SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

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SYMMETRY MATH (SM)By Jack Kuykendall

Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Mathrsquos

Dash (-) Cross (+) Codes

Symmetry Math and Logic

Why is Symmetry Math NeededBecause the BS Rule-of-Signs a (-)(-) = (+) is illogical and produces many incorrect answers

The BS number line is a Broken-Symmetry number line

From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55The Rule of Signs (-1) (-1) = +1

Which we set up to govern the multiplication of negative integers is a consequence of our desire to preserve the distribution law

a(b+c) = ab + ac

It took a long time for mathematicians to realize that the ldquoRule-of-signsrdquo together with all the other definitions governing negative integers and fractions

They were created by us in order to attain the freedom of operation while preserving the fundamental laws of arithmetic

Cannot be ldquoPROVEDrdquo

According to Professor Philip Kanarev there has not been a major discovery in physics or chemistry by ldquopeer-reviewing-academiardquo due to THEORY since the early 1900rsquos

There have been virtually no science-changing discoveries since the theories of quantum mechanics and relativity were introduced

One of the reasons is that the math being used is BS math and it operates on Broken-Symmetry and can only provide usable answers

BS math cannot be used to describe reality in space or time Space is symmetrical Space cannot depend on the direction one orientates a coordinate system

BS mathematicians should have discovered the problem Instead they invented symbols and definitions and bypassed the real problem ie [(imaginary numbers i2 = -1) and (absolutely values |-X|=+X)]

The Mathematical Principle of Error Joseph A Rybczyk 1996

Once an error enters a calculation all calculations after that point become an extension of the error

Studying the dash-cross codes of BS math has allowed me to break the codes and understand the reasons for the errors

Dash sign (-) CODES In Math used as


1 15 004255

bull (-) the number of zeros to the right of a decimal point 10-5=000001

bull (-) a subtraction operator

bull (-) a direction in space labeled negative (whatever that means)

bull (-) an exponent to mean divide

bull (-) describe the negative half of a sin or cos graph

bull (-) describe the negative half of an ldquoerdquo and ldquo1erdquo graph

bull (-) describe the negative side of all numbers raised to a power x

In Physics

bull (-) An Electron has been labeled as negative

bull (-) Anti-Particles have been labeled as negative

In Chemistry

bull (-) amp (+) Thermochemistry

Cross sign (+) CODES

(+) a direction in space labeled positive (whatever that means)

(+) an addition operator

(+) used to show the number of zeros to the left of a decimal point 10+5 = 100000

In Physics and Chemistry

bull (+) Protons have been Labeled as positive

bull (+) numerous other particles have been Labeled as positive

bull (+) amp (-) Thermochemistry

In Math used

The same dash symbol (-) is used for the numerous different math operations

The definitions established for the use of the dash symbol (-) do not distinguish between their different operations

In many math operations the dash symbol is changed to mean one of the other meanings

It is amazing that math has proceeded to its current level of use with this illogical use of a symbol

The same cross symbol (+) is used for numerous different math operations and produces the same illogical answers

A Summary of the BS Broken-Symmetry math

1 1 cosh tanhln

x xe x xe

bull Originated with broken-symmetry in the XYZ plane

bull Originated with mirror-broken-symmetry in the XZ plane

bull Created a Rule-of-Signs that cannot be proved (-)(-)=(+) (+)(+)=(+) (-)(+)=(-)

bull Created imaginary numbers to compensate for broken-symmetry

bull Created absolute values to change illogical negative number answers into positive number answers

bull Produces broken symmetry graphs for many functions

It took four years of study to discover why a (-)(-)=(+) only works in an imaginary world where space in the dash (-) direction is different from space in the cross (+) direction

Started working on the problem in August of 2001

Data points created using BS math produce graphs that are not symmetrical dash side different from cross side

However if a real problems data points follow a non symmetrical graph the graph can provide usable answers

This is why no one discovered the problem

Solved in January of 2005

Symmetry-Math(SM) vs Broken-Symmetry(BS) Math

In SM if we specify that the dash sign (-) means only subtraction and the cross sign (+) means only addition and an appropriate symbol is used for a direction in space space becomes symmetrical and math becomes logical

Math operators and directions in space are not the same and the same symbol should not be used to represent them

Letrsquos start with the (dash)multiplied by a (dash)=(cross) in the BS system

Usable answers may be obtained but it will be for illogical reasons

multiplied by a ( ) ( ) ( )subtraction Subtraction addition

rightleft left

dash dash cross

positivenegative negative

Symmetry-Math The subtraction of a direction is equal to the opposite direction The answers are correct using correct logic

opposite direction direction


(negative)(negative) = (positive)

( ) ( ) ( )subtraction


There is NO multiplication of a subtraction operator by a direction in space

There is just the subtraction of a direction in space

If instead of labeling the left side of a coordinate system as a negative (-) the same as a subtraction operator we label it with an arrow ( ) to represent the direction then a subtraction from that arrow direction will be in the opposite direction ( )

( ) mutiplied by a ( ) ( )

negative Positive negative

subtraction addition subtraction

dash cross dash

left right left

A subtraction operator multiplied by an addition operator is equal to a subtraction operator This is illogical

BS Math

A negative multiplied by a positive is equal to a negative This is illogical

A direction to the left multiplied by a direction to the right is a direction to the left This is illogical and Einsteins math error in special relativity

A dash times a cross is equal to a dash This is illogical

A vector moving to the left multiplied by a vector moving to the right is equal to ONLY to a vector moving to the left that is eight orders of magnitude faster thanThe speed of light

opposite direction subtraction direction

SM ( ) ( )

BS (negative)(positive) = (negative)

Symmetry Math The subtraction of a direction is equal to the opposite direction

There is no multiplication of a subtractionoperator times a direction in space

( ) multiplied by a ( ) ( )

positive positive positiveaddition addition additioncross cross cross

direction direction direction

What is the meaning of multiplying addition operators Addition operators are not multiplication operators

BS Math

() multiplied by a direction ( )=


() multiplied by a direction ( )=


A number times a direction maintains the same direction

( ) ()


( ) ()


The addition of a direction is in the same direction There is no multiplication by addition operators

Symmetry Math

Future math books need to eliminate the use of the cross sign (+) to represent something labeled a positive direction in space and the dash sign (-) to represent something labeled a negative direction in space Space does not have positive and negative directions

Symbols that are logical and have no illogical representation should be adopted SM uses either arrows or symbols

Symmetry-Math Number Line

Symmetry-Math Rules

The dash sign (-) will have only one use subtraction

The cross sign (+) will have only one use addition

Directions have an arrow and a number

All observers see the same direction and magnitude

bull There is no multiplication of arrows

amp ampamp ampampamp

( 3 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 65 ) (17256 ) ( 32993 )

dir dirdir dirdirdir

Negative and Positive Directions in Space

If I asked you to point to a negative direction in space which way would you point

Hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a negative direction in space

If I asked you to point to a positive direction in space which way would you point

Again hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a positive direction in space

Objects on the right side of the x-axis are positive (+)(+) = (+)

Objects on the left side of the x-axis are negative (-)(-) = (+) negative math is different from positive math This is illogical

Objects on the top of the y-axis are positive

Objects on the bottom of the y-axis are negative

Objects in the front of the z-axis are positive

Objects in the back of the z-axis are negative

Again BS math of the positive direction (x right y up and z front) is different from the BS math of the negative direction (x left y down and z back)

BS math is Broken-Symmetry

Mirror image is broken symmetry in the x and z axis If the left amp right-axis are

reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the front amp back-axis is reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the top amp bottom-axis are

reversed symmetry is not broken Obs-1 math is the same as obs-2

Math answers cannot depend on which side of a number line an observer sit

Absolute values for Displacement

Even for a simple displacement of an object BS math invented a definition and absolute values to obtain something labeled a positive number answer


-4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

If an object starts at ( 3)ia X and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 1)b fb c X

BS Math provides a usable answer without a definition or absolute values

However If an object starts at

( 1) and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 3)i b fa X b c X

Then absolute values and a definition must be used

---------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I---------- -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4

a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

BS Math makes up a definition that all displacements are positive Since this example provides an answer with something labeled a negative the positive definition must be applied and (-2) is changed to (+2) A definition is needed to arrive at a useable answer This is Illogical

In SM absolute values and a meaningless definition of ldquopositiverdquo are removed In SM objects and directions in space are defined by the direction and magnitude of the resultant of arrows

With SM you get total distance traveled by the object and the final direction of the displacement

22222 2 bababbaababababa If w e su b stitu te p o s itiv e n u m b e rs in to th e eq u a tio n th e an sw er w ill b e co rrec t If (a = 5 ) an d (b = 3 )




5 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 25 15 15 9 64

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 64

W h en tw o p o sitiv e n u m b ers a re a d d ed an d sq u a re d th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es a co rre c t an sw er 1

Illogical and Incorrect BS math for the distributive law

222 2 bababbabbaaabababa B y d e fin itio n in B S m a th n o n u m b er sq u a red c a n ev e r b e n eg a tiv e T h e re fo re n o sq u a red n u m b er c an ev e r b e a v e c to r m o v in g in th e d a sh ( -) o r n eg a tiv e d ire c tio n if it is sq u a red In B S m a th an d ad d itio n o p e ra to r m u ltip lied b y a su b trac tio n o p e ra to r is A L W A Y S eq u a l to a su b tra c tio n o p e ra to r If th is h ad n o t b e en u sed fo r th e la s t fo u r h u n d red y e a rs y o u w o u ld d ie lau g h in g a t th e u tte r ab su rd ity o f th e la s t s ta tem e n t T h is is illo g ica l an d v io la te s sy m m etry

If a = 5 an d b = 3 42222352


4930253)3)(5(253)5)(3()3)(5(5353535 22222 A s lo n g a s ldquo ardquo is g re a te r th an ldquob rdquo th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es co rrec t an sw ers 1

B S m a th b re a k s d o w n w h e n ldquo b rdquo is g rea ter th a n ldquo a rdquo

If a = 3 an d b = 5

2 2



3 5 2 4

2 ( 2) ( 2) 4

2 ( )( 2) ( )( 2) 4

A n y co m b in a tio n ex cep t th e m id d le o n e is illo g ica l an d in co rre c t B y d e fin itio n th e an sw er can n o t b e -4 in B S m a th B S m a th is in co rrec t

4253095)5)(3(235)3)(5()5)(3(3535353 22222 T h is is w h ere th e d is tr ib u tiv e la w p ro v id es in co rrec t an sw ers I t p ro d u ces an an sw er o f + 4 b e cau se b y d e fin iti o n n o n u m b er sq u a red in B S m a th c an b e a n eg a tiv e n u m b er U sin g in co rre c t B S m a th th e d is tr ib u tiv e law w ill g iv e an in co rrec t an sw ers o f + 4 T h is is in co rrec t an d illo g ica l 1

Since there can be no negative direction from a squared term in BS math BS math should be modified or abandoned

The BS distributive law should be modified or abandoned

The numbers +1+2+3+4 and ndash1-2-3-4hellip should be abandoned

BS math gives incorrect answers because their Rule-of-Signs allows multiplying an arrow going in one direction by an arrow going in another direction

Clearly this is not logical

Arrows should be used that are specific for directions

W h at d o es it m e an to m u ltip ly ( 4) b y (4 ) A s w e k n o w 1

m u ltip lica tio n is ju s t ad d itio n W h a t w o u ld ( 4) tim e (4 ) b e 2

In BS math the answer is by definition -16 unless you square -4 and then it is +16

In SM you cannot multiply arrows going in opposite directions

The middle two terms are not logical You cannot multiply opposite directions

This is a MAJOR error in BS math They multiply a dash [(-) a direction to the left] by a cross [(+) a direction to the right] And then ldquoby definitionrdquo label the answer dash (-) This is illogical and produces incorrect answers


2 2

This is Einsteinrsquos math error

in Special relativity

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude and Direction (MD) An arrow has both a magnitude andA direction relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude and velocity (MV) relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude And acceleration (MA) relative to a 2nd objectobserver2

v da

t t

Introducing a new symbol the ldquoamprdquo sign The ldquoamprdquo sign means resultant ADD all the Arrows for each direction and then SUBTRACT to find the final resultant

1 1amp 1 2 2amp 2 4 If =

1 amp1 2 2 amp2 4 If =

amp 5 amp 3 2 If gt

amp 3 amp 5= 2 If gt

amp 0 3 amp 3=0 if =

only the resultant equals zero

the vectors do not - they are still there

Does not exist There is no multiplication of arrows

There are two arrows One has a magnitude of 3 One has a magnitude of 5 The maximum these two arrows can be is 8

Only the resultant of arrows exist

An SM arrow has a direction and a magnitude

Arrows and magnitudes are still there even if the resultant is zero

There are no negative SM Arrows

There are no positive SM Arrows

There are no ZERO SM Arrows A zero would negate the definition of an SM Arrow something with no magnitude and no direction cannot be the definition of an arrow that is defined as having magnitude and direction

bull A resultant is the addition and subtraction of the differences in magnitude and direction arrows

A B and C are the arrows (a) A amp B exist(b) A amp B amp C exist(c) A-B Do Not Exist in Sm there are no negatives or positives(d) A+B-C Do Not Exist in SM there are no negatives or positives

There are only resultants when there are multiple arrows

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 2: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

Why is Symmetry Math NeededBecause the BS Rule-of-Signs a (-)(-) = (+) is illogical and produces many incorrect answers

The BS number line is a Broken-Symmetry number line

From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55The Rule of Signs (-1) (-1) = +1

Which we set up to govern the multiplication of negative integers is a consequence of our desire to preserve the distribution law

a(b+c) = ab + ac

It took a long time for mathematicians to realize that the ldquoRule-of-signsrdquo together with all the other definitions governing negative integers and fractions

They were created by us in order to attain the freedom of operation while preserving the fundamental laws of arithmetic

Cannot be ldquoPROVEDrdquo

According to Professor Philip Kanarev there has not been a major discovery in physics or chemistry by ldquopeer-reviewing-academiardquo due to THEORY since the early 1900rsquos

There have been virtually no science-changing discoveries since the theories of quantum mechanics and relativity were introduced

One of the reasons is that the math being used is BS math and it operates on Broken-Symmetry and can only provide usable answers

BS math cannot be used to describe reality in space or time Space is symmetrical Space cannot depend on the direction one orientates a coordinate system

BS mathematicians should have discovered the problem Instead they invented symbols and definitions and bypassed the real problem ie [(imaginary numbers i2 = -1) and (absolutely values |-X|=+X)]

The Mathematical Principle of Error Joseph A Rybczyk 1996

Once an error enters a calculation all calculations after that point become an extension of the error

Studying the dash-cross codes of BS math has allowed me to break the codes and understand the reasons for the errors

Dash sign (-) CODES In Math used as


1 15 004255

bull (-) the number of zeros to the right of a decimal point 10-5=000001

bull (-) a subtraction operator

bull (-) a direction in space labeled negative (whatever that means)

bull (-) an exponent to mean divide

bull (-) describe the negative half of a sin or cos graph

bull (-) describe the negative half of an ldquoerdquo and ldquo1erdquo graph

bull (-) describe the negative side of all numbers raised to a power x

In Physics

bull (-) An Electron has been labeled as negative

bull (-) Anti-Particles have been labeled as negative

In Chemistry

bull (-) amp (+) Thermochemistry

Cross sign (+) CODES

(+) a direction in space labeled positive (whatever that means)

(+) an addition operator

(+) used to show the number of zeros to the left of a decimal point 10+5 = 100000

In Physics and Chemistry

bull (+) Protons have been Labeled as positive

bull (+) numerous other particles have been Labeled as positive

bull (+) amp (-) Thermochemistry

In Math used

The same dash symbol (-) is used for the numerous different math operations

The definitions established for the use of the dash symbol (-) do not distinguish between their different operations

In many math operations the dash symbol is changed to mean one of the other meanings

It is amazing that math has proceeded to its current level of use with this illogical use of a symbol

The same cross symbol (+) is used for numerous different math operations and produces the same illogical answers

A Summary of the BS Broken-Symmetry math

1 1 cosh tanhln

x xe x xe

bull Originated with broken-symmetry in the XYZ plane

bull Originated with mirror-broken-symmetry in the XZ plane

bull Created a Rule-of-Signs that cannot be proved (-)(-)=(+) (+)(+)=(+) (-)(+)=(-)

bull Created imaginary numbers to compensate for broken-symmetry

bull Created absolute values to change illogical negative number answers into positive number answers

bull Produces broken symmetry graphs for many functions

It took four years of study to discover why a (-)(-)=(+) only works in an imaginary world where space in the dash (-) direction is different from space in the cross (+) direction

Started working on the problem in August of 2001

Data points created using BS math produce graphs that are not symmetrical dash side different from cross side

However if a real problems data points follow a non symmetrical graph the graph can provide usable answers

This is why no one discovered the problem

Solved in January of 2005

Symmetry-Math(SM) vs Broken-Symmetry(BS) Math

In SM if we specify that the dash sign (-) means only subtraction and the cross sign (+) means only addition and an appropriate symbol is used for a direction in space space becomes symmetrical and math becomes logical

Math operators and directions in space are not the same and the same symbol should not be used to represent them

Letrsquos start with the (dash)multiplied by a (dash)=(cross) in the BS system

Usable answers may be obtained but it will be for illogical reasons

multiplied by a ( ) ( ) ( )subtraction Subtraction addition

rightleft left

dash dash cross

positivenegative negative

Symmetry-Math The subtraction of a direction is equal to the opposite direction The answers are correct using correct logic

opposite direction direction


(negative)(negative) = (positive)

( ) ( ) ( )subtraction


There is NO multiplication of a subtraction operator by a direction in space

There is just the subtraction of a direction in space

If instead of labeling the left side of a coordinate system as a negative (-) the same as a subtraction operator we label it with an arrow ( ) to represent the direction then a subtraction from that arrow direction will be in the opposite direction ( )

( ) mutiplied by a ( ) ( )

negative Positive negative

subtraction addition subtraction

dash cross dash

left right left

A subtraction operator multiplied by an addition operator is equal to a subtraction operator This is illogical

BS Math

A negative multiplied by a positive is equal to a negative This is illogical

A direction to the left multiplied by a direction to the right is a direction to the left This is illogical and Einsteins math error in special relativity

A dash times a cross is equal to a dash This is illogical

A vector moving to the left multiplied by a vector moving to the right is equal to ONLY to a vector moving to the left that is eight orders of magnitude faster thanThe speed of light

opposite direction subtraction direction

SM ( ) ( )

BS (negative)(positive) = (negative)

Symmetry Math The subtraction of a direction is equal to the opposite direction

There is no multiplication of a subtractionoperator times a direction in space

( ) multiplied by a ( ) ( )

positive positive positiveaddition addition additioncross cross cross

direction direction direction

What is the meaning of multiplying addition operators Addition operators are not multiplication operators

BS Math

() multiplied by a direction ( )=


() multiplied by a direction ( )=


A number times a direction maintains the same direction

( ) ()


( ) ()


The addition of a direction is in the same direction There is no multiplication by addition operators

Symmetry Math

Future math books need to eliminate the use of the cross sign (+) to represent something labeled a positive direction in space and the dash sign (-) to represent something labeled a negative direction in space Space does not have positive and negative directions

Symbols that are logical and have no illogical representation should be adopted SM uses either arrows or symbols

Symmetry-Math Number Line

Symmetry-Math Rules

The dash sign (-) will have only one use subtraction

The cross sign (+) will have only one use addition

Directions have an arrow and a number

All observers see the same direction and magnitude

bull There is no multiplication of arrows

amp ampamp ampampamp

( 3 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 65 ) (17256 ) ( 32993 )

dir dirdir dirdirdir

Negative and Positive Directions in Space

If I asked you to point to a negative direction in space which way would you point

Hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a negative direction in space

If I asked you to point to a positive direction in space which way would you point

Again hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a positive direction in space

Objects on the right side of the x-axis are positive (+)(+) = (+)

Objects on the left side of the x-axis are negative (-)(-) = (+) negative math is different from positive math This is illogical

Objects on the top of the y-axis are positive

Objects on the bottom of the y-axis are negative

Objects in the front of the z-axis are positive

Objects in the back of the z-axis are negative

Again BS math of the positive direction (x right y up and z front) is different from the BS math of the negative direction (x left y down and z back)

BS math is Broken-Symmetry

Mirror image is broken symmetry in the x and z axis If the left amp right-axis are

reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the front amp back-axis is reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the top amp bottom-axis are

reversed symmetry is not broken Obs-1 math is the same as obs-2

Math answers cannot depend on which side of a number line an observer sit

Absolute values for Displacement

Even for a simple displacement of an object BS math invented a definition and absolute values to obtain something labeled a positive number answer


-4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

If an object starts at ( 3)ia X and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 1)b fb c X

BS Math provides a usable answer without a definition or absolute values

However If an object starts at

( 1) and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 3)i b fa X b c X

Then absolute values and a definition must be used

---------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I---------- -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4

a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

BS Math makes up a definition that all displacements are positive Since this example provides an answer with something labeled a negative the positive definition must be applied and (-2) is changed to (+2) A definition is needed to arrive at a useable answer This is Illogical

In SM absolute values and a meaningless definition of ldquopositiverdquo are removed In SM objects and directions in space are defined by the direction and magnitude of the resultant of arrows

With SM you get total distance traveled by the object and the final direction of the displacement

22222 2 bababbaababababa If w e su b stitu te p o s itiv e n u m b e rs in to th e eq u a tio n th e an sw er w ill b e co rrec t If (a = 5 ) an d (b = 3 )




5 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 25 15 15 9 64

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 64

W h en tw o p o sitiv e n u m b ers a re a d d ed an d sq u a re d th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es a co rre c t an sw er 1

Illogical and Incorrect BS math for the distributive law

222 2 bababbabbaaabababa B y d e fin itio n in B S m a th n o n u m b er sq u a red c a n ev e r b e n eg a tiv e T h e re fo re n o sq u a red n u m b er c an ev e r b e a v e c to r m o v in g in th e d a sh ( -) o r n eg a tiv e d ire c tio n if it is sq u a red In B S m a th an d ad d itio n o p e ra to r m u ltip lied b y a su b trac tio n o p e ra to r is A L W A Y S eq u a l to a su b tra c tio n o p e ra to r If th is h ad n o t b e en u sed fo r th e la s t fo u r h u n d red y e a rs y o u w o u ld d ie lau g h in g a t th e u tte r ab su rd ity o f th e la s t s ta tem e n t T h is is illo g ica l an d v io la te s sy m m etry

If a = 5 an d b = 3 42222352


4930253)3)(5(253)5)(3()3)(5(5353535 22222 A s lo n g a s ldquo ardquo is g re a te r th an ldquob rdquo th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es co rrec t an sw ers 1

B S m a th b re a k s d o w n w h e n ldquo b rdquo is g rea ter th a n ldquo a rdquo

If a = 3 an d b = 5

2 2



3 5 2 4

2 ( 2) ( 2) 4

2 ( )( 2) ( )( 2) 4

A n y co m b in a tio n ex cep t th e m id d le o n e is illo g ica l an d in co rre c t B y d e fin itio n th e an sw er can n o t b e -4 in B S m a th B S m a th is in co rrec t

4253095)5)(3(235)3)(5()5)(3(3535353 22222 T h is is w h ere th e d is tr ib u tiv e la w p ro v id es in co rrec t an sw ers I t p ro d u ces an an sw er o f + 4 b e cau se b y d e fin iti o n n o n u m b er sq u a red in B S m a th c an b e a n eg a tiv e n u m b er U sin g in co rre c t B S m a th th e d is tr ib u tiv e law w ill g iv e an in co rrec t an sw ers o f + 4 T h is is in co rrec t an d illo g ica l 1

Since there can be no negative direction from a squared term in BS math BS math should be modified or abandoned

The BS distributive law should be modified or abandoned

The numbers +1+2+3+4 and ndash1-2-3-4hellip should be abandoned

BS math gives incorrect answers because their Rule-of-Signs allows multiplying an arrow going in one direction by an arrow going in another direction

Clearly this is not logical

Arrows should be used that are specific for directions

W h at d o es it m e an to m u ltip ly ( 4) b y (4 ) A s w e k n o w 1

m u ltip lica tio n is ju s t ad d itio n W h a t w o u ld ( 4) tim e (4 ) b e 2

In BS math the answer is by definition -16 unless you square -4 and then it is +16

In SM you cannot multiply arrows going in opposite directions

The middle two terms are not logical You cannot multiply opposite directions

This is a MAJOR error in BS math They multiply a dash [(-) a direction to the left] by a cross [(+) a direction to the right] And then ldquoby definitionrdquo label the answer dash (-) This is illogical and produces incorrect answers


2 2

This is Einsteinrsquos math error

in Special relativity

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude and Direction (MD) An arrow has both a magnitude andA direction relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude and velocity (MV) relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude And acceleration (MA) relative to a 2nd objectobserver2

v da

t t

Introducing a new symbol the ldquoamprdquo sign The ldquoamprdquo sign means resultant ADD all the Arrows for each direction and then SUBTRACT to find the final resultant

1 1amp 1 2 2amp 2 4 If =

1 amp1 2 2 amp2 4 If =

amp 5 amp 3 2 If gt

amp 3 amp 5= 2 If gt

amp 0 3 amp 3=0 if =

only the resultant equals zero

the vectors do not - they are still there

Does not exist There is no multiplication of arrows

There are two arrows One has a magnitude of 3 One has a magnitude of 5 The maximum these two arrows can be is 8

Only the resultant of arrows exist

An SM arrow has a direction and a magnitude

Arrows and magnitudes are still there even if the resultant is zero

There are no negative SM Arrows

There are no positive SM Arrows

There are no ZERO SM Arrows A zero would negate the definition of an SM Arrow something with no magnitude and no direction cannot be the definition of an arrow that is defined as having magnitude and direction

bull A resultant is the addition and subtraction of the differences in magnitude and direction arrows

A B and C are the arrows (a) A amp B exist(b) A amp B amp C exist(c) A-B Do Not Exist in Sm there are no negatives or positives(d) A+B-C Do Not Exist in SM there are no negatives or positives

There are only resultants when there are multiple arrows

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 3: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55The Rule of Signs (-1) (-1) = +1

Which we set up to govern the multiplication of negative integers is a consequence of our desire to preserve the distribution law

a(b+c) = ab + ac

It took a long time for mathematicians to realize that the ldquoRule-of-signsrdquo together with all the other definitions governing negative integers and fractions

They were created by us in order to attain the freedom of operation while preserving the fundamental laws of arithmetic

Cannot be ldquoPROVEDrdquo

According to Professor Philip Kanarev there has not been a major discovery in physics or chemistry by ldquopeer-reviewing-academiardquo due to THEORY since the early 1900rsquos

There have been virtually no science-changing discoveries since the theories of quantum mechanics and relativity were introduced

One of the reasons is that the math being used is BS math and it operates on Broken-Symmetry and can only provide usable answers

BS math cannot be used to describe reality in space or time Space is symmetrical Space cannot depend on the direction one orientates a coordinate system

BS mathematicians should have discovered the problem Instead they invented symbols and definitions and bypassed the real problem ie [(imaginary numbers i2 = -1) and (absolutely values |-X|=+X)]

The Mathematical Principle of Error Joseph A Rybczyk 1996

Once an error enters a calculation all calculations after that point become an extension of the error

Studying the dash-cross codes of BS math has allowed me to break the codes and understand the reasons for the errors

Dash sign (-) CODES In Math used as


1 15 004255

bull (-) the number of zeros to the right of a decimal point 10-5=000001

bull (-) a subtraction operator

bull (-) a direction in space labeled negative (whatever that means)

bull (-) an exponent to mean divide

bull (-) describe the negative half of a sin or cos graph

bull (-) describe the negative half of an ldquoerdquo and ldquo1erdquo graph

bull (-) describe the negative side of all numbers raised to a power x

In Physics

bull (-) An Electron has been labeled as negative

bull (-) Anti-Particles have been labeled as negative

In Chemistry

bull (-) amp (+) Thermochemistry

Cross sign (+) CODES

(+) a direction in space labeled positive (whatever that means)

(+) an addition operator

(+) used to show the number of zeros to the left of a decimal point 10+5 = 100000

In Physics and Chemistry

bull (+) Protons have been Labeled as positive

bull (+) numerous other particles have been Labeled as positive

bull (+) amp (-) Thermochemistry

In Math used

The same dash symbol (-) is used for the numerous different math operations

The definitions established for the use of the dash symbol (-) do not distinguish between their different operations

In many math operations the dash symbol is changed to mean one of the other meanings

It is amazing that math has proceeded to its current level of use with this illogical use of a symbol

The same cross symbol (+) is used for numerous different math operations and produces the same illogical answers

A Summary of the BS Broken-Symmetry math

1 1 cosh tanhln

x xe x xe

bull Originated with broken-symmetry in the XYZ plane

bull Originated with mirror-broken-symmetry in the XZ plane

bull Created a Rule-of-Signs that cannot be proved (-)(-)=(+) (+)(+)=(+) (-)(+)=(-)

bull Created imaginary numbers to compensate for broken-symmetry

bull Created absolute values to change illogical negative number answers into positive number answers

bull Produces broken symmetry graphs for many functions

It took four years of study to discover why a (-)(-)=(+) only works in an imaginary world where space in the dash (-) direction is different from space in the cross (+) direction

Started working on the problem in August of 2001

Data points created using BS math produce graphs that are not symmetrical dash side different from cross side

However if a real problems data points follow a non symmetrical graph the graph can provide usable answers

This is why no one discovered the problem

Solved in January of 2005

Symmetry-Math(SM) vs Broken-Symmetry(BS) Math

In SM if we specify that the dash sign (-) means only subtraction and the cross sign (+) means only addition and an appropriate symbol is used for a direction in space space becomes symmetrical and math becomes logical

Math operators and directions in space are not the same and the same symbol should not be used to represent them

Letrsquos start with the (dash)multiplied by a (dash)=(cross) in the BS system

Usable answers may be obtained but it will be for illogical reasons

multiplied by a ( ) ( ) ( )subtraction Subtraction addition

rightleft left

dash dash cross

positivenegative negative

Symmetry-Math The subtraction of a direction is equal to the opposite direction The answers are correct using correct logic

opposite direction direction


(negative)(negative) = (positive)

( ) ( ) ( )subtraction


There is NO multiplication of a subtraction operator by a direction in space

There is just the subtraction of a direction in space

If instead of labeling the left side of a coordinate system as a negative (-) the same as a subtraction operator we label it with an arrow ( ) to represent the direction then a subtraction from that arrow direction will be in the opposite direction ( )

( ) mutiplied by a ( ) ( )

negative Positive negative

subtraction addition subtraction

dash cross dash

left right left

A subtraction operator multiplied by an addition operator is equal to a subtraction operator This is illogical

BS Math

A negative multiplied by a positive is equal to a negative This is illogical

A direction to the left multiplied by a direction to the right is a direction to the left This is illogical and Einsteins math error in special relativity

A dash times a cross is equal to a dash This is illogical

A vector moving to the left multiplied by a vector moving to the right is equal to ONLY to a vector moving to the left that is eight orders of magnitude faster thanThe speed of light

opposite direction subtraction direction

SM ( ) ( )

BS (negative)(positive) = (negative)

Symmetry Math The subtraction of a direction is equal to the opposite direction

There is no multiplication of a subtractionoperator times a direction in space

( ) multiplied by a ( ) ( )

positive positive positiveaddition addition additioncross cross cross

direction direction direction

What is the meaning of multiplying addition operators Addition operators are not multiplication operators

BS Math

() multiplied by a direction ( )=


() multiplied by a direction ( )=


A number times a direction maintains the same direction

( ) ()


( ) ()


The addition of a direction is in the same direction There is no multiplication by addition operators

Symmetry Math

Future math books need to eliminate the use of the cross sign (+) to represent something labeled a positive direction in space and the dash sign (-) to represent something labeled a negative direction in space Space does not have positive and negative directions

Symbols that are logical and have no illogical representation should be adopted SM uses either arrows or symbols

Symmetry-Math Number Line

Symmetry-Math Rules

The dash sign (-) will have only one use subtraction

The cross sign (+) will have only one use addition

Directions have an arrow and a number

All observers see the same direction and magnitude

bull There is no multiplication of arrows

amp ampamp ampampamp

( 3 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 65 ) (17256 ) ( 32993 )

dir dirdir dirdirdir

Negative and Positive Directions in Space

If I asked you to point to a negative direction in space which way would you point

Hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a negative direction in space

If I asked you to point to a positive direction in space which way would you point

Again hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a positive direction in space

Objects on the right side of the x-axis are positive (+)(+) = (+)

Objects on the left side of the x-axis are negative (-)(-) = (+) negative math is different from positive math This is illogical

Objects on the top of the y-axis are positive

Objects on the bottom of the y-axis are negative

Objects in the front of the z-axis are positive

Objects in the back of the z-axis are negative

Again BS math of the positive direction (x right y up and z front) is different from the BS math of the negative direction (x left y down and z back)

BS math is Broken-Symmetry

Mirror image is broken symmetry in the x and z axis If the left amp right-axis are

reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the front amp back-axis is reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the top amp bottom-axis are

reversed symmetry is not broken Obs-1 math is the same as obs-2

Math answers cannot depend on which side of a number line an observer sit

Absolute values for Displacement

Even for a simple displacement of an object BS math invented a definition and absolute values to obtain something labeled a positive number answer


-4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

If an object starts at ( 3)ia X and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 1)b fb c X

BS Math provides a usable answer without a definition or absolute values

However If an object starts at

( 1) and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 3)i b fa X b c X

Then absolute values and a definition must be used

---------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I---------- -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4

a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

BS Math makes up a definition that all displacements are positive Since this example provides an answer with something labeled a negative the positive definition must be applied and (-2) is changed to (+2) A definition is needed to arrive at a useable answer This is Illogical

In SM absolute values and a meaningless definition of ldquopositiverdquo are removed In SM objects and directions in space are defined by the direction and magnitude of the resultant of arrows

With SM you get total distance traveled by the object and the final direction of the displacement

22222 2 bababbaababababa If w e su b stitu te p o s itiv e n u m b e rs in to th e eq u a tio n th e an sw er w ill b e co rrec t If (a = 5 ) an d (b = 3 )




5 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 25 15 15 9 64

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 64

W h en tw o p o sitiv e n u m b ers a re a d d ed an d sq u a re d th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es a co rre c t an sw er 1

Illogical and Incorrect BS math for the distributive law

222 2 bababbabbaaabababa B y d e fin itio n in B S m a th n o n u m b er sq u a red c a n ev e r b e n eg a tiv e T h e re fo re n o sq u a red n u m b er c an ev e r b e a v e c to r m o v in g in th e d a sh ( -) o r n eg a tiv e d ire c tio n if it is sq u a red In B S m a th an d ad d itio n o p e ra to r m u ltip lied b y a su b trac tio n o p e ra to r is A L W A Y S eq u a l to a su b tra c tio n o p e ra to r If th is h ad n o t b e en u sed fo r th e la s t fo u r h u n d red y e a rs y o u w o u ld d ie lau g h in g a t th e u tte r ab su rd ity o f th e la s t s ta tem e n t T h is is illo g ica l an d v io la te s sy m m etry

If a = 5 an d b = 3 42222352


4930253)3)(5(253)5)(3()3)(5(5353535 22222 A s lo n g a s ldquo ardquo is g re a te r th an ldquob rdquo th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es co rrec t an sw ers 1

B S m a th b re a k s d o w n w h e n ldquo b rdquo is g rea ter th a n ldquo a rdquo

If a = 3 an d b = 5

2 2



3 5 2 4

2 ( 2) ( 2) 4

2 ( )( 2) ( )( 2) 4

A n y co m b in a tio n ex cep t th e m id d le o n e is illo g ica l an d in co rre c t B y d e fin itio n th e an sw er can n o t b e -4 in B S m a th B S m a th is in co rrec t

4253095)5)(3(235)3)(5()5)(3(3535353 22222 T h is is w h ere th e d is tr ib u tiv e la w p ro v id es in co rrec t an sw ers I t p ro d u ces an an sw er o f + 4 b e cau se b y d e fin iti o n n o n u m b er sq u a red in B S m a th c an b e a n eg a tiv e n u m b er U sin g in co rre c t B S m a th th e d is tr ib u tiv e law w ill g iv e an in co rrec t an sw ers o f + 4 T h is is in co rrec t an d illo g ica l 1

Since there can be no negative direction from a squared term in BS math BS math should be modified or abandoned

The BS distributive law should be modified or abandoned

The numbers +1+2+3+4 and ndash1-2-3-4hellip should be abandoned

BS math gives incorrect answers because their Rule-of-Signs allows multiplying an arrow going in one direction by an arrow going in another direction

Clearly this is not logical

Arrows should be used that are specific for directions

W h at d o es it m e an to m u ltip ly ( 4) b y (4 ) A s w e k n o w 1

m u ltip lica tio n is ju s t ad d itio n W h a t w o u ld ( 4) tim e (4 ) b e 2

In BS math the answer is by definition -16 unless you square -4 and then it is +16

