T he Parish Communities of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour (Beith), St. Brigid’s (Kilbirnie) & St. Palladius (Dalry) Weekly Bulletin 28th June 2020 Feast of Saints Peter & Paul (Year A) Prayer Intentions Sick: All who are ill of body, mind or soul. All those suffering from or anxious about Coronavirus and those in the front-line of care (Nurses, Doctors, Hospital staff, Carers etc). Recently Deceased: Anniversaries: Joe Malone, Sarah Slavin, George Johnston, Tony Ross, Robert Humphries, Bernard Boyle, Doreen Dora No Public Masses & Liturgies: all public Masses and Gatherings in our Churches have been suspended. Daily Mass is continuing to be offered for you all by Fr. Mark in private. Parish Website: visit it by clicking on this link or typing into your web-browser (safari/chrome/ edge) www.rcgarnockvalley.org.uk with no log-in needed or sign-up to any social media platform or app. On it you will find the weekly bulletin, audio resources of homilies and prayers, links to live Masses & other faith resources. Pastoral Provision: Pastoral care is available for all by phone/FaceTime/email. Hospitals & Care homes are developing their own restrictions. All routine visits to the sick are suspended. Sunday Liturgy: this Sunday we celebrate the Feast of St Peter & St Paul, the 2 Apostles of Rome, who both brought the Good News to the heart of the Empire and ultimately laid down their lives to bear witness to it. We also pray for Pope Francis as the successor of Peter and for the whole Church throughout the world joined to him. This feast usually falls on 29th June, but as this is a Monday this year it is moved to the Sunday and takes the place of the Sunday liturgy. Next Sunday we resume the Ordinary Sundays of the year with the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A). Re-opening our Churches for Private Prayer: our Churches have re- opened for Individual Prayer (only) as part of Phase 2 of the Government’s “route-map” out of lockdown. As yet this is not for Masses/services, aside from funerals with minimal attendance. The resumption of Mass will only be possible in Phase 3, and even then in a socially-distanced and reduced format. The opening times for this week are: Tues 30th 2-3:30pm St Brigid’s Thurs 2nd 6-7pm St Palladius These will be reviewed & published weekly while we are in Phase 2. In deciding to come to Church while the virus is still circulating everyone is choosing to take a risk. We will do everything we can to minimise that risk (including cleaning the church between each use) but no activity is risk-free at present. Those in the most vulnerable shielded group should not attend at the hours above but contact Fr. Mark if they have an individual need to get to Church. Those with severe underlying health complications and those over 70 with any underlying health complication should consider postponing visiting until the virus is more under control (Phase 3). Healthy 70’s & overs and under 70’s with underlying health complications should be extra careful to observe all the health precautions rigorously if they choose to come to Church (or other indoor public spaces). Everyone else must abide by the hygiene measures and physical distancing required for us to all operate as safely as possible. Clearly it is important that not everyone arrives or leaves at the same time, please stagger when and on what days you come. Please note it will not be possible to light candles due to the risk of contamination and the presence of highly flammable hand gels. Thanks: to everyone who attended our Churches for private prayer this past week, for their patience, compliance with the health precautions, and willingness to follow the directions of stewards. Thanks also to those who acted as stewards and the cleaners who are wiping down all surfaces/handles between each use of the buildings. School Holidays: started on Friday and run through to 11th August. After a very disrupted year we wish all the boys & girls (especially those moving/leaving school) all the best and a happy and safe summer break. We thank all the staff who have done so much to provide for online learning and support over the past months for children and families. May God bless you all! Fr. Mark Kelly, St. Palladius Church House, 10 Aitken Street, Dalry KA24 4BX Tel. 01294 832181 (e-mail) [email protected] Mobile 07709 550 621 website www.rcgarnockvalley.org.uk Our Lady's, St. Brigid’s & St Palladius are parishes of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Galloway (Registered Scottish Charity SC010576). Our Privacy Policy can be found at www.gallowaydiocese.org.uk/privacy-policy-gdpr Please donate for those who can by transfer/standing order (no cash or cheques for now) direct into Parish Bank Accounts. Account details are available from Fr. Mark (by phone) - thanks to those who are continuing or have increased their support. St Vincent de Paul mobiles Dalry/Beith 07587 697 327 Kilbirnie 07526 856 522 NB the full range of SSVP support is not available due to current restrictions

T he Parish Communities of Our Re-opening our … › 80442951 › files › ...2020/06/28  · T he Parish Communities of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour (Beith), St. Brigid’s (Kilbirnie)

