a THE SUN t4NMY MARCH 30 19JD2 I 4F- S i1 Y J1 1 k HE MEXICOS PASSION PLAY TIlE PEXiTEXTES AND HEIR fetor f the Craetnxlon Still Reprodaeed A on 3oo l Frlrtay by Indians In a Remote 1ll f Psnanee That eoee Caused Death Ttiey Are Revere Vt M Maroh 27Araong 7 tlm Amerioans who flock onoe in ten years to see tho Passion play at Oberammer d gnu thoro ore few who know of the more 7 realUtin performance given yearly by tho Penltontee of New Mexico This per formanoe was flnt adequately described 5 by Adolphe Bandolier In a report issued by the Smithsonian Institution about ten years ago The full title of the Ponit ntes Is Los Hermoaos Penlt nts meaning The Pen K tent rbthen Tb order was established s in New Mexico at the time of the Spanish S conquest under Coronado about 1MO panled the Spaniards was to form a society for zeal among the natives They taught the natives that sin might be ex plated by flagellation and other personal 5 suffering As passed the and half breed eaalota sought to prove their en y thUlIum by fiercer selfimposed ordeals M of suffering The Ides of enacting the tntvaU of the Master on Calvary was vohred Henoa the Passion play of the PealUnte on each Good Friday Mr Bandelier learned from the Spanish archlros that as early as UM a crucifixion In twentyseven men were actually oed to crosses for a took place n Good Friday after several weeks of pdov mortification of with knives an oaotua thorns The Penitent nwnbered some 0000 at the time of the American Maxfaan War in 1B48 The Catholic Church baa long labored to abolish their practices Bo have the civil authorities Jlfty years ago there were branches of KM Penltsntos in seventeen localities the territory and oruolflxiona took place in each of the branches The organization has 4noe gradually died away Nowadays the sole remnant of the order Is In the valley of Ban Mateo seventyfive- mflet northeast from Santa There II no railroad nearer than sixty mUss Some 900 Mexicans still cling to the doctrine that ones misdeeds are to be squared by physical pain during forty days of each year finally closing with a crucifixion Most of the Penitentea live at Too a very old adobe pueblo They are sheep and cattle herders Not one In a dozen of them can read and write In Spanish and they have as little knowledge of English as if they lived In the heart of Mexico Tho Penitent keep their membership a secret nowadays They meet In their primitive adobe council chambers mora den at night and they conduct their flagel- lations and crucifixions as secretly u pos- sible Charles F Luramls of Los Angeles Oil was nearly shot to death by an assassin for photographing a Penltente crucifixion a few years ago T The Penitentea have several night meet during the year but it is only In Lefit that they are active They have a head the Hermano Mayor whose mandates are strictly followed on pain of death Aiolphe- Bandeller has written that upto a half century ago there were instances of dis- obedient and treacherous brother Pen tentes having been buried alive In Lent the Penltentes have night meetings several times a week at the mornda One day they will whip one another on another day they go to El Calrario Ue Calvary a little hill away from the town where they coat their bodies with asjiM and all the time call in lamenta- tion for a witness to their sense of ulnful ness i For snverat days at a time they go without food and they spend whole nights In tearful prayer When Holy Week comes the Intensity of the fanaticitm increases They have been seen to thrust cactus spines Into one another1 naknd backs until the flesh swelled owing to the tortur caused by thousands of nettles under the akin They have been known ta crawl on all like lizards over bill and vale fnr miles at a time to prove their humility Belflahlng with short whips similar to oato ninetails U corn moo and young men have died from ex- haustion and lou of blood during too zealous flagellation On Good Friday the Hermano Mayor names ones who have ohonen to U the JCM CAr the P ter the Pontiut PUsh Jfory the JortAa and so oo for the play Notwithstanding torture In- volved In the Impernonatlon many Penl tnt arc annually inont desirous of being tb Ckrift Tl play I given on FJ raIn rIo While P MTO blow a sharp air on a thm man who U acting the rt of UM- Kavingr OIIIUM forth HUnnly gannxnt U juaiiiii nf iiion WUng or muslin that dang flowing frnm hU an1 ai hi foreltMil U Ixnind wreath nf iiantu llniin 11t lh ni here IMMI IMM rfnep bil Ihn frniu laW MIMIIM uf Utml irlrkU down In a nwtiitMit a of liii llinbei Stat iMjld Ur k It dank wf nuiiif men u Uwi- U MI lioul l II r iU SIghS aixl Und In K luw iiiifln lit i ru liiii WH 4lU till On r lli nf liiMliMi tutu tttI- WHI nuul aii l lit ni il uiit IMiliMilm walk t trl tlJi l lr Im4 M IMIM h l a N- ol the priests who aooom 1 1 time Indian j bleb halfhour theft eh F6 I j I fours the been the the I a should About II 1 nIl tin tlw I hl4 1 1 II tls4s n I I Icof f II tMtot lIt u- t I I II I JMt lItr h 1 lAW 1eI e a M o N lash Nfl w se Iii N4 w Iw- HIlI wN III 1 low IIIIf III It oJ t 1w t- ffI e4- 1f4J 11 1 I RILFIXFIJCTZDTORWRES I less i k I Tbe irpoe of t I I 1 I 1 I I I i I lute iuiiud fa and over 4I Iwant v his She a IIw iwSifeS L3i4 p4- s1aiie Iq an4 gst I t iu Ies4 I 1 m Itt s4 tee fas- DJ eiIml I 115- 5dNt w I WIll Ses lIUb4 WI 1 j1 4w01 w 4k wIs 4- wI eeas 5g- i 14 Se 544 SHlg- S sf MpS4- Ik es- b qbsds 4b s fl- 11dt lN ShJ a4 s Sib c M4- a iL I a i usI I a 551 MM e ad s- S s a a- mt 4e- M ai M1- j i di Wires M1 iI- IIs g es N fteaSts- M M s IWj s MM N I 4 W S 5 5 sw 5s Ie 4 g is sIs p ic 9 a g 44 > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < < > < < = In the Ran Rita UounUlna several deaths among tho Penitent because of poisoning by the cactus thorns and the lashing the men had endured The Pen tente believe that no death la so desirable as that caused by participation In the acting of the travail of the Lord After the first half hour of noise and flagellation about the cross at El Calvario the excitement dIM away Tho crucified man whoso arms and legs are now black under the bonds must bo suffering inde- scribable pain but ho only exclaims oca slonally in Spanish Peace peace peane while the Penitent who haw had no part in the punishment prostrate themselves silently about the cross As the sun slowly descends behind the mountain peaks tho pipcro rises to his feet and blowing a long harsh air upon his flute leads M procession of the people back to the Somo of the leading Ponltentea remain behind and lower the man from the cross Then following the narrative of the scenes on Calvary lila body is wrapped about with- a mass of white fabric and is carried to a dugout cave in the hillside near at hand In the cave the bleeding and tortured body- of the chief actor la nursed to strength If the man is of great endurance and rugged physical strength ho will probably be ready- to go home to his family in the evening conscious of having made ample atonement- for long years of sin and having earned a reputation that many men in Taos have coveted