Jennifer Keitt, Teaching Pastor of TBW Corp Launches 14weeks of a Powerful Praying Summer: entitled: PRAYER3: Prepare, Position & Petition! I would have never dreamed when I launched the TBW National Prayer Call a little under two years ago that God would have done what He has been doing! I have watched this movement grow into a ‘lifestyle’ for many women. I have seen women’s prayer lives reignited. God has added to my life prayer warriors who are dedicated, honorable and onfire! I have seen Him answer prayer, after prayer, after prayer from the thousands of prayer requests we have received. It is my honor to kick off 14 WEEKS OF A POWERFUL PRAYING SUMMER as we dedicate the Summer of 2010 to God and to His marvelous name! I hope you enjoy this first edition of our brand new prayer newsletter! Please feel free to email me at tbwra[email protected] with your thoughts or prayer requests. Please know YOU are the reason we do what we do. GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS! TBW CORPORATION © 2010, Jennifer Keitt TBW Corporation All Rights Reserved May not be duplicated without written permission Anytime day or night, go to www.jenniferkeitt.com, click PRAYER REQUESTS , type in your prayer, press send. That’s how simple it is to have our prayer team joining in agreement with you for your lives, families, finances, careers, relationships, selfesteem, spiritual growth and so much more! TEAM TBW Prayer Warriors Minister KATHY PAIGE SANDY HARTGENS DEBORAH MYLES MELINDA DYKSTRA IRISH TUCKER VICTORIA JACKSON SUZETTE ELEAM LET US PRAY WITH YOU! TBW National Prayer Call Newsletter 14WEEKS OF POWERFUL PRAYING! June—September 2010

TBW National Prayer Call Newsletter

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Powerful publication that launches 14-weeks of a praying Summer from TBW Corporation. The TBW National Prayer Call Newsletter is packed full of articles, thoughts and strategies to help enhance your prayer life every day!

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Page 1: TBW National Prayer Call Newsletter

Jennifer Keitt, Teaching Pastor of TBW Corp  Launches 14‐weeks of a Power‐ful Praying Summer: entitled:  PRAYER3:  Prepare, Position & Petition! 

I would have never dreamed when I launched the TBW National Prayer Call  a little 

under two years ago that  God would have done what He has been doing!  I have 

watched  this movement  grow  into  a  ‘lifestyle’  for many women.    I  have  seen 

women’s prayer lives re‐ignited.  God has added to my life prayer warriors who are 

dedicated, honorable and on‐fire!    I have  seen Him answer prayer, after prayer, 

after prayer  from  the  thousands of prayer  requests we have  received.    It  is my 

honor  to kick off 14 WEEKS OF A POWERFUL PRAYING SUMMER as we dedicate 

the Summer of 2010 to God and to His marvelous name!  I hope you enjoy this first 

edition of our brand new prayer newsletter!  Please feel free to email me at tbwra‐

[email protected] with your thoughts or prayer requests.  Please know YOU are 

the reason we do what we do. 




© 2010, Jennifer Keitt 

TBW Corporation 

All Rights Reserved 

May not be duplicated with‐out written permission 

Anytime day or night, go to www.jenniferkeitt.com, click PRAYER REQUESTS, type in your prayer, press send.  That’s how simple it is to have our prayer team joining in agreement with you for your lives, families, finances, careers, relationships, self‐esteem, spiritual growth and so much more! 

TEAM TBW Prayer Warriors 









TBW National Prayer Call Newsletter 14‐WEEKS OF POWERFUL PRAYING! June—September 2010 

Page 2: TBW National Prayer Call Newsletter

Listening Prayer by Jennifer Kennedy Dean 

Write the names below of people 

that you want to pray for continu‐

ously. . . God answers prayer! 





