In SM you cannot multiply arrows going in opposite directions

The middle two terms are not logical You cannot multiply opposite directions

This is a MAJOR error in BS math They multiply a dash [(-) a direction to the left] by a cross [(+) a direction to the right] And then ldquoby definitionrdquo label the answer dash (-) This is illogical and produces incorrect answers


2 2

This is Einsteinrsquos math error

in Special relativity

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude and Direction (MD) An arrow has both a magnitude andA direction relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude and velocity (MV) relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude And acceleration (MA) relative to a 2nd objectobserver2

v da

t t

Introducing a new symbol the ldquoamprdquo sign The ldquoamprdquo sign means resultant ADD all the Arrows for each direction and then SUBTRACT to find the final resultant

1 1amp 1 2 2amp 2 4 If =

1 amp1 2 2 amp2 4 If =

amp 5 amp 3 2 If gt

amp 3 amp 5= 2 If gt

amp 0 3 amp 3=0 if =

only the resultant equals zero

the vectors do not - they are still there

Does not exist There is no multiplication of arrows

There are two arrows One has a magnitude of 3 One has a magnitude of 5 The maximum these two arrows can be is 8

Only the resultant of arrows exist

An SM arrow has a direction and a magnitude

Arrows and magnitudes are still there even if the resultant is zero

There are no negative SM Arrows

There are no positive SM Arrows

There are no ZERO SM Arrows A zero would negate the definition of an SM Arrow something with no magnitude and no direction cannot be the definition of an arrow that is defined as having magnitude and direction

bull A resultant is the addition and subtraction of the differences in magnitude and direction arrows

A B and C are the arrows (a) A amp B exist(b) A amp B amp C exist(c) A-B Do Not Exist in Sm there are no negatives or positives(d) A+B-C Do Not Exist in SM there are no negatives or positives

There are only resultants when there are multiple arrows

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 4: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

According to Professor Philip Kanarev there has not been a major discovery in physics or chemistry by ldquopeer-reviewing-academiardquo due to THEORY since the early 1900rsquos

There have been virtually no science-changing discoveries since the theories of quantum mechanics and relativity were introduced

One of the reasons is that the math being used is BS math and it operates on Broken-Symmetry and can only provide usable answers

BS math cannot be used to describe reality in space or time Space is symmetrical Space cannot depend on the direction one orientates a coordinate system

BS mathematicians should have discovered the problem Instead they invented symbols and definitions and bypassed the real problem ie [(imaginary numbers i2 = -1) and (absolutely values |-X|=+X)]

The Mathematical Principle of Error Joseph A Rybczyk 1996

Once an error enters a calculation all calculations after that point become an extension of the error

Studying the dash-cross codes of BS math has allowed me to break the codes and understand the reasons for the errors

Dash sign (-) CODES In Math used as


1 15 004255

bull (-) the number of zeros to the right of a decimal point 10-5=000001

bull (-) a subtraction operator

bull (-) a direction in space labeled negative (whatever that means)

bull (-) an exponent to mean divide

bull (-) describe the negative half of a sin or cos graph

bull (-) describe the negative half of an ldquoerdquo and ldquo1erdquo graph

bull (-) describe the negative side of all numbers raised to a power x

In Physics

bull (-) An Electron has been labeled as negative

bull (-) Anti-Particles have been labeled as negative

In Chemistry

bull (-) amp (+) Thermochemistry

Cross sign (+) CODES

(+) a direction in space labeled positive (whatever that means)

(+) an addition operator

(+) used to show the number of zeros to the left of a decimal point 10+5 = 100000

In Physics and Chemistry

bull (+) Protons have been Labeled as positive

bull (+) numerous other particles have been Labeled as positive

bull (+) amp (-) Thermochemistry

In Math used

The same dash symbol (-) is used for the numerous different math operations

The definitions established for the use of the dash symbol (-) do not distinguish between their different operations

In many math operations the dash symbol is changed to mean one of the other meanings

It is amazing that math has proceeded to its current level of use with this illogical use of a symbol

The same cross symbol (+) is used for numerous different math operations and produces the same illogical answers

A Summary of the BS Broken-Symmetry math

1 1 cosh tanhln

x xe x xe

bull Originated with broken-symmetry in the XYZ plane

bull Originated with mirror-broken-symmetry in the XZ plane

bull Created a Rule-of-Signs that cannot be proved (-)(-)=(+) (+)(+)=(+) (-)(+)=(-)

bull Created imaginary numbers to compensate for broken-symmetry

bull Created absolute values to change illogical negative number answers into positive number answers

bull Produces broken symmetry graphs for many functions

It took four years of study to discover why a (-)(-)=(+) only works in an imaginary world where space in the dash (-) direction is different from space in the cross (+) direction

Started working on the problem in August of 2001

Data points created using BS math produce graphs that are not symmetrical dash side different from cross side

However if a real problems data points follow a non symmetrical graph the graph can provide usable answers

This is why no one discovered the problem

Solved in January of 2005

Symmetry-Math(SM) vs Broken-Symmetry(BS) Math

In SM if we specify that the dash sign (-) means only subtraction and the cross sign (+) means only addition and an appropriate symbol is used for a direction in space space becomes symmetrical and math becomes logical

Math operators and directions in space are not the same and the same symbol should not be used to represent them

Letrsquos start with the (dash)multiplied by a (dash)=(cross) in the BS system

Usable answers may be obtained but it will be for illogical reasons

multiplied by a ( ) ( ) ( )subtraction Subtraction addition

rightleft left

dash dash cross

positivenegative negative

Symmetry-Math The subtraction of a direction is equal to the opposite direction The answers are correct using correct logic

opposite direction direction


(negative)(negative) = (positive)

( ) ( ) ( )subtraction


There is NO multiplication of a subtraction operator by a direction in space

There is just the subtraction of a direction in space

If instead of labeling the left side of a coordinate system as a negative (-) the same as a subtraction operator we label it with an arrow ( ) to represent the direction then a subtraction from that arrow direction will be in the opposite direction ( )

( ) mutiplied by a ( ) ( )

negative Positive negative

subtraction addition subtraction

dash cross dash

left right left

A subtraction operator multiplied by an addition operator is equal to a subtraction operator This is illogical

BS Math

A negative multiplied by a positive is equal to a negative This is illogical

A direction to the left multiplied by a direction to the right is a direction to the left This is illogical and Einsteins math error in special relativity

A dash times a cross is equal to a dash This is illogical

A vector moving to the left multiplied by a vector moving to the right is equal to ONLY to a vector moving to the left that is eight orders of magnitude faster thanThe speed of light

opposite direction subtraction direction

SM ( ) ( )

BS (negative)(positive) = (negative)

Symmetry Math The subtraction of a direction is equal to the opposite direction

There is no multiplication of a subtractionoperator times a direction in space

( ) multiplied by a ( ) ( )

positive positive positiveaddition addition additioncross cross cross

direction direction direction

What is the meaning of multiplying addition operators Addition operators are not multiplication operators

BS Math

() multiplied by a direction ( )=


() multiplied by a direction ( )=


A number times a direction maintains the same direction

( ) ()


( ) ()


The addition of a direction is in the same direction There is no multiplication by addition operators

Symmetry Math

Future math books need to eliminate the use of the cross sign (+) to represent something labeled a positive direction in space and the dash sign (-) to represent something labeled a negative direction in space Space does not have positive and negative directions

Symbols that are logical and have no illogical representation should be adopted SM uses either arrows or symbols

Symmetry-Math Number Line

Symmetry-Math Rules

The dash sign (-) will have only one use subtraction

The cross sign (+) will have only one use addition

Directions have an arrow and a number

All observers see the same direction and magnitude

bull There is no multiplication of arrows

amp ampamp ampampamp

( 3 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 65 ) (17256 ) ( 32993 )

dir dirdir dirdirdir

Negative and Positive Directions in Space

If I asked you to point to a negative direction in space which way would you point

Hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a negative direction in space

If I asked you to point to a positive direction in space which way would you point

Again hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a positive direction in space

Objects on the right side of the x-axis are positive (+)(+) = (+)

Objects on the left side of the x-axis are negative (-)(-) = (+) negative math is different from positive math This is illogical

Objects on the top of the y-axis are positive

Objects on the bottom of the y-axis are negative

Objects in the front of the z-axis are positive

Objects in the back of the z-axis are negative

Again BS math of the positive direction (x right y up and z front) is different from the BS math of the negative direction (x left y down and z back)

BS math is Broken-Symmetry

Mirror image is broken symmetry in the x and z axis If the left amp right-axis are

reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the front amp back-axis is reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the top amp bottom-axis are

reversed symmetry is not broken Obs-1 math is the same as obs-2

Math answers cannot depend on which side of a number line an observer sit

Absolute values for Displacement

Even for a simple displacement of an object BS math invented a definition and absolute values to obtain something labeled a positive number answer


-4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

If an object starts at ( 3)ia X and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 1)b fb c X

BS Math provides a usable answer without a definition or absolute values

However If an object starts at

( 1) and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 3)i b fa X b c X

Then absolute values and a definition must be used

---------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I---------- -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4

a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

BS Math makes up a definition that all displacements are positive Since this example provides an answer with something labeled a negative the positive definition must be applied and (-2) is changed to (+2) A definition is needed to arrive at a useable answer This is Illogical

In SM absolute values and a meaningless definition of ldquopositiverdquo are removed In SM objects and directions in space are defined by the direction and magnitude of the resultant of arrows

With SM you get total distance traveled by the object and the final direction of the displacement

22222 2 bababbaababababa If w e su b stitu te p o s itiv e n u m b e rs in to th e eq u a tio n th e an sw er w ill b e co rrec t If (a = 5 ) an d (b = 3 )




5 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 25 15 15 9 64

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 64

W h en tw o p o sitiv e n u m b ers a re a d d ed an d sq u a re d th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es a co rre c t an sw er 1

Illogical and Incorrect BS math for the distributive law

222 2 bababbabbaaabababa B y d e fin itio n in B S m a th n o n u m b er sq u a red c a n ev e r b e n eg a tiv e T h e re fo re n o sq u a red n u m b er c an ev e r b e a v e c to r m o v in g in th e d a sh ( -) o r n eg a tiv e d ire c tio n if it is sq u a red In B S m a th an d ad d itio n o p e ra to r m u ltip lied b y a su b trac tio n o p e ra to r is A L W A Y S eq u a l to a su b tra c tio n o p e ra to r If th is h ad n o t b e en u sed fo r th e la s t fo u r h u n d red y e a rs y o u w o u ld d ie lau g h in g a t th e u tte r ab su rd ity o f th e la s t s ta tem e n t T h is is illo g ica l an d v io la te s sy m m etry

If a = 5 an d b = 3 42222352


4930253)3)(5(253)5)(3()3)(5(5353535 22222 A s lo n g a s ldquo ardquo is g re a te r th an ldquob rdquo th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es co rrec t an sw ers 1

B S m a th b re a k s d o w n w h e n ldquo b rdquo is g rea ter th a n ldquo a rdquo

If a = 3 an d b = 5

2 2



3 5 2 4

2 ( 2) ( 2) 4

2 ( )( 2) ( )( 2) 4

A n y co m b in a tio n ex cep t th e m id d le o n e is illo g ica l an d in co rre c t B y d e fin itio n th e an sw er can n o t b e -4 in B S m a th B S m a th is in co rrec t

4253095)5)(3(235)3)(5()5)(3(3535353 22222 T h is is w h ere th e d is tr ib u tiv e la w p ro v id es in co rrec t an sw ers I t p ro d u ces an an sw er o f + 4 b e cau se b y d e fin iti o n n o n u m b er sq u a red in B S m a th c an b e a n eg a tiv e n u m b er U sin g in co rre c t B S m a th th e d is tr ib u tiv e law w ill g iv e an in co rrec t an sw ers o f + 4 T h is is in co rrec t an d illo g ica l 1

Since there can be no negative direction from a squared term in BS math BS math should be modified or abandoned

The BS distributive law should be modified or abandoned

The numbers +1+2+3+4 and ndash1-2-3-4hellip should be abandoned

BS math gives incorrect answers because their Rule-of-Signs allows multiplying an arrow going in one direction by an arrow going in another direction

Clearly this is not logical

Arrows should be used that are specific for directions

W h at d o es it m e an to m u ltip ly ( 4) b y (4 ) A s w e k n o w 1

m u ltip lica tio n is ju s t ad d itio n W h a t w o u ld ( 4) tim e (4 ) b e 2

In BS math the answer is by definition -16 unless you square -4 and then it is +16

In SM you cannot multiply arrows going in opposite directions

The middle two terms are not logical You cannot multiply opposite directions

This is a MAJOR error in BS math They multiply a dash [(-) a direction to the left] by a cross [(+) a direction to the right] And then ldquoby definitionrdquo label the answer dash (-) This is illogical and produces incorrect answers


2 2

This is Einsteinrsquos math error

in Special relativity

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude and Direction (MD) An arrow has both a magnitude andA direction relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude and velocity (MV) relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude And acceleration (MA) relative to a 2nd objectobserver2

v da

t t

Introducing a new symbol the ldquoamprdquo sign The ldquoamprdquo sign means resultant ADD all the Arrows for each direction and then SUBTRACT to find the final resultant

1 1amp 1 2 2amp 2 4 If =

1 amp1 2 2 amp2 4 If =

amp 5 amp 3 2 If gt

amp 3 amp 5= 2 If gt

amp 0 3 amp 3=0 if =

only the resultant equals zero

the vectors do not - they are still there

Does not exist There is no multiplication of arrows

There are two arrows One has a magnitude of 3 One has a magnitude of 5 The maximum these two arrows can be is 8

Only the resultant of arrows exist

An SM arrow has a direction and a magnitude

Arrows and magnitudes are still there even if the resultant is zero

There are no negative SM Arrows

There are no positive SM Arrows

There are no ZERO SM Arrows A zero would negate the definition of an SM Arrow something with no magnitude and no direction cannot be the definition of an arrow that is defined as having magnitude and direction

bull A resultant is the addition and subtraction of the differences in magnitude and direction arrows

A B and C are the arrows (a) A amp B exist(b) A amp B amp C exist(c) A-B Do Not Exist in Sm there are no negatives or positives(d) A+B-C Do Not Exist in SM there are no negatives or positives

There are only resultants when there are multiple arrows

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 5: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

The Mathematical Principle of Error Joseph A Rybczyk 1996

Once an error enters a calculation all calculations after that point become an extension of the error

Studying the dash-cross codes of BS math has allowed me to break the codes and understand the reasons for the errors

Dash sign (-) CODES In Math used as


1 15 004255

bull (-) the number of zeros to the right of a decimal point 10-5=000001

bull (-) a subtraction operator

bull (-) a direction in space labeled negative (whatever that means)

bull (-) an exponent to mean divide

bull (-) describe the negative half of a sin or cos graph

bull (-) describe the negative half of an ldquoerdquo and ldquo1erdquo graph

bull (-) describe the negative side of all numbers raised to a power x

In Physics

bull (-) An Electron has been labeled as negative

bull (-) Anti-Particles have been labeled as negative

In Chemistry

bull (-) amp (+) Thermochemistry

Cross sign (+) CODES

(+) a direction in space labeled positive (whatever that means)

(+) an addition operator

(+) used to show the number of zeros to the left of a decimal point 10+5 = 100000

In Physics and Chemistry

bull (+) Protons have been Labeled as positive

bull (+) numerous other particles have been Labeled as positive

bull (+) amp (-) Thermochemistry

In Math used

The same dash symbol (-) is used for the numerous different math operations

The definitions established for the use of the dash symbol (-) do not distinguish between their different operations

In many math operations the dash symbol is changed to mean one of the other meanings

It is amazing that math has proceeded to its current level of use with this illogical use of a symbol

The same cross symbol (+) is used for numerous different math operations and produces the same illogical answers

A Summary of the BS Broken-Symmetry math

1 1 cosh tanhln

x xe x xe

bull Originated with broken-symmetry in the XYZ plane

bull Originated with mirror-broken-symmetry in the XZ plane

bull Created a Rule-of-Signs that cannot be proved (-)(-)=(+) (+)(+)=(+) (-)(+)=(-)

bull Created imaginary numbers to compensate for broken-symmetry

bull Created absolute values to change illogical negative number answers into positive number answers

bull Produces broken symmetry graphs for many functions

It took four years of study to discover why a (-)(-)=(+) only works in an imaginary world where space in the dash (-) direction is different from space in the cross (+) direction

Started working on the problem in August of 2001

Data points created using BS math produce graphs that are not symmetrical dash side different from cross side

However if a real problems data points follow a non symmetrical graph the graph can provide usable answers

This is why no one discovered the problem

Solved in January of 2005

Symmetry-Math(SM) vs Broken-Symmetry(BS) Math

In SM if we specify that the dash sign (-) means only subtraction and the cross sign (+) means only addition and an appropriate symbol is used for a direction in space space becomes symmetrical and math becomes logical

Math operators and directions in space are not the same and the same symbol should not be used to represent them

Letrsquos start with the (dash)multiplied by a (dash)=(cross) in the BS system

Usable answers may be obtained but it will be for illogical reasons

multiplied by a ( ) ( ) ( )subtraction Subtraction addition

rightleft left

dash dash cross

positivenegative negative

Symmetry-Math The subtraction of a direction is equal to the opposite direction The answers are correct using correct logic

opposite direction direction


(negative)(negative) = (positive)

( ) ( ) ( )subtraction


There is NO multiplication of a subtraction operator by a direction in space

There is just the subtraction of a direction in space

If instead of labeling the left side of a coordinate system as a negative (-) the same as a subtraction operator we label it with an arrow ( ) to represent the direction then a subtraction from that arrow direction will be in the opposite direction ( )

( ) mutiplied by a ( ) ( )

negative Positive negative

subtraction addition subtraction

dash cross dash

left right left

A subtraction operator multiplied by an addition operator is equal to a subtraction operator This is illogical

BS Math

A negative multiplied by a positive is equal to a negative This is illogical

A direction to the left multiplied by a direction to the right is a direction to the left This is illogical and Einsteins math error in special relativity

A dash times a cross is equal to a dash This is illogical

A vector moving to the left multiplied by a vector moving to the right is equal to ONLY to a vector moving to the left that is eight orders of magnitude faster thanThe speed of light

opposite direction subtraction direction

SM ( ) ( )

BS (negative)(positive) = (negative)

Symmetry Math The subtraction of a direction is equal to the opposite direction

There is no multiplication of a subtractionoperator times a direction in space

( ) multiplied by a ( ) ( )

positive positive positiveaddition addition additioncross cross cross

direction direction direction

What is the meaning of multiplying addition operators Addition operators are not multiplication operators

BS Math

() multiplied by a direction ( )=


() multiplied by a direction ( )=


A number times a direction maintains the same direction

( ) ()


( ) ()


The addition of a direction is in the same direction There is no multiplication by addition operators

Symmetry Math

Future math books need to eliminate the use of the cross sign (+) to represent something labeled a positive direction in space and the dash sign (-) to represent something labeled a negative direction in space Space does not have positive and negative directions

Symbols that are logical and have no illogical representation should be adopted SM uses either arrows or symbols

Symmetry-Math Number Line

Symmetry-Math Rules

The dash sign (-) will have only one use subtraction

The cross sign (+) will have only one use addition

Directions have an arrow and a number

All observers see the same direction and magnitude

bull There is no multiplication of arrows

amp ampamp ampampamp

( 3 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 65 ) (17256 ) ( 32993 )

dir dirdir dirdirdir

Negative and Positive Directions in Space

If I asked you to point to a negative direction in space which way would you point

Hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a negative direction in space

If I asked you to point to a positive direction in space which way would you point

Again hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a positive direction in space

Objects on the right side of the x-axis are positive (+)(+) = (+)

Objects on the left side of the x-axis are negative (-)(-) = (+) negative math is different from positive math This is illogical

Objects on the top of the y-axis are positive

Objects on the bottom of the y-axis are negative

Objects in the front of the z-axis are positive

Objects in the back of the z-axis are negative

Again BS math of the positive direction (x right y up and z front) is different from the BS math of the negative direction (x left y down and z back)

BS math is Broken-Symmetry

Mirror image is broken symmetry in the x and z axis If the left amp right-axis are

reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the front amp back-axis is reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the top amp bottom-axis are

reversed symmetry is not broken Obs-1 math is the same as obs-2

Math answers cannot depend on which side of a number line an observer sit

Absolute values for Displacement

Even for a simple displacement of an object BS math invented a definition and absolute values to obtain something labeled a positive number answer


-4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

If an object starts at ( 3)ia X and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 1)b fb c X

BS Math provides a usable answer without a definition or absolute values

However If an object starts at

( 1) and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 3)i b fa X b c X

Then absolute values and a definition must be used

---------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I---------- -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4

a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

BS Math makes up a definition that all displacements are positive Since this example provides an answer with something labeled a negative the positive definition must be applied and (-2) is changed to (+2) A definition is needed to arrive at a useable answer This is Illogical

In SM absolute values and a meaningless definition of ldquopositiverdquo are removed In SM objects and directions in space are defined by the direction and magnitude of the resultant of arrows

With SM you get total distance traveled by the object and the final direction of the displacement

22222 2 bababbaababababa If w e su b stitu te p o s itiv e n u m b e rs in to th e eq u a tio n th e an sw er w ill b e co rrec t If (a = 5 ) an d (b = 3 )




5 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 25 15 15 9 64

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 64

W h en tw o p o sitiv e n u m b ers a re a d d ed an d sq u a re d th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es a co rre c t an sw er 1

Illogical and Incorrect BS math for the distributive law

222 2 bababbabbaaabababa B y d e fin itio n in B S m a th n o n u m b er sq u a red c a n ev e r b e n eg a tiv e T h e re fo re n o sq u a red n u m b er c an ev e r b e a v e c to r m o v in g in th e d a sh ( -) o r n eg a tiv e d ire c tio n if it is sq u a red In B S m a th an d ad d itio n o p e ra to r m u ltip lied b y a su b trac tio n o p e ra to r is A L W A Y S eq u a l to a su b tra c tio n o p e ra to r If th is h ad n o t b e en u sed fo r th e la s t fo u r h u n d red y e a rs y o u w o u ld d ie lau g h in g a t th e u tte r ab su rd ity o f th e la s t s ta tem e n t T h is is illo g ica l an d v io la te s sy m m etry

If a = 5 an d b = 3 42222352


4930253)3)(5(253)5)(3()3)(5(5353535 22222 A s lo n g a s ldquo ardquo is g re a te r th an ldquob rdquo th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es co rrec t an sw ers 1

B S m a th b re a k s d o w n w h e n ldquo b rdquo is g rea ter th a n ldquo a rdquo

If a = 3 an d b = 5

2 2



3 5 2 4

2 ( 2) ( 2) 4

2 ( )( 2) ( )( 2) 4

A n y co m b in a tio n ex cep t th e m id d le o n e is illo g ica l an d in co rre c t B y d e fin itio n th e an sw er can n o t b e -4 in B S m a th B S m a th is in co rrec t

4253095)5)(3(235)3)(5()5)(3(3535353 22222 T h is is w h ere th e d is tr ib u tiv e la w p ro v id es in co rrec t an sw ers I t p ro d u ces an an sw er o f + 4 b e cau se b y d e fin iti o n n o n u m b er sq u a red in B S m a th c an b e a n eg a tiv e n u m b er U sin g in co rre c t B S m a th th e d is tr ib u tiv e law w ill g iv e an in co rrec t an sw ers o f + 4 T h is is in co rrec t an d illo g ica l 1

Since there can be no negative direction from a squared term in BS math BS math should be modified or abandoned

The BS distributive law should be modified or abandoned

The numbers +1+2+3+4 and ndash1-2-3-4hellip should be abandoned

BS math gives incorrect answers because their Rule-of-Signs allows multiplying an arrow going in one direction by an arrow going in another direction

Clearly this is not logical

Arrows should be used that are specific for directions

W h at d o es it m e an to m u ltip ly ( 4) b y (4 ) A s w e k n o w 1

m u ltip lica tio n is ju s t ad d itio n W h a t w o u ld ( 4) tim e (4 ) b e 2

In BS math the answer is by definition -16 unless you square -4 and then it is +16

In SM you cannot multiply arrows going in opposite directions

The middle two terms are not logical You cannot multiply opposite directions

This is a MAJOR error in BS math They multiply a dash [(-) a direction to the left] by a cross [(+) a direction to the right] And then ldquoby definitionrdquo label the answer dash (-) This is illogical and produces incorrect answers


2 2

This is Einsteinrsquos math error

in Special relativity

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude and Direction (MD) An arrow has both a magnitude andA direction relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude and velocity (MV) relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude And acceleration (MA) relative to a 2nd objectobserver2

v da

t t

Introducing a new symbol the ldquoamprdquo sign The ldquoamprdquo sign means resultant ADD all the Arrows for each direction and then SUBTRACT to find the final resultant

1 1amp 1 2 2amp 2 4 If =

1 amp1 2 2 amp2 4 If =

amp 5 amp 3 2 If gt

amp 3 amp 5= 2 If gt

amp 0 3 amp 3=0 if =

only the resultant equals zero

the vectors do not - they are still there

Does not exist There is no multiplication of arrows

There are two arrows One has a magnitude of 3 One has a magnitude of 5 The maximum these two arrows can be is 8

Only the resultant of arrows exist

An SM arrow has a direction and a magnitude

Arrows and magnitudes are still there even if the resultant is zero

There are no negative SM Arrows

There are no positive SM Arrows

There are no ZERO SM Arrows A zero would negate the definition of an SM Arrow something with no magnitude and no direction cannot be the definition of an arrow that is defined as having magnitude and direction

bull A resultant is the addition and subtraction of the differences in magnitude and direction arrows

A B and C are the arrows (a) A amp B exist(b) A amp B amp C exist(c) A-B Do Not Exist in Sm there are no negatives or positives(d) A+B-C Do Not Exist in SM there are no negatives or positives

There are only resultants when there are multiple arrows

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 6: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

Studying the dash-cross codes of BS math has allowed me to break the codes and understand the reasons for the errors

Dash sign (-) CODES In Math used as


1 15 004255

bull (-) the number of zeros to the right of a decimal point 10-5=000001

bull (-) a subtraction operator

bull (-) a direction in space labeled negative (whatever that means)

bull (-) an exponent to mean divide

bull (-) describe the negative half of a sin or cos graph

bull (-) describe the negative half of an ldquoerdquo and ldquo1erdquo graph

bull (-) describe the negative side of all numbers raised to a power x

In Physics

bull (-) An Electron has been labeled as negative

bull (-) Anti-Particles have been labeled as negative

In Chemistry

bull (-) amp (+) Thermochemistry

Cross sign (+) CODES

(+) a direction in space labeled positive (whatever that means)

(+) an addition operator

(+) used to show the number of zeros to the left of a decimal point 10+5 = 100000

In Physics and Chemistry

bull (+) Protons have been Labeled as positive

bull (+) numerous other particles have been Labeled as positive

bull (+) amp (-) Thermochemistry

In Math used

The same dash symbol (-) is used for the numerous different math operations

The definitions established for the use of the dash symbol (-) do not distinguish between their different operations

In many math operations the dash symbol is changed to mean one of the other meanings

It is amazing that math has proceeded to its current level of use with this illogical use of a symbol

The same cross symbol (+) is used for numerous different math operations and produces the same illogical answers

A Summary of the BS Broken-Symmetry math

1 1 cosh tanhln

x xe x xe

bull Originated with broken-symmetry in the XYZ plane

bull Originated with mirror-broken-symmetry in the XZ plane

bull Created a Rule-of-Signs that cannot be proved (-)(-)=(+) (+)(+)=(+) (-)(+)=(-)

bull Created imaginary numbers to compensate for broken-symmetry

bull Created absolute values to change illogical negative number answers into positive number answers

bull Produces broken symmetry graphs for many functions

It took four years of study to discover why a (-)(-)=(+) only works in an imaginary world where space in the dash (-) direction is different from space in the cross (+) direction

Started working on the problem in August of 2001

Data points created using BS math produce graphs that are not symmetrical dash side different from cross side

However if a real problems data points follow a non symmetrical graph the graph can provide usable answers

This is why no one discovered the problem

Solved in January of 2005

Symmetry-Math(SM) vs Broken-Symmetry(BS) Math

In SM if we specify that the dash sign (-) means only subtraction and the cross sign (+) means only addition and an appropriate symbol is used for a direction in space space becomes symmetrical and math becomes logical

Math operators and directions in space are not the same and the same symbol should not be used to represent them

Letrsquos start with the (dash)multiplied by a (dash)=(cross) in the BS system

Usable answers may be obtained but it will be for illogical reasons

multiplied by a ( ) ( ) ( )subtraction Subtraction addition

rightleft left

dash dash cross

positivenegative negative

Symmetry-Math The subtraction of a direction is equal to the opposite direction The answers are correct using correct logic

opposite direction direction


(negative)(negative) = (positive)

( ) ( ) ( )subtraction


There is NO multiplication of a subtraction operator by a direction in space

There is just the subtraction of a direction in space

If instead of labeling the left side of a coordinate system as a negative (-) the same as a subtraction operator we label it with an arrow ( ) to represent the direction then a subtraction from that arrow direction will be in the opposite direction ( )

( ) mutiplied by a ( ) ( )

negative Positive negative

subtraction addition subtraction

dash cross dash

left right left

A subtraction operator multiplied by an addition operator is equal to a subtraction operator This is illogical

BS Math

A negative multiplied by a positive is equal to a negative This is illogical

A direction to the left multiplied by a direction to the right is a direction to the left This is illogical and Einsteins math error in special relativity

A dash times a cross is equal to a dash This is illogical

A vector moving to the left multiplied by a vector moving to the right is equal to ONLY to a vector moving to the left that is eight orders of magnitude faster thanThe speed of light

opposite direction subtraction direction

SM ( ) ( )

BS (negative)(positive) = (negative)

Symmetry Math The subtraction of a direction is equal to the opposite direction

There is no multiplication of a subtractionoperator times a direction in space

( ) multiplied by a ( ) ( )

positive positive positiveaddition addition additioncross cross cross

direction direction direction

What is the meaning of multiplying addition operators Addition operators are not multiplication operators

BS Math

() multiplied by a direction ( )=


() multiplied by a direction ( )=


A number times a direction maintains the same direction

( ) ()


( ) ()


The addition of a direction is in the same direction There is no multiplication by addition operators

Symmetry Math

Future math books need to eliminate the use of the cross sign (+) to represent something labeled a positive direction in space and the dash sign (-) to represent something labeled a negative direction in space Space does not have positive and negative directions

Symbols that are logical and have no illogical representation should be adopted SM uses either arrows or symbols

Symmetry-Math Number Line

Symmetry-Math Rules

The dash sign (-) will have only one use subtraction

The cross sign (+) will have only one use addition

Directions have an arrow and a number

All observers see the same direction and magnitude

bull There is no multiplication of arrows

amp ampamp ampampamp

( 3 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 65 ) (17256 ) ( 32993 )

dir dirdir dirdirdir

Negative and Positive Directions in Space

If I asked you to point to a negative direction in space which way would you point

Hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a negative direction in space

If I asked you to point to a positive direction in space which way would you point

Again hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a positive direction in space

Objects on the right side of the x-axis are positive (+)(+) = (+)

Objects on the left side of the x-axis are negative (-)(-) = (+) negative math is different from positive math This is illogical

Objects on the top of the y-axis are positive

Objects on the bottom of the y-axis are negative

Objects in the front of the z-axis are positive

Objects in the back of the z-axis are negative

Again BS math of the positive direction (x right y up and z front) is different from the BS math of the negative direction (x left y down and z back)

BS math is Broken-Symmetry

Mirror image is broken symmetry in the x and z axis If the left amp right-axis are

reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the front amp back-axis is reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the top amp bottom-axis are

reversed symmetry is not broken Obs-1 math is the same as obs-2

Math answers cannot depend on which side of a number line an observer sit

Absolute values for Displacement

Even for a simple displacement of an object BS math invented a definition and absolute values to obtain something labeled a positive number answer


-4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

If an object starts at ( 3)ia X and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 1)b fb c X

BS Math provides a usable answer without a definition or absolute values

However If an object starts at

( 1) and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 3)i b fa X b c X

Then absolute values and a definition must be used

---------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I---------- -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4

a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

BS Math makes up a definition that all displacements are positive Since this example provides an answer with something labeled a negative the positive definition must be applied and (-2) is changed to (+2) A definition is needed to arrive at a useable answer This is Illogical

In SM absolute values and a meaningless definition of ldquopositiverdquo are removed In SM objects and directions in space are defined by the direction and magnitude of the resultant of arrows

With SM you get total distance traveled by the object and the final direction of the displacement

22222 2 bababbaababababa If w e su b stitu te p o s itiv e n u m b e rs in to th e eq u a tio n th e an sw er w ill b e co rrec t If (a = 5 ) an d (b = 3 )




5 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 25 15 15 9 64

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 64

W h en tw o p o sitiv e n u m b ers a re a d d ed an d sq u a re d th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es a co rre c t an sw er 1

Illogical and Incorrect BS math for the distributive law

222 2 bababbabbaaabababa B y d e fin itio n in B S m a th n o n u m b er sq u a red c a n ev e r b e n eg a tiv e T h e re fo re n o sq u a red n u m b er c an ev e r b e a v e c to r m o v in g in th e d a sh ( -) o r n eg a tiv e d ire c tio n if it is sq u a red In B S m a th an d ad d itio n o p e ra to r m u ltip lied b y a su b trac tio n o p e ra to r is A L W A Y S eq u a l to a su b tra c tio n o p e ra to r If th is h ad n o t b e en u sed fo r th e la s t fo u r h u n d red y e a rs y o u w o u ld d ie lau g h in g a t th e u tte r ab su rd ity o f th e la s t s ta tem e n t T h is is illo g ica l an d v io la te s sy m m etry

If a = 5 an d b = 3 42222352


4930253)3)(5(253)5)(3()3)(5(5353535 22222 A s lo n g a s ldquo ardquo is g re a te r th an ldquob rdquo th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es co rrec t an sw ers 1

B S m a th b re a k s d o w n w h e n ldquo b rdquo is g rea ter th a n ldquo a rdquo

If a = 3 an d b = 5

2 2



3 5 2 4

2 ( 2) ( 2) 4

2 ( )( 2) ( )( 2) 4

A n y co m b in a tio n ex cep t th e m id d le o n e is illo g ica l an d in co rre c t B y d e fin itio n th e an sw er can n o t b e -4 in B S m a th B S m a th is in co rrec t

4253095)5)(3(235)3)(5()5)(3(3535353 22222 T h is is w h ere th e d is tr ib u tiv e la w p ro v id es in co rrec t an sw ers I t p ro d u ces an an sw er o f + 4 b e cau se b y d e fin iti o n n o n u m b er sq u a red in B S m a th c an b e a n eg a tiv e n u m b er U sin g in co rre c t B S m a th th e d is tr ib u tiv e law w ill g iv e an in co rrec t an sw ers o f + 4 T h is is in co rrec t an d illo g ica l 1

Since there can be no negative direction from a squared term in BS math BS math should be modified or abandoned

The BS distributive law should be modified or abandoned

The numbers +1+2+3+4 and ndash1-2-3-4hellip should be abandoned

BS math gives incorrect answers because their Rule-of-Signs allows multiplying an arrow going in one direction by an arrow going in another direction

Clearly this is not logical

Arrows should be used that are specific for directions

W h at d o es it m e an to m u ltip ly ( 4) b y (4 ) A s w e k n o w 1

m u ltip lica tio n is ju s t ad d itio n W h a t w o u ld ( 4) tim e (4 ) b e 2

In BS math the answer is by definition -16 unless you square -4 and then it is +16

In SM you cannot multiply arrows going in opposite directions

The middle two terms are not logical You cannot multiply opposite directions

This is a MAJOR error in BS math They multiply a dash [(-) a direction to the left] by a cross [(+) a direction to the right] And then ldquoby definitionrdquo label the answer dash (-) This is illogical and produces incorrect answers


2 2

This is Einsteinrsquos math error

in Special relativity

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude and Direction (MD) An arrow has both a magnitude andA direction relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude and velocity (MV) relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude And acceleration (MA) relative to a 2nd objectobserver2

v da

t t

Introducing a new symbol the ldquoamprdquo sign The ldquoamprdquo sign means resultant ADD all the Arrows for each direction and then SUBTRACT to find the final resultant

1 1amp 1 2 2amp 2 4 If =

1 amp1 2 2 amp2 4 If =

amp 5 amp 3 2 If gt

amp 3 amp 5= 2 If gt

amp 0 3 amp 3=0 if =

only the resultant equals zero

the vectors do not - they are still there

Does not exist There is no multiplication of arrows

There are two arrows One has a magnitude of 3 One has a magnitude of 5 The maximum these two arrows can be is 8

