TAR. VOLUME XVI. , WARBEN COUNTY, N- J., THTJB8PAY, MAY 17,1883.: PROFESSIONAL. WM. A. BTBVKEB, Civil and Criminal Law Practitioner, : ,: ' . WASHINGTON.-IT .I.- 1 -- juultMy TOHN M. VAN DYKK, . Attorney and Counsellor at Law, \ Solidlor nml Mmlcrin Ohaucery, PI&M1T1TI0NER IN T11R UNI'I'KD STATES UOUBTS, /lm| all IW Co'urli of Xtit. .Tan). THE NEW PATENT. DUST-PROOF iSKPn II. WILSON, ' Solicilor in CbnMry, Commlssicrare '..';•;-.••; '- of Deeds. *-• • Office over FreenmnV CJlolliinK Store, eor- nerofMnr'mtond Water Bin., 'Bdvi- Jero.N. J.'TranMcts nil Imncbra of lcjol basinets. Bnroyly 0. OSMUK, •. RUROEOX nESriar, WnshlnRton, N. J. i With nil tlio latest improvements, I_nm ired to do first-class work. Fine lind extra Silver FilUogs at rcdnwrt )'assortment of the best American Watch Co. Wolthnm.Moas. Thin case Is formed in onp soliiV piece without joint or scam, opening \n front only, thusflvoid'ng the nsunl Cap, and securing greater BireiiRth nnd durability. ThcEO wntchoH arc nil open face. The, bezel, into whidi n» cxtni Htroiig crystal is fitted with an ospccally prepnvod wnter-i>™ol ce r, ment, is nttuclieil to the ense by ficrcmug it tlieroon, and thus formsnn air-tight June- tion with Uio body of tho case, which is proof ftBaiiiat iluat nml moisture. ! To rnUroad men, 'travuIeiB, mlnerff, lumbermen, ami others who aro almost c''* fitwitly exposed and who have to ma' J ™* quont refcrencp. to tho watch, thofl' 1" ftl ~ itioa nre or the utmost importance, Tin; lolIowiiiET K-llorntell t ielr VALDOBTA, GROROIA, July; "j "I sold one of your Patent l>nij-- llf>. Cnttftabout ten months aso.nnd r " ' ' I day it enmo back to me with if" 1 ' to'maUc it wind ensier. " "it tho stem v TJilslslicr shallow, nothing moro; Tlio eyes that wear no smile for mine, TUesllcntllpstiiat laughed bciow, Tlio hair without Us wave find salno, \ Ttils music tliataliowa no sparK ulvlne/, - ; Ffmv calm nnd coW it looks at mo I • *V ' Hcrcypswcreiullotahaiiciuiasun; i. look mat rippled like tlie sea Ac-mi whoso breast the ll&ht winds ruu- ** A t,lcam,i cloud, a tale begun. ;iil3l3tiiovcniiersoulputon : To lun the weary wr.ys of cnnli, nd whenlier brier, brtftlit race wns wu ; 81io laid It down bctido her hoartti, . \ worn-out inlng otliute worth. , JJI not stio that fronts me Here— ; •" viiij*spmWessaspect, Mill nnd cold: -. jicw licr fair, and Hwcct and dear; '. clinging girl, with heart ot gold, 'xd hanits tliat clasped wltU tender litrtd. _.a It ft ccntlo prophecy, 1 lili sliglit, transparent mould of clay. To let me loving round her son How Boon that soul mtut flit away,'' '. Thatfituiorod,paused, but innde no fltaj t 41 Not here, but risen." 01), angel Bong Still falllQK mill on Leartit thui weep 1 : Tills Is I!IQdead, whoso aalies ions Her Master's messengers shall keep , : Sato in earth's last, undreaming sice?. Uut B1IO who wore Uils mortnl gulso Hasfledbeyond our tearful Bight; Joyful and strong, serene and wise, Shu lives upon tbo lillla of light, And walla us on that heavenly height. -. T •; •• ;.":r;:;"'.' —jtoseTerryCot'lto.- : ATTHBBOXOFFICB. We stood within tho corridor; I hntl Just stepped Inside the roll , To get my tickets, when I siw Tho state of matters and turned palo— on new clothes throughout. . jirt.tvltliliertocomo: uroout,;' "Oil f" mid Miss Naomi Borai,' sonrlf, Bo you'ro Brother Benjamin's daughter, nro y o u ?" - ' ; ? ' . TLQ time waa ilvo o'clock, ot ft dreary arch Afternoon, tho bills frosted over wilh light fall of enow, like so mnny Twclltb Kigbt caitcs, tlio sky dappled with gray clouds, and s sharp wiod howling among thfl codnrs ond tamaracks of tho lonely. spot TbV plaoo was a comforUblclooking red brick homo at tlio " Crosa nonds," with a pleasant reflection of firelight behind ita car. tains, nnd tho emoll offriad potatoes and ham issuing forth, after a moet genial fash* Ion. Tho dramatlt ptnonm woro , H\si Naomi Borax, a mlddlc-nged lady "of n nhArp and acidalatod nppoamncf, who stood on Iho doorstop, blocking up tb« portals, nnd AToline, her nieco, a fair, drooping maiden of Bixtccn, with soft hazel-brown [ eyes, and a color softer than any hftlsam. '. 