pattern Stales and Europe Freh California Produce ly every Steamer. All ciders faithfully attended and Goodn delivered to part of the city free of charge. Island oidcrs roll, olipd. Sntifnrtnn inmrantKd. I'oat Offl'o Box 14fl. Telephnnr No. 09. 1B81y PAINTING ! Having fccuicd tho Sorvleos of Stratemeyer we prepared execute all orders in House Sin JPaiuting". HONOLULU 06 Edinburgh I S Prizes g ot 66 ? A public ho all and endeavor all 8) 20 Shoeing a and to. any are Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, -- rx T7 17 flWr Brackets, Window Frames, Blinds, JUJLJl! JcJ ' 3f Sashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood- - jjflf work finish. Turning, Scroll and Band A CI ' 1B Sawing. All kinds ol Tenanting. Sawing and Plan- - A SRll Tfi Tl P.fl aSflfilfit.TJ 4fflf tnir. Morticing and Orders promptly attended to and work guaranteed. Orders from tho other Is-an- solicited ?i Bhoads &, Greene, House luilders and .Architects. Plans, Specifications and detailed Draw, logo furnished for all kinds of wood or brick buildings, and Estimates given for the same. All jobbing promptly at- tended to and charges moderate. Any of the above work entrusted to our care, will receive our personal attention. Orders from the other islands solicited. Office and Shop, 88 Queen St. TELEPHONE 848. Honolulu, May 7, 1880. 323 ly E..E. MAYHEW, CONTRACTOR & BUILDEH, 80 Hotel street, Honolulu, H. I. (Opposite Fashion Stables). P. 0. Box 315; Bell Telephone 53. All work in my lino faithfully dono. Plans and specifications made. Job. bing in all details dono at short notice. Good Work and 1Bxr Charge Is my Motto. 89 r KAVANAGH, V BTJ1LDER. Steam Boilers, Furnaces and Ranges Set. Brick and Stonework dono on reasonable terms. Alapal St., Second door from Bcrctania. P. O. Box 457. Orders from the other Islands punc- tually attended to. 721y "E. B.THOMAS, Builder. Office, corner Alakea and Queen streets, UDIOit Wii.tPno.1E. 385. 314 P. O. Box 117. 6m FEED HABEIS0N, Builder and Contractor. 80 P. O. Box 478. I. MeltlEISrZIiE, Contractor and Balldcr. S'ores and offices fitted up, Estimates given on all kinds of brick ami wooden buildings, Plans and Spcciflcatlonafur-nished- . far Offlco, 110 Bcretanla St.; Mutual Telephone, 352; Postofflce Box, 100. 823 ly NTERPRIS P PLASUIO MILL. P I Alakea, near Qaeen St, I Telephone AS. F. RUPPRECHT, Fresco DPainter, 126 Nuuaira Bt, Honolulu, H- - L 60 8m -- ft? Honolulu Ibon Works, iatfiiStcam engines, sugar mlllsi.boll. era, coolers; iron, brass and. lead cast- ings; machinery of every description mado to order. Particular attention paid to ship's black smithing. Job work exe- cuted at short notice 1 R. MORE & Co., Ship's Blacksmith & Oineral Machinist. tW All work Promptly anil neatly Per. formed. 20S 3m JOHN GREEN. g. 3 Ba89'89 Express, 96. f5jMBl Stand: Cor. Fort fTTNLfeHHt- - mid Kin? Sts.. in VHHHHHHBP front of Hammer's Harness Hinp. All cxpresagu prompt Iv attended to at resonnbleraie. Ofllm J. H. SOPER, (Succtstor to J. M. Oat, Jr. k Co,) Dealers in all kinds of STATIONERY, Tho Latest Foreign Papers always on band at the Gate Block. Merchant Street tar Tho English Admiralty Charts always on hand. 1 by JOHN MACOON, Oftce 42 Merchant St, Honolulu. Collector A Real Estate Agent. 18 ly OF THE i'iijffl UNITED STATES. B ' . r . 4 Asists Jan. 1, 1887 $ 7,510,472.76- - Surplus New York Stalo Standard .... 20,495,175.76 New Insurance written In 1886 - - - ., 111,540,203.00 The Free Tontine Return Pre- mium Policy Contains'all tho latest concessions, tho most liberal form of Policy extant. 1st. No restrictions whatever upon travel residence or eccnpa-tle- a. after 1 year. 2nd. Indisputable at law, or otherwise after H yean. 8rd. after 3 yeans. 4th. Tho Society guarantees to pay not only tho faco of the Policy In case of de.th during the Tontine period chosen, but to icturn nil premiums paid as well. Cth If assured survives tho Tontine period Six varied and attractive op- tions arc ollercd him three of which allow him to terminate tho contract, and llirco allow him to continuo tho same. Qf A Bulletin is issued monthly of Death Claims paid in nil parts ot thu world. Claims paid immediately upon receipt of satisfactory proof of death, and not alter 0 days. rjJTNo law suits. ftTNo delays. For further particulars consult ALEX. J. CARTWRIGHT, General Agent Hawaiian Islands. 101(5 THE NEW YORK Life Insurance- - Co. Old. Cusc.lul. Tnittoinrthy. PurtW Mutual. No Stockholders. Dividends Annually. ORGANIZED 1845. Assets over - $70,000,000 Surplus over - 14,000,000 It issues tho Best forms of policy and pays tho JLABGEHT Tontine Divi- dends of any Company. The latest advantage added to Its Non Forfeiting Limited Tontine Policies Is : A guaranteed retarmi of all Premiums paid In addition to Face of Policy, in case of death during tho Tontlno period. For full particulars apply to 0. 0. BEHGER, Honolulu, General Agent Hawaiian Islands. 1U tf CASTLE 6c COOKE, Life, Fire & Marine Insur'oe Agente. AGENTS VOA The Xcw Enslaud MUTUAL LIFE INS. COMP'Y, of Boston. The J2tna Fire Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. The Union Ire and Marine Insurance Co.- - of Ban Finuclsco, Cala. 101 ly Prussian National Insurance Comp'y K8TADLI8HKD 1845, Y Capital 0,000,000 Relchsmarfci. THE uadcrsigucd, having been ap agent of the ubovu Company fortlio Hawaiian Islands, is prepared to accept risks, against Fire, on Buildings, Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, Sugar Mills etc., on tho most Fuvoraulo Tunas Loises Promptly Adjusted and Payable hi Honolulu. U. RIEMENHCHNEIDEH, 670 ly nt Wilder ACo's. No. 0 Queen streot Fish Market, Dealer in choicest Hear, Teal, Mnttvu, Flh, Ac, f Family and Shipping Orders carefully attended to. Live stock furnished to vessels at shoi-- t notice, and Vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. 840 ly New Photograph Rooms. OYER Klchol's More, Fort street, tho Shooting Gallery, Pic lures, Portraits and views. Flist-olss- s wntk. Satisfaction guaranteed. H201y J.A.GONSALVES. -'- S ' .SfiKigaij j&sd WtiE5!M ;aail

TE ATTlUfiTTVF. STOflTT QiELS, i I''nc GarriapHTc w ehJ-m ... · logo furnished for all kinds of wood or brick buildings, and Estimates given for the same. All jobbing promptly at-tended

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Page 1: TE ATTlUfiTTVF. STOflTT QiELS, i I''nc GarriapHTc w ehJ-m ... · logo furnished for all kinds of wood or brick buildings, and Estimates given for the same. All jobbing promptly at-tended

tL,h '

,i i,v,M i nT ,rp- - ?- --- -

i"-- - i m

ffy Wfoi Patty 4jp 'Bulletin. .



i . . Urn-jj - i


MP&i3P "-

-' r


- A.-- '4

rot- -


Vol. XL No. 1651.


Is printed and published at the office,Queen Street, Honolulu, U. I., every

afternoon (Sundays excepted).

Subscription, SO ctnts psr Manth.

Address nil Communications DailyBulletin.

Advertisements, tc ensuro insertion,should bo handed in before one o'clockr. m.

WALTER HILL Editor and Proprietor

W.A.S.Bealt Shipping Roporter & Collector

JAS. 0. CLEVIOR, Manager.

Bulletin Steam Printing Office.

Newspaper, Book and Job Printing ofall kinds dono on the most favorableterms.Bell Tolepkone No. 288

Mutual Telephone No. 256

Commission Merunants.

Q. W. MA07ABLABS ft Co.


.Oueen street. Honolulu. H. I.1048


general mkbcxntrlk andCommission Agents.

. ubtof oKVirBiia:

P. 0. Jones, Jr. . . .President & ManagerJ. O. Oabtkb. . . ..Treasurer & Secretary

dibectobs:Hon. 0. K. Bishop. S. C. Allen,


T. WATBBHOUBB,JOHN Importer and Dealer in GeneralMerchandise, Queen st., Honolulu. 1

S.Xt.CMtle. J.B.Atherton.ft OOOKB,

CABTLB Shipping and CommissionMerchants. Importers and Dealers inGeneral Merchandise, No. 80 King St.,Honolulu. I

Clans Bpreekeli. Wm. O. Irwin.

irwin Sb company,WO. Factors and CommissionAgents, Honolulu. I

GBINBAUM U CO.,MS. Importers of General Merchandise and Commission Merchants,Honolulu, and

124 Callfoinlt street,1 San FranoUco, Cal.

A CO.,WILJDEB Dealers in Lumber, Paints,Oils, Nails, Sal, and Building Materialsof every kind, cor. Fort and Queen sts.,Honolulu. iJR. Lowers, V. J. Lowrey, 0. M. Coke.

EWERS et OOOKE,1 (successors to Lowers & Dickson.).Importers and Dealers in Lumber and allkinds ot Building Materials, Fort street,.Honolulu I



General Agent lorThe N. Y. Life Insurance Company,

The City of London Fire In. Co(llmit'd

riouth British and National Fire & Ma-

rine Insurance Co.

Macneale & Urban Safes,

The Celebrated Springfield Gas Machine

Gas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co.

The Hartford Fire Insurance Co.

The Commercial Fire & Marine Insur-ance Co.


G-onsaly- Sc Co.,

Wholesale Grocer & Wine Xerohanta

380 Beavor Block, Honolulu.

GEBTZ, -CHB. No. 80 Fort street, Honolul, JImporter and Dealer in Gent's, Ladles'and Children's boots, shoes and slippers.



And Upholsterer,No. 68 Hotel streot,

' Opposite International Hotel,

Canes and talking Sticks,Mado of every kind of

NATIVE WOODSrackets, Cornices, Curtain Poles, &o.,

made of tho latest designs.

The Daily Bulletin



Can bo had from

J.n. Sopeu, ; : i Mei chant Street,

A. M.Hewktt, i s "

J. W. Hinolev, i : Hotel StreetHewkv Wiuxuib, t Hawaiian Hotel

""- - !&-- "TE A-- . ATTlUfiTTVF. STOflTT QiELS", I"''nc' I JUl JL1 W W A A AVAdbV I JI l da, w WdLA j tiii,.- - daSHn '


ASHFORD & ASHFORD,Law, Chancery, Conveyancing,

Admiralty, Bankruptcy, Probate,Ktc, Etc., Ktc

Office: Old Capitol Building, adjoin.Ing General Post-Ottlc- 83


and Noi.iry Public. Real Estate in anypart of Uio Kingdom bought, sold andleased, on commission. Loans nogotlfcted, Legal Documents Drawn. No. 2?Merchant st. (Gazette Block), Honolulu.Hawaiian Islands 100

BROWN,Attornor and Counsellor at Law- -

Notary Public, and Agent lor taking aoknowlcdginents of Instruments for theIsland of Oahu. Merchant street, Hono-'ul- u.


JAlfbed maqoon,ATrORNEY AT LAW.

173 42 Merchant street, Honolulu, ly


Attorney and CoanseUor-at-Iiaw- .

Office: No. 12 Sprcckels' Block,

Honolulu. 03

M. THOMPSON,Attornoy-at-La- w.

Office In Campbell's Block, Cor. Fort &

Merchant Six., Honolulu, II. I.


EST When desirtd, will give the law ina written opinion, as to the prolublo re-

sult of the contention upon the factsstated. 16881y

A. HASSINQER,JOHNAgent to take Acknowledgmentsto Contracts for Labor. Interior Office,Honolulu.


Physician and Surgeon.RESIDENCE AND OFFICE : 40 EMMA BT

Offlco Hours: from 0 to 12 a. h.Bell Telephone No. 423. 271y


Office, first door west of Library Build-ing. Hours, from 0 to 11 a.m., and 2 to 4and 7 to 8 p.m. Sundays, 0 to 11 a.m.

tar Residence, No. 40 Alakea, nearHotel Street.


