SpringCM Business Sync for OS X Version 2.9 Release Notes February 2015

Sync 2.9 OS X Release Notes - SpringCM · 2/11/2015  · SpringCM Business Sync 2.9 for OS X Release Notes SM © 2015 SpringCM Version 2.8 Release Date: November 14, 2014 Release

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SpringCM Business Sync for OS X Version 2.9 Release Notes

February 2015

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SpringCM Business Sync 2.9 for OS X Release Notes © 2015 SpringCMSM

Table of Contents About  the  Release  Notes   4  

Version  2.9   5  Release  Date:  February  11,  2015   5  Release  Client  Version:  2.9  (11131)   5  Release  Overview   5  Release  Detailed   5  Fixes   5  

Version  2.8   6  Release  Date:  November  14,  2014   6  Release  Client  Version:  2.8  (10987M)   6  Release  Overview   6  Release  Detailed   6  Enhancements   6  Searching  for  a  folder  to  Sync   6  

Fixes   6  

Version  2.7   8  Release  Date:  May  2,  2014   8  Release  Client  Version:  2.7  (10505M)   8  Release  Overview   8  Release  Detailed   8  Enhancements   8  Document  Handling  Improvements   8  Save  on  Prompt  Configuration  Option   8  Right  click  and  check  out  the  document   9  Right  click  and  check  in  the  document   10  Right  click  and  cancel  the  checkout  of  the  document   10  Pending  Documents  Center   11  Other  Enhancements   12  

Fixes   12  

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Known  Issues   13  

Version  2.5   14  Release  Date:  August  29,  2013   14  Release  Client  Version:  2.5  (9407)   14  Release  Overview   14  Release  Detailed   14  Enhancements   14  Installation  Package   14  Setup  Wizard   15  The  Sync  Center   15  SpringCM  Notifications   15  Ignorable  Conflicts   17  Notifications   17  Missing  content/SpringCM  Info   18  Other  Enhancements   19  

Fixes   20  Known  Issues   21  

Version  2.0   22  Release  Date:  June  6,  2013   22  Release  Client  Version:  2.0  (8669M)   22  Release  Overview   22  Fixes   23  Known  Issues   23  Release  Date:  May  9,  2013   24  Release  Client  Version:  2.0  (8091M)   24  Release  Overview   24  Release  Detailed   24  Enhancements   24  Folder  Selection  Preference   24  Sharing  My  SpringCM  Documents  and  Folders   25  SpringCM  Attributes   26  Conflict  Resolution   28  

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Mountain  Lion  Notification  Support   28  Fixes   29  Known  Issues   30  

Version  1.6   30  Release  Date:  December  28,  2012   30  Release  Client  Version:  1.6  (6767M)   30  Release  Overview   30  When  is  SpringCM  Business  Sync  used?   30  What  are  the  requirements?   31  How  to  use  SpringCM  Business  Sync?   31  Release  Detailed   32  Fixes   32  Known  Issues   33  

About the Release Notes What’s Included in the Release Notes SpringCM Release Notes address new enhancements and fixes to SpringCM software, including SpringCM Business Sync, SpringCM Scan, and SpringCM Mobile. For detailed information regarding features or capabilities introduced in this particular release, refer to the Release Detailed section of this document. Feedback Information We’re constantly looking for ways to grow and innovate at SpringCM. Your feedback is essential to improve our product as well as its documentation and online support. We want to know what you like and what you don’t. Give us your feedback at [email protected].

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Version 2.9

Release Date: February 11, 2015

Release Client Version: 2.9 (11131)

Release Overview

This release of Sync for OS X improves handling of priority local rename and move operations as well as fixes a host of bugs. Administrators are encouraged to explore new and enhanced features. Feel free to contact SpringCM Support ([email protected]) if you have questions on how to put these features to work.

Release Detailed The following enhancements have been introduced with this version of the Sync client:


ID Resolved Issue

MAF-1091 Fixed an issue where a document that has been copied from a subscribed folder to an unsubscribed parent folder does not subscribe the parent folder.

MAF-1217 Fixed an issue where a pending document that is moved to the root of My SpringCM Documents would not trigger a conflict.

MAF-1219 Fixed an issue where deleting a checked out document would not trigger a conflict.

MAF-1221 Fixed an issue where moving a pending document into a read only folder would trigger a conflict that could not be resolved.

MAF-1229 Fixed a looping issue where moving a pending document to a read only folder in which a skipped document of the same name exist.

MAF-1232 Fixed an issue where searching for a folder returns a blank screen when no search results are returned.