11 Yes," Avolino answered, glancing timidly up, " I om to como here. ^For a month." Jttss Naomi Eoras's 'conntonweo grow tarter than over, : 11 It's the first I've heurd of It," eaid sho, without evincing any particular degreo of pleasure. : \ "Didn't you gel wy cousin Clarissa'! letter?" eald Avcline, with a startled look. : "I'ro got no; letter,"; ea!d SIi« Pornx. "Kor no telegram. Nor no nothin' elsoT' " I am to como to you," reiterated Avo- lino. "For a month. Heaso lot mo go Into tho houso, Aunt Naomi. ' I am so cold tnd tirod, I hnvo walked all tho way from tha raUroad Btatlon I Oh, Annt Naomi, are yoa not glad to see me ?" Grudgingly enough, Miss Borax made wny for the slight, shiroriug figure to pass. " Benjamin'a daughter, indeed," eho muU her breath. " That's tho way I Relations get tired of But thej with panper relatlond, that I'd haroyoa Dn> dentand." ""'" "' ~"'~ r r r '"' Which romari: co stung Avelino that sho took CODUBCI of Mr. Archdalo.that very evening, whoa ho WM correcting bia boys' latin flxarcisM at the deBk In tho corner ot theBlttirg.room. ' " Isn't there an jlblu^ 1 : cuuld tlo r" saU iho. " I didn't know I was eo poor. But Aunt Naomi tribi mo that I am a panporl" " Don't be discouraged," said tbo yoang man, kipdly, "Ifthonorat comca to tho wont, £HB3 Borax can't turn yon oat of doors.", 'But It Is eo dreadful to be told of one'i own poverty and desolation," pleaded AT«. Une, -•.-.•'. ..:- ,••.:-..•• ..-.;. • • -. •; " I will wrilo to my cousin* la BOBton," said Archdalo. " Tboy aro soro to know D( some good situation for yon." " I would bo A honsamaMj* cried eager Avelino, "aoonor .thaa to sodnro Aunt loml's taunts." " Look here, Archdale," said tha clergy- toon, when Avelino had gone up to the room whore Grandfather Borax died, "tal» earel" . " Ot what 7" Raid Archdalo, In amazament "That girl has intentions on you 1" 11 Nonsense I" exclaimed tho teacher. "Shohas,, though," sold Mr. HymualL Evidently enough! Don't allow yourwlf t o b o e n f l n n r o r t , " ••- • - . . • ..- ..•," .• •-. - . .• -,- "• "Upon my word, Hymnnll," fiaid Mr. Archdalc, scarcely knowing whether to laugh or to bo Texed, " I think yon'aro crazy 1" , " I only warn yon in lime," said Mr. Hymnall, dryly. But at tho ond of a mouth, Avclino was tnora reconciled tc her lot. "It won't l>o for long," she said, cheet. f o l l y . - •••• . '•• : " I told you how it would bo," caid Mr. Kymnnll, to his friend. " Here you'vo been and thrown yourself - away on n ponnilcK girl liko that,:, when S^ntro Folmoath'fl danghtors aro returning hero from Europe, ,next tall." ; ^ look at inattera altogether j In o iid Archdato. "Say rather, inough to Bocuro for tho world, a ducal Oca hundred years ago tho brotbors MontgoUlor practically solved tho doubts which had previously exiatod as to tho pos- BiblUty of aerial navigation by man. Thoir balloons consisted essentially of enormous bags, which ascended in consequence of tlio lightness of tho boated air and omoko with which they wero filled, and their ascensWo power wan maintained by feoding tho fira which was carried in tho car as long aa wai desired, or an long us tho fuel lasted., The progress of chemical Bcienco soon enabled hydrogen, the lightest of all known gases, to bo mod instead of smoke, and the enor- mous BIZB of the balloon was reduced; but tho gaB was foind expensive to manufacture, and it poBSOflses a power of rapidly pnsBing through the tintiuo o( tho balloon. .Hcnco conl gun, which is cheaper aud leas diffusive, svas substituted, nnd morn than hnU n cen- tury ngn Iho balloon nnsumed its present charncter. Tho practical rCBults of balloon- ing have at prcneut hardly been coaimcm* Eurata with tha cspendituro of flciuuliQo effort, of money nnd of bnmiiu life, which its progress hn<i entailed. Franldin, ono of the most practical of nil philosophcre, re- plied, when aRltcd the uso of a balloon, that It rcsomblcd a new-born infnnt, it might becomo a mm. At presont, though 100 yenrsold, the balloon can hardly bo Bald to have attained maturity. In the hands' of the celebrated French savant, Guy ItiiEeac, U was mado Eubsorviont to tbo Hcionliflo Bnlorntion of Iho upper nir, nnd by ita means HcsRrfl, Coxwcll and Glaishcr havo enlarged tho boundaries of human 3;uow- ledge. It has ako been utilized in some military operations. But tho most uignal sorvico in which It has been employed was during the Beige of Paris, when it furnished Iho means by which tho inhabitants of the bclnnguorod city communicated with the world outsido tho Prussian lines, nnd by which they sent out the voyagcur pigeons that brought back to them thoutmudH of microscopic messagca which their enemy could llnd no means of intercepting. Few know tho extent to which tho bnlloon nnd pigeon post served tho exigencies of the rariBinus between September, 1870, nnd Jauuary, 18*1. No lflss than Bixly.four ins ascended from l'arbt, and, in nd- sixty-four aerounuttf, thfy ear. ~~ " " loty-ouo passengorB, of it eminent. Of Is of the j\t be- A KEAHDERIHC BROOK. levlorm four (to of Ilio Wnlc Holltoaiiy to Ilio riowei tiud It I wish I owued a farm just a few mUefl west of Cadiz Junction. I don't core a cent for tho farm, but tbero runs through It tho crookedest littlo brook you over tiff. The Star ltoiiuf business is straight ati tho Goldou Uulo in comparison with it. Crooked? It goes wandering thiough tho groen meadows as though all tho year wcro Juno find it had nothing to do but kill time and loiter about in shady nooks and sunny