Universum. Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales ISSN: 0716-498X [email protected] Universidad de Talca Chile Manzini M., Lorena Las viviendas del siglo XIX en Santiago de Chile y la región de Cuyo en Argentina Universum. Revista de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales, vol. 2, núm. 26, 2011, pp. 165-186 Universidad de Talca Talca, Chile Disponible en: http://www.redalyc.org/articulo.oa?id=65027770009 Cómo citar el artículo Número completo Más información del artículo Página de la revista en redalyc.org Sistema de Información Científica Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto

Tamil Nadu Chapter - IASAP - INDIA · The monthly Newsletter of the Indian Association of Secretaries and Administrative Professionals, Tamil Nadu Chapter IASAP TamilNadu Chapter

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Page 1: Tamil Nadu Chapter - IASAP - INDIA · The monthly Newsletter of the Indian Association of Secretaries and Administrative Professionals, Tamil Nadu Chapter IASAP TamilNadu Chapter

The monthly Newsletter of the Indian Association of Secretaries and Administrative Professionals, Tamil Nadu Chapter

IASAP TamilNadu Chapter For Private Circulation only Page 1

Dear Members,

Are there really any benefits to being organized? Isn't it more fun to live on the edge? If youhave ever asked yourself those questions, then you may not be aware of the many benefitsthere actually are to being organized. It's not about taking the fun or spontaneity out of life,but about getting the best from your life that you can.

Recently while I was browsing through a book, I came upon an article on the benefits ofbeing organized and how to stay organised. I would like to bring this to you in two parts.Here’s the first part on the benefits:

1. You will have more time for yourself, your friends and your family.When you live an organized life, you get things done faster. You spend less time looking forlost things and more time with the people you love. Freeing up your time will also allow you toread that book you've been meaning to get to for the past year or taking that dancing class.We never get yesterday back. Make sure you get the most out of each day.2. You will save money.You'll always use up what you have and not buy duplicates because they are lost in the backof a cabinet somewhere. No more last minute purchases, which can add up very quickly,when you are organized.3. You will achieve balance in your life.You can spend less time on the little things of life and more time on the big things, like yourhealth and your family. Achieving balance sets the stage for an amazing life.4. You and your family will be healthier.You'll have more time to prepare healthy meals and exercise.5. Your professional life will improve.Not only will you make a better impression on your co-workers and boss, but you will feelgreat about yourself. When you feel like you have it all together at work, your professional lifecan take off and you can achieve things you have always dreamed of.6. You will reduce the clutter around you.Being surrounded by clutter is like dragging heavy chains around with you all day. It slowsyou down, makes you tired and is just stressful. Getting rid of the clutter will help you toexperience a sense of freedom.7. You will have more energy.Most organized people are full of energy. Why is that? Because they take better care ofthemselves inside and out.8. You won't mind last minute visitors in your home.Not everyone likes people popping in on them, but for those of you who do, your friends andfamily could do so without you breaking into a cold sweat. You can invite them to sit down ina clean living room and even offer them something to eat and drink. Your home will feelinviting and comfortable.9. You will be able to set and achieve your goals.People who write down their goals are much more likely to achieve them. Being organizedcan help you recognize what your goals are and map out a plan to achieve them.10. You will be an example to those around you.Your children are watching and learning from you every day. Showing them how to beorganized and get the most out of each day will be a lesson they can take with them for therest of their lives. If you don't want your children to be raised in chaos, make it your goal toget life under control. They will someday thank you and appreciate everything you did forthem.

Surekha Johnson

Volume 18 Issue 02 [email protected] February 2014

“Yesterday is history,tomorrow is a mystery, andtoday is a gift; that's whythey call it the present.”

- Eleanor Roosevelt

Managing Committee(2013-2014)

ChairpersonSurekha JohnsonTel: 2435 7051

Vice ChairpersonFreeda McLeodTel: 9551774426

Honorary SecretaryUsha ReddyTel: 6677 2640

Honorary TreasurerM. Priya BalajiTel: 6101 0768

Imm. Past ChairpersonAnne ParameswaranTel: 98410 92598

Committee MembersGita RajamaniTel: 2455 3282

B.K. SeethalakshmiTel: 94440 11145

Deborah ThomsonTel: 9176228661

The monthly Newsletter of the Indian Association of Secretaries and Administrative Professionals, Tamil Nadu Chapter

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IASAP TamilNadu Chapter Page 2

Know your Pronunciation

10 words you're probably pronouncing wrong. We have allbeen there, and when the cuisine is not native to yourcountry, it's only normal for your brain to hate words like Horsd'oeuvres, Gnocchi and Worcestershire. Here's a handyguide for pronouncing these delicious words right! Take aprint out, say it out loud, rinse and repeat!