Beiidence and Office, 196 Fort St( 8 to 10 A.M.,

Office Hocks-- ! 1 to 8 r.u.,( 7 to 8 Evening.

Telephone (Bell and Mutual), No. 140.177 tf

JAMES BRODIE.Veterinary Surgeon

and residence, 100 King St.,opposite Kawulahao Church. Mu-

tual Telephone. 354. Office hours from7 to 0 a. u., and 1 to 2 . . m. Orders leftat the Pantheon Stables will bo prompt-ly attended to.

P.O. Box 80. 848 tf



Manufacturing and Dispensing


118 & 110 Fort Street, - Honolulu.

Depot for Boerlcko & Sccchlk's


icksecker's Perfumes and ToiletRequisites, i2y


Druggists & Tobacconists,WHOLESALE AND RETAIL,

109 Fort Street, William's Block, Hono-21-6

Honolulu, H. I.

A. M. HEWETT,Stationer & Newsdealer,

erchant Street, Honolulu, H.

Mutual Tel. 871. Bell Tel. SO.

Law Books & Lawyers' Stationery a Specialty.

Orders taken for Newspapers, Periodi-cals, Books, Music, etc., from any partof tho world, having mado all arrange,ments theiefor whilst in San FrancUco.

Red Bobber Stamp to Order.71

O LUSO HAWAIIANO.persons who want to communiALL with tho Poitugucso, either

for business, or for procuring workmen,servants or any other helps, will And ittho most prontnhlo wuy to advortise Intho Luso Hawaiian), tho now organ ofthe Portumioso colony, which is pub.lished on Merchant streot, Gaxcltt Build,ing, i?ost.O.Ilc0 Letter Box E.), andonly charges reasonable rates for adver-tisements.

TF YOU LOOSE ANYTHING,X advertise it in tho Daut Bulletin,




Haw'an. GarriapHTc Go. - ehJ-m,,-. equitable isited)

Importers & Dealers In

Iron, Cumberland Coal, HardWood Lumber,

: And all kinds of :

Carriage and Wagon Materials.82 0m



Cutaway Carriages

Phaetons, &c,

He has for sale cheap, before purebns-7- 4

ing elsewhere.



Manufacturer.Book Binding of nil description neatly

and promptly executed.Campbell Block, Rooms 10 and 11,Mcr.722 chant street. ly


108 No.TS0Nuuanu (street. ly

WENNER & CO.Blannfactnrlos; Jewellers,

NO. OS FORT ST11.I3ET.Constantly on hand a largo assortment

of every description of Jewelry, Watches,Gold and Silver Plated Ware, Ac.

958 ly


A.JSX BAKERY.F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

Pastry Cook and Baker.71 Hotel St. "tttOT Telephone 74

LAINE & CO.Have a Large Stock of the

VERY BEST HAY.O-rain-, Etc.,

Which is offered at Lowest Market PricesAND

Delivered Free to any part of the City

AGENTS FOR THEPaciflo Mutual life Insurance Co.


Agents for tho Hoover Telephone.

GommistionerofDeedefor California

Telephone No. 147. 700

Wolfe & Company,Grocery and Feed Store,

67and 69 Hotel street,Fresh Groceries and Provisions received

by every Steamer.P. O. Box 180, Bell Telephone No.

319 Mutual Telephone No. 194.561 m

Beaver Saloon

The Best Lunoh in Town,

Tea and Coffee at 111 Hours

Tho Inest Biand ot

Cigars & Tobaccoalways on band.

H. J. NOLTE, Proprietor.

Metropolitan Market,KING STREET,

G. J. "WA.IJT-,131- 1, Proprietor.

Choloest Mmts from Finest Herds.

Families and Shipping


v and at tho

Lowont Mnrlcot Prices.All meats delivered from this Market

arc thoroughly chilled Immediately afterkllllnc by means of a n

Fa-le- nt

Dry Air Refrlgeratoi. &icat sotreated retains all Its Juicy properties,and is GtUllANTKKD to Kkki'LonokhArrxn DKUvfiuridAN Fbksiily-ki-uso M&w. 74 ly

The Popular Millinery House' 104 Fort Street, Honolulu,

TV. S. OACHS, - ? - ProprietorThe Latest Novelties for Coming Events !

We are now showing an elegant and a most complete assortment of

Oriental Laco and Embroidery Flo ncesEspecially selected for this market, In While, Crram, Ecru, and Black, which we

nto tillering at ucu uock I'Mcca.

New Dress Patterns, Parasols and Jerseys,Newest and Latest Designs in Jerseys in all colors, including Fawn and Tan Co!or

Ladies' Bilk and Embroidered Gloves and MittsIn all the New Shades, at prlco3 lower than heretofore.

Dressed and Undressed Kid GlovesTn all the shades of Tan, with stitched backs.

-- aThe Latest- - --Chemisette and Shirt-Fro- nt Collar,- -In While and Percale,.

THE HOSIERY DEPARTMENT.In this department we offer a most complete- lino of Hose for Ladies, Gents, and

Children at special low rates.

THE DRESS GOODS DEPARTMENT.We prido ourselves with havini; the largest variety of Wash Dross materials in tho

Kingdom, nil the new materials in snipes and plaids, and guarantee pi iceslower than elscuhrrc, and invite tho ladle to examine our

ttjcks before purchasing elsewhere.

Sirs. Sfellln' Dressmaking- - Establishment on tho premises.






GRAIN.Largest Stocks.

Choicest Quality,Lowest Prices.

UNION PEED COTelephones 175. Corner


Fred'ricksburg Brewing Go.


aV a

The Lager Beer of9 li Was Awarded

At the Expositions




A. MORGAN,Blacksmith Work; ttSfib Carriage Building,

Painting and 3y Trimming,

79 & 81 EiM Street, - - OlOoso. Praises,JSntranccm from Kliifr and merchant Sim.

Geo. G.to



nf& Queen Streets.


the above Brewery

the Firstf

1885 and If

!! fi


eaaSBBBBSLIluvlng bought outA

lluslnrso, liegt tn inform tho thatwill promptly tiansfer or deliver

burgage entrusted to his care, willlo givo satisfaction to all his

patrons at times,

Stand, at same placeKing Stccet.

HTBotU Telephones, No. 80, lm

Every description of work in tho above lines performed in a flrsUslass manner.

Also, Horse Specialty.HT Bell Telephone, 107. --Wi (337 ly) OT Bell Telephone, 107. -


aroceries, Provisions Feed,EAST CORNER FORT AND KINO STREETS.

, New Goods by every Packet from the Pattern Stales and EuropeFreh California Produce ly every Steamer. All ciders faithfully attendedand Goodn delivered to part of the city free of charge. Island oidcrs roll,olipd. Sntifnrtnn inmrantKd. I'oat Offl'o Box 14fl. Telephnnr No. 09. 1B81y


Having fccuicd tho Sorvleos of

Stratemeyerwe prepared execute all

orders in

House SinJPaiuting".HONOLULU




Prizes g

ot 66 ?


publicho all




Shoeing a




Manufactures all kinds of Mouldings, --r x T7 17 flWrBrackets, Window Frames, Blinds, JUJLJl! JcJ' 3fSashes, Doors, and all kinds of Wood- - jjflf

work finish. Turning, Scroll and Band A CI ' 1BSawing. All kinds ol

Tenanting.Sawing and Plan-- A SRll Tfi Tl P.fl aSflfilfit.TJ 4fflftnir. Morticing and

Orders promptly attended to and workguaranteed. Orders from tho other Is-an-


Bhoads &, Greene,House luilders and .Architects.

Plans, Specifications and detailed Draw,logo furnished for all kinds of wood orbrick buildings, and Estimates givenfor the same. All jobbing promptly at-tended to and charges moderate. Anyof the above work entrusted to our care,will receive our personal attention.Orders from the other islands solicited.

Office and Shop, 88 Queen St.TELEPHONE 848.

Honolulu, May 7, 1880. 323 ly


80 Hotel street, Honolulu, H. I.(Opposite Fashion Stables).

P. 0. Box 315; Bell Telephone 53.All work in my lino faithfully dono.

Plans and specifications made. Job.bing in all details dono at short notice.

Good Work and 1Bxr ChargeIs my Motto. 89


Steam Boilers, Furnaces and RangesSet. Brick and Stonework dono onreasonable terms.Alapal St., Second door from Bcrctania.

P. O. Box 457.Orders from the other Islands punc-

tually attended to. 721y

"E. B.THOMAS,Builder.

Office, corner Alakea and Queen streets,UDIOit Wii.tPno.1E. 385.

314 P. O. Box 117. 6m


Builder and Contractor.80 P. O. Box 478.

I. MeltlEISrZIiE,Contractor and Balldcr.

S'ores and offices fitted up, Estimatesgiven on all kinds of brick ami woodenbuildings, Plans and Spcciflcatlonafur-nished- .

far Offlco, 110 Bcretanla St.;Mutual Telephone, 352; Postofflce Box,100. 823 ly


Telephone AS.


Fresco DPainter,126 Nuuaira Bt, Honolulu, H- - L

60 8m

--ft? Honolulu Ibon Works,iatfiiStcam engines, sugar mlllsi.boll.era, coolers; iron, brass and. lead cast-ings; machinery of every descriptionmado to order. Particular attention paidto ship's black smithing. Job work exe-cuted at short notice 1

R. MORE & Co.,Ship's Blacksmith & Oineral Machinist.

tW All work Promptly anil neatly Per.formed. 20S 3m

JOHN GREEN.g. 3 Ba89'89 Express, 96.

f5jMBl Stand: Cor. FortfTTNLfeHHt- - mid Kin? Sts.. in

VHHHHHHBP front of Hammer'sHarness Hinp. All cxpresagu promptIv attended to at resonnbleraie. Ofllm

J. H. SOPER,(Succtstor to J. M. Oat, Jr. k Co,)

Dealers in all kinds of

STATIONERY,Tho Latest Foreign Papers always onband at the Gate Block. MerchantStreet

tar Tho English Admiralty Chartsalways on hand. 1 by

JOHN MACOON,Oftce 42 Merchant St, Honolulu.

Collector A Real Estate Agent.18 ly

OF THE i'iijffl


. r . 4

Asists Jan. 1, 1887 $ 7,510,472.76- -Surplus New York Stalo

Standard .... 20,495,175.76New Insurance written In

1886 - - - ., 111,540,203.00

The Free Tontine Return Pre-

mium PolicyContains'all tho latest concessions, tho

most liberal form of Policy extant.1st. No restrictions whatever upon

travel residence or eccnpa-tle- a.

after 1 year.2nd. Indisputable at law, or otherwise

after H yean.8rd. after 3 yeans.4th. Tho Society guarantees to pay not

only tho faco of the Policy In case ofde.th during the Tontine periodchosen, but to icturn nil premiumspaid as well.

Cth If assured survives tho Tontineperiod Six varied and attractive op-tions arc ollercd him three of whichallow him to terminate tho contract,and llirco allow him to continuo thosame.Qf A Bulletin is issued monthly of

Death Claims paid in nil parts ot thuworld. Claims paid immediately uponreceipt of satisfactory proof of death,and not alter 0 days.

rjJTNo law suits. ftTNo delays.For further particulars consult

ALEX. J. CARTWRIGHT,General Agent Hawaiian Islands.



Life Insurance- - Co.

Old. Cusc.lul. Tnittoinrthy. PurtWMutual. No Stockholders.

Dividends Annually.


Assets over - $70,000,000Surplus over - 14,000,000

It issues tho Best forms of policy andpays tho JLABGEHT Tontine Divi-

dends of any Company.

The latest advantage added to Its NonForfeiting Limited Tontine Policies Is :

A guaranteed retarmi of allPremiums paid In additionto Face of Policy, in case of deathduring tho Tontlno period.

For full particulars apply to0. 0. BEHGER, Honolulu,

General Agent Hawaiian Islands.1U tf

CASTLE 6c COOKE,Life, Fire & Marine Insur'oe Agente.



of Boston.

The J2tna Fire Insurance Co.,of Hartford, Conn.

The Union Ire andMarine Insurance Co.- -

of Ban Finuclsco, Cala.101 ly

Prussian NationalInsurance Comp'y


Capital 0,000,000 Relchsmarfci.

THE uadcrsigucd, having been apagent of the ubovu Company

fortlio Hawaiian Islands, is prepared toaccept risks, against Fire, on Buildings,Furniture, Merchandise, Produce, SugarMills etc., on tho most Fuvoraulo Tunas

Loises Promptly Adjusted and Payable hi


670 ly nt Wilder ACo's.

