Syria Humanitarian Draft Resolution

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  • 8/13/2019 Syria Humanitarian Draft Resolution


    United Nations S/2014/115

    Security Council Provisional

    19 February 2014

    Original: Englis

    Australia, Jordan and Luxembourg: draft resolution

    The Security Council!

    Recalling its resolutions 2042 "2012#! 204$ "2012# and 211% "201$#! and its

    Presidential State&ents o' $ (ugust 2011! 21 )ar* 2012! 5 (+ril 2012 and 2 O*tober


    Reaffirmingits strong *o&&it&ent to te sovereignty! inde+enden*e! unity and

    territorial integrity o' Syria! and to te +ur+oses and +rin*i+les o' te ,arter o' te

    United Nations!

    Being appalled at te una**e+table and es*alating level o' violen*e and te

    deat o' -ell over 100!000 +eo+le in Syria! in*luding over 10!000 *ildren! as

    re+orted by te UN Se*retary.eneral and te S+e*ial e+resentative o' te

    Se*retary.eneral 'or ,ildren and (r&ed ,on'li*t!

    Expressing grave alarm at te signi'i*ant and ra+id deterioration o' te

    u&anitarian situation in Syria! in +arti*ular te dire situation o' undreds o'

    tousands o' *ivilians tra++ed in besieged areas! &ost o' -o& are besieged by te

    Syrian ar&ed 'or*es and so&e by o++osition grou+s! as -ell as te dire situation o'

    over $ &illion +eo+le in* areas! and deploring te di''i*ulties in+roviding! and te 'ailure to +rovide! a**ess 'or te u&anitarian assistan*e to all

    *ivilians in need inside Syria!

    Emphasizing te need to res+e*t te UN guiding +rin*i+les o' u&anitarian

    e&ergen*y assistan*e and stressing te i&+ortan*e o' su* assistan*e beingdelivered on te basis o' need! devoid o' any +oliti*al +reudi*es and ai&s!

    commending te e''orts o' te United Nations and all u&anitarian and &edi*al+ersonnel in Syria and in neigbouring *ountries! and condemningall a*ts or treats

    o' violen*e against United Nations sta'' and u&anitarian a*tors! -i* averesulted in te deat! inury and detention o' &any u&anitarian +ersonnel!

    Expressing grave concernat te in*reasing nu&ber o' re'ugees and internallydis+la*ed +ersons *aused by te *on'li*t in Syria! -i* as a destabilising i&+a*t

    on te entire region! and underscoring its a++re*iation 'or te signi'i*ant andad&irable e''orts tat ave been &ade by te *ountries o' te region! notablyebanon! 3ordan! urey! 6ra7 and Egy+t! to a**o&&odate te &ore tan 284 &illionre'ugees -o ave 'led Syria as a result o' te on.going violen*e! -ilea*no-ledging te enor&ous +oliti*al! so*ioe*ono&i* and 'inan*ial i&+a*t o' te

    +resen*e o' large.s*ale +o+ulations in tese *ountries! and underscoringte need 'orall +arties to res+e*t and &aintain te se*urity and *ivilian *ara*ter o' *a&+s 'orre'ugees and internally dis+la*ed +ersons!

    14.240$9 "E#
  • 8/13/2019 Syria Humanitarian Draft Resolution



    Welcoming te +ledges totalling 285 billion at te Se*ond 6nternational

    u&anitarian Pledging ,on'eren*e 'or Syria! osted by ;u-ait on 15 3anuary 2014!

    and expressing its appreciation to )e&ber States and regional and sub.regional

    organiorld eritage Sites!

    Strongly condemning te in*reased terrorist atta*s resulting in nu&erous

    *asualties and destru*tion *arried out by organi

  • 8/13/2019 Syria Humanitarian Draft Resolution



    28 Demandstat all +arties i&&ediately +ut an end to all 'or&s o' violen*e!

    irres+e*tive o' -ere it *o&es 'ro&! *ease and desist 'ro& all violations o'

    international u&anitarian la- and violations and abuses o' u&an rigts! and

    rea''ir& teir obligations under international u&anitarian la- and international

    u&an rigts la-! and stresses tat so&e o' tese violations &ay a&ount to -ar

    *ri&es and *ri&es against u&anityB

    $8 Demandstat all +arties i&&ediately *ease all atta*s against *ivilians!

    as -ell as te indis*ri&inate e&+loy&ent o' -ea+ons in +o+ulated areas! in*luding

    selling and aerial bo&bard&ent! su* as te use o' barrel bo&bs! and &etods o'

    -ar'are -i* are o' a nature to *ause su+er'luous inury or unne*essary su''ering!

