1 Symmetric and Asymmetric US Sector Return Volatilities in Presence of Oil, Financial and Economic Risks Shawkat Hammoudeh a Yuan Yuan b Thomas Chiang c Mohan Nandha d, * Abstract. This paper examines the impacts of world, country, and sector-specific variables on the stock return volatility of twenty-seven US sectors in the short-and long-run, accounting for the asymmetric shocks based on GARCH models. In the standard GARCH model the two world variables, oil and MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital Index), have differing impacts on the US equity sector returns’ volatility, with oil price dampening it while MSCI heightening it for most sectors. This result underlines the need for hedging more against world capital market risk relative to oil risk which is probably hedged by many sectors. The world and country factors’ impacts are not as pervasive across the board, compared with the sector-specific impacts of the P/B ratio and trading volume which affect almost all sectors. Increases in the P/B ratio would reduce the aggregate volatility, while increases in the trading volume would heighten it for all sectors. Asymmetry of factor impacts on volatility is also found for most sectors. Most of the GARCH factor results are confirmed in the CGARCH model with the exception of the impact of interest rate on the short-lived transitory volatility. Finally, interesting econometric results on the inclusion or exclusion of trading volumes are discussed. JEL Classification: C22, G12 Key words: Volatility, GARCH; Trading Volume a,b,c LeBow College of Business, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A. a [email protected] b [email protected] c [email protected] d Accounting and Finance, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. Phone : +613 9904 4610 ; E-mail: [email protected] * Corresponding author.

Symmetric and Asymmetric US Sector Return Volatilities in

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Page 1: Symmetric and Asymmetric US Sector Return Volatilities in


Symmetric and Asymmetric US Sector Return Volatilities

in Presence of Oil, Financial and Economic Risks

Shawkat Hammoudeha

Yuan Yuanb

Thomas Chiangc

Mohan Nandhad, *

Abstract. This paper examines the impacts of world, country, and sector-specific variables on the stock return volatility of twenty-seven US sectors in the short-and long-run, accounting for the asymmetric shocks based on GARCH models. In the standard GARCH model the two world variables, oil and MSCI (Morgan Stanley Capital Index), have differing impacts on the US equity sector returns’ volatility, with oil price dampening it while MSCI heightening it for most sectors. This result underlines the need for hedging more against world capital market risk relative to oil risk which is probably hedged by many sectors. The world and country factors’ impacts are not as pervasive across the board, compared with the sector-specific impacts of the P/B ratio and trading volume which affect almost all sectors. Increases in the P/B ratio would reduce the aggregate volatility, while increases in the trading volume would heighten it for all sectors. Asymmetry of factor impacts on volatility is also found for most sectors. Most of the GARCH factor results are confirmed in the CGARCH model with the exception of the impact of interest rate on the short-lived transitory volatility. Finally, interesting econometric results on the inclusion or exclusion of trading volumes are discussed. JEL Classification: C22, G12

Key words: Volatility, GARCH; Trading Volume a,b,c LeBow College of Business, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A. a [email protected] b [email protected] c [email protected] d Accounting and Finance, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. Phone : +613 9904 4610 ; E-mail: [email protected] * Corresponding author.

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I. Introduction

In the last two decades, world financial markets have been experiencing erratic

volatility at certain times as witnessed by the stock market crash in 1987, the Asian

crisis in 1997, the collapse of dotcom stocks in 2000, and the recent Chinese market

spillover in 2007. To address these unpredictable excess risks, both financial

institutions and regulatory agencies have developed various risk management

techniques to deal with extreme market movements in order to protect investors’


In attempting to provide better explanations of the stock volatile movements and

better predictions of the volatility, several approaches have been advanced in the

empirical studies. First, conditional variance models have been developed to fit

clustering volatility (Bollerslev et al., 1992; Nelson, 1991, Glosten et al., 1993, Ding

et al., 1993, Engle, 1995, 2002). A more recent brand of these models pays particular

attention to the asymmetrical impact on stock return volatility.1 Second, a larger set of

economic variables and more efficient econometric techniques are employed in

modeling stock return series in order to reduce the model uncertainty. For instance, in

explaining the stock return, Avramov (2001) and Ludvigson and Ng (2007) construct

some risk factors that comprise a large amount of information by using Bayesian

approach to gain estimation efficiency. Third, in addition to the conditional volatility

that employs the GARCH-type models, attempts have been made to link stock

volatility to various economic fundamental risks, including sector, industry or firm

risks (Fama and French, 1992, 1995) and macro economic volatility (Schwert, 1989;

Errunza and Hogan, 1998; Flannery and Protopapadakis, 1999). The fourth approach

is to find a better measurement of the risk variables to validate the test equation.

1 See Engle (1995) for a collection of ARCH models

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Andersen el al. (2004) and Ghysels et al (2005) suggest the use of high frequency

data, while Andersen et al (2003), Andersen et al (2004), and Engle et al. (2006)

suggest employing alternative definitions to measure volatility.

Motivated by the established literature particularly the approach that links stock

volatility to various economic fundamental risks, this paper’s purpose is to extend the

research by linking sector stock volatility to a broader scope of information set

pertinent to policy analysis and global environment. Particularly, the paper

emphasizes the role of the oil risk on return volatility of equity sectors of the US

economy, given the recent surge in oil prices. Moreover, in addition to the sector-

specific factors, price-book ratio and liquidity effect (Fama and French, 1996;

Lamoureux and Lastrapes, 1990), we add macro economic variable (Schwert, 1989),

and global market volatility (Engle et al., 1990, 1995; Hamao, 1990) into the model.

Thus, the model incorporates sectors’ volatility, country factors (macroeconomic

variables), and world factors into a unified framework. Our empirical research is

connected to a large body of the literature examining the relationship between the

stock return volatility and the underlying economic fundamentals. Thus, this paper is

not an exercise that tests new techniques.

In sum, the paper provides empirical evidence on stock return volatility behavior

by incorporating the presence of world, country and sector risks. Specifically, the

purpose of the paper is five-fold:

1. to examine the responsiveness of the stock return volatility of twenty seven

US sectors to the common variables: oil price, world market index, and short-

term interest rate;

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2. to measure the impacts of the fundamental (sector-specific) variables, namely

book/price ratio and trading volume, on the return volatility of those US


3. to examine the significance of trading volume and whether including trading

volume reduces the volatility persistence rate;

4. to assess whether the volatility-volume relationship is significant for both the

transitory and permanent components of volatility; and

5. to assess the asymmetric effects in oil price, federal funds rate and trading

volatility on the transitory component of stock return volatility.

This paper is organized as follows. Following this introduction, section II

describes the variables’ selection and related literature, and section III discusses the

data. Section IV presents the methodology. Section V presents the empirical findings

and analyzes the results. Section VI concludes.

II. Variables’ Selection and Literature Review

The rationales for the variable selection are briefly stated as follows. The Price-

Book ratio (P/B) provides a measure to assess the value of a stock.2 A high P/B ratio

reflects that investors have high expectations for the company. A lower P/B ratio may

signify that the stock is undervalued or something is fundamentally unfavorable with

the company. Fama and French (1995) find correlation between P/B ratio, future

ROE, and future stock return. Danielson and Dowdell (2001) further confirm that a

firm’s P/B ratio can predict the future cash flow pattern earned by a firm. In other

2 P/B is calculated by dividing the current price of a company's stock times its shares outstanding (market capitalization) by its last quarter's book value. Book value is assets less liabilities which is equivalent to book value of equity. A P/B ratio represents the market value for every dollar of tangible assets.

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studies, Fama and French (1993, 1996) and Avramov (2002) consistently show that

P/B has significant information content for predicting stock return.

In a related literature, it has been documented that the return volatility is positively

related to trading volume. Clark (1973) observes that the variances of stock returns

and trading volumes are both driven by the same latent variable measuring the

number of information arrivals hitting market. The arrivals of news generate price

changes which are accompanied by changes of trading-volume in the market as the

volume adjusts to new equilibrium. A more recent study of volatility-volume behavior

is based on the GARCH model. Lamoureux and Lastrapes (1990) insert the

contemporaneous trading volume in the variance equation of the GARCH model for

20 openly traded individual stocks and find this variable to have a significant

additional explanatory power in determining volatility. Additional evidence is

supported by Wagner and Marsh (2005) who show that surprise volume has a

significant power in predicting stock return volatility. However, as expounded by

Longin (1997), return volatility, volume, and liquidity are all positively related to

each other, although these variables may be associated with different trading

processes. To some extent, the trading volume can be set up as a proxy of liquidity,

which has the advantage of being easy to measure. Based on information we

observed, it is appealing to incorporate trading volume in test equations.