Until a score of years ago women joined- In the balancing of the Penltontes accounts with Heaven by selfImposed bodily suffer- ing No longer ago than when Wal lace was Governor of the Territory hun- dred of women scourged themselves untU their backs and shoulders were raw MUSKOX FOR VKIP IOJIK William c Whitney Presents a Rare Animal to the Zoological Park The only living muskox ever exhibited- on the American Continent is now at the New York Zoological Park to remain as long as It will consent to live After long negotiations beginning in San Fran deco across the continent it was finally purchased by William C Whitney and by him presented to the Zoological Park The price paid was 11600 Thus far only three live specimens of the mu kox have ever reached civiltxa tlon The other two were taken on the eastern coast of Greenland In 1499 by a Swedish exploring expedition Both were sold to Carl Hagenbfclc of Hamburg and by him one was sold to the Berlin Zoological Gardens and the other to the Duko of Bedford At last accounts both were still living The specimen in the Zoological Park 1s a female and was captured in March IDOl directly north of Great Bear Lake and about twentyfive miles Inland from the Arctic Ocean She wu captured- by a party of American whalers andEsqui maux sent out by U H captain- of the steam whaler Boluga which vessel was wintering near that point- A herd of twentyfour muskox was encountered and four yearling calves were captured alive Of these two were killed by the Esquimaux dogs before reach- ing the ship and another was killed by them on board The Beluga reached Bnn Franoisoo on Nov with the mu kox in excellent health Bhn was exhibited in that for a month then taken to Chicago and exhibited at the which she was to New York for exhibition at another Sportsmens l8how At the latter she won not before the public and few visit- ors realized rare zoological prize on view For three months the ownenof the animal had It a valuation so high of the owners Julius Friemer of opened negotiations with the directors of and named a price which was considered reasonable Through the friendly cooperation of Thomas- J desire to this Rpecimon was placed before William C Wwtn who gave hi nhck for the purchase price Excepting the bears and the presented by W M HarViman this rariwt that ha thus been secured the Park In honor of the daughter- of Buffalo Jones the little lrf eii named OUv The mUAkoz arrived at the park last Thursday and ban the enclosures on Mountain Sheep Hill formerly occupied by the and iwar ixwr and raoooon tree Signs have tiM it on adjacent walks to POint out her Him ia herself quite at homo Hay country there WM horn him pir Itnalih at hut how will eiyiuro a New fork summer rt- iiuUn Ui I M n During hot weather l lley w Uial nhx will ll r minfortablf- IAHT A UlirAT MIKK rum II llurnnl Hl llirrp trsri aiiit 4nn uninl- Ilir Inlrrluf ul Hill WIUMIUHHK Msrrli l Tim In lltn mil si HuiMinU IUII rl u twunijr- U slier uri l 4 it F I M M fur fifty Cl ll Wai l uliH- IK M ilw4 M M IMMI M 4f Mil ttnr HM tuuk nfMiwisltM 4 lat Ml t rr ll nut Ik t MM- t a- j village Gen and extendInG Dod sh 7 lOOt tter that the ZoOlogical Society to consider At the the show one tIn11 cheep JI t and the of a with lerl shade and bill rook mut remind nt blocks Ii in the 1YfI loA shelter It or p nIl u 111 1 A 1 I I n f r I I II r n M Iw f t WI f- w r T 4- I 1 I- I I 7 I- tu r u rt t been hatiltat ion greatly enjoys large trei a of granite wIfrli her Of abe sib large of which serra her used Is yrsi 5545w msght lit Iefns hi le flirtsi list tab 4 a Ii heMs iM IS wwl4 talus s ieee tie 0 heSk4 4 451 1 54 b e- iil 1w e IIeIISIslule p- laI hat ii 5 hea to I- lMUhIet fwie t liesi I 4 i M I4w 14 ieM esi 41- Malsy Me 14teeie meU ksaai u 55 See id st 9 t I 0 li I e i f- fW bsep MM i i4 d II i SM M4 0 Me h pp- Wr I ea e- I l S e S5 as 51 5 5 0 41 5 54 4 es s- IS k i I 454f 4 50w wi MM a t 5ss4 M44eeU ae s i ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > > < > < < > > > < < = THE MURDERS AT BEAUMONT A SERIES OF CIUMES SAID TO HE WITHOUT A PARALLEL At L it a forest Btrangrn Ixirrd to aDm and Murdered Month Their HouSe River Hun- dred nobhtd A Woman Conreuri NEW OnLziNH March 28 A1 the In- dications ate that the mystery of the bodies found floating in the Neohes River near Beaumont the town been solved and when all of it Is brought out will be one of the grew some tales of murder ever even excepting tho Burke murders In Edin- burgh or the human slaughter houso of the flanders in Kansas The six murdered men wore found in the river at in the last two months were only half the victims of the gong and prob ably 400 other men were robbed by tho gang and escaped murder only because they did not wake up at the wrong moment Such wholesale robbery and murder has never before been known The police have nine persons under arrest as impli- cated In these crimes six white men one negro man and two negro women Other arrests are expected For the exposure of the crime the police deserve little credit The story came out simply because one of the women Involved could no longer stand the strain of the guilt and became frightened for her own life Previous to her confession there was not even a suspicion as to the manner of the crime the body was found In the 29 the belief was that it wee a case of suicide bodies floated down the river to the Gulf before this discovery no one can know A second and then a third body were found and It was evident that murders of an unusual character were being com- mitted Each body had the skull cracked and each was attired merely In under- clothing Having decided that the bodies mutt have been dumped into the Neohes at a certain the police watched that night In the of the criminals In watch more corpses appeared in the river Another fact not altogether remarkable considering the condition of affairs In Beaumont and yet of a disturbing char- acter was that the murdered men were all unknown in Beaumont Clad as they were in their underclothing there were no papers or other means to identify them and no one of the hundreds who looked at the bodies could remember having seen the victims Finally no one reported any missing relatives There has rush of strangers to ever ethos the oil discoveries among these strangers that the murderers had operated They ap- parently operated with great Judgment- and discretion taking visitors of the middle class and not disturbing the welltodo overwhose disappearance there would have been some or tho tramps who could yield nothing in the way of plunder There was some reason to follow the French detectives advice etitrtht la femme but the detectives could scarcely- be expected to find that the murders were committed a mile away from the river in which the bodies were in the very heart of the city from the Court House railroad station and principal hotels- It was the confession mulatto woman Mattle Bennett that exposed the gang of murderers The woman confesses to have been the stool pigeon In the murders but part In the actual crimes which to have