Only the resultant of arrows exist

An SM arrow has a direction and a magnitude

Arrows and magnitudes are still there even if the resultant is zero

There are no negative SM Arrows

There are no positive SM Arrows

There are no ZERO SM Arrows A zero would negate the definition of an SM Arrow something with no magnitude and no direction cannot be the definition of an arrow that is defined as having magnitude and direction

bull A resultant is the addition and subtraction of the differences in magnitude and direction arrows

A B and C are the arrows (a) A amp B exist(b) A amp B amp C exist(c) A-B Do Not Exist in Sm there are no negatives or positives(d) A+B-C Do Not Exist in SM there are no negatives or positives

There are only resultants when there are multiple arrows

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
  • Slide 6
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Page 7: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

In Physics

bull (-) An Electron has been labeled as negative

bull (-) Anti-Particles have been labeled as negative

In Chemistry

bull (-) amp (+) Thermochemistry

Cross sign (+) CODES

(+) a direction in space labeled positive (whatever that means)

(+) an addition operator

(+) used to show the number of zeros to the left of a decimal point 10+5 = 100000

In Physics and Chemistry

bull (+) Protons have been Labeled as positive

bull (+) numerous other particles have been Labeled as positive

bull (+) amp (-) Thermochemistry

In Math used

The same dash symbol (-) is used for the numerous different math operations

The definitions established for the use of the dash symbol (-) do not distinguish between their different operations

In many math operations the dash symbol is changed to mean one of the other meanings

It is amazing that math has proceeded to its current level of use with this illogical use of a symbol

The same cross symbol (+) is used for numerous different math operations and produces the same illogical answers

A Summary of the BS Broken-Symmetry math

1 1 cosh tanhln

x xe x xe

bull Originated with broken-symmetry in the XYZ plane

bull Originated with mirror-broken-symmetry in the XZ plane

bull Created a Rule-of-Signs that cannot be proved (-)(-)=(+) (+)(+)=(+) (-)(+)=(-)

bull Created imaginary numbers to compensate for broken-symmetry

bull Created absolute values to change illogical negative number answers into positive number answers

bull Produces broken symmetry graphs for many functions

It took four years of study to discover why a (-)(-)=(+) only works in an imaginary world where space in the dash (-) direction is different from space in the cross (+) direction

Started working on the problem in August of 2001

Data points created using BS math produce graphs that are not symmetrical dash side different from cross side

However if a real problems data points follow a non symmetrical graph the graph can provide usable answers

This is why no one discovered the problem

Solved in January of 2005

Symmetry-Math(SM) vs Broken-Symmetry(BS) Math

In SM if we specify that the dash sign (-) means only subtraction and the cross sign (+) means only addition and an appropriate symbol is used for a direction in space space becomes symmetrical and math becomes logical

Math operators and directions in space are not the same and the same symbol should not be used to represent them

Letrsquos start with the (dash)multiplied by a (dash)=(cross) in the BS system

Usable answers may be obtained but it will be for illogical reasons

multiplied by a ( ) ( ) ( )subtraction Subtraction addition

rightleft left

dash dash cross

positivenegative negative

Symmetry-Math The subtraction of a direction is equal to the opposite direction The answers are correct using correct logic

opposite direction direction


(negative)(negative) = (positive)

( ) ( ) ( )subtraction


There is NO multiplication of a subtraction operator by a direction in space

There is just the subtraction of a direction in space

If instead of labeling the left side of a coordinate system as a negative (-) the same as a subtraction operator we label it with an arrow ( ) to represent the direction then a subtraction from that arrow direction will be in the opposite direction ( )

( ) mutiplied by a ( ) ( )

negative Positive negative

subtraction addition subtraction

dash cross dash

left right left

A subtraction operator multiplied by an addition operator is equal to a subtraction operator This is illogical

BS Math

A negative multiplied by a positive is equal to a negative This is illogical

A direction to the left multiplied by a direction to the right is a direction to the left This is illogical and Einsteins math error in special relativity

A dash times a cross is equal to a dash This is illogical

A vector moving to the left multiplied by a vector moving to the right is equal to ONLY to a vector moving to the left that is eight orders of magnitude faster thanThe speed of light

opposite direction subtraction direction

SM ( ) ( )

BS (negative)(positive) = (negative)

Symmetry Math The subtraction of a direction is equal to the opposite direction

There is no multiplication of a subtractionoperator times a direction in space

( ) multiplied by a ( ) ( )

positive positive positiveaddition addition additioncross cross cross

direction direction direction

What is the meaning of multiplying addition operators Addition operators are not multiplication operators

BS Math

() multiplied by a direction ( )=


() multiplied by a direction ( )=


A number times a direction maintains the same direction

( ) ()


( ) ()


The addition of a direction is in the same direction There is no multiplication by addition operators

Symmetry Math

Future math books need to eliminate the use of the cross sign (+) to represent something labeled a positive direction in space and the dash sign (-) to represent something labeled a negative direction in space Space does not have positive and negative directions

Symbols that are logical and have no illogical representation should be adopted SM uses either arrows or symbols

Symmetry-Math Number Line

Symmetry-Math Rules

The dash sign (-) will have only one use subtraction

The cross sign (+) will have only one use addition

Directions have an arrow and a number

All observers see the same direction and magnitude

bull There is no multiplication of arrows

amp ampamp ampampamp

( 3 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 65 ) (17256 ) ( 32993 )

dir dirdir dirdirdir

Negative and Positive Directions in Space

If I asked you to point to a negative direction in space which way would you point

Hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a negative direction in space

If I asked you to point to a positive direction in space which way would you point

Again hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a positive direction in space

Objects on the right side of the x-axis are positive (+)(+) = (+)

Objects on the left side of the x-axis are negative (-)(-) = (+) negative math is different from positive math This is illogical

Objects on the top of the y-axis are positive

Objects on the bottom of the y-axis are negative

Objects in the front of the z-axis are positive

Objects in the back of the z-axis are negative

Again BS math of the positive direction (x right y up and z front) is different from the BS math of the negative direction (x left y down and z back)

BS math is Broken-Symmetry

Mirror image is broken symmetry in the x and z axis If the left amp right-axis are

reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the front amp back-axis is reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the top amp bottom-axis are

reversed symmetry is not broken Obs-1 math is the same as obs-2

Math answers cannot depend on which side of a number line an observer sit

Absolute values for Displacement

Even for a simple displacement of an object BS math invented a definition and absolute values to obtain something labeled a positive number answer


-4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

If an object starts at ( 3)ia X and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 1)b fb c X

BS Math provides a usable answer without a definition or absolute values

However If an object starts at

( 1) and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 3)i b fa X b c X

Then absolute values and a definition must be used

---------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I---------- -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4

a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

BS Math makes up a definition that all displacements are positive Since this example provides an answer with something labeled a negative the positive definition must be applied and (-2) is changed to (+2) A definition is needed to arrive at a useable answer This is Illogical

In SM absolute values and a meaningless definition of ldquopositiverdquo are removed In SM objects and directions in space are defined by the direction and magnitude of the resultant of arrows

With SM you get total distance traveled by the object and the final direction of the displacement

22222 2 bababbaababababa If w e su b stitu te p o s itiv e n u m b e rs in to th e eq u a tio n th e an sw er w ill b e co rrec t If (a = 5 ) an d (b = 3 )




5 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 25 15 15 9 64

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 64

W h en tw o p o sitiv e n u m b ers a re a d d ed an d sq u a re d th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es a co rre c t an sw er 1

Illogical and Incorrect BS math for the distributive law

222 2 bababbabbaaabababa B y d e fin itio n in B S m a th n o n u m b er sq u a red c a n ev e r b e n eg a tiv e T h e re fo re n o sq u a red n u m b er c an ev e r b e a v e c to r m o v in g in th e d a sh ( -) o r n eg a tiv e d ire c tio n if it is sq u a red In B S m a th an d ad d itio n o p e ra to r m u ltip lied b y a su b trac tio n o p e ra to r is A L W A Y S eq u a l to a su b tra c tio n o p e ra to r If th is h ad n o t b e en u sed fo r th e la s t fo u r h u n d red y e a rs y o u w o u ld d ie lau g h in g a t th e u tte r ab su rd ity o f th e la s t s ta tem e n t T h is is illo g ica l an d v io la te s sy m m etry

If a = 5 an d b = 3 42222352


4930253)3)(5(253)5)(3()3)(5(5353535 22222 A s lo n g a s ldquo ardquo is g re a te r th an ldquob rdquo th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es co rrec t an sw ers 1

B S m a th b re a k s d o w n w h e n ldquo b rdquo is g rea ter th a n ldquo a rdquo

If a = 3 an d b = 5

2 2



3 5 2 4

2 ( 2) ( 2) 4

2 ( )( 2) ( )( 2) 4

A n y co m b in a tio n ex cep t th e m id d le o n e is illo g ica l an d in co rre c t B y d e fin itio n th e an sw er can n o t b e -4 in B S m a th B S m a th is in co rrec t

4253095)5)(3(235)3)(5()5)(3(3535353 22222 T h is is w h ere th e d is tr ib u tiv e la w p ro v id es in co rrec t an sw ers I t p ro d u ces an an sw er o f + 4 b e cau se b y d e fin iti o n n o n u m b er sq u a red in B S m a th c an b e a n eg a tiv e n u m b er U sin g in co rre c t B S m a th th e d is tr ib u tiv e law w ill g iv e an in co rrec t an sw ers o f + 4 T h is is in co rrec t an d illo g ica l 1

Since there can be no negative direction from a squared term in BS math BS math should be modified or abandoned

The BS distributive law should be modified or abandoned

The numbers +1+2+3+4 and ndash1-2-3-4hellip should be abandoned

BS math gives incorrect answers because their Rule-of-Signs allows multiplying an arrow going in one direction by an arrow going in another direction

Clearly this is not logical

Arrows should be used that are specific for directions

W h at d o es it m e an to m u ltip ly ( 4) b y (4 ) A s w e k n o w 1

m u ltip lica tio n is ju s t ad d itio n W h a t w o u ld ( 4) tim e (4 ) b e 2

In BS math the answer is by definition -16 unless you square -4 and then it is +16

In SM you cannot multiply arrows going in opposite directions

The middle two terms are not logical You cannot multiply opposite directions

This is a MAJOR error in BS math They multiply a dash [(-) a direction to the left] by a cross [(+) a direction to the right] And then ldquoby definitionrdquo label the answer dash (-) This is illogical and produces incorrect answers


2 2

This is Einsteinrsquos math error

in Special relativity

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude and Direction (MD) An arrow has both a magnitude andA direction relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude and velocity (MV) relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude And acceleration (MA) relative to a 2nd objectobserver2

v da

t t

Introducing a new symbol the ldquoamprdquo sign The ldquoamprdquo sign means resultant ADD all the Arrows for each direction and then SUBTRACT to find the final resultant

1 1amp 1 2 2amp 2 4 If =

1 amp1 2 2 amp2 4 If =

amp 5 amp 3 2 If gt

amp 3 amp 5= 2 If gt

amp 0 3 amp 3=0 if =

only the resultant equals zero

the vectors do not - they are still there

Does not exist There is no multiplication of arrows

There are two arrows One has a magnitude of 3 One has a magnitude of 5 The maximum these two arrows can be is 8

Only the resultant of arrows exist

An SM arrow has a direction and a magnitude

Arrows and magnitudes are still there even if the resultant is zero

There are no negative SM Arrows

There are no positive SM Arrows

There are no ZERO SM Arrows A zero would negate the definition of an SM Arrow something with no magnitude and no direction cannot be the definition of an arrow that is defined as having magnitude and direction

bull A resultant is the addition and subtraction of the differences in magnitude and direction arrows

A B and C are the arrows (a) A amp B exist(b) A amp B amp C exist(c) A-B Do Not Exist in Sm there are no negatives or positives(d) A+B-C Do Not Exist in SM there are no negatives or positives

There are only resultants when there are multiple arrows

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 8: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

Cross sign (+) CODES

(+) a direction in space labeled positive (whatever that means)

(+) an addition operator

(+) used to show the number of zeros to the left of a decimal point 10+5 = 100000

In Physics and Chemistry

bull (+) Protons have been Labeled as positive

bull (+) numerous other particles have been Labeled as positive

bull (+) amp (-) Thermochemistry

In Math used

The same dash symbol (-) is used for the numerous different math operations

The definitions established for the use of the dash symbol (-) do not distinguish between their different operations

In many math operations the dash symbol is changed to mean one of the other meanings

It is amazing that math has proceeded to its current level of use with this illogical use of a symbol

The same cross symbol (+) is used for numerous different math operations and produces the same illogical answers

A Summary of the BS Broken-Symmetry math

1 1 cosh tanhln

x xe x xe

bull Originated with broken-symmetry in the XYZ plane

bull Originated with mirror-broken-symmetry in the XZ plane

bull Created a Rule-of-Signs that cannot be proved (-)(-)=(+) (+)(+)=(+) (-)(+)=(-)

bull Created imaginary numbers to compensate for broken-symmetry

bull Created absolute values to change illogical negative number answers into positive number answers

bull Produces broken symmetry graphs for many functions

It took four years of study to discover why a (-)(-)=(+) only works in an imaginary world where space in the dash (-) direction is different from space in the cross (+) direction

Started working on the problem in August of 2001

Data points created using BS math produce graphs that are not symmetrical dash side different from cross side

However if a real problems data points follow a non symmetrical graph the graph can provide usable answers

This is why no one discovered the problem

Solved in January of 2005

Symmetry-Math(SM) vs Broken-Symmetry(BS) Math

In SM if we specify that the dash sign (-) means only subtraction and the cross sign (+) means only addition and an appropriate symbol is used for a direction in space space becomes symmetrical and math becomes logical

Math operators and directions in space are not the same and the same symbol should not be used to represent them

Letrsquos start with the (dash)multiplied by a (dash)=(cross) in the BS system

Usable answers may be obtained but it will be for illogical reasons

multiplied by a ( ) ( ) ( )subtraction Subtraction addition

rightleft left

dash dash cross

positivenegative negative

Symmetry-Math The subtraction of a direction is equal to the opposite direction The answers are correct using correct logic

opposite direction direction


(negative)(negative) = (positive)

( ) ( ) ( )subtraction


There is NO multiplication of a subtraction operator by a direction in space

There is just the subtraction of a direction in space

If instead of labeling the left side of a coordinate system as a negative (-) the same as a subtraction operator we label it with an arrow ( ) to represent the direction then a subtraction from that arrow direction will be in the opposite direction ( )

( ) mutiplied by a ( ) ( )

negative Positive negative

subtraction addition subtraction

dash cross dash

left right left

A subtraction operator multiplied by an addition operator is equal to a subtraction operator This is illogical

BS Math

A negative multiplied by a positive is equal to a negative This is illogical

A direction to the left multiplied by a direction to the right is a direction to the left This is illogical and Einsteins math error in special relativity

A dash times a cross is equal to a dash This is illogical

A vector moving to the left multiplied by a vector moving to the right is equal to ONLY to a vector moving to the left that is eight orders of magnitude faster thanThe speed of light

opposite direction subtraction direction

SM ( ) ( )

BS (negative)(positive) = (negative)

Symmetry Math The subtraction of a direction is equal to the opposite direction

There is no multiplication of a subtractionoperator times a direction in space

( ) multiplied by a ( ) ( )

positive positive positiveaddition addition additioncross cross cross

direction direction direction

What is the meaning of multiplying addition operators Addition operators are not multiplication operators

BS Math

() multiplied by a direction ( )=


() multiplied by a direction ( )=


A number times a direction maintains the same direction

( ) ()


( ) ()


The addition of a direction is in the same direction There is no multiplication by addition operators

Symmetry Math

Future math books need to eliminate the use of the cross sign (+) to represent something labeled a positive direction in space and the dash sign (-) to represent something labeled a negative direction in space Space does not have positive and negative directions

Symbols that are logical and have no illogical representation should be adopted SM uses either arrows or symbols

Symmetry-Math Number Line

Symmetry-Math Rules

The dash sign (-) will have only one use subtraction

The cross sign (+) will have only one use addition

Directions have an arrow and a number

All observers see the same direction and magnitude

bull There is no multiplication of arrows

amp ampamp ampampamp

( 3 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 65 ) (17256 ) ( 32993 )

dir dirdir dirdirdir

Negative and Positive Directions in Space

If I asked you to point to a negative direction in space which way would you point

Hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a negative direction in space

If I asked you to point to a positive direction in space which way would you point

Again hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a positive direction in space

Objects on the right side of the x-axis are positive (+)(+) = (+)

Objects on the left side of the x-axis are negative (-)(-) = (+) negative math is different from positive math This is illogical

Objects on the top of the y-axis are positive

Objects on the bottom of the y-axis are negative

Objects in the front of the z-axis are positive

Objects in the back of the z-axis are negative

Again BS math of the positive direction (x right y up and z front) is different from the BS math of the negative direction (x left y down and z back)

BS math is Broken-Symmetry

Mirror image is broken symmetry in the x and z axis If the left amp right-axis are

reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the front amp back-axis is reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the top amp bottom-axis are

reversed symmetry is not broken Obs-1 math is the same as obs-2

Math answers cannot depend on which side of a number line an observer sit

Absolute values for Displacement

Even for a simple displacement of an object BS math invented a definition and absolute values to obtain something labeled a positive number answer


-4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

If an object starts at ( 3)ia X and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 1)b fb c X

BS Math provides a usable answer without a definition or absolute values

However If an object starts at

( 1) and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 3)i b fa X b c X

Then absolute values and a definition must be used

---------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I---------- -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4

a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

BS Math makes up a definition that all displacements are positive Since this example provides an answer with something labeled a negative the positive definition must be applied and (-2) is changed to (+2) A definition is needed to arrive at a useable answer This is Illogical

In SM absolute values and a meaningless definition of ldquopositiverdquo are removed In SM objects and directions in space are defined by the direction and magnitude of the resultant of arrows

With SM you get total distance traveled by the object and the final direction of the displacement

22222 2 bababbaababababa If w e su b stitu te p o s itiv e n u m b e rs in to th e eq u a tio n th e an sw er w ill b e co rrec t If (a = 5 ) an d (b = 3 )




5 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 25 15 15 9 64

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 64

W h en tw o p o sitiv e n u m b ers a re a d d ed an d sq u a re d th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es a co rre c t an sw er 1

Illogical and Incorrect BS math for the distributive law

222 2 bababbabbaaabababa B y d e fin itio n in B S m a th n o n u m b er sq u a red c a n ev e r b e n eg a tiv e T h e re fo re n o sq u a red n u m b er c an ev e r b e a v e c to r m o v in g in th e d a sh ( -) o r n eg a tiv e d ire c tio n if it is sq u a red In B S m a th an d ad d itio n o p e ra to r m u ltip lied b y a su b trac tio n o p e ra to r is A L W A Y S eq u a l to a su b tra c tio n o p e ra to r If th is h ad n o t b e en u sed fo r th e la s t fo u r h u n d red y e a rs y o u w o u ld d ie lau g h in g a t th e u tte r ab su rd ity o f th e la s t s ta tem e n t T h is is illo g ica l an d v io la te s sy m m etry

If a = 5 an d b = 3 42222352


4930253)3)(5(253)5)(3()3)(5(5353535 22222 A s lo n g a s ldquo ardquo is g re a te r th an ldquob rdquo th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es co rrec t an sw ers 1

B S m a th b re a k s d o w n w h e n ldquo b rdquo is g rea ter th a n ldquo a rdquo

If a = 3 an d b = 5

2 2



3 5 2 4

2 ( 2) ( 2) 4

2 ( )( 2) ( )( 2) 4

A n y co m b in a tio n ex cep t th e m id d le o n e is illo g ica l an d in co rre c t B y d e fin itio n th e an sw er can n o t b e -4 in B S m a th B S m a th is in co rrec t

4253095)5)(3(235)3)(5()5)(3(3535353 22222 T h is is w h ere th e d is tr ib u tiv e la w p ro v id es in co rrec t an sw ers I t p ro d u ces an an sw er o f + 4 b e cau se b y d e fin iti o n n o n u m b er sq u a red in B S m a th c an b e a n eg a tiv e n u m b er U sin g in co rre c t B S m a th th e d is tr ib u tiv e law w ill g iv e an in co rrec t an sw ers o f + 4 T h is is in co rrec t an d illo g ica l 1

Since there can be no negative direction from a squared term in BS math BS math should be modified or abandoned

The BS distributive law should be modified or abandoned

The numbers +1+2+3+4 and ndash1-2-3-4hellip should be abandoned

BS math gives incorrect answers because their Rule-of-Signs allows multiplying an arrow going in one direction by an arrow going in another direction

Clearly this is not logical

Arrows should be used that are specific for directions

W h at d o es it m e an to m u ltip ly ( 4) b y (4 ) A s w e k n o w 1

m u ltip lica tio n is ju s t ad d itio n W h a t w o u ld ( 4) tim e (4 ) b e 2

In BS math the answer is by definition -16 unless you square -4 and then it is +16

In SM you cannot multiply arrows going in opposite directions

The middle two terms are not logical You cannot multiply opposite directions

This is a MAJOR error in BS math They multiply a dash [(-) a direction to the left] by a cross [(+) a direction to the right] And then ldquoby definitionrdquo label the answer dash (-) This is illogical and produces incorrect answers


2 2

This is Einsteinrsquos math error

in Special relativity

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude and Direction (MD) An arrow has both a magnitude andA direction relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude and velocity (MV) relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude And acceleration (MA) relative to a 2nd objectobserver2

v da

t t

Introducing a new symbol the ldquoamprdquo sign The ldquoamprdquo sign means resultant ADD all the Arrows for each direction and then SUBTRACT to find the final resultant

1 1amp 1 2 2amp 2 4 If =

1 amp1 2 2 amp2 4 If =

amp 5 amp 3 2 If gt

amp 3 amp 5= 2 If gt

amp 0 3 amp 3=0 if =

only the resultant equals zero

the vectors do not - they are still there

Does not exist There is no multiplication of arrows

There are two arrows One has a magnitude of 3 One has a magnitude of 5 The maximum these two arrows can be is 8

Only the resultant of arrows exist

An SM arrow has a direction and a magnitude

Arrows and magnitudes are still there even if the resultant is zero

There are no negative SM Arrows

There are no positive SM Arrows

There are no ZERO SM Arrows A zero would negate the definition of an SM Arrow something with no magnitude and no direction cannot be the definition of an arrow that is defined as having magnitude and direction

bull A resultant is the addition and subtraction of the differences in magnitude and direction arrows

A B and C are the arrows (a) A amp B exist(b) A amp B amp C exist(c) A-B Do Not Exist in Sm there are no negatives or positives(d) A+B-C Do Not Exist in SM there are no negatives or positives

There are only resultants when there are multiple arrows

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 9: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

The same dash symbol (-) is used for the numerous different math operations

The definitions established for the use of the dash symbol (-) do not distinguish between their different operations

In many math operations the dash symbol is changed to mean one of the other meanings

It is amazing that math has proceeded to its current level of use with this illogical use of a symbol

The same cross symbol (+) is used for numerous different math operations and produces the same illogical answers

A Summary of the BS Broken-Symmetry math

1 1 cosh tanhln

x xe x xe

bull Originated with broken-symmetry in the XYZ plane

bull Originated with mirror-broken-symmetry in the XZ plane

bull Created a Rule-of-Signs that cannot be proved (-)(-)=(+) (+)(+)=(+) (-)(+)=(-)

bull Created imaginary numbers to compensate for broken-symmetry

bull Created absolute values to change illogical negative number answers into positive number answers

bull Produces broken symmetry graphs for many functions

It took four years of study to discover why a (-)(-)=(+) only works in an imaginary world where space in the dash (-) direction is different from space in the cross (+) direction

Started working on the problem in August of 2001

Data points created using BS math produce graphs that are not symmetrical dash side different from cross side

However if a real problems data points follow a non symmetrical graph the graph can provide usable answers

This is why no one discovered the problem

Solved in January of 2005

Symmetry-Math(SM) vs Broken-Symmetry(BS) Math

In SM if we specify that the dash sign (-) means only subtraction and the cross sign (+) means only addition and an appropriate symbol is used for a direction in space space becomes symmetrical and math becomes logical

Math operators and directions in space are not the same and the same symbol should not be used to represent them

Letrsquos start with the (dash)multiplied by a (dash)=(cross) in the BS system

Usable answers may be obtained but it will be for illogical reasons

multiplied by a ( ) ( ) ( )subtraction Subtraction addition

rightleft left

dash dash cross

positivenegative negative

Symmetry-Math The subtraction of a direction is equal to the opposite direction The answers are correct using correct logic

opposite direction direction


(negative)(negative) = (positive)

( ) ( ) ( )subtraction


There is NO multiplication of a subtraction operator by a direction in space

There is just the subtraction of a direction in space

If instead of labeling the left side of a coordinate system as a negative (-) the same as a subtraction operator we label it with an arrow ( ) to represent the direction then a subtraction from that arrow direction will be in the opposite direction ( )

( ) mutiplied by a ( ) ( )

negative Positive negative

subtraction addition subtraction

dash cross dash

left right left

A subtraction operator multiplied by an addition operator is equal to a subtraction operator This is illogical

BS Math

A negative multiplied by a positive is equal to a negative This is illogical

A direction to the left multiplied by a direction to the right is a direction to the left This is illogical and Einsteins math error in special relativity

A dash times a cross is equal to a dash This is illogical

A vector moving to the left multiplied by a vector moving to the right is equal to ONLY to a vector moving to the left that is eight orders of magnitude faster thanThe speed of light

opposite direction subtraction direction

SM ( ) ( )

BS (negative)(positive) = (negative)

Symmetry Math The subtraction of a direction is equal to the opposite direction

There is no multiplication of a subtractionoperator times a direction in space

( ) multiplied by a ( ) ( )

positive positive positiveaddition addition additioncross cross cross

direction direction direction

What is the meaning of multiplying addition operators Addition operators are not multiplication operators

BS Math

() multiplied by a direction ( )=


() multiplied by a direction ( )=


A number times a direction maintains the same direction

( ) ()


( ) ()


The addition of a direction is in the same direction There is no multiplication by addition operators

Symmetry Math

Future math books need to eliminate the use of the cross sign (+) to represent something labeled a positive direction in space and the dash sign (-) to represent something labeled a negative direction in space Space does not have positive and negative directions

Symbols that are logical and have no illogical representation should be adopted SM uses either arrows or symbols

Symmetry-Math Number Line

Symmetry-Math Rules

The dash sign (-) will have only one use subtraction

The cross sign (+) will have only one use addition

Directions have an arrow and a number

All observers see the same direction and magnitude

bull There is no multiplication of arrows

amp ampamp ampampamp

( 3 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 65 ) (17256 ) ( 32993 )

dir dirdir dirdirdir

Negative and Positive Directions in Space

If I asked you to point to a negative direction in space which way would you point

Hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a negative direction in space

If I asked you to point to a positive direction in space which way would you point

Again hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a positive direction in space

Objects on the right side of the x-axis are positive (+)(+) = (+)

Objects on the left side of the x-axis are negative (-)(-) = (+) negative math is different from positive math This is illogical

Objects on the top of the y-axis are positive

Objects on the bottom of the y-axis are negative

Objects in the front of the z-axis are positive

Objects in the back of the z-axis are negative

Again BS math of the positive direction (x right y up and z front) is different from the BS math of the negative direction (x left y down and z back)

BS math is Broken-Symmetry

Mirror image is broken symmetry in the x and z axis If the left amp right-axis are

reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the front amp back-axis is reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the top amp bottom-axis are

reversed symmetry is not broken Obs-1 math is the same as obs-2

Math answers cannot depend on which side of a number line an observer sit

Absolute values for Displacement

Even for a simple displacement of an object BS math invented a definition and absolute values to obtain something labeled a positive number answer


-4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

If an object starts at ( 3)ia X and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 1)b fb c X

BS Math provides a usable answer without a definition or absolute values

However If an object starts at

( 1) and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 3)i b fa X b c X

Then absolute values and a definition must be used

---------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I---------- -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4

a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

BS Math makes up a definition that all displacements are positive Since this example provides an answer with something labeled a negative the positive definition must be applied and (-2) is changed to (+2) A definition is needed to arrive at a useable answer This is Illogical

In SM absolute values and a meaningless definition of ldquopositiverdquo are removed In SM objects and directions in space are defined by the direction and magnitude of the resultant of arrows

With SM you get total distance traveled by the object and the final direction of the displacement

22222 2 bababbaababababa If w e su b stitu te p o s itiv e n u m b e rs in to th e eq u a tio n th e an sw er w ill b e co rrec t If (a = 5 ) an d (b = 3 )




5 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 25 15 15 9 64

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 64

W h en tw o p o sitiv e n u m b ers a re a d d ed an d sq u a re d th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es a co rre c t an sw er 1

Illogical and Incorrect BS math for the distributive law

222 2 bababbabbaaabababa B y d e fin itio n in B S m a th n o n u m b er sq u a red c a n ev e r b e n eg a tiv e T h e re fo re n o sq u a red n u m b er c an ev e r b e a v e c to r m o v in g in th e d a sh ( -) o r n eg a tiv e d ire c tio n if it is sq u a red In B S m a th an d ad d itio n o p e ra to r m u ltip lied b y a su b trac tio n o p e ra to r is A L W A Y S eq u a l to a su b tra c tio n o p e ra to r If th is h ad n o t b e en u sed fo r th e la s t fo u r h u n d red y e a rs y o u w o u ld d ie lau g h in g a t th e u tte r ab su rd ity o f th e la s t s ta tem e n t T h is is illo g ica l an d v io la te s sy m m etry

If a = 5 an d b = 3 42222352


4930253)3)(5(253)5)(3()3)(5(5353535 22222 A s lo n g a s ldquo ardquo is g re a te r th an ldquob rdquo th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es co rrec t an sw ers 1

B S m a th b re a k s d o w n w h e n ldquo b rdquo is g rea ter th a n ldquo a rdquo

If a = 3 an d b = 5

2 2



3 5 2 4

2 ( 2) ( 2) 4

2 ( )( 2) ( )( 2) 4

A n y co m b in a tio n ex cep t th e m id d le o n e is illo g ica l an d in co rre c t B y d e fin itio n th e an sw er can n o t b e -4 in B S m a th B S m a th is in co rrec t

4253095)5)(3(235)3)(5()5)(3(3535353 22222 T h is is w h ere th e d is tr ib u tiv e la w p ro v id es in co rrec t an sw ers I t p ro d u ces an an sw er o f + 4 b e cau se b y d e fin iti o n n o n u m b er sq u a red in B S m a th c an b e a n eg a tiv e n u m b er U sin g in co rre c t B S m a th th e d is tr ib u tiv e law w ill g iv e an in co rrec t an sw ers o f + 4 T h is is in co rrec t an d illo g ica l 1

Since there can be no negative direction from a squared term in BS math BS math should be modified or abandoned

The BS distributive law should be modified or abandoned

The numbers +1+2+3+4 and ndash1-2-3-4hellip should be abandoned

BS math gives incorrect answers because their Rule-of-Signs allows multiplying an arrow going in one direction by an arrow going in another direction

Clearly this is not logical

Arrows should be used that are specific for directions

W h at d o es it m e an to m u ltip ly ( 4) b y (4 ) A s w e k n o w 1

m u ltip lica tio n is ju s t ad d itio n W h a t w o u ld ( 4) tim e (4 ) b e 2

In BS math the answer is by definition -16 unless you square -4 and then it is +16

In SM you cannot multiply arrows going in opposite directions

The middle two terms are not logical You cannot multiply opposite directions

This is a MAJOR error in BS math They multiply a dash [(-) a direction to the left] by a cross [(+) a direction to the right] And then ldquoby definitionrdquo label the answer dash (-) This is illogical and produces incorrect answers


2 2

This is Einsteinrsquos math error

in Special relativity

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude and Direction (MD) An arrow has both a magnitude andA direction relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude and velocity (MV) relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude And acceleration (MA) relative to a 2nd objectobserver2

v da

t t

Introducing a new symbol the ldquoamprdquo sign The ldquoamprdquo sign means resultant ADD all the Arrows for each direction and then SUBTRACT to find the final resultant

1 1amp 1 2 2amp 2 4 If =

1 amp1 2 2 amp2 4 If =

amp 5 amp 3 2 If gt

amp 3 amp 5= 2 If gt

amp 0 3 amp 3=0 if =

only the resultant equals zero

the vectors do not - they are still there

Does not exist There is no multiplication of arrows

There are two arrows One has a magnitude of 3 One has a magnitude of 5 The maximum these two arrows can be is 8

Only the resultant of arrows exist

An SM arrow has a direction and a magnitude

Arrows and magnitudes are still there even if the resultant is zero

There are no negative SM Arrows

There are no positive SM Arrows

There are no ZERO SM Arrows A zero would negate the definition of an SM Arrow something with no magnitude and no direction cannot be the definition of an arrow that is defined as having magnitude and direction

bull A resultant is the addition and subtraction of the differences in magnitude and direction arrows

A B and C are the arrows (a) A amp B exist(b) A amp B amp C exist(c) A-B Do Not Exist in Sm there are no negatives or positives(d) A+B-C Do Not Exist in SM there are no negatives or positives

There are only resultants when there are multiple arrows

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 10: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

A Summary of the BS Broken-Symmetry math

1 1 cosh tanhln

x xe x xe

bull Originated with broken-symmetry in the XYZ plane

bull Originated with mirror-broken-symmetry in the XZ plane

bull Created a Rule-of-Signs that cannot be proved (-)(-)=(+) (+)(+)=(+) (-)(+)=(-)

bull Created imaginary numbers to compensate for broken-symmetry

bull Created absolute values to change illogical negative number answers into positive number answers

bull Produces broken symmetry graphs for many functions

It took four years of study to discover why a (-)(-)=(+) only works in an imaginary world where space in the dash (-) direction is different from space in the cross (+) direction

Started working on the problem in August of 2001

Data points created using BS math produce graphs that are not symmetrical dash side different from cross side

However if a real problems data points follow a non symmetrical graph the graph can provide usable answers

This is why no one discovered the problem

Solved in January of 2005

Symmetry-Math(SM) vs Broken-Symmetry(BS) Math

In SM if we specify that the dash sign (-) means only subtraction and the cross sign (+) means only addition and an appropriate symbol is used for a direction in space space becomes symmetrical and math becomes logical

Math operators and directions in space are not the same and the same symbol should not be used to represent them

Letrsquos start with the (dash)multiplied by a (dash)=(cross) in the BS system

Usable answers may be obtained but it will be for illogical reasons

multiplied by a ( ) ( ) ( )subtraction Subtraction addition

rightleft left

dash dash cross

positivenegative negative

Symmetry-Math The subtraction of a direction is equal to the opposite direction The answers are correct using correct logic

opposite direction direction


(negative)(negative) = (positive)

( ) ( ) ( )subtraction


There is NO multiplication of a subtraction operator by a direction in space

There is just the subtraction of a direction in space

If instead of labeling the left side of a coordinate system as a negative (-) the same as a subtraction operator we label it with an arrow ( ) to represent the direction then a subtraction from that arrow direction will be in the opposite direction ( )

( ) mutiplied by a ( ) ( )

negative Positive negative

subtraction addition subtraction

dash cross dash

left right left

A subtraction operator multiplied by an addition operator is equal to a subtraction operator This is illogical

BS Math

A negative multiplied by a positive is equal to a negative This is illogical

A direction to the left multiplied by a direction to the right is a direction to the left This is illogical and Einsteins math error in special relativity

A dash times a cross is equal to a dash This is illogical

A vector moving to the left multiplied by a vector moving to the right is equal to ONLY to a vector moving to the left that is eight orders of magnitude faster thanThe speed of light

opposite direction subtraction direction

SM ( ) ( )

BS (negative)(positive) = (negative)

Symmetry Math The subtraction of a direction is equal to the opposite direction

There is no multiplication of a subtractionoperator times a direction in space

( ) multiplied by a ( ) ( )

positive positive positiveaddition addition additioncross cross cross

direction direction direction

What is the meaning of multiplying addition operators Addition operators are not multiplication operators

BS Math

() multiplied by a direction ( )=


() multiplied by a direction ( )=


A number times a direction maintains the same direction

( ) ()


( ) ()


The addition of a direction is in the same direction There is no multiplication by addition operators

Symmetry Math

Future math books need to eliminate the use of the cross sign (+) to represent something labeled a positive direction in space and the dash sign (-) to represent something labeled a negative direction in space Space does not have positive and negative directions

Symbols that are logical and have no illogical representation should be adopted SM uses either arrows or symbols

Symmetry-Math Number Line

Symmetry-Math Rules

The dash sign (-) will have only one use subtraction

The cross sign (+) will have only one use addition

Directions have an arrow and a number

All observers see the same direction and magnitude

bull There is no multiplication of arrows

amp ampamp ampampamp

( 3 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 65 ) (17256 ) ( 32993 )

dir dirdir dirdirdir

Negative and Positive Directions in Space

If I asked you to point to a negative direction in space which way would you point

Hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a negative direction in space

If I asked you to point to a positive direction in space which way would you point

Again hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a positive direction in space

Objects on the right side of the x-axis are positive (+)(+) = (+)

Objects on the left side of the x-axis are negative (-)(-) = (+) negative math is different from positive math This is illogical

Objects on the top of the y-axis are positive

Objects on the bottom of the y-axis are negative

Objects in the front of the z-axis are positive

Objects in the back of the z-axis are negative

Again BS math of the positive direction (x right y up and z front) is different from the BS math of the negative direction (x left y down and z back)

BS math is Broken-Symmetry

Mirror image is broken symmetry in the x and z axis If the left amp right-axis are

reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the front amp back-axis is reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the top amp bottom-axis are

reversed symmetry is not broken Obs-1 math is the same as obs-2

Math answers cannot depend on which side of a number line an observer sit

Absolute values for Displacement

Even for a simple displacement of an object BS math invented a definition and absolute values to obtain something labeled a positive number answer


-4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

If an object starts at ( 3)ia X and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 1)b fb c X

BS Math provides a usable answer without a definition or absolute values

However If an object starts at

( 1) and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 3)i b fa X b c X

Then absolute values and a definition must be used

---------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I---------- -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4

a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

BS Math makes up a definition that all displacements are positive Since this example provides an answer with something labeled a negative the positive definition must be applied and (-2) is changed to (+2) A definition is needed to arrive at a useable answer This is Illogical

In SM absolute values and a meaningless definition of ldquopositiverdquo are removed In SM objects and directions in space are defined by the direction and magnitude of the resultant of arrows

With SM you get total distance traveled by the object and the final direction of the displacement

22222 2 bababbaababababa If w e su b stitu te p o s itiv e n u m b e rs in to th e eq u a tio n th e an sw er w ill b e co rrec t If (a = 5 ) an d (b = 3 )




5 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 25 15 15 9 64

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 64

W h en tw o p o sitiv e n u m b ers a re a d d ed an d sq u a re d th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es a co rre c t an sw er 1

Illogical and Incorrect BS math for the distributive law

222 2 bababbabbaaabababa B y d e fin itio n in B S m a th n o n u m b er sq u a red c a n ev e r b e n eg a tiv e T h e re fo re n o sq u a red n u m b er c an ev e r b e a v e c to r m o v in g in th e d a sh ( -) o r n eg a tiv e d ire c tio n if it is sq u a red In B S m a th an d ad d itio n o p e ra to r m u ltip lied b y a su b trac tio n o p e ra to r is A L W A Y S eq u a l to a su b tra c tio n o p e ra to r If th is h ad n o t b e en u sed fo r th e la s t fo u r h u n d red y e a rs y o u w o u ld d ie lau g h in g a t th e u tte r ab su rd ity o f th e la s t s ta tem e n t T h is is illo g ica l an d v io la te s sy m m etry

If a = 5 an d b = 3 42222352


4930253)3)(5(253)5)(3()3)(5(5353535 22222 A s lo n g a s ldquo ardquo is g re a te r th an ldquob rdquo th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es co rrec t an sw ers 1

B S m a th b re a k s d o w n w h e n ldquo b rdquo is g rea ter th a n ldquo a rdquo

If a = 3 an d b = 5

2 2



3 5 2 4

2 ( 2) ( 2) 4

2 ( )( 2) ( )( 2) 4

A n y co m b in a tio n ex cep t th e m id d le o n e is illo g ica l an d in co rre c t B y d e fin itio n th e an sw er can n o t b e -4 in B S m a th B S m a th is in co rrec t

4253095)5)(3(235)3)(5()5)(3(3535353 22222 T h is is w h ere th e d is tr ib u tiv e la w p ro v id es in co rrec t an sw ers I t p ro d u ces an an sw er o f + 4 b e cau se b y d e fin iti o n n o n u m b er sq u a red in B S m a th c an b e a n eg a tiv e n u m b er U sin g in co rre c t B S m a th th e d is tr ib u tiv e law w ill g iv e an in co rrec t an sw ers o f + 4 T h is is in co rrec t an d illo g ica l 1

Since there can be no negative direction from a squared term in BS math BS math should be modified or abandoned

The BS distributive law should be modified or abandoned

The numbers +1+2+3+4 and ndash1-2-3-4hellip should be abandoned

BS math gives incorrect answers because their Rule-of-Signs allows multiplying an arrow going in one direction by an arrow going in another direction

Clearly this is not logical

Arrows should be used that are specific for directions

W h at d o es it m e an to m u ltip ly ( 4) b y (4 ) A s w e k n o w 1

m u ltip lica tio n is ju s t ad d itio n W h a t w o u ld ( 4) tim e (4 ) b e 2

In BS math the answer is by definition -16 unless you square -4 and then it is +16

In SM you cannot multiply arrows going in opposite directions

The middle two terms are not logical You cannot multiply opposite directions

This is a MAJOR error in BS math They multiply a dash [(-) a direction to the left] by a cross [(+) a direction to the right] And then ldquoby definitionrdquo label the answer dash (-) This is illogical and produces incorrect answers


2 2

This is Einsteinrsquos math error

in Special relativity

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude and Direction (MD) An arrow has both a magnitude andA direction relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude and velocity (MV) relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude And acceleration (MA) relative to a 2nd objectobserver2

v da

t t

Introducing a new symbol the ldquoamprdquo sign The ldquoamprdquo sign means resultant ADD all the Arrows for each direction and then SUBTRACT to find the final resultant

1 1amp 1 2 2amp 2 4 If =

1 amp1 2 2 amp2 4 If =

amp 5 amp 3 2 If gt

amp 3 amp 5= 2 If gt

amp 0 3 amp 3=0 if =

only the resultant equals zero

the vectors do not - they are still there

Does not exist There is no multiplication of arrows

There are two arrows One has a magnitude of 3 One has a magnitude of 5 The maximum these two arrows can be is 8

Only the resultant of arrows exist

An SM arrow has a direction and a magnitude

Arrows and magnitudes are still there even if the resultant is zero

There are no negative SM Arrows

There are no positive SM Arrows

There are no ZERO SM Arrows A zero would negate the definition of an SM Arrow something with no magnitude and no direction cannot be the definition of an arrow that is defined as having magnitude and direction

bull A resultant is the addition and subtraction of the differences in magnitude and direction arrows

A B and C are the arrows (a) A amp B exist(b) A amp B amp C exist(c) A-B Do Not Exist in Sm there are no negatives or positives(d) A+B-C Do Not Exist in SM there are no negatives or positives

There are only resultants when there are multiple arrows

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 11: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

It took four years of study to discover why a (-)(-)=(+) only works in an imaginary world where space in the dash (-) direction is different from space in the cross (+) direction

Started working on the problem in August of 2001

Data points created using BS math produce graphs that are not symmetrical dash side different from cross side

However if a real problems data points follow a non symmetrical graph the graph can provide usable answers

This is why no one discovered the problem

Solved in January of 2005

Symmetry-Math(SM) vs Broken-Symmetry(BS) Math

In SM if we specify that the dash sign (-) means only subtraction and the cross sign (+) means only addition and an appropriate symbol is used for a direction in space space becomes symmetrical and math becomes logical

Math operators and directions in space are not the same and the same symbol should not be used to represent them

Letrsquos start with the (dash)multiplied by a (dash)=(cross) in the BS system

Usable answers may be obtained but it will be for illogical reasons

multiplied by a ( ) ( ) ( )subtraction Subtraction addition

rightleft left

dash dash cross

positivenegative negative

Symmetry-Math The subtraction of a direction is equal to the opposite direction The answers are correct using correct logic

opposite direction direction


(negative)(negative) = (positive)

( ) ( ) ( )subtraction


There is NO multiplication of a subtraction operator by a direction in space

There is just the subtraction of a direction in space

If instead of labeling the left side of a coordinate system as a negative (-) the same as a subtraction operator we label it with an arrow ( ) to represent the direction then a subtraction from that arrow direction will be in the opposite direction ( )

( ) mutiplied by a ( ) ( )

negative Positive negative

subtraction addition subtraction

dash cross dash

left right left

A subtraction operator multiplied by an addition operator is equal to a subtraction operator This is illogical

BS Math

A negative multiplied by a positive is equal to a negative This is illogical

A direction to the left multiplied by a direction to the right is a direction to the left This is illogical and Einsteins math error in special relativity

A dash times a cross is equal to a dash This is illogical

A vector moving to the left multiplied by a vector moving to the right is equal to ONLY to a vector moving to the left that is eight orders of magnitude faster thanThe speed of light

opposite direction subtraction direction

SM ( ) ( )

BS (negative)(positive) = (negative)

Symmetry Math The subtraction of a direction is equal to the opposite direction

There is no multiplication of a subtractionoperator times a direction in space

( ) multiplied by a ( ) ( )

positive positive positiveaddition addition additioncross cross cross

direction direction direction

What is the meaning of multiplying addition operators Addition operators are not multiplication operators

BS Math

() multiplied by a direction ( )=


() multiplied by a direction ( )=


A number times a direction maintains the same direction

( ) ()


( ) ()


The addition of a direction is in the same direction There is no multiplication by addition operators

Symmetry Math

Future math books need to eliminate the use of the cross sign (+) to represent something labeled a positive direction in space and the dash sign (-) to represent something labeled a negative direction in space Space does not have positive and negative directions

Symbols that are logical and have no illogical representation should be adopted SM uses either arrows or symbols

Symmetry-Math Number Line

Symmetry-Math Rules

The dash sign (-) will have only one use subtraction

The cross sign (+) will have only one use addition

Directions have an arrow and a number

All observers see the same direction and magnitude

bull There is no multiplication of arrows

amp ampamp ampampamp

( 3 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 65 ) (17256 ) ( 32993 )

dir dirdir dirdirdir

Negative and Positive Directions in Space

If I asked you to point to a negative direction in space which way would you point

Hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a negative direction in space

If I asked you to point to a positive direction in space which way would you point

Again hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a positive direction in space

Objects on the right side of the x-axis are positive (+)(+) = (+)

Objects on the left side of the x-axis are negative (-)(-) = (+) negative math is different from positive math This is illogical

Objects on the top of the y-axis are positive

Objects on the bottom of the y-axis are negative

Objects in the front of the z-axis are positive

Objects in the back of the z-axis are negative

Again BS math of the positive direction (x right y up and z front) is different from the BS math of the negative direction (x left y down and z back)

BS math is Broken-Symmetry

Mirror image is broken symmetry in the x and z axis If the left amp right-axis are

reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the front amp back-axis is reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the top amp bottom-axis are

reversed symmetry is not broken Obs-1 math is the same as obs-2

Math answers cannot depend on which side of a number line an observer sit

Absolute values for Displacement

Even for a simple displacement of an object BS math invented a definition and absolute values to obtain something labeled a positive number answer


-4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

If an object starts at ( 3)ia X and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 1)b fb c X

BS Math provides a usable answer without a definition or absolute values

However If an object starts at

( 1) and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 3)i b fa X b c X

Then absolute values and a definition must be used

---------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I---------- -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4

a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

BS Math makes up a definition that all displacements are positive Since this example provides an answer with something labeled a negative the positive definition must be applied and (-2) is changed to (+2) A definition is needed to arrive at a useable answer This is Illogical

In SM absolute values and a meaningless definition of ldquopositiverdquo are removed In SM objects and directions in space are defined by the direction and magnitude of the resultant of arrows

With SM you get total distance traveled by the object and the final direction of the displacement

22222 2 bababbaababababa If w e su b stitu te p o s itiv e n u m b e rs in to th e eq u a tio n th e an sw er w ill b e co rrec t If (a = 5 ) an d (b = 3 )




5 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 25 15 15 9 64

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 64

W h en tw o p o sitiv e n u m b ers a re a d d ed an d sq u a re d th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es a co rre c t an sw er 1

Illogical and Incorrect BS math for the distributive law

222 2 bababbabbaaabababa B y d e fin itio n in B S m a th n o n u m b er sq u a red c a n ev e r b e n eg a tiv e T h e re fo re n o sq u a red n u m b er c an ev e r b e a v e c to r m o v in g in th e d a sh ( -) o r n eg a tiv e d ire c tio n if it is sq u a red In B S m a th an d ad d itio n o p e ra to r m u ltip lied b y a su b trac tio n o p e ra to r is A L W A Y S eq u a l to a su b tra c tio n o p e ra to r If th is h ad n o t b e en u sed fo r th e la s t fo u r h u n d red y e a rs y o u w o u ld d ie lau g h in g a t th e u tte r ab su rd ity o f th e la s t s ta tem e n t T h is is illo g ica l an d v io la te s sy m m etry

If a = 5 an d b = 3 42222352


4930253)3)(5(253)5)(3()3)(5(5353535 22222 A s lo n g a s ldquo ardquo is g re a te r th an ldquob rdquo th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es co rrec t an sw ers 1

B S m a th b re a k s d o w n w h e n ldquo b rdquo is g rea ter th a n ldquo a rdquo

If a = 3 an d b = 5

2 2



3 5 2 4

2 ( 2) ( 2) 4

2 ( )( 2) ( )( 2) 4

A n y co m b in a tio n ex cep t th e m id d le o n e is illo g ica l an d in co rre c t B y d e fin itio n th e an sw er can n o t b e -4 in B S m a th B S m a th is in co rrec t

4253095)5)(3(235)3)(5()5)(3(3535353 22222 T h is is w h ere th e d is tr ib u tiv e la w p ro v id es in co rrec t an sw ers I t p ro d u ces an an sw er o f + 4 b e cau se b y d e fin iti o n n o n u m b er sq u a red in B S m a th c an b e a n eg a tiv e n u m b er U sin g in co rre c t B S m a th th e d is tr ib u tiv e law w ill g iv e an in co rrec t an sw ers o f + 4 T h is is in co rrec t an d illo g ica l 1

Since there can be no negative direction from a squared term in BS math BS math should be modified or abandoned

The BS distributive law should be modified or abandoned

The numbers +1+2+3+4 and ndash1-2-3-4hellip should be abandoned

BS math gives incorrect answers because their Rule-of-Signs allows multiplying an arrow going in one direction by an arrow going in another direction

Clearly this is not logical

Arrows should be used that are specific for directions

W h at d o es it m e an to m u ltip ly ( 4) b y (4 ) A s w e k n o w 1

m u ltip lica tio n is ju s t ad d itio n W h a t w o u ld ( 4) tim e (4 ) b e 2

In BS math the answer is by definition -16 unless you square -4 and then it is +16

In SM you cannot multiply arrows going in opposite directions

The middle two terms are not logical You cannot multiply opposite directions

This is a MAJOR error in BS math They multiply a dash [(-) a direction to the left] by a cross [(+) a direction to the right] And then ldquoby definitionrdquo label the answer dash (-) This is illogical and produces incorrect answers


2 2

This is Einsteinrsquos math error

in Special relativity

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude and Direction (MD) An arrow has both a magnitude andA direction relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude and velocity (MV) relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude And acceleration (MA) relative to a 2nd objectobserver2

v da

t t

Introducing a new symbol the ldquoamprdquo sign The ldquoamprdquo sign means resultant ADD all the Arrows for each direction and then SUBTRACT to find the final resultant

1 1amp 1 2 2amp 2 4 If =

1 amp1 2 2 amp2 4 If =

amp 5 amp 3 2 If gt

amp 3 amp 5= 2 If gt

amp 0 3 amp 3=0 if =

only the resultant equals zero

the vectors do not - they are still there

Does not exist There is no multiplication of arrows

There are two arrows One has a magnitude of 3 One has a magnitude of 5 The maximum these two arrows can be is 8

Only the resultant of arrows exist

An SM arrow has a direction and a magnitude

Arrows and magnitudes are still there even if the resultant is zero

There are no negative SM Arrows

There are no positive SM Arrows

There are no ZERO SM Arrows A zero would negate the definition of an SM Arrow something with no magnitude and no direction cannot be the definition of an arrow that is defined as having magnitude and direction

bull A resultant is the addition and subtraction of the differences in magnitude and direction arrows

A B and C are the arrows (a) A amp B exist(b) A amp B amp C exist(c) A-B Do Not Exist in Sm there are no negatives or positives(d) A+B-C Do Not Exist in SM there are no negatives or positives

There are only resultants when there are multiple arrows

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 12: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

Symmetry-Math(SM) vs Broken-Symmetry(BS) Math

In SM if we specify that the dash sign (-) means only subtraction and the cross sign (+) means only addition and an appropriate symbol is used for a direction in space space becomes symmetrical and math becomes logical

Math operators and directions in space are not the same and the same symbol should not be used to represent them

Letrsquos start with the (dash)multiplied by a (dash)=(cross) in the BS system

Usable answers may be obtained but it will be for illogical reasons

multiplied by a ( ) ( ) ( )subtraction Subtraction addition

rightleft left

dash dash cross

positivenegative negative

Symmetry-Math The subtraction of a direction is equal to the opposite direction The answers are correct using correct logic

opposite direction direction


(negative)(negative) = (positive)

( ) ( ) ( )subtraction


There is NO multiplication of a subtraction operator by a direction in space

There is just the subtraction of a direction in space

If instead of labeling the left side of a coordinate system as a negative (-) the same as a subtraction operator we label it with an arrow ( ) to represent the direction then a subtraction from that arrow direction will be in the opposite direction ( )

( ) mutiplied by a ( ) ( )

negative Positive negative

subtraction addition subtraction

dash cross dash

left right left

A subtraction operator multiplied by an addition operator is equal to a subtraction operator This is illogical

BS Math

A negative multiplied by a positive is equal to a negative This is illogical

A direction to the left multiplied by a direction to the right is a direction to the left This is illogical and Einsteins math error in special relativity

A dash times a cross is equal to a dash This is illogical

A vector moving to the left multiplied by a vector moving to the right is equal to ONLY to a vector moving to the left that is eight orders of magnitude faster thanThe speed of light

opposite direction subtraction direction

SM ( ) ( )

BS (negative)(positive) = (negative)

Symmetry Math The subtraction of a direction is equal to the opposite direction

There is no multiplication of a subtractionoperator times a direction in space

( ) multiplied by a ( ) ( )

positive positive positiveaddition addition additioncross cross cross

direction direction direction

What is the meaning of multiplying addition operators Addition operators are not multiplication operators

BS Math

() multiplied by a direction ( )=


() multiplied by a direction ( )=


A number times a direction maintains the same direction

( ) ()


( ) ()


The addition of a direction is in the same direction There is no multiplication by addition operators

Symmetry Math

Future math books need to eliminate the use of the cross sign (+) to represent something labeled a positive direction in space and the dash sign (-) to represent something labeled a negative direction in space Space does not have positive and negative directions

Symbols that are logical and have no illogical representation should be adopted SM uses either arrows or symbols

Symmetry-Math Number Line

Symmetry-Math Rules

The dash sign (-) will have only one use subtraction

The cross sign (+) will have only one use addition

Directions have an arrow and a number

All observers see the same direction and magnitude

bull There is no multiplication of arrows

amp ampamp ampampamp

( 3 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 65 ) (17256 ) ( 32993 )

dir dirdir dirdirdir

Negative and Positive Directions in Space

If I asked you to point to a negative direction in space which way would you point

Hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a negative direction in space

If I asked you to point to a positive direction in space which way would you point

Again hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a positive direction in space

Objects on the right side of the x-axis are positive (+)(+) = (+)

Objects on the left side of the x-axis are negative (-)(-) = (+) negative math is different from positive math This is illogical

Objects on the top of the y-axis are positive

Objects on the bottom of the y-axis are negative

Objects in the front of the z-axis are positive

Objects in the back of the z-axis are negative

Again BS math of the positive direction (x right y up and z front) is different from the BS math of the negative direction (x left y down and z back)

BS math is Broken-Symmetry

Mirror image is broken symmetry in the x and z axis If the left amp right-axis are

reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the front amp back-axis is reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the top amp bottom-axis are

reversed symmetry is not broken Obs-1 math is the same as obs-2

Math answers cannot depend on which side of a number line an observer sit

Absolute values for Displacement

Even for a simple displacement of an object BS math invented a definition and absolute values to obtain something labeled a positive number answer


-4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

If an object starts at ( 3)ia X and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 1)b fb c X

BS Math provides a usable answer without a definition or absolute values

However If an object starts at

( 1) and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 3)i b fa X b c X

Then absolute values and a definition must be used

---------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I---------- -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4

a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

BS Math makes up a definition that all displacements are positive Since this example provides an answer with something labeled a negative the positive definition must be applied and (-2) is changed to (+2) A definition is needed to arrive at a useable answer This is Illogical

In SM absolute values and a meaningless definition of ldquopositiverdquo are removed In SM objects and directions in space are defined by the direction and magnitude of the resultant of arrows

With SM you get total distance traveled by the object and the final direction of the displacement

22222 2 bababbaababababa If w e su b stitu te p o s itiv e n u m b e rs in to th e eq u a tio n th e an sw er w ill b e co rrec t If (a = 5 ) an d (b = 3 )




5 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 25 15 15 9 64

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 64

W h en tw o p o sitiv e n u m b ers a re a d d ed an d sq u a re d th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es a co rre c t an sw er 1

Illogical and Incorrect BS math for the distributive law

222 2 bababbabbaaabababa B y d e fin itio n in B S m a th n o n u m b er sq u a red c a n ev e r b e n eg a tiv e T h e re fo re n o sq u a red n u m b er c an ev e r b e a v e c to r m o v in g in th e d a sh ( -) o r n eg a tiv e d ire c tio n if it is sq u a red In B S m a th an d ad d itio n o p e ra to r m u ltip lied b y a su b trac tio n o p e ra to r is A L W A Y S eq u a l to a su b tra c tio n o p e ra to r If th is h ad n o t b e en u sed fo r th e la s t fo u r h u n d red y e a rs y o u w o u ld d ie lau g h in g a t th e u tte r ab su rd ity o f th e la s t s ta tem e n t T h is is illo g ica l an d v io la te s sy m m etry

If a = 5 an d b = 3 42222352


4930253)3)(5(253)5)(3()3)(5(5353535 22222 A s lo n g a s ldquo ardquo is g re a te r th an ldquob rdquo th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es co rrec t an sw ers 1

B S m a th b re a k s d o w n w h e n ldquo b rdquo is g rea ter th a n ldquo a rdquo

If a = 3 an d b = 5

2 2



3 5 2 4

2 ( 2) ( 2) 4

2 ( )( 2) ( )( 2) 4

A n y co m b in a tio n ex cep t th e m id d le o n e is illo g ica l an d in co rre c t B y d e fin itio n th e an sw er can n o t b e -4 in B S m a th B S m a th is in co rrec t

4253095)5)(3(235)3)(5()5)(3(3535353 22222 T h is is w h ere th e d is tr ib u tiv e la w p ro v id es in co rrec t an sw ers I t p ro d u ces an an sw er o f + 4 b e cau se b y d e fin iti o n n o n u m b er sq u a red in B S m a th c an b e a n eg a tiv e n u m b er U sin g in co rre c t B S m a th th e d is tr ib u tiv e law w ill g iv e an in co rrec t an sw ers o f + 4 T h is is in co rrec t an d illo g ica l 1

Since there can be no negative direction from a squared term in BS math BS math should be modified or abandoned

The BS distributive law should be modified or abandoned

The numbers +1+2+3+4 and ndash1-2-3-4hellip should be abandoned

BS math gives incorrect answers because their Rule-of-Signs allows multiplying an arrow going in one direction by an arrow going in another direction

Clearly this is not logical

Arrows should be used that are specific for directions

W h at d o es it m e an to m u ltip ly ( 4) b y (4 ) A s w e k n o w 1

m u ltip lica tio n is ju s t ad d itio n W h a t w o u ld ( 4) tim e (4 ) b e 2

In BS math the answer is by definition -16 unless you square -4 and then it is +16

In SM you cannot multiply arrows going in opposite directions

The middle two terms are not logical You cannot multiply opposite directions

This is a MAJOR error in BS math They multiply a dash [(-) a direction to the left] by a cross [(+) a direction to the right] And then ldquoby definitionrdquo label the answer dash (-) This is illogical and produces incorrect answers


2 2

This is Einsteinrsquos math error

in Special relativity

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude and Direction (MD) An arrow has both a magnitude andA direction relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude and velocity (MV) relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude And acceleration (MA) relative to a 2nd objectobserver2

v da

t t

Introducing a new symbol the ldquoamprdquo sign The ldquoamprdquo sign means resultant ADD all the Arrows for each direction and then SUBTRACT to find the final resultant

1 1amp 1 2 2amp 2 4 If =

1 amp1 2 2 amp2 4 If =

amp 5 amp 3 2 If gt

amp 3 amp 5= 2 If gt

amp 0 3 amp 3=0 if =

only the resultant equals zero

the vectors do not - they are still there

Does not exist There is no multiplication of arrows

There are two arrows One has a magnitude of 3 One has a magnitude of 5 The maximum these two arrows can be is 8

Only the resultant of arrows exist

An SM arrow has a direction and a magnitude

Arrows and magnitudes are still there even if the resultant is zero

There are no negative SM Arrows

There are no positive SM Arrows

There are no ZERO SM Arrows A zero would negate the definition of an SM Arrow something with no magnitude and no direction cannot be the definition of an arrow that is defined as having magnitude and direction

bull A resultant is the addition and subtraction of the differences in magnitude and direction arrows

A B and C are the arrows (a) A amp B exist(b) A amp B amp C exist(c) A-B Do Not Exist in Sm there are no negatives or positives(d) A+B-C Do Not Exist in SM there are no negatives or positives

There are only resultants when there are multiple arrows

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 13: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

Symmetry-Math The subtraction of a direction is equal to the opposite direction The answers are correct using correct logic

opposite direction direction


(negative)(negative) = (positive)

( ) ( ) ( )subtraction


There is NO multiplication of a subtraction operator by a direction in space

There is just the subtraction of a direction in space

If instead of labeling the left side of a coordinate system as a negative (-) the same as a subtraction operator we label it with an arrow ( ) to represent the direction then a subtraction from that arrow direction will be in the opposite direction ( )

( ) mutiplied by a ( ) ( )

negative Positive negative

subtraction addition subtraction

dash cross dash

left right left

A subtraction operator multiplied by an addition operator is equal to a subtraction operator This is illogical

BS Math

A negative multiplied by a positive is equal to a negative This is illogical

A direction to the left multiplied by a direction to the right is a direction to the left This is illogical and Einsteins math error in special relativity

A dash times a cross is equal to a dash This is illogical

A vector moving to the left multiplied by a vector moving to the right is equal to ONLY to a vector moving to the left that is eight orders of magnitude faster thanThe speed of light

opposite direction subtraction direction

SM ( ) ( )

BS (negative)(positive) = (negative)

Symmetry Math The subtraction of a direction is equal to the opposite direction

There is no multiplication of a subtractionoperator times a direction in space

( ) multiplied by a ( ) ( )

positive positive positiveaddition addition additioncross cross cross

direction direction direction

What is the meaning of multiplying addition operators Addition operators are not multiplication operators

BS Math

() multiplied by a direction ( )=


() multiplied by a direction ( )=


A number times a direction maintains the same direction

( ) ()


( ) ()


The addition of a direction is in the same direction There is no multiplication by addition operators

Symmetry Math

Future math books need to eliminate the use of the cross sign (+) to represent something labeled a positive direction in space and the dash sign (-) to represent something labeled a negative direction in space Space does not have positive and negative directions

Symbols that are logical and have no illogical representation should be adopted SM uses either arrows or symbols

Symmetry-Math Number Line

Symmetry-Math Rules

The dash sign (-) will have only one use subtraction

The cross sign (+) will have only one use addition

Directions have an arrow and a number

All observers see the same direction and magnitude

bull There is no multiplication of arrows

amp ampamp ampampamp

( 3 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 65 ) (17256 ) ( 32993 )

dir dirdir dirdirdir

Negative and Positive Directions in Space

If I asked you to point to a negative direction in space which way would you point

Hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a negative direction in space

If I asked you to point to a positive direction in space which way would you point

Again hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a positive direction in space

Objects on the right side of the x-axis are positive (+)(+) = (+)

Objects on the left side of the x-axis are negative (-)(-) = (+) negative math is different from positive math This is illogical

Objects on the top of the y-axis are positive

Objects on the bottom of the y-axis are negative

Objects in the front of the z-axis are positive

Objects in the back of the z-axis are negative

Again BS math of the positive direction (x right y up and z front) is different from the BS math of the negative direction (x left y down and z back)

BS math is Broken-Symmetry

Mirror image is broken symmetry in the x and z axis If the left amp right-axis are

reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the front amp back-axis is reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the top amp bottom-axis are

reversed symmetry is not broken Obs-1 math is the same as obs-2

Math answers cannot depend on which side of a number line an observer sit

Absolute values for Displacement

Even for a simple displacement of an object BS math invented a definition and absolute values to obtain something labeled a positive number answer


-4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

If an object starts at ( 3)ia X and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 1)b fb c X

BS Math provides a usable answer without a definition or absolute values

However If an object starts at

( 1) and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 3)i b fa X b c X

Then absolute values and a definition must be used

---------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I---------- -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4

a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

BS Math makes up a definition that all displacements are positive Since this example provides an answer with something labeled a negative the positive definition must be applied and (-2) is changed to (+2) A definition is needed to arrive at a useable answer This is Illogical

In SM absolute values and a meaningless definition of ldquopositiverdquo are removed In SM objects and directions in space are defined by the direction and magnitude of the resultant of arrows

With SM you get total distance traveled by the object and the final direction of the displacement

22222 2 bababbaababababa If w e su b stitu te p o s itiv e n u m b e rs in to th e eq u a tio n th e an sw er w ill b e co rrec t If (a = 5 ) an d (b = 3 )




5 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 25 15 15 9 64

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 64

W h en tw o p o sitiv e n u m b ers a re a d d ed an d sq u a re d th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es a co rre c t an sw er 1

Illogical and Incorrect BS math for the distributive law

222 2 bababbabbaaabababa B y d e fin itio n in B S m a th n o n u m b er sq u a red c a n ev e r b e n eg a tiv e T h e re fo re n o sq u a red n u m b er c an ev e r b e a v e c to r m o v in g in th e d a sh ( -) o r n eg a tiv e d ire c tio n if it is sq u a red In B S m a th an d ad d itio n o p e ra to r m u ltip lied b y a su b trac tio n o p e ra to r is A L W A Y S eq u a l to a su b tra c tio n o p e ra to r If th is h ad n o t b e en u sed fo r th e la s t fo u r h u n d red y e a rs y o u w o u ld d ie lau g h in g a t th e u tte r ab su rd ity o f th e la s t s ta tem e n t T h is is illo g ica l an d v io la te s sy m m etry

If a = 5 an d b = 3 42222352


4930253)3)(5(253)5)(3()3)(5(5353535 22222 A s lo n g a s ldquo ardquo is g re a te r th an ldquob rdquo th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es co rrec t an sw ers 1

B S m a th b re a k s d o w n w h e n ldquo b rdquo is g rea ter th a n ldquo a rdquo

If a = 3 an d b = 5

2 2



3 5 2 4

2 ( 2) ( 2) 4

2 ( )( 2) ( )( 2) 4

A n y co m b in a tio n ex cep t th e m id d le o n e is illo g ica l an d in co rre c t B y d e fin itio n th e an sw er can n o t b e -4 in B S m a th B S m a th is in co rrec t

4253095)5)(3(235)3)(5()5)(3(3535353 22222 T h is is w h ere th e d is tr ib u tiv e la w p ro v id es in co rrec t an sw ers I t p ro d u ces an an sw er o f + 4 b e cau se b y d e fin iti o n n o n u m b er sq u a red in B S m a th c an b e a n eg a tiv e n u m b er U sin g in co rre c t B S m a th th e d is tr ib u tiv e law w ill g iv e an in co rrec t an sw ers o f + 4 T h is is in co rrec t an d illo g ica l 1

Since there can be no negative direction from a squared term in BS math BS math should be modified or abandoned

The BS distributive law should be modified or abandoned

The numbers +1+2+3+4 and ndash1-2-3-4hellip should be abandoned

BS math gives incorrect answers because their Rule-of-Signs allows multiplying an arrow going in one direction by an arrow going in another direction

Clearly this is not logical

Arrows should be used that are specific for directions

W h at d o es it m e an to m u ltip ly ( 4) b y (4 ) A s w e k n o w 1

m u ltip lica tio n is ju s t ad d itio n W h a t w o u ld ( 4) tim e (4 ) b e 2

In BS math the answer is by definition -16 unless you square -4 and then it is +16

In SM you cannot multiply arrows going in opposite directions

The middle two terms are not logical You cannot multiply opposite directions

This is a MAJOR error in BS math They multiply a dash [(-) a direction to the left] by a cross [(+) a direction to the right] And then ldquoby definitionrdquo label the answer dash (-) This is illogical and produces incorrect answers


2 2

This is Einsteinrsquos math error

in Special relativity

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude and Direction (MD) An arrow has both a magnitude andA direction relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude and velocity (MV) relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude And acceleration (MA) relative to a 2nd objectobserver2

v da

t t

Introducing a new symbol the ldquoamprdquo sign The ldquoamprdquo sign means resultant ADD all the Arrows for each direction and then SUBTRACT to find the final resultant

1 1amp 1 2 2amp 2 4 If =

1 amp1 2 2 amp2 4 If =

amp 5 amp 3 2 If gt

amp 3 amp 5= 2 If gt

amp 0 3 amp 3=0 if =

only the resultant equals zero

the vectors do not - they are still there

Does not exist There is no multiplication of arrows

There are two arrows One has a magnitude of 3 One has a magnitude of 5 The maximum these two arrows can be is 8

Only the resultant of arrows exist

An SM arrow has a direction and a magnitude

Arrows and magnitudes are still there even if the resultant is zero

There are no negative SM Arrows

There are no positive SM Arrows

There are no ZERO SM Arrows A zero would negate the definition of an SM Arrow something with no magnitude and no direction cannot be the definition of an arrow that is defined as having magnitude and direction

bull A resultant is the addition and subtraction of the differences in magnitude and direction arrows

A B and C are the arrows (a) A amp B exist(b) A amp B amp C exist(c) A-B Do Not Exist in Sm there are no negatives or positives(d) A+B-C Do Not Exist in SM there are no negatives or positives

There are only resultants when there are multiple arrows

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 14: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

( ) mutiplied by a ( ) ( )

negative Positive negative

subtraction addition subtraction

dash cross dash

left right left

A subtraction operator multiplied by an addition operator is equal to a subtraction operator This is illogical

BS Math

A negative multiplied by a positive is equal to a negative This is illogical

A direction to the left multiplied by a direction to the right is a direction to the left This is illogical and Einsteins math error in special relativity

A dash times a cross is equal to a dash This is illogical

A vector moving to the left multiplied by a vector moving to the right is equal to ONLY to a vector moving to the left that is eight orders of magnitude faster thanThe speed of light

opposite direction subtraction direction

SM ( ) ( )

BS (negative)(positive) = (negative)

Symmetry Math The subtraction of a direction is equal to the opposite direction

There is no multiplication of a subtractionoperator times a direction in space

( ) multiplied by a ( ) ( )

positive positive positiveaddition addition additioncross cross cross

direction direction direction

What is the meaning of multiplying addition operators Addition operators are not multiplication operators

BS Math

() multiplied by a direction ( )=


() multiplied by a direction ( )=


A number times a direction maintains the same direction

( ) ()


( ) ()


The addition of a direction is in the same direction There is no multiplication by addition operators

Symmetry Math

Future math books need to eliminate the use of the cross sign (+) to represent something labeled a positive direction in space and the dash sign (-) to represent something labeled a negative direction in space Space does not have positive and negative directions

Symbols that are logical and have no illogical representation should be adopted SM uses either arrows or symbols

Symmetry-Math Number Line

Symmetry-Math Rules

The dash sign (-) will have only one use subtraction

The cross sign (+) will have only one use addition

Directions have an arrow and a number

All observers see the same direction and magnitude

bull There is no multiplication of arrows

amp ampamp ampampamp

( 3 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 65 ) (17256 ) ( 32993 )

dir dirdir dirdirdir

Negative and Positive Directions in Space

If I asked you to point to a negative direction in space which way would you point

Hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a negative direction in space

If I asked you to point to a positive direction in space which way would you point

Again hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a positive direction in space

Objects on the right side of the x-axis are positive (+)(+) = (+)

Objects on the left side of the x-axis are negative (-)(-) = (+) negative math is different from positive math This is illogical

Objects on the top of the y-axis are positive

Objects on the bottom of the y-axis are negative

Objects in the front of the z-axis are positive

Objects in the back of the z-axis are negative

Again BS math of the positive direction (x right y up and z front) is different from the BS math of the negative direction (x left y down and z back)