The interest rate has long been considered as an effective financial variable that

affects the discount factor, costs of borrowing, liquidity, and portfolio allocation. In

addition to its function as an indicator of liquidity of financial markets, it is frequently

used by the Fed as a policy instrument to control and stabilize the financial markets

and economic activity. As evident by Fama’s research, the short-term interest rate

can also be used as a proxy for the prediction of future inflation rate. As a result,

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change of interest rate will have an effect on the discount factor and/or future cash

flows. McQueen and Roley (1993) argue that macroeconomic news such as interest

rate may also have a nonlinear effect on stock returns. Therefore, it would be

interesting to discern how this macro factor affects volatility at the sector level.

With rapid advancement of high-tech and IT devices, any economic news or

financial announcements in a particular agent will be disseminated to global markets

shortly, causing volatility spillover. Ross (1989) argues that market volatility is

related to the information flows, suggesting that information from one stock market

can be incorporated into the volatility process of another stock market. King and

Wadhwani (1990) propose a “market contagion” hypothesis and argue that trading of

stocks in one market per se affects stock prices in other markets, even if the source of

the trading is purely noise. Hamao et al (1990), Karolyi and Stulz (1996), and Chen et

al (2004) find evidence consistent with this interpretation. It is of interest to point out

that the evidence derived from the cross market studies is mainly from the US market

to foreign markets (Masih and Masih, 2001). No significant evidence is found for the

feedback from foreign markets to the US sector markets. In our model, however, we

focus on whether the world stock returns have significant effect on the US sector

markets by employing more recent data. 3

The daily headline news suggests that oil price movements have a significant

effect on production as oil products are related to a huge array of by-products ranging

from aviation, plastic, to medicine. Thus, a rise in oil prices causes higher production

costs, jeopardizing future profits. The oil price also has a direct impact on consumer

spending; its fluctuations would further affect consumer confidence, future income

3 On February 28, 2007, the Chinese stock market dropped by about 8.5 percent. The next day the US Dow Jones Industrial Index dropped by about 420 points.

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streams and portfolio allocations, leading to stock return volatility. Mork et al (1994)

contend that a rise in oil price produces a negative impact on real output. Jones and

Kaul (1996) also find that a rise in oil price negatively influences the aggregate stock

market returns in Canada, Japan, United Kingdom and the United States due to its

adverse effect on their economies. Using the GARCH model, Hammoudeh et al

(2004) examine the effect of oil price shocks on five US S&P oil sector index

volatilities and report that that oil prices have strong impact on the oil sectors’

volatility. Similar results are found in the studies on the firm’s level by Faff and

Brailsford (1999) and Boyer and Filion (2006), among others. In light of the above

reported evidence, it would be interesting to determine how the oil shocks affect the

return volatility, sector by sector.

In addition to the search for appropriate variables to be used to explain sector

stock return and volatility, this study also addresses to the issues that grasp recent

empirical attention. First, it is recognized that financial market stability depends very

much on the persistence of volatility. It is natural to inquire whether the volatile

movement of stock return is temporary or permanent. This motivates us to construct

a conditional model based on the component GARCH (CGARCH) features as

proposed by Engle and Lee (1999). Second, as we observed investors’ behavior, the

reaction to a negative shock is often more profound than to an equal amount of

positive shock. This asymmetrical effect has become an empirical regularity in

studying stock return volatility series. Evidence from Nelson (1991), Engle et al

(1993), Glosten et al (1993) and Bekaert and Wu (2000) well justifies this market


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III. The Data

In this paper, we use daily DataStream ‘total return’ indices for twenty seven US

sectors as classified by the Industrial Classification Benchmark (ICB) which is based

on a 4-tier hierarchy4. The sample covers the daily period from January 2, 1989

through October 3, 2006. Total return indices' series measure growth in value of a

vector of assets holding over a specified period of time, assuming that dividends are

re-invested to purchase additional units at the closing price applicable on the ex-

dividend date. As indicated in the introductory section, the regressors in the estimated

equations include two world variables: the oil price and the Morgan Stanley Capital

Index; one country index, the federal funds rate; and two domestic sector variables,

the price–to-book value and the trading volume. The spot price for oil (OIL, hence

after) is the price quoted for immediate delivery of WTI crude at Cushing, Oklahoma,

and is expressed in U.S. dollars per barrel. Data for the WTI price is accessed from

the EIA website. The daily federal funds rate (FFR) is obtained from the database of

the Federal Reserve Bank of Saint Louis. The financial ratio P/B (PB) and the trading

volume (VO) are obtained from DataStream.

The descriptive statistics reported in Table 1 suggest that the General Finance

equity sector has the highest average return, while Support Services has the lowest

return among all the domestic equity sectors considered during the sample period. On

the other hand, the highly cyclical Technology Hardware & Equipment has the

greatest return volatility, while Electricity, Food Producers, and Real Estate have the

lowest volatility as measured by the standard deviation.

4 Industries, supersectors, sectors and subsectors. The inclusion of sectors is bounded by the availability of data on P/B ratio. DataStream provides the “price indices” and the “total return indices”; the latter assumes the incorporation of dividend re-investment and thus is the better measurement. Total return index is not return index

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Table 1: Descriptive Statistics of 27 Sector Stock Indices

Industries RETURN DPB DVO Mean SD Kurt. C.V. Mean SD Kurt. Mean SD Kurt.

Beverages 5.01E-04 0.012 7.11 24.31 1.80E-04 0.014 13.21 6.30E-04 0.305 5.28

Chemicals 3.91E-04 0.012 7.18 30.76 1.27E-04 0.014 37.16 4.58E-04 0.259 6.68

Construction & Materials 3.85E-04 0.013 6.94 34.48 1.67E-04 0.047 678.55 6.97E-04 0.339 4.93

Electronic & Electrical Eq. 5.90E-04 0.014 7.47 23.93 1.10E-04 0.015 10.79 6.44E-04 0.276 6.24

Electricity 3.93E-04 0.009 11.46 23.52 1.58E-04 0.010 13.46 3.93E-04 0.257 6.66

Food & Drug Retailers 4.13E-04 0.011 11.45 26.89 -6.79E-05 0.013 16.74 7.42E-04 0.299 5.86

Food Producers 4.42E-04 0.009 8.97 20.50 5.18E-05 0.011 22.09 5.68E-04 0.262 6.28

Fixed Line Tele. 2.84E-04 0.013 7.81 45.54 1.23E-04 0.017 81.84 8.16E-04 0.308 7.78

General Financial 6.61E-04 0.014 6.37 21.62 1.38E-04 0.016 12.17 7.39E-04 0.269 6.21

Gas, Water & Multiutilities 3.69E-04 0.011 10.57 30.01 1.14E-04 0.010 12.57 7.49E-04 0.314 5.84

Healthcare Eq. & Services 5.86E-04 0.011 7.36 18.94 2.10E-04 0.012 18.54 8.76E-04 0.263 6.89

Industrial Engineering 5.11E-04 0.012 5.96 22.81 1.80E-04 0.014 13.43 5.02E-04 0.295 6.39

Industrial Transportation 3.96E-04 0.012 9.12 30.73 1.58E-04 0.013 22.04 6.18E-04 0.288 6.05

Industrial Metals 3.86E-04 0.017 6.25 43.34 1.82E-04 0.020 103.38 9.65E-04 0.343 5.17

Leisure Goods 3.94E-04 0.011 7.83 28.20 1.35E-04 0.017 95.58 4.28E-04 0.279 5.43

Life Insurance 6.24E-04 0.012 8.57 19.18 1.60E-04 0.014 30.98 7.81E-04 0.353 5.68

Nonlife Insurance 5.11E-04 0.010 8.46 20.39 9.84E-05 0.013 56.96 7.43E-04 0.329 172.58

Oil & Gas Producers 4.92E-04 0.012 5.63 25.31 1.06E-04 0.014 43.19 7.38E-04 0.265 6.65

Oil Eq. & Services 4.58E-04 0.017 4.95 37.08 1.46E-04 0.019 8.72 1.04E-03 0.337 5.65

Personal Goods 5.44E-04 0.012 29.79 21.69 1.70E-04 0.012 17.87 4.80E-04 0.307 11.00

Pharm. & Biotech. 5.38E-04 0.013 6.34 24.07 1.67E-05 0.015 33.26 7.96E-04 0.258 6.19

Real Estate 4.95E-04 0.009 7.90 19.07 1.49E-04 0.010 107.86 1.02E-03 0.375 5.87

Software & Computer Services 5.99E-04 0.017 7.02 29.09 2.10E-04 0.018 14.39 8.27E-04 0.263 7.48

Support Services 2.49E-04 0.011 10.52 45.94 1.27E-04 0.013 21.84 9.17E-04 0.318 9.32

Tech Hardware & Eq. 4.22E-04 0.019 7.57 45.82 1.72E-04 0.022 12.64 8.84E-04 0.255 6.55

Tobacco 6.27E-04 0.018 17.31 28.06 1.06E-04 0.019 26.43 8.19E-04 0.390 5.53

Travel & Leisure 4.40E-04 0.014 13.85 32.21 1.86E-04 0.014 31.82 1.06E-03 0.293 6.36

DOIL 2.66E-04 0.025 24.41 92.43

DFFR -1.17E-04 0.051 25.85 -438.86

DMSCI 2.21E-04 0.008 14.15 37.44

Notes: The data consist of 27 sector stock indices. Mean is average value, SD stands for standard deviation and Kurt for kurtosis. The daily sample period is from January 2, 1989 to October 3, 2006.