regarded as altogether unnecessary It is probable that one motive loading to the confession was the fear that the gang would kill her to prevent her from exposing them The Investigation of the police left no reason to doubt the womans story Only one other of tho nine persons arrested has shown any disposition to talk and he a negro does not seem to have beers one of the active criminals but merely a tool gang Mary Jane the other will not speak Bennett cannot tell all the story or estimate the number of murders and robbflrien committed in her house but shn thinks that about twelve men were killed there and sno and oo robbed And this I how It WB done Mattin Ilnnnett a mulatlreM and Mary Jane a young negriwa occupied a house on Habinn street almost in nf Beau- mont The plane was of III repute hut hnr no special reason why the police should Interfere with It Among the of It sire Jack Welsh suits known around 1iioch Prim Joe Herd and others Then men began bringing stranger to boilM They walled around the for rmw nuivrs liinrfUt Ihemnelve with tiM t od a drink or and finally pn p l going Ui the IWjiimll house whet they iviuM iitor liquor Oitljr forty fret Mull linemens ih Mil Min nf Qullin finm wlihih ilhiik WMH nriiered- i4l ltU i with kn l sit dni- lite M nn fetl iiWp alA Miw l vsiii r rMiiti- f ll l Ik WMWW I U Ml I ill luf- llffcl i4 Mi K 5 uf Ik head M- MtK iaf MSM ttMMli4 w 41 initial aiff- Mk be- VMS M M V Mm- llll t- Ms mama IbMM I InTo Tex mOt whO We- n fir e- ntered pint pint hops friend Dumont dump den o- ft Malt a a Ill two lIt fri alt 1lltll all I 1 t 11- 1t II 1 W w- o W- j o t- I I- l 1 0 1 I I 1 I h t t lies ota negro between was frequenters tijwfl the at rangers was S sea ntIhivl 1 5511 S 4 1dm ektbIg- i4 then IfI nit SI She lns41 lst 03 5I4liJ- twiiilII5 fur IIer44g1 Ste chat kaIlie4 cc sseM atseaI I1 IIN Cee ras swIdqy t It Ee IMl4e M 4 ha cc IN tsIT- tq 4 4 si II sea 54 t lIe Neee sis tSlINg ktea ee4 we a af Ne tISSkr 44 lies wtai e liMled slsid IMSr If- Il m4 me d ges 1r SM t adw a ni4d ec- a Ms Md M U I s- s iiss4 il MilMS b 4- Mt pMM d 4 t 4 S- I1i iis Id a ma- I s 5 4- aiIJ1raD LI d- l eti lG a ta maia- dl SM aw a MIie 4 1 1di em fr- 14a p 4 e a M- U 1 I M M te i- r ae- Ia s o e a- I i es M- Me Me- a 1 4 I- fb14 J a m Iai s- MM iI 4- I a lea 1W h N it- fatiad s e1- SM4 I1iMs lseS- 4e S aS uwrlt4 see k44asJ ti 1e4m e44s ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > < = were carried In cab or cart to where they were thrown Into the river but It Is scarcely oonoolvable f hat life murderers should haTe taken the risk of halting a passing cab on the street the purpose The police believe that a special hackman or teamster was the removal of the corpses In the torn way as a special saloon was patronized for the knockout drops and that the owner of hearsecarriage will lx found sooner or lanr Even as It Is It peom strange that the secret was kept nolong an It was The murderers became hardened by and unpd the club or brew knuckle frequently than at first It was simple and apparently safer but It set Bennett to thinking She had the lives of a down men In her hands and she that they might silence her So she What Is itlll lacking Is a history of the murderers and their victims The men who were engaged In these crimes are scarcely novices Their records will al- most ctrtalnly prove Interesting If not bloody Npr has anything been done yet to learn exactly how many persons wero murdered In the Bennett house and to get some tact them This may not be possible murderers seem to have destroyed all the and other records of their victims If however the facts can be learned they may explain some of the mysterious disappearances reported from different parts of the has been one of the have wandered from all parts pf the world and some of these wanderers were lost to sight there ALL is WELL I FROZEN NOME Reindeer Replacing DOR as Government Mall Carriers Non Alaska Jan people of this far Northern mining town have heard no news from the outside since the close of navigation In Bohring Sea last October but they are happier than might be sup The outaldo In the language of In subArctic regions in winter moans the whole world Occasionally a dog team comes over from Council City- or Candle or Unalaklik but those are as much Isolated from Nome The mail by which this letter will be car- ried Is to leave tomorrow morn- Ing and with it will go many hundreds of letters from Nome residents to their friends and relatives on the outside But the writers have the uncomfortable feeling that it may be the end of February or middle of March before their letters reach the per- sons to whom they are addressed There Is a great deal of snow which is favorable rather than otherwise to the quick trans- portation of mall C The mails are being carried this winter both by dot teams and reindeer teems J T Llndseth superintendent of the reindeer station near Unalakllk that reindeer are superior to dogs lAnd seth is the man who proposed to the Post Office Department In Washington last winter to carry the between Toiler and points on Sound both of which places are farther north even than Nome HQ has a contract with the Govern- ment and his first experience in carrying- the malls was encouraging Three men and twelve reindeer left Nome with mall for Teller on Dec 20 Undseth had established two relay stations on the way and his contract calls for five monthly trips Reports regarding the first part of the Journey to the north brought In by prospectors Indicate that the experiment with deer transportation will be successful Last ye r Llndsolh told the Post Office Department that he could carry mall with rendoer from Nome to Unalakllk in two days The distance la 250 miles He has not yet had the opportunity to demonstrate- the truth of his assertion It now takes ten or fifteen said the other day Thats with teams DORM are all right but I want to show people that reindeer Is the most useful animal In Alaska The dog drivers stop at night With deer I can twel night and day Llndn th says that Is the way they do In hU native country Lapland Llndonth by the way propone to make a trip un the Yukon Itlver later in the winter decoy with hU reindeer some are not hlng more or IMS than wild reindeer and after capturing them domesticate them for UM Heretofore the loveniment officers Interested in the reindeer project for Alaska have nnnnidernd that It warn easier In the domwitlo n r In Siberia ami bring them over thus it to do the carilKw of this region Thn thing most dreaded winter for thr In no telling what anti 1m wind that weep mutiny would fan small a gruat ration Th town i now e uij l with it- n n alarm system hownver vol uniiwr firs ueiwrtinent ri i limna In less than two fh ii aiiiiii iit I slits a rln mwl ei- Kli Water U of iv Use with the mnrtnwjr- iiywlmrtt from wro to to Wow ground down to a depth miuimerI- M lit iiuinlwr of opl in Nwim now U Uiwuwi lU i ir ii i n IIIDM- Inumlirr MI cm lumdif ainl I lie lies llfW Mv liiakn feature nf- lii U minimi In every U u llulfi U inlNtiiK mi duflriK lit HIM