No. 0 Queen streot Fish Market,Dealer in choicest

Hear, Teal, Mnttvu, Flh, Ac, fFamily and Shipping Orders carefully

attended to. Live stock furnished tovessels at shoi-- t notice, and Vegetablesof all kinds supplied to order. 840 ly

New Photograph Rooms.

OYER Klchol's More, Fort street,tho Shooting Gallery, Pic

lures, Portraits and views. Flist-olss- s

wntk. Satisfaction guaranteed.H201y J.A.GONSALVES.


' .SfiKigaij j&sd



Page 2: TE ATTlUfiTTVF. STOflTT QiELS, i I''nc GarriapHTc w ehJ-m ... · logo furnished for all kinds of wood or brick buildings, and Estimates given for the same. All jobbing promptly at-tended




g3?yaiSWWSMSlSMlSSlSMiiflHlMlllB mi min iwi i'illllllh --AUvimm -- CTn..m'MBM TTWPrij fg;i ". s ' jjy,ii v ' "it1" v ' s TriT77 I; "'; Vl'JvffirnnMgSMSlHKuJjSBSIIH

BISHOP ft Co., BAKKEUSHonolulu, Hawaiian Islands. -

Draw Exchange on the

Bank of Oallibrnlo, tt. IT.And their agonts In


Messrs. N. M. Rothschild & BoSiLontlonTho Oomraarclal Bank Co., of Sydney,

London,The Commercial Bank Co., ot Sydney,

Bydnoy,Tho Bank of Now Zealand: Auckland,

Chrlstchurch, and Wellington,The Bank of British Columbia, Vic

torin, B. 0., and Portland, Or.AND

Transact a General Banking Business.OGOly

ft nMjj ggwHdan.

Pltdgsa to neltner Beet nor Psrty,Bat MtaUlthed lor the benefit of all,



Probably nt the present time thereis a condition of the locnl real estatemarket which has never been dupli-

cated in the history of this country.Values have fallen immensely, andquite a number of properties whicha few years ago cost from three tofive thousand dollars, havo recentlybeen sold for less than half the cost,with improvements thrown in. Butthe particular feature which hasprobably never been paralleled, is

the amount of real estate now in tho

market for which there are no buyersat any price whatever. One realestate agent alone has had propertyin various parts of the town, and of

various sizes, advertised for saleduring the 'past month or two, andmoderately estimated to he worth,in the aggregate, from fort' to fiftythousand dollars, for which he canfind purchasers at no price. Ownersarc seized with a desire to sell,but nobody appears possessed of adesire to buy. Undoubtedly, thiscondition of the real estate marketis due, in a measure, to the state ofpublic feeling with regard to thepublic affairs of the country, andthe want of confidence in govern-

mental arrangements. A restora-

tion of confidence, would improvematters in this direction.



In times of public peril and gravepolitical emergency, such as now un-

questionably exist in this country,it becomes us to revert to first prin-ciples and to seriously consider thefuuiutulIOUS Ull oliicll, nlono, anygovernment undertaking to rule overfree men can .safely rest.

"With this object, I invite yourthoughtful attention to the propo-sitions laid down in the Declarationof American Independence, andtheir applicability to the conditionof affairs now existing in our midst.

I do this with confidence, feelingperfectly sure that however mycountrymen may differ on mattersof detail or mere questions of ad-

ministration, and whatever may botheir party sympathies and allllia-tion- s

with respect to home politics,they will all unite in rcgaidiug theDeclaration of Independence as a

'sound code of fundamental politicaldoctrine. Certainly no Americanworthy of the name will ever repu-diate that immortal document,formulated by the wisdom and patri-otism of the .fathers, and main-tained by them against vast odds,through seven years of bloody war.

What say those noble men, thanwhom wiser or better nevcn pledgedand risked their lives, their fortunes,andtheir sacred honors in the causeof human freedom and good govern-ment. Their concise and wellchosen language cannot be improvedupon.

"Wo hold these truthB to bo self-evide-

that all men arc createdequal, that they arc endowed bytheir Creator with .certain unalien-able rights ; that among these arolife, liberty, and the pursuit of hap-piness. That to secure these rights,governments are instituted amongmen, deriving their Just powers fromtho consent of the governed ; thatwhenever any form of governmentbecomes destructive of these ends,it is the right of tho people to altiror to abolish it, and to institute anew government, laying its founda-tion on such principles, and organ-izing its powers in such form, as tothem shall seem most likely to effecttheir safety and happiness."

It is true that the authors of the"Declaration," sound and conserva-tive in action as they were unspar-ing and thorough in principle, asfree from rashness on tho ono handas they were from fear on tho other,used these qualifying words,

"Prudence, indeed, will dictate,that governments long establishedshould not bo changed for light andtransient causes; and accordinglyall experience hath bhown, thatmankind-ar- e more disposed to sufferwhlU evils are suil'crable, than toright themselves by abolishing theforms to which they are accustomcd." lint they hasten to add,"when a long train of abuses andusurpations, pursuing invariablythe same object, evinces a desigu toreduce them under absolute despo.tism, it is their right, it is theirduty, to throw ofi'euch government,


and to rnoviDE sew ouardb fortheir fuluro security."

Coming now from this clear state-

ment of general pilm-iplc- to a con-

sideration of the particular circum-stances of our own case ; it is a pro-


capable of the clearestdemonstration that the governmentof these islands has become in laigomeasure, to use the language quotedabove, "destiuctivo of those ends"for which nil legitimate governmentIs established and maintained. Tothis statement, I think, few men ofAmerican birth, or trained In res-

pect for American ideas will takeexception. More than till1, it isclear that the constant and by nomeans slow tendency of things isfrom bad to worse ; and that year byyear, and almost month by month,wo sec plainly manucstcu on mepart of our rulers, a disposition lessconservative and more "destructive"of every interest which virtuous andpatriotic men hold dear.

It is not my purpose to formulatean indictment against the HawaiianGovernment, or to recite in detailthe successive and progressive stepsby which that Government has for-

feited the confidence and respect ofall honest, intelligent and disinter-ested people who livo under Itssway. The pictnre stands uctoro usin bold outllno nnd vivid colors ; therecord Is so plain that the wayfaringman, though a fool, can read as horuns, and need not err in his conclu-sions.

All history has a tendency to re-

peat itself; and we accordingly sue,not only a substantial correspond-ence between many of the evils com-

plained of by our forofathcis, andthose under which we ourselves nowsuffer, but in some instances anidentity so exact, that the precisewords used in formulating their com-

plaints against the king and govern-ment of Great Britain, would answerperfectly well to describo certainitems in our own catalogue ofgrievances.

I will not weary you, nor trespassupon the courtesy of the Bm.i.irriN"by making verbatim quotations, butwill simply ask you to turn to thefirst accessible copy of that honoredhistoric document, and sec for your-selves how fully its language bearsout the statement just made. Alongwith numerous other invasions ofthe rights and interests of tho colo-

nists, it is charged against KingGeorge III that he has refused hisassent to wholesome and necessarylaws ; that he has sought to preventtho growth of tho population byplacing obstacles in the way ofnaturalization and hindering theacquisition of lands; that he hasobstructed the administration ofjustice and made judges dependenton his will for the tenure of theiroffices ; that he has created a multitude of new and useless olllccs,whoso incumbents, in the words ofthoy 'Declaration," "harass our peo-pl- u

ami eat otic tlicir substance;"that he has kept standing armiesamong them in time of peace, andaffected to make the military inde-pendent of, and superior to, thecivil power, etc., et6.

Turn now for a moment from thisstatement of wrongs inflicted on thoAmerican Colonies, and consider thepolitical history of the HawaiianIslands for the last few years. Canany intelligent person, with even themost superficial knowledge of Ha-

waiian affairs, bo ho American orotherwise, fail to recognize the strik-ing parallel? Have we not in re-

peated instances, seen tho royalassent refused to wholesome andnecessary laws? Have not the kingand his confederates placed on thestatute book a naturalization law,under which it is impossible for thegreat majority of foreign denizens,be their residonco ever so long andtheir characters ever so unimpeach-able, to acquire tho rights of citizen-ship, and have they not by theirpcrsistcut refusal to act, virtuallynullified tho wise and statesmanlikelaw for tho granting of Governmentlauds to actual settlers? Hntfo theynot sought to make tho minor judi-ciary subservient to tho royal whimby abolishing the limited controlover their appointment, formerlyheld by the Supieme Court, nndvesting the same, if not in tho king

' directly, nt least in his creaturesand thoso who are dependent on hispleasure for tho breath of theirofficial life? Aro not thoso persons,in many instances, utterly unfit tobo trusted with such a responsibility,and is not tho lowering of the char-acter of our magistrates, tho impair-ment of their independence nnd thoresulting loss of public confidenceand respect, a most real and grnvoobstruction to tho administration ofjustice? Has thero not been amultiplication of oflices for whichthere is neither justification norshadow of excuse ; and have not thesalaries and profits of thoso form-

erly existing been increased in areckless and extravagant manner?Aro not some of these olllccs virtu-ally sinecures? Are not many ofthe most important positions in thokingdom held by men notoriouslyincompetent and morally unfit,political banditti, who "harass ourpeople and cat out their substance?"And finally ; has not oir pxeoutivefor several years past been under averitnblo military craze, cxpondingfor arms and military paraphenalia,large sums sorely needed for pur-poses of public utility, and this, loo,in u country which is not only ntpcaco with all tho world, but wherethere js neither prospect of war, noroven tho possibility of carrying onoon, either offensive or defensive?Has there not been maintained inthis peaceful and law-abidi- com- -

... rgroat expense, a military

force, both regular nnd militia, forwhich there is no legitimate use,atid most of which is composed ofsuch material that instead of being

guarnntco for the uininlenanco oflaw and public order, it is a standingmenace to tho lives and liberties ofour people? Is it not well knownthat within the last two weeks,artillery, machine guns and ammu-nition in large quantities have beenprivately conveyed Into the Palaceenclosiffo at dead of night, and thatthe king has surrounded himselfwith an arrangement of guards,pass-wor- nnd countersigns, to say

4lt!kM n iiaitnHntiin mite mtntniMmmiiu ui mi vaiuusmu bJ) nyaii-iii-,

which would bo quite appropriatefor a city in a stato of siege, or anarmy in the presence of an enemy?And havo we not recently seen thePalace entrances and the adjoiningportions of wall entirely demolishedand rebuilt at a heavy expense, forno object that can bo imagined byany sano man, unless to improvotheir capacity for defensive purposes, nnd provide iron clad em-

brasures on either side of eachgate, from which artillery and smallarms can rake the approaches Inevery direction?

Americans by birth or blood,domiciled In the Hawaiian Kingdom,identified with' its interests andseeking its welfare, should seriouslyconsider the events of the last fiveyears, tho present condition of affairs, tho plain tendency of things,nnd if unchecked, their inevitableconsummation ; and in tho light oftheir own country's history and theevents which gave tlicir nation birth,judge what is their present duty.

Ulceus Sam.

Engine Company, No. 2.KEGULAU MONTHLY MEET,

lngof Mechanic Engino Co. willbo held THIS WEDNESDAY EVEN-ING, nl 7 :!50 p. in. Bv order Foreman.

Gilt J. F. MORGAN.


; melting of Hawaiian Lodge,sTr?7- - Wo -- 'i 1 A --" ll"s''&& ovmlng at 7:30 o'clock, forworl; in tne iiinu uninuMuster Atkinson will be present. AllSojourning brethren arc cordinlly iuvlted to bo pi cent.

By older of the Worshipful Master.T. 0. POUTER,

Secretary. fit H

Mystic Lodge, No, 2.

o?5v Mcniborsof Mystic LodgoNo. 2, K. of I meet thisevening, at 7 :au o'cioeu,

f J dK (T. 1 nt Way's Block, King st.lUusincfs, conferring Es- -

quite uantt.Brothers of Oaliu Lodgo

and all visiting Brotherscordinlly Invited to at

tend. J. 110THWELL,illt K. of It & S.

NOTICE.TMJRING MY ABSENCE fromAJ Ihl8 Kingdom Mr. C. Boltcwlllact for me under lull power of attorney.