beaches. Crook- cd? .Not a silver-platedBbiner that flashes his glittering scales in tho sunlight down in tbo limpid ripples can tell whether he iu go- Ing up stream or down. Tho purplo-plumed Iron weed and tho bending golden rod bow- other with stutely graco across tbo singing brook, don't Jtnow whether thoy aro Ktandiug on oppoRite fliden, or, if thoy oc the samo side, which side it is. All tho wny across the meadow it plftjis hide and seek with itself, boxiug tho compass in its srrntio wauderitigs every hundred foot. It iuto tho meadow, I think, when tho wind nucmoncs wcro blooming in tho ico of iha hills that fringe tho farm. "Oh," my beautiful darlings," it eaid, " I will stay hero near you." Itnt/tho wild flowers passed away and tho violots opened their bluo oyea ind tho buttercups shouo iu tbo griWHca of thonicndiw. "Ibavelost my Bwecthoarts," said tho llcklolittle brook, "but the meadow is beautiful since you canio into it, and I will stay hero till you ure gone." And it turned again and loitered to tho north, whoro tho wind llovsrmi died, nnd eddied to tho east, where iv b;i:ik of violetx looked shyly down it him with tlicii- great purplo-bluo oyes, md ho Klrolled to tba south, wliero tho but. Icrciip^, noueabanheJ, laughed merrily in tiia gohlcu Ruiilight, and ho sauntered to tlio west, whero tlio wind rose, Rhivcriug u little, was trying on her new spring dress, which wni-ii'l loiiu onOLijjh yet to cover her round, wine-rod nrm3. Ami by mid byo tho violeti closed their dear bluo fljCK, and the butter cups fftilod, mid Iho poor litllo brook—who bad got buck nicely to tho plnco' whero ha mn umler tbe fence to '(jet into tho meadow when ho first daw tha llower—lippled slowly aver tn tlio wild rose nj;aiu, who was now is full dross and woro her lovely pink bonnet, nml lirul dusters of liuda all tho way down from her thront and filioulduru to hi waist, "All, me," ha murmured, "my friend-; nro yrrno, and I was going to ruu. to ilowu to tho sea find drown myself. Bu you nro so lovely I want to stay here, when [ may seo you." - And KOviolet nmV butter- laid nwiiy'. with' poor little blood breschoti', aud by this time that COMIC COMMEHTS. —Tho Bliatk'a complaintt "Odda &»K 'hat lackl ITero I bavo been following ' thta Bhlp for fivo Iioaru and all that's lam. blod ovorboani is an empty oardlno * box."— Flitgtndc Blatle. ;:•..., ; ;; • , —An agnbatio:: Professor—" Tho aguos- tiomay bo briefly-described as. tho,Know- ;, Bothtngist of philosophy. Passing that point, Miua : -may tell what Bho know* of senso perception." Miss——: "Pro." fossor, I am an agnoatic."—Yauar Mit, •-- —Tho newer arithmetic: It tattes twenty; blowB of n hammer in tho hnnda of a woman to drivo a ton-penny nail three Inches. She' misses tho nail twica whoro she- hita it onco. How many blows docs sho strike i s all, and; how far can hor voice bo heard whan she. strikes her thumb?—BetrtiiCFriiTreu.:'-' —Not enough to worryhlm: " I wish I •', knew what would prevent my food from dtav (ressing me," said Mr. Lymph. ' "Uy dear fellow,'Iexclaimed Fo^g, " c o m o and •'stop** awbilo at our boarding<house. I can assun you that all tho food yon B 6 ' there won'l distress you a particle."—Boston Tran. tcript. . . '. . '•.'.' \. '• '/.:..'. —Astronomical: ProfesBor— "My dear - madam, tho progress of modem astronomy; is astonnding. We know the distance be-( twcea tho BUU and the planets within a few thousand miles." Madam—" Vcs, profess, or; but think of It, that wo know even tho . uiiuien of nil thWii diritaut luiiiinariss."-' " Boston. Advertiser. ' . —Couldn't cheat him: "Tro dollar ant : half 1" oxclaimcd Oonnt Itamshocklo to the Niagara hackman, "dot was n BwiniHal", It's tho regular fare,'! said tho ba'pkman/'' but flioing it's you, I'll tako you for" three dollars and fifty cents." " Gootl" exclaim, od the count. " I t wns without boBsibilitie* to shoot mo 1"—Aeic York Commercial A<t> wrtiter. ' ; :. . —Even nil around: A butcher enters (« lawyer'8 oflico—"Sir," he askfl,; "when a" 3og does any datnago la not bis owner re- jponsibla ?" " Certainly " '. " That being tho case, as your dog has just carried off ft magnificent leg of mutton froca my shop, you owo me $2." " Kothing could bo inoro just," replied tho lawyer, "nnd fortunately, that is just the prico of tho consultation f have juBt givoa youl"—French Fun. { —To bo continued: A lady was visiting ono of her married friends who had rocontly presented her husband with pledge of ollec. tion No. 1. " What aro you going to name : tho baby ?" inquired tho visitor. " Wo era going to call her Mary Penelope Thauatop- BIB Ellon—not going to leave, aro you?" "Yes, I must gat homo in time (or tea; 1*11 f ull in ngain en?ly to-morrow morumg anil .beartlie rest of^ it."—Chicago Cheek. ••„-,:,':'• soliloquy: A'servnut piri ihed' by- her miatreBE-

