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By TIS Director PAUL AUSTENWHILE all athletes training and competing at theelite level face challenges, these can be greaterif you are participating in a sport that might notenjoy the high profile of the more popular orOlympic sports within Australia.

In some ways, the ability to achieve excel-lence on a world stage in some of the lesser-known sports is a fine testament to an athlete’swill and determination.

A prime example of this is the recent out-standing success achieved by orienteer HannyAllston. At the tender age of 20, Hanny recentlywon gold in the sprint event at the World Orien-teering Championships in Denmark.

Hanny’s win marks not only Australia’s firstWorld Champion in the sport of orienteering, butour first ever medal at the World OrienteeringChampionships.

This result is an achievement in itself, madeeven more spectacular when you consider thatit is the first time that the gold medal has beenwon by an orienteer from outside Europe – the‘home turf’ of orienteering!

Hanny also won gold and silver at the JuniorWorld Orienteering Championships in July,making history by being the first person to winjunior and senior titles in the same year.

For those who don’t know Hanny, she’s also

The TIS Bulletin is published quarterly by Corporate Communications Pty Ltd for the Tasmanian Institute ofSport. If you would like to contribute information, please forward it to:

Jeanne Pennington, TIS, PO Box 93 Prospect 7250.Telephone: (03) 6336 2202 Facsimile: (03) 6336 2211Email: [email protected]: [email protected] further information on the TIS, check out our website: www.tis.tas.gov.au.

Thank you to The Examiner and The Mercury newspapers for the provision of photos for our newsletter.

Hanny’s successis an inspiration

Hanny Allston receives her gold medal from Crown Prince Frederick, of Denmark.Photo courtesy Eric Borg

Continued Page 5



ORIENTEERING World Champion Hanny All-ston capped off a remarkable year by takinghome three of the 2006 Tasmanian Institute ofSport (TIS) awards announced at Wrest Pointrecently.

Hanny was named the 2006 Athlete of theYear, Junior Athlete of the Year and joint FemaleAthlete of the Year with Australian Opals bas-ketball gold medallist Hollie Grima and WorldChampion rower and bronze medallist KateHornsey.

The TIS Male Athlete of the Year award waswon by cyclist Matthew Goss who had an out-standing year, winning gold at the World TrackChampionships in the 4000m team pursuitevent.

He also secured a silver medal in the sameevent at the Commonwealth Games and put ina number of significant performances in presti-gious road races in Europe.

Hanny enjoyed an exceptional 2006, beingthe first Australian athlete to win a world orien-teering championship, securing both junior and

senior world titles in Denmark and Lithuania lessthan a month apart.

The TIS used the occasion to induct its first10 members of the TIS Champions Club. Thoseinducted were Darren Balmforth, JustinBoocock, Simon Burgess, Melissa Carlton,Daniel Collins, Stephen Hawkins, Bianca Lang-ham-Pritchard, Daniel Sproule, Nick Rogersand Paul Wiggins.

Nearly 340 guests, including current and for-mer TIS athletes, staff and Board members,attended the dinner that celebrated the TIS’s21st anniversary and were taken on a walkdown memory lane, courtesy of a speciallycommissioned DVD and photographs.

MC Tim Lane did an outstanding job to bringout the best in winning athletes with his inves-tigative interview techniques and vast knowl-edge of elite sport.

Comedian Ben Price engaged the crowdwith his excellent impersonations of some ofour most loved sporting personalities and starsof stage and screen.

The TIS Bulletin is published quarterly by Corporate Communications Pty Ltd for the Tasmanian Institute of Sport,a division of Sport and Recreation Tasmania. If you would like to contribute information, please forward it to:

Jeanne Pennington, TIS, PO Box 93 Prospect 7250.Telephone: (03) 6336 2202 Facsimile: (03) 6336 4404Email: [email protected]: [email protected] further information on the TIS, check out our website: www.tis.tas.gov.au.

Thank you to The Examiner and The Mercury newspapers for the provision of photos for our newsletter.

Hanny named 2006TIS Athlete of Year

TIS Chairman Denis Rogers and Premier Paul Lennon with Junior and joint Female Athlete ofthe Year Hanny Alston, fellow joint Female Athlete of the Year Kate Hornsey and Male Athlete of

the Year Matthew Goss.


ISSUE 62 – MARCH 2007

TIS cycling scholarship holders and TargetSquad members began preparation for the2007 season with a five-day training camp atSeven Mile Beach.

In addition to the 20-plus hours on the bike,the camp covered areas including media train-ing, psychology, nutrition, physiology, strengthand conditioning and Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority (ASADA) presentations.

Following her silver medal in the AustralianWomen’s Criterium Championship in Brisbaneand coming off the Tasmanian Christmas Carni-val series, Belinda Goss competed in the BayCriterium series in Melbourne winning race twoand finishing second overall after consistentlyfeaturing on the podium throughout the week.

After a pre-Nationals training camp in Bal-larat, Tasmania had a very successful week atthe Australian Open Road Championships withformer TIS Rowing Olympian Cameron Wurfplacing fourth in the Elite Men’s Time Trial andMark Jamieson fifth.

Another former TIS Rowing Olympian, DanaFaletic, placed 11th in the same event for thewomen.

Wes Sulzberger went one better in 2007 win-ning the National Under 23 Road Race in con-vincing style while TIS Target Squad memberNathan Earle finished sixth fresh out of Under19 Junior ranks.

Karl Menzies capped off the week, demon-strating his potential by placing third in the EliteMen’s Road Race.

With Ron Bryan as Team Manager, Tasman-ian Under 19 Juniors and TIS Target Squadmembers Tom Robinson and Ben Grenda per-

The TIS Bulletin is published quarterly by Corporate Communications Pty Ltd for the Tasmanian Institute of Sport,a division of Sport and Recreation Tasmania. If you would like to contribute information, please forward it to:

Jeanne Pennington, TIS, PO Box 93 Prospect 7250.Telephone: (03) 6336 2202 Facsimile: (03) 6336 4404Email: [email protected]: [email protected] further information on the TIS, check out our website: www.tis.tas.gov.au.

Thank you to The Examiner and The Mercury newspapers for the provision of photos for our newsletter.

Cyclists on the road to impressive year

Scholarship holders and Target Squad members prepared for the 2007 season at a cyclingtraining camp at Seven Mile Beach.

CYCLINGsupported by

Continued Page


ISSUE 63 – JUNE 2007

TIS basketball athletes enjoyed a great oppor-tunity recently to enhance their national profilewhen Brian Goorjian, Head Coach of the Aus-tralian senior men’s basketball team, theBoomers, visited Launceston.

Brian, well known as a great coach, teacherof the game and motivator, also spoke with TISstaff about forming cultures within team groupsand the challenges of working with athletes in adecentralised program.

NITCP coaches and athletes were alsogiven the chance to work with Brian as he ranopen coaches’ clinics as well as practice ses-sions for NITCP athletes, which were also avail-able to coaches to view.

Athletes Joss Mooney, Hugh Greenwood,

The TIS Bulletin is published quarterly by Corporate Communications Pty Ltd for the Tasmanian Institute of Sport,a division of Sport and Recreation Tasmania. If you would like to contribute information, please forward it to:

Jeanne Pennington, TIS, PO Box 93 Prospect 7250.Telephone: (03) 6336 4404 Facsimile: (03) 6336 2211Email: [email protected]: [email protected] further information on the TIS, check out our website: www.tis.tas.gov.au.

Thank you to The Examiner and The Mercury newspapers for the provision of photos for our newsletter.

Basketballers treatedto view from the top

Left to right, Hugh Greenwood, Ryan Williams, Olivia Howard, Cam Witt, Brian Goorjian, JossMooney, Bree Russell, Catherine Guest and Jessie Humphries.


Continued Page 6

Olivia Howard, Catherine Guest, TIS SupportCoach Chris Taylor and NITCP Manager GrantMitchell attended a Basketball Australia Nation-al Development Camp, at the AIS.

The camp, attended by 50 athletes fromaround Australia who have been identified aspotential 2009 or 2010 Australian players,worked through a program set by National ITCPHead Coach Patrick Hunt which covered inter-national trends in basketball.

In addition to on-court sessions over three


c o n t e n t s


Minister’s Foreword 4

Chairman’s Report 5

Director’s Report 6

Administration 8

Corporate Partnerships 12

Sports Performance 14

Talent Search 17

Athlete Career & Education 19

Physical Preparation 21

Scholarship Programs 22

NTC Programs 23

NITC Program 35

Elite Development Squads 38

Individual Scholarships 42

Coaching Scholarships 44

2006-2007 Scholarship Holders 45

2005-2009 Corporate Plan 47

Board of Management 48

Staff 49

Financial Report 50

Front cover: Dan Hall on his way to silver at World Cup #5 in Italy.

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f o r e w o r d

Finally, I congratulate the TIS athletes andcoaches on their wonderful accomplishmentsduring the year. I look forward to witnessingthe achievements of Tasmanian athletes inthe coming year and wish all athletes everysuccess in 2007-08, particularly those aimingfor selection to compete at the 2008 OlympicGames in Beijing.

Michelle O’Byrne, MPMinister for Community Development


min i s te r ’s

The Tasmanian Institute of Sport (TlS) hasenjoyed a year where, again, TIS athleteperformances have been world class.

A total of six world champions were crownedduring the year, which is a spectacular result.

The achievements of all TIS athletes are adirect result of the high-quality programsdeveloped and administered by the Institute,which continues to enjoy the support of theState Government.

Through its commitment to the developmentof Tasmania's elite athletes and coaches theState Government has allowed the Instituteto maintain its place as a quality contributorto elite athlete development within thenational elite sport network.

On behalf of the people of Tasmania, Iacknowledge and thank the members of theTasmanian Institute of Sport Board ofManagement, under the chairmanship of MrDenis W Rogers AO, for the strategicdirection and guidance they continue toprovide to the TlS.

I also recognize the dedication andprofessionalism of all Institute staff in theirprovision of high-quality service to Tasmaniain the development of elite athletes andcoaches.

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This year Tasmanian athletes have onceagain taken on and beaten the world’s best.

The six world championships won byTasmanian Institute of Sport (TIS) athleteshighlight the many outstandingperformances achieved during the course ofthe year.

This success is not only a tribute to the talentand dedication of each athlete, but alsoreflects the passion and commitment of theTIS as it works to ensure quality programsare in place that allow each athlete theopportunity to maximise their talent.

I would like to congratulate and pay tribute toall the athletes and coaches of the TIS. Thehigh standard of your performancescontinually places Tasmania on the worldsporting stage.

I would like to acknowledge and thank theDepartment of Economic Development forits ongoing support. This support ensures theTIS provides the best possible services toathletes and coaches, which have allowedthem to consistently produce world-classathletes.

I would also like to acknowledge the supportprovided by the Federal Government,through the Australian Sports Commission,which plays an important part in assisting theTIS to conduct high-standard nationalprograms.

I sincerely thank all the corporate partnerswho also provided valuable assistance to theTIS.

chai rman ’sr e p o r t


Denis W Rogers AOChairman

Board of Management

The TIS Board and staff greatly appreciatethe positive association with all our partnersand we look forward to many more years ofinvolvement with them.

