Tata-Group analysis

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  • 8/13/2019 Tata-Group analysis


    Tata Group

    The Tata Groupisa multinationalconglomeratebasedin Mumbai, India. In terms of marketcapitalization and revenues, Tata Group isthe largest private corporate group in

    India and has been recognized as one ofthe most respected companies in theworld. It has interestsin steel, automobiles, informationtechnology, communication, power, teaand hospitality. The Tata Group has

    operations in more than 8 countriesacross si! continents and its companiese!port products and services to 8"nations. The Tata Group comprises ##$companies and subsidiaries in sevenbusiness sectors, %& of which are publicly

    listed. '.8( of the ownership of TataGroup is held in charitabletrusts. )ompanies which form a ma*orpart of the group includeTata

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    +teel, )orus +teel,Tata Motors,Tata)onsultancy +ervices,Tata

    Technologies,Tata Tea,TitanIndustries,Tata ower,Tata)ommunications,Tata Teleservices,Tata-uto)omp +ystems imitedand theTa*/otels.

    The group takes the name of its

    founder,0amset*i Tata, a member ofwhose family has almost invariably beenthe chairman of the group. The currentchairman of the Tata group is 1atan Tata,who took over from0. 1. 2. Tatain #33#and is currently one of the ma*or

    international business figures in the ageof globality. The company is currently inits fifth generation of family stewardship.

    The %""3 annual survey by the1eputation Instituteranked Tata Group asthe ##th most reputable company in the

    world. The survey included '"" globalcompanies.

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    Tata, family of pioneer Indianindustrialists and philanthropists. Thefounder of the Tata business empire was

    0amset*i 4usserwan*i Tata 5#8637#3"$.9orn in 4avsari, into a arsi family,

    0amset*i studied at :lphinstone )ollege in

    Mumbai before entering his father;sbusiness as a general merchant tradingwith the :ast. /e soon proved highlysuccessful, setting up a branch in

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    +hanghai and steering the family throughthe speculation and collapse of cottonprices that arose due to the -merican)ivil

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    Mumbai, and the beginning of work on ama*or hydroelectric pro*ect in the

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    their business in ondon, aris, 4ew @ork,+hanghai, and Aobe. The Tata Trust hasprovided funds for hospitals and researchestablishments, including the TataInstitute for Bundamental 1esearch. Tata-irlines was founded in #36%, beingrenamed -ir India in #3$', and was takenover by the government as India;snational airline in #36. The Tata empireremains one of India;s largest businessgroups. Brom #368 to #336, it waschaired by 0ehangir 1atan*i 2adabhoy

    Tata 5#3"$7#336, under whom thebusiness continued to e!pand anddiversify. ?n the death of 0.1.2. Tata, thechairmanship passed to 1atan 4aval Tata.

    Type rivate)onglomerate59+:

    Found #8'8

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    ed by0ams et*iTata



    Mumbaiand 4avi Mumbai,Maharastra, India



    1atan Tata

    4- +oonawala,00 Irani, 1AArishnaAumar, 1Gopalakrishnan, Ishaat

    /ussain,Aishor)haukar,-runkumarGandhi and-lan 1osling



  • 8/13/2019 Tata-Group analysis


    T echnology)ommunicatio






    C+D&%.billion 5Beb%""3



  • 8/13/2019 Tata-Group analysis


    :ngineering T- Manufacturing +olutions e!ports

    titanium7composite floor beams that areinstalled in the 9oeing &8&aircraft.E#6F

    Tata -uto)omp +ystems imited 5T-)?and its subsidiaries, auto7componentmanufacturing

    Tata Motors 5formerly Tata :ngineeringand ocomotives )ompany td5T:)?, manufacturer of commercialvehicles5largest in India and passenger

    cars 0aguar and and 1over

    Tata ro*ects

    T): )onsulting :ngineers

    Telco )onstruction :uipment )ompany

    T1B 9ulk Material /andling :uipment H+ystems and ort H @ard :uipments.

    oltas, consumer electronics company

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    Tata ower is one of the largest private

    sector power companies. It suppliespower to Mumbai, the commercialcapital of India and parts of 4ew 2elhi.