Improved handling of priority local renames and moves that did not completely successfully. With this release, the application will keep track of failed operations and if it fails at least 3 times, then a conflict will be triggered. Prior to this release, it would fail silently.

MAF-1236 Fixed a looping issue when documents contain special characters such as é are being synchronized

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Version 2.8

Release Date: November 14, 2014

Release Client Version: 2.8 (10987M)

Release Overview

This release of Sync for OS X processes changes much quicker getting documents at your fingertips when you want and need them, minimizes the overall impact of Sync on the local desktop, and brings into play new ways to handle documents as you work on them. Administrators are encouraged to explore new and enhanced features. Feel free to contact SpringCM Support ([email protected]) if you have questions on how to put these features to work.

Release Detailed The following enhancements have been introduced with this version of the Sync client:

• Ability to search for a folder • Improved performance comparing what’s in SpringCM and what’s on your local

computer. • Logging has been improved to better facilitate triaging issues should they occur by

increasing the number of log files that are kept locally as well as reduced extraneous information.

• Bug fixes


Searching for a folder to Sync

The need for navigating deep folder trees has been eliminated. To search for a folder, simply open the Select Sync Folders dialogue and enter your criteria. Sync will search your repository looking for folders that contain all of the words that you have entered in the search dialogue and it will return up to 100 folders. From the results dialogue, you can add the folder to your sync profile by selecting it. Clicking on the plus to the left of the result expands the tree and shows the folder where it exists in the repository.


ID Resolved Issue

MAF-1097 Fixed an issue where a document that has been saved and renamed does not

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show up in Pending Documents when Prompt to Confirm is set.


Fixed an issue where a false conflict is triggered when a folder is moved into the top level of the Sync root folder and a second folder is moved parallel to the Sync root folder.

MAF-1186 Fixed an issue where saving a new version of a document that is currently being uploaded into SpringCM would never get uploaded into SpringCM.

MAF-1193 Fixed a looping issue when a folder is moved to an unsubscribed parent.

MAF-1194 Fixed an issue where Sync could crash if a document was changed, moved to sibling folder and then the parent folder was quickly deleted.


Fixed an issue where a conflict could not be resolved if a document of the same name has replaced a document with different content and the original is in Pending Documents.

MAF-1199 Fixed an issue where a document or folder moved outside of the Sync folder maintains the Sync status icon.


Fixed an issue where a document would be moved back to the Recycling Bin again after it was moved to the Recycling Bin and then moved back to its original folder.

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Version 2.7

Release Date: May 2, 2014

Release Client Version: 2.7 (10505M)

Release Overview

This release of Sync for OS X processes changes much quicker getting documents at your fingertips when you want and need them, minimizes the overall impact of Sync on the local desktop, and brings into play new ways to handle documents as you work on them. Administrators are encouraged to explore new and enhanced features. Feel free to contact SpringCM Support ([email protected]) if you have questions on how to put these features to work.

Release Detailed

• Improved performance of the Sync client when checking for modifications with reduced client CPU and memory usage as these checks are taking place.

• New document handling options that allow you to control when you version a document, when you check out a document and then check it back in.

• Updates to the Sync Center that now provides visibility into synchronized documents that you have worked on that need your input prior to synchronizing. Optionally, when auctioning these documents, you can enter version comments.


Document Handling Improvements

Save on Prompt Configuration Option

By default, Sync creates a new version of a document in SpringCM every time the document is saved locally. For those who save document frequently, this may result in a large number of versions of a document in SpringCM that don’t depict logical versions. Now, the user can set a new preference that prompts the user to confirm when the document should be versioned in SpringCM.

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When a synchronized document is saved locally, Sync will wait roughly 3 seconds and then prompt the user. This prompt does not stop you from working on the document. If you do nothing, then the notification will vanish without interrupting you. If you are ready to save the document, simply move your mouse over the notification and you will be able to enter comments that are tracked in document history as you save the document back to SpringCM. This version comment is shown in the description of the document and is captured in the history of the document as a version comment.

Sync keeps track of documents that have not yet been saved to SpringCM and will notify the user periodically that documents have been saved but not uploaded into SpringCM. The amount of time it waits to provide a reminder is configured in the “Remind if I have Pending Documents” configuration setting. This reminder applies to both saved and checked out documents. Right click and check out the document

Right clicking on the document and selecting SpringCM Check Out will check the document out in SpringCM and prevent others from editing the document from the web client, SpringCM Mobile, and SpringCM Edit, and SpringCM Sync.

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If the checked document has not been modified locally, then you will be presented only with an option to cancel the checkout in the notification prompt.

Right click and check in the document

In lieu of checking the document in from the notification prompt or Pending Documents, you can also right click on the document and check the document back in from the right click menu option. When this occurs, the currently saved document will be checked in. With this option, you don’t have the ability to enter version comments.