PBD denotes the change in the ( P/B) ratio, VOD is the change in trading volume SD is standard deviation and Kurt is Kurtosis.

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If P/B value is of interest, the Software & Computer Services equity sector has the

highest average positive percentage change, whereas the defensive Food & Drug

Retailers sector has the lowest average percentage increase. These figures reflect

different valuation expectations by investors on different sectors. When it comes to

sectoral volatility of the P/B ratio, Technology Hardware & Equipment has the

highest volatility as against the lowest volatility from the Gas, Water & Multiutilies


With respect to the trading volume change, the Travel & Leisure equity sector has

the highest average percentage increase, while Electricity has the lowest increase.

Additionally, trading volume has the highest volatility among all of the variables

under investigation. Note that the stocks in the Tobacco sector have the highest

volume volatility, whereas Electricity has the lowest. It would be interesting to see

how the percentage changes in trading volume affect those sectors’ return volatilities.

MSCI has both lower average return and volatility as compared with US sectors’

stock returns. The oil average return is close to the lowest return of all the domestic

sectors, but its volatility is higher than those in other sectors.

For the federal funds rate the average rate return is negative, indicting that a

relatively easy monetary policy has been adopted for most of the sample period.

However, its volatility is double that of the oil price. This ironically signifies this

source of uncertainty on stock return volatility.

Most of the industries’ returns and the independent variables have a kurtosis that

is substantially greater than 3, indicating high excess kurtosis. Personal Goods has the

highest return kurtosis (29.79) followed by Tobacco (17.31), while Oil Equipment &

Services has the lowest. The financial ratio P/B percentage change has the highest

kurtosis in Construction & Materials. The P/B’s kurtosis is generally much higher

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than that of the average change in the trading volume which has its highest kurtosis in

Non Life Insurance. Oil price and federal funds rate have almost the same kurtosis.

Overall, the kurtosis statistics imply that volatility persistence is present in most

sectors, which informally points to the possibility of using the GARCH models to

examine volatility.

IV. The Models

As described in the introductory section, the purpose of the paper is to

examine the characteristics of the return volatility behavior of the US domestic equity

sectors in response to the sector financial fundamentals, interest rate, oil shocks, and

world stock return based on GARCH-type specifications5,6. To learn the marginal

impact, empirical work will be carried out by adding incremental variables as well as

changing econometric specifications. We start the models by specifying mean-

equation for each of the sector return series as:

R it = 0ip + tiitiiti ZR epp +D+- 211 , (1) where itR is the return on the ith sector stock between day t-1 and t; 0ip is the long-term

drift; 1ip and 2ip are constant parameters; AR(1) is added to the mean equation to

capture the partial adjustment of some degree of market friction. Empirically, it is

based on the AIC criterion to decide the lag length. DZit represents the first difference

of the exogenous variables that include common economic factors and sector-specific

5 We tried to estimate the EGARCH to detect the presence of leverage effect in daily sectoral data. The MlE did not converge for eleven of the twenty seven industries. We found the leverage effect present in ten of the remaining sixteen industries. Due to the convergence problem and space consideration, we opted not to include the EGARCH model in this study. 6 Before we estimate any of the GARCH family models we must check for the presence of the ARCH effect. We started these models by estimating the PGARCH which should nest GARCH. The results indicate that most of the industries have a power of 2, which justifies using GARCH.

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variables; and ite is the error term for the ith sector return at day t.7 DZit is partitioned

into two subsets (DZ1t, DZ2it), where the former subset contains the world and country

factors DMSCIt, DOILt and DFFRt, while the latter includes the sector-specific

variables DPBit and DVOit. In expression, we write:

DZit = (DR w

t , DOILt ; DFFRt, DPBit, DVOit) (2)

where DR w

t is world stock return, which is proxied by DMSCIt, the first log-difference

of Morgan Stanley Capital Index; DOILt is the first log-difference of the spot price

WTI crude oil; DFFRt denotes the first difference of the federal funds rate,

representing the monetary policy effect; DPBi is the difference of the P/B ratio that

captures Tobin-Q effect; DVOi is the first log-difference of trading volume; ite | It – 1 ~

N(0, 2its ); N ( . ) represents the conditional normal density with mean 0 and variance

2its , and It –1 is the information set available up to time t –1.

To highlight different features of the volatility, we consider an Asymmetric Power

GARCH (APGARCH) proposed by Ding et al (1993) because of its generality. This

model is expressed as:


ds , = iw + 1 1( ) ii t i t

da e g e- -- + itii

dsb 1, - + i itZl D (3)

where iti

ds , stands for the conditional variance for sector i, 1, -tie is the shock term

from the previous period, di denotes the power of conditional variance to measure

volatility duration, ai and bi are the constant coefficient effects for ARCH and

GAECH, gi denotes the asymmetric effect of lagged shock on the conditional variance,

7 The unit root tests show that all the variables including the trading volume are integrated of degree one based on the ADF and PP tests. Therefore we will use the first log differences.

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and DZit represents a vector of exogenous variables stated in Eq. (2). If di = 2, ig = 0,

and 0=il , this model collapses to GARCH(1,1)8. Further, if di = 2 and il = 0, this

model reduces to GJR- GARCH(1,1) model. In this variance equation, the sum of the

coefficients of GARCH components measures the degree of convergence to long-run

equilibrium or volatility persistence of the ith sector in this model.

V. Empirical Results

We present in this section the estimation results of the variance equation in each of

the two GARCH type models for the twenty seven US sectors. In the standard

GARCH model, we focus on the general behavior of the sector aggregate volatility

relative to multiple risks and on the econometric implications of adding the trading

volume to the variance equation in terms of MLE convergence, predictive power and

volatility persistence. In the CGARCH model, we distinguish between the

fundamental factors-induced permanent and shocks-induced transitory components of

volatility and we also examine the implications of excluding changes in trading

volume. Additionally, we examine the impacts of the asymmetric shocks of the

common variables on the return volatility for each sector. Finally, we test the

robustness of the estimations of the models for all sectors by dividing the sample

period into two subperiods: January 2, 1989 - December 31, 2003 and January 2, 2004

- October 3, 2006. These additional estimations also allow us to test whether the

conventional wisdom that oil price has negative effects on equity sector return

volatility holds in those two different subperiods. There are those who contend that in

1990's oil price was driven by supply factors, and in turn influenced economic

8 Our estimates indicate that the power in the PARCH model is 2 for most of the sectors. Thus we will move directly to GARCH(1,1).

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activities. But, from 2004 and before the collapse in 2008 oil price has been affected

more by demand than supply factors. Thus, the contention presumes that in the recent

period oil price moves together with economic indices (stock price index, exchange

rate, etc) and other commodity prices.

V.a. The GARCH results

The results of the estimated sector return volatility for the whole sample are

reported in Table 2. As anticipated, the two global variables, oil price and MSCI,

have differing impacts on volatility across different sectors. Interestingly, increases

in the oil price whether favorable or not to sectors9 reduce the return volatility for

most sectors, including the oil sectors, at the 5 percent level of significance, with the

General Finance sector is the most responsive to those increases. However, exceptions

are found for those sectors that use oil intensively. In these sectors, including

Industrial Transportation, Leisure &Travel, Software & Services (at 5% level of

significance), Leisure Goods and Real Estate (at 10% level), an increase in oil price

leads to high volatility. This result was upheld for both subperiods. Results for the

subperiods are available on demand. The dominant (negative) result implies that most

sectors may be able to pass-through the oil price increases to consumers because the

producers in those sectors posses market power in less competitive business

environments, particularly during rising oil prices associated with high economic

growth or due to low price elasticities of demand.