1. Quesadilla Pronunciation: Kay-sa-dee-ahStraight from Mexico, a quesadilla is a flour or corn tortillafilled with all things yum! Stuffed with cheese, veggies andsome other ingredients, it's folded and served in a half-moonshape.

2. Hors d'oeuvres Pronunciation: Or-dervA rather fancy name for appetizers, Hors d'oeuvre are smalldishes served before the main course, typically meant to beeaten by hand.

3. Bruschetta Pronunciation: Broo-sket-tah, not broo-sheddaAll the way from Italy, Bruschetta is grilled bread, rubbed withgarlic and sprinkled with olive oil. Toppings can be varied -from tomatoes to cured meat.

4. Mascarpone Pronunciation: Mah-scar-poh-nayMilky-white in colour and easy to spread, mascarpone is anItalian cheese made from cream. It's the ever so popularingredient in a Tiramisu

5. Gnocchi Pronunciation: Nyawk-keeSmall dumplings made from flour, potatoes, semolina or acombination of these ingredients, boiled and served withsauce.

6. Worcestershire sauce Pronunciation: Woos-tuhr-sheer

A spicy, intense sauce containing vinegar and soy sauce, it'ssprinkled in Caesar salad, beef stew, hamburgers andanything else you're willing to try it with! It's also used toflavour cocktails like Bloody Mary and Caesar.

7. Espresso Coffee Pronunciation: E-spres-oh, not ex-pressoA slightly thicker form of coffee, it's made by the pressurizedbrewing process and contains more caffeine than otherdrinks.

8. Crème Fraîche Pronunciation: Krem- FRESHThick cream with a mildly tart flavour, Crème fraîche isusually poured on fresh fruits or used as a garnish withsoups.

9. Quinoa Pronunciation: Keen-wah, not kwin-no-aQuinoa is high in protein, is gluten and cholesterol-free andtakes less time to cook than other whole grains.

10. Macaron Pronunciation: Mack-eh-rohnMacaroon Pronunciation: Mack-ah-ROONMacaron/Macaroon: These aren't the same things! Macaronsare made from egg whites and almond powder. Macaroonsare made from shredded coconut.

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6th Judith Nair

7th Iona Besterwitch

9th Delphene Lawrence

9th Theresa Maria Kennedy

12th Lorraine Lobo-Bernard

14th Vallerie Yourey

16th Kalpana Ashok

16th Vinita Thomas

19th Sankari Suja

27th Ruth Thomas

28th Ronella Shane

A very happy anniversary toall members celebrating their

Wedding Anniversary inFebruary 2014

The meeting kicked off with a short quiz while waiting for thespeaker to arrive.

The Chairperson gave the schedule for the next three months.

FEBRUARY 2014A one day outing to Alambara run by the Tribal Community –The Irrula Tribal women, in February was discussed.

MARCH 2014Workshop by Hyacinth Arya, Corporate Trainer, of Mumbaiwill be conducting a one day Training/Development programon 15th March 2014. All members were requested to blocktheir calendar and attend the workshop. Non members areinvited. There has been a suggestion to stay over after thetraining program so everyone can have an entertainingevening.

APRIL 2014As the Administrative & Professional week is celebratedbetween the 23rd to 26th April 2014, the meeting for themonth would be held on 26th April 2014. Please mark yourcalendars respectively. The theme for this year is “Makingthe Leap to Remarkable”.

There is an entertainment planned for 26th April by KarenPeterson. It’s going to be a Fashion Ramp Walk for theyester years with more participants this time. And a funkydance performance by some of us. Kindly enroll your nameswith your respective Committee Members at the earliestplease. We need names and numbers on or before theFebruary 15th. Practice would commence by end of Feb’15.

MAY 2014AGM is scheduled in May. All Members were requested toupdate your email id’s as the AGM papers will be sent onmail. If any member desires to have a hard copy, they are tocontact their committee member and update their address..

As informed in the last AGM the Fixed Deposits have beentransferred to Bank of Baroda from AXIS Bank. This is for yourinformation.

