Tangible Business Process Modeling - ECDTRecdtr.hpi-web.de/resources/pdf/phd_tbpm_luebbe.pdf · Universität Potsdam Hasso Plattner Institut Business Process Technology Group Tangible

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  • Tangible Business Process Modeling

    Alexander Lbbe

  • Universitt PotsdamHasso Plattner Institut

    Business Process Technology Group

    Tangible Business Process ModelingDesign and Evaluation of a Process Model Elicitation Technique

    Alexander Lbbe

    Dissertationzur Erlangung des akademischen Grades

    Dr. rer. nat. in der Wissenschaftsdisziplin "praktische Informatik"

    November 2011

  • Abstract

    Business process modeling is the act of making explicit organizational knowl-edge about working procedures. Process models are diagrams that communicateactivities, their routing order, documents, and responsibilities in visual graphs.

    Process models are created by modeling experts, such as business analystsand consultants. Experts of the domain, e.g. clerks and managers, share theirknowledge in interviews and workshops but the process model ultimately embodiesthe understanding of the modeling expert, the creator of the model. Possiblemiscommunication between domain and modeling expert results in serious con-sequences because process models often define future strategies and are used asblueprints in software-engineering projects.

    This thesis introduces a new modeling technique which puts process modelinginto the hands of the domain experts. The technique consists of a tool and methodguidance for the tool application in group modeling workshops. The tool is a setof inscribable plastic shapes that is used to create process models on a table. Themethod guidance is a collection of best practices for modeling experts conductingworkshops with domain experts.

    This research investigates the new technique in exploratory studies, a laboratoryexperiment, and field research. The first studies explore the act of process modelingwith the new tool. The laboratory experiment assesses hypotheses about the effectof the tool within individuals. For the field research, we team up with practitionersto develop the method guidance and compare the technique to existing workshoptechniques in real conditions.

    Moreover, this thesis contributes principles for modeling with domain expertsbased on literature research. The laboratory experiment compares the new tech-nique with structured interviews. It shows that people modeling with the newtechnique are more engaged with the elicitation task and have more fun. Further-more, they build more understanding for the process. And finally, they reviewand correct the model more often leading to more validated modeling results. Thefield studies with consultants contribute best practices for modeling workshopswith the new tool. We also contribute a discussion to characterize situations thatbenefit from the new modeling technique. The field studies showed, that thenew workshop technique is competitive in productivity and result to establishedsoftware-supported modeling workshops.

    This thesis focuses on the design and evaluation of a modeling technique thataddresses the limited involvement of domain experts in current process modelingpractice for the case of software requirements engineering. The idea was adaptedto more fields of application. We conclude with an overview of these fields and adiscussion on the broader applicability of the research findings.

  • Zusammenfassung

    Geschftsprozessmodellierung ist eine Mglichkeit das Wissen in einer Organisationsichtbar zu machen. Prozessmodelle sind Diagramme, die Aktivitten, derenReihenfolgebeziehungen, Dokumente und Zustndigkeiten veranschaulichen.

    Prozessmodelle werden von Modellierungsexperten erstellt, bspw. von Analystenoder Beratern. Die Fachexperten, bspw. Sachbearbeiter oder Abteilungsleiter,teilen ihr Wissen ber den Prozess in Workshops oder Interviews, aber letztlichspiegelt das Prozessmodel das Verstndnis des Modellierers wieder. MglicheMissverstndnisse in der Kommunikation fhren zu folgenschweren Fehlern, dennProzessmodelle werden unter anderem als Orientierung bei der Konfiguration vonUnternehmenssoftware genutzt.

    Diese Dissertation fhrt eine neue Modellierungstechnik ein, die es den Fach-experten ermglicht, Prozessmodelle selber zu gestalten. Die Technik bestehtaus einem analogen Werkzeug und Anwendungshinweisen zur Modellierung mitFachwendern in Workshops. Das Werkzeug zur Modellierung sind beschreibbare,postkartengroe Platten die zusammen mit Stiften genutzt werden, um Prozesseauf dem Tisch zu erstellen. Die Anwendungshinweise sind pragmatische Vorgehen-stipps fr Modellierungsexperten, die Fachanwender beim Modellieren mit demWerkzeug untersttzen.

    Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht diese neue Modellierungstechnik durch ex-plorative Studien, einem Laborexperiment sowie durch Feldforschung. Die erstenStudien erproben das Modellieren mit dem neuen Werkzeug in unterschiedlichen Sit-uationen. Das Laborexperiment testet Hypothesen ber die Effekte des Werkzeugsauf Individuen. In der Feldforschung arbeiten wir mit Modellierungsexperten ausder Praxis zusammen, um pragmatische Anwendungshinweise zu entwickeln undunsere Modellierungstechnik mit etablierten Techniken zu vergleichen.

    Beitrge der Dissertation sind u.a. eine Reihe von Grundstzen fr die Model-lierung mit Fachanwendern, die basierend auf bestehender Literatur entwickeltwurden. Das Laborexperiment ergab, dass Anwender mit bei der neuen Model-lierungstechnik engagierter sind, indem Sie der Aufgabe mehr Zeit widmen. Sieprfen und ndern das Modell auerdem fter, was zu strker geprften Modellenfhrt. Zudem berichten die Anwender mehr Spa an dieser Art der Prozes-saufnahme zu haben und ein tieferes Verstndnis fr den Prozess zu entwickeln.Verglichen wurde im Experiment die neue Modellierungstechnik mit strukturierenInterviews. Darber hinaus diskutiert diese Dissertation Bedingungen, unter denender Einsatz der neuen Modellierungstechnik lohnt. In der Feldforschung hat sichunter realen Bedingungen gezeigt, dass die neue Modellierungstechnik nicht hinteretablierten Methoden zurck steht bezglich der Produktivitt und erzieltemErgebnis.

    Die Arbeit konzentriert sich auf Entwicklung und Bewertung einer neuen Mod-ellierungstechnik fr einen konkreten Anwendungsfall: Prozessmodellierung frdie Softwareentwicklung. Die entwickelte Modellierungstechnik wurde fr weitereEinsatzgebiete adaptiert. Die Arbeit schliet mit einem berblick ber alternativeEinsatzgebiete und einer Diskussion der bertragbarkeit der wissenschaftlichenErgebnisse.

  • Acknowledgements

    I owe this work to some extraordinary people that supported, challenged andpushed me. Thank you all for contributing to this research.

    In particular, Im grateful to my students Markus Guentert and Karin Telschowfor their close support throughout my research. They helped to setup, run, andevaluate studies. They mirrored my observations and became involved far beyonda normal student job. Their support made such a multitude of studies possible atall.

    I thank Jonathan Edelman for his inspiration and friendship. He was the firstto propose plastic tiles to model processes on a table. Every conversation withhim helped me to leap forward in my research and personal development.

    This research was funded by the HPI-Stanford Design Thinking Research Pro-gram and it was made possible by Prof. Mathias Weske at the Business ProcessTechnology Research Group. Im grateful to Mathias Weske for his support inall belongings, wether scientifically or personally. He significantly helped me todevelop my potential.

    Like Mathias Weske, my reviewers Larry Leifer and Roel Wieringa shaped myview on this research. They enabled me to see my research from different scientificangles. I owe a debt of gratitude to their advice.

    This thesis would only be half completed without two brave man: Rdiger Molleand Claas Fischer are the BPM experts collaborating with us during the actionresearch studies. They were confident enough to apply an untested technique forreal and allowed us to observe them. Their personal commitment to the idea madeit happen. Im grateful to their professional feedback and friendship.

    Many more people contributed to the success of this work. This thesis is for allof you! One person is special after all, my wife Anna. Her interest in my work andbrilliance in judgement made an outstanding contribution to this thesis. Thankyou!