S. SELIG,Honolulu, June 1, 18s". fll lw

FOll SALE.Q WHALE BOATS; 1 DeckedO Whale Bo-il- , HO feet long, !1 foetdeep, 8 ftct wide; 2 212 (ect Surf Boats;1 18 feet burr Uoal; i Decked riungcr,10 feet long, 0 feet 0 inches wide, 2 feet0 Inches deep, with must nnd bulla allcomplete; 1 22 feet Sniling,Scow, withmast and sails all complete. Apply to,

E. R. RYAN.Boat Builder and General Jobber. 51 If

Departure Bay GoalFOIt FAMILY USE.

.Hist Received !

Ex Bktno.Tohn Worslcr, for salein lots to suit.

f2,(S4.0 PoundH per Ton.




TIONS will take pluco on tho RaceCourso, and entries for the Mirao arc invitcd:

Handsome Pil.c-- i (n list of which willbo puhlMiod nt n Liter dale), will hepresented to tho successful competitors.

Ono Mile Ruee,Quarter Nilo Race,100 yards R'icj for Youths under 17,MO yards Riteo for Youths under 17,100 yards Rune,

.")T yaidsRaee,2J0 yauU HurdloRace,High Jump,Bro.idJi.iup,Putting the Shot,Throwing tho Huso Hall,Siek Race,Obstacle Race,Three Legged Rnce.Tho nhoo ovents aro open to all Ama.

lour Athletes.Entrio', accompanied by a fco of one

dollar will ho reeelvtd by any of thomembers of tho (Joinmitteo nnmeel below,nnd it Is uqucsted that early entry bomade.


5ttf E.B.THOMAS.


jftfaaB occupied by tho undersigned,K'ukul street.

09 tf W. C. PARKE.

: --.


ON THURSDAY, JUNE 2nd,At 10 o'clock n. m.,

At t'io rcildonco of KEV. E.O OGGELi(Uobron r mho ) Miunnti Avenue, wowill sell nt Public Auction tint entireHousehold Furniture, c mpililng

One Upholstered Parlor Sot !

Black Walnut Whatnot,1 Fa Ming ''Japanese Lily,"

Engravings, Chaudollcrs,Hanging Lumps, Laco Ourtalm,

B. W. I T. iMroii Set!Sofa tigs, Miscellaneous Books,

Black Walnut Des ,

Silver and Elated Waio,11. W. Extension Tnblc,

Marble Top Sideboard,Ono Webster's Dictionary and Stand


E. P. ADAMS & Co.dO IU Auctioneers.


Saturday, June 4th, '87At 10 o'clock a. m.,

At the Residence of REV. J. A . CRUZ AN,corner of Alnpni and King streets, wowill cell nt public auction, the entireHousehold Furniture, consisting of

Upholstered Bed Lounge !

Upholstered Ensy Chnlrs,1. cither Covered Ensy Chairs,

One Upright Piano!Kianch & Back, makers, N. Y.

Black Walnut Center Table,1 Chnndil er,Luce Curling, Cmuico Poles,Pictures, Largo Center Rugs,

One Set American Encyclopedia I

Miscellaneous Honkp,Mack Walnut Book Cue,Kou liook Cat-c- ,

I B. W. Marble Top Bedroom Sot!Black Walnut Chcflbnler,Sprlng'Matircvses, Mofqulto Nets,Blnofc Wtilnui Cradle,Child's Black Bedstead,

A.SII B12LK,003 SEX!Black Walnut Bedstead",Camphor Wood Trunks,Cedar Dress Case,


Blnck Walnut Sideboard,Japanese Screens,Black Walnut Chulrs,Verauda Chans,a Decorated Tea Hers,

DECORATED DINNER SET!Croskery, Meat Safe, Rcfrlgcialor,Stovo and Kitchen L't'jtislls.

And ut 1 o'clock noon,I Horso, broken to Saddle & Harness

1 Snddlo Horse,1 PHAETON,Sets Singlo Hnrncss,Side Saddle, English Siddlc

B. Spanish, Leghorn & Common Fowls&$r The promises will ba open for In.

spectlon on FRIDAY, June :hd, from!l n. in to !1 p. m.

E. P. ADAMS & CO.,01 !U Auctioneers.

Auction Sale-- OF

Hoiioulioluil Furniture!-O- N-r

WEDNESDAY, JUNE 8, 1887At 10 o'clock, a.m.

At the Residence of R. MoreCorner of Bcrctmia and Pilkol Sts ,

wo will sell at Public Auction, the


Comprising in part of

Upholstered Easy Chairs,

Marble Top Table,Largo Center Rugs, Sofa Rugs,

Three-Llgh- t Chaudcliers,

I Sherman Clay & Co. Upright PianoEbony Music Rack, Porticrs,

Laco Curtains and Cornices,

One B. W. Etagere!Hair Clolh Lounge, Vienna OhnliB,

One Massive B. W, Marble Top Bed-room Set 1

Spring Mnltrr-bsoi- . Pillows,Mosquito Net, B AV Extension Table,

B V Wnrdrobo,

B. Walnut Marble Top SideboardAsfortment of Plated and Silverware,

Ciotkery and Glasswaro, Bed Lounge,Household Sewing Mnciilne, Meat Safo,

Stovonnd Utenflls, Garden Tools, etc.,Tho above Furnlturo Is all In good

order, and ofTen a lino opportunity tohouso Helpers, Tho house will bo openfor Inspection ON MONDAY and TUE3-DA-

.Iiinu (lih and 7th, from 0 n. m. toII ). m,

E. P. APAMS & CO., 'C0 7t Auctioneers,


JiiHt Arrived.

Departure Bay Coal

For family ueo.

Ill Lots to Suit,

Allen & Robinson's48 at Queen Street.

.v - iSpecial Sale ofTIU1 & m)1 V

I hivo received Instructions to tell ntpublic auoiion nt my sales room, Ma-sonic Building, on

Thursday Aftern,nJuno 2nd, nt 2 o'clock,

A I nrgo nnd valuable lusoilmcnt of

Diaiiii ami Jewelry!Comnrlslni; as follows:

Cent's Diamond Masonic BieastplnLidlcs Diamond Spray l'lnsCent's BrcnslpliiK, Intnglio & DiamondsGent's Solitaire Diamond Ringsueni's cni'tereu Diamond mugsLndlcs half-hoo- p Diamond RingsLadle-,- ' Emerald nnd Diamond KingsLadies' Ruby ami Dlnmond RingsGent's Bnlitalro Sapphire RingsLadies' Solitaire Diamond Ear-ring- s

largo variety.Gent's Solltnlro Diamond StudsIulics' Sliver Bangles, Lockets, Neck

ChnliH, Bracelets and Enr-rlug- Infull Milts of silver.

And other articles too numerous to men-tion. Evciy nrtlclc guurnntccd ns re-

presented. Lidlcs attending this talcwill have tqcclnl accommodation Thewhole will bo on view on Tuenlay next,MavUI.

LKWIS J. LBVEY,48 4t Auctioneer.

Household FurnitureAT AUCTION.

I nm instructed by Mons. Henri Fccr,French Commissioner, to sell at publicauction (oil account of Departure) nthis icsldeiice, on Bcrctnnla street, ad-

joining Fort street Church,

On Monday, June 6At 10 oVIoek n. m.

(Providing tho nuw Commissioner arrives per W. S. Alameda, due June id),

The whole of his Household Furnitureconsisting of

1 PARLOR SET,Dining Tablo and Chairs,

Cottage Piano & Harmonium,Sideboard, several Bedroom Set",Chairs, Tallies and Rocking Chairs,Sewing Machine,Chandellors and Lamps,

Crochery nutl GInnKMnroCurtains nnd


lief igerator,Kitchen Slovo nnd Utent-ils-,

Ladies' nnd Gent's Siddlc?, ttc, nlso

One Family CarriageAnd one PHAETON.

LEWIS J. LEVEY,r.i 14 Auctioneer.


Fine Jewelry.wirjr.




TO LETrpilE BLACKSMITH SHOP IN THEJL new brick bulldig on KinRstrrctnear Ntiuauu, recently occupied by Mr.U, T. Hoyt. Opposite old btnilon house.For particulars apply to

40lf J. E. BROWN & CO.

For Sale or Lease.PUEMISES SITUATED ONTHOSE Street called "Kannnilo.

hla," the property of C. H. Judd, are forsalo or for leustgfor a term of years.

For particulars inquire ofALEX. J. OARTWBIGHT.

Honolulu. Dec. 18. 1H80. 1608

TJf THE SUPREME COURTJL of tho Hawaii n n Itdnodj. In thematter of AICAIIAI fth), of Onomea,HiloIInwail agiiutwhom n petition foradjudication wm filed on tho 21sl day ofMarch, 1837, in tnld Court. In Uankrup.toy. Beforo Hon. E. Preston,Tho25th'dayotMny,18&7.

Upon reading tho said petition, nndupon proof beforo mo taken, I do findthat the said AKAIIAI (cli), has becomea bankrupt within tho truo intentand meanlug of tho Act approved on tho29th day of August, 1884, entitled "AnAct to rcgulalo proceedings in Bank-ruptcy in the Hawaiian Islands."

Anil 1 do hereby dcclaro and ndjudgohim a bankrupt accordingly.

And I do further order that tho crcdl.tori of thd siid bankrupt come in andprovo their debts beioro such .Tus.lieu of tho Supremo Court as ahull hosilting In Chambers nt Alllolani Hale,Honolulu, on the lllih day of Juno1887, between the hours of ten o'clockIn Iho forenoon and noon of thocnid day, and elect one or more nBsigncoor assignees of the said bankrupt citato.

And that notice thereof be publishedill tho Dau.V IIui.lkti.V, and HawaiianChinese Nnvs newspapers published InHonolulu, In tho English and Chineselanguages respectively.

And that Ihu said banki upt shall lm.mediately llu with tho Clerk of thisHonorable Couit a schedule of his credritors and assetB, as required by tho EnidAct. E. PRESTON,

Jubtlco of the tiiipiemc Court.Attest: Willum Foster.

d Dopuly Cleik. 47 lOtmwf

Dr. P. L. Minor.BE AT THE OFFICE OFWILI, Broil I o until Novembor lsi,

when ho will tako possession qt t)0Makoe resldcncp. Olllco Hours from, 8to 10 n. m. from 2 to 4 and from 0 to 8p. in. Mutual Telephone S4. 2m 48.

TO LET..NICE FURNIBHED FRONTA room at No, d Garden Lane, 04


4m ffinaw


Of the Very Best Quality Obtainable I

Having secured the privilege of tio use of the GRANDSTAND, .at the Kapiolnni Eace Course, at the

coming races, on the 10th and 11thof June, will he prepared to

Furnish Refreshmentswhich he' guarantees will he

Superior to any there Offered.to tho public before, consisting of

Ice Creams, Soda Water, Ginger Ale,Lemonade and Cream Drinks, . .

Strong Hot Coffee with Cream and Buns,A large assortment of Cakes,Ham, Bread and Butter, Sandwiches,Roast Chicken, Turkey, Spiced Beef of the finest flavour,Salad with Mayonaise Sauce, Pork and Beans, etc., etc,,

People visiting the Park during the races will have noneed to take their own provisions, as F. HORN promisesto sell at the lowest prices possible, so as to satisfy every-body. F. HORN, Proprietor Pioneer Steam Candy

Factory, Bakery, and Ice Cream Parlors,Established 18G3.J t47d No. 71 Hotel Street.



Elite Ice Cream Parlors,Has returned from Son Frnueisco, and having

Secured the services of a First-Cla-ss Pastry Cook,which enables tho "Elite," more than over, to mnko n

Superior quality of all kinds of Ice Cream, Sherbets,Water Ices, &c.

Our Fancy Cakes are tho Pride of Honolulu,And wobakooveiy day Lady Fingers, Macuroons, Drop Cnkcs, Coco Dips, and

many other kinds too numerous to mention.

Sponge, 1'onnd, Frnit and Jelly (taker always on hand,or mudo to order on short notice, in any style.

A fine lino of Choico Candles always in stock.

Weddings, Balls and Parties supplied.The public U Invited to inspect our stock and store, which is now in flno order.

The Elite Ice Cream Parlors,HART & STEINER, Proprietors,

Mutual T ele. 8C8 JSTOpen daily until 11 p. m.--n Bell Tele. 189.85 1m

BellTol.34M. Slutual Tel. 180.P.O. Box 415.

GULICK'SI Business Ai

Skilled and Unskilled Labor Furnished.

Nino Cottages to Let or Lease In delight-ful locations, within easy reacn of thobusiness part of the city, with nccommo.dations suited to any requirement andon most favorable terms.

Threo Lodging Establishments lor Sale-- allpaying'handsomely.

