THE BOURBON NEWS PARIS KY 16 1900 DAY JANUARY 2 A 4 T WHAT THEN VTtat if the day be cell eat dark SJM What iboueh I drag barton through the str T- en trait Bte caufljr soul aIn go wrong But I todKkt shall hear two liUl f t 430 tiro soft bands afcal stroke ay weary brow And two awoot Ha shall press stsatest That if I aag ay w What thovgh no oa has frloufty a apeak- haawlaat upon OM through tine r ur we t tt Is i loave my caret behind ah to nhati I bold tapettel sway mr tovlaa subject a JUT knee area ids face against aqr own to hear hv Mapts T bahy of praise for ae- Aad feel le w agate that God is Bat OB If after Rhea I havt dark day and long town by go I ahaoU sat hear fete Hula tbeaf- lfc aT i uart I wfcea Imawj ai i tul I t data ha taamfcy a ta what thorn ataai what Qr ICY C HOrc K13- 6HKbIXAppecanOB AH- QLaPTERDL CaorrarcKD tile broad fcssn the window fetftuil man of bet face H cgne were dark kit nose long aul didxttf doihed at bridge The math was gpttiil and bespoke his char- acter at a aaee tbonjh hM face was by no meals c mxme or weal Hk brow vac not broad bat it was oath open and his hair pied about his ears was tied Mte tie be Iad sad profusely pow4ered- Ba he was not a trikk dcapite the autjBOM acifanB of tiriet and gold adoraed with the waistcoat ribbon and liril via knightly order fjaaMthiiij there waa abovt him impressed me with the ifttienew of his cfitnrc and there was a hrk m his side cjanrrs wholly in aa spirit he was a man proud of hi- twer a aaaa much given to self ccnuanBMMi and afleneg His oHicial stand ing was indicated br the da Ie epav jet iua ahoaddcr His word with its belt wrapped abed ii L darned in stoles a march en as you nciacd Have you charms to pit jake YOB are the qncca of graeionsness- to thav me Do yen fd to year Hksegr Aad as Lt pronoosced the aaaat he rer gnixc4 ray prepare by a look aaji aa aiaoat hea Bg oftha- Badeffrialacal alFeetSnicpetaiatieeassiic add bee coaiaBie You iatemipted me befatc I bed come to ctiTiciaaions The affair is MIle of MY making land 1 im- brokeahearted at its aeceaaity Oh ncees a dreadfa word is it not nasty Sir Henry I sep pas wound not came for an hoar yet tat owe that yen are here I will leave you t aattk with the captaia while I look after air rectcaat ward Sir Henry I feared I would fovnd her with Ah Capt Loonabarr ones ehndren be they aan law or nature ass 4ch a trii each a trial Baarrf Then with an upward look and daBriy affeefcad arcbaeac will hover aw toHUgbt will sea Sir Henry held oat his hand ta her tile of with a step as unnatural as that in the micnet eaeartcd her into tie ball doaiag the else LeI him was alt absent kaa I had bet tbae to take in the details of the elegantly aasTtBMai frim its carved trbiad tale to the carved caiiag of the window enrerlookicg the Hndaoo when be catered rather hastily his no with of a batiaesi like air seated hi at the table motioning me to take t h j air opposite n tRtaatly maering his eye frasa sine as i t but immediately ictaouag charge rlnally he begaa aaite Are you Copt Lonnsbcry- Mv b art leaped at the saeatiaa ad I TuJ mrueaf toactber with the flier in t r of layiag r ocnt hands on lam if be L iiurorwwd the fraud but I answered 5 srd with aa answerrmg look Knypha- fw bat you 1 i I had been led to expect i Tie acd carriage salts 1 if you have aabttetjr behsni I warner was unsuspicious gad ibis r il me Boawg I answered hve Sees service oar exrelleficy- i arc alwajrv- f 1 ass toM he replied You are a t ab Ton and peak like ret year record is sisdy sir he put ia harriadlr 1 am not War has its You reed fc rler pvea von yesterday roar ewwflencjr you prepared to act oa its lea vour v excelleBC- Ttpped as if perplexed and passed his a T Mg his brow Vj were aot sacre sful in your mission u rok Why did you not report party was out of reach I vw- raatrfnaj tbe guess that he referred iaitr I Lace b n n UJ from a wound ied pointing to my which aU the excitement in leaving the Arms I had not forgotten 11 you undertake a similar errand the city and m connection with the a daeek I words srw t 1M kitltng At T ore Mal IIIIIIIIa u Sad 6Q wJla at MM j If were mr ckleaz DiaU7 XewsI LANC eTe41 light to be a tbosti pale of the and pad w ida with far t rank heavy right v he 11 braved tile 1JCa me J lat t of teaIpS aM earth c impel s1 Sir theory aiel Yea rtJ n 4 law yen b I krw Sir lICit s O tea I never fall lace tsar cif it file far- m ic e face bearing its aDd tIC Ptff Iae east quirk at t 1 t hardly a t ti- c Ul ties l 1 i l tJ business I3slt I iIL i J i he asked looking at me I log is air bear tw crest ant Wee words ant assn Man t4eager roes alter sass things wrsi Pest Illsrsr sass Iii sbasY tsaft anent ssa wldi de fw- aar M pls tre- es s t IorAsW4 d has apes bia siaissg tiia dire be test aid brown a tl f b tear d ocepatilIe hose ado ning 1i titas- dl a r he grebe t aprti 1r tt bls i rte i 1 he d- i woad yam eve and ota tbe baser Las nsbery e bird ash apt Lmy hosed Wh ss8 a tsar deeiia p Tea wtitt rude kaew- E his a aest eosaw led the fencer genial eslmraian elf or ep akin g e N rear esceilescy c has alwspsI ap ierr the You yon as e d gerl atxasi rosd sea look mss c N rN diitp6r sling t 1 h tr e tportw Rev e nerd N > > > = < > > = + Yes your excellency If it be feasible It is it is and you shall be well rewarded Have money Xo your excellency I nothing but y promise prize money I am living on the credit of that Indeed Have the paper with you properly For an answer I took it from my pocket and laid it before him at the same time with a start that the communica tion given to me the day before had been left in my room in the hurry of escaping from the tavern He picked up the docu- ment I before him glanced at it and wen rising went to a bookcase which on being opened disclosed a small strongbox This he unlocked and taking from it several rouleaux of coin laid them on the table You must have money you cannot get ready without it You will have many ex- penses Listen I shall not intrust you with a packet to General Pigot The ture k too hazardous Tell him to hold Newport to the last extremity and I will start to his relief within two weeks I shall also communicate with him by land He aroe again and clasping his hands behind him walked up and down the floor I saw that the man was wishing to come to a point against which just then he was shy lag and as tine was an object to hoped to help him the difficulty by remarking The matter of the cruise fe plain enough but your excellency hinted at instructions Yes yes he answered It was that I referred to a moment since lie hesitated and theta pointing to my arm continued Perhaps your wound would cripple you floe active service No your excellency I answered hur- riedly it is about healed Will you then undertake to to ia bort to abduct a person avd and perhaps deliver her to P otr M a woman K- It is a woman In fact my position is delicate I roust not be known in the mat- ter She is troublesome to ell her brother is about to be executed