To my fellow directors and TIS staff, I extendmy personal thanks for your ongoing supportand commitment. I would especially like toacknowledge the contribution of DeputyChairman Ken Read, who resigned duringthe year after 16 years of service on theBoard of Management.

With the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing nowthe major focus, I would especially wishthose athletes striving for Olympic selectionthe very best of success.

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r e p o r t

support to visiting national teams andsquads during the year.

The construction of a purpose-built Strengthand Conditioning facility at the TISSilverdome complex as well as officeaccommodation and sports performancelaboratory at Wirksworth House in Hobartwill be important developments to assist inimproving the delivery and impact of the


di re c to r ’sThe year has seen TIS athletes continuing toproduce significant performances in a varietyof sports, including winning six worldchampionships.

We marked a milestone in the Institute’shistory with our 21st year of operations. Thiswas further highlighted with theestablishment of the TIS Champions Cluband the inaugural induction into the club of10 former champion athletes in DarrenBalmforth, Justin Boocock, Simon Burgess,Melissa Carlton, Daniel Collins, StephenHawkins Bianca Langham-Pritchard, DanielSproule, Nick Rogers and Paul Wiggins.

The TIS has continued to develop its servicecapacity with additional staff joining theorganisation and new programs beingestablished. The Sports Performance Unithas made a significant contribution inproviding quality services to TIS athletesacross the whole spectrum of sports scienceand sports medicine services, as well as

Inducted intothe TIS

ChampionsClub were,

from left,Nick Rogers,


Paul Wigginsand DarrenBalmforth.

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services and support provided to assist thedevelopment of Tasmanian elite athletes.

The scholarship program has providedquality services through the variousprograms to 104 athletes during the year. Allathletes have enjoyed access to a standardof support that has given them the bestpossible home-based training environment.

These activities and developments would notbe possible without the significant supportprovided by the Tasmanian Governmentwhose ongoing commitment continues toprovide us with opportunities to assistTasmanian athletes to achieve at the highestpossible level.

The TIS has maintained strong partnershipswith all the members of the National EliteSports Council, the Australian SportsCommission, the Australian OlympicCommittee and the Australian


Commonwealth Games Association, aspart of the national elite sports network.

The Board of Management, under thechairmanship of Denis W Rogers, AO,continues to provide strong strategicleadership and guidance in assisting theTIS to achieve its goals.

Finally, I congratulate the athletes andcoaches for the results achieved thisyear which bear great testimony to theirdedication and commitment to achievetheir very best.

Paul AustenDirector

Inducted into the TIS Champions Club were, from left, Daniel Sproule, Bianca Langham-Pritchard, Justin Boocock, and Melissa Carlton.

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to cyclist Matthew Goss who had anoutstanding year, winning gold at the WorldTrack Championships in the 4000m teampursuit event.

He also secured a silver medal in the sameevent at the Commonwealth Games and anumber of significant performances inprestigious road races in Europe.

There were 338 guests in attendance, takingthe opportunity to celebrate 21 years since

Jeanne PenningtonExecutive Assistant


admin i s trati onAthlete Awards Dinner

Orienteering World Champion Hanny Allstoncapped off a remarkable year by taking homethree awards from the 2006 TasmanianInstitute of Sport (TIS) awards – Athlete ofthe Year, Junior Athlete of the Year and jointFemale Athlete of the Year. The awards wereheld at Wrest Point on Friday 3 November2006.

Hanny has enjoyed an exceptional year,being the first Australian athlete to win aworld orienteering championship, securingboth junior and senior world titles in 2006.Hanny’s win at the world championship inDenmark came less than a month after shewon the junior world title in Lithuania.

Hanny shared the Female Athlete of the Yearaward with Australian Opals basketball goldmedallist Hollie Grima and world championrower and bronze medallist Kate Hornsey.The trio are a testament to the exceptionallevel of success that has been achieved byTasmania’s elite female athletes in 2006.

The TIS Male Athlete of the Year award went

TIS Athlete of theYear award

winners, from left,Hollie Grima,

Matthew Gossand Hanny


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the Tasmanian Institute of Sport commencedoperations. Among the guests were manyformer athletes, staff and Board Members aswe took a walk down memory lane with botha DVD and pictorial tribute to the history ofthe TIS.

Tim Lane, as MC, continued to bring out thebest in our athletes with his investigativeinterview techniques and vast knowledge ofelite sport. Comedian Ben Price engaged thecrowd with his outstanding impersonationsof some of our most-loved sportingpersonalities and stars of the stage andscreen.

At the awards, we announced theestablishment of the TIS Champions Clubwhich will acknowledge our most outstandingathletes over time and conducted the firstinduction into the club.

The 10 inaugural inductees of the club areDarren Balmforth, Justin Boocock, SimonBurgess, Melissa Carlton, Daniel Collins,Stephen Hawkins, Bianca Langham-Pritchard, Daniel Sproule, Nick Rogers andPaul Wiggins.


School Expos

During 2006-07 TIS athletes, coaches andstaff conducted School Expos at Newsteadand Rosebery.

Newstead College won a special statewideCoca-Cola Amatil and TIS competition to seeOlympians, Commonwealth Games andWorld Championships medallists attend aday of sporting activities at the school.

Coca-Cola Amatil and the TIS invitedprimary and secondary schools to participatein a competition to collect as many labels aspossible from Coca-Cola Amatil productsPowerade, Fruitopia Juice, Mount Franklinwater and Pump water. The school collectingthe most labels won the visit from TIS staffand elite athletes as well as sportingequipment of the school’s choice up to$1,000. Newstead College was a clearwinner.

Athletes hosting the Newstead College Expowere Commonwealth Games medallistsDonna MacFarlane and Matthew Wells,World Champion Junior and SeniorOrienteering athlete Hanny Allston, bronzemedallist at the World Under 23 RowingChampionships, Blair Tunevitsch and TISbasketball athlete Cameron Witt.

Students takepart in a SchoolExpo atRosebery.

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Sports Programs

Carl Saunder joined the TIS in the role ofAthlete and Coach Services Coordinator inmid-January 2007. Carl has a bachelor ofcommerce degree with majors in sportsmanagement and marketing from DeakinUniversity, Melbourne.

Between 1998 and 2006 he held variouspositions with the Hawthorn Football Club,including assistant to the recruiting andfootball managers, football administrationcoordinator and assistant football manager.

Tracey Robinson was appointed NetballCoach in February 2007 to oversee its newElite Development Squad program. Traceyhas spent the past 10 years as the HeadCoach of the NSW (North Coast) RegionalAcademy of Sport and coached the NSWUnder 17s to the National title in 2006. Shewas also a selector for NSW State teams,merit teams and talent squads.

Darren Balmforth moved from the RowingCoach position in early February 2007 totake up a national coaching position based atthe AIS in Canberra.

Ron Batt took up the Rowing Coach positionin mid-May. Ron, a former rower, has had 12years’ rowing coaching experience, includingcoaching at international, national and statelevels. Before starting at the TIS, Ron wasHead Coach with the St George Rowing Clubin Sydney.

The instigation of a football program focusedon developing junior talent saw the arrival ofBruce Stowell (Football Coach – Men’sProgram) and Vicki Linton (Football Coach –Women’s Program) to the TIS in June 2007.

Bruce comes to the position with a longcoaching history and was most recentlyresponsible for implementing footballdevelopment programs in Queensland.

Vicki brings with her a diverse coachingcareer including coaching junior teams toAustralian National Championship success.


Staff and athletes travelled overnight toRosebery for an expo in June 2007. The cooltemperatures did not deter TIS netballathletes Ebony Keygan, Lauren Miller andAmy Saunders and TIS basketball athleteJessie Humphries from inspiring studentsfrom St Joseph’s Primary School, ZeehanPrimary School, Strahan Primary School,Rosebery Primary School and Rosebery HighSchool.

The students participated in variousactivities including basketball, netball,hockey, fitness ball activities, a 20m sprint,an agility test and more. Also assisting theday to run smoothly were Sport andRecreation Tasmania staff member JoanWylie and TIS work experience studentNicole Young.

The aim of conducting these expos is toencourage school children in rural andregional areas to participate in sport and tolead healthy and active lifestyles. Thesechildren are exposed to TIS elite athletes andare able to use elite-level sportingequipment.


The Institute experienced a number of staffchanges across all areas of the organisationin 2006-07.


Within the administration area JeannePennington was appointed to the upgradedposition of Executive Assistant in September2006. Claire Deavin started in September ina newly created trainee role to provide moresupport for reception and generaladministration services.

In March 2007, Project Support OfficerDenise Hansson was granted 12 monthsleave without pay and Claire moved into thatposition in an acting capacity.

Tegan Raabus started in the trainee positionin late April 2007. She will undertake aCertificate III in business for a two-yearterm.

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Athlete Career and Education (ACE)

Jamie Cox left the Athlete Career andEducation (ACE) Consultant role inDecember 2006 to take up a position withthe National ACE program in Canberra.

This saw David Newett take up the AthleteCareer and Education Consultant position inmid-April 2007. Having grown up inQueenstown on the West Coast, David leftTasmania to attend university in Adelaidewhere he gained his human movementdegree. David has worked as a personaltrainer, is a qualified electrician and coach ofthe Glenorchy Football Club

Sports Performance Unit

Emily Parker replaced Angela Hayes in theTalent Search Coordinator position inNovember 2006. Emily, originally fromHobart, moved to Canberra after finishingschool to study at the University of Canberraand to take up a football scholarship with theACT Academy of Sport (ACTAS).

Emily graduated in 2004 with a doubledegree in applied science/sports science andapplied physiology. Emily’s work historyincludes casual work for ACTAS, conductingtesting sessions of scholarship holders aswell as school-age children, as part of theNational Talent Search Program. Emily hasalso worked as a fitness consultant and insports administration.

In January 2007, Sean Murphy joined the TISas its new Sports Performance Officer. Seancompleted a bachelor of applied science(human movement) degree at RMITUniversity, Melbourne, and has completed aphysical preparation traineeship at theVictorian Institute of Sport, gaining valuableknowledge and skills from some of theleading strength and conditioning coaches.

Sean has also worked with Netball Victoriaas a sports scientist/physical preparationcoach, as head strength and conditioningcoach at a private girls’ school in Melbournefor its rowing program, and for a privatebusiness in Melbourne aimed at young


developing athletes.

March 2007 welcomed a new aspect to theTIS Sports Performance Unit with MatthewDriller joining as a PhD student in a jointinitiative with the University of Tasmania.

Publications and website

The TIS website continued to be managed byTIS Program Support Officer DeniseHansson and then by Claire Deavin followingDenise’s departure.

The TIS Bulletin was published regularly aspart of the Institute’s ongoing promotionalactivities, acknowledging corporate sectorsupport and providing information to thecommunity on Institute activities and theachievements of its athletes.

As a final note, we would like to acknowledgethe support of staff in the CorporateServices division of the Department ofEconomic Development for the manyservices they provided to the Institute duringthe year.

Strategic plan

In May 2007 all TIS staff participated in atwo-day strategic planning session atTarraleah. Facilitated by Greg Johannes,Deputy Secretary, Tasmanian Department ofEconomic Development, and assisted byElizabeth Jack, Director of Sport andRecreation Tasmania, the primary focus wasto develop the framework for a TIS strategicplan covering 2009-13. Staff also undertooka review of the 2005-09 strategic plan.