  • Contents1. Introduction 1

    1.1. The world from a process perspective . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.2. Processes in information technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31.3. Existing process elicitation techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 51.4. Research objective and goals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81.5. Research framework and research methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91.6. Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101.7. Publications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111.8. Outline of this thesis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

    2. Related research 152.1. Review studies on requirements elicitation techniques . . . . . . . . 152.2. Research on process group modeling techniques . . . . . . . . . . . 162.3. Empirical research on business process modeling . . . . . . . . . . 172.4. Cognitive theories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192.5. Design research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202.6. Principles for model building with domain experts . . . . . . . . . 212.7. Summary of findings from related research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

    3. Building the TBPM toolkit 233.1. Initial prototyping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233.2. The tangible business process modeling toolkit . . . . . . . . . . . 263.3. Study 1: university assistants using TBPM, Post-Its, or structured

    interviews . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283.4. Study 2: IT students modeling computer setup . . . . . . . . . . . 303.5. Study 3: hospital doctors modeling clinical pathways . . . . . . . . 323.6. Summary of Findings from prototypes and exploratory studies . . 34

    4. Controlled experiment with individuals 374.1. Experiment planning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374.2. Experiment execution and data collection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 464.3. Data analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 474.4. Interpretation of results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524.5. Summary of findings from the experiment with individuals . . . . . 57

    5. Field research with groups 595.1. Action research method . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60


  • Contents

    5.2. Study1: Iterating the group modeling setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . 615.3. Study2: Comparing workshop techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 665.4. Methodological guidance condensed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 725.5. Critical discussion of action research findings . . . . . . . . . . . . 745.6. Summary of findings from field research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76

    6. Fields of application 796.1. Domain experts in process elicitation workshops . . . . . . . . . . 806.2. Educating business process modeling experts . . . . . . . . . . . . 816.3. User researchers simulating costumer experiences . . . . . . . . . . 826.4. Design thinkers ideating future services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 836.5. Strategy and service design consulting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 846.6. Summary of application fields . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85

    7. Conclusion 877.1. Research objective and goals revisited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 877.2. Research Methods revisited . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 887.3. Overview of Findings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 897.4. Contributions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 907.5. Further research opportunities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 907.6. Concluding discussion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91

    Bibliography 94

    A. Appended material 103


  • 1. Introduction1.1. The world from a process perspectiveProcesses are sets of interrelated tasks and their dependencies. They exist every-where in our environment. Whenever you play a game, buy groceries, or tie yourshoes, you carry out a process. When observing carefully, you can identify smallersteps that are performed in coordination to reach the overall goal. Processes arenot necessarily being made explicit but they exist implicitly as things are done.Being process-aware is a way to view the world. When you take this view thenprocesses are ubiquitous.

    Process models. When making implicit processes visible, one can describe themas a model. By model, we refer to the term of a scientific model: an abstractrepresentation of the real world [128]. That means the model omits many aspectsin favor for a simplified understanding of the core aspects. A process model at itscore describes the steps taken and their order of execution. This can be enrichedwith further details such as the information processed or the output producedby that process. Process models are used to describe chemical reactions [127],scientific data analysis [78] or the work procedures in organizations [74].

    Business process models. The work that organizations perform is captured inbusiness process models. Business processes create value for the organization.The business process models capture how this value is created. They consist ofactivities executed in coordination within an organization to realize a businessgoal [147]. Order relationship between model activities is captured as controlflow [118]. Business process models may also depict the information [116] or theresources [117] required in order to perform the process.

    When organizations grew in size, it became more relevant to make businessprocesses explicit in business process models in order to manage them [126].While organizations are functionally structured, the business processes span acrossmultiple functional divisions. As an example, an organization might be divided intoorder management, manufacturing, shipping, and accounting. When a customerorders a product, an order is placed, a build order is created, the product getsshipped and invoiced. The customer does not see the internal structure of theprocess but judges on the outcome, the time and quality of the delivered product.Business process models are used to analyze, communicate, and improve theinternal flow of work within organizations.


  • 1. Introduction

    First attempts to introduce a common visual notation for business processmodels can be traced back to Frank B. Gilbreth in 1922 [46]. Gilbreth proposedprocess charts, today also known as flow charts. This notation was used andfurther refined in organizations throughout the 20th century [9]. When the termprocess is used in this thesis, we always refer to business processes. In somecommunities, this is synonym to the term workflow [76, 74]. It refers to the setof tasks in an organization performed in coordination to reach a goal. For us theterm workflow and business process is the same but we mainly use process forshort.

    Stakeholders in business process modeling. People that perform tasks in businessprocesses are described as resources [117] in a process model. They are notnecessarily aware of the processes they participate in because they get assigneda small part of it, such as the shipping of products in a large manufacturingcompany. We refer to them as the domain experts. They are the people that workin the process every day. They know the details crucial to successful realization ofprocess steps.

    Visualizing process knowledge is the job of business process modeling experts,short BPM experts. They know how to elicit process knowledge and have typicallyreceived special training in using a particular modeling notation. Some are evencertified by organizations that define standards for process modeling1. In any case,they are experienced in conceptualizing other peoples knowledge into businessprocess models.

    Many more people have a stake in business process modeling, e.g. the managersthat gain an overview about the current state of the business operations and decideabout alternative future ways of working. Furthermore, public accountants auditwhether processes are performed as defined in the organizational handbook andas required by legislation. Finally, software engineers have become an importantstakeholder in business process modeling. When work shall be automated insoftware systems the business process models describe how systems and peopleinterlink.

    Business process models are mission critical: one specific case. LISA corp. was afederal funding agency at which legitimate environmental projects applied toreceive funding. LISA assessed projects, paid funding, and claimed refund fromEuropean authorities.

    In 2006, LISA decided to purchase new software to support their core processes.They hired an external consultant a BPM expert to prepare a call for tenders.The consultant performed interviews with clerks from LISA, the domain experts.As a result, he created a set of business process models describing how LISA corp.will work in the future given new software. The process models were used as partof the requirements definition in the call for tender.

    Software solution providers applied based on these requirements. The softwarecompany with the best offer was asked to implement one representative business



  • 1.2. Processes in information technology

    process as a proof of concept. Finally, the software was bought and installed. Asoftware consultant configured the new software system according to the processmodels and the software went productive in 2008.

    In this case, the process models were part of the requirements engineering,they were part of the sales process in the call for tenders, they also becamepart of the software documentation after configuration according to the processmodels. Finally, the process models were used in the organizational handbook todocument the work of LISA. People that based their work on these models becamestakeholders. Those are the clerks and the head of LISA corp., the sales personsat the software companies, and the software consultants implementing the proofof concept and the final system. They all relied on the process models.

    Unfortunately, there was a small glitch in the models: payments could go tonon-legitimate projects because not all prerequisites were adequately checkedneither by the clerks nor by the software system. Nobody recognized the problemuntil another stakeholder found out, the auditor from the European funding agency.LISA corp. did not receive further refund for already funded projects. In 2010,LISA corp. went out of business.

    Besides mistakes that might have happened on the way, it all started withmiscommunication between two stakeholder groups, the domain experts and theBPM expert. Capturing knowledge in process models is a critical task but it isonly half accomplished if the process models are not understood and validatedby the domain experts, the knowledge carriers. Further steps, rely on accurateprocess models as input. Flaws in process models get amplified when the processis implemented using information technology.

    1.2. Processes in information technologyWhen the first mainframe computers were introduced to organizations, the businessprocesses were largely affected by the new opportunities provided with informationtechnology (IT). The potential of information technology could only be leveragedif the business process and IT design go together [59]. Therefore the IT expertshad to understand the business operations and match them with the potentialof latest technology. In 1993 Hammer and Champy proposed to reengineer thecorporation by setting up mixed teams of domain and IT experts [59]. Each teamwould redefine and implement one business process by leveraging the potentials ofinformation technology. At that time, all larger companies performed reengineeringprojects in which traditional work was (partially) automated with software andbusiness processes were redefined as a result. At latest at that point, businessprocesses were no longer an organizational topic alone but became a topic insoftware engineering as well [141].

    Build to change. Today, software systems are a crucial infrastructure in organiza-tions. Some software systems perform one specific functional task, e.g. accountingor item tracking. Others interface with various functional systems to coordinate thework performed in the software system landscape, called process-aware information


  • 1. Introduction

    systems [33]. These systems are configured with formal process definitions. Theseare business process models that contain the information required to be executedby a computer, analogue to a programming language.

    This has been made possible due to formal advancements in business processmodeling [147], model verification algorithms [143] and standardized serializationformats [99]. Software that is configurable with process models enables moreflexibility. Earlier, the process and the IT system were implemented together.Now, one can keep the software system and change the process based on itsdescription. That lowers costs and accelerates the time to adoption [126]. It isalso a corner stone for the transformation of business knowledge to software. Themodel that describes the business operations gets refined until it is executable bya computer.