TAR. - DigiFind-It · Tlio eyes that wea r no smile for mine, TUesllcntllpstiiat laughed bciow, Tlio hair without U s wave find salno, \ Ttils music tliataliowa no sparK ulvlne/,

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Page 1: TAR. - DigiFind-It · Tlio eyes that wea r no smile for mine, TUesllcntllpstiiat laughed bciow, Tlio hair without U s wave find salno, \ Ttils music tliataliowa no sparK ulvlne/,




Civil and Criminal Law Practitioner,: ,: ' . WASHINGTON.-IT . I . - 1 - -



Attorney and Counsellor at Law,\ Solidlor nml Mmlcrin Ohaucery,


/lm| (« all IW Co'urli of Xtit. .Tan).



' Solicilor in CbnMry, Commlssicrare'..';•;-.••; '- of Deeds. • *-• •Office over FreenmnV CJlolliinK Store, eor-

nerofMnr'mtond Water Bin., 'Bdvi-Jero.N. J . 'TranMcts nil Imncbra of

• lcjol basinets. Bnroyly

0. OSMUK,•. RUROEOX nESriar,

W n s h l n R t o n , N. J .i With nil tlio latest improvements, I_nm

ired to do first-class work. Finelind extra Silver FilUogs at rcdnwrt

)'assortment of the best

American Watch Co.W o l t h n m . M o a s .

Thin case Is formed in onp soliiV piecewithout joint or scam, opening \n front only,thusflvoid'ng the nsunl Cap, and securinggreater BireiiRth nnd durability.ThcEO wntchoH arc nil open face. The, bezel,into whidi n» cxtni Htroiig crystal is fittedwith an ospccally prepnvod wnter-i>™ol cer,ment, is nttuclieil to the ense by ficrcmugit tlieroon, and thus formsnn air-tight June-tion with Uio body of tho case, which isproof ftBaiiiat iluat nml moisture. !

To rnUroad men, 'travuIeiB, mlnerff,lumbermen, ami others who aro almost c''*fitwitly exposed and who have to ma'J ™*quont refcrencp. to tho watch, thofl' 1"ftl~itioa nre or the utmost importance,

Tin; lolIowiiiET K-llorntell t i e l r

VALDOBTA, GROROIA, July; „ " j"I sold one of your Patent l>nij-- l l f>.

Cnttftabout ten months aso.nnd r " ' ' Iday it enmo back to me with if"1 'to'maUc it wind ensier. "

" i t tho stem v

TJilslslicr shallow, nothing moro;Tlio eyes that wear no smile for mine,

TUesllcntllpstiiat laughed bciow,Tlio hair without Us wave find salno, \Ttils music tliataliowa no sparK ulvlne/, -

; Ffmv calm nnd coW it looks at mo I • • *V' Hcrcypswcreiullotahaiiciuiasun;

i. look mat rippled like tlie seaAc-mi whoso breast the ll&ht winds ruu-

** A t,lcam,i cloud, a tale begun.;iil3l3tiiovcniiersoulputon :

To lun the weary wr.ys of cnnli,nd whenlier brier, brtftlit race wns wu • ;81io laid It down bctido her hoartti,

. \ worn-out inlng otliute worth., JJI not stio that fronts me Here— ;

•" viiij*spmWessaspect, Mill nnd cold:- . jicw licr fair, and Hwcct and dear; •

'. clinging girl, with heart ot gold,'xd hanits tliat clasped wltU tender litrtd.

_.a It ft ccntlo prophecy,1 lili sliglit, transparent mould of clay.

To let me loving round her sonHow Boon that soul mtut flit away,''

'. That fituiorod, paused, but innde no fltaj t41 Not here, but risen." 01), angel Bong

Still falllQK mill on Leartit thui weep 1 :Tills Is I!IQ dead, whoso aalies ions

Her Master's messengers shall keep , :

Sato in earth's last, undreaming sice?.Uut B1IO who wore Uils mortnl gulso

Has fled beyond our tearful Bight;Joyful and strong, serene and wise,

Shu lives upon tbo lillla of light,And walla us on that heavenly height.

-. T •; •• ;.":r;:;"'.' —jtoseTerryCot'lto.-


We stood within tho corridor;I hntl Just stepped Inside the roll ,

To get my tickets, when I siwTho state of matters and turned palo—

on new clothes throughout. .jirt.tvltliliertocomo:


"Oil f" mid Miss Naomi Borai,' sonrlf,Bo you'ro Brother Benjamin's daughter,

nro y o u ?" - • • ' ; ? ' • • . •

TLQ time waa ilvo o'clock, ot ft drearyarch Afternoon, tho bills frosted over wilhlight fall of enow, like so mnny Twclltb

Kigbt caitcs, tlio sky dappled with grayclouds, and s sharp wiod howling among thflcodnrs ond tamaracks of tho lonely. spotTbV plaoo was a comforUblclooking redbrick homo at tlio " Crosa nonds," with apleasant reflection of firelight behind ita car.tains, nnd tho emoll offriad potatoes andham issuing forth, after a moet genial fash*Ion. Tho dramatlt ptnonm woro , H\siNaomi Borax, a mlddlc-nged lady "of n nhArpand acidalatod nppoamncf, who stood onIho doorstop, blocking up tb« portals, nndAToline, her nieco, a fair, drooping maidenof Bixtccn, with soft hazel-brown [ eyes, anda color softer than any hftlsam. '.