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partne rs h ip s


The TIS receives valuable support frompartnerships with leading corporations.These partnerships allow importantcomponents to be value-added to theInstitute’s athlete and coach developmentactivities.

As one of the TIS’ major sponsors, Coca-Cola Amatil provided valuable support whichallowed the Institute to continue with thePowerAde Schools Program providingvaluable exposure and training to ourathletes.

Motors Pty Ltd continue to be an importantsupporter of the TIS and the NTC Rowingprogram through the provision of two motorvehicles.

New companies to join us during the yearwere Index Mineral Processors, providingsupport to assist with the development ofBasketball coaches and Regional ImagingTasmania providing priority access forathletes to their medical imaging services.

Other companies that assisted the TIS thisyear were J Boag & Son, Southern CrossTelevision, Wrest Point Casino, and TheDenture Centre.

Avanti, Cyclingnews.com, Santini CyclingClothing and Specialized Helmets and Shoescontinue their valuable assistance to the TISNTC Cycling program.

Long-term supporters of the TIS in B&E Ltdand J Boag & Son concluded theirpartnerships with the TIS during the year and

co rpo rate

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we thank them for their contribution to theInstitute.

The importance of all these organisations tothe TIS cannot be overstated as they providemany extra benefits to our athletes. Thesebenefits in turn provide that extra edge inperformance to each athlete that not onlygives them confidence but plays animportant role in their development.

We sincerely thank all these companies fortheir important investment in Tasmania’sathletes and their future.

We also acknowledge the support of ourpublic relations consultants, CorporateCommunications – in particular Nick Turner –for their assistance with the Institute’s mediaand corporate activities throughout the year.

We extend our sincere thanks to the fitnesscentres around the state that have, overmany years, continued to provide access toour athletes to assist their preparation fornational and international competition. Theseinclude Tattersall’s Hobart Aquatic Centreand Oceana Health and Fitness in Hobart,Healthglo Fitness and Leisure in Burnie,Health and Fitness World in Launceston andGlenorchy and Theogenes Health andSquash Centre in Launceston.

Cycling Program Sponsors


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John GregoryManager, Sports Performance Unit

Diana DickensonSports Performance Officer

Sean MurphySports Performance Officer


pe rfo rmances po rts

The Sports Performance Unit (SPU) haseffectively provided extensive services toTasmanian Institute of Sport (TIS) athletesand coaches in the past year. Services haveincluded sports science testing, performanceanalysis, athlete monitoring, sports medicineservices, physical preparation services andtalent identification projects.

The SPU has concentrated on assistingathletes selected to national teams andworked hard developing Tasmanian-basedperformers. The SPU’s key activities haveincluded:

• Extensive support to TIS Hockey squadleading into and during the AustralianHockey League (AHL) finals.

• Support at Rowing nationals and selectionregatta.

• Continued delivery of PerformanceAnalysis services.

• Introduction of GPS monitoring in teamand individual sports.

• Ongoing testing and support to EliteDevelopment (EDS) and National TrainingCentre (NTC) squads.

• Implementation of a TIS PhD scholar inconjunction with the University ofTasmania.

• Running of two national TalentIdentification (TID) projects, as well as theschools-based TID program.

The SPU has enjoyed supporting elitesteeplechaser Donna MacFarlane, in herbuild-up to the national and world titles.

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Donna has benefited from field and labtesting, which has guided the planning of hertraining schedules.

There has been extensive work completedwith our NTC programs of Cycling, Hockey,Athletics and Rowing. Furthermore, EDSsports including Basketball, Cricket, Netball,AFL – Football, Kayaking, Swimming andTennis have profited from regular sportsscience and physical preparation services.Successful Netball and AFL camps wereconducted and included testing, recovery,Performance Analysis and presentations.

The unit’s performance analysis suite hascontinued to deliver extensive services to allsports. Our video repository archive hassteadily risen over the past year, allowingfinger-tip access to video files by coachesand scientists alike.

The SPU has obtained a new oxygenanalyser in the past months. The system willensure the further delivery of accurate lab-based testing to our endurance sports.

The SPU has seen the inclusion of anotherSports Performance Officer, Sean Murphy,who works in a split role with physicalpreparation. Sean was a physical preparationtrainee with the Victorian Institute of Sportand has experience with a wide range ofsports. Sean’s position is based in Hobart,


Brendan Longcompleting atime trial on therowing ergo.

which has seen the uptake of services atBellerive gym increase rapidly.

Physical preparation highlights in 2006/07include:

• Increase in physical preparation servicesby Sean Murphy in Hobart.

• Planning and construction of the TIS(Launceston) gym.

• Extensive work with Rowing, Hockey andAthletics.

• Expanded usage of Bellerive, incooperation with Tasmania CricketAssociation, as the TIS’s Hobart-basedgym centre.

• Successful NSSQA accreditation processfor TIS gyms.

• Ongoing servicing of EDS and individualscholarship holders.

In the past year the SPU welcomed EmilyParker to the role of TID coordinator. Emilyhas been kept busy running the national TIDprojects ‘Rapid Slayers’ and ‘DreamStream’. Emily has a degree in sportsscience and sports psychology and workedrecently at the Scottish Institute of Sport.

The Rapid Slayers program is designed toidentify and support young Canoe Slalom

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and performance analysis assistance to NTCand EDS squads.

Diana’s activities have included:

• Running the TIS NSSQA program.

• Supervising University and TIS powercranks testing research project.

• Has travelled with Rowing and Hockey toselection events, providing video, GPSmonitoring and recovery services toathletes.

Sports Medicine Network

We remain appreciative of the assistance ofmedical and physiotherapy practitioners tothe TIS medical network. Doctors andphysiotherapists have greatly contributed toour important medical and musculoskeletalscreening process. In addition, the sportsmedicine network has addressed numerousinjury and illness cases in the past year,which have been addressed in a timely andprofessional manner. We thank Dr Ian Beltzfor his stewardship of the TIS sportsmedicine program over the past 12 months.


John and Dianamonitoring Track

& Field athleteKate Pedley

during a ramptest on the


paddlers, whereas Dream Stream is directedat developing rowers. Recently Emilyattended a national rowing camp in Ballinaalong with Dream Stream athletes. TheDream Stream project has been highlysuccessful, already placing an athlete intothe national under 23 team.

In recent times the TID program has:

• Selected and inducted athletes andcoaches into Dream Stream and RapidSlaying programs.

• Seen Emily gain her level 2 anthropometryaccreditation.

• Substantially expanded the number ofschools tested statewide.

• Streamlined the schools TID program.

Sports performance officer Diana Dickensonhas been working extensively with TISathletes and coaches over the past 12months. Diana has travelled with Rowing,Hockey, Swimming and Cycling to nationaltitles. Furthermore, she has providedcomprehensive field and laboratory testing

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Emily ParkerTalent Search Coordinator

This year saw an exciting change in direction forthe Talent Search program with the introductionof sport-specific projects aimed at targeting atalent pool to fill gaps in the developmentpathway of targeted sports. The AustralianSports Commission (ASC) approved proposalsfor two such projects to start in Tasmania.

These projects are initiatives of the ASC,National Talent Identification and Development(NTID) program and the Tasmanian Institute ofSport (TIS), in conjunction with the respectivestate sporting organisations. The ASC, TIS andTasmanian Rowing Council (TRC) launched aninnovative project to identify and developtalented rowers in Hobart.

The Dream Stream project provides expertcoaching, equipment and access to the latestsports science practices to enable talentedathletes to achieve their potential.

This project started in October 2006 and has twotiers. The first tier (Squad A) targets rowers whoare year 12 school leavers. The second tier(Squad B) targets novice rowers from non-rowing schools to give them an introduction intothe sport and to fast-track their progress to acompetitive level in their first year in the sport.

Both squads have had fantastic success, withtwo Squad A athletes, Jono Hookway and AdamWertheimer, receiving a TIS scholarship, andJono and fellow Squad A member Michael Egangaining selection in the National Under 23 teamwhich travelled to Strathclyde, Scotland, inAugust 2007.

The Squad B crew was very competitive in theSouthern Head of the River and All SchoolsChampionships and will look to improve in theupcoming season. Eleven Dream Stream athletesalso attended an NTID camp in MacLean, NSW,where they enjoyed the intensive trainingenvironment and mixing with athletes and

tal e n t s e arch


coaches from around the country.

A similar project was launched by the ASC, TISand Canoe Tasmania (CT) in the sport of canoeslalom, aimed at developing talented paddlers inHobart. The Rapid Slaying project will alsoprovide expert coaching and access to equipmentand sports science services to enable talentedathletes to achieve their potential.

The Rapid Slaying project began early in 2007and also has two tiers of development. TheTarget Squad comprises established athletes inthe sport who have been identified as havingpotential to succeed at the elite level. TheIntroductory Squad is made up of novicepaddlers as young as 12 who have demonstratedpotential.

Alex Lewis is a member of the National JuniorTeam and is looking forward to continuedsuccess while the Introductory Squad is eagerlyawaiting its first season of competition and a tripto a National Development camp in Eildon,Victoria, this coming November.

The Rapid Slaying program has fantastic supportboth locally and nationally with a strong networkof coaches including current TIS scholarship

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selection in next year’s State team as he will stillqualify for the Under 17 age group.

In basketball, Nathan Kiernan won the Under 18Men’s Division Two state championships and hasbeen invited to train with the NITC program andTIS scholarship athletes. Patrick Smith, from theathletics squad, represented Tasmania at theNational cross-country age groupchampionships, while Patrick Meaney isproducing promising results in his first year oforienteering.

Frances Weichelt and her brother Ned continueto impress in rowing. At the Tasmanian SchoolChampionships Frances came an impressive thirdin the Under 14 single scull, and as she continuesto improve and gain more racing experience, shelooks set to go on to bigger things.

All members of the 2006-2007 Talent Searchsquad have been training well and enjoying thesteep learning curve involved. We look forwardto following their progress as they continue todevelop as athletes.

Support for the 2007-2008 Talent Search schoolsprogram from Tasmanian schools once againremains strong. More than 40 schools statewideparticipated in phase one testing, with phase twotesting to be held in August. The 2007-2008Talent Search squad will be announced inOctober following sport-specific phase threesessions. The six sports being targeted for the2007-2008 program are athletics, BMX,basketball, cycling, orienteering and rowing.

Emily ParkerTalent Search Coordinator


Rowing for thefirst time: Phase 3Talent Searchtesting, Hobart.

holders Dan Hall and Stewart Bennett, andformer Olympians Peter Eckhardt and JustinBoocock.

The NTID program of the ASC, in conjunctionwith the TIS and other state academies is alsorunning a cycling project, titled ProjectHummingbird, which aims to develop a newgeneration of female cyclists, aged between 16and 27, who have the potential to become world-class mountain bike (MTB), road and trackendurance cyclists.

Emma Lawson, 17, was selected from the trialsand is currently being coached by former TalentSearch athlete Louise Padgett. Emma hascompeted twice on the road in local club eventsand won her first handicap. She will beintroduced to track cycling in October when theseason starts.