    1allis India

    Tata igments

    Tata )hemicals, headuartered in

    Mumbai, India, Tata )hemicals has thelargest single soda ashproductioncapacity plant in India. +ince %""' Tata)hemicals has owned9runner Mond, aCnited Aingdom7based chemicalcompany with operations in Aenyaand

    the 4etherlands.

    -dvinus Therapeutics, headuarteredin 9angalore, India, a )ontract researchorganizationfocused on drug

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    discoveryand development forharmaceutical, -gro and 9iotechindustries.


    The Indian /otels )ompany

    Tata /ousing 2evelopment )ompany

    td. 5T/2) Tata7-IG General Insurance, a *oint

    venture with -IG

    Tata7-IG ife Insurance, a *oint venturewith -IG

    Tata -dvanced +ystems imitedTata -sset Management

    Tata Binancial +ervices

    Tata )apital

    Tata Investment )orporation

    Tata Juality Management +ervicesTata +hare 1egistry

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    Tata +trategic Management Group5T+MG is one of the largest consultingfirms in +outh -sia.

    Tata +ervices)onsumer roducts

    ,,Tata +alt, I +hakti +alt, Tata +alt ite

    Tata )eramics

    Infiniti 1etail

    Tata Tea imited is the worldKs secondlargest manufacturer of packaged teaand tea products. It also owns

    theTetleybrand of tea sold primarily in:urope.

    Titan Industries manufacturers of Titanwatches

    Trent 5

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    +tar 9azaar

    Information systems and communications

    )M) td

    )omputational 1esearch aboratories

    I4)-T 4elco

    4elito +ystems

    Tata 9usiness +upport +ervices5formerly +erwizsol

    Tata )onsultancy +ervices td. 5T)+ is-siaKs largest software company with%""87"3 revenues being over C+D ' bn.

    Tata :l!si is another +oftware andIndustrial design company of the Tatastable. 9ased in 9angalore and

    Trivandrum. ?ne of the leadingcompanies in the animation industry ofIndia.

    Tata Interactive +ystems

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    Tata Technologies imited

    Tata Teleservices

    Tatanet Tata )ommunications, formerly +4,

    the Indian telecom giant, was acuiredin %""%. Tata7owned +4acuiredTeleglobein %"".

    The Tata logo

    The Tata logo was designed by the

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    educational and cultural institutes inIndia. It is the one of the leading andenormously respected philanthropiccorporate entity in IndiaE#$FE#F. The TataGroup was awarded the )arnegie Medalof hilanthropy in %""& in recognition ofthe groupKs long history of philanthropicactivitiesE#'F. +ome of the institutesestablished by the Tata Group are

    Tata Institute of Bundamental 1esearch

    Tata Institute of +ocial +ciences

    Indian Institute of +cience

    4ational )entre for erforming -rts

    Tata Management Training )entre

    Tata Memorial /ospital

    Tata Trusts, a group of philanthropicorganizations run by the head of thebusiness conglomerate Tata +onsE#&F

    The 012 Tata :cotechnology )entre

    - comprehensive list is available onthe company website.

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    Tata acuisitions and targets

    Bebruary %""" 7TetleyTea)ompany,

    D$"& million March %""$ 7 2aewoo )ommercial

    ehicle)ompany, D#"% million

    -ugust %""$ 7 4at+teelKs +teel business,D%3% million

    4ovember %""$ 7 Tyco Global 4etwork,

    D#6" million

    0uly %"" 7Teleglobe International/oldings, D%63 million

    ?ctober %"" 7 Good :arth )orporation

    2ecember %"" 7 Millennium +teel,

    Thailand, D#'& million 2ecember %"" 7 9runner

    Mond)hemicalsimited, D#%" million

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    0une %""' 7 :ight ?K)lock )offee, D%%"million

    4ovember %""' 7 1itz )arlton 9oston,D#&" million

    0an %""& 7 )orus Group, D#% billion

    March %""& 7 9umi 1esources, D#.#billion

    -pril %""& 7 )ampton lace /otel, +an

    Brancisco, D'" million Bebruary %""8 7 General )hemical

    Industrial roducts, D# billion

    March %""8 70aguar )arsand and1over, D%.6 billion

    March %""8 7 +erviplem +-, +pain -pril %""8 7 )omoplesa ebrero +-,


    May %""8 7 iaggio -ero Industries+.p.- ., Italy

    0une %""8 7 )hina :nterprise)ommunications, )hina

    0une %""8 7 4eotel, +outh -frica.