11 Yes," Avolino answered, glancing timidlyup, " I om to como here. ^For a month."

Jttss Naomi Eoras's 'conntonweo growtarter than over, :

11 It's the first I've heurd of It," eaid sho,without evincing any particular degreo ofpleasure. : \

"Didn't you gel wy cousin Clarissa'!letter?" eald Avcline, with a startled look. :

"I 'ro got no; letter,"; ea!d SIi« Pornx."Kor no telegram. Nor no nothin' elsoT'

" I am to como to you," reiterated Avo-lino. "For a month. Heaso lot mo goInto tho houso, Aunt Naomi. ' I am so coldtnd tirod, I hnvo walked all tho way fromtha raUroad Btatlon I Oh, Annt Naomi, areyoa not glad to see me ?"

Grudgingly enough, Miss Borax made wnyfor the slight, shiroriug figure to pass.

" Benjamin'a daughter, indeed," eho muUher breath. " That's tho way I

Relations get tired ofBut thej


panper relatlond, that I'd haroyoa }° D n >

dentand." ""'" "' ~"'~ r r r '"'Which romari: co stung Avelino that sho

took CODUBCI of Mr. Archdalo.that veryevening, whoa ho WM correcting bia boys'latin flxarcisM at the deBk In tho corner ottheBlttirg.room. '

" Isn't there an jlblu^ 1 : cuuld tlo r" saUiho. " I didn't know I was eo poor. ButAunt Naomi tribi mo that I am a panporl"

" Don't be discouraged," said tbo yoangman, kipdly, "Ifthonorat comca to thowont, £HB3 Borax can't turn yon oat ofdoors.",

'But It Is eo dreadful to be told of one'iown poverty and desolation," pleaded AT«.Une, -•.-.•'. . . :- ,••.:-..•• ..-.;. • • -. •;

" I will wrilo to my cousin* la BOBton,"said Archdalo. " Tboy aro soro to know D(some good situation for yon."

" I would bo A honsamaMj* cried eagerAvelino, "aoonor .thaa to sodnro Aunt

loml's taunts."" Look here, Archdale," said tha clergy-

toon, when Avelino had gone up to theroom whore Grandfather Borax died, " tal»earel" .

" Ot what 7" Raid Archdalo, In amazament"That girl has intentions on you 1"11 Nonsense I" exclaimed tho teacher."Shohas,, though," sold Mr. HymualLEvidently enough! Don't allow yourwlf

t o b o e n f l n n r o r t , " • • - • - . . • ..- ..•," .• •-. - . .• -,-

"• "Upon my word, Hymnnll," fiaid Mr.Archdalc, scarcely knowing whether to laughor to bo Texed, " I think yon'aro crazy 1", " I only warn yon in lime," said Mr.Hymnall, dryly.

But at tho ond of a mouth, Avclino wastnora reconciled tc her lot.

"I t won't l>o for long," she said, cheet.f o l l y . - • • • • . • '•• : •

" I told you how it would bo," caid Mr.Kymnnll, to his friend. " Here you'vo beenand thrown yourself - away on n ponnilcKgirl liko that,:, when S^ntro Folmoath'fldanghtors aro returning hero from Europe,,next tall." ;

^ look at inattera altogether j In oiid Archdato. "Say rather,

inough to Bocuro fortho world,

a ducal

Oca hundred years ago tho brotborsMontgoUlor practically solved tho doubtswhich had previously exiatod as to tho pos-BiblUty of aerial navigation by man. Thoirballoons consisted essentially of enormousbags, which ascended in consequence of tliolightness of tho boated air and omoko withwhich they wero filled, and their ascensWopower wan maintained by feoding tho firawhich was carried in tho car as long aa waidesired, or an long us tho fuel lasted., Theprogress of chemical Bcienco soon enabledhydrogen, the lightest of all known gases,to bo mod instead of smoke, and the enor-mous BIZB of the balloon was reduced; buttho gaB was foind expensive to manufacture,and it poBSOflses a power of rapidly pnsBingthrough the tintiuo o( tho balloon. .Hcncoconl gun, which is cheaper aud leas diffusive,svas substituted, nnd morn than hnU n cen-tury ngn Iho balloon nnsumed its presentcharncter. Tho practical rCBults of balloon-ing have at prcneut hardly been coaimcm*Eurata with tha cspendituro of flciuuliQoeffort, of money nnd of bnmiiu life, whichits progress hn<i entailed. Franldin, ono ofthe most practical of nil philosophcre, re-plied, when aRltcd the uso of a balloon, thatIt rcsomblcd a new-born infnnt, it mightbecomo a mm. At presont, though 100yenrsold, the balloon can hardly bo Bald tohave attained maturity. In the hands' ofthe celebrated French savant, Guy ItiiEeac,U was mado Eubsorviont to tbo HcionlifloBnlorntion of Iho upper nir, nnd by itameans HcsRrfl, Coxwcll and Glaishcr havoenlarged tho boundaries of human 3;uow-ledge. It has ako been utilized in somemilitary operations. But tho most uignalsorvico in which It has been employed wasduring the Beige of Paris, when it furnishedIho means by which tho inhabitants of thebclnnguorod city communicated with theworld outsido tho Prussian lines, nnd bywhich they sent out the voyagcur pigeonsthat brought back to them thoutmudH ofmicroscopic messagca which their enemycould llnd no means of intercepting. Fewknow tho extent to which tho bnlloon nndpigeon post served tho exigencies of therariBinus between September, 1870, nndJauuary, 18*1. No lflss than Bixly.four

ins ascended from l'arbt, and, in nd-sixty-four aerounuttf, thfy ear.

