INTRODUCTION : Symposium technique is also one of the techniques of higher learning. It is also an instructional technique which is used to achieve higher cognitive and affective objectives. The nature of topic should be such that the audience should be interested in the theme of symposium. MEANING AND DEFINITION: In ancient Greece, the symposium (Greek symposium, from sympinein, "to drink together") was a drinking party. Firstly, Plato has used this term for "good dialogue " to present the view towards God. Another meaning of the term is the intellectual recreation or enjoyment. The recent meaning of the term is a meeting of persons to discuss a problem or theme. The views on a theme or presented in a sequence. The specific aspects of a theme are presented by an expert of the theme. The definition of the term symposium is as follows: "The symposium technique/forum serves as an excellent device for informing an audience, crystallizing opinion and general preparing the listeners for arriving at decision, policies, value, judgment or understanding".- DR V.K.MAHESHWARI and his colleagues. Symposium is "a method of group discussion in which 2 or more persons under the direction of a chairman present separate speeches which give several aspects of one question".- Elakkuvana Bhaskara Raj.D) "A series of speeches is given by as many speakers as there are aspects of a problem or issue."- Martha Leypoldt. The word "symposium" has several dictionary meanings According to Cambridge Business English Dictionary, Symposium is defined as, "A formal occasion when specialists in a particular area meet to discuss a subject of interest to them". Symposium is, "A meeting or conference for the public discussion of some topic especially one in which the participants form an audience and make presentations"- vocabulary.com


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Symposium technique is also one of the techniques of higher learning. It is also an instructional technique which is used to achieve higher cognitive and affective objectives. The nature of topic should be such that the audience should be interested in the theme of symposium.


In ancient Greece, the symposium (Greek symposium, from sympinein, "to drink together") was a drinking party.

Firstly, Plato has used this term for "good dialogue " to present the view towards God. Another meaning of the term is the intellectual recreation or enjoyment.

The recent meaning of the term is a meeting of persons to discuss a problem or theme. The views on a theme or presented in a sequence. The specific aspects of a theme are presented by an expert of the theme.

The definition of the term symposium is as follows:

"The symposium technique/forum serves as an excellent device for informing an audience, crystallizing opinion and general preparing the listeners for arriving at decision, policies, value, judgment or understanding".- DR V.K.MAHESHWARI and his colleagues.

Symposium is "a method of group discussion in which 2 or more persons under the direction of a chairman present separate speeches which give several aspects of one question".- Elakkuvana Bhaskara Raj.D)

"A series of speeches is given by as many speakers as there are aspects of a problem or issue."- Martha Leypoldt.

The word "symposium" has several dictionary meanings

According to Cambridge Business English Dictionary, Symposium is defined as, "A formal occasion when specialists in a particular area meet to discuss a subject of interest to them". Symposium is, "A meeting or conference for the public discussion of some topic especially one in which the participants form an audience and make presentations"- vocabulary.com Symposium: a meeting or conference for the discussion of some subject, especially a meeting at which several speakers talk on or discuss a topic before an audience. (www.dictionary.com)

According to Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Symposium is technique of

1. a meeting or conference for the discussion of some subject, esp. a meeting at which several speakers talk on or discuss a topic before an audience. 2. a collection of opinions expressed or articles contributed by several persons on a given subject or topic. 3. an account of a discussion meeting or of the conversation at it. 4. (in ancient Greece and Rome) a convivial meeting, usually following a dinner, for drinking and intellectual conversation. 5. (cap., italics) a philosophical dialogue (4th centuryb.c.) by Plato, dealing with ideal love and the vision of absolute beauty

Wordnet dictitionary - Symposium is defines as, "a meeting or conference for the public discussion of some topic especially one in which the participants form an audience and make presentations."


The main purpose of the Symposium is to provide the understanding to the students or listeners on theme or problem specifically to develop certain values and feelings. It includes:

1. To investigate a problem for several points of view.

2. To boost students ability to speak in group.

3. To make the student to study independently.


The following are main objectives of the symposium technique:

1. To identify and understand two various aspects of theme and problems.

2. To develop the ability to decision and judgement regards a problem.

3. To develop the values and feeling regarding a problem.

4. To enable the listeners to form policies regarding a theme problem.


The symposium is a type of discussion, in which two or more speakers, talk from ten to twenty minutes, and develop individual approaches or solutions to a problem or present aspects of a policy, process or program. The speeches are followed by questions or comments from the audience, as in the panel forum. The speeches may be persuasive, argumentative, informative or evocative. Each speech proceeds without interruption. The chairman of the symposium introduces the topic, suggests something of its importance, and sometime indicates the general approaches. The symposium forum serves an excellent device for informing an audience, crystallizing opinion, and in general preparing the listeners for arriving at decision, policies, value judgment or understanding.