I wish to her from this knowledge Do you follow me She is to be the victim of an unauthorized outrage to be your own No ill treatment no unnecessary violence of course You be pad you shall be well paid Get the boat ready be ready within five days Can I rely on you Then report for final detais Is there anything more your excellency there is more I hall need a pass Some of my men with- out the lines Very good he returned sitting down and pulling paper toward him on which he wrote rapidly then pushing the writing away he began talking with the feather of the quill betwixt his teeth Here is your pass said he laying his hand over the paper and looking hard at me end there is your gold There is more to rocs Xo violence no brute violence What would you do if necessity your sinking the ship If if if The pen in his mouth gave his voice the character of a snarl his eyes flashed and he bent forward eagerly 1 caught a glimpse of the villainy of tbis man and without winking promptly replied Save myself your honor As though smitten by a revulsion of feel ing he started back and exclaimed Xo no Not that Great God not quite so quick What a tool you are In there M sihcr way Let me test M it fevfcfil jr H iiHJMrlti the meaning of this The last remark was drawn from him by a noise of controversy in the without the sudden opening of the dor and the of a female unannounced She was veiled but before the door bad fairly Closed behind her with a graceful move of her arm she uncovered her face and I involuntarily- came to my feet I recognized young girl whose beauty had struck me as 1 was about leaving tbe Sprite Her ryes were red from weeping and in- deed the tears on her cheeks were as appar- ent as the few raindrops on her silken hood as well as on her plain though elegant coo tame Over her white brow and from under the back of her head covering there strayed a few locks of hair which some might have called red lint red they were not being the richest of auburn and of such a nature that the damp of the air had curled them into- a of crisp waves If tears were on her cheeks there were none in tees voice as she advanced before the Englishman As she came to within a pace of hiss she halted and demanded in a low firm tone which for kin its firmness was sweet Sir Henry where is my brother Clinton dropped his eyes while a heavy frown contracted his smooth forehead For an instant he appeared about to give way to temper but finally unpuckered his brows and replied easily as though patronizing petulant child Mjr doer Miss Gertrude you must ttsk your aunt Call your Mrs Badely no aunt of mine Sir Henry She may be my guardian but none of her blood flows in my veins Be that as it may sir she has but this moment neierred me to you My brother has been gone a week You have promised each day that I should see hjm tbe next Sir Henry where is my brother The decidedly dafaat tone of the last de mind made me wowier at the audacity of the speaker but instead of arousing the tem- per of the man to whom it was addressed it made him rather draw into himself though not without an effort at selfcontrol Again be aroM aad paced the floor behind his desk but finally stopping in his walk took a long breath u if he had arrived at a determina- tion and suddenly turning to me said Lounsbury the plan I mentioned will remain in abeyance My dear Ger- trude be continued addressing the girl I have been wring to save you from pain as you will have the truth I will give it to yM Your brother has been discovered act- ing in the interests of the enemy Ills of lease was dear and he has acknowledged it He was arrested our week ago this day He was tried fairly convicted and sentenced to be baaged ac a spy Yesterday he perished- in the fire at Crugers Wharf before tbe sen- tence could be executed Now at these words I guessed this was the girl whom I had been expected to kidnap Sad make way with and my first impulse quickly controlled was to blurt out the fact of her own danger It had heroine plain however that Clinton could not screw his courage to going the length of even indi- rectly taking her life munch as he wished for some reason to be rid of her It was strong ly forced on me that be was being used as a catspaw by the woman who was known to powerfully influence his actions even to the extent of altering the plans of a campaign As he jabbed his statement I knew he had told the girl an untruth or be had been lying to me as be had informed me that the brother was about to be hanged no mention having been made of his death by fire In tautly there value to mind my encounter with the scorched patriot and I instinctive iy strung the two together I expected to witness tbe collapse of the girl as the British general completed his sentence but there came nothing of the sort J I I over se- cret I Ii the Yes tea c yin I I I a I I mass i but I f L p J a s indorsed aid yen then save motive dss ended tale hall en- try Clinton apt ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > Instead she stood tall and graceful with lips apart and eyes widely strained Her color faded a trifle but after a breath or two she answered stoutly Gen Clinton that is false My brother held no communication with anyone beyond the lines at Kingsbridge You have overshot your mark It was 1 sir who informed Gen Washington of your intended movement into the Jerseys but my poor brother has been doomed because he is in possession of facts which would compromise Sir Henry Clinton were they known abroad I too know them Work your will on me a girl I care not but if you injure a hair of the head of Beverly all England shall know how Mr Henry Clinton obtained his knighthood together with other matters which would make interesting reading Two years Gen Clinton had challenged Lord George Germain of the British ministry In fear of his life Germain promised a title and the command of the army in America if he would withdraw the chal- lenge Clinton did so obtained leave of ab sence from America went to London and was knighted by the king Returning he succeeded Gen Howe who resigned short- ly before the evacuation of Philadelphia The affair caused great scandal at the time By his appearance here is doubtless one of your familiars she went on indicating me by a fine look of intense scorn Order him to apprehend and make way with Gertrude King who by the help of God has been is now and always will be devoted to her own land and its liberties As she uttered these words she was sub lime Her figure swayed slightly her eyes sparkled and her voice rang like a bell There was no effect of bravado but it was apparent that with her there had come a crisis and she had thrown off her mask either because it was no longer of use or for the purpose of sacrificing herself for her brother Her great beauty her youth her fearlessness ay even the grace of her pose set off by her faultless costume gave weight to the words which on her listeners pro- duced profound though widely differing