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    ?ctober %""87 Mil*oGrenlandN Innovas*on, 4orway

    Imacid chemical company, Morocco



    )lose 9rothers Group, D%.3 billion

    ?rient :!press /otels, D%. billion

    0anuary %""8 7T7+ystemsInternational5IT division of 2eutsche TelekomEeditF1evenue

    Tata gets more than half of its revenuefrom outside India. E#8F

    EeditF:nvironmental 1ecord

    Tata, along with a Tanzanian company,*oined forces to build a soda ashe!traction plant in Tanzania.E#3FThe

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    Tanzanian government is all for thepro*ect.E#3F?n the other hand,environmental activists are opposing theplant because it would be near ake4atron, and it could possibly affect thelakeKs ecosystem and its neighboringdwellers.E%"FTata was planning to changethe site of the plant so it would be built6% km from the lake, but the oppositionstill thinks it would negatively disturb theenvironment.E%"FIt could also *eopardizethe esser Blamingo birds there, whichare already endangered. ake 4atron iswhere two thirds of esser Blamingosreproduce.E%#Froducing soda ash involvesdrawing out salt water from the lake, andthen disposing the water back to the lake.

    This process could interrupt the chemicalmake up of the lake.E#3FTwenty7two-frican nations are against the creation ofthe pro*ect and have signed a petition tostop its construction.E#3F

    Tata, together with HT, is building one ofIndia;s largest ports at 2hamra, ?rissa.

    This is less than # km from the turtle

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    mass nesting beaches at Gahirmatha, andfive kilometers from the 9hitarkanika4ational ark, India;s second largestmangrove forest and home to thesaltwater crocodile. The plan immediatelymet with considerable protest fromconservation circles. Greenpeace Indiahas launched a campaign to garner publicsupport in order to stop the portconstruction.E%%F-dded to this were thesocial dimensions. )oncerned about theimpacts from this pro*ect on the localenvironment and therefore theirlivelihoods, the ?rissa TraditionalBishworker;s Cnion, who represent theconcerns and interests of over #"","""fishermen, vocally and publicly opposedthe construction of the port. In %""&,construction at the port site commenced.)oincidentally, the %""&7%""8 turtleseason saw no mass nesting atGahirmatha. The pro*ect has also invitedcriticism from over %"" national andinternational scientists, including over 6"

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    e!perts of the IC)4;s marine turtlespecialist group.

    Tata Motors

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    Tata Motors!m!ted54+:T-T-M?T?1+, 9+: ""&", 4@+:TTM, is a multinationalcorporationheaduarteredinMumbai, India. art of theTata Group, itwas formerly known as TE"O5T-T-

    :ngineering and ocomotive )ompany.It is IndiaKs largest company inthe automobileand commercialvehiclesector, and a midsized player onthe world market with ".8#( marketshare in %""& according to ?I)- data.

    The ?I)-ranked it as the #3th largestautomaker,E#Fbased on figures for %""&.E%Fand the second largest manufacturerof commercial vehiclesin the world. Thecompany is the world;s fourth largesttruck manufacturer, and the world;s

    second largest bus manufacturer. In India,Tata ranks as the leader in everycommercial vehicle segment, and is in thetop 6 makers of passenger cars. Tata

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    Motors is also the designer andmanufacturer of the iconicTata 4ano,which at I41#"",""" or appro!imatelyC+2 %6"", is the cheapest car in theworld.