Since there is no need of symposium interaction other than careful listening (unless the symposium members are to discuss the topic after the delivery of their speeches) all members of the performing group can sit in a straight line behind a table or adjoining chairs, with a chairman in the middle or to one side of the speakers. Or if the symposium is to present two conflicting point of view the sitting arrangement can separate the speaker on the platform in order to indicate difference in opinion or in order to preserve peace.


We suggest three conditions in the use of the symposium technique:

Firstly, the moderator should be sure to prepare the speakers or see that they are prepared. They should know the rules of procedure, sequence of speaking, and way in which the forum will be conducted, and they should be aware of the ideas, and background of the other performers. Like panelist, they might benefit from a brief warm up.

Secondly, the chairman or two ever is responsible for preparing the agendas, should not attempt to stack the cards by omitting or ignoring vital phases of the problem as he selects or delegates his speakers. It is not good to face up to an inadvertent misinterpretation or omission. To distort or omit an important point of view deliberately is to invite disaster, and

Thirdly, the chairman in all the forum situation must plan very carefully for the questioning period that followers the prepared speeches, unless he wishes to risk boredom or bed lain.


The symposium technique is used to realize the higher cognitive and affective objective. The following are the main topics on which symposium technique is used:

1. Use of television for education.

2. Scope of distance education in our education.

3. Use of essay and objective type tests.

4. Semester system in education.

5. Causes of student's unrest.

6. Quality control of educational research.

7. Use of microteaching in teacher-education.

8. Use of team teaching in the schools.

9. Use of action research in class room teaching.

10. Scope of education technology in our education.

The nature of the topic should be such that the audience should be interested in the theme.


The symposium technique has the following main characteristics:

1. It provides the board understanding of a topic or a problem.

2. The opportunity is provided to the listeners to take decision about the problems.

3. It is used for higher classes to specific themes and problems.

4. It develops the feeling of cooperation and adjustment.

5. The objectives as synthesis and evaluation (creativity) are achieved by employing the symposium technique.

6. It provides the different views on the topic of the symposium.


The technique suffers from the following limitations:

1. The chairman has no control over the speakers as they have full freedom to prepare the theme for discussion. They can present any aspect of the theme or problem.

2. There is a probability of repetition of the conduct because every speaker prepares theme as a whole. The different aspect of theme is not prepared separately. It creates difficulty of understanding to the listeners.

3. The different aspects of a theme are presented simultaneously. Therefore , the listeners are not able to understand the theme correctly.

4. The listeners remain passive in the symposium because they are not given opportunities to seek clarification and put questions.

5. The discussion and presentation of theme is not summarized at the end. The participants take decision according to their own. Hence, mature persons can make use of this technique.

6. This technique is employed to achieve the higher objectives of cognitive domain but affective objectives are not emphasized properly.

A symposium is a series of speeches on a selected subject. Each person or expert presents an aspect of the subject briefly. There is no discussion among the symposium members unlike the panel discussion. In the end audience may raise questions and contribute to symposium. The chairman makes comprehensive summary at the end of the entire session. Used as teaching method, the group may consist of 'experts' in the subject and selective students, each of whom has prepared their particular assignment in advanced. This is alternative to the lecture mention for presentation of new method.


1. Teacher should plan the program ahead of time.

2. Each member of the class, as well as the student speakers should know the objectives of the symposium and breadth of the topic.

3. Each student should prepare on the given or accepted topic.

4. The teacher should have a conference with each of the student speakers.

5. The teacher or a student may function as a chairman.

6. The symposium starts with the chairman introducing the topic.

7. Next chairman introduces the speaker.

8. Then the topic is presented by the students taking 15-20 minutes time.

9. As a conclusion at the end the chairman gives brief summary of all the speeches and opens the discussion to the students.