The Talent Search hockey program is also goingstrongly with 30 junior players participating in asix-week intensive training program run byStewart Pither and Ilene Carr. This was followedup by a day camp where the future stars ofTasmanian hockey learnt about nutrition forsport, the role of strength and conditioning inplayer development, and were privileged to haveformer Tassie Tiger Zain Wright and currentKookaburra Eddie Ockenden speak to themabout life as an elite hockey player.

The 2006-2007 Talent Search schools programhas again had plenty of success. In cycling, RyanGates narrowly missed selection for theTasmanian Under 17 State team which is anexceptional performance in his first year in thesport. Ryan stands a good chance of gaining

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The Athlete Career and Education (ACE)program has provided extensive services toTasmanian Institute of Sport (TIS) athletesduring the past year. The primary focus hasbeen delivering career and educationcounselling to TIS athletes that is consistentwith the National ACE program.

A key component of the successful deliveryof this and corresponding services has beenthe establishment of rapport with athletes.These related services include individualassessments and the development ofeducation and career action plans.

Relationships with the TIS coaches have alsobeen fostered to ensure the success of theACE program that is aimed to enhanceathletic performance.

In terms of personal development courses forathletes, the recently inducted TIS netballsquad completed a workshop regarding timeorganisation.

Athletes are generally operating in a time-poor state and the girls found it interestingto discover tools to assist their daily balanceof work, study and play.

Peter Fortune conducted an athletics camp inHobart which was addressed in terms ofachieving balance between study, work andtraining. This session was a group discussionwhich covered various topics.

Paul Dillon, from Drug and Alcohol Researchand Training Australia, conducted fiveworkshops over two days. The workshopswere tailored for a variety of groups includingunder 18 athletes and their parents, withabout 60 people attending this session.

David NewettACE Consultant


ath l e te care e r& e ducati on

Remaining TIS athletes attended separatesessions in Hobart and Launceston.

TIS and associated coaches were invited toeither a breakfast or lunch-time session andall sessions were well received and extremelyinformative. I would like to thank all coachesand athletes who attended. There are plansfor more personal development courses to beconducted during the next year.

A relationship with the University ofTasmania has also been re-energised whichwill aid the TIS athletes through thesupportive links established.

The National ACE program has developedlinks with universities throughout Australiaand the University of Tasmania has signed onas an Elite Athlete Friendly University.Amanda Turner is our UTAS representativewho has assisted the TIS with student issuesand has shown great support for therelationship.

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Clarence High School recently held a workexpo to display and discuss employmentpositions within the TIS.

Students were extremely interested inworking in the field of sport and wereintrigued by the positions at the TIS andqualifications required to gain employment inthis field.

Other networking opportunities withemployment providers were presented at thecareer and education expo held at theDerwent Entertainment Centre in Hobart.

The ACE program is an integral part of theservices provided to the athletes and withassistance from associated stakeholders,athletes’ performance can be enhanced.

Ultimately this is the focus of ourendeavours as we collectively strive forexcellence in sport and life.

David NewettAthlete Career and Education


Sam Nortonpresents at a

Powerade SchoolsProgram visit to

the Riana PrimarySchool.


Schools Program

Several Powerade Schools Program visitshave been conducted involving TIS athletes.The program provides a personaldevelopment opportunity for TIS athletes asthey promote the value of an active andhealthy lifestyle to grade 5/6 primarystudents.

Athletes have the opportunity to discusstheir involvement with the TIS and theirachievements. The athletes gain experiencein public speaking and have respondedextremely well to the program.

The TIS ACE program has recommenced itsrole with the Tasmanian Cricket Associationas its athlete career, education and welfareconsultant. This is an exciting relationship asTasmanian cricket is an elite environment forachievement on the field and the challenge isto mirror this success off the field.

Current measures have been implemented toensure rookie and contracted players endurea life balance.

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phys i calThe past 12 months have seen change withinPhysical Preparation. The greatest change inthat time would be the securing of a secondSports Performance Officer whose primaryrole has been in delivering strength andconditioning services to the southern-basedathletes.

Sean Murphy has come to the TIS fromVictoria and brings a wealth of sports scienceand strength and conditioning experience.Sean gained a bachelor of applied science(human movement) degree from RMIT andhas completed a traineeship at the VictorianInstitute of Sport and has worked withsporting associations such as Netball Victoria.

Sean’s main focus since he joined the TIS hasbeen to work closely with the coaches andathletes in the Hobart area to ensure theygain access to all their strength andconditioning needs. Sean has control over thesports of Athletics, Basketball, Football,Canoeing, Tennis, Diving, Swimming andCricket as well as several individual athletes.

Sean also has been assisting in the deliveryof services to the rowers who were based inTasmania before the 2007 WorldChampionships.

Physical Preparation Officer Peter Culhanehas continued to work heavily with the sportsof Rowing, Hockey and Cycling as well asmany individual athletes and some of the newsquads such as Netball. The spread ofathletes across the state still poses achallenge to the Physical Preparation staffbut with additional staff and better facilitieson the way it has certainly meant thatathletes are being serviced more effectively.

The Bellerive Oval Strength and Conditioningfacility in Hobart has again provided the TISathletes with a high-quality training


pre parati on

Peter CulhanePhysical Preparation Coordinator

environment. Of course, we are thankful forour community-based strength trainingfacilities around the state.

The Physical Preparation area received someadditional funding through the year that hasenabled it to provide much-neededtechnology and equipment to staff andathletes. A wide range of accessoryequipment for both gym-based and outdoor-based training will assist both team andindividual athletes.

The acquisition of new technology will alsoassist the staff to more accurately assess anathlete’s physical competency levels and alsomeasure more accurately the effect oftraining on athletic performance.

Extra funding was also gained to finalise thedevelopment of a Physical Preparationtraining facility at the TIS base which is dueto be finished by October 2007. This willprovide a much-needed dedicated TIS venueto train the northern-based athletes. Its usewill enable more specific programming foreach athlete and provide a much moreprofessional training environment.

Physical Preparation CoordinatorPeter Culhane

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Individual Scholarship Program

These scholarships are provided to athletesfrom sports in which a small number ofathletes are performing at the required levelin the sport or where the sport does not havethe infrastructure to provide acoach/coordinator and other supportservices necessary for an NTC or EDSprogram to operate.

Athletes are provided with funding support toenable access to international/nationalstandard training and competitionopportunities, Sports Science and AthleteCareer and Education services. TheInstitute’s staff work directly with theathletes to help coordinate their programsand the use of their funds. Scholarships areoffered at different levels based onperformance criteria that cater for juniorthrough to senior athletes.


TIS s cho lars h ipp rograms

Through support from the State and FederalGovernments and the various corporatesponsors of the TIS, the Institute providesscholarships to selected athletes in variousTIS programs.

National Training Centre (NTC) Programs

These are the main programs offered by theTIS in conjunction with national and statesporting organisations and the AustralianSports Commission. In 2006-07 the Instituteoperated four NTC programs in the sports ofathletics, cycling, hockey and rowing. Allsports have a full-time coach or programcoordinator employed specifically to conductthe NTC program. Athletes are admitted intothese programs using nationally acceptedstandards and are provided with coaching,access to national and internationalcompetition, equipment and all TIS servicesincluding Sports Science and Athlete Careerand Education.

Elite Development Squad (EDS) Programs

These programs operate in a similar mannerto NTC programs. Squads enlist the servicesof a coach employed by the state sportingorganisation to coordinate the program forselected athletes in that sport. Athletesreceive funding support to attendinternational/national level training andcompetition opportunities, access to trainingfacilities and coaching support withinTasmania and access to the servicesprovided by the TIS in Sports Science andAthlete Career and Education. TIS EliteDevelopment Squads in 2006-07 were AFLfootball, basketball, cricket, diving, netball,swimming, tennis and wild water canoe. Hockey is a National Training Centre program,

employing two full-time coaches.

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2006-07 has been a year that has indicated anumber of positive developments within thesport. The Institute program was re-established as a Tier 1 sport in 2006 initiallywith six athletes: Donna MacFarlane,Graham Hicks, Tristan Thomas, Kate Pedley,Ryan Foster, and Daniel Coleman.

In late 2006, after a series of excellentperformances that saw him selected for theWorld Youth Championships, HamishPeacock was added to the list of scholarshipathletes. He was most successful at thesechampionships winning a silver medal and isthe number one javelin thrower in Australiafor his age and number two in the world.

Unfortunately, three of these athletes,because of illness or injury, missed thedomestic season but we are looking to themto re-establishing themselves in 2007-08.

Donna MacFarlane continues her progressas a top international athlete with greatperformances during the domestic seasonover several distances and was duly selectedfor the World Championships team forOsaka. In May and June 2007 she won inDoha and finished second at the prestigiousBislett Games in Oslo.

Graham Hicks threw the discus over 60mseveral times during the season and is nowranked third nationally. Daniel Colemanimproved all his personal bests in racewalking and after representing Australia inthe World Walking Cup in Spain last yearalso competed in an Australian Team inChina, as well as winning the National Under18 and All Schools titles. Just recently,Tristan Thomas has shown a great returnfrom injury and is once again very close tonational selection.


National Training Centre programs

track and f i e l d

Peter FortuneTrack and Field State Performance Coordinator

Institute athletes were supported during thedomestic season by several athletes who didwell in National Series and A Series meetsand the Professional carnival series.

In particular, Melissa Kay, Sam Crosswelland Morgan Whiley had excellent seasonswith Melissa achieving a new state record at100m and achieving selection for the WorldChampionships team. In recognition of theirperformances, these three athletes wereawarded TIS Scholarships in June 2007.

In addition, at the National All Schools inDecember 2006, our junior athletes achievedmany personal bests with a number ofwinning medals indicating excellent potentialfor the future. Participation levels are anongoing issue for athletics and AthleticsTasmania (AT), supported by the TIS, isplanning several initiatives to try to addressthis.

The TIS continued its policy of arranging aseries of clinics in conjunction with theATFCA with visiting coaches supported byTasmanian coaches.

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In February, National Sprints CoordinatorPaul Hallam conducted a one-day sprintsclinic which was also very successful andwell attended.

During May, National Under 17 javelin coachLindsay Burgoyne, with two Victorianathletes, conducted a javelin clinic in Hobartin conjunction with a throws meet where allthree World Youth Javelin throwers, includingTasmania’s Hamish Peacock, successfullyachieved their World Youth pre-departurestandards.

The AT/TIS Development Squad continuesto develop as a concept and we have nowhad two camps during 2006-07. In January, asuccessful general camp was held inBicheno, and in June this year an equallysuccessful camp aimed at Enduranceathletes was held at Coles Bay.

During 2007-08 the squad will berationalised and new standards will assist inensuring that talented developing athleteswill be targeted for development. Theappointment by Athletics Tasmania of aDevelopment Officer has been crucial to thisgroup.

I believe that 2006-07 has generally been avery positive one for elite athletics inTasmania and augurs well for furtherprogress in 2007-08. The TIS remainscommitted to working with AthleticsTasmania and an equally committed group ofathletes and coaches to ensure thatTasmania continues its development as animportant state in National Track and Field.

Peter FortuneTrack and Field

State Performance Coordinator

Donna MacFarlane continued herprogress as a top international athletewith great performances during thedomestic season.