Right click and cancel the checkout of the document

In lieu of cancelling the checkout from the notification prompt, you can also right click on the document and cancel the checkout. Cancelling the checkout of a document will restore the base version of the document stored in SpringCM down to the local computer.

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You will be notified if you do not have the document checked out or another user has it checked out.

Pending Documents Center

As documents changes locally, Sync keeps track of these documents and provides insight into the list of documents that have been changed but not uploaded into SpringCM. These documents include documents that have been saved but not versioned (see Save on Prompt configuration option) and documents that have been checked out but not checked In to SpringCM. From the Pending Documents Center, you can select the link to open the document and save or check the document in respectively. Documents that have been checked out by you in the SpringCM web client that are synchronized will not show up in the Pending Documents Center unless modified locally.

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Other Enhancements

• Added the ability to Sync Now. Sync Now will trigger a check for any changes that have been made in SpringCM.

• Sync now monitors the state of document uploads when the same document has since been modified. If the document is less than 80% complete, the upload will be cancelled and restarted. If the document is greater than 80% complete, the upload will continue.

• Incorporated a Sync tool tip that tells the user an approximate amount of time to complete synchronizing a set of files and what the connection speed is.


ID Resolved Issue

MAF-614 Fixed an issue where a read only conflict would be returned if a folder of content is added to an empty folder.

MAF-687 Fixed an issue where blank repeating attributes were saved into SpringCM

MAF-711 Fixed an issue where adding a document to a mandatory folder that is not subscribed synchronizes the document


Fixed an issue in which a document or folder is copied or moved to a location outside of the Sync folder, the overlay icon depicting the status of the document in Sync.


Fixed an issue where a base version mismatch conflict would be triggered if the description of the document was modified locally before the document was modified and saved.

MAF-921 Fixed a looping issue if a local document is moved into a folder that contains the same name and chooses ‘Keep both files’

MAF-944 Fixed an issue where a folder that has been moved to the Trash is still synchronized

MAF-1008 Fixed a looping issue if a document that has been marked as skipped is deleted.

MAF-949 Fixed an issue where exceeding the maximum file count deletes the local sync folder

MAF-1023 Fixed an issue where deleting a local folder could return an error message

MAF-1026 Fixed an issue where Sync could crash when downloading documents in certain circumstances

MAF-1029 Fixed an issue where Sync could hang when resuming activities while analyzing a large directory

MAF-1031 Fixed an issue where synchronizing down a large folder tree for the first time triggered a set of false conflicts

MAF-1037 Fixed an issue where transmitting larger files consumed excessive amounts of memory

MAF-1083 Fixed an issue where changing the age filter was not immediately reflected MAF-1093 Fixed an issue in which the parent folder’s status did not get updated correctly if

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there were a series of moves underneath it

MAF-1126 Fixed an issue where a conflict would be triggered when a synchronized folder was moved into the account folder

MAF-1128 Fixed an issue where a conflict would be triggered if a folder and its unsubscribed parent folder were renamed

MAF-1135 Fixed an issue where a conflict would be triggered if a folder was renamed and another folder was named the same as the original folder

MAF-1136 Fixed an issue where moving three documents of the same name would trigger a conflict

MAF-1137 Fixed an issue where moving a document from a read only folder to a folder with view and create permissions would trigger a conflict.

MAF-1139 Fixed an issue where subscribing to a folder that include an & caused conflicts

Known Issues

Known Issue If a “Pending Document” has been actioned and a local folder has been renamed or modified, then a document may need to be re-saved prior to upload into SpringCM. If a “Pending Document” has been renamed prior to saving back to SpringCM, the document will be renamed in SpringCM and then will return to Pending Documents with its new name. If a folder with the same name replaces a document, then Sync may loop until the issue is corrected. Modifying a document that is in a “saving” state in Pending Documents may prevent the document from being uploaded. You may need to save it again from Pending Documents. Editing a large Microsoft Excel file may result in a false conflict for temp file created by Excel. Selecting the mail link in a conflict creates an email with an empty subject and recipient If a large folder is added locally, a conflict may be triggered indicating that the folder was deleted before the documents could be added. If a folder has a long path triggers a conflict, the status of the folder is not displayed correctly If a document in a folder has a conflict which is corrected, the status of the folder may still show as conflicted If you are in the midst of adding documents locally to be synchronized, close the Sync App, and then reopen the Sync app, you may receive a set of deleted conflicts. These can be ignored and then up to 10 minutes later, they will be cleared. If the user does not have a SpringCM default account, then the user may not be able to authorize the app for use. To resolve this issue, the user needs to login to SpringCM and set a default account. No documents will be seen in the Pending Documents panel of the Sync Center

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Version 2.5

Release Date: August 29, 2013

Release Client Version: 2.5 (9407)

Release Overview

This release improves the overall look and feel of Sync, provides a new folder selection method providing more flexibility in identifying the folders to synchronizes, improves usability by making conflicts easier to review and resolve, and allows the user to be more productive and facilitate collaboration directly from the desktop. Administrators are encouraged to explore new and enhanced features. Feel free to contact SpringCM Support ([email protected]) if you have questions on how to put these features to work.