    :stablished in #3$, when the companybegan manufacturing locomotives, thecompany manufactured its first

    commercial vehicle in #3$ in acollaboration with 2aimler79enz-G,which ended in #3'3.E6FTata Motors isa dual7listed companytraded on boththe4ational +tock :!change5where it is acomponent of the +ense!inde!, as well

    as on the 4ew @ork +tock :!change. TataMotors in %"" it was ranked among thetop #" corporations in India with anannual revenue e!ceeding I416%" billion.

    In %""$, Tata Motorsbought 2aewooKs truckmanufacturing

    unit, now known asTata 2aewoo)ommercial ehicle, in +outh Aorea. Italso, acuired a %#( stake in /ispano)arrocera+-, giving it controlling rights

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    in the company. In March %""8, itfinalised a deal withBord Motor)ompanyto acuire their9ritish0aguarand 1over501 business,which also includesthe 1over, 2aimlerandanchesterbrandnames.E$FEFE'Fand the purchase wascompleted on % 0une %""8 E&F

    Tata Motors has auto manufacturing andassembly plantsin0amshedpur, antnagar, ucknow, -hmedabadand unein India, as well as in-rgentina, +outh -frica and Thailand


    Tata !n Ind!a

    Tata Motors imited is India;s largestautomobile company, with revenues of1s. 6'#.$8 crores 5C+2 8.8 billion in%""&7"8.E%FIt is the leader in commercial

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    vehicles in each segment, and among thetop three in passenger vehicles withwinning products in the compact, midsizecar and utility vehicle segments.E%FTataMotors; presence indeed cuts across thelength and breadth of India. ?ver $million Tata vehicles ply on Indian roads,since the first rolled out in #3$.E%'FThecompany;s manufacturing base in India isspread across 0amshedpur 50harkhand,une 5Maharashtra, ucknow 5Cttarradesh, antnagar 5Cttarakhand and2harwad 5Aarnataka. Bollowing astrategic alliance with Biat in %"", it hasset up an industrial *oint venture with BiatGroup -utomobiles at 1an*angaon5Maharashtra to produce both Biat and

    Tata cars and Biat powertrains. Thecompany is establishing a new plant at+anand 5Gu*arat. The company;sdealership, sales, services and spareparts network comprises over 6"" touchpointsL Tata Motors also distributes andmarkets Biat branded cars in India

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    Tata%s glo&al operat!ons

    Tata Motors has been aggressivelyacuiring foreign brands to increase itsglobal presence. Tata Motors hasoperations in the CA, +outh Aorea,

    Thailand and +pain. -mong them is0aguar and 1over, a business comprising

    the two iconic 9ritish brands that wasacuired in %""8. Tata Motors has alsoacuired from Bord the rights to threeother brandnames 2aimler, anchesterand 1over. In%""$, it acuired the 2aewoo )ommercial

    ehicles )ompany, +outh Aorea;s secondlargest truck maker. The rechristened

    Tata 2aewoo )ommercial ehicles)ompany has launched several newproducts in the Aorean market, while alsoe!porting these products to several

    international markets. Today two7thirds ofheavy commercial vehicle e!ports out of+outh Aorea are from Tata 2aewoo.In%"", Tata Motors acuired a %#( stake

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    in /ispano )arrocera, a reputed +panishbus and coach manufacturer,E3Fgiving itcontrolling rights of the company./ispano;s presence is being e!panded inother markets. ?n TataKs *ourney to makean international foot print, it continued itse!pansion through the introduction ofnew products into the market range ofbuses 5+tarbus H Globus as well astrucks 54ovus. These models were *ointlydeveloped with its subsidiaries Tata2aewoo and /ispano )arrocera. In May,%""3 Tata unveiled the Tata

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    including +outh Aorea, Thailand, +outh-frica and -rgentina and is planning toset up plantsinTurkey, Indonesiaand :astern :urope.E%FTata also franchiseeN*oint ventureassembly operations in Aenya,9angladesh, Ckraine, 1ussia and +enegal.E%3FTata has dealorships in %' countriesacross $ continents.E6"FThough Tata ispresent in many counties it has onlymanaged to create a large consumerbase in the Indian +ubcontinent namelyIndia, 9angladesh, 9hutan, +ri anka and4epal and has a growing consumer basein Italy, +pain and +outh -frica.