9 An increase in the oil price is usually favorable to returns of the oil-producing and serving sectors, while it is unfavorable to oil-consuming sectors.

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Table 2: The Sectors’ Stock return Volatility for GARCH(1,1) –Whole Sample INDUSTRIES a b a+b DOIL DMSCI DFFR DPB DVO R2

Beverages 0.15 a

0.58 a

0.73 1.02E-05



-5.18E-05 a

2.23E-05 a


Chemicals 0.14 a

0.57 a

0.71 -4.10E-05


-4.72E-05 a


3.50E-05 a


Construction & Materials 0.09 a

0.49 a

0.57 -3.57E-04 b




9.35E-05 a


Electronic & Electrical Eq. 0.07




1.00 8.13E-06









Electricity 0.10 a

0.64 a

0.75 6.95E-06



-3.57E-05 a

4.72E-06 a


Food & Drug Retailers 0.12 a 0.52 a 0.64 2.88E-05 -5.66E-05 1.05E-06 -2.10E-04 a 3.71E-05 a 0.55

Food Producers 0.00 0.82 a 0.82 -1.55E-06 -1.53E-06 4.13E-06 a -2.23E-05 a 4.34E-06 a 0.68

Fixed Line Tele. 0.09 a 0.76 a 0.84 -3.13E-05 a 1.41E-05 -1.47E-05 a -1.40E-05 a 1.48E-05 a 0.59

General Financial 0.14 a

0.57 a

0.71 -3.08E-05

8.19E-05 b


-1.61E-04 a

2.10E-05 a


Gas, Water & Multiutilities 0.13 a

0.52 a

0.65 -1.08E-04

-8.18E-04 a

-5.51E-05 a

-2.40E-04 a

4.90E-05 a


Healthcare Eq. & Services 0.11 a

0.81 a

0.93 -2.83E-05 b

6.18E-05 b

-1.67E-05 a

-8.87E-05 a

9.86E-06 a


Industrial Engineering 0.18 a

0.45 a

0.62 -4.64E-05 b

9.93E-05 b

1.91E-05 b

-1.07E-04 a

1.02E-05 a


Industrial Transportation 0.13 a

0.55 a

0.67 7.46E-05 c

1.53E-04 b


-2.45E-04 a

3.12E-05 a


Industrial Metals 0.11 a 0.50 a 0.62 -3.35E-04 a 4.80E-04 a -8.38E-06 -2.56E-05 6.68E-05 a 0.70

Leisure Goods 0.02 a 0.95 a 0.98 4.17E-05 a -2.50E-05 -5.27E-06 -1.80E-05 c 2.22E-05 a 0.41

Life Insurance 0.10 a 0.51 a 0.61 -9.01E-05 a 7.19E-05 a -3.08E-05 a -3.09E-04 a 3.34E-05 a 0.59

Nonlife Insurance 0.14 a

0.57 a

0.72 -5.99E-05

-2.51E-04 c


-2.81E-04 a

8.65E-06 a


Oil & Gas Producers 0.00 b

0.94 a

0.94 -1.20E-05 b


-1.38E-05 a

-3.84E-05 a

9.71E-06 a


Oil Eq. & Services 0.10 a 0.52 a 0.63 -6.79E-06 c 1.29E-04 a 6.69E-07 -5.14E-05 a 5.84E-06 a 0.84

Personal Goods 0.12 a

0.52 a

0.63 -1.72E-06


-5.71E-05 c

-4.11E-04 a

4.31E-05 a


Pharm. & Biotech. 0.63 a

0.48 a

1.11 5.87E-07



-3.59E-05 c

5.53E-06 a


Real Estate 0.16 a

0.50 a

0.66 5.71E-05 b

1.12E-04 a

4.18E-05 a

-8.41E-05 a

1.27E-05 a


Software & Computer Services 0.12

a 0.52

a 0.63 3.89E-04

a 2.15E-04




a 0.72

Support Services 0.03 a

0.97 a

1.00 -1.45E-05

5.75E-05 c


-6.25E-05 b

7.54E-06 a


Tech Hardware & Eq. 0.10 a

0.87 a

0.97 2.45E-06



-1.61E-05 a

2.72E-06 a


Tobacco 0.15 a

0.59 a

0.74 -1.65E-04 a



-3.23E-04 a

3.32E-05 a


Travel & Leisure 0.17 a

0.81 a

0.98 2.58E-05 c

1.62E-04 a


-2.08E-04 a

1.05E-05 a


Notes: Due to space limitation in the table, we use the following significance notation: a for 1 percent, b for 5, and c for 10 percent levels of significance. We only included twenty seven sectors because of data availability and MLE convergence problems during the models’ estimations. α is the impact of lagged shocks, b is the effect of lagged variance capturing volatility clustering. The sum of α and b measures the volatility persistence. DOIL is the differenced WTI oil price, DMSCI is the differenced Morgan Stanley Capital index, DPB the differenced price to book value and DVO the differenced volatility volume.

Page 16: Symmetric and Asymmetric US Sector Return Volatilities in


It is also likely that companies in most sectors are able to hedge against oil price

risk. But the unfavorable positive oil price shocks raise aggregate volatility for the

oil-using sectors that involve largely travel, leisure and transportation. It does not

seem that the sectors in this group are able to pass through the higher cost of oil to

consumers because of media awareness and more competitive environment.

Not surprisingly, increases in MSCI have more wide-spread impacts on the

sectoral return volatility than those of the oil price. MSCI represents the mood of the

world’s stock markets and can have a dynamo effect on the US domestic returns.

Increases in MSCI lead to increases in US sectors’ GARCH volatility across the

board, with Industrial Transportation and Life Insurance experiencing the highest

elevation in volatility. This may result from spillovers, cross market hedging, and

increases in the markets’ speeds of processing information. The domestic sectors that

experience a decline in return volatility in response to increases in MSCI are Utilities

and General Finance. These results have implications for constructing diversified

sector portfolios with net low volatility. Therefore, we can have a mosaic of sectors

that can be combined as a diversified portfolio to reduce volatility in response to

increases in MSCI. Interestingly when the sample period is divided into two

subsamples, the impact of MSCI on sector volatility is mixed, with lower impact in

the first subperiod than in the second period. In the second period, the impact on

sector volatility is different, with more sectors experiencing lower than higher

volatility (results are available on demand). Probably, most of the speculations were

in the commodity markets than in the stock market.

Changes in the US federal funds rate has less impact on the magnitude of US

sector return volatility than changes in the world variables (oil price and MSCI). The

impacts of changes in monetary policy on sector stock return volatility have mixed

Page 17: Symmetric and Asymmetric US Sector Return Volatilities in


signs, ranging from negative correlation for the Chemical sector to positive

correlation in Real Estate industry, but more sectors exhibiting dampened than

heightened volatility. The diverse and less significant signs of the monetary policy

may stem from that fact that in most of time, changes in the Fed policy are

anticipated; it renders less significant impact on the volatility. The evidence points to

the direction that Real Estate sector should have more active risk management

strategies to deal with volatility during the rising interest rate periods. The

heightening volatility is pronounced in more sectors in the second period than in the

first one. This is perhaps due to the increases in inflation expectations in reaction to

higher commodity prices.

Unlike the world and country variables, the impact of the sector-specific variables,

P/B ratio and trading volume, are more uniform and statistically significant across the

board. The evidence shows that the sign of P/B ratio is negative, meaning that an

increase in P/B ratio (or the M/B value) is associated with a decrease in stock return

volatility. The is consistent with the phenomenon that markets with higher P/B ratios

tend to have higher P/E ratios on equity, higher returns on assets, or higher growth

rates. These healthy attributes would perhaps produce investment confidence and

project further future growth, creating stability of market volatility.10 This result is

reinforced in the subperiods.

Consistent with Lamoureux and Lastrapes (1990), increases in trading volume

give rise to higher volatility. This result holds true for all sectors. This can be seen

from the positive sign of the estimated coefficients on this variable, which are highly

10 The current empirical findings in time series studies and their interpretations are not completely in agreement with the cross sectional study of expected stock returns by Fama and French (1992). Their work is based on efficient market hypothesis in that higher expected return is required for compensating higher risk, which is associated with the value stocks with a lower P/B ratio.

Page 18: Symmetric and Asymmetric US Sector Return Volatilities in


significant across all sectors, giving credibility to the positive contemporaneous

correlation rationalized by the mixture of distributions hypothesis by Clark (1973).