Release Detailed The following enhancements have been introduced with this version of the client:

• A new installation package has been implemented making it easier and more intuitive to complete the Sync installation.

• A Setup wizard that facilitates the setup of Sync • The Sync Center that provides a glimpse into what’s happening in SpringCM for events

that you have subscribed to • Sync Conflicts that you did not cause will no longer force you to solve them before you

can resume syncing activities. Now, you will receive a notification indicating that content cannot be synchronized.


Installation Package

The installation process has been changed and uses a step-by-step installation wizard to complete the installation or upgrade process. When selecting a destination, please ensure that you select “Install for all users of this computer” and then select Continue. This step-by-step process requires Sync to be closed.

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Setup Wizard

A setup wizard has been added to guide the user through setting up Sync. The setup process includes granting Sync access to SpringCM, selecting what folders to synchronize from SpringCM and where to synchronize this content on the computer. The Sync Center

The Sync Center allows you to quickly and easily review notifications. This will be your focal point for activities that you need to focus on throughout the day. SpringCM Notifications

From Sync, you can receive SpringCM Notifications for administrative events, case events, and document and folders events that you have subscribed to. Subscriptions are managed in SpringCM from Notification Preferences in My Preferences within SpringCM. Receiving notifications in Sync is as simple as:

• From the SpringCM web client, select “Send Notifications” for the events that you are interested in.

• From the SpringCM Web client, navigate to the folder that you are interested in and select Manage à Enable Notifications. This will enable notifications for the specified folder.

• In the Sync client, ensure that SpringCM Notifications are enabled. The default polling time is 10 minutes.

When a new notification is received, a pop up message will be presented to the user indicating new notifications are ready to be read. Selecting the Notifications Tab in the Sync Center highlights all unread notifications. Upon viewing these notifications, they are marked as read, which is consistent with the behavior in the SpringCM web client.

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Most notifications contain links to an object in SpringCM. If the document or folder exists locally, you will also be presented with an option to open the document directly on your computer.

• Document Notifications: Document Notifications typically have a link to the document and the folder in SpringCM. Events that you can subscribe to currently are the following:

o Document Added to a folder o Document Check In o Document Merge Success o Document Merge Failure o Document Expiration Notice Sent o Document Reminder Notice Sent o Sent for Signature o Document Signed. o Others may be added in the future.

• Administrative Notifications: Administrative notifications typically have a link to a page in SpringCM though they may not have a link to an object in SpringCM. Events that you can currently subscribe to are the following:

o Attribute Field Delete o Attribute Group Deleted o Attribute Set Deleted o Invalid Cascading Set o Others may be added in the future.

• Case Notifications: If SpringCM Case is used in your processes and you have subscribed to events, then you may also receive case notifications as well. These notifications typically have a link to the case in SpringCM. Events that you can currently subscribe to are the following:

o Task Assigned o Task Added o User Added to Case o Task Updated o Case Status Assigned o Case Commented. o Others may be added in the future.

• Sync Notifications: When documents or folders cannot be synchronized and the end user did not cause the document from being synchronized, then Sync Notifications will be provided to the end user.

Each link gives the user the option to open the item in SpringCM and if the document or folder is synchronized, then it can also be opened locally. Notifications retrieved from SpringCM are only available for 30 days from the time they are triggered. After 30 days, they are purged from SpringCM and no longer available from Sync.