10. Any question or contributions addressed through the chairman.


1. It is suited to a large group or classes.

2. This method can be frequently used to present broad topics for discussions at conventions and organization meeting.

3. Organization is good because of the set speeches prepared beforehand.

4. Gives deeper insight into the topic.

5. Directs the students to continuous independent study.

6. Lends itself to the teaching of clinical subjects.

7. This method can be used in political meetings.


1. Inadequate opportunity for all the students to participate actively.

2. The speech is limited to 15 to 20 minutes.

3. Limited audience participation.

4. Question and answer limited to 3 or 4minutes.

5. Possibility of overlapping of subjects.


Today, we have discuss about definition of symposium, purpose, objectives, methods and characteristic of symposium, limitation, advantages and disadvantages of symposium.


Symposium as a method of teaching is suitable for a large or smaller group, a number of papers are read dealing with different aspects of the same subject, or different points of view on one topic. The papers may be prepare by staff, outside specialists or students after the papers have been read, contributions are invited from the audience. These may take the form of additional points or direct questions to one or other of the paper readers. All contributions are addressed through the Chairman. Generally, three-fourths of the time will be devoted to the paper and one-fourths to the audience participation.


Taylor, L.F, Kee,C.C, King S.V and Fort T. Evaluating the effective of an educational symposium on knowledge, impact and self management of older African Americans living with Osteoarthritis. Journal Community Health Nursing, 2004, 21 (4), 229-238.

The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of a 1-day educational symposium on knowledge, impact, and self management of older African Americans living with Osteoarthritis (OA). A 1-group pre and post test design was employed. The educational symposium was the intervention variable. Speakers were experts in the field of arthritis care. Participants were recruited from a community senior centre. Participants completed the Short Form of the Arthritis Impact Management Scale (AIMS2-SF), the Summary of Arthritis Management Methods (SAMMS), and a 6-question Knowledge Test about OA before the symposium. The knowledge test was administered again at the completion of the program. Post testing of the AIMS2-SF and SAMMS occurred 3 months later to assess the changes in arthritis impact and self management strategies. Knowledge score increased significantly immediately following the symposium. The AIMS2-SF subscales of Affect, Symptoms, and Physical Function decreased significantly 3months after the symposium indicating that arthritis had less impact on participants after the conference. Participants also reported using more self-management methods 3 months after the event. The results of this pilot study indicate that this symposium was effective in increasing participants' knowledge of OA, improving self-management, and decreasing the impact of OA on daily function. The small sample size and pre experimental design limit generalizability.

Saha A, Poddar E, Mankad M. Effectiveness of different methods of health education: a comprehensive assessment in scientific conference. BMC Public Health, 2005, 5 (88)

This study was conducted in a scientific conference where 2250 scientists from different branches of science gathered. It was a mega event having health as the theme and experts of various fields attended this conference from different parts of the globe. This conference was organized by one of the scientific bodies of the country and this conference aimed at disseminating health related issues among the scientist, science manager, policy maker, students and general public. In this backdrop this study was initiated for making a comparative assessment of different methods of dissemination of health education among educated people. A cross sectional interviewer administered questionnaire survey was conducted involving 142 randomly selected subjects during the last session of a five - day conference having health as main theme when the opinion of the delegates regarding different communication methods was ask for. The participant opted more (60%) for focused programs for smaller audience (Sectional Program). In both broad area (main program) and focused area programs (sectional), the participants preferred lectures (62% and 65.7% respectively). Specific topics were preferred both in lectures (67.6%) and symposia (57.7%). Lack of coherence among the speakers was reported (69%) to be a major reason for which symposia was not preferred. This study concluded that while planning for health education dissemination in an educated group focus program should be formulated in small groups preferably in the form of lectures on specific topics more so while dealing with participant of higher age group having higher educational qualification.



Raj Elakkuvna Bhaskara, Nima Bhaskar. Text Book Of Nursing Education, 1st Edition, EMMESS Medical Publishers, Banglore, 2013, 133-134.

Neeraja KP. Text Book Of Nursing Education, 1st Edition, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi, 2006, 281-282

Basavanthappa BT. Nursing Education,1st Edition, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (P) Ltd, New Delhi, 2003, 399-400.


Taylor, L.F, Kee, C.C, King S.V & Ford T.Evaluating the effect of an educational symposium on knowledge, impact and self management of older African Americans living with osteoarthritis. Jorunal Community Health Nursing, 2004, 21(4), 229-38.

Saha A, Poddar E, Mankad M.Effectiveness of differrent methods of health education: a comparative assessment in a scientific conference. BMC Public Health, 2005; 5(88).





