Tale of the kindness

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Comenius project "Our day strarts with a smile", final product, travelling tale of the kindness

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It was a nice sunny day. Water in the lake was woken by the early whisper of the wind. A little birch leaf fell into Water. She smiled and started sprinkling it with her wet hand. And so while playing with the restless leaflet Water did not see that the sun had risen up in the sky and its rays warmed the earth. Water in the lake had a very big dream, not that she was unwell in the lake, but there were many birds flying to her who after slaking their thirst flew high in the sky, while she lost sight of them and was left alone. “If only I could fly like them,” Water often sighed, “it must be very pleasant to fly in the sky! And perhaps in this way I can find new friends…,” she kept dreaming in a loud voice.

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“Hmm…and why do you need new friends?” asked the little frog one day. “Because friendship is the best thing,” answered Water, “It’s your other SELF. Something that is so similar to yourself but at the same time such a different creature that helps you see the world in another way and the both of you together discover something new.”“It might be like that,” said the little frog “but I prefer bouncing on my own.” “Hey, why don’t we become friends?” somebody called out and started tickling warmly and gently the water. Frog looked up and saw the branch of a willow tree dipping in the lake. “Why would I want to be your friend? All you can do is talk. You can’t hop like me and go places. You have to stay in the one spot. I would rather go and have adventures in far away places with new friends who can run around and have fun.”

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“Suit yourself Frog. I am very happy here with Lake as my friend.” “Good-bye!” said Frog.

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RING RING ! The alarm clock goes off and a frog wakes up and stretches and has a big yawn, he is so happy that today is the day he goes in search of a friend.

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All of a sudden he is very sad, he sits once again all alone eating his breakfast and sipping his milk, he says to himself “I wish I had a friend to play with” he sighs and off he goes to look for a friend. He was very hungry and on the way he found a big green leaf with a big fat fly on it, it was very tasty. He sat down on a tree stump and let his little legs hang over “I am so bored! If only I had a friend”. He decided to go deeper into the forest.

As he walked deeper and deeper into the forest he hears the birds sing and the wind in the trees, all of a sudden he sees a small bird drinking out of a puddle,

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“Hello” said frog “Would you like to be my friend?” but the bird didn’t have any time and said” I need to feed my baby birds, I have to find a big worm for them“. The frog carried on, he came to a big pile of logs and sees a long snake“.

Hello snake will you be my friend?” he asked, “Oh no “ said the snake “ Better not because one day I would eat you” and I haven’t got any time.

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The frog carried on quickly and came across a bee hive there was lots of buzzing and humming, the frog asked :

“Would you like to be my friend” a “We don’t have time we have to make Honey, its better if you find someone else” The frog hopped along sadly and climbed a big mountain, suddenly the mountain started to move, it wasn’t a mountain it was a big brown bear.

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“Ohh” said frog “Will you be my friend” the bear turned his head and said “Yes ,i would love to play with you. Frog and Bear played the whole summer together. One day the bear had a Yawn loudly,” AHHHHHH ,so my friend I am very tired and have to rest through the long winter, that is to say “ Hibernate “ .Frog said “sleep well and went on to look for a new friend……

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Frog said “Sleep well and went on to look for a new friend…. Frog wandered back towards the water in the lake where he lived.By the time hereached home the sun was setting over the lake turning it to a beautiful

crimson red as the sun reflected in the still waters. Dusk was gathering and all was quiet in the still night. Frog now felt more alone than he had ever done. “Oh well,” said frog. “ I had better go to bed and get some sleep. Perhaps tomorrow I might find a friend who will always be around not like bear who has to hibernate. The next morning Frog awoke and went out to see the lake. “Good morning Frog.” said the Lake. “How were your adventures? Did you find a friend?” Frog looked longingly at the water. “Yes I found a friend and had exciting adventures but my friend the bear didn’t last long as he had to hibernate. Now I am all alone again.” “Are you really all alone again? Do you really need to go away to find a friend? Sometimes you just need to look at what is under your nose.” said the Lake“What do you mean?” asked the Frog.

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Suddenly the little Frog saw a big fat fly on the spider’s web and forget what the lake told him... He was dreaming about nice breakfast. But the fly was buzzing so loudly that the little Frog became sad. He decided to make free the fly from the spider’s web. After this big job little Frog and the Fly became friends. They played together day after day near the beautiful lake. “You know we can ask for the ladybird to come to play together. It will be more fun”- said the Frog for the Fly. And they decided to call the new friend. After a while they played all together.