emotions My own first feeling was that of utter as I marked her great courage and heard the inspiring eloquence of her last sentence my next that if necessary I would risk my life to assist her if my way to do so was made plain My admiration ray respect was beyond measure I was al- most moved to defy Clinton to his face there and then when that party exposed the spirit in which he had listened lie had halted and whirled about as she threw at him the falsity of his statement and as she progressed his face turned from white to red and from red to purple On her finishing he hung a moment as though to gather the full import of her words and then banged his fist on the table as he ex- claimed You doubly damned rebel wench You spy How dare you use such language here and to me So you have taken advantage of your housing with My God what a fool your aunt has been Madam he suddenly thundered you are under arrest Sir she said cutting him short if I run I will be released You have now an opportunity to confiscate my property as you have my brothers Doubtless this sum will also go tj enrich your paramour You have taken me for a child but I am not the helpless girl you think me I know your riotives They are money and fear and Mrs Badcly And now I have but one de- mand Gen Sir Henry Clinton and one more Wit Your personal secrets aro- tj you are welcome to as you will but hold it until the right prevails but this I will have pass beyond your lines at Kingsbridge The statement will simply show the extent of your falsity and the ease with which it is overcome My brother At that moment the Iud door for a second time was thrown open violently by a female and now it was Mrs Uadely who reentered There was no affectation about her as she hurried in and closed it behind her With her hand on the knob her face blanched ash color and her whole figure trem- bling sh pointed to the defiant girl and burst out She is a traitor she is a traitor Let her not go hence 0 Sir Henry Sir Henry be has escaped He has been tack and taken all those She got no further but tottering slightly gradually sank to the floor in a or faint CHAPTER X THE HEROISM OF GERTRUDE KING Gen Clinton stood as if stricken with catalepsy while I sprang to Mrs IJadely Discarding the useless disguise I threw sling from me and lifting the bore her to the couch As her aunt sank to the floor the girl had given a violent start and as though taking for granted that the escaped party referred to was her brother she raised her hands and exclaimed fervently Thank God thank God Then the emotion she had bravely suppressed when her misfortune seemed at its height over- came on the relaxation of tbe strain and she broke into a torrent of tears Giving no further attention to Mrs Bade ly I turned and looked at He had sunk into his chair and was undergoing a strong inward struggle but the expression of his face boded little good to the girl who still stood before hint In a moment he straightened himself and pointing to the weeping maiden sternly said Capt Lounsbury call my orderly and see that this woman is placed in confine- ment Report to me when it is done It appeared that time moment had arrived when 1 must declare myself for to allow this heroic girl to suffer the indignity of arrest while I could prevent it was not in my books I was about to turn on him mr gnawer when she lifted her head arid her wit eyes toward Clinton sell as firmly as she had before Gen Clinton I care little for what you nay do to me The only load I had has been lifted My brother is free Listen He was never arrested as a never tried in any court serer condemned to be hanged I knew he was to be re- moved from Iris prison of that I was in formed by one of your own officers and I came here to his whereabouts Is not my socalled beauty as powerful for my interests as your commands for yours Look to yourself Sir Knight What 1 know of you will find a ready car but Sir Henry Clinton you will scarce have the courage to demand an earldom from the one who bears it Time utterly fearless way in which she spoke coupled with sarcasm and a taunt the nature of which I then knew nothing drove the British general into a fury Springing- to his feet and again slamming the table he shouted Arrest her sir Arrest her instantly Stop her vile mouth Good God am 1 to be thus boarded by a selfconfessed trait ress By this I had gotten to a pitch of spirits that ripened me for any deed insuring UIQ safety of the gallant girl and yet my head was left clear enough to see the possible consequence of my act Nay Sir Henry I replied clearly but without moving I shall never arrest her nor see her arrested here rather would 1 be- fore l1 MiNl nowa real pret- ended m itls direct- ing spoken red t d f L i Clin- ton in- significance ti a as li girlerfe j t- an lady her Clin n tame ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > = ° ese her oaBoalzed Do yccr own dirty work Holland furies he thundered fairly lom the floor What means this treason sir Wi As he moved from behind the table took a couple of strides toward the seeing his intention was tc call the and that for me it was now the or the scaffold in an instant I was ahead of him and quickly locking the door threw the key through the open I was too soon Through the heavy mahogany Ir heard the approach of hurried footsteps and the knob twisted while yet my on it With ah oath Clinton turned toward the table and grasped his sword but again I anticipated his action and was before him Laying ray left hand on the weapon 1 pressed It down while with my right 1 pushed him ito his chair and held him there Pe pIed as though fearing assassination and gasped then after- a fruitless effort at freeing himself he shouted What Capt LJunsbury would you mur der I rapidly shifted my grip and to prevent his farther clamoring placed my hand over his mouth pinning his head fast to the back of the chair Call me not I exclaimed in my excitement I have been damned by that weeks enough Know me as Donald Thorndyke an enemy to tbe king Quick now said i turning to the girl Here Is a pass ready written Get away out of the window I will cover your go ing And with that I snatched the writ- ing from the table and held it toward this time there was a violent knocking at the dpor and some shouting in the hall but taking no notice of the shortness oC time allowed for her escape the girl stepped close to me ad peering into my face with surprise upon her own counten- ance said Are you from Washington Nay miss I answered 1 am but a freelanot not from him but for him to the end Hurry your leaving and God bless you brave lass But y you Must 1 take the sacrifieaT1 I ant already known and outlawed Hurrtf Heaven help the first man who en ters this room now If you would prevent bloodshed leave at once 1 will Live for your brothers sake Get gone get gone Taking the paper I had pushed into her hand she gave me a smile that was a the memory of which conies to me as I write Turning she