This positive relationship between volatility and the change in volume is the clearest

directional relationship among all the common and sector-specific variables across


In slightly departing from Lamoureux and Lastrapes (1990), which argue that

adding the trading volume to the variance equations substantially increase the

explanatory power of the GARCH model11, our results show that adding the change in

this variable instead of the volume gives mixed results for the explanatory power. It

significantly increases the explanatory power (see adjusted R2) for fifteen sectors,

while it reduces it for six sectors. These mixed results are somewhat more in line with

those of Ané and Ureche-Rangau (2006) who found “mitigated” results than that of

Lamoureux and Lastrapes (1990). It is interesting to note that the positive

relationships between volatility and changes in trading volumes endure in both

subperiods for almost all sectors. The only difference is that the relationships

decreased some for most of the sectors during the subperiods relative to the whole


Another distinguishing feature of the trading volume which we faced during the

estimation is that excluding it from the models disabled the MLE convergence during

estimation for seven sectors and reduced the statistical significance of the world and

country variables across the board. We believe that excluding this variable makes the

models mis-specified because they would suffer from the “missing variable”


11 Due to the very large sizes of the tables, we have opted not to include the tables that contain the estimations of the models that do not have the changes in the trading volume. Those tables are available upon requests.

Page 19: Symmetric and Asymmetric US Sector Return Volatilities in


Another discrepancy with some studies in the literature is related to the impact of

trading volume on the long-run persistence of return volatility. In contrast to those

studies, our results indicate that including changes in volume led to a reduction in the

degree of persistence for thirteen out of twenty seven sectors, while it increases it for

five sectors. The remaining did not converge when changes in trading volume were


In terms of convergence to long-run equilibrium when changes in trading volume

are accounted for, only seven out of the twenty seven sectors show slow decay or

convergence, while the others converge in significantly less time. Only one sector

(Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology) displays explosive behavior, and three sectors

(Electronic & Electrical Equipment, Oil & Gas Producers, and Supporting Services)

demonstrate volatility clustering.

At the end, it is interesting to note that the most and least return volatile sectors

based on unconditional standard deviation are Tobacco and Food Producers,

respectively as provided in Table 1. If the unconditional coefficient of variance is

used, the most and least volatile sectors are Support Services and Health Care

Equipment & Service, respectively. If the sectoral generated GARCH series are used,

then the most and least conditional volatile sectors based on standard deviation are

Travel & Leisure, and Oil & Gas Producers, respectively. These sectors are selected

as examples based on the unconditional coefficient of variance

V.b. The asymmetric results

In light of analyzing risk-averter’s behavior, it is crucial to make a distinction

between the impacts of positive and negative shocks on the sector return volatility in

the standard GARCH model. In this subsection, we examine the impacts of

asymmetric shocks emanating from oil price, MSCI and federal funds rate on the

Page 20: Symmetric and Asymmetric US Sector Return Volatilities in


standard GARCH volatility for the whole sample and the two subperiods. 12

Following the literature (Pettengill et al 1995), the impacts of the explanatory

variables are split into up and down patterns in their markets. The estimated results

for the whole sample are reported in Table 3.

Table 3: World and Country Variables’ Asymmetric GARCH Impacts -Whole Sample


Positive Negative Positive Negative Positive Negative

Beverages -1.19E-04 a 8.67E-05 a -6.18E-05 a 3.97E-05 a -5.28E-04 a 5.83E-04 a

Chemicals -2.72E-04 a 1.94E-04 a -1.21E-04 a 7.44E-05 a 6.71E-05 a -2.51E-05

Construction & Materials -1.01E-03 a 6.37E-04 a -1.91E-04 a 2.02E-04 a -8.70E-04 a -4.12E-04

Electronic & Electrical Eq. -6.28E-04 a 3.55E-04 a -2.14E-04 a 2.02E-04 a 1.46E-04 b 4.83E-05

Electricity -8.28E-05 a 5.95E-05 a -3.52E-05 a 3.62E-05 a 1.23E-04 a -1.07E-04 b

Food & Drug Retailers -3.32E-04 b 2.88E-04 a -1.07E-04 a 8.25E-05 a 4.90E-04 a -1.99E-04 b

Food Producers -1.32E-04 b 1.08E-04 a -4.11E-06 -2.30E-06 2.09E-04 a -1.06E-04 a

Fixed Line Tele. -4.10E-04 b 2.79E-04 a -1.23E-04 a 1.35E-04 a 9.43E-05 b -1.97E-04 a

General Financial -2.35E-04 a 1.63E-04 a -3.87E-05 a 6.72E-05 a 2.58E-04 a -6.57E-05

Gas, Water & Multiutilities -2.92E-04 a 1.54E-04 a -1.18E-05 -9.29E-06 -7.65E-04 a -1.16E-04

Healthcare Eq. & Services -3.50E-04 a 3.04E-04 a -1.17E-04 a 1.04E-04 a 1.22E-04 b 4.42E-05

Industrial Transportation -2.70E-04 a 2.44E-04 a -1.46E-04 a 3.74E-05 2.08E-04 b -1.14E-04

Industrial Metals -5.37E-04 a 3.66E-04 a -1.18E-04 a 1.83E-04 a -5.08E-04 a 2.93E-04 a

Leisure Goods 5.23E-05 a 3.26E-05 b 8.77E-06 -3.75E-06 1.18E-03 a -1.11E-03 a

Life Insurance 1.55E-06 9.62E-06 1.37E-05 1.36E-06 4.90E-05 a 7.41E-05 a

Nonlife Insurance -2.45E-04 a 2.12E-04 a -1.07E-04 a 9.26E-05 a -4.14E-04 a 6.62E-04 a

Oil & Gas Producers -2.77E-04 a 1.13E-04 a 9.22E-07 -7.95E-06 3.23E-04 a -7.33E-05 a

Oil Eq. & Services 7.07E-06 7.76E-06 1.09E-04 a -1.05E-04 a -4.20E-05 1.65E-04 a

Personal Goods -3.49E-04 3.48E-04 a -4.39E-05 c 1.75E-04 a -1.38E-03 a 1.08E-03 a

Pharm. & Biotech. -3.04E-04 a 2.63E-04 a 6.25E-05 a 4.93E-06 b 1.15E-05 -2.64E-05

Real Estate -1.78E-04 a 1.78E-04 a -2.53E-05 1.19E-04 a -1.18E-03 a 7.41E-04 a

Software & Computer Services -3.51E-04 a 5.24E-04 a 1.77E-04 a -1.25E-04 a 4.46E-04 a 4.23E-04 a

Support Services -2.26E-05 c -4.03E-06 -1.84E-04 a 1.35E-04 a 1.69E-05 4.57E-05

Tech Hardware & Eq. -3.63E-04 a 2.29E-04 a 1.07E-05 b -3.92E-06 -2.06E-06 4.03E-06

Tobacco -4.05E-04 a 2.62E-04 b -1.05E-04 a 1.39E-04 a -9.63E-04 a 1.44E-03 a

Travel & Leisure -5.47E-04 a 5.30E-04 a -7.78E-05 c 2.36E-04 a 3.47E-04 a -1.26E-04

Notes: The Wald test indicates that up and down shocks have symmetric impacts for three sectors in case of the oil price, 4 sectors for FFR, and 7 sectors for MSCI.

12 It is not our intention to examine the asymmetric impacts for the sector-specific variables, P/B ratio and changes in trading volume, since those variables are non-exogenous macro shocks and they have already demonstrated strong impacts across almost all sectors.

Page 21: Symmetric and Asymmetric US Sector Return Volatilities in


The evidence shows that those variables have more significant outcomes across

the board when the impacts are separated by ups and downs patterns than in the

aggregate GARCH case. Particularly and interestingly, in the upward case an increase

in the oil price, whether it occurs favorably or unfavorably to sectors, reduces

conditional volatility for most of the sectors, including the oil-producing and oil-

consuming sectors, with the cyclical Construction & Building Materials sector

cooling off the most. The other sectors that also cool off more than the average level

include Electronic & Electrical Equipment, Industrial Metals, Telecommunications,

Software & Computer Equipment, and Multi-utilities. These volatility results are

consistent in their cooling direction with those obtained at the aggregate level

although with a stronger degree, all in all suggesting that companies in most sectors

hedge against the oil price risk. They also imply that in an environment of rising oil

prices, coupled with low price elasticity, most sectors manage to pass the price

increases to the consumers. These oil results also hold for the two subperiods,

showing greater impact volatility for most sectors than for the whole sample (Table

4). We must also add that the impacts were greater in the second subperiod than in the

first subperiod, which is not surprising.