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But suddenly the ladybird stumbled over a stone and fallen down to the water. She started to scream “Help me! Help me! I don’t know how to swim!” The little Frog and the Fly helped for the new friend and gave for her a branch to hold. But it was so difficult to grab her from the water. Fortunately the damselfly saw the beetles and asked “ZZZZZZZZZ… What’s happened for you? And the Fly started to wave with hers wing and the Frog hopped around. They was begging “Dear damselfly, please help for us to take out from the water our friend”.

“OK I will help for you” said the damselfly. And they all together helped for the ladybird.

After a while they were playing, dancing waltz and having fun all together. Moreover and the Lake was singing… But suddenly the Fly

said “Zy Zyyy… it’s so good to have friends but maybe we can go to find some more? Then it will be more fun!”

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“Ok, let’s fly!” shouted the Damselfly and the Ladybird. “Let’s hop along!” agree the happy Frog. And the Lake stayed alone with his waves .

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They four together were ambling together, the Damselfly, the ladybird, the Birdie and the Frog. During their way home they get very tired, so they stopped in the middle of a meadow, lied in the sun and playing.

Suddenly the it become darken. The small animals tried to find some shelter from the rain. They found a large leave, where they could wait till the is getting softer.

When the rain stopped, they continued their walk, and imagine, who did they meet? They met with the bear!

•Hi my friend, Bear! Did you wake up? – said the frog.•Let me introduce you my new friends: The Damselfly, the Ladybird, and he

is the Fly. The were very happy to meet again with each other and they decided that

they become friends. They played happily with each other, but after a while the frog become sad. The others were asking from him:

•Why are you so sad?•Because I miss my old friend. The Lake, and I would like to go home, but if I go home, you won’t be with me. •But we can go with you, said the Ladybird, because your friend is our friend as well. •So the five friend went further together, to look for the lake. To go faster, the Bear put all the small animals on his back.

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The bear together with his five friends kept on running till they met a Spider.The Fly got scared but the Spider told them: “Don’t run away I’m not going to sting anyone! All the animals ran because of me,especially the insects.I am a good and polite spider. Please, let me join you! Maybe I can give you some help, one day!” Now, there are six friends walking down the road:the Bear, the Frog, the Fly, the Bird, the Beetle and the Spider. They walked for some time and then they arrived at the lake.The Lake was very happy seeing them again.They enjoyed themselves.

Then the Willow asked if they wanted her to join in. The Frog said: ”Well,now I like you,I have noticed you are good and I can use you as my swing, too” .The rest of the group was playing with some water lilies.When the night came, the friends said: “Sleep tight!” and they went to bed.

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the Spider and the Beetle hid under a leaf but the Frog injured himself because of a stone. While the Frog was running away to avoid the Bear’s fury, his friends tried to help the Frog. The Frog was seriously injured. His friends were very sad. Then the Lake’s water helped them with a piece of advice: there was a hospital for animals in the neighbourhood. The Lake gave them a map so that they could find the way easily. But firstly they neede a stretcher.The Willow gave them some branches and the Spiderwove a web in between.

But that very night a Fox came closer to the little friends and he opened the sack thinking about kidnapping them. The Lake understood what was going on and woke up the Bear by splashing some water on him. The Bear opened his eyes and when he realized what was really happening, jumped in order to save his friends. The Fox dropped the sack…the fly and the Bird flew away,

While the Bear was carrying the Beetle on his back and the stretcher on which the Frog was lying, the Bird and the Fly found the right way by reading the map. Finally, the friends could arrive safe and soundat the hospital. The Frog was taken care of but he needed seven weeks for his recovery….

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It was a long time.Frog got bored because of staying at the hospital.What a horrible situation lying on a bed all day.He understood the lake and the branch of the willow better now.However,his friends were also thinking about him.Willow gave her branches for the frog with the idea of helping him to walk easier. And the rest of his friends made a cane of those branches.

After seven weeks,nature welcomed the autumn.Frog got better,at least he could hop again.He was so impatient to see his friends and to go home.But his friend prepared a nice suprise for him.Willow tree dropped his leaves like the other trees do at that season.All of her leaves were on the lake.So the Willow was in an unrecognizable situation and the lake was invisible because of the leaves.Ladybug,damselfly,spider and the fly hid at the back of the Willow.Also Bear hid in the lake.

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Once the Frog arrived at home,he could not see anyone except for a barren tree and an earth full of leaves.He felt very unhappy for a while.Suddenly, the Bear jumped through the Lake and his small friends appeared from the back of the Willow.Branch and the lake started to sing together.It was a welcome party for the frog.He was so happy.They were like a family more than a friend.And they lived happily together.

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