    There are more ways of using business process models in IT. Indeed, most processmodels in that domain serve as requirements documents in software implementationprojects. They are created to better understand the business context in which thesoftware is going to be used. This allows locating the functionality in a processmodel and to better support the flow of work with the software system.

    Process modeling languages. A large variety of business process modeling languageshas been created in the last two decades, e.g. UML Activity Diagrams [32], WS-BPEL [99], EPCs [67], BPMN [99] or YAWL [142].

    Modern process modeling languages capture control flow, data flow and resourceallocation [118, 116, 117]. In other words, they depict ordering relations betweenactivities, information that is processed, and people or systems to perform theactivities in the process. More technical modeling languages additionally captureexception handling and compensation [99, 56]. These aspects are relevant forsoftware executed processes and they are not necessarily communicated withdomain experts. Until recently, there was even a distinction between organizationaland technical process models. For example BPEL [99], the most successful standardfor process automation yet, does not even have a graphical notation. It was designedfor business process automation not for communication with domain experts. Thisparadigm is changing. Organizational models can be transformed or refined totechnical models. An integrated tool-chain is envisioned from organizational totechnical processes. At present, two process modeling languages stand out becausethey are the most commonly used in practice [153, 119], EPC [67] and BPMN [64].

    The Event-driven Process Chain (EPC) was introduced in the 1990s by IDSScheer. It was bundled with a holistic organizational modeling concept and backedup by sophisticated software tooling to create, analyze and distribute models.Thus, it found wide adoption in organizational modeling and became the dominantstandard of the turning century. EPCs are not meant for process automation,but the models capture IT systems utilized in the process making it a suitableinput for software requirements engineering. Moreover, the tooling later enabledthe creation of BPEL [99] skeleton source code from EPC models that could befurther refined to executable BPEL processes.

    In 2004, an industry consortium around software vendors started standardiz-ing [64, 54, 55] the Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN). The aspiration


  • 1.3. Existing process elicitation techniques

    was a modeling language suited for business users and the configuration of soft-ware systems alike. While the graphical notation is inspired by the well-adoptedflowcharting notations [9], the execution semantics is based on BPEL [99]. Thiscombination created a language suited for communication among stakeholdersand the configuration of IT systems. The latest version from 2011 adds formalexecution semantics and a standardized exchange format [56]. A large consortiumof industry vendors, e.g. IBM, Oracle and SAP, pushes BPMN. More than 70software tools are listed as supporters2 of this new standard by now. It is a leapforward towards interchangeable process-based software configuration. Unlike theother technically spawned languages, it is also well adopted by the business unitsbecause it is based on the already popular flowcharting notation [9]. Finally, thereis a chance for one modeling language shared by all stakeholders.

    Shared understanding. Business process models are used to ease communicationamong stakeholders. They can build a shared understanding of the work procedures,such as the path from ordering to shipment of goods. This becomes more importantas models are used as requirements documents for software engineering projectsor even as configuration for IT systems. BPMN [56] enables one streamlinedmodeling language for business units, IT units, and software configuration.

    As process modeling languages become more sophisticated, more expert knowl-edge is required to master them. Domain experts occasionally involved struggleto understand the various notational elements and concepts that are embodiedin modern process models. If models are not properly understood and validatedby the domain experts, misunderstanding leads to wrong implementations down-stream in the software engineering project [106]. We illustrated this in section 1.1by example. LISA corp. went out of business because domain experts were notproperly involved in shaping and validating a process model that was later onused to automate core processes of the organization.

    LISA corp. is one example why process modeling the act of creating modelsbased on a shared understanding is a crucial task. This thesis investigates the actof process modeling as the task of creating and validating shared understandingwith domain experts.

    1.3. Existing process elicitation techniques

    Business process modeling experts (BPM experts) acquire the process knowledgeabout an organization in interviews and workshops from the domain experts. Thisactivity is refered to as process elicitation. Choosing the method of elicitation isup to the preferences of the BPM expert, his/her knowledge about the domainto be modeled, and the resources available for the project. We describe typicalsituations for process elicitation in the following subsections.

    2http://www.omg.org/bpmn/BPMN_Supporters.htm last checked october 2011.


  • 1. Introduction

    1.3.1. (Un)structured interviewsAn interview is a one-to-one situation. It can be structured with questions tobe answered or held as an open (unstructured) conversation. The BPM expertmeets a domain expert to elicit information about the process. If many people areinvolved in the process, multiple interviews need to be conducted. After a set ofinterviews, the BPM expert consolidates his/her understanding of the situationinto a process model that describes how a particular part of the work is performedin this specific organization. A process model is created after the interviews basedon the notes and understanding of the BPM expert. In some cases, the resultingmodel is discussed with the domain experts for validation.

    Pro: This elicitation technique is highly efficient if the BPM expert alreadyknows the domain, the terminology, and the standard process to be elicited. Theinterviews can be reduced to a minimal set of questions that work out the differencesto the anticipated standard process. For example, a BPM expert specialized inlogistics may know all variations of the goods-receipt-process. He questions thedomain experts to verify his/her understanding and proposes a tailored standardprocess.

    Contra: Interviews assume that the BPM expert and the domain experts sharethe same terminology and background. If this is not the case, interviews bear ahigh risk for misunderstandings, which may even result in companies crashing,such as in the case of LISA corp. in section 1.1. If domain experts make varyingstatements during interviews, further interviews are required to resolve conflictingviews among the domain experts. That delays the elicitation process and createsextra work for the BPM expert.

    1.3.2. Software-supported workshopsA workshop is a group situation with at least one BPM expert and multipledomain experts in the same room. The BPM expert moderates a discussion aboutthe process to be elicited. The participants ideally interact with each other tocreate a shared opinion. Notes might be produced to collect process-relevantinformation. The process model can be created based on these results. Mostcommonly, the process model is created during the workshop with a software-basedmodeling tool. Therefore an additional BPM expert participates, the software tooloperator. He translates the discussions into a process model on the fly. The modelis simultaneously projected to a wall so that it can be reviewed by the workshopparticipants.

    Pro: Workshops are best suited for situations in which the process model creationrequires discussion among the domain experts, e.g. for future process designs.Participants can negotiate the process during the workshop. Using modelingsoftware, a digital process model is created as the immediate workshop result. Theintermediate model can serve as a reference point during the discussion. It can be


  • 1.3. Existing process elicitation techniques

    reviewed together and changed based on comments from the workshop participants.Finally, the digital process model can be shared easily with all participants afterthe workshop.

    Contra: This workshop technique requires a team of two BPM experts well-practiced in those workshop situations. One BPM expert moderates the group; theother one is the tool operator that creates the process model. The tool operatoralso takes design decisions. Thus, the model actually reflects his/her understandingof the discussion. The participants can demand changes if they understand whatthe model means but they have to explain the changes to the tool operator again.In other words, the participants have to channel their input through the tooloperator which slows down the creative process [131]. Direct interaction with theprocess model is not possible.

    Finally, creating a model together is supposed to foster a shared view but limitedscreen resolution of standard projectors makes it hard to keep an overview of themodel for the workshop participants.

    1.3.3. More workshops stylesA range of methods exists to facilitate process elicitation in workshops. We mentiontwo more extreme cases to complement the picture. Yet, they are not as commonas the ones mentioned above.

    Brown-paper workshops. Using paper taped to a wall, markers, and Post-Its, agroup can work together on the information relevant for the process. This is atraditional workshop experience with all participants working together on oneresult. This is sometimes referred to as Metaplan3 process modeling becausethe company provides workshop material including activity shapes for pinboards.The result is typically not a BPMN or EPC conform process model, thereforetranslation of the gathered information into a proper process modeling languageis required.

    Collaborative software process modeling in workshops. In this case, the workshopparticipants directly work with a software tool to map out information. In around-based game, first activities, later routing orders, are defined. Results fromone round are rated by the other participants. The highest rated result is thestarting point for the next round. The tool and method is inspired by game theoryand assumes that people enjoy the competition and the work with the computerin the workshop. This technique is ongoing research[113]. We discuss it in moredetail in the related work section 2.2.

    1.3.4. Problem analysis for existing process elicitationIn the most common scenarios used for process modeling interviews and software-supported workshops the process model is created by BPM experts. The domain



  • 1. Introduction

    experts have only limited influence on the process model creation. They arequestioned but not engaged when their statements are translated into the actualprocess modeling notation. There is a barrier for the participants to engage withthe process model directly, e.g. because the model is created offside when thedomain expert is not present. If the model is created during workshops it isguarded by additional expert knowledge, the software tooling. BPM experts usesophisticated software tools, such as ARIS4, which require additional training andexpertise. The participants have to channel their input through the tool operatorinto the model.