hastened to the bal cony I saw her gather her skirts climb over the light iron rail and matter accomplished as the window sill was a scares six feet from the soil of the gar den below And then I turned attention to myself and my own desperate situation There was nothing to do but follow her immediately if I to escape but know ing that every seconds delay helped the maiden I still held the general so that he could neither cry out nor prove aggressive and so continued holding him for perhaps the splice of a minute In the meantime the attacks on the door were becoming more violent and even the one through which Clinton had entered was now being tried Mrs Badely who bad been through the episode suddenly r e er md rafted herself up- right on tbe couch when seeing ine appar- ently strangling her lover she set up a shrieking that must have driven to despera tion those without TO BE CONTINUED STUCK TO HIM Ilic Annoyins Experience of nri Eng- lish Disioi with n Horsy Station Master A certain bishop in tmvellc through his diocese had occasion to change nt a wayside junction While waiting for his train he seized the opportunity of leaking friends with time stationroas ter Oats of the kindesthearted men he wns very fond of trying to enter into the varied interests of those with whom he came in contact However on this occasion he did not find it easy to dis- cover the exact topic in which his new friend was interested So reluctantly- he fell beck on his partiotilar shop i e the frame 1 suppose with the race meeting taking place today there has been some very heavy traiKc In your line Inadvertently the bishop had indeed struck the stationmasters weakest point not the traffic but rue ing So for the nft quarter of an hour he listened in his kindiyunij t the vari- ous merits of the engaged in the St Leger and the chances of success At to the bishops great relief it must be admitted the train arrived and shaking hands with his racing friend he got into a carriage He hid not traveled very far however the train having pullfc up he heard stationmasters voice asking if the bishop of train HastJiy the bishop dexlared his presence Of hip fellowpassengers in IBe thirdclass earring it the bishoiK boast that lit always traveled thiiX were on the qui vive to know what the stationmaster wanted with the biship while quite n little krct of spectators gatheVed around the carriage window Up comes the ollicial making n prodi- gious salute to the great ecclesiastical lord from time station master at asking me to tH your lordship that Donovan won the Leger Corn kill Maaxiirft Goldsmith read much after be sari retired and at other times when not disposed o read and was unable to sleep he would He in bed thinkir The candle was kept burning at such times and his original mode of extin- guishing It was tiharactertetic of careless and easeloving genius He flung his slipper at it which in conse- quence was found in the morning be- smeared with grease Detroit Free Press An Infnzt Philosopher Friend He i n bright child isnt he Papa Bright Why be has learned already that JDrseveranre overcome obstacles he makes himself a nuisance until he gets what he wants human raice can in a few cas utter 2DQ words srtin lit 1Ii JI boundtn JOU are under arrest cJiir you defy me he ffie an ha1Jj but s whole win- dow trine hand 1ias our ommnder Lounsbur her- B for a ubut follow dropa easily hoped hrs inlhe course wax Ivl received II tly GOJ ItEUDclcblr the undo puyk T I 7 tcV f y i j t yourself nee imme- diate name un- disguised be- times bene- diction in last w her the was dignity just wire ntitlla t ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < > + TfeelfiatilngSpeoIalisfe ofABflrisa 20 YEARS IN OHIO 250000 Curd Thousands of troubled with thin unconsciously times light ciarro difficulty in weak organs and oil the nervous hare Tutu Dontlet doctors experimental you by cattln or yon turn Our METHOD TREAT absorbs tlauoj It con never return No suRu no detention from business by car method The eexnat organs ar sued The nerves are invigorated crd the burs of manhood returns WE CURE SLEET Thousands of young and nlddlerced B men sexual rigor and k thi die 1 ease are frequently unconscious i cause General Weakness Fail J i Manhood errousness Poor TQ V dark circle J fa Weak Back General Lack p of Ambition Vancocclo Shranken may be the cause DOlt consult doctors oi they have no in Ijk these diseases allow S METHOD TiUiAJiHSHT trtU r orf y taro you Ono dollars Terms moderate fora care We mutt and care EMISSIONS J KArST5 iTNNATTPAri DTSf HA RG BS wid CONSULTATION FREE If trflb tn cal write for 122 W FOURTH STREET R- CIHC1NMATI O R ONLY 500 zicso ot good faith aid w- tcil seed you Bra prosfitfa ky f COD subject to- eimlnalon Tea em exms you Aft Sad It the equal of proof lock Iron l u steel sate trade and abect LIU oaethlrl the price char td othrr rorljei d- ffj freight rent our racr otacrwlic return It as cur axvoneo and wo tvl rotors your doOO 100b eaablnallea Tar 632 SOOtb and it9rc safes 81131 GOO lbs 1735 arm IBS SJlOSt I860 tbs 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TREATllETDRS KENNEDY KERGAN SEND US5500ua a I1 as 11a- I 2 I Q Sad freltt charres less thel6to I TfiB BluD Grass HmS riB91 I i V HILLENMJ YER a 1 SwllTH RATES p I u H17 n y S Maue WalrholD or cJ t PI U12BEB work y OUR rated ta er Stu P l per CUt Ute and send to iiI with sr51Js- epd Dan fit Is elttMt retUat UOOsnd rat u t t i 1 c w ace They a ham ann b tx e sat dig mtn MENT atric true Continually Mem- ory Irritability at lames r quacks t a ter SEC ST BOOKS HO3SE r14 t pedal tent lot safe e leer one Inside err 1000 dikes 10 croto SIAT1 FOR FIrr SAs For- t a 8atmrtfl orr AIINSPARGII E18 eBimapan n holders darn Hat n atIJarane Dewey air Jdmlre- n ad et Yen the ALB pea p w acre sad esw k ad out the upwards cast rturr lieu do ate ° > ¬ > > > + = < < = + + + > Offers the following very reduced Magazine and Newspaper subscrip tions All publications are mailed poet paid one year direct from the publish- ers to subscribers Breeders Gazette 25 Century Magazine t 00 Cosmopolitan Magazine 90 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good hotel ia Riving 2 rate Excellent service lowcrlm- ATTE5TIOS J1TIZ85S Now is the time to brine in roar en glues mowers sad farm machinery for repairs Also Mower binder blades And dont fr rs t your lawn Kjcweja- K a anti oil fetovHrf I will UMK good a new G w entrant awl water pipe sitting ranges rePAired AH or Thinl a My agency insures against fire wind and storm best oil prompt paying nies nonunion W 0 KENTON Agent COUGHT FOIL CASH HS STOUT i aris Ky eJdri y prices- on 1 S5- 75 to 90 16 iDclgd tat 1IEo CINCINNATlt- nA TON To ptDLLtAPOLIS Qi 1i > I roAr 1Il J PiltH CAtlPDELL Manager to boa Lou sUw high ai tel work rn rntrid- NEWIIAIJIS aI1CUJ D or ut rel- iable lifa InSnranGfl r ad- dress l s P 1 l l t If- oa 7 7 f- s 9- ck i- b t s via and tc con Pohi8is ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ >

T- D Ie mtn - Library of Congresschroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069873/1900-01-16/ed-1/seq-3.pdf · Ba he was nota trikk dcapite the autjBOM acifanB of tiriet and gold adoraed

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VTtat if the day be cell eat dark SJMWhat iboueh I drag barton through

the str T-

en trait Bte caufljr soul aIn go wrongBut I todKkt shall hear two liUl f t

430 tiro soft bands afcal stroke ay wearybrow

And two awoot Ha shall press stsatest

That if I aag ay wWhat thovgh no oa has frloufty

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Bat OB If afterRhea I havt

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tile broad fcssn the window fetftuilman of bet

face H cgne were dark kit nose longaul didxttf doihed at bridge Themath was gpttiil and bespoke his char-acter at a aaee tbonjh hM face was by nomeals c mxme or weal Hk brow vac notbroad bat it was oath open and his

hair pied about his earswas tied Mte tie be Iad sad profuselypow4ered-

Ba he was not a trikk dcapite theautjBOM acifanB of tiriet and goldadoraed with the waistcoat ribbon and liril

via knightly order fjaaMthiiijthere waa abovt him impressed mewith the ifttienew of his cfitnrc and therewas a hrk m his side cjanrrs wholly in

aa spirithe was a man proud of hi-

twer a aaaa much given to selfccnuanBMMi and afleneg His oHicial standing was indicated br the da Ie epavjet iua ahoaddcr His wordwith its belt wrapped abed ii L darned in

stoles a march en as younciacd Have you charms to pit

jake YOB are the qncca of graeionsness-to thav me Do yen fdto year Hksegr Aad as Lt pronooscedthe aaaat he rer gnixc4 ray prepare by alook aaji aa aiaoat hea Bgoftha-

Badeffrialacal alFeetSnicpetaiatieeassiic

add bee coaiaBie You iatemiptedme befatc I bed come to ctiTiciaaions Theaffair is MIle of MY making land 1 im-brokeahearted at its aeceaaity Oh ncees

a dreadfa word is it notnasty Sir Henry I sep

pas wound not came for an hoar yettat owe that yen are here I will leave yout aattk with the captaia while I look afterair rectcaat ward Sir Henry I feared Iwould fovnd her with Ah CaptLoonabarr ones ehndren be they aanlaw or nature ass 4ch a trii each a trial

Baarrf Then with an upward look anddaBriy affeefcad arcbaeac will hoveraw toHUgbt will sea Sir Henry

held oat his hand ta her tile of

with a step as unnatural as that in themicnet eaeartcd her into tie ball doaiagthe else LeI him

was alt absent kaa I had bet tbaeto take in the details of the elegantly

aasTtBMai frim its carvedtrbiad tale to the carved caiiag ofthe window enrerlookicg the Hndaoo whenbe catered rather hastily his no

with of a batiaesi like air seatedhi at the table motioning me to taket h jair opposite

n tRtaatly maering his eye frasa sine asi t but immediately ictaouag

charge rlnally he begaa aaite

Are you Copt Lonnsbcry-Mv b art leaped at the saeatiaa ad I

TuJ mrueaf toactber with the flier int r of layiag r ocnt hands on lam if beL iiurorwwd the fraud but I answered5 srd with aa answerrmg look

Knypha-fw bat you1 i I had been led to expecti Tie acd carriage salts

1 if you have aabttetjr behsniI warner was unsuspicious gad ibis

r il me Boawg I answeredhve Sees service oar exrelleficy-

i arc alwajrv-f

1 ass toM he replied You are at ab Ton and peak like

ret year record is sisdy sirhe put ia harriadlr 1 am not

War has its You reedfc rler pvea von yesterday

roar ewwflencjryou prepared to act oa its leavour


excelleBC-Ttpped as if perplexed and passed hisa T Mg his brow

Vj were aot sacre sful in your missionu rok Why did you not report

party was out of reach I vw-raatrfnaj tbe guess that he referred

iaitr I Lace b n n UJ from a woundied pointing to my whichaU the excitement in leaving the

Arms I had not forgotten11 you undertake a similar errand

the city and m connection with the




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Yes your excellency If it be feasibleIt is it is and you shall bewell rewarded Have money

Xo your excellency I nothing buty promise prize money I am living onthe credit of thatIndeed Have the paper with you

properlyFor an answer I took it from my pocket

and laid it before him at the same timewith a start that the communica

tion given to me the day before had beenleft in my room in the hurry of escapingfrom the tavern He picked up the docu-ment I before him glanced at it andwen rising went to a bookcase which onbeing opened disclosed a small strongboxThis he unlocked and taking from it severalrouleaux of coin laid them on the table

You must have money you cannot getready without it You will have many ex-penses Listen I shall not intrust youwith a packet to General Pigot Theture k too hazardous Tell him to holdNewport to the last extremity and I willstart to his relief within two weeks Ishall also communicate with him by land

He aroe again and clasping his handsbehind him walked up and down the floorI saw that the man was wishing to come toa point against which just then he was shylag and as tine was an object tohoped to help him the difficulty byremarking

The matter of the cruise fe plainenough but your excellency hinted at

instructionsYes yes he answered It was that I

referred to a moment since lie hesitatedand theta pointing to my arm continued

Perhaps your wound would cripple youfloe active service

No your excellency I answered hur-riedly it is about healed

Will you then undertake to to iabort to abduct a person avd and

perhaps deliver her to P otrM a woman K-

It is a woman In fact my position isdelicate I roust not be known in the mat-ter She is troublesome to ell herbrother is about to be executed I wish to

her from this knowledge Do youfollow me She is to be the victim of anunauthorized outrage to beyour own No ill treatment no unnecessaryviolence of course You be padyou shall be well paid Get the boatready be ready within five days Can Irely on you Then report for final detaisIs there anything more

your excellency there is more Ihall need a pass Some of my men with-

out the linesVery good he returned sitting down

and pulling paper toward him on which hewrote rapidly then pushing the writingaway he began talking with the feather ofthe quill betwixt his teeth