BS math is Broken-Symmetry

Mirror image is broken symmetry in the x and z axis If the left amp right-axis are

reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the front amp back-axis is reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the top amp bottom-axis are

reversed symmetry is not broken Obs-1 math is the same as obs-2

Math answers cannot depend on which side of a number line an observer sit

Absolute values for Displacement

Even for a simple displacement of an object BS math invented a definition and absolute values to obtain something labeled a positive number answer


-4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

If an object starts at ( 3)ia X and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 1)b fb c X

BS Math provides a usable answer without a definition or absolute values

However If an object starts at

( 1) and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 3)i b fa X b c X

Then absolute values and a definition must be used

---------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I---------- -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4

a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

BS Math makes up a definition that all displacements are positive Since this example provides an answer with something labeled a negative the positive definition must be applied and (-2) is changed to (+2) A definition is needed to arrive at a useable answer This is Illogical

In SM absolute values and a meaningless definition of ldquopositiverdquo are removed In SM objects and directions in space are defined by the direction and magnitude of the resultant of arrows

With SM you get total distance traveled by the object and the final direction of the displacement

22222 2 bababbaababababa If w e su b stitu te p o s itiv e n u m b e rs in to th e eq u a tio n th e an sw er w ill b e co rrec t If (a = 5 ) an d (b = 3 )




5 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 25 15 15 9 64

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 64

W h en tw o p o sitiv e n u m b ers a re a d d ed an d sq u a re d th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es a co rre c t an sw er 1

Illogical and Incorrect BS math for the distributive law

222 2 bababbabbaaabababa B y d e fin itio n in B S m a th n o n u m b er sq u a red c a n ev e r b e n eg a tiv e T h e re fo re n o sq u a red n u m b er c an ev e r b e a v e c to r m o v in g in th e d a sh ( -) o r n eg a tiv e d ire c tio n if it is sq u a red In B S m a th an d ad d itio n o p e ra to r m u ltip lied b y a su b trac tio n o p e ra to r is A L W A Y S eq u a l to a su b tra c tio n o p e ra to r If th is h ad n o t b e en u sed fo r th e la s t fo u r h u n d red y e a rs y o u w o u ld d ie lau g h in g a t th e u tte r ab su rd ity o f th e la s t s ta tem e n t T h is is illo g ica l an d v io la te s sy m m etry

If a = 5 an d b = 3 42222352


4930253)3)(5(253)5)(3()3)(5(5353535 22222 A s lo n g a s ldquo ardquo is g re a te r th an ldquob rdquo th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es co rrec t an sw ers 1

B S m a th b re a k s d o w n w h e n ldquo b rdquo is g rea ter th a n ldquo a rdquo

If a = 3 an d b = 5

2 2



3 5 2 4

2 ( 2) ( 2) 4

2 ( )( 2) ( )( 2) 4

A n y co m b in a tio n ex cep t th e m id d le o n e is illo g ica l an d in co rre c t B y d e fin itio n th e an sw er can n o t b e -4 in B S m a th B S m a th is in co rrec t

4253095)5)(3(235)3)(5()5)(3(3535353 22222 T h is is w h ere th e d is tr ib u tiv e la w p ro v id es in co rrec t an sw ers I t p ro d u ces an an sw er o f + 4 b e cau se b y d e fin iti o n n o n u m b er sq u a red in B S m a th c an b e a n eg a tiv e n u m b er U sin g in co rre c t B S m a th th e d is tr ib u tiv e law w ill g iv e an in co rrec t an sw ers o f + 4 T h is is in co rrec t an d illo g ica l 1

Since there can be no negative direction from a squared term in BS math BS math should be modified or abandoned

The BS distributive law should be modified or abandoned

The numbers +1+2+3+4 and ndash1-2-3-4hellip should be abandoned

BS math gives incorrect answers because their Rule-of-Signs allows multiplying an arrow going in one direction by an arrow going in another direction

Clearly this is not logical

Arrows should be used that are specific for directions

W h at d o es it m e an to m u ltip ly ( 4) b y (4 ) A s w e k n o w 1

m u ltip lica tio n is ju s t ad d itio n W h a t w o u ld ( 4) tim e (4 ) b e 2

In BS math the answer is by definition -16 unless you square -4 and then it is +16

In SM you cannot multiply arrows going in opposite directions

The middle two terms are not logical You cannot multiply opposite directions

This is a MAJOR error in BS math They multiply a dash [(-) a direction to the left] by a cross [(+) a direction to the right] And then ldquoby definitionrdquo label the answer dash (-) This is illogical and produces incorrect answers


2 2

This is Einsteinrsquos math error

in Special relativity

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude and Direction (MD) An arrow has both a magnitude andA direction relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude and velocity (MV) relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude And acceleration (MA) relative to a 2nd objectobserver2

v da

t t

Introducing a new symbol the ldquoamprdquo sign The ldquoamprdquo sign means resultant ADD all the Arrows for each direction and then SUBTRACT to find the final resultant

1 1amp 1 2 2amp 2 4 If =

1 amp1 2 2 amp2 4 If =

amp 5 amp 3 2 If gt

amp 3 amp 5= 2 If gt

amp 0 3 amp 3=0 if =

only the resultant equals zero

the vectors do not - they are still there

Does not exist There is no multiplication of arrows

There are two arrows One has a magnitude of 3 One has a magnitude of 5 The maximum these two arrows can be is 8

Only the resultant of arrows exist

An SM arrow has a direction and a magnitude

Arrows and magnitudes are still there even if the resultant is zero

There are no negative SM Arrows

There are no positive SM Arrows

There are no ZERO SM Arrows A zero would negate the definition of an SM Arrow something with no magnitude and no direction cannot be the definition of an arrow that is defined as having magnitude and direction

bull A resultant is the addition and subtraction of the differences in magnitude and direction arrows

A B and C are the arrows (a) A amp B exist(b) A amp B amp C exist(c) A-B Do Not Exist in Sm there are no negatives or positives(d) A+B-C Do Not Exist in SM there are no negatives or positives

There are only resultants when there are multiple arrows

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 15: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

A vector moving to the left multiplied by a vector moving to the right is equal to ONLY to a vector moving to the left that is eight orders of magnitude faster thanThe speed of light

opposite direction subtraction direction

SM ( ) ( )

BS (negative)(positive) = (negative)

Symmetry Math The subtraction of a direction is equal to the opposite direction

There is no multiplication of a subtractionoperator times a direction in space

( ) multiplied by a ( ) ( )

positive positive positiveaddition addition additioncross cross cross

direction direction direction

What is the meaning of multiplying addition operators Addition operators are not multiplication operators

BS Math

() multiplied by a direction ( )=


() multiplied by a direction ( )=


A number times a direction maintains the same direction

( ) ()


( ) ()


The addition of a direction is in the same direction There is no multiplication by addition operators

Symmetry Math

Future math books need to eliminate the use of the cross sign (+) to represent something labeled a positive direction in space and the dash sign (-) to represent something labeled a negative direction in space Space does not have positive and negative directions

Symbols that are logical and have no illogical representation should be adopted SM uses either arrows or symbols

Symmetry-Math Number Line

Symmetry-Math Rules

The dash sign (-) will have only one use subtraction

The cross sign (+) will have only one use addition

Directions have an arrow and a number

All observers see the same direction and magnitude

bull There is no multiplication of arrows

amp ampamp ampampamp

( 3 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 65 ) (17256 ) ( 32993 )

dir dirdir dirdirdir

Negative and Positive Directions in Space

If I asked you to point to a negative direction in space which way would you point

Hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a negative direction in space

If I asked you to point to a positive direction in space which way would you point

Again hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a positive direction in space

Objects on the right side of the x-axis are positive (+)(+) = (+)

Objects on the left side of the x-axis are negative (-)(-) = (+) negative math is different from positive math This is illogical

Objects on the top of the y-axis are positive

Objects on the bottom of the y-axis are negative

Objects in the front of the z-axis are positive

Objects in the back of the z-axis are negative

Again BS math of the positive direction (x right y up and z front) is different from the BS math of the negative direction (x left y down and z back)

BS math is Broken-Symmetry

Mirror image is broken symmetry in the x and z axis If the left amp right-axis are

reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the front amp back-axis is reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the top amp bottom-axis are

reversed symmetry is not broken Obs-1 math is the same as obs-2

Math answers cannot depend on which side of a number line an observer sit

Absolute values for Displacement

Even for a simple displacement of an object BS math invented a definition and absolute values to obtain something labeled a positive number answer


-4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

If an object starts at ( 3)ia X and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 1)b fb c X

BS Math provides a usable answer without a definition or absolute values

However If an object starts at

( 1) and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 3)i b fa X b c X

Then absolute values and a definition must be used

---------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I---------- -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4

a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

BS Math makes up a definition that all displacements are positive Since this example provides an answer with something labeled a negative the positive definition must be applied and (-2) is changed to (+2) A definition is needed to arrive at a useable answer This is Illogical

In SM absolute values and a meaningless definition of ldquopositiverdquo are removed In SM objects and directions in space are defined by the direction and magnitude of the resultant of arrows

With SM you get total distance traveled by the object and the final direction of the displacement

22222 2 bababbaababababa If w e su b stitu te p o s itiv e n u m b e rs in to th e eq u a tio n th e an sw er w ill b e co rrec t If (a = 5 ) an d (b = 3 )




5 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 25 15 15 9 64

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 64

W h en tw o p o sitiv e n u m b ers a re a d d ed an d sq u a re d th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es a co rre c t an sw er 1

Illogical and Incorrect BS math for the distributive law

222 2 bababbabbaaabababa B y d e fin itio n in B S m a th n o n u m b er sq u a red c a n ev e r b e n eg a tiv e T h e re fo re n o sq u a red n u m b er c an ev e r b e a v e c to r m o v in g in th e d a sh ( -) o r n eg a tiv e d ire c tio n if it is sq u a red In B S m a th an d ad d itio n o p e ra to r m u ltip lied b y a su b trac tio n o p e ra to r is A L W A Y S eq u a l to a su b tra c tio n o p e ra to r If th is h ad n o t b e en u sed fo r th e la s t fo u r h u n d red y e a rs y o u w o u ld d ie lau g h in g a t th e u tte r ab su rd ity o f th e la s t s ta tem e n t T h is is illo g ica l an d v io la te s sy m m etry

If a = 5 an d b = 3 42222352


4930253)3)(5(253)5)(3()3)(5(5353535 22222 A s lo n g a s ldquo ardquo is g re a te r th an ldquob rdquo th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es co rrec t an sw ers 1

B S m a th b re a k s d o w n w h e n ldquo b rdquo is g rea ter th a n ldquo a rdquo

If a = 3 an d b = 5

2 2



3 5 2 4

2 ( 2) ( 2) 4

2 ( )( 2) ( )( 2) 4

A n y co m b in a tio n ex cep t th e m id d le o n e is illo g ica l an d in co rre c t B y d e fin itio n th e an sw er can n o t b e -4 in B S m a th B S m a th is in co rrec t

4253095)5)(3(235)3)(5()5)(3(3535353 22222 T h is is w h ere th e d is tr ib u tiv e la w p ro v id es in co rrec t an sw ers I t p ro d u ces an an sw er o f + 4 b e cau se b y d e fin iti o n n o n u m b er sq u a red in B S m a th c an b e a n eg a tiv e n u m b er U sin g in co rre c t B S m a th th e d is tr ib u tiv e law w ill g iv e an in co rrec t an sw ers o f + 4 T h is is in co rrec t an d illo g ica l 1

Since there can be no negative direction from a squared term in BS math BS math should be modified or abandoned

The BS distributive law should be modified or abandoned

The numbers +1+2+3+4 and ndash1-2-3-4hellip should be abandoned

BS math gives incorrect answers because their Rule-of-Signs allows multiplying an arrow going in one direction by an arrow going in another direction

Clearly this is not logical

Arrows should be used that are specific for directions

W h at d o es it m e an to m u ltip ly ( 4) b y (4 ) A s w e k n o w 1

m u ltip lica tio n is ju s t ad d itio n W h a t w o u ld ( 4) tim e (4 ) b e 2

In BS math the answer is by definition -16 unless you square -4 and then it is +16

In SM you cannot multiply arrows going in opposite directions

The middle two terms are not logical You cannot multiply opposite directions

This is a MAJOR error in BS math They multiply a dash [(-) a direction to the left] by a cross [(+) a direction to the right] And then ldquoby definitionrdquo label the answer dash (-) This is illogical and produces incorrect answers


2 2

This is Einsteinrsquos math error

in Special relativity

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude and Direction (MD) An arrow has both a magnitude andA direction relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude and velocity (MV) relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude And acceleration (MA) relative to a 2nd objectobserver2

v da

t t

Introducing a new symbol the ldquoamprdquo sign The ldquoamprdquo sign means resultant ADD all the Arrows for each direction and then SUBTRACT to find the final resultant

1 1amp 1 2 2amp 2 4 If =

1 amp1 2 2 amp2 4 If =

amp 5 amp 3 2 If gt

amp 3 amp 5= 2 If gt

amp 0 3 amp 3=0 if =

only the resultant equals zero

the vectors do not - they are still there

Does not exist There is no multiplication of arrows

There are two arrows One has a magnitude of 3 One has a magnitude of 5 The maximum these two arrows can be is 8

Only the resultant of arrows exist

An SM arrow has a direction and a magnitude

Arrows and magnitudes are still there even if the resultant is zero

There are no negative SM Arrows

There are no positive SM Arrows

There are no ZERO SM Arrows A zero would negate the definition of an SM Arrow something with no magnitude and no direction cannot be the definition of an arrow that is defined as having magnitude and direction

bull A resultant is the addition and subtraction of the differences in magnitude and direction arrows

A B and C are the arrows (a) A amp B exist(b) A amp B amp C exist(c) A-B Do Not Exist in Sm there are no negatives or positives(d) A+B-C Do Not Exist in SM there are no negatives or positives

There are only resultants when there are multiple arrows

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 16: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

opposite direction subtraction direction

SM ( ) ( )

BS (negative)(positive) = (negative)

Symmetry Math The subtraction of a direction is equal to the opposite direction

There is no multiplication of a subtractionoperator times a direction in space

( ) multiplied by a ( ) ( )

positive positive positiveaddition addition additioncross cross cross

direction direction direction

What is the meaning of multiplying addition operators Addition operators are not multiplication operators

BS Math

() multiplied by a direction ( )=


() multiplied by a direction ( )=


A number times a direction maintains the same direction

( ) ()


( ) ()


The addition of a direction is in the same direction There is no multiplication by addition operators

Symmetry Math

Future math books need to eliminate the use of the cross sign (+) to represent something labeled a positive direction in space and the dash sign (-) to represent something labeled a negative direction in space Space does not have positive and negative directions

Symbols that are logical and have no illogical representation should be adopted SM uses either arrows or symbols

Symmetry-Math Number Line

Symmetry-Math Rules

The dash sign (-) will have only one use subtraction

The cross sign (+) will have only one use addition

Directions have an arrow and a number

All observers see the same direction and magnitude

bull There is no multiplication of arrows

amp ampamp ampampamp

( 3 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 65 ) (17256 ) ( 32993 )

dir dirdir dirdirdir

Negative and Positive Directions in Space

If I asked you to point to a negative direction in space which way would you point

Hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a negative direction in space

If I asked you to point to a positive direction in space which way would you point

Again hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a positive direction in space

Objects on the right side of the x-axis are positive (+)(+) = (+)

Objects on the left side of the x-axis are negative (-)(-) = (+) negative math is different from positive math This is illogical

Objects on the top of the y-axis are positive

Objects on the bottom of the y-axis are negative

Objects in the front of the z-axis are positive

Objects in the back of the z-axis are negative

Again BS math of the positive direction (x right y up and z front) is different from the BS math of the negative direction (x left y down and z back)

BS math is Broken-Symmetry

Mirror image is broken symmetry in the x and z axis If the left amp right-axis are

reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the front amp back-axis is reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the top amp bottom-axis are

reversed symmetry is not broken Obs-1 math is the same as obs-2

Math answers cannot depend on which side of a number line an observer sit

Absolute values for Displacement

Even for a simple displacement of an object BS math invented a definition and absolute values to obtain something labeled a positive number answer


-4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

If an object starts at ( 3)ia X and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 1)b fb c X

BS Math provides a usable answer without a definition or absolute values

However If an object starts at

( 1) and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 3)i b fa X b c X

Then absolute values and a definition must be used

---------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I---------- -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4

a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

BS Math makes up a definition that all displacements are positive Since this example provides an answer with something labeled a negative the positive definition must be applied and (-2) is changed to (+2) A definition is needed to arrive at a useable answer This is Illogical

In SM absolute values and a meaningless definition of ldquopositiverdquo are removed In SM objects and directions in space are defined by the direction and magnitude of the resultant of arrows

With SM you get total distance traveled by the object and the final direction of the displacement

22222 2 bababbaababababa If w e su b stitu te p o s itiv e n u m b e rs in to th e eq u a tio n th e an sw er w ill b e co rrec t If (a = 5 ) an d (b = 3 )




5 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 25 15 15 9 64

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 64

W h en tw o p o sitiv e n u m b ers a re a d d ed an d sq u a re d th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es a co rre c t an sw er 1

Illogical and Incorrect BS math for the distributive law

222 2 bababbabbaaabababa B y d e fin itio n in B S m a th n o n u m b er sq u a red c a n ev e r b e n eg a tiv e T h e re fo re n o sq u a red n u m b er c an ev e r b e a v e c to r m o v in g in th e d a sh ( -) o r n eg a tiv e d ire c tio n if it is sq u a red In B S m a th an d ad d itio n o p e ra to r m u ltip lied b y a su b trac tio n o p e ra to r is A L W A Y S eq u a l to a su b tra c tio n o p e ra to r If th is h ad n o t b e en u sed fo r th e la s t fo u r h u n d red y e a rs y o u w o u ld d ie lau g h in g a t th e u tte r ab su rd ity o f th e la s t s ta tem e n t T h is is illo g ica l an d v io la te s sy m m etry

If a = 5 an d b = 3 42222352


4930253)3)(5(253)5)(3()3)(5(5353535 22222 A s lo n g a s ldquo ardquo is g re a te r th an ldquob rdquo th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es co rrec t an sw ers 1

B S m a th b re a k s d o w n w h e n ldquo b rdquo is g rea ter th a n ldquo a rdquo

If a = 3 an d b = 5

2 2



3 5 2 4

2 ( 2) ( 2) 4

2 ( )( 2) ( )( 2) 4

A n y co m b in a tio n ex cep t th e m id d le o n e is illo g ica l an d in co rre c t B y d e fin itio n th e an sw er can n o t b e -4 in B S m a th B S m a th is in co rrec t

4253095)5)(3(235)3)(5()5)(3(3535353 22222 T h is is w h ere th e d is tr ib u tiv e la w p ro v id es in co rrec t an sw ers I t p ro d u ces an an sw er o f + 4 b e cau se b y d e fin iti o n n o n u m b er sq u a red in B S m a th c an b e a n eg a tiv e n u m b er U sin g in co rre c t B S m a th th e d is tr ib u tiv e law w ill g iv e an in co rrec t an sw ers o f + 4 T h is is in co rrec t an d illo g ica l 1

Since there can be no negative direction from a squared term in BS math BS math should be modified or abandoned

The BS distributive law should be modified or abandoned

The numbers +1+2+3+4 and ndash1-2-3-4hellip should be abandoned

BS math gives incorrect answers because their Rule-of-Signs allows multiplying an arrow going in one direction by an arrow going in another direction

Clearly this is not logical

Arrows should be used that are specific for directions

W h at d o es it m e an to m u ltip ly ( 4) b y (4 ) A s w e k n o w 1

m u ltip lica tio n is ju s t ad d itio n W h a t w o u ld ( 4) tim e (4 ) b e 2

In BS math the answer is by definition -16 unless you square -4 and then it is +16

In SM you cannot multiply arrows going in opposite directions

The middle two terms are not logical You cannot multiply opposite directions

This is a MAJOR error in BS math They multiply a dash [(-) a direction to the left] by a cross [(+) a direction to the right] And then ldquoby definitionrdquo label the answer dash (-) This is illogical and produces incorrect answers


2 2

This is Einsteinrsquos math error

in Special relativity

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude and Direction (MD) An arrow has both a magnitude andA direction relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude and velocity (MV) relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude And acceleration (MA) relative to a 2nd objectobserver2

v da

t t

Introducing a new symbol the ldquoamprdquo sign The ldquoamprdquo sign means resultant ADD all the Arrows for each direction and then SUBTRACT to find the final resultant

1 1amp 1 2 2amp 2 4 If =

1 amp1 2 2 amp2 4 If =

amp 5 amp 3 2 If gt

amp 3 amp 5= 2 If gt

amp 0 3 amp 3=0 if =

only the resultant equals zero

the vectors do not - they are still there

Does not exist There is no multiplication of arrows

There are two arrows One has a magnitude of 3 One has a magnitude of 5 The maximum these two arrows can be is 8

Only the resultant of arrows exist

An SM arrow has a direction and a magnitude

Arrows and magnitudes are still there even if the resultant is zero

There are no negative SM Arrows

There are no positive SM Arrows

There are no ZERO SM Arrows A zero would negate the definition of an SM Arrow something with no magnitude and no direction cannot be the definition of an arrow that is defined as having magnitude and direction

bull A resultant is the addition and subtraction of the differences in magnitude and direction arrows

A B and C are the arrows (a) A amp B exist(b) A amp B amp C exist(c) A-B Do Not Exist in Sm there are no negatives or positives(d) A+B-C Do Not Exist in SM there are no negatives or positives

There are only resultants when there are multiple arrows

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 17: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

( ) multiplied by a ( ) ( )

positive positive positiveaddition addition additioncross cross cross

direction direction direction

What is the meaning of multiplying addition operators Addition operators are not multiplication operators

BS Math

() multiplied by a direction ( )=


() multiplied by a direction ( )=


A number times a direction maintains the same direction

( ) ()


( ) ()


The addition of a direction is in the same direction There is no multiplication by addition operators

Symmetry Math

Future math books need to eliminate the use of the cross sign (+) to represent something labeled a positive direction in space and the dash sign (-) to represent something labeled a negative direction in space Space does not have positive and negative directions

Symbols that are logical and have no illogical representation should be adopted SM uses either arrows or symbols

Symmetry-Math Number Line

Symmetry-Math Rules

The dash sign (-) will have only one use subtraction

The cross sign (+) will have only one use addition

Directions have an arrow and a number

All observers see the same direction and magnitude

bull There is no multiplication of arrows

amp ampamp ampampamp

( 3 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 65 ) (17256 ) ( 32993 )

dir dirdir dirdirdir

Negative and Positive Directions in Space

If I asked you to point to a negative direction in space which way would you point

Hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a negative direction in space

If I asked you to point to a positive direction in space which way would you point

Again hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a positive direction in space

Objects on the right side of the x-axis are positive (+)(+) = (+)

Objects on the left side of the x-axis are negative (-)(-) = (+) negative math is different from positive math This is illogical

Objects on the top of the y-axis are positive

Objects on the bottom of the y-axis are negative

Objects in the front of the z-axis are positive

Objects in the back of the z-axis are negative

Again BS math of the positive direction (x right y up and z front) is different from the BS math of the negative direction (x left y down and z back)

BS math is Broken-Symmetry

Mirror image is broken symmetry in the x and z axis If the left amp right-axis are

reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the front amp back-axis is reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the top amp bottom-axis are

reversed symmetry is not broken Obs-1 math is the same as obs-2

Math answers cannot depend on which side of a number line an observer sit

Absolute values for Displacement

Even for a simple displacement of an object BS math invented a definition and absolute values to obtain something labeled a positive number answer


-4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

If an object starts at ( 3)ia X and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 1)b fb c X

BS Math provides a usable answer without a definition or absolute values

However If an object starts at

( 1) and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 3)i b fa X b c X

Then absolute values and a definition must be used

---------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I---------- -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4

a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

BS Math makes up a definition that all displacements are positive Since this example provides an answer with something labeled a negative the positive definition must be applied and (-2) is changed to (+2) A definition is needed to arrive at a useable answer This is Illogical

In SM absolute values and a meaningless definition of ldquopositiverdquo are removed In SM objects and directions in space are defined by the direction and magnitude of the resultant of arrows

With SM you get total distance traveled by the object and the final direction of the displacement

22222 2 bababbaababababa If w e su b stitu te p o s itiv e n u m b e rs in to th e eq u a tio n th e an sw er w ill b e co rrec t If (a = 5 ) an d (b = 3 )




5 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 25 15 15 9 64

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 64

W h en tw o p o sitiv e n u m b ers a re a d d ed an d sq u a re d th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es a co rre c t an sw er 1

Illogical and Incorrect BS math for the distributive law

222 2 bababbabbaaabababa B y d e fin itio n in B S m a th n o n u m b er sq u a red c a n ev e r b e n eg a tiv e T h e re fo re n o sq u a red n u m b er c an ev e r b e a v e c to r m o v in g in th e d a sh ( -) o r n eg a tiv e d ire c tio n if it is sq u a red In B S m a th an d ad d itio n o p e ra to r m u ltip lied b y a su b trac tio n o p e ra to r is A L W A Y S eq u a l to a su b tra c tio n o p e ra to r If th is h ad n o t b e en u sed fo r th e la s t fo u r h u n d red y e a rs y o u w o u ld d ie lau g h in g a t th e u tte r ab su rd ity o f th e la s t s ta tem e n t T h is is illo g ica l an d v io la te s sy m m etry

If a = 5 an d b = 3 42222352


4930253)3)(5(253)5)(3()3)(5(5353535 22222 A s lo n g a s ldquo ardquo is g re a te r th an ldquob rdquo th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es co rrec t an sw ers 1

B S m a th b re a k s d o w n w h e n ldquo b rdquo is g rea ter th a n ldquo a rdquo

If a = 3 an d b = 5

2 2



3 5 2 4

2 ( 2) ( 2) 4

2 ( )( 2) ( )( 2) 4

A n y co m b in a tio n ex cep t th e m id d le o n e is illo g ica l an d in co rre c t B y d e fin itio n th e an sw er can n o t b e -4 in B S m a th B S m a th is in co rrec t

4253095)5)(3(235)3)(5()5)(3(3535353 22222 T h is is w h ere th e d is tr ib u tiv e la w p ro v id es in co rrec t an sw ers I t p ro d u ces an an sw er o f + 4 b e cau se b y d e fin iti o n n o n u m b er sq u a red in B S m a th c an b e a n eg a tiv e n u m b er U sin g in co rre c t B S m a th th e d is tr ib u tiv e law w ill g iv e an in co rrec t an sw ers o f + 4 T h is is in co rrec t an d illo g ica l 1

Since there can be no negative direction from a squared term in BS math BS math should be modified or abandoned

The BS distributive law should be modified or abandoned

The numbers +1+2+3+4 and ndash1-2-3-4hellip should be abandoned

BS math gives incorrect answers because their Rule-of-Signs allows multiplying an arrow going in one direction by an arrow going in another direction

Clearly this is not logical

Arrows should be used that are specific for directions

W h at d o es it m e an to m u ltip ly ( 4) b y (4 ) A s w e k n o w 1

m u ltip lica tio n is ju s t ad d itio n W h a t w o u ld ( 4) tim e (4 ) b e 2

In BS math the answer is by definition -16 unless you square -4 and then it is +16

In SM you cannot multiply arrows going in opposite directions

The middle two terms are not logical You cannot multiply opposite directions

This is a MAJOR error in BS math They multiply a dash [(-) a direction to the left] by a cross [(+) a direction to the right] And then ldquoby definitionrdquo label the answer dash (-) This is illogical and produces incorrect answers


2 2

This is Einsteinrsquos math error

in Special relativity

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude and Direction (MD) An arrow has both a magnitude andA direction relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude and velocity (MV) relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude And acceleration (MA) relative to a 2nd objectobserver2

v da

t t

Introducing a new symbol the ldquoamprdquo sign The ldquoamprdquo sign means resultant ADD all the Arrows for each direction and then SUBTRACT to find the final resultant

1 1amp 1 2 2amp 2 4 If =

1 amp1 2 2 amp2 4 If =

amp 5 amp 3 2 If gt

amp 3 amp 5= 2 If gt

amp 0 3 amp 3=0 if =

only the resultant equals zero

the vectors do not - they are still there

Does not exist There is no multiplication of arrows

There are two arrows One has a magnitude of 3 One has a magnitude of 5 The maximum these two arrows can be is 8

Only the resultant of arrows exist

An SM arrow has a direction and a magnitude

Arrows and magnitudes are still there even if the resultant is zero

There are no negative SM Arrows

There are no positive SM Arrows

There are no ZERO SM Arrows A zero would negate the definition of an SM Arrow something with no magnitude and no direction cannot be the definition of an arrow that is defined as having magnitude and direction

bull A resultant is the addition and subtraction of the differences in magnitude and direction arrows

A B and C are the arrows (a) A amp B exist(b) A amp B amp C exist(c) A-B Do Not Exist in Sm there are no negatives or positives(d) A+B-C Do Not Exist in SM there are no negatives or positives

There are only resultants when there are multiple arrows

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 18: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

() multiplied by a direction ( )=


() multiplied by a direction ( )=


A number times a direction maintains the same direction

( ) ()


( ) ()


The addition of a direction is in the same direction There is no multiplication by addition operators

Symmetry Math

Future math books need to eliminate the use of the cross sign (+) to represent something labeled a positive direction in space and the dash sign (-) to represent something labeled a negative direction in space Space does not have positive and negative directions

Symbols that are logical and have no illogical representation should be adopted SM uses either arrows or symbols

Symmetry-Math Number Line

Symmetry-Math Rules

The dash sign (-) will have only one use subtraction

The cross sign (+) will have only one use addition

Directions have an arrow and a number

All observers see the same direction and magnitude

bull There is no multiplication of arrows

amp ampamp ampampamp

( 3 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 65 ) (17256 ) ( 32993 )

dir dirdir dirdirdir

Negative and Positive Directions in Space

If I asked you to point to a negative direction in space which way would you point

Hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a negative direction in space

If I asked you to point to a positive direction in space which way would you point

Again hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a positive direction in space

Objects on the right side of the x-axis are positive (+)(+) = (+)

Objects on the left side of the x-axis are negative (-)(-) = (+) negative math is different from positive math This is illogical

Objects on the top of the y-axis are positive

Objects on the bottom of the y-axis are negative

Objects in the front of the z-axis are positive

Objects in the back of the z-axis are negative

Again BS math of the positive direction (x right y up and z front) is different from the BS math of the negative direction (x left y down and z back)

BS math is Broken-Symmetry

Mirror image is broken symmetry in the x and z axis If the left amp right-axis are

reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the front amp back-axis is reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the top amp bottom-axis are

reversed symmetry is not broken Obs-1 math is the same as obs-2

Math answers cannot depend on which side of a number line an observer sit

Absolute values for Displacement

Even for a simple displacement of an object BS math invented a definition and absolute values to obtain something labeled a positive number answer


-4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

If an object starts at ( 3)ia X and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 1)b fb c X

BS Math provides a usable answer without a definition or absolute values

However If an object starts at

( 1) and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 3)i b fa X b c X

Then absolute values and a definition must be used

---------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I---------- -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4

a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

BS Math makes up a definition that all displacements are positive Since this example provides an answer with something labeled a negative the positive definition must be applied and (-2) is changed to (+2) A definition is needed to arrive at a useable answer This is Illogical

In SM absolute values and a meaningless definition of ldquopositiverdquo are removed In SM objects and directions in space are defined by the direction and magnitude of the resultant of arrows

With SM you get total distance traveled by the object and the final direction of the displacement

22222 2 bababbaababababa If w e su b stitu te p o s itiv e n u m b e rs in to th e eq u a tio n th e an sw er w ill b e co rrec t If (a = 5 ) an d (b = 3 )




5 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 25 15 15 9 64

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 64

W h en tw o p o sitiv e n u m b ers a re a d d ed an d sq u a re d th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es a co rre c t an sw er 1

Illogical and Incorrect BS math for the distributive law

222 2 bababbabbaaabababa B y d e fin itio n in B S m a th n o n u m b er sq u a red c a n ev e r b e n eg a tiv e T h e re fo re n o sq u a red n u m b er c an ev e r b e a v e c to r m o v in g in th e d a sh ( -) o r n eg a tiv e d ire c tio n if it is sq u a red In B S m a th an d ad d itio n o p e ra to r m u ltip lied b y a su b trac tio n o p e ra to r is A L W A Y S eq u a l to a su b tra c tio n o p e ra to r If th is h ad n o t b e en u sed fo r th e la s t fo u r h u n d red y e a rs y o u w o u ld d ie lau g h in g a t th e u tte r ab su rd ity o f th e la s t s ta tem e n t T h is is illo g ica l an d v io la te s sy m m etry

If a = 5 an d b = 3 42222352


4930253)3)(5(253)5)(3()3)(5(5353535 22222 A s lo n g a s ldquo ardquo is g re a te r th an ldquob rdquo th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es co rrec t an sw ers 1

B S m a th b re a k s d o w n w h e n ldquo b rdquo is g rea ter th a n ldquo a rdquo

If a = 3 an d b = 5

2 2



3 5 2 4

2 ( 2) ( 2) 4

2 ( )( 2) ( )( 2) 4

A n y co m b in a tio n ex cep t th e m id d le o n e is illo g ica l an d in co rre c t B y d e fin itio n th e an sw er can n o t b e -4 in B S m a th B S m a th is in co rrec t

4253095)5)(3(235)3)(5()5)(3(3535353 22222 T h is is w h ere th e d is tr ib u tiv e la w p ro v id es in co rrec t an sw ers I t p ro d u ces an an sw er o f + 4 b e cau se b y d e fin iti o n n o n u m b er sq u a red in B S m a th c an b e a n eg a tiv e n u m b er U sin g in co rre c t B S m a th th e d is tr ib u tiv e law w ill g iv e an in co rrec t an sw ers o f + 4 T h is is in co rrec t an d illo g ica l 1

Since there can be no negative direction from a squared term in BS math BS math should be modified or abandoned

The BS distributive law should be modified or abandoned

The numbers +1+2+3+4 and ndash1-2-3-4hellip should be abandoned

BS math gives incorrect answers because their Rule-of-Signs allows multiplying an arrow going in one direction by an arrow going in another direction

Clearly this is not logical

Arrows should be used that are specific for directions

W h at d o es it m e an to m u ltip ly ( 4) b y (4 ) A s w e k n o w 1

m u ltip lica tio n is ju s t ad d itio n W h a t w o u ld ( 4) tim e (4 ) b e 2

In BS math the answer is by definition -16 unless you square -4 and then it is +16

In SM you cannot multiply arrows going in opposite directions

The middle two terms are not logical You cannot multiply opposite directions

This is a MAJOR error in BS math They multiply a dash [(-) a direction to the left] by a cross [(+) a direction to the right] And then ldquoby definitionrdquo label the answer dash (-) This is illogical and produces incorrect answers


2 2

This is Einsteinrsquos math error

in Special relativity

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude and Direction (MD) An arrow has both a magnitude andA direction relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude and velocity (MV) relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude And acceleration (MA) relative to a 2nd objectobserver2

v da

t t

Introducing a new symbol the ldquoamprdquo sign The ldquoamprdquo sign means resultant ADD all the Arrows for each direction and then SUBTRACT to find the final resultant

1 1amp 1 2 2amp 2 4 If =

1 amp1 2 2 amp2 4 If =

amp 5 amp 3 2 If gt

amp 3 amp 5= 2 If gt

amp 0 3 amp 3=0 if =

only the resultant equals zero

the vectors do not - they are still there

Does not exist There is no multiplication of arrows

There are two arrows One has a magnitude of 3 One has a magnitude of 5 The maximum these two arrows can be is 8

Only the resultant of arrows exist

An SM arrow has a direction and a magnitude

Arrows and magnitudes are still there even if the resultant is zero

There are no negative SM Arrows

There are no positive SM Arrows

There are no ZERO SM Arrows A zero would negate the definition of an SM Arrow something with no magnitude and no direction cannot be the definition of an arrow that is defined as having magnitude and direction

bull A resultant is the addition and subtraction of the differences in magnitude and direction arrows

A B and C are the arrows (a) A amp B exist(b) A amp B amp C exist(c) A-B Do Not Exist in Sm there are no negatives or positives(d) A+B-C Do Not Exist in SM there are no negatives or positives

There are only resultants when there are multiple arrows

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 19: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

Future math books need to eliminate the use of the cross sign (+) to represent something labeled a positive direction in space and the dash sign (-) to represent something labeled a negative direction in space Space does not have positive and negative directions

Symbols that are logical and have no illogical representation should be adopted SM uses either arrows or symbols