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SpringCM Notifications can be turned off if desired and the polling rate can be adjusted as well. The poll rate indicates how often Sync checks for unread notifications. Sync is setup to check for notifications every 10 minutes from SpringCM. Sync will let the user know that he/she has unread notifications. Ignorable Conflicts

You will no longer be required to resolve conflicts that you did not cause. Prior to this release, every conflict that occurred required you to resolve the conflict in some manner before you could continue syncing content from SpringCM. Now, you will receive a notification that a document or folder could not be synchronized and why but this will not impede your ability to continue working on synchronizing content from SpringCM. An ignorable conflict is one in which you are not the last modified user of the document or folder in SpringCM. If you are the last modified user of the document or folder in SpringCM, then you will receive a conflict that requires resolving just as before. Notifications

When an ignorable conflict occurs, a notification will be triggered indicating that the document or folder could not be synchronized. This notification will include the following information:

• The document or folder that could not be synchronized • The parent folder of the document or folder that could not be synchronized • The last modified user as tracked in SpringCM. If the last modified user is not you then • If a document, a description as to why it could not be synchronized. The following lists

why a document cannot be synchronized o A duplicate exists in the same folder o The path to the document is greater than what is supported in the operating

system. o The document name contains invalid characters o The document name contains a leading or trailing space or trailing period and

exists in SpringCM. o The document name is a reserved Windows name. o The document name is blank

• If a folder, a description as to why it could not be synchronized. The following lists why a document can not be synchronized

o A duplicate folder exists in the same folder o The path to the folder is greater than what is supported in the operating system. o The folder name contains invalid characters o The folder name contains a leading or trailing space or trailing period and exists

in SpringCM. o The folder name is a reserved Windows name. o The folder name is blank

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When ignorable conflicts are resolved, content is synchronized to the desktop. No notification is delivered to you letting you know that the conflict has been resolved.

For more information on Ignorable Conflicts, select the following link: http://www.springcm.com/knowledge-article/business-sync/ignorable-conflicts Missing content/SpringCM Info

If content has not been synchronized to your local computer from SpringCM due to ignorable conflicts, the conflict overlay will exist on the folder. If you right click on the folder, you will see an option for SpringCM Missing Content only for folders that are missing content from SpringCM due to ignorable conflicts.

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Selecting it will show you content that does not exist locally but does exist in SpringCM. It only shows content for the immediate folder; it does not traverse down the tree to show missing content below the folder selected. Documents and folders may exist in this folder and each will have a link to it in SpringCM.

Other Enhancements

• Changed default folder selection option to be “Only select children below in the folder tree.”

• Performance improvements when selecting “Select Folders for Synchronization” • Improved handling of conflict resolution, minimizing conflicts requiring resolution

multiple times

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• Changed Sync preference panels, re-ordering settings, options, and selection methods • Performance improvements for uploading and downloading documents. • Introduced new conflict where a synchronized folder is replaced with a folder of the

same name in the same location. • Faster detection of changes made locally, triggering synchronization activities at idle.


ID Resolved Issue

MAF-616 Fixed an issue in which newly uploaded documents may be re-downloaded

MAF-668 Fixed an issue in which the manifest ( list of what should be synchronized) was retrieved even when the server signified no changes

MAF-693 Fixed an issue in which the order of repeating fields was not correct.


Fixed an issue in which the app would not synchronize if a local document was renamed to include a leading space and another document was renamed to the original document name

MAF-745 Fixed an issue in which a document was renamed to a just deleted file name while Sync was paused.

MAF-760 Fixed an issue in which the Sync tray icon showed no activity after changing the sync profile when syncing content

MAF-768 Fixed an issue in which the Sync tray icon showed no activity when uploading or download larger documents

MAF-784 Fixed an issue in which Sync would crash if the app lost the network connection while a list of conflicts was being built.


Fixed an issue in which a document or folder is copied or moved to a location outside of the Sync folder, the overlay icon depicting the status of the document in Sync.

MAF-789 Fixed an issue in which if a folder that was synchronized was moved to a non-synchronized location and then moved back, it was automatically deleted.

MAF-808 Improved handling of .DS_Store (a file that OS X generates for each folder) to explicitly ignore this document locally.

MAF-820 Fixed an issue in which the app would crash if applying a subscription update if offline

MAF-821 Fixed an issue in which the app would crash if the database was malformed

MAF-826 Fixed an issue in which Sync would crash if a synchronized document was renamed to the name of a synchronized folder in the SpringCM web client

MAF-836 Fixed an issue in which the Sync tray icon showed no activity when uploading larger sized files.


Fixed an issue in which Sync would not handle a rename scenario in which a document is named to some other name and another document was named to the original document that was renamed.

MAF-889 Fixed an issue in which the tray icon is not updated when you select folders for synchronization and disconnect.