IIIM- l hHtfliliur N- 4H i f MMtM It liw vii M i r si MM bell itil- rf M U- M MSV Mlt the gilt Mettle foe abut pap count Bunt 8The poe plO Eton mla day he the which here I U6hl by a once th u a n all 1 a 1 1 IImll II h In II I I f I I u t 11 a a- U I I J I h it 0 i 1 I w t 1 I- I f L 1- I I t Jog a havoc would e It tartswl All wood are Site list clues great rn s ja ts list S tjlrr Mteu Se MwIMIu- MICi brw ra Ismy tutesgkt haul eumIsr lest gs ts wug un f rlelSc cull heefly sryewly lie 4tieuseni us- ttrsd I eei ties II lie heN ke 4 4t Ibmeir 45 ii USI idkuti i 5 uhes i b slee 4IS4 II eI Ii te iwutmed Ime- r4SioSI I4IMM I- SIs st ie md- tsismg s- I l 4l I- htisr Is l he flea ames s4Md aim II kk ads 11 5 lea uia IMS 4i5i e u uiiI- a e lIsu I- 4Iffi Mp i1 II eesl 4 4 gea 4iS p ii ii i I S4cl IJ i eI I e- I 4 j em Ima s di- M o l a 4- I a M ml l LI I 5 4p i 1 4 a is I d mm I I I I S I N 5 eMi J Ie 5 ie es 5 4 a5 a p g e- m p ii a w Se4 5eeS- a 4 Se v Me mM I a ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < > < > < = = = + MEW FOR THE COUNTRY HOUSE FVRtflSHtftaa THAT GIVE THE DEIRltn QUAINT EFFECT Wall Coverings With Riots of ColorFlow rrert Uesiami for Bedroom Net Window Draperies The flamiy Mis- sion Furniture In Great Favor Now Were it not for tho constant In thefashion of said many of us would have to go out of busi- ness Much of our prosperity Is due to the country house To extent country house furnishings class by them selves It is now pretty generally understood that quaintness nnd plc uresqucncss rather than splendor to distinguish oountry house For this reason with country houses are always prowling around hoping to secure fabrics or fur niture which will contribute to this result Tho brilliant wall coverings which now flaunt themselves conspicuously In the market were among the first of the new things designed for the country house to attract attention Plain effects for the time being are cast into the shade by a veritable riot of color For the living room oven In the smartest circles the drawing room is called a living are landscape papers of many varieties of color which to some extent give the effect of tapestry minus the figures Hills and valleys trees and together with growing plants furnish a pastoral environment which snakes it necessary to banish framed pictures from the patterns even bolder and more gorgeous In color which come from French designers show mythological designs to view and In every case need a large room for their proper display Furnishing a happy medium between these luxurious examples and the plain designs are some which are faithful representation of tho twotoned satin brocades which lately have played such an Important part in the decorations of tho of city houses in these the designs are large mainly wreAths and baskets of flowers but the colors are inconspicuous yellow on a white ground palo against foliage green ecru and and wood brown and delft blue and white Fashion just now gives prominence to leathor and loather effects in draping the walls of the dining room and the main Very beautiful illustrations of this be seen in some of tho houses recently built in a fashionable part of Long Island in each of which tho leather used 1 of the Imported variety representing rich blend of color and conspicuously beautiful dwellings the same idea is out in of even In Imitation leather which is a sort of papier machrt Tho more elabor- ate the pattern of the leather the more and where leather of a uniform color is used an elabor- ately frieze surmounts It of unpolished wood sometimes alternate leather In tho main hall which as a rule In the modern country house Is enough to be a a sittingroom- The newer wall for the most represent a luxuriant flower garden and the designs the more are A or n striped background strewn with bouquets with one huge single blossom or with flowering vines with these flowers and vines clambering clear to the ceiling without a A beautiful exception to flower environment 1 a green work of vines roses A room after fashion gives the charming effect of living in an or a canopy of rones The always question of door urn draper not to bn difficult to solve yoar There are any number of new and very for the piirponn and are comparatively For example among cot tlklltt ImlMering are Cairo lattice end Singapore materials yet nuftiriont weight to l n effno live Thn shown In artistic art soft rennda and mignonette old row vim ted olive brown and deep erwam rretnnle a coarse grenaillnn weave whereas in the the I more and the fabric Include gay mixtures of color as well a thom f plain lint For the Mime old gixxlnlioth striped and plain art colors arrn a not un like burlap that the colorsrn morn that It U evenly woven and llullilliall ta trl of both linen and milon In every lint plain In itlirn e wi l fr thn stitch dot IndimillVM of Dm itilldlil wrajve and in old divUiiK of lrl and flown One of the flret of the new window dr nrleii to allrnot eye of llm wrcker fli r U uliiitU twain ii lli ln- iV H yellow In lor The rewm I rnliutia n i U mine dninlileI- M iniieti heavier tlm nf- wmdiiw net iionin MVM lIe niii ii rlerl- ludi hInt ine i IM IIK i4iiii Hi H x NII very linn HH Mnikllteii llel AliliiU fl HH whwh If- n lIHIIK la lilHlUf IttUWUV- MK4M4 Mlltull- j 4tt tVMfM chang Imo over count wail note tropIc bIn will gen hal dell oed C con plan or pink wall which Is a r In of a blooming with I for for purr n 11 color Ik ur Ih Inn a i R all 10 ll I I ur I I Io t I t- al I I I I I a I o a WI- J w 0 f t u f f f I j I 1 I 4 u M i ought a is used this papered ceiling imitation suitable and first are moss tiemIre lulu tie 11e nl a- I be S lieu sits jrlt y slit en rate a hit slot 1 I iati S 1451 l i mi 5544 1 PI IM1I mist ai end I IMMtIed 5 iou terIoeIew- itseiw 14Mk 411 U JMIIi Ieetfj4 tibia still tI4lsO ujC luiis Itemi Siw has iii 1 IIe sail lie il I lee ii S lela I 5kM su4 e tq raee wm- I iIek4vi if lush 11 h4 I th sf4 011 sit s- C sui Nell ls S- MIM4 Iwseiau mIj ha amw- 1kl I sc t 4 I 41 it t- Le4es Item Immluaar Sm a y e A I es 4 g ti- S 4d dl II ii 4I- suflStaW 5 111 V uses ad H ii JuM 4- toi se Ii es 4w 4- esdll4 C a- TIw4uwfr IMr- I I M I- I k em bNlMI eIkdlI I- I IS t P- r41 rn aa V IMd 4e suS 4 fmi tr- I d e W Il MMa N a- 51w es IVdI5- MIIpIId m es- I 5eeM gaeS- M sI ai P 4 5 4i05 p d ru1 411 I s s4 oeset m a se0M I e 1 se am 4l- jt m 5 1 4e C l q 45 W40511 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > > = + + BEER i t I r Draught at All Our 0 a A F- U I S- On CUstomers OUR CHESS CORNER rsoiuoi 110 1100BT Atrrnoa HOT XKOWK AS irrt- acx NIXB mcxs 4 n on Q n 2 D on Q n 1 K B T P on Q Kt S Q II1 Q 1 and K T Kt on Q R K on K n 8 O on K n on K D I Kl on QB C D on K P onQ KI S K I K D and KKI 2 wniTis XI B PIECES White to play and mate In three movu rnoBLiu NO 1101 BT UTIIOB MOT KNOWN BLACK 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T it 1 rt t - Library of CongressN lash Nfl w se Iii N4w Iw-HIlI wN III 1 low IIIIf III It t oJ 1w t-ffI e4-1f4J 11 1 I RILFIXFIJCTZDTORWRES I less i k I Tbe irpoe of t I I 1 I 1 I