In June 2006 Peter Lawler conducted athrows clinic in Hobart which was wellattended by our coaches and athletes withan interest in the throws. Reflecting thegrowing status of javelin and hammer inTasmania, this clinic was followed up withanother very successful throws clinic inLaunceston during November headed byNational Under 17 Event Coach in hammer,Sean Carlin, again with Peter Lawlerfocusing on the javelin.

Many observers believe the attention thatthese clinics have focused on the throws hasled directly to the success Tasmania isenjoying in these disciplines.

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cyc l i ng

Paul BrosnanTIS Head Cycling Coach

Ron BryanTIS Cycling Coach

The TIS Cycling program has again achievedsuccess nationally and around the worldduring 2006-07.

Highlighting the program’s successes wereTrent Deacon’s silver and bronze medals atthe AWD World Championships, BelindaGoss’s two silver medals at the ManchesterWorld Cup and winning the National PointScore Championship, the Under 23 RoadChampionship win to Wes Sulzberger andMatt Goss’s TIS Male Athlete of the Yearaward.

Mark Jamieson, Matt Goss and BelindaGoss represented Australia at the TrackWorld Championships. Another highlight ofthe year was the marriage of Louise Yaxley(Padgett) and her return to training,continuing her rehabilitation.

Matt Goss became the first Tasmanian to begiven a contract with a Pro Tour Team. Matthas continued his success since joining theprofessional ranks with numerous placingsand was also a member of the winning teamin the Pro Tour Road Team Time Trial.

Karl Menzies continues to perform at thehighest level with a bronze medal at theNational Road Championship, secondOverall in Australia’s premier road race, theTour Down Under, and numerous wins andplacings in some of the biggest races in theUnited States.

Sid Taberlay continues to succeed inMountain Bike racing representing Australiaat the World Championship in New Zealandand winning the National Series.

During 2006-07 Paul Brosnan coached theWomens National Road Team in Europe andRon Bryan coached the Under 19 National B


National Training Centre programs

Road Team at the Tour of Tasmania and alsocoached the National Team at the YouthOlympics.

TIS Cycling Program held its annual camp atSeven Mile Beach in December. All theathletes who attended found it beneficial totheir preparation for the coming season.

This camp has become an integral part of ourscholarship holders’ training, enabling themto debrief after a hectic year of competitionthen begin their preparation for the comingyear. It has a huge benefit also for Target

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Support given to the program over the yearby Physical Preparation and Sport Sciencedepartments has become a vital part of ourathletes’ training, injury prevention andrecovery techniques. Thanks to all staffmembers who have assisted during 2006-07

Also the Administration staff continue tosupport the program with their expertise.Thank you for your support. We look forwardto another successful year in 2007-08

Karl Menzies gained a bronze at the NationalRoad Championships, just one of his manyoutstanding performances during the year.


Squad athletes who attend the camp to trainwith the more experienced athletes.

Following the camp our Target Squadmembers also showed a great deal ofimprovement with Tom Robinson winninggold and two bronze medals at the YouthOlympics and Ben Grenda winning silver.

Before the National Road Championships inBallarat another camp was held giving ourelite riders a chance to acclimatise andprepare for the Championships.

This camp also proved to be beneficial as weachieved gold (Wes Sulzberger), bronze(Karl Menzies), fourth place (CameronWurf), fifth place (Mark Jamieson), and sixthplace (Nathan Earle) in the Under 23 andElite events.

The Cycling Program continues to expand itssquads by introducing a Development Squadto underpin the Target Squad. We havealready seen results from the DevelopmentSquad with a number of the athletesachieving results at the Australian JuniorTrack Championships.

Cameron Wurf placed fourth in the National Road Championships in Ballarat.

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Trent Deacon (AWD), Belinda Goss, MathewGoss, Mark Jamieson, Caleb Manion, KarlMenzies, Ryan Sullivan, Sean Sullivan,Bernard Sulzberger, Grace Sulzberger,Wesley Sulzberger, Sid Taberlay, JoshuaWilson, Louise Padgett.

2006-07 Cycling Team Sponsors:

Major Sponsors: Cyclingnews.com, AvantiBicycles, Santini Cycling Clothing.

Minor Sponsors: Specialized Helmets andShoes.

2006-07 Satellite Coaches:

Scott Callow, Garry House, Paul Manion,David Robinson, Darrel Young.


2006-07 Target Squad:

Laura McCaughey, Tom Robinson, BenGrenda, Matthew McDonagh, LukeOckerby,Sam Brett, Amy Cure.

2006-07 TIS/TCF DevelopmentSquad:

David Lyons, Sarah Cure, Matthew Kent,Alex Benson, Peter Loft, Andrew Smith,Harriet Kossmann.

Ron BryanTIS Cycling Coach

Paul BrosnanTIS Head Cycling Coach

Cyclists in action during a training camp.

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National Training Centre programs

Youth Olympic Festival held in Sydney. At thecompletion of the National Under 21Championships both Emily Wilson and LucyOckenden were selected in the 2007National Junior squad having contributedwell to the Tasmanian team making the finals.

Ilene Carr, a previous TIS coachingscholarship holder, continued to build hercoaching credentials as the Tasmanian 2007Under 18 girls again played in the finalsfinishing with a third placing at the Nationaltitles.

Andrew McDonaldTIS Head Hockey Coach

Stewart PitherTIS Hockey Coach


hockeyThe 2006-07 reporting period has achieved amajor target of increasing its number ofplayers who are real contenders for theBeijing Olympics.

Matthew Wells OAM, David Guest and EddieOckenden have strengthened their positionsowing to strong performances in a busy pre-Olympic International calendar.

Wells recovered from a serious ankle injury,which prevented his participation in both the2006 World Cup and the Champions Trophy.In May 2007 Guest, Wells and Ockendenwere all members of the Kookaburras teamthat won the Sultan Aslan Shah Cup.Ockenden scored two goals in the final andwas awarded the Player of the Final award.

All three were selected for the OlympicBeijing test event after good performanceson the European tour. Importantly, Guestscored five penalty corner goals on theEuropean tour and it was on this tour thatWells won his 200th cap for Australia.

Stewart Pither, in his role as TIS Hockeycoach, has continued to strengthen ourdevelopment pathways and regional trainingenvironments by conducting a regionaltraining program that continues to growparticipant numbers while delivering high-quality training sessions with leading coachtuition to the North-West and North on aregular basis.

Importantly, Stewart has begun theintroduction of the Talent Search programfocused on helping us identify the next groupof TIS athletes for the future.

Throughout this reporting period a number ofathletes participated in junior Nationalcompetitions. Geoff Cock, Patrick Ward andEloise Duay all competed in the Australian

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Strong performances at the NationalChampionships were further highlighted withthe MIA Tassie Tigers playing in the finals forthe second year in a row. To continue thegood performance of Tasmanian teams at thevaried National Championships the Under 18boys team also played in the semi-finals.

Oliver Close, a former TIS athlete, wasawarded a TIS Coaching scholarship whichwill provide the necessary support to bothdevelop him as a coach and athletes that heworks with. Close will join the NationalJunior team later in 2007 as an AssistantCoach. Stewart was also invited to attendthe AIS European tour as an Assistant coach.

New competition opportunities remain afocus for the program as greater exposurebefore major National championships is seenas a necessity. With strong government andTIS support, the MIA Tassie Tigers playedthree games against the Victorian men’steam and the Korean men’s team (Seongnamcity) in Melbourne.

The Wrest Point Van Demons travelled toAdelaide and played three games against theSouth Australian senior women’s groups.

At the conclusion of the 2006-07competitions new National, NationalDevelopment and National Junior squadswere announced. Six athletes were selectedin 2007 Senior or 2007 Junior Nationalsquads.


2007 Men’s National Squad

Matthew Wells, David Guest and EddieOckenden.

2006 Men’s National DevelopmentSquad

Ben Creese.

2006 National Junior squads

Lucy Ockenden and Emily Wilson.

It should be noted that Hamish McGregorattended a number of National Goalkeepingcamps and that Patrick Ward, Eloise Duayand Geoff Cock were ineligible for theNational Junior squads because of their age.Patrick also joined the AIS overseas tourtowards the end of 2006.

The TIS Sports Science staff, namely DianaDickenson and TIS Physical PreparationCoordinator Peter Culhane, have beenintegral to the delivery of well-managedtraining programs to assist TIS athletes inmeeting the growing demands ofInternational elite sport. I thank both Peterand Diana for efforts with the hockeyprogram.

Athlete welfare has been given a boost withthe appointment of David Newett as theAthlete Career and Education officer. SportsPsychologist David O’Sign has also beenvery helpful in assisting athletes cope withthe many demands they face.

David Guest in action against Malaysia in aBeijing test event which Australia won 2-0.

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2006 Squad Members: Matthew WellsOAM, David Guest, Marcus Richardson,Eddie Ockenden, Ben Creese, LucyOckenden, Emily Wilson, Sofie McLeod,Geoff Cock, Patrick Ward and HamishMcGregor.

2007 Squad Members: Matthew WellsOAM, David Guest, Eddie Ockenden, BenCreese, Lucy Ockenden, Emily Wilson, SofieMcLeod, Geoff Cock, Patrick Ward, EloiseDuay and Hamish McGregor.


I would like to thank all the coaches whohave assisted in various State Teamcapacities involving TIS players.

Coaches like Mark Geeves, JeremyStebbings, Oliver Close, Tracey Cameron,Ken Read, Ilene Carr and Larry Millsunderpin and do so much to assist with theTIS Hockey program. I sincerely appreciatethe work they do with athletes and myself.This assistance underpins a very productiveand successful program.

I would also like to acknowledge the supportof Hockey Australia and Hockey Tasmania,especially Gai Cross, Greg Peart, MarkGeeves and the Hockey Tasmania President,Alison Monk.

I express my sincere thanks to all the staff atthe TIS for their continuing support,guidance and encouragement, the StateGovernment for its support, and all oursponsors.

Collectively we move forward withconfidence that we will continue ourrepresentation in the Olympic arena in 2008and move ever closer to Tasmania winning aNational Championship title.

Andrew McDonaldTIS Head Hockey Coach

Lucy Ockenden in action in the Under 21Nationals.

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Rhett AyliffeTIS Head Rowing Coach

The 2006 World Rowing Championships sawsix TIS athletes compete in the sport ofrowing.

The highlights were Dana Faletic winning asilver medal in the women’s quadruple scull,Kate Hornsey defending her WorldChampionship in the women’s four and alsogaining a bronze in the eight, coached byDarren Balmforth, and Dominic Monypennydefending his gold in the adaptive men’ssingle.

Tom Gibson and Sam Beltz finished a veryclose fourth place in the men’s lightweightdouble, a great result for a new crew in avery tough event. Cameron Wurf alsofinished fourth in the lightweight men’s pair.

The TIS had five competitors at underageWorld Championships with someoutstanding results. At the Junior WorldChampionships held in Amsterdam, JonoHookway and Adam Wertheimer achieved agold medal in the junior men’s pair, coachedby Russell Hookway.

The Under 23 World Championships wereheld in Hazelwinkel, Belgium, with CharlotteWalters winning a gold medal in the women’sfour and finishing fifth in the women’s eight.Blair Tunevitsch won a bronze medal in thelightweight men’s quadruple scull, coachedby myself. Anthony Males finished fifth in themen’s double scull final after winning hissemi-final.