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SpringCM Business Sync 2.9 for OS X Release Notes © 2015 SpringCMSM

Known Issues

Known Issue If you are in the midst of adding documents locally to be synchronized, close the Sync App, and then reopen the Sync app, you may receive a set of deleted conflicts. These can be ignored and then up to 10 minutes later, they will be cleared. If the user does not have a SpringCM default account, then the user may not be able to authorize the app for use. To resolve this issue, the user needs to login to SpringCM and set a default account. No documents will be seen in the Pending Documents panel of the Sync Center

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Version 2.0

Release Date: June 6, 2013

Release Client Version: 2.0 (8669M)

Release Overview

In this release, a key issue with auto updates of the Sync client was resolved. Prior to this fix, if you updated the application using Auto-Updates, the application would close and be placed in the trash. If you are using a version of Sync for OS X prior to 2.0 (8669M), please download the installation of the Sync client manually and perform the following steps:

• Close SpringCM Business Sync • Download SpringCM Business Sync installer • Open the Disk Image • Drag and Drop SpringCM Business Sync into the Applications Folder

• Replace all items should you see a message similar to below

• Open Sync and resume daily activities

These changes also support the next release of Sync as well as we continue to provide more functionality that makes it easier to do more on your desktop.

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Administrators are encouraged to explore new and enhanced features. Feel free to contact SpringCM Support ([email protected]) if you have questions on how to put these features to work.


ID Resolved Issue

MAF-714 Resolved an issue with Auto-updates in which updating the application would close the application and move Sync to the Trash.

MAF-722 Resolved an issue in which if the parent folder did not exist to which a synchronized document was moved a sync error would occur


Resolved an issue in which if a folder with nested subfolders contained a document that had a leading or trailing space was added and not yet synchronized returned a deleted folder conflict instead of an invalid file name conflict.

MAF-742 Resolved issue in which a rename resolution with a leading space does properly rename the document

MAF-781 Resolved an issue in which if the Sync client received a bad server response the app would need to be reauthorized.

MAF-784 Resolved an issue in which if the network connection was lost and there were conflicts that needed to be presented, the app would crash.

Known Issues

Known Issue When a conflict is resolved, it may show up multiple times even though the user has identified how to resolve the issue. The application may take up to 10 minutes to properly reflect that a conflict has been resolved. If the user has an email address that includes a + in the name, then the user may not be able to authorize the app for use. If the user does not have a SpringCM default account, then the user may not be able to authorize the app for use. To resolve this issue, the user needs to login to SpringCM and set a default account. If the folder option is set as only select children below in the folder tree and in changing folder subscriptions, the user de-selects the parent and adds the child folder will not be added to the profile. The user will need to go back in and re-select the child for subscription. If a folder is added to your sync folder that is not yet synchronized and the folder contains a document with a naming conflict, then when this folder and documents are synchronized, a naming conflict will be presented as expected. After resolving this conflict, a conflict will be returned that indicates that the folder in SpringCM has been deleted. The application may take up to 10 minutes to properly reflect that a conflict has been resolved. The Sync tray icon may show it is in a state of inactivity if the user changes folder subscription while it is syncing or if it is uploading or downloading large documents.

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When uploading or downloading a document that is being synchronized, the document is locked. This may preclude the user from saving the document again as it being synchronized. This is more apparent on larger documents like Videos. Copying or moving a document or folder from a synchronized folder to a non-synchronized folder maintains file attributes including the overlay icon identifying the sync state (sync’d, syncing, conflicted, failed). Where this is of impact is a document or folder is moved to a non-synchronized folder, then if the document or folder is moved back to the same location, it will be automatically deleted. When this move occurred in the first place, a conflict will have been triggered confirming if the document or folder should have been deleted.

Release Date: May 9, 2013

Release Client Version: 2.0 (8091M)

Release Overview

This release improves the overall look and feel of Sync, provides a new folder selection method providing more flexibility in identifying the folders to synchronizes, improves usability by making conflicts easier to review and resolve, and allows the user to be more productive and facilitate collaboration directly from the desktop. Administrators are encouraged to explore new and enhanced features. Feel free to contact SpringCM Support ([email protected]) if you have questions on how to put these features to work.

Release Detailed The following enhancements have been introduced with this version of the client:

• Improved look and feel for preferences, conflict resolution, and attribute dialogues • New folder selection preference where only the specific folders selected and their

children will be synchronized. • The ability to send links to documents and folders direct from the desktop • The ability to view and edit document attributes from the desktop • Improved conflict resolution with a more intuitive and eye pleasing look • Mountain Lion Notification Support

This release has also addressed a few bugs. These are located under the Fixes section.


Folder Selection Preference

After the application is first installed or upgraded and the user selects Select Folders for synchronization, the user will be presented with an option to identify how Sync processes folders for subscription

• Selecting Only select children below in the folder tree will only select the specified folder and will automatically add new children folders to the profile. No other folders will

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be added. • Selecting Automatically select parent folders above in the folder tree will

automatically select any parent folders in the Folder Tree. This means that documents in these folders will automatically be synchronized and any new folders added to these folders will automatically be added to your profile. This means that any documents added to these new folders will also be synchronized to the desktop.