    Given the relevance of the process models, e.g. as input for software engineeringprojects, it is crucial that domain experts can express their knowledge properly inprocess models. They have to read, understand and question it. Misunderstandingslead to approval of immature models or refusal of correct models. Immaturemodels cause effort in later stages when they meet reality. Refused models lead toadditional effort to explain the model and establish a shared view.

    Less common approaches, like brown-paper workshops or software modelinggames, engage the domain experts to shape the information in the model. However,brown-paper workshops do not produce a proper process model. Again, the modelis created separate from the elicitation in the workshop. The collaborative softwareprocess modeling game solves this problem, but it has another strong assumption:domain experts enjoy working with computers in workshops. This assumptionmight not hold for all audiences, e.g. those that do not work with computers intheir daily job. However, this idea is not widely adopted but ongoing research,which will be discussed in more detail in section 2.2.

    1.4. Research objective and goalsWe seek to facilitate the process-oriented communication between the key stake-holder groups, the domain experts and the BPM expert. The modeling techniquespracticed today assume that process models are best created by BPM experts.The domain experts are questioned or asked to map related information but theyare not creating the process model itself. We think it is possible to engage domainexperts with their process models directly. Thus, we set the following researchobjective:

    Design and evaluate an approach to engage domain experts in the creation andvalidation of their process models.

    We know that the knowledge for processes is typically spread amongst manydomain experts in the organization. The new modeling approach should thereforebring people together. The approach should also yield advantages over existingapproaches, such as more engaged domain experts or better process models. Finally,



  • 1.5. Research framework and research methods

    we want the solution to be realistically applicable in daily BPM practice. We takethese aspects and form the following goals for this research:

    1. Create a group modeling experience.

    2. Compare the solution to existing approaches.

    3. Ensure the solution is applicable in practice.

    The research is led by the research objective. The goals are orientation points tofurther sharpen the research agenda. We derive research questions towards thesegoals for each of the research phases as we go through them.

    1.5. Research framework and research methodsThis research was funded by the HPI-Stanford Design Thinking Research Program5.Design Thinking is an innovation method that emphasizes ideation, prototyping,user testing and iterations. The research program supports, among others, re-search that combines Design Thinking with traditional approaches in the field ofengineering [105]. For the first phase of ideation and design, we got inspired byDesign Thinking principles. Afterwards, we use established scientific methods toevaluate the solution.

    This work can be seen as design science research referring to a framework [60,148] to guide researchers designing and evaluating artifacts. The term designscience was coined by Hevner in 2004 for information systems science but theprinciples can be applied to all engineering disciplines. At its core it suggeststo select a relevant problem from practice, create an artifact as a solution, andassess the solution with scientific rigor. Artifacts might be software, hardwaretools or methods. Assessment leads to new insights and the artifact is iterated. Inother words, design science proposes to alternate between design and evaluationof a solution. The design science framework proposed by Hevner is depicted inattachment A.1. Attachment A.2 illustrates our research in Hevners framework.In 2010, Wieringa proposed a design science framework that is in-line with Hevnersideas but puts emphasis on the distinction between the practical problem solvingand the research question investigations. This framework is depicted in attachmentA.3. This research in the light of Wieringas framework is shown in attachment A.4.

    In the following, we describe the empirical research methods used in this thesisto design, evaluate and iterate the research artifacts. We intend to provide anoverview and a precise terminology.

    Prototyping. Prototyping is the embodiment and testing of ideas [31]. A prototypedoes not necessarily reflect all qualities of the envisioned solution [68]. It elaborateson aspects of the solution with e.g. rough material or improper sizing. Prototypingshould be a cheap and fast way to validate or falsify ideas. Prototyping is not ascientific research method but it enables effective goal-oriented progress. We useprototyping to gain fast feedback and iterate early ideas.



  • 1. Introduction

    Exploratory studies. Is a type of research that starts without a hypothesis defi-nition [138] but with the intend to explore situations and determine a suitableresearch design. We use case studies and experimental setups in the exploratorystudies. Experimental setups compare situation under changing conditions [150].In case studies, we intensively observe one case in its real life context [17]. Theexploratory studies contribute to our later investigations e.g. in the form ofhypothesis building and preliminary data collection.

    Controlled experiment. A controlled experiment is a manipulative research method.It compares groups in different treatment conditions to validate hypotheses aboutthe co-occurrence of effects with treatment [150]. In other words, one group receivesa special treatment (treatment group) the other group has the same conditionsbut without the special treatment (control group). The effect is described as anhypothesis for the treatment group. Statistical analysis is performed in which thetreatment is the independent and the expected effect is the dependent variable. Inother words, the treatment is supposed to explain the observed effects. We usethis method to assess hypotheses about the effect of our solution on individualpeople.

    Action research. Action research is a field research method. It acknowledges thatnot all problems can be reduced to meaningful artificial settings for study. It offersguidance to researchers that act in professional contexts.

    Action research combines changes in a complex social system with the creation ofknowledge about the effect of change [75, 132] through scientific investigations. Itseeks to create practically applicable solutions and generate scientific knowledge atthe same time. The knowledge builds up through multiple iterations of a learningcycle. We use action research to advance and evaluate our solution in professionalsettings together with practitioners.

    1.6. ContributionsThis thesis describes the design and evaluation of a process modeling techniquethat enables domain experts to conceptualize their knowledge into process models.The proposed modeling technique consists of a toolset and a method for application.The concepts are realized in the TBPM toolkit and the TBPM method cards aspractical contributions to BPM experts using this technique and as a side productof this research.

    The scientific contributions of this thesis are condensed in figure 1.1 and discussedin the following listing:

    A set of principles for working out conceptual models together with domainexperts. This is based on a review of scientific literature from cognitivescience and design research in chapter 2. As an example, we propose tomap out information using an expressive representation and an intuitivelyusable tool. These principles become design considerations for our solution,a tangible modeling toolkit.


  • 1.7. Publications

    design evaluate

    principles for modeling with domain experts based on scientific literature

    guidance for group facilitation and suitable application context based on field research

    effect of tangible media for process elicitation based on controlled laboratory experiment

    comparison of group modeling workshop techniques based on field research

    Figure 1.1. Scientific contributions of this thesis framed by the design and evaluationaccording to the design science framework by Hevner [60].

    The evaluation of beneficial effects that tangible process modeling causeswithin individuals in comparison to interviews. This is based on a controlledexperiment with seventeen clerks as described in chapter 4. We find thatmodeling leads to more engagement through the activation of participants.In other words, they are willing to spend more time on the problem. Further-more, participants performing tangible modeling review and correct theirprocess story more often, leading to more validated models.

    A collection of guiding principles for BPM experts who run tangible groupmodeling workshops and a description of qualities that promote the useof tangible process modeling, such as the type of model and the type ofparticipants. This is based on action research results described in chapter 5.The methodological guidance is also embodied in the method cards, apractical artifact for BPM experts conducting tangible modeling workshops.

    A comparison of tangible modeling workshops with a software-supportedworkshop technique. This is based on metrics that approximate character-istics of group modeling workshops. The data is collected and evaluatedin field research and presented in chapter 5. We show that productivityand outcome of tangible workshops is competitive with software-supportedworkshops for suitable contexts.

    1.7. PublicationsMany of the contributions in this thesis have already been published at workshopsand conferences, in technical reports and books.

    The initial idea of tangible process modeling were first published to the de-sign research community at the International Conference on Engineering Design(ICED2009) [35]. Shortly afterwards a problem description, the initial idea and pos-sible evaluation paths were published at the International Workshop on EmpiricalResearch in Business Process Management (ER-BPM2009) [52].

    We then published a stronger theoretical analysis of the problem and discussedthe transferability of the tangible modeling idea to further fields at the 8th DesignThinking Research Symposium (DTRS8) [80]. We also formed a set of principles forthe application of modeling tools with non-professional modelers that was published


  • 1. Introduction

    at the International Participatory Innovation Conference (PINC2011) [79]. Theproblem analysis, the prototyping journey, and a first comprehensive researchoutline was first published as part of the book Design Thinking Understand,Improve, Apply [81].