The "Old Corner," at Nuuanu andQueen Streets, for salo ono ot tho bestbusiness Btnnds in tho city.

Three Pieces of Real Estate In this dis-trict, outside of the city, for salo orlease.To Let Two cottages pleasantly situated

on tho flank of Punchbowl Hill, to.wards Maklkl, ono mile from tho P.O ; delightful accommodations forsmall families.

To Let A coltape with largo yard roomand stnblo accommodation for a num-ber of horses.

For Sale or Lease. Lot 180 ft. by 205 ft.Easterly comer of Fort and Schoolstreets. Water laid on. Tlllo perfect.Ono of tho finest hcilding Bites in thocity.

Leaso ol Fish Pond for Sale. A rare op-portunity is now offered to secure along lease of one of the most profltn-bi- o

llsh ponds in this district A largooutlay has lately been made for Im-provements, and tho property is in linoorder.


Unrivalled Opportunities for profit-able InveHtment.

Full particulars given upon nppllca.tion at the Agency.

No. 38 Merchant Street, Honolulu.

Wanied Immediately. Fivo good carpen-ters can And employment at once onapplication at tho agency. None hutcompetent woikmen need apply.

Situation Wanted. By n practical engi-neer, who can givo tho best of refer-ences.

Situations Wanted. By threo men as host,lcrs and general help will makothemselv83 useful in doing tho choresin a prlvnto family,

Situation Wanted as housekeeper or nuisoby a whito lady, of experience in bothcapacities. Would apcept a positiona a ladies' traveling companion andassistant.First-clns- s Hook-keeper- s, Carpenters,

Stewards, Cooks, Nurses nnd otherBkillcd labor desiring employment.



rent; furnlturo nt a bargain.For particulars rnqulro if Jno. Mngoou,Agent, Mcrchunt street. 27 tf

JOB PRINTING ot all kindsat tho Daii.y Bulletin Office

Boll Tel. 172. Mutual Tol. 872.P.O, Box 807.

J. E. BROWN & CO.,Campbell Block, Merchant St.,

Seal Estate Apnts, Etc.,Offer tho following:

To Let. Shop in new brick building onKing street, near Nuuanu, next toChinese Nevt a Co.'s offices. Rent verymoderate.

Rooms to es. Furnished-'-in the beat

To Lei. Cottage, with kitchenattached; upper end of NuuanuAveauc, opposite "Valley Homt," Inexcellent order. Bath and water con-veniences. Itont $18.

To Let. a pleasantly sl'uated residence,comprising two cottages, outhouses,etc., onPauoa road, near Punchbowlstreet. Kent very low to meet thetimes.

House and Lot for Sale. Very desirableresidence on Beretania Street. Thehouse contains 4 Bedrooms, Parlor,Dining-room- , Pantry, Kitchen andBathroom. Mosquito proof. Housenew nnd well built.

Lot 100 by 160 feet with privilege ofbuying next lot. Will be sold cheap.

For Sale or Lease With Immediate n,

that valuable estate known astho NUUANU VALLEY UANCH,situatrd in tho Nuuanu Valley, 2)miles from the city, and undoubtedlytho root eligible site for a milk ormilk and butter dairy in this Kiugdom.Thojttliovo splendid properly may behad on easy terms.

For Sale A splendid property of over 5acres of laud oft Liliha Street; un.rivalled a3 a ulto for a gentleman'sresidence. An early application nec-essary to purchase in a singlo lot. Forparticulars apply to J. E.Brown & Co.

Employment DepartmentSituations wanted by

Cooks.Drivers,Hostler),And othor clashes of help.

Custom House Brokers,Money Brokers,Books kept & written up,Accounts collectedCpnyeyano ng,Property managed

for absentees,28 Merchant Street. fit


TF YOU WANT A SERVANT,X advertise jn the Daily Btn.LyTW,


Just tho thing to mdko buckets ofwhen empty. For salo by

491m A. W. PIERCE&CO.

DAILY BULLETIN -- TheTHE popular paper published,






Page 3: TE ATTlUfiTTVF. STOflTT QiELS, i I''nc GarriapHTc w ehJ-m ... · logo furnished for all kinds of wood or brick buildings, and Estimates given for the same. All jobbing promptly at-tended


I4 t







Bclir Wnllelo from EuanBktno John Worster from Dcparhiro



Juno 1

Sclir Canute for KtinuBk Glongabcr for Sun Franciscoliktuo llnltlo S Bangs for Hongkong


From Mnnl and Hawaii, per utenmcrHall, May 31 t'apt II h Mnrchnnt, MD Monarrat, wife nnd servants, A ATodd, Mrs P Lee and child, E M Lc-cr-

nnd wife, 0 N Arnold, E D Pres-ton, W A Wall, A F Hopke, H NOrccnwell, J D Paris, Jr, D D Baldwinand 71 deck.

For Kauai, per stmr Mlkahala, May31 Miss A Ilocdcll. Miss (J Auhngcu,Miss A Hosforlth, Misses Iscnberg ( )C Koclling, It Gcrkc, Mrs M Glllln. W

J W Ala-p- al,

Mr Brltto nnd CO deck.For Maul nnd Hawaii, per steamer

Kinau, May 31 U II Lcuuiaun nndwife, F W Damon, J 3fawaht, Mrs 1)Collins, C B Alnkec, Q Knllluut, FPcdlcr, W L Hose, LAseu, MrLuco nndf0 deck.

For Mnnl nnd Molokal, per steamerLlkcllko, May 31 Hon O H Dickey, WA Dickey, W II Harrison, Mrs Bruegcn,Mrs K Henderson, J Osorlo, W vonUffcl nnd 30 deck.


Hall 1,837 bngs sugar, 2 horses, 201awn, 30 hides, and 11 pigs.


The Hawnllah brig Lilian, formerlytho Alllo Itowc, arrived nt Hongkong,April 7th, 58 days from Honolulu MaBaker's Island.

Tho Scottlth Lns9lo received about200 tons of sugar from the Canute yes-

terday.Tho Hazard is due at Hllo on or

about Juno 15th.The sailing of tlio steamer Lehua for

Hamakun was postponed uutil thisafternoon.

Mr. John Pnlko having purchaso thopchooner Mary, Captain Klnling willrun her regularly to Kauai. '

The schooner Haleakala took BO tonsof fertilizer for l'epeekeo plantationto-da- y.


Bk Olcngaber, BollcstonBk Sonoma, GrlflltbsBk Kalakaun,Bk Hercules, BlessBktno Morning Star, TurnerBktno Makah,Bktne Hattle S Bangs, TerrlllBk (J B Kinney, DahlerBktno Planter, W KPcrrlmanBk Peterson, SundtAm Ship Tlmour, JohnsonBk O O Whltmore, ThompsonBk Scottish Lassie, SingerBk Guillcrmo, Saudtnannti S Australia, Houdlett


The lighting of tho streets byelectricity 1s progressing.

Thk United States man-of-w- ar

Adams, is shortly expected hero.

Mb. C. A. Brown received newfurnituro by tho ship Timour fromBoston.

Ciias. J. Fishel has just receiveda lot of embroidered laco dresses andother now goods.

Mb. Gonsalves took some fine viewsof tho Australia yesterday, as sho wasncaring tho wharf.

m s '

The Palace has been completelywired, and will be illuminated, somonight this weok, with 325 arc lights.

. i

The annual meeting of thoWoman's Board of Foreign Missionswas hold to-da-y nt Fort-stre-

Church.Company A of tho Honolulu Rifles

Will havo no drill Thursday night, butwill on Friday night when they willelect a captain.

Mrs. Henry Macfarlano entertainedMrs. Higgins, Miss Crowley andothers nt lunch to-da- y, at her resi-

dence Waikiki.

The yacht Mayflower, the latestwinner of the America's cup, hasbeen sold to Dr. J. C. Burron of NewYork for $30,000.

The Hawaiian Band and tho Quin-tette Club will play und sing nt theHawaiian Hotel this evening. Thopublic are cordially invited.

Rev. E. C. Oggel's furniture willbo sold nt 10 o'clock a. m.at his residence, Nuuanu Avenue, byMessrs. E. P. Adams & Co.

Mb. Lewis J. Lovoy's, great jewelrysale will begin at 2 o'clockafternoon, at his salesrooms, cornorof Queen and Fort streets.

Mr. E. Turton, who has boon voryill at Lahaina of late, waB convalescent when tho steamer Hall loftLahaina Tuesday morning.

Chinatown is said to have sold outall its.flrcarms, oven to pistols, undtho white houses wholesale and retailnro said to bo doing a big business inshooting implements.

An Englisi vicar recentlyopinio servant becauso

sho refused to attend family prayers,wliercupoi) sho sped him in courtnpd'got judgment for a year's wages.

1 : .- -,

A LAW prohibiting Sabbath workhas boon passed in y"ieiia, and is soyjgorouslv enforced that no morningpapor can np'ponr on "Monday, ns thop'riijtors aro not allowed 'to work onSunday.

Queen Kupioluui with her suitoloft Now York on May 25th for Eng-land, having received an invitationfrom Qucou Victoria to bo HerBritannic Majesty's guest from the 8thto tho 25th Juno,

Ir ZMm

&'gUjj gnUriiw


KSfsaEEa&Mj$fj'"iz m

A mehtiko of tho St. Andrew'sChurch Association will bo laidThursday ovening, when CaptainMist, It. N., will rend a paper on "ThoHuvlscd Version of tho Now Testa-ment, nnd Why it is n Failure."

The Bulletin is very much obligedto Joo Aen, ono of Queen Kapiolani'ssuite, for i fllo ofVashington andother EiiMcrii papcra. Joe is welland happv, mid semis aloha to Mr.Horgur, all tho Band boys, mul nvory-bod- y


Captain Turner has resigned thocommand of the missionary vesselMorning Star. Mr. Geo. F. Garland,lately chief ofllcer, succeeds CaptainTumor. Tho Morning Star will sailfor tho South Hens during tho latterpart of tho month.

Hawaiian Lodge, No. 21, F. & A.M. will meet nt 7:30 o'clock thisovening, in their lodgo room, for workin tho third degree. Grand MasterAtkinson, of tho Masonic TouristParty, will bo present. All sojourn-ing brethren are invited to attend.

Mb. J. M, Monsarrat, P. M., pro-Bcnt-

Mr. E. C. Atkinson, GrandMaster, to His Majesty at tho Palacothis'moining and tho Grand Masterin turn presented his brother masonsto the King. This afternoon theMasons went out to Waikiki for afrolic in the surf.

Mr. JaB. Williams photographedan effigy of tho Honolulu Bifles to-

day. After stuffing ono ot their uni-

forms into a manly shapo, decorat-ing it with cross-belt- s and a ritlo,tho skull of an ancient Hawaiianwarrior, supporting tho Rifles' corkhat, wns placed on top. It was aghastly-lookin- g soldier.

Rekeriiinnq to tho wreck of thoAbbie Carver tho Amoy "Gactto"says : Thcro is a rcmoto chanco ofthe crow having found shelter onBotel Tobago, an island to tho south-ward of tho scene of tho wreck, butit is hardly likely. All would, nntur-all- y,

depend upon tho direction ofthe wind, nnd ns statements, so far,point to a southerly gale, it is muchto be feared that tho boats wereswamped as soon ns tho storm

typhoon force.


The following is the latest reportof tho Sugar Market, New York,Cuba Centrifugals, 9G percent test5 G cts. San Francisco, Manila,91 percent 4.34 cts. decline 0.

German Beet, 88 percent, lis 10jd.



On March 2Gth, at La Compannia,Coquimbo, Mr. Robert S. Lambert,son of J. C. Lambert, Esq., wasmarried to Miss Maude Wodehouse,eldest daughter of Major James HayWodehouse, H. B. M. S.'s Commis-sioner and Consul General for theHawaiian Islands.


in honor or OUR VISITORS.

To-nig- ht there will be a voealconcert given nt the Royal Ha-

waiian Hotel by tho quintctto clubin honor of our Masonic visitors.

(Thursday) evening,Masonic banquet at tho Hotel. Fri-day will be an off day. Saturdayat noon, luau at Waikiki by HisMajesty the King. Monday next,ball at the Hotel by the Masons ofHonolulu.


Tbero has been unusual excite-ment on the wharf and at the Cus-

tom House to-da- y. It was rumoredaround town early in the day, andbelieved to bo true, that the Cus-

tom House authorities had been in-

structed to open every parcel andcarefully examine its contents.Certain it is, that the Custom Houseofficers were uncommonly vigilant,nnd boxes were opened and ex-amined with special diligence.Whether anything contraband wasdiscovered has not transpired, hutif there has been it is probable thatit would havo been known.