This option only impacts when new folders are selected for subscription. If the user toggles between options, folder subscriptions are not changed. To see a consolidated list of subscribed folders, select View Synchronized Folders from the preferences panel. Sharing My SpringCM Documents and Folders

Sending links to documents and folders from the desktop can now be achieved enabling the user to spend more time in the environment in which they work. Links for documents and folders that have been synchronized from SpringCM can be sent while in Windows Explorer. A right click menu item has been introduced for documents and folders in My SpringCM Files that allows the user to send links direct from the desktop. To send a link,

• Navigate to a document or folder in My SpringCM Files • Select the document, documents, and/or folders • Right click and select SpringCM Share

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• The default email client on the desktop will open and a draft email will be generated.

• This email can be sent to a co-worker or team member.

SpringCM Attributes

Viewing and editing attributes associated to a document can now be accomplished directly from the desktop. This allows the user to participate in processes that utilize these capabilities without accessing the document in SpringCM. Users can view or edit attributes for synchronized documents in My SpringCM Files. Documents outside of My SpringCM Files will not allow attributes to be reviewed or assigned.

• Multiple attribute groups can be assigned to a document • If the user only has access to view attributes, then the user cannot assign Attribute

Groups or edit existing attribute values. • If the user has access to edit attributes, then the user can assign Attribute groups or

edit existing attribute values.

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• Dynamic drop downs, drop downs, string, number, and date field types are supported • Read only fields are supported • Required fields are supported • Repeating sets are supported • Repeating fields are supported

To view or edit attributes associate to a document, send a link,

• Navigate to a document in My SpringCM Files • Select the document • Right click and select SpringCM Attributes

Be aware of the following when working with Attributes in Sync.

• Attributes are not viewable or editable when not connected to the internet • Cascading attributes currently act as free form text fields and do not validate against

the data supplied in the account. • Attribute groups once assigned to a document cannot be unassigned. • Any Attribute group can be assigned to documents in a folder even though the

administrator has restricted a set of Attributes groups to a specific folder in SpringCM

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Conflict Resolution

Conflict resolution has been improved, making it more intuitive to identify what has happened and how to resolve the specific conflict. For each conflict, the following information will be presented to the user:

• The document or folder that has a conflict • The conflict type • The folder in which the conflict has occurred • A link to the folder in SpringCM • A link to the local folder • Local information for the object in question • SpringCM information including the name of the document, when it was last modified,

who last modified it, the size of the document and a link to the history of the document. • Only the resolutions specific to the conflict will be displayed

Mountain Lion Notification Support

When key Sync events occur, alerts are wired into the Mountain Lion Notification framework. These alerts all happen without interrupting your ability to complete other work and tasks. You can go to the Notification Center to see the last set of events that have occurred up to 20. Typical events that are available via the notification center include:

• Document uploaded • Document downloaded • Document renamed • Document deleted • Folder created • Folder deleted • Folder renamed • Folder moved

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• Maximum Synchronized Document Count Exceeded • Synchronization paused/resumed

To enable notifications in Mountain Lion, perform the following actions:

• Navigate to System Preferences • Select Notifications • Select SpringCM Business Sync. From here you can identify

o The number of notifications to show in the Notification Center up to 20 o Whether or not to show the Badge App o Whether or not to play a sound

For more information about Mountain Lion Notifications, please search the apple support site for Notification Center.


ID Resolved Issue

MAF-386 Selecting Not Now when checking for updates caused the app to Crash MAF-389 The user is now able to ignore document added to root folder conflicts

MAF-395 When Sync received an unexpected server error when checking folder subscriptions, the user would need to reauthorize Sync

MAF-512 Leading and trailing spaces triggered the wrong conflict MAF-498 A document could not be renamed when the document name was too long

MAF-514 Pausing Sync, losing a network connection, and resume sync with a network connection would still show the sync icon as Paused

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MAF-515 Move of SpringCM Folder to volume root folder returned an error that was not descriptive

MAF-564 After exceeding the subscription limit, the message was not correctly formatted

MAF-568 The app would require a reauthorization when an error was received from the server.

Known Issues

Known Issue When a conflict is resolved, it may show up multiple times even though the user has identified how to resolve the issue. If the user has an email address that includes a + in the name, then the user may not be able to authorize the app for use. If the user does not have a SpringCM default account, then the user may not be able to authorize the app for use. To resolve this issue, the user needs to login to SpringCM and set a default account. If the folder option is set as only select children below in the folder tree and in changing folder subscriptions, de-selects the parent and adds the child folder will not be added to the profile. The user will need to go back in and re-select the child for subscription.