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Page 1: T he Parish Communities of Our Re-opening our … › 80442951 › files › ...2020/06/28  · T he Parish Communities of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour (Beith), St. Brigid’s (Kilbirnie)

T he Parish Communities of Our Lady of Perpetual Succour (Beith),

St. Brigid’s (Kilbirnie) & St. Palladius (Dalry)

Weekly Bulletin 28th June 2020 Feast of Saints Peter & Paul (Year A)

Prayer Intentions Sick: All who are ill of body, mind or soul. All those suffering from or anxious about Coronavirus and those in the front-line of care (Nurses, Doctors, Hospital staff, Carers etc). Recently Deceased: Anniversaries: Joe Malone, Sarah Slavin, George Johnston, Tony Ross, Robert Humphries, Bernard Boyle, Doreen Dora

No Public Masses & Liturgies: all public Masses and Gatherings in our Churches have been suspended. Daily Mass is continuing to be offered for you all by Fr. Mark in private. Parish Website: visit it by clicking on this link or typing into your web-browser (safari/chrome/edge) www.rcgarnockvalley.org.uk with no log-in needed or sign-up to any social media platform or app. On it you will find the weekly bulletin, audio resources of homilies and prayers, links to live Masses & other faith resources. Pastoral Provision: Pastoral care is available for all by phone/FaceTime/email. Hospitals & Care homes are developing their own restrictions. All routine visits to the sick are suspended.

Sunday Liturgy: this Sunday we celebrate the Feast of St Peter & St Paul, the 2 Apostles of Rome, who both brought the Good News to the heart of the Empire and ultimately laid down their lives to bear witness to it. We also pray for Pope Francis as the successor of Peter and for the whole Church throughout the world joined to him. This feast usually falls on 29th June, but as this is a Monday this year it is moved to the Sunday and takes the place of the Sunday liturgy. Next Sunday we resume the Ordinary Sundays of the year with the 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time (Year A).

Re-opening our Churches for Private Prayer: our Churches have re-opened for Individual Prayer (only) as part of Phase 2 of the Government’s “route-map” out of lockdown. As yet this is not for Masses/services, aside from funerals with minimal attendance. The resumption of Mass will only be possible in Phase 3, and even then in a socially-distanced and reduced format. The opening times for this week are: Tues 30th 2-3:30pm St Brigid’s Thurs 2nd 6-7pm St Palladius These will be reviewed & published weekly while we are in Phase 2. In deciding to come to Church while the virus is still circulating everyone is choosing to take a risk. We will do everything we can to minimise that risk (including cleaning the church between each use) but no activity is risk-free at present. Those in the most vulnerable shielded group should not attend at the hours above but contact Fr. Mark if they have an individual need to get to Church. Those with severe underlying health complications and those over 70 with any underlying health complication should consider postponing visiting until the virus is more under control (Phase 3). Healthy 70’s & overs and under 70’s with underlying health complications should be extra careful to observe all the health precautions rigorously if they choose to come to Church (or other indoor public spaces). Everyone else must abide by the hygiene measures and physical distancing required for us to all operate as safely as possible. Clearly it is important that not everyone arrives or leaves at the same time, please stagger when and on what days you come. Please note it will not be possible to light candles due to the risk of contamination and the presence of highly flammable hand gels. Thanks: to everyone who attended our Churches for private prayer this past week, for their patience, compliance with the health precautions, and willingness to follow the directions of stewards. Thanks also to those who acted as stewards and the cleaners who are wiping down all surfaces/handles between each use of the buildings. School Holidays: started on Friday and run through to 11th August. After a very disrupted year we wish all the boys & girls (especially those moving/leaving school) all the best and a happy and safe summer break. We thank all the staff who have done so much to provide for online learning and support over the past months for children and families. May God bless you all!

Fr. Mark Kelly, St. Palladius Church House, 10 Aitken Street, Dalry KA24 4BX Tel. 01294 832181 (e-mail) [email protected]

Mobile 07709 550 621 website www.rcgarnockvalley.org.uk Our Lady's, St. Brigid’s & St Palladius are parishes of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Galloway (Registered Scottish Charity SC010576). Our Privacy Policy can be found at

www.gallowaydiocese.org.uk/privacy-policy-gdpr Please donate for those who can by transfer/standing order (no cash or cheques for now) direct into Parish Bank Accounts. Account details are available from Fr. Mark (by phone) - thanks to those who are continuing or have increased their support. St Vincent de Paul mobiles Dalry/Beith 07587 697 327 Kilbirnie 07526 856 522 NB the full range of SSVP support is not available due to current restrictions