The 2007 Australian Championships wereheld at Nagambie in March. This was aregatta that was troubled by poor conditionsdue to strong cross-breezes. TIS athletesreturned with a total of 21 gold, 13 silver and12 bronze medals.


Ron BattTIS Rowing Coach


National Training Centre programs

A total of 17 TIS athletes gained nationalselection for the 2007 World Championshipteams. Six were selected in the senior team(all in Olympic class boats), with competitionbeginning at the end of August in Munich,Germany.

Eight were selected in the Under 23 WorldChampionships in Scotland, and two in theWorld Junior Championships to be held inChina on the Olympic course. Alsocompeting in Munich and defending his 2005and 2006 World Championship will beadaptive rower Dominic Monypenny.

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Darren has been at the forefront of the TISrowing performances and his contributionwill be sorely missed. Ron Batt has beenemployed as the TIS rowing coach to fillDarren’s departure. Ron comes to us from StGeorge rowing club in Sydney and his wifeJenny will join early next year. We wish Ronwell in his new role and I look forward to ourfuture coaching successes.

I would also like to thank staff at the TIS fortheir invaluable support, guidance andencouragement.

Rhett AyliffeTIS Head Rowing Coach

RESULTS 2006-2007

Scott Brennan: National Championships –12th Men’s Single, fourth Men’s Double;2007 World Cup – bronze Men’s Double atAmsterdam, sixth Men’s Double at Linz;National Team – Men’s Double Scull, Munich2007 World Championships.

Dana Faletic: 2006 World Championships– Silver Women’s Quad.


The national teams will also include supportstaff. Dr Ian Beltz, TIS medical coordinator,will travel with the senior A team for the firsttwo world cups.

I will be coaching the men’s heavyweightsculling squad comprising three boats inHobart. Ron Batt will coach two Under 23crews in Launceston and John Driessen willcoach two Under 23 crews in Franklin. Johnis also acting as Under 23 Head coach. RobWilliams will be coaching at the Junior WorldChampionships and he will be based inDevonport.

This number of international athletes placesa big demand on the TIS and the rowingprogram would like to acknowledge thesupport of all the TIS sports performancestaff who assisted in the preparation of ourinternational crews.

TIS Rowing Coach Darren Balmforthrelocated to the AIS in Canberra to preparethe women’s Olympic hopefuls in conjunctionwith the AIS Head women’s coach.

Dominic Monypenny provided one of the highlights of the year, defending his gold in the adaptivemen’s single at the World Rowing Championships.

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Cameron Wurf: 2006 WorldChampionships – Men’s Lightweight Pair.

Brendan Long: National Championships –10th Men’s Single Scull, fourth Men’sDouble Scull, fourth Interstate Men’s Single.

Kate Hornsey: 2006 World Championships– gold Women’s Four and bronze Women’sEight; National Championships – goldWomen’s Four and Women’s Eight, bronzeWomen’s Pair; 2007 World Cup – fourthWomen’s Pair and Women’s Eight atAmsterdam, fifth Women’s Eight at Linz;National Team – Women’s Eight, Munich2007 World Championships.

Kerry Hore: National Championships –gold Women’s Double and Women’s Quad,silver Women’s Single and InterstateWomen’s single; National Team – Women’sDouble, Munich 2007 World Championships.

Anthony Males: 2006 Under 23 WorldChampionships – fifth Men’s Double Scull,Hazelwinkel.

Sam Beltz: 2006 World Championships –fourth Men’s Lightweight Double Scull;National Championships – gold Men’sLightweight Single Scull, gold Men’sLightweight Eight, silver Lightweight Men’sPair, silver Interstate Men’s LightweightFour, bronze heavyweight Men’s Double;


National Team – Lightweight Men’s Double,Munich, 2007 World Championships.

Tom Gibson: 2006 World Championships –fourth Men’s Lightweight Double Scull;National Championships – gold Men’sLightweight Pair, silver Lightweight Four andInterstate Men’s Lightweight Four, bronzeHeavyweight Men’s Double; National Team –Lightweight Men’s Double, Munich, 2007World Championships.

Shaun Finlayson: NationalChampionships – fifth Men’s LightweightSingle, gold Men’s Lightweight Eight.

Charlotte Walters: 2006 Under 23 WorldChamps – gold Women’s Four, sixthWomen’s Eight; National Championships –gold Women’s Under 23 Double and Quad,silver Women’s Under 23 Eight, bronzeWomen’s Under 23 Single Scull andWomen’s Under 23 Four; National Team –Under 23 Women’s Quad, 2007 WorldChampionships, Strathclyde.

Dominic Monypenny: 2006 WorldChampionships – gold Adaptive Men’s FixedSeat Single Scull; National Championships –gold Adaptive Men’s Fixed Seat Single Scull;National Team – Adaptive Men’s Fixed SeatSingle Scull, Munich, 2007 WorldChampionships.

Blair Tunevitschwon bronze in theMen’s LightweightQuad at the 2006Under 23 WorldChampionships.

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Men’s Youth Eight, sixth Under 23 Men’sPair.

Max Sondermeyer: NationalChampionships – gold Lightweight Men’sEight, silver Under 23 Lightweight Men’s,fifth Under 23 Lightweight Men’s Single;National Team – Under 23 Men’s LightweightFour, 2007 World Championships,Strathclyde.

Michael Egan: National Championships –gold Lightweight Men’s Eight, bronze Under23 Lightweight Men’s Double and InterstateMen’s Youth Eight; National Team – Under 23Men’s Lightweight Pair, 2007 WorldChampionships, Strathclyde.

Nick Baker: National Championships –gold Lightweight Men’s Eight, seventhUnder 23 Lightweight Men’s Single; NationalTeam – Under 23 Men’s Lightweight Pair,2007 World Championships, Strathclyde.

Taylor Wilczynski: NationalChampionships – silver Junior Men’s Single,bronze Junior Men’s Quad and InterstateMen’s Youth Eight; National Team – JuniorMen’s Single, 2007 World Championships,Beijing.

David Wright: National Team – JuniorMen’s Quad, 2007 World Championships,Beijing


Blair Tunevitsch: 2006 Under 23 WorldChampionships – bronze Under 23 Men’sLightweight Quad; National Team – Under 23Men’s Lightweight Quad, 2007 WorldChampionships, Strathclyde.

Ingrid Fenger: National Championships –gold Women’s Under 23 Lightweight Doubleand Quad, silver Women’s Under 23Lightweight Single, bronze Women’sInterstate Lightweight Quad; National Team– Under 23 Women’s Lightweight Double,2007 World Championships, Strathclyde.

Carly Cottam: National Championships –gold Women’s Under 23 Lightweight Doubleand Quad, bronze Women’s InterstateLightweight Quad, fourth Women’s Under 23Lightweight Single; National Team – Under23 Women’s Lightweight Double, 2007World Championships, Strathclyde.

Jono Hookway: 2006 WorldChampionships – gold Junior Men’s Pair;National Championships – gold LightweightMen’s Eight, silver Under 23 LightweightMen’s Double and Interstate Men’s Four,ninth Lightweight Men’s single; NationalTeam – Under 23 Men’s Lightweight Four,2007 World Championships, Strathclyde.

Adam Wertheimer: 2006 WorldChampionships – gold Junior Men’s Pair;National Championships – bronze Interstate

Sam Beltz (withTom Gibson)

finished a veryclose fourth place

in the men’sLightweight

Double at the2006 World


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bas ke tbal lThe Tasmanian Institute of Sport Basketballprogram since 2001 operated as an EliteDevelopment Squad with BasketballTasmania providing a coach and coordinatorto facilitate the on-court direction and off-court activities of the program.

Through the vision and mutual cooperation ofBasketball Tasmania, Basketball Australiaand the Tasmanian Institute of Sport, in April2006 David Munns commenced asecondment to the position of full-time TISbasketball coach. This initiative allowsTasmania’s elite basketball talent to haveenhanced development opportunities throughaccess to the staff and services of the TIS.

The TIS basketball program’s purpose is toenhance the National profile of our bestathletes and assist them to becomemembers of Basketball Australia’s NationalPathways (Australian Development Camps,AIS Selection Camps, AIS Scholarships,Under 20 Gems/Emus Squads and teams).

Athletes are selected for the programfollowing input from AIS men’s and women’scoaches and Australian Under 20 Nationalteam coaches. The Head Coach of theNational ITCP and the TIS basketball coachselect athletes to be nominated to theBasketball Tasmania and TIS Boards.

Twice a year Basketball Tasmania, BasketballAustralia and the TIS hold joint managementcommittee meetings to formally review theperformance and operations of coaches andathletes in the TIS basketball program.

The TIS program operates as a decentralisedprogram with athletes coming together forworkshops and squad camps. The knowledgeathletes acquire at the group activities canthen be applied in the athlete’s day-to-daytraining environment. The topics of on-court

David MunnsTIS Basketball Coach


National Intensive Training Centre program

workshops are developed inconsultation between the athlete, theNational ITCP Head Coach and the TISbasketball coach.

Technical development of TISbasketball athletes included:

AIS Basketball Camp. Athleteswithin the AIS men’s and women’sbasketball program selection agegroups attended the annual week campin Canberra. This camp allows playersto receive feedback from NationalUnder 20 and AIS coaches before theTIS athletes play at national juniorchampionships.

National Basketball LeagueCamp, where selected athletesworked with NBL club the SydneyKings to give them an understanding ofhow a professional athlete and clubtrains. TIS athletes trained with andagainst current Boomers squadathletes and Olympians

Coaching Sessions with HeadCoach of the National ITCP, PatrickHunt, Australian Boomers Head Coach,Brian Goorjian, visiting internationalcoach, Daniel Beltramo, Under 20

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Program Highlights

Hollie Grima was selected as a team memberof the 2006 Commonwealth Games goldmedal Australian Opals team and a memberof the World Championship-winning Opalsteam and selected as a three-way winner ofthe Tasmanian Institute of Sport FemaleAthlete of the Year award.

Catherine Guest, Dwayne Radcliffe andHugh Greenwood were selected forBasketball Australia’s National DevelopmentCamp in August. Catherine and Dwaynewere then selected to attend a week-long2009 Under 20 World Championship Squadcamp at the AIS in January 2007.

Cameron Witt, Ryan Williams and CatherineGuest all were selected to attend AustralianInstitute of Sport Selection Camps.

Dwayne Radcliffe was a member of the silvermedal-winning Australian Under 18 Men’steam at the Oceania Youth Tournament.Later he was offered a scholarship at the AISmen’s basketball program for 2007.

Joss Mooney, Catherine Guest, Dwayne

TIS Basketballathletesattending a campat the AIS.


Gems Head Coach, Dena Kinsman and AISBasketball Assistant Coach, Nicki Bairstowand Nicky Ireland completed sessions withathletes at workshops and camps. Apartfrom working with TIS athletes leadingplayers in the underpinning NationalIntensive Training Centre Program receiveopportunities to attend sessions as guestathletes and local club and associationcoaches are invited to attend open coachesclinics to assist in their development.

The TIS Support Coaches provide regionalsupport to the TIS Basketball Coach throughassisting with the Tasmanian National ITCPand the TIS Basketball Program. Coachesprograms receive a coaching grant from theTIS while Basketball Tasmania provides acoaching professional developmentexperience for coaches and assists withtransport costs.