Version 1.6

Release Date: December 28, 2012

Release Client Version: 1.6 (6767M)

Release Overview

SpringCM Business Sync for OS X allows the user to synchronize content between SpringCM and the local desktop. Content is stored locally which allows the end user to work seamlessly with standard desktop applications. Document changes made locally will automatically be updated in SpringCM.

When is SpringCM Business Sync used?

SpringCM Business Sync is used in a variety of scenarios. Sync is used in the following types of cases:

• When the user travels and has a need to maintain content offline • When the user is constantly working on content and it is simpler to store content locally

and have this content automatically synchronized to the end user. • Collaborative exercises in which a set of users are working on a particular project, sales

opportunity, RFP, or other collaborative endeavor. • When the SpringCM Administrator has identified the most current set of content needs

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to be automatically delivered to the local desktop. Examples include: o Providing the latest marketing and sales collateral to the sales community. o Providing the standard document templates to the end user o Providing Human Resource documentation to all employees

What are the requirements?

1. On the local desktop, OS X 10.7 or 10.8 is required 2. For notification messages, Growl is required. 3. Sync needs to be enabled for the account. The SpringCM Account Administrator needs

to enable folder Sync. To complete this task, perform the following steps: a. Go to Preferences b. Go to Sync Preferences: General c. Set Enable Folder Sync to Yes. d. Select Save

How to use SpringCM Business Sync?

1. After the installation of Business Sync is complete, authorize Business Sync to access SpringCM by performing the following steps:

a. Select the authorization type: Standard Authorization or SSO Authorization. If SSO, you must also include the SpringCM Account ID.

b. Complete a login process c. Approve Sync to access SpringCM

For additional detail, click the following link: http://www.springcm.com/knowledge-article/business-sync/authorizing-springcm-desktop-and-mobile-applications

2. Select the location for My SpringCM Folders. You can change the default location if

necessary. 3. Select a set of folders to synchronize.

For additional details, click the following link to detail how to select folders for synchronization http://www.springcm.com/knowledge-article/business-sync/business-sync-folder-selection-process For additional details, click the following link to review an overview of sync folder selection rules. http://www.springcm.com/knowledge-article/business-sync/business-sync-folder-selection-rules

4. After completing these main steps, documents will begin to be synchronized between SpringCM and your computer.

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Release Detailed The first release of SpringCM Business Sync on OS X incorporates the following key capabilities:

• Added support for Single Sign On (SSO) • Supports and enforces security of SpringCM folders and documents • A Preferences screen that allows the user to configure the app, select folders for

synchronization, how often to synchronize, how long content remains synchronized, and where your synchronized files are stored.

• Selective folder selection, which allows the user to subscribe or unsubscribe to any folder in the SpringCM account to which they have permissions.

• An age filter that allows a user to sync only their most recent documents and to automatically remove documents that have not been edited after the specified period of time

• A summary of total files synchronized and total amount of local storage used. • A configurable location of where synchronized content is stored. • Status icons to indicate state of subscribed folders and documents. A folder’s status

depicts the overall state of content contained within the folder. • Guided “Conflict Resolution” when conflicts occur between content on the server and

the local desktop. The user is prompted with options to resolve. • Automatic updates to install new versions as they become available.

Administrators are encouraged to explore new and enhanced features. Feel free to contact SpringCM Support ([email protected]) if you have questions on how to put these features to work.


ID Resolved Issue

MAF-398 Fixed an issue in which Sync returns an object can not be nil

MAF-233 If a document was edited locally and then deleted in SpringCM, a conflict was not triggered

MAF-397 Documents named locally with characters not supported by SpringCM would not trigger a conflict.

MAF-411 False conflicts returned for files that are greater than 0 bytes

MAF-419 Cross device link error returned when moving files to other partition for My SpringCM files

MAF-422 An error occurred when trying to save a new version of a document in a conflict MAF-431 The authorization windows was not closed after clicking Cancel MAF-439 Sync crashed after coming out of Sleep Mode MAF-458 Multiple Spaces in between words of a document or folder returned a set of false

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conflicts and cause the document to be deleted

MAF-461 Selecting Undo after a document is deleted returns a false duplicate conflict MAF-462 Adding a new local folder creates it and then unsubscribes it MAF-466 Moving My SpringCM Files to another partition returns an Error MAF-482 Undo of deleted folder returns false duplicate conflict MAF-492 Sync stopped when metadata of folder disappeared MAF-507 Renamed folder to include space at end causes sync to stop

Known Issues

Known Issue If a new document is saved on top of an existing document that is being synchronized, this will trigger a duplicate conflict