Tho Hawaiian Hotel presented alively soeno last night. The man-

ager, Mr. Bartlett, wishing and en-

deavoring to make things as plea-sant ns possiblo for his numerousguests, illuminated tho main build-ing with colored lanterns, and secured the services of tlio Koyal Ha-

waiian Band for n concert. Thoband occupied the stand in tho frontyard, and played until about 10o'clock. The balconies of the Hotelwere crowded with listeners, as wcroalso the grounds. The strangersappeared very much interested ia,and pleased by, tho music. JFre-que- nt

expressions of surpriso anddelight were heard during the even-

ing. The foreign visitors alonemade quite a hrgo company for thislittle city, but these were augmentedby a large attendance of our ownpeople. Tho atmosphere of thoevening was calm nnd cool, and,combined with tho artificial provi-sions already named, made the occa-

sion extremely enjoyable.


Tq Mr. G. D. Giman, a formerrosldcnt of 'theso islands, but atpresent and for a long poiiod past nresident of Boston', U. S. A., is duemuch of tho credit of Queen Kapio-la- nl

and party's reception at Boston.The Mayor of Boston requested Mr.Gilman to do all in his power forthe entertainment of tho royalparty. Consequently he went tg

tmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm'$6t liitf'Qucen on tho (rrtin betweenDoBtou and Washington, nnd con-

tinued with tho party, doing every-thing possible for their commit nndentertainment, showing them thesights, etc. Mr. Gilman also had apiece of music composed, in whichouo of our national airs, "AlohaOe," is incorporated, nnd which wasplayed nt the Queen's reception.It must have been very pleasing loHer Majesty to meet in a foreignland n gentleman who was familiarwith her own country and language.It may bo added that the assistancowhich may havo been in this wayrendered to tho royal party, is cn-tiic- ly

duo to an old resident of thiscountry, who sent forward the sug-

gestion in writing.


The following items of interest tous are from the San FranciscoHerald of Trade of May 10th t

Mr. Clans Sprockets of tho Cali-fornia Sugar Refinery, left Sundaylast, for Europo for the purpose ofstudying the beet sugar industry,with thu ultimate purpose of encour-aging the enterprise in this state.Tho success of the Standard Sugarieof Alvarado, no doubt stimulating,this action. The Standard is thoonly refinery of beet sugar in thoUnited States that has proven suc-

cessful. Mr. Sprcckels is accom-panied by Mr. Waters, chiefdraughtsmen of the California Re-

finery.E. L. G. Steele of the American

Sugar Refinery, returned on Mondaylast from n flying visit to Montreal,Chicago, Minneapolis and St. Paulvia tho Canadian Pacific Railway.Mr. Steele reports the merchants ofSt. Paul and Minneapolis are wellpleased over the competition, as itreleases them from tho tyranny ofNew York refineries. They findthat they can do business in SanFrancisco and be wholly independ-ent of New York, and trade occa-sionally with Chicago for immediateconvenience. The distribution ofgoods from Winnipeg, after UnitedStates territory is reached, comesunder tho short-ha- ul provision, andis thcreforo very low so low thatNow York cannot undersell SanFrancisco.

The Vatican will thoroughly in-

vestigate tho Irish question." ' " P


Enfire Change of Programme.

T&arsflay Ereninc, June 2.- - - m m


Amateur Minstrel Co.

Second performance of the third scries,on which occasion nn entirely

new prcg nramn will bopresented.

TABLEAUX!Taken frem (hose presented by tho

Britith Benevolent SocietyEntertainment.

Full particulars later.Box plan now open at tho ofllco of J.

E. Brown & Co. 00

NOTICE.KAM WO & CO. OPWHEHE.YS have thi day made an

of all their property to theundefelgtied for the flemflt of tlulrcreditors. Notice is hereby given to allpaitles owing said Kam Wo & Co tomake immedltte payment, and uny per.sous havl g claims against Kam wo &Co. are riquis.cd to present them atonce to tlio undetsignid.

Eil. HOFPeCIIL,AEQER & CO.Honolulu May 28, 1887. 50 Ot


uny person exciting Ah In a China-man, with rc;urd to the uvpsor other

it tlio Kulauao Rico ilauiatiunfnoperty doing htuinciv under the nameof Sua Wo oung Company, as no onoelse bus any authority. All t ansuciiooRexcept with his consent will bu void andany propmy thus transferred, liable tjreplevin sun.

Wm, R. CASTLE.Mortgage of said Plantutlon.

Dated Honolulu May aoih 1887. 49 lw


person desirous of piocuring apleasant house can do so by applyli g tothe undersigned. This house and lot istituatod on tho corners of Bcretnnla,Kceauinoku and Young streets. Iloutccontains three largo rooms und threeverunda rooms, nnd dinning room,kitchen pantry and bitli room, withstablo and other out buildings.

W. It. UhiLTONNo. 07 Fort street.

Honolulu May 31 1887. CO w


ONE LARGE LOT. corner PonsacolaLunalilo fc'ts, wliioli cun bo

dividiu into two or more building lots.Kuqulro of G. WEST,

1654 Of West, Dow & Co.

DR. IWAI,'JapaneHe. ,

PliyHiclau una Surfiroon,Taking tho placo of Dr. Goto,

Will (real Leprosy alter Dr. Goto' Method.

Odlce hours ut Kakanko from I) to 11a. m.. every dny, except Sunday.

Will visit patients at tilth- - residence,by request.

All other diseases treated at his ofiloocorner of Punchbowl nnd Berotauin Bts.

Odlro hours 1 to 5 p, in. ; Oa Sundays6 to IV h. m.

BellTelephono No. 387. 4.8.


HERE! A t cilAnCpLOOKbargains S 'lllng ff at ro-,- I

Intituling to give up the elmo trado atthe cud of Juno, 1 now ell' r my linoBtook of shooj AT COS ", for iali.

Come and mnkn vour Beltcttoits atonoe. P. MoINEBNY, Fort street,above King ttrcet. 81 lw

THE HOTEL FREE LUNCHJL is fiprcml every evening In tne b ir.

ronm, and patrons will Und ever) thingto suit the taste of the most fust Id I nepicures. 47 if

CREAM CAKES and Chocolateof superior quuli'y nro now

for s dc nt tlio Elite Ice Cream I'.irlors.They aro really delicious. 47 lw


"Ei.kik" Hook, J hi axo NhwsrAr-E-

OmcE, corner of Queen and II Street,opposlto oftlco of tho Board of Health,have, lu connection with their nlrendyExicnsivo Printing Establishment, justreceived per S. S. Australia, throughMessrs. Palmer is Roy, of 8a n Francis-co, direct from tho mmuf ictory, NowYork City, A GORDON JOB I'RINT.INO PRKSi, ouo of tlio Hnet and bestin tlio world, and of tho largest tizomade. There is nothing lu thlsconntrito compiro with it. To cxumhin thislino piece of workmnniliip is worth avisit to the "Elki.e ' OtUcc. It excelin doing tho finest kind of woik In the(shortest possible time.

Merchants nnd others requiring Print-ing of any kind done nt short notice,and at reasonable rates, will do well toglvo the "Elki.e" ofilco a call. Tele-

phone tfo. 544. lm 33

HAVING recently engaged a first,and Moulding Maker,

wu nro now fully prepared to manufac-ture, repair and re gl A any kind of workin our line. Old Minor ami PictureFrames made over as good us new, nndat prices within the reach of all. Thoputilic nto invited to cull and inspecttomo of this work. Remember, anytiling that needs renewing in Oold, OldGold, llronze. Copper or Metal wo cando. KING BROS., Aivr Stobk. 17

- r( LBS. Frch Home-Mod- e Chew-lU- lhg Stirks, or Br.

bers' Po'ei, und 'fah, delicious Vanillaand Clioenlnto Crcxms which I gunntitee to bo far superior and Fold cheaperthan any Imported, nt F HORN'S I'ionecr Stemn Candy Fnctory und B ikeryund Ico Cream Parlor. bStf

S PERRY'S No. 1 Famllv Flour isullcied for sale by GOiNSALVES &

CO., Queen Street. 01

Go as You Please!ON THURSDAY. EVENINGtho "Go as you plensu" wtlklng matchwill cmiimeni e in tin f puciotiM tent Inrear of the Shooting Gnllcry, nnd will becontinued rn Fridny and Mntardavnighty ftaMiiugeucli night at 11 o'clockthai p.

Tlio prizes to lio given will be 25, 15,and 10 per cent of the ga e mnney, to begiven respectively to the Ural, secondand third.

Entries will clrso nt 2 o'clock onTminriiiy allrrnoon at tho Pavilion.AdnlMlon 85 est; Children lO et.

49 Ot


Steamship Comp'y


.a.ust:r..a.:ltwWill havo Honolulu for tho abovo

port on

Tuesday June 7th,A.T NOON.

For Freight or Pnsngo, apply toSO WM.O.IBWIN &C0 Agenti

1837 VICTORIA R. I. 1887


Jubilee MedalsFOB &A3L.T3,


L. B. KERR,GO lw Merchant Tailor, Mtrchant SI.

Tho San Franclcco Nows Co., ,

No. 210 I'oitS reel,San Fiiancisco, M y 10 1687.

A. M. Hewitt Esq.Honolulu If. I.

Dear Sir: During Mr, Snptr's recentvl-- lt to this nlty, hn m ulo umitu'omi'ntswith tlio Chonkle C II nnd JMMiu,to havo the exclu-lv- o nuency of theirdaily papers nt the Is'nnds. And per In.struclloiisfrom them, wo are not allow-ed to send any copies lo thn Islands Mr.Snpcr aMuliH his supply direct fiom theGlllces. MOT VltOM US.

Wo will ronilnuo to supply the weeklyedition of (licse as heretofore,

In' consequence of thoubovo lintnic.tlons, no dallies of abovo arcsi'tit you bytl.li mall nor will nny lm Miit In future.

Yours Truly tlio S m Francisco NowsCo. per E. liaucr for Munager.


against Mr. C. 11. Miles, me re,to present them ut ones to

Jinrlcs Cre Igtilon nt our ottlco.WHITING A pUElGUTON.

Attorneys at Law.Honolulu Way 80th 1887. 60 Ut.

Kauieliauielia Day!

Fourth Annual MeetingOF THE

Haw' n Jockey ClubTo be held at Knplolnnl Purk,

June 10th and 1 1thOfficial Programme of Haces

First Day, June lOtli, 1887.Races to commence at 12 noon.

Itt. Honolulu Plata, $50Running Haco; J mllo dash: forHawaiian bred horse.

2nd. Reciprocity Plate, f 100Running liace; mllo dash; opentoull.

3rd. Oceanic Purse, $100Trolling Race, Mllo heats; best 8 In0; to harness; free for all.

4lh Walkapu Cup, $100 addedRunning I!a:u; "lnllodush; opento all; dinner to ueat tho record of"MayD' l:lt.J4.

5lh. Brceder'i Plate, f75Running Race; mllo dash; for all8 ycur olds.

Cth.-llaw- allan Plate, $76Running Race; mllo dash; open toall.

Second Day, June 1 1

races to commence at 10:30 a in. sharp.

111. The Queen's Plate, $75Runnlug Race; $ mllo dash; freefor all.

2nd. Kamehameha Plate, $150Running Race; 2 mile dash; freeto till.

3rd. Kalakaua Purse, $1 60Trotting Race; mllo heats; best 2 in8; to harness ; opiu to nil.

4th His Majetty't. Cup, $100 added.Runnitg Rice; 1 mile daeh; forHtwallun bred horses; owned Lynicml ers of the Jockey Club.

6th. Kotlla Challenge Cup, $100 addedRunning Race; mile dash; winnerto beat the record ff "Anglo A."1 :45 made Juno 12, 1830. Cup tohe run for annually, nnd to bo heldby tho winnci until his timo is bea-ten at a meeting of thu Jockey Club.Open to all.

6ljj,-- The King's Plate, $100Trotting Race; for Hawaiian bredhorses only; mllo heats; best two Inthiej; to Imrnisj.

7th Novelty Race, $1001 mllo dah; running; lstquartcr $23ii mllo $351 mile $23j mllo $J5

Opn to all Hawaiian bred horses.

8th. Jockey Club Rait.Match,Sv tops takes, 820 and M) added.KwocpKtiiks Tioitlng or PacingRace; hist 2 in 8: free for all hoiscswho have not a record of 8 mln-i- . orbetter. To Lo drivtn by membersof the Jockey Club.