Over the course of the 2006-07 programChris Symons and Craig Taylor worked in theSouth and Rebecca Dick (until February2007) and David Russell (until March 2007)were in the North-West while David Munnsmanaged the North and also the North-Westfrom February 2007 onwards.

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Radcliffe and Olivia Howard were selectedfor Basketball Australia DevelopmentCamps as members of the 2009 and 2011Under 20 Squads.

The 2006 Under 18 men’s State team and2007 Under 16 men’s State team bothfinished in fourth place at the NationalChampionships. These outstanding resultswere led by TIS squad members TiriMasunda, Dwayne Radcliffe, Cameron Wittand Joss Mooney (Under 18) while HughGreenwood (Under 16) led his team.

TIS Support Coach Rebecca Dick wasoffered and accepted a position as ascholarship coach at the AIS women’sbasketball program

The TIS basketball program would like to


thank the following for their exceptionalassistance in ensuring the smooth operationsof the basketball program:

TIS athletes and their parents; NITCP HeadCoach Patrick Hunt; Basketball Australia’sChief Operating Officer Michael Haynes; AllTIS staff, especially ACE and SportsPerformance Unit staff; Basketball TasmaniaPresident Tim Leedham, General ManagerDavid Scott and office staff Jenni andAngela; AIS basketball program coaches andstaff; Basketball Tasmania Participation andDevelopment Assistant Adele Styles; TISSupport Coaches Rebecca Dick, DavidRussell, Chris Symons and Craig Taylor; TISCamp Manager Grant Mitchell; and allnetwork coaches and managers whoattended camps during the year.

Australian Boomers Head Coach Brian Goorjian with TIS Basketball athletes during his visit toTasmania.

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s quads

Stewart Bennett in action at Green River,North Carolina.

Carl SaunderAthlete and Coach Services Coordinator


e l i te deve lopment


2006 saw three TIS scholarship holdersrealise their dream of making the big time,with their names called out at the AFLNational Draft in November.

Mitchell Thorp was drafted by Hawthorn atpick number six, Jack Riewoldt was taken byRichmond at pick number 13 and ThomasHislop became an Essendon Bomber afterbeing drafted with selection 20.

In 2007 the TIS and AFL Tasmania decided tochange the focus of the EDS program andconcentrate on development of youngerathletes, with a major concentration onathletes at Under 15 level.

An academy squad of 28 players wasinvolved in a three-day camp hosted by theTIS in Launceston during February.

The athletes were put through the fullcomplement of testing under the AFL draftcamp protocols, given an insight into life atan AFL club and education seminars aboutnutrition and drugs in sport.

The TIS also provided testing for the TassieMariners State Under 18 squad as well asthe Tassie Devils VFL team. Those athleteswho are likely to be considered as potentialdraftees at the 2007 national draft willcontinue to access testing services up untilthe AFL draft camp and screening sessionsin October.


The highlight for the Canoe Wildwaterprogram was Dan Hall’s second place inWorld Cup #5 held in Ivrea, Italy, during Junethis year. It is the first time an Australian has

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gained a World Cup medal in Wildwaterracing.

On the same course that will host the 2008World Championships, Dan gained the silvermedal, 0.7 seconds from first place. Acrossthe six World Cup events, Dan was rankedeighth overall.

Stewart Bennett won two silver medals atthe New Zealand Wildwater championshipsheld on the Kawaura River on the SouthIsland of New Zealand.


The main focus of the EDS Cricket programwas again attendance at the CricketAustralia Institute Challenge in Darwin inAugust 2006, but the highlight of the yearwas the Tassie Tigers’ success in winningtheir first Pura Cup title.

TIS scholars Ben Hilfenhaus, George Baileyand Tim Paine were all members of thewinning team. Hilfenhaus had an outstandingyear which included making his debut forAustralia in a One-Day International atBellerive v New Zealand.

He also won the Ricky Ponting Medal forTasmanian Tigers Player of the Year and hasrecently been rewarded with a CricketAustralia contract.


April 2007 saw the introduction of a new TISDiving program. The program coached byRebecca Thomson consisted of threeathletes, Jocelyn Burnett, Michael Hughesand Joshua Parker-Sloan, all based inHobart.

The elite development program has beendesigned to give the athletes support tocompete at a national level. The program hasaccessed TIS services such as strength andconditioning, video analysis and sportpsychology workshops.

The diving squad spent a week at the AISdiving centre which is based in Brisbane. TISathletes had the opportunity to train under


Diving training at the Hobart Aquatic Centre.

the national coach and access state-of-the-art dry-land facilities. The TIS looks forwardto working with the Diving Association ofTasmania on its elite development program.


Through the partnership of the TIS, NetballAustralia and Netball Tasmania, our eliteathletes now have access to an elite programwith clearly defined pathways for talentedTasmanian netballers to progress through toAustralian squads and teams.

The 2007 TIS Netball program has alreadyhad some outstanding success throughoutthe year with Jacqui Witt selected into theAustralian Schoolgirls Team (15 & Under)which won the gold medal at an internationalschoolgirl tournament held in New Zealand inJuly.

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Newett (ACE Consultant), Nick Turner (PRConsultant) and Sally McLaine(Physiotherapist), all athletes have a greaterunderstanding to the increased demands ofelite netball.

Thank you to all TIS staff for your continuingprofessionalism, support and encouragementto the TIS Netball program in 2007.

Thanks to Netball Tasmania and NetballAustralia for their ongoing support of theprogram. With further development ofunderpinning programs with support from theTasmanian Government, netball is set for abright future within the state.

2007 has seen a steep learning curve for allathletes about the necessary requirementsfor top-level performance and the TISNetball program has laid a good foundationfor the future of elite athletes in netballwithin Tasmania.


The 2006-07 Swimming EDS program saw anumber of athletes compete at theAustralian Open Championships in Brisbane,in December 2006.

Pierre Roper (200m freestyle), RayWinstanley (100m freestyle) and CharlesGuard (50m backstroke) all recordedpersonal best times. Nicole Hunter made the


Lauren Miller was invited to the 17 & UnderAustralian Squad Camp held at the AIS inJuly. Amy Saunders was invited to the 19 &Under Australian Squad Camp held at theAIS in July. Both players were selected afterperformances at the NationalChampionships in Melbourne in April.

Emma Webb (TIStarget squad) wasselected for theAustralian Maristteam after nationaltitles held in July.

Our program wasfortunate to securethe services of JulieFitzgerald (Australian21’s assistant coach)and Jenny O’Connor,who are the SydneySwifts coaches, totake the squad for a training session while inTasmania for the Commonwealth BankTrophy Game held in May.

This gave our players a taste of what toexpect at the top level of netball in Australiaand players were given the opportunity tointeract with the Swifts players, many ofwhom are current Australian team membersand Australian 21 & Under players.

Thanks to the valuable contribution by theSports Science Unit to the TISNetball program, in particular DianaDickenson and TIS PhysicalPreparation officers Peter Culhaneand Sean Murphy.

Also thanks to the administrationstaff Jeanne Pennington, TeganRaabus and Claire Deavin whosesupport has been invaluable to thesmooth running of the program.

With various specialist staffsupporting the program, includingDavid O’Sign (Sport Psychologist),Maree Taylor (Nutritionist), PeterFortune (Track & Field coach), David

Tracey RobinsonTIS Netball Coach

The 2007 TIS Netball Squad.

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final of the women’s 200m butterfly, and thewomen’s 200m freestyle semi-final. ZoeOsterloh also made the semi-final in thewomen’s 200m freestyle.

TIS Sports Performance Officer DianaDickenson attended the NationalChampionships and assisted athletes withrecovery techniques, massage and ice baths.

The swimming program has seen a highturnover of athletes in the early months of2007, with Nicole Hunter retiring from elitelevel competition, Zoe Osterloh andMadeline Swan focusing on other interestsand Pierre Roper relocating to Victoria totrain with Rohan Taylor at the Careyswimming club.

We wish all of these athletes all the best forthe future, and thank them for theirinvolvement with the TIS swimming program.


The Elite Development Squad for the sportof tennis was again overseen by Head CoachSimon Youl, based at the Hobart TennisCentre.

Highlights for the year included Nina Khouryrepresenting Australia at the Under 14Maureen Connolly Brinker Cup in the USA.Nina was also selected to represent


Australia at the Under 14 World Team Eventin India and was a quarter-finalist at theNational 14 and Under Singles WinterNationals.

Alyssa Hibberd won both the TasmanianJunior Masters and the Tasmanian JuniorOpen as well as the Tasmanian OpenWomen’s Singles. Alyssa lost the final at theUnder 14 National Grasscourt in doubles andwas a semi-finalist in singles.

Ella Bourchier won the Hudson Bond Under16 singles as well as the Frankston JuniorMasters Under 18 and the SchoolchildrenChampionships Under 16 in WA.

Anna Wishink played at the Australian Openat Melbourne Park in January butunfortunately lost in the first round. Anna hasspent the past 12 months competing in ITFevents including Hobart’s Moorilla Women’sInternational and two tournaments inThailand.

Edward Bourchier won three Men’s Openevents in Darwin in June. Edward has beengranted a full scholarship at Penn StateUniversity, USA, and will relocate to Americato further his tennis career.

Physiological testing was conducted atregular intervals throughout the year andathletes have been working with the TIS

A TIS Swimmingathlete competing atthe Australian OpenChampionships inBrisbane.

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where the combined Australian National JuniorMen and Youth Boys’ team defeated New Zealandto retain the Murray Mansfield Trophy for the fifthconsecutive year. Josh toured Sweden, Franceand Slovakia with the AIS Men’s team, where theywon 14 of 26 matches and Josh was named a bestplayer in nine matches.

Luke Jackson (Boxing) began an AISscholarship based in Canberra under AIS headcoach Bodo Andreas. Luke won gold in the 57kgsenior event at the Australian BoxingChampionships in Darwin. Luke travelled with theAIS squad to Russia, Czech Republic, France andFinland.

Priscus Fogagnolo (Judo) won the Under90kg section of the 2006 Oceania JudoChampionships in Tahiti. Priscus was selected inthe Oceania Team to compete at the World JudoTeam Championships in Paris. He finished third inthe Under 90kg class at the ACT Open inCanberra during February. He also finished third inthe Men’s Under 90kg class at the NationalChampionships in Adelaide during June.

Hanny Allston receives her gold medal fromCrown Prince Frederick, of Denmark.

Photo courtesy Eric Borg


i ndi v idual s cho lars h ip s

Hanny Alston (Orienteering) created historyby winning both the Senior and Junior WorldOrienteering Championships in the sprint event.The junior title came in Lithuania in July 2006 andwas backed up with the senior crown in Denmarkin August 2007. The outstanding performance sawHanny named TIS Athlete of the Year and JuniorAthlete of the Year. Hanny also placed fifth in theSuper Elite class at O-Ringen, the world’s biggestorienteering championships in July. Hannyachieved Australia’s best performance for therace.

Grace Elson (Orienteering) representedAustralia at the World OrienteeringChampionships in Denmark, finishing 39th in thesprint event. Grace teamed with fellow TISathlete Hanny Alston to finish fourth in the relayevent. Grace also won several national leaguetitles throughout the course of the year andrepresented Australia in the Trans Tasman seriesagainst New Zealand in February 2007.

