Target: Tobacco Target: Tobacco Family Health Dec. 9, 2013 Entry Task: What are 5 side effects from using tobacco products? Meet Bryan Lee Curtis.

Target: Tobacco Family Health Dec. 9, 2013 Entry Task: What are 5 side effects from using tobacco products? h?v=u_8BerrJg0M

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Target: TobaccoTarget: TobaccoFamily Health

Dec. 9, 2013 Entry Task: What are 5 side effects from using tobacco products?

Meet Bryan Lee Curtis.

Target: Tobacco WalkTarget: Tobacco WalkFamily Health

Dec. 10 Entry Task: What is a “carcinogen”? How many are found in a cigarette?

Meet Bryan Lee Curtis.

What’s Your Tobacco IQ?What’s Your Tobacco IQ?

At high doses, nicotine is a nerve poison.Chewing tobacco is safer than smoking

tobacco because no smoke gets into the lungs.

You can smoke for many years before you start to harm your lungs.

The smoke that escapes from a burning cigarette is dangerous to others.

The placenta protects a fetus from smoke in women that smoke during pregnancy.

Nonsmokers get fewer colds than smokers.

Tobacco FactsTobacco Facts More than 4,000 chemicals in cigarette smoke 40 are carcinogens Kills over 400,000 people in the US each year Each year, smoking kills more people than AIDS, alcohol,

drug abuse, car crashes, murders, suicides, and fires---combined!

The amount smoking costs society per year is $138 billion 75% of society DOES NOT smoke 80% of adult smokers started before the age of 18 Males are more likely than females to try smoking Secondhand smoke kills 3,000 non-smokers each year in

the US By the year 2025, 500 million people will die of tobacco-

related disease. That’s a Vietnam War every day for 27 years. That’s a Titanic every 43 minutes for 27 years. That’s one death every 1.7 seconds

One pack per day costs about $2920/year ($8/pk) which equates to almost $1.5 million dollars over 50 years

Terminology Terminology Nicotine

◦Highly addictive drug that is found in all tobacco products

Carcinogens◦Any chemical or agent that causes cancer

Tar◦A sticky, black substance in tobacco smoke that

coats the inside of the airways and that contains many carcinogens

Smoking and the BodySmoking and the Body

Nutrition CardsMorphic Teens Video

Dangers of Tobacco UseDangers of Tobacco Use1. Premature wrinkling skin2. Fires3. Cancer4. Heart Disease5. High BP6. Stroke7. Oral Disease8. Pregnancy risks9. Diabetes10. Obesity11. Mental retardation12. Clef palate13. Premature birth/death14. SIDS

Effects on the BodyEffects on the Body

If You QuitIf You Quit After 20 minutes your heart rate slows. After 12 hours the carbon monoxide in your blood returns

to a normal level. Between 2 weeks to 3 months your lung functions improve

and your risk of heart attacks declines. Between 1 to 9 months your coughing and shortness of

breath reduces. After 1 year your risk of a heart attack in one half that of a

smoker's. Between 5 to 15 years your risk of stroke is the same as

someone who does not smoke. After 10 years your risk of lung cancer is one half that of a

smoker's. After 15 years your risk of a heart attack is that of a non-


Resource: http://www.tobacco-facts.info/tobacco_withdrawal.htm

A Tobacco Free LifeA Tobacco Free LifeNever start and

you will…◦Be healthier◦Be richer◦Smell better◦Look better◦Taste your food

But if you do you need to stop here’s how…◦Set a date◦Set milestones◦Change your habit◦Get support