    A series of exploratory studies was published in the Electronic Colloquium onDesign Thinking Research (ECDTR) [82]. The controlled laboratory experimentwas published in full-length as the 41st technical report of the Hasso-Plattner-Institute [83]. Smaller aspects of the experiment were cut out and discussedat (1) the International Workshop on Empirical Research in Process-OrientedInformation Systems (ER-POIS2010) [53] , (2) as part of the book StudyingCo-Creation in Practice [84], and (3) at the International Conference on AdvancedInformation Systems Engineering (CAiSE2011) [86]. Finally, the action researchstudies were published at the International Workshop on Empirical Research inBusiness Process Management (ER-BPM2011) [85].

    1.8. Outline of this thesisFigure 1.2 illustrates our research framework and how this is followed by theoutline of this thesis. In chapter 1 we have described commonly used techniques inbusiness process modeling practice. From existing practice, we derived problemsand the research objective. In chapter 2 we review related scientific literatureon software requirements elicitation, cognitive science and design research. Thefindings from existing literature guide us in chapter 3 when designing and exploringa first solution through prototyping and exploratory research studies. The solutionproposed is called Tangible Business Process Modeling (TBPM).


    Related Work

    Building the TBPM toolkit

    Controlled experiment with


    Field research with groups

    Fields of application









    chapters1 2 3 4 5 6 7






    Figure 1.2. Research framework for this thesis (on the left) and an illustration whichaspects are addressed in the chapters 1-7.

    In chapter 4 we evaluate hypotheses about the effects to be expected with oursolution (TBPM) in a controlled laboratory experiment. We identify significant


  • 1.8. Outline of this thesis

    differences for people using tangible media, in particular TBPM, for processmodeling in comparison to structured interviews. In chapter 5 we design, evaluateand iterate a method to facilitate TBPM workshops. We use action research as thescientific method to guide the collaboration with practitioners in this phase. Theapplication of TBPM in real projects shows the relevance of the tool to practice.In chapter 6, various fields of application are shown in which tangible modelinghas been applied. Most of them go beyond the process elicitation workshopsscientifically evaluated in this thesis. We discuss the findings and their broaderapplicability in the concluding chapter 7.


  • 2. Related researchThis work has been influenced by knowledge from multiple research disciplines.At first, we review research on information elicitation and modeling from softwareengineering and information systems research. Afterwards, we inspect researchfrom cognitive science and design research. We condense the related researchknowledge into a set of basic principles that guide the solution design in chapter 3.The principles are listed in section 2.6.

    2.1. Review studies on requirements elicitation techniquesThere is a rich set of research about knowledge acquisition and requirementselicitation for software engineering. We therefore focus on two review studies thatreview and compare existing research. They summarize the state of knowledgeabout a topic and generate more abstract findings about this research domain. Itis in our interest to obtain a big picture about the state of research on elicitationtechniques.

    Variety and best practice. In 1992, Byrd et al. [15] examined the most commonlyused techniques in knowledge acquisition and requirements elicitation for informa-tion systems. Techniques are clustered as observations, (un)structured elicitation,mapping techniques, and formal analysis. As examples, card sorting [42] andscenario descriptions [10] are structured techniques, while open interviews [28]and brainstorming [136, 137] are unstructured techniques. Protocol analysis [151]and behavior analysis [21] are observational techniques, while machine rule induc-tion [94] and text analysis [21] are formal analysis techniques. In all cases thereis a requirements engineer that elicits the information from a domain expert toacquire the knowledge needed to build a software system. Process understandingis most commonly gained by observations, mappings or structured interviews. Thetechniques are qualified according to the drivers of the elicitation. In general,the more formal the model that is built, the more likely it is to be driven by therequirements engineer and not by the user. The authors suggest that it is bestpractice to listen to the user, e.g. in interviews, and to give limited influence topredefined design decisions, e.g. in workshops.

    Effectiveness of requirements elicitation techniques. In 2006, Davis et al. [27] reviewedstudies that compared the effectiveness of different requirements elicitation tech-niques used in software engineering. While the paper uses the term effectiveness,


  • 2. Related research

    the studies compare elicitation techniques mainly by the amount of informationmapped. The reviewed studies found structured interviews to create more informa-tion than unstructured interviews [2, 95]. Unstructured interviews in turn gathermore information than card sorting [12, 123] or thinking aloud techniques [14, 23].The structured interviews are therefore named the most effective elicitationtechnique.

    Interestingly, analyst experience does not seem to have an influence [2, 104]at least for interview techniques. Furthermore, the presence of visual aids orprototypes has not been found to create more information [48, 96]. The authorsnote that the results are not very robust given the various contextual differences(problem type, subjects background) in the studies, the small sample sizes, andthe lack of replicated studies in computer science. The authors therefore call formore research comparing requirements elicitation techniques.

    2.2. Research on process group modeling techniquesGroup modeling techniques are applied in moderated workshops. Many techniquesare developed as best practices in companies but are never investigated scientifically.The following research investigates two workshop styles already mentioned insection 1.3.

    Participative enterprise modeling. Persson [100, 101, 131] investigated a technique forenterprise modeling in which the model is created during a workshop with domainexperts by a dedicated software tool expert. They modeled business rules, processes,and organizational charts using Microsoft Visio as a software tool. The model isprojected to the wall for participants to review it. While the workshop participantsconcentrate on the content, the modeling expert concentrates on operating thesoftware. This technique is the same as the one described in section 1.3.2 assoftware-supported workshops. Persson found that this type of participationleads to enhanced quality, stronger consensus, acceptance and commitment to themodeling results [100] compared to non-participative approaches, e.g. interviews.

    However, the participants do not directly engage with modeling and are limitedto providing feedback to a model that others create. In one case [131] Post-Itswere used to document the model because the technical setup was broken. Theresearchers noticed Post-Its were useful because it did not require the modelingparticipants to channel their input to the model through an operator of acomputerized tool, which often slows down the creative process [131]. After themodeling session the facilitator documented the resulting models in the softwaretool. Apart from this exception, participation is limited to reviewing a modelwhile it is created. Yet, this technique was found to yields the described positiveeffects when compared to non-participative model building techniques, such asinterviews.

    Collaborative business process modeling. From interviews with practitioners Rittgenidentified the most pressing problems when conducting group modeling work-


  • 2.3. Empirical research on business process modeling

    shops [111]. Amongst others, he found low model acceptance, misunderstoodparticipants, and limited model comprehension as obstacles. Based on literaturereview, he proposes direct participant involvement in modeling to address the lowmodel acceptance and the misunderstood participants. He proposes participanttraining and expert support to overcome limited model comprehension.

    For Rittgen, modeling in groups is a negotiation process [110]. His solution isa software tool that presents this negotiation as a round-based game [113]. Inthe first round, participants use a software tool to propose activities to appearin the process model. Afterwards, the results are interchanged and anonymouslyrated by the peers in the group. The highest rated result is discussed, refined, andbecomes the starting point for the next round. This workshop technique is thesame as the one described in section 1.3 as collaborative software process modelingin workshops.

    A study, comparing this technique with brown-paper modeling, showed that themethodology and tooling can address the shortcomings in group modeling to someextend [114]. However, the presented solution makes strong assumptions. Thestrongest: people enjoy playing a competitive computerized game in workshops.This might not apply to all classes of people that hold valuable process information.

    2.3. Empirical research on business process modelingProcess modeling is routed in two research communities, information systems (IS)research [19] and business process management [147] as a discipline of softwareengineering. We discuss the literature from both communities separately bymeans of the popular empirical research methods in each area. Neverthelessthe communities overlap with some researchers publishing in both communities,e.g. [107] and [108].

    Information systems research. In 2009, Bandara [5] did a literature review on theresearch methods used in IS to investigate business process modeling. The reviewspanned 99 papers from high-ranked IS conferences and journals based on thekeywords process model* and process map*. This review does not includethe studies mentioned in section 2.2 because Perssons work [100, 101, 131] doesnot match the schema of the literature extraction method and the studies byRittgen [111, 113, 114] are more recent. From this review, we focus on twenty-sixpapers that used empirical research methods to quantify their popularity.