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Page 1: T it 1 rt t - Library of CongressN lash Nfl w se Iii N4w Iw-HIlI wN III 1 low IIIIf III It t oJ 1w t-ffI e4-1f4J 11 1 I RILFIXFIJCTZDTORWRES I less i k I Tbe irpoe of t I I 1 I 1 I





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fetor f the Craetnxlon Still ReprodaeedA on 3oo l Frlrtay by Indians In a Remote

1ll f Psnanee That eoee CausedDeath Ttiey Are Revere

Vt M Maroh 27Araong7 tlm Amerioans who flock onoe in ten years

to see tho Passion play at Oberammerd gnu thoro ore few who know of the more7 realUtin performance given yearly by

tho Penltontee of New Mexico This performanoe was flnt adequately described

5 by Adolphe Bandolier In a report issuedby the Smithsonian Institution about tenyears ago

The full title of the Ponit ntes Is LosHermoaos Penlt nts meaning The Pen

K tent rbthen Tb order was establisheds in New Mexico at the time of the SpanishS conquest under Coronado about 1MO

panled the Spaniards was to form a societyfor zeal among the natives Theytaught the natives that sin might be explated by flagellation and other personal

5 sufferingAs passed the and half

breed eaalota sought to prove their eny thUlIum by fiercer selfimposed ordealsM of suffering The Ides of enacting the

tntvaU of the Master on Calvary wasvohred Henoa the Passion play of thePealUnte on each Good Friday

Mr Bandelier learned from the Spanisharchlros that as early as UM a crucifixion In

twentyseven men were actuallyoed to crosses for a took place

n Good Friday after several weeks ofpdov mortification of with knives anoaotua thorns The Penitent nwnberedsome 0000 at the time of the AmericanMaxfaan War in 1B48 The Catholic Churchbaa long labored to abolish their practicesBo have the civil authorities

Jlfty years ago there were branches ofKM Penltsntos in seventeen localities theterritory and oruolflxiona took place ineach of the branches The organizationhas 4noe gradually died away

Nowadays the sole remnant of the orderIs In the valley of Ban Mateo seventyfive-mflet northeast from Santa