“The Spirit’s quiet whisper bids me bow before Your throne ‘til my heart’s deepest yearnings are the echo of your own” 

SPOKEN PRAYER WILL NOT REACH ITS POTENTIAL unless it is grounded in listen-ing prayer. In listening prayer, spoken prayer is born. The most limiting misconception about prayer is that its secret lies in the words we sandwich between “Dear God” and “Amen.”  We devote ourselves to a method—the right words said in the right order at the right time of day—instead of devoting ourselves to the Master. We miss out on that for which God put prayer into His cosmic plan in the first place. He wants full possession of your heart. He wants you to live in the experience of His love for you. “Prayer... is the opening of a channel from your empti-ness to God’s fullness.” (E. Stanley Jones, Abundant Living). God has so much more to give us than just those things we know to ask Him for. He wants to give us Himself. He wants to live in such intimacy with us that we realize He is nearer than our own heartbeat. He wants us to know His secrets, but His secrets come wrapped in silence. His Face Here is the longing that calls us into listening prayer. “Show me your face, let me hear your voice; for your voice is sweet, and your face is lovely” (Song 2:14). We are pulled irresistibly as He “… calls us by his own glory and goodness” (2 Peter 1:3). He is His own draw. The closer we get, the closer we long to be. “When You said, ‘ Seek My face,’ my heart said to You, ‘Your face, O Lord, I shall seek’” (Ps. 27:8, NAS). Do you see? He invites me and my heart is captured. The longing I have for Him is the echo of the longing He has for me. He invites me to seek His face. The most intimate and the most genuine communication is with the face. The expression on a person’s face, the look in his eye, can change the whole tone of a message. When we experience an emotion, a message is sent to the facial muscles. The face cannot lie. A person may school himself to quickly rearrange his facial expression, but he cannot keep his face from momentarily registering the truth. The science of reading facial muscles has been reduced to a system called the Facial Action Coding System—the science of reading faces. The face speaks more clearly than the choice of words or than the inflections of the voice. “Seek My face,” He says. To read a face, you have to be up close, where you can see the fleeting expression or the slightest twitch of a muscle. You must be focused on that face to the exclusion of all else. You must watch that face until its every emotion has been memorized. In listening prayer, seek His face.

Page 3: TBW National Prayer Call Newsletter

What first‐time IT managers really need to know. 

(Listening Prayer Con’t) Wordless Prayer All noise all the time. Noise is more portable than ever before, and be-comes more so every day. Thanks to cell phones, PDAs, notebook com-puters, and a never-ending parade of gadgets, we never have to be left out of the noisestream. Yet, it is in silence and solitude that we learn to synchronize our hearts with His. The very silence that has become so elusive in our world is the essential element for you who want to move from “saying prayers” to living in a abandoned intimacy with the One for whom your heart is made. Richard Foster says, “Contemplative Prayer im-merses us into the silence ofGod. How desperately we in the modern world need this wordless baptism” (Richard J. Foster, Prayer: Finding the Heart’s True Home). The reason for my wordlessness is so that He can breathe His words into my thoughts. His desires be-come the mold in which my desires are shaped. I wait quietly in His presence so that He can speak order and form and truth into the chaos of my frenetic life. I come to Him without words for no reason other than to be sculpted and

chiseled by Him until, moment by moment, I begin to look more like Him. I have no agenda except to rest in His embrace, to let Him do the grace-work in me while I savor His nearness. Out of my wordlessness, words come. But they are words whose origins are in Him. He floods my silence with His living voice. How To How do we approach prayer without words? Let me make some sugges-tions, but find your own way. Don’t take this on as a new rule to follow or a new job to do. Approach it as adding a new dimension to your pri-vate worship. Learning how to listen in prayer will be freeing and re-freshing to you.




As you worship Him, do you see that He does not stay disconnected and aloof from your worship, but instead reaches out to you and in-vites you to seek His face? Conver-sation begins—the give and take of two hearts. Let Him tell you how extravagantly He loves you and how He delights in you. Respond to Him in that moment, not out of your doctrinal stance, but from the honest depths of your be-ing. You are not imagining a scene, you are experiencing His presence.

The Word 

In listening prayer, the Scrip-ture has a crucial role. Let the Spirit of the living and present Word speak His words to you. As you read the Scripture during contemplative prayer, don’t make an effort to analyze it or parse it. Ask Him to speak it to you in a new and living way. Focus on Him and His voice.








Page 4: TBW National Prayer Call Newsletter

Resurrecting Forgotten Dreams! 

Suggestions for Fulfilling God‐Given Dreams  


“I sent a prayer request in (to TBW)  years ago 

(2004!)  You responded with this verse  (Psalm 73.21

-26 ) Please pray for me regarding a cancer diag‐nosis I received about a 

week ago.  God blessed me with the job with benefits, my self esteem has im‐proved and I am married to a wonderful man….”