    According to the review [5], case studies and experiments are the most popularempirical research methods in IS. Fourteen case studies have been identified such asthe work by Chan and Rosemann [18] on the integration of additional information,despite activities and their control flow relation, into process models. Sevenexperiments have been collected such as the work by Mendes [89] on the effectof process modeling initiatives on organizational change. The term experiment isdefined in this review [5] as actions to support or falsify a hypothesis. Surveys,such as the work by Green [49], were found in three papers. Green performedan ontological analysis of process modeling terminology based on the survey


  • 2. Related research

    conducted. Protocol analysis [38], a method to elicit insights from verbal reports,was only found in one occasion [26]. One more paper was listed that uses a mixthe aforementioned methods [69].

    Interestingly, action research [75] as an empirical method was listed in the reviewbut no publications related to process modeling were found. One example for thatis the work by Rittgen discussed already. He develops a group modeling methodin the field and calls it [115]: a combination of design science [60] and actionresearch [75].

    Business process management. Empirical work on process modeling in the businessprocess management community has gained more attention as (1) a way tounderstand the business and to understand the (2) act of business process modeling.

    To draw needs and insights from industry, case studies and delphi studies areperformed. A delphi study is an iterated structured questioning with groups ofexperts [77]. After each iteration, the answers are shared with each participantleading to a group consensus after some iterations. It was originally developed asan interactive forecasting technique. For example, Indulska et al. [63] performed adelphi study to understand future challenges in business process modeling. Theyfound standardization of modeling languages, value of process modeling, andstakeholder buy-in as the most pressing needs in business [63]. Reijers et al. [109]performed a case study to characterize the business roles involved in businessprocess modeling from two industry scenarios.

    The act of process modeling is researched on different levels. As one, model col-lections are evaluated to identify common usage patterns [153, 51] and the relationof process model attributes to formal modeling error [90]. The accumulation ofthis type of research leads to modeling guidelines [92] for trainers and practitionersof process modeling.

    The most emerging type of empirical research in business process management isdone in controlled experiments in which groups in different conditions are comparedin well-designed settings. This was done to understand different work strategies inprocess planning [146] and execution [98]. For example, Weber et al. investigatedthe influence of constrains on the planning strategies of users [146]. Repeatingexperimental work creates higher standards for experimental investigations andevaluations [150]. One manifestation of higher standards is software specificallydesigned to conduct controlled experimental research, such as [146, 102]. As oneexample, Pinggera et al. [102] created an experimental platform to investigate theact of process modeling with a software tool. This is ongoing research with firstattempts [103] to visualize and understand the information gathered with thistype of experimental support.

    In parallel to these efforts, Houy et al. [61] are investigating the theoreticalfoundations of empirical research in business process management by means ofstructured literature analysis, similar to the work of Bandara et al. [5]. The goalis to facilitate the building of a shared terminology as well as shared theory tobuild upon in the business process management community. Again, this is workin progress.


  • 2.4. Cognitive theories

    This thesis is routed in the business process management community with touchpoints to other communities, which we discuss in the remaining related work. Thecontrolled laboratory experiment in chapter 4 contributes to the rising standardsfor empirical research. We also conduct a case study in section 3.5 as part of theexploratory investigations. With the action research studies in chapter 5 we gobeyond the methods commonly used to investigate business process modeling [5, 61]as we discussed above.

    2.4. Cognitive theoriesResearch in cognitive science investigates the nature of the human mind. It seeksto understand perceiving, thinking, learning, understanding, and other mentalphenomena [130]. The goal of this research is to find and describe effects that areconsistent in human information processes. The resulting body of knowledge is thegroundwork upon which researchers in psychology, linguistics, computer science,philosophy, and neuroscience build. Our interest is to understand the cognitiveeffects that non-professional modelers are exposed to.

    Cognitive load. Cognitive loading refers to the limitation of the human to processinformation in logical linear fashion. Miller was one of the first to describethe limitations of the human brain for its ability to process single-dimensionalinformation [93]. He demonstrated that the average person can hold on to seven,plus or minus two, single dimensional stimuli in its mind at a time. Milleralso showed that the ability to remember and discriminate information can bedramatically expanded by adding dimensional stimuli. Dimensions for stimuli canbe color, sound, material or space. Multidimensional stimuli enable humans tohold on to much more information.

    Mental effort. The mental effort is a perceived index to measure the cognitive load.It was put forward by Sweller and Chandler proposing a cognitive load theoryfor learners [135]. The learning process is deconstructed into several factors: (1)intrinsic load, the complexity of the learning topic itself, (2) extrinsic load, themanner of representation, and (3) the germane load, influenced by the didactic ofthe learning process. While the capacity of the brain is fixed called the workingmemory the mental effort for a learning task can be manipulated. Sweller andChandler found that intrinsic load cannot be influenced but the representation andthe didactic of the learning process can be manipulated to influence the mentaleffort. In other words, improving the didactic of the learning process can reducethe cognitive load and free working memory for the primary task.

    Cognitive fit. Since people are limited as information processors, they try to reducetheir cognitive load by fitting the representation to the problem to be solved, calledcognitive fit [144]. This theory postulates that there is more or less suitablerepresentation of information according to the problem domain. It was used inempirical studies to explain performance differences in problem solving [145]. The


  • 2. Related research

    cognitive fit has also been investigated by computer scientists for process-orientedvs. object-oriented problems [1]. Superior problem solving performance was foundfor situations in which problem and representation match.

    2.5. Design researchThe term design research is excessively used in various areas with different mean-ings, such as information systems [140], mechanical engineering [34] or DesignThinking [47]. It is as ubiquitous and ambiguous as the word design itself.Our interest is in research from mechanical engineering design about the role ofinformation embodiment and media-models.

    Information embodiment The embodiment of information in a specific representa-tion creates an intermediary object. This object is shared amongst people andthereby enables distributed cognition [11]. As one example, process models areintermediary objects to be shared amongst people. Thinking is distributed whenthe stakeholders individually review the information represented in the processmodel.

    The media chosen for the embodiment of the information, e.g. in plasticine orsteal, determines affordances. Following Gibbons [44], affordances are perceptualcues of an environment or object that indicate possibilities for action [45]. Forexample, a car created of plasticine indicates different possibilities for interactioncompared to a car made of steal. Intermediary objects provide affordances forthinking and action, because they condition how information is perceived andwhat can be done with it.

    Media-models theory. The media-models theory [35, 36] builds on the idea of inter-mediary objects and affordances. It proposes that media-models have affordancesthat steer the conversation in design. Models are intermediate representations, asdescribed before, and they are a proxy for the actual thing to be discussed. Themedia brings about affordances that become qualities of the model as well.

    The media-models are characterized by the dimensions of resolution and ab-straction [35]. Resolution refers to the fidelity with which an object is defined withrespect to its final form. Abstraction is defined as the highlighting and isolationof specific qualities and properties of an object, such as color, size or functions.Fewer represented properties indicate a greater abstraction.

    Highly resolved and less abstract media-models have been observed to fostersmall parametric adjustment to the shared representation. The model the proxyfor the actual thing is mistaken for the actual thing and changes are madewith care. In contrast, lower resolution and highly abstract media-models, likerough physical prototypes, afford more and radical changes. The roughness of themedia-model makes it useless to discuss small parametric adjustments [36].

    For example, a car concept may be discussed using a model realized in stone,foam or a cat drawing. Discussions about the car and changes to the concept aredifferent depending on the type of media chosen for the model.


  • 2.6. Principles for model building with domain experts

    2.6. Principles for model building with domain expertsWe reviewed research in cognitive science to better understand human informationprocessing. This is enriched with findings from design research about the roleof information embodiment and the role of media for models that are used inthe design discussion. In this section, we derive principles for modeling expertsworking with domain experts, non-professional modelers. These principles broadenour understanding about model building. They are the starting point to prototypenew elicitation techniques in chapter 3. The principles are as follows:

    Map out the information: People have limited information processing ca-pacity [93]. Mapping information can help to reduce the cognitive loadand extend capacity to hold on to details by adding new stimuli to theinformation.

    Choose an expressive representation: Representation impacts the problemsolving performance [144, 145]. Optimal performance is achieved whenproblem and representation fit which means they emphasize the same aspects.This was also shown for process-oriented vs. object-oriented problems [1].

    Make it intuitive to use: Humans have limited working memory which isconsumed by different types of cognitive load [135]. Reducing external load,e.g. by providing intuitive tooling, frees capacity for other concerns [134].This is particularly important for non-professional modelers.

    Fit media with model purpose: The embodiment of shared informationconditions the communication about and interactions with the informa-tion [11]. In other words, these objects have an active role in communication.This is in particular relevant for model building as the media chosen influ-ences resolution and abstraction of the model [35] which steers the designdiscussion.