Symmetry-Math Number Line

Symmetry-Math Rules

The dash sign (-) will have only one use subtraction

The cross sign (+) will have only one use addition

Directions have an arrow and a number

All observers see the same direction and magnitude

bull There is no multiplication of arrows

amp ampamp ampampamp

( 3 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 65 ) (17256 ) ( 32993 )

dir dirdir dirdirdir

Negative and Positive Directions in Space

If I asked you to point to a negative direction in space which way would you point

Hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a negative direction in space

If I asked you to point to a positive direction in space which way would you point

Again hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a positive direction in space

Objects on the right side of the x-axis are positive (+)(+) = (+)

Objects on the left side of the x-axis are negative (-)(-) = (+) negative math is different from positive math This is illogical

Objects on the top of the y-axis are positive

Objects on the bottom of the y-axis are negative

Objects in the front of the z-axis are positive

Objects in the back of the z-axis are negative

Again BS math of the positive direction (x right y up and z front) is different from the BS math of the negative direction (x left y down and z back)

BS math is Broken-Symmetry

Mirror image is broken symmetry in the x and z axis If the left amp right-axis are

reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the front amp back-axis is reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the top amp bottom-axis are

reversed symmetry is not broken Obs-1 math is the same as obs-2

Math answers cannot depend on which side of a number line an observer sit

Absolute values for Displacement

Even for a simple displacement of an object BS math invented a definition and absolute values to obtain something labeled a positive number answer


-4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

If an object starts at ( 3)ia X and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 1)b fb c X

BS Math provides a usable answer without a definition or absolute values

However If an object starts at

( 1) and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 3)i b fa X b c X

Then absolute values and a definition must be used

---------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I---------- -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4

a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

BS Math makes up a definition that all displacements are positive Since this example provides an answer with something labeled a negative the positive definition must be applied and (-2) is changed to (+2) A definition is needed to arrive at a useable answer This is Illogical

In SM absolute values and a meaningless definition of ldquopositiverdquo are removed In SM objects and directions in space are defined by the direction and magnitude of the resultant of arrows

With SM you get total distance traveled by the object and the final direction of the displacement

22222 2 bababbaababababa If w e su b stitu te p o s itiv e n u m b e rs in to th e eq u a tio n th e an sw er w ill b e co rrec t If (a = 5 ) an d (b = 3 )




5 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 25 15 15 9 64

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 64

W h en tw o p o sitiv e n u m b ers a re a d d ed an d sq u a re d th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es a co rre c t an sw er 1

Illogical and Incorrect BS math for the distributive law

222 2 bababbabbaaabababa B y d e fin itio n in B S m a th n o n u m b er sq u a red c a n ev e r b e n eg a tiv e T h e re fo re n o sq u a red n u m b er c an ev e r b e a v e c to r m o v in g in th e d a sh ( -) o r n eg a tiv e d ire c tio n if it is sq u a red In B S m a th an d ad d itio n o p e ra to r m u ltip lied b y a su b trac tio n o p e ra to r is A L W A Y S eq u a l to a su b tra c tio n o p e ra to r If th is h ad n o t b e en u sed fo r th e la s t fo u r h u n d red y e a rs y o u w o u ld d ie lau g h in g a t th e u tte r ab su rd ity o f th e la s t s ta tem e n t T h is is illo g ica l an d v io la te s sy m m etry

If a = 5 an d b = 3 42222352


4930253)3)(5(253)5)(3()3)(5(5353535 22222 A s lo n g a s ldquo ardquo is g re a te r th an ldquob rdquo th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es co rrec t an sw ers 1

B S m a th b re a k s d o w n w h e n ldquo b rdquo is g rea ter th a n ldquo a rdquo

If a = 3 an d b = 5

2 2



3 5 2 4

2 ( 2) ( 2) 4

2 ( )( 2) ( )( 2) 4

A n y co m b in a tio n ex cep t th e m id d le o n e is illo g ica l an d in co rre c t B y d e fin itio n th e an sw er can n o t b e -4 in B S m a th B S m a th is in co rrec t

4253095)5)(3(235)3)(5()5)(3(3535353 22222 T h is is w h ere th e d is tr ib u tiv e la w p ro v id es in co rrec t an sw ers I t p ro d u ces an an sw er o f + 4 b e cau se b y d e fin iti o n n o n u m b er sq u a red in B S m a th c an b e a n eg a tiv e n u m b er U sin g in co rre c t B S m a th th e d is tr ib u tiv e law w ill g iv e an in co rrec t an sw ers o f + 4 T h is is in co rrec t an d illo g ica l 1

Since there can be no negative direction from a squared term in BS math BS math should be modified or abandoned

The BS distributive law should be modified or abandoned

The numbers +1+2+3+4 and ndash1-2-3-4hellip should be abandoned

BS math gives incorrect answers because their Rule-of-Signs allows multiplying an arrow going in one direction by an arrow going in another direction

Clearly this is not logical

Arrows should be used that are specific for directions

W h at d o es it m e an to m u ltip ly ( 4) b y (4 ) A s w e k n o w 1

m u ltip lica tio n is ju s t ad d itio n W h a t w o u ld ( 4) tim e (4 ) b e 2

In BS math the answer is by definition -16 unless you square -4 and then it is +16

In SM you cannot multiply arrows going in opposite directions

The middle two terms are not logical You cannot multiply opposite directions

This is a MAJOR error in BS math They multiply a dash [(-) a direction to the left] by a cross [(+) a direction to the right] And then ldquoby definitionrdquo label the answer dash (-) This is illogical and produces incorrect answers


2 2

This is Einsteinrsquos math error

in Special relativity

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude and Direction (MD) An arrow has both a magnitude andA direction relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude and velocity (MV) relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude And acceleration (MA) relative to a 2nd objectobserver2

v da

t t

Introducing a new symbol the ldquoamprdquo sign The ldquoamprdquo sign means resultant ADD all the Arrows for each direction and then SUBTRACT to find the final resultant

1 1amp 1 2 2amp 2 4 If =

1 amp1 2 2 amp2 4 If =

amp 5 amp 3 2 If gt

amp 3 amp 5= 2 If gt

amp 0 3 amp 3=0 if =

only the resultant equals zero

the vectors do not - they are still there

Does not exist There is no multiplication of arrows

There are two arrows One has a magnitude of 3 One has a magnitude of 5 The maximum these two arrows can be is 8

Only the resultant of arrows exist

An SM arrow has a direction and a magnitude

Arrows and magnitudes are still there even if the resultant is zero

There are no negative SM Arrows

There are no positive SM Arrows

There are no ZERO SM Arrows A zero would negate the definition of an SM Arrow something with no magnitude and no direction cannot be the definition of an arrow that is defined as having magnitude and direction

bull A resultant is the addition and subtraction of the differences in magnitude and direction arrows

A B and C are the arrows (a) A amp B exist(b) A amp B amp C exist(c) A-B Do Not Exist in Sm there are no negatives or positives(d) A+B-C Do Not Exist in SM there are no negatives or positives

There are only resultants when there are multiple arrows

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 20: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

Symmetry-Math Number Line

Symmetry-Math Rules

The dash sign (-) will have only one use subtraction

The cross sign (+) will have only one use addition

Directions have an arrow and a number

All observers see the same direction and magnitude

bull There is no multiplication of arrows

amp ampamp ampampamp

( 3 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 65 ) (17256 ) ( 32993 )

dir dirdir dirdirdir

Negative and Positive Directions in Space

If I asked you to point to a negative direction in space which way would you point

Hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a negative direction in space

If I asked you to point to a positive direction in space which way would you point

Again hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a positive direction in space

Objects on the right side of the x-axis are positive (+)(+) = (+)

Objects on the left side of the x-axis are negative (-)(-) = (+) negative math is different from positive math This is illogical

Objects on the top of the y-axis are positive

Objects on the bottom of the y-axis are negative

Objects in the front of the z-axis are positive

Objects in the back of the z-axis are negative

Again BS math of the positive direction (x right y up and z front) is different from the BS math of the negative direction (x left y down and z back)

BS math is Broken-Symmetry

Mirror image is broken symmetry in the x and z axis If the left amp right-axis are

reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the front amp back-axis is reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the top amp bottom-axis are

reversed symmetry is not broken Obs-1 math is the same as obs-2

Math answers cannot depend on which side of a number line an observer sit

Absolute values for Displacement

Even for a simple displacement of an object BS math invented a definition and absolute values to obtain something labeled a positive number answer


-4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

If an object starts at ( 3)ia X and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 1)b fb c X

BS Math provides a usable answer without a definition or absolute values

However If an object starts at

( 1) and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 3)i b fa X b c X

Then absolute values and a definition must be used

---------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I---------- -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4

a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

BS Math makes up a definition that all displacements are positive Since this example provides an answer with something labeled a negative the positive definition must be applied and (-2) is changed to (+2) A definition is needed to arrive at a useable answer This is Illogical

In SM absolute values and a meaningless definition of ldquopositiverdquo are removed In SM objects and directions in space are defined by the direction and magnitude of the resultant of arrows

With SM you get total distance traveled by the object and the final direction of the displacement

22222 2 bababbaababababa If w e su b stitu te p o s itiv e n u m b e rs in to th e eq u a tio n th e an sw er w ill b e co rrec t If (a = 5 ) an d (b = 3 )




5 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 25 15 15 9 64

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 64

W h en tw o p o sitiv e n u m b ers a re a d d ed an d sq u a re d th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es a co rre c t an sw er 1

Illogical and Incorrect BS math for the distributive law

222 2 bababbabbaaabababa B y d e fin itio n in B S m a th n o n u m b er sq u a red c a n ev e r b e n eg a tiv e T h e re fo re n o sq u a red n u m b er c an ev e r b e a v e c to r m o v in g in th e d a sh ( -) o r n eg a tiv e d ire c tio n if it is sq u a red In B S m a th an d ad d itio n o p e ra to r m u ltip lied b y a su b trac tio n o p e ra to r is A L W A Y S eq u a l to a su b tra c tio n o p e ra to r If th is h ad n o t b e en u sed fo r th e la s t fo u r h u n d red y e a rs y o u w o u ld d ie lau g h in g a t th e u tte r ab su rd ity o f th e la s t s ta tem e n t T h is is illo g ica l an d v io la te s sy m m etry

If a = 5 an d b = 3 42222352


4930253)3)(5(253)5)(3()3)(5(5353535 22222 A s lo n g a s ldquo ardquo is g re a te r th an ldquob rdquo th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es co rrec t an sw ers 1

B S m a th b re a k s d o w n w h e n ldquo b rdquo is g rea ter th a n ldquo a rdquo

If a = 3 an d b = 5

2 2



3 5 2 4

2 ( 2) ( 2) 4

2 ( )( 2) ( )( 2) 4

A n y co m b in a tio n ex cep t th e m id d le o n e is illo g ica l an d in co rre c t B y d e fin itio n th e an sw er can n o t b e -4 in B S m a th B S m a th is in co rrec t

4253095)5)(3(235)3)(5()5)(3(3535353 22222 T h is is w h ere th e d is tr ib u tiv e la w p ro v id es in co rrec t an sw ers I t p ro d u ces an an sw er o f + 4 b e cau se b y d e fin iti o n n o n u m b er sq u a red in B S m a th c an b e a n eg a tiv e n u m b er U sin g in co rre c t B S m a th th e d is tr ib u tiv e law w ill g iv e an in co rrec t an sw ers o f + 4 T h is is in co rrec t an d illo g ica l 1

Since there can be no negative direction from a squared term in BS math BS math should be modified or abandoned

The BS distributive law should be modified or abandoned

The numbers +1+2+3+4 and ndash1-2-3-4hellip should be abandoned

BS math gives incorrect answers because their Rule-of-Signs allows multiplying an arrow going in one direction by an arrow going in another direction

Clearly this is not logical

Arrows should be used that are specific for directions

W h at d o es it m e an to m u ltip ly ( 4) b y (4 ) A s w e k n o w 1

m u ltip lica tio n is ju s t ad d itio n W h a t w o u ld ( 4) tim e (4 ) b e 2

In BS math the answer is by definition -16 unless you square -4 and then it is +16

In SM you cannot multiply arrows going in opposite directions

The middle two terms are not logical You cannot multiply opposite directions

This is a MAJOR error in BS math They multiply a dash [(-) a direction to the left] by a cross [(+) a direction to the right] And then ldquoby definitionrdquo label the answer dash (-) This is illogical and produces incorrect answers


2 2

This is Einsteinrsquos math error

in Special relativity

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude and Direction (MD) An arrow has both a magnitude andA direction relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude and velocity (MV) relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude And acceleration (MA) relative to a 2nd objectobserver2

v da

t t

Introducing a new symbol the ldquoamprdquo sign The ldquoamprdquo sign means resultant ADD all the Arrows for each direction and then SUBTRACT to find the final resultant

1 1amp 1 2 2amp 2 4 If =

1 amp1 2 2 amp2 4 If =

amp 5 amp 3 2 If gt

amp 3 amp 5= 2 If gt

amp 0 3 amp 3=0 if =

only the resultant equals zero

the vectors do not - they are still there

Does not exist There is no multiplication of arrows

There are two arrows One has a magnitude of 3 One has a magnitude of 5 The maximum these two arrows can be is 8

Only the resultant of arrows exist

An SM arrow has a direction and a magnitude

Arrows and magnitudes are still there even if the resultant is zero

There are no negative SM Arrows

There are no positive SM Arrows

There are no ZERO SM Arrows A zero would negate the definition of an SM Arrow something with no magnitude and no direction cannot be the definition of an arrow that is defined as having magnitude and direction

bull A resultant is the addition and subtraction of the differences in magnitude and direction arrows

A B and C are the arrows (a) A amp B exist(b) A amp B amp C exist(c) A-B Do Not Exist in Sm there are no negatives or positives(d) A+B-C Do Not Exist in SM there are no negatives or positives

There are only resultants when there are multiple arrows

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 21: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

Symmetry-Math Rules

The dash sign (-) will have only one use subtraction

The cross sign (+) will have only one use addition

Directions have an arrow and a number

All observers see the same direction and magnitude

bull There is no multiplication of arrows

amp ampamp ampampamp

( 3 ) ( 5 ) ( 6 ) ( 65 ) (17256 ) ( 32993 )

dir dirdir dirdirdir

Negative and Positive Directions in Space

If I asked you to point to a negative direction in space which way would you point

Hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a negative direction in space

If I asked you to point to a positive direction in space which way would you point

Again hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a positive direction in space

Objects on the right side of the x-axis are positive (+)(+) = (+)

Objects on the left side of the x-axis are negative (-)(-) = (+) negative math is different from positive math This is illogical

Objects on the top of the y-axis are positive

Objects on the bottom of the y-axis are negative

Objects in the front of the z-axis are positive

Objects in the back of the z-axis are negative

Again BS math of the positive direction (x right y up and z front) is different from the BS math of the negative direction (x left y down and z back)

BS math is Broken-Symmetry

Mirror image is broken symmetry in the x and z axis If the left amp right-axis are

reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the front amp back-axis is reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the top amp bottom-axis are

reversed symmetry is not broken Obs-1 math is the same as obs-2

Math answers cannot depend on which side of a number line an observer sit

Absolute values for Displacement

Even for a simple displacement of an object BS math invented a definition and absolute values to obtain something labeled a positive number answer


-4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

If an object starts at ( 3)ia X and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 1)b fb c X

BS Math provides a usable answer without a definition or absolute values

However If an object starts at

( 1) and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 3)i b fa X b c X

Then absolute values and a definition must be used

---------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I---------- -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4

a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

BS Math makes up a definition that all displacements are positive Since this example provides an answer with something labeled a negative the positive definition must be applied and (-2) is changed to (+2) A definition is needed to arrive at a useable answer This is Illogical

In SM absolute values and a meaningless definition of ldquopositiverdquo are removed In SM objects and directions in space are defined by the direction and magnitude of the resultant of arrows

With SM you get total distance traveled by the object and the final direction of the displacement

22222 2 bababbaababababa If w e su b stitu te p o s itiv e n u m b e rs in to th e eq u a tio n th e an sw er w ill b e co rrec t If (a = 5 ) an d (b = 3 )




5 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 25 15 15 9 64

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 64

W h en tw o p o sitiv e n u m b ers a re a d d ed an d sq u a re d th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es a co rre c t an sw er 1

Illogical and Incorrect BS math for the distributive law

222 2 bababbabbaaabababa B y d e fin itio n in B S m a th n o n u m b er sq u a red c a n ev e r b e n eg a tiv e T h e re fo re n o sq u a red n u m b er c an ev e r b e a v e c to r m o v in g in th e d a sh ( -) o r n eg a tiv e d ire c tio n if it is sq u a red In B S m a th an d ad d itio n o p e ra to r m u ltip lied b y a su b trac tio n o p e ra to r is A L W A Y S eq u a l to a su b tra c tio n o p e ra to r If th is h ad n o t b e en u sed fo r th e la s t fo u r h u n d red y e a rs y o u w o u ld d ie lau g h in g a t th e u tte r ab su rd ity o f th e la s t s ta tem e n t T h is is illo g ica l an d v io la te s sy m m etry

If a = 5 an d b = 3 42222352


4930253)3)(5(253)5)(3()3)(5(5353535 22222 A s lo n g a s ldquo ardquo is g re a te r th an ldquob rdquo th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es co rrec t an sw ers 1

B S m a th b re a k s d o w n w h e n ldquo b rdquo is g rea ter th a n ldquo a rdquo

If a = 3 an d b = 5

2 2



3 5 2 4

2 ( 2) ( 2) 4

2 ( )( 2) ( )( 2) 4

A n y co m b in a tio n ex cep t th e m id d le o n e is illo g ica l an d in co rre c t B y d e fin itio n th e an sw er can n o t b e -4 in B S m a th B S m a th is in co rrec t

4253095)5)(3(235)3)(5()5)(3(3535353 22222 T h is is w h ere th e d is tr ib u tiv e la w p ro v id es in co rrec t an sw ers I t p ro d u ces an an sw er o f + 4 b e cau se b y d e fin iti o n n o n u m b er sq u a red in B S m a th c an b e a n eg a tiv e n u m b er U sin g in co rre c t B S m a th th e d is tr ib u tiv e law w ill g iv e an in co rrec t an sw ers o f + 4 T h is is in co rrec t an d illo g ica l 1

Since there can be no negative direction from a squared term in BS math BS math should be modified or abandoned

The BS distributive law should be modified or abandoned

The numbers +1+2+3+4 and ndash1-2-3-4hellip should be abandoned

BS math gives incorrect answers because their Rule-of-Signs allows multiplying an arrow going in one direction by an arrow going in another direction

Clearly this is not logical

Arrows should be used that are specific for directions

W h at d o es it m e an to m u ltip ly ( 4) b y (4 ) A s w e k n o w 1

m u ltip lica tio n is ju s t ad d itio n W h a t w o u ld ( 4) tim e (4 ) b e 2

In BS math the answer is by definition -16 unless you square -4 and then it is +16

In SM you cannot multiply arrows going in opposite directions

The middle two terms are not logical You cannot multiply opposite directions

This is a MAJOR error in BS math They multiply a dash [(-) a direction to the left] by a cross [(+) a direction to the right] And then ldquoby definitionrdquo label the answer dash (-) This is illogical and produces incorrect answers


2 2

This is Einsteinrsquos math error

in Special relativity

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude and Direction (MD) An arrow has both a magnitude andA direction relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude and velocity (MV) relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude And acceleration (MA) relative to a 2nd objectobserver2

v da

t t

Introducing a new symbol the ldquoamprdquo sign The ldquoamprdquo sign means resultant ADD all the Arrows for each direction and then SUBTRACT to find the final resultant

1 1amp 1 2 2amp 2 4 If =

1 amp1 2 2 amp2 4 If =

amp 5 amp 3 2 If gt

amp 3 amp 5= 2 If gt

amp 0 3 amp 3=0 if =

only the resultant equals zero

the vectors do not - they are still there

Does not exist There is no multiplication of arrows

There are two arrows One has a magnitude of 3 One has a magnitude of 5 The maximum these two arrows can be is 8

Only the resultant of arrows exist

An SM arrow has a direction and a magnitude

Arrows and magnitudes are still there even if the resultant is zero

There are no negative SM Arrows

There are no positive SM Arrows

There are no ZERO SM Arrows A zero would negate the definition of an SM Arrow something with no magnitude and no direction cannot be the definition of an arrow that is defined as having magnitude and direction

bull A resultant is the addition and subtraction of the differences in magnitude and direction arrows

A B and C are the arrows (a) A amp B exist(b) A amp B amp C exist(c) A-B Do Not Exist in Sm there are no negatives or positives(d) A+B-C Do Not Exist in SM there are no negatives or positives

There are only resultants when there are multiple arrows

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 22: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

Negative and Positive Directions in Space

If I asked you to point to a negative direction in space which way would you point

Hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a negative direction in space

If I asked you to point to a positive direction in space which way would you point

Again hopefully you will realize that there is no such thing as a positive direction in space

Objects on the right side of the x-axis are positive (+)(+) = (+)

Objects on the left side of the x-axis are negative (-)(-) = (+) negative math is different from positive math This is illogical

Objects on the top of the y-axis are positive

Objects on the bottom of the y-axis are negative

Objects in the front of the z-axis are positive

Objects in the back of the z-axis are negative

Again BS math of the positive direction (x right y up and z front) is different from the BS math of the negative direction (x left y down and z back)

BS math is Broken-Symmetry

Mirror image is broken symmetry in the x and z axis If the left amp right-axis are

reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the front amp back-axis is reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the top amp bottom-axis are

reversed symmetry is not broken Obs-1 math is the same as obs-2

Math answers cannot depend on which side of a number line an observer sit

Absolute values for Displacement

Even for a simple displacement of an object BS math invented a definition and absolute values to obtain something labeled a positive number answer


-4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

If an object starts at ( 3)ia X and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 1)b fb c X

BS Math provides a usable answer without a definition or absolute values

However If an object starts at

( 1) and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 3)i b fa X b c X

Then absolute values and a definition must be used

---------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I---------- -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4

a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

BS Math makes up a definition that all displacements are positive Since this example provides an answer with something labeled a negative the positive definition must be applied and (-2) is changed to (+2) A definition is needed to arrive at a useable answer This is Illogical

In SM absolute values and a meaningless definition of ldquopositiverdquo are removed In SM objects and directions in space are defined by the direction and magnitude of the resultant of arrows

With SM you get total distance traveled by the object and the final direction of the displacement

22222 2 bababbaababababa If w e su b stitu te p o s itiv e n u m b e rs in to th e eq u a tio n th e an sw er w ill b e co rrec t If (a = 5 ) an d (b = 3 )




5 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 25 15 15 9 64

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 64

W h en tw o p o sitiv e n u m b ers a re a d d ed an d sq u a re d th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es a co rre c t an sw er 1

Illogical and Incorrect BS math for the distributive law

222 2 bababbabbaaabababa B y d e fin itio n in B S m a th n o n u m b er sq u a red c a n ev e r b e n eg a tiv e T h e re fo re n o sq u a red n u m b er c an ev e r b e a v e c to r m o v in g in th e d a sh ( -) o r n eg a tiv e d ire c tio n if it is sq u a red In B S m a th an d ad d itio n o p e ra to r m u ltip lied b y a su b trac tio n o p e ra to r is A L W A Y S eq u a l to a su b tra c tio n o p e ra to r If th is h ad n o t b e en u sed fo r th e la s t fo u r h u n d red y e a rs y o u w o u ld d ie lau g h in g a t th e u tte r ab su rd ity o f th e la s t s ta tem e n t T h is is illo g ica l an d v io la te s sy m m etry

If a = 5 an d b = 3 42222352


4930253)3)(5(253)5)(3()3)(5(5353535 22222 A s lo n g a s ldquo ardquo is g re a te r th an ldquob rdquo th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es co rrec t an sw ers 1

B S m a th b re a k s d o w n w h e n ldquo b rdquo is g rea ter th a n ldquo a rdquo

If a = 3 an d b = 5

2 2



3 5 2 4

2 ( 2) ( 2) 4

2 ( )( 2) ( )( 2) 4

A n y co m b in a tio n ex cep t th e m id d le o n e is illo g ica l an d in co rre c t B y d e fin itio n th e an sw er can n o t b e -4 in B S m a th B S m a th is in co rrec t

4253095)5)(3(235)3)(5()5)(3(3535353 22222 T h is is w h ere th e d is tr ib u tiv e la w p ro v id es in co rrec t an sw ers I t p ro d u ces an an sw er o f + 4 b e cau se b y d e fin iti o n n o n u m b er sq u a red in B S m a th c an b e a n eg a tiv e n u m b er U sin g in co rre c t B S m a th th e d is tr ib u tiv e law w ill g iv e an in co rrec t an sw ers o f + 4 T h is is in co rrec t an d illo g ica l 1

Since there can be no negative direction from a squared term in BS math BS math should be modified or abandoned

The BS distributive law should be modified or abandoned

The numbers +1+2+3+4 and ndash1-2-3-4hellip should be abandoned

BS math gives incorrect answers because their Rule-of-Signs allows multiplying an arrow going in one direction by an arrow going in another direction

Clearly this is not logical

Arrows should be used that are specific for directions

W h at d o es it m e an to m u ltip ly ( 4) b y (4 ) A s w e k n o w 1

m u ltip lica tio n is ju s t ad d itio n W h a t w o u ld ( 4) tim e (4 ) b e 2

In BS math the answer is by definition -16 unless you square -4 and then it is +16

In SM you cannot multiply arrows going in opposite directions

The middle two terms are not logical You cannot multiply opposite directions

This is a MAJOR error in BS math They multiply a dash [(-) a direction to the left] by a cross [(+) a direction to the right] And then ldquoby definitionrdquo label the answer dash (-) This is illogical and produces incorrect answers


2 2

This is Einsteinrsquos math error

in Special relativity

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude and Direction (MD) An arrow has both a magnitude andA direction relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude and velocity (MV) relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude And acceleration (MA) relative to a 2nd objectobserver2

v da

t t

Introducing a new symbol the ldquoamprdquo sign The ldquoamprdquo sign means resultant ADD all the Arrows for each direction and then SUBTRACT to find the final resultant

1 1amp 1 2 2amp 2 4 If =

1 amp1 2 2 amp2 4 If =

amp 5 amp 3 2 If gt

amp 3 amp 5= 2 If gt

amp 0 3 amp 3=0 if =

only the resultant equals zero

the vectors do not - they are still there

Does not exist There is no multiplication of arrows

There are two arrows One has a magnitude of 3 One has a magnitude of 5 The maximum these two arrows can be is 8

Only the resultant of arrows exist

An SM arrow has a direction and a magnitude

Arrows and magnitudes are still there even if the resultant is zero

There are no negative SM Arrows

There are no positive SM Arrows

There are no ZERO SM Arrows A zero would negate the definition of an SM Arrow something with no magnitude and no direction cannot be the definition of an arrow that is defined as having magnitude and direction

bull A resultant is the addition and subtraction of the differences in magnitude and direction arrows

A B and C are the arrows (a) A amp B exist(b) A amp B amp C exist(c) A-B Do Not Exist in Sm there are no negatives or positives(d) A+B-C Do Not Exist in SM there are no negatives or positives

There are only resultants when there are multiple arrows

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 23: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

Objects on the right side of the x-axis are positive (+)(+) = (+)

Objects on the left side of the x-axis are negative (-)(-) = (+) negative math is different from positive math This is illogical

Objects on the top of the y-axis are positive

Objects on the bottom of the y-axis are negative

Objects in the front of the z-axis are positive

Objects in the back of the z-axis are negative

Again BS math of the positive direction (x right y up and z front) is different from the BS math of the negative direction (x left y down and z back)

BS math is Broken-Symmetry

Mirror image is broken symmetry in the x and z axis If the left amp right-axis are

reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the front amp back-axis is reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the top amp bottom-axis are

reversed symmetry is not broken Obs-1 math is the same as obs-2

Math answers cannot depend on which side of a number line an observer sit

Absolute values for Displacement

Even for a simple displacement of an object BS math invented a definition and absolute values to obtain something labeled a positive number answer


-4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

If an object starts at ( 3)ia X and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 1)b fb c X

BS Math provides a usable answer without a definition or absolute values

However If an object starts at

( 1) and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 3)i b fa X b c X

Then absolute values and a definition must be used

---------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I---------- -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4

a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

BS Math makes up a definition that all displacements are positive Since this example provides an answer with something labeled a negative the positive definition must be applied and (-2) is changed to (+2) A definition is needed to arrive at a useable answer This is Illogical

In SM absolute values and a meaningless definition of ldquopositiverdquo are removed In SM objects and directions in space are defined by the direction and magnitude of the resultant of arrows

With SM you get total distance traveled by the object and the final direction of the displacement

22222 2 bababbaababababa If w e su b stitu te p o s itiv e n u m b e rs in to th e eq u a tio n th e an sw er w ill b e co rrec t If (a = 5 ) an d (b = 3 )




5 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 25 15 15 9 64

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 64

W h en tw o p o sitiv e n u m b ers a re a d d ed an d sq u a re d th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es a co rre c t an sw er 1

Illogical and Incorrect BS math for the distributive law

222 2 bababbabbaaabababa B y d e fin itio n in B S m a th n o n u m b er sq u a red c a n ev e r b e n eg a tiv e T h e re fo re n o sq u a red n u m b er c an ev e r b e a v e c to r m o v in g in th e d a sh ( -) o r n eg a tiv e d ire c tio n if it is sq u a red In B S m a th an d ad d itio n o p e ra to r m u ltip lied b y a su b trac tio n o p e ra to r is A L W A Y S eq u a l to a su b tra c tio n o p e ra to r If th is h ad n o t b e en u sed fo r th e la s t fo u r h u n d red y e a rs y o u w o u ld d ie lau g h in g a t th e u tte r ab su rd ity o f th e la s t s ta tem e n t T h is is illo g ica l an d v io la te s sy m m etry

If a = 5 an d b = 3 42222352


4930253)3)(5(253)5)(3()3)(5(5353535 22222 A s lo n g a s ldquo ardquo is g re a te r th an ldquob rdquo th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es co rrec t an sw ers 1

B S m a th b re a k s d o w n w h e n ldquo b rdquo is g rea ter th a n ldquo a rdquo

If a = 3 an d b = 5

2 2



3 5 2 4

2 ( 2) ( 2) 4

2 ( )( 2) ( )( 2) 4

A n y co m b in a tio n ex cep t th e m id d le o n e is illo g ica l an d in co rre c t B y d e fin itio n th e an sw er can n o t b e -4 in B S m a th B S m a th is in co rrec t

4253095)5)(3(235)3)(5()5)(3(3535353 22222 T h is is w h ere th e d is tr ib u tiv e la w p ro v id es in co rrec t an sw ers I t p ro d u ces an an sw er o f + 4 b e cau se b y d e fin iti o n n o n u m b er sq u a red in B S m a th c an b e a n eg a tiv e n u m b er U sin g in co rre c t B S m a th th e d is tr ib u tiv e law w ill g iv e an in co rrec t an sw ers o f + 4 T h is is in co rrec t an d illo g ica l 1

Since there can be no negative direction from a squared term in BS math BS math should be modified or abandoned

The BS distributive law should be modified or abandoned

The numbers +1+2+3+4 and ndash1-2-3-4hellip should be abandoned

BS math gives incorrect answers because their Rule-of-Signs allows multiplying an arrow going in one direction by an arrow going in another direction

Clearly this is not logical

Arrows should be used that are specific for directions

W h at d o es it m e an to m u ltip ly ( 4) b y (4 ) A s w e k n o w 1

m u ltip lica tio n is ju s t ad d itio n W h a t w o u ld ( 4) tim e (4 ) b e 2

In BS math the answer is by definition -16 unless you square -4 and then it is +16

In SM you cannot multiply arrows going in opposite directions

The middle two terms are not logical You cannot multiply opposite directions

This is a MAJOR error in BS math They multiply a dash [(-) a direction to the left] by a cross [(+) a direction to the right] And then ldquoby definitionrdquo label the answer dash (-) This is illogical and produces incorrect answers


2 2

This is Einsteinrsquos math error

in Special relativity

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude and Direction (MD) An arrow has both a magnitude andA direction relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude and velocity (MV) relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude And acceleration (MA) relative to a 2nd objectobserver2

v da

t t

Introducing a new symbol the ldquoamprdquo sign The ldquoamprdquo sign means resultant ADD all the Arrows for each direction and then SUBTRACT to find the final resultant

1 1amp 1 2 2amp 2 4 If =

1 amp1 2 2 amp2 4 If =

amp 5 amp 3 2 If gt

amp 3 amp 5= 2 If gt

amp 0 3 amp 3=0 if =

only the resultant equals zero

the vectors do not - they are still there

Does not exist There is no multiplication of arrows

There are two arrows One has a magnitude of 3 One has a magnitude of 5 The maximum these two arrows can be is 8

Only the resultant of arrows exist

An SM arrow has a direction and a magnitude

Arrows and magnitudes are still there even if the resultant is zero

There are no negative SM Arrows

There are no positive SM Arrows

There are no ZERO SM Arrows A zero would negate the definition of an SM Arrow something with no magnitude and no direction cannot be the definition of an arrow that is defined as having magnitude and direction

bull A resultant is the addition and subtraction of the differences in magnitude and direction arrows

A B and C are the arrows (a) A amp B exist(b) A amp B amp C exist(c) A-B Do Not Exist in Sm there are no negatives or positives(d) A+B-C Do Not Exist in SM there are no negatives or positives

There are only resultants when there are multiple arrows

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 24: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

Mirror image is broken symmetry in the x and z axis If the left amp right-axis are

reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the front amp back-axis is reversed symmetry is broken Obs-1 math is different from obs-2

If the top amp bottom-axis are

reversed symmetry is not broken Obs-1 math is the same as obs-2

Math answers cannot depend on which side of a number line an observer sit

Absolute values for Displacement

Even for a simple displacement of an object BS math invented a definition and absolute values to obtain something labeled a positive number answer


-4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

If an object starts at ( 3)ia X and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 1)b fb c X

BS Math provides a usable answer without a definition or absolute values

However If an object starts at

( 1) and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 3)i b fa X b c X

Then absolute values and a definition must be used

---------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I---------- -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4

a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

BS Math makes up a definition that all displacements are positive Since this example provides an answer with something labeled a negative the positive definition must be applied and (-2) is changed to (+2) A definition is needed to arrive at a useable answer This is Illogical

In SM absolute values and a meaningless definition of ldquopositiverdquo are removed In SM objects and directions in space are defined by the direction and magnitude of the resultant of arrows

With SM you get total distance traveled by the object and the final direction of the displacement

22222 2 bababbaababababa If w e su b stitu te p o s itiv e n u m b e rs in to th e eq u a tio n th e an sw er w ill b e co rrec t If (a = 5 ) an d (b = 3 )




5 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 25 15 15 9 64

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 64

W h en tw o p o sitiv e n u m b ers a re a d d ed an d sq u a re d th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es a co rre c t an sw er 1

Illogical and Incorrect BS math for the distributive law

222 2 bababbabbaaabababa B y d e fin itio n in B S m a th n o n u m b er sq u a red c a n ev e r b e n eg a tiv e T h e re fo re n o sq u a red n u m b er c an ev e r b e a v e c to r m o v in g in th e d a sh ( -) o r n eg a tiv e d ire c tio n if it is sq u a red In B S m a th an d ad d itio n o p e ra to r m u ltip lied b y a su b trac tio n o p e ra to r is A L W A Y S eq u a l to a su b tra c tio n o p e ra to r If th is h ad n o t b e en u sed fo r th e la s t fo u r h u n d red y e a rs y o u w o u ld d ie lau g h in g a t th e u tte r ab su rd ity o f th e la s t s ta tem e n t T h is is illo g ica l an d v io la te s sy m m etry

If a = 5 an d b = 3 42222352


4930253)3)(5(253)5)(3()3)(5(5353535 22222 A s lo n g a s ldquo ardquo is g re a te r th an ldquob rdquo th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es co rrec t an sw ers 1

B S m a th b re a k s d o w n w h e n ldquo b rdquo is g rea ter th a n ldquo a rdquo

If a = 3 an d b = 5

2 2



3 5 2 4

2 ( 2) ( 2) 4

2 ( )( 2) ( )( 2) 4

A n y co m b in a tio n ex cep t th e m id d le o n e is illo g ica l an d in co rre c t B y d e fin itio n th e an sw er can n o t b e -4 in B S m a th B S m a th is in co rrec t

4253095)5)(3(235)3)(5()5)(3(3535353 22222 T h is is w h ere th e d is tr ib u tiv e la w p ro v id es in co rrec t an sw ers I t p ro d u ces an an sw er o f + 4 b e cau se b y d e fin iti o n n o n u m b er sq u a red in B S m a th c an b e a n eg a tiv e n u m b er U sin g in co rre c t B S m a th th e d is tr ib u tiv e law w ill g iv e an in co rrec t an sw ers o f + 4 T h is is in co rrec t an d illo g ica l 1

Since there can be no negative direction from a squared term in BS math BS math should be modified or abandoned