Here is your pass said he laying hishand over the paper and looking hard atme end there is your gold There is moreto rocs Xo violence no brute violenceWhat would you do if necessityyour sinking the ship If if if

The pen in his mouth gave his voice thecharacter of a snarl his eyes flashed andhe bent forward eagerly 1 caught aglimpse of the villainy of tbis man andwithout winking promptly replied

Save myself your honorAs though smitten by a revulsion of feel

ing he started back and exclaimedXo no Not that Great God not

quite so quick What a tool you are Inthere M sihcr way Let metest M it fevfcfil jr H iiHJMrltithe meaning of this

The last remark was drawn from him bya noise of controversy in the withoutthe sudden opening of the dor and the

of a female unannounced She wasveiled but before the door bad fairly Closedbehind her with a graceful move of her armshe uncovered her face and I involuntarily-came to my feet I recognized younggirl whose beauty had struck me as 1 wasabout leaving tbe Sprite

Her ryes were red from weeping and in-

deed the tears on her cheeks were as appar-ent as the few raindrops on her silken hoodas well as on her plain though elegant cootame Over her white brow and from underthe back of her head covering there strayeda few locks of hair which some might havecalled red lint red they were not being therichest of auburn and of such a nature thatthe damp of the air had curled them into-a of crisp waves

If tears were on her cheeks there werenone in tees voice as she advanced before theEnglishman As she came to within a paceof hiss she halted and demanded in a lowfirm tone which for kin its firmness wassweet

Sir Henry where is my brotherClinton dropped his eyes while a heavy

frown contracted his smooth forehead Foran instant he appeared about to give way totemper but finally unpuckered his browsand replied easily as though patronizingpetulant child

Mjr doer Miss Gertrude you must ttskyour aunt

Call your Mrs Badely no aunt of mineSir Henry She may be my guardian butnone of her blood flows in my veins Bethat as it may sir she has but this momentneierred me to you My brother has beengone a week You have promised each daythat I should see hjm tbe next Sir Henrywhere is my brother

The decidedly dafaat tone of the last demind made me wowier at the audacity ofthe speaker but instead of arousing the tem-per of the man to whom it was addressed itmade him rather draw into himself thoughnot without an effort at selfcontrol Againbe aroM aad paced the floor behind his deskbut finally stopping in his walk took a longbreath u if he had arrived at a determina-tion and suddenly turning to me said

Lounsbury the plan I mentionedwill remain in abeyance My dear Ger-trude be continued addressing the girl Ihave been wring to save you from painas you will have the truth I will give it toyM Your brother has been discovered act-ing in the interests of the enemy Ills oflease was dear and he has acknowledged itHe was arrested our week ago this day Hewas tried fairly convicted and sentenced tobe baaged ac a spy Yesterday he perished-in the fire at Crugers Wharf before tbe sen-tence could be executed

Now at these words I guessed this was thegirl whom I had been expected to kidnapSad make way with and my first impulsequickly controlled was to blurt out the factof her own danger It had heroine plainhowever that Clinton could not screw hiscourage to going the length of even indi-rectly taking her life munch as he wished forsome reason to be rid of her It was strongly forced on me that be was being used as acatspaw by the woman who was known topowerfully influence his actions even to theextent of altering the plans of a campaignAs he jabbed his statement I knew he hadtold the girl an untruth or be had been lyingto me as be had informed me that thebrother was about to be hanged no mentionhaving been made of his death by fire Intautly there value to mind my encounterwith the scorched patriot and I instinctiveiy strung the two together

I expected to witness tbe collapse of thegirl as the British general completed hissentence but there came nothing of the sort


I Iover






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> >

Instead she stood tall and graceful with lipsapart and eyes widely strained Her colorfaded a trifle but after a breath or two sheanswered stoutly

Gen Clinton that is false My brotherheld no communication with anyone beyondthe lines at Kingsbridge You have overshotyour mark It was 1 sir who informed GenWashington of your intended movementinto the Jerseys but my poor brother hasbeen doomed because he is in possession offacts which would compromise Sir HenryClinton were they known abroad I tooknow them Work your will on me a girl

I care not but if you injure a hair of thehead of Beverly all England shall know howMr Henry Clinton obtained his knighthoodtogether with other matters which wouldmake interesting reading Two years

Gen Clinton had challenged LordGeorge Germain of the British ministryIn fear of his life Germain promised

a title and the command of the army inAmerica if he would withdraw the chal-lenge Clinton did so obtained leave of absence from America went to London andwas knighted by the king Returning hesucceeded Gen Howe who resigned short-ly before the evacuation of PhiladelphiaThe affair caused great scandal at the timeBy his appearance here is doubtless one ofyour familiars she went on indicating meby a fine look of intense scorn Order himto apprehend and make way with GertrudeKing who by the help of God has been isnow and always will be devoted to her ownland and its liberties

As she uttered these words she was sublime Her figure swayed slightly her eyessparkled and her voice rang like a bellThere was no effect of bravado but it wasapparent that with her there had come acrisis and she had thrown off her maskeither because it was no longer of use orfor the purpose of sacrificing herself for herbrother Her great beauty her youth herfearlessness ay even the grace of her poseset off by her faultless costume gave weightto the words which on her listeners pro-duced profound though widely differingemotions

My own first feeling was that of utteras I marked her great courage

and heard the inspiring eloquence of her lastsentence my next that if necessary Iwould risk my life to assist her if my wayto do so was made plain My admirationray respect was beyond measure I was al-

most moved to defy Clinton to his face thereand then when that party exposed the spiritin which he had listened

lie had halted and whirled about as shethrew at him the falsity of his statementand as she progressed his face turned fromwhite to red and from red to purple Onher finishing he hung a moment as thoughto gather the full import of her words andthen banged his fist on the table as he ex-claimed