9lh. Pony Race, f.76Running Race: 1 mllo dash; opsnto only HiwallHii bred hones, notover 14 hind, and not under 8 yrs.old; catch weights.

All entries to close at 12 o'clock noon,on M'nday Juno Uih 1887, at tho officeof the Secretary, and all enlranco fees tobo 10 per cent, unless otherwise specift-cd- .

All races to be run or trotted underthcrulcs of tho Hawaiian Jockey Club.Admission 50 cents eachTo Grand Stand, (xtra.. .50 cents and 81Carriages insido of Course.. .3 nO eachQuarter Stretch Ridges $5.00 each

0. 0- - BERGEB, Secretary. H. J.O.44 td

Taro Flour Factory,Wulluku, Maul,

Will again conaenee operatlaaB amTkaraday, May K6tb,

and will supply Taro Flour In anyquantities.

With now and improved machineryand other apparatus, ilio present managor guarantees to supply Tnro Flour thatwil make a better chus of poi than everproduced.

All orders to be sent to W. II. Cum-min- e,

Manager, at tho Factory, Wal.luku, Maul, or to W. G. Irtirin & Co ,Agent1, Honolulu. 44 lm

Assignee's Notice.THE undersigned having bcon this

duly appointed Aisignee of theestate of John M. Ka ena, Jratikrui t,hen by notlllci all parties indebted tosaid ota'o to make immedlato imjment,and thofo having claims agatnot raidestate to present them without delay athis ofllco No. .18 Merchant street Hono-lulu. CHA3. T. GULICK,

Auslgnce.Honolulu, May 13. 1887. 35

NOTICE.18 HEREBY GIVEN THATNOTICE Pcholtz. of Wailuku. Maui.

lias sold all right, tltlo and Interest inthe blacksmith shop, fltiiatcd on theright siilo of Kuliulul road, in tho saiddlstiict of Wailuku, to tho undersigned,who il carry on tho business in future.

I have also appointed Mr. Clms. U.Onukett, as manager of tho said shop,I ho public aro invited to glvo a call,aud all blucksmllhing work will be ex.cctitcd with despatch.

1)7 lm JOHN W. KALUA.


A FULL COURSE of Tlfsuo PaperFlowers iiiukIU for 2. Lessons

clven In Oriwnn PortruUsj and nIo thoLWhtnlng Method of Flower nnd Li ml.pctpo Palntlnir. FIqait Piilnllng, 93;Landcaptl $10, for full courts

U dura taken for Cruyon Portraits ant)Lan lscapo Pulnilncs.- 1(10 'KINO STREET, onpoMtoKiiwiilnu io Church. U4 lm

AILY BULLETIN SUMMARY4U colums, a per annum,


Special Notice



By thu steamer Australia, I have received direct fromEurope, u largo assortment of the

Latest Novelties in

DRY AND FANCY GOODSwhich I offer at bed rock prices.

New Designs in White Dress (roodsBatisto, Larons, Embroideries, Laces and other

new goods too numerous to mention. . v- -.

New Novelties in. Dress Goods,Just received, at very low prices. tub" A.

IcSLadies are invited to call and inspect our stock. - nf?

No trouble to show goods. '

S, EHRLICH, 63 and 65 Fort Street ,'

1031 (Opposlto W. G.



Irwin & Go's.) ' ,


Gent's, Youth's and Boy's Fine Custom Made Clotl,flats, Gaps, Furnishing Goods, Trunks and Valises.


Very Fine Lineof Gent's Shoes


The World's Breakfast FoodPrepared from Snow Flake Wheat

Also, Highland Scotch Boiled Oats !

Aro an entirely new preparation of wheat and Oats, being cooked by Steam, andonly requiring a short timo to prepare them for the table.

Hf Tho most nutritious food known.tBtAlso, Germea, Gem, Graham Flour, Smoked Salmon,

Smoked Halibut, Hams, Bacon, Choice Dates, Prune?, Nwti, Raisins,New Zealand, California, and Islard Poiatoct), &o.

Also, Broom Corn, excellent for chicken fcod, for sale by

Oli&s, Hustace, - - King-- Street.



The Undersigned, F. HORN, Proprietor of the


H. T.



well -known brands of

- -- .r.

ICE(Established 1863.)

Respectfully informs the public that from this day on he is fully preparedto receive orders for

And guarantees in all oases tho fullest satisfaction, as given in formeryears, not only abroad, but also in Honolulu. Having references datingback as far ns the year

. 1862In Honolulu, having catered on nil state occasons, ns also for select par-ties given by their late Majesties Kamehameha IV, Kamehameha V, andLunalilo, and having the honor of supplying tho present royal householdwith tlio delicacies produced in my establishment ; having over forty years'practical experience in this lino of business.

F.Practical Confectioner, Pantry Cook sad Ornamcntcr !:(oaolnla.

Factory, Store and Ice Cream Parlor: No. 71 Hotel Street,Between Hotel and Nuuanu Streets,

Both Telephones No 74 (05 3m) Honolulu, H. I

Just atA largo assortment of

Comprising tho



Xoi (Sale ivt1593


&: CO.




Pioneer Steam Candy Factory, BakeryAND PARLOR,

Lunches, Dinners, Suppers, Banquets,











Prices.AND RETAIL. r! yi)



:4,.l.b a,4lvA''iMr?Ia,ihlV 4miXEf!!


1 '






Page 4: TE ATTlUfiTTVF. STOflTT QiELS, i I''nc GarriapHTc w ehJ-m ... · logo furnished for all kinds of wood or brick buildings, and Estimates given for the same. All jobbing promptly at-tended



W WWTiwmir 'Wilililiiotrriiiiiiim: lin. i iaTelephone Both Companies 2i0.


o- - A complete

P. O. Box 297.

rrjLFJL,tn and fancy gkookriks,Fresh Goods on Ice by each arrival of tbo O. 8. S. Co' Steamers. Goods delivered

to nil parts of Honolulu.Island order solicited and packed with enrc. and shipped to any part of tho Kingdom


GEO. ENGELHARDT,(Formerly with Samuel Nott).

Importer and Dcalcv inSTOVES, CHANDELIERS, LAMPS,


Agent HalFs Safe and Lock Company.Beaver Block, - Fort Street.

g" Store formerly occupied by S. NOTT, opposito Sprcckels & Co.'a Bank, -100

JOHN ITT. 1. 8 Kaalmai Street.

Granite, Iron and Tin Ware !

Chandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,

WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSEHouse Keeping Goods,


PACIFIC HARDWARE CO., L'd.(Successors to Dillingham fc Co., & Samuel Nott.)

IRONMONGERS.New Goods for the Holidays! Silver Plated Ware

in New Designs.

CHANDELIERS A.TVI IA.IMCJPSFrom the very hes makers.


A. Complete Stoelc olFORT STREET,




IHC'tIssbHbbHBpBbhbbbbsv' S' '

) ,lft' '


lino of -- Bao-

Goods in Every H.iiic.





Every of

Executed with neatness mul dlHjmtcli.







Ornaments, k, k,


'.iBuBBA'-- i






Book and General Printing

New Borders,

Qf tho Latest Designs,

a Suits 8ttttin.' I1 a-- J



Monday, April 25th.In the matter of tho voluntary

bankruptcy of Daniel Lyons. Volun-tary petition for Adjudication.

BEFORE mCKEUTOK, J.V. V. Ashford for petitioner.

Petitioner in person.The Court having road, the peti-

tion finds that the said Daniel Lyonshas becorao n bankrupt and declareshim. adjudged accordingly. Ordersthat May 80th next dato for proofof claims and election appointmentof an assignee and the bankrupt im-

mediately llle with the Clerk of thisCourt a schedulo of his condition andassets.PR Court also issues nu order to thoMarshal to take possession of thebankrupt's property and to hold snmountil after an appointment of anassignee. Tho bankrupt forthwithfiles a statement of assets and liabi-lities.

Monday, May 30th.Proof of claims and election or

appointment of nn assignee or as-

signees. Continued until Friday Jlrdprox., to allow San Francisco credi-tors claims to arrive by a mailsteamer.

In tho matter of the guardianshipof tho minor children of Frank Mol-tcn- o,

deceased.Petition for allowance of accounts

discharge and final distribution.Monday, May 30th.

UEFOlti: UICKEIITON, J.Allldavits of publication of the

hearing found in duo form. TheCourt examines tho final account asalso the following papers in thomatter.

Account of Miss Caroline Tit-com- b.

Account of Mrs. Nancy Stillman.Account of Miss Rose Molteno.Plan of division of tiic estate.Tho Court further interrogates tho

three wards present in Court as towhether they understand all the ac-

counts filed and as to whether theyarc satisfactory and receives repliesin tho affirmative from them separ-ately, also interaogatcs them as tothe willingness to authorize Mr.Pnrkc as Trustee of tho Estate tosell the two properties : tho PalaceWalk and tho Lahaina premises, andthey separately assenting. Thoguardian agrees to duly advertiseand sell the same, tho Lahaina premises on the 17th proximo and thePalace Walk on the 18th. It beingimpossible to divide the estate be-tween the wards, they not beingwilling to accept ,tho properties atthe prices in tho plan of divisionand inventory of tho estate, it iaagreed to rcalizo for it as abovementioned by tho public sale of it.

The Court orders tho accounts re-

ferred to J. II.- - Heist, one of theMasters of the Court, to be reportedupon on June .'10th next, to whichdato the nfattcr is further continuedto allow the guardian and trusteetime to realize on the Real Estatoand (lie a supplementary account.


Monday, May 30th.Four drunks forfeited bail of $G.

One confessed judgment, and wasfined $5 and $1 costs,

Louss Gomey forfeited bail of$10 on a charge of furious and heed-less riding,

A native, charged with tbo sameoffence entered a plea of not guilty.'On the evidence of two police offi-

cers ho was found guilty and fined$9 and 81 costs.

A native was found guilty- - ofthreatening to shoot his wife with arevolver. Tho ovidenco was con-flicting and tho accused was dis-

charged witli a caution.Kanakaole, charged with larceny

of a pair of patits, entered a plea ofguilty and was sentenced to imprison-me- nt

at hard labor for 30 days.

ECLIPSE.w ll tf

inpmmm RUPTUREQuickly andrermanentlr(lured tiTtha CelebratedDIt. PIKKOE'B PATENT


II ' ?M)VB laatrlnTruaa. Perfect RetainerEwrtowear, IiiiUntlyrelleTMtTer

raw. Honoured thoaiftmli. Ettab.1873,Bend for Frea IllattrM Pamphlet NoL

amWuc ....n .wunn jl.irM Tnnmw nmw mKvmm an V An wAAn flUftAJX D1A.AX1. DA 11 AAA. i UUUlOiflU,70 BAO'WBNTO BT,, BAN FR ANOIBOO, OAT,,

Feb. 28, '87. 1571 ly

Chas. T. Gulick Notary PublicRecords Searched, Abstract of Title

Furnished, and ConveyancesDrawn on short notice.

Collection Agency.-- Mu. JOHN GOOD,Jn., Authorized Collector.

Employment Agency. Mn. P. MARCOS,Special Agent,

Ccnoral Business Agoncy. No. U8 Mcr.chant Street.

Veil Telephone U4H. l.O.Uox415.82tf

TO BENT.riHUk A COTTAGE, situated on

fQSfflR School Btreot, near (ho IlrhlgoMttsaPJI containing 0 rooms, besidespantry, kitchen, bath room, nnd billiardroom, with fernery nnd stablo,

For further particulars npplv to Geo.C. Lees, at J. T. Watorhouso's Queen St.Store. 44 tf

" Bulletin " Summary"

'No. 14. May 30.

70 Columns of Original Matter.

Is now jssued nnd will bo found (obo an Interesting atid comprehensivenumber, containing 40 columns ofreading matter on local topics, anda complete resume of Honolulu andisland news., There is no better paperpublished in the Kingdom to send tofriends abroad. Subscription $2.50per annum, including postage toforeign countries. To be had from

J. II. Sopor, Merchant street,A. M. Ilcwctt, Merchant street,and Bulletin Office.


Arrive at Honolulu from San Francisco..Zealandia June 10Australia Juno 28Alameda July 8Australia July 2G

Mariposa .August 5Australia . , .August 23Zealandia '. Sop.tcmbcr 2Australia September 20Alameda Soptember 80Australia October 18Mariposa October 28Australia November 15Zealandia November 25Australia. December 13Alameda December 23

Leave Honolulu lor San Francisco.