    2.7. Summary of findings from related researchWe have reviewed literature on requirements elicitation and process modeling.Afterwards, we derived four principles for model building with domain expertsbased on scientific theory from cognitive science and design research.

    Requirements engineering and process modeling. A plurality of information elicitationtechniques has been scientifically investigated already. In essence, best practice isto interview the domain experts, have the model built by a modeling expert, andprovide limited influence on predefined design decisions in workshops [15]. Whencomparing information elicitation techniques [27], structured interviews performbest in comparison to e.g. open interviews or card sorting techniques.

    This practice detaches the domain user from the model. But model buildingtogether with the domain experts is recognized as crucial [101, 100, 131, 114, 115].The software-supported workshops as characterized in section 1.3.3 have been


  • 2. Related research

    researched by Persson. She found enhanced quality, stronger consensus, acceptanceand commitment to the modeling results using modeling software, a projectorand a dedicated tool operator in workshops. She compared to interviews as thenon-participative approach.

    Rittgen [114, 115, 112] developed software tooling to be used by domain expertsduring workshops. He addressed, among other aspects, low model acceptance andthe misunderstood participants as crucial needs. He achieved stronger participantinvolvement and perceived higher model quality [112] compared to brown-papermodeling, also characterized in section 1.3.3. His underlying assumption is thatpeople like to work with software in workshops.

    In information systems science, there is an emphasis on understanding theneeds in industry to provide answers, e.g. [63]. The business process managementcommunity is particularly interested in the analysis of models [153, 90, 51] and more recently into the analysis of model creation using experiments, e.g. [102,103]. This work is located in the business process management community andcontributes to the body of knowledge by providing experiment results about thedifferences of modeling techniques.

    Four principles derived. We broaden our scope with research from cognitive sci-ence [130] and design research [34]. From there we derive four fundamentalprinciples for model creation with domain experts. We propose to (1) map in-formation which reduces the cognitive load of learners [133], to (2) choose arepresentation which fits the cognitive problem domain [1], to (3) create intuitivetooling which frees working memory of participants [97], and to (4) choose mediathat has affordances in-line with the intention of the tool [35]. We use theseprinciples in chapter 3 to guide us in the prototyping process towards the solutiondesign.


  • 3. Building theTBPM toolkit

    Our objective is to design a process elicitation technique that engages domainexperts with process models. We set the goal to make this a group modelingexperience. In this chapter, we seek to answer the research question How can asolution look like that makes process modeling a group experience?.

    This question spawned a series of prototypes, which led to the creation of theTBPM toolkit. This chapter describes the journey towards a solution and firstexploratory research with the toolkit. The first steps of our research were publishedin more detail in [37, 52, 81, 82].

    3.1. Initial prototypingThis research was funded by the HPI-Stanford Design Thinking Research Program(see also section 1.5) and therefore inspired by Design Thinking. At its core,Design Thinking fosters prototyping and fast feedback from the target audience.We adopted the prototyping paradigm for the first steps towards the research.

    The initial prototyping was driven by the vision of role-playing. Instead ofdiscussing the process, participants would undergo it. We chose a shop scenarioinvolving customers, the shop front-end and back-end, as well as banks and suppliers(see figure 3.1). Every participant was an actor in the scenario. The hope was toplay various scenarios and condense a process based on traces of the interactions atthe table. Therefore we tried different media, different communication channels anddifferent objectives during the play. After each prototype, we collected feedbackin a moderated discussion from the participants. More details on these initialprototypes have been published separately [81].

    Shortcomings of role-playing prototypes. Throughout all prototypes, participantsreported that they enjoyed engaging with the play. The participants were highlymotivated to evolve the setting beyond the initial descriptions. The banks creatednew loan products, suppliers formed new alliances and shops changed their businessmodel from selling to leasing.

    What was fun for the participants was a challenge for us as designers of such aprocess elicitation technique. People loved to bend the rules and asked for a game


  • 3. Building the TBPM toolkit

    Figure 3.1. Role-play prototyping with Lego and Post-Its (left). Specialized stickers andplates were used (right) to examine the applicability of channeled communication inrole-playing setups.

    master to argue with and to guide them through the play. But playing out theprocess had more fundamental challenges:

    Interactions, not a process model: To come from a role-play to a processmodel, we wanted to trace interactions on the table and transform them intoa process model. We tried various approaches to channel the communicationfor better traceability. The stricter the rules on interactions, the more likelythe rules were ignored. We could not derive a comprehensive process modelfrom the artifacts created. Yet even then, the process model would have beencreated only after the workshop, not during the discussion and therefore notby the participants.

    State of discussion needs representation: People tended to fade in andout of discussions at the table. This was due to the todays ubiquity of mobiledevices, side talks to peers, or simply daydreaming. When they faded backinto the discussion, they needed a way to catch up to the current topic.Thus, the state of the discussion needs to be represented at the table. Thisis strongly related to the traceability of interactions which we also struggledwith at that point.

    Many objects, unclear semantics: We prototyped with various materialsincluding colored Post-Its, stickers, wooden-tablets and Lego. Participantsknew the objects but their semantics was special for the role-playing session.Frequently, people reinterpreted the meaning of objects. They assignednew semantics to existing objects or introduced new objects with specialsemantics that were not well communicated. This led to confusion aboutthe meaning of objects on the table.

    New direction with first tangible objects. New input from outside steered the in-vestigations into a new direction. Jonathan Edelman, a visiting researcher fromStanford University, brought acrylic shapes into the prototyping process. Origi-nally, he wanted to support the search for communication channels to steer the


  • 3.1. Initial prototyping

    interactions in role-playing games. While discussing the current struggles, wedecided to test the shapes as process modeling shapes instead of communica-tion channels. This new tooling addressed the shortcomings discussed above asfollows:

    Immediate process representation: Instead of tracing interactions at thetable and creating a process model afterwards, participants directly create aprocess model, the desired result.

    Model reflects state of discussion: The evolving model represents the stateof the discussion. People fading in and out can see where something happenedand decide whether it is relevant to them.

    Limited set of specialized objects: The acrylic shapes are specialized ob-jects with specific semantics. They are predefined and it is not possible tocreate new ones spontaneously.

    Testing with tangible objects. To prototype the idea of tangible modeling, wecontacted administrative assistants at Hasso-Plattner-Institute, University ofPotsdam. We conducted three interviews in which we asked them to describecommon processes, such as travel booking or accommodation for faculty membersvisiting a conference. One interviewer tried to create the process in front of theinterviewee during the interview using the acrylic shapes.

    We found that the acrylic shapes (see figure 3.2, left) worked well as a sharedobject that the interviewee and interviewer could talk about. Stepwise unfoldingthe process allowed the interviewee to follow the act of knowledge capturing and tocontribute. After some time, the interviewees took the dry erase pen and startedcorrecting information in the model or even extending it (see figure 3.2, right).We saw the potential of the acrylic shapes as an easily accessible tool for peopleto engage with their process models.

    Figure 3.2. First acrylic shapes (left) and the first mapping situation with administrativestaff at Potsdam University (right).

    Yet, shapes used in these prototypes did not reflect a process modeling language.This was a limitation as we could not frame all the knowledge into the conceptsgiven in process modeling languages. We concluded that, given a full modeling


  • 3. Building the TBPM toolkit

    language in acrylic, domain experts could possibly map and frame proper processmodels themselves. This led to the creation of the first tangible business processmodeling toolkit.

    3.2. The tangible business process modeling toolkitThe tangible business process modeling (TBPM) toolkit is a set of shapes reflectingfour basic icons of the Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) [56]. Theconcepts embodied in shapes are activities, events, gateways, and data objects (seefigure 3.3). We choose BPMN because it is a rising standard for process modelingand a sophisticated modeling notation [149].