The BS distributive law should be modified or abandoned

The numbers +1+2+3+4 and ndash1-2-3-4hellip should be abandoned

BS math gives incorrect answers because their Rule-of-Signs allows multiplying an arrow going in one direction by an arrow going in another direction

Clearly this is not logical

Arrows should be used that are specific for directions

W h at d o es it m e an to m u ltip ly ( 4) b y (4 ) A s w e k n o w 1

m u ltip lica tio n is ju s t ad d itio n W h a t w o u ld ( 4) tim e (4 ) b e 2

In BS math the answer is by definition -16 unless you square -4 and then it is +16

In SM you cannot multiply arrows going in opposite directions

The middle two terms are not logical You cannot multiply opposite directions

This is a MAJOR error in BS math They multiply a dash [(-) a direction to the left] by a cross [(+) a direction to the right] And then ldquoby definitionrdquo label the answer dash (-) This is illogical and produces incorrect answers


2 2

This is Einsteinrsquos math error

in Special relativity

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude and Direction (MD) An arrow has both a magnitude andA direction relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude and velocity (MV) relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude And acceleration (MA) relative to a 2nd objectobserver2

v da

t t

Introducing a new symbol the ldquoamprdquo sign The ldquoamprdquo sign means resultant ADD all the Arrows for each direction and then SUBTRACT to find the final resultant

1 1amp 1 2 2amp 2 4 If =

1 amp1 2 2 amp2 4 If =

amp 5 amp 3 2 If gt

amp 3 amp 5= 2 If gt

amp 0 3 amp 3=0 if =

only the resultant equals zero

the vectors do not - they are still there

Does not exist There is no multiplication of arrows

There are two arrows One has a magnitude of 3 One has a magnitude of 5 The maximum these two arrows can be is 8

Only the resultant of arrows exist

An SM arrow has a direction and a magnitude

Arrows and magnitudes are still there even if the resultant is zero

There are no negative SM Arrows

There are no positive SM Arrows

There are no ZERO SM Arrows A zero would negate the definition of an SM Arrow something with no magnitude and no direction cannot be the definition of an arrow that is defined as having magnitude and direction

bull A resultant is the addition and subtraction of the differences in magnitude and direction arrows

A B and C are the arrows (a) A amp B exist(b) A amp B amp C exist(c) A-B Do Not Exist in Sm there are no negatives or positives(d) A+B-C Do Not Exist in SM there are no negatives or positives

There are only resultants when there are multiple arrows

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 25: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

Absolute values for Displacement

Even for a simple displacement of an object BS math invented a definition and absolute values to obtain something labeled a positive number answer


-4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4 a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

If an object starts at ( 3)ia X and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 1)b fb c X

BS Math provides a usable answer without a definition or absolute values

However If an object starts at

( 1) and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 3)i b fa X b c X

Then absolute values and a definition must be used

---------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I---------- -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4

a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

BS Math makes up a definition that all displacements are positive Since this example provides an answer with something labeled a negative the positive definition must be applied and (-2) is changed to (+2) A definition is needed to arrive at a useable answer This is Illogical

In SM absolute values and a meaningless definition of ldquopositiverdquo are removed In SM objects and directions in space are defined by the direction and magnitude of the resultant of arrows

With SM you get total distance traveled by the object and the final direction of the displacement

22222 2 bababbaababababa If w e su b stitu te p o s itiv e n u m b e rs in to th e eq u a tio n th e an sw er w ill b e co rrec t If (a = 5 ) an d (b = 3 )




5 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 25 15 15 9 64

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 64

W h en tw o p o sitiv e n u m b ers a re a d d ed an d sq u a re d th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es a co rre c t an sw er 1

Illogical and Incorrect BS math for the distributive law

222 2 bababbabbaaabababa B y d e fin itio n in B S m a th n o n u m b er sq u a red c a n ev e r b e n eg a tiv e T h e re fo re n o sq u a red n u m b er c an ev e r b e a v e c to r m o v in g in th e d a sh ( -) o r n eg a tiv e d ire c tio n if it is sq u a red In B S m a th an d ad d itio n o p e ra to r m u ltip lied b y a su b trac tio n o p e ra to r is A L W A Y S eq u a l to a su b tra c tio n o p e ra to r If th is h ad n o t b e en u sed fo r th e la s t fo u r h u n d red y e a rs y o u w o u ld d ie lau g h in g a t th e u tte r ab su rd ity o f th e la s t s ta tem e n t T h is is illo g ica l an d v io la te s sy m m etry

If a = 5 an d b = 3 42222352


4930253)3)(5(253)5)(3()3)(5(5353535 22222 A s lo n g a s ldquo ardquo is g re a te r th an ldquob rdquo th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es co rrec t an sw ers 1

B S m a th b re a k s d o w n w h e n ldquo b rdquo is g rea ter th a n ldquo a rdquo

If a = 3 an d b = 5

2 2



3 5 2 4

2 ( 2) ( 2) 4

2 ( )( 2) ( )( 2) 4

A n y co m b in a tio n ex cep t th e m id d le o n e is illo g ica l an d in co rre c t B y d e fin itio n th e an sw er can n o t b e -4 in B S m a th B S m a th is in co rrec t

4253095)5)(3(235)3)(5()5)(3(3535353 22222 T h is is w h ere th e d is tr ib u tiv e la w p ro v id es in co rrec t an sw ers I t p ro d u ces an an sw er o f + 4 b e cau se b y d e fin iti o n n o n u m b er sq u a red in B S m a th c an b e a n eg a tiv e n u m b er U sin g in co rre c t B S m a th th e d is tr ib u tiv e law w ill g iv e an in co rrec t an sw ers o f + 4 T h is is in co rrec t an d illo g ica l 1

Since there can be no negative direction from a squared term in BS math BS math should be modified or abandoned

The BS distributive law should be modified or abandoned

The numbers +1+2+3+4 and ndash1-2-3-4hellip should be abandoned

BS math gives incorrect answers because their Rule-of-Signs allows multiplying an arrow going in one direction by an arrow going in another direction

Clearly this is not logical

Arrows should be used that are specific for directions

W h at d o es it m e an to m u ltip ly ( 4) b y (4 ) A s w e k n o w 1

m u ltip lica tio n is ju s t ad d itio n W h a t w o u ld ( 4) tim e (4 ) b e 2

In BS math the answer is by definition -16 unless you square -4 and then it is +16

In SM you cannot multiply arrows going in opposite directions

The middle two terms are not logical You cannot multiply opposite directions

This is a MAJOR error in BS math They multiply a dash [(-) a direction to the left] by a cross [(+) a direction to the right] And then ldquoby definitionrdquo label the answer dash (-) This is illogical and produces incorrect answers


2 2

This is Einsteinrsquos math error

in Special relativity

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude and Direction (MD) An arrow has both a magnitude andA direction relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude and velocity (MV) relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude And acceleration (MA) relative to a 2nd objectobserver2

v da

t t

Introducing a new symbol the ldquoamprdquo sign The ldquoamprdquo sign means resultant ADD all the Arrows for each direction and then SUBTRACT to find the final resultant

1 1amp 1 2 2amp 2 4 If =

1 amp1 2 2 amp2 4 If =

amp 5 amp 3 2 If gt

amp 3 amp 5= 2 If gt

amp 0 3 amp 3=0 if =

only the resultant equals zero

the vectors do not - they are still there

Does not exist There is no multiplication of arrows

There are two arrows One has a magnitude of 3 One has a magnitude of 5 The maximum these two arrows can be is 8

Only the resultant of arrows exist

An SM arrow has a direction and a magnitude

Arrows and magnitudes are still there even if the resultant is zero

There are no negative SM Arrows

There are no positive SM Arrows

There are no ZERO SM Arrows A zero would negate the definition of an SM Arrow something with no magnitude and no direction cannot be the definition of an arrow that is defined as having magnitude and direction

bull A resultant is the addition and subtraction of the differences in magnitude and direction arrows

A B and C are the arrows (a) A amp B exist(b) A amp B amp C exist(c) A-B Do Not Exist in Sm there are no negatives or positives(d) A+B-C Do Not Exist in SM there are no negatives or positives

There are only resultants when there are multiple arrows

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 26: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

However If an object starts at

( 1) and moves to ( X 3) and the to ( 3)i b fa X b c X

Then absolute values and a definition must be used

---------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I----------I---------- -4 -3 -2 -1 0 +1 +2 +3 +4

a gtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtgtb cltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltltb

BS Math makes up a definition that all displacements are positive Since this example provides an answer with something labeled a negative the positive definition must be applied and (-2) is changed to (+2) A definition is needed to arrive at a useable answer This is Illogical

In SM absolute values and a meaningless definition of ldquopositiverdquo are removed In SM objects and directions in space are defined by the direction and magnitude of the resultant of arrows

With SM you get total distance traveled by the object and the final direction of the displacement

22222 2 bababbaababababa If w e su b stitu te p o s itiv e n u m b e rs in to th e eq u a tio n th e an sw er w ill b e co rrec t If (a = 5 ) an d (b = 3 )




5 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 25 15 15 9 64

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 64

W h en tw o p o sitiv e n u m b ers a re a d d ed an d sq u a re d th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es a co rre c t an sw er 1

Illogical and Incorrect BS math for the distributive law

222 2 bababbabbaaabababa B y d e fin itio n in B S m a th n o n u m b er sq u a red c a n ev e r b e n eg a tiv e T h e re fo re n o sq u a red n u m b er c an ev e r b e a v e c to r m o v in g in th e d a sh ( -) o r n eg a tiv e d ire c tio n if it is sq u a red In B S m a th an d ad d itio n o p e ra to r m u ltip lied b y a su b trac tio n o p e ra to r is A L W A Y S eq u a l to a su b tra c tio n o p e ra to r If th is h ad n o t b e en u sed fo r th e la s t fo u r h u n d red y e a rs y o u w o u ld d ie lau g h in g a t th e u tte r ab su rd ity o f th e la s t s ta tem e n t T h is is illo g ica l an d v io la te s sy m m etry

If a = 5 an d b = 3 42222352


4930253)3)(5(253)5)(3()3)(5(5353535 22222 A s lo n g a s ldquo ardquo is g re a te r th an ldquob rdquo th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es co rrec t an sw ers 1

B S m a th b re a k s d o w n w h e n ldquo b rdquo is g rea ter th a n ldquo a rdquo

If a = 3 an d b = 5

2 2



3 5 2 4

2 ( 2) ( 2) 4

2 ( )( 2) ( )( 2) 4

A n y co m b in a tio n ex cep t th e m id d le o n e is illo g ica l an d in co rre c t B y d e fin itio n th e an sw er can n o t b e -4 in B S m a th B S m a th is in co rrec t

4253095)5)(3(235)3)(5()5)(3(3535353 22222 T h is is w h ere th e d is tr ib u tiv e la w p ro v id es in co rrec t an sw ers I t p ro d u ces an an sw er o f + 4 b e cau se b y d e fin iti o n n o n u m b er sq u a red in B S m a th c an b e a n eg a tiv e n u m b er U sin g in co rre c t B S m a th th e d is tr ib u tiv e law w ill g iv e an in co rrec t an sw ers o f + 4 T h is is in co rrec t an d illo g ica l 1

Since there can be no negative direction from a squared term in BS math BS math should be modified or abandoned

The BS distributive law should be modified or abandoned

The numbers +1+2+3+4 and ndash1-2-3-4hellip should be abandoned

BS math gives incorrect answers because their Rule-of-Signs allows multiplying an arrow going in one direction by an arrow going in another direction

Clearly this is not logical

Arrows should be used that are specific for directions

W h at d o es it m e an to m u ltip ly ( 4) b y (4 ) A s w e k n o w 1

m u ltip lica tio n is ju s t ad d itio n W h a t w o u ld ( 4) tim e (4 ) b e 2

In BS math the answer is by definition -16 unless you square -4 and then it is +16

In SM you cannot multiply arrows going in opposite directions

The middle two terms are not logical You cannot multiply opposite directions

This is a MAJOR error in BS math They multiply a dash [(-) a direction to the left] by a cross [(+) a direction to the right] And then ldquoby definitionrdquo label the answer dash (-) This is illogical and produces incorrect answers


2 2

This is Einsteinrsquos math error

in Special relativity

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude and Direction (MD) An arrow has both a magnitude andA direction relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude and velocity (MV) relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude And acceleration (MA) relative to a 2nd objectobserver2

v da

t t

Introducing a new symbol the ldquoamprdquo sign The ldquoamprdquo sign means resultant ADD all the Arrows for each direction and then SUBTRACT to find the final resultant

1 1amp 1 2 2amp 2 4 If =

1 amp1 2 2 amp2 4 If =

amp 5 amp 3 2 If gt

amp 3 amp 5= 2 If gt

amp 0 3 amp 3=0 if =

only the resultant equals zero

the vectors do not - they are still there

Does not exist There is no multiplication of arrows

There are two arrows One has a magnitude of 3 One has a magnitude of 5 The maximum these two arrows can be is 8

Only the resultant of arrows exist

An SM arrow has a direction and a magnitude

Arrows and magnitudes are still there even if the resultant is zero

There are no negative SM Arrows

There are no positive SM Arrows

There are no ZERO SM Arrows A zero would negate the definition of an SM Arrow something with no magnitude and no direction cannot be the definition of an arrow that is defined as having magnitude and direction

bull A resultant is the addition and subtraction of the differences in magnitude and direction arrows

A B and C are the arrows (a) A amp B exist(b) A amp B amp C exist(c) A-B Do Not Exist in Sm there are no negatives or positives(d) A+B-C Do Not Exist in SM there are no negatives or positives

There are only resultants when there are multiple arrows

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 27: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

In SM absolute values and a meaningless definition of ldquopositiverdquo are removed In SM objects and directions in space are defined by the direction and magnitude of the resultant of arrows

With SM you get total distance traveled by the object and the final direction of the displacement

22222 2 bababbaababababa If w e su b stitu te p o s itiv e n u m b e rs in to th e eq u a tio n th e an sw er w ill b e co rrec t If (a = 5 ) an d (b = 3 )




5 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 25 15 15 9 64

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 64

W h en tw o p o sitiv e n u m b ers a re a d d ed an d sq u a re d th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es a co rre c t an sw er 1

Illogical and Incorrect BS math for the distributive law

222 2 bababbabbaaabababa B y d e fin itio n in B S m a th n o n u m b er sq u a red c a n ev e r b e n eg a tiv e T h e re fo re n o sq u a red n u m b er c an ev e r b e a v e c to r m o v in g in th e d a sh ( -) o r n eg a tiv e d ire c tio n if it is sq u a red In B S m a th an d ad d itio n o p e ra to r m u ltip lied b y a su b trac tio n o p e ra to r is A L W A Y S eq u a l to a su b tra c tio n o p e ra to r If th is h ad n o t b e en u sed fo r th e la s t fo u r h u n d red y e a rs y o u w o u ld d ie lau g h in g a t th e u tte r ab su rd ity o f th e la s t s ta tem e n t T h is is illo g ica l an d v io la te s sy m m etry

If a = 5 an d b = 3 42222352


4930253)3)(5(253)5)(3()3)(5(5353535 22222 A s lo n g a s ldquo ardquo is g re a te r th an ldquob rdquo th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es co rrec t an sw ers 1

B S m a th b re a k s d o w n w h e n ldquo b rdquo is g rea ter th a n ldquo a rdquo

If a = 3 an d b = 5

2 2



3 5 2 4

2 ( 2) ( 2) 4

2 ( )( 2) ( )( 2) 4

A n y co m b in a tio n ex cep t th e m id d le o n e is illo g ica l an d in co rre c t B y d e fin itio n th e an sw er can n o t b e -4 in B S m a th B S m a th is in co rrec t

4253095)5)(3(235)3)(5()5)(3(3535353 22222 T h is is w h ere th e d is tr ib u tiv e la w p ro v id es in co rrec t an sw ers I t p ro d u ces an an sw er o f + 4 b e cau se b y d e fin iti o n n o n u m b er sq u a red in B S m a th c an b e a n eg a tiv e n u m b er U sin g in co rre c t B S m a th th e d is tr ib u tiv e law w ill g iv e an in co rrec t an sw ers o f + 4 T h is is in co rrec t an d illo g ica l 1

Since there can be no negative direction from a squared term in BS math BS math should be modified or abandoned

The BS distributive law should be modified or abandoned

The numbers +1+2+3+4 and ndash1-2-3-4hellip should be abandoned

BS math gives incorrect answers because their Rule-of-Signs allows multiplying an arrow going in one direction by an arrow going in another direction

Clearly this is not logical

Arrows should be used that are specific for directions

W h at d o es it m e an to m u ltip ly ( 4) b y (4 ) A s w e k n o w 1

m u ltip lica tio n is ju s t ad d itio n W h a t w o u ld ( 4) tim e (4 ) b e 2

In BS math the answer is by definition -16 unless you square -4 and then it is +16

In SM you cannot multiply arrows going in opposite directions

The middle two terms are not logical You cannot multiply opposite directions

This is a MAJOR error in BS math They multiply a dash [(-) a direction to the left] by a cross [(+) a direction to the right] And then ldquoby definitionrdquo label the answer dash (-) This is illogical and produces incorrect answers


2 2

This is Einsteinrsquos math error

in Special relativity

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude and Direction (MD) An arrow has both a magnitude andA direction relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude and velocity (MV) relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude And acceleration (MA) relative to a 2nd objectobserver2

v da

t t

Introducing a new symbol the ldquoamprdquo sign The ldquoamprdquo sign means resultant ADD all the Arrows for each direction and then SUBTRACT to find the final resultant

1 1amp 1 2 2amp 2 4 If =

1 amp1 2 2 amp2 4 If =

amp 5 amp 3 2 If gt

amp 3 amp 5= 2 If gt

amp 0 3 amp 3=0 if =

only the resultant equals zero

the vectors do not - they are still there

Does not exist There is no multiplication of arrows

There are two arrows One has a magnitude of 3 One has a magnitude of 5 The maximum these two arrows can be is 8

Only the resultant of arrows exist

An SM arrow has a direction and a magnitude

Arrows and magnitudes are still there even if the resultant is zero

There are no negative SM Arrows

There are no positive SM Arrows

There are no ZERO SM Arrows A zero would negate the definition of an SM Arrow something with no magnitude and no direction cannot be the definition of an arrow that is defined as having magnitude and direction

bull A resultant is the addition and subtraction of the differences in magnitude and direction arrows

A B and C are the arrows (a) A amp B exist(b) A amp B amp C exist(c) A-B Do Not Exist in Sm there are no negatives or positives(d) A+B-C Do Not Exist in SM there are no negatives or positives

There are only resultants when there are multiple arrows

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 28: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

22222 2 bababbaababababa If w e su b stitu te p o s itiv e n u m b e rs in to th e eq u a tio n th e an sw er w ill b e co rrec t If (a = 5 ) an d (b = 3 )




5 3 5 3 5 3 5 5 5 3 3 5 3 3 25 15 15 9 64

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 64

W h en tw o p o sitiv e n u m b ers a re a d d ed an d sq u a re d th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es a co rre c t an sw er 1

Illogical and Incorrect BS math for the distributive law

222 2 bababbabbaaabababa B y d e fin itio n in B S m a th n o n u m b er sq u a red c a n ev e r b e n eg a tiv e T h e re fo re n o sq u a red n u m b er c an ev e r b e a v e c to r m o v in g in th e d a sh ( -) o r n eg a tiv e d ire c tio n if it is sq u a red In B S m a th an d ad d itio n o p e ra to r m u ltip lied b y a su b trac tio n o p e ra to r is A L W A Y S eq u a l to a su b tra c tio n o p e ra to r If th is h ad n o t b e en u sed fo r th e la s t fo u r h u n d red y e a rs y o u w o u ld d ie lau g h in g a t th e u tte r ab su rd ity o f th e la s t s ta tem e n t T h is is illo g ica l an d v io la te s sy m m etry

If a = 5 an d b = 3 42222352


4930253)3)(5(253)5)(3()3)(5(5353535 22222 A s lo n g a s ldquo ardquo is g re a te r th an ldquob rdquo th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es co rrec t an sw ers 1

B S m a th b re a k s d o w n w h e n ldquo b rdquo is g rea ter th a n ldquo a rdquo

If a = 3 an d b = 5

2 2



3 5 2 4

2 ( 2) ( 2) 4

2 ( )( 2) ( )( 2) 4

A n y co m b in a tio n ex cep t th e m id d le o n e is illo g ica l an d in co rre c t B y d e fin itio n th e an sw er can n o t b e -4 in B S m a th B S m a th is in co rrec t

4253095)5)(3(235)3)(5()5)(3(3535353 22222 T h is is w h ere th e d is tr ib u tiv e la w p ro v id es in co rrec t an sw ers I t p ro d u ces an an sw er o f + 4 b e cau se b y d e fin iti o n n o n u m b er sq u a red in B S m a th c an b e a n eg a tiv e n u m b er U sin g in co rre c t B S m a th th e d is tr ib u tiv e law w ill g iv e an in co rrec t an sw ers o f + 4 T h is is in co rrec t an d illo g ica l 1

Since there can be no negative direction from a squared term in BS math BS math should be modified or abandoned

The BS distributive law should be modified or abandoned

The numbers +1+2+3+4 and ndash1-2-3-4hellip should be abandoned

BS math gives incorrect answers because their Rule-of-Signs allows multiplying an arrow going in one direction by an arrow going in another direction

Clearly this is not logical

Arrows should be used that are specific for directions

W h at d o es it m e an to m u ltip ly ( 4) b y (4 ) A s w e k n o w 1

m u ltip lica tio n is ju s t ad d itio n W h a t w o u ld ( 4) tim e (4 ) b e 2

In BS math the answer is by definition -16 unless you square -4 and then it is +16

In SM you cannot multiply arrows going in opposite directions

The middle two terms are not logical You cannot multiply opposite directions

This is a MAJOR error in BS math They multiply a dash [(-) a direction to the left] by a cross [(+) a direction to the right] And then ldquoby definitionrdquo label the answer dash (-) This is illogical and produces incorrect answers


2 2

This is Einsteinrsquos math error

in Special relativity

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude and Direction (MD) An arrow has both a magnitude andA direction relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude and velocity (MV) relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude And acceleration (MA) relative to a 2nd objectobserver2

v da

t t

Introducing a new symbol the ldquoamprdquo sign The ldquoamprdquo sign means resultant ADD all the Arrows for each direction and then SUBTRACT to find the final resultant

1 1amp 1 2 2amp 2 4 If =

1 amp1 2 2 amp2 4 If =

amp 5 amp 3 2 If gt

amp 3 amp 5= 2 If gt

amp 0 3 amp 3=0 if =

only the resultant equals zero

the vectors do not - they are still there

Does not exist There is no multiplication of arrows

There are two arrows One has a magnitude of 3 One has a magnitude of 5 The maximum these two arrows can be is 8

Only the resultant of arrows exist

An SM arrow has a direction and a magnitude

Arrows and magnitudes are still there even if the resultant is zero

There are no negative SM Arrows

There are no positive SM Arrows

There are no ZERO SM Arrows A zero would negate the definition of an SM Arrow something with no magnitude and no direction cannot be the definition of an arrow that is defined as having magnitude and direction

bull A resultant is the addition and subtraction of the differences in magnitude and direction arrows

A B and C are the arrows (a) A amp B exist(b) A amp B amp C exist(c) A-B Do Not Exist in Sm there are no negatives or positives(d) A+B-C Do Not Exist in SM there are no negatives or positives

There are only resultants when there are multiple arrows

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 29: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

222 2 bababbabbaaabababa B y d e fin itio n in B S m a th n o n u m b er sq u a red c a n ev e r b e n eg a tiv e T h e re fo re n o sq u a red n u m b er c an ev e r b e a v e c to r m o v in g in th e d a sh ( -) o r n eg a tiv e d ire c tio n if it is sq u a red In B S m a th an d ad d itio n o p e ra to r m u ltip lied b y a su b trac tio n o p e ra to r is A L W A Y S eq u a l to a su b tra c tio n o p e ra to r If th is h ad n o t b e en u sed fo r th e la s t fo u r h u n d red y e a rs y o u w o u ld d ie lau g h in g a t th e u tte r ab su rd ity o f th e la s t s ta tem e n t T h is is illo g ica l an d v io la te s sy m m etry

If a = 5 an d b = 3 42222352


4930253)3)(5(253)5)(3()3)(5(5353535 22222 A s lo n g a s ldquo ardquo is g re a te r th an ldquob rdquo th e B S m a th d is tr ib u tiv e law p ro v id es co rrec t an sw ers 1

B S m a th b re a k s d o w n w h e n ldquo b rdquo is g rea ter th a n ldquo a rdquo

If a = 3 an d b = 5

2 2



3 5 2 4

2 ( 2) ( 2) 4

2 ( )( 2) ( )( 2) 4

A n y co m b in a tio n ex cep t th e m id d le o n e is illo g ica l an d in co rre c t B y d e fin itio n th e an sw er can n o t b e -4 in B S m a th B S m a th is in co rrec t

4253095)5)(3(235)3)(5()5)(3(3535353 22222 T h is is w h ere th e d is tr ib u tiv e la w p ro v id es in co rrec t an sw ers I t p ro d u ces an an sw er o f + 4 b e cau se b y d e fin iti o n n o n u m b er sq u a red in B S m a th c an b e a n eg a tiv e n u m b er U sin g in co rre c t B S m a th th e d is tr ib u tiv e law w ill g iv e an in co rrec t an sw ers o f + 4 T h is is in co rrec t an d illo g ica l 1

Since there can be no negative direction from a squared term in BS math BS math should be modified or abandoned

The BS distributive law should be modified or abandoned

The numbers +1+2+3+4 and ndash1-2-3-4hellip should be abandoned

BS math gives incorrect answers because their Rule-of-Signs allows multiplying an arrow going in one direction by an arrow going in another direction

Clearly this is not logical

Arrows should be used that are specific for directions

W h at d o es it m e an to m u ltip ly ( 4) b y (4 ) A s w e k n o w 1

m u ltip lica tio n is ju s t ad d itio n W h a t w o u ld ( 4) tim e (4 ) b e 2

In BS math the answer is by definition -16 unless you square -4 and then it is +16

In SM you cannot multiply arrows going in opposite directions

The middle two terms are not logical You cannot multiply opposite directions

This is a MAJOR error in BS math They multiply a dash [(-) a direction to the left] by a cross [(+) a direction to the right] And then ldquoby definitionrdquo label the answer dash (-) This is illogical and produces incorrect answers


2 2

This is Einsteinrsquos math error

in Special relativity

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude and Direction (MD) An arrow has both a magnitude andA direction relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude and velocity (MV) relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude And acceleration (MA) relative to a 2nd objectobserver2

v da

t t

Introducing a new symbol the ldquoamprdquo sign The ldquoamprdquo sign means resultant ADD all the Arrows for each direction and then SUBTRACT to find the final resultant

1 1amp 1 2 2amp 2 4 If =

1 amp1 2 2 amp2 4 If =

amp 5 amp 3 2 If gt

amp 3 amp 5= 2 If gt

amp 0 3 amp 3=0 if =

only the resultant equals zero

the vectors do not - they are still there

Does not exist There is no multiplication of arrows

There are two arrows One has a magnitude of 3 One has a magnitude of 5 The maximum these two arrows can be is 8

Only the resultant of arrows exist

An SM arrow has a direction and a magnitude

Arrows and magnitudes are still there even if the resultant is zero

There are no negative SM Arrows

There are no positive SM Arrows

There are no ZERO SM Arrows A zero would negate the definition of an SM Arrow something with no magnitude and no direction cannot be the definition of an arrow that is defined as having magnitude and direction

bull A resultant is the addition and subtraction of the differences in magnitude and direction arrows

A B and C are the arrows (a) A amp B exist(b) A amp B amp C exist(c) A-B Do Not Exist in Sm there are no negatives or positives(d) A+B-C Do Not Exist in SM there are no negatives or positives

There are only resultants when there are multiple arrows

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 30: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

B S m a th b re a k s d o w n w h e n ldquo b rdquo is g rea ter th a n ldquo a rdquo

If a = 3 an d b = 5

2 2



3 5 2 4

2 ( 2) ( 2) 4

2 ( )( 2) ( )( 2) 4

A n y co m b in a tio n ex cep t th e m id d le o n e is illo g ica l an d in co rre c t B y d e fin itio n th e an sw er can n o t b e -4 in B S m a th B S m a th is in co rrec t

4253095)5)(3(235)3)(5()5)(3(3535353 22222 T h is is w h ere th e d is tr ib u tiv e la w p ro v id es in co rrec t an sw ers I t p ro d u ces an an sw er o f + 4 b e cau se b y d e fin iti o n n o n u m b er sq u a red in B S m a th c an b e a n eg a tiv e n u m b er U sin g in co rre c t B S m a th th e d is tr ib u tiv e law w ill g iv e an in co rrec t an sw ers o f + 4 T h is is in co rrec t an d illo g ica l 1

Since there can be no negative direction from a squared term in BS math BS math should be modified or abandoned

The BS distributive law should be modified or abandoned

The numbers +1+2+3+4 and ndash1-2-3-4hellip should be abandoned

BS math gives incorrect answers because their Rule-of-Signs allows multiplying an arrow going in one direction by an arrow going in another direction

Clearly this is not logical

Arrows should be used that are specific for directions

W h at d o es it m e an to m u ltip ly ( 4) b y (4 ) A s w e k n o w 1

m u ltip lica tio n is ju s t ad d itio n W h a t w o u ld ( 4) tim e (4 ) b e 2

In BS math the answer is by definition -16 unless you square -4 and then it is +16

In SM you cannot multiply arrows going in opposite directions

The middle two terms are not logical You cannot multiply opposite directions

This is a MAJOR error in BS math They multiply a dash [(-) a direction to the left] by a cross [(+) a direction to the right] And then ldquoby definitionrdquo label the answer dash (-) This is illogical and produces incorrect answers


2 2

This is Einsteinrsquos math error

in Special relativity

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude and Direction (MD) An arrow has both a magnitude andA direction relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude and velocity (MV) relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude And acceleration (MA) relative to a 2nd objectobserver2

v da

t t

Introducing a new symbol the ldquoamprdquo sign The ldquoamprdquo sign means resultant ADD all the Arrows for each direction and then SUBTRACT to find the final resultant

1 1amp 1 2 2amp 2 4 If =

1 amp1 2 2 amp2 4 If =

amp 5 amp 3 2 If gt

amp 3 amp 5= 2 If gt

amp 0 3 amp 3=0 if =

only the resultant equals zero

the vectors do not - they are still there

Does not exist There is no multiplication of arrows

There are two arrows One has a magnitude of 3 One has a magnitude of 5 The maximum these two arrows can be is 8

Only the resultant of arrows exist

An SM arrow has a direction and a magnitude

Arrows and magnitudes are still there even if the resultant is zero

There are no negative SM Arrows

There are no positive SM Arrows

There are no ZERO SM Arrows A zero would negate the definition of an SM Arrow something with no magnitude and no direction cannot be the definition of an arrow that is defined as having magnitude and direction

bull A resultant is the addition and subtraction of the differences in magnitude and direction arrows

A B and C are the arrows (a) A amp B exist(b) A amp B amp C exist(c) A-B Do Not Exist in Sm there are no negatives or positives(d) A+B-C Do Not Exist in SM there are no negatives or positives

There are only resultants when there are multiple arrows

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 31: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

Since there can be no negative direction from a squared term in BS math BS math should be modified or abandoned

The BS distributive law should be modified or abandoned

The numbers +1+2+3+4 and ndash1-2-3-4hellip should be abandoned

BS math gives incorrect answers because their Rule-of-Signs allows multiplying an arrow going in one direction by an arrow going in another direction

Clearly this is not logical

Arrows should be used that are specific for directions

W h at d o es it m e an to m u ltip ly ( 4) b y (4 ) A s w e k n o w 1

m u ltip lica tio n is ju s t ad d itio n W h a t w o u ld ( 4) tim e (4 ) b e 2

In BS math the answer is by definition -16 unless you square -4 and then it is +16

In SM you cannot multiply arrows going in opposite directions

The middle two terms are not logical You cannot multiply opposite directions

This is a MAJOR error in BS math They multiply a dash [(-) a direction to the left] by a cross [(+) a direction to the right] And then ldquoby definitionrdquo label the answer dash (-) This is illogical and produces incorrect answers


2 2

This is Einsteinrsquos math error

in Special relativity

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude and Direction (MD) An arrow has both a magnitude andA direction relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude and velocity (MV) relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude And acceleration (MA) relative to a 2nd objectobserver2

v da

t t

Introducing a new symbol the ldquoamprdquo sign The ldquoamprdquo sign means resultant ADD all the Arrows for each direction and then SUBTRACT to find the final resultant

1 1amp 1 2 2amp 2 4 If =

1 amp1 2 2 amp2 4 If =

amp 5 amp 3 2 If gt

amp 3 amp 5= 2 If gt

amp 0 3 amp 3=0 if =

only the resultant equals zero

the vectors do not - they are still there

Does not exist There is no multiplication of arrows

There are two arrows One has a magnitude of 3 One has a magnitude of 5 The maximum these two arrows can be is 8

Only the resultant of arrows exist

An SM arrow has a direction and a magnitude

Arrows and magnitudes are still there even if the resultant is zero

There are no negative SM Arrows

There are no positive SM Arrows

There are no ZERO SM Arrows A zero would negate the definition of an SM Arrow something with no magnitude and no direction cannot be the definition of an arrow that is defined as having magnitude and direction

bull A resultant is the addition and subtraction of the differences in magnitude and direction arrows

A B and C are the arrows (a) A amp B exist(b) A amp B amp C exist(c) A-B Do Not Exist in Sm there are no negatives or positives(d) A+B-C Do Not Exist in SM there are no negatives or positives

There are only resultants when there are multiple arrows

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 32: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

W h at d o es it m e an to m u ltip ly ( 4) b y (4 ) A s w e k n o w 1

m u ltip lica tio n is ju s t ad d itio n W h a t w o u ld ( 4) tim e (4 ) b e 2

In BS math the answer is by definition -16 unless you square -4 and then it is +16

In SM you cannot multiply arrows going in opposite directions

The middle two terms are not logical You cannot multiply opposite directions

This is a MAJOR error in BS math They multiply a dash [(-) a direction to the left] by a cross [(+) a direction to the right] And then ldquoby definitionrdquo label the answer dash (-) This is illogical and produces incorrect answers


2 2

This is Einsteinrsquos math error

in Special relativity

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude and Direction (MD) An arrow has both a magnitude andA direction relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude and velocity (MV) relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude And acceleration (MA) relative to a 2nd objectobserver2

v da

t t

Introducing a new symbol the ldquoamprdquo sign The ldquoamprdquo sign means resultant ADD all the Arrows for each direction and then SUBTRACT to find the final resultant

1 1amp 1 2 2amp 2 4 If =

1 amp1 2 2 amp2 4 If =

amp 5 amp 3 2 If gt

amp 3 amp 5= 2 If gt

amp 0 3 amp 3=0 if =

only the resultant equals zero

the vectors do not - they are still there

Does not exist There is no multiplication of arrows

There are two arrows One has a magnitude of 3 One has a magnitude of 5 The maximum these two arrows can be is 8

Only the resultant of arrows exist

An SM arrow has a direction and a magnitude

Arrows and magnitudes are still there even if the resultant is zero

There are no negative SM Arrows

There are no positive SM Arrows

There are no ZERO SM Arrows A zero would negate the definition of an SM Arrow something with no magnitude and no direction cannot be the definition of an arrow that is defined as having magnitude and direction

bull A resultant is the addition and subtraction of the differences in magnitude and direction arrows

A B and C are the arrows (a) A amp B exist(b) A amp B amp C exist(c) A-B Do Not Exist in Sm there are no negatives or positives(d) A+B-C Do Not Exist in SM there are no negatives or positives

There are only resultants when there are multiple arrows

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 33: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

In SM you cannot multiply arrows going in opposite directions

The middle two terms are not logical You cannot multiply opposite directions

This is a MAJOR error in BS math They multiply a dash [(-) a direction to the left] by a cross [(+) a direction to the right] And then ldquoby definitionrdquo label the answer dash (-) This is illogical and produces incorrect answers


2 2

This is Einsteinrsquos math error

in Special relativity

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude and Direction (MD) An arrow has both a magnitude andA direction relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude and velocity (MV) relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude And acceleration (MA) relative to a 2nd objectobserver2

v da

t t

Introducing a new symbol the ldquoamprdquo sign The ldquoamprdquo sign means resultant ADD all the Arrows for each direction and then SUBTRACT to find the final resultant