Additionally, decreases in the oil price also reduce volatility for all sectors in all

periods. But the volatility impact in this case is not as strong as when the oil market is

moving upward for most sectors, with the cyclical sectors Construction & Materials,

and Software & Computer Services are the most sensitive to the oil price moving

downward. This result suggests that companies during declines in oil prices

associated with declining economy are not as able to maintain profitability and/or they

tend to engage less hedging. The Wald test demonstrates that the positive and

negative oil shocks are asymmetric except for three sectors.

Page 22: Symmetric and Asymmetric US Sector Return Volatilities in


Table 4-a: World and Country Variables’ Asymmetric GARCH Impacts-Subperiod 1/2/1989-12/31/2003


Positive Negative Positive Negative Positive Negative

Beverages -1.56E-04 a 1.38E-04 a -6.74E-05 a 4.50E-05 a -6.26E-04 a 6.54E-04 a

Chemicals -2.93E-04 a 2.05E-04 a -1.29E-04 a 8.07E-05 a 2.22E-04 a -1.21E-04 a

Construction & Materials -9.90E-04 a 6.24E-04 b -1.43E-04 a -2.94E-04 a 1.47E-05 -2.76E-03 a

Electronic & Electrical Eq. -6.77E-04 a 3.86E-04 a 1.98E-05 5.74E-05 a 8.46E-05 c 6.68E-05

Electricity -9.83E-05 a 6.90E-05 b -3.68E-05 a 3.78E-05 a 1.34E-04 a -1.08E-04 b

Food & Drug Retailers -3.72E-04 b 3.02E-04 b -1.45E-04 a 9.12E-05 a 7.11E-05 -2.60E-04 b

Food Producers -1.49E-04 b 1.20E-04 a -6.46E-05 a 5.74E-05 a 1.94E-04 a -1.51E-04 a

Fixed Line Tele. -4.89E-04 a 3.09E-04 a -1.44E-04 a 1.53E-04 a 7.76E-05 -3.31E-04 a

General Financial -2.57E-04 a 1.82E-04 b -4.39E-05 a 7.78E-05 a -7.29E-04 a 4.99E-04 a

Gas, Water & Multiutilities -5.98E-04 a 4.01E-04 a -5.84E-05 c -5.01E-05 b -6.68E-04 a -1.03E-03 a

Healthcare Eq. & Services -3.58E-04 a 3.16E-04 a -1.30E-04 a 1.00E-04 a 3.02E-05 -5.37E-05

Industrial Transportation -3.17E-04 a 2.69E-04 a -1.65E-04 a 3.39E-05 2.12E-04 b -1.91E-04 c

Industrial Metals -1.24E-04 a 1.85E-04 a -5.05E-05 b 1.54E-04 a 1.17E-04 -1.61E-04 b

Leisure Goods -5.48E-04 a 4.92E-04 a 5.22E-06 6.74E-06 2.28E-03 a -1.85E-03 a

Life Insurance -4.06E-04 a 3.12E-04 a 2.24E-05 a 2.21E-05 a 2.69E-05 5.81E-05 a

Nonlife Insurance -2.64E-04 b 2.29E-04 a -1.07E-04 a 1.05E-04 a -9.96E-04 a 7.45E-04 a

Oil & Gas Producers 1.71E-05 -6.52E-05 a 4.17E-06 5.72E-06 c 2.29E-04 a -1.28E-04 a

Oil Eq. & Services -1.05E-04 a 1.75E-04 a 5.58E-05 b -4.76E-05 c 6.91E-06 2.01E-04 a

Personal Goods -3.78E-04 3.85E-04 a -4.40E-05 1.80E-04 a -1.41E-03 a 1.10E-03 a

Pharm. & Biotech. -3.06E-04 a 2.93E-04 a 4.31E-05 c 2.18E-07 1.04E-04 -1.04E-04

Real Estate -3.11E-04 a 2.51E-04 a -3.45E-05 1.38E-04 a 1.57E-04 c 1.88E-05

Software & Computer Services -4.61E-04 a

5.54E-04 a

-7.45E-05 b

1.01E-04 a


2.19E-04 a

Support Services 7.15E-06 3.04E-05 b -2.00E-04 a 1.55E-04 a -1.46E-05 4.21E-05

Tech Hardware & Eq. -4.61E-04 a 2.68E-04 a -1.24E-04 a 1.78E-04 a -1.15E-04 -1.07E-04

Tobacco -3.70E-04 a 2.57E-04 a -1.05E-04 a 1.26E-04 a -9.00E-04 a 1.40E-03 a

Travel & Leisure 1.65E-05 -1.37E-06 -3.32E-05 a -1.09E-05 -7.32E-05 -9.88E-05

Notes: The Wald test indicates that up and down shocks have symmetric impacts for 1 sector in case of the oil price, 6 sectors for FFR, and 7 sectors for MSCI.

Page 23: Symmetric and Asymmetric US Sector Return Volatilities in


Table 4-b: World and Country Variables’ Asymmetric GARCH Impacts- Subperiod 1/2/2004-10/3/2006


Positive Negative Positive Negative Positive Negative

Beverages -5.30E-05 a

-2.68E-05 c

-9.41E-06 a


-2.31E-04 a

2.57E-04 a

Chemicals 1.98E-05 c


5.88E-05 a

1.35E-05 b


2.58E-04 a

Construction & Materials -1.22E-03 a

9.92E-04 a

6.79E-04 a




Electronic & Electrical Eq. -1.52E-04 a

1.39E-04 a

5.74E-05 b

-1.26E-04 a

1.31E-04 a

1.62E-04 a

Electricity 2.43E-05




-1.79E-04 a


Food & Drug Retailers -4.23E-04 a

3.72E-04 a


3.51E-04 a

-1.58E-03 a

1.14E-03 a

Food Producers 2.72E-05 b


9.75E-05 a

-6.85E-05 b

1.90E-04 c


Fixed Line Tele. 2.07E-05


4.40E-05 a


-5.77E-04 a

3.52E-04 a

General Financial -9.80E-05 a

7.53E-05 a


2.82E-05 a



Gas, Water & Multiutilities -2.91E-04 a

2.18E-04 b



1.86E-04 b


Healthcare Eq. & Services -2.55E-04 a

1.88E-04 a


7.80E-05 a

-3.22E-04 a

4.88E-04 a

Industrial Transportation -3.23E-04 a

3.22E-04 a


1.46E-04 a

-1.21E-03 a

6.08E-04 a

Industrial Metals -2.86E-04 a

1.55E-04 a





Leisure Goods -5.14E-04 a

2.29E-04 c


1.17E-04 b

-1.50E-03 a

1.25E-03 a

Life Insurance -4.08E-04 a




-1.22E-03 a

8.80E-04 a

Nonlife Insurance -7.24E-05 a

4.37E-05 a


3.25E-05 a

-4.75E-04 a

2.76E-04 b

Oil & Gas Producers -6.16E-04 a




-2.14E-03 a

1.51E-03 a

Oil Eq. & Services -3.48E-04 a

2.54E-04 a

5.86E-05 a


-1.12E-03 a

6.93E-04 a

Personal Goods -4.18E-04 a

3.57E-04 a

-1.17E-04 c

1.66E-04 b

-9.23E-04 a

1.00E-03 a

Pharm. & Biotech. -7.18E-05 a

4.59E-05 a

2.18E-05 b


-2.87E-04 a

1.35E-04 a

Real Estate -2.90E-05 c



2.38E-05 a

-2.29E-04 a

2.03E-04 a

Software & Computer Services -3.28E-04 a

3.32E-04 a


2.34E-04 b

-6.11E-04 a


Support Services -1.13E-04 a

8.46E-05 a


6.23E-05 c


2.21E-04 a

Tech Hardware & Eq. -4.72E-05 a

4.62E-05 a

3.94E-05 b



2.06E-04 a

Tobacco -2.09E-04 a




-7.19E-04 a

9.51E-04 a

Travel & Leisure -1.64E-04 a

1.81E-04 a

2.19E-05 a


-2.96E-04 a

2.88E-04 a

Notes: The Wald test indicates that up and down shocks have symmetric impacts for 4 sectors in case of the oil price, 10 sectors for FFR, and 6 sectors for MSCI

Page 24: Symmetric and Asymmetric US Sector Return Volatilities in


Similar volatility-dampening results hold true for D FFR when this variable is

in an upward regime, with the exceptions of the four sectors: Oil Equipment &

Services, Technology Hardware & Equipment, Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology, and

Travel & Leisure sectors (at 10%) that display increases in return volatility (at 10%)

concurrent with a restrictive monetary policy. These sectors are highly sensitive to

downturn in the economy, and thus their companies should hedge against interest rate

risk more than others.