You doubly damned rebel wench Youspy How dare you use such language hereand to me So you have taken advantage ofyour housing with My God what a foolyour aunt has been Madam he suddenlythundered you are under arrest

Sir she said cutting him short if Irun I will be released You have now anopportunity to confiscate my property asyou have my brothers Doubtless this sumwill also go tj enrich your paramour Youhave taken me for a child but I am not thehelpless girl you think me I know yourriotives They are money and fear andMrs Badcly And now I have but one de-

mand Gen Sir Henry Clinton and onemore Wit Your personal secrets aro-

tj you are welcome to as you will but holdit until the right prevails but this I willhave pass beyond your lines atKingsbridge The statement will simplyshow the extent of your falsity and the easewith which it is overcome My brother

At that moment the Iud door for a secondtime was thrown open violently by a femaleand now it was Mrs Uadely who reenteredThere was no affectation about her as shehurried in and closed it behind her Withher hand on the knob her face blanched

ash color and her whole figure trem-bling sh pointed to the defiant girl andburst out

She is a traitor she is a traitor Let hernot go hence 0 Sir Henry Sir Henry behas escaped He has been tack and taken

all thoseShe got no further but tottering slightly

gradually sank to the floor in a orfaint


Gen Clinton stood as if stricken withcatalepsy while I sprang to Mrs IJadelyDiscarding the useless disguise I threwsling from me and lifting the bore herto the couch As her aunt sank to the floorthe girl had given a violent start and asthough taking for granted that the escapedparty referred to was her brother sheraised her hands and exclaimed fervently

Thank God thank God Then theemotion she had bravely suppressed whenher misfortune seemed at its height over-came on the relaxation of tbe strain andshe broke into a torrent of tears

Giving no further attention to Mrs Badely I turned and looked at He hadsunk into his chair and was undergoing astrong inward struggle but the expressionof his face boded little good to the girl whostill stood before hint In a moment hestraightened himself and pointing to theweeping maiden sternly said

Capt Lounsbury call my orderly andsee that this woman is placed in confine-ment Report to me when it is done

It appeared that time moment had arrivedwhen 1 must declare myself for to allow thisheroic girl to suffer the indignity of arrestwhile I could prevent it was not in mybooks I was about to turn on him mrgnawer when she lifted her head arid

her wit eyes toward Clinton sell asfirmly as she had before

Gen Clinton I care little for what younay do to me The only load I had has beenlifted My brother is free ListenHe was never arrested as a never triedin any court serer condemned to behanged I knew he was to be re-moved from Iris prison of that I was informed by one of your own officers and Icame here to his whereabouts Isnot my socalled beauty as powerful for myinterests as your commands for yours Lookto yourself Sir Knight What 1 know ofyou will find a ready car but Sir HenryClinton you will scarce have the courage todemand an earldom from the one who bearsit

Time utterly fearless way in which shespoke coupled with sarcasm and a taunt thenature of which I then knew nothing drovethe British general into a fury Springing-to his feet and again slamming the table heshouted

Arrest her sir Arrest her instantlyStop her vile mouth Good God am 1 tobe thus boarded by a selfconfessed traitress

By this I had gotten to a pitch of spiritsthat ripened me for any deed insuring UIQ

safety of the gallant girl and yet my headwas left clear enough to see the possibleconsequence of my act

Nay Sir Henry I replied clearly butwithout moving I shall never arrest hernor see her arrested here rather would 1


l1 MiNl


real pret-ended





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Clin n


















ese her oaBoalzed Do yccr own dirtywork

Holland furies he thundered fairlylom the floor What means this

treasonsir Wi

As he moved from behind thetable took a couple of strides towardthe seeing his intention was tccall the and that for me it was nowthe or the scaffold in an instantI was ahead of him and quickly locking thedoor threw the key through the open

I was too soon Through the heavymahogany Ir heard the approach of hurriedfootsteps and the knob twisted while yetmy on it

With ah oath Clinton turned toward thetable and grasped his sword but again Ianticipated his action and was before himLaying ray left hand on the weapon 1

pressed It down while with my right 1pushed him ito his chair and held himthere Pe pIed as though fearing

assassination and gasped then after-a fruitless effort at freeing himself heshouted

What Capt LJunsbury would you murder

I rapidly shifted my grip and to preventhis farther clamoring placed my hand overhis mouth pinning his head fast to the backof the chair

Call me not I exclaimed inmy excitement I have been damned bythat weeks enough Know me asDonald Thorndyke an enemy to tbe king

Quick now said i turning to the girlHere Is a pass ready written Get away

out of the window I will cover your going And with that I snatched the writ-ing from the table and held it toward

this time there was a violent knockingat the dpor and some shouting in the hallbut taking no notice of the shortness oC timeallowed for her escape the girl stepped closeto me ad peering into my face with

surprise upon her own counten-ance said

Are you from WashingtonNay miss I answered 1 am but a

freelanot not from him but for him to theend Hurry your leaving and God bless you

brave lassBut y you Must 1 take the

sacrifieaT1I ant already known and outlawed

Hurrtf Heaven help the first man who enters this room now If you would preventbloodshed leave at once 1 will

Live for your brothers sake Getgone get gone

Taking the paper I had pushed into herhand she gave me a smile that was a

the memory of which conies to me asI write Turning she hastened to the balcony I saw her gather her skirts climbover the light iron rail and matter

accomplished as the window sill wasa scares six feet from the soil of the garden below

And then I turned attention to myself andmy own desperate situation

There was nothing to do but follow herimmediately if I to escape but knowing that every seconds delay helped themaiden I still held the general so that hecould neither cry out nor prove aggressiveand so continued holding him for perhapsthe splice of a minute

In the meantime the attacks on the doorwere becoming more violent and even theone through which Clinton had entered wasnow being tried Mrs Badely who bad been

through the episode suddenlyr e er md rafted herself up-

right on tbe couch when seeing ine appar-ently strangling her lover she set up ashrieking that must have driven to desperation those without