. Dr. Samuel Jayachandran, the speaker then took over anddiscussed at length the benefits of Goal Setting, with stimulatingcase studies. He taught the gathering how to achieve ones goalsand how laziness and procrastination can be a weapon againstachieving one’s goals. Attitude can make the difference butarrogance can defeat success. His references to legends wereappropriate and knowledgeable. Dr. Samuel showed us few clipswhich gave us an insight into our own lack of determination inachieving our goals. But it is not too late, our journey ends onlywhen we stop trying.

Looking forward to the busy schedule we have ahead. Pleasemake your presence felt.

Best Wishes to all the members.

Karen Peterson

As informed the outing in February is deferred in view ofthe cost involved and the forthcoming workshop on March15, 2014

Details of the work shop

Date: March 15, 2014

Venue: ‘Pleasant Days’, Chennai Bangalore TrunkRoad, Palanjur, Sembarambakkam Chennai 123.

Time: 10 a.m to 5.30 p.m.

Facilitator: Hyacinth Arya (See her profile in pg.4)

Includes: Lunch/Tea/Coffee/Cookies/Snacks

Cost: Rs.600 (subsidized) for members Rs.1200 fornon members

Transport can be arranged at an extra cost. Please let yourcommittee member know if you require transport.

Members please update your email addresses. We noticethat there are few emails that are bouncing.

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The Thirst and the Rusty Well

There is a legend of a man who was lost in the desert, dyingof thirst. He stumbled on until he came to an abandonedhouse. Outside the dilapidated, windowless, weather–beaten,deserted shack was a pump. He stumbled forward and beganpumping furiously, but no water came from the well. Then henoticed a small jug with a cork at the top and a note writtenon the side: "You have to prime the pump with water, myfriend. P.S. And fill the jug again before you leave." He pulledout a cork and saw that the jug was full of water.

Should he pour it down the pump? What if it didn’t work? Allof the water would be gone. If he drank the water from thejug, he could be sure he would not die of thirst. But to pour itdown the rusty pump on the flimsy instruction written on theoutside of the jug?

Something from inside told him to follow the advice andchoose the risky decision. He proceeded to pour the wholejug of water down the rusty old pump and furiously pumpedup and down. Sure enough, the water gushed out! He had allhe needed to drink. He filled the jug again, corked it andadded his own words beneath the instructions on the jug:"Believe me, it really works. You have to give it all awaybefore you can get anything back."

That’s why giving is important…!!!


VENUE : Council Hall, Hotel AmbassadorPallava

TIME : 2.30 PM

Charges : Rs.125/- for MemberRs.150/- for guest

RSVP: Not later than February 13, 2014

HIGHLIGHT: Eye Screening Programme by VasanHealthcare Hospitals includes:

1) Auto Refraction.

2) Visual Acuity Assessment.

3) Subjective Refraction.

4) Personalized Counselling.

A brief introduction ofMrs.Hyacinth Arya, the facilitator

for the workshop on March 15.

Hyacinth is a Certified (Freelance) Corporate Trainer in the fieldof Behavioral Science. She is a panel trainer for MafoiConsultants, Tata Group of Companies, NASSCOM fundedCSR Projects and many MNC’s and Corporates.

She has work experience spanning 33 years in SymbiosisInstitute of Business Management, The Times of India andGrowel Times – with Swiss Collaboration.

Her areas of Expertise are:

Corporate Etiquettes and Ethics.Advisor for-Start up Management Strategy.Capacity Building, Team Building, Time Management.Business & Corporate Communication.Stress and Conflict Management.Self Awareness vis-à-vis Professionalism.Women as Managers of Change. (Women Empowerment – Acorporate way).

She had been Interviewed by Reuters TV (ANI), NDTV, StarTV, Zee YV and Star Mazhaa - on being the only woman inAsia to have a ‘Santa Brigade’ consisting of women playingSanta Clause.

She is also a Choreographer and Costume Designer andextensively travelled to attend International Training andConferences in UK and Asia.

What is special about Hyacinth is, she is versatile, vibrant andfull of positive energy. Her energy and desire to keep one andall in high spirits is incomparable She has an ‘ALL IS WELL’attitude and can effortlessly pass it on to you. The reviews andthe feedback from the corporates, where she had conductedtraining sessions have given her an ‘outstanding’ rating.

Editor's Address:Ms. Usha ReddyThe KCP Limited

2, Dr. P V Cherian CrescentEgmore, Chennai 600 008

Ph: 6677 2640 / 99406 17453e-mail: [email protected]