The dampening results also hold when the D FFR move is in the downward

regime. The exceptions are Gas, Water & Multi-utilities, Oil & Gas Producers, Oil

Equipment & Services, Pharmaceutical & Biotechnology, and Technology Hardware

& Equipment. These sectors experience increases in volatility during monetary policy

easing. The Wald test shows that the positive and negative in the FFR shocks are

asymmetric except for four sectors. Those results also hold for the two subperiods, but

with greater impacts on sector volatility and more in the second period than in the first


The results are more different for MSCI than for the other two variables, and

are also relatively mixed when MSCI moves both up and down. Thirteen versus nine

sectors exhibit increases in volatility when MSCI moves up, while ten versus six

sectors show decline in volatility when MSCI moves down. This result shows that the

US stock market sectors are part of the world stock markets, co-move with the world

movements and are subject to global volatility spillovers.

To sum up, Software & Computer Services is the only sector that is sensitive

to the three factor variables almost when they move up and when they move down.

Movements, whether up or down, in the oil price dampen this sector’s volatility,

whereas increases or decreases in D FFR heighten its volatility. Upward movement in

Page 25: Symmetric and Asymmetric US Sector Return Volatilities in


MSCI also increases its volatility, while as is the case for oil; downward movement in

MSCI reduces its volatility. This has to do with the very cyclical nature of this sector.

V.c. The CGARCH results

The empirical analysis of employing the standard GARCH model allows us to

discern a general relation between the conditional variance and the exogenous

variables in modeling the volatility clustering phenomenon. However, we would have

a richer and more informative insight if we investigate the parametric impacts of

exogenous shocks on volatility by employing a CGARCH model. This model allows

us to distinguish the short-lived transitory impact from the long-run effect on

(permanent) volatility. The representation is given by:

tiq , = iw + )( 1, itii q wr -- + )( 21,

21, -- - titii sef (4)

2,tis tiq ,- = iw + )( 2

1 tti q--ea + )( 21, itii q--sb + titi Z ,, Dh , (5)

where itq long-run components of volatility; it is assumed to be slowly mean

reverting; 2,tis tiq ,- , is the temporary component and will be more volatile. Now

CGARCH model allows mean reversion to a varying level tiq , . When

,1)(0 <+< ba short run volatility converges to its mean of 0, while if 10 << r , the

long run component converges to its mean of iw /(1- ir ) with the restriction of

.0>> ii fb

The CGARCH results are reported in Table 5. The increase in the daily oil price

risk dampens the short-lived transitory volatility for most sectors, while it heightens

the volatility for three sectors only (wherever impacts are statistically significant at

5% or better). The oil result is similar to those obtained in Table 2 for the standard

GARCH model.

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Table 5: The Sectors’ Stock Return Volatility - CGARCH Model


Beverages 0.54 a 0.05 a 0.04 a 0.11 b 1.87E-05 a 5.20E-05 a -2.98E-06 a -2.54E-05 a 2.44E-06 a 0.81

Chemicals 0.58 a 0.05 0.12 0.46 9.82E-06 c 2.23E-05 a 4.70E-07 -1.44E-05 a 4.89E-06 a 0.66

Construction & Materials 0.51 a 0.07 0.05 0.02 -1.13E-04 1.13E-04 2.77E-05 2.09E-06 5.04E-05 a 0.23

Electronic & Electrical Eq. 0.98 a 0.03 a 0.04 a 0.21 a 9.57E-06 1.95E-04 a 1.58E-05 -8.92E-05 a 1.52E-05 a 0.60

Electricity 0.99 a 0.00 a 0.13 a 0.39 a 6.40E-06 1.11E-05 3.67E-06 -3.63E-05 a 3.72E-06 a 0.84

Food & Drug Retailers 1.00 a 0.00 a 0.00 0.84 a -4.20E-05 b 3.07E-04 a -1.18E-05 -2.38E-04 a 2.78E-05 a 0.48

Food Producers 0.86 a 0.01 a -0.01 a 0.85 a 3.18E-07 -8.53E-06 2.90E-06 -1.25E-05 b 4.38E-06 a 0.68

Fixed Line Tele. 0.99 a 0.00 a 0.07 a 0.78 a -1.35E-05 1.15E-05 -2.92E-06 -1.27E-05 a 1.04E-05 a 0.58

General Financial 0.80 a 0.18 a -0.18 a 0.99 a -7.21E-06 4.23E-05 1.12E-05 -4.96E-05 a 8.43E-06 a 0.83

Gas, Water & Multiutilities 0.99 a 0.04 a 0.01 0.86 a 3.24E-05 1.90E-04 a 2.20E-05 -1.45E-04 a 1.92E-05 a 0.37

Healthcare Eq. & Services 0.97 a 0.08 a 0.05 a 0.18 -1.54E-05 1.40E-04 a -8.73E-06 c -9.78E-05 a 8.41E-06 a 0.59

Industrial Engineering 0.69 a -0.47 a 0.65 a 0.02 -5.10E-05 b 9.31E-05 b 1.94E-05 b -1.04E-04 a 1.06E-05 a 0.74

Industrial Transportation 1.00 a 0.00 a 0.06 a 0.75 a 1.85E-05 2.29E-05 8.18E-06 -9.13E-05 a 1.38E-05 a 0.68

Industrial Metals 0.46 a 0.00 b 0.15 a 0.00 -2.12E-05 b 3.09E-05 1.13E-05 a -3.01E-05 a 4.12E-06 a 0.59

Leisure Goods 0.99 a 0.01 b 0.01 0.94 a 2.41E-05 2.94E-05 -2.56E-06 -6.69E-05 a 2.31E-05 a 0.41

Life Insurance 0.98 a 0.01 a 0.10 a 0.59 a -5.17E-05 a 1.64E-04 a -5.86E-06 -2.07E-04 a 1.92E-05 a 0.56

Nonlife Insurance 0.09 a 0.11 a -0.01 -0.05 -9.82E-06 c 6.64E-05 a 9.42E-06 a -1.19E-04 a 1.09E-06 a 0.50

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Table 5 continue..


Oil & Gas Producers 0.87 a -0.40 a 0.40 a 0.47 a -2.32E-05 a 1.85E-07 -4.02E-06 -3.14E-05 a 1.02E-05 a 0.70

Oil Eq. & Services 0.33 a -1.25 b 1.52 a -1.19 b 6.35E-06 4.37E-05 2.62E-06 -2.77E-05 3.79E-06 b 0.84

Personal Goods 0.94 a 0.06 a 0.07 a 0.35 a -8.72E-05 a -1.85E-05 -3.69E-05 a -2.87E-04 a 1.74E-05 a 0.49

Pharm. & Biotech. 0.82 a 0.42 a -0.18 a 0.97 a 8.85E-07 1.42E-05 c -1.61E-07 -3.61E-05 a 2.72E-06 a 0.64

Real Estate 0.63 a 0.12 a 0.08 a 0.17 a 3.02E-05 -5.86E-06 4.09E-05 a -8.42E-05 a 1.07E-05 a 0.41

Software & Computer Services 0.56 a 0.13 a 0.05 b 0.06 1.79E-04 a 9.04E-05 c 3.58E-05 a -6.58E-06 2.36E-05 a 0.71

Support Services 1.00 a 0.02 a 0.04 a 0.87 a -2.78E-06 1.56E-04 a 1.53E-05 -1.26E-04 a 8.09E-06 a 0.48

Tech Hardware & Eq. 0.98 a 0.03 a 0.05 a 0.79 a 1.25E-05 c 5.04E-05 b 1.28E-05 a -2.57E-05 a 2.80E-06 a 0.84

Tobacco 0.50 a 0.05 c 0.05 0.02 -7.49E-05 a -1.66E-04 a 3.65E-05 a -1.74E-04 a 9.46E-06 a 0.80

Travel & Leisure 0.97 a 0.08 a 0.06 a 0.24 c 6.29E-05 b 1.93E-04 a -2.45E-05 -3.49E-04 a 1.75E-05 a 0.44

Notes: Due to space limitation in the table, we use the following significance notation: a for one percent, b for five, and c for 10 percent levels of significance instead of using *, ** and ***. r measures the degree of permanent volatility, while α + b captures the degree of transitory volatility. The common and industry characteristics variables in this table are related to the transitory volatility equation and not to the permanent volatility equation which exhibits similar volatility attributes like the standard GARCH equation. and is not reported.

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The CGARCH’s oil finding that oil dampens volatility for most sectors is

consistent with the above assertion that many sectors manage to pass the oil risk

shocks into the consumers because of less competitive environment or low price

elasticity of demand, and many sectors hedge against the oil price risk in the short

run, as are the results in the table are for the transitory volatility. However, some

sectors such as Software & Computer Services and Travel & Leisure are unable to

hedge, and/or pass the oil price risk even in the short run as indicated in our data.