There II no railroad nearer than sixtymUss Some 900 Mexicans still cling tothe doctrine that ones misdeeds are to besquared by physical pain during fortydays of each year finally closing with acrucifixion

Most of the Penitentea live at Too avery old adobe pueblo They are sheepand cattle herders Not one In a dozenof them can read and write In Spanishand they have as little knowledge of Englishas if they lived In the heart of Mexico

Tho Penitent keep their membershipa secret nowadays They meet In theirprimitive adobe council chambers moraden at night and they conduct their flagel-lations and crucifixions as secretly u pos-sible Charles F Luramls of Los AngelesOil was nearly shot to death by an assassinfor photographing a Penltente crucifixiona few years ago

T The Penitentea have several night meetduring the year but it is only In Lefit

that they are active They have a headthe Hermano Mayor whose mandates arestrictly followed on pain of death Aiolphe-Bandeller has written that upto a halfcentury ago there were instances of dis-obedient and treacherous brother Pententes having been buried alive

In Lent the Penltentes have nightmeetings several times a week at themornda One day they will whip oneanother on another day they go to ElCalrario Ue Calvary a little hill awayfrom the town where they coat their bodieswith asjiM and all the time call in lamenta-tion for a witness to their sense of ulnfulness i For snverat days at a time they gowithout food and they spend whole nightsIn tearful prayer

When Holy Week comes the Intensityof the fanaticitm increases They havebeen seen to thrust cactus spines Into oneanother1 naknd backs until the flesh swelledowing to the tortur caused by thousandsof nettles under the akin They have beenknown ta crawl on all like lizards overbill and vale fnr miles at a time to provetheir humility Belflahlng with shortwhips similar to oato ninetails U cornmoo and young men have died from ex-haustion and lou of blood during too zealousflagellation

On Good Friday the Hermano Mayornames ones who have ohonen toU the JCM CAr the P ter the PontiutPUsh Jfory the JortAa and so oo for theplay Notwithstanding torture In-

volved In the Impernonatlon many Penltnt arc annually inont desirous of beingtb Ckrift Tl play I given on FJ raInrIo

While P MTO blow a sharp air on athm man who U acting the rt of UM-

Kavingr OIIIUM forth HUnnly gannxnt Ujuaiiiii nf iiion WUng or muslin

that dang flowing frnm hU an1ai hi foreltMil U Ixnind

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In the Ran Rita UounUlna severaldeaths among tho Penitent because ofpoisoning by the cactus thorns and thelashing the men had endured The Pentente believe that no death la so desirableas that caused by participation In the actingof the travail of the Lord

After the first half hour of noise andflagellation about the cross at El Calvariothe excitement dIM away Tho crucifiedman whoso arms and legs are now blackunder the bonds must bo suffering inde-scribable pain but ho only exclaims ocaslonally in Spanish Peace peace peanewhile the Penitent who haw had no partin the punishment prostrate themselvessilently about the cross

As the sun slowly descends behind themountain peaks tho pipcro rises to hisfeet and blowing a long harsh air uponhis flute leads M procession of the peopleback to the Somo of the leadingPonltentea remain behind and lower theman from the cross

Then following the narrative of the sceneson Calvary lila body is wrapped about with-a mass of white fabric and is carried to adugout cave in the hillside near at handIn the cave the bleeding and tortured body-of the chief actor la nursed to strengthIf the man is of great endurance and ruggedphysical strength ho will probably be ready-to go home to his family in the eveningconscious of having made ample atonement-for long years of sin and having earned areputation that many men in Taos havecoveted

Until a score of years ago women joined-In the balancing of the Penltontes accountswith Heaven by selfImposed bodily suffer-ing No longer ago than when Wallace was Governor of the Territory hun-dred of women scourged themselves untUtheir backs and shoulders were raw

MUSKOX FOR VKIP IOJIKWilliam c Whitney Presents a Rare Animal

to the Zoological ParkThe only living muskox ever exhibited-

on the American Continent is now at theNew York Zoological Park to remainas long as It will consent to live Afterlong negotiations beginning in San Frandeco across the continentit was finally purchased by William CWhitney and by him presented to theZoological Park The price paid was11600

Thus far only three live specimens ofthe mu kox have ever reached civiltxatlon The other two were taken on theeastern coast of Greenland In 1499 by aSwedish exploring expedition

Both were sold to Carl Hagenbfclc ofHamburg and by him one was sold to theBerlin Zoological Gardens and the otherto the Duko of Bedford At last accountsboth were still living

The specimen in the Zoological Park1s a female and was captured in MarchIDOl directly north of Great Bear Lakeand about twentyfive miles Inland fromthe Arctic Ocean She wu captured-by a party of American whalers andEsquimaux sent out by U H captain-of the steam whaler Boluga which vesselwas wintering near that point-

A herd of twentyfour muskox wasencountered and four yearling calveswere captured alive Of these two werekilled by the Esquimaux dogs before reach-ing the ship and another was killed bythem on board

The Beluga reached Bnn Franoisoo onNov with the mu kox in excellenthealth Bhn was exhibited in thatfor a month then taken to Chicago andexhibited at thewhich she was to New York forexhibition at another Sportsmens l8howAt the latter she won notbefore the public and few visit-ors realized rare zoological prize onview

For three months the ownenof the animalhad It a valuation so high

of the owners Julius Friemer ofopened negotiations with the directors of

and named aprice which was considered reasonableThrough the friendly cooperation of Thomas-J desire to

this Rpecimon was placed beforeWilliam C Wwtn who gavehi nhck for the purchase price

Excepting the bears and thepresented by

W M HarViman this rariwtthat ha thus been secured the

Park In honor of the daughter-of Buffalo Jones the littlelrf eii named OUv

The mUAkoz arrived at the park lastThursday and ban the

enclosures on Mountain SheepHill formerly occupied by theand iwar ixwr and raoooontree Signs have tiM it on adjacentwalks to POint out her