    Shape semantics. Activities represent the work performed by a person or a softwaresystem. Events are used to mark start- and end-point of the process. Furthermore,events may be used to make the process flow wait for something or specify thereaction to error behavior. Gateways are used to split and join the process flowwith different semantics. As examples, they can be used to create alternativeor parallel process paths. Data objects represent information, such as emails ordocuments, processed in the process. The shapes can be inscribed with a dry erasepen. These pens are designed to work with whiteboards but work with the TBPMtoolkit as well. By writing on the shapes it is possible to represent almost all ofthe over fifty process modeling shapes specified in the BPMN 2.0 standard [56].The missing information, namely the order of activities and association arrows,can be drawn directly on the table. The same is true for swimlanes that captureresponsibilities. A swimlane defines a role, in other words, a resource that performsall activities in the corresponding swimlane. Thus, the TBPM toolkit can beused to create process models, conform to the BPMN standard [56] and withoutloosing expressiveness. The material and size of the shapes was chosen to providea comfortable haptic experience based on the feedback that we received on thefirst tangible objects. Each shape is about six millimeters thick. An event shapeis ten centimeters, about four inches, in diameter. An activity shape is aboutseventeen centimeters in diameter, about the size of a post-card.

    Figure 3.3. TBPM toolkit - A set of writable acrylic shapes reflecting the BPMN iconog-raphy. From left to right: event, activity, data object, and gateway. It can be used tocreate BPMN conform models on a table top.


  • 3.2. The tangible business process modeling toolkit

    Use of the toolkit. The toolkit is designed to be used on a conference table, withat least 1.5 by 3 meters (about thirteen feet in diameter). The participants standaround the table and map out the information. In figure 3.4 we depict a TBPMprocess model in four phases of creation. In the first phase, start and end of theprocess are determined. They are named as the start and end event of the process.Then the main activities are mapped. They are loosely arranged from left to rightto indicate an order relation. Arrows are not drawn at this stage to keep theshapes floating on the table. After the main activities are mapped the process isstepwise enriched with gateways, documents, and role information. Finally, it isrefined to a proper process model including arrows. At that stage it does not differfrom a formal BPMN process model created with conventional software modelingtools.

    Figure 3.4. A TBPM process model in four phases of modeling. First, people (1) decideon start and end-point of the process, (2) afterwards they map main activities, (3) enrichand refine process information until they have created (4) a formally valid process model.

    The business process modeling (BPM) expert acts as a moderator and facilitator.He guides the group that creates the process model. In the terminology of therole-play, he is the game master. He supervises that the participants do notbreak the rules of process modeling. In particular, he has to (re-)explain processmodeling concepts as needed and ensures that they are not misused. Thus, allparticipants shall understand the model, can review and refine it.

    Revisiting principles derived from cognitive science and design research. From literatureresearch in chapter 2 we formed principles for modeling with non-professionalmodelers derived from cognitive science and design research. We revisit theseprinciples here and illustrate how they are addressed by the TBPM toolkit.

    Map out information: The process is externalized stepwise into a modelreducing the amount of information to be kept in the brain. This reduces


  • 3. Building the TBPM toolkit

    the cognitive load of the participants and also adds dimensional stimuli tobetter remember information.

    Choose an expressive representation: Assuming that the BPMN languageis a suitable and expressive representation for process modeling [149], wetransfer that expressiveness to the tangible toolkit. The matter of discussionhas an explicit process model representation. The representation is the samelike the notation used for later analysis, improvement discussions, or processautomation.

    Make it intuitive to use: The interaction concepts required to use the tan-gible toolkit have been trained since kindergarten. Thus, there is no newknowledge to be learned in order to interact with it. This frees cognitivecapacity, especially for non-professional modelers, such as domain experts,which can concentrate on the actual modeling task.

    Fit media with model purpose: The media chosen, thick acrylic shapes,afford inscriptions and correction using dry erase markers. The colorful andlarge shapes transport a playful nature and remind of childrens toys. Thesequalities lower the barrier to interact and engage with the process models.The specialized objects support a precise discussion with specific semanticsassociated with the shapes.

    Iterations of toolkit and method. The development and refinement of the tangibletoolkit and application method were part of the research journey. This section hasgiven a condensed overview of the result from multiple iterations. The next sectionsof this chapter show preliminary versions of the TBPM modeling technique. Themethod and tool co-developed with the ongoing research.

    3.3. Study 1: university assistants using TBPM, Post-Its, orstructured interviews

    Setting. We asked six administrative assistants (called subjects here) at StanfordUniversity and Potsdam University to report on their processes such as makingtravel arrangements for the professors that they work for. The study was conductedto investigate how TBPM can be introduced in interviews and how it is differentto other interview situations.

    Three types of process elicitation were conducted with the five subjects. Weasked the first three subjects to talk about their processes in a (1) structuredinterview or (2) while modeling their process using TBPM. Later, we also added (3)Post-Its as an alternative way to externalize knowledge during process elicitation.In total, twelve elicitation sessions were conducted with five university assistants.

    For each elicitation session we followed the same catalogue of questions. Itstarted with questions to get an overview of the process. Afterwards, intervieweeswere asked to elaborate on each step of the process and subsequently asked whatthey like or dislike about the current process. The elicitation sessions concluded


  • 3.3. Study 1: university assistants using TBPM, Post-Its, or structured interviews

    by asking the subjects whether there is anything else that they would like to shareabout the process.

    Observations with interviews and Post-Its. We observed that in structured interviews,the subjects started by telling a compact narrative, i.e. a quick run through theprocess. Subjects with more experience spoke more quickly and more structuredabout their process with a higher degree of generalization. When asked to divedeeper into the steps of the process, the subjects often referred to individual cases.For structured interviews, subjects were not provided with any memory aid. Inone instance one subject used her fingers to count and hold on to the abstractsteps to be done (see figure 3.5, left). The average structured interview took aboutten minutes.

    We conducted two elicitation sessions in the same way but offered Post-Its as away to map information during the elicitation. We encouraged the intervieweeto use the Post-Its as they saw fit. The result was a stream of Post-Its markingpoints in the narrative. We observed that mapping process-related information toPost-Its was straightforward because every thought was mapped without reflection.In the two elicitation sessions conducted with Post-Its, the resulting streams ofPost-Its captured mixed information types such as events, activities, hand-overs,artifacts, and additional annotations. There was no semantic distinction intodifferent concepts. When asked to elaborate about the details the intervieweesreproduced the narrative adding very little new information to the initially mappedstory (see figure 3.5, middle).

    Figure 3.5. One subject in three different interview situations: In structured interviewsonly hands were available to hold on to information (left); Post-Its in interviews provideda mapping tool for the narrative told (middle); TBPM (right) provided a tool to framethe knowledge as a process model.

    When asked the final question, Is there anything else you would like to share?subjects read the narrative from the Post-Its again but added no further information.The interviewees reported that they found it quite helpful to use Post-Its as amemory aid. One reported that any piece of paper would have done the same. Inany case, the result of such the elicitation session was not framed into the conceptsknown in process modeling. The two elicitation sessions with Post-Its took twelveand fifteen minutes.


  • 3. Building the TBPM toolkit

    Observations with TBPM. When using TBPM we negotiated start- and end-pointof the process first. We explained the concept of activities as work items andswimlanes to determine responsibilities. Afterwards, the tool was handed to thesubject. Intuitively, subjects accepted a logical order if steps were laid out fromleft to right. During the elicitation session further concepts were explained whererequired.

    We chose not to introduce the concept of control flow because all subjectsnaturally indicated the order by putting shapes from left to right. In four of fiveTBPM sessions, interviewees captured alternatives and parallelism by puttingactivities one over another. Only in one situation, both concepts occurred togetherand we introduced the gateways for exclusive and parallel routing in the process.In general, we found that very few concepts already added a lot of structure tothe process elicitation discussion.

    The initial process model creation with TBPM was relatively slow becausesubjects had to find appropriate activity names and write them down on theTBPM shapes. Once the process was modeled, it functioned as a map on whichsubjects navigated confidently. We observed subjects jumping around the processmodel in contrast to the linear narratives that were told in other interview types.They decided to add details and rearrange objects. Pointing at elements made iteasy the interviewer to follow explanations. At that time, interviewees were sittingat the table. On average the TBPM interviews took twenty-eight minutes.

    Lessons learned. Compared to structured interviews, process elicitation withTBPM and Post-Its enabled the subjects to review their initial statements. Post-Itscreate a stream of unclassified information, just like a narrative. When reviewing,the narrative is repeated from the stream of Post-Its but not reflected. This isdifferent with TBPM. By introducing a small set of concepts, a structure wascreated. It functioned as a map that subjects navigated and iterated.

    3.4. Study 2: IT students modeling computer setupSetting. We invited ten freshmen in IT Systems Engineering (called subjectshere) at the start of the semester to participate in an experiment pilot. Thestudents