Alameda . June 3Australia June 7Mariposa July 1

Australia '. July 5Zealandia July 29Australia August 2Alameda August 2G

Australia .... i August 30Mariposa September 23Australia September 27Zealandia October 2 1

Australia October 2j3

Alameda November 18Australia November 22Mariposa , December 1G

Australia .December 20Zealandia (1888) January 13


The Following Goods,Ex " Scottish Lassie,"


Imperial Sperm Candles,Door Mat, assorted.Rrusscl's Hassocks,Galvanized Fcneo Wire, 4, B and 0,Onlvnnlntd 1'onoo Staples,Serimlng Twine,

An Ass'm't. of Crockeryware.Hubback's White Lead,

" Red Lead,Hubback'o Boiled & Raw LIiiECcd Oil,

0, 7, 8, 0 and 10 ft. Gal v. Iron ItooflngPlain Galv. Iron, Rldee Capping,Galv. Iron Tubs and Buckets,

Roofing SlatesSaucepans, Ten Kettles, &c.Single, Double & Children's Iron


A full assortment of

Galv Iron Pipe3.4; 7.8, 1 and ljf Inch Short

Link Cables,

A Good AKMortuient of


in assprted widths from 8 ft.to 18 feet wide.

Cala. I. X. L. Lime.'Portland Cement, &c, &o.

45 2w


On account of tho prevalence intbo United States of America of thedisease " Contagious Plcura-pucu-monl- a

of Cattlo," notice is herebygiven that all cattlo arriving In thisKingdom from any part of thoubovcinentloncd country, will bollnblo to n Quarantino of not letsthan Ninety (80) Days, and possl.bly for n longer period, accordingto Section IV Chapter XXIX of thoRovUcd Laws of 1834.

By order of the Board of Inspect.orH of Anlmnliv

JAMES BRODIE,43 3w Executive Inspector,

RYAN'S BOAT BOTLDmaRear of Lucas' Mill.


H. C. SHELDONH&8 opened a


and is prepared to buildSugar Wagons, improved style,

Dump Carts.Gooseneck Sugar Wagons,

Buckboards, Brakes, Expresses,Sugar Coolers, Juice Tanks, &c.

IIui'ho Shoeing n Specialty.X'or tho convenience pf the nubile ho

will Hcnd a boy lo Knhului, Sprockets.villa and l'ula on Tuesdays and Fridaysand to Walheo and Wolkapu on Wed.nesdays and Saturdays. 40 2v

mr iFor 2 fats Only!

Our Scml-Annua- l

Remnant Salewill take placo

Next MondayAll our romnants will be

placed on tho counter, andmarked way down.

In Ladles' trimmed anduntrinuned hats wo arcprepared to oner Big Bar-gains.

Remnants in all depart-ments.

Come and see what wooffer you next Monday.

CHAS. J. FISHEL,Leading Millinery House.

Cor. Fort & Hotel Streets.M


At tho lowest figure, of tho finest qua'-it- y


GUAVA JELLY!Wurrnnted genuine, rnndo of tho pure

juice only and gunrantcd to Btand


Will not deteriorate in quality for anynumber of years. Largo quantities ex.ported every year, by some of the larg.est commercial Arms of this city, to dif-ferent parts of tliu United Suites nndthe Gorman Empire,


Pioneer Steam Candy Factoryand Bakery,

32Mtn1lIslieil In 18USI.

F. HOIIN,Practical Confectioner, Pastry Cook

and Ornumenter,Hotel, bet. Kunanu and 1'ort Htm.

Both Telephones No. 74. 01


STAND:Corner of Nunnnu &. Hotel Street.


This Carringo Company has been re-cently organized, nnd guarantees tofurnish good conveyances, trustworthydriven, nnd will mako no extortionatecharges.

All calls will bo promptly attended to,03

Employment fin.LABORERS,

HOUSEHOLD SERVANTS,and other classes of help

furnished promptly by

J. E.BROWN & CO.,43 tf 28 Merchant street

Australian Mail Service

FOB SAN FRANCISCO,Tho new nnd flno(Al steel steamship

"Alameda,"1 Of. the Opennie Stcamihip Company, willY be duo at Honolulu from Bydnoy

uiiu auuiuuu vu nr nuoui

June 3rd, 1887,Aud will leave for Iho nbovo port withmulls alid passengers on or about thatdate.

Kor fiolght or passage, having SU.PERIQR ACCOMMODATIONS, apply

Wtt G. IEWIN & CO., Agenta.

For, Sydney and Auckland,

The new and line Al steel steamshipii Zealandia,"

Of the Oceanic Steamship Company, willbo due at Honolulu from San

Francisco on or about

June 10th, 18$7,And will have prompt dhpatch withmalls und pasBongeis fcr the above portj.

For freight or passage, having BU,PERIOR ACCOMMODATIONS, apply

37 WM. O. IEWIN & CO., Agents.

FOlt HALE,ONE nnnn cmivn

family Maroj perfectlyuafo to drlvo by ladlesor children. Apply to .

G. WEST.31tf At No. 70 Quceu Bt.

JL:ii1&m t. i..' , i " , ... .- BS i t :.:. :;. ''. ". ...," .s..j..w!.fJo.vt-- . .. .' ... .." A...'. S" t.

UMKF.2JM!KftIVr.v-- f Kaft' ?.'.-- :ttjaiifitfAstti'' 1-j-

.' ii


New Goods !

New Fashions!

Mr. L. B. KERRHas received and opened up his New

Stock of

CLOTH MODS!Comprising a large and well selected

variety of

TiiserioaCealns.elc,Hultablo for tho Season.

These goods wcro (elected in Englandby Mr. Kerr personally, nnd nre guaran-teed to be of tho finest quality.

Mr. Kerr, having secured the servicesof a NEW CUTTEIt, he Is pre.pared to Mill orders with the utmostdispatch.

23 Merchant St.1005

Richard Cayford,VETERINARY,


Horses and Cattle Treated forall Diseases.

Residence: 31 Alakets Street,X. O. BOX 4.08. 20tf

CryBcll telcphono 381.

J. HOPP & CO.74 Kins Street.

Manufacturers nnd Importers of allkinds of

Furniture & Upholstery Goods

FINE BEDDING A SPECIALTY.All kinds of Jobb Ing mptly attended to.

CHAIRS TO RENTFor Balls or Parties in small or largo

89 quantities. ly.

Hustace & Robertson,

LL orders for Cartage promptly at.--C3L tended to. Particular attentionpaid to the

Storing & Shippingof goods in transit to tho other Islands.

Also, Black and White Sand

in quantities to suit at lowest prices.

Office, adjoining E, P. Adams & Co.'sauction room.982 ly Mutual Ttlophono No. 19.

Yosemite Skating


Open every afternoon andevening.

Music every Saturday Night.

THOMAS E. WAUL1C01 Proprietor. lyr

Tho Inter-Islan- d SteamNavigation Co., Limited;

Keep constantly on hand for sale

Steam Family and Blackimith Coa

and a general assortment of

415. Bar Iron.


CARRIAGE CO.Cnrrlnges ftt all hours, day and night.

Baddio Horses, Buggies, Wagonettes andVillage Carfs with stylish and. gentlehorses to let.

FOR BALE.A fow Horses, guaranteed. Second

hand Hacks, Open and Top Buggies,Carts nnd Harness.

PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES.King up Tolo'phone 32, or apply to

MILKS & 11AYLKY.1074 ly

Copartnership Notice.FOLLOWING CHANGE HAS


,n Ho Copartnershipof W. Daniels aud Company of Wal.luku, Maul i W. If. Oummlngs has pur.ohnscd tho Interest of W. B. Keanu Insaid copartnership Its property nnd busl.nest.

TAK1 5.0W coiufau of W..II, Danielsand W. II. Cummlngs.

W. II. DANIELS & Co.Honolulu, 3Jay 13 I8S7 85 2w

Let me have a mild


THE ABOVE REQUEST IS HEARDlit cigar stores, saloons and

other p nccs where cigars are sold, forit In tin uudisputcd fact Hint rnostsiiiokersprefer a mild cigar and that those whohave for n long time tmoked strongclears, principally importid Manilas,will, after having thoroughly injuredthe stomach and Impaired the mrvnussystem, surely want a mild cigar, If theycould find tho right kind,

How many thousands of smokers whosuffer from lms of appetite, headache ,nervous Irritability, asthma, etc., andwho havo tried all possible remedieswithout success, might bo cured If theyknow that their sufferings wcro causedby tho Intemperate use of strong cigars,and that they should only smoko mildand properly prepared ones.

It Is a fact that all mild cigars agreewell with smokers, for In most casesthere is a lack of euro in tho selection ofthe tobacco, and often tho necessary, ex.perlcnce for it Is wanting, vet thero isono brand which suits tbo most fastidioussmoker, and that is


".Sailer" Heal CiprWhich is made from mlld,nromalic andparticularly (elected and prepared tobacco, and tombincs all .the qualitieswhich may bo expected from. a health,cigar. It causes no bad effect of anykind, is agrccablo to tho taste, burnsevenly to the end and possesses a finearoma. No smoker should fall to give

Engelbreht's "Sampler" CigarsA fair trial, and benefit himself at thesame time.

For sale Everywhere..05

Taliili Lemonafle Depot,JIOTKIi BTIIKET,

Telephone, 800. P.O. Box 409.--4-

THE BEST AERATED WATERS,,Thoroughly pure nnd made by steam, in --

ltvlana's Apparatuswith glass pumps. All copper dls.penscd with. The newest patent laEurope (1880;.

'Crystal Valve BottlesOnly In use for Tahiti Lemonade, Gren-adine and Perfect Ginger Ale, at 75 cents,per dozen, delivered to any part of Uicity. And Codd's Patent Glass Stoppersfor the celebrated plain dry

&OTA. WATER,Eo Highly efficacious for dyspepsia, assupplied to all the principal families inHonolulu, and exclusively to II. B. M.'sVessels of war.Island orders promptl;" attended to.

SUNNY SOUTH STEAM WORKS.April 1, 18t7. 1599 ly



Hay, Grain, Etc.Livermore Hay

Whole Barley,

Crushed Barley,

Oil Cake Heal '

Oats, Bran.

Order left at Office, with IT.'F. Bur-gess, 84 King Street, will be promptlyattended to. ,, 09y

S. M. CARTER,Has on hand for sale, In quantities

to suit:

Departure Bay Coal, Newoastle Coal,.Charcoal.

Hard and Soft Wood, Sawed aWgplifc .

ManienloHay, - .

California Hay,Bran, Qata,

Barley; Cop, '

Cracked Corn,

Wheat, etc.Orders are hereby solicited and'wlll

he delivered at any locality within thecity limits,3No. 8 KING STREET.

Both Telephones, 187. M

Health is Wealth !

b. E. O.' West's Mistk and Braim.Trwtl.ixnt.'b BusrantMd Bpoiflr for Hyiteria, Uini- -OM. CoilTnliloni. Ifltm M.rvnnm ' NiMraWlM

UoaiUche. NervouProt ration, fauMd by thof alcohol or tobacco, WakefolnoM, MonUI De.Iimaion, wiwuni at iu urun, Teeniuas in ufaulty and leadias to mUary, decay and dMthtrromaturo Old Ace, Barronneu, Lom of Powerin eltlur nz. iDTolantaryliauca and Bpermator-rhca-a,

caused by orernjrtion of thsbrain, aalf.abuts, or pTer.lndnlteaee. Saeh bos eontataaono month', treatment. tlXQabck.or.lxbozMor too, soot by mall prepaid on recoipt of prioo.

WE ttUAKAXTEE MIX BOXESToonroanycaso. Wlth'oaolibrderrMelTedbrtistor yli boie. occompaniedwlth iSjOO, wo willBond the poxohaMr oar written jKoarantra to .fond Uiomonoyif the trMtmenfdooa not offseta euro. Guarantees ismd only by


S500 REWARD!WK wOl m IU tWn rmr4 fcr ur mm f lirn CaWiH "

Py)Fp.ta, Skk U4tclt, Is4l(llra, CmiUmIIm w OUmw,w. mul curt Hltk Win1! Vmubl Um ruu, win IM 41m.Uoutn Ittfly.tpib4 wut. TWywtMnly nnutli.mMnrbttUttrtulUhcilM, Sunr CwWi. limkuLiWlf "JfUKW"' rl.kiiUtaRMk Bnw4t..r. M iwiimi...., .ji

OHN o. wkst a co.. hi a Iu w. EjJzri. 2.!

XIolllHtor Os Co.,80 Om Wholesale and Retail Agent





" y"

: ,K"y, ftvr-v- til

' .'VI