Him ia herself quite at homo

Hay country there WM horn himpir Itnalih at hut how

will eiyiuro a New fork summer rt-iiuUn Ui I M n During hot weather

l lley w Uial nhx will ll r minfortablf-

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At L it a forest Btrangrn Ixirrd to aDmand Murdered Month TheirHouSe River Hun-dred nobhtd A Woman Conreuri

NEW OnLziNH March 28 A1 the In-

dications ate that the mystery of the bodiesfound floating in the Neohes River nearBeaumont the town beensolved and when all of it Isbrought out will be one of the grewsome tales of murder ever evenexcepting tho Burke murders In Edin-burgh or the human slaughter houso ofthe flanders in Kansas The six murderedmen wore found in the riverat in the last two months wereonly half the victims of the gong and probably 400 other men were robbed by thogang and escaped murder only becausethey did not wake up at the wrong moment

Such wholesale robbery and murder hasnever before been known The policehave nine persons under arrest as impli-cated In these crimes six white men onenegro man and two negro women Otherarrests are expected

For the exposure of the crime the policedeserve little credit The story came outsimply because one of the women Involvedcould no longer stand the strain of theguilt and became frightened for her ownlife Previous to her confession there wasnot even a suspicion as to the manner ofthe crime

the body was found In the29 the belief was

that it wee a case of suicidebodies floated down the river

to the Gulf before this discovery no one canknow A second and then a third bodywere found and It was evident that murdersof an unusual character were being com-mitted Each body had the skull crackedand each was attired merely In under-clothing

Having decided that the bodies mutthave been dumped into the Neohes at acertain the police watched that

night In the ofthe criminals In

watch more corpses appeared in the riverAnother fact not altogether remarkable

considering the condition of affairs InBeaumont and yet of a disturbing char-acter was that the murdered men wereall unknown in Beaumont Clad as theywere in their underclothing there were nopapers or other means to identify themand no one of the hundreds who lookedat the bodies could remember havingseen the victims Finally no one reportedany missing relatives

There has rush of strangersto ever ethos the oil discoveries

among these strangers thatthe murderers had operated They ap-parently operated with great Judgment-and discretion taking visitors of the middleclass and not disturbing the welltodooverwhose disappearance there would havebeen some or tho tramps whocould yield nothing in the way of plunder

There was some reason to follow theFrench detectives advice etitrtht lafemme but the detectives could scarcely-be expected to find that the murders werecommitted a mile away from the river inwhich the bodies were in the veryheart of the city fromthe Court House railroad station andprincipal hotels-

It was the confession mulatto womanMattle Bennett that exposed the gang ofmurderers The woman confesses to havebeen the stool pigeon In the murders but

part In the actual crimes whichto have regarded as altogether

unnecessary It is probable that onemotive loading to the confession was thefear that the gang would kill her to preventher from exposing them

The Investigation of the police left noreason to doubt the womans story Onlyone other of tho nine persons arrestedhas shown any disposition to talk and hea negro does not seem to have beers one ofthe active criminals but merely a tool

gang Mary Jane the otherwill not speakBennett cannot tell all the story

or estimate the number of murdersand robbflrien committed in her housebut shn thinks that about twelve menwere killed there and sno and oorobbed And this I how It WB done

Mattin Ilnnnett a mulatlreM and MaryJane a young negriwa occupied a house onHabinn street almost in nf Beau-mont The plane was of III repute hut hnr

no special reason why the police shouldInterfere with It Among theof It sire Jack Welsh suits known around

1iioch Prim Joe Herd and othersThen men began bringing stranger

to boilM They walled aroundthe for rmw nuivrs liinrfUtIhemnelve with tiM t od adrink or and finally pn p l goingUi the IWjiimll house whet they iviuM

iitor liquor Oitljr forty fretMull linemens ih Mil Min nfQullin finm wlihih ilhiik WMH nriiered-

i4l ltU i with kn l sit dni-lite M nn fetl iiWp alA

Miw l vsiii r rMiiti-

f ll l Ik WMWW I U Ml I ill luf-

llffcl i4 Mi K 5 uf Ik head M-

MtK iaf MSM ttMMli4 w 41 initial aiff-

Mk be-


M V Mm-

llll t-

Ms mama IbMM





We-n fir e-ntered

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were carried In cab or cart to where theywere thrown Into the river but It Is scarcelyoonoolvable fhat life murderers should haTetaken the risk of halting a passing cab onthe street the purpose The policebelieve that a special hackman or teamsterwas the removal of the corpsesIn the torn way as a special saloon waspatronized for the knockout drops andthat the owner of hearsecarriage willlx found sooner or lanr

Even as It Is It peom strange that thesecret was kept nolong an It was Themurderers became hardened byand unpd the club or brew knucklefrequently than at first It was simpleand apparently safer but It setBennett to thinking She had the livesof a down men In her hands and shethat they might silence her So she

What Is itlll lacking Is a history of themurderers and their victims The menwho were engaged In these crimes arescarcely novices Their records will al-

most ctrtalnly prove Interesting If notbloody Npr has anything been done yetto learn exactly how many persons weromurdered In the Bennett house and to getsome tact them This may not bepossible murderers seem to havedestroyed all the and other recordsof their victims

If however the facts can be learnedthey may explain some of themysterious disappearances reported fromdifferent parts of thehas been one of thehave wandered from all parts pf the worldand some of these wanderers were lost tosight there


Reindeer Replacing DOR as GovernmentMall Carriers

Non Alaska Jan people ofthis far Northern mining town have heardno news from the outside since the closeof navigation In Bohring Sea last Octoberbut they are happier than might be sup

The outaldo In the language ofIn subArctic regions in winter

moans the whole world Occasionally adog team comes over from Council City-or Candle or Unalaklik but thoseare as much Isolated fromNome

The mail by which this letter will be car-ried Is to leave tomorrow morn-Ing and with it will go many hundredsof letters from Nome residents to theirfriends and relatives on the outside Butthe writers have the uncomfortable feelingthat it may be the end of February or middleof March before their letters reach the per-sons to whom they are addressed ThereIs a great deal of snow which is favorablerather than otherwise to the quick trans-portation of mall C