    Present and 'uture c(allenges

    Tata Motors have some distinctadvantages in comparison to other multi7national competitors especially a cost

    advantage as labor costs for Tata Motorsis 873 percent of sales as compared to 6"76 percent for most multinationalcompanies. -nother advantage in the

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    increasing demand in its own backyard,India due to infrastructure developmentsand rising G2. India remains one of thefew developing auto markets wheredomestic brands have managed to keep alarge presence, Tata and fellowcompatriots account for more than '"(of the passenger vehicle sales and 3( ofcommercial vehicle sales. There are alsofavorable Government polices andregulations in place in order to help boostthe auto industry. /owever, Tata has notbeen able to capitalize on its globalpresence. Tata relies heavily on its salesin India and has not yet managed tocreate a foothold in international marketseven though it has a number of wellreputed subsidiaries. /owever, Tata 4anomay boost its international presenceatleast in developing economies.

    Though it has an advantage in India,thanks to low costs and governmentpolicies it soon faces stiff competitionfrom it multinational competitors alleyeing for a share in the ever growing

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    competition in near future, which mightaffect its growth negatively.

    )urrently, the presence of +uzuki throughits subsidiary, Maruti +uzuki in the Indianmarket may also be alarming. Maruti hasaggressively launched family cars toundermine the Tata models. Tata hascontinued to be strong in the MC and

    +C sector due to lack of competition andcorrect pricing. /owever, Tata now facesstiff competition from fellow compatriotMahindra as well as multinational brandlike Toyota and )hevrolet. In addition, thegrowing presence of fellow Indian

    competitors, Mahindra and Borce Motorsnot only in the Indian but also in theGlobal market may effect TataKs sales.Mahindra and Borce have formed *ointventureswith 1enaultand M-4respectively.

    Mahindra has also formed a #$3 0called Mahindra 4avistarwith IT:), C+-5parent 4avistar International, tomanufacture commercial vehicles and tobolster its position in the )

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    businessE6#F-shok eyland, which is thesecond largest commercial manufacturerin India has remained TataKs biggestcompetitor in the Indian heavycommercial vehicle market and with itsauistion of )zech 1epublic7based-viaE6%Fit may manage to increase itspresence in neighbouring markets suchas +ri anka, 4epal where Tata Motorshas a monopoly. To counter the growth ofthese various companies Tata has comeup with revised or new models like Indicaista, Indigo ista, Oenon, Tata

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  • 8/13/2019 Tata-Group analysis


    Tata Steel

    Tata Steel59+: ""$&", formerly

    known as TI+)? and Tata Iron andSteel "ompany !m!ted, is the worldKssi!th largest steel company, with anannual crude steel capacity of %8 milliontonnes. It is the second largest privatesector steel company in India in terms of

    domestic production. 1anked 6#thon Bortune Global "", it is basedin0amshedpur,0harkhand, India.E6FE$FIt ispart ofTata Groupof companies. Tata+teel is also IndiaKs second7largest andsecond7most profitable company in

    private sector with consolidated revenuesof 1s #,6%,##" croreand net profit of over1s #%,6" crore during the year endedMarch 6#, %""8. EFE'F

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    Its main plant is located in 0amshedpur,0harkhand, with its recent acuisitions,the company has becomea multinationalwith operations in variouscountries. The 0amshedpur plant containsthe 2)+ supplied by /oneywell.Theregistered office of Tata +teel isin Mumbai. The company was alsorecognized as the worldKs best steelproducer by

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    #3%", a practice that became legallybinding upon employers in India only in#3$. +imilarly, Tata +teel starteda rovident Bundfor its employees asearly as in #3%", which became a law forall employers under the Provident Fund

    Actonly in #3%. Tata +teelKs furnaceshave never been disrupted on account ofa labour strike and this is an enviablerecord.