Every Friday morning at 6:00 am Eastern Time women from all over the United States gather via telephone to pray with us on the TBW Na-tional Prayer Call. We have been amazed at what God has done with this time we have set aside for Him! JOIN US!

CONF. CALL NUMBER 712-432-0075 PIN: 906019#


 PRAY!  Seek the dream giver.  Ask Him to give again the dream that He has for you. 

LISTEN!  While in the presence of the Lord, listen for answers and in‐structions. 

JOURNAL!  "Then the Lord answered me and said: "Write the vision and make it plain on tablets that he may run who reads it" (Habakkuk 2:3b). Write what He gives and ask "What is my part in making this dream a reality?"  

DON’T GIVE UP!  Wait for it! 


Job 33:14‐16 (New King James Version) (14) " For God may speak in one way, or in an‐other, yet man does not perceive it. (15) In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls upon men, while slumbering on their beds, (16) then He opens the ears of men, and seals their instruction."  

Has the Father given you dreams that have not come to frui‐

tion?  Have you become discouraged, doubtful even that the dream was truly from God?  Disheartened, have you allowed the cares of life and the business of each day to cause you to forget your God‐given  vision? If the answer to each of these questions is yes, be encouraged, when the Father gives you a vision He will help you fulfill it. "He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him" (Psalm 145: 19a). Notice that He will help you but you have a part in it also. Find out your part in the dream that He has for you.  

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By Minister Kathy Paige

One has to celebrate their sexuality daily, not conforming or competing with the op-posite sex to be appre-ciated or respected. On a daily basis, we have to think soberly of our-selves remembering that Christ died for all and there are NO little “I’s” and BIG “U’s” in the body of Christ.

"Jesus answered, "Haven't you read that the Creator made them male and female in the beginning "Sexuality Matthew 19:4 (GW)

"Because of the kindness that God has shown me, I ask you not to think of yourselves more highly than you should. Instead, your thoughts should lead you to use good judgment based on what God has given each of you as be-lievers." Romans 12:3 (GW) 




“But let a man examine himself . . .” 1 Corinthians 11:28 (NKJV) 


Self‐examination is necessary so that we correct ourselves on a regular basis to make certain we continue to bring honor to God.  EXAMINE means to test, prove or scrutinize to determine whether a thing is genu‐ine.  God wants us to examine our present state. We should examine ourselves for any un‐confessed sin, or resentful attitudes, we must look for flaws we have now and seriously make the necessary changes in our lives. God wants us to see what the attitude of our hearts is!  So, how do we searchingly examines ourselves detect our shortcomings, and recog‐nize our own condition? 

PRAY  (Psalm 139:23‐24) 

Get alone with God ask Him to search your heart and thoughts and to reveal your sin. This is exploratory surgery for sin. Self‐examination can be a painful process‐but it is very necessary!  When self‐examining:  (1)  Trust what God reveal to you and (2.) Be honest with God and yourself  



What did you discover about yourself? 





What did God reveal to you about you? 




Page 6: TBW National Prayer Call Newsletter

Listening Prayer (conclusion) 

A Focused Heart 

Many who have learned and prac-ticed listening prayer suggest that you settle on a phrase that calls your heart and mind back when other thoughts intrude. When you find your mind wandering, as you will in the begin-ning especially, don’t waste time condemning yourself. Just speak the phrase that says a heart-full and you’ll soon see that it immediately centers your thoughts on Him. My phrase is “Only You.” Some days I might say the phrase many, many times; other days I may not use it all.




SATURDAY JULY 17, 2010, 7:30—9:30 am, Downtown Atlanta.  STAY TUNED FOR DETAILS 

FIRST EVER!  TBW Prayer B&B (Boot Camp & Breakfast)! 

Call  in with women  from around  the U.S. as we pray and seek God’s presence  for our  lives! 

CONFERENCE CALL NUMBER: 712‐432‐0075; PIN 906019# 


Upcoming Events 

 Jennifer Keitt  

Teaching Pastor TBW Corp 

P.O. Box 440981 Kennesaw, GA 30152 

 770‐966‐5225 ph 



Next year’s theme  is:   “I’m Every Woman! But You Haven’t Seen The Best Me Yet!”   We are 

planning for our annual POWER BREAKFAST in March of 2011.  Stay tuned for details!