    and recalls in tis regard te obligation to res+e*t and ensure res+e*t 'or

    international u&anitarian la- in all *ir*u&stan*es! and 'urter recalls! in

    +arti*ular! te obligation to distinguis bet-een *ivilian +o+ulations and

    *o&batants! and te +roibition against indis*ri&inate atta*s! and atta*s against

    *ivilians and *ivilian obe*ts as su*B

    48 Demands tat all +arties! in +arti*ular te Syrian autorities! 'ully

    i&+le&ent te +rovisions o' te 2 O*tober 201$ State&ent by te President o' te

    Se*urity ,oun*il "S/PS/201$/15# in*luding troug 'a*ilitating te e@+ansion o'

    u&anitarian relie' o+erations! in a**ordan*e -it a++li*able +rovisions o'

    international u&anitarian la- and te UN guiding +rin*i+les o' u&anitarian

    e&ergen*y assistan*eB

    58 Calls u+on all +arties to i&&ediately li't te sieges o' +o+ulated areas!

    in*luding in te Old ,ity o' o&s "o&s#! Nubl and Cara "(le++o#! )ada&iyet

    Elsa& "ural Da&as*us#! ar&ou "Da&as*us#! Eastern outa "ural

    Da&as*us#! Darayya "ural Da&as*us# and oter lo*ations! and demands tat all

    +arties allo- te delivery o' u&anitarian assistan*e! in*luding &edi*al assistan*e!

    *ease de+riving *ivilians o' 'ood and &edi*ine indis+ensable to teir survival! and

    enable te ra+id! sa'e and unindered eva*uation o' all *ivilians -o -is to leave!

    and underscores te need 'or te +arties to agree on u&anitarian +auses! days o'

    tran7uillity! lo*alised *ease.'ires and tru*es to allo- u&anitarian agen*ies sa'e andunindered a**ess to all a''e*ted areas in Syria! re*alling tat starvation o' *ivilians

    as a &etod o' *o&bat is +roibited by international u&anitarian la-B

    8 Demands tat all +arties! in +arti*ular te Syrian autorities! +ro&+tly

    allo- ra+id! sa'e and unindered u&anitarian a**ess 'or UN u&anitarian agen*ies

    and teir i&+le&enting +artners! in*luding a*ross *on'li*t lines and a*ross borders!

    in order to ensure tat u&anitarian assistan*e rea*es +eo+le in need troug te

    &ost dire*t routesB

    G8 rges all +arties! in +arti*ular te Syrian autorities! to tae all

    a++ro+riate ste+s to 'a*ilitate te e''orts o' te United Nations! its s+e*iali

  • 8/13/2019 Syria Humanitarian Draft Resolution



    %8 Demands tat all +arties res+e*t te +rin*i+le o' &edi*al neutrality and

    'a*ilitate 'ree +assage to all areas 'or &edi*al +ersonnel! e7ui+&ent! trans+ort and

    su++lies! in*luding surgi*al ite&s! and recallstat under international u&anitarian

    la-! te -ounded and si* &ust re*eive! to te 'ullest e@tent +ra*ti*able! and -it

    te least +ossible delay! &edi*al *are and attention re7uired by teir *ondition and

    tat &edi*al and u&anitarian +ersonnel! 'a*ilities and trans+ort &ust be res+e*tedand +rote*ted! and expresses grave concernin tis regard at te re&oval o' &edi*al

    su++lies 'ro& u&anitarian si+&entsB

    98 !lso demands tat all +arties tae all a++ro+riate ste+s to +rote*t

    *ivilians! in*luding &e&bers o' etni*! religious and *on'essional *o&&unities! and

    stresses tat! in tis regard! te +ri&ary res+onsibility to +rote*t its +o+ulation lies

    -it te Syrian autoritiesB

    108 "urther demandstat all +arties de&ilitari

  • 8/13/2019 Syria Humanitarian Draft Resolution



    $0 3une 2012 leading to a genuine +oliti*al transition tat &eets te legiti&ate

    as+irations o' te Syrian +eo+le and enables te& inde+endently and de&o*rati*ally

    to deter&ine teir o-n 'uture! and further stresses tat ra+id +rogress on a +oliti*al

    solution sould in*lude 'ull +arti*i+ation by all grou+s and seg&ents o' Syrian

    so*iety! in*luding -o&en! and re+resents te only sustainable o++ortunity to resolve

    te situation in Syria +ea*e'ully! and tat te i&+le&entation o' tis resolution isey to &eeting te u&anitarian needs o' te Syrian +eo+leB

    18 rgesall )e&ber States to *ontribute or in*rease teir su++ort to te

    United Nations= u&anitarian a++eals to &eet te s+iralling needs o' +eo+le a''e*ted

    by te *risis! and to +rovide tis su++ort in *oordination -it te relevant United

    Nations agen*ies! and to ensure tat all +ledges are onoured in 'ull! and further

    urges all )e&ber States! based on burden saring +rin*i+les! to su++ort te

    neigbouring ost *ountries to enable te& to res+ond to te gro-ing u&anitarian

    needs! in*luding by +roviding dire*t su++ortB

    1G8 Re#uests te Se*retary.eneral to re+ort to te ,oun*il on te

    i&+le&entation o' tis resolution by all +arties in Syria! in +arti*ular +aragra+s 2

    troug 12! in $0 days o' its ado+tion and every $0 days terea'ter! and u+on re*ei+t

    o' te Se*retary.eneral=s re+ort! expressesits intent to tae 'urter ste+s in te *ase

    o' non.*o&+lian*e -it tis resolutionB

    1%8 Decidesto re&ain a*tively sei