    Tata +teel annually produces 3 milliontonnes of steel in India and %#.$ milliontonnes overseas, making it the fifth

    largest steel producerin the world. Itproduced a record7breaking ." milliontonnes of salable steel inits0amshedpurworks in %""'7"&. ThecompanyKs gross revenuein that financialreporting year was 1s. %"#3'.%$ crores.

    Its 9Twas 1s.'%'#.' croresand -Twas 1s.$%%%.# crores in thesame year.

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    EeditF)apacity :!pansion

    Tata +teel has set an ambitious target to

    achieve a capacity of #"" million tonne by%"#. Managing 2irector9alasubramanian Muthuraman 5shortenedsimply to P9 MuthuramanP stated that ofthe #"" million tonne, Tata +teel isplanning a "7" balance between

    greenfield facilities and acuisitions.E8FE3F

    ?verseas acuisitions have alreadyadded up to %#.$ million tonne, whichincludes )orus production at #8.%million tonne, 4atsteel production attwo million tonne and Millennium +teel

    production at #.% million tonne. Tata islooking to add another %3 million tonnesthrough the acuisition route.E8FE3F

    Tata +teel has lined up a series ofgreenfield pro*ects in India and outsidewhich includes E8F

    #. ' million tonne plant in ?rissa 5India

    %. #% million tonne in 0harkhand 5India

    6. million tonne in )hhattisgarh 5India

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    $. 67million tonne plant in Iran

    . %.$7million tonne plant in 9angladesh

    '. million tonne capacity e!pansion at0amshedpur 5India

    &. $. million tonne plant in ietnam5feasibility studies underway


    ?n %" ?ctober %""', Tata +teelannounced that it had agreed to pick upa #""( stake in the -nglo72utch steelmaker )orusat $ pence per share inan all cash deal, cumulatively valuedat G9$.6 billion.

    ?n #3 4ovember %""',the 9raziliansteel company )ompanhia+iderQrgica 4acional 5)+4 launched acounter offer for )orus at $& pence pershare, valuing it at R$.billion.

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    ?n ## 2ecember %""', Tatapreemptively upped the offer to ""pence, which was within hours trumpedby )+4Ks offer of # pence per share,valuing the deal at R$.3 billion. The)orus board promptly recommendedboth the revised offers to itsshareholders.

    ?n 6# 0anuary %""& Tata +teel won theirbid for )orus after offering '"8 penceper share, valuing )orus at R'.& billionLas a result and pending acceptance andcompletion of the takeover, the *oiningof the two will create the fifth largest

    steel company in the world.

    Other acquisitionS

    In -ugust %""$, Tata +teel entered intodefinitive agreements with +ingapore

    based 4at+teel td to acuire its steelbusiness for +ingapore D$8'.$ million5appro!imately 1s #,6#6 crore in an allcash transaction.E#"F

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    In %"", Tata +teel acuired $"( +takein Millennium +teel based in Thailand forD#6" million 5appro!. 1s '"" crore. E##F

    In %""& Tata +teel through its whollyowned +ingapore subsidiary, 4at+teel-sia te td acuired controlling stakein two rolling mills ++: +teel td,inausteel td located in ietnam. E#%F

    )(amra Port

    The 2hamra ort, a 0oint enturebetween arsen H Toubroand Tata +teel,has come in for criticism from groupssuch as Greenpeace,

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    Indian power sector.Tataower has apresence in thermal, hydro, solar andwind areas of power generation,transmission and retail. The founders of

    Tata ower pioneered the generationof electricityin India with thecommissioning of India;s first large hydro7electricpro*ect in #3#in 9hivpuriand Ahopoli, Aar*at.


    The thermal power stationsof thecompany are located at Trombay

    in Mumbai, 0o*obera in 0harkhand and9elgaum in Aarnataka. The hydro stationsare located in the

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    Internat!onal Operat!ons

    The )ompany has also e!ecuted several

    overseas pro*ects in the Middle :ast,-frica and +outh :ast -sia. ?f particularinterest are the 0ebel -li VG; station 5$ !#"" M< W desalination plant in 2ubai,-l7Ahobar II 5 ! #" M