Natasha Hardy (Karate) competed forAustralia in the senior female 53-60kg Kumite atthe Senior World Karate Championships in Finlandin October. Natasha finished second in the weightdivision at the Berlin Open and won gold in theteam event. Natasha also competed at theBudapest Open where she again won her weightdivision and the team event. Natasha alsocompeted at the Australian Karate Open inQueensland and finished third in the Women’sOpen Kumite class.

Clint Freeman (Compound Archery)competed in the World Championships in Swedenfinishing fifth overall. Clint also competed in theSwiss Target Championships and the SwedishField Championships. At the World IndoorCompound event in Turkey, Clint placed 19th inthe individual category and fifth in the teams

Josh Thorpe (Volleyball) continued his AISscholarship based in Canberra. Josh touredChina, Iran and Italy. Josh also competed at theJunior Trans Tasman Championships in Canberra,

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Stephanie Grant (Judo) won a gold medal inboth the Under 78kg Young Women’s and Under78kg Senior Women’s categories at the AustralianNational Judo Championships in Perth. Stephaniewon the Women’s 78kg class at the ACT Open inCanberra in February and finished fourth in theWomen’s Under 78kg class at the NationalChampionships in Adelaide in June.

Susan Dobson (Badminton) won the SamoaInternational Tournament, in the Ladies Doubles inSamoa during May. Susan travelled with theAustralian squad to a series of tournaments inEurope and England in February/March 2007.

Sam Norton (Kayak) finished third in theNational Flat Water Championships, Penrith. Samgained selection for the Junior WorldChampionships in the Czech Republic in July2007.

Kate Mollison (Slalom Canoe) competed atthe Junior World Slalom Canoe KayakingChampionships in Slovenia. Kate made it to thesemi-finals and finished 24th, which was the bestAustralian performance. Kate also was a memberof the Australian team for the Australian YouthOlympic Festival, placing fifth in the K1 Women’sKayak. Kate has recently relocated to NSW to liveand train at the Olympic course located at Penrith.

Maggy Marshall (Squash) competed forAustralia at the Penang International in Penang,Malaysia, during May 2007 and the Milo All StarsTournament in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Maggyfinished sixth in both events. Maggy has beenselected in the Australian Junior Women’s Team tocompete in World Junior Championships in HongKong in August.

Nick Behrens (Sailing) competed in the 2006European Championships on Lake Balaton inHungary. Nick was in the first Australian boat,finishing in 14th position. Nick (with sailingpartner Mat Belcher) won the Kiel Week Regattain Germany, which is an ISAF Grade 1 win. Nickand Mat face an anxious few months as they awaitthe announcement of the 2008 Olympic sailingteam in October.

Ashlee Dewhurst (Golf) was selected in theAustralian Girls’ Team for the Trans Tasman Cup inCanberra in April 2007. Ashlee was undefeatedacross the whole tournament and also won theTasmanian Junior Open held at the Mowbray GolfCourse in January 2007.


Jack Penny (Trampoline) recorded impressiveresults at the Indo Pacific Championships in SouthAfrica, winning gold in the Under 17 tramp, gold inthe 17+ synchronised event and bronze in theUnder 17 mini-tramp. Jack also competed in theAustralian Youth Olympic Festival in Sydneyduring January where he placed fourth in both theIndividual and synchronised pairs events. Jack willrepresent Australia at the Junior WorldChampionships in Quebec City, Canada inNovember 2007.

Ryan Smyth (Orienteering) competed forAustralia at the Waitangi four-day event held inNew Zealand from 3-6 Feburary. At the Australianthree-day event at Burra (SA), Ryan finished 11thin the men’s category. Ryan has been selected inthe Australian team to compete in the OceaniaCarnival in Canberra in October 2007.

Rebecca Quail (Lawn Bowls) won theTasmanian Women’s Singles title in January 2007.Rebecca was selected in the National Under 25team for the Trans Tasman series against NewZealand in March 2007.

Mark Strochnetter (Lawn Bowls) won theTasmanian Master Triples in January. Mark alsowon the Northern Tasmanian Open Singles. Markwas a member of several represenatitve sidesincluding the Australian Sides Championships andthe Australian Super League competition.

Nick Behrens competed in the 2006European Championships on Lake Balaton in

Hungary. Nick was in the first Australianboat, finishing in 14th position.

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Claire has attended several rowing meets,including the National titles and Nationalselection events. Claire has also completedthe level one Strength and ConditioningCertificate.

REBECCA DICK – Basketball

Rebecca has been successful in obtaining afull-time Scholarship Coaching role with theAustralian Institute of Sport Women’sBasketball program. Rebecca began her newrole on 26 February 2007.

Five new coaches began scholarships in May2007. After a record number of high-qualityapplicants the successful recipients were:


• EVAN PEACOCK – Track & Field

• MATTHEW GILLIE – Badminton



The TIS looks forward to working with thesecoaches on their personal coachingdevelopment and aspirations over the nexttwo years.


coach ings cho lars h ip s


Justin continues to be the program managerof the TIS Elite Development Squadswimming program. Since obtaining ascholarship, Justin has attended an ASTAconference in Queensland and hascompleted his level one Strength andConditioning Certificate. Justin is travellingto the United States in September withSwimming Australia, as part of adevelopment trip, to attend the WorldSwimming Coaches Conference.


Simon continues to be the program managerof the TIS Elite Development Squad tennisprogram. Simon is in the final stages ofcompleting his High Performance CoachingCourse through Tennis Australia. Simon hasalso completed an introductory course innutrition. Simon attended the National HighPerformance Training Camp in Victoria inDecember last year.


Eleanor has been assisting the TIS cyclingprogram in a coaching and team support role.Eleanor has recently returned from attendingthe Australian Track National Titles inSydney. Eleanor attended the TIS cyclingcamp in December 2006 and is currentlyundertaking Coaching Principles Level 2NCAS via correspondence through CyclingAustralia.

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Jack Penny


Josh Thorpe


Trent DeaconBelinda GossMatthew GossMark Jamieson Caleb ManionKarl MenziesLouise PadgettRyan Sullivan Sean SullivanBernard SulzbergerGrace SulzbergerWes SulzbergerSid TaberlayJosh WilsonCameron Wurf


Geoffrey CockBen CreeseEloise DuayDavid GuestSophie McCleodHamish McGregorEdward OckendenLucy OckendenMarcus RichardsonPatrick WardMatthew WellsEmily Wilson


Clint Freeman


Susan Dobson


Luke Jackson


Kate MollisonSam Norton


Ashlee DewhurstLaura Richards


Stephanie GrantPriscus Fogagnolo


Natasha Hardy


Mark StrochnetterRebecca Quail


Johanna AllstonGrace ElsonLouis ElsonRyan Smyth


Nick Behrens


Maggy Marshall

s cho lars h ip


ho lde rsNTC ROWING

Nick BakerSam BeltzDeon BirtwistleScott BrennanCarly CottamAnthony EdwardsMichael EganDana FaleticIngrid FengerShaun FinlaysonTom GibsonMegan HibbsJonathon HookwayKerry HoreKate HornseyBrendan LongAnthony MalesDominic MonypennyClaire ShieldMax SondermeyerBlair TunevitschSam WaleyCharlotte WaltersAdam WertheimerTaylor WilczynskiDavid WrightCameron Wurf


Daniel ColemanRyan Foster Graham HicksDonna MacFarlaneHamish PeacockKate PedleyTristan Thomas

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George BaileyBen HilfenhausBrady JonesScott NicholsTim PaineMatthew WadeJonathon Wells


Jocelyn BurnettCallum GuggerMichael HughesJoshua Parker-Sloan


Millie BennettLauren CarterChelsea ColemanAbbie FieldingSteffi GrendaEbony KeyganLauren MillerChloe MoultLucy NortonAmy SaundersJennifer TaylorJacqui Witt


Rebecca FosterCharles GardNicole HunterNykita MooreZoe OsterlohPierre RoperMadeline SwanRay Winstanley


Georgina CarswellEdward BourchierElla BourcherAlyssa HibberdNina KhouryAndrew RobertsAnna Wishink

Cameron Witt Dan HallJack Penny46


Hugh GreenwoodHollie GrimaCatherine GuestOlivia HowardBrooke HowellsJessie HumphriesTiri MasundaJoss MooneyDwayne RadcliffeBreanna RussellSarah WalkerRyan WilliamsCameron Witt


Thomas HislopBrad McDonaldJack ReiwoltdMitch Thorpe


Stewart BennettMathew FrenchDan HallCarol HurstBen Maynard

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To provide quality athlete and coachingservices which place Tasmania at the

forefront of elite sport

co rpo ratep lan

Goal No. 1

Goal No. 2

Goal No. 3

Goal No. 4

Goal No. 5

Goal No. 6

Goal No. 7

Goal No. 8

Goal No. 9



To provide leadership and qualityathlete end coaching services toTasmania’s talented athletes to

assist them to compete successfullyon the international stage

Strategic Plan 2005-2009

We will develop a culture of commitment and expectation forsuccess at the highest level.

We will participate in open and active relationships that clearlyarticulate the various roles and responsibilities of all partners andthat build effective pathways to excellence in sport.

We will develop and maintain links within education andemployment networks that encourage a flexible environment tosupport the balance between an athlete’s career and educationdevelopment and elite performance.

We will provide TIS athletes, coaches and staff with access totechnology that supports their performance at the highest level.

We will generate increased investment in elite Tasmanian sportthrough the TIS to maximise TIS athlete performance at theinternational level.

We will promote awareness and ensure that TIS athletes andcoaches adopt responsibility for a zero tolerance drugs-in-sportenvironment.

We will work closely with the TIS Board to facilitate best practicein all aspects of our operations.

We will help identified potential elite athletes overcome anyeconomic or geographic impediments to their performance.

We will work collaboratively with all partners to provide accessto, and development of, those world-class coaches who arecentral to the development of elite sport in Tasmania and to thefulfilment of TIS athlete potential.

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Mr Denis W. Rogers AOChairman

Mrs Anne Shield Mr Bill WoolcockDeputy Chairman

Mr Kevin Young

Mr Greg Johannes Mrs Julie Kay

Mrs Pip Leedham


board ofmanage me nt

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s taf f


DIRECTOR Paul Austen



TRAINEE Tegan Raabus











HOCKEY COACH Stewart Pither


ROWING COACH Darren Balmforth/Ron Batt

NETBALL COACH Tracey Robinson




ACE COORDINATOR Jamie Cox/David Newett


PHD STUDENT Matthew Driller

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r e p o r t2006-07


f i nanc ial

f u n d i n gScholarship Funds $487,000

Athlete & Coach Services $300,000

Consolidated Funds $707,280

Corporate/Trust Funds $77,500

Commonwealth Funds – Sports Programs $274,000

State Sporting Organisations $103,600

National Representatives $20,000

Total Funds 2006-07 $1,969,380

TIS Funding All Sources

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a l l o c a t i o n s

Sports Programs & Scholarships $1,060,600

Athlete Services $112,000

Sports Performance Unit $234,000

Athlete Career & Education $45,000

Talent Search $10,000

Operations $414,280

National Representatives Fund $20,000

Trust Funded Projects $69,000

Total Allocations 2006-07 $ 1,964,880


TIS Allocations 2006-07

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