The mails are being carried this winterboth by dot teams and reindeer teemsJ T Llndseth superintendent of thereindeer station near Unalakllkthat reindeer are superior to dogs lAndseth is the man who proposed to the PostOffice Department In Washington lastwinter to carry the between Toilerand points on Sound both ofwhich places are farther north even thanNome HQ has a contract with the Govern-ment and his first experience in carrying-the malls was encouraging

Three men and twelve reindeer left Nomewith mall for Teller on Dec 20 Undsethhad established two relay stations on theway and his contract calls for five monthlytrips Reports regarding the first partof the Journey to the north brought In byprospectors Indicate that the experimentwith deer transportation will be successful

Last ye r Llndsolh told the Post OfficeDepartment that he could carry mall withrendoer from Nome to Unalakllk in twodays The distance la 250 miles He hasnot yet had the opportunity to demonstrate-the truth of his assertion It now takesten or fifteen said the other dayThats with teams DORM are all

right but I want to show people thatreindeer Is the most useful animal In AlaskaThe dog drivers stop at night With deerI can twel night and day

Llndn th says that Is the way they doIn hU native country Lapland Llndonthby the way propone to make a trip un theYukon Itlver later in the winter decoy withhU reindeer some are not hlngmore or IMS than wild reindeer and aftercapturing them domesticate them for UM

Heretofore the lovenimentofficers Interested in the reindeer projectfor Alaska have nnnnidernd that It warneasier In the domwitlo n r In Siberiaami bring them over thus it to do

the carilKw of this regionThn thing most dreaded

winter for thr In no telling what

anti 1m wind that weep mutinywould fan small a gruatration Th town i now e uij l with it-

n n alarm system hownver voluniiwr firs ueiwrtinent ri i limnaIn less than two fh ii aiiiiii iitI slits a rln mwl ei-Kli Water U of iv Use with the mnrtnwjr-

iiywlmrtt from wro to to Wowground down to a depth miuimerI-


lit iiuinlwr of opl in Nwim nowU Uiwuwi lU i ir ii i n IIIDM-Inumlirr MI cm lumdif ainl I lie liesllfW Mv liiakn feature nf-

lii U minimi In every U ullulfi U inlNtiiK mi duflriK lit


l hHtfliliur N-

4H i f MMtM Itliw vii


i r si MM

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== =




Wall Coverings With Riots of ColorFlowrrert Uesiami for Bedroom NetWindow Draperies The flamiy Mis-

sion Furniture In Great Favor Now

Were it not for tho constantIn thefashion of saidmany of us would have to go out of busi-

ness Much of our prosperity Is due to thecountry house To extent countryhouse furnishings class by themselves

It is now pretty generally understoodthat quaintness nnd plc uresqucncss ratherthan splendor to distinguishoountry house For this reasonwith country houses are always prowlingaround hoping to secure fabrics or furniture which will contribute to this result

Tho brilliant wall coverings which nowflaunt themselves conspicuously In themarket were among the first of the newthings designed for the country houseto attract attention Plain effects for thetime being are cast into the shade by averitable riot of color

For the living room oven In the smartestcircles the drawing room is calleda living are landscape papersof many varieties of color which to someextent give the effect of tapestry minusthe figures Hills and valleys trees and

together with growing plants furnisha pastoral environment which snakes itnecessary to banish framed pictures fromthe

patterns even bolder and moregorgeous In color which come fromFrench designers showmythological designs toview and In every case need a large roomfor their proper display Furnishing ahappy medium between these luxuriousexamples and the plaindesigns are some which are faithfulrepresentation of tho twotoned satinbrocades which lately have played suchan Important part in the decorations of tho

of city housesin these the designs are large

mainly wreAths and baskets of flowersbut the colors are inconspicuous yellowon a white ground palo againstfoliage green ecru and andwood brown and delft blue and white

Fashion just now gives prominence toleathor and loather effects in draping thewalls of the dining room and the mainVery beautiful illustrations of thisbe seen in some of tho houses recently builtin a fashionable part of Long Island ineach of which tho leather used 1 of theImported variety representing rich blend

of color and conspicuously beautiful

dwellings the same idea isout in of

even In Imitation leather whichis a sort of papier machrt Tho more elabor-ate the pattern of the leather the more

and whereleather of a uniform color is used an elabor-ately frieze surmounts It

of unpolished wood sometimesalternate leather In thomain hall which as a rule In the moderncountry house Is enough to be

a a sittingroom-The newer wall for the

most represent a luxuriant flowergarden and the designs the more

are A or n stripedbackground strewn with bouquets

with one hugesingle blossom or with flowering vines

with these flowersand vines clambering clear to the ceilingwithout a

A beautiful exception to flowerenvironment 1 a green

work of vinesroses A room after fashiongives the charming effect of living in an

or a canopy of ronesThe always question of

door urn draper not tobn difficult to solve yoar There are anynumber of new and veryfor the piirponn and are comparatively

For example among cottlkllttImlMering are Cairo lattice endSingapore materials

yet nuftiriont weight to l n effnolive

Thn shown In artistic artsoft rennda and mignonetteold row vim tedolive brown and deep erwam rretnnle acoarse grenaillnn weave whereas in the

the I more andthe fabric Include gay mixtures of coloras well a thom f plain lint

For the Mime oldgixxlnlioth striped and plain

art colors arrn a not unlike burlap that the colorsrn morn

that It U evenly wovenand llullilliall ta trl of both linen andmilon In every lint plain Initlirn e wi l fr thn stitch dotIndimillVM of Dm itilldlil wrajve andin old divUiiK of lrl and flown

One of the flret of the new windowdr nrleii to allrnot eye of llm wrcker

fli r U uliiitU twain ii lli ln-

iV H yellow In lor The rewm I

rnliutia n i U mine dninlileI-M iniieti heavier tlm nf-

wmdiiw net iionin MVM lIe niii ii rlerl-ludi hInt ine i IM IIK i4iiii Hi

H x NII very linn HHMnikllteii llel AliliiU fl HH whwh If-

n lIHIIK la lilHlUf IttUWUV-

MK4M4 Mlltull-

j4tt tVMfM






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