~~ " " loty-ouo passengorB, ofit eminent. Of

Is of thej\t be-


levlorm four (to of Ilio WnlcHolltoaiiy to Ilio riowei

• tiud It

I wish I owued a farm just a few mUeflwest of Cadiz Junction. I don't core a centfor tho farm, but tbero runs through It thocrookedest littlo brook you over tiff. TheStar ltoiiuf business is straight ati tho GoldouUulo in comparison with it. Crooked? Itgoes wandering thiough tho groen meadowsas though all tho year wcro Juno find it hadnothing to do but kill time and loiter aboutin shady nooks and sunny beaches. Crook-cd? .Not a silver-platedBbiner that flasheshis glittering scales in tho sunlight down intbo limpid ripples can tell whether he iu go-Ing up stream or down. Tho purplo-plumedIron weed and tho bending golden rod bow-

other with stutely graco acrosstbo singing brook, don't Jtnow whether thoyaro Ktandiug on oppoRite fliden, or, if thoy

oc the samo side, which side it is. Alltho wny across the meadow it plftjis hide andseek with itself, boxiug tho compass in itssrrntio wauderitigs every hundred foot. It

iuto tho meadow, I think, when thowind nucmoncs wcro blooming in tho ico ofiha hills that fringe tho farm. "Oh," mybeautiful darlings," it eaid, " I will stay heronear you." Itnt/tho wild flowers passedaway and tho violots opened their bluo oyeaind tho buttercups shouo iu tbo griWHca ofthonicndiw. "Ibavelost my Bwecthoarts,"said tho llcklolittle brook, "but the meadowis beautiful since you canio into it, and I willstay hero till you ure gone." And it turnedagain and loitered to tho north, whoro thowind llovsrmi died, nnd eddied to tho east,where iv b;i:ik of violetx looked shyly downit him with tlicii- great purplo-bluo oyes,md ho Klrolled to tba south, wliero tho but.Icrciip^, noueabanheJ, laughed merrily intiia gohlcu Ruiilight, and ho sauntered to tliowest, whero tlio wind rose, Rhivcriug u little,was trying on her new spring dress, whichwni-ii'l loiiu onOLijjh yet to cover her round,wine-rod nrm3. Ami by mid byo tho violeticlosed their dear bluo fljCK, and the buttercups fftilod, mid Iho poor litllo brook—whobad got buck nicely to tho plnco' whero hamn umler tbe fence to '(jet into tho meadowwhen ho first daw tha llower—lippled slowlyaver tn tlio wild rose nj;aiu, who was now isfull dross and woro her lovely pink bonnet,nml lirul dusters of liuda all tho way downfrom her thront and filioulduru to hiwaist, "All, me," ha murmured, "myfriend-; nro yrrno, and I was going to ruu. toilowu to tho sea find drown myself. Buyou nro so lovely I want to stay here, when[ may seo you." - And KO violet nmV butter-

laid nwiiy'. with' poor little bloodbreschoti', aud by this time



—Tho Bliatk'a complaintt "Odda &»K'hat lackl ITero I bavo been following '

thta Bhlp for fivo Iioaru and all that's lam.blod ovorboani is an empty oardlno * box."—Flitgtndc Blatle. ;:•..., ; ; ; • ,

—An agnbatio:: Professor—" Tho aguos-tiomay bo briefly-described as. tho,Know- ;,Bothtngist of philosophy. Passing thatpoint, Miua: -may tell what Bho know*of senso perception." Miss——: "Pro."fossor, I am an agnoatic."— Yauar Mit, •--

—Tho newer arithmetic: It tattes twenty;

blowB of n hammer in tho hnnda of a womanto drivo a ton-penny nail three Inches. She'misses tho nail twica whoro she- hita it onco.How many blows docs sho strike i s all, and;how far can hor voice bo heard whan she.strikes her thumb?—BetrtiiCFriiTreu.:'-'

—Not enough to worryhlm: " I wish I •',knew what would prevent my food from dtav(ressing me," said Mr. Lymph. ' "Uy dearfellow,'Iexclaimed Fo^g, "como and •'stop**awbilo at our boarding<house. I can assun •you that all tho food yon B6' there won'ldistress you a particle."—Boston Tran.t c r i p t . . . • '. . '•.'.' \. '• '/.:..'.

—Astronomical: ProfesBor— "My dear -madam, tho progress of modem astronomy;is astonnding. We know the distance be-(

twcea tho BUU and the planets within a fewthousand miles." Madam—" Vcs, profess,or; but think of It, that wo know even tho .uiiuien of nil thWii diritaut luiiiinariss."-' "Boston. Advertiser. ' .