Software & Computer Services and Travel & Leisure are highly cyclical sectors, and

changes in the oil price increase their risk-sensitive volatility as they slide over the

business cycle together with the oil prices.

Consistent with the GARCH model, all of the exogenous variables in CGARCH

have similar performance. MSCI shocks increase the transitory volatility of all

sectors (except Tobacco) because of the mood and spillover dynamo effects of this

world variable which reflects snow balling of information as a result of globalization

and improvement in communication technology. The Tobacco result may have

something to do with the addiction nature of demand for smoking which is highly


Checking the relationship between transitory volatility and monetary policy, the

results indicate that the sign of D FFR is positively related to the volatility in many

sectors. This means that a tight monetary policy leads to a rise in the transitory

volatility, with the exceptions of the defensive sector Beverages and Personal

Goods13. The evidence suggests that changes in monetary policy tend to aggravate

the volatility in most sectors, perhaps because they are seen to be more risky from

13 These two sectors have low price elasticity of demand and they operate in a highly competitive and un-concentrated environment.

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investors’ point of view. In this sense, changes of monetary policy introduce

uncertainty to the sectors that are particularly sensitive to changes in the interest rate.

The impacts of changes in sector-specific variables, P/B ratio and trading volume

on the transitory volatility are also similar to their impacts in the GARCH model

above. Thus increases in the daily volume raise the transitory return volatility for all

sectors, a result that is also consistent with the mixture of distributions hypothesis

(MDH). Increases in the P/B ratio moderate the transitory volatility as investors

become more cautious of high financial valuations in the short-run.

From an econometric point of view, the evidence suggests that adding daily change

trading volume to the variance equations increases the explanatory power as noted by

the adjusted R2 for sixteen sectors, reduces R2 for three sectors, and makes no change

for rest of sectors as compared to the results by excluding trading volume. Other

CGARCH findings also suggest that adding the changes in trading volume increases the

persistence of the transitory component (and thus reduces the speed of convergence to

long-run equilibrium) for fourteen sectors while it reduces it for nine others. This result

indicates the importance of shocks on slowing down the transitory convergence when

trading volume is controlled for14. Other persistence results indicate that the CGARCH

model clearly shows that the short-run persistence is still lower than the long-run

persistence for almost all sectors even when changes in the trading volume is accounted

for. Moreover, there is volatility clustering in the transitory and permanent volatilities

for some sectors. The persistence of permanent volatility is strong for twelve sectors,

14 In fact, the lack of MLE convergence during the estimation problem without trading volume is detected for two sectors. This problem is due to a specification problem across sectors when trading volume is omitted.

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and for the transitory volatility it is strong for only two sectors (Leisure Goods and

Support Services) only.

VI. Conclusions

The results of the impacts of the different sector-specific fundamentals and global

and domestic variables on conditional volatilities, defined in a family of GARCH

models, for 27 US equity sectors can be used to construct a mosaic of diversified

portfolios to fit investors’ diverse needs. The results are given for the whole sample

period 1/2/1989 - 10/3/2006 and for two subperiods, with the breaking point defined

by the surge in commodity prices after the start of the 2003 Iraq war. The results for

the subperiods underline the robustness of the estimations for the whole period.

The GARCH estimations suggest that the two global factor variables, oil price and

MSCI, have differing impacts on standard GARCH volatility for the equity sectors

over the whole sample, with oil price dampening volatility and MSCI heightening it

for most sectors. They both, however, have greater and more sector-pervasive impacts

on this volatility than the domestic country variable, interest rate. The results

demonstrate similar but greater impacts when the sample period is divided into two

supberiods. It seems it is hard for firms to pass risks to consumers when the world

environment is affected by several factor risks, but firms seem to hedge successfully

against the oil price risk Sectors such as the cyclical sectors Construction & Materials

and Industrial Metals are particularly the most responsive and prepared to unfavorable

oil price shocks. But Software & Services is the most upwardly oil sensitive volatility-

prone. This sector should design more effective hedging or pricing strategies to

reduce their extra sensitivities to the unfavorable positive oil shocks. A sector

portfolio that combines stocks from Construction & Materials and Industrial Metals

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on one hand, and Software & Services on the other hand may bring some balance to

the oil-caused volatility.

In the case of bullish world capital markets, increases in MSCI heighten many

sectors’ volatilities, with the Industrial Metals sector being the most sensitive by

displaying the highest increase in volatility. However, the Gas, Water and Multi-

utilities sector is the most responsive in reducing volatility. One way traders can

reduce the sector upward volatility sensitivity to increases in MSCI is by diversifying

into sectors (such as the Utilities) which experience simultaneous reduction in

volatility concurrent to increases in MSCI. This is a strategy that balances different

sectors or employs sector diversification-based hedging to dampen volatility in

response to rising MSCI.

Since the two global variables affect sector volatilities differently, they may offset

each other’s impacts, depending on the sectors. It is possible that when oil prices are

rising and the world markets are flourishing certain sectors may experience a decline

in volatility while others witness an increase, leading to basically very little change in

the portfolio volatility. Combining in a sector-diversified portfolio, sectors with

differing volatilities to the oil and MSCI variables would be another strategy to reduce

the overall volatility, amounting to balancing factor sensitivities across sectors.

Examples of such sectors include Industrial Metals, Tobacco, Health Care Equipment

& Services and Industrial Engineering.

The results also show that increases in the federal funds rate can reduce volatility

in certain sectors, giving monetary policy and indirect role in calming market

volatility. To complete the volatility balancing mosaic, rising oil prices, increasing

interest rate and rising the world’s stock markets may work in concert to reduce

volatility in some sectors. Examples of such sectors are Industrial metals, Health Care

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Equipment & Services, and Life Insurance which have different factor sensitivities.

Sectors that should be heeded off in such an environment include Real Estate whose

market is particularly sensitive to unfavorable interest rate shocks.

Increases in the P/B ratio (or the M2B value) would reduce the aggregate

volatility as investors become more conservative and demand higher risk premium for

the more expensive stocks. This variable can be used as a criterion for selecting

sectors that reduce portfolio volatility at time of increases in MSCI. Sectors that are

particularly sensitive to this ratio include the defensive sectors: Personal Goods,

Tobacco and Food and Drug Retailers.

The most important factor variable in affecting volatility is the trading volume.

Increases in this volume elevate volatilities for all sectors because it signifies

increases in liquidity. Diversification in this case will not reduce return volatility

because there is no sector to hide in as changes in trading volume affect all sectors.

Thus, hedging by using financial derivatives on part of the risk-averse investors is a

panacea for dealing with the liquidity-induced increases in volatility.

Excluding the trading volume from volatility equations has also econometric

implications. Models that do not account for this variable may have MLE

convergence problems during estimation, lower explanatory power, and less statistical

significance for the independent variables. Therefore, excluding this variable subjects

the GARCH models to the missing variable issue. Further, our results show that the

inclusion of this variable in the models reduces the rate of volatility persistence for

most but not all sectors.

The impact of increases in the oil price on the transitory volatility in the

CGARCH model is similar to the one obtained in the GARCH model and has similar

implications. This CGARCH finding confirms the GARCH result that many sectors

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manage to pass the oil risk shocks to consumers and also to hedge against oil price

risk in the short run, while a few (such as Software & Computer services, and Travel

& Leisure) face a more competitive environment or do not hedge, and thus are unable

to do so. Similar to the differing impact of MSCI relative to oil in the GARCH model,

positive MSCI shocks in the CGARCH model increase the transitory volatility of all

sectors (except Tobacco) because of the significance of the mood and dynamo

spillover effects of this world variable. However when it comes to interest rate, most

sectors in the CGARCH model unlike in the GARCH model show an increase instead

of a decrease in the transitory volatility in reaction to monetary policy tightening.

Monetary policy-makers should be forward-looking and have their efforts aim at the

fundamental factors such as inflation and interest rates and not on the short-lived

return volatility shocks which vanish rapidly. The CGARCH model demonstrates

convincingly that the transitory volatility has lower persistence and shorter duration

than the permanent volatility at the sector level.

Software & Computer Services is the only sector that is sensitive to all three

world and country factor variables whether when they move up or move down.

Similar to other sectors, movements whether up or down in the oil price dampen this

sector’s volatility, but increases or decreases in FFR heighten its volatility which is

contrary to most other sectors. Also contrary to other sectors, upward movements in

MSCI also increase its volatility, while downward movement in MSCI reduces its

volatility as is the case for oil shocks. This has to do the very cyclical nature of this


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