Ilic Annoyins Experience of nri Eng-lish Disioi with n Horsy

Station Master

A certain bishop in tmvellc throughhis diocese had occasion to change nta wayside junction While waiting forhis train he seized the opportunity ofleaking friends with time stationroaster Oats of the kindesthearted menhe wns very fond of trying to enter intothe varied interests of those with whomhe came in contact However on thisoccasion he did not find it easy to dis-

cover the exact topic in which his newfriend was interested So reluctantly-he fell beck on his partiotilar shop ie the frame 1 suppose with therace meeting taking place today therehas been some very heavy traiKc Inyour line Inadvertently the bishophad indeed struck the stationmastersweakest point not the traffic but rueing So for the nft quarter of an hourhe listened in his kindiyunij t the vari-ous merits of the engaged in theSt Leger and the chances of successAt to the bishops great relief itmust be admitted the train arrivedand shaking hands with his racingfriend he got into a carriage He hidnot traveled very far howeverthe train having pullfc up he heardstationmasters voice asking if thebishop of train HastJiythe bishop dexlared his presence Of

hip fellowpassengers in IBethirdclass earring it the bishoiKboast that lit always traveled thiiXwere on the qui vive to know what thestationmaster wanted with the bishipwhile quite n little krct of spectatorsgatheVed around the carriage windowUp comes the ollicial making n prodi-gious salute to the great ecclesiastical

lord from time station master atasking me to tH your lordship thatDonovan won the Leger Corn killMaaxiirft

Goldsmith read much after be sariretired and at other times when notdisposed o read and was unable tosleep he would He in bed thinkirThe candle was kept burning at suchtimes and his original mode of extin-guishing It was tiharactertetic ofcareless and easeloving genius Heflung his slipper at it which in conse-quence was found in the morning be-

smeared with grease Detroit FreePress

An Infnzt PhilosopherFriend He i n bright child isnt hePapa Bright Why be has learned

already that JDrseveranre overcomeobstacles he makes himself anuisance until he gets what he wants

human raice can in a few casutter 2DQ words srtin lit



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TfeelfiatilngSpeoIalisfe ofABflrisa20 YEARS IN OHIO

250000 Curd

Thousands oftroubled with thin


times lightciarro difficulty in weakorgans and oil the

nervous hareTutu Dontlet doctors experimentalyou by cattln oryonturn Our METHOD TREAT

absorbs tlauojIt con never return No suRu

no detention from business by carmethod The eexnat organs arsued The nerves are invigorated crdthe burs of manhood returns

WE CURE SLEETThousands of young and nlddlerced B

men sexual rigor and kthi die 1

ease are frequently unconscious icause GeneralWeakness Fail J

i Manhood errousness PoorTQ V

dark circle Jfa Weak Back General Lack pof Ambition Vancocclo Shrankenmay be the cause DOlt consultdoctors oi they have no in Ijkthese diseases allow S

METHOD TiUiAJiHSHT trtU r orf ytaro you Ono dollars

Terms moderate fora care

We mutt and care EMISSIONS


CONSULTATION FREEIf trflb tn cal write for



ONLY 500zicso ot good faith aid w-tcil seed you Bra prosfitfaky f C O D subject to-eimlnalon Tea em exms

youAft Sad It the equal of

proof lock Ironl u steel sate trade and abectLIU oaethlrl the price char td

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racr otacrwlic return It as cur axvoneoand wo tvl rotors your doOO 100b eaablnallea

Tar 632 SOOtb and it9rc safes81131 GOO lbs 1735 arm IBS SJlOSt I860 tbsBiS50 rf01b 53e50T rrl rg doable coUIdr aad drakle

r safes far Urje b klcrts faetorj Jewelry or b ar60 lashes high 2 100 Ibs S08St C8 loebe 8000 lit83075 Freight an rises 23 rrtttper lOOUi f rCOOi ltesi

CATALOGUE and opeolal liberal C O D oEcrSEARS ROEBUCK CO Chicago


Offer Everything


Fall ptock of Fruit and OrnamentalTrees Grapes Small Fruits Aspara aaShrubs and evorythinR kept in such aqestablishment employ no nsrentaDescriptive latnlocue on application tq

H FLexington Ky

Phone 279 Oct6S-

mWiU Kenney M D

Physician SurgeonP-hone 138

OFfiCE Fourth and Pleasant Sli-

OITICK HoURSY to 10 n2 to 4 p za7 to 8 p 12

Insure property against tirwind and lightning in than Hum HoxaInsurance Co a save and reliable com-pany

Q W MILLER AgentPort 7-




Ieurancfl In the fiuratHoiae enroar the policy fifty yenta on ihrf-cQCOied the year 1807-

O W Jliu w Agen-Pana Xr

BE ASV AQOERICAKmade if Klc luifceu fret

Urxvcy Slgubce bavo thenTheir tacannllo letters ifaiad toac DUW r buLL MPG CO 9 Ktllta LAB K w


PARIS KENTUCKYWork guaranteed satisfactory Calls

promptly answered Y Mirsolicited Prices reasonable

0 ABTI FAT BELTFor15OwcrnrnI nnOWNS Anfor Uie cure of CORPULENCY-

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Offers the following very reducedMagazine and Newspaper subscrip

tions All publications are mailed poetpaid one year direct from the publish-ers to subscribersBreeders Gazette 25Century Magazine t 00Cosmopolitan Magazine 90Demorest MagazineEvery Month M

Leslies Popular MonthlyHarpers Magazine 2 75Ladies Home Journal 1 00Ladies Home Journal and Satur

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Leslies Weekly g 26-

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Cosmopolitan and Mo ey anal JfoCure S 85I can furnish anv otber periadicall jaet

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DilTOi BIDirect Line From


TOLEDO AND DETROITFour through trains a day Best

Line to

and CHICAGOFour elegant tbroftgh trains a

cay with Parlor Dining and Sleeping carsAsk for tickets this line

D G EDWARDSPassenger Trwfflc Manager

Cincinnati O



Centrally Iocnte Convenientinesa portion of city all tbe trpsOnly good hotel ia Riving 2rate Excellent service lowcrlm-


Now is the time to brine in roar englues mowers sad farm machinery forrepairs Also Mower binder bladesAnd dont fr rs t your lawn Kjcweja-K a anti oil fetovHrf I will UMKgood a new G w entrant awl waterpipe sitting ranges rePAired AH

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W 0 KENTON Agent


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