—Couldn't cheat him: "Tro dollar ant :half 1" oxclaimcd Oonnt Itamshocklo to the

Niagara hackman, "dot was n BwiniHal",It's tho regular fare,'! said tho ba'pkman/''but flioing it's you, I'll tako you for" three

dollars and fifty cents." " Gootl" exclaim,od the count. "I t wns without boBsibilitie*to shoot mo 1"—Aeic York Commercial A<t>wrtiter. ' • ; :. .

—Even nil around: A butcher enters («lawyer'8 oflico—"Sir," he askfl,; "when a"3og does any datnago la not bis owner re-jponsibla ?" " Certainly " '. " That beingtho case, as your dog has just carried off ftmagnificent leg of mutton froca my shop,you owo me $2." " Kothing could bo inorojust," replied tho lawyer, "nnd fortunately,that is just the prico of tho consultation fhave juBt givoa youl"—French Fun. {

—To bo continued: A lady was visitingono of her married friends who had rocontlypresented her husband with pledge of ollec.tion No. 1. " What aro you going to name :tho baby ?" inquired tho visitor. " Wo eragoing to call her Mary Penelope Thauatop-BIB Ellon—not going to leave, aro you?""Yes, I must gat homo in time (or tea; 1*11 full in ngain en?ly to-morrow morumg anil.beartlie rest of it."— Chicago Cheek. ••„-,:,':'•

soliloquy: A'servnut piriihed' by- her miatreBE-

Page 2: TAR. - DigiFind-It · Tlio eyes that wea r no smile for mine, TUesllcntllpstiiat laughed bciow, Tlio hair without U s wave find salno, \ Ttils music tliataliowa no sparK ulvlne/,


t KtntoTH mi

EV:" " " " • : - . • . : • . •

tl.60 par Year, In

W.s)'.:? - o _ .„„, „,,„_„„'Hannah 'Simpson (irant, the mother

of Oeii; Ulysses Simpson flrnnt, died-on Friday, afternoon laal at 12.:JO.: o'clnek,.ai her rcsidence;:oi!a Bivoiii

p^pr'-"."'. 'l"."1!1" <li>ring,tlin:niomin.; de-^Potinga^portibnoftliqroreiiqiiiit'nMioI ; reading ofa lioVspajici-/, "Sim began

1.4 t 0 ( « ! weak about nooii 'and W' halffir past twelve passed away without paiS , 01"l without, previous illness. The

S^^y--»^«jrao:oii;atV^r;W(!);TCsiiii'cl',Cp;LTI!? ^''V'ees wero si'aipio, -onlv . rela-tives and intimate friends being pres-ent, and the Velvet'casket only" orna-mented by the six silver, handles. Tlw"mains wcro taken .by,.-the evening

[press to Cincinnati and iuteiTed inj>rihg Grove': Cemotory, nwhpre herushand; the rato"Jesso Itobt Grantiea buried.,'.Deceased wasnmember

of the Methodist, church. ' J •

,;A PIUUCUEB'SAVIFE Suoi.31'iio ivifo|l}ev.,E.-L.-:Stoddard,', of St. John's

'" lalichmch, Jersey City,' ls\ J.,cidontally shot and "killed nt

r home.or. Monday morning. SIioifrt-removing somo boxes from a

; closet, ivhon her husband's pistol fellfrom one of.the shelves aud caught

S i n L ° ^ L n i l ' - ;Sho turned quickly to.catch tho-weapon nnd-lir «6 doin™

bit itjagninst another shelf, which:'.- caused it'tu'iiipjpdo. The bullet en-

tered her hoi* behind the left ear•iui4-pae«cdj!irougli the brain.. J[r.

Stoddarfwas in the room" at thelime. She died in about an hour. :

Joe Brady, who was convicted onthe Clh inst. of being connected with

r s Phu>nix Turk murder, Dublin,: was officially executed in ' Hint cih-on Monday morning nt 8 o'clock.

••Brady's mother visited him on the" " I e n i n S P'wious and cautioned him

'^°. S ' v e the Government any in-i or she would disown himg Brady replied Iliatho was

Tho next morning ho»^;-r^-^-Jiitted to his/lite and wanjeeuted without throwing any lightion .the subject. T'

[•roil FOOT r.\ssKxiir.i:s.—P a regular meeting- of the trusleiw• :;;tl"e,.New York and lirooklviiKdgerhcld in tho bridgo ciffl

jdyn on Mondn

..Iccnse IIM been rcIitBcl 16 The' HotelW p o n n t Ocean Ueacli. •

"OTSO has l,«n rcteml t,. tl,u ||Olelline iionr Occnu Boaoli

^ »iiiiovcrj j Mini Of I \i rpvoi* i

S i l ' j)l"lo'1'.or'-l>»"l'«nn.': i» '"'-cane, t - * " " " ' " •1"Kl«>l*t Ir

fonrlcpn-\cnr-.ilil uirl nf" r throat will, n vaznr " "

wntly vrhllB I,, ,;,, ,l,,l i t i , ,mno will rocowr. -

rnilrnncl fntulitfm^lH 'il'u""irnit<il'KS<i,b\l!. lllill>S |;f l-flflll, Hill]


Songs Never Sung."ow IICM itmt,w»* nitir KDineliiliiii tlkumrtiii 'livru art1. Hlio tnilch ttio uifltlc itrlnir ,

. An'l noljy hmo li pronU io\\a h«m;M' f(,r Irim- who wha nover I-IIIL'Hut .IK- trlih u\l Uittr m»lo |n ihrW ".

