PROJECT -2 GRADE – 10 Promoting A Country As A Tourist Destination. Unit Question: How does virtual environment influence us? Global Context: Personal and Cultural Expression.

Task Detailed Design Specification Bullet pointed list of what you want your final product to be- you need to explain each point Create a range of designs

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GRADE – 10Promoting A Country As A Tourist


Unit Question: How does virtual environment influence us?

Global Context: Personal and Cultural Expression.


Detailed Design Specification

Bullet pointed list of what you want your final product to be- you need to explain each point

Create a range of designs with annotation

Designs should be clearly annotated e.g. another person should be able create your product by looking at the designs

Present the chosen design and fully justify it

Fully explain why you have chosen a design. You need to relate this to your design specification.

Outline requirements for project

What do you need to complete the project e.g. resources needed

Developing Ideas


• How do I develop design ideas for my final product(Product Design)?

( Think about the different sections involved with the final product-a website, video, Magazine..etc)

I WILL BE ABLE TO:• Create basic designs for a Home page. • Create detailed designs for the Home page with justification.• Create detailed designs for the Home page with a clear link to

design specifications.

Criterion: Developing Ideas GC: Personal and Cultural Expression.

Good website sample

Bad website sample

ACTIVITY:You have 5 minutes to look at Think – Pair – Share activity sheet.

THINK – Write your own ideas of a webpage/magazine/video

PAIR – Sit with another peer and discuss more on how the product should be

SHARE –Your ideas to the class.

You now have to start your designs on A4 sized paper for each of the pages you will have on your website, magazine, video.