1 1amp 1 2 2amp 2 4 If =

1 amp1 2 2 amp2 4 If =

amp 5 amp 3 2 If gt

amp 3 amp 5= 2 If gt

amp 0 3 amp 3=0 if =

only the resultant equals zero

the vectors do not - they are still there

Does not exist There is no multiplication of arrows

There are two arrows One has a magnitude of 3 One has a magnitude of 5 The maximum these two arrows can be is 8

Only the resultant of arrows exist

An SM arrow has a direction and a magnitude

Arrows and magnitudes are still there even if the resultant is zero

There are no negative SM Arrows

There are no positive SM Arrows

There are no ZERO SM Arrows A zero would negate the definition of an SM Arrow something with no magnitude and no direction cannot be the definition of an arrow that is defined as having magnitude and direction

bull A resultant is the addition and subtraction of the differences in magnitude and direction arrows

A B and C are the arrows (a) A amp B exist(b) A amp B amp C exist(c) A-B Do Not Exist in Sm there are no negatives or positives(d) A+B-C Do Not Exist in SM there are no negatives or positives

There are only resultants when there are multiple arrows

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
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Page 34: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

This is Einsteinrsquos math error

in Special relativity

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude and Direction (MD) An arrow has both a magnitude andA direction relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude and velocity (MV) relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude And acceleration (MA) relative to a 2nd objectobserver2

v da

t t

Introducing a new symbol the ldquoamprdquo sign The ldquoamprdquo sign means resultant ADD all the Arrows for each direction and then SUBTRACT to find the final resultant

1 1amp 1 2 2amp 2 4 If =

1 amp1 2 2 amp2 4 If =

amp 5 amp 3 2 If gt

amp 3 amp 5= 2 If gt

amp 0 3 amp 3=0 if =

only the resultant equals zero

the vectors do not - they are still there

Does not exist There is no multiplication of arrows

There are two arrows One has a magnitude of 3 One has a magnitude of 5 The maximum these two arrows can be is 8

Only the resultant of arrows exist

An SM arrow has a direction and a magnitude

Arrows and magnitudes are still there even if the resultant is zero

There are no negative SM Arrows

There are no positive SM Arrows

There are no ZERO SM Arrows A zero would negate the definition of an SM Arrow something with no magnitude and no direction cannot be the definition of an arrow that is defined as having magnitude and direction

bull A resultant is the addition and subtraction of the differences in magnitude and direction arrows

A B and C are the arrows (a) A amp B exist(b) A amp B amp C exist(c) A-B Do Not Exist in Sm there are no negatives or positives(d) A+B-C Do Not Exist in SM there are no negatives or positives

There are only resultants when there are multiple arrows

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 35: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude 4 Direction 1 Magnitude 3 Direction 2 Magnitude 5 Direction 3 Relative to an observer at 0 4

Magnitude and Direction (MD) An arrow has both a magnitude andA direction relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude and velocity (MV) relative to a 2nd objectobserver

bull Magnitude And acceleration (MA) relative to a 2nd objectobserver2

v da

t t

Introducing a new symbol the ldquoamprdquo sign The ldquoamprdquo sign means resultant ADD all the Arrows for each direction and then SUBTRACT to find the final resultant

1 1amp 1 2 2amp 2 4 If =

1 amp1 2 2 amp2 4 If =

amp 5 amp 3 2 If gt

amp 3 amp 5= 2 If gt

amp 0 3 amp 3=0 if =

only the resultant equals zero

the vectors do not - they are still there

Does not exist There is no multiplication of arrows

There are two arrows One has a magnitude of 3 One has a magnitude of 5 The maximum these two arrows can be is 8

Only the resultant of arrows exist

An SM arrow has a direction and a magnitude

Arrows and magnitudes are still there even if the resultant is zero

There are no negative SM Arrows

There are no positive SM Arrows

There are no ZERO SM Arrows A zero would negate the definition of an SM Arrow something with no magnitude and no direction cannot be the definition of an arrow that is defined as having magnitude and direction

bull A resultant is the addition and subtraction of the differences in magnitude and direction arrows

A B and C are the arrows (a) A amp B exist(b) A amp B amp C exist(c) A-B Do Not Exist in Sm there are no negatives or positives(d) A+B-C Do Not Exist in SM there are no negatives or positives

There are only resultants when there are multiple arrows

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 36: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

Introducing a new symbol the ldquoamprdquo sign The ldquoamprdquo sign means resultant ADD all the Arrows for each direction and then SUBTRACT to find the final resultant

1 1amp 1 2 2amp 2 4 If =

1 amp1 2 2 amp2 4 If =

amp 5 amp 3 2 If gt

amp 3 amp 5= 2 If gt

amp 0 3 amp 3=0 if =

only the resultant equals zero

the vectors do not - they are still there

Does not exist There is no multiplication of arrows

There are two arrows One has a magnitude of 3 One has a magnitude of 5 The maximum these two arrows can be is 8

Only the resultant of arrows exist

An SM arrow has a direction and a magnitude

Arrows and magnitudes are still there even if the resultant is zero

There are no negative SM Arrows

There are no positive SM Arrows

There are no ZERO SM Arrows A zero would negate the definition of an SM Arrow something with no magnitude and no direction cannot be the definition of an arrow that is defined as having magnitude and direction

bull A resultant is the addition and subtraction of the differences in magnitude and direction arrows

A B and C are the arrows (a) A amp B exist(b) A amp B amp C exist(c) A-B Do Not Exist in Sm there are no negatives or positives(d) A+B-C Do Not Exist in SM there are no negatives or positives

There are only resultants when there are multiple arrows

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 37: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

Does not exist There is no multiplication of arrows

There are two arrows One has a magnitude of 3 One has a magnitude of 5 The maximum these two arrows can be is 8

Only the resultant of arrows exist

An SM arrow has a direction and a magnitude

Arrows and magnitudes are still there even if the resultant is zero

There are no negative SM Arrows

There are no positive SM Arrows

There are no ZERO SM Arrows A zero would negate the definition of an SM Arrow something with no magnitude and no direction cannot be the definition of an arrow that is defined as having magnitude and direction

bull A resultant is the addition and subtraction of the differences in magnitude and direction arrows

A B and C are the arrows (a) A amp B exist(b) A amp B amp C exist(c) A-B Do Not Exist in Sm there are no negatives or positives(d) A+B-C Do Not Exist in SM there are no negatives or positives

There are only resultants when there are multiple arrows

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 38: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

An SM arrow has a direction and a magnitude

Arrows and magnitudes are still there even if the resultant is zero

There are no negative SM Arrows

There are no positive SM Arrows

There are no ZERO SM Arrows A zero would negate the definition of an SM Arrow something with no magnitude and no direction cannot be the definition of an arrow that is defined as having magnitude and direction

bull A resultant is the addition and subtraction of the differences in magnitude and direction arrows

A B and C are the arrows (a) A amp B exist(b) A amp B amp C exist(c) A-B Do Not Exist in Sm there are no negatives or positives(d) A+B-C Do Not Exist in SM there are no negatives or positives

There are only resultants when there are multiple arrows

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
  • Slide 4
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Page 39: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

A B and C are the arrows (a) A amp B exist(b) A amp B amp C exist(c) A-B Do Not Exist in Sm there are no negatives or positives(d) A+B-C Do Not Exist in SM there are no negatives or positives

There are only resultants when there are multiple arrows

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 40: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

SM Graphs versus BS Graphs

Numbers Raised to Powers

When numbers are raised to powers the negative sides of all BS math graphs are ILLOGICAL and INCORRECT

Incorrect BS Math for 2x


4 16 correct3 8 correct2 4 correct1 2 correct0 1 correct-1 005 incorrect-2 025 incorrect-3 0125 incorrect-4 00625 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4




negative positive

2x BS Math


In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 41: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

In BS math the dash sign (-) used in this example represents three different operations They arebull (-) Subtractionbull (-) A direction to the leftbull (-) As an exponent to mean divide by

All positive numbers produce correct results and graphs

All negative numbers produce incorrect results and graphs

A direction of three units to the left (-3) is placed in the equation as an exponent

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 42: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

A direction in space (3 units toward the left) changes a whole number to a fraction by using the dash (-) as an exponent rather than a direction in space

This is illogical and incorrect BS math should have performed this operation as

Unfortunately the answers to problems can come out correct because data points of a real problem fit the curve

However the answers will not be due to logical reasoning

Because the equation produced a curve that real problem data points follow it has been falsely believed that the equations and graphs are correct




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 43: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic




Incorrect BK graph for (12)x


4 00625 correct3 0125 correct2 025 correct1 1 correct0 1 correct-1 2 incorrect-2 4 incorrect-3 8 incorrect-4 16 incorrect

negative side of graph is incorrectpositive side of graph is correct




-5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5P



negative positive

BS Math for (12)x


Incorrect BS math and graph for

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 44: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

All graphs are symmetrical with SM

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 45: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

Two BS Math Equations that Produce Incorrect Answers

2 0x x starting equation 2


x x x x

x x

Add lsquoxrsquo to both sides

2(1) 1 let lsquoxrsquo = 1

2 1 This is an incorrect answer 2(0)-(0)=0 The only answer that BK math can give is x=0


a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 46: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

a b starting equation ( )( ) ( )( )a a a b multiply both sides by ( )a

( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( ) ( )( )a a b b a b b b subtract ( )( )b b from both sides

( )( ) ( )( )a b a b a b b factor ( )a b from both sides

( )a b b divide both sides by ( )a b

( )b b b replace ( )a with ( )b 2b b simplify 2(1) (1) Let ( )b = 1

2 1 Again BS math yields and incorrect answer 1

This incorrect result is a problem with the distributive law SM explains how this incorrect answer is obtained and the problem with the distributive law that allows the error

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 47: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

Page 148 ndash149 Barry Mazur ndash Imagining Numbers




Do the computation carefully on paper using the rules we agreed to Then ponder your answer which should be something of a surprise to you donrsquot stop there Think of what your answer might possibly mean or might imply

Solve this equation using the distributive law

JK definitely a surprise the answer wasincorrect and illogical

Gerhard Gade University Professor doing math at Harvard University

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 48: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

Here is the BS math answer that Barry Mazur calculated







1 3 1 3 1 3 3 3 2 2 3 1 3

2 2 2 2 4 4 4 4 4 4 2 2


1 3 1 3 1 31

2 2 2 2 4 4

3 3

4 4

When the distributive law is used with the BS Rule-of-Signs and one of the signs is a (-) dash sign the middle two terms always cancel each other This leads to the incorrect answer of (-1) in the above equation

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
  • Slide 4
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Page 49: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

Barry Mazur did not go back and check his answer with the original equation If he had he would have known that the answer was incorrect


1 31


check answer by setting equal


331 3


1 31


Take the Cube root of both sides

1 3 2 multiply both sides by 2

3 3 subtract 1 from both sides

2 2

3 3 square both sides

3 9 This is an incorrect answer A simple equation check could have shown that the distributive law using BS math provides an incorrect answer


BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
  • Slide 4
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Page 50: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

BS Illogical and Incorrect Numbers Raised to Powers

nC D n DC

642 DDD

In BS math only a positive number can have an answer if ldquonrdquo is an even number (246---)

All negative numbers have no solutions

642 DDD

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
  • Slide 4
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Page 51: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

With SM just add a direction arrow and any number gives the correct answer

or n nC D C D

3 3( 3 8 8 or 8 2 or 2 )n D C

( 2 16 C= 16 or 16 4 or 4 )n D

Since a negative number has no square root answer in BS math BS mathematicians invented imaginary numbers


24414 iiC n

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 52: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

These equations are easily solved without the use of imaginary numbers with SM math

If 4 then 4 2x

If 4 then 4 2x

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 53: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

The 360-degree circle is a 4400 years old extremely outdated system based on a year of 12 months of 30 days each that is 360 days

SM will use a more logical system that will have a circle of 6283185307o


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
  • Slide 4
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Page 54: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic


( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
  • Slide 4
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Page 55: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

( )

(deg )

d r radians

d r rees

the arc distance around

the circumference of a circle



2 2

2 2

d r

dv rd t t

v dda rd t t t




( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 56: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

( )av tv

The average angular velocity of a body is the rate of its angular displacement

( )0



The instantaneous angular velocity is the limit of the ratio


as t approaches zero

( )d




The average circumference velocity of the body is the rate of its distance traveled d divided by the time t



1 dd vdrv

t t t r r

The equation of the relationship between the angular velocity and the velocity of a point on that body

( )o


v v v

t ta

The average angular acceleration is the change in the angular velocity

( )0




The instantaneous angular acceleration is the

limit of the ration of v


as t approaches







d s d


t r tv a

r t r

The equation of the relationship between the angular acceleration and the acceleration of a point on the body


2v a t

If a body with an initial angular velocity ov has a constant

angular acceleration a it will turn through an angle in a time t


Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 57: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

Straight Line Symbol Units Rotational Symbol Units Distance d m Angular

Distance radians or degrees

Velocity dt

v m

s Angular Velocity



radians or degrees


Acceleration vat


Angular Acceleration




radians or degrees


Mass M Kg Mass distribution

dM 2Kgm

Force actionA Ma





dT M A 2




Momentum Mv Kgm


Angular Momentum

dM V 2Kgm


Work (Force)(distance)

Ad 2


sNm Joule

Work T

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 58: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

Using AS arrow math to solve and direction in space problems using the equation 1 2

2 2 2 2 2 2( ) amp and ( ) amp 3


2 2 2

2 2

( ) amp

(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

2 2(5 ) 4 3

(5 ) 16 9

(5 ) 25

(5 ) (5 )

In SM math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides both magnitude and direction

In BS math Pythagorasrsquo theorem provides magnitude only

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 59: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

time set equal to zero


( ) ( 0 )10 1

x t xx

3( ) ( 0)

10 1W t f

In BS math this is an equation for a traveling wave

must use a square term in order to make the curve symmetric


In SM math when t is set to ldquo0rdquo

This is a major fault in BS math

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 60: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

x f(x)

-4 0019

-3 0033

-2 0073

-1 0273

0 3000

1 0273

2 0073

3 0033

4 0019 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 400








BS wave (must use square term)

snap shot of wave at x = 0




lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
  • Slide 4
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Page 61: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

lt to gt lt to gt f(ltgt)

lt -4 0073

lt -3 0097

lt -2 0143

lt -1 0273

origin 0 3000

gt 1 0273

gt 2 0143

gt 3 0097

gt 4 0073lt0073 lt0097 lt0143 lt0273


0273gt 0143gt 0097gt 0073gt

Wave moving

snap shot of wave




lt4 lt3 lt2 lt1 0 1gt 2gt 3gt 4gt




In SM NO squared terms are needed


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 62: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic


An Action is needed to stretch or compress a spring to a starting point where it can execute cycle motion

tsA (ts to start) is the work required to move a mass attached to a spring a distance (d1) from

its initial rest position RAK 0 the spring constant is the stiffness of the spring

o A is attraction o R is repulsion o


00 is for the back and forth motion through the zero initial rest position A

stretched spring goes from ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo to ldquoArdquo to ldquo0rdquo to ldquoRrdquo d1 is the distance a mass is moved from its initial rest position


0 1ts A RA K d

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 63: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

Once ( )mad

is performed to move the mass to position d1 (against the restraint of the spring) a of the ( )mad

is transferred into the spring as potential attractionrepulsion (PAR) There is always

more ( )mad

performed than is stored as PAR When the spring is released from the restraining Ats the PAR starts the oscillation Conservation of ( )mad

requires that the PAR and the motion ( )mad

( )( )madM be a constant

( )amp ( ) constantmadPAR M 02

0 0




( ) 0 0

1( )

2mad A R A RM m v

0 0 02 2 2

0 0 0 1

2 2 21

2 2 21

1 1 1amp

2 2 2

1 1 1amp

2 2 2


A R A R A RK d m v K d

Kd mv Kd

Kd mv Kd


1d is frac12 the height from the base to the peak of a cycle

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
  • Slide 4
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Page 64: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

An experiment of moving paper under a pendulum through a small angle filled with sand that can escape through a small hole in the bottom shows that a pendulum cycling back and forth follows a curve that is mathematically analogous to a lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo

The projection of the curved area onto the straight line exactly duplicate the back and forth motion of CM This allows for the math of lsquosinrsquo or lsquocosrsquo to be used

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 65: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

SM will use lsquosinrdquo math It could use lsquocosrsquo or a combination of both lsquosinrsquo and lsquocosrsquo Using just the lsquosinrsquo math makes the understanding and math easier

0 sin 0 0SM 0 sin157 1SM The diagram at the left shows a spring being stretched from its (zero rest) position-2 and the PAR being released at position-1 There are 4 sections (1 to 2 2 to 3 3 to 4 and 4 to5) that alternate between maximum acceleration and zero velocity to max velocity and zero acceleration

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
  • Slide 4
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Page 66: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

At position-1 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-2 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-3 there is maximum acceleration and zero velocity o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for velocity (values from 0 to 1) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for acceleration (values from 1 to 0)

At position-4 there is maximum velocity and zero acceleration Acceleration changes to deceleration

o The lsquosinrsquo values from 157o to 0o will be used for deceleration (values from 1 to 0) o The lsquosinrsquo values from 0o to 157o will be used for acceleration (values from 0 to 1)

At position-5 the cycle starts again





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
  • Slide 4
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Page 67: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic





spring constant (K) when mass (M) and cycle-time (T) are known



111 md





FK sts

spring constant (K) when mass (M) and amplitude ( d1) are known

2 21( )

Kv d d


velocity (v) at any point during the cycle





012 velocity (v2) maximum (when d = 0 at position-2 and 4)

acceleration (a1) maximum when spring constant (K) mass (M) and amplitude (d1) are known

acceleration (a1) maximum when amplitude (d1) and cycle-time (Tc) are known

acceleration (a) at any point during the cycle-time (T)






cycle-time (Tc) when amplitude (d1) and velocity (v1) are known


MTc 28651

cycle-time (Tc) when mass (M) and spring constant (K) are known



cycle-time (Tc) when the frequency is known



frequency (f) when the cycle-time (Tc) is known

of cycles

elapsed timef

frequency (f) when the number of cycles in an elapsed time is known

d1 amplitude (distance from rest to start position)

Also frac12 the distance from the base to the peak

3131 oror dM



3131 539


oror T





In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
  • Slide 4
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Page 68: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

In December of 2006 I discovered the mathematical error in Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity Einstein used BS math and that math only works in an imaginary world

It cannot describe real symmetrical space

Einsteinrsquos Special Relativity should be abandoned and a theory of real space using SM should be used to replace it

Numerous articles on the Internet show Einsteinrsquos theory to be incorrect but no one in academia is willing to publish the information

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
  • Slide 4
  • Slide 5
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Page 69: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

Figure 1-10 A moving particle observed from two frames of reference in uniform translation

Einsteinrsquos Math Error in Special Relativity Transformation of Velocity (From Eisenberg- Fundamentals of Modern Physics pages 27-29) Consider the particle shown in figure (1-10) moving with velocity v as

seen in a frame of reference O

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
  • Slide 4
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Page 70: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

dx dy dz

Vx Vy Vzdt dt dt

dx dy dz

V x V y V zdy dt dt

We would like to evaluate the velocity v of the particle as seen in the frame of reference 0 which is itself moving relative to 0 with velocity v Measured in the 0 frame the velocity vector of the particle has com ponents

The same velocity vector as measured in the 0 frame has components








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 71: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic








x vtx


cy y

z z




Now from equations (1-13) we know that the relation between the primed and the unprimed coordinates and times is

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 72: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

Take the differential of these equations remembering that v is a constant This gives








dx vdtdx


cdy dy

dz dz






2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 73: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic



2 2 2 2 2




11 ( )

1( ) 1




dx vdt

v dxdx vdt v

dx dx vdtc dt dtvdx vdx vdx v dxdt dt dt dt

dt dtc c c c

VxV x


VxV x








( )

coordinate of particle relative to moving primed system

coordinate of particle relative to stationary system

velocity of primed coordina

V x


te system relative to stationaryv sys


Page 28 Fundamentals of Modern Physics


According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 74: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

According to Einstein this equation tells you how to transform the observed velocity from one frame of reference to another frame of reference First we note that as Vc and vc approachzero the equation approaches those which would be derived from the Galilean transformation

2 2

( ) 1 01 1 ( )

Vx v Vx vV

VxV x

Vx v

v cVxx





Another property of this equation is that it is impossible to choose V and v such that Vrsquo the magnitude of the velocity which is seen in the new frame is greater than c



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 75: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic



09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

( 09 ) 1811 (09 )

c c cV c c



Example As seen by O particle 1 has velocity 09c in the direction of positive x and particle 2 has velocity 09c in the negative x direction

Einstein equation however predicts To evaluate the velocity of particle 1 with respect to particle 2 we transform from the O frame to the Orsquo frame moving in the negative x direction with velocity v = -09c using equation 1-16 We obtain

JK LOGIC will observe the particles separating at 18c

A confusing INCORRECT and ILLOGICAL answer

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 76: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

left is a dir rightsub of a




09 ( 09 ) 18009876543

181( 09 )1 ( 09 )

The multiplication of dir left time a dir right is ONLY a dir left



direction leftdirection rightsubtraction

c c cV c c







09 18 18009876543

181( 081)1(09)(09)


left rightsub


c c c cc c



Analyzing Einsteinrsquos BS math Equation

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
  • Slide 4
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Page 77: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

Using SM math a logical answer can be obtained

Cannot multiply a subtraction operator times a direction in space

Can only subtract and change its direction

Cannot multiply a direction to the left times a direction to the right

Cannot multiply opposite directions in space

Can only solve for the resultant






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 78: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic






sub of a dir to the left is a dir to the right

1 resultant 0 sub 2

2sub 2


09 09

09 amp 091

09 09 18 1


(09) amp (09)1

c cV

c cc

c c cV






SM math predicts a logical answer using logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 79: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

21st century scientists state in many articles that Einsteins General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics are incompatible

They are not only incompatible they are both mathematically incorrect

They both use illogical BS math

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 80: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

Any equations in math that use imaginary numbers should be abandoned

Imaginary numbers are only necessary in the current BS math system

This means that Schroumldingers equations should be abandoned

Any equation in quantum mechanics that uses imaginary number should be abandoned

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 81: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

Prof Kanarev has developed logical physics and chemistrytheories without the use of Quantum mechanics or relativity

A partial list of his theories coverbull Mechanics ndash replaces Newtonbull Photon - bull Electrons ndash Protons- Neutronsbull Spectroscopybull Nucleusbull Atoms amp Moleculesbull Electrodynamicsbull Heatbull Curvature of Space ndash replaces Schwarzcchildrsquos equation

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 82: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

Kanarevrsquos Hypothesis

bull Electron align linearly with proton They do NOT spin or form clouds around the nucleus

bull Neutrons are in the center of atom Proton are outside of Neutrons

bull The wavelength of all particles is the experimental radius

bull Double slit experiment explained correctly

bull Heisenbergrsquos inequality explained correctly

bull is the radius of approach of the magnetic lines around the torus of the electron

( 1 137)

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 83: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

bull Why water expands when it freezes

bull Electron clusters form lightning

rbull The meaning of Plancks constant is explained

22 2 kg m

h m f mr f consts

2210254 42m r kgm bull If the mr-constant describes a ring the equations

describe experiments bull If the mr-constant describes a wave the equations do

NOT describe experiments

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 84: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

Kanarevrsquos 5 Equations of Mechanics

Kanarevrsquos 1st Equation Acceleration ampmv maMma R R

Kanarevrsquos 2nd Equation Uniform motion amp mv maMma R R

maM mvR R

Kanarevrsquos 3rd Equation

Kanarevrsquos 4th Equation Equal and opposite reaction

1 21 21 2


a m

m a m ama

Kanarevrsquos 5th Equation 1 2 3 Mi M M M Mna R R R R R

The sum of the Actions working on a moving body is never equal to zero

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 85: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

Kanarevrsquos Photon model is a rolling ring

His equations accurately describe known experiments with photonsbull Electromagnetic radiation should be called photon radiationbull Diffraction and interference are the same phenomenabull Correctly explains the double slit experiment without quantum equationsbull Correctly explains the meaning of Heisenbergrsquos inequality


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 86: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic


2 (2)(3142)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

R 2426 12 137mag


r m



Magnetic action


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 87: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic


The intensity of the magnetic action near the geometrical center of the proton ring is so great that we theorize that it is the strong nuclear force

(9383 8)(1602 19)8476 14

4 (4)(3142)(1411 26)p




(9395 8)(1602 19)1035 15

4 (4)(3142)(0966 26)N





1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 88: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

1a Hydrogenavi







H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 89: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic






H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 90: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic





H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 91: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic




H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 92: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic



H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 93: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic


H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 94: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

H2O H2O Cluster

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 95: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

There are 82gt22 (82000000000000000000000) free electrons in each cubic centimeter of a copper wire

Since no protons are free there cannot be an Attractive charge action proton potential in a wire

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 96: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

There are no protons present at one plate and electrons present at the other plate

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 97: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

Temperature Radius of Photons Equation 0 0(0 ) (27315 )AC T


2898 310609555 6



mTr m


0 0(1 ) (27415 )AС T 1

2898 310570855 6


o oC

mTr m


0 020 (68 ) 29315o

AC F T 20

2898 39885 6



mTr m


0 030 (86 ) 30315oAC F T


2898 39560 6



mTr m


0 0 0[100 (212 ) 37315 ]AC F T 100

2898 37766 6

37315o C

mKr m



0 0 0[(1000 )(1832 ) 127315 ]AC F T 1000

2898 32276 6



mTr m


0 0 0[(1500 )(2732 ) 177315 ]AC F T 1500

2898 31634 6


o oC

mTr m


0 0 0[(2000 )(3632 ) 227315 ]AC F T 2000

2898 31275 6


o oC

mTr m



0 0 0(0 2000 )(27315 227315 )oAto C to T

Temperatures between are formed with photons from the infra-red range As the temperature increase the radiuses of the photons decrease

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 98: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons

What is the exact radius of the photons that form the (highest) temperature felt as heat Modern science has no exact answer to this question We can only theorize that lsquoHEATrsquo is formed by photons which are emitted by electrons during the synthesis of atoms and molecules The border for the smallest radius of these photons is not established yet We theorize that it is in an interval of the ultra-violet range Since the shortest know radiuses (X and gamma photons) are emitted by nuclear synthesis they do not participate in heat formation Temperature (felt as HEAT by humans) is formed by photon emission from electrons If gamma photons participated in formation of heat the greatest possible temperature would be equal


2898 3 2898 31 15 1000000000000000

3 18oA A

A AmT mT

T T Tr m


If such a temperature existed it would destroy molecules atoms and the nucleus of all atoms

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 99: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

Schwarzschildrsquos (incorrect) radius equation


2 g



Kanarevrsquos correct equation

1(1087148751 14)


g photon



Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 100: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

Schwarzschild 3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(297 3182 19


M kgD

R m



(403) 1


3 33

3 (3)(2 30 )

4 (4)(314)(439 )565 27red


M kgD

R m



(404) 2


3 33 3

3 (3)(2 30 )276 35 (

4 (4)(314)(553 32 Kanrev error



M kg kgD

R m m



(405) 3


Kanarevrsquos 3 33

3 (3)(2 30)

4 (4)(314)(154 8)013 54gamma






(406) 5


Fernandesrsquo (18 36 9) 3 3

3 (3)(2 30)265 81

4 (4)(314)(18 17)rg







Nuclear density is around3

(12 24) 17kg

m 8

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 101: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

If the Sun were compressed to ( )( 439 )g redR m (equation 400) its gravitational attraction would

detain only radiation of the far infra-red spectrum Shorter wavelengths will not be detained If photons of gamma radiation were detained the gravitational radius of the Sun would have to

be ( )( 154 8 )g gammaR m (equation 402) This would not be possible because the density of

the Sun (equation 406) would be 37 orders more dense than the nucleus of atoms

Only one type of Black-hole can be all black That is one with a gravitational attraction strong enough to detain the highest energy gamma photons All other Black-holes should have colors which vary with the change of wavelengths of the photons which cannot be detained The order should be infra-red light ultra-violet x-ray and finally gamma photons

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 102: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

Mass is Frequency of an Elementary Particle All known experiments have produced answers that agree with the following equations ( ) ( )( )(distance)mad Action mass acceleration

( )mad

( ) ( ) (constant)(frequency)mad hf

(1) 2( ) ( )(constant)mad mc mass


c f rf (3)

Equating (1) and (2) 2( )m h c f Mass = (constant)(frequency of one particle)

Plankrsquos constant 6626069 34 HBCP 662603(11) 57(29)69 34 codatah Js h Js




6626069 34( )( ) ( )6626069 347372496 51

(299792458 8 ) 898755179 16


Kgmm sh Js s kgs

m mcs s

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 103: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

Equating (1)(2) and (3)

2 2


expexp exp

1 6626069 34 22102 42

299792458 8

h h c h h JsM f mr kgm

mr c r cc cs

All mass is built from one elementary particle a ( 737 51 )kg particle

All mass is in relative motion with other mass Time is a description invented to measure the relative movement between different particles of

mass Energy is a term invented to describe what happens when masses interact Energy is a

description Mass does not convert to energy and energy does not convert to mass The word ldquoEnergyrdquo will be replaced with an Action involving mass acceleration and distance ( )mad

When the motion of masses interacts they change to different motions of masses These different mass forms can be measured and their changes in momentum can be measured When the change produces photon particles they have been incorrectly labeled as ldquoEnergyrdquo

Mass Frequency Frequency is a rotation per second

If ( )f is set to one rotation per second (737249638 51 )(1kgs rot s the equation predicts that the

7372496 51kg particle is the elementary mass out of which all mass is made

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 104: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

27372496 51 07372496 50

hKgs kg


2 07372496 50 second

m m rotationsf

h kgsc

22 392984064 11

0737249638 50 s

kg rotf


Kanarev Smallest measurable photon

24241 35328803 15

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


13598443ev photon 2424143lt35kg

91093897 31123559 20

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


05109906 6eV electron


16726230 27226873 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


93827241gt6eV proton 1672623lt27kg

16749286 272271858 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


9395656gt6eV neutron 1674928lt27kg

334357629 27226750117 23

(07372496 50 ) )2( s

kg rotf


(Deuterium nucleus) Proton+Neutron

22102 42mr kgm

334357629 274535202583 23

(07372496 50 ( ) s1)

kg rotf



22102 42mr kgm

223368 253029747 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


1243gt9eV Higgs Boson 2215849lt25 kg

256482lt25347890 25

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


144gt11eV Fermi Lab particle 2567033lt25kg

5703889152 1677367 34

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


320gt20eV highest eV particle measured 5704518lt16kg

1859222909 925218 41

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


10429476 27eV Fernandes 1859223lt9kg

2176450474 8295212 42

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


Planck limit

78434 28106387 23

07372496 50 s

kg rotf


classical radius of an electron

This frequency and radius are not a particle radius

This mass does not exist

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 105: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

308 Is there experimental evidences that an electron has the so-called classic radius of an electron A No experiments do not exist From Questions and Answers of Kanarev Page 95 Electrons-Protons-Neutrons JK ET and Rewrite The handbook of Chemistry and Physics shows the classical radius of the electron as (2817 15 )m Kanarevs theory shows this to be the radius of approach of the magnetic force lines around the torus ring of the electron ( )magr This is confirmed by calculating the dimensionless fine structure constant

( ) (which is equal to the circumference of the inner circle (2 )magr divided by the experimentally

measured radius of the electron exp( )R


2 (2)(314)(2817 15 ) 10007297352568

2426 12 137036magr m

R m


Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 106: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

Kg Rotationsec meters experimental classical rmag mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3) 427E-41 5791781E+09 517617E-02 221022E-42 256717E-45 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 221022E-42 256717E-45 136eV photon 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 221022E-42 256717E-45 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 221022E-42 256717E-45 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 221022E-42 256717E-45 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 221022E-42 256717E-45

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 221022E-42 256717E-45 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 221022E-42 256717E-45 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Higgs125gt9eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 221022E-42 256717E-45 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387494E-27 221022E-42 256717E-45 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 221022E-42 256717E-45 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 221022E-42 256717E-45 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr mr(11615lt3)

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 107: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f 222E-39 298E+11 100E-03 6626069E-34 smallest photon

242414E-35 328809E+15 911753E-08 6626069E-34 Photon 136eV 91094E-31 123559E+20 242631E-12 6626069E-34 electron 0511gt6eV 891331E-30 120899E+21 247968E-13 6626069E-34 up quark

178266E-29 241799E+21 123984E-13 6626069E-34 down quark 188356E-28 255485E+22 117343E-14 6626069E-34 muon

240606E-28 326356E+22 918606E-15 6626069E-34 meson 248806E-28 337479E+22 88833E-15 6626069E-34 meson 356532E-28 483598E+22 619921E-15 6626069E-34 strange quark

880118E-28 119379E+23 251128E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887249E-28 120346E+23 249109E-15 6626069E-34 meson 887177E-28 120336E+23 249129E-15 6626069E-34 meson 978325E-28 132699E+23 225919E-15 6626069E-34 meson 16726E-27 22687E+23 132143E-15 6626069E-34 Proton 938gt6eV

167491E-27 227183E+23 131961E-15 6626069E-34 Neutron 939gt6eV 198872E-27 269748E+23 111138E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon

212033E-27 2876E+23 104239E-15 6626069E-34 hyperon 212579E-27 28834E+23 103972E-15 6626069E-34 21347E-27 289549E+23 103538E-15 6626069E-34

231746E-27 314339E+23 953725E-16 6626069E-34 charm quark 234367E-27 317893E+23 943061E-16 6626069E-34

235543E-27 319489E+23 93835E-16 6626069E-34 298061E-27 404288E+23 741532E-16 6626069E-34 hyperon

802198E-27 10881E+24 27552E-16 6626069E-34 bottom quark 143201E-25 194237E+25 154344E-17 6626069E-34 W

162556E-25 220489E+25 135967E-17 6626069E-34 Z 223368E-25 302974E+25 989499E-18 6626069E-34 Higgs 125eV

256482E-25 347890E+25 861745E-18 6626069E-34 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 311966E-25 423148E+25 708481E-18 6626069E-34 top quark

570389E-16 77367E+34 387493E-27 6626069E-34 Gamma 320gt20eV 185922E-09 25218E+41 118879E-33 6626069E-34 186ltkg 1043gt27eV 217645E-08 29521E+42 101552E-34 6626071E-34 Planck limits

mass frequency radius r=cf mr2f

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 108: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

frequency radius r=cf rf=C 299792458 8c m s 5791781E+09 517617E-02 2997925E+08 smallest photon

328809E+15 911753E-08 2997925E+08 136eV photon 123559E+20 242631E-12 2997925E+08 electron 0511gt6eV 120899E+21 247968E-13 2997925E+08 up quark

241799E+21 123984E-13 2997925E+08 down quark 255485E+22 117343E-14 2997925E+08 muon

326356E+22 918606E-15 2997925E+08 meson 337479E+22 88833E-15 2997925E+08 meson 483598E+22 619921E-15 2997925E+08 strange quark

119379E+23 251128E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120346E+23 249109E-15 2997925E+08 meson 120336E+23 249129E-15 2997925E+08 meson 132699E+23 225919E-15 2997925E+08 meson 22687E+23 132143E-15 2997925E+08 Proton 938gt6eV

227183E+23 131961E-15 2997925E+08 Neutron 939gt6eV 269748E+23 111138E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon

2876E+23 104239E-15 2997925E+08 hyperon 28834E+23 103972E-15 2997925E+08 289549E+23 103538E-15 2997925E+08

314339E+23 953725E-16 2997925E+08 charm quark 317893E+23 943061E-16 2997925E+08

319489E+23 93835E-16 2997925E+08 404288E+23 741532E-16 2997925E+08 hyperon

10881E+24 27552E-16 2997925E+08 bottom quark 194237E+25 154344E-17 2997925E+08 W

220489E+25 135967E-17 2997925E+08 Z 302974E+25 989499E-18 2997925E+08 Higgs 125eV

347890E+25 861745E-18 2997925E+08 Fermi labs 144gt9eV 423148E+25 708481E-18 2997925E+08 top quark

77367E+34 387493E-27 2997925E+08 Gamma 320gt20eV 25218E+41 118879E-33 2997925E+08 1043gt27eV 186lt9kg

29521E+42 101552E-34 2997925E+08 Planck limits

frequency radius r=cf rf=C

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 109: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

Savior Borg

Two helix makes a mass particle


Kanarevrsquos Photon Model

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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Page 110: SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall Breaking the Broken-Symmetry (BS) Math’s Dash (-), Cross (+) Codes Symmetry Math and Logic

My website Symmetrymathcomis my interpretation of the Authorrsquos I have referenced

I do not claim that any of these authors will agree withmy interpretations

I leave it to anyone who visits my site to decide the logicof my interpretation

  • SYMMETRY MATH (SM) By Jack Kuykendall
  • Why is Symmetry Math Needed
  • From ldquoWhat Is Mathematicsrdquo by Courant and Robbins ndash page 55 Th
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