" Vf«, il.ui> l)<>.iatltul, pathetic and true," nalill i r r=l'"l'ii "Tl


diiy re'-'I' n Hirer.

nlloiTnnr* ofjuj i

Co.,of.Vc,rV«k, »'({

mini ol tlinl j'lno'I h>iv« rinlrrcil v

ntinlr. Whicli rcmlnJ* i

m-rtliv Mr.fi.C. Willlan

Ji.vl inoUi.mnVl,i JO," nr.d


Iho Dr»'c . Tin HnRMtmhW

it B» Irnolliiiii; win tho mrvir Hlriru. 1 |myo lud c



• IIUOAII STltKKT, : , ; ""

Washington, NT.~J.


™™,ta,..«n,].r,.iirti,0 u.|,vf,S:Inroa uhtaiiM of life MoHi».-iiiuiii.|iiiw : ,1 |Ilin p m p t n y ni.il sli«lulj- injurinp iiitiwr.gr

Jlniy OoOrcj. ngnl Uii,-|r,.,,i.,,! X,,. 2ip,'\ an ;A oi-Kt Mivpt, .Iprsrvfilv u-w nlnln« ill i i i' ' "


\ an ;A oiKt Mivpt, .ln« ttilli ii ;v,»ui,.,.r

.»„!: .-VJ-OIIII^I. ..nm.,l linkliiil.«. , .

||\ •- " - • ,s •iinn><i m»m f*|t* u- « -"nunnit.inail h'ni,, ,,t IIMiln'l,,! uV,,i'r'»l«lion; Tnrs.lav afiu-nu,,,, ; T|i;. ,,, , 'atmck'lilw .„,, it,.', lineii, |-,,,,,.l'J,",. |,i,r ;HOftll. 11,1,1 his f,,o,, ,V,n ll.l.Hv ,.„[ |,7. i-.lt' •'' •KOll t lmiir talnno. • . •'•

A suit bronglit by lil.v (:. li,,,,..,, ,..,,,i,,..Iliobinger nlminrnolurlnc'Ua, I'.T iillimin ..Ural il,elr . . * ,al5i,,,Ml, ,,,r t lerdlct Tor lite pliuntin'ot 804,000. 1-i-i i|-

TS' fi .""""11"''" : ^The I'aMnio Oiiiiaty,,, Oran,l J i u i |,,,,!

r » the wrsdied comhiion in which t|u.

maintaining tlioir tracks in conrormitv «iillthe Rfittlo ol ihc ytroets. , " \-

An enpiiiooUlie X. V H fc \V j{ Bl l i « | wlilvr. ra»l lrain„(N^rfou'mllM

on Ilic Sill ui»t... .anil was b,ulh- wrookn.li lio enumo Inul just letl „ 8i,le

-3«-itdi, noil

was woopol lip by the engine of a loadcl« ; l Irani coming I,, „„ 0|.posilo ilirection.No one «™ linrt. lint lK,iUenBiniM will g,,into tlie repair slinp,

Thol/unhertvillo Wale, Company flia,procnrwl oao liuiidml catnlpa trees, someAuimcnn >,ee,,i,lg willo,™. l'lovsecheslnm,.slmita snilvincj, luil planlml them at tl,eracivoirs. 'i'lirj iroos'werc planted a anMpcrtment by the -Waler Ooinpanv n thoWicflliatlnnbontMvonjeai'tilociwiarcc» ™i, l Cro* tops anoufh lo cadi

rnrin-.li three i.|SlmM,| ralirnnil llr, wortl,abonl one ilolinr nicli.. .

-lire suit c.£ Mw. Ann .Smith oK,ii,isl theejr JerfcyMtdlnnil liaihca.l r,,?,lanne!»

J B inuedny i.n nis.-hl.-ni n. il,» iraiu („wlliclishl wn« ii,»i.«ras,.r m,o Snmia,'


tl tlii'-jnV

IVarren County Drug Storerails the attention of citizensof the great American Kepiib-l'c to iis- stock of Fishing.'•fiicklc.'--. liaml)oo poles at 25•.Tilts ; jointed rods from 25cents to $5 ; reels from 20cents to $2.25 ; bait boxes,pocket scales, clog whistlesand quite some several nu-merous other things. Visitorsfrom Texas and Arizona willreceive especial attention.

. . , . ' . — AM. KI.VIIS or— , -:."


2^*Al^kin,in ot'work done, i n ^ ^ J

—IX A I.I. ITS Illl.lXOIinS—

Artistically and Proiiilitiy ^ ^


-ilili .Mt:r!i;t..u , i-1 iinnni;. '

KKST FAIJILITIBS A-MA0HIXKHYf1'l';Vwi:Mt*^^jyjbM«itePl_BnilliMrl«MiDonii.

Great Excitement—AT—


McOrnokoR at Washington, NewJersey, has liis depository near-

ly filled with lino carriagesof the latest style— .-

PIANO BOX BODIES,Dcxtcv*Queen, Elliptic *Brcunier Sidebar. Swede

:SfeeI, Oil-lempered.Sl'IUSiGS, and



^Dealers in Hardware,XO..4 IlltOtn HTBF.ET, UANlil


[The reason why we can offer speciaLinducements to our••-.•.-. .trons is our carrying nearly $200,000 w o t f ' ' - " ^

merchandise in our Qj-—' - '

^ ^ ^ l t u r a l l l a p l e m ^ t s ,

[The LargestStock of j j j jThel

1 - ' ' ; • . ' : ' . _